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Inside June’s Issue       After a positive response to last month‟s issue I felt
                                motivated to begin on this one. Just to clear this up, the
Pg.3 Diamond Sharp              purpose of this newsletter is to inspire a collaborative
                                effort between the members of the 125 SFS to help build
Pg.4 Q&A with SrA Sean Parr     camaraderie, and share our new successes. By doing so,
Pg.5 Lessons On Leadership      we aim to enhance your experience here at the 125 Fighter
                                Wing. The theme of the Defender will always be to
Pg.7 125th SFS Members go TDY   recognize superior performers, reward those who
                                contribute to community outreach, and encourage
Pg.8 Money Matters              professional development. Thanks to those who were
Pg.9 Leaders are Readers        involved this month as well as last month‟s issue. I‟m
                                looking forward to participation from all members; feel
Pg.11 Need to Know              free to submit any ideas and comments.
Welcome back 125th Security Forces Squadron!

       This UTA is to welcome everyone back and to get all of us back into the productive and
efficient routine that is the backbone of our reputation. This is the first drill in over nine months for our
brave deployers recently home from Bagram. I can't think of a better way to kick off our first UTA all
together again than with an ORE. For those of you returning, I do hope you all had a much deserved
post deployment rest complete with a comfortable bed and delicious food. Even though there is a lot
going on this UTA, I want you all to take the time to reintegrate yourself into our unit. The pace of
being deployed can often cause extra stress and anxiety. Coming back to a Phase II ORE may feel
very similar to being overseas. So please ignore the chaos of the ORE, take some time to check out
what will be our new Security Forces building and say "hello" to friends you have not seen in a while.

       For those of you who are fully immersed in the ORE, now is the time to see where we need
work on. If you are new to this unit and have been through an ORE somewhere else, I want to know
what we can do to be better. I value each and every one of your opinions and welcome your advice
and ideas. I am proud of the sacrifices every single one of you has made leading up to, during and post
deployment. No matter if you were here or in Bagram, you all sacrificed for the mission. Thank you
for of your hard work! One team one fight!

                                                                          Capt. David Melear

Registration for the Tampa/ Sarasota 2012 Tough Mudder has begun. The event will be held on
December 1 & 2, 2012. A 125 SFS Team has been registered but spots are limited. Remember you must
be in good standing to participate (PT, Dental, CBT‟s, CDC‟s, etc.) Email or For more info on registration (This event has not yet been approved by leadership)
Welcome Back!
                                                                                    By: MSgt Wilkerson
As I was approached about doing an article, I
                                                               Never been happier to have you all back from
pondered about what message I can get out to our            the sandpit...all of you did an awesome job!!!
personnel. Do I talk about the upcoming ORE‟s and           As you all now know, I'm doing my best to fill
ORI? Do I point out the importance of PME and               SMSgt Cogan's shoes as a First Sergeant, which
career progression? Do I stress the importance of           is no easy task. June UTA was the first
training and being current all required tasks? All of       weekend back for most of you, so I expect
                                                            things to be a little chaotic. Nonetheless, the
things are important and I am sure you will hear a lot
                                                            show must go on. I would like to brief the
about all that very soon. At this moment, I feel it is      following area.
important just to say „welcome back‟.
                                                              *Annual Dental Exam - DD Form 2813 can be
Most of us just returned back from a very exciting          found on Google
deployment, which each of us will never forget. It
has altered your life in some form or another whether       rms/eforms/dd2813.pdf
you realize it or not. It is important we all settle back
in to the routine slowly, all while keeping an eye out       * Annual Family Care Plan Briefing -
for one another. It‟s been a long journey – from the        recertification for existing members/new plans
time you were notified of the deployment, all the way       for members who now need one (Accomplished
                                                            before COB July UTA)
to the first UTA back.

It‟s good to have everyone home safely. „Thank you‟          * Collect an updated Statement of
for the awesome sacrifices each of you, your families,      Understanding to be filled out by all and CSA to
and your friends have provided over the past several        GTC conversion briefing
months. „Thank you‟ to those who remained here at
the unit who supported us in many ways. The success          * Free Florida tag/vehicle registration for
of this deployment is a true testament of the               members – discussion only - DHSMV form
professionalism of the 125th Security Forces                83034 is available on DHSMV website
There are new faces in the unit... Training
requirements on the horizon… ORE‟s to get worked
                                                              * Annual Performance Feedback briefing - AF
up about… New leaders in new positions… For                 Form 931/932 - Flight Chiefs are POC for
now, I just want to say „welcome back‟ and I look           turning in acknowledgement form to me.
forward to getting back to business with the finest
                                                               * Hurricane Volunteer List for the months of
Security Forces squadron in the Air Force.                  Sep. Oct, Nov, to be briefed at UTA.

Q. First and foremost how are you Sean?

A. I am ok. The vision in my left eye still is very bad, and headaches every day because of the
   metal in my eye socket.

Q. How were you treated by the medical team there in Bagram?

A. The Medical staff on Bagram was good. The Army Medic that grabbed my attention and
   snapped me out of a rage in the middle of a riot is the one person I remember the most.

Q. How did you feel when you found out you were leaving your team and going off to Germany?

A. Since we were separated and all over base, The team I was upset about leaving were the
   personnel in Alpha Sector. And the new S-4. We had a meeting in the hospital before I was
   evac'd out, and my replacement had to learn his new job, on the job.

Q. We all know that with all setbacks there usually a blessing tied in, have you found it yet? And if
   so would you like to share that?

A. I wouldn‟t consider this a "setback", I would consider this an event that would forever change
  my life. Remember, my way of life will never be what it was before I was shot. I've had a lot of
  cool things happen I‟ve Pentagon twice, The White House twice. I‟ve met the President and first
  lady, as well as the second lady, Generals, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Command
  Sergeant Majors, and a bunch of really cool people. But since I have a long road ahead, I'm sure
  there are more "blessings" to come.

Q. Is there one word to describe how you feel about the situation?

A. There is not one word that could describe this situation. I have a lot of different feelings and
  words to "try" to describe it, but I think it would be better to keep that to myself.

Thank you for your time Sean, we here at the 125th wish you the best.

Has "Big Brass Fever" Infected Your Organization?

 Recently, I had the privilege of viewing several Air Force presentations that introduced lean
 six sigma methodologies to senior leaders. The training was developed by the University of
 Tennessee's, Center for Executive Education. I highly recommend their courses of instruction
 for any agency moving forward with Lean Six Sigma. I found particularly useful one of the
 presentations that dealt with the cultural dynamics that can occur between leaders and the
 layers of personnel ranks beneath them. One topic, "Big Brass Fever," stood out for me the
 most, as I have seen this in both my military and law enforcement careers.
 Here are a few of the symptoms you may have observed in your careers, many times
 attributable to, "Big Brass Fever."

      Fear of disappointing leader drives to over production
      Simple tasks become gold plated efforts
+     Casual question or comment treated as tasking for briefing or action
      Briefings reviewed at multiple levels
      Yes men-ism isolates leader from reality

 The course gives a humorous, but true, example of this leadership challenge that you may
 find all too familiar at your agency.

 The Secretary for the Department of Energy was touring a national laboratory’s grounds when a
 snake crossed her path. She casually asked: “I wonder if there are poisonous snakes here?” Six
 weeks later she received a report prepared by the lab’s top biologist entitled “Census of
 Venomous Snake Population”.

 One has to wonder how much valuable time and taxpayer dollars were spent on this outbreak
 of "Big Brass Fever." How much of this goes on at your agency? Better yet, how much of it
 are you causing?

The above example happens all too often, and usually very innocently, as many leaders never
expect people to take the whimsical remarks they say so literally. Sadly enough, there is also the
opposite out there among the leadership ranks. Some leaders feel that personnel should jump at
every word they say because they have finally earned their stripes, bars, or stars. To me, this is
an indication that they have been promoted beyond their ability to lead and are reduced to using
positional authority to get things done. A sad, but true condition of, "Big Brass Fever."

The best protocol is to learn to recognize "Big Brass Fever," from both perspectives of the
leadership realm; as leader, and subordinate.

As a leader, it is important to remember that everyone is going to do their best to try and please
you and to deliver well on what they believe you want. After all, you're the boss. Sometimes even
the passing phrase or statement can be misconstrued in a subordinates mind to send them on a
mission so full of waste that it halts any real work for days, weeks, or even months. Sometimes
the best thing a leader can do is simply listen, and say, "keep up the great work." At least then
he or she isn't adding to the workflow with unintended consequences.

As a subordinate, try to remember that your leaders do not want you tied up doing busy work
that has no relevancy to the overall mission. This is where employee empowerment
and challenging status quo by asking "why" becomes more and more important everyday.
Never be intimidated to ask your boss for clarity before going on a wild goose chase. Whether in
police work, or the military, lives may count on it one day. Get in the habit of consistently asking
your boss, "what actions would you like me to take next?"

The University of Tennessee's presentation gives of few points as well for controlling, "Big Brass
Fever" that I also found to be quite helpful.

      Talk about it
      Explicitly state “I don’t want action on this – we’re just considering options”
      Be critical of over production and gold plating
      Imagine the unintended consequences of your requests taken to their ill-logical extremes
      Be clear on your expectations and test for active listening
      Remind your people to stay focused on the top priority and not the side issues
      Make a point of asking for bad news and thanking the individual who delivers it
I will close with one final phrase from the presentation:

"Remember, the stronger you are as a leader, the greater the threat of Big Brass Fever"

                                                              MSgt Billy Wilkerson

Leaving for CAAC “Combat Arms Apprentice
Course, I didn‟t know what to expect. First day of
class everything was laid out for us and we then
knew what we were getting into. The first Friday
there was a PT test to see where everyone‟s fitness
level was. The start of the following week started
with a ¾ of a mile run followed by some work outs
then a ¾ mile run back, this is called the bridge run
due to the fact you are running over the troop
walks. Afterwards it was back to the class where
                                                                                         Disassembled M-249
over the next 2 weeks we learned how to break
down inspect and repair the M-9 Berretta and M-4
Carbine. The 1st of two test followed the end of
block one. Next we went the range to shoot the 2
weapons. During this process we lost three
students due to not being able to score high enough
on the course of fire. After all the shooting we got
to shadow the BMT CATM instructors for two
days. We have just started on block two of our
training and learned every little thing about the M-
203 and the M-249 with only two weapons left to
cover we have a test next week, after that is
complete, it is on to the 3 weeks of speeches           I recently went TDY to Shepard AFB to attend
followed by graduation. If anyone is looking to go      Principle of Instructor school. During this course
to CATM start your PT now or they will kill you         we learned the instructor roles to include the
out here. You also want to work on your shooting        communication, & learning process, curriculum
the course of fire we shoot here is not like any I      development, instrumental media, and outlining
have ever shot and you will need good                   a lesson plan. We were also trained on informal
fundamentals to score the 280 out of 400 needed to      lecture, evaluating student achievement and
pass. I think this is the best training course I have   instructed the Air Forces Instructional system
ever had the privilege of being able to attend. I am    development (IDS) process. A requirement for
looking forward to getting home and jumping into        the course is that I was to perform two 15
the CATM shop to helping them teach not only the        minute speeches and a 30 minute speech that
base populace, but our cops on how to become            seemed to last forever. I executed all course
better shooters. Thanks for your time and until next    objectives, and learned a ton of new tools to
time, may you guns stay clean and shoot straight.       implement.

                          SSgt Andrew Pelton                                      SSgt Jimmy Randolph 7
The NEW Roth TSP                                                                           We are currently living in the age of instant gratification.
                                                                                           Anything new and shiny has been marketed as a “need to
With the introduction of Roth, you will potentially have                                   have” instead of “nice to have”. Marketing firms and
two types of balances in your TSP account: A traditional                                   advertisers have equipped themselves with psychologist,
(non-Roth) TSP balance and a Roth TSP balance. Any                                         sociologist and economist. Giving corporations the
                                                                                           competitive edge between you and your hard earn cash. The
agency contributions you receive will always be a part of
                                                                                           average American is exposed to as many as 600-2000
your traditional (non-Roth) balance. However, you may
                                                                                           advertisement in one day, sometimes more. Have you ever
designate your own contributions any way you like                                          noticed how commercials create and often exaggerate a
depending on your individual tax circumstances. (Note:                                     problem then present their product as the end all, do all. It‟s
Money already in your account when you begin making                                        a format used by corporations to create a “need” by pulling
Roth contributions will remain part of your traditional                                    on the strings of your emotions, enticing you to buy.
balance. You will not be able to convert it to Roth.)
                                                                                           I can here you now, “So what is the problem Andy,
The table below compares the treatment of the two                                          shouldn‟t I help the economy by spending? Or “I just came
different types of contributions.                                                          back from a deployment; I‟m entitled to a brand new toy.
                                                                                           No, not at the expense of your potential wealth! Being a
    The                Traditional TSP                         Roth TSP                    member of the United States Armed Forces qualifies you for
    of…                                                                                    many discounts and tax free incentives. This fact along with
Contributions       Pre-tax                       After-tax1                               the overwhelming number of advertisements and social
    Your            Taxes are deferred, so        Taxes are paid up front, so              norms adds to the temptation of buying things you can‟t
  Paycheck          less money is taken           more money comes out of your
                    out of your paycheck.         paycheck.                                simply afford. Getting into trouble financially may cause
    Transfers In    Transfers allowed             Transfers allowed from Roth              problems when obtaining or renewing your security
                    from eligible                 401(k)s, Roth 403(b)s, and Roth
                    employer plans and            457(b)s
                                                                                           clearance, thus hindering you from performing your duties
                    traditional IRAs                                                       as a security forces member. Not only can you damage your
     Transfers      Transfers allowed to          Transfers allowed to Roth                military career, you also risk not being able to qualify for a
       Out          eligible employer             401(k)s, Roth 403(b)s, Roth
                    plans, traditional            457(b)s, and Roth IRAs3                  mortgage, a good apartment, potential career growth, bad
                    IRAs, and Roth IRAs2                                                   health, and higher auto insurance premiums. Not to mention
Withdrawals         Taxable when                  Tax-free earnings if five years
                    withdrawn                     have passed since January 1 of
                                                                                           that most divorces are due to money problems; debt can be
                                                  the year you made your first             damaging!
                                                  Roth contribution, AND you are
                                                  age 59½ or older, permanently            Although the corporations come with a heavy arsenal, you
                                                  disabled, or deceased
  Roth contributions are subject to Federal (and, where applicable, state and local)       qualifying to join the military validates that you can do 6th
income taxes, while traditional contributions are not taxed until withdrawn. However,      grade math. Some common sense, contentment, and 6th
both Roth contributions and traditional contributions are included in the amount of
                                                                                           grade math is all you need if you wish to dump debt. Here
wages used to calculate payroll taxes (e.g., Social Security taxes). 2 You would have to
pay taxes on any pre-tax amount transferred to a Roth IRA.3 Transfers to a Roth IRA        are some good books I recommend to learn more about true
from a Roth TSP are not subject to the income restrictions that apply to Roth IRA          wealth building and debt elimination.
contributions.                                 Retrieved from
                                                                                           The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey
*Everyone‟s financial situation is different and you should a
seek guidance from a professional counselor for the best advice.                           Stop Acting Rich, by Tomas J. Stanley
Here are some links to videos that better explain Roth/TSP                                 Debt Free For Life, by David Bach
                                                                                           The Money Class, by Suze Orman                                                                                                  By SSgt Andy Fernandez
Charlie "Tremendous" Jones said, "You are the same
                                                                          today as you'll be in five years except for two things:
                                                                          the books you read and the people you meet."

                                                                          Here are some best sellers I found to be helpful.

                                                                          Tribes by Seth Godin

                                                                          Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (Favorite)

                                                                          Strong Fathers Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg

                                                                          21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Dr. John

                                                                          How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale

                                                                          The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr.
                                                                          Stephen R. Covey

                                                                          Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson

                                                                          The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy

               Films                         Books                        Failing Forward by Dr. John Maxwell

                                                                       1. Cultivating an Unshakable Character by Jim Rohn

 Do not go buying books just yet! Some of these books are                 Great Links for Professional Development &
available on PDF or Mp3 format for FREE!!! Log into the AF Portal         Management
home page and click on the “IT E- learning” link on the left side of
                                                                          Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire
the screen. Once the IT E-learning website is up, click on the third                
tab from the left on the top of the page titled “Books 24X7”. On a
                                                                          Time Management: Urgent Vs. Important
personal computer using a CAC card reader you can download
these e-books or audiobook files on your computer and later
transfer to CD, cell phone or Mp3 player and listen on your way to        Stephen Covey: Goals and Priorities
work. If you drive a half hour to work five days a week, you can
complete a book and a half in a single week. This is a great              John Maxwell  
method to maximizing your drive time while adding value to
                                                                          Personality styles, DISC Profile
yourself in what Zig Zigler calls “Automobile University”.
                                                                          Security Forces Motivation
125 SFS


Banned Supplements                                  Critical Days of Summer Safety

      Jacked 3D                                    Critical Days of Summer Safety "Safety- It's Personal" is
      Hemo Rage                                    the theme for this year's Critical Days of Summer safety
                                                    campaign, which runs from 25 May through 3 Sep 2012.
      Muscle Warfare Napalm                        This year's theme is a reminder that safety is everyone's
      Nitric Blast                                 responsibility and the decisions we make impact our
                                                    friends, families and Air Force community.

                                                    Summer is a wonderful season to enjoy the great outdoors
Communicate Effectively                             and warm weather with your friends and family. I urge
                                                    you to incorporate thoughtful planning in all your
 Anyone who has ever been subjected to a post
                                                    activities and get sufficient rest before strenuous events as
briefing, guard mount briefing, or a board          well as extended road trips. Give some consideration to
interview can testify that public speaking can be   your personal limits and capabilities and exercise sound
nerve racking. In fact, public speaking ranks up    judgment. We want every Airman to come home safely at
there as the biggest fear in America. Do not        the end of the day.
allow this fear to cost you a promotion, AGR
                                                    Every year, we remind you about personal risk
position or just a pat on the back. Tackle your
                                                    management during the Critical Days of Summer ... and
fears head on by improving your speaking and
                                                    for good reason. The majority of Air Force fatalities
leadership skills at the FAA Toastmasters           happen during the summer months and we want this to
located at the Jacksonville Airport Authority's     stop. Even one loss is too many! I encourage you to make
Administration Building, 14201 Pecan Park           safety a priority. Our ever-continuing goal is zero
Road. You can practice your speaking skills at      preventable mishaps and fatalities- the Quest for Zero.
your pace while receiving immediate feedback.
                                                    Please take an active role in keeping your fellow Airmen
Meetings are held from 1800- 1900 every
                                                    safe. Reckless behavior off-duty remains our greatest
Thursday. For more information email                threat. Be a great wingman, an engaged supervisor and                         the one who sets the example for safety both on and off
Leadership Take Away
                                                    I thank you again for your selfless service to our great
According to John Maxwell there are two types       nation and have a safe summer.
of people a travel agent and a tour guide. You                              Maj. Gen.Gregory A. Feest
have to decide what you want to be… a Travel                                Air Force Chief of Safety
agent is the one who will get you a ticket, give
you a map, brochure and a planner then sent you      The Facebook page for the deployers proved to
to a place that they never been.                     be an essential method of communication
                                                     between SFS members. Although it was good to
While a tour guide is the one will walk with you,    have the family members involved another 125
guide and support you until you reach a certain
                                                     SFS page was made for 125 SFS members only.
destination, that‟s being a leader!!!
                                                     There are only 8 members assigned at this
                                                     moment, so you already know what to do.

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June SFS Newsletter

  • 1. Inside June’s Issue After a positive response to last month‟s issue I felt motivated to begin on this one. Just to clear this up, the Pg.3 Diamond Sharp purpose of this newsletter is to inspire a collaborative effort between the members of the 125 SFS to help build Pg.4 Q&A with SrA Sean Parr camaraderie, and share our new successes. By doing so, Pg.5 Lessons On Leadership we aim to enhance your experience here at the 125 Fighter Wing. The theme of the Defender will always be to Pg.7 125th SFS Members go TDY recognize superior performers, reward those who contribute to community outreach, and encourage Pg.8 Money Matters professional development. Thanks to those who were Pg.9 Leaders are Readers involved this month as well as last month‟s issue. I‟m looking forward to participation from all members; feel Pg.11 Need to Know free to submit any ideas and comments. 1
  • 2. Welcome back 125th Security Forces Squadron! This UTA is to welcome everyone back and to get all of us back into the productive and efficient routine that is the backbone of our reputation. This is the first drill in over nine months for our brave deployers recently home from Bagram. I can't think of a better way to kick off our first UTA all together again than with an ORE. For those of you returning, I do hope you all had a much deserved post deployment rest complete with a comfortable bed and delicious food. Even though there is a lot going on this UTA, I want you all to take the time to reintegrate yourself into our unit. The pace of being deployed can often cause extra stress and anxiety. Coming back to a Phase II ORE may feel very similar to being overseas. So please ignore the chaos of the ORE, take some time to check out what will be our new Security Forces building and say "hello" to friends you have not seen in a while. For those of you who are fully immersed in the ORE, now is the time to see where we need work on. If you are new to this unit and have been through an ORE somewhere else, I want to know what we can do to be better. I value each and every one of your opinions and welcome your advice and ideas. I am proud of the sacrifices every single one of you has made leading up to, during and post deployment. No matter if you were here or in Bagram, you all sacrificed for the mission. Thank you for of your hard work! One team one fight! Capt. David Melear Registration for the Tampa/ Sarasota 2012 Tough Mudder has begun. The event will be held on December 1 & 2, 2012. A 125 SFS Team has been registered but spots are limited. Remember you must be in good standing to participate (PT, Dental, CBT‟s, CDC‟s, etc.) Email or For more info on registration (This event has not yet been approved by leadership) 2
  • 3. Welcome Back! By: MSgt Wilkerson As I was approached about doing an article, I Never been happier to have you all back from pondered about what message I can get out to our the sandpit...all of you did an awesome job!!! personnel. Do I talk about the upcoming ORE‟s and As you all now know, I'm doing my best to fill ORI? Do I point out the importance of PME and SMSgt Cogan's shoes as a First Sergeant, which career progression? Do I stress the importance of is no easy task. June UTA was the first training and being current all required tasks? All of weekend back for most of you, so I expect things to be a little chaotic. Nonetheless, the things are important and I am sure you will hear a lot show must go on. I would like to brief the about all that very soon. At this moment, I feel it is following area. important just to say „welcome back‟. *Annual Dental Exam - DD Form 2813 can be Most of us just returned back from a very exciting found on Google deployment, which each of us will never forget. It has altered your life in some form or another whether rms/eforms/dd2813.pdf you realize it or not. It is important we all settle back in to the routine slowly, all while keeping an eye out * Annual Family Care Plan Briefing - for one another. It‟s been a long journey – from the recertification for existing members/new plans time you were notified of the deployment, all the way for members who now need one (Accomplished before COB July UTA) to the first UTA back. It‟s good to have everyone home safely. „Thank you‟ * Collect an updated Statement of for the awesome sacrifices each of you, your families, Understanding to be filled out by all and CSA to and your friends have provided over the past several GTC conversion briefing months. „Thank you‟ to those who remained here at the unit who supported us in many ways. The success * Free Florida tag/vehicle registration for of this deployment is a true testament of the members – discussion only - DHSMV form professionalism of the 125th Security Forces 83034 is available on DHSMV website Squadron. .pdf There are new faces in the unit... Training requirements on the horizon… ORE‟s to get worked * Annual Performance Feedback briefing - AF up about… New leaders in new positions… For Form 931/932 - Flight Chiefs are POC for now, I just want to say „welcome back‟ and I look turning in acknowledgement form to me. forward to getting back to business with the finest * Hurricane Volunteer List for the months of Security Forces squadron in the Air Force. Sep. Oct, Nov, to be briefed at UTA. 3
  • 4. Q. First and foremost how are you Sean? A. I am ok. The vision in my left eye still is very bad, and headaches every day because of the metal in my eye socket. Q. How were you treated by the medical team there in Bagram? A. The Medical staff on Bagram was good. The Army Medic that grabbed my attention and snapped me out of a rage in the middle of a riot is the one person I remember the most. Q. How did you feel when you found out you were leaving your team and going off to Germany? A. Since we were separated and all over base, The team I was upset about leaving were the personnel in Alpha Sector. And the new S-4. We had a meeting in the hospital before I was evac'd out, and my replacement had to learn his new job, on the job. Q. We all know that with all setbacks there usually a blessing tied in, have you found it yet? And if so would you like to share that? A. I wouldn‟t consider this a "setback", I would consider this an event that would forever change my life. Remember, my way of life will never be what it was before I was shot. I've had a lot of cool things happen I‟ve Pentagon twice, The White House twice. I‟ve met the President and first lady, as well as the second lady, Generals, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Command Sergeant Majors, and a bunch of really cool people. But since I have a long road ahead, I'm sure there are more "blessings" to come. Q. Is there one word to describe how you feel about the situation? A. There is not one word that could describe this situation. I have a lot of different feelings and words to "try" to describe it, but I think it would be better to keep that to myself. Thank you for your time Sean, we here at the 125th wish you the best. 4
  • 5. Has "Big Brass Fever" Infected Your Organization? Recently, I had the privilege of viewing several Air Force presentations that introduced lean six sigma methodologies to senior leaders. The training was developed by the University of Tennessee's, Center for Executive Education. I highly recommend their courses of instruction for any agency moving forward with Lean Six Sigma. I found particularly useful one of the presentations that dealt with the cultural dynamics that can occur between leaders and the layers of personnel ranks beneath them. One topic, "Big Brass Fever," stood out for me the most, as I have seen this in both my military and law enforcement careers. Here are a few of the symptoms you may have observed in your careers, many times attributable to, "Big Brass Fever."  Fear of disappointing leader drives to over production  Simple tasks become gold plated efforts + Casual question or comment treated as tasking for briefing or action  Briefings reviewed at multiple levels  Yes men-ism isolates leader from reality The course gives a humorous, but true, example of this leadership challenge that you may find all too familiar at your agency. The Secretary for the Department of Energy was touring a national laboratory’s grounds when a snake crossed her path. She casually asked: “I wonder if there are poisonous snakes here?” Six weeks later she received a report prepared by the lab’s top biologist entitled “Census of Venomous Snake Population”. One has to wonder how much valuable time and taxpayer dollars were spent on this outbreak of "Big Brass Fever." How much of this goes on at your agency? Better yet, how much of it are you causing? 5
  • 6. The above example happens all too often, and usually very innocently, as many leaders never expect people to take the whimsical remarks they say so literally. Sadly enough, there is also the opposite out there among the leadership ranks. Some leaders feel that personnel should jump at every word they say because they have finally earned their stripes, bars, or stars. To me, this is an indication that they have been promoted beyond their ability to lead and are reduced to using positional authority to get things done. A sad, but true condition of, "Big Brass Fever." The best protocol is to learn to recognize "Big Brass Fever," from both perspectives of the leadership realm; as leader, and subordinate. As a leader, it is important to remember that everyone is going to do their best to try and please you and to deliver well on what they believe you want. After all, you're the boss. Sometimes even the passing phrase or statement can be misconstrued in a subordinates mind to send them on a mission so full of waste that it halts any real work for days, weeks, or even months. Sometimes the best thing a leader can do is simply listen, and say, "keep up the great work." At least then he or she isn't adding to the workflow with unintended consequences. As a subordinate, try to remember that your leaders do not want you tied up doing busy work that has no relevancy to the overall mission. This is where employee empowerment and challenging status quo by asking "why" becomes more and more important everyday. Never be intimidated to ask your boss for clarity before going on a wild goose chase. Whether in police work, or the military, lives may count on it one day. Get in the habit of consistently asking your boss, "what actions would you like me to take next?" The University of Tennessee's presentation gives of few points as well for controlling, "Big Brass Fever" that I also found to be quite helpful.  Talk about it  Explicitly state “I don’t want action on this – we’re just considering options”  Be critical of over production and gold plating  Imagine the unintended consequences of your requests taken to their ill-logical extremes  Be clear on your expectations and test for active listening  Remind your people to stay focused on the top priority and not the side issues  Make a point of asking for bad news and thanking the individual who delivers it I will close with one final phrase from the presentation: "Remember, the stronger you are as a leader, the greater the threat of Big Brass Fever" MSgt Billy Wilkerson 6
  • 7. Leaving for CAAC “Combat Arms Apprentice Course, I didn‟t know what to expect. First day of class everything was laid out for us and we then knew what we were getting into. The first Friday there was a PT test to see where everyone‟s fitness level was. The start of the following week started with a ¾ of a mile run followed by some work outs then a ¾ mile run back, this is called the bridge run due to the fact you are running over the troop walks. Afterwards it was back to the class where Disassembled M-249 over the next 2 weeks we learned how to break down inspect and repair the M-9 Berretta and M-4 Carbine. The 1st of two test followed the end of block one. Next we went the range to shoot the 2 weapons. During this process we lost three students due to not being able to score high enough on the course of fire. After all the shooting we got to shadow the BMT CATM instructors for two days. We have just started on block two of our training and learned every little thing about the M- 203 and the M-249 with only two weapons left to cover we have a test next week, after that is complete, it is on to the 3 weeks of speeches I recently went TDY to Shepard AFB to attend followed by graduation. If anyone is looking to go Principle of Instructor school. During this course to CATM start your PT now or they will kill you we learned the instructor roles to include the out here. You also want to work on your shooting communication, & learning process, curriculum the course of fire we shoot here is not like any I development, instrumental media, and outlining have ever shot and you will need good a lesson plan. We were also trained on informal fundamentals to score the 280 out of 400 needed to lecture, evaluating student achievement and pass. I think this is the best training course I have instructed the Air Forces Instructional system ever had the privilege of being able to attend. I am development (IDS) process. A requirement for looking forward to getting home and jumping into the course is that I was to perform two 15 the CATM shop to helping them teach not only the minute speeches and a 30 minute speech that base populace, but our cops on how to become seemed to last forever. I executed all course better shooters. Thanks for your time and until next objectives, and learned a ton of new tools to time, may you guns stay clean and shoot straight. implement. SSgt Andrew Pelton SSgt Jimmy Randolph 7
  • 8. The NEW Roth TSP We are currently living in the age of instant gratification. Anything new and shiny has been marketed as a “need to With the introduction of Roth, you will potentially have have” instead of “nice to have”. Marketing firms and two types of balances in your TSP account: A traditional advertisers have equipped themselves with psychologist, (non-Roth) TSP balance and a Roth TSP balance. Any sociologist and economist. Giving corporations the competitive edge between you and your hard earn cash. The agency contributions you receive will always be a part of average American is exposed to as many as 600-2000 your traditional (non-Roth) balance. However, you may advertisement in one day, sometimes more. Have you ever designate your own contributions any way you like noticed how commercials create and often exaggerate a depending on your individual tax circumstances. (Note: problem then present their product as the end all, do all. It‟s Money already in your account when you begin making a format used by corporations to create a “need” by pulling Roth contributions will remain part of your traditional on the strings of your emotions, enticing you to buy. balance. You will not be able to convert it to Roth.) I can here you now, “So what is the problem Andy, The table below compares the treatment of the two shouldn‟t I help the economy by spending? Or “I just came different types of contributions. back from a deployment; I‟m entitled to a brand new toy. No, not at the expense of your potential wealth! Being a The Traditional TSP Roth TSP member of the United States Armed Forces qualifies you for Treatment of… many discounts and tax free incentives. This fact along with Contributions Pre-tax After-tax1 the overwhelming number of advertisements and social Your Taxes are deferred, so Taxes are paid up front, so norms adds to the temptation of buying things you can‟t Paycheck less money is taken more money comes out of your out of your paycheck. paycheck. simply afford. Getting into trouble financially may cause Transfers In Transfers allowed Transfers allowed from Roth problems when obtaining or renewing your security from eligible 401(k)s, Roth 403(b)s, and Roth employer plans and 457(b)s clearance, thus hindering you from performing your duties traditional IRAs as a security forces member. Not only can you damage your Transfers Transfers allowed to Transfers allowed to Roth military career, you also risk not being able to qualify for a Out eligible employer 401(k)s, Roth 403(b)s, Roth plans, traditional 457(b)s, and Roth IRAs3 mortgage, a good apartment, potential career growth, bad IRAs, and Roth IRAs2 health, and higher auto insurance premiums. Not to mention Withdrawals Taxable when Tax-free earnings if five years withdrawn have passed since January 1 of that most divorces are due to money problems; debt can be the year you made your first damaging! Roth contribution, AND you are age 59½ or older, permanently Although the corporations come with a heavy arsenal, you disabled, or deceased 1 Roth contributions are subject to Federal (and, where applicable, state and local) qualifying to join the military validates that you can do 6th income taxes, while traditional contributions are not taxed until withdrawn. However, grade math. Some common sense, contentment, and 6th both Roth contributions and traditional contributions are included in the amount of grade math is all you need if you wish to dump debt. Here wages used to calculate payroll taxes (e.g., Social Security taxes). 2 You would have to pay taxes on any pre-tax amount transferred to a Roth IRA.3 Transfers to a Roth IRA are some good books I recommend to learn more about true from a Roth TSP are not subject to the income restrictions that apply to Roth IRA wealth building and debt elimination. contributions. Retrieved from The Total Money Makeover, by Dave Ramsey *Everyone‟s financial situation is different and you should a seek guidance from a professional counselor for the best advice. Stop Acting Rich, by Tomas J. Stanley Here are some links to videos that better explain Roth/TSP Debt Free For Life, by David Bach IRA‟s The Money Class, by Suze Orman By SSgt Andy Fernandez 8
  • 9. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones said, "You are the same today as you'll be in five years except for two things: the books you read and the people you meet." Here are some best sellers I found to be helpful. Tribes by Seth Godin Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell (Favorite) Strong Fathers Strong Daughters by Dr. Meg Meeker 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Dr. John Maxwell How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen R. Covey Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson The Mentor Leader by Tony Dungy Films Books Failing Forward by Dr. John Maxwell 1. Cultivating an Unshakable Character by Jim Rohn Do not go buying books just yet! Some of these books are Great Links for Professional Development & available on PDF or Mp3 format for FREE!!! Log into the AF Portal Management home page and click on the “IT E- learning” link on the left side of Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire the screen. Once the IT E-learning website is up, click on the third tab from the left on the top of the page titled “Books 24X7”. On a Time Management: Urgent Vs. Important personal computer using a CAC card reader you can download these e-books or audiobook files on your computer and later transfer to CD, cell phone or Mp3 player and listen on your way to Stephen Covey: Goals and Priorities work. If you drive a half hour to work five days a week, you can complete a book and a half in a single week. This is a great John Maxwell method to maximizing your drive time while adding value to Personality styles, DISC Profile yourself in what Zig Zigler calls “Automobile University”. Security Forces Motivation 9
  • 11. Banned Supplements Critical Days of Summer Safety  Jacked 3D Critical Days of Summer Safety "Safety- It's Personal" is  Hemo Rage the theme for this year's Critical Days of Summer safety campaign, which runs from 25 May through 3 Sep 2012.  Muscle Warfare Napalm This year's theme is a reminder that safety is everyone's  Nitric Blast responsibility and the decisions we make impact our friends, families and Air Force community. Summer is a wonderful season to enjoy the great outdoors Communicate Effectively and warm weather with your friends and family. I urge you to incorporate thoughtful planning in all your Anyone who has ever been subjected to a post activities and get sufficient rest before strenuous events as briefing, guard mount briefing, or a board well as extended road trips. Give some consideration to interview can testify that public speaking can be your personal limits and capabilities and exercise sound nerve racking. In fact, public speaking ranks up judgment. We want every Airman to come home safely at there as the biggest fear in America. Do not the end of the day. allow this fear to cost you a promotion, AGR Every year, we remind you about personal risk position or just a pat on the back. Tackle your management during the Critical Days of Summer ... and fears head on by improving your speaking and for good reason. The majority of Air Force fatalities leadership skills at the FAA Toastmasters happen during the summer months and we want this to located at the Jacksonville Airport Authority's stop. Even one loss is too many! I encourage you to make Administration Building, 14201 Pecan Park safety a priority. Our ever-continuing goal is zero Road. You can practice your speaking skills at preventable mishaps and fatalities- the Quest for Zero. your pace while receiving immediate feedback. Please take an active role in keeping your fellow Airmen Meetings are held from 1800- 1900 every safe. Reckless behavior off-duty remains our greatest Thursday. For more information email threat. Be a great wingman, an engaged supervisor and the one who sets the example for safety both on and off duty! Leadership Take Away I thank you again for your selfless service to our great According to John Maxwell there are two types nation and have a safe summer. of people a travel agent and a tour guide. You Maj. Gen.Gregory A. Feest have to decide what you want to be… a Travel Air Force Chief of Safety agent is the one who will get you a ticket, give you a map, brochure and a planner then sent you The Facebook page for the deployers proved to to a place that they never been. be an essential method of communication between SFS members. Although it was good to While a tour guide is the one will walk with you, have the family members involved another 125 guide and support you until you reach a certain SFS page was made for 125 SFS members only. destination, that‟s being a leader!!! There are only 8 members assigned at this moment, so you already know what to do. 11