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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
р ав а про и р в
П др и д а
а ад в а а о р д о о в и
Міністерством освіти і науки України
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
©	Калініна	Л.В.,	
Самойлюкевич	І.В.,	2019
©	Видавництво	«Генеза»,	
оригінал-макет,	2019
ISBN	978-966-11-0971-0
Ка а Л. В.
	 Англійська	мова	:	(11-й	рік	навчання,	профільний	
рівень)	=	English	
:	підруч.	для	11	кл.	закл.	заг.	серед.	
освіти	/	Лариса	Калініна,	Інна	Самойлюкевич.	—	Київ	
Генеза,	2019.	—	208	с.	:	іл.
	 ISBN	978-966-11-0971-0.
Матеріал	підручника	сприяє	розвитку	інтегративних,	кому	
тивно-пізнавальних,	комунікативних	і	когнітивних	умінь	на	основі	
взаємопов’язаного	навчання	всіх	видів	мовленнєвої	діяльності.	Cкла-
дається	із	5	розділів	(Units).
Наприкінці	кожного	розділу	подано	рубрику	Your	Test	Pack	для	
контролю	і	самоконтролю	засвоєних	знань.
ДК . .
УДК	811.111(075.3)
Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України
(наказ	Міністерства	освіти	і	науки	України	від	12.04.2019	№	472)
Вида о а ра о д р ав и о в. Прода а оро о
Формат	70×100/16.	Ум.	друк.	арк.	16,9.		Обл.-вид.	арк.	15,15.	Тираж	17	419	пр.	
Вид.	№	1995	Зам.	№	 	 	 	 	 	 	
Видавництво	«Генеза»,	вул.	Тимошенка,	2-л,	м.	Київ,	04212.
Свідоцтво	суб’єкта	видавничої	справи	серія	ДК	№	5088	від	27.04.2016
Віддруковано	у	ТОВ	«ПЕТ»,	вул.	Ольмінського,	17,	м.	Харків,	61024.
Свідоцтво	суб’єкта	видавничої	справи	серія	ДК	№	4526	від	18.04.2013.
Навчальне видання
КАЛІНІНА	Лариса	Вадимівна
САМОЙЛЮКЕВИЧ	Інна	Володимирівна
р ав а про и р в
П др и д а а ад в а а о р д о о в и
Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України
Вида о а ра о д р ав и о в. Прода а оро о
Головний	редактор	Наталія Заблоцька. Редактор	Інна Лук’янчук.	Головний	художник	
Світлана Желєзняк.	Художній	редактор	Oлена Мамаєва.	Технічний	редактор	Цезарина
Федосіхіна.	Комп’ютерна	верстка	Лариси Кулагіної.
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Перед	вами	новий	підручник	з	англійської	мови.	Він	має	5	розділів	 	
Units,	кожен	з	яких	ознайомлює	з	новою	цікавою	темою,	наприклад,		 e	
n 	 	 orl ,	 reat	E ectations ,	 	 lo al	 areness 	то о.
Кожен	урок	розділу	містить	новий	лексичний	та	граматичний	матері-
ал,	засвоєння	якого	допоможе	вам	спілкуватися	зі	своїми	однокласниками	
на	будь-яку	з	тем,	 о	вивчаються.	 к о	ви	відчуєте	трудно і	при	ви-
вченні	 граматичного	 матеріалу,	 скористайтеся	 розділом	 irst	 i 	 it 	
у	кінці	підручника,	у	якому	ви	знайдете	пояснення	до	мовного	матеріалу.	
Підручник	містить	цікаві	пошукові	вправи	з	використанням	інформа-
ційно-комунікаційних	технологій,	 о	дасть		вам	можливість	реалізувати	
власну	 інформаційно-цифрову	 компетентність	 під	 час	 вивчення	 англій-
ської	мови.
Виконуючи	творчі	вправи	підручника,	ви	зможете	проявити	свою	кре-
ативність,	висловити	власну	точку	зору	з	різних	проблем,	поцікавитися	
думками	своїх	друзів,	порівняти	власні	думки	з	думками	однокласників.	
Усе	це	дозволить	вам	вільно	спілкуватися	із	зарубіжними	друзями.
У	кінці	кожного	розділу	ви	також	знайдете	пакет	завдань	( Your	Test	
Pack ),	виконання	яких	допоможе	поступово	підготуватися	до	успішної	
здачі	ЗНО.	
На	вас	чекає	зустріч	з	цікавими	люльми,	які	розкажуть	про	себе,	про	
захоплення,	поділяться	своїми	думками	та	ідеями.	Ви	зможете	зна-
йти	відповіді	на	питання,	які	вас	цікавлять.
Good Luck!
Хай	 астить
– for inquisitive learners – for creative thinkers
– for digital natives – Culture Comparison
– for critical thinkers
– at Home
– a differentiated task
– a differentiated task
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
Unit 1. Me And My World  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 5
Unit 2. One Person’s Meat…  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 35
Unit 3. Ukraine At Large  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 65
Unit 4. Great Expectations  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 99
Unit 5. My Global Awareness  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 132
FIRST AID KIT  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 169
Grammar in Use  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 169
Vocabulary  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 177
Writing Samples  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 187
Audioscripts  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 192
Keys  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 208
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
In this unit, you will learn how:
Unit 1
• to describe rights and duties of the youth today;
• to talk about your responsibilities in the family;
• to discuss behaviour patterns of teenagers;
• to integrate your skills on the topic;
• to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic,
getting ready for independent testing.
getting ready for independent testing.
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Unit One: Me And My World
1.1. What Rights and Duties are Right for you?
Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box
	a reciation
	e ertise
	to	 rotect
	 ell- eing
	 ulnera le
	to	launch
	to	 a iliari e	onesel 	 ith...
	to	 oul 	the	histor
	hu an	rights	acti it
	to	change	so ething	 or	 etter
	ci ic	acti it 	
	to	 ro ote	 alues
	 rain	 rain
	in	line	 ith	so ething
	to	take	a antage	o 	so ething
	to	 aintain	health
	 ctuall ...
	 ccor ing	to	o i-
nion	sur e ...
	Surel ...
	In	this	regar ...
	 urther ore...
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the photos and say what rights the young people in them want to defend.
What is your attitude to it?
E x a m p l e : I think young people gathered to defend their right to freedom.
In my opinion nobody has the right to imprison innocent people.
Everybody can express his/her point of view.
II. Reading
a) Read the information from Ukrainian newspapers about the rights, duties and
problems of Ukrainian youth as different people see them. Say who you agree
with and why.
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
I	think	the	ne 	generation	o 	Ukrainians	
which is educated	 igital,	is	 ore	connecte 	
to	the	 orl 	an 	 ith	 an 	 ore	rights	than	
their	 arents	an 	gran arents	en o e .	 or	
e a le,	 ha ing	 access	 to	 an 	 in or ation	
an 	 aterials	 ro 	 a	 i ersit 	 o 	 national	
an 	 international	 sources	 oung	 eo le	 got	
the	 o ortunities	 to	 a iliari e	 the sel es	
ith	the	li est les	o 	their	 eers	 ro 	 i er-
ent	countries,	their	 ro le s,	the	 a s	the 	
use	their	rights.	Thus,	the 	can	co are	their	
ree o s,	 rights	 an 	 uties	 ith	 those	 o 	
teenagers	 a roa .	 But	 e	 shoul n’t	 orget	
that	a	lot	o 	 oung	 eo le,	who were born	in	an	in e en ent	Ukraine,	ha e	
ature 	on	the	 asis	o 	crises	an 	 rotests.	 assi e	 artici ation	o 	the	
stu ents	an 	the	 oung	on	the	Euro ai an	re olution	is	the	 i i 	 e on-
stration	 o 	 their	 rights	 to	 ree o 	 o 	 thoughts	 an 	 e ression	 o 	 their	
ie s	an 	 uties	to	 e en 	the	 uture	o 	Ukraine	an 	the	as iration	o 	the	
oung.	 ctuall ,	the	role	which is played	 	the	 oung	as	agents	o 	 olitical	
an 	social	changes	in	the	countr 	a ears	to	 e an 	 uch	 ore	than	going	
out	into	the	streets.	
But	it	isn’t	eas 	to	get	ahea 	in	 olitics.	The	sociologists	sa 	that	the	
oung	ha e	a	great	 otential	to	 oul 	the	histor 	o 	their	countr ,	 ut	 er-
sistence	an 	har 	 ork	are	nee e 	 ro 	the 	to	achie e	a	real	 e ocrac .
u an	rights	acti ists	clai 	that	the	 e olution	o 	 ignit 	re resente 	
a	turning	 oint	 or	a	 art	o 	Ukrainian	 outh,	who are eager to change	the	
li e	in	the	countr 	 or	 etter.	The 	 on’t	 ant	to	 e	onl 	consu ers	o 	 oli-
tics,	 ut	also	creators	an 	acti e	 artici ants.
(The Ukrainian Journal)
* * *
Since	the	 e olution	o 	 ignit 	an 	the	
latest	e ents	which took place	in	 on ass,	
Ukrainian	 societ 	 has	 itnesse 	 a	 signi i-
cant	 increase	 in	 acti is .	 	 lot	 o 	 oung	
eo le	get	together,	 oin	 oluntar 	organi-
ations	an 	 o	 oluntar 	 ork,	which is a
valuable part of the country’s population
needs.	 n 	not	onl 	that.	 ccor ing	to	o in-
ion	sur e s,	the	le el	o 	con i ence	in	the	
ar ,	which	en o s	a	goo 	re utation	a ong	
the	 outh,	is	rather	high.	No	 on er,	 hen	
the	ar e 	con lict	in	the	East	o 	Ukraine	 egan,	the	 outh	 olunteere 	i -
e iatel .	 an 	 oung	 eo le	 elie e	it	to	 e	their	 ut 	to	 oin	the	ar 	
ithout	 eing	 orce .	
Surel ,	 oung	Ukrainians	ha e	the	right	to	take	an	acti e	 art	in	ci ic	
acti ities.	Politicians	e hasi e,	that	the	 rinci le	areas	o 	concern	that	 o-
ti ate	the 	to	 o	it	are	the	 ro ision	o 	ai 	 or	chil ren	in	hu anitarian	
crises	 an 	 the	 e enсe	 o 	 hu an	 rights.	 In	 this	 regar ,	 Ukrainian	 outh	
launch	ca aigns	 ro oting	 ci il 	 alues	such	as	
tolerance	an 	e ualit .	Peo le	shoul 	learn	ho 	to	
get	along	 ith	each	other.
(The Kyiv Post)
BrE 	e hasise
AmE 	e hasize
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
* * *
Ukrainian	 outh	has	the	right	to	e ucation,	 ut	accor ing	to	e ert	o ser-
ations	a	 istur ing	tren ,	which includes the decline of general and voca-
tional education,	is	taking	 lace	no a a s.	The 	can	take	either	o 	the 	i 	
the 	ha 	a	chance.	The	Nation i e	stu ies	o 	 outh	o 	Ukraine	2017	sho 	that	
onl 	44 	o 	 oung	Ukrainians	are	satis ie 	 ith	the	 ualit 	o 	e ucation	in	
general,	an 	onl 	one	thir 	 elie e	that	Ukrainian	e ucation	 eets	the	nee s	
o 	the	 o ern	la our	 arket.	 or	co arison,	accor ing	to	the	Euro aro eter	
Poll	o 	2014,	73 	o 	 oung	 eo le	in	the	Euro ean	Union	(EU)	agree 	that	
their	e ucation	 ro i e 	the 	 ith	the	skills	the 	nee e 	to	 in 	 o s	in	line	
ith	 their	 uali ications.	 urther ore,	 in	 2016	 59 	 o 	
oung	 eo le	in	the	EU	state 	that	their	national	e uca-
tional	s ste s	 ere	a a te 	to	the	 o ern	la our	 arket.	
The	 oung	 eo le	 ant	to	reali e	their	rights	an 	get	 ro-
oun 	kno le ge	 oth	at	school	an 	Uni ersities.	That’s	
h 	the 	 rotest	against	 iolations	o 	stu ents’	rights	 or	e ualit 	in	e uca-
tion.	 	 u lic	o inion	 oll,	which was commenced in	2013	sho e 	that	62 	
o 	 oung	Ukrainians	state 	that	the	e ucational	ser ices	 o	not	corres on 	to	
the	current	stan ar s,	60 	na e 	lack	o 	 aterial,	technical,	 inancial	an 	
other	 ro ision	o 	the	Uni ersities.	 es ite	this,	stu ents	still	stri e	 or	high-
er	 e ucation	 ecause	 the 	 elie e	 that	 s ecial	 kno le ge	 an 	 e ertise	 are	
i ortant	 actors	in	 in ing	 o .	
* * *
Young	Ukrainians	are	a are	that	the 	
li e	in	the	crucial	ti e	 or	their	countr ,	
hen	the	 in o 	o 	o ortunit 	has	 een	
o ene 	an 	that	the 	 ust	 e	a le	to	take	
a antage	o 	it.	The	ti e	has	co e	to	re-
ali e	their	as irations,	 rea s	an 	rights.
rticle	24	o 	the	Unite 	Nations	 Con-
ention	on	the	 ights	o 	the	Chil 	gi es	
the 	the	right	to	health	an 	health	care.	
That’s	 h 	 oung	 eo le	 are	 concerne 	
a out	 ro le s	relate 	to	health 	li ing:	
the	 en iron ent,	 ecolog ,	 oor	 e ical	
care,	a use	o 	s oking	an 	taking	 rugs.	
The 	 set	 u 	 outh	 centres,	 chil ren’s	
ca s,	stu ent	s ort	leagues,	which promote healthy	li est les,	in ol e	 oung	
eo le	into	 i erent	social	an 	s ort	acti ities.	The 	ho e	not	onl 	to	 aintain	
their	o n	health	an 	the	health	o 	others,	 ut	to	 e elo 	e isting	Ukrainian	
tra itions,	achie e ents	o 	social	 rogra s	to	 rotect	against	negati e	e ects	
o 	the	glo al	cultural	integration	 rocess,	that led to change in attitudes,	 al-
ues,	social	 ell- eing o 	 oung	 eo le.
oreo er,	 Ukrainian	 outh	 consi er	 nature	 rotection	 to	 e	 their	 ut .	
The 	 ocus	on	the	 urning	 ro le s	o 	en iron ental	 rotection	in	the	coun-
tr ,	which in their view ill	 reser e	the	 eaut 	o 	nature	 or	 uture	genera-
tions.	Their	slogans	are	si le	 ut	con incing:	 No	 e orestation	in	the	Car-
athians ,	 Sto 	 olluting	air ,	 on’t	thro 	 aste	into	the	ri ers	an 	lakes .
I	think,	it’s	criticall 	i ortant	to a 	to	un erstan 	 oung	 eo le’s	 ro -
le s,	a itions	an 	intentions,	to	kee 	in	 in 	their	rights	an 	 uties,	 e-
cause	the	 outh	o 	2018	 ill	 e	a ong	those,	 ho	 ill	 ake	ke 	 ecisions	in	
Ukraine	in	2025	an 	later.
(The Business Today)
BrE 	la our
AmE 	la or
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
A voluntary organization	 	 is	 an	 organi ation	
that	is	organi e 	or	su orte 	 	 eo le	 ho	gi e	
their	 one ,	ser ice	etc.	 ecause	the 	 ant	to	an 	
o	not	inten 	to	 ake	a	 ro it.
The United Nations (UN) a	large	
international	 organi ation	 that	
al ost	e er 	countr 	in	the	 orl 	 elongs	to,	 hich	 as	
esta lishe 	in	1945	to	 ake	sure	that	there	is	 eace	in	the	
orl 	 an 	 that	 countries	 ork	 together	 to	 eal	 ith	
international	 ro le s.
The European Union (EU) a	 olitical	 an 	 econo ic	
organi ation	esta lishe 	to	encourage	tra e	an 	 rien l 	
relations	 et een	its	 e er	countries.
à) For inquisitive learners: to know more, use the sites:
htt :// . eter ont in .co /2010/12/teenagers-rights-an -
res onsi ilities/
htt s://teens.lo etokno .co /Songs out ro ing U
htt s:// . outhhoo .org/go ern ent/si in e .as
b) Read the texts again and fill in the chart with rights and duties of Ukrai-
nian youth mentioned. Comment on their manifestations.
Rights Duties
the right to health and health care... .
III. Language Track
Phonetics in Context
In the texts, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according
to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences.
P a t t e r n : Actually, the role which young people play as agents of political
and social changes in the country appears to demand much more
than going out into the streets.
Actually, young Ukrainians take an active part in the life of the
Words and Phrases in Context
From the texts, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary
items – ‘any’ and ‘either’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse
the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts.
From the texts, reproduce nouns formed from the following verbs and
make up your sentences with them.
Фото:	будь-яка	
організація	в	
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E x a m p l e : to express – expression
The youth have the right to freedom of expression.
I believe, the right to freedom of expression is extremely impor-
tant for young people, because everyone should have his/her per-
sonal opinion and be able to express it.
to demonstrate
to participate
to change
to achieve
to increase
to populate
to provide
to defend
to observe
to educate
In the texts, find and reproduce sentences with the following words
and word combinations in context. Add 2–3 logically connected
sentences to develop the idea of the context.
E x a m p l e : to enjoy rights
I think the new generation of Ukrainians, which is educated
digital, more connected to the world and with many more rights
than their parents and grandparents enjoyed. They are digital
natives and have access to different sites and programmes.
Moreover, young people feel comfortable with new technologies
and many of them have become their bare necessities.
crisis	an 	 rotests
agents	o 	 olitical	an 	social	change
to	en o 	a	goo 	re utation
to	 e	co liant	 ith	current	stan ar s
to	 ro ote	a	health 	li est le.
a	turning	 oint
to	 e	a a te 	to
to	stri e	 or
а) Language Search
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram.
Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif-
ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own
htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er
htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/
htt s://en.o or /english
to get
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b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find information about some well-known volunteer
organizations in Ukraine. Focus on:
their	ai s 	
the	role	the 	 la 	in	the	li e	o 	 outh	in	Ukraine
the	 artici ation	o 	 oung	Ukrainians	in	the .
Present your findings to the class and comment on the possible youth’s
rights and duties in them.
Grammar in Context
1. From the texts, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and
interpret their meanings.
2. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences.
elati e	clauses	can	 e	defining or	non-defining.
I 	 ou	 ant	to	i enti 	 hich	 e er	o 	a	grou 	the	sentence	talks	a out,	
I 	 ou	 ant	to	gi e	a itional	in or ation	a out	the	noun	it	re ers	to,	
o	to	 our	First Aid Kit	 .	169	 or	 ore	in or ation
3. Read the pair of sentences below. Combine them by changing the
second sentence into a relative clause. Use a relative pronoun and
commas when necessary.
E x a m p l e : I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’. I can read it in the evening.
I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’ I can read in the evening.
1.	 I	re e er	the	 a .	I	 artici ate 	in	the	Euro ai an	re olution.
2.	 There	are	 olunteers.	The 	hel 	the	 o ulation	in	the	East	o 	Ukraine.
3.	 Young	Ukrainians	 rea 	o 	 eace.	The 	can’t	ha e	it	 hen	there	is	a	
ar	con lict	in	the	East.	
4.	 No 	there	are	 olitical	o ser ers.	The 	su l 	 eo le	 ith	true-to-li e	
in or ation.
5.	 e	li e	in	Ukraine.	In	our	countr 	the	econo ic	an 	 olitical	situation	
changes	slo l .
6.	 	lot	o 	 eo le	su er	 ro 	the	a sence	o 	a	goo 	 o .	Those	 eo le	li e	
in	 i erent	 arts	o 	Ukraine.
7.	 an 	 oung	Ukrainians	are	rea 	to	 oul 	the	histor .	These	Ukraini-
ans	are	stu ents.
8.	 	lot	o 	teenagers	are	eager	to	get	a	soli 	higher	e ucation.	The 	can’t	
o	 ithout	ne 	technologies.
9.	 	ne 	 outh	clu 	has	 eco e	s ecial	to	 e.	I	co e	to	it	e er 	 a .	
o	to	 our	 B	 or	 ore	e ercises
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IV. Communication Track
Spoken Production
a) Food for Thought
To protect rights, the United Nation has worked out an international agree-
ment called “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child”.
Read these rights and say which you fully enjoy and in what way. Are you
deprived of any? Which rights do you hope to realize later?
Spoken Interaction
b) In pairs, look at the photo (p. 13), identify yourselves with the characters and com-
plete the dialogue using the following useful phrases.
ll	chil ren	ha e	the	right	to	non-
iscri ination	( rticle	2).
Chil ren	ha e	the	right	to	li e.	State	
arties	shoul 	ensure	to	the	 a i u 	
e tent	 ossi le	 to	 sur i al	 an 	
e elo ent	o 	a	chil 	( rticle	6).
Chil ren	ha e	the	rights	to	e ress	
their	 ie s	 reel 	( rticle	12).
Chil ren	ha e	the	right	to	 ree o 	o 	
e ression,	 ree o 	 to	 seek,	 recei e	
an 	i art	the	in or ation	an 	i eas	
o 	all	kin s	( rticle	13)
Chil ren	ha e	the	rights	to	 ree o 	o 	
thoughts,	 conscience	 an 	 religion.	
State	 arties	 shoul 	 res ect	 these	
rights	( rticle	14).
Chil ren	ha e	the	rights	to	 eet	other	
eo le.	
Chil ren	
can	oin	
organi ations,	
take	 art	 in	 eetings	 an 	 eace ul	
e onstrations	 hich	 o	 not	 a ect	
other	 eo le’s	rights	( rticle	15).
Chil ren	ha e	the	right	to	 ri ac ,	
the	right	to	the	 rotection	o 	the	
la 	against	the	inter erence	 ith	
it	( rticle	16).
Chil ren	 ha e	 the	 right	 to	
in or ation.	 State	 arties	
shoul 	 ensure	 that	 the	 chil 	
has	access	to	in or ation	an 	
aterial	 ro 	 a	 i ersit 	 o 	
national	 an 	 institutional	
sources	es eciall 	those	ai e 	
at	 the	 ro otion	 o 	 his/her	
social,	 s iritual,	 oral,	
h sical	 an 	 ental	 health	
( rticle	17).
Chil ren	ha e	the	rights	to	the	
en o ent	 o 	 the	 high	
stan ar s	o 	health	an 	health	
care	( rticle	24).
Chil ren	 ha e	 the	 right	 to	
e ucation	 an 	 e elo ent	
( rticle	28,	29).
Chil ren	ha e	the	right	to	rest	
an 	leisure	( rticle	31).
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Useful phrases:
a e	 ou	e er	thought	o ...	
Perha s	 ou	coul ...
oul 	 ou	care	to	...	
h 	not	...	crucial,	isn’t	it
I’ 	a	little	uncertain...
e	can’t...other ise...
e	shoul 	 e initel ...unless...
et’s	look	at	the	other	si e	o ...
It’s	ti e	to...
But	it	goes	 uch	 urther	than	
A.	 ...	
B.	 ...	
A.	 ithout	 ou t,	 oung	Ukrai-
nians	ha e	not	onl 	rights	 ut	
uties	too.	 o	 ou	agree
B.	 Sure,	I	 o.	 ctuall ,	 an 	o 	
the 	 e onstrate	 it	 e er 	
a .
A.	 ...	...	
B.	 ...	
B.	 ...	
c) The nationwide poll “Youth of Ukraine 2017” states that Ukrainian “Genera-
tion Z” acquires additional meanings in terms of attitudes, values and rights
in the new Ukrainian context. In groups, discuss the statement above and
come up with your ideas as to new challenges of rights and duties of Ukrai-
nian youth.
a) Before you listen
You	are	going	to	listen	to	a	 s chologist’s	o inion	a out	 ro le s	o 	 oung	
eo le.	She	entitle 	her	 iece	o 	in or ation	 Young	Peo le	 	 l 	Pro le s .	
In	the	 hole	class,	co ent	on	the	title	an 	sa 	 hat	 ro le s	o 	 oung	
eo le	 the	 s chologist	 is	 going	 to	 touch	 u on	 an 	 ho 	 uch	 the 	 are	
attri uta le	to	Ukrainian	 outh.
b) While you listen
Listen to the information and mark true/false statements below.
1.	 To a 	 arents	o 	teenagers	 orr 	a	lot	a out	increasing	 iolence.
2.	 Teenagers	 elie e	it’s	easier	to	li e	in	the	 o ern	 orl .
3.	 The	onl 	reason	 or	teenagers’	 ro le s	is	 o ert 	in	the	 a ilies.
4.	 So e	 s chologists	clai 	that	teenage	 ro le s	occur	 hen	the 	are	
le t	alone.
5.	 Teenagers	nee 	 ore	care	an 	attention	 ro 	a ults.
6.	 hen	 teenagers	 can’t	 in 	 the	 ans ers	 to	 the	 ro le s	 that	 orr 	
the 	in	the	 a il ,	the 	get	the 	 ro 	other	 eo le.
7.	 ur	societ 	 elie es	that	teenagers	are	ol 	enough	to	 e	res onsi le	 or	
their	 or s	an 	 ee s.
8.	 Teenagers	are	 ell	a are	o 	their	rights	an 	res onsi ilities	an 	can	
co e	 ith	the .
9.	The	 s chologist	consi ers	that	teenagers	are	not	sure	o 	their	 ecisions.
10.	The	 s chologist	 thinks	 that	 all	 orries,	 concerns	 an 	 ro le s	 o 	
teenagers	 ill	 isa ear	in	the	 uture.
A.	 ...	
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с) After you listen
The	author	o 	the	article	clai s	that	so e	 eo le	agree	that	teenagers	are	ol 	
enough	to	 e	res onsi le	 or	 hat	the 	sa 	an 	 o	an 	shoul 	 e	gi en	a	lot	
o 	 ree o 	an 	rights.	The	o osite	grou 	 elie es	that	teenagers	are	too	
oung	to	 e	taken	seriousl .
In	grou s,	 iscuss	these	 oints	o 	 ie 	an 	 oice	 our	o inion.
In	the	 hole	class,	co are	 our	o inions	an 	co e	u 	 ith	 our	lists	o 	
reco en ations	 or	a ults.	Begin	 ith: when you deal with teenagers...
а) Before you write
I 	 ou	 ant	to	argue	 ith	 eo le	a out	 our	rights	an 	 uties	in	Ukraine	
an 	e ress	 our	o inion,	 rite	an	o inion	essa .	
In	grou s,	 rainstor 	 ith	 our	 rien s	 hat	argu ents	shoul 	 our	
essa 	contain.
ake	a	list	o 	 or s	an 	 hrases	 ou	can	use	in	 our	o inion	essa 	to	
soun 	con incing.
b) While you write
How to Write an Informal Opinion Essay
Content Tips Language Tips
State	the	to ic	an 	 our	o i-
nion	in	an	intro uctor 	 ara-
gra h.
rite	t o	or	 ore	 aragra hs	
an 	 resent	 se arate	 ie -
oints	su orte 	 	 our	rea-
estate	 our	 o inion	 in	 con-
	 In	 	 ie ...
	 In	 	o inion...
	 To	start	 ith...
	 nother	 a or	reason	is...
	 urther ore...
	 In	a ition	to	this...
	 It’s	argue 	that...
	 Contrar 	to	 hat	 eo le	 a 	 elie e...
	 s	o ose 	to	the	a o e	i eas...
	 ll	things	consi ere ...
	 Taking	e er thing	into	account...
o	to	 our	First Aid Kit	 .	187	 or	a	Sa le	o 	an	 inion	Essa
Culture Comparison
Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
hat	rights	an 	 uties	 o	 our	 eers	a roa 	en o 	
a e	 ou	got	the	sa e	rights	an 	 uties 	I 	not	ho 	 o	the 		 i er
At Home: In your WB write an opinion essay on the rights and duties signifi-
cant to you.
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1.2. What Makes Teenagers Different and Alike?
Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box
	consi erate
	 ell- annere
	ill- annere
	sel ish
	s ite ul
	to	sociali e
	ran o
	to	initiate
	to	re lace
	acce ta le
	to	 ull
	re ar ing
	to	en o 	e er 	 inute	o ...
	to	 u ge	 eo le	 ...
	to	 e	 eas 	 or	 i icult	 to	 eal	
	to	 e	a	real	treat
	cross-cultural	co unication
	on	the	outsi e/insi e
	on	e ual	ter s
	to	lose	one’s	heart
	to	change	 e on 	recognition
	to	treat	so e o 	 ith	 ignit 	
	 ong	ti e	no	see
	Basicall ...
	But	in	the	en ...
	B 	the	 a ...
	 onestl ...
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the photos and say how teenagers may differ.
E x a m p l e : I believe teenagers are different in their preferences in sport.
Some like team sport, others prefer individual sport. It depends.
II. Reading
à) Read the teenagers’ talk and say how much you agree with them.
Ann:	 e ,	gu s,	long	ti e	no	see 	 o 	 as	 our	International	 outh	ca 	
i 	 ou	en o 	it
Alex:	 I 	 ou	ask	 e,	I	 i .	Though	all	o 	us	 ere	 i erent,	I	en o e 	e er 	
inute	o 	 	s en ing	ti e	 ith	the .
It	takes	 an 	kin s	to	 ake	the	 orl 	as	 	 u 	sa s.	If we were
the same, life would be dull.	Besi es,	 e	are	 rought	u 	 i erentl .	
різними	видами	
Одна	дівчина	мріє	
стати	вчителем	
(навчає	дітей),	інша	
	лікарем	(лікує	
Підлітки	за	
столом	поводять	
себе	по-різному.	
Одні	добре,	інші	
Діти	купляють	
різний	одяг
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So e	are	consi erate,	rea il 	gi e	in	an 	 ell- annere ,	others	are	
sel ish	or	e en	s ite ul	an 	ne er	gi e	u .
Vasyl:	I	think	no	one	in	the	 orl 	looks	e actl 	alike	e en	i entical	t ins.	I	
ersonall ,	ne er	 u ge	 eo le	 	the	 a 	the 	look.	The	 i erence	in	
a earance	is	not	that	i ortant	 or	 e.	I 	a	 erson	is	eas 	to	 eal	
ith,	has	a	nice	sense	o 	hu our,	then	it’s	a	real	treat	to	 ake	 rien s	
ith	her/hi .
Kate:	 True,	true.	Peo le	 eha e	 i erentl 	an 	act	 i erentl .	There	 ere	
chil ren	 ro 	 an 	countries	in	the	ca .	So	 e	s oke	 i erent	lan-
guages	an 	ha 	 i erent	cultures.	I 	it were not for our cultural and
language differences, we wouldn’t get a great experience	in	cross-
cultural	co unication.
Ann:	 hat	 o	 ou	 ean
Kate: I	 ean	that	the	 ossi ilit 	to	co unicate	 ith	chil ren	o 	 i erent	
countries	 roa ene 	 	hori on,	taught	 e	to	 e	tolerant	o 	the	things	
the 	 on’t	like	an 	acce t	the	i ea	that	 i erent’	 oesn’t	 ean	 a ’.
Ann:	 It	 as	reall 	a	re ar ing	e erience.
Alex:	 I	can’t	agree	 ore.	 t	 irst	 e	 i n’t	kno 	ho 	to	sociali e	 ith	teen-
agers	 ro 	Englan 	an 	 erica.	The 	looke 	goo 	on	the	outsi e,	 ut	
ersonalit 	 ostl 	co es	 ro 	the	insi e	not	the	outsi e,	 ou	kno .
Ann:	 	intuition	tells	 e	that	if a person looks good, he/she will be al-
ways kind and friendly.
Vasyl:	There	is	so ething	in	 hat	 ou	sa .	I	 a e	 rien s	 ith	 o 	an 	 l-
ice	 ro 	San	 rancisco	an 	learne 	a out	a	 er 	interesting	tren 	that	
ha 	starte 	in	 erica	 	ran o 	acts	o 	kin ness.
Ann:	 I’ e	ne er	hear 	a out	it.	Can	 ou	tell	us	a	little	 ore	a out	it
Vasyl:	Basicall ,	 ollo ers	o 	the	 o e ent	calle 	 The	 in ness	 e olution ,	
ill ull 	an 	 illingl 	co it	 senseless	acts	o 	 eaut ’,	like	gi ing	
lo ers	to	strangers,	s iling	at	el erl 	 eo le,	 icking	u 	litter	etc.	
o 	sai 	that	it	 as	their	teacher	 ho	hear 	a out	another	ran o 	act	
o 	 iolence	on	T 	an 	 eci e 	to	change	the	 or 	 iolence’	to	 kin -
ness’,	then	the	 hole	tone	o 	the	state ent	 as	change 	 ro 	negati e	
to	 ositi e.	 lice	 sa s	 that	 ran o 	 acts	 o 	 kin ness	 are	 those	 little	
s eet,	lo el 	things	 ou	 o	 or	no	reason	e ce t	to	 e	a	nicer	 erson.
Alex:	 I	like 	this	i ea	too.	If you do something nice for someone, it will
make you and them feel better.	 lice	an 	 o 	organi e 	one	 a 	in	
our	ca 	un er	the	slogan	 h 	not	co it	an	act	o 	ran o 	kin -
ness	to a .	So	the	ne t	 a 	 e	 ent	to	the	nearest	 illage	an 	trie 	
it.	It	 as	 ust	 antastic 	It	taught	 an 	o 	us	not	to	 e	onl 	kin ,	 ut	
ore	tolerant	an 	res ect ul	to	others.
Kate:	 No 	that	 ou’ e	 entione 	an	act	o 	ran o 	kin ness	I	re e ere 	
the	 a 	o 	Positi e	Thinking 	initiate 	 	our	English	 rien 	 uth.	
It	looke 	like	a	ga e	to	re lace	an 	negati e	thoughts	 ith	 ositi e	
ones.	But	in	the	en 	it	hel e 	 an 	sh 	chil ren	not	to	lose	their	
hearts	 hile	 talking	 ith	 their	 eers	 ro 	
a roa 	 ut	to	co unicate	on	e ual	ter s,	to	
re eal	their	o n	sel es.	B 	the	 a ,	 uth	 re-
sente 	 e	 ith	the	 ook	o 	 era	Pei er	 ho	
rote	a out	 ositi e	thinking.
Ann:	 I	think	it’s	 uite	acce ta le	to	tr 	it	 ith	our	class ates.	 a e	so e	
o 	our	gu s	 ill	change	their	 eha iour	 or	 etter	an 	sto 	 ull ing	
others	 ut	treat	the 	 ith	 ignit 	an 	res ect.
Alex:	 Treat	others	as	 ou	 ant	to	 e	treate ,	as	the	sa ing	goes.	But	if they
had been with us in the International camps, they would have changed
beyond recognition.	It’s	not	that	 i icult	to	a a t	 our	 eha iour	to	
the	e ectations	o 	others.
BrE 	 eha iour
AmE 	 eha ior
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San Francisco	 	 a	 cit 	 an 	 ort	 in	
Cali ornia	 kno n	 or	 eing	 a	 er 	
eauti ul	cit ,	 uilt	on	hills	ne t	to	a	
a .
Vera Peiffer a	 ell-kno n	 English	 s 	
ra ist,	the	author	o 	 an 	 ooks	 ho	set	u 	the	
Pei er	 oun ation	in	1994	to	hel 	 eo le	in	their	
ersonal	 e elo ent.
b) Team up with your friends. One team presents “An Act of Random Kind-
ness”, the second team – “A Day of Positive Thinking” suggested by the
children’s International friends. What is your attitude to these activi-
ties? How do they help to change people’s behaviour?
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites:
htt s:// . o /li est le/5465/the- ost-co on-
ro le s-teenagers- ace-to a .ht l
htt s:// .theguar /societ /2016/se /24/teenagers-
htt s://greatergoo . erkele .e u/article/ite /ho teens to a
are i erent ro ast generations
III. Language Track
Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, / / in their
contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences.
E x a m p l e : How was your international youth camp?
I think youth is the future of the country.
Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary
items ‘next’ and ‘near’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse
the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts.
From the texts, reproduce words and word combinations with the opposite
meanings. Illustrate them with your own examples.
E x a m p l e : the same – different
People are different and we should respect them and treat with
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cheer ul
inconsi erate
ill- annere
goo -hearte
a	turning	 oint
to	look	goo 	on	the	outsi e
e il
un rien l
useless	e erience
From the text, reproduce words and
phrases which are attributable to the
description of different behaviour
patterns to complete the word cloud.
Use them to describe someone from
the class and let your friends guess
who you mean.
a) Language Search
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram.
Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif-
ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own
htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er
htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/
htt s://en.o or /english
to give
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about typical behaviour pat-
terns of teenagers in England and the USA. Focus on:
their	 eha iour	co e	at	school
their	 eha iour	 ith	 arents	an 	a ults 	
their	 eha iour	 ith	each	other.
Present your findings to the class and comment on the differences and
similarities in your American and English peers’ behaviour.
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Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and
interpret their meanings.
Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences.
I 	 ou	 ant	to	talk	a out	so ething	that	is	likel 	to	ha en	in	the	 uture,	
I 	 ou	 ant	to	talk	a out	unlikel 	 uture	e ents,	i aginar 	or	i ro a le	
situations	in	the	 resent,	use
I 	 ou	 ant	to	talk	a out	 ossi le	e ents	in	the	 ast	that	 i n’t	ha en,	
regrets	or	criticis ,	use
o	to	 our First Aid Kit .	169	 or	 ore	in or ation
Read teenagers’ advice seeking letters in the youth magazine and
fill in the correct conditionals.
ear	E itor,
I	a 	 riting	a	S S	letter	to	 ou.	I 	 ou look	at	
the	 hoto	 I	 ha e	 attache 	 ou	 	 easil 	
guess	 	 ro le .	I	o ten	argue	 ith	 	 u ,	
ecause	 she	 ne er	 listens	 to	 e,	 ne er	 asks	
hat	 I	 think	 or	 eel.	 I	 elie e	 i 	 she	 	
e an ing	an 	 ore	tolerant,	 	li e	 	
ha e	 een	easier	 or	 e.	She	gi es	 e	or ers	
e er 	 a 	like:	 ou’ e	got	to	 ear	another	 ress.	I	 on’t	 ant	 ou	to	look	
too	 il .	I 	 ou	 	 ut	on	this	 ress	 ou	 	look	lo el 	or	 I	insist	
on	 our	going	to	the	 art 	 ith	 e.	You’ll	get	to	kno 	ne 	 eo le 	etc.	But	
I	 ant	to	sociali e	 ith	 	 rien s	an 	 ear	the	clothes	I	like.	I 	 ou	 	
gi e	 e	a	 iece	o 	a ice	I	 	 e	thank ul	to	 ou.
Sincerel ,
ear	E itor,
Yester a 	I	ha 	a	 er 	un leasant	talk	 ith	
	 rien s.	 	 I 	 I	 	 een	 tolerant	 o 	
the ,	our	talk	 	 eco e	a	ro .
					The	 atter	is	that	 	 rien s	 ante 	 e	
to	go	to	the	concert	 ith	the .	I	re use 	to	
oin	 the 	 ecause	 I	 as	 not	 intereste 	 in	
rock- usic.	 I 	 it	 	 another	 kin 	 o 	
usic	 I	 	 e initel 	 go	 ith	 the .	
	 rien s	 got	 o en e 	 an 	 sai 	 that	 i 	 I	 	 go	 ith	 the 	 e	
	 e	 rien s	an 	longer.	I	lo e	 	 rien s	so	I	ga e	in.
					 onestl ,	I	 i n’t	like	the	concert:	the	 usic	 as	too	lou 	an 	the	rock	
usicians	 ere	not	e citing.	I 	I	 	to	this	concert	I	 	 elt	
etter.	But	 	 rien s	 ere	thrille 	an 	en o e 	e er 	 inute	o 	it.	 i 	I	
ake	the	right	 ecision 	 as	 	tolerance	 usti ie
o	to	 our	 B	 or	 ore	e ercises
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IV. Communication Track
Spoken Production
a) Food for Thought
Read the examples of behaviour patterns. Choose those which seem unac-
ceptable for you. Which are typical of teenagers? Which of them would you
prohibit in public places if you could?
Sticking chewing gum
everywhere .
Swearing in public places .
Not cleaning up after your dog .
Spitting in the streets .
Throwing litter everywhere .
Drinking beer in the streets .
Talking on a mobile phone in public . Forgetting to say “Thank you”
and “Sorry”
Coughing and yawning with your
mouth open in public places .
Spoken Interaction
b) Pair up with your friends and discuss different behaviour patterns of teenagers in
a form of a game “Look on the Bright Side”.
Guidelines Useful Phrases
ne	 o 	 ou	 is	 a	 essi ist’	 ho	
eels	negati e	a out	all	 eha iour	
atterns	 an 	 s eak	 onl 	 a out	
ro le s.
The	 other	 is	 an	 o ti ist’	 ho	
looks	at	the	 right	si e	an 	is	a le	
to	see	the	a antages	in	e er 	sit-
uation.	 E en	 hen	 so ething	 is	
reall 	 rong,	he/she	tries	to	 in 	
the	 a 	out,	gi es	so e	goo 	a -
ice	to	cheer	u 	a	 essi ist.
I	su ort	the	i ea...
I	ha e	nothing	against...
It	soun s	strange	to	 e...
I’ 	a solutel 	against	the	i ea	that...
...irritate(s)	 e
It	is	(not)	necessar 	to...
It’s	(i ) ossi le	to...
I’ 	a solutel 	 ositi e	(negati e)	
I’ 	 or	... ecause...	shoul n’t	 orget	that.
Situation Cards
1.	Your	tea 	lost	the	ga e:	
ou	 la e	 the	 la ers,	 the	
re eree	an 	 oursel
ou	congratulate	the	other	tea 	
on	their	 ictor .
2.	 So e o 	 in	 our	 class	 is	 earing	
is atche 	clothes:
ou	 isa ro e	an 	critici e	the	 erson
it	 oesn’t	 ake	an 	 i erence	to	 ou,	
ut	 ou	sa 	a	 e 	 leasant	 or s.
3.	You	 o	not	agree	 ith	 hat	 our	
rien 	sa s:
ou	interru t	an 	sa 	that	he	is	
talking	nonsense
ou	 listen	 an 	 sa 	 that	
e er o 	 has	 the	 right	 to	
e ress	his/her	o inion.
4.	You	 alk	ho e	an 	see	 our	class-
ates	 ighting:
ou	start	gru ling	a out	their	 a 	
eha iour	an 	 orali ing
ou	tr 	to	sto 	the 	sa ing	that	the 	
ust	recogni e	each	other’s	right	to	
e	 ho	the 	are.
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c) In groups, comment on one of the statements:
It takes many kinds to make the world. Make some
effort to understand others and be tolerant of them.
Everyone is special by being different. Respect his/her
right to be who he/she is.
Everybody is different, but we are all equal. No one is
allowed to be spiteful or arrogant to others.
Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want
to be treated.
d) In the whole class, summarize your ideas in a poster “Behaviour Patterns Make a
Behaviour Patterns Make a Man
a e	 ar 	an 	trust ul	relations	 ith	 our	 a il 	an 	 rien s.
a) Before you listen
You	are	going	to	listen	to	a	stor 	on	tolerance.	In	5	grou s,	think	an 	 eci e:
here	the	stor 	takes	 lace
ho	the	 ain	characters	o 	the	stor 	are
ho 	the	characters	 e onstrate 	their	tolerance.		
b) While you listen
Each	grou 	one	 	one	 ill	listen	to	one	 art	o 	the	stor .
et	together	an 	arrange	the	stor 	in	the	right	or er.
In	the	 hole	class,	listen	to	the	stor 	the	secon 	ti e	to	check	i 	 ou	
ere	right.	
c) After you listen
In	the	 hole	class,	role- la 	a	T 	sho 	 Teens	Talk	a out	Tolerance .	Use	the	
gui elines:
Sa 	 hat	tolerance	is	 or	 ou	an 	 h 	it	is	i ortant.
h 	tolerance	is	es eciall 	i ortant	to a .
h 	 eo le	are	intolerant.
i e	the	e a les	o 	inci ents	 ou	 ake	u 	 hich	can	ser e	as	e a les	
o 	intolerance.
i e	inci ents	 ro 	 our	li e	or	 ro 	the	li e	o 	other	 eo le	 hich	can	
ser e	as	e a les	o 	tolerance.
a) Before you write
I 	 ou	 ant	to	get	a	 iece	o 	a ice	 ro 	 an 	 eo le,	 rite	an	a ice-
seeking	letter,	 hich	is	 u lishe 	in	a	 aga ine	or	a	ne s a er	section	
calle 	 etters	to	the	E itor .
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Brainstor 	 ith	 our	 rien s:	 hat	 orries	teenagers	in	their	 eha iour	
an 	 eha iour	o 	others	an 	 h 	 ou	 ant	to	get	so eone’s	a ice.
ake	a	list	o 	 or s	an 	 hrases	 ou	can	use	to	e ress	 our	 orr .
b) While you write
How to Write an Advice-Seeking Letter
Content Tips Language Tips
Start	 our	letter	 ith	an	intro-
uction	in	 hich	state	the	rea-
son	 or	 riting
rite	 2 3	 aragra hs	 escri-
ing	 our	 ro le s	 ro 	 i -
erent	 ers ecti es
aise	 uestions	that	 orr 	 ou	
an 	gi e	 our	e lanations
sk	 or	o inion
rite	so e	closing	re arks	in	
our	 conclusion	 an 	 ask	 or	
hel .
	 I’ 	 riting	to	 ou	in	ho e...
	 There’s	no	one	I	can	turn	to...
	 Ne er	in	 	 il est	 rea s...
	 It	 oul 	 e	 ost	use ul	to	kno ...
	 I	 oul 	 e	 elight ul	i ...
	 I	 ust	a ologi e	 or	trou ling	 ou	
ith	 	re uest...
	 Thank	 ou	in	a ance	 or	 our	kin 	
coo eration...
	 I	 oul 	like	to	thank	 ou	 or	 our	
ti e...
o	to	 .	187	 or	a	Sample of an Advice-Seeking Letter
Culture Comparison
Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
1)	 hat	 ro le s	in	 eha iour	 atterns	 orr 	British	an 	 erican	
eers 	 re	the 	the	sa e	as	 ours
2)	 hat	 o	 our	 oreign	 rien s	 o	to	resol e	con licts	or	a oi 	the 	
an 	 eco e	tolerant	o 	others 	 o	 ou	 o	the	sa e
At Home: In your WB, write an advice-seeking letter about someone’s behav-
iour patterns that worry you.
1.3. What are your Household Chores?
Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box
	tireso e
	 ust in
	to	re olt
	a liances
	housekee ing
	househol 	chores
	to	take	a	 og	 or	a	 alk
	to	take	out	the	ru ish
	to	 e	in	or er
	to	 ash	u
	t	run	the	house
	to	kee 	the	house	ti
	to	 e	in	a	 ess
	to	clear	u 	the	 ess
	to	 ake	so ething	a	rule	
	In	a	 or ...
	That	cat	 on’t	 u
	I’ll	see	to	it
	 n	the	contrar ...	such	a	hea ache
	 n	secon 	thoughts...
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the pictures and read speech bubbles. Say what household chores the
teenagers have. Are they happy to do them? Are you the same or different?
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E x a m p l e : I think it is the girl’s duty to take her dog for a walk, but she is
not willing to do it. I believe it has become a problem in the family.
II. Reading
Oksana is a head of the children’s council in her school. She organized a competi-
tion: “My Household Chores: a Headache or Fun” and asked the schoolchildren to
share their experience in it, to illustrate them with photos.
à) Read what some children wrote about their domestic chores and say if you share
their opinions.
ur	 a il 	is	rather	 ig,	 e	are	si 	
altogether.	 	grann ,	 	 u ,	 	
ol er	sister,	 	 ounger	 rother	an 	
e.	 oreo er,	 	 arents	an 	gran-
n 	 ork	e er 	 a ,	that’s	 h 	 i i -
ing	househol 	chores	is	a	necessit .
I	 on’t	think	the 	are	tireso e	or	
un leasant.	 e	all	hel 	one another	
an 	that’s	 h 	our	 lat	is	al a s	in	
goo 	or er.	I	think	 	 u 	is	a	role-
o el	 or	us	as	to	housekee ing.	She	is	e tre el 	organi e 	an 	rises	hal 	an	
hour	 e ore	an one	else	in	the	 a il .	She	sa s	it’s	her	 ut 	to	 ake	all	the	
chil ren,	to	 re are	 reak ast	an 	gather	the	 a il 	at	the	 orning	ta le.	
ter	 reak ast	 a 	lea es	 or	 ork	an 	takes	out	the	ru ish	on	the	 a .	It	
is	his	res onsi ilit 	to	kee 	a	 ust in	e t 	an 	clean.	 hile	 u 	is	 us 	
ith	 	little	 rother,	 	sister	an 	 e	are	hel ing	each other	in	the	kitch-
en.	 	 orning	 uties	inclu e	 utting	 lates	an 	
cu s	 ack	to	their	 laces	an 	taking	 e 	 or	a	
alk.	 e 	also	has	a	 ut 	 	to	guar 	the	house	
hen	e er o 	is	a a .
* * *
s	a	rule,	 	 u 	runs	the	house	
an 	kee s	it	ti ,	 ut	she	 ants	 	
rother	an 	 e	to	 o	our	roo 	our-
sel es	 ecause	 e	are	not	little	ki s	
as	she sa s.
	 rother	Nick	is	5	 ears	senior	
an 	I	share	the	roo 	 ith	hi .	 e	
a e	it	a	rule	to	get	u 	an 	to	 ake	
his	 e 	at	once,	that’s	 h 	it	is	al-
a s	neat.	I	like	to	sta 	in	 e 	longer	
an 	 hen	I	 u 	out	o 	 e 	I	lea e	it	
BrE 	ru ish
AmE 	gar age,	trash
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un a e	 ecause	I’ 	late.	I’ 	 es eratel 	tr ing	to	 in 	 hat	clothes	to	 ut	
on	an 	that’s	 h 	 	clothes	are	usuall 	thro n	o er	the	chairs.	In	a	 or ,	
our	roo 	is	in	an	a ul	 ess	e er 	 orning.
ne	 a 	 	 rother	re olte :	 That	cat	 on’t	 u ,	Paul.	 ur	roo 	is	
chaotic	an 	 isor ere .	See for yourself.	Clear	u 	this	 ess 	Since	this	 orn-
ing	it’ll	 e	 our	 ut 	to	 ake	a	 e 	an 	to	 o	our	roo 	 e ore	 reak ast,	an 	
I’ll	see	to	it .
I	lo e	 	 rother	an 	ne er	o ect	to	 hat	he	sa s.	Thus,	I	 o	this	 ut 	
regularl 	an 	can’t	sa 	that	it	is	un leasant	an 	 oring.	 n	the	contrar ,	the	
sight	o 	the	roo 	in	 er ect	or er	a eals	to	 e	 ost.
* * *
I	 can	 o ten	 hear	 	 rien 	 sa 	
this	house ork	is	ne er	 one.	There	
is	 al a s	 so ething	 to	 o	 in	 the	
house .	I	un erstan 	 hat	she	 eels	
a out	her	househol 	chores	an 	 on’t	
agree	 ith	her.	Cleaning	the	house,	
ashing	clothes,	 ashing	u 	took	a	
lot	 o 	 ti e	 hen	 eo le	 ha 	 to	 o	
househol 	 o s	 	han .	In	the	21st
centur 	househol 	a liances	ans er	
e er 	 nee .	 I’ 	 sure	 there	 are	 so	
an 	la our-sa ing	 e ices	in	e er 	
house.	 or	e a le,	 	 u 	 oesn’t	
ash	clothes,	linen	an 	other	ite s	herself,	 ut	a	 ashing	 achine	 oes	it	
er 	 uickl .	 	 ut 	is	to	hang	the	 ashing	an 	then	to	iron	it.	I	 a e	 	
ut 	 leasura le	 hen	I	 ut	on	 	ear hones	an 	 o	it	to	the	 usic.
hen	 e	ha e	a	 art 	in	the	house	it’s	 	res onsi ilit 	to	 o	the	sho -
ing.	 	 u 	 akes	a	sho ing	list	 or	 e	an 	I	go	to	the	su er arket	to	
u 	 ro ucts.	I	en o myself	hel ing	 	 o 	in	the	kitchen	using	a	 oo 	
rocessor,	or	a	 i er.	It	turns	cooking	into	a	 leasure.	So,	househol 	chores	
are	not	onl 	 oring.
* * *
I’ 	a	nor al	teenager.	I	 ant	to	go	out	 ith	 	
rien s	an 	 o	teenage	things.	But	 	 arents	in-
sist	on	 	 oing	househol 	chores.	 or	 e,	it	is	
such	a	hea ache I’ 	ha 	to	ha e	 	o n	roo ,	
hich	looks	 uite	 isor ere .	The	 loor	is	co ere 	
ith	 ooks	an 	 iles	o 	 a ers,	socks	an 	sli ers,	
e en	 e t 	 co ee	 cu s.	 So eti es	 I	 ish	 I	 as	
ti ier	an 	 	 u 	o ten	cleans	the	roo 	 or	 e,	
ecause	she	hates	it	 eing	 ess .
But	one	e iso e	change 	 	attitu e	to	house-
hol 	chores	entirel .	 	class ate	ca e	to	 e	one	
a 	an 	seeing	a	terri le	 isor er	in	the	roo 	sai 	that	the	roo 	re lects	 	
ersonalit .	 t	 irst,	I	 elt	asha e 	an 	con use ,	 ut	on	secon 	thoughts	
I	 eci e 	that	it	is	a	challenge	to	change	 	li est le.	I	 a e	a	general	cleaning	
in	 	roo 	by myself an 	since	that	ti e	I	 on’t	onl 	 o	 	roo 	 ut	kee 	
the	 hole	house	s otless.	 oreo er,	I	 ecorate 	 	roo 	 ith	 lo er	 ots,	
ecause	I’ 	intereste 	in	 otan 	an 	thus	I	ha e	got	a	ne 	 ut 	 	to	look	
a ter	the .	So,	no 	I’ 	 lease 	with myself.	
b) Read the children’s information again and fill in the opinion chart with
their attitudes to their household chores.
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Opinion Chart
+ –
e	like	to	hel 	each	other. It’s	such	a	hea ache
III. Language Track
Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, /h/ in their
contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences.
E x a m p l e : My parents work every day that’s why dividing household chores
is a necessity.
Dividing household chores is a must in many families.
Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary
items – ‘duty-duties’ and ‘responsibility’ in context. Using electronic
dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your
own contexts.
From the texts, reproduce the household chores suitable to the following
E x a m p l e : the room is in a mess – to clear up the mess
The	 lates	an 	cu s	are	 irt .
The	 ust in	is	 ull.
The	clothes	are	 irt .
e’ e	run	out	o 	 ro ucts.
The	roo 	is	in	 isor er.
The	 og	is	at	the	 oor.	It	nee s	 resh	air.
I’ e	 inishe 	 ashing	the	linen.
The	 lo er- ots	are	 r .
No 	the	 lates	an 	cu s	are	clean.
From the text, reproduce words and word combinations which may
be attributable to the description of the household chores in the
following content areas:
room clothes
Make up your own sentences with them.
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a) Language Search
From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram.
Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif-
ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own
htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er
htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/
htt s://en.o or /english
to put
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about household chores of
British and American teenagers. Focus on:
hat	househol 	chores	are	t ical	o 	British	an 	 erican	teenagers 	
ho 	regularl 	the 	 o	their	househol 	chores
hat	attitu e	to	their	chores	is.
Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and
interpret their meanings.
Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences:
hen	the	su ect	an 	o ect	o 	a	sentence	re er	to	the	sa e	or	things,	
In	the	 eaning	o 	‘alone’	or	‘without help’,	use...
hen	the	su ect	an 	o ect	o 	a	sentence	re er	to	the	sa e	 eo le	an 	
these	 eo le	ha e	a	t o- a 	relationshi ,	use...
hen	the	su ect	is	 ore	than	t o	 eo le,	use...
o	to	 our	First Aid Kit	on	 .	170	 or	 ore	in or ation
Look at the pictures below, read and complete the mini-dialogues
with reflexive pronouns.
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	 hat	a	nice	 ress 	 ho	 a e	
it	 or	 ou
	 I	 a e	it	myself	an 	 	sister	
e roi ere 	it.	 e	o ten	hel 	
	 ook	at	 	You	are	 irt 	
	 I	hel e 	 	 a 	an 	gran a 	
in	the	gar en.	 e	al a s	hel 	
.	 n 	look	at	the	 ench,	
I	 a e	it	 .
	 The	 roo 	 is	 in	 er ect	 or er.	
i 	 ou	hel 	 	gran augh-
	 No,		she	 i 	it	all	 .
	 reat 	 on’t	 o	 it	 .	
et	her	tr .
	 el 	 	to	the	cakes.	I	 a e	
the ,	 .
	 i n’t	 our	grann 	hel 	 ou
	 Usuall 	 e	 hel 	 ,	 ut	
this	 ti e	 I	 a e	 the 	 all	
o	to	 our	 B	 or	 ore	e ercises
IV. Communication Track
Spoken Production
a) Food for Thought
Read what people said about housekeeping. Think and decide if it is
only parents’ responsibility to run the house.
Housekeeping ain’t no joke (Housekee-
ping is not a joke) .
Louise May Olcott
“The whole process of homemaking,
housekeeping and cooking, which ever has
been woman’s special province, should be
looked on as an art and a profession”.
Sarah Joseph Hale
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Spoken Interaction
b) In pairs, discuss your household chores completing the dialogue. Use the phrases
Useful phrases:
h,	 	It’s	reall 	tireso e.
h,	 ear,	I	a 	sorr 	to	hear	that.
h,	 oor	 ou.
That’s	too	 a .
h,	 hat	a	 it .
h 	 on’t	 ou...
I 	I	 ere	in	 our	shoes,	I’ ...
on’t	sa 	 ie 	 ook	at	the	 right	si e	o ...
You’ 	 etter...
Discussing Household Chores
You see your friend with a big
shopping bag, greet him/her and
ask him/her where she/he was
going with such a big bag .
Agree to help your friend and ask
him/her why she/he has such a
heavy bag .
Express your surprise and say
that in your family parents do the
shopping and ask her/him if she
likes this household chore .
Say about your responsibilities and
your attitude to them .
Answer your friend’s question and
ask her opinion about it .
Express your delight .
Greet your friend and express your
joy of seeing him/her . Tell him/her
that you did the shopping and ask
her/him to help you with a bag .
Tell your friend that it is your duty
to do the shopping when your
family is expecting guests .
Answer in affirmative and say that
it isn’t the only duty . You like to
help in the kitchen . Ask your friend
about his/her household duties .
To keep the conversation say
what you think about domestic
duties and ask your friend if he/she
shares the duties in the family .
Tell your friend what you think
about housekeeping and thank
your friend for help .
c) In groups, think and decide how labour-saving devices changed people’s attitudes
to housework and turned many household chores into a pleasure.
a) Before you listen
You	are	going	to	listen	to	 nna	 artin’s	stor 	 S ring	 ouse	Cleaning ,	in	
hich	she	 escri es	her	 e ories	o 	this	 rocess	in	her	 a il 	in	the	US .	
rou 	u 	 ith	 our	 rien s	an 	sa :
i 	s ring	house	cleaning	has	gone	 ro 	 o ern	housekee ing
hat	 e ories	 nna	 artin	kee s	a out	this	 rocess
hat	 o estic	chores	 nna	 ight	ha e	 uring	s ring	house	cleaning.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
b) While you listen
isten	to	the	stor 	an 	 ut	the	 ictures	 elo 	in	the	correct	succession	as	
the 	are	 entione 	in	the	stor .
c) After you listen
In	 grou s,	 iscuss	 s ring	 house-cleaning	 in	 our	 a il 	 using	 the	 star-
techni ue.
Who takes part in it?
When does this process take place
in your family?
What do you do to make your
work more pleasant?
Which spring cleaning chores
do you do?
How often do you do
d) In the whole class, compare cooperation styles in housekeeping in the USA and in
your country. Does it reveal the truth of the saying “Many hands make light work”?
Work in groups and design a creative project “The Portrait of Ukrainian
1.	 Choose	the	 or at	 or	 our	 ro ect	(a	 oster,	a	T 	sho ,	a	sli e	 resen-
tation	etc).
2.	 in 	the	necessar 	in or ation	a out	 outh’s	rights,	 uties,	 o estic	
chores,	 eha iour	 atterns	etc.
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
3.	 Collect	the	results	o 	the	nation i e	 olls,	 iagra as,	sche es,	ta-
les,	 hotos,	 ictures,	 uotes	an 	other	illustrati e	 aterials	to	 ake	
our	 ro ect	attracti e.
4.	 Think	o 	an	interesting	 a 	o 	 resentation	 our	 ro ect.
5.	 E aluate	 our	 rien s’	 ro ects,	using	the	e aluation	car 	 elo .
Evaluation Card
Write Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
1.		I 	 the	 in or ation	 as	 su icient	
an 	con incing.
2.	I 	the	illustrati e	 aterial	 as	suit-
a le	an 	essential.
3.	I 	the	 or at	o 	the	 ro ect	 as	un-
usual	an 	interesting.
4.	I 	the	 resentation	 as	success ul.
Culture Comparison
Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
in 	so e	in or ation	a out	 i erent	 a s	o 	housekee ing	in	the	
English	s eaking	countries	an 	co are	the 	 ith	Ukrainian	ones.	
1.4. Developing Integrated Skills
I. Suppose a charitable fund announced that it would donate 100 000 hryvnias for
setting up a youth centre. Group up with your friend and come up with your ideas
on such items.
Item I
hat	kin 	o 	a	centre	 o	 ou	 ant	to	set	u 	 ho	 a 	 e	the	 artici-
ants	o 	the	centre 	
hat	 ill	 e	its	ai s	an 	tasks
Item II
hat	 uestions	 ill	the	 oung	 eo le	 iscuss	in	their	 eetings
hat	 outh	 ro le s	 ill	the	centre	tr 	to	sol e
Item III
o 	 ill	the	centre	look	like 	 hat	shoul 	 e	in	the	centre
o 	 oul 	 ou	 istri ute	the	 one 	gi en 	 hat	 ill	 e	the	 ain	 i-
nancial	 riorit
II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with your friend and discuss the advantages of
promoting a healthy way of life in the family. Say if this lifestyle is present in your
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
III. You are going to have a press conference with Green Peace members. Team up
with your friends.
Team 1	 ill	 e	 oung	 Ukrainians,	 the	 e ers	 o 	 the	 eco	 clu 	 ho	 are	
intereste 	in	the	 ro le 	o 	en iron ental	 rotection	an 	 ant	their	guests	
to	ans er	their	 uestion.
Team 2	 ill	 la 	the	 arts	o 	 reen	Peace	 e ers,	 ho	are	rea 	to	gi e	all	
the	in or ation	 ou	 ant.	
The	collage	 elo 	 ill	hel 	the	tea s	to	 ocus	on	the	 uestions	an 	ans ers.
The ecological
situation in
The most important
The role of
youth in nature
Global issues of
The most memorable events
of the Green Peace members’
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
IV. In the whole class, make a mini-project: a class agreement on the “Basic Rules of
Behaviour”. Think and discuss the following aspects.
The rights of others
Atmosphere in the class
The educational process
Make a list of rules and present them to the whole class giving reasons for
each of the rules. Follow these rules from now on.
1.5. Your Test Pack
A. Use of English
1. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D).
There is an example at the beginning (0).
It	is	true	that	there	0		are	so	 an 	 ro le s	 acing	teens	to a .	So e	o 	
	 rien s	are	 1 	 ith	their	li e	an 	turn	 2 	 rugs	an 	alcohol.	
I	 think	 a ults	 shoul n’t	 e	 3 	 to	 hat	 their	 chil ren	 o.	 nce	 ou	
reach	the	age	o 	si teen	or	se enteen,	 our	 arents	think	 ou	ol 	 4 	to	
eci e	 or	 5 	an 	let	 ou	 o	 hat	 ou	 ant.
	 rien s	an 	I	 on’t	 o	 6 	e citing	 ut	 e	usuall 	ha e	 un	 ust	
eing	aroun 	each	other.	 e	tr 	to	hel 	each	other	i 	 e	 7 ,	 ecause	a	
lot	 o 	 the	 ti e,	 eing	 a	 teenager	 isn’t	 un.	 I	 think	 it’s	 a	 _8 .	 You	
_9 	go	to	school	an 	 our	 arents	 ant	 ou	to	get	goo 	 arks	an 	 er 	
o ten	 ou	 eal	 10 	 our	o n	 ro le s.
0 ere are ill	 e is
1 issatis ie lease satis ie ha
2 on to u on into
3 concerne ha lease in i erent
4 enough too uite er
5 oursel es oursel es the sel es oursel
6 so ething an thing nothing so e
7 can ought	to shoul ust
8 a	 o right ut leasure
9 ha e	to a can ought	to
10 on o er ith
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
2. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-form.
1.	 s	 an 	teens,	I’ 	against	 iolence	on	T .
2.	 	 arents	 ant	to	kno 	a out	 	 	in	li e.
3.	 an 	 oung	 eo le	are	 	o 	 i erent	 outh	
organi ations.
4.	 ur	 eeting	 ith	 eco-clu 	 e ers	 as	 the	 ost	
5.	 I 	 I	 ere	 ou,	 I	 oul n’t	 rel 	 on	 hi ,	 he	 is	 er 	
6.	 It’s	 i icult	 to	 eal	 ith	 her,	 ecause	 she	 is	 er 	
	an 	loses	her	te er	easil .
7.	 Un ortunatel ,	 	roo 	is	o ten	 	an 	 	
u 	can’t	stan 	it.
8.	 	househol 	chores	ha e	 eco e	 	 .
9.	I	 eca e	ac uainte 	 ith	a	 o 	 ho	is	 	
i erent	 ro 	 	 rien s.
10.	I	 a e	it	a	rule,	not	to	lea e	 	 e 	 	an 	 	
roo 	 .	
B. Reading
Read the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order.
	 ter	 e ucation	 an 	 stu ing	 co es	 the	 great	 challenge:	 entering	 the	
la our	 arket.	 In	 the	 case	 o 	 Ukraine,	 the	 le el	 o 	 une lo ent,	
et een	15	an 	17	 er	cent,	is	not	as	shocking	as	in	other	 arts	o 	Euro e	
(such	as	 reece	or	S ain,	 ith	aroun 	50	an 	44	 er	cent	 outh)	une lo ent	
res ecti el .
o e er,	 although	 the	 le el	 o 	 une lo ent	 is	 not	 alar ing,	 an 	
though	 te orar 	 contracts	 are	 relati el 	 unco on,	 aroun 	 hal 	 o 	
Ukrainian	 outh	 o	not	 ork	in	 o s	that	corres on 	to	their	e ucation	an 	
training,	an 	there	is	a	great	 eal	o 	in or al	e lo ent,	together	 ith	
little	en orce ent	o 	 ork lace	rights	an ,	in	general,	 er 	lo 	 ages	(an	
a erage	o 	aroun 	150	euros	 er	 onth).
The	 a orit 	o 	 oung	Ukrainians	(aroun 	80	 ercent)	o er hel ingl 	
re er	to	seek	e lo ent	in	the	 ri ate	sector,	 here	the 	think	the 	
ill	ha e	a	 etter	chance	o 	a	higher	salar 	an 	 ore	o ortunities	to	 e elo 	
their	 career.	 E en	 so,	 the	 a aila le	 sur e s	 o	 not	 resent	 us	 ith	 er 	
ositi e	 igures	regar ing	the	relationshi 	 et een	e ectations	an 	realit 	
in	 aterial	ite s:	onl 	eight	 er	cent	o 	the	 oung	sa 	the 	li e	co orta l ,	
an 	onl 	one	 er	cent	that	the 	ha e	reache 	a	 esira le	 inancial	status.
E erts	agree	that	it	 oul 	 e	use ul	to	anal se	current	ten encies	in	
or er	 to	 a a t	 aca e ic	 e ucation	 etter	 to	 the	 la our	 arket,	 o er	
assistance	so	that	 oung	 eo le	can	choose	a	 ro essional	career	 ore	care ull 	
an 	 ro i e	 ore	e ucation	in	the	 usiness	 iel .	 s	 tro ansk i	 oints	
out,	 close	to	38	 er	cent	o 	 oung	 eo le	 oul 	like	to	set	u 	their	o n	
usiness .	Is	the	 u lic	sector	not	attracti e	at	all
There	are	 eo le	 ho	are	also	intereste 	in	the	 u lic	sector,	 ho	 ant	
to	 change	 things,	 e en	 ith	 the	 lo 	 salaries,	 ut	 it	 oul 	 a e	 e	
hel ul	 to	 raise	 the	 a 	 to	 ro i e	 ore	 oti ation 	 sa s	 leksan r	
Ust enko,	a	recent	econo ics	gra uate	an 	re resentati e	o 	the	Euro ean	
Youth	Parlia ent	in	Ukraine.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
In	this	conte t,	the	 ossi ilit 	e ists	that	earlier	in est ent	in	e ucation	
an 	the	talents	o 	the	 ost	recent	generations	 a 	 e	s uan ere ,	an 	
e uall 	that	 issatis action	at	 ork	 a 	lea 	to	lo 	le els	o 	 ro ucti it .	
nother	great	risk	is	that	 oung	 eo le	 ho	are	 etter	e ucate 	 	gra uates	
or	 ith	 ost-gra uate	stu ies	 	 a 	lea e	the	countr 	in	search	o 	 etter	
o ortunities	a roa .
Ukraine	 has	 a	 long	 histor 	 o 	 igration,	 an 	 there	 are	 su stantial	
Ukrainian	 ias oras	in	se eral	 arts	o 	the	 orl .	In	2014,	so e	33,000	
oung	Ukrainians	 ere	li ing	in	the	Euro ean	Union,	stu ing	or	un ertaking	
so e	 or 	o 	training.	Can	one	s eak	o 	a	 rain	 rain 	
It	 e en s	 here	the 	go.	I 	the 	stu 	in	Polan ,	 or	e a le,	 here	
it’s	easier	to	get	a	 i lo a,	the 	nor all 	co e	 ack	to	Ukraine.	I 	the	
estination	is	 er an ,	there	is	a	greater	 ossi ilit 	that	the 	 ill	go	on	
stu 	an 	sta 	there ,	clai s	Sta n .
The	 a orit 	o 	 oung	 eo le	 o	not	 ant	to	e igrate,	 ut	to a 	the	
unsta le	econo ic	situation,	the	con lict	in	the	south-east	o 	the	countr 	
an 	the	search	 or	a	higher	stan ar 	o 	li ing	are	the	 rinci al	 oti ations	
hen	it	co es	to	 acking	one’s	 ags,	an 	 ill	 ro a l 	continue	to	 e	so	in	
the	 uture.
C. Listening
Listen to a teenager’s experience of living in a new culture and tick off the sen-
tences which she/he advises to bear in mind if you are abroad.
1.	 It’s	i ortant	to	a a t	 our	 eha iour	to	the	custo s	o 	the	countr .
2.	 You	shoul 	 orget	a out	 our	o n	culture.
3.	 es ect	tra itions	o 	the	countr 	 ou	are	in.
4.	 I 	 ou	 on’t	 ollo 	the	 eha iour	 atterns	attri uta le	to	the	 oreign	
culture,	 ou’ll	get	a	 cultural	shock’.
5.	 on’t	co are	the	cultures	or	tr 	to	 in 	 i erences	an 	si ilarities	
ith	 ours.
6.	 Being	a roa 	 ou	shoul 	re ain	o en	to	all	ne 	i ressions	an 	learn	
rather	than	 u ge.
7.	 There’s	no	nee 	to	 re are	 or	li ing	in	another	culture	 e orehan .
8.	 There	is	a	lot	in	co on	in	cultures.
9.	You	shoul 	 e	tolerant	an 	un erstan ing	 hile	 eing	a roa .
10.	 i ing	in	another	culture	is	al a s	re ar ing.
D. Writing
To sum up what you’ve learned in this unit, write an essay “Me and My World”.
Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має
Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
In this unit, you will learn how:
Unit 2
• to talk about meals;
• to discuss your preferences in food and recipes of your
favourite dishes;
• to describe healthy and unhealthy food;
• to integrate your skills on the topic;
• to check the level of knowledge and skills on the unit,
getting ready for independent testing.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Грінки з
2.1. How much do you know about
meals around the world?
Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box
	 isconce tion
	her s
	egg lant
	to ing
	re nants
	to	s rinkle
	culinar 	highlight
	to	shatter	a	 th
	to	ser e	on	s ecial	occasions
	to	gro 	in	 o ularit
	to	 e	a	 ir 	 a ourite	a ong...
	to	treat	so e o 	to...
	to	ha e	a	s eet	tooth
	to	 e	in	one’s	list	o 	likes
	to	look	a eti ing
	to	get	ri 	o ...
	I	 ust	con ess...
	Poor	guess
	I	e ecte 	as	 uch
	Thanks	to...
	You	are	sure	to	
like	it
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the photos and say what countries these drinks and food come from and
what you know about their origin.
a hamburger Coca-cola Sushi a sandwich
E x a m p l e : I think a hamburger is from America. I tasted it in McDonald’s.
There are different kinds of them – with meat and cheese.
II. Reading
a) Teenagers of one school set up a cookery club “Pampushka” which is very popu-
lar in school because it holds different interesting activities. Today they have a
cookery slide-show “Meals around the World” in which their international friends
will take part. Read their information and say what historical facts about meals
of the world you’ve learned about.
Huggis Welsh rabbit Irish stew
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
et	 e	start.	I	 isite 	Britain	t ice	an 	 as	intro uce 	to	so e	reall 	
interesting	 ishes.	I	 ust	con ess	that	there	are	so e	 ths	an 	 isconce -
tions	in	Ukraine	a out	the	 oo 	an 	 rink	in	Britain.	So e	o 	us	 elie e	that	
English	cuisine	is	 lan 	an 	its	culinar 	highlight	is	roast	 ee ,	that	the	Yeo-
en	 ar ers	o 	the	 uar 	at	the	To er	o 	 on on	are	still	calle 	 Bee eat-
ers .	I’ 	like	to	shatter	so e	 ths	an 	 resent	 ou	the	 ost	 o ular	 ishes	
in	each	 art	o 	the	countr .
It’s	true	that	roast	 ee 	is	a	tra itional	 ir 	 a ourite	a ong	 eo le	that	
has	laste 	 or	 eca es.	You	 ro a l 	kno 	the	ancient	Celtic	 ar ers	ke t	a	
ariet 	o 	ani als	an 	use 	their	 eat	in	their	 eals.	To a 	roast	 ee 	is	
ser e 	as	Sun a 	 unch.	Tra itionall ,	it	is	calle 	Sun a 	roast.	It	is	a	large	
iece	o 	 ee ,	cooke 	in	an	o en	an 	in	 an 	British	 a ilies	it	is	usuall 	
eaten	 ith	Yorkshire	 u ing.	 re	 ou	sur rise 	 o	 ou	think	it	is	s eet 	
Poor	guess 	It’s	a	national	British	 ish	 a e	 	 aking	a	 i ture	o 	 lour,	
eggs	an 	 ilk	in	 at,	nor all 	in	se arate	 ieces	like	
s all	cakes.	You	can	see	it	in	the	 irst	sli e.	It	looks	
a etising,	 oesn’t	it
Scotlan 	has	also	 uch	to	o er.	 an 	o 	 ou	eat	
orri ge	 or	 reak ast	an 	think	that	it	is	a	t ical	
English	 eal,	 on’t	 ou 	You	are	 rong,	it	is	a	tra itional	Scottish	 oo ,	
eaten	 ith	salt.	No a a s,	those	 ho	 ant	to	lose	 eight oil	oats	in	 ater	
an 	add	a	lot	o 	 i erent	 ruits.	But	I’ 	like	to	intro uce	 ou	another	tra i-
tional	Scottish	 ish	 	huggis.	It	is	 a e	 ro 	shee ’s	sto ach	an 	re in s	
e	o 	our	Ukrainian	 loo 	sausage,	 ut	 igger.	 	English	 rien 	sa s	that	
no 	huggis	is	onl 	ser e 	on	s ecial	occasions.	In	recent	 ears	a	ne 	 egetar-
ian	 ersion	o 	huggis	is	gro ing	in	 o ularit .	You	can	see	it	in	the	secon 	
sli e.	
n 	 hat	co es	into	 ou	 in 	 hen	 ou	hear	the	na e	o 	the	 elsh	 ish	
elsh	ra it’ 	I	e ecte 	as	 uch 	You	think	it’s	a	 ain	 eal,	right 	I’ 	
like	to	reassure	 ou.	This	 ish	is	eaten	as	a	s all	 eal	or	as	 art	o 	a	 eal,	
consisting	 o 	 rea 	 ith	 cheese	 on	 it	 cooke 	 un er	 heat	 until	 the	 cheese	
elts.	It’s	a	reall 	satis ing	snack.	In	Ukraine	 e	o ten	 ake	such	a	toast	
in	a	 icro a e	o en	an 	call	it	 a	hot	cheese	san ich’.	No 	 ou	kno 	that	
this	 ish	ca e	 ro 	 ales.	It	is	in	the	thir 	sli e.	 n 	the	 ourth	sli e	is	
e ote 	to	Irelan 	an 	its	 a ous	Irish	ste .	This	 ish	is	still	regular	at	
an 	ta les	in	Irelan .	Its	ingre ients	are	 arious,	 ut	 otatoes	an 	la 	are	
the	essentials	in	this	 ish.	I	learnt	a out	Irish	ste 	 hen	I	 as	rea ing	 e-
ro e	 .	 ero e’s	 a ous	no el	 Three	 en	in	a	Boat .	You	re e er	ho 	
three	 rien s	 ere	tr ing	to	cook	Irish	ste 	to	get	ri 	o 	all	re nants	o 	 oo .	
I couldn’t help laughing reading	a out	it	 ut	in	 act,	it	sho s	ho 	 o ular	
the	 ish	 as	at	that	ti e	an 	to a 	it	 i n’t	lose	its	 o ularit .	I 	 ou	got	
intereste 	in	British	 eals,	our	cooker 	clu 	 ill	share	the	reci es	 ith	 lea-
sure.	 n 	no 	 eet	our	international	guest	 ro 	 reece.	
Stuffed grape leaves Moussaka Baklava
BrE 	appetising
AmE 	appetizing
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
ello,	 	na e	is	 n reas	an 	I’ 	gla 	to	 ar-
tici ate	in	 our	cooker 	sli e-sho .	So e	o 	 ou	
ro a l 	 ha e	 ne er	 taste 	 reek	 oo .	 So	 I’ 	
here	to	correct	this	 istake	an 	not	onl 	to	sho 	
sli es,	 ut	sho 	ho 	to	cook	so e	o 	the	national	
In	ancient	 reece	cooking	 eca e	a	highl 	 e-
elo e 	 art	 an 	 aster	 cooks	 ere	 the	 highest	
ai 	 en	in	the	countr .	Through	their	contacts	
ith	 sia,	 reeks	 learne 	 to	 ake	 their	 iet	
ainl 	 egetarian.	 Thanks	 to	 our	 geogra hical	
osition	an 	 a oura le	cli ate,	 	countr 	is	rich	in	 egeta les	an 	 ruit,	
hich	 e	use	a	lot	in	cooking.
I 	 ou	ha ene 	to	 e	in	 reece	 ou’ll	necessaril 	 e	treate 	to	stu e 	
gra e	lea es	 ecause	it	is	a	tra itional	 reek	 oo .	I	kno 	gra es	gro s	in	
Ukraine	so	 ou	 a 	also	cook	this	 ish.	 ook	ho 	I’ 	 oing	it.	First and
foremost	I	cho 	onions	then add	a	cu 	o 	rice	an 	 ince 	la .	After that I
s rinkle	her s	like	 int	an 	 asil.	Now I	 i 	e er thing	together	an 	roll	u 	
the	gra e	lea es.	Afterwards	 e’ll	 ut	the	 ish	into	the	o en	 or	an	hour	an 	
a	hal .	B 	the	en 	o 	our	sho 	stu e 	gra e	lea es	 ill	ha e	 een	rea .	So	
ou’ll	hel 	 oursel es	to	the	 ish.	
ere	in	Ukraine	I	taste 	ca age	rolls.	The 	are	 er 	 elicious	 ut	 i erent.	
In	the	secon 	sli e	 ou	see	another	national	 ish	 hich	is	in	the	list	o 	likes	o 	
an 	tourists.	It	is	 oussaka.	E er 	 reek	house i e	has	her	o n	reci e	o 	the	
ish	 hich	she	consi ers	to	 e	the	 est,	 ut	there	are	so e	co ulsor 	ingre i-
ents	 	egg lants,	 eat,	cheese	an 	her s.	You	see	there’s	no	national	 ish	 ith-
out	her s	in	 	countr .	 n 	no 	 akla a,	the	 est	treat	 or	ki s.	I 	 ou	ha e	
a	s eet	tooth,	 ou	are	sure	to	like	it.	It’s	a	 essert	o 	thin,	 lak 	la ers	o 	 astr ,	
hone 	an 	nuts.	 ook	at	it	in	the	sli e.	I	ha e	 	 outh	 atere .	 n 	 ou 	
on’t	 e	u set,	I	 rought	so e	rea 	 a e	 or	 ou.	 ere	 ou	are.	
Risotto Pasta Pizza
	 rien s	an 	I	ha e	s ent	a	 eek	in	Ital 	this	 ear	at	the	in itation	o 	
our	international	 rien s.	 n	co ing	 ack	 e	 ant	to	share	our	i ressions	
a out	Italian	cuisine.	
You	kno 	o 	course,	that	Ital 	is	ho e	o 	so e	 orl ’s	 ost	 o ular	culinar 	
ro ucts.	 ong	the 	there	is	Italian	cheese,	co ee,	 ar a	ha 	an 	e tra-
irgin	oli e	oil.	Italian	cuisine	relies on	the 	an 	other	 resh	ingre ients	cooke 	
on	the	s ot	an 	a	co ination	o 	 egeta les,	 ruits,	sea oo ,	 ish	an 	oli e	oil.	
e’ e	learne 	that	Italian	 iet	is	 lant- ase 	in	nature,	 ith	a	hea 	e hasis	
on	 e	
geta les,	grains,	see s	an 	 eans.	Besi es,	it	is	characteri e 	 	its	si lic-
it ,	 ith	 an 	 ishes,	ha ing	onl 	 ro 	t o	to	 our	 ain	ingre ients.
e	li e 	in	an	Italian	 a il 	an 	 ai 	attention	to	the	 act	that	 or	Ita	
eals	are	seen	as	a	ti e	s en 	 ith	 a ilies	an 	 rien s,	thus	 eals	ten 	to	 e	
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
longer	than	in	other	cultures.	 	nota le	as ect	o 	
Italian	 eals	is	that	the	 ri o	or	 irst	course	is	
usuall 	a	 illing	 ish	such	as	risotto	or	 asta.
In	 the	 1-st	 sli e	 ou	 see	 risotto,	 hich	 con-
tains	 ai e,	rice,	 ee 	an 	 utter.	 ice	is	care-
ull 	 re are 	 to	 a sor 	 the	 la ours	 o 	 roth,	
ine,	 utter	an 	oli e	oil.
on’t	take	it	 or illa 	 hich	 e	eat	in	Ukraine	
an 	 hich	has	rice	as	the	 ain	ingre ient.	It	onl 	
looks	like	it	 ut	in	realit 	it’s	 i erent.	
Pasta	is	the	 ish	in	 hich	noo les	o 	 arious	
length,	 i ths	an 	sha es	are	the	 ain	 oo .	In	
the	secon 	sli e	 ou	can	see	s aghetti	ser e 	 ith	to ato	sauce.	I 	 ou	add
ince 	 ee 	on	a	 e 	o 	s aghetti,	 ou’ll	ha e	a	ne 	 ish	 	s aghetti	 Bolo-
gnaise ,	kno n	as	 S ag	Bol .	So	not	 or	nothing	Ital-
ians	ha e	a	nickna e	 noo le	lo ers’.
But	 ith	 our	hel 	 e	 ant	to	 ake	a	 ell-kno n	in	
Ukraine	Italian	 ish.	 uess	 hat	 ish	 e	 ean 	E actl 	
It’s	 i a.	Sur risingl 	enough,	 i a	is	not	 urel 	Ita	
in ention.	 ur	Italian	 rien s	tol 	us	that	in	ancient	 reek	an 	Eg t	 eo le	ate	
lat	 ake 	 rea 	 ith	to ings	such	as	 otatoes,	 egeta les	an 	Ital 	is	res on-
si le	 or	sha ing	 i a	into	the	current	 or .	You	see	 an 	ancient	cultures	
ha e	ha 	a	han 	in	the	e olution	o 	 i a,	ha en’t	the 	It	 ill	 e	also	interest-
ing	 or	 ou	to	kno 	that	the	 irst	 eo le	 ho	trie 	 i a	 ere	 ing	U erto	an 	
ueen	 argherita.	The 	lo e 	it	an 	since	that	ti e	it	 eca e	a	hit	a ong	Ital-
ians.	To a 	 e’ll	 ake	this	 er 	 i a	 hich	is	 a e	in	a	 atriotic	st le.	 atch	
us	an 	guess	 h 	it	is	calle 	 atriotic.	First,	 e	 ust	 ake	a	 lat	roun 	 rea ,	
ut	 e	 a e	it	 re iousl .	Now	 e	 ill	 re are	a	to ing	an 	 ill	 eel	to atoes	
an 	then	slice	the .	In the meantime, 	 rien 	 ill	cut	 o arella	into	hal .	
ter	that	 e	 ill	 ake	the	sauce	 i ing	crushe 	garlic	an 	green	 asil	lea es.	
Next,	 e’ll	s ooth	sauce	o er	the	 ase	 ith	the	 ack	o 	a	s oon	an 	scatter	 o -
arella	an 	to atoes.	Finally, e	 ri le	 i a	 ith	oli e	oil	an 	 ut	it	into	the	
heate 	o en	 or	8 10	 inutes	until	cris .	While	our	 i a	is	 eing	 ake 	can	
ou	ans er	our	 uestion	a out	its	 atriotic	st le
oo 	stu ents	 ou	are 	 ll	colours	o 	the	 i a	 	re 	to atoes,	 hite	 o -
arella	an 	green	 asil	lea es	are	the	colours	o 	Italian	 lag.	 ur	 i a	is	
rea .	 Last but not least	 e’ll	 add	 resh	 asil	 lea es	 an 	 so e	 oli es	 to	
ecorate	it.	 el 	 oursel 	to	Italian	 i a	in	a	 atriotic	st le.	
Yeomen warders or Beefeaters	 	a	grou 	o 	 en	
ho	guar 	the	To er	o 	 on on.	The 	 ear	a	re 	
uni or 	 ro 	 the	 Tu or	 erio 	 an 	 are	 calle 	
ee eaters’.
Jerome K. Jerome	 (1859 1927)	 	 an	 English	 riter,	
est	 kno n	 or	 his	 hu orous	 no el	 Three	 en	 in	 a	
Boat .
Mozzarella	 	a	so t	 hite	Italian	cheese,	
o ten	use 	on	 i as.
BrE 	 la our
AmE 	 la or
Jerome K.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites:
htt s:// .in e en e-st le/ oo -an - rink/reci es
htt s:// .tra / ust-eat- oo s ro -aroun -the-	
htt s:// . cgoo oo .co /reci es/categor /cuisines
b) Read the text again and make a list of dishes which have resemblance to
those popular in Ukraine. Fill in a comparison chart and say how they differ.
Comparison Chart
The name of a dish Differences
Welsh rabbit the name...
In groups, compare and discuss your charts.
III. Language Track
Phonetics in Context
In the text, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according
to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences.
P a t t e r n : Tra ditionally, it is 'served with sauce.
Tra ditionally, Ukrainian borsch is served with sour cream.
Words and Phrases in Context
From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary
items – ‘food’ and ‘meals’, ‘taste’ – ‘flavour’ in context. Using electronic
dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your
own contexts.
From the text, reproduce verbs which are used to describe any recipe to
compete the word cloud. Use them to describe any recipe from a slide-
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
From the text, reproduce the following words and phrases and interpret
their meanings. Make up your own sentences with them.
isconce tion
to	re in 	o
a	s ecial	occasion
a	satis ing	snack
re nants	o 	 oo
co ulsor 	ingre ients
rea - a e
lant- ase 	 iet
a	 illing	 ish
a) Language Search
From the text find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram.
Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb with dif-
ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own
htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er
htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/
htt s://en.o or /english
to come
b) Information Search
Search the Internet and find some information about 1–2 interesting na-
tional dishes from any country to continue a cookery slide show. Focus on:
their	origin
the	 a 	the 	are	cooke
the	 a 	the 	are	ser e .
Present your findings to the class and express your opinion.
Grammar in Context
From the text, reproduce grammar items in bold and interpret their
Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
I 	 ou	 ant	to	 escri e	the	 rocess	in	the	or er	it	ha ene ,	use...
I 	 ou	 ant	to	 ocus	on	ti e,	use...
o	to	 our	First Aid Kit .	171	 or	 ore	in or ation
Work in groups and make a recipe of a dish. Each member of the group
describes his card of the recipe.
Group 1: How to make yogurt cucumber salad.
Group 2: How to make vegetable salad with avocado.
E x a m p l e : First we peel avocado.
o	to	 our	WB	 or	 ore	e ercises
IV. Communication Track
Spoken Production
a) Food for Thought
There is a lot of food and drinks from different countries in Ukraine.
Say which of them are popular in your country and why. What food
or drink from abroad became your favourite.
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
b) Spoken Interaction
In pairs, role-play the situation below. Use the useful phrases from the box.
Role 1: Your international friend from Japan is coming to you on a visit. It
is his/her first visit to Ukraine and you want to please her/him with
your national dishes and also say that some Japanese dishes are also
popular in your country.
Role 2: You have an international friend in Ukraine. At his/her invitation
you are coming to Ukraine on a visit. You know that he/she is a mem-
ber of his/her school cookery club and you are bringing him/her a
present – a Cookery Book with Japanese dishes. You also want to
taste Ukrainian dishes and have a recipe of those you like the best.
Useful Phrases:
i	...	...	,	long	ti e	no	see.
o 	 as	 our	tri
hat	 o	 ou	sa 	to...	
oul 	 ou	like...	
o 	 o	 ou	 in ...	
o 	 o	 ou	call	(cook)...	
The	 ish	tastes...
I’ e	ne er	eaten	an thing	like	that	 e ore.
It’s	incre i le
Thank	 ou	 or	sharing...
... as	a	real	treat.
... ill	 e	in	 	list	o 	likes	 ro 	no .	
c) In groups, discuss the truth of one of the proverbs or quotes suggested be-
low. Illustrate them with the examples of your personal experience.
a) Before you listen
You are going to listen to the talk of Philip Stewart who is going to cook his
favourite dish for the greatest American holiday “Thanksgiving Day”. He
talks with his wife Ellen and his son Robert. Look at the products and de-
cide what dish the man is going to cook.
“Food is a dangerous article. Too
much food makes you fat, too
little food makes you dead”.
ark	 ar ing,	
British	co e ian
“Every cook praises his own broth”.
English	 ro er
Tastes differ.
Fasting comes after feasting.
Feast today and fast tomorrow.
English	 ro er s
“Where you eat is sacred”.
e is	Bur ell,	
S anish	 il - aker
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Apples Flour Butter Sugar Walnuts Cinnamon
b) While you listen
Listen to the talk and correct mistakes in the statements below.
1.	 Phili 	 egins	to	get	rea 	 or	cooking	counting	 one .
2.	 Ellen	 orries	that	her	hus an 	is	too	 uick.
3.	 e	takes	 utter	 ro 	the	shel es.
4.	 alnuts	 ake	his	 ish	 a ous.		
5.	 Phili ’s	 i e	sai 	that	all	the	s ices	are	on	the	ta le.
6.	 s	it	turne 	out	the 	le t	the	cinna on	in	the	sho .
7.	 Phili ’s	son	 o ie	lo es	a les	in	his	 a ’s	 ish.
8.	 o ie	agrees	to	hel 	his	 a 	out	an 	goes	to	the	 arket.
9.	 is	 u 	a ises	 o ie	to	 ut	on	a	hat,	 ecause	it’s	col 	outsi e.
10.	 o ie	asks	his	 arents	not	to	ans er	 le an ra’s	call.	
c) After you listen
In the whole class, make a recipe of Philip’s dish. Try to describe the
process of its cooking. Is this dish popular in Ukraine? If yes, what
ingredients do you put into it? On what occasions do you eat this dish?
a) Before you write
If your international friend likes one of Ukrainian dishes and asks you how
you’ve made it, give him / her a recipe.
In	grou s,	 rainstor 	 ith	 our	 rien s	 hat	 ish	o 	Ukrainian	cuisine	
is	 o ular	 ith	 oreigners.
ake	a	list	o 	ingre ients	 or	this	 ish.	
b) While you write
How to write a Recipe
Content Tips Language Tips
ake	a	list	o 	ingre ients. Steps
Cho ...
r 	etc.
o	to	 our	First Aid Kit	 .	188	 or	a	Sa le	o 	a	 eci e
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Culture Comparison
Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison
ericans	cook	s ecial	 ishes	 or	their	great	holi a 	Thanksgi ing	
a .	Search	the	Internet	an 	 in 	out	the	reci es	o 	these	 ishes.	
Co are	 the 	 ith	 the	 ishes	 Ukrainians	 cook	 or	 s ecial	 occa-
At Home: Write a recipe of your favourite dish.
2.2. What are your Food Preferences?
Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box
	to	ski
	to	 other
	ho e- a e
	 lour- ase
	incre i le
	to	assi ilate
	to	 ut	on	 eight
	to	 ine	out
	a enturous	eaters
	to	snack	through	the	 a
	to	 iss	so ething	 a l
	 i 	 rinks
	to	one’s	heart’s	content
	to	 e	concerne 	a out	the	 oo
	It’s	ages	since	
e’ e	 et
	 ice	 ersa
	 s	 ar	 as	 I	 re e -
	I’ 	all	 or	it
	I 	it	isn’t	 lice
	 	 e	go
I. Go Ahead!
Look at the photos and say what preferences in food these people may have. What
makes you think so?
E x a m p l e : I think the man in the first photo prefers fattening food, because
he has a weight problem.
II. Reading
a) Read the conversation of teenagers discussing their preferences in food and say
whose opinion you share and why.
Alice: i,	gu s,	I’ 	 ack 	
Vasyl: It’s	ages	since	 e’ e	 et 	I 	it	isn’t	 lice 	You	look	terri ic.	 ust	like	
a	real	 erican	girl 	 hen	 i 	 ou	co e	 ack
Alice:	 	e change	 rogra 	 as	o er	three	 a s	ago	an 	so	I’ 	here.
Ann:	 la 	to	 eet	 ou,	 lice.	 o 	 as	 our	li e	in	the	US
Alice:	 I	like	Seattle	an 	 	school,	the	house	I	li e 	in	 	e er thing,	e ce t	
oo .
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
Helen:	 It	can’t	 e 	You	look	as	i 	 ou’ e	 ut	on	a	little	 eight,	eating	tast 	
nutritious	 oo .
Alice:	 	 arents	sa 	the	sa e 	But	it	 as	i ossi le	to	 atch	 	 eight	
ecause	 	host	 a il 	ha 	a solutel 	 i erent	 re erences	in	 oo 	
than	I	ha .	 s	 ell	as	the	 eal	sche ule.	
Helen:	 hat	 o	 ou	 ean
Alice:	 	host	 u 	 i n’t	 other	 ith	 reak asts	at	all	an 	 e	ha 	either	
ast	 oo 	 like	 a	 ha urger	 or	 i a	 or	 so eti es	 reak ast	 as	
ski e 	entirel .	 ere	in	Ukraine	I	got	use 	to	 u ’s	hot	 reak asts	
an 	a	cu 	o 	co ee.	
Vasyl: You said you studied in Seattle, didn’t you? n 	Seattle	is	kno n	as	
a	 lace	 here	 eo le	can	ha e	goo 	co ee.	I	rea 	a out	it	in	so e	
aga ine.	 i n’t	 ou	 ine	out
Alice:	 	course	 e	 i .	 ericans	are	a entur-
ous	eaters	an 	en o 	ethnic	 oo .	The 	can	
snack	throughout	the	 a 	on	chi s,	 rench	
ries	 ut	 or	the	 ain	 eal	o 	the	 a 	 	 in-
ner	 ost	 a ilies	usuall 	go	to	so e	restaurant	 hich	 eatures	ethnic	
oo 	like	 e ican,	Chinese.	 	host	 a il 	en o s	eating	Te - e 	
ecause	 	host	 u 	is	the	Tai anese.	
Ann:	 o 	interesting 	You liked Thai food, didn’t you
Alice:	 ice	 ersa 	I	 re er	ho e- a e	 oo 	an 	 isse 	 	 u ’s	sou s	an 	
cutlets	an 	e en	 aren ks	an 	 ancakes	 a l .
Ann:	 s	 ar	as	I	re e er,	you didn’t like flour-based food, did you
Alice:	 ight,	 ut	 	 erican	e erience	sho s	that	there	is	nothing	like	
holeso e	tast 	Ukrainian	 oo .	
Alex:	 I 	 ou	ask	 e	I	ha e	nothing	against	 unk	or	
takea a 	 oo .	It’s a part of a ritual when you
have an outing, isn’t it 	 hen	 ou	go	out	 ou	
can	 eat	 shashl k,	 cris s,	 san iches,	 ha e	
i 	 rinks	an 	 on’t	 other	a out	 our	ta le	 anners.	 oreo er,	
ou	can enjoy the fresh air and scenic views	an 	relax to your heart’s
content, can’t you
Vasyl:	 You	are	an incura le ro antic,	 le .	But	I	a 	 ersonall 	concerne 	
a out	the	 oo 	I	eat.	
Helen:	 	course	 ou	shoul 	 e 	You are a school champion, the best swim-
mer of the year, aren’t you?
Vasyl: I	a ,	an 	this	is	the	reason	 h 	I	 re er	 ell- alance 	 iet	 ith	all	
kin s	o 	 eat,	 ilk	 ro ucts	an 	cereals.	Food is the basic fuel of
our life, isn’t it?
Helen: So	it	is.	But	 ou	 orgot	a out	 egeta les	an 	 ruits.	Not	that	I’ 	a	
egetarian,	 ut	I	 re er	to	eat	 eat	 ith	 egeta les.	 	 u 	sa s	
eat	is	 etter	assi ilate 	 ith	the .	
Ann:	 Your	 u 	is	a	 octor	an 	she	kno s	 est.	Besi es,	i 	 ou	 ant	to	
atch	 our	 eight	an 	sta 	slen er	 ou	shoul 	eat	health 	 oo 	like	
egeta les	an 	 ruits.	I	also	can’t	 o	 ithout	all	kin s	o 	 egeta le	
an 	 ruit	sala s.
Helen:	 The	onl 	 ro le 	is	i 	the	 egeta les	 e	eat	are	organic	an
Vasyl:	 ook	here,	girls,	 ou	can	go	on	talking	a out	 our	 iets	nineteen	to	
the	 o en.	But	I	ha e	a	 etter	i ea.	 et’s	go	to	the	ca e	an 	reali e	
our	 oo 	 re erences	there.	
Alex:	 I’ 	all	 or	it
Alice:	 e	too.
Ann, Helen:	 gree 	then.	 	 e	go
BrE 	chi s
AmE 	 rench	 ries
BrE 	takeway
AmE 	takeout
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Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
b) Read the text again and fill in the preference chart below. Comment on
teenagers’ food preferences.
Preference Chart
Food Preferences Reasons
o e a e	 oo ikes	her	 other’s	 ishes
Ôîòî.	 elen,	
Ôîòî.	 le ,	
as l
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  • 1. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 2. р ав а про и р в П др и д а а ад в а а о р д о о в и LARISA KALININA INNA SAMOYLYUKEVYCH Y A Ëàðèñà КАЛІНІНА Іííà ÑÀÌÎÉËÞÊÅÂÈ× ENGLISH АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА Ðåêîìåíäîâàíî Міністерством освіти і науки України Київ «Ãåíåçà» 2019 Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 3. © Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В., 2019 © Видавництво «Генеза», оригінал-макет, 2019 ISBN 978-966-11-0971-0 Ê17 Ка а Л. В. Англійська мова : (11-й рік навчання, профільний рівень) = English : підруч. для 11 кл. закл. заг. серед. освіти / Лариса Калініна, Інна Самойлюкевич. — Київ : Генеза, 2019. — 208 с. : іл. ISBN 978-966-11-0971-0. Матеріал підручника сприяє розвитку інтегративних, кому ні- ка тивно-пізнавальних, комунікативних і когнітивних умінь на основі взаємопов’язаного навчання всіх видів мовленнєвої діяльності. Cкла- дається із 5 розділів (Units). Наприкінці кожного розділу подано рубрику Your Test Pack для контролю і самоконтролю засвоєних знань. ДК . . УДК 811.111(075.3) Ê17 Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України (наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 12.04.2019 № 472) Вида о а ра о д р ав и о в. Прода а оро о Формат 70×100/16. Ум. друк. арк. 16,9. Обл.-вид. арк. 15,15. Тираж 17 419 пр. Вид. № 1995 Зам. № Видавництво «Генеза», вул. Тимошенка, 2-л, м. Київ, 04212. Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи серія ДК № 5088 від 27.04.2016 Віддруковано у ТОВ «ПЕТ», вул. Ольмінського, 17, м. Харків, 61024. Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи серія ДК № 4526 від 18.04.2013. Навчальне видання КАЛІНІНА Лариса Вадимівна САМОЙЛЮКЕВИЧ Інна Володимирівна АНГЛІ СЬКА МОВА р ав а про и р в П др и д а а ад в а а о р д о о в и Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України Вида о а ра о д р ав и о в. Прода а оро о Головний редактор Наталія Заблоцька. Редактор Інна Лук’янчук. Головний художник Світлана Желєзняк. Художній редактор Oлена Мамаєва. Технічний редактор Цезарина Федосіхіна. Комп’ютерна верстка Лариси Кулагіної. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 4. 3 ЛЮБИЙ ДРУЖЕ ТА ЛЮБА ПОДРУЖКО! Перед вами новий підручник з англійської мови. Він має 5 розділів Units, кожен з яких ознайомлює з новою цікавою темою, наприклад, e n orl , reat E ectations , lo al areness то о. Кожен урок розділу містить новий лексичний та граматичний матері- ал, засвоєння якого допоможе вам спілкуватися зі своїми однокласниками на будь-яку з тем, о вивчаються. к о ви відчуєте трудно і при ви- вченні граматичного матеріалу, скористайтеся розділом irst i it у кінці підручника, у якому ви знайдете пояснення до мовного матеріалу. Підручник містить цікаві пошукові вправи з використанням інформа- ційно-комунікаційних технологій, о дасть вам можливість реалізувати власну інформаційно-цифрову компетентність під час вивчення англій- ської мови. Виконуючи творчі вправи підручника, ви зможете проявити свою кре- ативність, висловити власну точку зору з різних проблем, поцікавитися думками своїх друзів, порівняти власні думки з думками однокласників. Усе це дозволить вам вільно спілкуватися із зарубіжними друзями. У кінці кожного розділу ви також знайдете пакет завдань ( Your Test Pack ), виконання яких допоможе поступово підготуватися до успішної здачі ЗНО. На вас чекає зустріч з цікавими люльми, які розкажуть про себе, про свої захоплення, поділяться своїми думками та ідеями. Ви зможете зна- йти відповіді на питання, які вас цікавлять. Good Luck! Хай астить УМОВНІ ПОЗНАЧЕНН : – for inquisitive learners – for creative thinkers – for digital natives – Culture Comparison – for critical thinkers – at Home – a differentiated task – a differentiated task Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 5. 4 CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Unit 1. Me And My World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Unit 2. One Person’s Meat… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Unit 3. Ukraine At Large . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Unit 4. Great Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Unit 5. My Global Awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 FIRST AID KIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Grammar in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Writing Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Audioscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 6. 5 In this unit, you will learn how: Unit 1 ME AND MY WORLD • to describe rights and duties of the youth today; • to talk about your responsibilities in the family; • to discuss behaviour patterns of teenagers; • to integrate your skills on the topic; • to check the level of knowledge and skills on the topic, getting ready for independent testing. getting ready for independent testing. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 7. 6 Unit One: Me And My World 1.1. What Rights and Duties are Right for you? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box a reciation eers e ertise crucial to rotect ell- eing iolation generation otential ulnera le to launch to a iliari e onesel ith... to oul the histor hu an rights acti it to change so ething or etter ci ic acti it to ro ote alues rain rain in line ith so ething to take a antage o so ething to aintain health ctuall ... ccor ing to o i- nion sur e ... Surel ... In this regar ... urther ore... I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what rights the young people in them want to defend. What is your attitude to it? E x a m p l e : I think young people gathered to defend their right to freedom. In my opinion nobody has the right to imprison innocent people. Everybody can express his/her point of view. II. Reading a) Read the information from Ukrainian newspapers about the rights, duties and problems of Ukrainian youth as different people see them. Say who you agree with and why. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 8. 7 1.1 UKRAINIAN YOUTH: RIGHTS, DUTIES, PROBLEMS I think the ne generation o Ukrainians which is educated igital, is ore connecte to the orl an ith an ore rights than their arents an gran arents en o e . or e a le, ha ing access to an in or ation an aterials ro a i ersit o national an international sources oung eo le got the o ortunities to a iliari e the sel es ith the li est les o their eers ro i er- ent countries, their ro le s, the a s the use their rights. Thus, the can co are their ree o s, rights an uties ith those o teenagers a roa . But e shoul n’t orget that a lot o oung eo le, who were born in an in e en ent Ukraine, ha e ature on the asis o crises an rotests. assi e artici ation o the stu ents an the oung on the Euro ai an re olution is the i i e on- stration o their rights to ree o o thoughts an e ression o their ie s an uties to e en the uture o Ukraine an the as iration o the oung. ctuall , the role which is played the oung as agents o olitical an social changes in the countr a ears to e an uch ore than going out into the streets. But it isn’t eas to get ahea in olitics. The sociologists sa that the oung ha e a great otential to oul the histor o their countr , ut er- sistence an har ork are nee e ro the to achie e a real e ocrac . u an rights acti ists clai that the e olution o ignit re resente a turning oint or a art o Ukrainian outh, who are eager to change the li e in the countr or etter. The on’t ant to e onl consu ers o oli- tics, ut also creators an acti e artici ants. (The Ukrainian Journal) * * * Since the e olution o ignit an the latest e ents which took place in on ass, Ukrainian societ has itnesse a signi i- cant increase in acti is . lot o oung eo le get together, oin oluntar organi- ations an o oluntar ork, which is a valuable part of the country’s population needs. n not onl that. ccor ing to o in- ion sur e s, the le el o con i ence in the ar , which en o s a goo re utation a ong the outh, is rather high. No on er, hen the ar e con lict in the East o Ukraine egan, the outh olunteere i - e iatel . an oung eo le elie e it to e their ut to oin the ar ithout eing orce . Surel , oung Ukrainians ha e the right to take an acti e art in ci ic acti ities. Politicians e hasi e, that the rinci le areas o concern that o- ti ate the to o it are the ro ision o ai or chil ren in hu anitarian crises an the e enсe o hu an rights. In this regar , Ukrainian outh launch ca aigns ro oting ci il alues such as tolerance an e ualit . Peo le shoul learn ho to get along ith each other. (The Kyiv Post) BrE e hasise AmE e hasize Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 9. 8 UNIT 1 * * * Ukrainian outh has the right to e ucation, ut accor ing to e ert o ser- ations a istur ing tren , which includes the decline of general and voca- tional education, is taking lace no a a s. The can take either o the i the ha a chance. The Nation i e stu ies o outh o Ukraine 2017 sho that onl 44 o oung Ukrainians are satis ie ith the ualit o e ucation in general, an onl one thir elie e that Ukrainian e ucation eets the nee s o the o ern la our arket. or co arison, accor ing to the Euro aro eter Poll o 2014, 73 o oung eo le in the Euro ean Union (EU) agree that their e ucation ro i e the ith the skills the nee e to in o s in line ith their uali ications. urther ore, in 2016 59 o oung eo le in the EU state that their national e uca- tional s ste s ere a a te to the o ern la our arket. The oung eo le ant to reali e their rights an get ro- oun kno le ge oth at school an Uni ersities. That’s h the rotest against iolations o stu ents’ rights or e ualit in e uca- tion. u lic o inion oll, which was commenced in 2013 sho e that 62 o oung Ukrainians state that the e ucational ser ices o not corres on to the current stan ar s, 60 na e lack o aterial, technical, inancial an other ro ision o the Uni ersities. es ite this, stu ents still stri e or high- er e ucation ecause the elie e that s ecial kno le ge an e ertise are i ortant actors in in ing o . ( * * * Young Ukrainians are a are that the li e in the crucial ti e or their countr , hen the in o o o ortunit has een o ene an that the ust e a le to take a antage o it. The ti e has co e to re- ali e their as irations, rea s an rights. rticle 24 o the Unite Nations Con- ention on the ights o the Chil gi es the the right to health an health care. That’s h oung eo le are concerne a out ro le s relate to health li ing: the en iron ent, ecolog , oor e ical care, a use o s oking an taking rugs. The set u outh centres, chil ren’s ca s, stu ent s ort leagues, which promote healthy li est les, in ol e oung eo le into i erent social an s ort acti ities. The ho e not onl to aintain their o n health an the health o others, ut to e elo e isting Ukrainian tra itions, achie e ents o social rogra s to rotect against negati e e ects o the glo al cultural integration rocess, that led to change in attitudes, al- ues, social ell- eing o oung eo le. oreo er, Ukrainian outh consi er nature rotection to e their ut . The ocus on the urning ro le s o en iron ental rotection in the coun- tr , which in their view ill reser e the eaut o nature or uture genera- tions. Their slogans are si le ut con incing: No e orestation in the Car- athians , Sto olluting air , on’t thro aste into the ri ers an lakes . I think, it’s criticall i ortant to a to un erstan oung eo le’s ro - le s, a itions an intentions, to kee in in their rights an uties, e- cause the outh o 2018 ill e a ong those, ho ill ake ke ecisions in Ukraine in 2025 an later. (The Business Today) BrE la our AmE la or Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 10. 9 1.1 ACROSS CULTURES A voluntary organization is an organi ation that is organi e or su orte eo le ho gi e their one , ser ice etc. ecause the ant to an o not inten to ake a ro it. The United Nations (UN) a large international organi ation that al ost e er countr in the orl elongs to, hich as esta lishe in 1945 to ake sure that there is eace in the orl an that countries ork together to eal ith international ro le s. The European Union (EU) a olitical an econo ic organi ation esta lishe to encourage tra e an rien l relations et een its e er countries. à) For inquisitive learners: to know more, use the sites: htt :// . eter ont in .co /2010/12/teenagers-rights-an - res onsi ilities/ htt s://teens.lo etokno .co /Songs out ro ing U htt s:// . outhhoo .org/go ern ent/si in e .as b) Read the texts again and fill in the chart with rights and duties of Ukrai- nian youth mentioned. Comment on their manifestations. Rights Duties the right to health and health care... . III. Language Track Phonetics in Context In the texts, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : Actually, the role which young people play as agents of political and social changes in the country appears to demand much more than going out into the streets. Actually, young Ukrainians take an active part in the life of the country. Words and Phrases in Context From the texts, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘any’ and ‘either’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce nouns formed from the following verbs and make up your sentences with them. Фото: будь-яка волонтерська організація в Україні Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 11. 10 UNIT 1 E x a m p l e : to express – expression The youth have the right to freedom of expression. I believe, the right to freedom of expression is extremely impor- tant for young people, because everyone should have his/her per- sonal opinion and be able to express it. to demonstrate to participate to change to achieve to increase to populate to provide to defend to observe to educate In the texts, find and reproduce sentences with the following words and word combinations in context. Add 2–3 logically connected sentences to develop the idea of the context. E x a m p l e : to enjoy rights I think the new generation of Ukrainians, which is educated digital, more connected to the world and with many more rights than their parents and grandparents enjoyed. They are digital natives and have access to different sites and programmes. Moreover, young people feel comfortable with new technologies and many of them have become their bare necessities. crisis an rotests agents o olitical an social change to en o a goo re utation to e co liant ith current stan ar s to ro ote a health li est le. a turning oint ecline to e a a te to to stri e or BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE а) Language Search From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif- ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or /english to get ahead Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 12. 11 1.1 b) Information Search Search the Internet and find information about some well-known volunteer organizations in Ukraine. Focus on: their ai s the role the la in the li e o outh in Ukraine the artici ation o oung Ukrainians in the . Present your findings to the class and comment on the possible youth’s rights and duties in them. Grammar in Context 1. From the texts, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. 2. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. elati e clauses can e defining or non-defining. I ou ant to i enti hich e er o a grou the sentence talks a out, use... I ou ant to gi e a itional in or ation a out the noun it re ers to, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 169 or ore in or ation 3. Read the pair of sentences below. Combine them by changing the second sentence into a relative clause. Use a relative pronoun and commas when necessary. E x a m p l e : I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’. I can read it in the evening. I bought the ‘Kyiv Post’ I can read in the evening. 1. I re e er the a . I artici ate in the Euro ai an re olution. 2. There are olunteers. The hel the o ulation in the East o Ukraine. 3. Young Ukrainians rea o eace. The can’t ha e it hen there is a ar con lict in the East. 4. No there are olitical o ser ers. The su l eo le ith true-to-li e in or ation. 5. e li e in Ukraine. In our countr the econo ic an olitical situation changes slo l . 6. lot o eo le su er ro the a sence o a goo o . Those eo le li e in i erent arts o Ukraine. 7. an oung Ukrainians are rea to oul the histor . These Ukraini- ans are stu ents. 8. lot o teenagers are eager to get a soli higher e ucation. The can’t o ithout ne technologies. 9. ne outh clu has eco e s ecial to e. I co e to it e er a . o to our B or ore e ercises Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 13. 12 UNIT 1 IV. Communication Track Speaking Spoken Production a) Food for Thought To protect rights, the United Nation has worked out an international agree- ment called “The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Read these rights and say which you fully enjoy and in what way. Are you deprived of any? Which rights do you hope to realize later? Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, look at the photo (p. 13), identify yourselves with the characters and com- plete the dialogue using the following useful phrases. ll chil ren ha e the right to non- iscri ination ( rticle 2). Chil ren ha e the right to li e. State arties shoul ensure to the a i u e tent ossi le to sur i al an e elo ent o a chil ( rticle 6). Chil ren ha e the rights to e ress their ie s reel ( rticle 12). Chil ren ha e the right to ree o o e ression, ree o to seek, recei e an i art the in or ation an i eas o all kin s ( rticle 13) Chil ren ha e the rights to ree o o thoughts, conscience an religion. State arties shoul res ect these rights ( rticle 14). Chil ren ha e the rights to eet other eo le. Chil ren can oin organi ations, take art in eetings an eace ul e onstrations hich o not a ect other eo le’s rights ( rticle 15). Chil ren ha e the right to ri ac , the right to the rotection o the la against the inter erence ith it ( rticle 16). Chil ren ha e the right to in or ation. State arties shoul ensure that the chil has access to in or ation an aterial ro a i ersit o national an institutional sources es eciall those ai e at the ro otion o his/her social, s iritual, oral, h sical an ental health ( rticle 17). Chil ren ha e the rights to the en o ent o the high stan ar s o health an health care ( rticle 24). Chil ren ha e the right to e ucation an e elo ent ( rticle 28, 29). Chil ren ha e the right to rest an leisure ( rticle 31). Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 14. 13 1.1 Useful phrases: a e ou e er thought o ... Perha s ou coul ... oul ou care to ... h not ... crucial, isn’t it I’ a little uncertain... e can’t...other ise... e shoul e initel ...unless... et’s look at the other si e o ... It’s ti e to... But it goes uch urther than that. A. ... B. ... A. ithout ou t, oung Ukrai- nians ha e not onl rights ut uties too. o ou agree B. Sure, I o. ctuall , an o the e onstrate it e er a . A. ... ... B. ... A. B. ... c) The nationwide poll “Youth of Ukraine 2017” states that Ukrainian “Genera- tion Z” acquires additional meanings in terms of attitudes, values and rights in the new Ukrainian context. In groups, discuss the statement above and come up with your ideas as to new challenges of rights and duties of Ukrai- nian youth. Listening a) Before you listen You are going to listen to a s chologist’s o inion a out ro le s o oung eo le. She entitle her iece o in or ation Young Peo le l Pro le s . In the hole class, co ent on the title an sa hat ro le s o oung eo le the s chologist is going to touch u on an ho uch the are attri uta le to Ukrainian outh. b) While you listen Listen to the information and mark true/false statements below. 1. To a arents o teenagers orr a lot a out increasing iolence. 2. Teenagers elie e it’s easier to li e in the o ern orl . 3. The onl reason or teenagers’ ro le s is o ert in the a ilies. 4. So e s chologists clai that teenage ro le s occur hen the are le t alone. 5. Teenagers nee ore care an attention ro a ults. 6. hen teenagers can’t in the ans ers to the ro le s that orr the in the a il , the get the ro other eo le. 7. ur societ elie es that teenagers are ol enough to e res onsi le or their or s an ee s. 8. Teenagers are ell a are o their rights an res onsi ilities an can co e ith the . 9. The s chologist consi ers that teenagers are not sure o their ecisions. 10. The s chologist thinks that all orries, concerns an ro le s o teenagers ill isa ear in the uture. A. ... Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 15. 14 UNIT 1 с) After you listen The author o the article clai s that so e eo le agree that teenagers are ol enough to e res onsi le or hat the sa an o an shoul e gi en a lot o ree o an rights. The o osite grou elie es that teenagers are too oung to e taken seriousl . In grou s, iscuss these oints o ie an oice our o inion. In the hole class, co are our o inions an co e u ith our lists o reco en ations or a ults. Begin ith: when you deal with teenagers... Writing а) Before you write I ou ant to argue ith eo le a out our rights an uties in Ukraine an e ress our o inion, rite an o inion essa . In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat argu ents shoul our essa contain. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use in our o inion essa to soun con incing. b) While you write How to Write an Informal Opinion Essay Content Tips Language Tips State the to ic an our o i- nion in an intro uctor ara- gra h. rite t o or ore aragra hs an resent se arate ie - oints su orte our rea- sons. estate our o inion in con- clusion. In ie ... In o inion... To start ith... nother a or reason is... urther ore... In a ition to this... It’s argue that... Contrar to hat eo le a elie e... s o ose to the a o e i eas... ll things consi ere ... Taking e er thing into account... o to our First Aid Kit . 187 or a Sa le o an inion Essa Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison hat rights an uties o our eers a roa en o a e ou got the sa e rights an uties I not ho o the i er At Home: In your WB write an opinion essay on the rights and duties signifi- cant to you. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 16. 15 1.2 1.2. What Makes Teenagers Different and Alike? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box consi erate ell- annere ill- annere sel ish s ite ul to sociali e intuition ran o to initiate to re lace acce ta le to ull re ar ing to en o e er inute o ... to u ge eo le ... to e eas or i icult to eal ith... to e a real treat cross-cultural co unication on the outsi e/insi e on e ual ter s to lose one’s heart to change e on recognition to treat so e o ith ignit ong ti e no see Basicall ... But in the en ... B the a ... onestl ... I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say how teenagers may differ. E x a m p l e : I believe teenagers are different in their preferences in sport. Some like team sport, others prefer individual sport. It depends. II. Reading à) Read the teenagers’ talk and say how much you agree with them. Ann: e , gu s, long ti e no see o as our International outh ca i ou en o it Alex: I ou ask e, I i . Though all o us ere i erent, I en o e e er inute o s en ing ti e ith the . Ann: It takes an kin s to ake the orl as u sa s. If we were the same, life would be dull. Besi es, e are rought u i erentl . Діти-підлітки займаються різними видами спорту Одна дівчина мріє стати вчителем (навчає дітей), інша лікарем (лікує тварин) Підлітки за столом поводять себе по-різному. Одні добре, інші погано. Діти купляють різний одяг Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 17. 16 UNIT 1 So e are consi erate, rea il gi e in an ell- annere , others are sel ish or e en s ite ul an ne er gi e u . Vasyl: I think no one in the orl looks e actl alike e en i entical t ins. I ersonall , ne er u ge eo le the a the look. The i erence in a earance is not that i ortant or e. I a erson is eas to eal ith, has a nice sense o hu our, then it’s a real treat to ake rien s ith her/hi . Kate: True, true. Peo le eha e i erentl an act i erentl . There ere chil ren ro an countries in the ca . So e s oke i erent lan- guages an ha i erent cultures. I it were not for our cultural and language differences, we wouldn’t get a great experience in cross- cultural co unication. Ann: hat o ou ean Kate: I ean that the ossi ilit to co unicate ith chil ren o i erent countries roa ene hori on, taught e to e tolerant o the things the on’t like an acce t the i ea that i erent’ oesn’t ean a ’. Ann: It as reall a re ar ing e erience. Alex: I can’t agree ore. t irst e i n’t kno ho to sociali e ith teen- agers ro Englan an erica. The looke goo on the outsi e, ut ersonalit ostl co es ro the insi e not the outsi e, ou kno . Ann: intuition tells e that if a person looks good, he/she will be al- ways kind and friendly. Vasyl: There is so ething in hat ou sa . I a e rien s ith o an l- ice ro San rancisco an learne a out a er interesting tren that ha starte in erica ran o acts o kin ness. Ann: I’ e ne er hear a out it. Can ou tell us a little ore a out it Vasyl: Basicall , ollo ers o the o e ent calle The in ness e olution , ill ull an illingl co it senseless acts o eaut ’, like gi ing lo ers to strangers, s iling at el erl eo le, icking u litter etc. o sai that it as their teacher ho hear a out another ran o act o iolence on T an eci e to change the or iolence’ to kin - ness’, then the hole tone o the state ent as change ro negati e to ositi e. lice sa s that ran o acts o kin ness are those little s eet, lo el things ou o or no reason e ce t to e a nicer erson. Alex: I like this i ea too. If you do something nice for someone, it will make you and them feel better. lice an o organi e one a in our ca un er the slogan h not co it an act o ran o kin - ness to a . So the ne t a e ent to the nearest illage an trie it. It as ust antastic It taught an o us not to e onl kin , ut ore tolerant an res ect ul to others. Kate: No that ou’ e entione an act o ran o kin ness I re e ere the a o Positi e Thinking initiate our English rien uth. It looke like a ga e to re lace an negati e thoughts ith ositi e ones. But in the en it hel e an sh chil ren not to lose their hearts hile talking ith their eers ro a roa ut to co unicate on e ual ter s, to re eal their o n sel es. B the a , uth re- sente e ith the ook o era Pei er ho rote a out ositi e thinking. Ann: I think it’s uite acce ta le to tr it ith our class ates. a e so e o our gu s ill change their eha iour or etter an sto ull ing others ut treat the ith ignit an res ect. Alex: Treat others as ou ant to e treate , as the sa ing goes. But if they had been with us in the International camps, they would have changed beyond recognition. It’s not that i icult to a a t our eha iour to the e ectations o others. BrE eha iour AmE eha ior Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 18. 17 1.2 ACROSS CULTURES San Francisco a cit an ort in Cali ornia kno n or eing a er eauti ul cit , uilt on hills ne t to a a . Vera Peiffer a ell-kno n English s cho the- ra ist, the author o an ooks ho set u the Pei er oun ation in 1994 to hel eo le in their ersonal e elo ent. b) Team up with your friends. One team presents “An Act of Random Kind- ness”, the second team – “A Day of Positive Thinking” suggested by the children’s International friends. What is your attitude to these activi- ties? How do they help to change people’s behaviour? For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// . o /li est le/5465/the- ost-co on- ro le s-teenagers- ace-to a .ht l htt s:// .theguar /societ /2016/se /24/teenagers- generation-in-crisis htt s://greatergoo . erkele .e u/article/ite /ho teens to a are i erent ro ast generations III. Language Track Phonetics in Context In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, / / in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : How was your international youth camp? I think youth is the future of the country. Words and Phrases in Context From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items ‘next’ and ‘near’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce words and word combinations with the opposite meanings. Illustrate them with your own examples. E x a m p l e : the same – different People are different and we should respect them and treat with dignity. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 19. 18 UNIT 1 cheer ul inconsi erate ill- annere generous goo -hearte a turning oint to look goo on the outsi e e il un rien l intolerant useless e erience From the text, reproduce words and phrases which are attributable to the description of different behaviour patterns to complete the word cloud. Use them to describe someone from the class and let your friends guess who you mean. BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif- ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or /english to give in b) Information Search Search the Internet and find some information about typical behaviour pat- terns of teenagers in England and the USA. Focus on: their eha iour co e at school their eha iour ith arents an a ults their eha iour ith each other. Present your findings to the class and comment on the differences and similarities in your American and English peers’ behaviour. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 20. 19 1.2 Grammar in Context From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. I ou ant to talk a out so ething that is likel to ha en in the uture, use I ou ant to talk a out unlikel uture e ents, i aginar or i ro a le situations in the resent, use I ou ant to talk a out ossi le e ents in the ast that i n’t ha en, regrets or criticis , use o to our First Aid Kit . 169 or ore in or ation Read teenagers’ advice seeking letters in the youth magazine and fill in the correct conditionals. ear E itor, I a riting a S S letter to ou. I ou look at the hoto I ha e attache ou easil guess ro le . I o ten argue ith u , ecause she ne er listens to e, ne er asks hat I think or eel. I elie e i she e an ing an ore tolerant, li e ha e een easier or e. She gi es e or ers e er a like: ou’ e got to ear another ress. I on’t ant ou to look too il . I ou ut on this ress ou look lo el or I insist on our going to the art ith e. You’ll get to kno ne eo le etc. But I ant to sociali e ith rien s an ear the clothes I like. I ou gi e e a iece o a ice I e thank ul to ou. Sincerel , Ann ear E itor, Yester a I ha a er un leasant talk ith rien s. I I een tolerant o the , our talk eco e a ro . The atter is that rien s ante e to go to the concert ith the . I re use to oin the ecause I as not intereste in rock- usic. I it another kin o usic I e initel go ith the . rien s got o en e an sai that i I go ith the e e rien s an longer. I lo e rien s so I ga e in. onestl , I i n’t like the concert: the usic as too lou an the rock usicians ere not e citing. I I to this concert I elt etter. But rien s ere thrille an en o e e er inute o it. i I ake the right ecision as tolerance usti ie o to our B or ore e ercises Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 21. 20 UNIT 1 IV. Communication Track Speaking Spoken Production a) Food for Thought Read the examples of behaviour patterns. Choose those which seem unac- ceptable for you. Which are typical of teenagers? Which of them would you prohibit in public places if you could? Sticking chewing gum everywhere . Swearing in public places . Not cleaning up after your dog . Spitting in the streets . Throwing litter everywhere . Drinking beer in the streets . Talking on a mobile phone in public . Forgetting to say “Thank you” and “Sorry” Coughing and yawning with your mouth open in public places . Spoken Interaction b) Pair up with your friends and discuss different behaviour patterns of teenagers in a form of a game “Look on the Bright Side”. Guidelines Useful Phrases ne o ou is a essi ist’ ho eels negati e a out all eha iour atterns an s eak onl a out ro le s. The other is an o ti ist’ ho looks at the right si e an is a le to see the a antages in e er sit- uation. E en hen so ething is reall rong, he/she tries to in the a out, gi es so e goo a - ice to cheer u a essi ist. I su ort the i ea... I ha e nothing against... It soun s strange to e... I’ a solutel against the i ea that... ...irritate(s) e It is (not) necessar to... It’s (i ) ossi le to... I’ a solutel ositi e (negati e) that... I’ or ... ecause... shoul n’t orget that. Situation Cards 1. Your tea lost the ga e: ou la e the la ers, the re eree an oursel ou congratulate the other tea on their ictor . 2. So e o in our class is earing is atche clothes: ou isa ro e an critici e the erson it oesn’t ake an i erence to ou, ut ou sa a e leasant or s. 3. You o not agree ith hat our rien sa s: ou interru t an sa that he is talking nonsense ou listen an sa that e er o has the right to e ress his/her o inion. 4. You alk ho e an see our class- ates ighting: ou start gru ling a out their a eha iour an orali ing ou tr to sto the sa ing that the ust recogni e each other’s right to e ho the are. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 22. 21 1.2 c) In groups, comment on one of the statements: It takes many kinds to make the world. Make some effort to understand others and be tolerant of them. Everyone is special by being different. Respect his/her right to be who he/she is. Everybody is different, but we are all equal. No one is allowed to be spiteful or arrogant to others. Be proud of who you are and treat others as you want to be treated. d) In the whole class, summarize your ideas in a poster “Behaviour Patterns Make a Man”. Behaviour Patterns Make a Man a e ar an trust ul relations ith our a il an rien s. ... Listening a) Before you listen You are going to listen to a stor on tolerance. In 5 grou s, think an eci e: here the stor takes lace ho the ain characters o the stor are ho the characters e onstrate their tolerance. b) While you listen Each grou one one ill listen to one art o the stor . et together an arrange the stor in the right or er. In the hole class, listen to the stor the secon ti e to check i ou ere right. c) After you listen In the hole class, role- la a T sho Teens Talk a out Tolerance . Use the gui elines: Sa hat tolerance is or ou an h it is i ortant. h tolerance is es eciall i ortant to a . h eo le are intolerant. i e the e a les o inci ents ou ake u hich can ser e as e a les o intolerance. i e inci ents ro our li e or ro the li e o other eo le hich can ser e as e a les o tolerance. Writing a) Before you write I ou ant to get a iece o a ice ro an eo le, rite an a ice- seeking letter, hich is u lishe in a aga ine or a ne s a er section calle etters to the E itor . Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 23. 22 UNIT 1 Brainstor ith our rien s: hat orries teenagers in their eha iour an eha iour o others an h ou ant to get so eone’s a ice. ake a list o or s an hrases ou can use to e ress our orr . b) While you write How to Write an Advice-Seeking Letter Content Tips Language Tips Start our letter ith an intro- uction in hich state the rea- son or riting rite 2 3 aragra hs escri- ing our ro le s ro i - erent ers ecti es aise uestions that orr ou an gi e our e lanations sk or o inion rite so e closing re arks in our conclusion an ask or hel . I’ riting to ou in ho e... There’s no one I can turn to... Ne er in il est rea s... It oul e ost use ul to kno ... I oul e elight ul i ... I ust a ologi e or trou ling ou ith re uest... Thank ou in a ance or our kin coo eration... I oul like to thank ou or our ti e... o to . 187 or a Sample of an Advice-Seeking Letter Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison 1) hat ro le s in eha iour atterns orr British an erican eers re the the sa e as ours 2) hat o our oreign rien s o to resol e con licts or a oi the an eco e tolerant o others o ou o the sa e At Home: In your WB, write an advice-seeking letter about someone’s behav- iour patterns that worry you. 1.3. What are your Household Chores? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box necessit tireso e ust in neat to re olt chaotic a liances entirel housekee ing househol chores to take a og or a alk to take out the ru ish to e in or er to ash u t run the house to kee the house ti to e in a ess to clear u the ess to ake so ething a rule In a or ... That cat on’t u I’ll see to it n the contrar ... such a hea ache n secon thoughts... I. Go Ahead! Look at the pictures and read speech bubbles. Say what household chores the teenagers have. Are they happy to do them? Are you the same or different? Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 24. 23 1.3 E x a m p l e : I think it is the girl’s duty to take her dog for a walk, but she is not willing to do it. I believe it has become a problem in the family. II. Reading Oksana is a head of the children’s council in her school. She organized a competi- tion: “My Household Chores: a Headache or Fun” and asked the schoolchildren to share their experience in it, to illustrate them with photos. à) Read what some children wrote about their domestic chores and say if you share their opinions. ur a il is rather ig, e are si altogether. grann , u , ol er sister, ounger rother an e. oreo er, arents an gran- n ork e er a , that’s h i i - ing househol chores is a necessit . I on’t think the are tireso e or un leasant. e all hel one another an that’s h our lat is al a s in goo or er. I think u is a role- o el or us as to housekee ing. She is e tre el organi e an rises hal an hour e ore an one else in the a il . She sa s it’s her ut to ake all the chil ren, to re are reak ast an gather the a il at the orning ta le. ter reak ast a lea es or ork an takes out the ru ish on the a . It is his res onsi ilit to kee a ust in e t an clean. hile u is us ith little rother, sister an e are hel ing each other in the kitch- en. orning uties inclu e utting lates an cu s ack to their laces an taking e or a alk. e also has a ut to guar the house hen e er o is a a . * * * s a rule, u runs the house an kee s it ti , ut she ants rother an e to o our roo our- sel es ecause e are not little ki s as she sa s. rother Nick is 5 ears senior an I share the roo ith hi . e a e it a rule to get u an to ake his e at once, that’s h it is al- a s neat. I like to sta in e longer an hen I u out o e I lea e it BrE ru ish AmE gar age, trash Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 25. 24 UNIT 1 un a e ecause I’ late. I’ es eratel tr ing to in hat clothes to ut on an that’s h clothes are usuall thro n o er the chairs. In a or , our roo is in an a ul ess e er orning. ne a rother re olte : That cat on’t u , Paul. ur roo is chaotic an isor ere . See for yourself. Clear u this ess Since this orn- ing it’ll e our ut to ake a e an to o our roo e ore reak ast, an I’ll see to it . I lo e rother an ne er o ect to hat he sa s. Thus, I o this ut regularl an can’t sa that it is un leasant an oring. n the contrar , the sight o the roo in er ect or er a eals to e ost. * * * I can o ten hear rien sa this house ork is ne er one. There is al a s so ething to o in the house . I un erstan hat she eels a out her househol chores an on’t agree ith her. Cleaning the house, ashing clothes, ashing u took a lot o ti e hen eo le ha to o househol o s han . In the 21st centur househol a liances ans er e er nee . I’ sure there are so an la our-sa ing e ices in e er house. or e a le, u oesn’t ash clothes, linen an other ite s herself, ut a ashing achine oes it er uickl . ut is to hang the ashing an then to iron it. I a e ut leasura le hen I ut on ear hones an o it to the usic. hen e ha e a art in the house it’s res onsi ilit to o the sho - ing. u akes a sho ing list or e an I go to the su er arket to u ro ucts. I en o myself hel ing o in the kitchen using a oo rocessor, or a i er. It turns cooking into a leasure. So, househol chores are not onl oring. * * * I’ a nor al teenager. I ant to go out ith rien s an o teenage things. But arents in- sist on oing househol chores. or e, it is such a hea ache I’ ha to ha e o n roo , hich looks uite isor ere . The loor is co ere ith ooks an iles o a ers, socks an sli ers, e en e t co ee cu s. So eti es I ish I as ti ier an u o ten cleans the roo or e, ecause she hates it eing ess . But one e iso e change attitu e to house- hol chores entirel . class ate ca e to e one a an seeing a terri le isor er in the roo sai that the roo re lects ersonalit . t irst, I elt asha e an con use , ut on secon thoughts I eci e that it is a challenge to change li est le. I a e a general cleaning in roo by myself an since that ti e I on’t onl o roo ut kee the hole house s otless. oreo er, I ecorate roo ith lo er ots, ecause I’ intereste in otan an thus I ha e got a ne ut to look a ter the . So, no I’ lease with myself. b) Read the children’s information again and fill in the opinion chart with their attitudes to their household chores. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 26. 25 1.3 Opinion Chart + – e like to hel each other. It’s such a hea ache III. Language Track Phonetics in Context In the text, find and reproduce 10 words with the sounds / /, /h/ in their contexts. Practise saying them in your own sentences. E x a m p l e : My parents work every day that’s why dividing household chores is a necessity. Dividing household chores is a must in many families. Words and Phrases in Context From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘duty-duties’ and ‘responsibility’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the texts, reproduce the household chores suitable to the following statements. E x a m p l e : the room is in a mess – to clear up the mess The lates an cu s are irt . The ust in is ull. The clothes are irt . e’ e run out o ro ucts. The roo is in isor er. The og is at the oor. It nee s resh air. I’ e inishe ashing the linen. The lo er- ots are r . No the lates an cu s are clean. From the text, reproduce words and word combinations which may be attributable to the description of the household chores in the following content areas: kitchen room clothes Make up your own sentences with them. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 27. 26 UNIT 1 BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search From the text, find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb, with dif- ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or /english to put back b) Information Search Search the Internet and find some information about household chores of British and American teenagers. Focus on: hat househol chores are t ical o British an erican teenagers ho regularl the o their househol chores hat attitu e to their chores is. Grammar in Context From the text, reproduce grammar constructions in bold in contexts and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences: hen the su ect an o ect o a sentence re er to the sa e or things, use... In the eaning o ‘alone’ or ‘without help’, use... hen the su ect an o ect o a sentence re er to the sa e eo le an these eo le ha e a t o- a relationshi , use... hen the su ect is ore than t o eo le, use... o to our First Aid Kit on . 170 or ore in or ation Look at the pictures below, read and complete the mini-dialogues with reflexive pronouns. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 28. 27 1.3 hat a nice ress ho a e it or ou I a e it myself an sister e roi ere it. e o ten hel . ook at You are irt again. I hel e a an gran a in the gar en. e al a s hel . n look at the ench, I a e it . The roo is in er ect or er. i ou hel gran augh- ter No, she i it all . reat on’t o it . et her tr . el to the cakes. I a e the , . i n’t our grann hel ou Usuall e hel , ut this ti e I a e the all . o to our B or ore e ercises IV. Communication Track Speaking Spoken Production a) Food for Thought Read what people said about housekeeping. Think and decide if it is only parents’ responsibility to run the house. Housekeeping ain’t no joke (Housekee- ping is not a joke) . Louise May Olcott “The whole process of homemaking, housekeeping and cooking, which ever has been woman’s special province, should be looked on as an art and a profession”. Sarah Joseph Hale Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 29. 28 UNIT 1 Spoken Interaction b) In pairs, discuss your household chores completing the dialogue. Use the phrases below. Useful phrases: h, It’s reall tireso e. h, ear, I a sorr to hear that. h, oor ou. That’s too a . h, hat a it . h on’t ou... I I ere in our shoes, I’ ... on’t sa ie ook at the right si e o ... You’ etter... Discussing Household Chores You see your friend with a big shopping bag, greet him/her and ask him/her where she/he was going with such a big bag . Agree to help your friend and ask him/her why she/he has such a heavy bag . Express your surprise and say that in your family parents do the shopping and ask her/him if she likes this household chore . Say about your responsibilities and your attitude to them . Answer your friend’s question and ask her opinion about it . Express your delight . Greet your friend and express your joy of seeing him/her . Tell him/her that you did the shopping and ask her/him to help you with a bag . Tell your friend that it is your duty to do the shopping when your family is expecting guests . Answer in affirmative and say that it isn’t the only duty . You like to help in the kitchen . Ask your friend about his/her household duties . To keep the conversation say what you think about domestic duties and ask your friend if he/she shares the duties in the family . Tell your friend what you think about housekeeping and thank your friend for help . c) In groups, think and decide how labour-saving devices changed people’s attitudes to housework and turned many household chores into a pleasure. Listening a) Before you listen You are going to listen to nna artin’s stor S ring ouse Cleaning , in hich she escri es her e ories o this rocess in her a il in the US . rou u ith our rien s an sa : i s ring house cleaning has gone ro o ern housekee ing hat e ories nna artin kee s a out this rocess hat o estic chores nna ight ha e uring s ring house cleaning. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 30. 29 1.3 b) While you listen isten to the stor an ut the ictures elo in the correct succession as the are entione in the stor . c) After you listen In grou s, iscuss s ring house-cleaning in our a il using the star- techni ue. Who takes part in it? When does this process take place in your family? What do you do to make your work more pleasant? Which spring cleaning chores do you do? How often do you do spring-cleaning? d) In the whole class, compare cooperation styles in housekeeping in the USA and in your country. Does it reveal the truth of the saying “Many hands make light work”? Writing Work in groups and design a creative project “The Portrait of Ukrainian Youth”. 1. Choose the or at or our ro ect (a oster, a T sho , a sli e resen- tation etc). 2. in the necessar in or ation a out outh’s rights, uties, o estic chores, eha iour atterns etc. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 31. 30 UNIT 1 3. Collect the results o the nation i e olls, iagra as, sche es, ta- les, hotos, ictures, uotes an other illustrati e aterials to ake our ro ect attracti e. 4. Think o an interesting a o resentation our ro ect. 5. E aluate our rien s’ ro ects, using the e aluation car elo . Evaluation Card Write Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1. I the in or ation as su icient an con incing. 2. I the illustrati e aterial as suit- a le an essential. 3. I the or at o the ro ect as un- usual an interesting. 4. I the resentation as success ul. Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison in so e in or ation a out i erent a s o housekee ing in the English s eaking countries an co are the ith Ukrainian ones. 1.4. Developing Integrated Skills I. Suppose a charitable fund announced that it would donate 100 000 hryvnias for setting up a youth centre. Group up with your friend and come up with your ideas on such items. Item I hat kin o a centre o ou ant to set u ho a e the artici- ants o the centre hat ill e its ai s an tasks Item II hat uestions ill the oung eo le iscuss in their eetings hat outh ro le s ill the centre tr to sol e Item III o ill the centre look like hat shoul e in the centre o oul ou istri ute the one gi en hat ill e the ain i- nancial riorit II. Look at the photos below. Pair up with your friend and discuss the advantages of promoting a healthy way of life in the family. Say if this lifestyle is present in your families. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 32. 31 1.4 III. You are going to have a press conference with Green Peace members. Team up with your friends. Team 1 ill e oung Ukrainians, the e ers o the eco clu ho are intereste in the ro le o en iron ental rotection an ant their guests to ans er their uestion. Team 2 ill la the arts o reen Peace e ers, ho are rea to gi e all the in or ation ou ant. The collage elo ill hel the tea s to ocus on the uestions an ans ers. The ecological situation in Ukraine Interesting eco-projects The most important environmental events The role of youth in nature protection Global issues of environment The most memorable events of the Green Peace members’ activities Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 33. 32 UNIT 1 IV. In the whole class, make a mini-project: a class agreement on the “Basic Rules of Behaviour”. Think and discuss the following aspects. The rights of others Atmosphere in the class The educational process Relationships Health Safety Make a list of rules and present them to the whole class giving reasons for each of the rules. Follow these rules from now on. 1.5. Your Test Pack A. Use of English 1. Read the text below. For questions (1–10) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). There is an example at the beginning (0). It is true that there 0 are so an ro le s acing teens to a . So e o rien s are 1 ith their li e an turn 2 rugs an alcohol. I think a ults shoul n’t e 3 to hat their chil ren o. nce ou reach the age o si teen or se enteen, our arents think ou ol 4 to eci e or 5 an let ou o hat ou ant. rien s an I on’t o 6 e citing ut e usuall ha e un ust eing aroun each other. e tr to hel each other i e 7 , ecause a lot o the ti e, eing a teenager isn’t un. I think it’s a _8 . You _9 go to school an our arents ant ou to get goo arks an er o ten ou eal 10 our o n ro le s. A B C D 0 ere are ill e is 1 issatis ie lease satis ie ha 2 on to u on into 3 concerne ha lease in i erent 4 enough too uite er 5 oursel es oursel es the sel es oursel 6 so ething an thing nothing so e 7 can ought to shoul ust 8 a o right ut leasure 9 ha e to a can ought to 10 on o er ith Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 34. 33 1.5 2. Read the sentences and fill in the right word-form. 1. s an teens, I’ against iolence on T . 2. arents ant to kno a out in li e. 3. an oung eo le are o i erent outh organi ations. 4. ur eeting ith eco-clu e ers as the ost . 5. I I ere ou, I oul n’t rel on hi , he is er . 6. It’s i icult to eal ith her, ecause she is er an loses her te er easil . 7. Un ortunatel , roo is o ten an u can’t stan it. 8. househol chores ha e eco e . 9. I eca e ac uainte ith a o ho is i erent ro rien s. 10. I a e it a rule, not to lea e e an roo . I ENT BITI US P TICIP TE EN Y IEN P TIENCE ESS NECESS Y ENTI E E TI Y B. Reading Read the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order. ter e ucation an stu ing co es the great challenge: entering the la our arket. In the case o Ukraine, the le el o une lo ent, et een 15 an 17 er cent, is not as shocking as in other arts o Euro e (such as reece or S ain, ith aroun 50 an 44 er cent outh) une lo ent res ecti el . o e er, although the le el o une lo ent is not alar ing, an though te orar contracts are relati el unco on, aroun hal o Ukrainian outh o not ork in o s that corres on to their e ucation an training, an there is a great eal o in or al e lo ent, together ith little en orce ent o ork lace rights an , in general, er lo ages (an a erage o aroun 150 euros er onth). The a orit o oung Ukrainians (aroun 80 ercent) o er hel ingl re er to seek e lo ent in the ri ate sector, here the think the ill ha e a etter chance o a higher salar an ore o ortunities to e elo their career. E en so, the a aila le sur e s o not resent us ith er ositi e igures regar ing the relationshi et een e ectations an realit in aterial ite s: onl eight er cent o the oung sa the li e co orta l , an onl one er cent that the ha e reache a esira le inancial status. E erts agree that it oul e use ul to anal se current ten encies in or er to a a t aca e ic e ucation etter to the la our arket, o er assistance so that oung eo le can choose a ro essional career ore care ull an ro i e ore e ucation in the usiness iel . s tro ansk i oints out, close to 38 er cent o oung eo le oul like to set u their o n usiness . Is the u lic sector not attracti e at all There are eo le ho are also intereste in the u lic sector, ho ant to change things, e en ith the lo salaries, ut it oul a e e hel ul to raise the a to ro i e ore oti ation sa s leksan r Ust enko, a recent econo ics gra uate an re resentati e o the Euro ean Youth Parlia ent in Ukraine. B E C I G Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 35. 34 UNIT 1 In this conte t, the ossi ilit e ists that earlier in est ent in e ucation an the talents o the ost recent generations a e s uan ere , an e uall that issatis action at ork a lea to lo le els o ro ucti it . nother great risk is that oung eo le ho are etter e ucate gra uates or ith ost-gra uate stu ies a lea e the countr in search o etter o ortunities a roa . Ukraine has a long histor o igration, an there are su stantial Ukrainian ias oras in se eral arts o the orl . In 2014, so e 33,000 oung Ukrainians ere li ing in the Euro ean Union, stu ing or un ertaking so e or o training. Can one s eak o a rain rain It e en s here the go. I the stu in Polan , or e a le, here it’s easier to get a i lo a, the nor all co e ack to Ukraine. I the estination is er an , there is a greater ossi ilit that the ill go on stu an sta there , clai s Sta n . The a orit o oung eo le o not ant to e igrate, ut to a the unsta le econo ic situation, the con lict in the south-east o the countr an the search or a higher stan ar o li ing are the rinci al oti ations hen it co es to acking one’s ags, an ill ro a l continue to e so in the uture. C. Listening Listen to a teenager’s experience of living in a new culture and tick off the sen- tences which she/he advises to bear in mind if you are abroad. 1. It’s i ortant to a a t our eha iour to the custo s o the countr . 2. You shoul orget a out our o n culture. 3. es ect tra itions o the countr ou are in. 4. I ou on’t ollo the eha iour atterns attri uta le to the oreign culture, ou’ll get a cultural shock’. 5. on’t co are the cultures or tr to in i erences an si ilarities ith ours. 6. Being a roa ou shoul re ain o en to all ne i ressions an learn rather than u ge. 7. There’s no nee to re are or li ing in another culture e orehan . 8. There is a lot in co on in cultures. 9. You shoul e tolerant an un erstan ing hile eing a roa . 10. i ing in another culture is al a s re ar ing. D. Writing To sum up what you’ve learned in this unit, write an essay “Me and My World”. A D F H Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 36. In this unit, you will learn how: Unit 2 ONE PERSON’S MEAT... • to talk about meals; • to discuss your preferences in food and recipes of your favourite dishes; • to describe healthy and unhealthy food; • to integrate your skills on the topic; • to check the level of knowledge and skills on the unit, getting ready for independent testing. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 37. 36 Грінки з сиром UNIT 2: ONE PERSON’S MEAT… 2.1. How much do you know about meals around the world? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box isconce tion oats snack her s egg lant la to ing essential re nants to s rinkle sauce culinar highlight to shatter a th to ser e on s ecial occasions to gro in o ularit to e a ir a ourite a ong... to treat so e o to... to ha e a s eet tooth to e in one’s list o likes to look a eti ing to get ri o ... I ust con ess... Poor guess I e ecte as uch Thanks to... You are sure to like it I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what countries these drinks and food come from and what you know about their origin. a hamburger Coca-cola Sushi a sandwich E x a m p l e : I think a hamburger is from America. I tasted it in McDonald’s. There are different kinds of them – with meat and cheese. II. Reading a) Teenagers of one school set up a cookery club “Pampushka” which is very popu- lar in school because it holds different interesting activities. Today they have a cookery slide-show “Meals around the World” in which their international friends will take part. Read their information and say what historical facts about meals of the world you’ve learned about. Yorkshire pudding Huggis Welsh rabbit Irish stew Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 38. 37 2.1 PART I et e start. I isite Britain t ice an as intro uce to so e reall interesting ishes. I ust con ess that there are so e ths an isconce - tions in Ukraine a out the oo an rink in Britain. So e o us elie e that English cuisine is lan an its culinar highlight is roast ee , that the Yeo- en ar ers o the uar at the To er o on on are still calle Bee eat- ers . I’ like to shatter so e ths an resent ou the ost o ular ishes in each art o the countr . It’s true that roast ee is a tra itional ir a ourite a ong eo le that has laste or eca es. You ro a l kno the ancient Celtic ar ers ke t a ariet o ani als an use their eat in their eals. To a roast ee is ser e as Sun a unch. Tra itionall , it is calle Sun a roast. It is a large iece o ee , cooke in an o en an in an British a ilies it is usuall eaten ith Yorkshire u ing. re ou sur rise o ou think it is s eet Poor guess It’s a national British ish a e aking a i ture o lour, eggs an ilk in at, nor all in se arate ieces like s all cakes. You can see it in the irst sli e. It looks a etising, oesn’t it Scotlan has also uch to o er. an o ou eat orri ge or reak ast an think that it is a t ical English eal, on’t ou You are rong, it is a tra itional Scottish oo , eaten ith salt. No a a s, those ho ant to lose eight oil oats in ater an add a lot o i erent ruits. But I’ like to intro uce ou another tra i- tional Scottish ish huggis. It is a e ro shee ’s sto ach an re in s e o our Ukrainian loo sausage, ut igger. English rien sa s that no huggis is onl ser e on s ecial occasions. In recent ears a ne egetar- ian ersion o huggis is gro ing in o ularit . You can see it in the secon sli e. n hat co es into ou in hen ou hear the na e o the elsh ish elsh ra it’ I e ecte as uch You think it’s a ain eal, right I’ like to reassure ou. This ish is eaten as a s all eal or as art o a eal, consisting o rea ith cheese on it cooke un er heat until the cheese elts. It’s a reall satis ing snack. In Ukraine e o ten ake such a toast in a icro a e o en an call it a hot cheese san ich’. No ou kno that this ish ca e ro ales. It is in the thir sli e. n the ourth sli e is e ote to Irelan an its a ous Irish ste . This ish is still regular at an ta les in Irelan . Its ingre ients are arious, ut otatoes an la are the essentials in this ish. I learnt a out Irish ste hen I as rea ing e- ro e . ero e’s a ous no el Three en in a Boat . You re e er ho three rien s ere tr ing to cook Irish ste to get ri o all re nants o oo . I couldn’t help laughing reading a out it ut in act, it sho s ho o ular the ish as at that ti e an to a it i n’t lose its o ularit . I ou got intereste in British eals, our cooker clu ill share the reci es ith lea- sure. n no eet our international guest ro reece. Stuffed grape leaves Moussaka Baklava BrE appetising AmE appetizing Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 39. 38 UNIT 2 PART II ello, na e is n reas an I’ gla to ar- tici ate in our cooker sli e-sho . So e o ou ro a l ha e ne er taste reek oo . So I’ here to correct this istake an not onl to sho sli es, ut sho ho to cook so e o the national ishes. In ancient reece cooking eca e a highl e- elo e art an aster cooks ere the highest ai en in the countr . Through their contacts ith sia, reeks learne to ake their iet ainl egetarian. Thanks to our geogra hical osition an a oura le cli ate, countr is rich in egeta les an ruit, hich e use a lot in cooking. I ou ha ene to e in reece ou’ll necessaril e treate to stu e gra e lea es ecause it is a tra itional reek oo . I kno gra es gro s in Ukraine so ou a also cook this ish. ook ho I’ oing it. First and foremost I cho onions then add a cu o rice an ince la . After that I s rinkle her s like int an asil. Now I i e er thing together an roll u the gra e lea es. Afterwards e’ll ut the ish into the o en or an hour an a hal . B the en o our sho stu e gra e lea es ill ha e een rea . So ou’ll hel oursel es to the ish. ere in Ukraine I taste ca age rolls. The are er elicious ut i erent. In the secon sli e ou see another national ish hich is in the list o likes o an tourists. It is oussaka. E er reek house i e has her o n reci e o the ish hich she consi ers to e the est, ut there are so e co ulsor ingre i- ents egg lants, eat, cheese an her s. You see there’s no national ish ith- out her s in countr . n no akla a, the est treat or ki s. I ou ha e a s eet tooth, ou are sure to like it. It’s a essert o thin, lak la ers o astr , hone an nuts. ook at it in the sli e. I ha e outh atere . n ou on’t e u set, I rought so e rea a e or ou. ere ou are. PART III Risotto Pasta Pizza rien s an I ha e s ent a eek in Ital this ear at the in itation o our international rien s. n co ing ack e ant to share our i ressions a out Italian cuisine. You kno o course, that Ital is ho e o so e orl ’s ost o ular culinar ro ucts. ong the there is Italian cheese, co ee, ar a ha an e tra- irgin oli e oil. Italian cuisine relies on the an other resh ingre ients cooke on the s ot an a co ination o egeta les, ruits, sea oo , ish an oli e oil. e’ e learne that Italian iet is lant- ase in nature, ith a hea e hasis on e geta les, grains, see s an eans. Besi es, it is characteri e its si lic- it , ith an ishes, ha ing onl ro t o to our ain ingre ients. e li e in an Italian a il an ai attention to the act that or Ita lians eals are seen as a ti e s en ith a ilies an rien s, thus eals ten to e Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 40. 39 2.1 longer than in other cultures. nota le as ect o Italian eals is that the ri o or irst course is usuall a illing ish such as risotto or asta. In the 1-st sli e ou see risotto, hich con- tains ai e, rice, ee an utter. ice is care- ull re are to a sor the la ours o roth, ine, utter an oli e oil. on’t take it or illa hich e eat in Ukraine an hich has rice as the ain ingre ient. It onl looks like it ut in realit it’s i erent. Pasta is the ish in hich noo les o arious length, i ths an sha es are the ain oo . In the secon sli e ou can see s aghetti ser e ith to ato sauce. I ou add ince ee on a e o s aghetti, ou’ll ha e a ne ish s aghetti Bolo- gnaise , kno n as S ag Bol . So not or nothing Ital- ians ha e a nickna e noo le lo ers’. But ith our hel e ant to ake a ell-kno n in Ukraine Italian ish. uess hat ish e ean E actl It’s i a. Sur risingl enough, i a is not urel Ita lian in ention. ur Italian rien s tol us that in ancient reek an Eg t eo le ate lat ake rea ith to ings such as otatoes, egeta les an Ital is res on- si le or sha ing i a into the current or . You see an ancient cultures ha e ha a han in the e olution o i a, ha en’t the It ill e also interest- ing or ou to kno that the irst eo le ho trie i a ere ing U erto an ueen argherita. The lo e it an since that ti e it eca e a hit a ong Ital- ians. To a e’ll ake this er i a hich is a e in a atriotic st le. atch us an guess h it is calle atriotic. First, e ust ake a lat roun rea , ut e a e it re iousl . Now e ill re are a to ing an ill eel to atoes an then slice the . In the meantime, rien ill cut o arella into hal . ter that e ill ake the sauce i ing crushe garlic an green asil lea es. Next, e’ll s ooth sauce o er the ase ith the ack o a s oon an scatter o - arella an to atoes. Finally, e ri le i a ith oli e oil an ut it into the heate o en or 8 10 inutes until cris . While our i a is eing ake can ou ans er our uestion a out its atriotic st le oo stu ents ou are ll colours o the i a re to atoes, hite o - arella an green asil lea es are the colours o Italian lag. ur i a is rea . Last but not least e’ll add resh asil lea es an so e oli es to ecorate it. el oursel to Italian i a in a atriotic st le. ACROSS CULTURES Yeomen warders or Beefeaters a grou o en ho guar the To er o on on. The ear a re uni or ro the Tu or erio an are calle ee eaters’. Jerome K. Jerome (1859 1927) an English riter, est kno n or his hu orous no el Three en in a Boat . Mozzarella a so t hite Italian cheese, o ten use on i as. BrE la our AmE la or Jerome K. Jerome Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 41. 40 UNIT 2 For inquisitive learners: to know more use the sites: htt s:// .in e en e-st le/ oo -an - rink/reci es htt s:// .tra / ust-eat- oo s ro -aroun -the- orl htt s:// . cgoo oo .co /reci es/categor /cuisines b) Read the text again and make a list of dishes which have resemblance to those popular in Ukraine. Fill in a comparison chart and say how they differ. Comparison Chart The name of a dish Differences Welsh rabbit the name... In groups, compare and discuss your charts. III. Language Track Phonetics in Context In the text, find and reproduce introductory phrases in context according to the pattern. Practise saying them in your own sentences. P a t t e r n : Tra ditionally, it is 'served with sauce. Tra ditionally, Ukrainian borsch is served with sour cream. Words and Phrases in Context From the text, reproduce the sentences with the following vocabulary items – ‘food’ and ‘meals’, ‘taste’ – ‘flavour’ in context. Using electronic dictionary, analyse the difference in their meanings and use them in your own contexts. From the text, reproduce verbs which are used to describe any recipe to compete the word cloud. Use them to describe any recipe from a slide- show. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 42. 41 2.1 From the text, reproduce the following words and phrases and interpret their meanings. Make up your own sentences with them. th isconce tion to re in o a s ecial occasion a satis ing snack re nants o oo co ulsor ingre ients rea - a e lant- ase iet a illing ish BECOMING A DIGITAL NATIVE a) Language Search From the text find and reproduce phrasal verbs below to fill in the diagram. Using the sites suggested find 3 more phrasal verbs with this verb with dif- ferent meanings and give examples to show how to use them in your own contexts. htt s:// .englishclu .co / oca ular / hrasal- er htt s:// . / log/english/english- hrasal- er s/ htt s://en.o or /english to come back b) Information Search Search the Internet and find some information about 1–2 interesting na- tional dishes from any country to continue a cookery slide show. Focus on: their origin the a the are cooke the a the are ser e . Present your findings to the class and express your opinion. Grammar in Context From the text, reproduce grammar items in bold and interpret their meanings. Complete the instructions and illustrate them with your own sentences. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 43. 42 UNIT 2 I ou ant to escri e the rocess in the or er it ha ene , use... I ou ant to ocus on ti e, use... o to our First Aid Kit . 171 or ore in or ation Work in groups and make a recipe of a dish. Each member of the group describes his card of the recipe. Group 1: How to make yogurt cucumber salad. Group 2: How to make vegetable salad with avocado. E x a m p l e : First we peel avocado. o to our WB or ore e ercises IV. Communication Track Speaking Spoken Production a) Food for Thought There is a lot of food and drinks from different countries in Ukraine. Say which of them are popular in your country and why. What food or drink from abroad became your favourite. Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 44. 43 2.1 b) Spoken Interaction In pairs, role-play the situation below. Use the useful phrases from the box. Role 1: Your international friend from Japan is coming to you on a visit. It is his/her first visit to Ukraine and you want to please her/him with your national dishes and also say that some Japanese dishes are also popular in your country. Role 2: You have an international friend in Ukraine. At his/her invitation you are coming to Ukraine on a visit. You know that he/she is a mem- ber of his/her school cookery club and you are bringing him/her a present – a Cookery Book with Japanese dishes. You also want to taste Ukrainian dishes and have a recipe of those you like the best. Useful Phrases: i ... ... , long ti e no see. o as our tri hat o ou sa to... oul ou like... o o ou in ... o o ou call (cook)... The ish tastes... I’ e ne er eaten an thing like that e ore. It’s incre i le Thank ou or sharing... ... as a real treat. ... ill e in list o likes ro no . c) In groups, discuss the truth of one of the proverbs or quotes suggested be- low. Illustrate them with the examples of your personal experience. Listening a) Before you listen You are going to listen to the talk of Philip Stewart who is going to cook his favourite dish for the greatest American holiday “Thanksgiving Day”. He talks with his wife Ellen and his son Robert. Look at the products and de- cide what dish the man is going to cook. “Food is a dangerous article. Too much food makes you fat, too little food makes you dead”. ark ar ing, British co e ian “Every cook praises his own broth”. English ro er Tastes differ. Fasting comes after feasting. Feast today and fast tomorrow. English ro er s “Where you eat is sacred”. e is Bur ell, S anish il - aker Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 45. 44 UNIT 2 Apples Flour Butter Sugar Walnuts Cinnamon b) While you listen Listen to the talk and correct mistakes in the statements below. 1. Phili egins to get rea or cooking counting one . 2. Ellen orries that her hus an is too uick. 3. e takes utter ro the shel es. 4. alnuts ake his ish a ous. 5. Phili ’s i e sai that all the s ices are on the ta le. 6. s it turne out the le t the cinna on in the sho . 7. Phili ’s son o ie lo es a les in his a ’s ish. 8. o ie agrees to hel his a out an goes to the arket. 9. is u a ises o ie to ut on a hat, ecause it’s col outsi e. 10. o ie asks his arents not to ans er le an ra’s call. c) After you listen In the whole class, make a recipe of Philip’s dish. Try to describe the process of its cooking. Is this dish popular in Ukraine? If yes, what ingredients do you put into it? On what occasions do you eat this dish? Writing a) Before you write If your international friend likes one of Ukrainian dishes and asks you how you’ve made it, give him / her a recipe. In grou s, rainstor ith our rien s hat ish o Ukrainian cuisine is o ular ith oreigners. ake a list o ingre ients or this ish. b) While you write How to write a Recipe Content Tips Language Tips ake a list o ingre ients. Steps Boil... Cut... Slice... Cho ... r etc. o to our First Aid Kit . 188 or a Sa le o a eci e Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 46. 45 2.2 Culture Comparison Search the Internet and make a Culture comparison ericans cook s ecial ishes or their great holi a Thanksgi ing a . Search the Internet an in out the reci es o these ishes. Co are the ith the ishes Ukrainians cook or s ecial occa- sions. At Home: Write a recipe of your favourite dish. 2.2. What are your Food Preferences? Word Bank Phrase Bank Communication Box nutritious to ski to other ho e- a e lour- ase incre i le to assi ilate organic high-calorie to ut on eight to ine out a enturous eaters to snack through the a to iss so ething a l i rinks to one’s heart’s content to e concerne a out the oo It’s ages since e’ e et ice ersa s ar as I re e - er... I’ all or it I it isn’t lice e go I. Go Ahead! Look at the photos and say what preferences in food these people may have. What makes you think so? E x a m p l e : I think the man in the first photo prefers fattening food, because he has a weight problem. II. Reading a) Read the conversation of teenagers discussing their preferences in food and say whose opinion you share and why. MEETING AFTER A LONG ABSENCE Alice: i, gu s, I’ ack Vasyl: It’s ages since e’ e et I it isn’t lice You look terri ic. ust like a real erican girl hen i ou co e ack Alice: e change rogra as o er three a s ago an so I’ here. Ann: la to eet ou, lice. o as our li e in the US Alice: I like Seattle an school, the house I li e in e er thing, e ce t oo . Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 47. 46 UNIT 2 Helen: It can’t e You look as i ou’ e ut on a little eight, eating tast nutritious oo . Alice: arents sa the sa e But it as i ossi le to atch eight ecause host a il ha a solutel i erent re erences in oo than I ha . s ell as the eal sche ule. Helen: hat o ou ean Alice: host u i n’t other ith reak asts at all an e ha either ast oo like a ha urger or i a or so eti es reak ast as ski e entirel . ere in Ukraine I got use to u ’s hot reak asts an a cu o co ee. Vasyl: You said you studied in Seattle, didn’t you? n Seattle is kno n as a lace here eo le can ha e goo co ee. I rea a out it in so e aga ine. i n’t ou ine out Alice: course e i . ericans are a entur- ous eaters an en o ethnic oo . The can snack throughout the a on chi s, rench ries ut or the ain eal o the a in- ner ost a ilies usuall go to so e restaurant hich eatures ethnic oo like e ican, Chinese. host a il en o s eating Te - e ecause host u is the Tai anese. Ann: o interesting You liked Thai food, didn’t you Alice: ice ersa I re er ho e- a e oo an isse u ’s sou s an cutlets an e en aren ks an ancakes a l . Ann: s ar as I re e er, you didn’t like flour-based food, did you Alice: ight, ut erican e erience sho s that there is nothing like holeso e tast Ukrainian oo . Alex: I ou ask e I ha e nothing against unk or takea a oo . It’s a part of a ritual when you have an outing, isn’t it hen ou go out ou can eat shashl k, cris s, san iches, ha e i rinks an on’t other a out our ta le anners. oreo er, ou can enjoy the fresh air and scenic views an relax to your heart’s content, can’t you Vasyl: You are an incura le ro antic, le . But I a ersonall concerne a out the oo I eat. Helen: course ou shoul e You are a school champion, the best swim- mer of the year, aren’t you? Vasyl: I a , an this is the reason h I re er ell- alance iet ith all kin s o eat, ilk ro ucts an cereals. Food is the basic fuel of our life, isn’t it? Helen: So it is. But ou orgot a out egeta les an ruits. Not that I’ a egetarian, ut I re er to eat eat ith egeta les. u sa s eat is etter assi ilate ith the . Ann: Your u is a octor an she kno s est. Besi es, i ou ant to atch our eight an sta slen er ou shoul eat health oo like egeta les an ruits. I also can’t o ithout all kin s o egeta le an ruit sala s. Helen: The onl ro le is i the egeta les e eat are organic an Vasyl: ook here, girls, ou can go on talking a out our iets nineteen to the o en. But I ha e a etter i ea. et’s go to the ca e an reali e our oo re erences there. Alex: I’ all or it Alice: e too. Ann, Helen: gree then. e go BrE chi s AmE rench ries BrE takeway AmE takeout Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти
  • 48. 47 2.2 b) Read the text again and fill in the preference chart below. Comment on teenagers’ food preferences. Preference Chart Food Preferences Reasons o e a e oo ikes her other’s ishes Ôîòî. elen, дівчинка середьної статури Ôîòî. le , загорілий хлопець elen Ann le as l lice Право для безоплатного розміщення підручника в мережі Інтернет має Міністерство освіти і науки України та Інститут модернізації змісту освіти