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Jodo Mission of Hawaii
                                Bulletin - NOVEMBER 2012

 Jodo Mission of Hawaii
    1429 Makiki St.
    Honolulu HI 96814

    Address Service Requested

                                   TOO MANY STAIRS
                                         Too many stairs so you cannot come to temple?
                                         This is not so. Jodo Mission of Hawaii has a lot of
                                   stairs HOWEVER, we do have an elevator to assist you.
                                   The elevator is to help you get to the Nokotsudo or Colum-
                                   barium or go to a service in the Hondo. Please contact the
                                   office at 949-3995 before coming to the temple to say you
                                   need to use the elevator and find out where the elevator is
                                   located. The elevator is located on the seaside of the tem-
                                   ple between the temple and the social hall building. Many
people are dropped off in the front of the temple only to find out after
they get to the office, there are two more flights of stairs to get to the
Hondo and the elevator is in the back. If someone is driving you to the
temple, please have them call the temple ahead of time so they are
familiar with the location of the elevator. Anyone can ride the elevator.
     Barrier-Free Memorial Service: Memorial services can also be
held in Ikoi Hall which is on the first floor. There are restrooms at Ikoi Hall. Please
indicate when calling for your service reservation to specify Ikoi Hall.
The Introduction of Buddhism into Japan (4)
                                                   Heian Buddhism

                         In 784, the imperial capital was transferred from Nara to Nagaoka and in 794 from
                       there to Heian, the present-day Kyoto, where it was to remain nominally at least, until
                       1868. It is not entirely clear why the capital was removed to Heian. Possibly the grow-
                       ing influence of the Nara school and their hold on the court had something to do with
                       it. There is no doubt that as the power of Buddhism grew, its interest in secular matters
                       increased and it is probably true that Emperor Kanmu (782-805) decided to remove
                       from Nara at least partly in order not to be trouble with Buddhist bureaucracy.

                          Thus the transfer of the capital to Kyoto marked a turning point into only in govern-
                        ment affairs but also in the history of Buddhism. In the early in part of this period two
                        extraordinary men Saicho (767- 822, generally known by his posthumous title Dengyo
                        Daishi) and Kukai (774-853, commonly referred to as Kobo Daishi), separately estab-
                        lished in the vicinity of the capital two new schools, Ten-
                        dai and Shingon. The leaders of these schools were both
                         men who went to China (at this time under the T’ang
Dengyo Daishi Saicho dynasty) to acquaint themselves directly with the latest
theoretical and practical developments in the world of Buddhism. A prominent
feature of both schools is their comprehensive and harmonizing character. In ac-
cordance with this orientation both sought to work out a system of thought in
which every point of view, Buddhist and non-Buddhist, could be assigned a
place in an all embracing synthesis. As these schools grew in strength and influ-
ence, the structures of thought they created served as the theoretical foundation
for the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism that later took place.
                                                                                        Kobo Daishi Kukai
 Tendai is the Japanese from of the Chinese T’ien-t’ai, at once the name of a moun-
tain in China, a temple situated on that mountain, and a school founded at that temple by Chi-I (538-597). It
was there that Saicho studied and from there that he returned to Japan to found the Tendai School. The Japa-
nese Tendai founded by him is quite different from its Chinese original, since it includes four branches of
Buddhism; Chinese proper T’ien-tai teachings, Zen practices, Buddhist disciplines of the Northern Tradition,
and Esoteric teachings. Japanese Tendai is not a purely esoteric type of Buddhism as is Shingon, which exclu-
sively taught esoteric teachings.

  The most important achievement of Saicho was perhaps the establishment of Mahayana rules in order to
ordain novices in his own monastery at Mt. Hiei, independent of the clerical bureaucracy of the older schools
in Nara. Until his time, it had been compulsory for all Japanese priests to receive the rules of the Southern
Tradition of Buddhism. Since Saicho believed in the Northern type of Buddhism and followed Mahayana
teachings, it was quite natural for him to declare independence from the older tradition of obtaining precepts
at the ordination platform of the Nara schools. The priests of the old school strongly opposed his ideas, and it
was only after his death that his efforts to establish Mahanaya rules were officially recognized by the emperor.
Since that time, the Mount Hiei Tendai Center has grown to became one of the largest and most important
places in Japan for the study and practice of Buddhism. One indication of its influence is that all their power-
ful currents of the Kamakura period—Pure Land, Zen, and Nichiren—derive from Japanese Tendai Bud-
dhism. In this sense it can be said that Japanese Tendai is the fountain head of many Japanese Buddhist
schools and denominations.                                                                    (To be continued)

                                       From Understanding Japanese Buddhism
 Pag 2                               Published by The Japan Buddhist Federation
Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism
          Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto (Part 1) (Nov. 2012)
                          By Rev. Yasushiro Watanabe

第22回   法然上人の配流【一】             (2012年11月)

Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto <Part 1> (Nov. 2012)
      About 800 years ago, St. Honen realized the great compassion of Amida Buddha
and started Jodo Shu. Nembutsu is an epoch-making teaching to show everyone the
way to the Pure Land. And it has brought people much joy and hope.
        However, some didn’t like the movement. They were “the old-guard” who deeply
depended on the aristocracy. They thought that Honen’s movement threatened the ex-
istence of the old regime because Nembutsu was open to everyone—regardless of gen-
der, status, wealth, or education. In other words, Nembutsu was “an inconvenient truth”
for them. To cover up “the truth,” the adversaries tried to abolish Nembutsu. They
spread damaging rumors about Honen’s group and pressured the government to ban
Honen’s teaching. Unfortunately, as they expected, a small incident caused a major sup-
pression of the Nembutsu movement.
      The retired Emperor Go-Toba happened to make a trip to the Kumano shrine.
During his absence, his two maids joined a special Nembutsu service officiated by
Honen’s disciples, Juren and Anraku, who were famous for having beautiful voices.
These women were so impressed that they became nuns. On the emperor’s return,
someone reported the story to him that Honen’s disciples had tempted his maids. The
emperor became so angry that he imposed the death penalty on Juren and Anraku.
Moreover, St. Honen was sentenced to exile in a distant province, or Shikoku. St.
Shinran, who was the founder of Hongwanji, was sentenced to exile in Niigata. Thus, the
Jodo Shu faced the greatest challenge since its beginning.  (To be continued)
                                                                                 Page 3

           O-Juya Service                         2013 Jodo Shu Calendar
          Will be held on Sunday,
         November 11 at 10:00 a.m.           Live the Jodo Shu style
                                             each and every day,
    “Doing good deeds (reciting Namu         sharing in the love and
 Amida Butsu) here and now exceeds a         compassion of Amida
 thousand years of good deeds in the         Buddha year round with
 land of all the Buddhas.”                   the messages of distin-
      At Jodo Mission, it is customary       guished priests. Calen-
 for us to offer sweet treats to Amida       dar is for January through
 Buddha. Please do not forget your           December 2013. Free calendar is
 sweet treats to share with everyone.        available. Please order your calendar
                                             now before we run out.
 (But not leftovers from Halloween.)
                                             Please call Jodo Mission of
      Please join us for our O-Juya          Hawaii at 949-3995 by
 Service on Sunday, November 11, at
 10 a.m.                                     November 11.

                                                              Sunday School
                                                     We welcome children to join our
                                                   Sunday School. Let’s enjoy studying
                                                   Onembutsu by doing various activities.
                                                               11/18 at 10:45 am

             Jodo Mission of Hawaii
           Children’s Choir “Malama”              Fujinkai Meeting
                                                   (Women’s Association)
                 こども合唱団マラマ                                                 Sewing Circle
                                                     11/4 8:30 am
                 11/4 at 11:15 a.m.                                        No Sewing Circle
                                                                            for November,
      Any child ages 5 to 9 years old can join.     YBA Meeting             December, and
    They will sing mainly Japanese songs and                                    January
                                                   No YBA Meeting
    Buddhist gathas. Practice will be in Japa-
                                                    in November

Page 4
                                     By Rev. Yubun Narashiba

     Japanese Buddhism in Hawaii has a very unique cultural background. In
Japan, Buddhist customs differ from village to village, town to town, prefecture
to prefecture. This is because Buddhism has been localized to fit to the custom in each ar-
ea. Since Japanese immigrants came to Hawaii from the various regions of Japan, cere-
monial customs are different according to the area where the family came from. However,
as time passes, those customs are becoming unclear and more confusing for the younger
generations. Because of this confusion, younger generations seem to be going away from
Buddhism by saying that Buddhism is hard to understand. Therefore, in this article, I
would like to explain the standard procedure of doing a service. As the first, let me show
you the two common procedures of having funerals among the members of Jodo Mission
of Hawaii.
 1. When Someone Passed Away                                        2. When Someone Is Very Close To Death
      Death                                                                Call for a minister
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Medical examination                                                  Rinju Gyogi (Last rites)
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Call for a minister                                                  Death
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Makuragyo (Bedside service)                                          Medical examination
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Call for a mortuary                                                  Call for a mortuary
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Body pick-up                                                         Body pick-up
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Meeting with the funeral director at the                             Meeting with the funeral director at the
          mortuary                                                              mortuary
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Viewing service                                                      Viewing service
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Cremation                                                            Cremation
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      FUNERAL with the first 7th day service                               FUNERAL with the first 7th day service
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      49th day service                                                     49th day service
      Burial service                                                       Burial service
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      Hatsubon (1st O-Bon) service                                         Hatsubon (1st O-Bon) service↓
         ↓                                                                    ↓
      1 year memorial service                                              1 year memorial service
 Note: Above two service procedures are purely for informational purpose. We shall honor your family customs and
 decisions to arrange a funeral service.
 **Editor’s note: This article is a reprint from our August 2011 issue. Because this article contains information
 you will need to know some day, we will be reprinting it from time to time as space permits.                       Page 5
Power of Sweet Potato
    Mark Nakamura, Hawaii Buddhist Council President, recently sent an article regarding the
power of the purple sweet potato, which we would like to share.

                                        The purple sweet potato: The latest in a long line of poten-
                                  tial Superfoods. The sweet potato coloring contains the chemical
                                  anthocyanin, which is known to lower the risk of cancer and could
                                  even possibly slow down certain types of diseases. The color is the
                                  important part because the purple color is responsible for the amount
                                  of anthocyanin in the potato. Scientists have already used two
                                  strands of anthocyanin to treat colon cancel and found that the pig-
                                  ment slowed down the growth of cancerous cells.
      Anthocyanin, which produces, red, blue or purple colors in different types of food, can also be
found in blueberries, red grapes and red cabbage, however the specially grown purple sweet potato
has a higher concentration of the chemical than any other species of potato.

     SWEET POTATO (Kamote) far exceeds the nutrition and health values of rice. Here are the
benefits of substituting rice with kamote:
        1.   Sweet potato is more filling and suppresses hunger pangs longer. It is also cheaper than
     2. Unlike rice, it is easy to grow. It grows in backyards with or without fertilizers. Local
government executives can provide their poor communities with idle government land for planting
kamote which the entire community can share.
      3. Unlike rice which needs to be eaten with a dish, Sweet Potato tastes good and can be eaten
by itself. Thus, substituting rice with sweet potato saves money for other needs.

      4. Rice cannot match the nutritional values of potato. Because rice converts to sugar in the
body, many become diabetics. The poor tends to load up on rice and less on the main dish which are
more expensive. That makes them vulnerable to diabetes, an ailment known in developed countries
as a rich man’s disease.

      5. The nutritional values of a 3 oz. baked sweet potato are: calories 90, fat 0 g, saturated fat
0 g, cholesterol 0 mg, carbohydrate 21 g, protein 2 g, dietary fiber 3 g, sodium 36 mg. Too much rice
consumption can make you sick, but sweet potato (kamote) can be healthy and keep away some
health problems. These have been proven medically.

     Sweet Potato (Kamote) lowers hyptertension, bad cholesterol and even blood sugar when
eaten as a substitute to rice! The purple sweet potato (kamote) is particularly effective for low-
ering hypertension.


Page 6
     THANK YOU to all who came out on Sun-
day, October 21, to assist with Bazaar prepara-
tion! Thank you also to everyone who came to help
take things out and all those who came during the
week of October 22 to October 27 to sort and price
all the various items donated by temple members,
friends and relatives. It is hard work trying to dust,
sometimes wash or clean the item, price and present items so people could
purchase them. Many people bring things in boxes, trash bags, etc. Then they
must be sorted. As you can see from the mountains of clothing below, there
are always a lot of clothing. We appreciate your help!
     THANK YOU also to those who came out on Bazaar Day, October 28,
to help those who had questions, to help sell items, to help fold and fold again
the many tons and tons of clothing for sale, to help people finding a place to
park the car, the cashiers who were most pressured when the lines got long and
someone had a lot of things to purchase. THANK YOU also to the many peo-
ple who made baked goods, tsukemono, pickled vegetables, spam rice, and
other treats. We appreciate you taking the time to make these items for sale.
GAINS! What is one person’s trash is another person’s treasure! We
hope you had fun shopping and made friends.

  This is the beginning. Taking out the boxes
  and bags of things for the Bazaar.            BAZAAR DAY!
                                                                             Page 7
                           For Nokutsudo/Columbarium
     Our Nokutsudo or Columbarium has grown and is still growing. We need
more help with cleanup.
     What type of help is needed you might ask? Clean up would include throwing
out old flowers, carefully washing vases and putting them back onto the shelf,
changing water in vases if flowers are still good, etc. It does not mean this is for
only women to do. Men are most welcome to help.
Presently, our only male helper is Gene Ikeda.
     If you are able to help, please contact the temple
office at 949-3995 with possible times you are availa-
ble to help. If you can only help sometimes, that
would be most appreciated. Please contact the office.
Any help is most appreciated. . Thank you.
A R I G AT O !

                        Omigaki: On Sunday, December 16, 2012, we will have
                        omigaki cleaning after Sunday Service. This is the
                        cleaning and polishing of various ornaments on the tem-
                        ple altar including candle holders.

         Monthly Bulletin                   Monthly Bulletin
    If you would like to know more                We would appreciate your response to
about Jodo Mission of Hawaii, please        our monthly Bulletin. Is it interesting?
inquire about adding your name to our       What type of interesting things would you
list of e-mails or regular mail. We         like to see in our Bulletin? We try to inform
would be more than happy to add you         you as to what is going on at the temple. We
on to our e-mail or regular mailing list.   understand some of you are not able to come
All of your information will be confi-      to the temple. Would you rather see more
dential. Please call at 949-3995            things in Japanese characters? Would you
                                            rather see more photos or less photos? What
    We are encouraging those who have
                                            type of articles do you like to read? Would
e-mail addresses to let us send you the
month bulletin via e-mail to save our       you rather see another format?
environment!                                      Your response is most appreciated.
                                            Please either write or call the temple with
                                            your comments.
Page 8
MOCHI (Dec. 29) ORDER FORM おもち注文表
                      Deadline for order is Saturday, December 8, 2012

 PLEASE PRINT NAME 名前                                   HOME PHONE NO. 電話番号

    OKASANE おかさね                     KOMOCHI こもち                             TOTAL
     $4.00/SET 3” SIZE                 $3.50/POUND                            合計

                           SETS                              LBS

                       DOLLARS                         DOLLARS                          DOLLARS

Order accepted by: _______________    Date accepted: _____/_____/_2012 (In person/ Mail / Phone)
     Received by: _______________         Date paid: _____/_____/_2012 (Cash / Check#          )



  With the New Year just around the corner it is once again time to order our delec-
  table mochi. This year, we will be selling Okasane and Komochi. Please fill out the
  mochi order form above. The deadline to submit your mochi order form is
  Saturday, December 8th.

                               Mochi is to be picked up on:
                               Saturday, December 29, 2012
                                 From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

  And to those who would like to learn and make mochi with us, we will be making
  mochi on Saturday, December 29th from 7:00 am. This is a fun and memorable
  experience for all, especially families (a family who makes mochi together sticks
  together). Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you.
                                                                                           Page 9
What is “Perpetual Memorial                                   Obituaries
              Service?” (Eitaikyo)                     Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sin-
     This record of a perpetual memorial ser-        cere condolences to the family members
 vice and is called Eitaikyo in Japanese.            and loved ones of the following members
 When the date of death occurs for a person          who have recently left this world for the
 listed on this record, the ministers pray for       Pure Land.
 that individual during the morning service.
 The prayers will continue each year for as               Sueko Umemoto                         94.
 long as Jodo Mission exists.
     Anyone can be included in it. You may put
 your own name on the list, too. This also
                                                      RELAX! Tips and ideas for
 helps when it is difficult to have memorial
 services. We also welcome you to attend the          stress-management: Did you know
 morning service at 8:30am.                           that 20 minutes of deep relaxation rests
                                                      the body more than four hours worth of
                     How to apply
                                                      sleep? Simply taking a break from your
     Stop by the office, and fill out the applica-    busy schedule to close your eyes and
 tion form. Each name costs $200. After the           breathe deeply can have a wonderful
 application is accepted, the name will be            effect on your ability to handle all your
 listed on the record.                                responsibilities. Find a time that works
                                                      for you. Early in the morning, during a
                                                      coffee or lunch break at work, before
                                                      you begin your evening, or before going
                                                      to sleep, give yourself a few minutes.
          Jodo Mission Office                         Whether you call it a “power nap”,
                Hours:                                “TPM” (Twenty-Five Peaceful
                                                      Minutes), or just a quick break, taking a
          Monday to Saturday                          few minutes to relax every day gives
              8am—5pm                                 you the benefits of more energy and a
           Sunday & Holidays                          calmer frame of mind.
                                                      [Peggy Miyamoto shared this from her Macy’s
               8am—3pm                                Credit Union newsletter.]

                            Rev. Kanjun Nakano       Rev. Yasuhiro            Rev. Dwight
   Rev. Yubun Narashiba                                                       Nakamura
           Head Minister       Resident Minister       Watanabe
                                                     Resident Minister       Retired Minister
Page 10
Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) for November
1 Gensaku Nakagawa             Natsu Kanemoto                    The Fukuda Family
 The Nakagawa Family           The Kanemoto & Miyamoto           Mamu Iwasaki
 Hidetsugu Kanai                   Family                        Yaeko Uesugi
 Sadao Hedani                  Otome Sugiyama (2)                Kaname Tanimura
 Masao Takeda                  Yoshio Kanehira
 Tadao Murashige               Mildred Asako Tsuda             20 Naka Iwamoto
                                                                 The Iwamoto Family
2 Koichi Yoshiumi            10 Yoshisuke Miyakawa               Totaro Nomiyama
 The Yoshiumi Family            The Miyakawa Family              Toyo Terada
 Koichi Nakamura                Shinayo Kano                     Yoshi Yamanaka
 Jiro Masuda                    The Kano & Watabe Family         Taru Namihira
 Kenjiro Ishii                  Rev. Myoshun Hayashi
 Tari Sato                      The Hayashi Family             21 Bishop Kyokujo Kubokawa
                                Shuichi Ota
3 Fuji Yoshisaki                Clarence Katsuji Morimoto      22 Wasa Hamada
 The Yoshisaki Family                                            The Hamada Family
 Tsurue Hayase               11 Tsuru Teramoto                   Shina Karamatsu
                               The Teramoto Family               The Karamatsu Family
4 Kiichi Saiki                 Tamotsu Sugiyama (2)              Minnosuke Ebisugawa
 Kanji Kimoto                  Soyo Nishida                      Mamoru Tatei
 Emi Taira                     Yonoichi Kitagawa                  Fusae Oshita
 Shigenobu Tamashiro           Herbert H. Kano                    Paul Shigeyuki Sakuda
                               Hisayo Okawa
5 Kanichi Iwamoto                                              23 Matsue Inoue
 The Iwamoto Family          12 Tomohei Tejima                   The Inoue Family
 Matsutaro Tanimura            The Tejima Family                 Sano Matsumoto
 The Tanimura Family           Sueji Yano                        Yutaka Matsumoto
 Yuriko Sano                                                     Yoshiichi Takemoto
 Yasuichi Hamasaki           13 Matsujiro Tsurusaki               Kinji Yamamoto
 Katajiro Yamamoto             The Tsurusaki & Inada Family       Takami Aoki

6 Kinroku Morita             14 Shiro Fukunaga (2)             24 Tatsuo Tsuda
 The Morita Family              Alice Chieko Masatsugu           Yonezo Kitagawa
 Jihei Shimokawa
 The Shimokawa Family        15 Gentaro Arita                  25 Tadao Nakamura
 Tokizo Fujita                 The Arita Family                  Matsuyo Yamamoto
 Tomi Tominaga                 Toyomi Moritsugu                   Tsutomu Kuniyuki
 Jihei Shimokawa               Kana Teruya
                               Enosuke Kawasugi                26 Asako Yamamoto
7 Taeko Mizuno                 Rosalie Katsuko Nishimura         Kieko "Kay" Fuse
 Mizuno & Ota Family           Toyoichi Yamada                   Miyoko Matsumura
 Tadahito Sakuda                                                 Noboru Tarumoto
 The Sakuda Family           16 Tora Otani
 Shoichi Hisamura              The Otani & Yanagihara Family   27 Chisaburo Azuma
 Kimiko Nobuji                 Shosaku Yagi                      The Azuma Family
 Hatsue Gonhata                The Yagi & Okada Family           Jane Hatsuko Higa
 Aki Ikeda                     Kazuo Hayashi                     Hisako Kurakake (2)
 Kenji Sano                    The Hayashi Family
                               Koichi Ono                      28 Tameno Fujimoto
8 Machida's Baby               The Ono & Yamada Family           The Fujimoto Family
 Masao Uno                     Mitsuko Yanagihara                 Hatsuo Murao
 The Uno Family                Fumi Miyamoto
 Bansuke Tomai                                                 29 Junichi Oki
 The Tomai Family            18 Jinkichi Tanaka                  Heizo Furukawa
 Tsutomu Hanano                The Tanaka & Noda Family
 Kazuo Gonhata                 Kimie Hashimoto                 30 Tsuma Ishida
 Kazo Kubota                                                      The Ishida & Aimoto Family
                             19 Onsho Chinen                      Shizu Shigeoka
9 Iwao Iwamoto                  The Chinen Family                 Usanosuke Otani
 The Iwamoto Family             Saku Fukuda
8:30am Morning Service                                                                                              Jodo Mission of Hawaii
             Everyday                                    November 2012                                                        Phone: 949-3995

              Sun                     Mon                 Tue               Wed                Thu                      Fri                      Sat

                                                                                      1                      2                        3

4      8:30 Fujinkai Meeting     5                6                   7               8                      9                        10
       10:00 SundayService                                                                                                                Haleiwa Centennial
       11:15 Malama Children’s                                                                                                               Celebration
11                               12               13                  14              15                     16                       17
      10:00 O-Juya Service
     11:45 Board Meeting

18                               19               20                  21              22                     23                       24
       10:00 Sunday Service
       10:45 Sunday School

25                               26               27                  28              29                     30
        10:00 Sunday Service

HEALTH TIPS (Flu season is here):                                                          COMING EVENT:
1)       Wash your hands frequently.                                                       11/22:   HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
2)       Drink lots of water; eat lots of fruits and vegetables.                           12/2     8:00 am—General Cleanup
3)       If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth, use a Kleenex and then           12/9     HBC Jodo-e Service (Bodhi Day Service)
         throw it away. If you cover your mouth with your hands, please be sure to         12/16     Omigaki (cleaning of brass ornaments at altar)
         wash it right away or use a hand sanitizer.                                       12/28:   9:00 am—Mochitsuki preparation
4)       Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth.                                       12/29:   7:00 am Mochitsuki; Pickup: 1:00 pm to 4pm
5)       If you are sick, stay home or try not to go to crowded areas where you may
         make others sick.

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Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - November 2012

  • 1. Jodo Mission of Hawaii Bulletin - NOVEMBER 2012 (#1192-1112 Jodo Mission of Hawaii 1429 Makiki St. Honolulu HI 96814 Address Service Requested TOO MANY STAIRS Too many stairs so you cannot come to temple? This is not so. Jodo Mission of Hawaii has a lot of stairs HOWEVER, we do have an elevator to assist you. The elevator is to help you get to the Nokotsudo or Colum- barium or go to a service in the Hondo. Please contact the office at 949-3995 before coming to the temple to say you need to use the elevator and find out where the elevator is located. The elevator is located on the seaside of the tem- ple between the temple and the social hall building. Many people are dropped off in the front of the temple only to find out after they get to the office, there are two more flights of stairs to get to the Hondo and the elevator is in the back. If someone is driving you to the temple, please have them call the temple ahead of time so they are familiar with the location of the elevator. Anyone can ride the elevator. Barrier-Free Memorial Service: Memorial services can also be held in Ikoi Hall which is on the first floor. There are restrooms at Ikoi Hall. Please indicate when calling for your service reservation to specify Ikoi Hall.
  • 2. The Introduction of Buddhism into Japan (4) Heian Buddhism In 784, the imperial capital was transferred from Nara to Nagaoka and in 794 from there to Heian, the present-day Kyoto, where it was to remain nominally at least, until 1868. It is not entirely clear why the capital was removed to Heian. Possibly the grow- ing influence of the Nara school and their hold on the court had something to do with it. There is no doubt that as the power of Buddhism grew, its interest in secular matters increased and it is probably true that Emperor Kanmu (782-805) decided to remove from Nara at least partly in order not to be trouble with Buddhist bureaucracy. Thus the transfer of the capital to Kyoto marked a turning point into only in govern- ment affairs but also in the history of Buddhism. In the early in part of this period two extraordinary men Saicho (767- 822, generally known by his posthumous title Dengyo Daishi) and Kukai (774-853, commonly referred to as Kobo Daishi), separately estab- lished in the vicinity of the capital two new schools, Ten- dai and Shingon. The leaders of these schools were both men who went to China (at this time under the T’ang Dengyo Daishi Saicho dynasty) to acquaint themselves directly with the latest theoretical and practical developments in the world of Buddhism. A prominent feature of both schools is their comprehensive and harmonizing character. In ac- cordance with this orientation both sought to work out a system of thought in which every point of view, Buddhist and non-Buddhist, could be assigned a place in an all embracing synthesis. As these schools grew in strength and influ- ence, the structures of thought they created served as the theoretical foundation for the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhism that later took place. Kobo Daishi Kukai Tendai is the Japanese from of the Chinese T’ien-t’ai, at once the name of a moun- tain in China, a temple situated on that mountain, and a school founded at that temple by Chi-I (538-597). It was there that Saicho studied and from there that he returned to Japan to found the Tendai School. The Japa- nese Tendai founded by him is quite different from its Chinese original, since it includes four branches of Buddhism; Chinese proper T’ien-tai teachings, Zen practices, Buddhist disciplines of the Northern Tradition, and Esoteric teachings. Japanese Tendai is not a purely esoteric type of Buddhism as is Shingon, which exclu- sively taught esoteric teachings. The most important achievement of Saicho was perhaps the establishment of Mahayana rules in order to ordain novices in his own monastery at Mt. Hiei, independent of the clerical bureaucracy of the older schools in Nara. Until his time, it had been compulsory for all Japanese priests to receive the rules of the Southern Tradition of Buddhism. Since Saicho believed in the Northern type of Buddhism and followed Mahayana teachings, it was quite natural for him to declare independence from the older tradition of obtaining precepts at the ordination platform of the Nara schools. The priests of the old school strongly opposed his ideas, and it was only after his death that his efforts to establish Mahanaya rules were officially recognized by the emperor. Since that time, the Mount Hiei Tendai Center has grown to became one of the largest and most important places in Japan for the study and practice of Buddhism. One indication of its influence is that all their power- ful currents of the Kamakura period—Pure Land, Zen, and Nichiren—derive from Japanese Tendai Bud- dhism. In this sense it can be said that Japanese Tendai is the fountain head of many Japanese Buddhist schools and denominations. (To be continued) From Understanding Japanese Buddhism Pag 2 Published by The Japan Buddhist Federation
  • 3. Bits of Knowledge of Buddhism Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto (Part 1) (Nov. 2012) By Rev. Yasushiro Watanabe 第22回 法然上人の配流【一】 (2012年11月) およそ800年前,法然上人は仏さまの大いなる慈悲に気づかれて浄土宗を開きました。あらゆる人 に等しく救いの道を開く画期的な教えでした。お念仏の教えは,それまで救いの手が差し伸べられ ていないと思われていた人々に多くの喜びと希望をもたらしました。 しかし,その念仏の流行を快く思わない人たちもいました。貴族社会に依存してきた守旧派です。 既成の体制にしがみついている人々にとって,すべての人に救いの道を開くお念仏の教えは,自ら の存立基盤を揺るがす危険思想であり,まさに「不都合な真実」でした。その「真実」を覆い隠す ために,彼らは当時の政府に念仏の禁止を求めました。さらに,念仏を勧める僧侶たちの悪口を盛 んに言いふらしました。残念なことに,彼らの思惑は功を奏し,些細な事件をきっかけに法然教団 への弾圧が始まりました。 あるとき,後鳥羽上皇が熊野の霊場へ行幸しました。その折,法然上人の弟子である安楽と住蓮 は,東山で六時礼讃という極楽浄土を讃える法要を催しました。美声で知られる安楽と住蓮の法要 に多くの人々が集まりました。中でも,宮廷に仕える女性二人は大いに感動して,菩提心を発して 出家しました。ところが,お念仏の流行を快く思わない官吏が,京都から戻った後鳥羽上皇に,法 然上人の弟子が宮廷の女官をたぶらかしたと讒言をしたのです。上皇はその報告を受け激怒して, 住蓮と安楽に死罪を命じました。さらに,法然上人は京都から遠く離れた四国へ流罪となり,親鸞 聖人もまた新潟へ配流されることになりました。こうして,浄土宗の教団とお念仏の教えは,最大 の試練を迎えることになります。(次回へ続く) Vol. 22 St. Honen’s Exile from Kyoto <Part 1> (Nov. 2012) About 800 years ago, St. Honen realized the great compassion of Amida Buddha and started Jodo Shu. Nembutsu is an epoch-making teaching to show everyone the way to the Pure Land. And it has brought people much joy and hope. However, some didn’t like the movement. They were “the old-guard” who deeply depended on the aristocracy. They thought that Honen’s movement threatened the ex- istence of the old regime because Nembutsu was open to everyone—regardless of gen- der, status, wealth, or education. In other words, Nembutsu was “an inconvenient truth” for them. To cover up “the truth,” the adversaries tried to abolish Nembutsu. They spread damaging rumors about Honen’s group and pressured the government to ban Honen’s teaching. Unfortunately, as they expected, a small incident caused a major sup- pression of the Nembutsu movement. The retired Emperor Go-Toba happened to make a trip to the Kumano shrine. During his absence, his two maids joined a special Nembutsu service officiated by Honen’s disciples, Juren and Anraku, who were famous for having beautiful voices. These women were so impressed that they became nuns. On the emperor’s return, someone reported the story to him that Honen’s disciples had tempted his maids. The emperor became so angry that he imposed the death penalty on Juren and Anraku. Moreover, St. Honen was sentenced to exile in a distant province, or Shikoku. St. Shinran, who was the founder of Hongwanji, was sentenced to exile in Niigata. Thus, the Jodo Shu faced the greatest challenge since its beginning. (To be continued) Page 3
  • 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS O-Juya Service 2013 Jodo Shu Calendar Will be held on Sunday, November 11 at 10:00 a.m. Live the Jodo Shu style each and every day, “Doing good deeds (reciting Namu sharing in the love and Amida Butsu) here and now exceeds a compassion of Amida thousand years of good deeds in the Buddha year round with land of all the Buddhas.” the messages of distin- At Jodo Mission, it is customary guished priests. Calen- for us to offer sweet treats to Amida dar is for January through Buddha. Please do not forget your December 2013. Free calendar is sweet treats to share with everyone. available. Please order your calendar now before we run out. (But not leftovers from Halloween.) Please call Jodo Mission of Please join us for our O-Juya Hawaii at 949-3995 by Service on Sunday, November 11, at 10 a.m. November 11. Sunday School We welcome children to join our Sunday School. Let’s enjoy studying Onembutsu by doing various activities. 11/18 at 10:45 am Jodo Mission of Hawaii Children’s Choir “Malama” Fujinkai Meeting (Women’s Association) こども合唱団マラマ Sewing Circle 11/4 8:30 am 11/4 at 11:15 a.m. No Sewing Circle for November, Any child ages 5 to 9 years old can join. YBA Meeting December, and They will sing mainly Japanese songs and January No YBA Meeting Buddhist gathas. Practice will be in Japa- in November nese. ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ Page 4
  • 5. VISION FOR THE FUTURE (5)** By Rev. Yubun Narashiba Japanese Buddhism in Hawaii has a very unique cultural background. In Japan, Buddhist customs differ from village to village, town to town, prefecture to prefecture. This is because Buddhism has been localized to fit to the custom in each ar- ea. Since Japanese immigrants came to Hawaii from the various regions of Japan, cere- monial customs are different according to the area where the family came from. However, as time passes, those customs are becoming unclear and more confusing for the younger generations. Because of this confusion, younger generations seem to be going away from Buddhism by saying that Buddhism is hard to understand. Therefore, in this article, I would like to explain the standard procedure of doing a service. As the first, let me show you the two common procedures of having funerals among the members of Jodo Mission of Hawaii. 1. When Someone Passed Away 2. When Someone Is Very Close To Death Death Call for a minister ↓ ↓ Medical examination Rinju Gyogi (Last rites) ↓ ↓ Call for a minister Death ↓ ↓ Makuragyo (Bedside service) Medical examination ↓ ↓ Call for a mortuary Call for a mortuary ↓ ↓ Body pick-up Body pick-up ↓ ↓ Meeting with the funeral director at the Meeting with the funeral director at the mortuary mortuary ↓ ↓ Viewing service Viewing service ↓ ↓ Cremation Cremation ↓ ↓ FUNERAL with the first 7th day service FUNERAL with the first 7th day service ↓ ↓ 49th day service 49th day service Burial service Burial service ↓ ↓ Hatsubon (1st O-Bon) service Hatsubon (1st O-Bon) service↓ ↓ ↓ 1 year memorial service 1 year memorial service Note: Above two service procedures are purely for informational purpose. We shall honor your family customs and decisions to arrange a funeral service. **Editor’s note: This article is a reprint from our August 2011 issue. Because this article contains information you will need to know some day, we will be reprinting it from time to time as space permits. Page 5
  • 6. Power of Sweet Potato Mark Nakamura, Hawaii Buddhist Council President, recently sent an article regarding the power of the purple sweet potato, which we would like to share. The purple sweet potato: The latest in a long line of poten- tial Superfoods. The sweet potato coloring contains the chemical anthocyanin, which is known to lower the risk of cancer and could even possibly slow down certain types of diseases. The color is the important part because the purple color is responsible for the amount of anthocyanin in the potato. Scientists have already used two strands of anthocyanin to treat colon cancel and found that the pig- ment slowed down the growth of cancerous cells. Anthocyanin, which produces, red, blue or purple colors in different types of food, can also be found in blueberries, red grapes and red cabbage, however the specially grown purple sweet potato has a higher concentration of the chemical than any other species of potato. SWEET POTATO (Kamote) far exceeds the nutrition and health values of rice. Here are the benefits of substituting rice with kamote: 1. Sweet potato is more filling and suppresses hunger pangs longer. It is also cheaper than rice. 2. Unlike rice, it is easy to grow. It grows in backyards with or without fertilizers. Local government executives can provide their poor communities with idle government land for planting kamote which the entire community can share. 3. Unlike rice which needs to be eaten with a dish, Sweet Potato tastes good and can be eaten by itself. Thus, substituting rice with sweet potato saves money for other needs. 4. Rice cannot match the nutritional values of potato. Because rice converts to sugar in the body, many become diabetics. The poor tends to load up on rice and less on the main dish which are more expensive. That makes them vulnerable to diabetes, an ailment known in developed countries as a rich man’s disease. 5. The nutritional values of a 3 oz. baked sweet potato are: calories 90, fat 0 g, saturated fat 0 g, cholesterol 0 mg, carbohydrate 21 g, protein 2 g, dietary fiber 3 g, sodium 36 mg. Too much rice consumption can make you sick, but sweet potato (kamote) can be healthy and keep away some health problems. These have been proven medically. Sweet Potato (Kamote) lowers hyptertension, bad cholesterol and even blood sugar when eaten as a substitute to rice! The purple sweet potato (kamote) is particularly effective for low- ering hypertension. EAT HEALTHY AND STAY HAPPY! Page 6
  • 7. MAHALO and ARIGATO THANK YOU to all who came out on Sun- day, October 21, to assist with Bazaar prepara- tion! Thank you also to everyone who came to help take things out and all those who came during the week of October 22 to October 27 to sort and price all the various items donated by temple members, friends and relatives. It is hard work trying to dust, sometimes wash or clean the item, price and present items so people could purchase them. Many people bring things in boxes, trash bags, etc. Then they must be sorted. As you can see from the mountains of clothing below, there are always a lot of clothing. We appreciate your help! THANK YOU also to those who came out on Bazaar Day, October 28, to help those who had questions, to help sell items, to help fold and fold again the many tons and tons of clothing for sale, to help people finding a place to park the car, the cashiers who were most pressured when the lines got long and someone had a lot of things to purchase. THANK YOU also to the many peo- ple who made baked goods, tsukemono, pickled vegetables, spam rice, and other treats. We appreciate you taking the time to make these items for sale. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TO SHOP FOR BAR- GAINS! What is one person’s trash is another person’s treasure! We hope you had fun shopping and made friends. THANK YOU EVERYONE! This is the beginning. Taking out the boxes and bags of things for the Bazaar. BAZAAR DAY! Page 7
  • 8. HELP NEEDED For Nokutsudo/Columbarium Our Nokutsudo or Columbarium has grown and is still growing. We need more help with cleanup. What type of help is needed you might ask? Clean up would include throwing out old flowers, carefully washing vases and putting them back onto the shelf, changing water in vases if flowers are still good, etc. It does not mean this is for only women to do. Men are most welcome to help. Presently, our only male helper is Gene Ikeda. If you are able to help, please contact the temple office at 949-3995 with possible times you are availa- ble to help. If you can only help sometimes, that would be most appreciated. Please contact the office. Any help is most appreciated. . Thank you. A R I G AT O ! Omigaki: On Sunday, December 16, 2012, we will have omigaki cleaning after Sunday Service. This is the cleaning and polishing of various ornaments on the tem- ple altar including candle holders. Monthly Bulletin Monthly Bulletin If you would like to know more We would appreciate your response to about Jodo Mission of Hawaii, please our monthly Bulletin. Is it interesting? inquire about adding your name to our What type of interesting things would you list of e-mails or regular mail. We like to see in our Bulletin? We try to inform would be more than happy to add you you as to what is going on at the temple. We on to our e-mail or regular mailing list. understand some of you are not able to come All of your information will be confi- to the temple. Would you rather see more dential. Please call at 949-3995 things in Japanese characters? Would you rather see more photos or less photos? What We are encouraging those who have type of articles do you like to read? Would e-mail addresses to let us send you the month bulletin via e-mail to save our you rather see another format? environment! Your response is most appreciated. Please either write or call the temple with your comments. Page 8
  • 9. MOCHI (Dec. 29) ORDER FORM おもち注文表 Deadline for order is Saturday, December 8, 2012 注文締め切り12月8日 PLEASE PRINT NAME 名前 HOME PHONE NO. 電話番号 OKASANE おかさね KOMOCHI こもち TOTAL $4.00/SET 3” SIZE $3.50/POUND 合計 SETS LBS DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Order accepted by: _______________ Date accepted: _____/_____/_2012 (In person/ Mail / Phone) Received by: _______________ Date paid: _____/_____/_2012 (Cash / Check# ) Cut MOCHI With the New Year just around the corner it is once again time to order our delec- table mochi. This year, we will be selling Okasane and Komochi. Please fill out the mochi order form above. The deadline to submit your mochi order form is Saturday, December 8th. Mochi is to be picked up on: Saturday, December 29, 2012 From 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm And to those who would like to learn and make mochi with us, we will be making mochi on Saturday, December 29th from 7:00 am. This is a fun and memorable experience for all, especially families (a family who makes mochi together sticks together). Please come and join us. We look forward to seeing you. Page 9
  • 10. What is “Perpetual Memorial Obituaries Service?” (Eitaikyo) Jodo Mission of Hawaii extends its sin- This record of a perpetual memorial ser- cere condolences to the family members vice and is called Eitaikyo in Japanese. and loved ones of the following members When the date of death occurs for a person who have recently left this world for the listed on this record, the ministers pray for Pure Land. that individual during the morning service. The prayers will continue each year for as Sueko Umemoto 94. long as Jodo Mission exists. Anyone can be included in it. You may put your own name on the list, too. This also RELAX! Tips and ideas for helps when it is difficult to have memorial services. We also welcome you to attend the stress-management: Did you know morning service at 8:30am. that 20 minutes of deep relaxation rests the body more than four hours worth of How to apply sleep? Simply taking a break from your Stop by the office, and fill out the applica- busy schedule to close your eyes and tion form. Each name costs $200. After the breathe deeply can have a wonderful application is accepted, the name will be effect on your ability to handle all your listed on the record. responsibilities. Find a time that works for you. Early in the morning, during a coffee or lunch break at work, before you begin your evening, or before going to sleep, give yourself a few minutes. Jodo Mission Office Whether you call it a “power nap”, Hours: “TPM” (Twenty-Five Peaceful Minutes), or just a quick break, taking a Monday to Saturday few minutes to relax every day gives 8am—5pm you the benefits of more energy and a Sunday & Holidays calmer frame of mind. [Peggy Miyamoto shared this from her Macy’s 8am—3pm Credit Union newsletter.] Rev. Kanjun Nakano Rev. Yasuhiro Rev. Dwight Rev. Yubun Narashiba Nakamura Head Minister Resident Minister Watanabe Resident Minister Retired Minister Page 10
  • 11. Perpetual Memorial Service (Eitaikyo) for November 1 Gensaku Nakagawa Natsu Kanemoto The Fukuda Family The Nakagawa Family The Kanemoto & Miyamoto Mamu Iwasaki Hidetsugu Kanai Family Yaeko Uesugi Sadao Hedani Otome Sugiyama (2) Kaname Tanimura Masao Takeda Yoshio Kanehira Tadao Murashige Mildred Asako Tsuda 20 Naka Iwamoto The Iwamoto Family 2 Koichi Yoshiumi 10 Yoshisuke Miyakawa Totaro Nomiyama The Yoshiumi Family The Miyakawa Family Toyo Terada Koichi Nakamura Shinayo Kano Yoshi Yamanaka Jiro Masuda The Kano & Watabe Family Taru Namihira Kenjiro Ishii Rev. Myoshun Hayashi Tari Sato The Hayashi Family 21 Bishop Kyokujo Kubokawa Shuichi Ota 3 Fuji Yoshisaki Clarence Katsuji Morimoto 22 Wasa Hamada The Yoshisaki Family The Hamada Family Tsurue Hayase 11 Tsuru Teramoto Shina Karamatsu The Teramoto Family The Karamatsu Family 4 Kiichi Saiki Tamotsu Sugiyama (2) Minnosuke Ebisugawa Kanji Kimoto Soyo Nishida Mamoru Tatei Emi Taira Yonoichi Kitagawa Fusae Oshita Shigenobu Tamashiro Herbert H. Kano Paul Shigeyuki Sakuda Hisayo Okawa 5 Kanichi Iwamoto 23 Matsue Inoue The Iwamoto Family 12 Tomohei Tejima The Inoue Family Matsutaro Tanimura The Tejima Family Sano Matsumoto The Tanimura Family Sueji Yano Yutaka Matsumoto Yuriko Sano Yoshiichi Takemoto Yasuichi Hamasaki 13 Matsujiro Tsurusaki Kinji Yamamoto Katajiro Yamamoto The Tsurusaki & Inada Family Takami Aoki 6 Kinroku Morita 14 Shiro Fukunaga (2) 24 Tatsuo Tsuda The Morita Family Alice Chieko Masatsugu Yonezo Kitagawa Jihei Shimokawa The Shimokawa Family 15 Gentaro Arita 25 Tadao Nakamura Tokizo Fujita The Arita Family Matsuyo Yamamoto Tomi Tominaga Toyomi Moritsugu Tsutomu Kuniyuki Jihei Shimokawa Kana Teruya Enosuke Kawasugi 26 Asako Yamamoto 7 Taeko Mizuno Rosalie Katsuko Nishimura Kieko "Kay" Fuse Mizuno & Ota Family Toyoichi Yamada Miyoko Matsumura Tadahito Sakuda Noboru Tarumoto The Sakuda Family 16 Tora Otani Shoichi Hisamura The Otani & Yanagihara Family 27 Chisaburo Azuma Kimiko Nobuji Shosaku Yagi The Azuma Family Hatsue Gonhata The Yagi & Okada Family Jane Hatsuko Higa Aki Ikeda Kazuo Hayashi Hisako Kurakake (2) Kenji Sano The Hayashi Family Koichi Ono 28 Tameno Fujimoto 8 Machida's Baby The Ono & Yamada Family The Fujimoto Family Masao Uno Mitsuko Yanagihara Hatsuo Murao The Uno Family Fumi Miyamoto Bansuke Tomai 29 Junichi Oki The Tomai Family 18 Jinkichi Tanaka Heizo Furukawa Tsutomu Hanano The Tanaka & Noda Family Kazuo Gonhata Kimie Hashimoto 30 Tsuma Ishida Kazo Kubota The Ishida & Aimoto Family 19 Onsho Chinen Shizu Shigeoka 9 Iwao Iwamoto The Chinen Family Usanosuke Otani The Iwamoto Family Saku Fukuda
  • 12. 8:30am Morning Service Jodo Mission of Hawaii Everyday November 2012 Phone: 949-3995 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 8:30 Fujinkai Meeting 5 6 7 8 9 10 10:00 SundayService Haleiwa Centennial 11:15 Malama Children’s Celebration Choir 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10:00 O-Juya Service 11:45 Board Meeting 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 10:00 Sunday Service 10:45 Sunday School 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:00 Sunday Service HEALTH TIPS (Flu season is here): COMING EVENT: 1) Wash your hands frequently. 11/22: HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 2) Drink lots of water; eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 12/2 8:00 am—General Cleanup 3) If you cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth, use a Kleenex and then 12/9 HBC Jodo-e Service (Bodhi Day Service) throw it away. If you cover your mouth with your hands, please be sure to 12/16 Omigaki (cleaning of brass ornaments at altar) wash it right away or use a hand sanitizer. 12/28: 9:00 am—Mochitsuki preparation 4) Try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth. 12/29: 7:00 am Mochitsuki; Pickup: 1:00 pm to 4pm 5) If you are sick, stay home or try not to go to crowded areas where you may make others sick.