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JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Fantom, and Visage  Stephen Chin Chief Agile Methodologist, GXS tweet: @steveonjava
About the Presenter Stephen Chin Java Champion Family Man Chief Agile Methodologist, GXS Author, Pro JavaFX Platform OSCON Java Conference Chair Motorcyclist
Pro JavaFX 2 Platform Coming Soon! Coming 2nd half of this year All examples rewritten in Java Will cover the new JavaFX 2.0 APIs 3
JavaFX With Java
JavaFX 2.0 Product Timeline CYQ1 2011 CYQ3 2011 CYQ2 2011 JavaFX 2.0 EA (Early Access) JavaFX 2.0 Beta JavaFX 2.0 GA (General Availability) Copyright 2010 Oracle JavaFX Beta Available Now!
Programming Languages JavaFX 2.0 APIs are now in Java Pure Java APIs for all of JavaFX Expose JavaFX Binding, Sequences as Java APIs Embrace all JVM languages JRuby, Clojure, Groovy, Scala Fantom, Mira, Jython, etc. JavaFX Script is no longer supported by Oracle Existing JavaFX Script based applications will continue to run Visage is the open-source successor to the JavaFX Script language
JavaFX in Java JavaFX API follows JavaBeans approach Similar in feel to other UI toolkits (Swing, etc) Uses builder pattern to minimize boilerplate
Example Application public class HelloStage extends Application {   @Override public void start(Stage stage) {     stage.setTitle("Hello Stage"); stage.setWidth(600);     stage.setHeight(450); Group root = new Group();     Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTGREEN); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true);   }   public static void main(String[] args) {     launch(HelloStage.class, args);   } }
Binding Unquestionably the biggest JavaFX Script innovation Supported via a PropertyBinding class Lazy invocation for high performance Static construction syntax for simple cases e.g.: bindTo(<property>)
Observable Pseudo-Properties Supports watching for changes to properties Implemented via anonymous inner classes Will take advantage of closures in the future
Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { });
Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { }); The property we want to watch
Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { }); Only one listener used with generics to specify the data type
Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {   public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> property, Boolean oldValue, Boolean value) {  } }); Refers to the Rectangle.hoverProperty()
Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {   public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> property, Boolean oldValue, Boolean value) {     rect.setFill(rect.isHover() ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED);   } });
Sequences in Java Replaced with an Observable List Public API is based on JavaFX sequences Internal code can use lighter collections API JavaFX 2.0 also has an Observable Map
JavaFX With JRuby
Why JRuby? ,[object Object]
Dynamic Typing
‘Closure conversion’ for interfaces,[object Object]
JRuby Example 1: Simple Stage require 'java' Application = Java::javafx.application.Application Stage = Java::javafx.stage.Stage Scene = Java::javafx.scene.Scene Color = Java::javafx.scene.paint.Color class HelloStage< Application   def start(stage)     .....   end end Application.launch(; stage.title = 'Hello Stage (JRuby)' stage.width = 600 stage.height = 450 scene = scene.fill = Color::LIGHTGREEN stage.scene = scene stage.visible = true;
JRuby Example 2 rect = rect.x = 25 rect.y = 40 rect.width = 100 rect.height = 50 rect.fill = Color::RED root.children.add(rect) timeline = timeline.cycle_count= Timeline::INDEFINITE timeline.auto_reverse = true kv =, 200); kf =, kv); timeline.key_frames.addkf;;
JRuby Closure Conversion rect.hoverProperty.addListener() do |prop, oldVal, newVal| rect.fill = rect.hover ? Color::GREEN : Color::RED; end 23
JRubySwiby require 'swiby' class HelloWorldModel attr_accessor :saying end model = model.saying = "Hello World" Frame {   title "Hello World“   width 200   content {     Label {       text bind(model,:saying)     }   }   visible true } 24
25 JavaFX With Clojure Artwork by Augusto Sellhorn
A Little About      Clojure Started in 2007 by Rich Hickey Functional Programming Language Derived from LISP Optimized for High Concurrency … and looks nothing like Java! 26 (def hello (fn [] "Hello world")) (hello)
Clojure Syntax in One Slide Symbols numbers – 2.178 ratios – 355/113 strings – “clojure”, “rocks” characters –     symbols – a b c d keywords – :alpha :beta boolean – true, false null - nil Collections (commas optional) Lists (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Vectors [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Maps {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :d 4} Sets #{:a :b :c :d :e} 27 (plus macros that are syntactic sugar wrapping the above)
Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN)     (.setWidth stage 600)     (.setHeight stage 450)     (.setScene stage scene)     (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 28
Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp[]   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN)     (.setWidth stage 600)     (.setHeight stage 450)     (.setScene stage scene)     (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 29 Create a Function for the Application
Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN)     (.setWidth stage 600)     (.setHeight stage 450)     (.setScene stage scene)     (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 30 Initialize the Stage and Scene Variables
Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN)     (.setWidth stage 600)     (.setHeight stage 450)     (.setScene stage scene)     (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 31 Call Setter Methods on Scene and Stage
Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (.setFillscene Color/LIGHTGREEN)     (.setWidthstage 600)     (.setHeightstage 450)     (.setScenestage scene)     (.setVisiblestage true))) (javafxapp) 32 Java Constant Syntax Java Method Syntax
Simpler Code Using doto (defnjavafxapp []   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (doto scene       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN))     (doto stage       (.setWidth600)       (.setHeight450)       (.setScene scene)       (.setVisibletrue)))) (javafxapp) 33
Simpler Code Using doto (defnjavafxapp []   (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")         scene (Scene.)]     (doto scene       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN))     (doto stage       (.setWidth 600)       (.setHeight 450)       (.setScene scene)       (.setVisible true)))) (javafxapp) 34 doto form: (doto symbol    (.method params))  equals: (.method symbol params)
Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")     (.setWidth600)     (.setHeight450)     (.setScene (doto (Scene.)       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)       (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.)         (.setX25)         (.setY40)         (.setWidth100)         (.setHeight50)         (.setFillColor/RED))))))     (.setVisibletrue))) (javafxapp) 35
Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (doto(Stage. "JavaFX Stage")     (.setWidth 600)     (.setHeight 450)     (.setScene (doto(Scene.)       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)       (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.)         (.setX 25)         (.setY 40)         (.setWidth 100)         (.setHeight 50)         (.setFillColor/RED))))))     (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 36 Let replaced with inline declarations
Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")     (.setWidth 600)     (.setHeight 450)     (.setScene (doto (Scene.)       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)       (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.)         (.setX 25)         (.setY 40)         (.setWidth 100)         (.setHeight 50)         (.setFillColor/RED))))))     (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 37 Doto allows nested data structures
Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp []   (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage")     (.setWidth 600)     (.setHeight 450)     (.setScene (doto (Scene.)       (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)       (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.)         (.setX 25)         (.setY 40)         (.setWidth 100)         (.setHeight 50)         (.setFillColor/RED))))))     (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 38 Now a nested Rectangle fits!
Closures in Clojure 39 Inner classes can be created using proxy (.addListenerhoverProperty   (proxy [ChangeListener] [] (changed [p, o, v]       (.setFillrect         (if (.isHoverrect) Color/GREEN Color/RED)))))
Closures in Clojure Inner classes can be created using proxy 40 Proxy form: (proxy [class] [args] fs+)  f => (name [params*] body) (.addListenerhoverProperty   (proxy[ChangeListener][] (changed [p, o, v]       (.setFillrect         (if (.isHoverrect) Color/GREEN Color/RED)))))
JavaFX With Groovy
Features of Groovy Tight integration with Java Very easy to port from Java to Groovy Declarative syntax Familiar to JavaFX Script developers Builders
Step 1: Lazy conversion to Groovy class HelloStage extends Application {  void start(stage) {     stage.setTitle("Hello Stage (Groovy)"); stage.setWidth(600);     stage.setHeight(450);     Group root = new Group();     Scene scene = new Scene(root);     scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE);     stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true);   } static void main(args) {     launch(HelloStage.class, args);   } }
Step 2: Slightly More Groovy class HelloStage extends Application {     void start(stage) {        stage.setTitle("Hello Stage (Groovy)"); stage.setScene(new Scene(             width: 600,             height: 450,             fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE            root: new Group()         ));         stage.setVisible(true);     }     static void main(args) {         launch(HelloStage.class, args);     } }
Introducing GroovyFX Groovy DSL for JavaFX Started by James Clark In Alpha 1.0 State
Step 3: Using GroovyFX GroovyFX.start ({    def sg = new SceneGraphBuilder();     def stage = sg.stage(         title: "Hello World",           width: 600,           height: 450,        visible: true    ) {         scene(fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE) {             ...         }     ) }
Step 4: With Content GroovyFX.start ({    def sg = new SceneGraphBuilder();     def stage = sg.stage(         title: "Hello World",           width: 600,           height: 450,        visible: true    ) {         scene(fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE) { rectangle(                 x: 25, y: 40,                 width: 100, height: 50,                 fill: Color.RED ) })}
FX Script Animation in Groovy
Step 1: JavaFX Script def timeline = Timeline { repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE autoReverse: true keyFrames: [ KeyFrame {       time: 750ms       values : [         rect1.x => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR,         rect2.y => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR,         circle1.radius => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR       ]     }   ]; };
Step 1a: JavaFX Script Simplification def timeline = Timeline { repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE autoReverse: true   keyFrames: at (750ms) {     rect1.x => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR;     rect2.y => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR;     circle1.radius => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR;   } };
Step 2: Java-ish Groovy Animations final Timeline timeline = new Timeline(   cycleCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE, autoReverse: true ) final KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue (rect1.xProperty(), 200); final KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue (rect2.yProperty(), 200); final KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue (circle1.radiusProperty(), 200); final KeyFramekf = new KeyFrame(Duration.valueOf(750), kv1, kv2, kv3); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(kf);;
Step 3: GroovyFX Animation timeline = timeline(cycleCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE, autoReverse: true) {   at {    change (rect1, "y") {      to 200    }    change (rect2, "x") {      to 200    }     change (circle, "radius") {      to 200    }  } };
Groovy Closures  - With interface coercion def f = {    p, o, v -> rect.setFill(rect.isHover() ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED); } as ChangeListener; rect.hoverProperty().addListener(f);
54 JavaFX With Scala
What is Scala Started in 2001 by Martin Odersky Compiles to Java bytecodes Pure object-oriented language Also a functional programming language 55
Why Scala? Shares many language features with JavaFX Script that make GUI programming easier: Static type checking – Catch your errors at compile time Closures – Wrap behavior and pass it by reference Declarative – Express the UI by describing what it should look like Scala also supports DSLs! 56
Java vs. Scala DSL public class HelloStage extends Application {   public void start(Stage stage) {     stage.setTitle("Hello Stage"); stage.setWidth(600); stage.setHeight(450);     Scene scene = new Scene(); scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTGREEN);     Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(25); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(50); rect.setFill(Color.RED); stage.add(rect); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true);   }   public static void main(String[] args) {     Launcher.launch(HelloStage.class, args);   } } object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } 57 21 Lines 541 Characters 17 Lines 324 Characters
object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } 58
59 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } Base class for JavaFX applications
60 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } Declarative Stage definition
61 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } Inline property definitions
62 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication {   def stage = new Stage {     title = "Hello Stage"     width = 600     height = 450     scene = new Scene {       fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN       content = List(new Rectangle {         x = 25         y = 40         width = 100         height = 50         fill = Color.RED       })     }   } } List Construction Syntax
Animation in Scala def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List(       new KeyFrame(time: 50) {         values = List(           new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300),           new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500),           new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150)         )       }     )   } 63
def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List(       new KeyFrame(time: 50) {         values = List(           new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300),           new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500),           new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150)         )       }     )   } Animation in Scala 64 Duration set by Constructor Parameter
Animation in Scala 65 def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List(       new KeyFrame(time: 50) {         values = List(           new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300),           new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500),           new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150)         )       }     )   } Operator overloading for animation syntax
Closures in Scala 66 Closures are also supported in Scala And they are 100% type-safe rect.hoverProperty.addListener((p, o, v) => { rect.fill = if (rect.hover) Color.GREEN else Color.RED })
Closures in Scala Closures are also supported in Scala And they are 100% type-safe 67 rect.hoverProperty.addListener((p, o, v) => { rect.fill = if (rect.hover) Color.GREEN else Color.RED }) Compact syntax (params) => {body}
Other JVM Languages to Try Jython Started by Jim Hugunin High Performance Python Mirah Invented by Charles Nutter Originally called Duby Local Type Inference, Static and Dynamic Typing Fantom Created by Brian and Andy Frank Originally called Fan Built-in Declarative Syntax Portable to Java and .NET Local Type Inference, Static and Dynamic Typing 68
Fantom Code Example Void main() {   Stage {     title= "Hello Stage"     width= 600     height= 450    Scene {       fill= Color.LIGHTGREEN       Rectangle {         x= 25         y= 40         width= 100         height= 50         fill= Color.RED       }     }   }.open } 69
timeline := Timeline {   repeatCount = Timeline.INDEFINITE   autoReverse = true KeyFrame {    time = 50ms KeyValue(rect1.x()-> 300),     KeyValue(rect2.y() -> 500),     KeyValue(rect2.width() -> 150) } } Animation in Fantom 70 Fantom has a built-in Duration type And also supports operator overloading
Announcing Project Visage 71 ,[object Object],Visage project goals: Compile to JavaFX Java APIs Evolve the Language (Annotations, Maps, etc.) Support Other Toolkits Come join the team! For more info:
How about JavaFX on…  Visage Stage {   title: "Hello Stage"   width: 600   height: 450  scene: Scene {     fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN     content: Rectangle {       x: 25       y: 40       width: 100       height: 50       fill: Color.RED     }   } } 72
How about JavaFX on…  Visage Stage {   title: "Hello Stage"   width: 600   height: 450 scene: Scene {     fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN content: Rectangle {       x: 25       y: 40       width: 100       height: 50       fill: Color.RED     }   } } 73
How about JavaFX on…  Visage Stage {   title: "Hello Stage"   width: 600   height: 450  Scene {     fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN     Rectangle {       x: 25       y: 40       width: 100       height: 50       fill: Color.RED     }   } } 74
Visage on Android Curious? Drop by room 4 after this talk to find out more…

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Stephen Chin
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Stephen Chin
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Stephen Chin
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Skills Matter
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XML-Free Programming
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XML-Free Programming
Stephen Chin
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Andres Almiray
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Stephen Chin
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Naresha K
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Stephen Chin

Similar to JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Fantom, and Visage (20)

JavaFX 2.0 and Alternative Languages
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JavaFX 2.0 and Alternative Languages
JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Fantom, and V...
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JavaFX Your Way - Devoxx Version
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JavaFX Your Way - Devoxx Version
JavaFX Your Way: Building JavaFX Applications with Alternative Languages
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JavaFX Your Way: Building JavaFX Applications with Alternative Languages
JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - JavaOne 2011
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JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - JavaOne 2011
JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages [Portuguese]
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JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages [Portuguese]
Hacking JavaFX with Groovy, Clojure, Scala, and Visage: Stephen Chin
Hacking JavaFX with Groovy, Clojure, Scala, and Visage: Stephen ChinHacking JavaFX with Groovy, Clojure, Scala, and Visage: Stephen Chin
Hacking JavaFX with Groovy, Clojure, Scala, and Visage: Stephen Chin
Greach, GroovyFx Workshop
Greach, GroovyFx WorkshopGreach, GroovyFx Workshop
Greach, GroovyFx Workshop
JavaFX introduction
JavaFX introductionJavaFX introduction
JavaFX introduction
Groovy's Builder
Groovy's BuilderGroovy's Builder
Groovy's Builder
Don't panic in Fortaleza - ScalaFX
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Don't panic in Fortaleza - ScalaFX
Clojure And Swing
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Clojure And Swing
JavaFX Overview
JavaFX OverviewJavaFX Overview
JavaFX Overview
XML-Free Programming
XML-Free ProgrammingXML-Free Programming
XML-Free Programming
JJUG CCC 2011 Spring
JJUG CCC 2011 SpringJJUG CCC 2011 Spring
JJUG CCC 2011 Spring
Griffon @ Svwjug
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Griffon @ Svwjug
JavaFX 2 and Scala - Like Milk and Cookies (33rd Degrees)
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Effective Java with Groovy & Kotlin - How Languages Influence Adoption of Goo...
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Effective Java with Groovy & Kotlin - How Languages Influence Adoption of Goo...
Intro to JavaFX & Widget FX
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JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Fantom, and Visage

  • 1. JavaFX 2.0 With Alternative Languages - Groovy, Clojure, Scala, Fantom, and Visage Stephen Chin Chief Agile Methodologist, GXS tweet: @steveonjava
  • 2. About the Presenter Stephen Chin Java Champion Family Man Chief Agile Methodologist, GXS Author, Pro JavaFX Platform OSCON Java Conference Chair Motorcyclist
  • 3. Pro JavaFX 2 Platform Coming Soon! Coming 2nd half of this year All examples rewritten in Java Will cover the new JavaFX 2.0 APIs 3
  • 6. JavaFX 2.0 Product Timeline CYQ1 2011 CYQ3 2011 CYQ2 2011 JavaFX 2.0 EA (Early Access) JavaFX 2.0 Beta JavaFX 2.0 GA (General Availability) Copyright 2010 Oracle JavaFX Beta Available Now!
  • 7. Programming Languages JavaFX 2.0 APIs are now in Java Pure Java APIs for all of JavaFX Expose JavaFX Binding, Sequences as Java APIs Embrace all JVM languages JRuby, Clojure, Groovy, Scala Fantom, Mira, Jython, etc. JavaFX Script is no longer supported by Oracle Existing JavaFX Script based applications will continue to run Visage is the open-source successor to the JavaFX Script language
  • 8. JavaFX in Java JavaFX API follows JavaBeans approach Similar in feel to other UI toolkits (Swing, etc) Uses builder pattern to minimize boilerplate
  • 9. Example Application public class HelloStage extends Application { @Override public void start(Stage stage) { stage.setTitle("Hello Stage"); stage.setWidth(600); stage.setHeight(450); Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTGREEN); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { launch(HelloStage.class, args); } }
  • 10. Binding Unquestionably the biggest JavaFX Script innovation Supported via a PropertyBinding class Lazy invocation for high performance Static construction syntax for simple cases e.g.: bindTo(<property>)
  • 11. Observable Pseudo-Properties Supports watching for changes to properties Implemented via anonymous inner classes Will take advantage of closures in the future
  • 12. Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { });
  • 13. Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { }); The property we want to watch
  • 14. Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { }); Only one listener used with generics to specify the data type
  • 15. Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> property, Boolean oldValue, Boolean value) { } }); Refers to the Rectangle.hoverProperty()
  • 16. Observable Pseudo-Properties final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(40); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(200); rect.hoverProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() { public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> property, Boolean oldValue, Boolean value) { rect.setFill(rect.isHover() ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED); } });
  • 17. Sequences in Java Replaced with an Observable List Public API is based on JavaFX sequences Internal code can use lighter collections API JavaFX 2.0 also has an Observable Map
  • 19.
  • 22.
  • 23. JRuby Example 1: Simple Stage require 'java' Application = Java::javafx.application.Application Stage = Java::javafx.stage.Stage Scene = Java::javafx.scene.Scene Color = Java::javafx.scene.paint.Color class HelloStage< Application def start(stage) ..... end end Application.launch(; stage.title = 'Hello Stage (JRuby)' stage.width = 600 stage.height = 450 scene = scene.fill = Color::LIGHTGREEN stage.scene = scene stage.visible = true;
  • 24. JRuby Example 2 rect = rect.x = 25 rect.y = 40 rect.width = 100 rect.height = 50 rect.fill = Color::RED root.children.add(rect) timeline = timeline.cycle_count= Timeline::INDEFINITE timeline.auto_reverse = true kv =, 200); kf =, kv); timeline.key_frames.addkf;;
  • 25. JRuby Closure Conversion rect.hoverProperty.addListener() do |prop, oldVal, newVal| rect.fill = rect.hover ? Color::GREEN : Color::RED; end 23
  • 26. JRubySwiby require 'swiby' class HelloWorldModel attr_accessor :saying end model = model.saying = "Hello World" Frame { title "Hello World“ width 200 content { Label { text bind(model,:saying) } } visible true } 24
  • 27. 25 JavaFX With Clojure Artwork by Augusto Sellhorn
  • 28. A Little About Clojure Started in 2007 by Rich Hickey Functional Programming Language Derived from LISP Optimized for High Concurrency … and looks nothing like Java! 26 (def hello (fn [] "Hello world")) (hello)
  • 29. Clojure Syntax in One Slide Symbols numbers – 2.178 ratios – 355/113 strings – “clojure”, “rocks” characters – symbols – a b c d keywords – :alpha :beta boolean – true, false null - nil Collections (commas optional) Lists (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Vectors [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Maps {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :d 4} Sets #{:a :b :c :d :e} 27 (plus macros that are syntactic sugar wrapping the above)
  • 30. Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN) (.setWidth stage 600) (.setHeight stage 450) (.setScene stage scene) (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 28
  • 31. Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp[] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN) (.setWidth stage 600) (.setHeight stage 450) (.setScene stage scene) (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 29 Create a Function for the Application
  • 32. Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN) (.setWidth stage 600) (.setHeight stage 450) (.setScene stage scene) (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 30 Initialize the Stage and Scene Variables
  • 33. Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (.setFill scene Color/LIGHTGREEN) (.setWidth stage 600) (.setHeight stage 450) (.setScene stage scene) (.setVisible stage true))) (javafxapp) 31 Call Setter Methods on Scene and Stage
  • 34. Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (.setFillscene Color/LIGHTGREEN) (.setWidthstage 600) (.setHeightstage 450) (.setScenestage scene) (.setVisiblestage true))) (javafxapp) 32 Java Constant Syntax Java Method Syntax
  • 35. Simpler Code Using doto (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (doto scene (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)) (doto stage (.setWidth600) (.setHeight450) (.setScene scene) (.setVisibletrue)))) (javafxapp) 33
  • 36. Simpler Code Using doto (defnjavafxapp [] (let [stage (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") scene (Scene.)] (doto scene (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN)) (doto stage (.setWidth 600) (.setHeight 450) (.setScene scene) (.setVisible true)))) (javafxapp) 34 doto form: (doto symbol (.method params)) equals: (.method symbol params)
  • 37. Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") (.setWidth600) (.setHeight450) (.setScene (doto (Scene.) (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN) (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.) (.setX25) (.setY40) (.setWidth100) (.setHeight50) (.setFillColor/RED)))))) (.setVisibletrue))) (javafxapp) 35
  • 38. Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (doto(Stage. "JavaFX Stage") (.setWidth 600) (.setHeight 450) (.setScene (doto(Scene.) (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN) (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.) (.setX 25) (.setY 40) (.setWidth 100) (.setHeight 50) (.setFillColor/RED)))))) (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 36 Let replaced with inline declarations
  • 39. Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") (.setWidth 600) (.setHeight 450) (.setScene (doto (Scene.) (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN) (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.) (.setX 25) (.setY 40) (.setWidth 100) (.setHeight 50) (.setFillColor/RED)))))) (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 37 Doto allows nested data structures
  • 40. Refined Clojure GUI Example (defnjavafxapp [] (doto (Stage. "JavaFX Stage") (.setWidth 600) (.setHeight 450) (.setScene (doto (Scene.) (.setFillColor/LIGHTGREEN) (.setContent (list (doto (Rectangle.) (.setX 25) (.setY 40) (.setWidth 100) (.setHeight 50) (.setFillColor/RED)))))) (.setVisible true))) (javafxapp) 38 Now a nested Rectangle fits!
  • 41. Closures in Clojure 39 Inner classes can be created using proxy (.addListenerhoverProperty (proxy [ChangeListener] [] (changed [p, o, v] (.setFillrect (if (.isHoverrect) Color/GREEN Color/RED)))))
  • 42. Closures in Clojure Inner classes can be created using proxy 40 Proxy form: (proxy [class] [args] fs+) f => (name [params*] body) (.addListenerhoverProperty (proxy[ChangeListener][] (changed [p, o, v] (.setFillrect (if (.isHoverrect) Color/GREEN Color/RED)))))
  • 44. Features of Groovy Tight integration with Java Very easy to port from Java to Groovy Declarative syntax Familiar to JavaFX Script developers Builders
  • 45. Step 1: Lazy conversion to Groovy class HelloStage extends Application { void start(stage) { stage.setTitle("Hello Stage (Groovy)"); stage.setWidth(600); stage.setHeight(450); Group root = new Group(); Scene scene = new Scene(root); scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true); } static void main(args) { launch(HelloStage.class, args); } }
  • 46. Step 2: Slightly More Groovy class HelloStage extends Application { void start(stage) { stage.setTitle("Hello Stage (Groovy)"); stage.setScene(new Scene( width: 600, height: 450, fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE root: new Group() )); stage.setVisible(true); } static void main(args) { launch(HelloStage.class, args); } }
  • 47. Introducing GroovyFX Groovy DSL for JavaFX Started by James Clark In Alpha 1.0 State
  • 48. Step 3: Using GroovyFX GroovyFX.start ({ def sg = new SceneGraphBuilder(); def stage = sg.stage( title: "Hello World", width: 600, height: 450, visible: true ) { scene(fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE) { ... } ) }
  • 49. Step 4: With Content GroovyFX.start ({ def sg = new SceneGraphBuilder(); def stage = sg.stage( title: "Hello World", width: 600, height: 450, visible: true ) { scene(fill: Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE) { rectangle( x: 25, y: 40, width: 100, height: 50, fill: Color.RED ) })}
  • 50. FX Script Animation in Groovy
  • 51. Step 1: JavaFX Script def timeline = Timeline { repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE autoReverse: true keyFrames: [ KeyFrame { time: 750ms values : [ rect1.x => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR, rect2.y => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR, circle1.radius => 200.0 tweenInterpolator.LINEAR ] } ]; };
  • 52. Step 1a: JavaFX Script Simplification def timeline = Timeline { repeatCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE autoReverse: true keyFrames: at (750ms) { rect1.x => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR; rect2.y => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR; circle1.radius => 200.0 tween Interpolator.LINEAR; } };
  • 53. Step 2: Java-ish Groovy Animations final Timeline timeline = new Timeline( cycleCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE, autoReverse: true ) final KeyValue kv1 = new KeyValue (rect1.xProperty(), 200); final KeyValue kv2 = new KeyValue (rect2.yProperty(), 200); final KeyValue kv3 = new KeyValue (circle1.radiusProperty(), 200); final KeyFramekf = new KeyFrame(Duration.valueOf(750), kv1, kv2, kv3); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(kf);;
  • 54. Step 3: GroovyFX Animation timeline = timeline(cycleCount: Timeline.INDEFINITE, autoReverse: true) { at { change (rect1, "y") { to 200 } change (rect2, "x") { to 200 } change (circle, "radius") { to 200 } } };
  • 55. Groovy Closures - With interface coercion def f = { p, o, v -> rect.setFill(rect.isHover() ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED); } as ChangeListener; rect.hoverProperty().addListener(f);
  • 56. 54 JavaFX With Scala
  • 57. What is Scala Started in 2001 by Martin Odersky Compiles to Java bytecodes Pure object-oriented language Also a functional programming language 55
  • 58. Why Scala? Shares many language features with JavaFX Script that make GUI programming easier: Static type checking – Catch your errors at compile time Closures – Wrap behavior and pass it by reference Declarative – Express the UI by describing what it should look like Scala also supports DSLs! 56
  • 59. Java vs. Scala DSL public class HelloStage extends Application { public void start(Stage stage) { stage.setTitle("Hello Stage"); stage.setWidth(600); stage.setHeight(450); Scene scene = new Scene(); scene.setFill(Color.LIGHTGREEN); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.setX(25); rect.setY(40); rect.setWidth(100); rect.setHeight(50); rect.setFill(Color.RED); stage.add(rect); stage.setScene(scene); stage.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { Launcher.launch(HelloStage.class, args); } } object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } 57 21 Lines 541 Characters 17 Lines 324 Characters
  • 60. object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } 58
  • 61. 59 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } Base class for JavaFX applications
  • 62. 60 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } Declarative Stage definition
  • 63. 61 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } Inline property definitions
  • 64. 62 object HelloJavaFX extends JavaFXApplication { def stage = new Stage { title = "Hello Stage" width = 600 height = 450 scene = new Scene { fill = Color.LIGHTGREEN content = List(new Rectangle { x = 25 y = 40 width = 100 height = 50 fill = Color.RED }) } } } List Construction Syntax
  • 65. Animation in Scala def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List( new KeyFrame(time: 50) { values = List( new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300), new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500), new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150) ) } ) } 63
  • 66. def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List( new KeyFrame(time: 50) { values = List( new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300), new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500), new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150) ) } ) } Animation in Scala 64 Duration set by Constructor Parameter
  • 67. Animation in Scala 65 def timeline = new Timeline { repeatCount = INDEFINITE autoReverse = true keyFrames = List( new KeyFrame(time: 50) { values = List( new KeyValue(rect1.xProperty -> 300), new KeyValue(rect2.yProperty -> 500), new KeyValue(rect2.widthProperty -> 150) ) } ) } Operator overloading for animation syntax
  • 68. Closures in Scala 66 Closures are also supported in Scala And they are 100% type-safe rect.hoverProperty.addListener((p, o, v) => { rect.fill = if (rect.hover) Color.GREEN else Color.RED })
  • 69. Closures in Scala Closures are also supported in Scala And they are 100% type-safe 67 rect.hoverProperty.addListener((p, o, v) => { rect.fill = if (rect.hover) Color.GREEN else Color.RED }) Compact syntax (params) => {body}
  • 70. Other JVM Languages to Try Jython Started by Jim Hugunin High Performance Python Mirah Invented by Charles Nutter Originally called Duby Local Type Inference, Static and Dynamic Typing Fantom Created by Brian and Andy Frank Originally called Fan Built-in Declarative Syntax Portable to Java and .NET Local Type Inference, Static and Dynamic Typing 68
  • 71. Fantom Code Example Void main() { Stage { title= "Hello Stage" width= 600 height= 450 Scene { fill= Color.LIGHTGREEN Rectangle { x= 25 y= 40 width= 100 height= 50 fill= Color.RED } } }.open } 69
  • 72. timeline := Timeline { repeatCount = Timeline.INDEFINITE autoReverse = true KeyFrame { time = 50ms KeyValue(rect1.x()-> 300), KeyValue(rect2.y() -> 500), KeyValue(rect2.width() -> 150) } } Animation in Fantom 70 Fantom has a built-in Duration type And also supports operator overloading
  • 73.
  • 74. How about JavaFX on… Visage Stage { title: "Hello Stage" width: 600 height: 450 scene: Scene { fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN content: Rectangle { x: 25 y: 40 width: 100 height: 50 fill: Color.RED } } } 72
  • 75. How about JavaFX on… Visage Stage { title: "Hello Stage" width: 600 height: 450 scene: Scene { fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN content: Rectangle { x: 25 y: 40 width: 100 height: 50 fill: Color.RED } } } 73
  • 76. How about JavaFX on… Visage Stage { title: "Hello Stage" width: 600 height: 450 Scene { fill: Color.LIGHTGREEN Rectangle { x: 25 y: 40 width: 100 height: 50 fill: Color.RED } } } 74
  • 77. Visage on Android Curious? Drop by room 4 after this talk to find out more…
  • 78. Conclusion You can write JavaFX applications in pure Java JavaFX is also usable in alternate languages Over time improved support is possible Groovy Builders, Scala DSL, Visage
  • 79. 77 Stephen Chin tweet: @steveonjava

Editor's Notes

  1. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  2. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  3. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  4. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  5. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  6. There are two kinds of listener: ‘changedListener’ and ‘ChangingListener’. Being informed of the change before it happens allow for it to be vetoed.It is also possible to either watch a single property, or all properties belonging to a bean.Note that the value passed to the callback is the old value. This is to ensure that we aren’t eagerly computing the new value when it might not be required. To get the new value, you can call the function on the bean or via the propertyReference
  7. Slight conversion to Groovy. This can be compiled by the Groovy compiler and run, but basically there is only one line difference (the ‘static void main’ line)
  8. This is the same code as the previous slide, taking advantage of some of the Groovy syntax tricks. This is getting to look a lot more like JavaFX Script.
  9. This DSL handles running on the EDT, and can actually be run as-is – there is no need for a class declaration, or anything else to ensure that we’re on the EDT. This is getting us fairly close to the simple JavaFX Script at the beginning
  10. This DSL handles running on the EDT, and can actually be run as-is – there is no need for a class declaration, or anything else to ensure that we’re on the EDT. This is getting us fairly close to the simple JavaFX Script at the beginning