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jQuery Anti-Patterns for
Performance &
Paul Irish
NC JavaScript Camp ’10
jQuery Anti-Patterns for
Performance &
Paul Irish
NC JavaScript Camp ’10
Interaction Designer at Molecular, Inc.
jQuery Team Member - Dev. Relations

     @paul_irish Front-end development blog Eclectic music blog
wassup shawty? how u doin’
                  Taskspeed Test Lines of Code




      YUI   Dojo 1.3.1 Dojo 1.2.3 Qooxdoo MooTools Prototype.js   jQuery   PureDOM
Oft cited best practices
 Cache length during loops
 Cache your selections
 Leverage documentFragment
 Append new content outside the loop
Oft cited best practices
 Cache length during loops
// appending inside. bad.
$.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) {
 Cache your selections
    var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>';
 Leverage documentFragment
 Append new content outside the loop
// documentFragment off-DOM
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
$.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) {
    var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>';
var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>';
Oft cited best practices
// documentFragment off-DOM
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
 Cache length during loops
$.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) {
    var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>';
 Cache your selections
 Leverage documentFragment
 Append new content outside the loop
// string concatenate and set innerHTML
var myhtml = '';
$.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) {
    myhtml += '<li>' + item + '</li>';
Keep things DRY

 If you’re repeating
 yourself, you’re doing it
Moar DRY plz?

if ($'currently') != 'showing') {
if ($'currently') != 'showing') {
if ($'currently') != 'showing') {

All clean! Thx

var elems = [$ventfade,$venthover,$spans];

    if ('currently') != 'showing'){
Architecture Anti-Patterns
 Anonymous functions bound everywhere suck



      $('#happiness').load(url+' #unicorns',function(){
Architecture - Object Literal
var PI = {
  onReady   : function(){
      $('#happiness').load(url+' #unicorns',PI.unicornCb);
  candyMtn : function(e){
  slideCb   : function(){
  unicornCb : function(){

Architecture - Object Literal
  Easier to navigate and discuss
  Profilers give you actual names to work with
  You can execute these from firebug console
  You can write unit tests against them
Anti-Pattern: The requery
// create and append your element
$(document.body).append("<div class='baaron'/>");
// requery to bind stuff

// better:
// swap to appendTo to hold your elem
$("<div class='baaron'/>")
$(‘#whats .the’,context)
This is not the .context property

  // find all stylesheets in the body
  var bodySheets = $('style',document.body);
  bodySheets.context // ==> BODY element

  Ignore that for the moment, I know no one that’s
  found a use
$(‘#whats .the’,context)
 Never pass it a selector string. Ever.
 No performance gain vs $(root).find(selector)

   var arms = $('div.robotarm', '#container');
   // instead do:
   var arms = $('#container').find('div.robotarm');
$(‘#whats .the’,context)
 You typically pass it this, but it’s purely a
 convenience to avoid find()

 // exact same as

 Which is more readable?

$('.reply_form', $(this).closest('.comment')).hide();

The Crowd Say Bo Selector
Come on, my selector
Selector engines have come a long, long way.
Come on, my selector
Selector engines have come a long, long way.
Come on, my selector
Engines work in different ways
Top-down, bottom-up, function creation, other crazy shit

// from NWMatcher:

// selecting '.outmost #outer span'

{C=e.className;if(C&&(" "+C+" ").indexOf(" outmost ")>-1)
{r[X++]=N;continue main;}}}}}
Selector engines, parse direction
 Left to right (Top-down)      Right to left (Bottom-up)

        Mootools                           Sizzle

           Sly                             YUI 3

         Peppy                         NWMatcher

       Dojo Acme

         Ext JS

Selector engines, parse direction table.attendees .gonzalez

 Left to right (Top-down)      Right to left (Bottom-up)

        Mootools                           Sizzle

           Sly                             YUI 3

         Peppy                         NWMatcher

       Dojo Acme

         Ext JS

Selector engines, parse direction
 Left to right (Top-down)      Right to left (Bottom-up)

        Mootools                           Sizzle

           Sly                             YUI 3

         Peppy                         NWMatcher

       Dojo Acme

         Ext JS

Selector engines, parse direction
 Left to right (Top-down)      Right to left (Bottom-up)

        Mootools                           Sizzle

           Sly                             YUI 3

         Peppy                         NWMatcher

       Dojo Acme                 querySelectorAll (qSA)

         Ext JS

Selector Optimization
 Specific on the right, light on the left

 // let's find scott .gonzalez

 // specific on right, light on the left
 .data td.gonzalez

 tag.class if possible on your right-most selector.
 just tag or just .class on left.
Selector Optimization
 Of course, descending from an #id is best

// basic #id-based selector
var arms = $('#container div.robotarm');

// hyper-optimized #id case first, then find:
var arms = $('#container').find('div.robotarm');
Selector Optimization
 Don’t be needlessly specific

 // let's find scott
 .data table.attendees td.gonzalez

 // better: drop the middle
 .data td.gonzalez

A flatter DOM helps, so move to HTML5
   Also a wider range of tags speeds up filters
Selector Optimization
 Avoid the universal selector
 Avoid the implied universal selector

 $('.buttons > *') // terribly costly
 $('.buttons').children() // much better

 $('.gender :radio') // implied universal
 $('.gender *:radio') // exact same, explicit now
 $('.gender input:radio') // much better
Selector Optimization
 Google PageSpeed’s efficient selectors analysis
 MDC: Writing Efficient CSS

Event Delegation

 function delegate(type, delegate, handler) {
     return $(document).bind(type, function(event) {
         var target = $(;
         if ( {
             return handler.apply(target, arguments);


 // and with live():
Event Delegation
live() isn’t just for dynamic content
Speeds up page load
  Only one event handler is bound vs many
Good for >3 elements all getting the same handler

 // using live(), skipping selection on load
 var jqElem = $(document);
 jqElem.selector = 'li.ui';'dblclick', dblhandler);
Event Delegation
live() isn’t just for dynamic content
Speeds up page load
  Only one event handler is bound vs many
Good for >3 elements all getting the same handler

 // using live(), skipping selection on load
 var jqElem = $(document);
 jqElem.selector = 'li.ui';'dblclick', dblhandler);
Event Delegation
   delegate() bakes in huge performance gains
   explicit context reduces overhead by ~80%
   Use it instead of live() if possible

// awkward but equivalent

// so damn fine
Event Delegation                               new
                                                1.4     in
   delegate() bakes in huge performance gains
   explicit context reduces overhead by ~80%
   Use it instead of live() if possible

// awkward but equivalent

// so damn fine
The DOM is slow
Pull elements off the DOM while you toy with them

var table = $('#some-table');
var parent = table.parent();

The DOM is slow
Pull elements off the DOM while you toy with them

var table = $('#some-table');
var parent = table.parent();
                                       in 1
Minimize DOM touches
       Use classes, but if a style change user-selected:

  jQuery('a.swedberg').css('color', '#BADA55');

  jQuery('<style type="text/css"> a.swedberg { color: BADA55; } </style>')

3000                                                     Timings for X elements

2250                                                     (1000 iterations)

1500                                                         css()
                                                             style tag
       1        5           10          20          50
Minimize DOM touches
Don’t treat jQuery as a Black Box
 Use the source as your documentation
 Add this to your bookmark bar, NOW!
 Determine which are convenience methods:
   getScript: function( url, callback ) {
       return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script");
   getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
       return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");
Don’t treat jQuery as a Black Box
 Learn the lesser-known methods

   map(), slice(), stop(), (de)queue(),
   prevAll(), pushStack(), inArray() , etc

 // index() in jQuery <= 1.3.2
 $('#rdworth').parent().children().index( $('#rdworth')[0] )

 // using prevAll() is 10% faster (also sexier)

 // in jQuery 1.4
Don’t act on absent elements
 jQuery is very kind and doesn’t throw errors at you
 Don’t assume it’s just fine to do

   // this will execute genFx(), speed() and animate()
   //   before it hits an each()

 jQuery UI widgets have a lot of overhead you’ll hit
Don’t act on absent elements

 jQuery.fn.doOnce = function(func){
     this.length && func.apply(this);
     return this;

     // make it ajax! o/
Don’t act on absent elements

 $.fn.plugin = function(opts){
    if(!this.length) return this;
    var opts = $.extend(......
    return this.each(...
Setter Methods

New Element Creation                        1.4

jQuery("<div/>", {
    id: "foo",
    rel : "something"
    css: {
        height: "50px",
        width: "50px",
        color: "blue",
        backgroundColor: "#ccc"
    click: function() {
       $(this).css("backgroundColor", "red");
eq(), first(), last()                1.4

var lastelem = $elems.eq(-1); // get() too!

$('#nav li:first') === $('#nav li').first()

$('#nav li:last') === $('#nav li').last()

// regular:

// omg like 10x faster:
YUI Compressor
  Sits on Rhino.
Comments, whitespace, variable replacement

//it already does these micro-optimizations:
object['prop'] ==> object.prop
{'key':123} ==> {key:123}
'jon's apostophes' ==> "jon's apostrophes"
'bigass ' + 'string' ==> 'bigass string'
Variable definition

// old 'n busted            // new hotness
var test1 = 1;              var test1 = 1,
var test2 = function() {        test2 = function() {
    // function code                // function code
};                              },
var test3 = test2(test1);       test3 = test2(test1);
Munge the primitives
Define shortcuts at the top of your scope
  Good for both compression and scope chain traversal

var TRUE = true,
    FALSE = false,
    NULL = null,
    window = self,
    undefined = undefined;
Munge the primitives
Define shortcuts at the top of your scope
  Good for both compression and scope chain traversal

var TRUE = true,
    FALSE = false,
    NULL = null,
    window = self,
    undefined = undefined;
Munge the primitives

   var window = this, document = document,
   /* code */

(function(window, document, undefined){
   /* code */
var str=‘Let’s put this into

 // html>
 <!doctype ==> html.js
 var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
 elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js');
 <html class="no-js">
 // quicker reference, safer replace
 var elem = document.documentElement;
 elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js');
 // one// change the html class to 'js'
        line ftw!
       // in the head, no FOUC
 document.documentElement.className =
 // shorter with a self-executing anonymous function
var str=‘Let’s put this into

 // ==> html.js
 var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
 elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js');

 // quicker reference, safer replace
 var elem = document.documentElement;
 elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js');

 // one line ftw!
 document.documentElement.className =

 // shorter with a self-executing anonymous function
// ==> html.js

var str=‘Let’s put this into
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js');

// quicker reference, safer replace
var elem = document.documentElement;
elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js');

// one line ftw!
document.documentElement.className =

// shorter with a self-executing anonymous function

// pass className, object string notation

// old 'n busted
if ( type === 'foo' || type === 'bar' ) {}

// regex test
if ( /^(foo|bar)$/.test(type) ) {}

// obj literal lookup (smaller if <5 items)
if ( ({foo:1,bar:1})[type] ) {}
Logic and Ternary operands
// basic function detection
document.querySelectorAll && document.querySelectorAll('a:nth-child(2)')

// assignment is legal, but it evaluates to the right expression
callback && (isCallbackCalled = true) && callback(returnVal);

// call or cache the callback function
(isCallbackCalled || returnVal) ? fn(returnVal) : (callback = fn);

// inline function calls
isToday('Saturday') && Math.round(Math.random()) && $('#winnar').show()

// if JSON2.js or Native JSON is present, otherwise eval.
data = window.JSON && JSON.parse(data) || eval('('+data +')');
Write maintainable code
                   As a developer,

       you should work first   and foremost
            for the user of your products.

  The second most important person to work for is

        the developer that takes over from you.
                                   - Christian Heilmann
 * Will not be removed by YUI Compressor

// for quick toggling on and off:
/* */
/* */

/* * /
/* */
Compression Tools
YUI Compressor front-end
Thanks, ya’ll.
 Slides at


 Alex Sexton, Ben Alman, Adam Sontag,
 James Padolsey, temp01, #jquery on Freenode
shadow effect to code samples
more context research and this: http://
b4b7935a4013dfe7 and
    // pngfix for IE6
    // e.g. FL.pngfix('img.bigProdShot,a.thumb');
    pngfix : function(sel){
      // conditional comments for inclusion of that js.
      if (typeof DD_belatedPNG == 'undefined'){ return;
      } else {
        // delay pngfix until window onload
        $(window).load(function(){ $(sel).each(function()
    { DD_belatedPNG.fixPng(arguments[1]); }); });
    } // end of FL.pngfix()

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jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance

  • 1. jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & Compression Paul Irish NC JavaScript Camp ’10
  • 2. jQuery Anti-Patterns for Performance & Compression Paul Irish NC JavaScript Camp ’10
  • 3. Me. Interaction Designer at Molecular, Inc. jQuery Team Member - Dev. Relations @paul_irish Front-end development blog Eclectic music blog
  • 6. wassup shawty? how u doin’ Taskspeed Test Lines of Code 200 150 100 50 0 YUI Dojo 1.3.1 Dojo 1.2.3 Qooxdoo MooTools Prototype.js jQuery PureDOM
  • 7. Oft cited best practices Cache length during loops Cache your selections Leverage documentFragment Append new content outside the loop
  • 8. Oft cited best practices Cache length during loops // appending inside. bad. $.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) { Cache your selections var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>'; Leverage documentFragment $('#ballers').append(newLI); }); Append new content outside the loop // documentFragment off-DOM var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); $.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) { var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>'; frag.appendChild(newLI[0]); }); $('#ballers')[0].appendChild(frag);
  • 9. var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>'; $('#ballers').append(newLI); }); Oft cited best practices // documentFragment off-DOM var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); Cache length during loops $.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) { var newLI = '<li>' + item + '</li>'; Cache your selections frag.appendChild(newLI[0]); }); Leverage documentFragment $('#ballers')[0].appendChild(frag); Append new content outside the loop // string concatenate and set innerHTML var myhtml = ''; $.each(reallyLongArray, function(count, item) { myhtml += '<li>' + item + '</li>'; }); $('#ballers').html(myhtml);
  • 10. Keep things DRY If you’re repeating yourself, you’re doing it wrong
  • 11. Moar DRY plz? if ($'currently') != 'showing') { $ventfade.stop(); } if ($'currently') != 'showing') { $venthover.stop(); } if ($'currently') != 'showing') { $spans.stop(); } from
  • 12. All clean! Thx var elems = [$ventfade,$venthover,$spans]; $.each(elems,function(k,v){ if ('currently') != 'showing'){ v.stop(); } })
  • 13. Architecture Anti-Patterns Anonymous functions bound everywhere suck $(document).ready(function(){ ... $('#magic').click(function(e){ $('#yayeffects').slideUp(function(){ ... }); }); $('#happiness').load(url+' #unicorns',function(){ ... }) });
  • 14. Architecture - Object Literal var PI = { onReady : function(){ ... $('#magic').click(PI.candyMtn); $('#happiness').load(url+' #unicorns',PI.unicornCb); }, candyMtn : function(e){ $('#yayeffects').slideUp(PI.slideCb); }, slideCb : function(){ ... }, unicornCb : function(){ ... } } $(document).ready(PI.onReady);
  • 15. Architecture - Object Literal Advantages: Easier to navigate and discuss Profilers give you actual names to work with You can execute these from firebug console You can write unit tests against them
  • 16. Anti-Pattern: The requery // create and append your element $(document.body).append("<div class='baaron'/>"); // requery to bind stuff $("div.baaron").click(function(){}); // better: // swap to appendTo to hold your elem $("<div class='baaron'/>") .appendTo(document.body) .click(function(){});
  • 18. This is not the .context property // find all stylesheets in the body var bodySheets = $('style',document.body); bodySheets.context // ==> BODY element Ignore that for the moment, I know no one that’s found a use
  • 19. $(‘#whats .the’,context) Never pass it a selector string. Ever. No performance gain vs $(root).find(selector) var arms = $('div.robotarm', '#container'); // instead do: var arms = $('#container').find('div.robotarm');
  • 20. $(‘#whats .the’,context) You typically pass it this, but it’s purely a convenience to avoid find() $('form.comments',this).submit(captureSubmit); // exact same as $(this).find('form.comments').submit(captureSubmit); Which is more readable? $('.reply_form', $(this).closest('.comment')).hide(); $(this).closest('.comment').find('.reply_form').hide();
  • 21. The Crowd Say Bo Selector
  • 22. Come on, my selector Selector engines have come a long, long way.
  • 23. Come on, my selector Selector engines have come a long, long way.
  • 24. Come on, my selector Engines work in different ways Top-down, bottom-up, function creation, other crazy shit // from NWMatcher: // selecting '.outmost #outer span' T=e.nodeName;if(T=="SPAN"||T=="span") {while((e=e.parentNode)&&e.nodeType==1) {if((n=e.getAttributeNode("id"))&&n.value=="outer") {if((e=e.parentNode)&&e.nodeType==1) {C=e.className;if(C&&(" "+C+" ").indexOf(" outmost ")>-1) {r[X++]=N;continue main;}}}}}
  • 25. Selector engines, parse direction Left to right (Top-down) Right to left (Bottom-up) Mootools Sizzle Sly YUI 3 Peppy NWMatcher Dojo Acme Ext JS Prototype.js details:
  • 26. Selector engines, parse direction table.attendees .gonzalez Left to right (Top-down) Right to left (Bottom-up) Mootools Sizzle Sly YUI 3 Peppy NWMatcher Dojo Acme Ext JS Prototype.js details:
  • 27. Selector engines, parse direction Left to right (Top-down) Right to left (Bottom-up) Mootools Sizzle Sly YUI 3 Peppy NWMatcher Dojo Acme Ext JS Prototype.js details:
  • 28. Selector engines, parse direction Left to right (Top-down) Right to left (Bottom-up) Mootools Sizzle Sly YUI 3 Peppy NWMatcher Dojo Acme querySelectorAll (qSA) Ext JS Prototype.js details:
  • 29. Selector Optimization Specific on the right, light on the left // let's find scott .gonzalez // specific on right, light on the left .data td.gonzalez tag.class if possible on your right-most selector. just tag or just .class on left.
  • 30. Selector Optimization Of course, descending from an #id is best // basic #id-based selector var arms = $('#container div.robotarm'); // hyper-optimized #id case first, then find: var arms = $('#container').find('div.robotarm');
  • 31. Selector Optimization Don’t be needlessly specific // let's find scott .data table.attendees td.gonzalez // better: drop the middle .data td.gonzalez A flatter DOM helps, so move to HTML5 Also a wider range of tags speeds up filters
  • 32. Selector Optimization Avoid the universal selector Avoid the implied universal selector $('.buttons > *') // terribly costly $('.buttons').children() // much better $('.gender :radio') // implied universal $('.gender *:radio') // exact same, explicit now $('.gender input:radio') // much better
  • 33. Selector Optimization Google PageSpeed’s efficient selectors analysis MDC: Writing Efficient CSS Benchmark.js
  • 34. Event Delegation function delegate(type, delegate, handler) { return $(document).bind(type, function(event) { var target = $(; if ( { return handler.apply(target, arguments); } }); } delegate('click','td.jehl',createRockstar); // and with live(): $('td.jehl').live('click',createRockstar);
  • 35. Event Delegation live() isn’t just for dynamic content Speeds up page load Only one event handler is bound vs many Good for >3 elements all getting the same handler // using live(), skipping selection on load var jqElem = $(document); jqElem.selector = 'li.ui';'dblclick', dblhandler);
  • 36. Event Delegation live() isn’t just for dynamic content Speeds up page load Only one event handler is bound vs many Good for >3 elements all getting the same handler // using live(), skipping selection on load var jqElem = $(document); jqElem.selector = 'li.ui';'dblclick', dblhandler);
  • 37. Event Delegation delegate() bakes in huge performance gains explicit context reduces overhead by ~80% Use it instead of live() if possible // awkward but equivalent $('a.trigger',$('#container')[0]).live('click',handlerFn) // so damn fine $('#container').delegate('click','a.trigger',handlerFn)
  • 38. Event Delegation new 1.4 in .2! delegate() bakes in huge performance gains explicit context reduces overhead by ~80% Use it instead of live() if possible // awkward but equivalent $('a.trigger',$('#container')[0]).live('click',handlerFn) // so damn fine $('#container').delegate('click','a.trigger',handlerFn)
  • 39. The DOM is slow Pull elements off the DOM while you toy with them var table = $('#some-table'); var parent = table.parent(); table.detach(); table.addLotsAndLotsOfRows(); parent.append(table);
  • 40. The DOM is slow Pull elements off the DOM while you toy with them var table = $('#some-table'); var parent = table.parent(); new table.detach(); in 1 .4 table.addLotsAndLotsOfRows(); parent.append(table);
  • 41. Minimize DOM touches Use classes, but if a style change user-selected: jQuery('a.swedberg').css('color', '#BADA55'); jQuery('<style type="text/css"> a.swedberg { color: BADA55; } </style>') .appendTo('head'); 3000 Timings for X elements 2250 (1000 iterations) 1500 css() style tag 750 0 1 5 10 20 50
  • 43. Don’t treat jQuery as a Black Box Use the source as your documentation Add this to your bookmark bar, NOW! Determine which are convenience methods: getScript: function( url, callback ) { return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script"); }, getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) { return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json"); },
  • 44. Don’t treat jQuery as a Black Box Learn the lesser-known methods map(), slice(), stop(), (de)queue(), prevAll(), pushStack(), inArray() , etc // index() in jQuery <= 1.3.2 $('#rdworth').parent().children().index( $('#rdworth')[0] ) // using prevAll() is 10% faster (also sexier) $('#rdworth').prevAll().length // in jQuery 1.4 $('#rdworth').index()
  • 45. Don’t act on absent elements jQuery is very kind and doesn’t throw errors at you Don’t assume it’s just fine to do $('#doesntexist').slideUp() // this will execute genFx(), speed() and animate() // before it hits an each() jQuery UI widgets have a lot of overhead you’ll hit
  • 46. Don’t act on absent elements jQuery.fn.doOnce = function(func){ this.length && func.apply(this); return this; } $('li.cartitems').doOnce(function(){ // make it ajax! o/ });
  • 47. Don’t act on absent elements $.fn.plugin = function(opts){ if(!this.length) return this; var opts = $.extend(...... ... return this.each(...
  • 49. new New Element Creation 1.4 ! in jQuery("<div/>", { id: "foo", rel : "something" css: { height: "50px", width: "50px", color: "blue", backgroundColor: "#ccc" }, click: function() { $(this).css("backgroundColor", "red"); } }).appendTo("body");
  • 50. new eq(), first(), last() 1.4 ! in var lastelem = $elems.eq(-1); // get() too! $('#nav li:first') === $('#nav li').first() $('#nav li:last') === $('#nav li').last()
  • 51. Data() // regular: $(elem).data(key,value); // omg like 10x faster: $.data(elem,key,value);
  • 53. Compression YUI Compressor Sits on Rhino. Comments, whitespace, variable replacement //it already does these micro-optimizations: object['prop'] ==> object.prop {'key':123} ==> {key:123} 'jon's apostophes' ==> "jon's apostrophes" 'bigass ' + 'string' ==> 'bigass string'
  • 54. Variable definition // old 'n busted // new hotness var test1 = 1; var test1 = 1, var test2 = function() { test2 = function() { // function code // function code }; }, var test3 = test2(test1); test3 = test2(test1);
  • 55. Munge the primitives Define shortcuts at the top of your scope Good for both compression and scope chain traversal var TRUE = true, FALSE = false, NULL = null, window = self, undefined = undefined;
  • 56. Munge the primitives Define shortcuts at the top of your scope Good for both compression and scope chain traversal var TRUE = true, FALSE = false, NULL = null, window = self, undefined; undefined = undefined;
  • 57. Munge the primitives (function(){ var window = this, document = document, undefined; /* code */ })(); (function(window, document, undefined){ /* code */ })(this,this.document);
  • 58. var str=‘Let’s put this into action’ // html> <!doctype ==> html.js var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js'); <html class="no-js"> // quicker reference, safer replace <head> var elem = document.documentElement; elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js'); <script> // one// change the html class to 'js' line ftw! // in the head, no FOUC document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace(/bno-jsb/, </script> 'js'); </body> // shorter with a self-executing anonymous function (function(B){B.className=B.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,
  • 59. var str=‘Let’s put this into action’ // ==> html.js var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js'); // quicker reference, safer replace var elem = document.documentElement; elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js'); // one line ftw! document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace(/bno-jsb/, 'js'); // shorter with a self-executing anonymous function (function(B){B.className=B.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,
  • 60. // ==> html.js var str=‘Let’s put this into var elem = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0]; elem.className = elem.className.replace('no-js','js'); action’ // quicker reference, safer replace var elem = document.documentElement; elem.className = elem.className.replace(/bno-jsb/,'js'); // one line ftw! document.documentElement.className = document.documentElement.className.replace(/bno-jsb/, 'js'); // shorter with a self-executing anonymous function (function(B){B.className=B.className.replace(/bno-jsb/, 'js')})(document.documentElement); // pass className, object string notation (function(H,C){H[C]=H[C].replace(/bno-jsb/,'js')}) (document.documentElement,'className')
  • 61. Conditionals // old 'n busted if ( type === 'foo' || type === 'bar' ) {} // regex test if ( /^(foo|bar)$/.test(type) ) {} // obj literal lookup (smaller if <5 items) if ( ({foo:1,bar:1})[type] ) {}
  • 62. Logic and Ternary operands // basic function detection document.querySelectorAll && document.querySelectorAll('a:nth-child(2)') // assignment is legal, but it evaluates to the right expression callback && (isCallbackCalled = true) && callback(returnVal); // call or cache the callback function (isCallbackCalled || returnVal) ? fn(returnVal) : (callback = fn); // inline function calls isToday('Saturday') && Math.round(Math.random()) && $('#winnar').show() // if JSON2.js or Native JSON is present, otherwise eval. data = window.JSON && JSON.parse(data) || eval('('+data +')');
  • 63. Write maintainable code As a developer, you should work first and foremost for the user of your products. The second most important person to work for is the developer that takes over from you. - Christian Heilmann
  • 64. Comments /*! * Will not be removed by YUI Compressor */ // for quick toggling on and off: /* */ aaaahYeah(); /* */ /* * / ohHellNo(); /* */
  • 65. Compression Tools CompressorRater YUI Compressor front-end
  • 66. Thanks, ya’ll. Slides at @paul_irish thx: Alex Sexton, Ben Alman, Adam Sontag, James Padolsey, temp01, #jquery on Freenode
  • 67. todo shadow effect to code samples more context research and this: http:// b4b7935a4013dfe7 and web-design-development-tutorials/clever-jquery- selectors/
  • 68. ` // pngfix for IE6 // e.g. FL.pngfix('img.bigProdShot,a.thumb'); pngfix : function(sel){ // conditional comments for inclusion of that js. if (typeof DD_belatedPNG == 'undefined'){ return; } else { // delay pngfix until window onload $(window).load(function(){ $(sel).each(function() { DD_belatedPNG.fixPng(arguments[1]); }); }); } } // end of FL.pngfix()

Editor's Notes

  1. update the taskspeed shit.\ndelegation facts.\n
  2. i hang in #jquery so a lot of examples are from real code discussed there.\n
  3. \n
  4. \n
  5. \n
  6. \n
  7. like copypasting a line or three of code\n
  8. \n
  9. \n
  10. \n
  11. rebecca murphey will be discussing this technique a lot more\n
  12. \n
  13. \n
  14. \n
  15. \n
  16. \n
  17. the convenience of context will incur the cost of three extra if() statements in jQuery.fn.init()\n
  18. \n
  19. selectors. ugh.\n
  20. did it because i wanted to study.\nthe old ones are probablyw ayyyyy easier to study as the new ones use some crazy techniques\n
  21. did it because i wanted to study.\nthe old ones are probablyw ayyyyy easier to study as the new ones use some crazy techniques\n
  22. \n
  23. before sizzle it was LTR. sizzle changed it.\n
  24. before sizzle it was LTR. sizzle changed it.\n
  25. before sizzle it was LTR. sizzle changed it.\n
  26. be brief on the left\nthe more you can filter down the righthandmost expression, the faster it will run.\n
  27. id is grabbed. optimization\n
  28. in my testing it didnt speed up basic selecting.\n
  29. \n
  30. css engine too.\n
  31. \n
  32. TDs and LI&amp;#x2019;s etccc\n
  33. \n
  34. \n
  35. \n
  36. \n
  37. document.body as an append target is WIN\n
  38. \n
  39. \n
  40. padolsey&amp;#x2019;s research on animate()\n
  41. \n
  42. \n
  43. \n
  44. \n
  45. \n
  46. \n
  47. \n
  48. \n
  49. \n
  50. strings take up a lot of space, so allowing them to be munged helps a lot\ncompress it and look for repetition\n
  51. \n
  52. \n
  53. \n
  54. \n
  55. \n
  56. DRY obviously\n
  57. DRY obviously\n
  58. \n
  59. really understand truthy and falsy ness\n
  60. \n
  61. \n
  62. \n
  63. \n
  64. \n
  65. \n
  66. \n