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OM                                              CONTENTS
   m|e% lkgla /S;± cqf¼% 'kfDr% ijkØe%A                     Editorial                        4
   "kMsrs ;=k orZUrs r=k nso lgk;Ñr~AA
                                                            Foreword                         5

    Year : 6     Issue : 7       March 2009                 Jeevan Darshan                   6

                                                            National Religion                12
            Acharya Balkrishan

               Sub-Editor                                   ‘Bharat Swabhiman’ Aim
         Dr. Rajendra Vidyalankar                           Philosophy And Principles        17
            Jayshankar Mishra
                                                            The Religion Of Yoga             34
                                                            Cultural Understanding           38
           Single copy.........................15-
                                                            Personal And National Thoughts   45
          Five year.............................700/-
         Eleven years......................1500/-
                                                            Daily Eulogy                     52
          Outside India (Annual)......800/-

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                                          ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 3
;L;ka iwosZ HkwrÑr ½"k;ks xk mnku`pq%A                        its past, or about which the present generation is not aware,
   lIr l=ks.k os/lks ;Ksu rilk lgAA                              will never be able to build a golden future. A poet has also
    The tradition of sages has continued in our mother-          written – ‘Jise nij gaurav tatha nij desh ka abhimaan na
land. Our forefathers had been great sages, great ascet-         ho, who nar nahi, nira pashu aur mritak saman he’. One
ics and scholars. Our ancestors lived a simple and re-           who does not take pride in his and his country’s glory is
strained life enhanced with penance. They lead a life of         not a man but is equivalent to a mere animal or a dead
sacrifice and welfare, developing good people. With pen-         person.
ance and the feeling of sacrifice, they continuously strived         ‘The honour of the nation is my honour and self-re-
for excellence and their words of advice have continued          spect, and if the image of the nation, the self-respect of
to guide the people of the nation. In this way, they made        the country, is hurt at any point then it is my insult. I will
their life a ‘sapta hota’ yagna.                                 awaken the nation’s self-respect. I will dedicate my en-
    With such a life, enriched with these great qualities,       tire life for the good of the nation.’ Filled with this feel-
the sages worked for the nation. In our nation, the tradi-       ing, Swami Ramdevji established the ‘Bharat Swabhiman
tion of these great sages is still continuing in the same        Trust’ and started the important work of awakening
way even now. Even today we have sages with great                India’s self-respect across the globe.
qualities living in our nation.                                      With his sacrifice, penance, labour and hard work,
    Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Swami Ramkrishna                       Swamiji is constantly trying to re-establish the almost lost
Paranhansa, Swami Dayanand and Swami Vivekanand                  tradition of sages. Renouncing his own happiness for the
have aroused the sleeping spiritual powers in Indian             good of others, he has lit the world with the light of Vedic
people. Respected Swami Ramdevji has not only lit the            knowledge and brought about welfare of mankind. The
lamp of spirituality and philosophy in Indian souls, but         work of removing ignorance, superstition and evils is
also shown mankind a beautiful path, leaving aside sor-          constantly going on. Today, Swamiji Maharaj has become
row and pain, by joining yoga with spirituality and medi-        the carrier of Vedic tradition.
cal treatment. Approximately crores of people across the             Today our nation is independent but there is still the
world have been shown the path of gaining spirituality           large problem of protecting this independence. Protect-
through yoga and pranayam and vice versa, of gaining             ing the independence of the nation is much harder than
spirituality through the medium of yoga. For this, people        the trials and ordeals of gaining independence. A lot has
have entrusted their faith on Swamiji and he has become          been said about one’s nation in the Vedas. At various places
the symbol of manhood as defined in Indian culture.              in the four Vedas, there is discussion about nation. The
    Today there is no politician, actor or any such saint        protection of the nation is not possible by a single person
who have as much public support as Swami Ramdevji                and that is why it is the duty of all the citizens of the
Maharaj.                                                         nation. It is necessary to instill the feelings of oneness
    Every section of society is benefiting from yoga. To         and love in all people of the nation and obtain their sup-
ensure that even the last man gets benefits from yoga,           port.
‘yoga teachers’ trained by ‘Patanajali Yogpeeth’ are spread-         It is to light this lamp of national feeling in each and
ing awareness on yoga and nationalism to serve the moth-         everyone that Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has gifted us
erland and sorrow-inflicted mankind. It is the etiquette of      ‘Jeevan Darshan’. It gives us directions on our duties
the yoga teachers to live a life with the feeling of friend-     and responsibilities for the self and the nation. Please help
ship towards all, kindness towards the poor and sick,            in the accomplishment of national responsibilities by dis-
respect towards all religions and communities, and to in-        tributing ‘Jeevan Darshan’ to the maximum extent you
spire fellow countrymen to lead a life of purity.                can.
    I am an Indian; humanity is my community; my reli-               In this way, freeing people from maladies, Swami
gion is humanity and my responsibility towards the na-           Ramdevji Maharaj is intent on establishing India once again
tion. It is to develop this feeling and develop national char-   on the throne of ‘Global Guru’ by removing the various
acter that continuous work is going on.                          widespread inconsistencies and faults and instilling the
    Respected Swami Ramdevji believes that ‘Glorious past        feeling of national honour and pride in people.
is my self-respect’. The nation that does not take pride in                                           - Acharya Balkrishan

                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 4
Our Life is God’s greatest boon. Being born as a human being is God’s greatest gift to us.
Life is priceless and living life to fulfill petty goals is an insult to it. To spend your energy in
trivial pursuits, and to waste invaluable time in fulfilling material desires and obtaining luxuries
is akin to looking down on life. Life is endless, our strengths are also endless and our potential
is also vast. We are able to utilize only about 5 per cent of our physical, mental, social and
spiritual strengths. Majority of our powers are lying unconscious. If we use our internal
strengths fully, we turn from man into superman, from human to super-powerful humans.
Our human consciousness gradually falls down to a licentious consciousness and the world
out of delusion starts worshipping human beings as Gods. All the divine qualities that were
present in Sri Krishna, Sri Ram, Mahayogi Shiva, Mahavir Swami, Nirvana-attaining Buddha,
Guru Nanakdev and Guru Govind Singh are also inherent in us. A yogi should never consider
himself poor, helpless or powerless. At every moment tell yourself, I am vast. I am a repre-
sentative of God. I was born on this earth with a great purpose. I have within myself the
patience of the earth, the energy of fire, the speed of wind, the calmness of water and the
vastness of the sky.
    My brain has the energy, intellect, wisdom and brilliance of the Brahmin. My arms have
the courage, strength, power and dignity of the Kshatriya. Within my stomach I have the
business strategies of the Vaishya and I consider it my honour to be able to serve like the
Sudra. I am not an individual but a culture. I am a messenger of eternal traditions. India is in
me. I am the beloved child of mother India. I am not land, mansion, position or youth. I am
not the mortal body but I am the immortal, brilliant, rootless, eternal soul.
    Love, kindness, peace and affection is my identity and religion. My work is my
religion. I am not merely a worshipper of stone idols but of those living idols that my
Lord has created Himself and in whose souls He resides himself. I am the worshipper
of the chaitanya murta Brahma. Storms cannot make me bend, obstacles cannot
hinder my life path and insults cannot distract my patience. I will make my life blessed
by surrendering totally to obey the instructions of my guru and the scriptures. I will not
allow any hindrance to the flow of virtue in my life. At each moment, I will lead a life full
of love, kindness, courage, bravery, power, self-confidence. At every moment, my
external and internal life will remain pure and free from fault. In my life, the good of
the nation will be above everything else and this will be my motto. I am first of all the
child of Mother India and only after that I am an ascetic, householder, politician,
actor, worker, officer or businessman. How could I have existed if my country did not
exist? My country is everything for me. This life is for the nation. This life is for God.
This is the aim of my life. Duty towards my nation comes before my political duties or
ascetic duties. The nation’s glory is my glory and any insult to my nation is an insult
towards me. I will not allow my country’s glory, pride and honour to be tarnished.
Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I will do so in order to make India the super-
power of the world. I will bring back the lost glory of my country.
    Come! Come forward and be ready to sacrifice everything in fulfilling this pure
and holy resolution.
    Come! Let us all unite to build a new India together.
                                                                              - Swami Ramdev

                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 5
humanitarian values, and spirituality. Free from the
                                                                   boundaries of region, language, religion, and
                                                                   behavioural debates, I am the war-call for national-
                                                             7.    I am not merely an individual but the manifestation
                                                                   of the gentility and culture of the entire nation.
              I AND MY PERSONALITY                                 Hence, the entire country is affected by everything
1. I am not an individual; I am the manifestation of the           I do, good or bad. Till the time blood flows through
   entire nation. I am not narrow or small; I am vast. I           my veins and life exists in my body, I will not betray
   am the image of the Lord. I am the representative               my country. This is my ‘Bhisma pratigya’ (unshaken
   of truth, non-violence and good conduct. In my body,            vow).
   my nation resides. I am the fate and the reflection       8.    The purity and fearlessness of childhood, the vigour
   of India. I am the one who decides the fate of my-              of youth, the good sense of old age, and the dedica-
   self and my nation.                                             tion of ascetics the ideals of my life. Children and
2. I am always in my Lord; my Lord is always in me.                saints are not tied by the threads of illusion.
   Everything that I see around me is nothing but im-        9.    Work is my only religion. Work is my worship. Work
   ages of the Lord. Everything I do is a worship of               is the truth of life and the world. Working without
   the Lord. Everything that I have is a gift from the             any desire does not indicate lack of work, it indi-
   Lord. I am a child of God. He, the ruler of the world,          cates the lack of arrogance.
   the creator of the universe, is my Father. The bless-     10.   Valour, nationalism, expertise, farsightedness, spiri-
   ings of the most superior and divine power are al-              tuality, humanitarianism, and humility are the ideals
   ways with me.                                                   of my working style.
3. I am extremely fortunate to have taken birth on the       11.   Nation-religion is the biggest religion; Nation-god is
   soil of this holy and pure country, which has also              the greatest God; and love for the nation is the high-
   been the birthplace of divine personalities such as             est form of love. The good of the nation is above
   Shri Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Guru Nanakdev and                everything else. The nation is everything for me.
   Guru Govind Singh, brave heroes such as Maharana                bna jk"Vªk; bnUu eeA . My body-mind-wealth will all
   Pratap, Chattrapati Shivaji, Chandrashekhar Azad,               remain dedicated to the nation. The seven principles
   Subhash Chandra Bose, Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat                 of nationalism, the seven duties of spirituality and
   Singh, Raj Guru and Ashfaq, and holy souls such as              idealism are the ideals of my personal national life.
   Maharshi Dayanand and Swami Vivekanand. I pray            12.   When I am alone, it is not loneliness; in the silence
   to Mother India while offering the flower of my                 I am permeated by many currents of divine knowl-
   life.                                                           edge and divine inspiration and I find an eternal lamp
4. As my inheritance, my Lord has given me the pa-                 always shining on me.
   tience of earth, the energy of fire, the speed of wind,   13.   When my internal awakening took place, I found
   the calmness of water, and the vastness of the sky.             myself in the shade of the Sangbodi tree, my thirst
5. Let me be known by my mother, my father, my                     quenched.
   teacher, or my ancestors. This is not my glory be-        14.   At birth itself, man experiences pain and suffering.
   cause I did not contribute anything. My parents gave            Hence, throughout life there will be thorns to walk
   birth to me, my teachers gave me knowledge. My                  upon. Amongst these thorns, you will have to blos-
   ancestors are my pride. With my knowledge, work                 som the flowers of your life like tender rose petals.
   and life, I will create my identity, and in doing so I    15.   God wants to choose you for great work. You have
   will increase the honour of my parents, my teach-               to just open up and let the vastness enter you com-
   ers and my country.                                             pletely. When through meditation and prayer you be-
6. I am not a believer in fate, material enjoyment or              come the messenger of the Lord’s powers, then the
   terrorism. I am a believer in humanity, patriotism,             divine powers are at work with you as the medium.
                                           ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 6
16. When you long greedily for fame in the external          25. You should never forget your past. The knowledge
    world, it means you have not yet attained inner              of the past saves us from mistakes and in the per-
    wealth or peace. The day you gain the inner king-            son who reaches the top, the remembrance of the
    dom or happiness, you will Yourself proclaim, ¶izkIra        past prevents arrogance. It is only because of for-;a {kh.kk% {ksrO;k% Dys'kk% fNUu% f'y"ViokZ           getting the past that people forget their parents. If
    HkolaØe% ;L;kfoPNsnkTtk;rs tfuRok p fez;rsA¸                 the memories of childhood and the mother’s womb
    (Maharshi Vyas-yogsutra 1.16)                                are remembered, then you will never disregard your
17. Take care not to repeat mistakes. Repetition of mis-         parents. Even after touching the sky, remembering
    takes leads to hindrance in progress and your inner          the past keeps a person’s feet on the ground.
    strength decreases.                                      26. It is God himself who give birth to us in the form of
18. Knowledge does not simply mean knowing; it                   our parents. In this way, experiencing the divine
    means becoming that knowledge.¶l ,oa Hkofr ;                 relationship in every relationship is yoga.
    ,oa osnA¸                                                   INSULT TO WOMAN IS INSULT TO MOTHER
19. Be determined but not obstinate. Be brave but not            The real beauty of a woman is not her body but her
    impulsive. Be kind but not weak. Be silent but not           character. Woman is not a commodity to be sold in
    arrogant. Be clever but not cunning. Be patient but          the market. She is Sita, Savitri, Jagadamba, Durga,
    not irresponsible. Show respect but do not be a cow-         Taravati, Gargi, Madalasha, Mahalaksmi, Meera and
    ard. There should be sweetness but not flattery.             Laksmibai. Woman is the affection of a mother, re-
    There should be justice but not a feeling of revenge.        gard of a wife and love of a daughter. Do not make
20. A prayer for forgiveness or penance is something             women a saleable commodity and do not joke about
    that is done just once; it loses it’s meaning it re-         the character of a woman. This is an insult to mother.
    peated again and again.                                      The way electronic media keeps placing a question
21. My head has the intellect of a Brahmin, my arms              mark over the character of the aware mothers, sis-
    have the valour, strength and the heroic energy of a         ters and daughters of the nation, it should be op-
    Kshatriya, my belly has the business and manage-             posed with full strength. These carnivores of the
    ment skills of a Vaishya, and in my feet I have the          market with rotten minds should be made to under-
    ability to serve like a Sudra. This is my caste vow.         stand that the women of India are not character-
22. I am Agni; I am knowledge, light, speed, the chief           less – they are the highest degree of purity.
    and the commander. ¶vfXujfLe tUeuk tkrosn%¸                      CONTINUOUS FLOW OF THOUGHT
    (Rig Veda 3.26.7). The fire of resolution is always
                                                             27. In my inner and outer life, pure qualities such as
    burning within me. The path of my life is always
    lighted.                                                     non-violence, truth, love, kindness, affection, valour,
           PARENTS – GODS ON EARTH                               courage, strength, might, and self-respect, etc. should
23. Always keep happiness and a smile on your face.              always be found. To keep this flow unobstructed,
    Give respect to others; you will get respect. Give           one should determinedly immerge yourself in self-
    happiness to others; you will get happiness. Serve           study, and utmost devotion unto God and worship
    your parents; in old age your children will serve you.       of gods. teacher’s nearness, his life, teachings and
24. A mother keeps her child for nine months in the              conduct gives us strength from within, and keeps
    womb with love, kindness, affection and maternal
                                                                 the holy flow of our life continuous.
    feelings. After this, she keeps her child on her lap
    for nine months, and till she dies, a mother keeps       28. If you smile, the world smiles along with you, and
    her child in her heart. The four worlds can be found         when you feel sad, depressed, defeated and help-
    at your parents’ feet. Parents are the God of this           less, the world will seem extremely sad to you.
    world. Children are the only desire of parents. Never    29. Happiness does not come from outside, but from
    insult such parents. Do not leave them in old age            within. Happiness appears when you are in a com-
    homes otherwise in the next life God will give an            pletely silent, unconscious and peaceful state. Live
    animal’s birth to you where your father will often
                                                                 a life that is always full of inner enthusiasm, energy
    not be known and mother will leave you in child-
    hood. Howsoever you sow, so shall you reap. Hence,           and self-confidence. God has created and chosen
    awaken! Once again adopt the culture of ¶ekr`nsoks           you for a great purpose.
    Hko] fir`nsoks Hko] vkpk;Znsoks Hko] vfrfFknsoks Hko¸    30. You doubt yourself and the Lord at times. How-
    . My mother is my god, my father is my god, my               ever, it is strange that people never doubt untruth or
    teacher is my god, and my guest is my god.                   hatred.

                                            ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 7
Wake Up! Always be Positive!                            ing but purity of thought.
   Always be a collector of nectar, be curious!                 41. Jealousy, crime, cruelty, exploitation, injustice,
  At every moment experience God’s contact!                         irreligion, and corruption are nothing but the out-
    The Lord always gives us more than what we                      come of impure thoughts.
    deserve, more than our abilities and our labour.            42. Pure thought is the basis of a person’s pure food,
31. pjSosfr&pjSosfr] pju~ oS eèkq foUnfr. If there is a rest        pure behaviour, pure conduct and pure life.
    during work then this rest is a sin. Do not let ob-         43. Ethics is nothing but the purity of thoughts.
    stacles stop you, do not let trouble and temptation         44. A resolute thought is the bridge of success.
    over power you, do not let insults divert you. Keep         45. Purity of thoughts builds up social capability.
    marching forward till you reach your goal.                  46. Thoughts are the gateway to happiness.
32. The sound of a single deed is louder than a thou-           47. Good thought is the root of good conduct.
    sand words – it is very powerful. Let us believe in         48. Our entire life is the outcome of our thoughts.
    the culture of showing by example and not merely                Thought is the seed of this tree of life.
    in making speeches.                                         49. With unrelenting good resolution and thought, even
33. It is only our thoughts and culture that can be                 a wicked man can become great.
    wealthy or great. Similarly, it is only our thoughts        50. Thought is human, while lack of thought is animal.
    and culture that can be poor, destitute or infamous.        51. Pure thought is the voice behind sweet and effec-
34. A person lost in a crowd can be found but a person              tive words.
    who is lost in the crowd of thoughts will spend his         52. Purity of thought is the solution to all our problems.
    entire life in darkness. A person trapped in the web            Pure thought is the foundation of a healthy, pros-
    of thoughts will end his life in the same way as a              perous and strong nation.
    spider ends its life by tying itself in his web it spuns.   53. I am confident that the same pure thoughts that made
35. Old age is not how many years you have lived; it is             me rise high, that increased my self-confidence and
    the outcome of your thoughts. If there is energy,               took me ahead on my mission will also awaken ev-
    power, valour, courage and self-respect then even               ery individual of the nation, will awaken the self-
    with increasing age, a person will remain young. A              respect of the nation and when everyone performs
    country will only become great with the knowledge               his own duties with entire strength, then certainly
    of the elderly and the courage, valour and self-re-             my country will become great and it will lead the
    spect of the youth. A very big difference between               world.
    the elderly and the young is – the young are not            54. My biggest strength is my thoughts. My pure
    fearful of the outcome while the elderly remain con-            thoughts have protected me from sin; my thoughts
    stantly fearful of personal outcomes, and hence,                gave me the courage to fight against obstacles and
    cannot take decisions quickly.                                  adversities. It is because of my thoughts that I have
36. If the flow of my opinions is not able to change the            been able to turn my defeat into my victory, and it
    corrupt people, corrupt governments and corrupt                 only because of them that I have come out all the
    systems, then I will be helpless and will be forced             more powerful after going through the worst of the
    to protect my motherland from injustice, poverty,               worst disasters.
    hunger, lack of education, social irregularities, ha-       55. When impure thoughts of jealousy, antipathy, anger
    tred, crime, misconduct, ill intentions, anger and re-          and revenge can make a person hateful and crimi-
    venge, and will have to undertake a wide-spread                 nal, then why can’t pure thoughts make a person
    revolution to remove the wide-spread injustice,                 patriotic, spiritual, humanitarian and progressive?
    crime, exploitation and hatred.                             56. When with impure thought a person can be made
37. Thought is the biggest strength and wealth. Thought             characterless, when a person can sell his or her
    is the greatest power in the world. Thoughts have               body, religion and humanity, why can’t pure thought
                                                                    create a person of character?
    unlimited strength and energy. Thoughts are evi-
                                                                57. If the seeds of hatred and dislike can be sown within
    dence, sacrifice, might, valour, courage and self-
                                                                    a person with the help of bad thoughts, why can’t
    respect. Thoughts can rage like the fire and storm,             the flowers of love, kindness and affection bloom
    and be calm like peace and contentment.                         with the help of pure thoughts?
38. Pure thought-flow is life. In other words, breaking         58. When impure thought can be used to instigate a
    up the thought-flow is death.                                   person into crime and lawlessness to break down a
39. The great vows of non-violence and truth are noth-              society, why can’t pure thought be used to awaken
    ing but the purity of thought.                                  the inner soul of a person to unite society?
40. Morality, spirituality and humanitarianism are noth-        59. Just as food is the basis for our physical growth,
                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 8
similarly thought is the basis for the growth of our         nation becomes, and this becomes the cause of its
      mind, wisdom, intellect and all other feelings.             ruin. Hence, along with exaltation, the effort should
60.   Just as a person becomes malnourished with the                                not slow down.
      use of adulterated or imbalanced food, in the same                                  SERVICE
      way, people become susceptible to illusions with           70. Without service, the intellect is not purified and with-
      polluted, impure and imbalanced thoughts; and it is            out purification of the intellect, the divine Lord can-
      this illusion of thoughts that is the root cause of cor-       not be experienced. Hence, you should always be
      ruption, hatred, crime and restlessness.                       on the lookout for opportunities for service.
61.   Our sorrow and happiness do not depend on others                              SOCIAL WELFARE
      but rather on our own thought.                             71. Man remains more alert to others than about one-
62.   Impure thoughts are the root cause of all problems             self; if we have the same alertness towards our-
      such as hatred, tension, crime, murder and suicide.            selves and become aware of our mind, thoughts,
      Impure thoughts are the reason for all kinds of de-            feelings, behaviour and work then it will lead to our
      terioration such as wickedness, obstinacy and arro-            welfare. Hence, before trying to improve the world,
      gance.                                                         improve yourself. First, become a good person then
63.   Poverty of thought is the cause for sorrow, defi-              you will automatically improve the world. Just as
      ciency and retrogression in the nation. Resolute and           shadow is the outcome of the tree; only if the tree
      firm thought is the backbone of happiness, prosper-            is there, we will get the shadow. Bring about your
      ity and progress.                                              welfare, and the welfare of the world will happen
64.   It is important to take care of historical inheritances.       on its own.
      However, the rope that Mahatma Gandhi used to              72. How will one who hasn’t quenched his own thirst
      tie his goat with is exhibited in museums but the              quench the thirst of others? How can a sleeping
      rope that was used to hang immortal martyrs such               person awaken others? How can a hungry individual
      as Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Ashfaq Ullah                satisfy the hunger of others? Hence, before the
      Khan, and Ramprasad Bismil is not seen in any                  welfare of the world, first accomplish self-welfare.
      museum, it is the misfortune of the nation. Because            First wake up yourself! Then awaken others!!
      by remembering the sacrifice of the martyrs the                 WORSHIP CHARACTER, NOT THE IMAGE
      self-respect of the people will awaken, and corrupt,       73. Worship character, not the image. Worship person-
      cunning and criminal people won’t be able to rob               ality, not the person. Let us not live life by merely
      the nation any longer.                                         worshipping stone idols. Let us become worship-
                             LIFE                                    pers of consciousness and awaken the flood of yoga
65. Each morning of life is a new birth for me and each              and patriotism in stone hearts.
    day is like one life for me. I will do today all those                                WORK
    things for which God has sent me to this world.              74. Work is religion. Work is worship. Rest is a sin and
66. My life as well as my death – both should be                     rest only occurs at the end of work. Your own work
    honourable.dhfrZ;ZL; l thofr. Live life not with                 is your own religion. Total dedication towards your
    timidity and weakness but with self-respect and self-            own work is the worship of God.
    knowledge. God has created you for great work.                           WHY CAN’T THIS HAPPEN?
67. Life is a celebration. Life is God’s greatest gift. This     75. When, for a paltry sum of money, people of our
    body is the house of God, the residence of Shiva.                own nation can become treacherous, can’t the
    This body is the temple of God. This body is not to              people of our country be made upright and honest
    be fought against. The soul is immortal, everyoung,              in order to protect the magnificence of our nation?
    constant, indestructible, light, energetic, peaceful and         A handful of people are ready to sell the country
    contented.                                                       for a handful of money, betray the nation. But there
68. As long as there is life, a person should not become             are thousands and millions of people who would die
    lifeless. Keep moving towards your goal with de-                 for their nation rather than sell themselves. We have
    termination showing friendship to the happy, kind-               to unite such patriotic people.
    ness to the sad, love to the good and contempt to
                                                                                  FROM ‘I’ TO ‘LOVE’
    the wicked. You will definitely get success one day
    and will always remain happy in life.                        76. Where ‘me’ and ‘mine’ unites, there love, kindness,
            DO NOT GIVE UP THE EFFORT                                affection and surrender is born, there service and
69. Often, the more developed a civilization is; the                 goodwill evolves by itself. In worldly relationships
   more developed a civilization, person, society and                where ‘I’ and ‘mine’ are joined, we would always
 nation is, the lazier that civilization, person, society or         be ready to sacrifice for our close relatives. When
                                               ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 9
‘I’ and ‘mine’ gets united         emotional. Sensitivity makes us aware of our re-
                                  with the country, the feel-        sponsibility and keeps us involved in self-duties and
                                  ing arises that this coun-         national duties.
                                  try is mine and what I am                         SELF-QUALITIES
                                  today is solely because of     84. Just as cold, heat, hunger and thirst are the qualities
                                  the country. It is then that       of the body, honour-insult, happiness-sorrow and
                                  a person will become               profit-loss are the qualities of the mind. Similarly,
                                  ready to sacrifice his ev-         love, kindness, affection, respect, devotion, surren-
                                  erything for the nation.           der, peace and joy are the qualities of the soul. The
                                  The life that is within me         qualities of the soul are your self-qualities. Wor-
                                  is because of the trees            shipping the Lord by doing your own work, while
                                  that grow on the soil of           keeping your self-qualities intact, will take you to
                                  this nation. This country          Samadhi and fulfillment. LodeZ.kk reH;P;Z flf¼a
    has given birth to me and the food and water of this             foUnfr ekuo% (Gita 18.46).
    nation’s land has kept me alive. The nation has given                                  LOVE
    me wealth, power, property and respect. The tears            85. Love is not desire, it is worship. Excess of desire
    of the mothers, sisters, daughters, children and hu-             kills love. Love is the highest degree of surrender
    man of this nation are my sorrow, and the well-                  and belief. Love is the cooling shadow of purity,
    being of the nation is my happiness. Even if one                 affection and maternal feelings and an honour to
    person in the country is helpless, destitute, poor, hun-         effort, courage, valour and self-respect. True love
    gry or sick, then this pain of Mother India is my                is the one that parents have towards their children,
    sorrow, my pain. It is my duty or obligation, it is my           a teacher has towards his student and a patriot has
    national responsibility, it is my service ethics to make         towards his nation. Others are just attraction, illu-
    sure that not even one individual of my nation dies              sion and false quenching of the body’s thirst.
    of hunger or sickness.                                                                GURU
           WE MUST THINK LIKE THIS?                              86. Saints, guru and acharyas advise us while they are
77. There is no permission for “No”.                                 living at a very high state of the intellect or are as-
78. I will follow the advice and orders of my teachers               cended on divine knowledge in a state that is free
    and scriptures to my utmost capacity. This is my                 from life. If we too connect ourselves with that state
    work-culture.                                                    of life consciousness then we will also say what the
79. Always set your frequency to positive mode be-                   saints are saying and our lives too will become com-
    cause there is a constant flow of energy waves,                  pletely transformed like the saints’.
    both positive and negative, from the universe. We            87. Guru is one who awakens, connects you with the
    have to accept only the positive vibrations from the             eternal, tells you the direction, gives you what you
    universe.                                                        have lost, teaches you to call, introduces you to your
80. Instead of thinking “What can I do by myself?”,                  soul, shows you the way and finally, makes you like
    think “What can I not do by myself!” Nothing is                  him. However, remember that guru will just show
    impossible in this world, everything is possible.                you the way; you will have to do the walking your-
81. When corrupt, treacherous, criminal, and irrespon-               self.
    sible people can together rob the nation, why can’t          88. Someone asked a Sufi saint for his introduction –
    patriotic, honest, responsible and awakened individu-            What do you eat? What do you wear? Where do
    als get together to protect the nation?                          you stay? The saint replied – I eat death, I wear
       SHED APPREHENSIONS, BE POSITIVE!                              shrouds, and I stay in the grave.
82. You sometimes have doubts about truth, love, self                              FIND YOUR GURU
    and God, but how strange that a person never doubts          89. You truly see your guru when you become one with
    untruth or hatred. Always be positive! Always be                 the mind, wisdom, speech, behaviour and will of guru
    open to new ideas! Feel the connection with God                  or a saint, and live your life with divine conscious-
    every moment! The Lord always gives us more than                 ness like him. This is why it is said, ¶lkèkwuka n'kZua
    what we can do, what we deserve and what we                      iq.;a] rhFkZHkwrk fg lkèko%A¸ Perceiving this body of
    do.                                                              flesh and bones is not the complete vision. See the
                      BE SENSITIVE                                   soul inside the body.
83. Emotion diminishes a person’s intellect and sensi-                       CONVERSATION WITH GURU
    tivity enriches humanity. Hence, be sensitive, not           90. Obtaining intelligence directly or indirectly through
                                                                     study of books of the guru is a direct conversation
                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 10
with the guru. Each divine sound of the words in               fear. If we cannot create any living being, then who
    the scriptures or written by the guru will ech in you          gave us the right to kill them? And we kill any ani-
    and you will feel that his life is speaking to you             mal for the reason that they do not look like us.
    through the scriptures or his words. Such self-study           However, all animals have heart, brain and eyes.
    transforms our life and makes us images of our guru.           They have sorrow and deep pain but we kill them
                        RELIGION                                   because they do not have any weapons for their
91. Omnipresent and scientific truth is omnipresent re-            security or because in this new era of the demo-
    ligion. That which does not measure up to the stan-            cratic drama, they do not have the voting rights.
    dards of omnipresent and scientific truths is not re-          Only if they could also speak like us! Maybe then
    ligion; it is illusion. I am religious, not blinded by         they could have made us realize their pain and sor-
    religion. I will not make religion a business nor will         row. But what to do, these animals do not know
    I make work dirty.                                             how to speak in human language and we celebrate
92. Religion is another name for superior conduct. Re-             our joy by cruelly killing these mute animals who do
    ligion is not merely symbolic, it affects your con-            not desire anything and have not committed any sin,
    duct. The principal root of religious symbols such             and feel glorified in carnivorously tearing apart flesh
    as the Sikha (top-knot) and Sutra (thread) is also             and eating it like dogs and wolves. There can be no
    conduct. Symbolic religion without observing the               greater sin or crime than this. If you can lead a
    established rule of conduct is nothing but illusion            vegetarian life without killing innocent animals, then
    and irreligion. Hence, become religious, not blinded           why are you continuing to kill them? Man is veg-
    by religion.                                                   etarian by nature. The organization of the human
93. I do not believe in conversion of religion. Religion is        body is that of a vegetarian being – this is a scien-
    nothing but good qualities which includes non-vio-             tific truth.
    lence, truth, affection, service, control, and good                                ABILITY
    behaviour. All these qualities are present in all reli-    98. You have, within yourself, unlimited capability, abil-
    gions. Hence, there is no such thing as conversion             ity and energy to make the impossible possible. You
    in religion. Religion is nothing but premium ideals of         too can obtain the glory of standing with the front
    a worthy life.                                                 line people of the world. You can write a new his-
                                                                   tory of your power, courage and valour on the fore-
94. I do not think it is necessary to try and convert people
                                                                   head of time.
    by establishing schools and hospitals because even
    I have changed the lives of crores of people from
                                                                          TIME AND LIFE MANAGEMENT
                                                               99. Time is wealth. He who does not honour time or
    various classes and religions. I have given them
                                                                   walk with time is never forgiven by time.
    health, have given life to people who were very near
                                                               100. By keeping six hours for sleep, one hour for yoga,
    death but I haven’t changed the religion of even a
                                                                   one hour for daily tasks, two hours for members of
    single person.
                                                                   the family, you should dedicate the remaining 14
                          F OOD                                    hours to hard work. This is the best time-manage-
95. Just as poisonous food causes frightening harm to              ment in life. This is life management or life philoso-
    our body, similarly harmful thoughts too cause fright-         phy.
    ening tension, sorrow, restlessness and incurable               BEHAVIOUR – SEE EVERYTHING EQUALLY
    diseases after entering our mind. Hence, if you want
                                                               101. Always keep your feelings and vision at equilib-
    to attain a superior personality, then be alert towards
                                                                  rium. However, it is not always possible to always
    your food and thoughts at every moment. The
                                                                  behave in the same manner. Everyone is the image
    amount of cruelty a person does on his body is prob-
    ably not done by him on anyone else.                          of my Lord. Everyone is my image. I am in every-
96. This body is the house of God, the residence of               one, everyone is in me. This world is nothing but an
    Shiva. This body is the temple of God. Do not make            expansion of my ‘I’ – this is a feeling of equilib-
    it a bar by drinking alcohol, a hospital by the intake        rium. One should behave with a teacher as a teacher.
    of tobacco, etc. or a graveyard or cremation ground           With mother, daughter and wife, there are worldly
    by eating meat, etc. Be conscientious about rituals,          and behavioural differences. Even God does not
    frugality and wellbeing. Have pure, balanced and              behave in the same way with everyone; he pun-
    complete food in time and make your body healthy.             ishes the wicked and protects the good. He is kind
            WHY ONLY VEGETARIANISM?                               and also metes out justice. Feeling occurs at the
97. Just as we have to live in this world, similarly other        level of the soul, while behaviour occurs at the level
    living beings too have the right to live here without         of the body or the world.

                                             ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 11
                        1. There is no greater religion than duty towards the nation. There is no God greater
Unfortunately, even        than the nation. National interest is above everything. I will not betray the nation
  after 60 years of        for my personal, political, economic and family welfare. I will contribute my body,
 independence, we          mind, wealth, life and vote for national interest.
cannot identify our                                    POLITICAL AUTHORITY
                        2. To leave the authority of the nation in the hands of corrupt, dishonest, criminal,
 country with one          cowardly, weak, and foolish people is an insult to the country. Hence, come! Take
name, one language         a resolution of 100% voting and stop corrupt and dishonest people from reaching
  and one culture.         the pinnacle of administration.
                        3. The political leaders of the nation have shown false dreams of progress and the
Now let this country       religious leaders have given false consolations, thus exploiting the Indian people
of sages, Aryavarta,       since ages. Now the time has come to move away from dreams, consolations and
remain Bharat. Do          imaginations and see the present reality of the nation and religion. We have to adopt
not feel glorified by      a healthy and ideal political religion along with transparency, scientific, religious
                           and spiritual thought and should come forward to stop the erosion of our aspira-
  calling it by the        tions.
 symbol of slavery,                                         INDEPENDENCE
        India.          4. Independence without any direction makes a person, society and nation unre-
                           strained and thoughtless bondage makes a person frustrated. Hence, the eyes of
                           the mind should always be kept open in nature independence and administration.
                           The search for truth is only in independence.
                                                       NATIONAL LEADERSHIP
                        5. If the leadership of a country lacks valour, humility, transparency and farsighted-
                           ness, then the nation will never be secure. Today, unfortunately, cowardliness and
                           weakness have replaced valour, hypocrisy has replaced transparency, and mo-
                           mentary selfish gain and motive has replaced farsightedness. We have to change
                           this misfortune into good fortune. Similarly, if a person, family, society or organi-
                           zation does not have valour, humility, skill and farsightedness then that person,
                           family, society or organization will also never become successful.
                        6. It is excellent to have knowledge of foreign languages because this is essential for
                           communication, business, contact and culture. However, using the language of
                           another country as our national language is a tremendous insult and something to
                           be ashamed of. No civilized country in the world imparts education to its citizens
                           in a foreign language. We will make the national language, Hindi, and other Indian
                           languages such as Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali,
                           Assamese, etc. the language of administration. We will impart science, technology
                           and management education in Indian languages and thus give right to the children
                           of the poor, labourers and farmers to also become doctors, IAS, IPS and scien-
                        7. The society or country in which good people are not respected and honoured, and
                           the wicked are not insulted or punished is sure to be ruined.
                              viwT;k ;=k iwT;Urs iwT;kuka p foekuukA
                              =khf.k r=k izorZUrs nqfHkZ{ka ej.ka Hk;e~AA
                                                                                         (Panchatantra 3.192)
                           Hence, good people, truthful people and patriots should be given communal honour
                           while the wicked people and traitors should be rebuked in public or communal
                           places. It is only then that good people will increase in society and corrupt people
                           will decrease.
                        8. How can law-breakers be law-makers? When tainted people cannot even become
                                    ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 12
small clerks and officers, how can they become              16. The nation’s honour
    MLAs, MPs, ministers or the prime minister?                     is my honour and
9. Never give a final judgment on anyone. Never com-                pride, and if the
    pare two people or great men. Never expect or wait              country’s image or
    for something. Wish never gets fulfilled. Unfulfilled           the nation’s pride is
    desires lead to sorrow and give birth to the feelings           blemished in any way,
    of anger and revenge.                                           then it is my insult. I
10. If you do not oppose injustice or crime then please             will awaken the
    understand that you are a supporter of injustice and            nation’s self-pride and
    crime. You are as big a criminal as the person who              will dedicate my life to
    commits injustice, irreligion and crime.                        the good of the nation.
11. I am not a person who will admit defeat or commit               ¶vkss3e~ jk"Vªk; LokgkA
    suicide because of the corrupt systems and laws of              bna jk"Vªk; bnUu eeA¸
    society. I am a warrior who will struggle to establish          This life is for the na-
    truth, justice and dignity with my last breath and gain         tion. This is my holy vow and I will remove all traces
    victory. People who accept defeat are weak, cow-                of those who betray my nation. If people ask me
    ardly and timid.                                                why I talk about the nation, then I tell them that this
                 FOUR SUPERPOWERS                                   country is my own country and I express the sorrow
12. Wealth power, people power, ruling power and soul               of my heart with my entire strength so that the self-
    power are four superpowers. We want to increase                 respect of the entire nation awakens. There are people
    the soul power with the help of yoga and unite people           who do not speak for the nation, that is, even if there
    power and stop the exploitation of the nation’s wealth.         is injustice and betrayal going on in the nation, they
    We want to make the country economically strong.                remain silent. Such people do not respect the nation
    At the same time, we want to keep a check on the                and do not work for the nation. To such people, I
    ruling power and want to encourage good conduct,                would like to say very clearly that if you do not love
    dignity and traditions. This is because unrestrained            this country, you have no right to live in this country.
    ruling power leads to wickedness in people power            17. Our culture, our values, ideals, social systems and
    and with misuse of wealth power, hatred, cruelty,               traditions are not so weak that we have to take help
    restlessness and anarchy spreads in society.                    from the philosophy of foreign thinkers such as Lenin,
               TWO FORMS OF POWER                                   Marx or Mao. Our Vedic socialism and spiritualism is
13. When people-power and wealth-power increases on                 a balanced, all-encompassing and scientifically com-
    the side of corrupt, dishonest and criminal people,             plete philosophy. Indian philosophy emphasizes more
    then there is hatred, crime, fear, terrorism, injustice,        on others’ good rather than one’s own happiness.
    exploitation and finally destruction of the nation or           Hence, we do not need any imported social, religious,
    world. When people-power and wealth power in-                   spiritual or political thinking. This is not arrogance
    creases in the side of good people, then service, good          but self-pride. I am not against knowledge but, at the
    will, brotherhood and love will increase, nationalism,          same time, I am also not a supporter of ignorance.
    spiritualism and humanitarianism will get strength and          This is a truth accepted by all that India’s Vedic phi-
    the nation will prosper and progress. Whenever asuras           losophy is the supreme philosophy of the world.
    got administrative control, property and power, there       18. The rules, laws and democratic systems of the country
    was destruction, and demigods always used admin-                are being used less to punish the bad and criminal
    istrative control, property and power for th good of            elements and more to torture the good folks and pa-
    mankind.                                                        triots. If this is not an insult to democracy and free-
14. The glorious past of the nation is my pride. The na-            dom then what is it?
    tion that does not take pride in its past and that is not         FROM YOGA DUTY TO NATIONAL DUTY
    aware of it’s present problems, cannot create a golden      19. I want to asspcoate everyone with the religion of yoga
    future.                                                         in order to kindle in them the religion of the nation. I
15. I have as much love for my motherland as I do for               want to fill each one with the feeling of patriotism.
    my mother, sister, daughter or teacher. My nation is            After self-development with the help of yoga each
    everything for me. If my nation did not exist, I would          morning, I want to fill myself with energy so as to
    not exist. My head is the Himalayas, my right arm is            help the nation’s development. After self-awakening
    Purbanchal or the lands of the east, my left arm                with the help of yoga, I want to take ahead the holy
    Paschimanchal or the lands of the west, and towards             mission of national awakening. The question arises
    my feet is the Indian Ocean. India is in me. I am               in a number of people’s minds about the relationship
    from India. I am India. I will make India the world’s           between yoga and the nation’s progress. So, I want
    superpower an India that leads the world in spiritual,          to make it clear that without self-progress, the nation’s
    social, economic and political ways I will make. This           progress is impossible. Hence, by self-development
    is my vow.                                                      with the help of yoga each morning, we will be dedi-

                                             ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 13
cated to the progress and prosperity of the nation the          if the person who does not love the nation is a rela-
      entire day. Yoga and nationalism are not two different          tion or family member, do not keep any relationship
      philosophies but are two sides of the same coin!                with him. In cleanliness and health too, first comes
20.   THE CONDUCT OF CITIZENS AND LEADERS                             the cleanliness and health of the nation; in prosperity,
      THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF NATIONALISM                             first comes the prosperity of the nation; and even in
   The seven principles of nationalism, valour, trans-                progress, he who first makes an effort for the
   parency, farsightedness, humanitarianism, spiritual-               progress of the nation is a nationalist. In education,
   ism, and humility are the seven pillars or ideals of our           he who considers national education to be the best is
   personal and national lives. These seven principles                a nationalist. In languages, he who keeps the language
   are the main ideals to be followed for our self-duties,            of the nation foremost in his life, conduct and
   national duties and work processes. The seven prin-                behaviour, is a nationalist. He, who loves his own
   ciples form the benchmark for our citizens and lead-               nation’s education, habits, culture, yoga, religion,
   ers. The person who follows these seven principles                 philosophy and spirituality, is a nationalist. He, who
   is a true citizen of the nation. Only a person who                 is dedicated to building a clean, healthy, prosperous
   lives according to these seven principles can provide              and cultural India, to building a self-dependent coun-
   leadership to the nation. It is with these seven prin-             try, a country that is free from hunger, poverty and
   ciples that we want to bring in a new revolution and               unemployment and has a 100 per cent compulsory
   a new freedom to our personal life and national life,              vote bank, with the help of a controlled population, is
   and make India a world leader again by establishing                a nationalist. He, who is resolute on the complete
   an ideal system in the country. We want to make In-                progress and research on Indian treatment methods
   dia a superpower by following these seven principles.              – Yoga, Ayurveda, Yunani and Siddh, etc., is a nation-
   India will lead the world socially, spiritually and mor-           alist. He, who loves the Vedic Indian knowledge, In-
   ally and usher in a new age of happiness, prosperity               dian food habits, Indian dress habits, India farming
   and peace in the entire world. Each nationalist-minded             and Indian traditions inherited from the sages derived
   citizen and public-service providing leader should fol-            from Indian knowledge, that is, Veda, Philosophy and
   low these seven principles –                                       Upanishad, etc., is a nationalist. He who loves Indian
I. Nationalism: He, who always keeps the nation in                    sports, Indian arts and culture and India’s ancient
   the utmost position, is a nationalist. He, who consid-             language, Sanskrit, all Indian languages and the na-
   ers the first religion among all religions to be that of           tional language, and considers the national language
   the nation, and only after that comes personal reli-               to be above everything, is a nationalist. Even in enter-
   gion – Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, etc., is a na-              tainment, he who believes in Indian entertainment
   tionalist. He, who considers his nation to be the fore-            based on values, morals and traditions, is a national-
     most among all gods, is a nationalist. He, who con-              ist. By nationalism, national duties and national laws,
      siders the of the nation to be above his personal,              we denote all the systems, rules and laws, ideals and
      family and economic interest, is a nationalist.                 values and traditions, following which the nation at-
                    Amongst the different kinds of love,              tains happiness, prosperity and well-being, and the
                     foremost is love of the nation; even in          nation moves continuously in the direction of
                       life and the world, love only those            progress. Our ideals of nationalism and national duty
                           who love their nation. Do not              are – Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Chandragupta,
                              love the person who does not            Vikramaditya, Emperor Ashok, Tilak, Gokhale,
                              love his nation. In worship and         Gandhiji, Netaji Subhash, Chattrapati Shivaji, Iron man
                              devotion, first comes the wor-          Sardar Patel, and Lal Bahadur Shastri, etc.
                            ship and devotion of the nation,          He, who does not use foreign products made with
                            after that comes devotion to              zero-technology, is a nationalist.
                            God, devotion to mother and de-       II. Valour: He, who does not take even a moment to
                            votion to teacher, etc. In prayer,        take a decision for the welfare of the nation, and does
                            first comes prayer to the nation;         not fear anyone in taking or carrying out decisions
                            in meditation, first comes medi-          for the welfare of the nation, who does not get trapped
                            tation of the nation; in thoughts         by superstition and lives his life with work, labour,
                            and thinking, first comes the             bravery, courage, enthusiasm, and self-respect, has
                           thought of the nation; in work,            valour. When a person does not take the work related
                            first comes the work of the na-           to the good of the nation lightly and does it aggres-
                             tion; in pride, he who keeps the         sively, who takes rests only after every pure mission
                              pride of the nation foremost is         that he takes upon himself has reached success with-
                               a nationalist. In relations, the       out being diverted by struggle, obstacles and insults
                               first relationship or connec-          or being influenced by propaganda, such a person
                               tion is with the nation. Even          has valour. He believes in doing today whatever has

                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 14
to be done tomorrow, he feels that if a task has to be           that external religions, etc. do not become a threat to
    done tomorrow why can’t it be done today, and if                 humanity is humanitarianism. Keeping faith in these
    something hasn’t been done today, how can we think               human values is humanitarianism.
    that it will be done tomorrow? He believes in the            VI. Spiritualism: He, who considers universal and sci-
    philosophy of ‘If not now, never’, who never tires,              entific values, ideals and traditions to be his religion,
    never stops, and believes in rest only after work,               who might or might not be religious but is never a
    and¶vdekZ nL;q%¸ (Ved) and                                       fanatic, who sees God in all humanity and every other
       ¶dqoZUusosg dekZf.k ftthfo"ksPNr§ lek%A                       living being including plants, and who dedicates his
       ,oa Rof; ukU;Fksrks¿fLr u deZ fyI;rs ujsAA¸                   entire life to the service of all creatures and the world
                                           ( Yajurveda 40.2)         and diminishes the sorrow of the world, is spiritual.
     Live up to 100 years while working, that is the one             He rises above narrow thinking and loves mankind
     clear path of life. Work is worship. Work is the truth          and looks upon the whole world as his family. He,
     of life and this world. This entire creation is only an         who always keeps the feeling of ‘Vasudevah
     outcome of work. ¶LodeZ.kk reH;P;Z flf¼a foUnfr                 Kutumbakam’ in his heart, is spiritual. Spiritualism
     ekuo%¸ (xhrk 18-46), Shri Krishna says, worship God             and nationalism are not two opposing opinions spo-
                                                                     ken in two different languages. On the other hand,
     with your work. He, who considers
                                                                     these two are necessary in equal respect for the com-
     ‘Karmanyevdhikaraste Ma Phuleshu Kadachana’ to
                                                                     plete independence and self-security of every coun-
     be his motto, has valour.
                                                                     try and its citizens, According to worldly and national
III. Transparency: He, whose life is spotless, unstained
                                                                     organization, we are the citizens of an independent
     and pure, whose personal, family, business and so-
                                                                     country and the protection of its freedom, unity and
     cial life is based on the benchmark of the seven prin-
                                                                     integrity is our moral duty. This is our national duty,
     ciples, who does not lead a double life and stays alert
                                                                     and along with this, if we look at things from the
     about living a sinless life, such a person is skillful.
                                                                     angle of global brotherhood, global peace and social
     He, who does not have any difference between his
                                                                     coexistence then we are all one and are the sons of
     internal and outer lives, and has complete purity is
                                                                     one God. Hence, we are all brothers and sisters from
                                                                     the point of view of being god’s children. This is our
IV. Farsightedness: He, who is farsighted, raises above
                                                                     spiritual philosophy and spiritualism.
     the caste, region, zone, religion, opinion, party, com-
                                                                 VII. Humility: He, who is humble, serves others in an
     munity, language, etc., and respects all communities,
                                                                     extremely humble manner even after reaching the pin-
     talks of the progress of his area or region, respects
                                                                     nacle of power, property, luxury and knowledge, and
     all religions and Indian languages, and while doing all
                                                                     who always keeps the faith that this life and the en-
     this, does not forget the national well-being, respects
                                                                     tire world is the gift of the Lord. He is of the view
     all Indian languages and foreign languages too for
                                                                     that the master of this life and the world is one invis-
     contact and communication but while doing all this
                                                                     ible power, God, who is performing all my actions
     keeps the national language above everything else.
                                                                     Himself keeping me as a medium. This body-mind-
     He who keeps the interest of the nation above every-
                                                                     wealth-life belongs to God – one who lives with this
     thing else is farsighted. A person who gives rise to
                                                                     feeling is never arrogant of his work position or prop-
     madness of regionalism, religion, regional languages
                                                                     erty and such a person is humble. We have to live our
     and spreads hatred amongst the countrymen, and
                                                                     life like this and this is the truth of our life and world.
     burns the nation for the interest of the region, is not a
     farsighted person. Unfortunately, majority of our poli-
                                                                 21.                 SPIRITUALISM
                                                                       (Universal and scientific truths of spirituality,
     ticians today go from street to street asking for votes
                                                                                      religion and culture)
     in Indian languages and rule from the parliament in
                                                                     A person who is completely dedicated towards the
     English. Let us become farsighted and, leaving aside
                                                                     life values and ideals demonstrated by the sages such
     our petty political selfishness, keep the national inter-
                                                                     as the eight yoga principles of yam, niyam, asanas,
     est above everything else for which the coming gen-
                                                                     pranayam, restraint of the sense organs (Pratyahar),
     erations will remember us with pride as their ideal
                                                                     resolution, meditation and Samadhi, and the entire
     and as national figures.
                                                                     Indian religious, philosophical, spiritual and cultural
V. Humanitarianism: We are humans before being Hin-
                                                                     traditions, is spiritual, is religious. The five yams of
     dus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, etc. and our father
                                                                     non-violence, truth, asteya (not stealing the property
     is the same, no matter by what name we call him.
                                                                     of others), celibacy and asceticism demonstrated by
     God has sent us to this world as a human being.
                                                                     sage Patanjali and the five practices of purification,
     Hence, our first and main religion is humanitarian re-
                                                                     contentment, penance, self-learning and deep devo-
     ligion. We all have, naturally, within our hearts the
                                                                     tion into God have been accepted by me in the form
     God-given qualities of love, kindness, affection, truth,
                                                                     of the universal, scientific and global religion, spiritu-
     non-violence, etc. Hence, humanitarianism, truth and
                                                                     ality and culture and I am completely dedicated to the
     non-violence are our main religious tenets. Ensuring

                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 15
observance of ‘mansa, vacha and karmana’.Opposite               that is free from corruption, crime and exploitation.
      of yam and niyam such as hatred, untruth and steal-             Our head yoga teachers, deputy yoga teachers, co-
      ing, etc. can be considered a sin and a crime. India is         yoga teachers, workers and yoga practitioners will
      a country of extensive cultural traditions. Hence,              stay within the framework of these seven modes of
      whatever is universal and scientific in all the various         conduct and will first bring purity, modesty, and ex-
      religious, spiritual, cultural and communal traditions,         pertise into their personal lives and will then take
      we consider as religion. However, I am not a fol-               ahead the mission of national character building. First
      lower of whatever is superstition, pretence, wicked,            self-development and then we will offer everything
      inhuman and unscientific. I do not believe in such              for development of the nation. First self-interest and
      traditions and hence I am religious, not irreligious.           then the interest of the nation and the world – this is
      Instead of being the worshipper, publicist and ac-              our motto.
      cepter of the symbolic aspect of religion, I consider           Non-political lifestyle means that a person connected
      religion to be the superiority of conduct. I consider           strongly with our mission of building a new India
      the life values of non-violence, truth, love, kindness,         will not represent any political party and will not give
      service, patience, forgiveness, purity, contentment,            any special support to any group either directly or
      etc., to be religion. I consider the tenets of non-vio-         indirectly. Our political philosophy is – all party or no
      lence and truth in all the holy texts such as the Vedic         party. That is, support the people that have charac-
      scriptures, Quran, Bible and Gururgranth Sahib, etc.,           ter, transparency, expertise and nationalism, belong-
      to be religion. No matter whatever religion, opinion,           ing to all parties. Remember, do not give direct sup-
      group, community, etc., our personal hopes might                port even to honest politicians. Just as we give moral
      be based on, as a united nation, instead of being di-           support in a collective way through Yogpeeth to na-
      vided by worshipping various gods, we should be-                tionalist and honest people, in the same way moral
      lieve in the worship of the one Supreme power or the            support should be given to ideal persons, nationalist
      Lord. The Lord has various names in various lan-                politicians with character. ‘All party’ or ‘no party’
      guages such as Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, Arabic and             means that we do not represent any particular party
      English, etc. Amongst all these names, I address God            but we morally or emotionally support all the people
      by the name of ‘Om’ because this is the foremost                who are good in all parties. Hence, we are ‘all party’,it
      and most ancient sound of creation. This sound is               means we have no connection with the corrupt people
      universal and scientific. There are many other forms            in all the parties and that is why we are also ‘no party’.
      of ‘Om’ found in Indian philosophy and culture of               Our opposition is not any party or person, but it is
      other countries, such as Amen, Omen, etc. Intensive             theoretical and this is how it should remain. Any per-
      study and research on the scientific influences of ‘Om’         son who is directly connected to any political party
      reveals that Om is a pure, scientific and medical word.         cannot do complete justice to this mission. I am not a
      This is not a representative of any image, idol or reli-        representative or publicist of any political party. I am
      gious tradition. In short, I believe in a lifestyle based       a representative and publicist of national duty. We
      on nationalism, spiritualism, and idealism. I am not a          should always remember that our complete person-
      supporter of division on the basis of religion and re-          ality, our words, food habits and conduct is entirely
      gion. I am a supporter of nationalism, humanitarian-            according to the tradition of the sages and for the
      ism and spiritualism.                                           honour of this mission.
22.       SEVEN RULES OF IDEALISM FOR                             23. ekrk Hkwfe% iq=kks¿ga i`fFkO;k% (Atharva Ved 12.1.12)
                 YOGA TEACHERS                                        Earth is our mother and we are her children. Nation-
      Following are seven principles for the conduct of the           god is the greatest god. Religion of the nation means
      yogi brothers and sisters dedicated to nationalism:             our duty towards the nation, our responsibilities. Ful-
        1. Vegetarian                                                 filling them is our biggest religion. Just as irreligion
        2. No personal agenda                                         and injustice are sinful, it is equally sinful to bear up
        3. Healthy                                                    with atrocity. Every individual should have gratitude,
        4. Capable                                                    respect and pride towards the nation.
        5. Dedicated                                              24. It is unfortunate that even after 60 years of indepen-
        6. Non-political lifestyle
                                                                      dence we have not been able to identify our nation
        7. Commitment to spend at least 1-2 hours each
                                                                      with one name, one language and one culture. Now,
           day for yoga and national interest.
      The above-mentioned are mainly connected to our                 let this country of sages, Aryavartta, remain Bharat.
      personal life and conduct. If we do not give priority           Now let us not feel proud by calling it by the name of
      to purity, and national thought in our personal life,           India, the identity of slavery.
      and if we ourselves are not healthy, capable, dedi-         25. Those who do not love the soil, culture, civilization,
      cated and devoid of the obstinacy of politics, then             and the people of the nation have no right to stay in
      how can we fulfill the resolution of building a nation          this country.
                                               ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 16
OUR FIVE MAIN GOALS                              of self-confusion, and awaken India’s sleeping self-
1. Creating an India that is healthy, prosperous and tra-         respect by building national character.
   ditional with 100% voting, 100% nationalist thought,                     OUR ORGANIZATION BUILDING
   100% boycott of foreign companies, adoption of                             AND WORK PROCESS
   ‘swadeshi’, uniting the people of the nation 100%,         3. By observing the aforementioned five vows, we will
   and building an India that is100% yoga-oriented – This        build an India that is healthy, clean, prosperous, self-
   is the ‘Bharat Swabhiman’ mission. With this the na-          dependent, corruption-free, unemployment and pov-
   tion will get a new freedom and new system, and In-           erty-free – this is our firm resolution. To fulfil this
   dia will become great and the country’s greatest prob-        resolution, 1. Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), 2. Patanjali
   lem – corruption – will get solved.                           Yogpeeth (Trust) India and International, 3. Bharat
                       OUR FIVE VOWS                             Swabhiman International (NRI organization), 4.
2.       In the special training camps for yoga teachers,        Patanjali Treatment Centre, 5. Patanjali Yoga Samiti
   our participating brothers and sisters are asked to           and 6. Mahila Patanjali Yog Samiti – these six main
   take five vows in order to bring about the knowledge          organizations and the people of the nation are being
   of self-qualities through yoga, to make their mind and        involved through the medium of 15 different groups
   body healthy, and to build national character by devel-       in this yoga revolution and national awareness mis-
   oping own character. You too can take these vows              sion. These 15 groups are:
   and at the same time also request each teacher, devo-         1. Youth group
   tee, distinguished member, colleague, general mem-            2. Doctor group
   bers and every citizen in your district to take these         3. Teacher group
   vows and embark on the mission of building a healthy,         4. Financial service group
   prosperous and traditional India –                            5. Legal group comprising advocates and ex-judges
   1. We will only vote for patriotic, honest, valiant, far-     6. Ex-servicemen group
   sighted, and skillful people. We ourselves will vote          7. Farmer group
   100% and also make others vote.                               8. Industrialist and businessmen group
   2. We will unite all patriotic, sincere, aware, sensitive,    9. Worker group
   intelligent and honest people together 100% and unit-         10. Officer group
   ing the powers of the nation will bring about a new           11. Labour group
   freedom, new system and new change. We will make              12. Science and technology group
   India the biggest superpower in the world.                    13. Art and culture group
   3. We will 100% boycott foreign goods made with               14. Media group
   zero technology and adopt indigenous goods.                   15. Senior citizen group
   4. We will adopt nationalist thought 100%, and while                That is, a total of 15 groups will work. To estab-
   in our personal lives we observe Hindu, Islam, Chris-         lish these 15 groups in each district, the responsibility
   tian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, etc. religious traditions, in     of the selection of the members as well as the coordi-
   our public lives we will live like a true Indian – a true     nator will rest with the aforementioned six main orga-
   Hindustani.                                                   nizations of Bharat Swabhiman and 15 supporting
   5. We will make the entire country 100% yoga-ori-             groups, a total of 21 constituents of our complete or-
   ented and make the citizens inward-focused by mak-            ganization. These 21 groups, in the 21st century, will
   ing them healthy and arouse the feeling of self-pride         awaken ‘swadeshi’ in the entire nation by running a
   in each one by removing the cheating, corruption,             revolution of complete social, spiritual, moral rise and
   hopelessness, disbelief and self-languor arising because      bring about a new freedom and a new system in the
                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 17
country.                                                      from office, because all the government elements are there
   Including 1100 to 2100 yoga teachers from each dis-           for our security and to give us justice, and in return for
   trict, we will prepare 2100 to 5000 special members           their work, we give them heavy salaries. Do not be afraid
   of Bharat Swabhiman and the special members shall             of them. Definitely show them respectful behaviour but
   select 5,000 to 11,000 working members and these              keep in mind that they are not your masters and they are
   will prepare 5-11 lakh ordinary members of Bharat             there to serve you. In a democracy, every Indian is the
   Swabhiman (Trust).                                            master and he has moral and constitutional rights. Every
   To join in this national revolution through the medium        citizen has the right to live with complete freedom, com-
   of Bharat Swabhiman, contact the local Patanjali Yog          plete governance, and self-respect. Hence, wake up! And
   Samiti/ Patanjali Treatment centre to join any one of         do not quietly accept exploitation, injustice and corrup-
   the above-mentioned 15 groups and come forward to             tion in the name of governance. Whosoever is a corrupt
   become our teacher/member!                                    ruler, throw him out of power with the help of your vot-
    A BIG QUESTION MARK ON DEMOCRACY AND                         ing right; and vote 100% to bring into power those patri-
              THE CONSTITUTION                                   otic, brave, skillful and farsighted people who are honest,
    4. Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media are           who feel for the nation in their heart and sincerely want
the four pillars of this democracy. In a democracy, the          the progress of the nation! And save the nation! We will
voters are not helpless, destitute or slaves and the rulers      take a resolution that neither will we rob the nation and
are not masters; on the other hand, the rulers are public        nor will we allow corrupt, cunning and criminal minded
servants to whom people have given power and author-             people rob the nation. This country is mine. I will not
ity. Those MLAs and MPs have been elected by us to               allow it to be ruined. When majority of the leaders who
protect our well-being. We have not made them our rep-           sit in the Parliament and legislative assemblies themselves
resentative to dictate instead of rule or to do injustice to     make a joke of democracy and when those who take
us under the cover of the law. We do not give rights to          oaths on the Constitution themselves kill the Constitu-
the people’s representative so that they take away our           tion, then we cannot keep silent. I will build the India that
right to live. The rulers are our employees and in return        the martyrs dreamt of, bring a new independence to the
for their services, we give the MLA/MP, ministers, chief         nation, and will remove the exploitation and corruption
minister and prime minister their salaries, houses, entire       that is going on in the name of governance in the nation
expenses, travel and petrol expenses, car, etc. through          today.
our taxes. The rulers do not give free service, instead, in                    WHAT DEMOCRACY IS THIS?
return for this service, we give heavy salaries and entire           5. In this democracy, votes are seeked in Hindi and
expenses to each representative and we give him author-          other Indian languages while governance is done in En-
ity for the welfare of the society, town, region, and na-        glish. Can’t the nation be ruled with the national language?
tion; and if he misuses this authority we have all the right     Can’t the judgment of the High Courts and Supreme Court
to take him out of power. In the present time, the country       of India be given in Hindi or other regional languages?
is so terrorized by the misdeeds of the corrupt rulers and       Even after 60 years of Independence, the people of our
corrupt authorities that the common man feels himself to         country don’t get justice in their own language—what
be helpless, destitute, lonely and tired, and even while         kind of injustice is this?
living in independent India, is desperate because of con-                          BREAK YOUR SILENCE!
stant fear of the governance and is again and again made             6. A country is harmed more by the despondency
a victim of exploitation. Now awaken! Do not bear ex-            of the good people of the country than by the misdeeds
ploitation instead of governance any longer! Live with           of the bad people. Hence, now break your silence! Awaken
complete self-respect, self-rule, and freedom! This coun-        yourself! And awaken the nation!! And come forward to
try is yours; you are not a slave but a citizen of free India.   defeat the demonic forces of the nation!
Just like the legislature of the country, the entire adminis-                    THE INDIA OF MY DREAMS
trative executives and judiciary too, that is all the demo-          7. In order to build a healthy, prosperous and re-
cratic processes, administrative officers, police organi-        fined India, I have five main goals – Healthy India, Clean
zation, and the judicial system, have all been instituted so     India, Independent India, India free from hunger, unem-
that the people of the nation can live with security, justice    ployment and poverty with population control, and India
and self-respect. However, if some government officer,           free from political corruption with 100% voting.
employee or police officer is doing injustice to you or                               1. HEALTHY INDIA
behaving in an unconstitutional manner, then you have               I want to build such an India in which each citizen,
the right to raise a voice against that corrupt system and       poor or rich, is healthy physically, in thoughts, and in
getting that corrupt officer punished, getting him removed       feelings. Unfortunately, despite spending or wasting al-

                                              ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 18
most Rs 6,00,000 crore in health services, only 35 per          ing company became the ruler before our eyes. Be-
cent of people are being able to control their illness with     ginning with the first agent of the East India Company in
the help of modern treatment methods and allopathy, while       1615, Thomas Roe to the first Governor General Warren
the rest of 65 per cent are not even capable of availing        Hastings to the last Governor General Mountbatten, a
allopathic treatment.                                           foreign company robbed property and wealth worth Rs
    We want to give mankind total health by the use of          278 lakh crore for 350 years. The first foreign company,
yoga, Ayurveda, acupressure, natural and balanced meth-         East India Company, not only robbed the wealth and glory
ods and traditional Indian remedies, because it is certain      of India but also made it a slave country for 200 years,
that only healthy citizens can build a prosperous, mag-         and now the 5000+ foreign companies producing flour,
nificent, and refined India.                                    salt, water, cold drinks, juice, chips, soap, oil, cream,
                       2. CLEAN INDIA                           powder, shoes, sandals and garments, etc., with zero
    The country’s land, food, water, rivers, air and sky        technology (these are the goods in which no special tech-
have all become polluted, and the main cause of 50% of          nique or science is used) are taking away lakhs and crores
the diseases in India is non-cleanliness. Because of pollu-     of rupees from the country. This is a big obstacle to the
tion in food, thought, mind and behaviour, disease, fear,       country’s economic progress. Even if one rupee from
corruption, crime and anarchy is spreading in the entire        the country is deposited in foreign banks then it is harm-
country. Even sage Patanjali had pronounced cleanliness         ful and dangerous for the economic condition of the na-
to be the first rule for a yogi. The universe is purified by    tion. The economic condition of the country is the nation’s
sacrificial fires, air is purified through planting of trees,   biggest strength or backbone. We will make our country
the body is purified by water, mind if purified by truth,       strong, and will not make it weak by buying products of
wealth is purified by donation, wisdom is purified by           foreign companies. Foreigners have robbed us tremen-
knowledge, and the soul is purified by study and pen-           dously, hence, for the empowerment of the economic
ance. We want to build a clean and strong India by puri-        condition of the nation, it is essential to bring in foreign
fying politics by 100% voting and purifying the nation by       currency through trade and jobs, to increase exports by
the identity cards of each citizen. To make the air, food       trading with foreign nations, to create demand for our
and water pollution-free, it is important to have nation-       goods in foreign markets. However, if money is being
wide movements.                                                 credited to the account books of foreign companies be-
        3. INDEPENDENT INDIA THROUGH INDIAN                     cause of you, then you are betraying the country. We
                    LIFESTYLE                                   should not cheat the nation and rather we should become
    No country in the world can become great without            responsible and trustworthy citizens and businessmen of
indigenous industries, indigenous education, indigenous         the nation.
treatment, indigenous technology, indigenous knowledge,             We take the vow that we will no longer use in our life
indigenous languages, indigenous costumes, and self-re-         th daily-use products made by foreign companies using
spect of the motherland.                                        zero technology such as Lux, Lifebuoy, Liril, Rexona,
    I want to make India and each Indian stand on its           Pears, Colgate, Pepsodent, Ponds, Lakme, Dettol, Dalda,
own feet and be independent and want to place India at          etc., We will also never use products by Amway and
the highest position in the world.                              poisonous cold drinks of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, as well as
    I want to awaken self-respect in every individual of        drinking water sold under the brand names of Aquafina
the nation, and inculcate Indian languages, culture, re-        and Kinley. Even if some foreign companies are only dis-
finement, Vedic knowledge in the entire system of educa-        tributing fruit juice, water, soap and other good quality
tion and medical treatment, and carve a unique identity         products, we will not buy those products because these
for India in the world. In 1611 in Machli Pattnam (Andhra       products while not harming our health are very harmful
Pradesh) and in 1613 in Surat (Gujarat), the Mughal em-         to India’s economic state, prosperity and the indigenous
peror had given permission to a foreign company to trade.       Indian industries. Nowadays even Indian industries are
Gradually, by exploiting the nation, this company made          producing quality essential-use products with purity
its roots strong, and in 1757, by gaining victory in the        checks. Hence, by adopting an Indian lifestyle, we will
Battle of Plassey in Bengal, started invoking taxes. In the     save the country from economic bondage and make the
unprecedented famine of Bengal in 1769-70, far from             country free from poverty, unemployment and hunger
helping the victims, the company exploited them all the         by increasing indigenous industries.
more. Despite the presence of famine in the country, this           When the history of India’s progress is written, then
foreign company made a lot of profit. Taking the help of        our name, at the very least, should not appear in the list
its ‘Regulatory Act’, it started its rule in India from 1773    of individuals who weakened the nation and should ap-
with the Bengal province. In other words, a foreign trad-       pear in the list of people who gave strength to the nation.

                                             ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 19
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev
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Jivan Darshan - by Swami Ramdev

  • 1. OM CONTENTS m|e% lkgla /S;± cqf¼% 'kfDr% ijkØe%A Editorial 4 "kMsrs ;=k orZUrs r=k nso lgk;Ñr~AA Foreword 5 Year : 6 Issue : 7 March 2009 Jeevan Darshan 6 Editor National Religion 12 Acharya Balkrishan Sub-Editor ‘Bharat Swabhiman’ Aim Dr. Rajendra Vidyalankar Philosophy And Principles 17 Jayshankar Mishra The Religion Of Yoga 34 Subscription Cultural Understanding 38 Single copy.........................15- Annual................................150/- Personal And National Thoughts 45 Five year.............................700/- Eleven years......................1500/- Daily Eulogy 52 Outside India (Annual)......800/- OFFICE OFFICE PATANJALI YOGPEETH Maharshi Dayanand Gram, Delhi-Hardwar High Way Near- Bahadrabad, Hardwar, Uttarakhand, (INDIA) 249402 Ph: 01334-240008, 244107, 246737 Fax No. 01334-244805, 240664 E-mail :, Visit us at : Publication & Distribution Office Diamond Comics Group of Publications D. C. Magazines Punjabi Pustak Bhandar 257, Dariba Kalan, Delhi-110006 Contact : Gulshan Rai Fax % (0120)&4238010 Fax % (0120)&4238010] E-mail: ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 3
  • 2. ;L;ka iwosZ HkwrÑr ½"k;ks xk mnku`pq%A its past, or about which the present generation is not aware, lIr l=ks.k os/lks ;Ksu rilk lgAA will never be able to build a golden future. A poet has also The tradition of sages has continued in our mother- written – ‘Jise nij gaurav tatha nij desh ka abhimaan na land. Our forefathers had been great sages, great ascet- ho, who nar nahi, nira pashu aur mritak saman he’. One ics and scholars. Our ancestors lived a simple and re- who does not take pride in his and his country’s glory is strained life enhanced with penance. They lead a life of not a man but is equivalent to a mere animal or a dead sacrifice and welfare, developing good people. With pen- person. ance and the feeling of sacrifice, they continuously strived ‘The honour of the nation is my honour and self-re- for excellence and their words of advice have continued spect, and if the image of the nation, the self-respect of to guide the people of the nation. In this way, they made the country, is hurt at any point then it is my insult. I will their life a ‘sapta hota’ yagna. awaken the nation’s self-respect. I will dedicate my en- With such a life, enriched with these great qualities, tire life for the good of the nation.’ Filled with this feel- the sages worked for the nation. In our nation, the tradi- ing, Swami Ramdevji established the ‘Bharat Swabhiman tion of these great sages is still continuing in the same Trust’ and started the important work of awakening way even now. Even today we have sages with great India’s self-respect across the globe. qualities living in our nation. With his sacrifice, penance, labour and hard work, Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Swami Ramkrishna Swamiji is constantly trying to re-establish the almost lost Paranhansa, Swami Dayanand and Swami Vivekanand tradition of sages. Renouncing his own happiness for the have aroused the sleeping spiritual powers in Indian good of others, he has lit the world with the light of Vedic people. Respected Swami Ramdevji has not only lit the knowledge and brought about welfare of mankind. The lamp of spirituality and philosophy in Indian souls, but work of removing ignorance, superstition and evils is also shown mankind a beautiful path, leaving aside sor- constantly going on. Today, Swamiji Maharaj has become row and pain, by joining yoga with spirituality and medi- the carrier of Vedic tradition. cal treatment. Approximately crores of people across the Today our nation is independent but there is still the world have been shown the path of gaining spirituality large problem of protecting this independence. Protect- through yoga and pranayam and vice versa, of gaining ing the independence of the nation is much harder than spirituality through the medium of yoga. For this, people the trials and ordeals of gaining independence. A lot has have entrusted their faith on Swamiji and he has become been said about one’s nation in the Vedas. At various places the symbol of manhood as defined in Indian culture. in the four Vedas, there is discussion about nation. The Today there is no politician, actor or any such saint protection of the nation is not possible by a single person who have as much public support as Swami Ramdevji and that is why it is the duty of all the citizens of the Maharaj. nation. It is necessary to instill the feelings of oneness Every section of society is benefiting from yoga. To and love in all people of the nation and obtain their sup- ensure that even the last man gets benefits from yoga, port. ‘yoga teachers’ trained by ‘Patanajali Yogpeeth’ are spread- It is to light this lamp of national feeling in each and ing awareness on yoga and nationalism to serve the moth- everyone that Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has gifted us erland and sorrow-inflicted mankind. It is the etiquette of ‘Jeevan Darshan’. It gives us directions on our duties the yoga teachers to live a life with the feeling of friend- and responsibilities for the self and the nation. Please help ship towards all, kindness towards the poor and sick, in the accomplishment of national responsibilities by dis- respect towards all religions and communities, and to in- tributing ‘Jeevan Darshan’ to the maximum extent you spire fellow countrymen to lead a life of purity. can. I am an Indian; humanity is my community; my reli- In this way, freeing people from maladies, Swami gion is humanity and my responsibility towards the na- Ramdevji Maharaj is intent on establishing India once again tion. It is to develop this feeling and develop national char- on the throne of ‘Global Guru’ by removing the various acter that continuous work is going on. widespread inconsistencies and faults and instilling the Respected Swami Ramdevji believes that ‘Glorious past feeling of national honour and pride in people. is my self-respect’. The nation that does not take pride in - Acharya Balkrishan ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 4
  • 3. Our Life is God’s greatest boon. Being born as a human being is God’s greatest gift to us. Life is priceless and living life to fulfill petty goals is an insult to it. To spend your energy in trivial pursuits, and to waste invaluable time in fulfilling material desires and obtaining luxuries is akin to looking down on life. Life is endless, our strengths are also endless and our potential is also vast. We are able to utilize only about 5 per cent of our physical, mental, social and spiritual strengths. Majority of our powers are lying unconscious. If we use our internal strengths fully, we turn from man into superman, from human to super-powerful humans. Our human consciousness gradually falls down to a licentious consciousness and the world out of delusion starts worshipping human beings as Gods. All the divine qualities that were present in Sri Krishna, Sri Ram, Mahayogi Shiva, Mahavir Swami, Nirvana-attaining Buddha, Guru Nanakdev and Guru Govind Singh are also inherent in us. A yogi should never consider himself poor, helpless or powerless. At every moment tell yourself, I am vast. I am a repre- sentative of God. I was born on this earth with a great purpose. I have within myself the patience of the earth, the energy of fire, the speed of wind, the calmness of water and the vastness of the sky. My brain has the energy, intellect, wisdom and brilliance of the Brahmin. My arms have the courage, strength, power and dignity of the Kshatriya. Within my stomach I have the business strategies of the Vaishya and I consider it my honour to be able to serve like the Sudra. I am not an individual but a culture. I am a messenger of eternal traditions. India is in me. I am the beloved child of mother India. I am not land, mansion, position or youth. I am not the mortal body but I am the immortal, brilliant, rootless, eternal soul. Love, kindness, peace and affection is my identity and religion. My work is my religion. I am not merely a worshipper of stone idols but of those living idols that my Lord has created Himself and in whose souls He resides himself. I am the worshipper of the chaitanya murta Brahma. Storms cannot make me bend, obstacles cannot hinder my life path and insults cannot distract my patience. I will make my life blessed by surrendering totally to obey the instructions of my guru and the scriptures. I will not allow any hindrance to the flow of virtue in my life. At each moment, I will lead a life full of love, kindness, courage, bravery, power, self-confidence. At every moment, my external and internal life will remain pure and free from fault. In my life, the good of the nation will be above everything else and this will be my motto. I am first of all the child of Mother India and only after that I am an ascetic, householder, politician, actor, worker, officer or businessman. How could I have existed if my country did not exist? My country is everything for me. This life is for the nation. This life is for God. This is the aim of my life. Duty towards my nation comes before my political duties or ascetic duties. The nation’s glory is my glory and any insult to my nation is an insult towards me. I will not allow my country’s glory, pride and honour to be tarnished. Even if I have to sacrifice everything, I will do so in order to make India the super- power of the world. I will bring back the lost glory of my country. Come! Come forward and be ready to sacrifice everything in fulfilling this pure and holy resolution. Come! Let us all unite to build a new India together. - Swami Ramdev ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 5
  • 4. humanitarian values, and spirituality. Free from the boundaries of region, language, religion, and behavioural debates, I am the war-call for national- ism. 7. I am not merely an individual but the manifestation of the gentility and culture of the entire nation. I AND MY PERSONALITY Hence, the entire country is affected by everything 1. I am not an individual; I am the manifestation of the I do, good or bad. Till the time blood flows through entire nation. I am not narrow or small; I am vast. I my veins and life exists in my body, I will not betray am the image of the Lord. I am the representative my country. This is my ‘Bhisma pratigya’ (unshaken of truth, non-violence and good conduct. In my body, vow). my nation resides. I am the fate and the reflection 8. The purity and fearlessness of childhood, the vigour of India. I am the one who decides the fate of my- of youth, the good sense of old age, and the dedica- self and my nation. tion of ascetics the ideals of my life. Children and 2. I am always in my Lord; my Lord is always in me. saints are not tied by the threads of illusion. Everything that I see around me is nothing but im- 9. Work is my only religion. Work is my worship. Work ages of the Lord. Everything I do is a worship of is the truth of life and the world. Working without the Lord. Everything that I have is a gift from the any desire does not indicate lack of work, it indi- Lord. I am a child of God. He, the ruler of the world, cates the lack of arrogance. the creator of the universe, is my Father. The bless- 10. Valour, nationalism, expertise, farsightedness, spiri- ings of the most superior and divine power are al- tuality, humanitarianism, and humility are the ideals ways with me. of my working style. 3. I am extremely fortunate to have taken birth on the 11. Nation-religion is the biggest religion; Nation-god is soil of this holy and pure country, which has also the greatest God; and love for the nation is the high- been the birthplace of divine personalities such as est form of love. The good of the nation is above Shri Krishna, Buddha, Mahavir, Guru Nanakdev and everything else. The nation is everything for me. Guru Govind Singh, brave heroes such as Maharana bna jk"Vªk; bnUu eeA . My body-mind-wealth will all Pratap, Chattrapati Shivaji, Chandrashekhar Azad, remain dedicated to the nation. The seven principles Subhash Chandra Bose, Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat of nationalism, the seven duties of spirituality and Singh, Raj Guru and Ashfaq, and holy souls such as idealism are the ideals of my personal national life. Maharshi Dayanand and Swami Vivekanand. I pray 12. When I am alone, it is not loneliness; in the silence to Mother India while offering the flower of my I am permeated by many currents of divine knowl- life. edge and divine inspiration and I find an eternal lamp 4. As my inheritance, my Lord has given me the pa- always shining on me. tience of earth, the energy of fire, the speed of wind, 13. When my internal awakening took place, I found the calmness of water, and the vastness of the sky. myself in the shade of the Sangbodi tree, my thirst 5. Let me be known by my mother, my father, my quenched. teacher, or my ancestors. This is not my glory be- 14. At birth itself, man experiences pain and suffering. cause I did not contribute anything. My parents gave Hence, throughout life there will be thorns to walk birth to me, my teachers gave me knowledge. My upon. Amongst these thorns, you will have to blos- ancestors are my pride. With my knowledge, work som the flowers of your life like tender rose petals. and life, I will create my identity, and in doing so I 15. God wants to choose you for great work. You have will increase the honour of my parents, my teach- to just open up and let the vastness enter you com- ers and my country. pletely. When through meditation and prayer you be- 6. I am not a believer in fate, material enjoyment or come the messenger of the Lord’s powers, then the terrorism. I am a believer in humanity, patriotism, divine powers are at work with you as the medium. ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 6
  • 5. 16. When you long greedily for fame in the external 25. You should never forget your past. The knowledge world, it means you have not yet attained inner of the past saves us from mistakes and in the per- wealth or peace. The day you gain the inner king- son who reaches the top, the remembrance of the dom or happiness, you will Yourself proclaim, ¶izkIra past prevents arrogance. It is only because of for-;a {kh.kk% {ksrO;k% Dys'kk% fNUu% f'y"ViokZ getting the past that people forget their parents. If HkolaØe% ;L;kfoPNsnkTtk;rs tfuRok p fez;rsA¸ the memories of childhood and the mother’s womb (Maharshi Vyas-yogsutra 1.16) are remembered, then you will never disregard your 17. Take care not to repeat mistakes. Repetition of mis- parents. Even after touching the sky, remembering takes leads to hindrance in progress and your inner the past keeps a person’s feet on the ground. strength decreases. 26. It is God himself who give birth to us in the form of 18. Knowledge does not simply mean knowing; it our parents. In this way, experiencing the divine means becoming that knowledge.¶l ,oa Hkofr ; relationship in every relationship is yoga. ,oa osnA¸ INSULT TO WOMAN IS INSULT TO MOTHER 19. Be determined but not obstinate. Be brave but not The real beauty of a woman is not her body but her impulsive. Be kind but not weak. Be silent but not character. Woman is not a commodity to be sold in arrogant. Be clever but not cunning. Be patient but the market. She is Sita, Savitri, Jagadamba, Durga, not irresponsible. Show respect but do not be a cow- Taravati, Gargi, Madalasha, Mahalaksmi, Meera and ard. There should be sweetness but not flattery. Laksmibai. Woman is the affection of a mother, re- There should be justice but not a feeling of revenge. gard of a wife and love of a daughter. Do not make 20. A prayer for forgiveness or penance is something women a saleable commodity and do not joke about that is done just once; it loses it’s meaning it re- the character of a woman. This is an insult to mother. peated again and again. The way electronic media keeps placing a question 21. My head has the intellect of a Brahmin, my arms mark over the character of the aware mothers, sis- have the valour, strength and the heroic energy of a ters and daughters of the nation, it should be op- Kshatriya, my belly has the business and manage- posed with full strength. These carnivores of the ment skills of a Vaishya, and in my feet I have the market with rotten minds should be made to under- ability to serve like a Sudra. This is my caste vow. stand that the women of India are not character- 22. I am Agni; I am knowledge, light, speed, the chief less – they are the highest degree of purity. and the commander. ¶vfXujfLe tUeuk tkrosn%¸ CONTINUOUS FLOW OF THOUGHT (Rig Veda 3.26.7). The fire of resolution is always 27. In my inner and outer life, pure qualities such as burning within me. The path of my life is always lighted. non-violence, truth, love, kindness, affection, valour, PARENTS – GODS ON EARTH courage, strength, might, and self-respect, etc. should 23. Always keep happiness and a smile on your face. always be found. To keep this flow unobstructed, Give respect to others; you will get respect. Give one should determinedly immerge yourself in self- happiness to others; you will get happiness. Serve study, and utmost devotion unto God and worship your parents; in old age your children will serve you. of gods. teacher’s nearness, his life, teachings and 24. A mother keeps her child for nine months in the conduct gives us strength from within, and keeps womb with love, kindness, affection and maternal the holy flow of our life continuous. feelings. After this, she keeps her child on her lap for nine months, and till she dies, a mother keeps 28. If you smile, the world smiles along with you, and her child in her heart. The four worlds can be found when you feel sad, depressed, defeated and help- at your parents’ feet. Parents are the God of this less, the world will seem extremely sad to you. world. Children are the only desire of parents. Never 29. Happiness does not come from outside, but from insult such parents. Do not leave them in old age within. Happiness appears when you are in a com- homes otherwise in the next life God will give an pletely silent, unconscious and peaceful state. Live animal’s birth to you where your father will often a life that is always full of inner enthusiasm, energy not be known and mother will leave you in child- hood. Howsoever you sow, so shall you reap. Hence, and self-confidence. God has created and chosen awaken! Once again adopt the culture of ¶ekr`nsoks you for a great purpose. Hko] fir`nsoks Hko] vkpk;Znsoks Hko] vfrfFknsoks Hko¸ 30. You doubt yourself and the Lord at times. How- . My mother is my god, my father is my god, my ever, it is strange that people never doubt untruth or teacher is my god, and my guest is my god. hatred. ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 7
  • 6. Wake Up! Always be Positive! ing but purity of thought. Always be a collector of nectar, be curious! 41. Jealousy, crime, cruelty, exploitation, injustice, At every moment experience God’s contact! irreligion, and corruption are nothing but the out- The Lord always gives us more than what we come of impure thoughts. deserve, more than our abilities and our labour. 42. Pure thought is the basis of a person’s pure food, 31. pjSosfr&pjSosfr] pju~ oS eèkq foUnfr. If there is a rest pure behaviour, pure conduct and pure life. during work then this rest is a sin. Do not let ob- 43. Ethics is nothing but the purity of thoughts. stacles stop you, do not let trouble and temptation 44. A resolute thought is the bridge of success. over power you, do not let insults divert you. Keep 45. Purity of thoughts builds up social capability. marching forward till you reach your goal. 46. Thoughts are the gateway to happiness. 32. The sound of a single deed is louder than a thou- 47. Good thought is the root of good conduct. sand words – it is very powerful. Let us believe in 48. Our entire life is the outcome of our thoughts. the culture of showing by example and not merely Thought is the seed of this tree of life. in making speeches. 49. With unrelenting good resolution and thought, even 33. It is only our thoughts and culture that can be a wicked man can become great. wealthy or great. Similarly, it is only our thoughts 50. Thought is human, while lack of thought is animal. and culture that can be poor, destitute or infamous. 51. Pure thought is the voice behind sweet and effec- 34. A person lost in a crowd can be found but a person tive words. who is lost in the crowd of thoughts will spend his 52. Purity of thought is the solution to all our problems. entire life in darkness. A person trapped in the web Pure thought is the foundation of a healthy, pros- of thoughts will end his life in the same way as a perous and strong nation. spider ends its life by tying itself in his web it spuns. 53. I am confident that the same pure thoughts that made 35. Old age is not how many years you have lived; it is me rise high, that increased my self-confidence and the outcome of your thoughts. If there is energy, took me ahead on my mission will also awaken ev- power, valour, courage and self-respect then even ery individual of the nation, will awaken the self- with increasing age, a person will remain young. A respect of the nation and when everyone performs country will only become great with the knowledge his own duties with entire strength, then certainly of the elderly and the courage, valour and self-re- my country will become great and it will lead the spect of the youth. A very big difference between world. the elderly and the young is – the young are not 54. My biggest strength is my thoughts. My pure fearful of the outcome while the elderly remain con- thoughts have protected me from sin; my thoughts stantly fearful of personal outcomes, and hence, gave me the courage to fight against obstacles and cannot take decisions quickly. adversities. It is because of my thoughts that I have 36. If the flow of my opinions is not able to change the been able to turn my defeat into my victory, and it corrupt people, corrupt governments and corrupt only because of them that I have come out all the systems, then I will be helpless and will be forced more powerful after going through the worst of the to protect my motherland from injustice, poverty, worst disasters. hunger, lack of education, social irregularities, ha- 55. When impure thoughts of jealousy, antipathy, anger tred, crime, misconduct, ill intentions, anger and re- and revenge can make a person hateful and crimi- venge, and will have to undertake a wide-spread nal, then why can’t pure thoughts make a person revolution to remove the wide-spread injustice, patriotic, spiritual, humanitarian and progressive? crime, exploitation and hatred. 56. When with impure thought a person can be made 37. Thought is the biggest strength and wealth. Thought characterless, when a person can sell his or her is the greatest power in the world. Thoughts have body, religion and humanity, why can’t pure thought create a person of character? unlimited strength and energy. Thoughts are evi- 57. If the seeds of hatred and dislike can be sown within dence, sacrifice, might, valour, courage and self- a person with the help of bad thoughts, why can’t respect. Thoughts can rage like the fire and storm, the flowers of love, kindness and affection bloom and be calm like peace and contentment. with the help of pure thoughts? 38. Pure thought-flow is life. In other words, breaking 58. When impure thought can be used to instigate a up the thought-flow is death. person into crime and lawlessness to break down a 39. The great vows of non-violence and truth are noth- society, why can’t pure thought be used to awaken ing but the purity of thought. the inner soul of a person to unite society? 40. Morality, spirituality and humanitarianism are noth- 59. Just as food is the basis for our physical growth, ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 8
  • 7. similarly thought is the basis for the growth of our nation becomes, and this becomes the cause of its mind, wisdom, intellect and all other feelings. ruin. Hence, along with exaltation, the effort should 60. Just as a person becomes malnourished with the not slow down. use of adulterated or imbalanced food, in the same SERVICE way, people become susceptible to illusions with 70. Without service, the intellect is not purified and with- polluted, impure and imbalanced thoughts; and it is out purification of the intellect, the divine Lord can- this illusion of thoughts that is the root cause of cor- not be experienced. Hence, you should always be ruption, hatred, crime and restlessness. on the lookout for opportunities for service. 61. Our sorrow and happiness do not depend on others SOCIAL WELFARE but rather on our own thought. 71. Man remains more alert to others than about one- 62. Impure thoughts are the root cause of all problems self; if we have the same alertness towards our- such as hatred, tension, crime, murder and suicide. selves and become aware of our mind, thoughts, Impure thoughts are the reason for all kinds of de- feelings, behaviour and work then it will lead to our terioration such as wickedness, obstinacy and arro- welfare. Hence, before trying to improve the world, gance. improve yourself. First, become a good person then 63. Poverty of thought is the cause for sorrow, defi- you will automatically improve the world. Just as ciency and retrogression in the nation. Resolute and shadow is the outcome of the tree; only if the tree firm thought is the backbone of happiness, prosper- is there, we will get the shadow. Bring about your ity and progress. welfare, and the welfare of the world will happen 64. It is important to take care of historical inheritances. on its own. However, the rope that Mahatma Gandhi used to 72. How will one who hasn’t quenched his own thirst tie his goat with is exhibited in museums but the quench the thirst of others? How can a sleeping rope that was used to hang immortal martyrs such person awaken others? How can a hungry individual as Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Ashfaq Ullah satisfy the hunger of others? Hence, before the Khan, and Ramprasad Bismil is not seen in any welfare of the world, first accomplish self-welfare. museum, it is the misfortune of the nation. Because First wake up yourself! Then awaken others!! by remembering the sacrifice of the martyrs the WORSHIP CHARACTER, NOT THE IMAGE self-respect of the people will awaken, and corrupt, 73. Worship character, not the image. Worship person- cunning and criminal people won’t be able to rob ality, not the person. Let us not live life by merely the nation any longer. worshipping stone idols. Let us become worship- LIFE pers of consciousness and awaken the flood of yoga 65. Each morning of life is a new birth for me and each and patriotism in stone hearts. day is like one life for me. I will do today all those WORK things for which God has sent me to this world. 74. Work is religion. Work is worship. Rest is a sin and 66. My life as well as my death – both should be rest only occurs at the end of work. Your own work honourable.dhfrZ;ZL; l thofr. Live life not with is your own religion. Total dedication towards your timidity and weakness but with self-respect and self- own work is the worship of God. knowledge. God has created you for great work. WHY CAN’T THIS HAPPEN? 67. Life is a celebration. Life is God’s greatest gift. This 75. When, for a paltry sum of money, people of our body is the house of God, the residence of Shiva. own nation can become treacherous, can’t the This body is the temple of God. This body is not to people of our country be made upright and honest be fought against. The soul is immortal, everyoung, in order to protect the magnificence of our nation? constant, indestructible, light, energetic, peaceful and A handful of people are ready to sell the country contented. for a handful of money, betray the nation. But there 68. As long as there is life, a person should not become are thousands and millions of people who would die lifeless. Keep moving towards your goal with de- for their nation rather than sell themselves. We have termination showing friendship to the happy, kind- to unite such patriotic people. ness to the sad, love to the good and contempt to FROM ‘I’ TO ‘LOVE’ the wicked. You will definitely get success one day and will always remain happy in life. 76. Where ‘me’ and ‘mine’ unites, there love, kindness, DO NOT GIVE UP THE EFFORT affection and surrender is born, there service and 69. Often, the more developed a civilization is; the goodwill evolves by itself. In worldly relationships more developed a civilization, person, society and where ‘I’ and ‘mine’ are joined, we would always nation is, the lazier that civilization, person, society or be ready to sacrifice for our close relatives. When ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 9
  • 8. ‘I’ and ‘mine’ gets united emotional. Sensitivity makes us aware of our re- with the country, the feel- sponsibility and keeps us involved in self-duties and ing arises that this coun- national duties. try is mine and what I am SELF-QUALITIES today is solely because of 84. Just as cold, heat, hunger and thirst are the qualities the country. It is then that of the body, honour-insult, happiness-sorrow and a person will become profit-loss are the qualities of the mind. Similarly, ready to sacrifice his ev- love, kindness, affection, respect, devotion, surren- erything for the nation. der, peace and joy are the qualities of the soul. The The life that is within me qualities of the soul are your self-qualities. Wor- is because of the trees shipping the Lord by doing your own work, while that grow on the soil of keeping your self-qualities intact, will take you to this nation. This country Samadhi and fulfillment. LodeZ.kk reH;P;Z flf¼a has given birth to me and the food and water of this foUnfr ekuo% (Gita 18.46). nation’s land has kept me alive. The nation has given LOVE me wealth, power, property and respect. The tears 85. Love is not desire, it is worship. Excess of desire of the mothers, sisters, daughters, children and hu- kills love. Love is the highest degree of surrender man of this nation are my sorrow, and the well- and belief. Love is the cooling shadow of purity, being of the nation is my happiness. Even if one affection and maternal feelings and an honour to person in the country is helpless, destitute, poor, hun- effort, courage, valour and self-respect. True love gry or sick, then this pain of Mother India is my is the one that parents have towards their children, sorrow, my pain. It is my duty or obligation, it is my a teacher has towards his student and a patriot has national responsibility, it is my service ethics to make towards his nation. Others are just attraction, illu- sure that not even one individual of my nation dies sion and false quenching of the body’s thirst. of hunger or sickness. GURU WE MUST THINK LIKE THIS? 86. Saints, guru and acharyas advise us while they are 77. There is no permission for “No”. living at a very high state of the intellect or are as- 78. I will follow the advice and orders of my teachers cended on divine knowledge in a state that is free and scriptures to my utmost capacity. This is my from life. If we too connect ourselves with that state work-culture. of life consciousness then we will also say what the 79. Always set your frequency to positive mode be- saints are saying and our lives too will become com- cause there is a constant flow of energy waves, pletely transformed like the saints’. both positive and negative, from the universe. We 87. Guru is one who awakens, connects you with the have to accept only the positive vibrations from the eternal, tells you the direction, gives you what you universe. have lost, teaches you to call, introduces you to your 80. Instead of thinking “What can I do by myself?”, soul, shows you the way and finally, makes you like think “What can I not do by myself!” Nothing is him. However, remember that guru will just show impossible in this world, everything is possible. you the way; you will have to do the walking your- 81. When corrupt, treacherous, criminal, and irrespon- self. sible people can together rob the nation, why can’t 88. Someone asked a Sufi saint for his introduction – patriotic, honest, responsible and awakened individu- What do you eat? What do you wear? Where do als get together to protect the nation? you stay? The saint replied – I eat death, I wear SHED APPREHENSIONS, BE POSITIVE! shrouds, and I stay in the grave. 82. You sometimes have doubts about truth, love, self FIND YOUR GURU and God, but how strange that a person never doubts 89. You truly see your guru when you become one with untruth or hatred. Always be positive! Always be the mind, wisdom, speech, behaviour and will of guru open to new ideas! Feel the connection with God or a saint, and live your life with divine conscious- every moment! The Lord always gives us more than ness like him. This is why it is said, ¶lkèkwuka n'kZua what we can do, what we deserve and what we iq.;a] rhFkZHkwrk fg lkèko%A¸ Perceiving this body of do. flesh and bones is not the complete vision. See the BE SENSITIVE soul inside the body. 83. Emotion diminishes a person’s intellect and sensi- CONVERSATION WITH GURU tivity enriches humanity. Hence, be sensitive, not 90. Obtaining intelligence directly or indirectly through study of books of the guru is a direct conversation ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 10
  • 9. with the guru. Each divine sound of the words in fear. If we cannot create any living being, then who the scriptures or written by the guru will ech in you gave us the right to kill them? And we kill any ani- and you will feel that his life is speaking to you mal for the reason that they do not look like us. through the scriptures or his words. Such self-study However, all animals have heart, brain and eyes. transforms our life and makes us images of our guru. They have sorrow and deep pain but we kill them RELIGION because they do not have any weapons for their 91. Omnipresent and scientific truth is omnipresent re- security or because in this new era of the demo- ligion. That which does not measure up to the stan- cratic drama, they do not have the voting rights. dards of omnipresent and scientific truths is not re- Only if they could also speak like us! Maybe then ligion; it is illusion. I am religious, not blinded by they could have made us realize their pain and sor- religion. I will not make religion a business nor will row. But what to do, these animals do not know I make work dirty. how to speak in human language and we celebrate 92. Religion is another name for superior conduct. Re- our joy by cruelly killing these mute animals who do ligion is not merely symbolic, it affects your con- not desire anything and have not committed any sin, duct. The principal root of religious symbols such and feel glorified in carnivorously tearing apart flesh as the Sikha (top-knot) and Sutra (thread) is also and eating it like dogs and wolves. There can be no conduct. Symbolic religion without observing the greater sin or crime than this. If you can lead a established rule of conduct is nothing but illusion vegetarian life without killing innocent animals, then and irreligion. Hence, become religious, not blinded why are you continuing to kill them? Man is veg- by religion. etarian by nature. The organization of the human 93. I do not believe in conversion of religion. Religion is body is that of a vegetarian being – this is a scien- nothing but good qualities which includes non-vio- tific truth. lence, truth, affection, service, control, and good ABILITY behaviour. All these qualities are present in all reli- 98. You have, within yourself, unlimited capability, abil- gions. Hence, there is no such thing as conversion ity and energy to make the impossible possible. You in religion. Religion is nothing but premium ideals of too can obtain the glory of standing with the front a worthy life. line people of the world. You can write a new his- tory of your power, courage and valour on the fore- 94. I do not think it is necessary to try and convert people head of time. by establishing schools and hospitals because even I have changed the lives of crores of people from TIME AND LIFE MANAGEMENT 99. Time is wealth. He who does not honour time or various classes and religions. I have given them walk with time is never forgiven by time. health, have given life to people who were very near 100. By keeping six hours for sleep, one hour for yoga, death but I haven’t changed the religion of even a one hour for daily tasks, two hours for members of single person. the family, you should dedicate the remaining 14 F OOD hours to hard work. This is the best time-manage- 95. Just as poisonous food causes frightening harm to ment in life. This is life management or life philoso- our body, similarly harmful thoughts too cause fright- phy. ening tension, sorrow, restlessness and incurable BEHAVIOUR – SEE EVERYTHING EQUALLY diseases after entering our mind. Hence, if you want 101. Always keep your feelings and vision at equilib- to attain a superior personality, then be alert towards rium. However, it is not always possible to always your food and thoughts at every moment. The behave in the same manner. Everyone is the image amount of cruelty a person does on his body is prob- ably not done by him on anyone else. of my Lord. Everyone is my image. I am in every- 96. This body is the house of God, the residence of one, everyone is in me. This world is nothing but an Shiva. This body is the temple of God. Do not make expansion of my ‘I’ – this is a feeling of equilib- it a bar by drinking alcohol, a hospital by the intake rium. One should behave with a teacher as a teacher. of tobacco, etc. or a graveyard or cremation ground With mother, daughter and wife, there are worldly by eating meat, etc. Be conscientious about rituals, and behavioural differences. Even God does not frugality and wellbeing. Have pure, balanced and behave in the same way with everyone; he pun- complete food in time and make your body healthy. ishes the wicked and protects the good. He is kind WHY ONLY VEGETARIANISM? and also metes out justice. Feeling occurs at the 97. Just as we have to live in this world, similarly other level of the soul, while behaviour occurs at the level living beings too have the right to live here without of the body or the world. ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 11
  • 10. NATIONAL INTEREST IS ABOVEALL 1. There is no greater religion than duty towards the nation. There is no God greater Unfortunately, even than the nation. National interest is above everything. I will not betray the nation after 60 years of for my personal, political, economic and family welfare. I will contribute my body, independence, we mind, wealth, life and vote for national interest. cannot identify our POLITICAL AUTHORITY 2. To leave the authority of the nation in the hands of corrupt, dishonest, criminal, country with one cowardly, weak, and foolish people is an insult to the country. Hence, come! Take name, one language a resolution of 100% voting and stop corrupt and dishonest people from reaching and one culture. the pinnacle of administration. 3. The political leaders of the nation have shown false dreams of progress and the Now let this country religious leaders have given false consolations, thus exploiting the Indian people of sages, Aryavarta, since ages. Now the time has come to move away from dreams, consolations and remain Bharat. Do imaginations and see the present reality of the nation and religion. We have to adopt not feel glorified by a healthy and ideal political religion along with transparency, scientific, religious and spiritual thought and should come forward to stop the erosion of our aspira- calling it by the tions. symbol of slavery, INDEPENDENCE India. 4. Independence without any direction makes a person, society and nation unre- strained and thoughtless bondage makes a person frustrated. Hence, the eyes of the mind should always be kept open in nature independence and administration. The search for truth is only in independence. NATIONAL LEADERSHIP 5. If the leadership of a country lacks valour, humility, transparency and farsighted- ness, then the nation will never be secure. Today, unfortunately, cowardliness and weakness have replaced valour, hypocrisy has replaced transparency, and mo- mentary selfish gain and motive has replaced farsightedness. We have to change this misfortune into good fortune. Similarly, if a person, family, society or organi- zation does not have valour, humility, skill and farsightedness then that person, family, society or organization will also never become successful. LANGUAGE 6. It is excellent to have knowledge of foreign languages because this is essential for communication, business, contact and culture. However, using the language of another country as our national language is a tremendous insult and something to be ashamed of. No civilized country in the world imparts education to its citizens in a foreign language. We will make the national language, Hindi, and other Indian languages such as Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Assamese, etc. the language of administration. We will impart science, technology and management education in Indian languages and thus give right to the children of the poor, labourers and farmers to also become doctors, IAS, IPS and scien- tists. VIEWPOINT 7. The society or country in which good people are not respected and honoured, and the wicked are not insulted or punished is sure to be ruined. viwT;k ;=k iwT;Urs iwT;kuka p foekuukA =khf.k r=k izorZUrs nqfHkZ{ka ej.ka Hk;e~AA (Panchatantra 3.192) Hence, good people, truthful people and patriots should be given communal honour while the wicked people and traitors should be rebuked in public or communal places. It is only then that good people will increase in society and corrupt people will decrease. 8. How can law-breakers be law-makers? When tainted people cannot even become ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 12
  • 11. small clerks and officers, how can they become 16. The nation’s honour MLAs, MPs, ministers or the prime minister? is my honour and 9. Never give a final judgment on anyone. Never com- pride, and if the pare two people or great men. Never expect or wait country’s image or for something. Wish never gets fulfilled. Unfulfilled the nation’s pride is desires lead to sorrow and give birth to the feelings blemished in any way, of anger and revenge. then it is my insult. I 10. If you do not oppose injustice or crime then please will awaken the understand that you are a supporter of injustice and nation’s self-pride and crime. You are as big a criminal as the person who will dedicate my life to commits injustice, irreligion and crime. the good of the nation. 11. I am not a person who will admit defeat or commit ¶vkss3e~ jk"Vªk; LokgkA suicide because of the corrupt systems and laws of bna jk"Vªk; bnUu eeA¸ society. I am a warrior who will struggle to establish This life is for the na- truth, justice and dignity with my last breath and gain tion. This is my holy vow and I will remove all traces victory. People who accept defeat are weak, cow- of those who betray my nation. If people ask me ardly and timid. why I talk about the nation, then I tell them that this FOUR SUPERPOWERS country is my own country and I express the sorrow 12. Wealth power, people power, ruling power and soul of my heart with my entire strength so that the self- power are four superpowers. We want to increase respect of the entire nation awakens. There are people the soul power with the help of yoga and unite people who do not speak for the nation, that is, even if there power and stop the exploitation of the nation’s wealth. is injustice and betrayal going on in the nation, they We want to make the country economically strong. remain silent. Such people do not respect the nation At the same time, we want to keep a check on the and do not work for the nation. To such people, I ruling power and want to encourage good conduct, would like to say very clearly that if you do not love dignity and traditions. This is because unrestrained this country, you have no right to live in this country. ruling power leads to wickedness in people power 17. Our culture, our values, ideals, social systems and and with misuse of wealth power, hatred, cruelty, traditions are not so weak that we have to take help restlessness and anarchy spreads in society. from the philosophy of foreign thinkers such as Lenin, TWO FORMS OF POWER Marx or Mao. Our Vedic socialism and spiritualism is 13. When people-power and wealth-power increases on a balanced, all-encompassing and scientifically com- the side of corrupt, dishonest and criminal people, plete philosophy. Indian philosophy emphasizes more then there is hatred, crime, fear, terrorism, injustice, on others’ good rather than one’s own happiness. exploitation and finally destruction of the nation or Hence, we do not need any imported social, religious, world. When people-power and wealth power in- spiritual or political thinking. This is not arrogance creases in the side of good people, then service, good but self-pride. I am not against knowledge but, at the will, brotherhood and love will increase, nationalism, same time, I am also not a supporter of ignorance. spiritualism and humanitarianism will get strength and This is a truth accepted by all that India’s Vedic phi- the nation will prosper and progress. Whenever asuras losophy is the supreme philosophy of the world. got administrative control, property and power, there 18. The rules, laws and democratic systems of the country was destruction, and demigods always used admin- are being used less to punish the bad and criminal istrative control, property and power for th good of elements and more to torture the good folks and pa- mankind. triots. If this is not an insult to democracy and free- 14. The glorious past of the nation is my pride. The na- dom then what is it? tion that does not take pride in its past and that is not FROM YOGA DUTY TO NATIONAL DUTY aware of it’s present problems, cannot create a golden 19. I want to asspcoate everyone with the religion of yoga future. in order to kindle in them the religion of the nation. I 15. I have as much love for my motherland as I do for want to fill each one with the feeling of patriotism. my mother, sister, daughter or teacher. My nation is After self-development with the help of yoga each everything for me. If my nation did not exist, I would morning, I want to fill myself with energy so as to not exist. My head is the Himalayas, my right arm is help the nation’s development. After self-awakening Purbanchal or the lands of the east, my left arm with the help of yoga, I want to take ahead the holy Paschimanchal or the lands of the west, and towards mission of national awakening. The question arises my feet is the Indian Ocean. India is in me. I am in a number of people’s minds about the relationship from India. I am India. I will make India the world’s between yoga and the nation’s progress. So, I want superpower an India that leads the world in spiritual, to make it clear that without self-progress, the nation’s social, economic and political ways I will make. This progress is impossible. Hence, by self-development is my vow. with the help of yoga each morning, we will be dedi- ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 13
  • 12. cated to the progress and prosperity of the nation the if the person who does not love the nation is a rela- entire day. Yoga and nationalism are not two different tion or family member, do not keep any relationship philosophies but are two sides of the same coin! with him. In cleanliness and health too, first comes 20. THE CONDUCT OF CITIZENS AND LEADERS the cleanliness and health of the nation; in prosperity, THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF NATIONALISM first comes the prosperity of the nation; and even in The seven principles of nationalism, valour, trans- progress, he who first makes an effort for the parency, farsightedness, humanitarianism, spiritual- progress of the nation is a nationalist. In education, ism, and humility are the seven pillars or ideals of our he who considers national education to be the best is personal and national lives. These seven principles a nationalist. In languages, he who keeps the language are the main ideals to be followed for our self-duties, of the nation foremost in his life, conduct and national duties and work processes. The seven prin- behaviour, is a nationalist. He, who loves his own ciples form the benchmark for our citizens and lead- nation’s education, habits, culture, yoga, religion, ers. The person who follows these seven principles philosophy and spirituality, is a nationalist. He, who is a true citizen of the nation. Only a person who is dedicated to building a clean, healthy, prosperous lives according to these seven principles can provide and cultural India, to building a self-dependent coun- leadership to the nation. It is with these seven prin- try, a country that is free from hunger, poverty and ciples that we want to bring in a new revolution and unemployment and has a 100 per cent compulsory a new freedom to our personal life and national life, vote bank, with the help of a controlled population, is and make India a world leader again by establishing a nationalist. He, who is resolute on the complete an ideal system in the country. We want to make In- progress and research on Indian treatment methods dia a superpower by following these seven principles. – Yoga, Ayurveda, Yunani and Siddh, etc., is a nation- India will lead the world socially, spiritually and mor- alist. He, who loves the Vedic Indian knowledge, In- ally and usher in a new age of happiness, prosperity dian food habits, Indian dress habits, India farming and peace in the entire world. Each nationalist-minded and Indian traditions inherited from the sages derived citizen and public-service providing leader should fol- from Indian knowledge, that is, Veda, Philosophy and low these seven principles – Upanishad, etc., is a nationalist. He who loves Indian I. Nationalism: He, who always keeps the nation in sports, Indian arts and culture and India’s ancient the utmost position, is a nationalist. He, who consid- language, Sanskrit, all Indian languages and the na- ers the first religion among all religions to be that of tional language, and considers the national language the nation, and only after that comes personal reli- to be above everything, is a nationalist. Even in enter- gion – Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, etc., is a na- tainment, he who believes in Indian entertainment tionalist. He, who considers his nation to be the fore- based on values, morals and traditions, is a national- most among all gods, is a nationalist. He, who con- ist. By nationalism, national duties and national laws, siders the of the nation to be above his personal, we denote all the systems, rules and laws, ideals and family and economic interest, is a nationalist. values and traditions, following which the nation at- Amongst the different kinds of love, tains happiness, prosperity and well-being, and the foremost is love of the nation; even in nation moves continuously in the direction of life and the world, love only those progress. Our ideals of nationalism and national duty who love their nation. Do not are – Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Chandragupta, love the person who does not Vikramaditya, Emperor Ashok, Tilak, Gokhale, love his nation. In worship and Gandhiji, Netaji Subhash, Chattrapati Shivaji, Iron man devotion, first comes the wor- Sardar Patel, and Lal Bahadur Shastri, etc. ship and devotion of the nation, He, who does not use foreign products made with after that comes devotion to zero-technology, is a nationalist. God, devotion to mother and de- II. Valour: He, who does not take even a moment to votion to teacher, etc. In prayer, take a decision for the welfare of the nation, and does first comes prayer to the nation; not fear anyone in taking or carrying out decisions in meditation, first comes medi- for the welfare of the nation, who does not get trapped tation of the nation; in thoughts by superstition and lives his life with work, labour, and thinking, first comes the bravery, courage, enthusiasm, and self-respect, has thought of the nation; in work, valour. When a person does not take the work related first comes the work of the na- to the good of the nation lightly and does it aggres- tion; in pride, he who keeps the sively, who takes rests only after every pure mission pride of the nation foremost is that he takes upon himself has reached success with- a nationalist. In relations, the out being diverted by struggle, obstacles and insults first relationship or connec- or being influenced by propaganda, such a person tion is with the nation. Even has valour. He believes in doing today whatever has ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 14
  • 13. to be done tomorrow, he feels that if a task has to be that external religions, etc. do not become a threat to done tomorrow why can’t it be done today, and if humanity is humanitarianism. Keeping faith in these something hasn’t been done today, how can we think human values is humanitarianism. that it will be done tomorrow? He believes in the VI. Spiritualism: He, who considers universal and sci- philosophy of ‘If not now, never’, who never tires, entific values, ideals and traditions to be his religion, never stops, and believes in rest only after work, who might or might not be religious but is never a and¶vdekZ nL;q%¸ (Ved) and fanatic, who sees God in all humanity and every other ¶dqoZUusosg dekZf.k ftthfo"ksPNr§ lek%A living being including plants, and who dedicates his ,oa Rof; ukU;Fksrks¿fLr u deZ fyI;rs ujsAA¸ entire life to the service of all creatures and the world ( Yajurveda 40.2) and diminishes the sorrow of the world, is spiritual. Live up to 100 years while working, that is the one He rises above narrow thinking and loves mankind clear path of life. Work is worship. Work is the truth and looks upon the whole world as his family. He, of life and this world. This entire creation is only an who always keeps the feeling of ‘Vasudevah outcome of work. ¶LodeZ.kk reH;P;Z flf¼a foUnfr Kutumbakam’ in his heart, is spiritual. Spiritualism ekuo%¸ (xhrk 18-46), Shri Krishna says, worship God and nationalism are not two opposing opinions spo- ken in two different languages. On the other hand, with your work. He, who considers these two are necessary in equal respect for the com- ‘Karmanyevdhikaraste Ma Phuleshu Kadachana’ to plete independence and self-security of every coun- be his motto, has valour. try and its citizens, According to worldly and national III. Transparency: He, whose life is spotless, unstained organization, we are the citizens of an independent and pure, whose personal, family, business and so- country and the protection of its freedom, unity and cial life is based on the benchmark of the seven prin- integrity is our moral duty. This is our national duty, ciples, who does not lead a double life and stays alert and along with this, if we look at things from the about living a sinless life, such a person is skillful. angle of global brotherhood, global peace and social He, who does not have any difference between his coexistence then we are all one and are the sons of internal and outer lives, and has complete purity is one God. Hence, we are all brothers and sisters from transparent. the point of view of being god’s children. This is our IV. Farsightedness: He, who is farsighted, raises above spiritual philosophy and spiritualism. the caste, region, zone, religion, opinion, party, com- VII. Humility: He, who is humble, serves others in an munity, language, etc., and respects all communities, extremely humble manner even after reaching the pin- talks of the progress of his area or region, respects nacle of power, property, luxury and knowledge, and all religions and Indian languages, and while doing all who always keeps the faith that this life and the en- this, does not forget the national well-being, respects tire world is the gift of the Lord. He is of the view all Indian languages and foreign languages too for that the master of this life and the world is one invis- contact and communication but while doing all this ible power, God, who is performing all my actions keeps the national language above everything else. Himself keeping me as a medium. This body-mind- He who keeps the interest of the nation above every- wealth-life belongs to God – one who lives with this thing else is farsighted. A person who gives rise to feeling is never arrogant of his work position or prop- madness of regionalism, religion, regional languages erty and such a person is humble. We have to live our and spreads hatred amongst the countrymen, and life like this and this is the truth of our life and world. burns the nation for the interest of the region, is not a farsighted person. Unfortunately, majority of our poli- 21. SPIRITUALISM (Universal and scientific truths of spirituality, ticians today go from street to street asking for votes religion and culture) in Indian languages and rule from the parliament in A person who is completely dedicated towards the English. Let us become farsighted and, leaving aside life values and ideals demonstrated by the sages such our petty political selfishness, keep the national inter- as the eight yoga principles of yam, niyam, asanas, est above everything else for which the coming gen- pranayam, restraint of the sense organs (Pratyahar), erations will remember us with pride as their ideal resolution, meditation and Samadhi, and the entire and as national figures. Indian religious, philosophical, spiritual and cultural V. Humanitarianism: We are humans before being Hin- traditions, is spiritual, is religious. The five yams of dus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, etc. and our father non-violence, truth, asteya (not stealing the property is the same, no matter by what name we call him. of others), celibacy and asceticism demonstrated by God has sent us to this world as a human being. sage Patanjali and the five practices of purification, Hence, our first and main religion is humanitarian re- contentment, penance, self-learning and deep devo- ligion. We all have, naturally, within our hearts the tion into God have been accepted by me in the form God-given qualities of love, kindness, affection, truth, of the universal, scientific and global religion, spiritu- non-violence, etc. Hence, humanitarianism, truth and ality and culture and I am completely dedicated to the non-violence are our main religious tenets. Ensuring ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 15
  • 14. observance of ‘mansa, vacha and karmana’.Opposite that is free from corruption, crime and exploitation. of yam and niyam such as hatred, untruth and steal- Our head yoga teachers, deputy yoga teachers, co- ing, etc. can be considered a sin and a crime. India is yoga teachers, workers and yoga practitioners will a country of extensive cultural traditions. Hence, stay within the framework of these seven modes of whatever is universal and scientific in all the various conduct and will first bring purity, modesty, and ex- religious, spiritual, cultural and communal traditions, pertise into their personal lives and will then take we consider as religion. However, I am not a fol- ahead the mission of national character building. First lower of whatever is superstition, pretence, wicked, self-development and then we will offer everything inhuman and unscientific. I do not believe in such for development of the nation. First self-interest and traditions and hence I am religious, not irreligious. then the interest of the nation and the world – this is Instead of being the worshipper, publicist and ac- our motto. cepter of the symbolic aspect of religion, I consider Non-political lifestyle means that a person connected religion to be the superiority of conduct. I consider strongly with our mission of building a new India the life values of non-violence, truth, love, kindness, will not represent any political party and will not give service, patience, forgiveness, purity, contentment, any special support to any group either directly or etc., to be religion. I consider the tenets of non-vio- indirectly. Our political philosophy is – all party or no lence and truth in all the holy texts such as the Vedic party. That is, support the people that have charac- scriptures, Quran, Bible and Gururgranth Sahib, etc., ter, transparency, expertise and nationalism, belong- to be religion. No matter whatever religion, opinion, ing to all parties. Remember, do not give direct sup- group, community, etc., our personal hopes might port even to honest politicians. Just as we give moral be based on, as a united nation, instead of being di- support in a collective way through Yogpeeth to na- vided by worshipping various gods, we should be- tionalist and honest people, in the same way moral lieve in the worship of the one Supreme power or the support should be given to ideal persons, nationalist Lord. The Lord has various names in various lan- politicians with character. ‘All party’ or ‘no party’ guages such as Hindi, Sanskrit, Punjabi, Arabic and means that we do not represent any particular party English, etc. Amongst all these names, I address God but we morally or emotionally support all the people by the name of ‘Om’ because this is the foremost who are good in all parties. Hence, we are ‘all party’,it and most ancient sound of creation. This sound is means we have no connection with the corrupt people universal and scientific. There are many other forms in all the parties and that is why we are also ‘no party’. of ‘Om’ found in Indian philosophy and culture of Our opposition is not any party or person, but it is other countries, such as Amen, Omen, etc. Intensive theoretical and this is how it should remain. Any per- study and research on the scientific influences of ‘Om’ son who is directly connected to any political party reveals that Om is a pure, scientific and medical word. cannot do complete justice to this mission. I am not a This is not a representative of any image, idol or reli- representative or publicist of any political party. I am gious tradition. In short, I believe in a lifestyle based a representative and publicist of national duty. We on nationalism, spiritualism, and idealism. I am not a should always remember that our complete person- supporter of division on the basis of religion and re- ality, our words, food habits and conduct is entirely gion. I am a supporter of nationalism, humanitarian- according to the tradition of the sages and for the ism and spiritualism. honour of this mission. NATION-GOD 22. SEVEN RULES OF IDEALISM FOR 23. ekrk Hkwfe% iq=kks¿ga i`fFkO;k% (Atharva Ved 12.1.12) YOGA TEACHERS Earth is our mother and we are her children. Nation- Following are seven principles for the conduct of the god is the greatest god. Religion of the nation means yogi brothers and sisters dedicated to nationalism: our duty towards the nation, our responsibilities. Ful- 1. Vegetarian filling them is our biggest religion. Just as irreligion 2. No personal agenda and injustice are sinful, it is equally sinful to bear up 3. Healthy with atrocity. Every individual should have gratitude, 4. Capable respect and pride towards the nation. 5. Dedicated 24. It is unfortunate that even after 60 years of indepen- 6. Non-political lifestyle dence we have not been able to identify our nation 7. Commitment to spend at least 1-2 hours each with one name, one language and one culture. Now, day for yoga and national interest. The above-mentioned are mainly connected to our let this country of sages, Aryavartta, remain Bharat. personal life and conduct. If we do not give priority Now let us not feel proud by calling it by the name of to purity, and national thought in our personal life, India, the identity of slavery. and if we ourselves are not healthy, capable, dedi- 25. Those who do not love the soil, culture, civilization, cated and devoid of the obstinacy of politics, then and the people of the nation have no right to stay in how can we fulfill the resolution of building a nation this country. ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 16
  • 15. OUR FIVE MAIN GOALS of self-confusion, and awaken India’s sleeping self- 1. Creating an India that is healthy, prosperous and tra- respect by building national character. ditional with 100% voting, 100% nationalist thought, OUR ORGANIZATION BUILDING 100% boycott of foreign companies, adoption of AND WORK PROCESS ‘swadeshi’, uniting the people of the nation 100%, 3. By observing the aforementioned five vows, we will and building an India that is100% yoga-oriented – This build an India that is healthy, clean, prosperous, self- is the ‘Bharat Swabhiman’ mission. With this the na- dependent, corruption-free, unemployment and pov- tion will get a new freedom and new system, and In- erty-free – this is our firm resolution. To fulfil this dia will become great and the country’s greatest prob- resolution, 1. Divya Yog Mandir (Trust), 2. Patanjali lem – corruption – will get solved. Yogpeeth (Trust) India and International, 3. Bharat OUR FIVE VOWS Swabhiman International (NRI organization), 4. 2. In the special training camps for yoga teachers, Patanjali Treatment Centre, 5. Patanjali Yoga Samiti our participating brothers and sisters are asked to and 6. Mahila Patanjali Yog Samiti – these six main take five vows in order to bring about the knowledge organizations and the people of the nation are being of self-qualities through yoga, to make their mind and involved through the medium of 15 different groups body healthy, and to build national character by devel- in this yoga revolution and national awareness mis- oping own character. You too can take these vows sion. These 15 groups are: and at the same time also request each teacher, devo- 1. Youth group tee, distinguished member, colleague, general mem- 2. Doctor group bers and every citizen in your district to take these 3. Teacher group vows and embark on the mission of building a healthy, 4. Financial service group prosperous and traditional India – 5. Legal group comprising advocates and ex-judges 1. We will only vote for patriotic, honest, valiant, far- 6. Ex-servicemen group sighted, and skillful people. We ourselves will vote 7. Farmer group 100% and also make others vote. 8. Industrialist and businessmen group 2. We will unite all patriotic, sincere, aware, sensitive, 9. Worker group intelligent and honest people together 100% and unit- 10. Officer group ing the powers of the nation will bring about a new 11. Labour group freedom, new system and new change. We will make 12. Science and technology group India the biggest superpower in the world. 13. Art and culture group 3. We will 100% boycott foreign goods made with 14. Media group zero technology and adopt indigenous goods. 15. Senior citizen group 4. We will adopt nationalist thought 100%, and while That is, a total of 15 groups will work. To estab- in our personal lives we observe Hindu, Islam, Chris- lish these 15 groups in each district, the responsibility tian, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, etc. religious traditions, in of the selection of the members as well as the coordi- our public lives we will live like a true Indian – a true nator will rest with the aforementioned six main orga- Hindustani. nizations of Bharat Swabhiman and 15 supporting 5. We will make the entire country 100% yoga-ori- groups, a total of 21 constituents of our complete or- ented and make the citizens inward-focused by mak- ganization. These 21 groups, in the 21st century, will ing them healthy and arouse the feeling of self-pride awaken ‘swadeshi’ in the entire nation by running a in each one by removing the cheating, corruption, revolution of complete social, spiritual, moral rise and hopelessness, disbelief and self-languor arising because bring about a new freedom and a new system in the ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 17
  • 16. country. from office, because all the government elements are there Including 1100 to 2100 yoga teachers from each dis- for our security and to give us justice, and in return for trict, we will prepare 2100 to 5000 special members their work, we give them heavy salaries. Do not be afraid of Bharat Swabhiman and the special members shall of them. Definitely show them respectful behaviour but select 5,000 to 11,000 working members and these keep in mind that they are not your masters and they are will prepare 5-11 lakh ordinary members of Bharat there to serve you. In a democracy, every Indian is the Swabhiman (Trust). master and he has moral and constitutional rights. Every To join in this national revolution through the medium citizen has the right to live with complete freedom, com- of Bharat Swabhiman, contact the local Patanjali Yog plete governance, and self-respect. Hence, wake up! And Samiti/ Patanjali Treatment centre to join any one of do not quietly accept exploitation, injustice and corrup- the above-mentioned 15 groups and come forward to tion in the name of governance. Whosoever is a corrupt become our teacher/member! ruler, throw him out of power with the help of your vot- A BIG QUESTION MARK ON DEMOCRACY AND ing right; and vote 100% to bring into power those patri- THE CONSTITUTION otic, brave, skillful and farsighted people who are honest, 4. Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and Media are who feel for the nation in their heart and sincerely want the four pillars of this democracy. In a democracy, the the progress of the nation! And save the nation! We will voters are not helpless, destitute or slaves and the rulers take a resolution that neither will we rob the nation and are not masters; on the other hand, the rulers are public nor will we allow corrupt, cunning and criminal minded servants to whom people have given power and author- people rob the nation. This country is mine. I will not ity. Those MLAs and MPs have been elected by us to allow it to be ruined. When majority of the leaders who protect our well-being. We have not made them our rep- sit in the Parliament and legislative assemblies themselves resentative to dictate instead of rule or to do injustice to make a joke of democracy and when those who take us under the cover of the law. We do not give rights to oaths on the Constitution themselves kill the Constitu- the people’s representative so that they take away our tion, then we cannot keep silent. I will build the India that right to live. The rulers are our employees and in return the martyrs dreamt of, bring a new independence to the for their services, we give the MLA/MP, ministers, chief nation, and will remove the exploitation and corruption minister and prime minister their salaries, houses, entire that is going on in the name of governance in the nation expenses, travel and petrol expenses, car, etc. through today. our taxes. The rulers do not give free service, instead, in WHAT DEMOCRACY IS THIS? return for this service, we give heavy salaries and entire 5. In this democracy, votes are seeked in Hindi and expenses to each representative and we give him author- other Indian languages while governance is done in En- ity for the welfare of the society, town, region, and na- glish. Can’t the nation be ruled with the national language? tion; and if he misuses this authority we have all the right Can’t the judgment of the High Courts and Supreme Court to take him out of power. In the present time, the country of India be given in Hindi or other regional languages? is so terrorized by the misdeeds of the corrupt rulers and Even after 60 years of Independence, the people of our corrupt authorities that the common man feels himself to country don’t get justice in their own language—what be helpless, destitute, lonely and tired, and even while kind of injustice is this? living in independent India, is desperate because of con- BREAK YOUR SILENCE! stant fear of the governance and is again and again made 6. A country is harmed more by the despondency a victim of exploitation. Now awaken! Do not bear ex- of the good people of the country than by the misdeeds ploitation instead of governance any longer! Live with of the bad people. Hence, now break your silence! Awaken complete self-respect, self-rule, and freedom! This coun- yourself! And awaken the nation!! And come forward to try is yours; you are not a slave but a citizen of free India. defeat the demonic forces of the nation! Just like the legislature of the country, the entire adminis- THE INDIA OF MY DREAMS trative executives and judiciary too, that is all the demo- 7. In order to build a healthy, prosperous and re- cratic processes, administrative officers, police organi- fined India, I have five main goals – Healthy India, Clean zation, and the judicial system, have all been instituted so India, Independent India, India free from hunger, unem- that the people of the nation can live with security, justice ployment and poverty with population control, and India and self-respect. However, if some government officer, free from political corruption with 100% voting. employee or police officer is doing injustice to you or 1. HEALTHY INDIA behaving in an unconstitutional manner, then you have I want to build such an India in which each citizen, the right to raise a voice against that corrupt system and poor or rich, is healthy physically, in thoughts, and in getting that corrupt officer punished, getting him removed feelings. Unfortunately, despite spending or wasting al- ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 18
  • 17. most Rs 6,00,000 crore in health services, only 35 per ing company became the ruler before our eyes. Be- cent of people are being able to control their illness with ginning with the first agent of the East India Company in the help of modern treatment methods and allopathy, while 1615, Thomas Roe to the first Governor General Warren the rest of 65 per cent are not even capable of availing Hastings to the last Governor General Mountbatten, a allopathic treatment. foreign company robbed property and wealth worth Rs We want to give mankind total health by the use of 278 lakh crore for 350 years. The first foreign company, yoga, Ayurveda, acupressure, natural and balanced meth- East India Company, not only robbed the wealth and glory ods and traditional Indian remedies, because it is certain of India but also made it a slave country for 200 years, that only healthy citizens can build a prosperous, mag- and now the 5000+ foreign companies producing flour, nificent, and refined India. salt, water, cold drinks, juice, chips, soap, oil, cream, 2. CLEAN INDIA powder, shoes, sandals and garments, etc., with zero The country’s land, food, water, rivers, air and sky technology (these are the goods in which no special tech- have all become polluted, and the main cause of 50% of nique or science is used) are taking away lakhs and crores the diseases in India is non-cleanliness. Because of pollu- of rupees from the country. This is a big obstacle to the tion in food, thought, mind and behaviour, disease, fear, country’s economic progress. Even if one rupee from corruption, crime and anarchy is spreading in the entire the country is deposited in foreign banks then it is harm- country. Even sage Patanjali had pronounced cleanliness ful and dangerous for the economic condition of the na- to be the first rule for a yogi. The universe is purified by tion. The economic condition of the country is the nation’s sacrificial fires, air is purified through planting of trees, biggest strength or backbone. We will make our country the body is purified by water, mind if purified by truth, strong, and will not make it weak by buying products of wealth is purified by donation, wisdom is purified by foreign companies. Foreigners have robbed us tremen- knowledge, and the soul is purified by study and pen- dously, hence, for the empowerment of the economic ance. We want to build a clean and strong India by puri- condition of the nation, it is essential to bring in foreign fying politics by 100% voting and purifying the nation by currency through trade and jobs, to increase exports by the identity cards of each citizen. To make the air, food trading with foreign nations, to create demand for our and water pollution-free, it is important to have nation- goods in foreign markets. However, if money is being wide movements. credited to the account books of foreign companies be- 3. INDEPENDENT INDIA THROUGH INDIAN cause of you, then you are betraying the country. We LIFESTYLE should not cheat the nation and rather we should become No country in the world can become great without responsible and trustworthy citizens and businessmen of indigenous industries, indigenous education, indigenous the nation. treatment, indigenous technology, indigenous knowledge, We take the vow that we will no longer use in our life indigenous languages, indigenous costumes, and self-re- th daily-use products made by foreign companies using spect of the motherland. zero technology such as Lux, Lifebuoy, Liril, Rexona, I want to make India and each Indian stand on its Pears, Colgate, Pepsodent, Ponds, Lakme, Dettol, Dalda, own feet and be independent and want to place India at etc., We will also never use products by Amway and the highest position in the world. poisonous cold drinks of Pepsi and Coca-Cola, as well as I want to awaken self-respect in every individual of drinking water sold under the brand names of Aquafina the nation, and inculcate Indian languages, culture, re- and Kinley. Even if some foreign companies are only dis- finement, Vedic knowledge in the entire system of educa- tributing fruit juice, water, soap and other good quality tion and medical treatment, and carve a unique identity products, we will not buy those products because these for India in the world. In 1611 in Machli Pattnam (Andhra products while not harming our health are very harmful Pradesh) and in 1613 in Surat (Gujarat), the Mughal em- to India’s economic state, prosperity and the indigenous peror had given permission to a foreign company to trade. Indian industries. Nowadays even Indian industries are Gradually, by exploiting the nation, this company made producing quality essential-use products with purity its roots strong, and in 1757, by gaining victory in the checks. Hence, by adopting an Indian lifestyle, we will Battle of Plassey in Bengal, started invoking taxes. In the save the country from economic bondage and make the unprecedented famine of Bengal in 1769-70, far from country free from poverty, unemployment and hunger helping the victims, the company exploited them all the by increasing indigenous industries. more. Despite the presence of famine in the country, this When the history of India’s progress is written, then foreign company made a lot of profit. Taking the help of our name, at the very least, should not appear in the list its ‘Regulatory Act’, it started its rule in India from 1773 of individuals who weakened the nation and should ap- with the Bengal province. In other words, a foreign trad- pear in the list of people who gave strength to the nation. ; YOG SANDESH-ENGLISH ; 19