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General questions
How does ketosis work?
Ketosis is a metabolic process of our body. In this way, the body can burn fat for energy, if no carbohydrates are
available. This fat can be your own body fat or food. In the ketogenic state, this fat is broken down into ketone bodies
in the liver. Ketone bodies are in turn energy suppliers. However, if we eat enough carbohydrates, they will first be
used as the first source of energy. Therefore, a ketogenic diet is an excellent way to lose weight. Because your body
is able to produce energy from the stored fat.
How do I know that I am in ketosis?
There are several ways to measure if you are in ketosis. With the help of Keto Sticks you can measure how high the
concentration of ketones in your urine is. However, these do not provide accurate measurement, but can tell you if
you are even in ketosis. (However, this measurement can be changed - for example, by ingesting coconut oil and
says someone is in ketosis, even though it's not true).
For newcomers they are completely sufficient, as they represent the cheapest option. You can buy Keto Sticks in
some pharmacies or order them on the internet (eg on Amazon). Keto breakfasts are highly recommended
A somewhat more accurate measurement method is devices that measure the acetate content in the breath and thus
are an indicator of the ketone content in the blood. Over time, however, this measurement becomes less
accurate. The body is fat-adapted and can use ketone body better. Therefore, fewer "unused" ketones are in the
breath. A somewhat inaccurate keto measurement is the existence of keto breath. Do you have a faint halitosis
during the adjustment phase? Then you are in ketosis.
The most suitable measuring instruments are for blood measurements. Similar to how diabetics prick a finger and
measure their blood sugar levels, these devices detect the concentration of ketones in the blood. This is the most
exact but also the most expensive method.
Some realize that they are in keto due to a sudden heavy weight loss. If you stop eating carbohydrates, your body will
bind up to two kilos less water.
If you are in ketosis, you will also feel less hungry and less appetite for sweets.
For some, the change directly brings more energy and focus, others experience only a tiredness (only in the
adjustment phase).
The body temperature also changes through keto. For many, it rises by half a degree.
How long does my body need to be in
If you are very strict about the amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates that are optimal for you, then you will get
ketosis in 2-3 days. The fastest way is if you are a lot of athletic activity. Just be careful not to overstrain yourself and
your body. Do you take a little more time then the process can take up to 8 days.
What is the difference between a low carb
and a ketogenic diet?
A ketogenic diet is one of the low carb diets. Low carb diets usually refer to a diet that consumes up to 100 grams of
carbs per day.
Often Low Carb does not change the metabolic type. Instead, the goal is to keep blood sugar levels stable.
Ketosis is primarily about pulling its main source of energy from ketones. This should be consumed less than 50
grams of carbohydrates per day. The amount can vary individually and so it is recommended to stay under 20 grams
to be in ketosis - at least the first few weeks.
A ketogenic diet requires that protein consumption be maintained to ensure ketosis. Too much protein can be
converted to glucose. (You can find out how many proteins you can get here .)
Are ketosis and LCHF the same?
Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diets contain a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet similar to a ketogenic diet. Keto is thus a
subform of LCHF.
However, not every LCHF diet is equally ketogenic. Because a ketogenic diet is characterized by ketosis. That is, the
body gains its energy through ketones. This is only guaranteed if the food consists of a lot of fat, enough proteins and
very few carbohydrates. This makes keto a very strict form of LCHF diet, which brings with it additional changes in
digestion and in the body.
Regardless of this, ethical questions are often important for LCHF nutrition; so seasonal products and meat from fair
attitude are preferred. Some include a paleo approach.
What is keto adaptation?
Keto adaptation refers to the conversion of the body from a metabolism based on carbohydrates to fats. Because
metabolism is a complex system of our bodies, adaptation to ketosis is just as complex. The body may take weeks to
months to make optimal use of ketones as a source of energy. Exactly this adaptation is called keto-adaptation.
What is insulin?
Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas. It is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels by transporting
glucose from the blood to the required areas of our body. If we eat carbohydrates, our blood sugar levels rise and
more insulin is released to lower it. Excess glucose is stored and the unloved fat cells persist. Long-term and
excessive carbohydrate diets may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, often accompanied by an elevated
level of bad LDL cholesterol and a low level of good HDL cholesterol.
The less carbohydrates you eat, the less glucose gets into your blood and the lower your insulin levels. This makes it
harder for your body to form (or fill) fat cells, and you can avoid some illnesses.
Ketone bodies or fatty acids for energy?
The human brain has certain barriers through which fats can not pass. So no fatty acids can go straight to the brain. It
can only use ketone bodies as they are water soluble. Muscles, on the other hand, can use fatty acids for energy.
Where do ketone bodies come from?
Ketone bodies are made in the mitochondria of the liver. For this either fats from the diet or released fatty acids from
your fat cells are used.
Will I produce less ketone body after some
Yes, because your body adapts ideally to the new metabolism. He learns how much he uses and now produces the
ideal amount.
What happens to excess ketone bodies?
Ketone bodies that circulate in the blood for a while and are not used are excreted in the urine.
Does ketogenic nutrition look different to
men than to women?
Yes. For one thing, women have a different body composition than men. They have a higher body fat percentage on
average and also need more body fat than men to stay healthy. Less than 15% of body fat can be harmful to women
in the long run. Men should not be permanently below 5%. In other words, the proportion of essential fat in men is 2-
5% and in women 10-13%.
Where is this difference reflected? By the macros, that means by how much fat, protein and carbohydrates you can
eat. Men usually need more protein and can often eat more carbohydrates without getting out of the ketosis.
Women have different needs through their cycle. Many women report that they have a strong need for sweet and
carbohydrate-containing just before their days. Some say women need more carbohydrates because of their
hormonal needs than men to stay healthy; There are, however, different opinions.
Incidentally, men and women also differ in fasting. Men find it easier, more often and longer fasting than women.
What are typical keto beginner mistakes?
Too little or too much protein to eat.
Hidden carbohydrates in vegetables, spices, seafood or processed foods as well as reactions of your body to
Poor quality of food.
Are there a few simple rules for beginners?
Stay under 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. First eat only salad or vegetables with less than 5 grams of carbs per
100 grams.
Read the nutritional information or google your food.
Eat enough protein.
Eat enough fat. If you want to lose weight: Do not cut until your body is keto-adapted.
Eat the right fat: cold-pressed olive, avocado or coconut oil, butter from grazing, goose fat, pork lard, fat margin of
meat (organic). Avoid wheat germ oil, soybean oil, thistle oil, corn germ oil, sesame oil or sunflower oil.
Keto "sniffing". Take enough electrolytes - magnesium, calcium, potassium and salt. Drink a lot of water - at least 3
liters a day.
If in doubt, eat less carbs and more fat.
Calories and macros
Do I have to pay attention to calories?
If you plan to lose weight with a ketogenic diet, then yes! Because you will only lose weight if you eat less calories
than you consume. However, and here comes the good news, a ketogenic diet makes it easier for you. Due to the
little fluctuating blood sugar levels you will feel less appetite compared to other diets. The high-fat food with enough
protein keeps you full longer and your appetite is reduced. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to change the food to
watch the pounds while tumbling. In addition, it is not helpful to think too restrictively. For the more you forbid
something, the more you want it.
The closer you are to your ideal weight, the harder it will be to lose weight - even with keto. With ketogenic nutrition,
you can get a healthy normal weight and keep excellent.
If you want an extremely low body fat percentage, you have to pay more attention to calories.
How do I know how many carbs I
A look at the packaging usually reveals everything. On the back is shown in most cases a nutritional table. This
includes how much fat, carbohydrates, proteins and calories are in 100 grams of the product.
Beware of American products. Here sometimes nutritional values are given for a "serving". That can be anything: 5,
30 or 75 grams or something completely different. Look closely! In addition, fiber is given as part of the
carbohydrates. You have to calculate this first. The difference in the calculation of carbohydrates is also the reason
why English-language pages often have different carbohydrate information than German-speaking.
It's worth practicing mental arithmetic at this point, because that way you can burn a few extra calories ...
Nevertheless, there are some useful apps and websites that do just that:
What are macros and how do I keep track?
Macros is a short form of macronutrient that includes fat, proteins and carbohydrates. These are the energy suppliers
of the body. In a ketogenic diet, you eat mostly fat, an adequate amount of proteins and very few carbohydrates. So
to be in ketosis, it is important to pay attention to how the amount of macros in food is distributed. Use the Nutrition
Tables on the backs of packs or apps to see how much fat, protein and carbohydrates you are eating. As a rule of
thumb; 60-75% fat, 20-35% proteins and 5% carbohydrates should make up the diet. (This helps some to imagine the
distribution, but more important is the absolute numbers, if you want to find out what your macros are - here's a
free macro calculator .)
How many carbs can I consume?
In the beginning you should stay under 20 grams of carbs a day to get into ketosis. After that, most of them can
increase that number slightly. How much carbohydrates exactly? That's hard to say because that varies individually.
There are a number of factors that may depend on this:
Genetic basic equipment, epigenetics, microbiome (intestinal flora), gender, cycle (for women), age, weight and body
composition, latitude, season, how much someone is exposed to sunlight, nutrition history, illnesses, intake of
medicines and nutritional supplements, stress levels, exercise , Intake of MCT oil or other medium-chain fatty acids,
type of carbohydrates, composition of food, fasting, ...
Therefore, it makes sense that you try out for yourself individually, when you are in Keto and what throws you out of
the ketosis.
What happens if I eat too many
If you eat more than your personal limit, you are no longer in ketosis.
For people who are for health reasons, this can have serious consequences, for example, for epileptics. Because of
this, their ketogenic diet is much stricter than that of people who eat ketogen for other reasons.
Many people who feed long term ketogens fluctuate between low carb and ketosis. They eat between 20 and 50
grams of carbohydrates a day and are no longer careful about whether they are in keto every day.
If you actually hit the strings - here are the consequences:
Possible positive consequences:
 More metabolic flexibility (is a hypothesis)
Possible negative consequences :
 You may reproach yourself and believe a little less in yourself. This makes it difficult for you to get up to get back
into ketosis.
 Some fall into old eating habits for a few days or even weeks. Or eat even more unhealthy than before ("now that
I'm out there"). There have also been cases where such "relapses" have led to people completely losing faith in
themselves and their willpower and falling back to a diet of pizza, pasta and bread.
 You are very strong. Some report about 3 kilos of weight gain in 24 hours! Most of it is water. It is still
 You come back to the "sugar addiction".
 It will take another two to three days to get into ketosis.
 If you're too often out of ketosis at the beginning, your body has difficulty adapting to keto.
The important thing is that you do not shut yourself down when you get out of the ketosis.
With fasting, sports and medium chain fatty acids (MCT oil / coconut oil) plus less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a
day, you can quickly get back into ketosis.
Lose weight
#How much will I lose weight?
How much you lose on a ketogenic diet depends entirely on you and your body. Since your body is a complex entity,
your metabolism, age, diet history, physical activity, and more matter. The guide to losing weight remains the
distinction between the calories you ingest and the ones you consume. If you need more energy than you absorb,
your body uses "stored energy," for example, fat cells. Therefore, it is advisable to do enough exercise and to pay
attention to the calorie intake. Do not look at the number on the scale but at reducing your body fat percentage. A
simple measuring tape or photos usually tell you more about how much fat you have lost than the scale. There are
also caliber and body fat scales to determine your body fat percentage.
Note that you lose weight quickly within the first few weeks of your diet shift. However, this is just water and a normal
process where glycogen (stores and provides glucose) gets out of your body. Glucose binds water - and with the
removal of glucose, up to two liters of water are removed from your body.
Therefore, it is also important to always drink enough water.
You will go through three phases in your diet. As just described you lose a lot of weight during the first
days. Subsequently, a standstill may occur. This is caused by creating a new glycogen balance in your body. This
usually lasts only a few days. Subsequently, your body adapts to ketosis and learns to use ketone bodies instead of
glycogen for energy delivery. The keto adaptation can take weeks to months and your weight should generally go
down. It will decrease faster and easier the more overweight you have.
How does losing weight in ketosis work?
There are five key points that make a ketogenic diet successful:
 Fat from your fat cells can be burned. Since your body has hardly any carbohydrates in it, which he always
consumes first, he can go to his fat reserves. As a result, your insulin levels are low. This is good because insulin
has an inhibitory effect on fat burning.
 Your food is rich in nutrients. As a result, you will be saturated and feel no cravings. This means you do not have
to torture yourself. After getting used to it, it may be enough if you listen to your body to lose weight.
 In ketosis you have a potential metabolic advantage. By producing the ketone bodies in the liver (fats are split)
some ketone bodies are eliminated. It is only a small amount of energy that is excreted. There is also evidence
that the body has more energy in ketosis. ( )
 The ketone metabolism is the same metabolism that our body uses when it's not eating at all, that is, when we
fast. Intermittent fasting can be a very helpful and healthy tool to lose weight and live longer. Keto-adapted
people find it much easier to fast .
 Keto-adapted people need less food and eat 2-3 meals a day. It is easier for them to do without snacks. It has
now been proven that frequent food does not help to lose more - on the contrary. It is better to eat less often and
to abstain from snacks. Keto helps with all these things.
Do I need ketosis to lose weight?
No. A low carbohydrate intake is sufficient. Because of this, your insulin levels remain low, fat burning is not inhibited
and fewer glucose molecules than fat cells are stored.
What to do if the weight does not go down?
To reach a plateau is quite normal. Here are some tips you can try:
 do more sports - not just cardio, but also strength training
 Try "Fat Fasting" or Intermittent Fasting .
 Foods that you should reduce:
◦ Carbohydrates (watch out for hidden carbohydrates)
◦ Milk
◦ Nuts
◦ Gluten
◦ Sweeteners
◦ (industrially) processed foods
 to eat more fats
 Pay attention to your electrolyte balance (→ available in the pharmacy).
 Stick to a solid diet plan.
Remember not to focus too much on your weight! It may be that you gain muscle mass and lose fat and therefore
your weight stays the same. You can easily find that out by taking your body measurements regularly or
photographing yourself.
Do more ketone bodies mean faster weight
That depends on your body. You do not even have to be in ketosis to even lose weight. Nevertheless, predominantly
Ketarians experience all the benefits of a ketogenic diet with 20-30 grams of carbohydrates. If it is not for health
reasons, it is not recommended to completely do without carbohydrates. (There are a few who are fans of Zero Carb,
and attempts that this can be quite healthy.)
You need to find out for yourself which path suits you best and works for you.
Are "cheat days" useful or not?
If you put in a cheat day and eat more carbohydrates, then glycogen will gain weight through water. If you then go
back to a low carb diet, then you lose that weight (water) again. Because of this, many feel that Cheat Day is effective
at weight loss. But actually you do not need a carb-up to lose weight.
Nevertheless, a cheat day causes some people to increase their motivation to continue to live a ketogenic life. Last
but not least, as something changes in weight and the feeling arises that a carb-up is effective. For some it is also
good to be able to "break out" from time to time for special occasions such as weddings or birthdays. Others find it
difficult to regain motivation after a day of loading with Low Carb, LCHF and Keto.
Some argue that it makes sense to alternate ketogenic nutrition with a high-carbohydrate diet. This should lead to
"Metabolic Flexibility".
Do I have to do sports to lose weight?
No! You do not have to do sports. You can also lose weight through a ketogenic diet. However, ketogenic nutrition is
also a healthier lifestyle. After a while, many Ketarians are all motivated to move more, either because they suddenly
have a lot more energy, or simply because they know that exercise is good for their health.
If you're more of a sports muff, it may be helpful to divide your sports unit into several small ones and make them
through the day.
Strength training and the associated muscle growth helps you burn more, even if you are not physically active (there
are scientific studies that doubt that ... but training can definitely help you to influence the hormones that cause
HIIT and Interval Training help you burn more calories than a constant load of usual endurance training.
Taking the stairs more often, running to your destination or just taking the bike to work or shopping will keep you
healthy. There are studies that point out that prolonged sitting has very bad negative consequences, even if you do
some exercise at the weekend or in the evening. Maybe this is a motivational aid for some exercise in between ...
If you are overweight, start with small goals. Reward yourself if you make it - with something that is not food.
If you reach a plateau in weight loss, then sport is definitely important to lose weight and burn fat cells.
Do I have to eat carbohydrates before
If you're into ketosis and you're on a ketogenic diet, you do not need extra carbohydrates. Your body has learned to
pull its energy from ketone bodies out of glucose.
There are a few methods that include a carb-up - for example, to maximize muscle growth or to maintain strength
during very intense workouts.
In TKD (targeted ketogenic diet), you consume a certain amount of carbohydrate before training to avoid being in
ketosis for exactly the duration of your workout. This will provide your muscles with glycogen to reuse ketone bodies
as energy sources after exercise.
The CKD ( cyclical ketogenic diet ) method is for experienced ketarians. Especially bodybuilders benefit from it
because they can live ketogen - while they experience an enormous muscle gain. In short, two days are passed
through which many carbohydrates are consumed. The goal for the next five days is to become ketogenic again. It is
very important to completely exhaust the glycogen supply for training and therefore to use it efficiently.
How important is sleep to lose weight?
Sleep (as well as exercise) is very important to achieve maximum weight loss success. Maybe you even reached a
plateau because of your sleep habits. Insufficient sleep has been linked to more hunger and weight gain from
Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night! It is very important to go to bed before midnight, otherwise your body will
release cortisol (stress hormone). This shuts down the burning of fat and can even break your ketosis.
Can I build muscle in ketosis?
The "muscle sparing effect" makes it very easy to build muscle with a ketogenic diet - and without you eating a layer
of fat to muscles over the muscles. You'll need less protein for that than you would with a normal diet.
What is intermittent fasting? Can I operate
Intermittent fasting is a dieting method that can overcome a plateau in weight loss. Calories are not limited by this
method, but the time in the food is consumed. That is, you shorten the time window in which you eat.
Not only is it a weight loss method, it has health benefits over the longer term. Intermittent fasting should even help to
live longer!
While you are in ketosis, you can also do intermittent fasting. However, you should first be in keto adaptation and
not try it in the first 4 weeks of your diet change .
What is fatty fasting? Can I operate it?
During fat fasting, the calorie intake is reduced to 1000-1200 kcal over 3-5 days. 80-90% of calories are absorbed
through fat. So if your body is in ketosis, it has the potential to deplete fat resources (fat cells). The side effect is a
weight loss that makes it easier for your body to lose fat. Greater fat fasting should not be used so as not to starve
your body. He could otherwise start to lose muscle mass.
Fat fasting can be helpful if you have reached a plateau in your weight loss process. However, you should be
ketogenic for at least four weeks beforehand or even be in keto adaptation.
Questions about food
Where can I find Low Carb / Keto / Paleo
There are many ways to find internet recipes. Here are some:
If you can not do without your favorite dish, you'll probably find a low carb version of it on a blog. Of course you can
also become creative yourself! Most of the dishes you can keto friendly - even pizza and pasta.
Is it possible to eat too much fat?
It's harder to overeat on a LCHF diet. Nevertheless, it is possible! Because calories are still counted.
Due to the high fat content and the few carbohydrates, you will notice that you feel saturated after a meal. Beware of
things like nuts, walnuts, cream or cheese.
Can I eat more proteins than fat?
No. Ketosis is a diet based on fat. Too much protein will get you out of ketosis because your body can make glucose
from proteins. If you do a lot of sports then you can increase your protein content. Nevertheless, you should stick to
this framework:
60-75% = calories from fat
15-30% = calories from proteins
5-10% = calories from carbohydrates
How much protein can you eat exactly? Calculate it in this free Keto macro calculator .
How often and how much should I eat?
The answer is: listen to your stomach! Due to the high sugar content in our food, we have forgotten what exactly is
hunger. Our bodies are always screaming for more. Your body tells you when it needs something. If you feel hungry,
eat something. But also learn to stop when you are full. Eat slowly to remember when you are full. So you do not
forget yourself!
Always have snacks with you (for example, nuts or a protein bar) to satisfy the small hunger or to bridge time, for
example, if you are working and can eat later. If you only ate one meal a day, then that's all right - as long as you're
full. It is important that you take time while eating and not deal with other things while doing so. This gives you the
opportunity to perceive your body and to rely on your satiety.
By the way, listening to your stomach is not good advice when it comes to WHAT you should eat. Especially at the
beginning of the keto adaptation. Sugar cravings often get through and your body screams for carbohydrates.
What can I eat?
Stay below 50 grams (better under 20 grams) of carbs a day. Fiber is not counted. Stick to foods that are high in fat
and eat an adequate amount of protein. It is very important to drinkenough water . Also, make sure that your
electrolyte balance is correct and increase the amount of salts, potassium and magnesium you consume.
Here is a list of ketogenic foods that you can eat:
 eggs
 meat
 fish
 cream
 cocoa
 butter
 coconut oil
 cream cheese
 avocado
 spinach
 salad
 nuts
 cheese
 broth
 Vanilla extract
 cinnamon
 MCT oil
For dairy products, make sure that they also contain lactose. This must be included in your macros.
Which foods should I avoid?
Avoid carbohydrate-rich foods and avoid industrially processed foods, as they often contain more carbohydrates than
Here is a list of things to avoid:
 Cereals (including whole grains)
 cereal
 potatoes
 noodles
 Pizza
 Beans, lentils, chickpeas and other legumes
 beer
 crisps
 Sweets
 honey
 fruit
 soft drinks
Starch, fructose and lactose are sugars that are often forgotten are . Therefore, some vegetables and fruits are very
sugary. Often, products that are labeled as low in fat contain more sugar to maintain the taste. On low fat you should
do without anyway. High healthy fats live! Long live the taste!
Can I eat nuts?
Yes you can. They have few carbohydrates and lots of fiber. Nevertheless, it is possible to quickly lose sight of the
crowd and to eat too many of them.
Nut flour is good for baking, nut milk without sugar can replace milk, nutmeg the commercial Nutella, ...
Can I eat dairy products?
Yes you can. Unlike often thought, raw milk does not have that much carbohydrate. If you have no intolerance, dairy
products can be integrated into your diet.
Can I eat fruits?
You can eat fruits like avocados, coconuts and low carbohydrate berries. But here, too, it depends on the amount and
how many carbohydrates a fruit contains.
Which sugar substitutes can I use?
Some sugar substitutes work well for a low carb diet. These substances include sweeteners and some sugar
alcohols. Both can increase the blood sugar and insulin levels similar to table sugar, but do it less. For this reason,
the consumption of sugar substitutes can sustain cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. Therefore, especially at the
beginning of a diet change it makes sense to do without such to make it harder.
Stevia is a commonly used replacement. It has no calories and has no effect on blood sugar levels.
Xylitol has a similar sweetness to table sugar, but has a lower effect on blood sugar levels. Some people do not
tolerate xylitol very well. Your body can respond with diarrhea and flatulence. However, it is possible to get used to it
and the symptoms can improve.
Those who are sensitive to carbohydrates should try erythritol . It has no calories and does not affect blood sugar
levels. However, erythritol does not have the same sweetness as sugar and is a bit harder to handle. Therefore,
many resort to xylitol. Erythritol can be laxative, but it can be considered a weak side effect.
Are sugar alcohols safe?
Yes and no. Some sugar alcohols are relatively safe, others you have to fully or at least partially count on your
carbohydrate needs. This is not only different per sugar alcohol, but also per person.
Some people have learned through their nutritional history not to make insulin until they taste or digest something
sweet or carbohydrate. Your body starts with it when it only sees the carbohydrates. That's one of the reasons why
people react so differently. More reasons why people react so differently to food can be found here .
It's best to do a self experiment with different sugar alcohols or at least 50% of them.
Can I drink coffee and black tea? What
about caffeine?
Nothing speaks against caffeine. However , that can be different for everyone. With some ketetars the cortisol level
rises and they are no longer in ketosis. Give up your coffee and tea on milk and sugar. Instead you can try cream.
Can I drink alcohol?
Yes, can you and that even without you get out of ketosis. It is important only which alcohol you drink. Most cocktails,
wines and beer should be avoided as they contain carbohydrates. There are a few cocktails that are ketogenic (best
made by yourself), as well as very dry wines and even low carb beer! Here you can find more about
ketogenic alcohol .
Stick to hard alcohols as well as gin or vodka. Make sure that these are not alcohol types that have been
flavored. Because behind it often hides sugar!
Alcohol can even be beneficial for ketosis, as the liver as a by-product produces more ketone bodies while it breaks
down the alcohol.
There are different teachings here ... some also say that for the time when alcohol is broken down, your body can not
build ketone bodies.
Although pure, hard alcohol types do not have carbohydrates, they still have calories. If you want to lose weight, you
should think about it and take the calories into account.
Can I eat fermented food?
Raw fermented food is full of vitamins, enzymes and probiotics. Regular consumption strengthens your intestinal
flora, which makes you healthier and more resistant. Also against depression and overweight helps a healthy
microbiome. (However, some fermented food is not good for problems such as irritable bowel!)
Important for Ketarians: Fermented dairy products are more carbohydrates that should be in there than is actually the
case. Because the bacteria eat 40-70% of carbohydrates (milk sugar). Unfortunately, it can not be determined how
much carbohydrates are left, so the original amount has to be stated.
Whether kimchi, sauerkraut, or red cabbage (some varieties do not have that much carbohydrate) - or another
fermented food: Try it if you can digest it and how much you can eat without being thrown out of ketosis.
Incidentally, fermented cod liver oil is rich in fat-soluble vitamins. It is very healthy by containing vitamins A, D, E and
K, as well as by omega-3 fatty acids. However, do not take it before going to sleep because vitamin D supplements
can be associated with sleep problems.
Why should I soak nuts and seeds /
To get phytic acid from nuts, you can put them in a water bath at room temperature overnight. The next day you can
gently dry them in the oven. The reason for the unhealthy effect of phytic acid is that it binds to itself and the body can
not absorb it.
What about nitrates in Bacon?
Bacon has gotten a bad reputation in recent years. Based on three factors:
 the high content of saturated fatty acids
 a high sodium content
 not only contains sodium nitrate, but also potassium nitrate
The good news is that you do not have to worry about these three points. Because saturated fatty acids are not
associated with cholesterol. Sodium is found in many foods, not least because it is a component of salt. It is even
very important for our body to function; in the right amount, of course. Best also as sea salt or Himalayan salt, not as
table salt.
With a ketogenic diet, you may even need to consume more sodium. You do not need to be afraid of nitrates,
because our biggest source of nitrates is vegetables. And nobody has said anything bad about vegetables
yet. Nevertheless, to avoid possible damage from nitrates, it is sufficient to take more antioxidants, for example by
green tea.
Do I have to take supplements?
You do not necessarily have to take supplements. If you eat a varied diet and do not come under 1000 calories a day,
then you're getting enough nutrients (vitamins, etc.) to feed you. Pay attention only to your electrolyte balance
(magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium) - especially if you are still in the keto-adaptation.
There are indications that vegetables and meat today have fewer vitamins than they did 100 years ago. So make
sure you eat as seasonally as possible (not from the greenhouse), grow your own or even buy organic products.
No matter how you feed yourself, you can always get into a nutrient deficiency. If you notice anything, you should go
to a doctor. This can advise you exactly.
What is MCT oil?
MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides (German: medium-chain fatty acids). Medium chain fatty acids are
saturated fatty acids. They have their name because they are composed mainly of 6 to 10 carbon atoms. Due to the
rather short chain length, they can be quickly split, absorbed and used in the body.
health issues
Do not I miss vitamins without fruit?
Virtually all foods contain vitamins, not just fruits. That does not mean that Ketarians do not eat fruit at all. Berries and
rhubarb are keto suitable! (Rhubarb is not a fruit ... but it's often treated that way.)
That means if you eat a well-balanced diet, a ketogenic diet does not pose a risk of vitamin deficiency.
There are even Zero Carb trailers that do well without vegetables. It is important that you have your micronutrient
supply checked regularly, even if you do without vegetables, fruits and nuts.
Can I get a heart attack from so much fat?
There are three types of fats we consume:
Saturated fat: unlike a long time believed, saturated fat does not cause heart attacks. They even improve our
cholesterol level and are important for our immune system.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Processed vegetable oils such as margarine are harmful and should be
avoided. These are associated with heart attacks. This is because these fats are processed industrially so that they
are longer lasting. But that does not mean that oil found in plants is bad for us per se.
In the processing process, fat molecules can change their spatial arrangement to become trans fatty acids. These are
extremely harmful to health and should be avoided at all costs.
Monounsaturated fatty acids: These fats are generally considered to be healthy and not harmful. Among them is
located olive oil (important: extra virgin olive oil), since it consists mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids. Try to use
mainly cold pressed vegetable oil.
Why are so many doctors against low-carb
Doctors were not spared from years of general belief that fats are bad. In addition, they seldom deal intensively with
food and its effects. Therefore, they are rarely aware of new findings in research.
If you want to try a ketogenic diet or have already had positive experiences, but your doctor discourages you, you
should look for someone who has more experience with this matter.
For a list of Nutritionists who are familiar with Low Carb and Keto, click here .
What are the health benefits of a ketogenic
Ketosis offers many health benefits:
 Positive effects on various diseases (for example: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, diabetes and many more)
 Less inflammation: glucose causes small inflammations throughout the body. If you suffer from acne, allergies or
other inflammations in the body, sugar can make things worse. Therefore, a ketogenic diet is suitable.
 Less stress: if you are in ketosis, you have less cortisol (stress hormone) in you.
 More energy: In ketosis you have more mitochondria (power plants of the body) and thus more energy.
 Benefits for the brain: works better in ketosis! Keto can also help with some mental illnesses like depression.
 Cardiovascular health: your cholesterol level improves.
 No food cravings anymore! Due to the nutrient-rich diet without sugar which causes the insulin levels to fluctuate
and thus increases cravings.
 Very successful method to lose weight and keep the weight permanently.
Is it healthy to lose weight fast?
At the beginning of a dietary change to ketosis you lose a lot of weight. This is not fat, but water. Therefore, it is
important to drink enough and keep an eye on the electrolyte balance. Since you want to lose any muscle mass, it is
also important to calculate your macros properly and the ideal amount of proteins you take .
Nevertheless, you should not concentrate on losing as much weight as possible. You must eat enough to burn fat and
get enough nutrients.
Tip: If you're keto-adapted, you'd better intermittently fast more often than count calories.
There is also evidence that the body deposits toxins in fat. People who lose weight fast have been proven to have
more toxins in their body. It is better to give your body some time to remove these substances.
Is it unhealthy that my BMI is high?
The BMI (Body Mass Index) calculates with the help of your weight and your size whether you are normal, overweight
or underweight. However, he does not say anything about how healthy you are. As an example, an overweight
person (high body fat percentage) and a bodybuilder may have the same BMI value. This is because no information
about body fat, muscle and water content in body weight are included. Regardless, body fat is not equal to body
fat. Depending on how the fat cells are distributed in the body, extra fat can be more harmful to your health. Brown fat
(eg in the neck) is good for producing heat and not harmful.
Fat, which is deposited in the abdominal area, builds around the organs and can affect the respective functions.
A little more fat can even bring benefits. For example, studies have shown that older people, in particular, who have
slightly more body fat, have a lower mortality rate.
Is high cholesterol unhealthy?
Not necessarily. Because not cholesterol, but chronic inflammation are to blame for cardiovascular
diseases. Cholesterol is even an important helper of our body and we depend on it. Nevertheless, cholesterol is not
equal to cholesterol. Put simply, LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) can accumulate in the arteries and lead to
cardiovascular problems. But in a healthy person this is not a problem as HDL cholesterol, also called "good"
cholesterol, removes these deposits again. Therefore, a good balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol is
important. By consuming saturated, monounsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids, you can increase your HDL levels.
It is also important to prefer healthy fats and to have a high cholesterol level checked.
Liver, kidney failure and gallstones?
You do not have to worry about it. Often concerns arise from the assumption that a LCHF diet involves a high protein
intake. This is not the case with a ketogenic diet. Unless you already have liver or kidney damage, you do not need to
worry about it. If you are already stressed, you should seek a conversation with a doctor before switching to your
diet. One of the reasons: you may eat more protein than before. Contrary to popular belief that protein is bad for the
kidneys, this is not usually the case. Only in people with already damaged kidney can too much protein be harmful.
If your gallbladder is missing, it is advisable to increase the fat content slowly. MCT oil is helpful because medium-
chain fatty acids quickly produce ketone bodies and less fat must be eaten. If you have bile problems, you can read
more about whether keto is right for you and what you should watch out for.
Can I eat ketogen if I have gout?
A ketogenic diet can cause problems with gout - especially in the conversion. Therefore, always consult a doctor if
you change your diet to low carb ketogen and have problems with gout.
Can I run a very strict low carb diet?
A very strict low carb diet (also called VLC "very low carb diet") involves between one and 50 grams of carbs a
day. Following a strict low carb diet can help with metabolic disorders and other illnesses. It is also an effective way to
lose weight. Nevertheless, it depends on your body! And on how many carbohydrates he works best with. Just try it
Nevertheless, a lasting unilateral diet can lead to health risks. Because so many nutrients are practically no longer
taken up or in too small amounts. Often there is a magnesium, potassium and calcium deficiency. Also vitamin A, B1,
C and E, as well as iron, folic acid and zinc can quickly become deficient. Pay attention to a good quality of your food
and change more often the vegetables or the nuts that land on your plate.
Can children also eat ketogen?
Children can feed themselves ketogenically and at the same time grow up very well. So they learn from an early age
on a healthy diet, do not become addicted to sugar or spoil the taste buds.
Ketosis even has a positive effect on diseases such as autism and epilepsy in children.
It can help not to be too strict, but to target a nutritional style that is low carb LCHF and sometimes involves ketogenic
Can I live ketogen during pregnancy and
A ketogenic diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding is quite possible. It is important that you are already Keto-
Adapted and that you lose no weight! Burning the fat cells can release toxins (poisons) that are deposited in them.
If you are not yet keto-adapted, then wait until after breast-feeding with the transition. Switching to ketogenic diets
puts an extra burden on your body. Although keto is healthier for you in the long run, it is better to take no risk if you
are pregnant or your body has enough to do to care for a newborn.
If you're already keto-adapting but want to play it safe, you can eat low carb LCHF during this time and consume up
to 100 grams of carbohydrates a day. Important: Real food. Vegetables, nuts, fruits - and maybe a potato or rice here
and there. Let go of the sugar and the processed white flour.
Can I get ketogenic diet with type 1
With type 1 diabetes, it is possible to live ketogenically. Many people with diabetes 1 say they are helped by a low
carb or ketogenic diet.
However, it is extremely important to do so only under medical supervision. As a type 1 diabetic it is possible to get
into a dangerous condition. This is characterized by a high ketone and sugar levels. This condition is called
Can I get ketogenic diet with type 2
Also, with type 2 diabetes, you should discuss and monitor a diet change to keto with your nutritionist and doctor. It
may be that you need a new drug modification after just a few days. Some diabetics do not need any more
medication if they eat a ketogenic diet.
What is the difference between diabetes
type 1 and 2?
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the cells that produce insulin are destroyed. As a result, sufferers
must inject insulin after each meal to allow glucose to be ingested. So it can be treated well - but not heal.
Type 2 diabetics have developed insulin resistance through a constant surplus of sugary food. The body no longer
reacts so strongly to insulin, and in the course of the disease, the production of insulin may also decrease. Often
diabetes can only be improved or even completely healed by a better lifestyle. Few carbohydrates can help so far that
no medication is needed anymore. But also exercise, stress reduction and maybe even the move to a place with
good air can make Diabetes 2 better. (There is evidence that smog can contribute to diabetes.)
What is the least amount of carbohydrates
that I should at least eat?
Theoretically, it is possible to consume 0 grams of carbs with a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is about getting the body used
to using ketone bodies instead of glucose as an energy source.
Your body can also get used to ketone bodies almost completely. Anyone who needs glucose in any case is our
However, since our body can produce glucose from proteins, it is not necessary to consume carbohydrates through
our diet.
Therefore, a too high-protein diet can also bring you from ketosis!
Regardless, it is very difficult to eat 0 grams of carbs. The danger of a one-sided diet exists. You do not have to worry
about being low on carbohydrates unless you feel good and eat different vegetables or berries more often. If in doubt,
ask your doctor or nutritionist.
How low can I go with my body fat
Women should not go lower than 8-12% and men should not lower than 3-5% body fat. Because that's the body fat,
which is vital!
These are body fat parts that bodybuilders have at shows. For most people, this is not a realistic and not necessarily
healthy goal to keep it long term. An exception may be people who naturally have a very low body fat percentage
Is ketosis dangerous?
Before switching to a diet, talk to a doctor who knows about ketosis. In addition, it is advisable to check your blood
levels regularly, even in total health. Although a ketogenic diet usually does not cause any problems, minor issues or
even serious risks can occur.
Possible problems of ketosis:
 Extra costs for certain foods (but there are ways you can eat cheaper ketogen)
 Social Exclusion: Your family / friends / acquaintances may not understand why you are changing your diet and
are now "more complicated" as far as food is concerned .
Food is also a way for many to show love and care - mostly with carbohydrate-rich food. It can be challenging to
reject them.
 Conversion problems: digestion ( constipation / diarrhea), keto-flu etc. These things occur as your body has to
get used to another metabolism based on ketone bodies.
 Cardiac arrhythmias, infections, kidney stones, hypoglycaemia, or platelet dysfunction with a tendency to bleed
may occur.
 Metabolic diseases that are not noticeable with glucose can be manifested in ketosis.
It is important for a healthy, ketogenic diet to eat a balanced diet and to avoid bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).
Am I taking so much fat?
Fat alone will not let you eat unless you consume a small amount of carbs. Some people can even consume far more
calories with a ketogenic diet than their daily intake actually allows - and they do not increase. (Others are not so
fortunate and may even gain in ketogenic nutrition if they get their daily calorie intake.)
A diet based on fat, low in carbohydrates, and a fair amount of protein is the best way to be full, maintain weight, or
lose weight. Of course, overall, it's about a healthier lifestyle, and so it's important to strive for a balanced diet as
well. Do not just get your fat source from the same foods.
Eggs and avocados are two foods that are a very healthy source of fat for Ketarians.
Can I live ketogenically as a vegetarian or
Although it is difficult to eat vegetarian or vegan and at the same time to carry out a ketogenic diet, it is still
possible. Vegetarians should have fewer problems than vegans .
Vegetarians can eat enough vitamin B12 and iron via eggs and dairy products (especially cheese) as well as nutrient-
rich vegetables. Nevertheless, it is easy to get into a shortage, so this should be kept in mind.
Because the biggest food source for Ketarians is made up of animal products, vegans do not have it easy. Therefore,
they are more likely to eat more carbohydrates than Ketarians without restriction.
Ketogenic protein sources are one of the biggest vegan challenges . Here is a list of good sources .
It can be hard to even consume enough calories with a ketogenic, vegan lifestyle. You can counteract this with plenty
of coconut oil, olive oil and other healthy fats.
Unlike meat-eating ketarians, vegans consume more omega 6 fatty acids by comparison. The ratio between omega 3
and 6 fatty acids is therefore far from the recommended. A large amount of Omega 6 fatty acids has an inflammatory
effect. To avoid this, you may prefer some nut varieties. Macadamia nuts are a healthy variant. They have
monounsaturated fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids (→ polyunsaturated fatty acid). Avocados are a great way to
give your body magnesium, potassium and monounsaturated fats.
In addition, there are some vitamins that are only found in animal products. These (B12, D3, DHA) you must take
about food supplements to you.
Vitamin B12 is involved in many vital processes of our body. For example, the right amount ensures that nerves are
Vitamin D deficiency is more commonly heard, as it is associated with a myriad of diseases. Vitamin D2 can also be
made from plant-based products. However, the more effective D3 can be found in animal products.
Docosahexanoic acid (DHA) is one of the omega-3 fatty acids. So far, it is still unclear to what extent it is related to a
healthy cardiovascular system. However, the more Omega-6 fatty acids we add to our bodies, the less produced.
Micronutrients such as creatine and carnosine are also found only in animal products. On the other hand, calcium can
also be found in plant foods. Nevertheless, a vegetable diet quickly becomes deficient. About almonds and kale this
deficiency can be compensated again.
How can I eat on my job and in the
If you want to eat out, that's possible. You will find in every kitchen a dish that contains hardly any
carbohydrates. However, there are some rules of thumb that you can follow. With a steak you are always going the
safe way. Even salads are low in carbohydrates. Pay attention only to what is included in the salad (corn, bread
cubes, ... - not ketogenic!). And most important: ask for the dressings. Let it bring you extra and not on the salad. If
you want to be sure, ask for vinegar and oil.
Ask before ordering if the menu does not give you enough information. Ask if certain things can be replaced or if you
could get other side dishes. You should never be afraid to ask for your wishes and get all your questions answered.
Small extra tip: You can take a walk after your meal to directly consume the carbohydrates before they are put into fat
At work, you can bring food you have prepared at home the day or tomorrow. Practically, there are always a few low
carb snacks ready - for example, nuts or a low carb protein bar.
It will probably be hardest not to constantly receive criticism from your social environment. Enlightenment can often
help. Nevertheless, you should be aware that you have chosen this way of life and you need not justify yourself to
anyone. If you still want to search the conversation - here you can find help for it.
Do the carbohydrates at TKD kill me?
The TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) consumes a lot of carbohydrates before exercise, which are burned during the
workout. As a result you throw yourself out of ketosis for a short time until the glucose is consumed during training.
It is questionable if you need any carbohydrates to complete a good workout. It also depends on your body. Try it first
without extra carbohydrates. But of course you can also stick to TKD if you feel that you feel so much
better. Especially for competitive athletes, TKD can be a good way to eat ketogenic and still maintain or even
increase their performance.
Fasting is very healthy! However, if you feel tired or weak, it makes sense to eat something before your workout. If
you want to avoid carbohydrates, then you can try MCT oil (medium chain fatty acids) or coconut oil. Medium-chain
fatty acids bring energy quickly and do not start so fast.
What can I do if cravings make me want
something sweet?
At the beginning of a diet change, it can be difficult for you to put off your old habits. In addition, your addiction to
sugar will tempt you to eat sweet or high carbohydrate foods. You should realize that these cravings weaken and you
soon get used to another diet. The best you have not even "forbidden" food at your home.
You should also avoid fruits in the beginning because there are many carbohydrates in them and it is easy to eat too
many of them. To make it easier for you, you can use sugar substitutes to sweeten your food and drinks. Stevia and
erythritol are very good for baking, cooking or your coffee.
Some swear to go further. They eliminate all sweeteners from their diet and eat no "replicas". (Replicas are low carb
versions of high carb foods, such as pancakes, pizzas, breads, cakes, rolls, etc., where flour is replaced with low-
carbohydrate flours.) They believe they can get away from their addiction to sweeties even faster and carbohydrate-
rich foods.
Over time, the taste of many low carb fans changes and they no longer like carbohydrate-rich sweets. Even some
fruits taste too sweet.
How do I get rid of the keto breath?
The first thing everybody thinks about is chewing gum. However, be careful! Carbohydrates like to hide in chewing
gum. Sugar-free chewing gums have a laxative effect when consumed excessively.
The altered smell of the breath does not bother anyone and gets less - or usually disappears completely as soon as
you are keto-adapted. (Keto breath usually comes back when you do a cheat day and your body comes back in
If you want to do something about it, drink lots of water, tea (herbal tea, peppermint, ...) and watch your electrolyte
balance. An oral spray can help too.
Which things bring me out of ketosis?
In addition to the obvious, sugary and cereal-containing foods can also bring out vegetables. And those that contain a
lot of starch, such as sweet potatoes or carrots.
Lack of exercise is another possible reason. If you do not move enough but eat too many carbohydrates in relative
This also applies to proteins. Because proteins can transform the body into glucose.
Are thyroid problems caused by ketosis?
The thyroid plays many important functions in the body. Among other things, she produces the hormone
triiodothyronine (short: T3). Some studies show that a diet containing 0 grams of carbs has a negative effect on the
thyroid gland. The T3 level can lower, causing a reduction in BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR refers to the basal
metabolic rate of energy, that is, that consumed without any physical activity. In addition, a lowered T3 level causes
hair loss, fatigue and fat loss is slowed down.
If you want to know more exactly why you suspect that a very strict low carb diet can have a negative effect on the
functions of the thyroid, should consider the hormone thyroxine (T4). Because T3 is made of T4. Glucose is needed
for this transformation.
This is enough for a very small amount of glucose. The body should be able to gain this amount through dietary
proteins and gluconeogenesis alone.
Therefore, it is not surprising that studies mainly make a reduced calorie diet and fasting for a reduced T3 level. This
leaves only a small amount of carbohydrates and protein from which glucose can be produced, producing less T4
and therefore less T3.
If you already have thyroid disease and want to try a low carb diet, then talk to your doctor. So far, there are still no
findings as to how a low carb diet affects already existing thyroid disorders and what could be long-term
However, there are many Hashimoto patients who get better with a ketogenic diet. Keto can also have a positive
effect here.
Can I get hair loss in ketosis?
This phenomenon can occur. However, it is often accompanied by a rapid weight loss. So if you take care not to let
too many pounds tumble all at once, it can prevent hair loss.
It is important not to eat too little protein. Some also take extra 10 grams of collagen a day in the transitional period
for hair (and skin) - or even long term.
Certain autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss and therefore it is important to seek the advice of a doctor and to
get the right treatment. Of course, an unbalanced diet can be at fault. Eat foods that contain zinc, biotin, vitamin B12,
magnesium, vitamin E and iron. In addition, there are some preparations that strengthen your hair.
What are typical problems with the
conversion to ketosis?
Some studies report that people feel worse with ketogenic nutrition than with traditional ones. This is because the
studies are mostly for a short period of time and only consider the initial stages of keto. Right in phase there are a few
conversion issues from glucose to ketone metabolism. When this transition is overcome, most people are better off
with keto than with their previous diet.
These are typical problems of conversion to keto:
 Lack of mental clarity (brain fog) (typically 2 to 48 hours)
 nausea
 Keto-breath
 a headache
 skin problems
 sleepiness
 fatigue
 Too much energy / insomnia
 muscle cramps
 indigestion
 constipation
 diarrhea
 Short-term deterioration of athletic performance (ie you can run less fast or lose weight)
Less common are infections or reinforcement of existing diseases for a few days or weeks. But this can happen quite
well; For example, fungi like Candida albicans resist the sudden loss of food. (In the long term, however, keto is a
better diet because the fungus is starving.)
If you did not have that much electrolytes in your body anyway, the deficiency can be all the more obvious
now. Possible signs of deficiency symptoms include: headache, migraine, muscle twitching, tension, pain and
cramps, digestive problems, fatigue, fatigue, sleep disorders, poorer sports performance, pigeon limbs, tingling,
nervousness, inner restlessness, irritability, negative mood, gingivitis, Cardiovascular problems: tripping, tightness in
the chest, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, PMS, menstrual disorders.
If you have any health problems, you should only do a dietary change to keto in the company of a knowledgeable
Shortly after the change of diet I feel bad,
what to do (Keto-flu)?
You may get a headache at the beginning of your diet change and feel numb. This is a normal process. Your body
loses a lot of water by "flushing" the glucose. Therefore, you feel a bit grippy - this condition is called keto-flu among
ketarans. You will notice that you are producing a lot of urine. Water loss causes your electrolyte balance to lose its
balance. It is important at this time that you drink a lot of water and electrolytes - for example, from chicken soup or
with a dietary supplement.
How long does the keto flu last?
The duration of the Keto flu varies individually. Some do not notice any symptoms. Some new Ketarians suffer for
one day, others up to a week. In exceptional cases, the symptoms of the keto flu / keto cold can last up to two weeks.
Important: Even if you do not feel any symptoms of keto flu (more): that does not mean that your body is already
100% adapted. Most of them need a few weeks or even months.
But after that, the reward is for most of the better skin, losing or losing weight and gaining muscle (and even for many
people who do not exercise), more energy and focus, better health, ...
Constipation, what to do?
Many who start with ketosis notice that the digestion changes first. This is often due to a wrong diet, which is too
meaty and hurry without enough fiber. You can eat fiber and stimulate your intestinal activity with vegetables and low-
carbohydrate nuts. Here are some more tips:
 Water, water, water !! Drinking a lot is important!
 Flax seeds, psyllium husks and chia seeds can help
 electrolytes
 Coffee, lemon juice (fresh) or apple cider vinegar
 Try MCT oil (start with about half a teaspoon)
 Do not eat too many proteins
 A lot of movement
When in doubt, you can take supplements that contain a lot of fiber.
Muscle cramps in ketosis?
At the beginning of your diet change, your body loses lots of water. Electrolytes are also flushed out with this
water. Magnesium deficiency can cause calf or foot cramps. On the other hand, it helps to spoon up chicken broth,
sprinkle more salt on your food or take magnesium supplements (also available at the drugstore or online).
Even if you're already keto-adapted: After loading days, you may experience muscle cramps when you're exercising
in the time you come back to ketosis. Again, pay attention to sufficient electrolytes.

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Keto breakfast faq

  • 1. General questions How does ketosis work? Ketosis is a metabolic process of our body. In this way, the body can burn fat for energy, if no carbohydrates are available. This fat can be your own body fat or food. In the ketogenic state, this fat is broken down into ketone bodies in the liver. Ketone bodies are in turn energy suppliers. However, if we eat enough carbohydrates, they will first be used as the first source of energy. Therefore, a ketogenic diet is an excellent way to lose weight. Because your body is able to produce energy from the stored fat. How do I know that I am in ketosis? There are several ways to measure if you are in ketosis. With the help of Keto Sticks you can measure how high the concentration of ketones in your urine is. However, these do not provide accurate measurement, but can tell you if you are even in ketosis. (However, this measurement can be changed - for example, by ingesting coconut oil and says someone is in ketosis, even though it's not true). For newcomers they are completely sufficient, as they represent the cheapest option. You can buy Keto Sticks in some pharmacies or order them on the internet (eg on Amazon). Keto breakfasts are highly recommended A somewhat more accurate measurement method is devices that measure the acetate content in the breath and thus are an indicator of the ketone content in the blood. Over time, however, this measurement becomes less accurate. The body is fat-adapted and can use ketone body better. Therefore, fewer "unused" ketones are in the breath. A somewhat inaccurate keto measurement is the existence of keto breath. Do you have a faint halitosis during the adjustment phase? Then you are in ketosis. The most suitable measuring instruments are for blood measurements. Similar to how diabetics prick a finger and measure their blood sugar levels, these devices detect the concentration of ketones in the blood. This is the most exact but also the most expensive method. Some realize that they are in keto due to a sudden heavy weight loss. If you stop eating carbohydrates, your body will bind up to two kilos less water. If you are in ketosis, you will also feel less hungry and less appetite for sweets. For some, the change directly brings more energy and focus, others experience only a tiredness (only in the adjustment phase). The body temperature also changes through keto. For many, it rises by half a degree. How long does my body need to be in ketosis? If you are very strict about the amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrates that are optimal for you, then you will get ketosis in 2-3 days. The fastest way is if you are a lot of athletic activity. Just be careful not to overstrain yourself and your body. Do you take a little more time then the process can take up to 8 days. What is the difference between a low carb and a ketogenic diet? A ketogenic diet is one of the low carb diets. Low carb diets usually refer to a diet that consumes up to 100 grams of carbs per day.
  • 2. Often Low Carb does not change the metabolic type. Instead, the goal is to keep blood sugar levels stable. Ketosis is primarily about pulling its main source of energy from ketones. This should be consumed less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. The amount can vary individually and so it is recommended to stay under 20 grams to be in ketosis - at least the first few weeks. A ketogenic diet requires that protein consumption be maintained to ensure ketosis. Too much protein can be converted to glucose. (You can find out how many proteins you can get here .) Are ketosis and LCHF the same? Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diets contain a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet similar to a ketogenic diet. Keto is thus a subform of LCHF. However, not every LCHF diet is equally ketogenic. Because a ketogenic diet is characterized by ketosis. That is, the body gains its energy through ketones. This is only guaranteed if the food consists of a lot of fat, enough proteins and very few carbohydrates. This makes keto a very strict form of LCHF diet, which brings with it additional changes in digestion and in the body. Regardless of this, ethical questions are often important for LCHF nutrition; so seasonal products and meat from fair attitude are preferred. Some include a paleo approach. What is keto adaptation? Keto adaptation refers to the conversion of the body from a metabolism based on carbohydrates to fats. Because metabolism is a complex system of our bodies, adaptation to ketosis is just as complex. The body may take weeks to months to make optimal use of ketones as a source of energy. Exactly this adaptation is called keto-adaptation. What is insulin? Insulin is a hormone that is produced in the pancreas. It is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels by transporting glucose from the blood to the required areas of our body. If we eat carbohydrates, our blood sugar levels rise and more insulin is released to lower it. Excess glucose is stored and the unloved fat cells persist. Long-term and excessive carbohydrate diets may lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, often accompanied by an elevated level of bad LDL cholesterol and a low level of good HDL cholesterol. The less carbohydrates you eat, the less glucose gets into your blood and the lower your insulin levels. This makes it harder for your body to form (or fill) fat cells, and you can avoid some illnesses. Ketone bodies or fatty acids for energy? The human brain has certain barriers through which fats can not pass. So no fatty acids can go straight to the brain. It can only use ketone bodies as they are water soluble. Muscles, on the other hand, can use fatty acids for energy. Where do ketone bodies come from? Ketone bodies are made in the mitochondria of the liver. For this either fats from the diet or released fatty acids from your fat cells are used. Will I produce less ketone body after some time? Yes, because your body adapts ideally to the new metabolism. He learns how much he uses and now produces the ideal amount.
  • 3. What happens to excess ketone bodies? Ketone bodies that circulate in the blood for a while and are not used are excreted in the urine. Does ketogenic nutrition look different to men than to women? Yes. For one thing, women have a different body composition than men. They have a higher body fat percentage on average and also need more body fat than men to stay healthy. Less than 15% of body fat can be harmful to women in the long run. Men should not be permanently below 5%. In other words, the proportion of essential fat in men is 2- 5% and in women 10-13%. Where is this difference reflected? By the macros, that means by how much fat, protein and carbohydrates you can eat. Men usually need more protein and can often eat more carbohydrates without getting out of the ketosis. Women have different needs through their cycle. Many women report that they have a strong need for sweet and carbohydrate-containing just before their days. Some say women need more carbohydrates because of their hormonal needs than men to stay healthy; There are, however, different opinions. Incidentally, men and women also differ in fasting. Men find it easier, more often and longer fasting than women. What are typical keto beginner mistakes? Too little or too much protein to eat. Hidden carbohydrates in vegetables, spices, seafood or processed foods as well as reactions of your body to sweeteners. Poor quality of food. Are there a few simple rules for beginners? Stay under 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. First eat only salad or vegetables with less than 5 grams of carbs per 100 grams. Read the nutritional information or google your food. Eat enough protein. Eat enough fat. If you want to lose weight: Do not cut until your body is keto-adapted. Eat the right fat: cold-pressed olive, avocado or coconut oil, butter from grazing, goose fat, pork lard, fat margin of meat (organic). Avoid wheat germ oil, soybean oil, thistle oil, corn germ oil, sesame oil or sunflower oil. Keto "sniffing". Take enough electrolytes - magnesium, calcium, potassium and salt. Drink a lot of water - at least 3 liters a day. If in doubt, eat less carbs and more fat. Calories and macros Do I have to pay attention to calories?
  • 4. If you plan to lose weight with a ketogenic diet, then yes! Because you will only lose weight if you eat less calories than you consume. However, and here comes the good news, a ketogenic diet makes it easier for you. Due to the little fluctuating blood sugar levels you will feel less appetite compared to other diets. The high-fat food with enough protein keeps you full longer and your appetite is reduced. Therefore, it is usually sufficient to change the food to watch the pounds while tumbling. In addition, it is not helpful to think too restrictively. For the more you forbid something, the more you want it. The closer you are to your ideal weight, the harder it will be to lose weight - even with keto. With ketogenic nutrition, you can get a healthy normal weight and keep excellent. If you want an extremely low body fat percentage, you have to pay more attention to calories. How do I know how many carbs I consume? A look at the packaging usually reveals everything. On the back is shown in most cases a nutritional table. This includes how much fat, carbohydrates, proteins and calories are in 100 grams of the product. Beware of American products. Here sometimes nutritional values are given for a "serving". That can be anything: 5, 30 or 75 grams or something completely different. Look closely! In addition, fiber is given as part of the carbohydrates. You have to calculate this first. The difference in the calculation of carbohydrates is also the reason why English-language pages often have different carbohydrate information than German-speaking. It's worth practicing mental arithmetic at this point, because that way you can burn a few extra calories ... Nevertheless, there are some useful apps and websites that do just that: What are macros and how do I keep track? Macros is a short form of macronutrient that includes fat, proteins and carbohydrates. These are the energy suppliers of the body. In a ketogenic diet, you eat mostly fat, an adequate amount of proteins and very few carbohydrates. So to be in ketosis, it is important to pay attention to how the amount of macros in food is distributed. Use the Nutrition Tables on the backs of packs or apps to see how much fat, protein and carbohydrates you are eating. As a rule of thumb; 60-75% fat, 20-35% proteins and 5% carbohydrates should make up the diet. (This helps some to imagine the distribution, but more important is the absolute numbers, if you want to find out what your macros are - here's a free macro calculator .) How many carbs can I consume? In the beginning you should stay under 20 grams of carbs a day to get into ketosis. After that, most of them can increase that number slightly. How much carbohydrates exactly? That's hard to say because that varies individually. There are a number of factors that may depend on this: Genetic basic equipment, epigenetics, microbiome (intestinal flora), gender, cycle (for women), age, weight and body composition, latitude, season, how much someone is exposed to sunlight, nutrition history, illnesses, intake of medicines and nutritional supplements, stress levels, exercise , Intake of MCT oil or other medium-chain fatty acids, type of carbohydrates, composition of food, fasting, ... Therefore, it makes sense that you try out for yourself individually, when you are in Keto and what throws you out of the ketosis.
  • 5. What happens if I eat too many carbohydrates? If you eat more than your personal limit, you are no longer in ketosis. For people who are for health reasons, this can have serious consequences, for example, for epileptics. Because of this, their ketogenic diet is much stricter than that of people who eat ketogen for other reasons. Many people who feed long term ketogens fluctuate between low carb and ketosis. They eat between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates a day and are no longer careful about whether they are in keto every day. If you actually hit the strings - here are the consequences: Possible positive consequences:  More metabolic flexibility (is a hypothesis) Possible negative consequences :  You may reproach yourself and believe a little less in yourself. This makes it difficult for you to get up to get back into ketosis.  Some fall into old eating habits for a few days or even weeks. Or eat even more unhealthy than before ("now that I'm out there"). There have also been cases where such "relapses" have led to people completely losing faith in themselves and their willpower and falling back to a diet of pizza, pasta and bread.  You are very strong. Some report about 3 kilos of weight gain in 24 hours! Most of it is water. It is still demotivating.  You come back to the "sugar addiction".  It will take another two to three days to get into ketosis.  If you're too often out of ketosis at the beginning, your body has difficulty adapting to keto. The important thing is that you do not shut yourself down when you get out of the ketosis. With fasting, sports and medium chain fatty acids (MCT oil / coconut oil) plus less than 20 grams of carbohydrates a day, you can quickly get back into ketosis. Lose weight #How much will I lose weight? How much you lose on a ketogenic diet depends entirely on you and your body. Since your body is a complex entity, your metabolism, age, diet history, physical activity, and more matter. The guide to losing weight remains the distinction between the calories you ingest and the ones you consume. If you need more energy than you absorb, your body uses "stored energy," for example, fat cells. Therefore, it is advisable to do enough exercise and to pay attention to the calorie intake. Do not look at the number on the scale but at reducing your body fat percentage. A simple measuring tape or photos usually tell you more about how much fat you have lost than the scale. There are also caliber and body fat scales to determine your body fat percentage. Note that you lose weight quickly within the first few weeks of your diet shift. However, this is just water and a normal process where glycogen (stores and provides glucose) gets out of your body. Glucose binds water - and with the removal of glucose, up to two liters of water are removed from your body. Therefore, it is also important to always drink enough water.
  • 6. You will go through three phases in your diet. As just described you lose a lot of weight during the first days. Subsequently, a standstill may occur. This is caused by creating a new glycogen balance in your body. This usually lasts only a few days. Subsequently, your body adapts to ketosis and learns to use ketone bodies instead of glycogen for energy delivery. The keto adaptation can take weeks to months and your weight should generally go down. It will decrease faster and easier the more overweight you have. How does losing weight in ketosis work? There are five key points that make a ketogenic diet successful:  Fat from your fat cells can be burned. Since your body has hardly any carbohydrates in it, which he always consumes first, he can go to his fat reserves. As a result, your insulin levels are low. This is good because insulin has an inhibitory effect on fat burning.  Your food is rich in nutrients. As a result, you will be saturated and feel no cravings. This means you do not have to torture yourself. After getting used to it, it may be enough if you listen to your body to lose weight.  In ketosis you have a potential metabolic advantage. By producing the ketone bodies in the liver (fats are split) some ketone bodies are eliminated. It is only a small amount of energy that is excreted. There is also evidence that the body has more energy in ketosis. ( )  The ketone metabolism is the same metabolism that our body uses when it's not eating at all, that is, when we fast. Intermittent fasting can be a very helpful and healthy tool to lose weight and live longer. Keto-adapted people find it much easier to fast .  Keto-adapted people need less food and eat 2-3 meals a day. It is easier for them to do without snacks. It has now been proven that frequent food does not help to lose more - on the contrary. It is better to eat less often and to abstain from snacks. Keto helps with all these things. Do I need ketosis to lose weight? No. A low carbohydrate intake is sufficient. Because of this, your insulin levels remain low, fat burning is not inhibited and fewer glucose molecules than fat cells are stored. What to do if the weight does not go down? To reach a plateau is quite normal. Here are some tips you can try:  do more sports - not just cardio, but also strength training  Try "Fat Fasting" or Intermittent Fasting .  Foods that you should reduce: ◦ Carbohydrates (watch out for hidden carbohydrates) ◦ Milk ◦ Nuts ◦ Gluten ◦ Sweeteners ◦ (industrially) processed foods  to eat more fats  Pay attention to your electrolyte balance (→ available in the pharmacy).  Stick to a solid diet plan. Remember not to focus too much on your weight! It may be that you gain muscle mass and lose fat and therefore your weight stays the same. You can easily find that out by taking your body measurements regularly or photographing yourself. Do more ketone bodies mean faster weight loss?
  • 7. That depends on your body. You do not even have to be in ketosis to even lose weight. Nevertheless, predominantly Ketarians experience all the benefits of a ketogenic diet with 20-30 grams of carbohydrates. If it is not for health reasons, it is not recommended to completely do without carbohydrates. (There are a few who are fans of Zero Carb, and attempts that this can be quite healthy.) You need to find out for yourself which path suits you best and works for you. Are "cheat days" useful or not? If you put in a cheat day and eat more carbohydrates, then glycogen will gain weight through water. If you then go back to a low carb diet, then you lose that weight (water) again. Because of this, many feel that Cheat Day is effective at weight loss. But actually you do not need a carb-up to lose weight. Nevertheless, a cheat day causes some people to increase their motivation to continue to live a ketogenic life. Last but not least, as something changes in weight and the feeling arises that a carb-up is effective. For some it is also good to be able to "break out" from time to time for special occasions such as weddings or birthdays. Others find it difficult to regain motivation after a day of loading with Low Carb, LCHF and Keto. Some argue that it makes sense to alternate ketogenic nutrition with a high-carbohydrate diet. This should lead to "Metabolic Flexibility". Do I have to do sports to lose weight? No! You do not have to do sports. You can also lose weight through a ketogenic diet. However, ketogenic nutrition is also a healthier lifestyle. After a while, many Ketarians are all motivated to move more, either because they suddenly have a lot more energy, or simply because they know that exercise is good for their health. If you're more of a sports muff, it may be helpful to divide your sports unit into several small ones and make them through the day. Strength training and the associated muscle growth helps you burn more, even if you are not physically active (there are scientific studies that doubt that ... but training can definitely help you to influence the hormones that cause hunger) HIIT and Interval Training help you burn more calories than a constant load of usual endurance training. Taking the stairs more often, running to your destination or just taking the bike to work or shopping will keep you healthy. There are studies that point out that prolonged sitting has very bad negative consequences, even if you do some exercise at the weekend or in the evening. Maybe this is a motivational aid for some exercise in between ... If you are overweight, start with small goals. Reward yourself if you make it - with something that is not food. If you reach a plateau in weight loss, then sport is definitely important to lose weight and burn fat cells. Do I have to eat carbohydrates before exercising? If you're into ketosis and you're on a ketogenic diet, you do not need extra carbohydrates. Your body has learned to pull its energy from ketone bodies out of glucose. There are a few methods that include a carb-up - for example, to maximize muscle growth or to maintain strength during very intense workouts. In TKD (targeted ketogenic diet), you consume a certain amount of carbohydrate before training to avoid being in ketosis for exactly the duration of your workout. This will provide your muscles with glycogen to reuse ketone bodies as energy sources after exercise.
  • 8. The CKD ( cyclical ketogenic diet ) method is for experienced ketarians. Especially bodybuilders benefit from it because they can live ketogen - while they experience an enormous muscle gain. In short, two days are passed through which many carbohydrates are consumed. The goal for the next five days is to become ketogenic again. It is very important to completely exhaust the glycogen supply for training and therefore to use it efficiently. How important is sleep to lose weight? Sleep (as well as exercise) is very important to achieve maximum weight loss success. Maybe you even reached a plateau because of your sleep habits. Insufficient sleep has been linked to more hunger and weight gain from science. Sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night! It is very important to go to bed before midnight, otherwise your body will release cortisol (stress hormone). This shuts down the burning of fat and can even break your ketosis. Can I build muscle in ketosis? The "muscle sparing effect" makes it very easy to build muscle with a ketogenic diet - and without you eating a layer of fat to muscles over the muscles. You'll need less protein for that than you would with a normal diet. What is intermittent fasting? Can I operate it? Intermittent fasting is a dieting method that can overcome a plateau in weight loss. Calories are not limited by this method, but the time in the food is consumed. That is, you shorten the time window in which you eat. Not only is it a weight loss method, it has health benefits over the longer term. Intermittent fasting should even help to live longer! While you are in ketosis, you can also do intermittent fasting. However, you should first be in keto adaptation and not try it in the first 4 weeks of your diet change . What is fatty fasting? Can I operate it? During fat fasting, the calorie intake is reduced to 1000-1200 kcal over 3-5 days. 80-90% of calories are absorbed through fat. So if your body is in ketosis, it has the potential to deplete fat resources (fat cells). The side effect is a weight loss that makes it easier for your body to lose fat. Greater fat fasting should not be used so as not to starve your body. He could otherwise start to lose muscle mass. Fat fasting can be helpful if you have reached a plateau in your weight loss process. However, you should be ketogenic for at least four weeks beforehand or even be in keto adaptation. Questions about food Where can I find Low Carb / Keto / Paleo recipes? There are many ways to find internet recipes. Here are some:
  • 9. If you can not do without your favorite dish, you'll probably find a low carb version of it on a blog. Of course you can also become creative yourself! Most of the dishes you can keto friendly - even pizza and pasta. Is it possible to eat too much fat? It's harder to overeat on a LCHF diet. Nevertheless, it is possible! Because calories are still counted. Due to the high fat content and the few carbohydrates, you will notice that you feel saturated after a meal. Beware of things like nuts, walnuts, cream or cheese. Can I eat more proteins than fat? No. Ketosis is a diet based on fat. Too much protein will get you out of ketosis because your body can make glucose from proteins. If you do a lot of sports then you can increase your protein content. Nevertheless, you should stick to this framework: 60-75% = calories from fat 15-30% = calories from proteins 5-10% = calories from carbohydrates How much protein can you eat exactly? Calculate it in this free Keto macro calculator . How often and how much should I eat? The answer is: listen to your stomach! Due to the high sugar content in our food, we have forgotten what exactly is hunger. Our bodies are always screaming for more. Your body tells you when it needs something. If you feel hungry, eat something. But also learn to stop when you are full. Eat slowly to remember when you are full. So you do not forget yourself! Always have snacks with you (for example, nuts or a protein bar) to satisfy the small hunger or to bridge time, for example, if you are working and can eat later. If you only ate one meal a day, then that's all right - as long as you're full. It is important that you take time while eating and not deal with other things while doing so. This gives you the opportunity to perceive your body and to rely on your satiety. By the way, listening to your stomach is not good advice when it comes to WHAT you should eat. Especially at the beginning of the keto adaptation. Sugar cravings often get through and your body screams for carbohydrates. What can I eat? Stay below 50 grams (better under 20 grams) of carbs a day. Fiber is not counted. Stick to foods that are high in fat and eat an adequate amount of protein. It is very important to drinkenough water . Also, make sure that your electrolyte balance is correct and increase the amount of salts, potassium and magnesium you consume. Here is a list of ketogenic foods that you can eat:  eggs  meat  fish  cream  cocoa  butter
  • 10.  coconut oil  cream cheese  avocado  spinach  salad  nuts  cheese  broth  Vanilla extract  cinnamon  MCT oil For dairy products, make sure that they also contain lactose. This must be included in your macros. Which foods should I avoid? Avoid carbohydrate-rich foods and avoid industrially processed foods, as they often contain more carbohydrates than necessary. Here is a list of things to avoid:  Cereals (including whole grains)  cereal  potatoes  noodles  Pizza  Beans, lentils, chickpeas and other legumes  beer  crisps  Sweets  honey  fruit  soft drinks Starch, fructose and lactose are sugars that are often forgotten are . Therefore, some vegetables and fruits are very sugary. Often, products that are labeled as low in fat contain more sugar to maintain the taste. On low fat you should do without anyway. High healthy fats live! Long live the taste! Can I eat nuts? Yes you can. They have few carbohydrates and lots of fiber. Nevertheless, it is possible to quickly lose sight of the crowd and to eat too many of them. Nut flour is good for baking, nut milk without sugar can replace milk, nutmeg the commercial Nutella, ... Can I eat dairy products? Yes you can. Unlike often thought, raw milk does not have that much carbohydrate. If you have no intolerance, dairy products can be integrated into your diet. Can I eat fruits?
  • 11. You can eat fruits like avocados, coconuts and low carbohydrate berries. But here, too, it depends on the amount and how many carbohydrates a fruit contains. Which sugar substitutes can I use? Some sugar substitutes work well for a low carb diet. These substances include sweeteners and some sugar alcohols. Both can increase the blood sugar and insulin levels similar to table sugar, but do it less. For this reason, the consumption of sugar substitutes can sustain cravings for carbohydrate-rich foods. Therefore, especially at the beginning of a diet change it makes sense to do without such to make it harder. Stevia is a commonly used replacement. It has no calories and has no effect on blood sugar levels. Xylitol has a similar sweetness to table sugar, but has a lower effect on blood sugar levels. Some people do not tolerate xylitol very well. Your body can respond with diarrhea and flatulence. However, it is possible to get used to it and the symptoms can improve. Those who are sensitive to carbohydrates should try erythritol . It has no calories and does not affect blood sugar levels. However, erythritol does not have the same sweetness as sugar and is a bit harder to handle. Therefore, many resort to xylitol. Erythritol can be laxative, but it can be considered a weak side effect. Are sugar alcohols safe? Yes and no. Some sugar alcohols are relatively safe, others you have to fully or at least partially count on your carbohydrate needs. This is not only different per sugar alcohol, but also per person. Some people have learned through their nutritional history not to make insulin until they taste or digest something sweet or carbohydrate. Your body starts with it when it only sees the carbohydrates. That's one of the reasons why people react so differently. More reasons why people react so differently to food can be found here . It's best to do a self experiment with different sugar alcohols or at least 50% of them. Can I drink coffee and black tea? What about caffeine? Nothing speaks against caffeine. However , that can be different for everyone. With some ketetars the cortisol level rises and they are no longer in ketosis. Give up your coffee and tea on milk and sugar. Instead you can try cream. Can I drink alcohol? Yes, can you and that even without you get out of ketosis. It is important only which alcohol you drink. Most cocktails, wines and beer should be avoided as they contain carbohydrates. There are a few cocktails that are ketogenic (best made by yourself), as well as very dry wines and even low carb beer! Here you can find more about ketogenic alcohol . Stick to hard alcohols as well as gin or vodka. Make sure that these are not alcohol types that have been flavored. Because behind it often hides sugar! Alcohol can even be beneficial for ketosis, as the liver as a by-product produces more ketone bodies while it breaks down the alcohol. There are different teachings here ... some also say that for the time when alcohol is broken down, your body can not build ketone bodies. Although pure, hard alcohol types do not have carbohydrates, they still have calories. If you want to lose weight, you should think about it and take the calories into account.
  • 12. Can I eat fermented food? Raw fermented food is full of vitamins, enzymes and probiotics. Regular consumption strengthens your intestinal flora, which makes you healthier and more resistant. Also against depression and overweight helps a healthy microbiome. (However, some fermented food is not good for problems such as irritable bowel!) Important for Ketarians: Fermented dairy products are more carbohydrates that should be in there than is actually the case. Because the bacteria eat 40-70% of carbohydrates (milk sugar). Unfortunately, it can not be determined how much carbohydrates are left, so the original amount has to be stated. Whether kimchi, sauerkraut, or red cabbage (some varieties do not have that much carbohydrate) - or another fermented food: Try it if you can digest it and how much you can eat without being thrown out of ketosis. Incidentally, fermented cod liver oil is rich in fat-soluble vitamins. It is very healthy by containing vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as by omega-3 fatty acids. However, do not take it before going to sleep because vitamin D supplements can be associated with sleep problems. Why should I soak nuts and seeds / kernels? To get phytic acid from nuts, you can put them in a water bath at room temperature overnight. The next day you can gently dry them in the oven. The reason for the unhealthy effect of phytic acid is that it binds to itself and the body can not absorb it. What about nitrates in Bacon? Bacon has gotten a bad reputation in recent years. Based on three factors:  the high content of saturated fatty acids  a high sodium content  not only contains sodium nitrate, but also potassium nitrate The good news is that you do not have to worry about these three points. Because saturated fatty acids are not associated with cholesterol. Sodium is found in many foods, not least because it is a component of salt. It is even very important for our body to function; in the right amount, of course. Best also as sea salt or Himalayan salt, not as table salt. With a ketogenic diet, you may even need to consume more sodium. You do not need to be afraid of nitrates, because our biggest source of nitrates is vegetables. And nobody has said anything bad about vegetables yet. Nevertheless, to avoid possible damage from nitrates, it is sufficient to take more antioxidants, for example by green tea. Do I have to take supplements? You do not necessarily have to take supplements. If you eat a varied diet and do not come under 1000 calories a day, then you're getting enough nutrients (vitamins, etc.) to feed you. Pay attention only to your electrolyte balance (magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium) - especially if you are still in the keto-adaptation. There are indications that vegetables and meat today have fewer vitamins than they did 100 years ago. So make sure you eat as seasonally as possible (not from the greenhouse), grow your own or even buy organic products. No matter how you feed yourself, you can always get into a nutrient deficiency. If you notice anything, you should go to a doctor. This can advise you exactly.
  • 13. What is MCT oil? MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides (German: medium-chain fatty acids). Medium chain fatty acids are saturated fatty acids. They have their name because they are composed mainly of 6 to 10 carbon atoms. Due to the rather short chain length, they can be quickly split, absorbed and used in the body. health issues Do not I miss vitamins without fruit? Virtually all foods contain vitamins, not just fruits. That does not mean that Ketarians do not eat fruit at all. Berries and rhubarb are keto suitable! (Rhubarb is not a fruit ... but it's often treated that way.) That means if you eat a well-balanced diet, a ketogenic diet does not pose a risk of vitamin deficiency. There are even Zero Carb trailers that do well without vegetables. It is important that you have your micronutrient supply checked regularly, even if you do without vegetables, fruits and nuts. Can I get a heart attack from so much fat? There are three types of fats we consume: Saturated fat: unlike a long time believed, saturated fat does not cause heart attacks. They even improve our cholesterol level and are important for our immune system. Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Processed vegetable oils such as margarine are harmful and should be avoided. These are associated with heart attacks. This is because these fats are processed industrially so that they are longer lasting. But that does not mean that oil found in plants is bad for us per se. In the processing process, fat molecules can change their spatial arrangement to become trans fatty acids. These are extremely harmful to health and should be avoided at all costs. Monounsaturated fatty acids: These fats are generally considered to be healthy and not harmful. Among them is located olive oil (important: extra virgin olive oil), since it consists mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids. Try to use mainly cold pressed vegetable oil. Why are so many doctors against low-carb diets? Doctors were not spared from years of general belief that fats are bad. In addition, they seldom deal intensively with food and its effects. Therefore, they are rarely aware of new findings in research. If you want to try a ketogenic diet or have already had positive experiences, but your doctor discourages you, you should look for someone who has more experience with this matter. For a list of Nutritionists who are familiar with Low Carb and Keto, click here . What are the health benefits of a ketogenic diet? Ketosis offers many health benefits:
  • 14.  Positive effects on various diseases (for example: Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer, diabetes and many more)  Less inflammation: glucose causes small inflammations throughout the body. If you suffer from acne, allergies or other inflammations in the body, sugar can make things worse. Therefore, a ketogenic diet is suitable.  Less stress: if you are in ketosis, you have less cortisol (stress hormone) in you.  More energy: In ketosis you have more mitochondria (power plants of the body) and thus more energy.  Benefits for the brain: works better in ketosis! Keto can also help with some mental illnesses like depression.  Cardiovascular health: your cholesterol level improves.  No food cravings anymore! Due to the nutrient-rich diet without sugar which causes the insulin levels to fluctuate and thus increases cravings.  Very successful method to lose weight and keep the weight permanently. Is it healthy to lose weight fast? At the beginning of a dietary change to ketosis you lose a lot of weight. This is not fat, but water. Therefore, it is important to drink enough and keep an eye on the electrolyte balance. Since you want to lose any muscle mass, it is also important to calculate your macros properly and the ideal amount of proteins you take . Nevertheless, you should not concentrate on losing as much weight as possible. You must eat enough to burn fat and get enough nutrients. Tip: If you're keto-adapted, you'd better intermittently fast more often than count calories. There is also evidence that the body deposits toxins in fat. People who lose weight fast have been proven to have more toxins in their body. It is better to give your body some time to remove these substances. Is it unhealthy that my BMI is high? The BMI (Body Mass Index) calculates with the help of your weight and your size whether you are normal, overweight or underweight. However, he does not say anything about how healthy you are. As an example, an overweight person (high body fat percentage) and a bodybuilder may have the same BMI value. This is because no information about body fat, muscle and water content in body weight are included. Regardless, body fat is not equal to body fat. Depending on how the fat cells are distributed in the body, extra fat can be more harmful to your health. Brown fat (eg in the neck) is good for producing heat and not harmful. Fat, which is deposited in the abdominal area, builds around the organs and can affect the respective functions. A little more fat can even bring benefits. For example, studies have shown that older people, in particular, who have slightly more body fat, have a lower mortality rate. Is high cholesterol unhealthy? Not necessarily. Because not cholesterol, but chronic inflammation are to blame for cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol is even an important helper of our body and we depend on it. Nevertheless, cholesterol is not equal to cholesterol. Put simply, LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) can accumulate in the arteries and lead to cardiovascular problems. But in a healthy person this is not a problem as HDL cholesterol, also called "good" cholesterol, removes these deposits again. Therefore, a good balance between LDL and HDL cholesterol is important. By consuming saturated, monounsaturated, and omega-3 fatty acids, you can increase your HDL levels. It is also important to prefer healthy fats and to have a high cholesterol level checked. Liver, kidney failure and gallstones? You do not have to worry about it. Often concerns arise from the assumption that a LCHF diet involves a high protein intake. This is not the case with a ketogenic diet. Unless you already have liver or kidney damage, you do not need to worry about it. If you are already stressed, you should seek a conversation with a doctor before switching to your diet. One of the reasons: you may eat more protein than before. Contrary to popular belief that protein is bad for the kidneys, this is not usually the case. Only in people with already damaged kidney can too much protein be harmful.
  • 15. If your gallbladder is missing, it is advisable to increase the fat content slowly. MCT oil is helpful because medium- chain fatty acids quickly produce ketone bodies and less fat must be eaten. If you have bile problems, you can read more about whether keto is right for you and what you should watch out for. Can I eat ketogen if I have gout? A ketogenic diet can cause problems with gout - especially in the conversion. Therefore, always consult a doctor if you change your diet to low carb ketogen and have problems with gout. Can I run a very strict low carb diet? A very strict low carb diet (also called VLC "very low carb diet") involves between one and 50 grams of carbs a day. Following a strict low carb diet can help with metabolic disorders and other illnesses. It is also an effective way to lose weight. Nevertheless, it depends on your body! And on how many carbohydrates he works best with. Just try it out. Nevertheless, a lasting unilateral diet can lead to health risks. Because so many nutrients are practically no longer taken up or in too small amounts. Often there is a magnesium, potassium and calcium deficiency. Also vitamin A, B1, C and E, as well as iron, folic acid and zinc can quickly become deficient. Pay attention to a good quality of your food and change more often the vegetables or the nuts that land on your plate. Can children also eat ketogen? Children can feed themselves ketogenically and at the same time grow up very well. So they learn from an early age on a healthy diet, do not become addicted to sugar or spoil the taste buds. Ketosis even has a positive effect on diseases such as autism and epilepsy in children. It can help not to be too strict, but to target a nutritional style that is low carb LCHF and sometimes involves ketogenic phases. Can I live ketogen during pregnancy and lactation? A ketogenic diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding is quite possible. It is important that you are already Keto- Adapted and that you lose no weight! Burning the fat cells can release toxins (poisons) that are deposited in them. If you are not yet keto-adapted, then wait until after breast-feeding with the transition. Switching to ketogenic diets puts an extra burden on your body. Although keto is healthier for you in the long run, it is better to take no risk if you are pregnant or your body has enough to do to care for a newborn. If you're already keto-adapting but want to play it safe, you can eat low carb LCHF during this time and consume up to 100 grams of carbohydrates a day. Important: Real food. Vegetables, nuts, fruits - and maybe a potato or rice here and there. Let go of the sugar and the processed white flour. Can I get ketogenic diet with type 1 diabetes? With type 1 diabetes, it is possible to live ketogenically. Many people with diabetes 1 say they are helped by a low carb or ketogenic diet. However, it is extremely important to do so only under medical supervision. As a type 1 diabetic it is possible to get into a dangerous condition. This is characterized by a high ketone and sugar levels. This condition is called ketoacidosis.
  • 16. Can I get ketogenic diet with type 2 diabetes? Also, with type 2 diabetes, you should discuss and monitor a diet change to keto with your nutritionist and doctor. It may be that you need a new drug modification after just a few days. Some diabetics do not need any more medication if they eat a ketogenic diet. What is the difference between diabetes type 1 and 2? Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the cells that produce insulin are destroyed. As a result, sufferers must inject insulin after each meal to allow glucose to be ingested. So it can be treated well - but not heal. Type 2 diabetics have developed insulin resistance through a constant surplus of sugary food. The body no longer reacts so strongly to insulin, and in the course of the disease, the production of insulin may also decrease. Often diabetes can only be improved or even completely healed by a better lifestyle. Few carbohydrates can help so far that no medication is needed anymore. But also exercise, stress reduction and maybe even the move to a place with good air can make Diabetes 2 better. (There is evidence that smog can contribute to diabetes.) What is the least amount of carbohydrates that I should at least eat? Theoretically, it is possible to consume 0 grams of carbs with a ketogenic diet. Ketosis is about getting the body used to using ketone bodies instead of glucose as an energy source. Your body can also get used to ketone bodies almost completely. Anyone who needs glucose in any case is our brain. However, since our body can produce glucose from proteins, it is not necessary to consume carbohydrates through our diet. Therefore, a too high-protein diet can also bring you from ketosis! Regardless, it is very difficult to eat 0 grams of carbs. The danger of a one-sided diet exists. You do not have to worry about being low on carbohydrates unless you feel good and eat different vegetables or berries more often. If in doubt, ask your doctor or nutritionist. How low can I go with my body fat percentage? Women should not go lower than 8-12% and men should not lower than 3-5% body fat. Because that's the body fat, which is vital! These are body fat parts that bodybuilders have at shows. For most people, this is not a realistic and not necessarily healthy goal to keep it long term. An exception may be people who naturally have a very low body fat percentage (ectomorphs). concerns Is ketosis dangerous?
  • 17. Before switching to a diet, talk to a doctor who knows about ketosis. In addition, it is advisable to check your blood levels regularly, even in total health. Although a ketogenic diet usually does not cause any problems, minor issues or even serious risks can occur. Possible problems of ketosis:  Extra costs for certain foods (but there are ways you can eat cheaper ketogen)  Social Exclusion: Your family / friends / acquaintances may not understand why you are changing your diet and are now "more complicated" as far as food is concerned . Food is also a way for many to show love and care - mostly with carbohydrate-rich food. It can be challenging to reject them.  Conversion problems: digestion ( constipation / diarrhea), keto-flu etc. These things occur as your body has to get used to another metabolism based on ketone bodies.  Cardiac arrhythmias, infections, kidney stones, hypoglycaemia, or platelet dysfunction with a tendency to bleed may occur.  Metabolic diseases that are not noticeable with glucose can be manifested in ketosis. It is important for a healthy, ketogenic diet to eat a balanced diet and to avoid bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). Am I taking so much fat? No! Fat alone will not let you eat unless you consume a small amount of carbs. Some people can even consume far more calories with a ketogenic diet than their daily intake actually allows - and they do not increase. (Others are not so fortunate and may even gain in ketogenic nutrition if they get their daily calorie intake.) A diet based on fat, low in carbohydrates, and a fair amount of protein is the best way to be full, maintain weight, or lose weight. Of course, overall, it's about a healthier lifestyle, and so it's important to strive for a balanced diet as well. Do not just get your fat source from the same foods. Eggs and avocados are two foods that are a very healthy source of fat for Ketarians. Can I live ketogenically as a vegetarian or vegan? Although it is difficult to eat vegetarian or vegan and at the same time to carry out a ketogenic diet, it is still possible. Vegetarians should have fewer problems than vegans . Vegetarians can eat enough vitamin B12 and iron via eggs and dairy products (especially cheese) as well as nutrient- rich vegetables. Nevertheless, it is easy to get into a shortage, so this should be kept in mind. Because the biggest food source for Ketarians is made up of animal products, vegans do not have it easy. Therefore, they are more likely to eat more carbohydrates than Ketarians without restriction. Ketogenic protein sources are one of the biggest vegan challenges . Here is a list of good sources . It can be hard to even consume enough calories with a ketogenic, vegan lifestyle. You can counteract this with plenty of coconut oil, olive oil and other healthy fats. Unlike meat-eating ketarians, vegans consume more omega 6 fatty acids by comparison. The ratio between omega 3 and 6 fatty acids is therefore far from the recommended. A large amount of Omega 6 fatty acids has an inflammatory effect. To avoid this, you may prefer some nut varieties. Macadamia nuts are a healthy variant. They have monounsaturated fatty acids and omega 3 fatty acids (→ polyunsaturated fatty acid). Avocados are a great way to give your body magnesium, potassium and monounsaturated fats.
  • 18. In addition, there are some vitamins that are only found in animal products. These (B12, D3, DHA) you must take about food supplements to you. Vitamin B12 is involved in many vital processes of our body. For example, the right amount ensures that nerves are formed. Vitamin D deficiency is more commonly heard, as it is associated with a myriad of diseases. Vitamin D2 can also be made from plant-based products. However, the more effective D3 can be found in animal products. Docosahexanoic acid (DHA) is one of the omega-3 fatty acids. So far, it is still unclear to what extent it is related to a healthy cardiovascular system. However, the more Omega-6 fatty acids we add to our bodies, the less produced. Micronutrients such as creatine and carnosine are also found only in animal products. On the other hand, calcium can also be found in plant foods. Nevertheless, a vegetable diet quickly becomes deficient. About almonds and kale this deficiency can be compensated again. How can I eat on my job and in the restaurant? If you want to eat out, that's possible. You will find in every kitchen a dish that contains hardly any carbohydrates. However, there are some rules of thumb that you can follow. With a steak you are always going the safe way. Even salads are low in carbohydrates. Pay attention only to what is included in the salad (corn, bread cubes, ... - not ketogenic!). And most important: ask for the dressings. Let it bring you extra and not on the salad. If you want to be sure, ask for vinegar and oil. Ask before ordering if the menu does not give you enough information. Ask if certain things can be replaced or if you could get other side dishes. You should never be afraid to ask for your wishes and get all your questions answered. Small extra tip: You can take a walk after your meal to directly consume the carbohydrates before they are put into fat cells. At work, you can bring food you have prepared at home the day or tomorrow. Practically, there are always a few low carb snacks ready - for example, nuts or a low carb protein bar. It will probably be hardest not to constantly receive criticism from your social environment. Enlightenment can often help. Nevertheless, you should be aware that you have chosen this way of life and you need not justify yourself to anyone. If you still want to search the conversation - here you can find help for it. Do the carbohydrates at TKD kill me? The TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) consumes a lot of carbohydrates before exercise, which are burned during the workout. As a result you throw yourself out of ketosis for a short time until the glucose is consumed during training. It is questionable if you need any carbohydrates to complete a good workout. It also depends on your body. Try it first without extra carbohydrates. But of course you can also stick to TKD if you feel that you feel so much better. Especially for competitive athletes, TKD can be a good way to eat ketogenic and still maintain or even increase their performance. Fasting is very healthy! However, if you feel tired or weak, it makes sense to eat something before your workout. If you want to avoid carbohydrates, then you can try MCT oil (medium chain fatty acids) or coconut oil. Medium-chain fatty acids bring energy quickly and do not start so fast. What can I do if cravings make me want something sweet? At the beginning of a diet change, it can be difficult for you to put off your old habits. In addition, your addiction to sugar will tempt you to eat sweet or high carbohydrate foods. You should realize that these cravings weaken and you soon get used to another diet. The best you have not even "forbidden" food at your home.
  • 19. You should also avoid fruits in the beginning because there are many carbohydrates in them and it is easy to eat too many of them. To make it easier for you, you can use sugar substitutes to sweeten your food and drinks. Stevia and erythritol are very good for baking, cooking or your coffee. Some swear to go further. They eliminate all sweeteners from their diet and eat no "replicas". (Replicas are low carb versions of high carb foods, such as pancakes, pizzas, breads, cakes, rolls, etc., where flour is replaced with low- carbohydrate flours.) They believe they can get away from their addiction to sweeties even faster and carbohydrate- rich foods. Over time, the taste of many low carb fans changes and they no longer like carbohydrate-rich sweets. Even some fruits taste too sweet. How do I get rid of the keto breath? The first thing everybody thinks about is chewing gum. However, be careful! Carbohydrates like to hide in chewing gum. Sugar-free chewing gums have a laxative effect when consumed excessively. The altered smell of the breath does not bother anyone and gets less - or usually disappears completely as soon as you are keto-adapted. (Keto breath usually comes back when you do a cheat day and your body comes back in ketosis.) If you want to do something about it, drink lots of water, tea (herbal tea, peppermint, ...) and watch your electrolyte balance. An oral spray can help too. Which things bring me out of ketosis? In addition to the obvious, sugary and cereal-containing foods can also bring out vegetables. And those that contain a lot of starch, such as sweet potatoes or carrots. Lack of exercise is another possible reason. If you do not move enough but eat too many carbohydrates in relative terms. This also applies to proteins. Because proteins can transform the body into glucose. Are thyroid problems caused by ketosis? The thyroid plays many important functions in the body. Among other things, she produces the hormone triiodothyronine (short: T3). Some studies show that a diet containing 0 grams of carbs has a negative effect on the thyroid gland. The T3 level can lower, causing a reduction in BMR (basal metabolic rate). BMR refers to the basal metabolic rate of energy, that is, that consumed without any physical activity. In addition, a lowered T3 level causes hair loss, fatigue and fat loss is slowed down. If you want to know more exactly why you suspect that a very strict low carb diet can have a negative effect on the functions of the thyroid, should consider the hormone thyroxine (T4). Because T3 is made of T4. Glucose is needed for this transformation. This is enough for a very small amount of glucose. The body should be able to gain this amount through dietary proteins and gluconeogenesis alone. Therefore, it is not surprising that studies mainly make a reduced calorie diet and fasting for a reduced T3 level. This leaves only a small amount of carbohydrates and protein from which glucose can be produced, producing less T4 and therefore less T3. If you already have thyroid disease and want to try a low carb diet, then talk to your doctor. So far, there are still no findings as to how a low carb diet affects already existing thyroid disorders and what could be long-term consequences. However, there are many Hashimoto patients who get better with a ketogenic diet. Keto can also have a positive effect here.
  • 20. Can I get hair loss in ketosis? This phenomenon can occur. However, it is often accompanied by a rapid weight loss. So if you take care not to let too many pounds tumble all at once, it can prevent hair loss. It is important not to eat too little protein. Some also take extra 10 grams of collagen a day in the transitional period for hair (and skin) - or even long term. Certain autoimmune diseases can cause hair loss and therefore it is important to seek the advice of a doctor and to get the right treatment. Of course, an unbalanced diet can be at fault. Eat foods that contain zinc, biotin, vitamin B12, magnesium, vitamin E and iron. In addition, there are some preparations that strengthen your hair. What are typical problems with the conversion to ketosis? Some studies report that people feel worse with ketogenic nutrition than with traditional ones. This is because the studies are mostly for a short period of time and only consider the initial stages of keto. Right in phase there are a few conversion issues from glucose to ketone metabolism. When this transition is overcome, most people are better off with keto than with their previous diet. These are typical problems of conversion to keto:  Lack of mental clarity (brain fog) (typically 2 to 48 hours)  nausea  Keto-breath  a headache  skin problems  sleepiness  fatigue  Too much energy / insomnia  muscle cramps  indigestion  constipation  diarrhea  Short-term deterioration of athletic performance (ie you can run less fast or lose weight) Less common are infections or reinforcement of existing diseases for a few days or weeks. But this can happen quite well; For example, fungi like Candida albicans resist the sudden loss of food. (In the long term, however, keto is a better diet because the fungus is starving.) If you did not have that much electrolytes in your body anyway, the deficiency can be all the more obvious now. Possible signs of deficiency symptoms include: headache, migraine, muscle twitching, tension, pain and cramps, digestive problems, fatigue, fatigue, sleep disorders, poorer sports performance, pigeon limbs, tingling, nervousness, inner restlessness, irritability, negative mood, gingivitis, Cardiovascular problems: tripping, tightness in the chest, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, PMS, menstrual disorders. If you have any health problems, you should only do a dietary change to keto in the company of a knowledgeable doctor. Shortly after the change of diet I feel bad, what to do (Keto-flu)? You may get a headache at the beginning of your diet change and feel numb. This is a normal process. Your body loses a lot of water by "flushing" the glucose. Therefore, you feel a bit grippy - this condition is called keto-flu among
  • 21. ketarans. You will notice that you are producing a lot of urine. Water loss causes your electrolyte balance to lose its balance. It is important at this time that you drink a lot of water and electrolytes - for example, from chicken soup or with a dietary supplement. How long does the keto flu last? The duration of the Keto flu varies individually. Some do not notice any symptoms. Some new Ketarians suffer for one day, others up to a week. In exceptional cases, the symptoms of the keto flu / keto cold can last up to two weeks. Important: Even if you do not feel any symptoms of keto flu (more): that does not mean that your body is already 100% adapted. Most of them need a few weeks or even months. But after that, the reward is for most of the better skin, losing or losing weight and gaining muscle (and even for many people who do not exercise), more energy and focus, better health, ... Constipation, what to do? Many who start with ketosis notice that the digestion changes first. This is often due to a wrong diet, which is too meaty and hurry without enough fiber. You can eat fiber and stimulate your intestinal activity with vegetables and low- carbohydrate nuts. Here are some more tips:  Water, water, water !! Drinking a lot is important!  Flax seeds, psyllium husks and chia seeds can help  electrolytes  Coffee, lemon juice (fresh) or apple cider vinegar  Try MCT oil (start with about half a teaspoon)  Do not eat too many proteins  A lot of movement When in doubt, you can take supplements that contain a lot of fiber. Muscle cramps in ketosis? At the beginning of your diet change, your body loses lots of water. Electrolytes are also flushed out with this water. Magnesium deficiency can cause calf or foot cramps. On the other hand, it helps to spoon up chicken broth, sprinkle more salt on your food or take magnesium supplements (also available at the drugstore or online). Even if you're already keto-adapted: After loading days, you may experience muscle cramps when you're exercising in the time you come back to ketosis. Again, pay attention to sufficient electrolytes.