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Jodo Mission of Hawaii
                                Bulletin - FEBRUARY 2013

   Jodo Mission of Hawaii
      1429 Makiki St.
     Honolulu HI 96814

    Address Service Requested

         DEN DEN MUSHI
                                                               Welcome to Hawaii
     Each year Shukutoku University Panel
Theatre Group called Den Den Mushi comes
to Hawaii to perform a musical picture story
show visiting care homes, schools, and Jodo
     This year five students from Shukutoku
University Panel Theatre Group Den Den
Mushi will be in Hawaii in February, arriving
on February 11 and departing February 22.
     On Sunday, February 17, at 10:00 a.m.
(after Sunday Service), Den Den Mushi will
perform their musical picture story show.
Please come and enjoy their performance.
     After their performance here on Oahu,
Den Den Mushi will travel to Maui and will
spend some time at the Lahaina Jodo                            2012 photo of Den Den Mushi
Mission, Kahului Jodo Mission and Wailuku
Jodo Mission.
     Hope you enjoy your stay in Hawaii!
Buddha’s Memorial Day Service (Nehan-e)
                            Sunday, February 10th at 10 a.m.
     Nehan-e is the Memorial Day Service of Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the founder of
Buddhism. He passed away at the age of 80 about 2500 years ago on February 15.
    “Nehan” is “Nirvana” in Sanskrit. “Nirvana” means the state of things after a fire has
been put out. In other words, it means that Shakyamuni Buddha put out the fire of bad things
human beings have in their minds; such as, anger, confusion, sorrow and so on. Then, he
completely reached Enlightenment on that day.
    Shakyamuni Buddha taught us how to live our daily lives and actually find meaning in our
    Thanks to Shakyamuni Buddha, we can live with this wonderful teaching. Shall we express
our great appreciation to Shakyamuni Buddha on this Nehan-e
Service. The service will be held on Sunday, February 10th at
10:00 am. We look forward to your attendance.

                    This picture, the image of the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha, was
                    drawn by Rev. Shokei Sasawaki (Osaka, Japan)
                    Check out her web site!

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                              New Year’s Day Offerings / Blessings
                                                     On New Year’s Day, Rev.
                                                     Narashiba performed
                                                     blessings to whoever
                                                     came to the New Year’s
                                                     Day service on January
                                                     1st. Photo at right shows
                                                     long time member Mrs.
                                                     Tsuruko Yamamoto being
                                                     blessed. Photo at left
                                                     shows offerings made to

Right photos:
Husband & wife
were blessed: Mr.
& Mrs. Toshiyaki
Hibi and
Mother and
daughter were
blessed: Yukari
and Sophie                                                                             Ozoni soup (mochi soup to
Narashiba                                                                              start the New Year)

     Page 2
Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism
         Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto (Part 3) (Feb. 2013)
                        By Rev. Yasushiro Watanabe

      St. Honen was sentenced to exile on Shikoku Island far from Kyoto at
the age of 75. Now, I will continue the story with two events that happened on
his way to Shikoku Island. These events remind us that Nembutsu brought
much joy to many people.
                       [1: Fishermen at Takasago Beach]
        On his journey to Shikoku, St. Honen passed by Takasago Beach. There,
some fishermen and their families were waiting for him. The fishermen made
their living by catching fish and shellfish. “Do not kill living things” is the first
of the basic Five Precepts for a Buddhist. That’s why people looked down on
their job. And fishermen were afraid that they would fall into hell because of
their sinful lives. They really wanted to know if there was any way that they
could attain liberation.
      St. Honen assured them that there was something that they could do:
Simply chant Nembutsu. They were both astonished and comforted by his an-
swer. They thanked him for his message to them, and they immediately began
to chant Nembutsu.
                             [2: Ladies at Muro Port]
        When St. Honen arrived at the Port of Muro, a small boat approached.
Muro was once known as a town where prostitutes sang and danced at gather-
ings. Honen’s followers said that the passengers in the small boat seemed to
be prostitutes. “Do not be immoral” is the third of the basic Five Precepts for a
Buddhist. So, like the fishermen, the women explained that they were leading
sinful lives. They, too, wanted to know if there was any way that they could at-
tain liberation. The women were worried that they would live more miserable
lives in the afterlife than in their present lives.
       St. Honen told them not to worry. They could be reborn in the Pure
Land. He advised them to choose another way to live, but if that was not pos-
sible, then they should go on as they are. However, they should chant Nem-
butsu. St. Honen said to them gently, “Amida Buddha has shown the way to
liberation for people in your situation. The compassion of Amida Buddha was
quite just for you.” The women said, “Just as we are? You mean that even low-
ly women like us can attain liberation by relying on Amida Buddha?” And St.
Honen replied clearly, “Of course.” These wonderful words made the women in
the small boat very happy, and they, too, began to chant Nembutsu right
                                                                              Page 3
The Introduction of Buddhism into Japan (5)
                                     Heian Buddhism (794 - 1192)
    In 784, the imperial capital was transferred frown Nara to Nagaoka and in 794 from there to Heian, the
present-day Kyoto, where it was to remain nominally at least, until
1868. It is not entirely clear why the capital was removed to Heian.
Possibly the growing influence of the Nara school and their hold on
the court had something to do with it. There is no doubt that as the
power of Buddhism grew, its interest in secular matters increased and
it is probably true that Emperor Kanmu (782-805) decided to remove
from Nara at least partly in order not to be troubled with Buddhist bu-
reaucracy. Thus the transfer of the capital to Kyoto marked a turning
point not only in government affairs but also in the history of Bud-
                         In the early part of this period two extraordinary men Saicho
                      (767- 822, generally known by his posthumous title Dengyo Daishi)
                      and Kukai (774-853, commonly referred to as Kobo Daishi), sepa-
                      rately established in the vicinity of the capital two new schools,
                      Tendai and Shingon. The leaders of these schools were both men
                      who went to China *(at this tome under the T’ang dynasty) to ac-
                      quaint themselves directly with the latest theoretical and practical
                      developments in the world of Buddhism. A prominent feature of
                      both school is their comprehensive and harmonizing character. In
 Saicho (767 - 822)                                                                          Kukai (774 - 853)
                      accordance with this orientation both sought to work out a system
                      of thought in which every point of view, Buddhist and non-
Buddhist, could be assigned a place in an all embracing synthesis. As these school grew in strength and influ-
ence, the structures of thought they created served as the theoretical foundation for the syncretism of Shinto
and Buddhism that later took place.

   The tone of the later Heian period is quite different from that of the beginning. The vigorous enthusiasm
of earlier times gave way to certain disillusionment. By the eleventh century, the idea of Mappo or the end
of the Dharma had chaptered the popular imagination. Mappo is used to express certain Buddhist eschatolo-
gy. Immediately after the Buddha’s decease, the Right Dharma is considered to last for one thousand years,
followed by the simulated Dharma lasting for another one thousand years, and
finally by the End of the Dharma, which marks the end of civilized order. That
such an end seemed to be approaching was evidenced by growing strife and dis-
order, weak rulers, greedy clergy, and in general, the flagrant disintegration of
morals that characterized the late Heian Period. The aristocratic Tendai and Shin-
gon School were preoccupied with materialistic matters, while the older Nara
school ware at most obsolescent. What was needed was a revival of faith by
popular methods. Such a revival was led by men like Kuya, who taught in a sim- Kuya
                                                                                     Six Buddhas are coming out
ple way the invocation of the Buddha’s name and its saving power. The move- of his mouth.
ment was crystallized by Genshin (942-1017), a Tendai priest, who in his Essen-
tials of Salvation urged the worship of Amida, the Buddha of Infinite Life and
Light. His teachings, easily understood by the common people, promised help from outside, that is, from
Amida himself. This was obviously a religion which attracted people weary of troubled times and in need of a
simple, more intuitive belief.                                                    (To be continued)
                  From Understanding Japanese Buddhism -Published by The Japan Buddhist Federation

Page 4
All in One Ajitsuke Kogai Rice
                                                  2 c rice
                                                  2 c water
                                                  1 can ajitsuke kogai (do not drain)
                                                  2 T shoyu
                                                  1 T sake
                                                  1/4 tsp ajinomoto (optional)
                                                  1 c frozen carrots and peas
                                                  1/2 gobo, slivered
                                                  1 tsp salt

                    Preparing the rice:
                    1. Having washed and drained 2 c of rice,
                       add all other ingredients to the rice pot
                       and set the rice cooker to cook.

2. When done, mix rice gently
   and arrange in serving dishes.

                                Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Gochiso-sama

                                                                                        Page 5
                        Namiye Nakamura Scholarship
      The Hawaii State Jodo Shu Fujinkai offers a $750 Namiye Nakamura Scholarship to
  a Hawaii high school graduate or a member of the temple who wishes
  to further his/her education toward a degree or advanced degree in
  an accredited college or university.
       The applicant for the scholarship must meet the following criteria:
  1.   Priority will be given to a student graduating from a high school in
  2.   If there are no graduating students applying, any applicant continu-
       ing their education may receive the scholarship.
  3.   Be accepted at an accredited university or institution of higher
  4.   Possess good moral character and leadership potential
  5.   Be an active member of his/her respective Jodo Mission
  6.   Submit an application by April 15th.
     The family or legal guardian of the applicant must currently be a member of his/her
  respective Jodo Mission. Financial need will be considered. Determination of the
  scholarship recipient will be made by a Scholarship Committee.
     If there are any questions about the scholarship, please consult Rev. Yubun Na-
  rashiba at 949-3995.

♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫                                                         (women’s association)
                                                                          Feb. 3 at 8:30 a.m.
     Jodo Mission of Hawaii
                                                                               Ikoi Hall
    Children’s Choir “Malama”                 Sunday School
    Our Children’s Choir will meet on       We welcome children
                                            to join our Sunday
                                                                              Sewing Circle
Sunday, February 17, at 9:30 a.m. Any                                         Feb 9 and 23
child ages 5 to 8 years old can join.       School. Let’s enjoy
                                            studying Onembutsu by             8:30—11 a.m.
Children will sing mainly Japanese                                              Ikoi Hall
songs and Buddhist gathas. Practice         doing various activities.
                                                                          Any person interested
will be in Japanese.                         2/17 @ 10 am                 in sewing is welcome
    Also will join Den Den Moshi pro-           will join Den Den Moshi
gram.                                                                            YBA
♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫                                                             No Meeting in

   Page 6
Did You Know!
     The YMCA has a Seniors’ program called the “90 Something Club” at
the Kaimuki YMCA. To be in this club, you must be 90 years old and older.
One of our members Yoshiko Kitagawa belongs to this club. Recently, the
Star-Advertiser ran an article entitled “Nonagenarians pursue physical, social
health”. If you have not read the article (it appeared in the Tuesday, Decem-
ber 18, 2012 newspaper), you must read it! It is a very interesting article. Mrs. Kitagawa had
two knee replacements, lost mobility and was required to use a walker, but she wasn’t about to
give up hope of getting her old life back. By joining the 90 Something Club she has been able
to walk without the assistance of a walker or a cane. But this did not come overnight. She
goes to the YMCA regularly to work out doing aqua exercise classes five times a week and
works out on the weight machines. At 93, she is one of the younger ladies. The article men-
tions Cecilia Blackfield who is 97 years old and who informally organized this 90 Something
Club. This club really makes you feel so happy to be here on earth! They had a Christmas party
and celebrated Cecila Blackfield’s 97th birthday by serenading her with “Happy Birthday”.
     So if you are in your 90’s or even if you are younger, check out the YMCA and see if you
can get into shape as well as keep healthy!

                 THANK YOU GENE IKEDA: Did you know that Gene retired from the
                 Nokotsudo gang. Gene is in his mid-nineties and was coming to the temple
                 to clean the Nokotsudo and he also used to come on other days to do
                 some yard work or during O-Bon time, he even painted the entrance to the
                 temple yard so it would look nice. THANK YOU GENE for your help for the
                 past many years.

                          HELP NEEDED
                   For Nokutsudo/Columbarium
    Our Nokutsudo or Columbarium has grown and is still growing.
We need more help with cleanup.
     What type of help is needed you might ask? Clean up would in-
clude throwing out old flowers, carefully washing vases and putting them back onto the
shelf, changing water in vases if flowers are still good, etc. It does not mean this is for
only women to do. Men are most welcome to help. Gene Ikeda recently retired from
the Nokutsudo (he is in his nineties).
     If you are able to help and/or if you have a friend or friends who would be willing to
help, please contact the temple office at 949-3995 with possible times you and your
friend or friends are able to help. If you can only help sometimes, that would be most ap-
preciated. Please contact the office. Any help is most appreciated. Thank you.
                                       A R I G ATO !
                                                                                         Page 7
                       ARIGATO!!                          ARIGATO (cont’d)
     Did you enjoy the mochi you picked up on                  Younger members Ian Kitajima and Her-
Saturday, December 29? Wasn’t it delicious? It            bert Fujikawa and their friends and relatives
was the efforts of all those who came out to help         were also instrumental in steaming the rice!
on December 28 and 29 that you were able to                   As you can see from the photos on this
eat such delicious mochi!!                                page and the next page, everyone also had fun;
      THANK YOU to all who came out to help on            especially those who for the first time got to
December 28 and 29 with the mochitsuki and                pound mochi!
preparation. It takes many, many people                        THANK YOU also to the late Martha Miura,
(Temple members, friends, relatives) to prepare           Gene Ikeda and Jo Ann Matsuo who come
mochi for all the orders the Temple members and           every Saturday to clean the Nokotsudo. For
friends ordered. May we see you again next year!          2013, Gene is unable to come to help in the
Thank you for your time and hope you had FUN              Nokotsudo and we appreciate all his help for
and enjoyed fellowship!                                   the past many years. THANK YOU GENE!
     Oldtimers like Masa Kitajima, Teruto Soma,                THANK YOU Jo Ann for also taking care of
Richard Murashige, Doris Soma, Aki Nishiyama,             the recycling of cans, bottles, plastics and she
and others who have all the knowledge of the ins          purchases things for the Temple with what is
and outs of mochi preparation and mochi mak-
                                                          made from the recycled products.
ing. Everyone of these dedicated Temple mem-
bers have their own unique specialty in mochi
making and with their knowledge we were able to
handle the huge amount of orders.

               MOCHITSUKI PHOTOS

                                                                   Boys are having fun pounding mocha and
                                                                   everyone enjoying the fun!

Takeru and Joshua taking turns
pounding mochi
                                   Katie and Alex Ogawa take
                                   turns pounding mochi

                                   Pankai and Lynn Bhanot, hus-
                                   band and wife taking turns
                                   pounding mochi

 Page 8

            Mochi rice steaming
                                               Steamed rice taken off heat            Cooked rice taken out of pot

Richard, Rocky and Ian pushing        Cooked mochi rice in grinder. Beautiful mochi        Mochi rice is then put in cutter
steamed rice through the grinder.     rice coming out of grinder                           so the rice can be shaped

                                    Shaping okasane
Sophie is shaping mochi while
Debbie & Ryan look on
                                                                                        Allison, Aki and Mia are dusting
                                                                                        extra powder off the mochi.
                                                                                        Left photo: rows of mochi cooling.

                           Mochi are weighed
                           and packaged

                                                  Jo Ann and Amy making juice
                                                  out of oranges                        Yukari and Anne making spam
                                                                                        musubi for workers

                                          Rev. Narashiba and Burt work on
                                          the gigantic Okasane for the altar

                                                                                                                     Page 9
What is “Perpetual Memorial
           Service?” (Eitaikyo)
   This record of a perpetual memorial service and
is called Eitaikyo in Japanese. When the date of           The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends
death occurs for a person listed on this record, the   its sincere condolences to the family
ministers pray for that individual during the morn-    members and loved ones of the following
ing service. The prayers will continue each year for   members who have recently left this
as long as Jodo Mission exists.
                                                       world for the Pure Land.
   Anyone can be included in it. You may put your
own name on the list, too. This also helps when it
is difficult to have memorial services. We also wel-     Seiichi Takara                            85
come you to attend the morning service at 8:30am.        Mutsuko Reed                              80
                                                         Yoshio Okamura                            89
                   How to apply                          May Aiko Takenishi                        88
    Stop by the office, and fill out the application     Shizuo Yoshikane                          90
form. Each name costs $200. After the application        William Yasumichi Rothenberger            59
is accepted, the name will be listed on the record.

                                                             Jodo Mission of Hawaii
     Jodo Mission Office Hours:                                    Website
               Monday to Saturday                       For those with computers, please visit
                  8am—5pm                               our website:
               Sunday & Holidays                                 
                   8am—3pm                              to learn more about us. Thank you.

                Phone: 949-3995

   Rev. Yubun Narashiba        Rev. Kanjun Nakano                               Rev. Dwight
         Head Minister                                 Rev. Yasuhiro            Nakamura
                                  Resident Minister
                                                         Watanabe               Retired Minister
     Page 10                                           Resident Minister
Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo)
                                                For February 2013

1. Itaro Yanagihara                     11 Minekichi Taniguchi                   Eijiro Murakami
   The Yanagihara Family                   The Taniguchi Family                  The Murakami & Yamamoto Family
   Kisaburo Teraoka                       Tsuneko Nago                           Ishi Matsuda
   The Teraoka Family                     The Nag & Kunimoto Families            The Murakami Family
   The Mitani Family                       Rev. Shuen Inoue                      Eijiro Murakami
    Sumako Kishii                          Sue Nishimoto                      20 Ryozo Hamada
                                           Noboru Yamasaki                       The Hamada Family
2 Kuma Kawamura                            Kameyo Fujita                         Magoichi Mineishi
  The Kawamura Family                      Hisae Yamato                          The Mineishi Family
  Robert Hiroshi Yamanaka                  Sue Nishimoto                         Taro Takara
  Dorothy Mieko Oshita                                                           Tomoyo Takara
                                        12 Sumie Kanoyama                        Kimie Matsuda
3 Rymond Hisashi Narahara                  The Kanoyama Family                   Sue Takabayashi
  Ayame kano                               Bishop Shinkyo Tachikawa              Natsuko Aoki
                                           Doris Umeno Nojima
4 Kii Hirohama                            Yoshihiro Hata                      21 Tamotsu Kuniyuki
  The Hirohama Family
  Kiyoe Soma                            13 Torajiro Kusunoki                  22 Yoshi Hayashi
  Robert Takashi Maehara                   The Kusunoki Family                   The Yano, Konaka & Hayashi Families
                                           Ichiro Yasumoto                       Kinu Nishimura (2)
5 Hatsu Konaka                             Fusakichi Kawanishi
  The Yano, Konaka & Hayashi Families      Haruyo Tarumoto                    23 Taichi Sato
  Gorokichi Ishida                         Seijiro Takabayashi
  The Ishida and AimotoFamilies                                               24 Kame Akamine
  Misao Mitsuyasu                       14 Hajime Nishimoto                      The Akamine Family
  The Mitsuyasu Family                     The Nishimoto Family                  Kikuno Hisamura
  Masaharu Kotake                          Kensuke Hironaka                      Kamesuke Nakahama
  Tsugio Hayase                            The Hironaka & Ishimoto Families      Takiko Yanagihara
  Shigeyo Kawano                           Sae Tachikawa
                                           Hiroshi Sato                       25 Sue Maeda
6 Matsuemon Tanimura (2)                   Raymond Shizuo Asaumi                 The Maeda Family
  The Tanimura Family (2)                  Shigeyo Otani                         Shinichi Takao
  Sawaichi Nakagawa Family                 Takeji Gushikuma                      The Takao Family
  Kimi Higashi                             Matsu Kiyuna                          Takayo Matsuo
  Misae Ichida                             George Sotoshi Tarumoto               The Matsuo Family
  Bunji Kishii (2)                         Kikuye Homareda                       Shigeki Umemoto
  Umeyo Yamamoto                                                                 The Yoza Family
  Dr. Yasuhiko Hayashi                  15 Kiyoshi Tsukiyama                     The Shimabukuro Family
  Patrick Seiji Yamamoto                   Otake Takara                          Tamotsu Nakamura
                                                                                  Florence Kimie Karimoto
7 Namie Nakamura                        16 Shigeru Asaumi
  Tsugi Hifumi                             The Asaumi Family                  26 Jirosaku Otani
  Yoshizo Muramoto                         Yukio Nakagawa                        The Otani & Yanagihara Family
                                           Motoo Muramoto                        Shiro Fukuda
8 Toshio Higa
  The Higa Family                       17 Masuyo Shimokawa                   27 Taichi Wakagi
  Yukie Higashi                            The Shimokawa Family                  The Wakagi Family
  Tame Ito                                 Kinzaburo Makino                      Keiko Hanano
                                           The Makino Family                     Noboru Hirano
9 Haruyo Yanagihara                        Kazuyo Hashimoto                      Shigeru Takata
  The Yanagihara Family                    Choshiro Ikuta
  Minoru Okawa                             Tsuchiyo Fujimoto                  28 Fukuichi Fukuda
  The Okawa Family                         Reiko Hata                            Mitsuyo GladysYoshihara
  Kishichi Yoshikawa                       Alfred Akira Tanaka                   The Goichi Kawamura Family
  Kimie Tanaka                                                                   Tsuru Kuniyuki
  Yoshiteru Sakaguchi                   18 Reiji Yamane
                                           The Yamane & Harada Families       29 Nobue Kochi
10 Satomi Yamamoto                         Tsutako Yamanaka
   The Yamamoto Family                     The Yamanaka Family
   Kame Uyehara                            Matsuyo Machida
   The Uyehara Family                      Otome Takara
   Michie Watanabe                         Tomiko “Ruth” Inouye
   Jimmy Nestegard                         Cory Ikuta
   Chiyo Tanaka
                                        19 Chozo Kawano
                                           The Kawano Family
8:30am Morning Service                                                                       Jodo Mission of Hawaii
              Everyday                       February 2013                                              Phone: 949-3995

              Sun                      Mon        Tue        Wed                  Thu                  Fri               Sat
                                                                                                1               2

3     8:30am Fujinkai Mtg.        4          5          6               7                       8               9
      10:00am Obetsuji Service                                                                                  8:30-am Sewing Circle

      10:45 am Sunday School

10                                11         12         13              14                      15              16
      10am Nehan-e Family
      11:45 am Board Meeting

17                                18         19         20              21                      22              23
     10:00am Sunday Service
                                                                                                                8:30 am Sewing Circle
     10:45 am Malama Children’s

24                                25         26         27              28

     10:30am Fujinkai General
           Membership Mtg &
           New Year’s Party
     10:45 Malama Children’s

       COMING EVENTS:                                         Deadline for O-Toba Orders: April 1
                                                              Deadline for Hawaii State Jodo Shu Fujinkin Scholarship:
       Spring Higan Service March 24
                                                                 April 15

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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - February 2013

  • 1. Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - FEBRUARY 2013 (#1195-0213) Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki St. Honolulu HI 96814 Address Service Requested DEN DEN MUSHI Welcome to Hawaii Each year Shukutoku University Panel Theatre Group called Den Den Mushi comes to Hawaii to perform a musical picture story show visiting care homes, schools, and Jodo Missions. This year five students from Shukutoku University Panel Theatre Group Den Den Mushi will be in Hawaii in February, arriving on February 11 and departing February 22. On Sunday, February 17, at 10:00 a.m. (after Sunday Service), Den Den Mushi will perform their musical picture story show. Please come and enjoy their performance. After their performance here on Oahu, Den Den Mushi will travel to Maui and will spend some time at the Lahaina Jodo 2012 photo of Den Den Mushi Mission, Kahului Jodo Mission and Wailuku Jodo Mission. Hope you enjoy your stay in Hawaii!
  • 2. Buddha’s Memorial Day Service (Nehan-e) Sunday, February 10th at 10 a.m. Nehan-e is the Memorial Day Service of Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the founder of Buddhism. He passed away at the age of 80 about 2500 years ago on February 15. “Nehan” is “Nirvana” in Sanskrit. “Nirvana” means the state of things after a fire has been put out. In other words, it means that Shakyamuni Buddha put out the fire of bad things human beings have in their minds; such as, anger, confusion, sorrow and so on. Then, he completely reached Enlightenment on that day. Shakyamuni Buddha taught us how to live our daily lives and actually find meaning in our lives. Thanks to Shakyamuni Buddha, we can live with this wonderful teaching. Shall we express our great appreciation to Shakyamuni Buddha on this Nehan-e Service. The service will be held on Sunday, February 10th at 10:00 am. We look forward to your attendance. This picture, the image of the passing of Shakyamuni Buddha, was drawn by Rev. Shokei Sasawaki (Osaka, Japan) Check out her web site! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * New Year’s Day Offerings / Blessings On New Year’s Day, Rev. Narashiba performed blessings to whoever came to the New Year’s Day service on January 1st. Photo at right shows long time member Mrs. Tsuruko Yamamoto being blessed. Photo at left shows offerings made to Buddha. Right photos: Husband & wife were blessed: Mr. & Mrs. Toshiyaki Hibi and Mother and daughter were blessed: Yukari and Sophie Ozoni soup (mochi soup to Narashiba start the New Year) Page 2
  • 3. Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto (Part 3) (Feb. 2013) By Rev. Yasushiro Watanabe St. Honen was sentenced to exile on Shikoku Island far from Kyoto at the age of 75. Now, I will continue the story with two events that happened on his way to Shikoku Island. These events remind us that Nembutsu brought much joy to many people. [1: Fishermen at Takasago Beach] On his journey to Shikoku, St. Honen passed by Takasago Beach. There, some fishermen and their families were waiting for him. The fishermen made their living by catching fish and shellfish. “Do not kill living things” is the first of the basic Five Precepts for a Buddhist. That’s why people looked down on their job. And fishermen were afraid that they would fall into hell because of their sinful lives. They really wanted to know if there was any way that they could attain liberation. St. Honen assured them that there was something that they could do: Simply chant Nembutsu. They were both astonished and comforted by his an- swer. They thanked him for his message to them, and they immediately began to chant Nembutsu. [2: Ladies at Muro Port] When St. Honen arrived at the Port of Muro, a small boat approached. Muro was once known as a town where prostitutes sang and danced at gather- ings. Honen’s followers said that the passengers in the small boat seemed to be prostitutes. “Do not be immoral” is the third of the basic Five Precepts for a Buddhist. So, like the fishermen, the women explained that they were leading sinful lives. They, too, wanted to know if there was any way that they could at- tain liberation. The women were worried that they would live more miserable lives in the afterlife than in their present lives. St. Honen told them not to worry. They could be reborn in the Pure Land. He advised them to choose another way to live, but if that was not pos- sible, then they should go on as they are. However, they should chant Nem- butsu. St. Honen said to them gently, “Amida Buddha has shown the way to liberation for people in your situation. The compassion of Amida Buddha was quite just for you.” The women said, “Just as we are? You mean that even low- ly women like us can attain liberation by relying on Amida Buddha?” And St. Honen replied clearly, “Of course.” These wonderful words made the women in the small boat very happy, and they, too, began to chant Nembutsu right away. Page 3
  • 4. The Introduction of Buddhism into Japan (5) Heian Buddhism (794 - 1192) In 784, the imperial capital was transferred frown Nara to Nagaoka and in 794 from there to Heian, the present-day Kyoto, where it was to remain nominally at least, until 1868. It is not entirely clear why the capital was removed to Heian. Possibly the growing influence of the Nara school and their hold on the court had something to do with it. There is no doubt that as the power of Buddhism grew, its interest in secular matters increased and it is probably true that Emperor Kanmu (782-805) decided to remove from Nara at least partly in order not to be troubled with Buddhist bu- reaucracy. Thus the transfer of the capital to Kyoto marked a turning point not only in government affairs but also in the history of Bud- dhism. In the early part of this period two extraordinary men Saicho (767- 822, generally known by his posthumous title Dengyo Daishi) and Kukai (774-853, commonly referred to as Kobo Daishi), sepa- rately established in the vicinity of the capital two new schools, Tendai and Shingon. The leaders of these schools were both men who went to China *(at this tome under the T’ang dynasty) to ac- quaint themselves directly with the latest theoretical and practical developments in the world of Buddhism. A prominent feature of both school is their comprehensive and harmonizing character. In Saicho (767 - 822) Kukai (774 - 853) accordance with this orientation both sought to work out a system of thought in which every point of view, Buddhist and non- Buddhist, could be assigned a place in an all embracing synthesis. As these school grew in strength and influ- ence, the structures of thought they created served as the theoretical foundation for the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism that later took place. The tone of the later Heian period is quite different from that of the beginning. The vigorous enthusiasm of earlier times gave way to certain disillusionment. By the eleventh century, the idea of Mappo or the end of the Dharma had chaptered the popular imagination. Mappo is used to express certain Buddhist eschatolo- gy. Immediately after the Buddha’s decease, the Right Dharma is considered to last for one thousand years, followed by the simulated Dharma lasting for another one thousand years, and finally by the End of the Dharma, which marks the end of civilized order. That such an end seemed to be approaching was evidenced by growing strife and dis- order, weak rulers, greedy clergy, and in general, the flagrant disintegration of morals that characterized the late Heian Period. The aristocratic Tendai and Shin- gon School were preoccupied with materialistic matters, while the older Nara school ware at most obsolescent. What was needed was a revival of faith by popular methods. Such a revival was led by men like Kuya, who taught in a sim- Kuya Six Buddhas are coming out ple way the invocation of the Buddha’s name and its saving power. The move- of his mouth. ment was crystallized by Genshin (942-1017), a Tendai priest, who in his Essen- tials of Salvation urged the worship of Amida, the Buddha of Infinite Life and Light. His teachings, easily understood by the common people, promised help from outside, that is, from Amida himself. This was obviously a religion which attracted people weary of troubled times and in need of a simple, more intuitive belief. (To be continued) From Understanding Japanese Buddhism -Published by The Japan Buddhist Federation Page 4
  • 5. All in One Ajitsuke Kogai Rice Ingredients: 2 c rice 2 c water 1 can ajitsuke kogai (do not drain) 2 T shoyu 1 T sake 1/4 tsp ajinomoto (optional) 1 c frozen carrots and peas 1/2 gobo, slivered 1 tsp salt Preparing the rice: 1. Having washed and drained 2 c of rice, add all other ingredients to the rice pot and set the rice cooker to cook. 2. When done, mix rice gently and arrange in serving dishes. Jodo Mission of Hawaii, Gochiso-sama Page 5
  • 6. HAWAII STATE JODO SHU FUJINKAI SCHOLARSHIP Namiye Nakamura Scholarship The Hawaii State Jodo Shu Fujinkai offers a $750 Namiye Nakamura Scholarship to a Hawaii high school graduate or a member of the temple who wishes to further his/her education toward a degree or advanced degree in an accredited college or university. The applicant for the scholarship must meet the following criteria: 1. Priority will be given to a student graduating from a high school in Hawaii. 2. If there are no graduating students applying, any applicant continu- ing their education may receive the scholarship. 3. Be accepted at an accredited university or institution of higher learning. 4. Possess good moral character and leadership potential 5. Be an active member of his/her respective Jodo Mission 6. Submit an application by April 15th. The family or legal guardian of the applicant must currently be a member of his/her respective Jodo Mission. Financial need will be considered. Determination of the scholarship recipient will be made by a Scholarship Committee. If there are any questions about the scholarship, please consult Rev. Yubun Na- rashiba at 949-3995. Fujinkai ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ (women’s association) Feb. 3 at 8:30 a.m. Jodo Mission of Hawaii Ikoi Hall Children’s Choir “Malama” Sunday School Our Children’s Choir will meet on We welcome children to join our Sunday Sewing Circle Sunday, February 17, at 9:30 a.m. Any Feb 9 and 23 child ages 5 to 8 years old can join. School. Let’s enjoy studying Onembutsu by 8:30—11 a.m. Children will sing mainly Japanese Ikoi Hall songs and Buddhist gathas. Practice doing various activities. Any person interested will be in Japanese. 2/17 @ 10 am in sewing is welcome Also will join Den Den Moshi pro- will join Den Den Moshi Program gram. YBA ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ No Meeting in February Page 6
  • 7. Did You Know! The YMCA has a Seniors’ program called the “90 Something Club” at the Kaimuki YMCA. To be in this club, you must be 90 years old and older. One of our members Yoshiko Kitagawa belongs to this club. Recently, the Star-Advertiser ran an article entitled “Nonagenarians pursue physical, social health”. If you have not read the article (it appeared in the Tuesday, Decem- ber 18, 2012 newspaper), you must read it! It is a very interesting article. Mrs. Kitagawa had two knee replacements, lost mobility and was required to use a walker, but she wasn’t about to give up hope of getting her old life back. By joining the 90 Something Club she has been able to walk without the assistance of a walker or a cane. But this did not come overnight. She goes to the YMCA regularly to work out doing aqua exercise classes five times a week and works out on the weight machines. At 93, she is one of the younger ladies. The article men- tions Cecilia Blackfield who is 97 years old and who informally organized this 90 Something Club. This club really makes you feel so happy to be here on earth! They had a Christmas party and celebrated Cecila Blackfield’s 97th birthday by serenading her with “Happy Birthday”. So if you are in your 90’s or even if you are younger, check out the YMCA and see if you can get into shape as well as keep healthy! THANK YOU GENE IKEDA: Did you know that Gene retired from the Nokotsudo gang. Gene is in his mid-nineties and was coming to the temple to clean the Nokotsudo and he also used to come on other days to do some yard work or during O-Bon time, he even painted the entrance to the temple yard so it would look nice. THANK YOU GENE for your help for the past many years. HELP NEEDED For Nokutsudo/Columbarium Our Nokutsudo or Columbarium has grown and is still growing. We need more help with cleanup. What type of help is needed you might ask? Clean up would in- clude throwing out old flowers, carefully washing vases and putting them back onto the shelf, changing water in vases if flowers are still good, etc. It does not mean this is for only women to do. Men are most welcome to help. Gene Ikeda recently retired from the Nokutsudo (he is in his nineties). If you are able to help and/or if you have a friend or friends who would be willing to help, please contact the temple office at 949-3995 with possible times you and your friend or friends are able to help. If you can only help sometimes, that would be most ap- preciated. Please contact the office. Any help is most appreciated. Thank you. A R I G ATO ! Page 7
  • 8. Announcements ARIGATO!! ARIGATO (cont’d) Did you enjoy the mochi you picked up on Younger members Ian Kitajima and Her- Saturday, December 29? Wasn’t it delicious? It bert Fujikawa and their friends and relatives was the efforts of all those who came out to help were also instrumental in steaming the rice! on December 28 and 29 that you were able to As you can see from the photos on this eat such delicious mochi!! page and the next page, everyone also had fun; THANK YOU to all who came out to help on especially those who for the first time got to December 28 and 29 with the mochitsuki and pound mochi! preparation. It takes many, many people THANK YOU also to the late Martha Miura, (Temple members, friends, relatives) to prepare Gene Ikeda and Jo Ann Matsuo who come mochi for all the orders the Temple members and every Saturday to clean the Nokotsudo. For friends ordered. May we see you again next year! 2013, Gene is unable to come to help in the Thank you for your time and hope you had FUN Nokotsudo and we appreciate all his help for and enjoyed fellowship! the past many years. THANK YOU GENE! Oldtimers like Masa Kitajima, Teruto Soma, THANK YOU Jo Ann for also taking care of Richard Murashige, Doris Soma, Aki Nishiyama, the recycling of cans, bottles, plastics and she and others who have all the knowledge of the ins purchases things for the Temple with what is and outs of mochi preparation and mochi mak- made from the recycled products. ing. Everyone of these dedicated Temple mem- bers have their own unique specialty in mochi making and with their knowledge we were able to handle the huge amount of orders. MOCHITSUKI PHOTOS Boys are having fun pounding mocha and everyone enjoying the fun! Takeru and Joshua taking turns pounding mochi Katie and Alex Ogawa take turns pounding mochi Pankai and Lynn Bhanot, hus- band and wife taking turns pounding mochi Page 8
  • 9. PHOTOS TAKEN AT MOCHITSUKI DAY: 12/29/12 Mochi rice steaming Steamed rice taken off heat Cooked rice taken out of pot Richard, Rocky and Ian pushing Cooked mochi rice in grinder. Beautiful mochi Mochi rice is then put in cutter steamed rice through the grinder. rice coming out of grinder so the rice can be shaped Shaping okasane Sophie is shaping mochi while Debbie & Ryan look on Allison, Aki and Mia are dusting extra powder off the mochi. Left photo: rows of mochi cooling. Mochi are weighed and packaged Jo Ann and Amy making juice out of oranges Yukari and Anne making spam musubi for workers Rev. Narashiba and Burt work on the gigantic Okasane for the altar Page 9
  • 10. What is “Perpetual Memorial Service?” (Eitaikyo) Obituaries This record of a perpetual memorial service and is called Eitaikyo in Japanese. When the date of The Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends death occurs for a person listed on this record, the its sincere condolences to the family ministers pray for that individual during the morn- members and loved ones of the following ing service. The prayers will continue each year for members who have recently left this as long as Jodo Mission exists. world for the Pure Land. Anyone can be included in it. You may put your own name on the list, too. This also helps when it is difficult to have memorial services. We also wel- Seiichi Takara 85 come you to attend the morning service at 8:30am. Mutsuko Reed 80 Yoshio Okamura 89 How to apply May Aiko Takenishi 88 Stop by the office, and fill out the application Shizuo Yoshikane 90 form. Each name costs $200. After the application William Yasumichi Rothenberger 59 is accepted, the name will be listed on the record. Jodo Mission of Hawaii Jodo Mission Office Hours: Website Monday to Saturday For those with computers, please visit 8am—5pm our website: Sunday & Holidays 8am—3pm to learn more about us. Thank you. Phone: 949-3995 Rev. Yubun Narashiba Rev. Kanjun Nakano Rev. Dwight Head Minister Rev. Yasuhiro Nakamura Resident Minister Watanabe Retired Minister Page 10 Resident Minister
  • 11. Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) For February 2013 1. Itaro Yanagihara 11 Minekichi Taniguchi Eijiro Murakami The Yanagihara Family The Taniguchi Family The Murakami & Yamamoto Family Kisaburo Teraoka Tsuneko Nago Ishi Matsuda The Teraoka Family The Nag & Kunimoto Families The Murakami Family The Mitani Family Rev. Shuen Inoue Eijiro Murakami Sumako Kishii Sue Nishimoto 20 Ryozo Hamada Noboru Yamasaki The Hamada Family 2 Kuma Kawamura Kameyo Fujita Magoichi Mineishi The Kawamura Family Hisae Yamato The Mineishi Family Robert Hiroshi Yamanaka Sue Nishimoto Taro Takara Dorothy Mieko Oshita Tomoyo Takara 12 Sumie Kanoyama Kimie Matsuda 3 Rymond Hisashi Narahara The Kanoyama Family Sue Takabayashi Ayame kano Bishop Shinkyo Tachikawa Natsuko Aoki Doris Umeno Nojima 4 Kii Hirohama Yoshihiro Hata 21 Tamotsu Kuniyuki The Hirohama Family Kiyoe Soma 13 Torajiro Kusunoki 22 Yoshi Hayashi Robert Takashi Maehara The Kusunoki Family The Yano, Konaka & Hayashi Families Ichiro Yasumoto Kinu Nishimura (2) 5 Hatsu Konaka Fusakichi Kawanishi The Yano, Konaka & Hayashi Families Haruyo Tarumoto 23 Taichi Sato Gorokichi Ishida Seijiro Takabayashi The Ishida and AimotoFamilies 24 Kame Akamine Misao Mitsuyasu 14 Hajime Nishimoto The Akamine Family The Mitsuyasu Family The Nishimoto Family Kikuno Hisamura Masaharu Kotake Kensuke Hironaka Kamesuke Nakahama Tsugio Hayase The Hironaka & Ishimoto Families Takiko Yanagihara Shigeyo Kawano Sae Tachikawa Hiroshi Sato 25 Sue Maeda 6 Matsuemon Tanimura (2) Raymond Shizuo Asaumi The Maeda Family The Tanimura Family (2) Shigeyo Otani Shinichi Takao Sawaichi Nakagawa Family Takeji Gushikuma The Takao Family Kimi Higashi Matsu Kiyuna Takayo Matsuo Misae Ichida George Sotoshi Tarumoto The Matsuo Family Bunji Kishii (2) Kikuye Homareda Shigeki Umemoto Umeyo Yamamoto The Yoza Family Dr. Yasuhiko Hayashi 15 Kiyoshi Tsukiyama The Shimabukuro Family Patrick Seiji Yamamoto Otake Takara Tamotsu Nakamura Florence Kimie Karimoto 7 Namie Nakamura 16 Shigeru Asaumi Tsugi Hifumi The Asaumi Family 26 Jirosaku Otani Yoshizo Muramoto Yukio Nakagawa The Otani & Yanagihara Family Motoo Muramoto Shiro Fukuda 8 Toshio Higa The Higa Family 17 Masuyo Shimokawa 27 Taichi Wakagi Yukie Higashi The Shimokawa Family The Wakagi Family Tame Ito Kinzaburo Makino Keiko Hanano The Makino Family Noboru Hirano 9 Haruyo Yanagihara Kazuyo Hashimoto Shigeru Takata The Yanagihara Family Choshiro Ikuta Minoru Okawa Tsuchiyo Fujimoto 28 Fukuichi Fukuda The Okawa Family Reiko Hata Mitsuyo GladysYoshihara Kishichi Yoshikawa Alfred Akira Tanaka The Goichi Kawamura Family Kimie Tanaka Tsuru Kuniyuki Yoshiteru Sakaguchi 18 Reiji Yamane The Yamane & Harada Families 29 Nobue Kochi 10 Satomi Yamamoto Tsutako Yamanaka The Yamamoto Family The Yamanaka Family Kame Uyehara Matsuyo Machida The Uyehara Family Otome Takara Michie Watanabe Tomiko “Ruth” Inouye Jimmy Nestegard Cory Ikuta Chiyo Tanaka 19 Chozo Kawano The Kawano Family
  • 12. 8:30am Morning Service Jodo Mission of Hawaii Everyday February 2013 Phone: 949-3995 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 8:30am Fujinkai Mtg. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10:00am Obetsuji Service 8:30-am Sewing Circle 10:45 am Sunday School 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10am Nehan-e Family Service 11:45 am Board Meeting 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:00am Sunday Service 8:30 am Sewing Circle 10:45 am Malama Children’s Choir 24 25 26 27 28 10:30am Fujinkai General Membership Mtg & New Year’s Party 10:45 Malama Children’s Choir COMING EVENTS: Deadline for O-Toba Orders: April 1 Deadline for Hawaii State Jodo Shu Fujinkin Scholarship: Spring Higan Service March 24 April 15