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                               WE LOVED

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
                   EILEEN HOSTED A DINNER PARTY...

                WE WERE ON A VIRTUOUS PATH

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

                               Eileen Romesser What! you are engaged? When
                               did this happen? I can't wait to hear the details.
                               4 hours ago · Comment · Like · See Wall-to-Wall

                               Jim Cavan It was hilarious. I was really drunk
                               and asked her to carry me, and she just started
                               crying. It was too late then.
                               3 hours ago · Delete

                               Deana ! Aulisio hee hee. no, it wasn't like
                               that, we were more just like walking zeph on
                               the beach and stumbled upon a heart rock
                               shrine... and then he pulled a beautiful ring out.
                               10 minutes ago · Delete

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Pure Love, Organic and Simple
                    ❝You have no idea how grateful and excited I am to
                      have found you.  In this short month, I feel like a
                     completely renewed person.  Thank you for being so             “Just spent a few minutes
                     open and caring.  Please don't fear the potential of   swimming through our past
                                                                            corespondances. I say swimming
                     us because, to me, this all feels immensely potent,
                                                                            because reading them fills me with
                                substantial, and steadfast.❞                a wondrous, effortless sense of
                                           ❥Deana                           suspended bliss, as I feel our words
                                                                            grow and shimmer, shine and
                                                                            blossom, chiming like an epic poem
                                                                            read beneath some dusk-soaked
                                                                            banyan in the breeze, sequentially,
                                                                            organically.... In recounting these
                                                                            epic months, I realize how much
                                                                            sense this all makes, and has always
                                                                            made, and how senseless so much
                                                                            seemed before. “            n Jim

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
                               My mother, Marsha, used to say to me, “you’re too picky Deana,
                               and you nag, will you ever find a man that’s good enough?”
                               Although I know my mom has been right many times, I also know
                               my patience was a virtue. I just couldn’t settle, not until I met a

       Who am I?               man who brought peace to my mind and made my heart beat with
                               As Jim says, I’m a busy bee, constantly finding something to clean,
                               create, or check off the list. Both being of the sign Taurus, our
                               home is our sanctuary. Since we bought our first house together in
                               June, we’ve made it a sacred space, hanging pictures of friends and
                               family, caring for our flowers and pets, cooking lots of veggies and
                               local meat for guests, composting, soon setting our rooms’ moods
                               with non-VOC paints, and hanging our laundry to dry.
                               I feel a great gratitude for my “work”; I’ve been in college
                               consistently since 1997. I just couldn’t give up the learning,
                               growing, doing, being. I knew I wanted to live in a clean and
                               wholesome environment, so I chose to study just that. My work
                               has evolved from cleaning up polluted rivers to investigating
                               potential for algae-based biofuels to charting the social impacts of
                               the consumer products we buy (some of you may know, and as Jim
                               likes to tease me, Walmart is my “sugarmama”).
                               I believe in sustainability, not only of the environment, but also of
                               the body. I’ve practiced yoga for nearly 10 years and now do my
                               best to share it with others, including Jim. Yoga gives meaning to
                               life, it teaches you how to love and find peace, and it creates a
                               virtuous cycle of change. These are all attributes that have helped
                               me build a sustainable, compassionate, and compromising
                               relationship with Jim.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I’m Jim – Michigan born and raised. I came to New Hampshire in 2001 to
      attend UNH. I never looked back. To be 30 minutes from the sea, an hour
      from the mountains, and minutes from any number of outdoor wonders, was
      as much a factor in my coming out here as anything academic – even more so,
      I think. I’ve always had a keen love of the outdoors, something my father,
      Paul, helped instill at a very young age.

      I majored in Philosophy – I know, real growth industry, right? After college I
                                                                                         Who I be.
      worked a number of jobs that fluctuated between “soul-crushing” and
      “tolerable” on the reward scale. Then in 2009, a few months after I met and
      fell in love with Deana, I was offered a job working for the Green Alliance, a
      Seacoast-based  “green business union” that helps local businesses improve
      and build on their sustainability efforts. It doesn’t pay a whole heck of a lot,
      but it’s as rewarding as anything I could imagine, and it has allowed me to
      meet and work with so many exciting, dynamic, and truly active members of
      our community. Despite tough times, we’ve all done our part to help revitalize
      the local economy and, in our own, small way, help the planet as well.

      I met Deana just a year ago this last September. I was debating about whether
      to go to a dinner party of an acquaintance. I’m sure the other option was C-
      SPAN or ESPN. Deana came downstairs a few minutes after we arrived. Soon
      after that we were chopping cilantro together. Soon after that we were talking
      alone on the porch. Soon after that she inexplicably went up to bed – at 9:30
      on a Saturday for early morning yoga. Soon after that I started thinking on
      her. I never stopped.

      With Deana I’ve found a love that seems a dozen lives in the making – our
      understanding runs deep and true, and our synchronicity is nothing but
      otherworldly. We love each other, and we love what we do – full as both of
      our paths are with opportunities to truly make a difference, all the while
      strengthened by our mutual respect, adoration, and love we feel has spanned
      lifetimes leading to this. I may have come to New Hampshire and never
      looked back, but it’s looking forward that gives me the greatest feeling of

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
D: A lot of people don't believe in this type of love - 
    one that keeps getting better with time.  Is it
    sustainable? I have to admit that I am freaked out that
    this is all some honeymoon phase that's going to drop off
    like a bell curve.  I know I can't let pessimism pervade
    my head; the idea that we’ll reach some plateau is a much
    better concept. Or even better, can we grow exponentially?

                                         J: I'm glad you're
                                         taking this "honeymoon
                                         phase" in stride. I
                                         can understand the
                                         bell curve worry...
                                         though at the same
                                         time I can't, because
                                         I honestly have never
                                         felt a love grow and
                                         breathe like this. Our
                                         love lives -- it is
                                         its own life, and
                                         therefore can only
                                         I was never much of a
                                         math whiz, but this is
                                         one formula I feel
                                         blessed to have sail
                                         over my head, and,
                                         with a strike surreal,
                                         straight through my
                                         heart and soul.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
A Winter Walk at Adam’s Point

      “How do you conjure up such beautiful words? Can I just get inside
       that mind of yours and let your thoughts surround me like cool
        breezes and sea mist?  And you can curl up inside my heart to
         feel the warm, glowing fire that keeps burning for you.” *D
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Traversing Traverse City
                                                                    New Years 2009

                                " These words are as much yours as mine. You draw them out
                               of me like breaths, as steady and as effortless. You've inspired
                               and invigorated my mind unlike anyone, ever -- these words are
                               just my feeble attempt to capture and make sense of it -- make
                               sense of you.

                               Knees ever-weakening,

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Road Trip...
            Great Lakes, Great Times                UofM




Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Feeling at home
                        “i’m looking
                        forward to every
                        second of this
                        especially the
                        moment when i
                        carry you in our
                        front door :-*”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
                               THE CAT WILL PLAY

                “I came home to Gonzo completely out of
         his mind -- more attention starved than
         anything. He would not leave me alone the
         hour I stayed up, scratching my legs and
         goading me into playing a number of times. He
         woke me up promptly again at 8am --
         presumably because he knows that's how late
         dad sleeps. Anyway, we both miss Zephie and
         our mom, and can't wait to see you both :-*”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

                               The smile... obviously genetic

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
“You were amazing today, bringing unrivaled light to a day that threatened all
        but -- being not merely my girlfriend, not merely my lover, but a true, genuine
        partner, in life as in love. Thank you for being so present. Thank you for
        being you.   Tears nearly well as I think upon it all, to be  choked only in
        smiles. And as long as I can hold this feeling into slumber, filled with movies
        of you,  flashing in reels seamless, unhindered, and unbroken; into tomorrow,
        whose first thought will doubtless be remembering how much I love you.” ❀ Jimmy

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I want to be there to support you
                                          when you need me.  What you
        Island in Maine where we        experience, I want to be there to
          spent our 1st Anniversary    experience too.  Mostly because I
                                           want you to believe that love
                                         can be everlasting and sustain
                                        two people's lives.  Sometimes I
                                         imagine a fairytale of what my
                                      relationship will be.  And I know
                                      th e r e i s n o s u c h r e a l i t y t o i t .   B u t
                                         I do feel like two people in love
                                           can connect on a completely
                                         different level of consciousness,
                                        th a t t h e y c a n a c t a s o n e i n t h i s
                                      life.  I feel that in our passionate
                                       intimacy, in the verses you write
                                       to m e , i n o u r d e s i r e t o c o n s t a n t l y
                                       be with each other, and in waking
                                                     u p n e x t t o y o u . 


Wednesday, December 30, 2009
San Fran

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
          ...So you've burroughed into me, my heart and my
          mind, soul and vision, with movements ever new yet
          familiarly grounded and tangible. Our words traded in
          gentle facing breaths, promises marked for tomorrow's
          fulfillment, souls knowing no home but in that which we
          will always share...

               At Once Breathless and Breathing, J

               Now that, Jim, that was a love letter above all others.  And as I settle down at my computer with
               the food we cooked together, stored in it energy and love and goodness, that I now taste on my
               tongue exploding flavor like your kisses, I appreciate you more than ever.  Sometimes I remember
               my life before you and it seems so distant, so different.  I don't know who I was then.  This love we
               have is so incredibly grounded, yet ever-evolving.  How we have achieved that, only God knows. 
               Perhaps it is our Taurus nature.              Your Sweet Dea

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

  Will we one day
     some time strewn afar
  be what we see now
     or love as we are?

  Will next year’s passing
    Today’s smiles bleeding to tomorrow’s
       pass in rainbows
    which render fleeting all and any sorrows?

  Will our twin blue eyes
        one pair mirrors of the other
    still find their gaze
  Through the warm dark ‘neath the covers?

  Will the love we make, then
        the love of old souls joined anew
    still ring through walls
  Whispers cherished, though those be few?

  Will the life we paint, frame,                  ....Questions pondered through incredible now
        hang upon our one soul’s sturdy wall          Answered not in the if, but the how
    In lives to come, leave room to add           Questions becoming answers, prayers fulfilled
        colors unnamed, untamed, na’er to fall?       As “Will we?” surrenders to “We will...”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
In this Future Before US
    Live and learn and love...
    And work –  you have to work, but do something with a purpose... give back
    to the community. Be a part of where you live. Know and be known.
    T not to let career shadow the true work - family, planet, and good deeds.
    Understand the government and the economy. Vote. Be worldly - act locally.
    Take only what we need and waste little. Give away to those less fortunate.
    Face sacrifices and struggles with courage, satisfactions and steps forward
    with gusto...
    And snuggling – always snuggling, for it’s daily medicine.
    Lots of lazy summer evenings and cozy winter holidays with close friends and
    local beer and global stories.
    A first-born - the big sister, helpful and creative. Later - an inquisitive,
    achieving boy … A balanced family all in love.
    The pitter-patter of tiny feet, cuts and bruises and family hikes in the snow,
    dog kisses and kitty purrs, weekend farmer’s markets and chemical free
    products. Sports games, music and books over TV and video games.
    Someday, grandchildren and great grandchildren and a planet better than
    how we found it … Old age with a child’s soul still – not two but many now,
    just like in all lives lived and yet to come.
    We were born and we grew. We grew and we learned. We learned and we saw.
    We saw and we met. We met, and we knew. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

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  • 1. IN THIS YEAR OF OUR LIFE... WE LOVED Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 3. THIS IS THE EMAIL AND PHOTO ACCOUNT OF ONE COUPLE, ONE YEAR, AND ONE UNION Eileen Romesser What! you are engaged? When did this happen? I can't wait to hear the details. Congrats! 4 hours ago · Comment · Like · See Wall-to-Wall Jim Cavan It was hilarious. I was really drunk and asked her to carry me, and she just started crying. It was too late then. 3 hours ago · Delete Deana ! Aulisio hee hee. no, it wasn't like that, we were more just like walking zeph on the beach and stumbled upon a heart rock shrine... and then he pulled a beautiful ring out. 10 minutes ago · Delete Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 4. Pure Love, Organic and Simple ❝You have no idea how grateful and excited I am to have found you.  In this short month, I feel like a completely renewed person.  Thank you for being so     “Just spent a few minutes open and caring.  Please don't fear the potential of swimming through our past corespondances. I say swimming us because, to me, this all feels immensely potent, because reading them fills me with substantial, and steadfast.❞ a wondrous, effortless sense of ❥Deana suspended bliss, as I feel our words grow and shimmer, shine and blossom, chiming like an epic poem read beneath some dusk-soaked banyan in the breeze, sequentially, organically.... In recounting these epic months, I realize how much sense this all makes, and has always made, and how senseless so much seemed before. “ n Jim Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 5. Deana My mother, Marsha, used to say to me, “you’re too picky Deana, and you nag, will you ever find a man that’s good enough?” Although I know my mom has been right many times, I also know my patience was a virtue. I just couldn’t settle, not until I met a Who am I? man who brought peace to my mind and made my heart beat with purpose. As Jim says, I’m a busy bee, constantly finding something to clean, create, or check off the list. Both being of the sign Taurus, our home is our sanctuary. Since we bought our first house together in June, we’ve made it a sacred space, hanging pictures of friends and family, caring for our flowers and pets, cooking lots of veggies and local meat for guests, composting, soon setting our rooms’ moods with non-VOC paints, and hanging our laundry to dry. I feel a great gratitude for my “work”; I’ve been in college consistently since 1997. I just couldn’t give up the learning, growing, doing, being. I knew I wanted to live in a clean and wholesome environment, so I chose to study just that. My work has evolved from cleaning up polluted rivers to investigating potential for algae-based biofuels to charting the social impacts of the consumer products we buy (some of you may know, and as Jim likes to tease me, Walmart is my “sugarmama”). I believe in sustainability, not only of the environment, but also of the body. I’ve practiced yoga for nearly 10 years and now do my best to share it with others, including Jim. Yoga gives meaning to life, it teaches you how to love and find peace, and it creates a virtuous cycle of change. These are all attributes that have helped me build a sustainable, compassionate, and compromising relationship with Jim. Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 6. I’m Jim – Michigan born and raised. I came to New Hampshire in 2001 to attend UNH. I never looked back. To be 30 minutes from the sea, an hour from the mountains, and minutes from any number of outdoor wonders, was Jim as much a factor in my coming out here as anything academic – even more so, I think. I’ve always had a keen love of the outdoors, something my father, Paul, helped instill at a very young age. I majored in Philosophy – I know, real growth industry, right? After college I Who I be. worked a number of jobs that fluctuated between “soul-crushing” and “tolerable” on the reward scale. Then in 2009, a few months after I met and fell in love with Deana, I was offered a job working for the Green Alliance, a Seacoast-based  “green business union” that helps local businesses improve and build on their sustainability efforts. It doesn’t pay a whole heck of a lot, but it’s as rewarding as anything I could imagine, and it has allowed me to meet and work with so many exciting, dynamic, and truly active members of our community. Despite tough times, we’ve all done our part to help revitalize the local economy and, in our own, small way, help the planet as well. I met Deana just a year ago this last September. I was debating about whether to go to a dinner party of an acquaintance. I’m sure the other option was C- SPAN or ESPN. Deana came downstairs a few minutes after we arrived. Soon after that we were chopping cilantro together. Soon after that we were talking alone on the porch. Soon after that she inexplicably went up to bed – at 9:30 on a Saturday for early morning yoga. Soon after that I started thinking on her. I never stopped. With Deana I’ve found a love that seems a dozen lives in the making – our understanding runs deep and true, and our synchronicity is nothing but otherworldly. We love each other, and we love what we do – full as both of our paths are with opportunities to truly make a difference, all the while strengthened by our mutual respect, adoration, and love we feel has spanned lifetimes leading to this. I may have come to New Hampshire and never looked back, but it’s looking forward that gives me the greatest feeling of satisfaction.   Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 7. D: A lot of people don't believe in this type of love -  one that keeps getting better with time.  Is it sustainable? I have to admit that I am freaked out that this is all some honeymoon phase that's going to drop off like a bell curve.  I know I can't let pessimism pervade my head; the idea that we’ll reach some plateau is a much better concept. Or even better, can we grow exponentially? J: I'm glad you're taking this "honeymoon phase" in stride. I can understand the bell curve worry... though at the same time I can't, because I honestly have never felt a love grow and breathe like this. Our love lives -- it is its own life, and therefore can only grow. I was never much of a math whiz, but this is one formula I feel blessed to have sail over my head, and, with a strike surreal, straight through my heart and soul. Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 8. A Winter Walk at Adam’s Point “How do you conjure up such beautiful words? Can I just get inside that mind of yours and let your thoughts surround me like cool breezes and sea mist?  And you can curl up inside my heart to feel the warm, glowing fire that keeps burning for you.” *D Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 9. Traversing Traverse City Michigan New Years 2009  " These words are as much yours as mine. You draw them out of me like breaths, as steady and as effortless. You've inspired and invigorated my mind unlike anyone, ever -- these words are just my feeble attempt to capture and make sense of it -- make sense of you. Knees ever-weakening, Jim Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 10. Road Trip... Great Lakes, Great Times UofM Chicago Friends Family Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 11. Feeling at home “i’m looking forward to every second of this adventure, especially the moment when i carry you in our front door :-*” ❧J Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 12. WHEN MOM’S AWAY, THE CAT WILL PLAY “I came home to Gonzo completely out of his mind -- more attention starved than anything. He would not leave me alone the hour I stayed up, scratching my legs and goading me into playing a number of times. He woke me up promptly again at 8am -- presumably because he knows that's how late dad sleeps. Anyway, we both miss Zephie and our mom, and can't wait to see you both :-*” J Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 13. LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON The smile... obviously genetic Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 14. “You were amazing today, bringing unrivaled light to a day that threatened all but -- being not merely my girlfriend, not merely my lover, but a true, genuine partner, in life as in love. Thank you for being so present. Thank you for being you. Tears nearly well as I think upon it all, to be  choked only in smiles. And as long as I can hold this feeling into slumber, filled with movies of you,  flashing in reels seamless, unhindered, and unbroken; into tomorrow, whose first thought will doubtless be remembering how much I love you.” ❀ Jimmy Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 15. I want to be there to support you when you need me.  What you Island in Maine where we experience, I want to be there to spent our 1st Anniversary experience too.  Mostly because I want you to believe that love can be everlasting and sustain two people's lives.  Sometimes I imagine a fairytale of what my relationship will be.  And I know th e r e i s n o s u c h r e a l i t y t o i t .   B u t I do feel like two people in love can connect on a completely different level of consciousness, th a t t h e y c a n a c t a s o n e i n t h i s life.  I feel that in our passionate intimacy, in the verses you write to m e , i n o u r d e s i r e t o c o n s t a n t l y be with each other, and in waking u p n e x t t o y o u .  Deana Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 17. TAURUS ...So you've burroughed into me, my heart and my mind, soul and vision, with movements ever new yet familiarly grounded and tangible. Our words traded in gentle facing breaths, promises marked for tomorrow's fulfillment, souls knowing no home but in that which we will always share... At Once Breathless and Breathing, J Now that, Jim, that was a love letter above all others.  And as I settle down at my computer with the food we cooked together, stored in it energy and love and goodness, that I now taste on my tongue exploding flavor like your kisses, I appreciate you more than ever.  Sometimes I remember my life before you and it seems so distant, so different.  I don't know who I was then.  This love we have is so incredibly grounded, yet ever-evolving.  How we have achieved that, only God knows.  Perhaps it is our Taurus nature.  Your Sweet Dea Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 19. WE WILL Will we one day some time strewn afar be what we see now or love as we are? Will next year’s passing Today’s smiles bleeding to tomorrow’s pass in rainbows which render fleeting all and any sorrows? Will our twin blue eyes one pair mirrors of the other still find their gaze Through the warm dark ‘neath the covers? Will the love we make, then the love of old souls joined anew still ring through walls Whispers cherished, though those be few? Will the life we paint, frame, ....Questions pondered through incredible now hang upon our one soul’s sturdy wall Answered not in the if, but the how In lives to come, leave room to add Questions becoming answers, prayers fulfilled colors unnamed, untamed, na’er to fall? As “Will we?” surrenders to “We will...” Wednesday, December 30, 2009
  • 20. In this Future Before US Live and learn and love... And work –  you have to work, but do something with a purpose... give back to the community. Be a part of where you live. Know and be known. T not to let career shadow the true work - family, planet, and good deeds. ry Understand the government and the economy. Vote. Be worldly - act locally. Take only what we need and waste little. Give away to those less fortunate. Face sacrifices and struggles with courage, satisfactions and steps forward with gusto... And snuggling – always snuggling, for it’s daily medicine. Lots of lazy summer evenings and cozy winter holidays with close friends and local beer and global stories. A first-born - the big sister, helpful and creative. Later - an inquisitive, achieving boy … A balanced family all in love. The pitter-patter of tiny feet, cuts and bruises and family hikes in the snow, dog kisses and kitty purrs, weekend farmer’s markets and chemical free products. Sports games, music and books over TV and video games. Someday, grandchildren and great grandchildren and a planet better than how we found it … Old age with a child’s soul still – not two but many now, just like in all lives lived and yet to come. We were born and we grew. We grew and we learned. We learned and we saw. We saw and we met. We met, and we knew.  Wednesday, December 30, 2009