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Japan Culture Vs America
Japan is located on an island in Asia. Japan has a very interesting and intriguing culture. Everything,
from education to even how Japanese people greet each other. People in Japan are very proper
compared to other countries. Their houses are very different from one's in the United States from
when you even enter the house to when you leave. This is the research I've found on my county and
I hope you enjoy all the cool facts and customs. Japan has a diet that is very healthy and before 2008
they had a law where you couldn't be over a certain waist width (Norimitsu, 2008).Ever since 2008,
they can't fine or arrest you but you have to get a checkup every year by a doctor. (Norimitsu, 2008)
They usually eat rice, vegetables, seafood, fruit
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The Great Recession
The Great Recession of 2008 was the biggest global financial crisis that the world witnessed after
the Great Depression of the 1930s. Collapsing markets, failure of banks and drastic decrease in
international trade were just some key characteristics of the great recession. It became clear after the
collapse of the capitalist ideology enforced by United States that this was the end of America–
centred age of globalization (Lecture 2). This paper will compare and contrast the key characteristics
of the great recession and the great depression. It will also emphasize that the root causes of the
financial collapse of 2008 were first, unfavourable macroeconomic factors such as increasing
deficits in the current account of advanced countries and loose ... Show more content on ...
Baldwin in his book, "The Great Trade Collapse", explains that the financial collapse was very
sudden and synchronized which increased its severity. The trade collapse in 2008 was not as severe
as the Great Depression, however, the fall was very quick as it took 9 months for trade to fall at the
same level which took 24 months in 1930s (Baldwin, Pg. 1). The gradual trade collapse was an
initial sign that a severe financial crisis is about to come as countries that were dependent on
commodity exports (oil and minerals) were hit the most which includes Canada as well.
Additionally, uncertainty about the future spread globally and as a result people began to delay their
unnecessary expenses. With consumption rate decreasing globally, imports and exports were
adversely affected as well resulting into decreasing GDP in US, European Union and Japan
(Baldwin, 2009). It can be concluded from the stated facts that the nature of the Great Recession
was widespread primarily due to the internationalization of trade. Capitalism, with its main concept
of globalization had made the great recession a global phenomenon since after the triumph of United
States in Cold War, capitalism was adopted as the new world order. The expansion of MNCs and
global supply chains which were created to reduce operational costs meant that disruption in one
country of operation would likely cause problems with associated subsidiaries in other countries.
Thus, the connectedness of the financial markets and trade contributed in creating a synchronized
and severe recession
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Japan and Globalization
Japan, home of some of the largest multinational technology corporations in the world, has been
influenced in myriad ways through globalization. The effects of globalization on Japan provide
valuable insights into the transformation of Japanese society. Global processes have increased wages
and homelessness, strengthened environmental management programs, shifted governance towards
regionalism, and threatened linguistic diversity in Japan. Numerous studies on Japan's economy
provide both the positive and negative effects of globalization. Nakamura (2013) used Japanese
wage censuses from 1998, 2000, and 2002 to explore the effects of inward and outward foreign
direct investment (FDI) on the wages of Japanese workers in manufacturing ... Show more content
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86). Many politicians and economists regard neoliberalism as the key to national economic growth.
Japan's move towards neoliberalism–orientated regionalism follows the current trends of
The use of English in Japanese society challenges the traditional view of English as a lingua franca.
Kubota and McKay (2009) investigated the role of English in Hasu (a pseudonym), a small Japanese
community with non–English–speaking immigrants from Brazil, China, Peru, Korea, Thailand, and
other countries, by evaluating the results of a community survey on diversity and interviewing five
Japanese individuals (p. 593). They found that an attachment to English could reinforce the
superiority of native speakers and deprive English learners of their willingness to communicate with
others in other languages (Kubota & McKay, 2009, p. 612). The process of globalization entails the
interconnectedness of people across the world. In this instance, the use of English acts as a boundary
to cultural and linguistic understanding and divides people instead of connecting them together.
Seargeant (2005) finds that the influx of loanwords and the decorative use of English in media and
advertising acts as a boundary between Japan and the world because of its unfamiliar use (p. 318).
Japan has essentially co–opted English and transformed it into a language that native English
speakers find strange. The proliferation of English
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Cause And Effects Of Tsunami In Japan
In March of 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake hit Japan, releasing a dangerous tsunami. Japan was not
expecting the magnitude of the earthquake and tsunami, and endured much hardship after the
disaster. The effects of the tsunami can still be seen in Japan today through its residents, economy,
and through actions that have been taken to further protect residents from future disasters. Though
the Japan 2011 tsunami is one of the most destructive tsunamis ever recorded, dangerous tsunamis
continue to take place across the globe. The Japan 2011 tsunami not only affected the inhabitants of
Japan, but also affected people around the world. After disasters such as this, each area must endure
the aftermath of the disaster and recover from the effects.
A tsunami is a series of huge waves occurring when there is a major disturbance on the ocean floor.
Tsunamis often occur due to earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides (Park 16). Underwater
earthquakes may produce waves that travel in all different directions. Some tsunamis lose power and
die out under water, others may produce large waves as they approach land. Tsunamis may look like
an onrushing tidal wave as they approach land, but do not occur because of tides (Park 6). Their
walls of water can move across the open ocean at speeds of up to 560 miles per hour. When the
waves hit the coast, they can reach up to 100 feet (Park 5). The tsunami in Japan is believed to have
occurred after two of Earth's tectonic plates collided in the
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Monetary Policy And Housing Markets Essay
Principles of Finance 1
Murali Yoheswaran
University of the People
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for BUS 2203 –
Section (B) – Principles of Finance
Dr. Sali Bakare
September 12, 2016
The U.S monetary policy and the housing market developments are instruments that rely on each
other. Any change on one instrument will have an effect on the other. We saw this with how the U.S
economy housing bubble and bust which left the country in dismay. It was like a super tornado that
ripped through and left a crushing debris, the U.S economy housing market was going through some
rude awakenings. If the U.S monetary policy was more stringent and placed proper channels then all
of this disaster could have been averted.
What role did the setting of monetary policy play in housing market developments?
The Federal Reserve Board describes the monetary policy as the policy that the Federal
Reserve, the nation's central bank, does to influence the amount of money and credit in the U.S
economy. What happens to money and credit affects interest rates and the performance of the
U.S economy. The monetary policy creates a playing field for the economy where money value
varies and inflation controls the purchasing power. Monetary policy is a noteworthy instrument
since it can control how much money is borrowed and how much
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Post Ww2 Compare And Contrast
Compare and Contrast: Urban Redevelopment and Housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia This paper
is written to compare and contrast urban redevelopment and housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia in
the post–WWII era. Being aware of the fact that housing was indeed an integral part of urban
redevelopment in the postwar era, the following analysis of urban redevelopment will focus on the
larger picture, while that of housing would pay more attention to the details. Specifically, for urban
redevelopment, planning ideas and the level of inequality in different countries are examined, and
with regard to housing, I would like to analyze their architectural features. First of all, the planning
ideas that guided the process of urban redevelopment in different countries vary to a significant
extent. In Japan, priority was given to improve the urban road network. As a consequence, broad
arterial roads were planned, and green areas were provided at the fringe. The redevelopment of the
city of Nagoya revealed ambitious efforts. In this city, two 100–meter wide boulevards that served
as the axes was constructed, and a large number of parks were established. While according to the
Tokyo plan, an extensive network of ring and radial parkways, greenbelts, and corridors were built
in order to restructure Tokyo and subdivide it into many smaller sub–cities. On the outskirts, a
permanent greenbelt would be formed where development would be constrained. Additionally, most
of the population were
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Why Did Mrs Endo Die Essay
Why Did Mrs Endo Die?
In this essay, I will not only attempt to explain all the factors which may have caused Mrs Endo's
death, but also the causes and results of the 1995 Kobe earthquake.
Background Information
The 1995 Kobe earthquake (known as the Great Hanshin" earthquake in Japan) hit Japan on
Tuesday the 17th of January at 5:40 am. It is called the "Kobe earthquake", not because the
epicentre of the earthquake was in the Japanese city of Kobe but because Kobe was very much hit
the hardest. In fact, the actual epicentre of the earthquake was in on the northern end of Awaji Island
(fig. A+A').
(fig. A)
Awaji Island is an island approximately 70 km south from Kobe with relatively ... Show more
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When the earthquake hit, it ruptured many underground water pipes, cut many electricity lines, and
made many if the gas pipes explode. Any one of these happening are bad, but when all three occur at
the same time, it causes many disasters. When electricity combines with gas, it causes massive
electrical fires, which are difficult to put out with water, as it has the risk of electric shock. These
fires destroy, but they also take multiple firemen, and many people and supplies to put out, which
distracted from many people (like Mrs Endo) who were trapped or suffocating. Water conducts
electricity, which means, when the water from the pipes combines with broken electricity lines,
anything that touches the water, gets an electric shock. Again, not only does this injure many people,
and make it very difficult for people to get around, but also takes many supplies, time to fix, and
was a major distraction to the emergency services which could've been searching for survivors, or
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World War II DBQ
World War II had a major impact on America. America did suffer economic crisis from the Great
Depression that resulted in millions of unemployed American citizens. World War II forced women
into the work place, ended the great depression and bankrupted Germany. Hitler attempted to wipe
out all the jews by killing them, imprisoning them, and experimenting on them during the holocaust.
War posters lead to patriotism. Women went to work and became spenders. New inventions,
minorities in sports, and fashion improvements. Civil rights for women and minorities became an
issue. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for different reasons. The reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor
and the goal of the attack are not the same. Japan had ... Show more content on ...
Military leaders and politicians saw a war between the U.S. and Japan as inevitable, with the
solution being to attack first. The labor market changed a lot. Tens of millions of workers moved
from low to high productivity jobs in industrial centers. Millions of students, housewives, and
unemployed moved into the active labor force. "Your victory garden counts more than ever!" (Doc
2). Gas, meat and clothing were rationed. Most families would use 3 US gallons a week. Production
of most goods like cars, new housing, kitchen appliances, were all banned until the war ended. In
industrial areas housing was scarce so people would live in cramped housing. Blackouts were
practiced in every city.. Everything showing through windows had to be covered, all lights had to be
off. The reason for this was to remind people that there was a war going on and to provide activities
that would engage the civil spirit of millions of people not involved in war effort. Women
volunteered to work for the Red Cross, and other agencies. In conclusion, World War II flung
America into action and new thoughts. Workmanship, music, and thoughts changed. Society,
governmental issues, economy, and even our way of
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Comparison Of Internment Camps In The Bracelet By Yoshida...
In 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which later led to a war between the United States and Japan.
As a result, more than 110,000 Japanese people that were living in the United States were forced to
move into internment camps, because the U.S. government feared that the Japanese Americans
would secretly aid Japan's war effort. In the short story, "The Bracelet" by Yoshida Uchda, the main
character, Ruri, was tremendously impacted from being forced into the internment camps, despite
the fact that she and her family were loyal Americans. Similarly, in the memoir, "Farewell to
Manzanar," Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston has also experienced this hardship. The experiences and
perspectives of both characters in the story are very similar, because they both experienced
unwillingly being placed in internment camps and having to endure through the poor living
conditions at these internment camps. Due to the war between the United states and Japan, many
families were being separated and put into internment camps. Although Ruri and Jeanne are
different characters in different stories, they both experienced involuntarily being placed in these
internment camps even though they have done nothing wrong. When the United States entered
World War II, people from the Japanese descent were uprooted by the government and were forced
to go live in internment camps for the duration of the war. Ruri expressed that "the crazy thing about
the whole evacuation was that we were all loyal Americans. Most
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The Return Of Depression Economics
2008 Economics Noble Prize winner and Princeton University professor, Paul Krugman, translates
the roots of modern and prior financial crisis economics. In his book, The Return of Depression
Economics and The Crisis of 2008, Krugman first educates the reader of historical and foreign
financial crises which allows for a deeper understanding of the modern financial system. The
context provided from the historical analysis proves to be a crucial prospective in such a way that
the rest of Krugman's narrative about modern finance continually relates back to the historical
analysis. From there, Krugman analyzes and updates his prior studies done on the Asian financial
crisis. He then applies his knowledge from historical events to the modern day financial struggles
and argues his opinion about how and why our financial world operates the way it does. Krugman
explains his perspective that the world believed that depression economics was no longer a problem,
however the Asian crisis, Japan 's liquidity trap and the Latin American crisis having acted as
warning signals to modern market struggles. Thus he says that this subject needs further
examination and more resources should be poured into it. For Krugman, Depression Economics is
still a relevant problem and should be further studied.
On top of simply translating past and present financial systems, Krugman dissects the
interconnection between economics and politics. Starting with the rise of socialism, many
governments took on
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Essay On The Composition Of Capital Inflows
In figure 3, Cho and Rhee (2014) show the composition of capital flows for all 10 Asian Countries
excluding Hong Kong and Singapore. While the FDI was quiet stable, the portfolio investment part
decreased from 2.2% of GDP in 2007 to –2.9% in 2008. Also, the other investment part of capital
inflows, like bank loans, declined since 2007; nevertheless, it rebounded over than the pre–crisis
level and became the major source of capital inflows after GFC. Cho and Rhee (2014) explain the
composition of capital inflows by individual country in figure 4. It is easily to notice that both
financial hubs, Hong Kong and Singapore, have more than 10% of GDP which was led by other
investment part. In terms of two G2 countries, Japan and People's Republic ... Show more content
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Increasing money impacts Asian economy on capital flows and on either exchange rates or housing
prices significantly. The result of this section is quiet interesting. The QE of US brought huge capital
inflows into Asian economies. There are two ways that it can influence: 1) a large amount money
flows into the emerging markets to buy their currencies which investors expected they would
increase values relative to USD; then, the expectation caused the appreciation of currencies. 2)
however, if the central banks of some certain economies try to stabilize their exchange rates not to
appreciate, the effect of QE would show in the housing markets, the most important household
assets in most Asian countries. In real terms, Cho and Rhee (2014) indicates in the figure 5 that the
housing prices nearly double in Hong Kong and India since the fourth quarter in 2008 to 2012. Also,
in Taiwan, the housing prices rose by almost 60%. In Malaysia, it increased by around 30%.
Economies with stable or rigid exchanges suffer from large increasing in the housing prices. Figure
6, calculated by Cho and Rhee (2014), demonstrates the relationship between exchange rates and
housing prices. From the figure 6, it is obvious that Japan is an outlier. As a result, we show two
situations in the figure 6, with and without Japan. Including Japan in the calculation, the correlation
coefficient between exchange rates and housing prices is –o.84.
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Urban Areas Of Chin A Large Portion Of A Population
In many areas of the world, the increase of population always caused an issue with adequate
housing. While some countries do better than others at controlling the situation, there is always a
percentage of people that live in the slums. About 55.6% of the population in China are currently
living in the urban areas which is fairly good in a country such as China, compared to the 18.3% in
1982.1 However the rate of urbanization is at a rate of 3.01%, which is a fairly high rate as
compared to the world.32With over 44.4% of China's population not living in an urbanized area,
rises the question of how to quickly and effectively move the slum population into adequate
housing. Many questions arise from urbanizing a large portion of a population such as, how can
China manage its population, how can China decrease the social barrier between the slums and
urban areas, and lastly what classifies as adequate housing? China has already implemented some
population restrictions upon its in inhabitants. The one child policy is put in place order to control
the Chinese population of the country meaning less people to house in the future. It is proven
effective by at least preventing 400 million births in 1980.3 This comes with a drawback of putting
more pressure on the China's economic future with the ratio of the elderly to the working force
increasing. Ultimately cutting almost 400 million future workers, it puts a heavy strain on. With one
child per household, it is effectively
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My First Overseas Duty Station Essay
One very big first in my life was our first overseas duty station in Japan. This was such an adventure
from start to finish, and I experienced many other firsts during that tie as well. The flight to Japan
seemed like it took a lifetime, but that might be because I had a one year old on my lap most of the
time. She had a seat, but she refused to sit in it at any given time. We finally made it to Japan and
through customs and then came a three–hour bus ride to the base we were going to be stationed to,
Atsugi. We got checked into our hotel room, just one room for the three of us, and then started the
two weeks of jet lag. The very first full day that we were in Japan was my daughter's first birthday,
so we also celebrated a bit with her. We spent two months in one room together, mostly my daughter
and I, since my husband deployed fairly quickly after arriving, until they finally found housing for
us. Once in housing we received our shipment, minus furniture, and celebrated our first of many
homecomings while in Japan. ... Show more content on ...
It was crazy to drive on the wrong side of the road but we learned. I had finally decided to start
school a year after we had been in Japan and on the day before I started classes, I found out I was
going to be carrying and having our second child there in Japan. During this pregnancy, I stayed in
school full time because I was so motivated to get as far as I could before she came. We decided to
move to a larger house on base and when it became available, I had to move us with a little help
from friends and some service members while I was eight months pregnant. Once settled, my
husband returned from work ups in time to help me out during and after the c–section, but left three
weeks later for another five months of deployment. Around Christmas time, we enjoyed another
homecoming and then just a few months later another big first happened as
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Counting Street Sleepers
Those who sleep on the streets go unnoticed by many United States citizens. According to the article
"Counting Street Sleepers" written by E.W., in 2014 there was as many as "1.49 million people"
who slept in shelters, "and 578,424 were recorded as being without shelter." Even though fixing
these numbers is common knowledge and something most can agree upon, there is a lack of
solutions or effort. Granted, the shelters have been showing improvement, and there are states taking
larger steps to work towards ending homelessness. But the pace is inadequate. There are thousands
who need shelter and food, and they stretch across the age bracket. From children and adolescents,
to college students, to adults and veterans returning from war. Thousands ... Show more content on ...
They claimed to lose 91% of their homeless by giving them homes, but after some research, Kevin
Corinth, writer of the Huffington Post article "Think Utah Solved Homelessness? Think again",
found that they faked their numbers. According to Corinth, "Utah conducts a count of its homeless
population on a single night each January." They then claim that the numbers are annual, instead of
point–in–time, meaning that "the actual count is adjusted upward to reflect the fact that some people
who were homeless...were not homeless on the night of the count" (Corinth, Kevin). They also
stopped counting those who spent a large amount of time in shelters as homeless, dropping their
percentages. In reality, Utah is not the powerhouse it claimed to be. Corinth suggested that instead
of Utah cooking up a great percentage, "additional focus should be placed on transitioning people
out of expensive supportive housing and into housing of their own or with family members when
their well–being improves." It's a good point. So many of Utah's citizens could have had housing by
the time the state was done faking the country out. The extra effort put would have gone to people
deserving of the help, and Utah would have genuinely been a leader for the rest of the
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Korean Civilization In Korea
In 1897 King Gojong ended the Joseon dynasty and began The Great Han Empire as an independant
country with himself as the Emperor. Growth of the country was greatly encouraged and Seoul
constructed new roads and buildings as well as introducing new amenities such as electricity,
telephones, trains, and a railway. As citizens were now able to travel, those who had lived abroad
worked to replicate advancements they had seen in places such as Washington. A waste removal
system was implemented and recreational parks were created.
Eventually in 1909, the Japanese began the colonial rule of Korea for 36 years. Hanyang was
renamed Gyeseong and Japan begins to dismantle the city to better serve themselves but also to
assert their authority over the Korean citizens with the destruction of important historical Korean
sites. At this time, Japan introduces capitalism and a bureaucratic style government to Korean
society. Gyeseong's population began to grow due to the poor conditions of rural cities as well as the
economic growth in Gyeseong, however the population was limited to roughly one million. The size
of the city expanded to nearly ten times bigger than the original size of Seoul and a water treatment
facility was built which lowered the mortality rate from a cholera epidemic in the country. During
this colonial period, bus services are established with modest use by 7700 people in 1909 growing to
nearly half a million riders in 1945, although streetcar use is more important to
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Essay On American Food
United States of America The United States is a melting pot of different types of people and with
that come food brought in from all over. With their being food from all over the world coming into
the United States finding what is consider "American" food can be hard. Though there are some
food that come from other places and well as coming from America that is considered American
food. Foods like hot dogs, hamburger, chips mac and cheese, and meat loaf are just some of the
things that are considered American. There are different styles of food that are considered American
in different parts of the United States that are home comfort foods. There are also somethings that
are created by the United States that would be considers American ... Show more content on ...
The main aim of secondary education is to prepare for applying for entrances to Universities.
(Japanese Education)
Education in Japan is payed by the government for primary school and middle education and
anything before and after that must be paid for by the parents. There is nine years of schooling by
the government for public school for free though private schools must be paid for. Then secondary
school must be paid for and even though high school must be paid for 94% for students continue
onto high school. (Japanese Education)
United States of America Education in the United States has a three to four schooling system where
a child starts in Elementary school and ends in High school with a 97% literacy rate (United States
Press). Parents can enroll their child into a child care or a preschool program, there are some
programs that make child care free if not reduced but child care cost to the parents, though if they go
into a preschool program it is free paid for by the government, though going to child care or a
preschool program is not a requirement it is highly recommended that children go to at less
preschool. Then a child will start Elementary school which starts when a child is about five. Though
in some states it is not required for a child to go to kindergarten is it is most states. From Elementary
school all the way to high school it is
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Toyota Corporation: SWOT Analysis Of Toyota Company
1 INTRODUCTION:– 1.1 Company profile:– TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION is a Japan–
based company mainly engaged in the automobile business and financial business. The Company
operates through three business segments. The Automobile segment is engaged in the design,
manufacture and sale of car products including passenger cars, minivans and trucks, as well as the
related parts and accessories. The Finance segment is involved in the provision of financial services
related to the sale of the Company's products, as well as the leasing of vehicles and equipment. The
others segment is involved in the design, manufacture and sale of housings, as well as information
and communication business. 1.2 Major Businesses:– A) Automotive Operations: Toyota produces
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A) SWOT Analysis of Toyota Company (Internal Factors):– Internal Factors Strengths Weaknesses
Management Having competent and experienced management team and board members Large size
of management team reduces chances of moving fast into the targeted market, because of slow rate
in decision making Offering Hybrid products that are customer friendly Expensive in proofing the
market that are right products for them Marketing Distribution of products into the market through
wide range of identified branches Expensive in establishing this distribution network Personnel
Have good skilled workforce who are relied upon The gap will be big if the employees left the
Company Finance Improved revenues from sales made in the global market Limited workforce and
material may slow down the growth of the Company in relation to competitors Manufacturing Main
supplier of material ensure fast and quality Different supply interests among the Company
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The Culture And Business Practices Of Japan
221 Baker plans to open a store in Tokyo, Japan by the end of the 2016 fiscal year. By conducting
research by utilizing the World Wide Web and an informative interview by Sensei Mako Nozu, we
have gathered substantial information about the culture and business practices of Japan. We feel as if
our knowledge has equipped us to succeed in this widely misunderstood market. Venture Japan
stated that "many foreign countries never do start business in Japan (or enter the market through a
distributor) because of the misconception, fueled by those infamous myths of doing business in
Japan, that dealing with the Japanese business culture is somehow too risky" (Venture Japan). We
are ready to take on this "risk" as many other ... Show more content on ...
For example, if your shift is at 9 A.M. you are expected to be dressed, clocked in, and at your desk
before that time (Nozu). Also, in every situation you find yourself in, you should be aware of how
people are perceiving you, as this is extremely important to the Japanese. It is very common for the
Japanese to go out after work to bars, karaoke 's, or restaurants. If you are invited you should make
an effort to go, as good relationships with those whom you work with are important. The well being
of the group is always placed above the individual in their culture. If a Japanese business is not
doing well the CEO would cut his own pay so that it could be fairly distributed to his employees.
Things like this, that we may not see in Western business practices, are all part of the unified
country of Japan. Family Life
As the Japanese are very social and place a lot of emphasis on strong bonds, family is extremely
important. Families in Japan are referred to as "ie" and are all registered to the same "koseki" or
official government document (Bestor). The structure is very similar that seen in Western culture
where the mother, father, and children reside together. It is common for older relatives to live with a
family, and if they do not, there is an old saying that "even if an extended family does not live
together, parents and grandparents should live near enough to carry over a bowl of hot
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Lear Ando Research Paper
Ando was born a few minutes before his twin brother in Osaka japan in 1941 September 13. When
he was two years old his parents decided to give him to his grandmother while his brother would
remain their parents. He worked as a truck driver and boxer he was given great ideas from his
brother takao kitayama. He wanted to become a professional boxer at the age of 17. A series of
boxing matches took him to Bangkok Thailand while there he visited Buddhist temple in his spare
time and become fascinated by their design. Ando decided to end his boxing carrier less than two
years graduating from high school to chase after (related to the beautiful design and construction of
buildings, etc.) he was attended higher classes to learn drawing and tools and ... Show more content
on ...
The forms are partially buried into the sloping ground of a national park and become a
compositional addition to the (wide view of a nature scene/wide area of beautiful land). Placed
carefully as to not disrupt the pre–existing trees on the site, the structure responds to the (next to
something else) community while the concrete forms address a more general nature through a
playful moving around/misleading and tricking of light. The northern volume consists of a two–
story height containing a double height living room, a kitchen and a dining room on the first floor
with the master bedroom and a study on the second floor. The southern mass then consists of six
linearly organized children's bedrooms, a bathroom and a lobby. Connecting the two spaces is a
below grade tunnel that lies beneath the exterior stairs of the (open space next to a building).
Ando's concrete is often referred to as "smooth–as–silk." He explains that the quality of construction
does not depend on the mix itself, but rather on the form work into which the concrete is cast.
Because of the tradition of wooden (related to the beautiful design and construction of buildings,
etc.)" in Japan, the craft level of (the art of building things with wood) is very high. Wooden form
work, where not a single drop of water will escape from the seams of the forms depends on this.
Watertight forms are extremely important. Otherwise,
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Income Guarantee Schemes And The Developed Countries
Income Guarantee Schemes in the Developed Countries
ECON 3405– Critique of Capitalism–Fall 2014
This paper describes several income guarantee schemes in United States, United Kingdom and
Japan, which could represent most developed countries in the world in this field. The first half part
of this paper tells that income guarantee schemes in these three countries have both similarities and
differences because they have really different histories in development. The second half part
discusses the significance of minimum wage policy and some its influences on several issues. At the
last of the paper, I present my own opinions on issues of income guarantee schemes.
I. Introduction
Employment is a popular topic in ... Show more content on ...
For this reason, income guarantee schemes are necessary to economic growth and social stability.
Most developed countries are in North America and Europe, however in Asia Japan is a developed
country with strong economy foundation. So I choose United States, United Kingdom and Japan to
describe this issue.
II. Income guarantee schemes in United States
As the strongest developed country in the world, United States had legislated minimum wage to
guarantee income for workers in early time. Minimum wage is an efficient tool to improve labor
market in history. However, the first country legislated minimum wage is New Zealand that was
enforced by compulsory arbitration (Verrill, 1915:105). United States legisted minimum wage
system with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and set the federal minimum wage is $0.25 per
hour. The 1938 Act was applicable generally to employees engaged in interstate commerce or in the
production of goods for interstate commerce (US Department of Labor, 2009). Then the minimum
wage level increases several times because of productivity improvement and increasing inflation
rate. The federal government has to update the minimum wage level frequently. In 1961, there was
new policy extended coverage primarily to employees in large retail and service enterprises as well
as to local transit, construction, and gasoline service station employees (US Department of Labor,
2009). In 1966, the labor system
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Can China Avoid Japan's Deflationary Fate?
Can China Avoid Japan's Deflationary Fate?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently highlighted that global recession risks in 2016 had
risen, but attached a zero percent chance that China would experience this fate. A scenario of an
economically contracting China would send deflationary scares spiralling: government bond yields
in advanced markets, particularly safe–haven countries, would collapse and perhaps go negative as
investors switched their focus to real returns. Although China is unlikely to experience negative
growth in the near term, the economy is clearly growing below trend, thereby imparting a
deflationary bias on activity. One possible way to eradicate such forces is to export them by
weakening the yuan. The decision by the Peoples' Bank of China (PBoC) to allow the currency to
weaken in August sent shock waves around global financial markets, because it highlighted the risks
of further escalation in the Great Currency War. Furthermore, the decision to at least contemplate
devaluation to solve deflationary issues was viewed as mimicking the policies of the European
Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ). The latter is an old hand at fighting the
persistence of falling prices, but the fact is that it is still paying a heavy price for failing to contain
the forces that were producing a bubble economy, notably a major expansion of bank lending and
corporate debt issuance. Japan consequently experienced a so–called balance sheet recession that
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World Wide Urbanization : A Small Island Country
Alex Pope
Alex Pope
Cities, Suburbs, and Small towns
Worldwide Urbanization
Worldwide urbanization is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas. The number of
people making this change is growing every year. "Globally, more people live in urban areas than in
rural areas, with 54% of the world's population residing in urban areas in 2014. In 1950, 30% of the
world's population was urban, and by 2050, 66% of the world's population is projected to be urban"
(Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 1). When looking at the rapid growth among people trying
to move to a more urban environment, it's interesting to break it down into regions and take a closer
look at what specific ... Show more content on ...
Japan is also the home to the largest car company on the planet, which is Toyota. Toyota is known
for manufacturing the most cars, while having some of the most reliable cars on the road.
Although Japan is one of the top 10 for most people living in an urban environment, it is said that
with time the numbers are only supposed to decrease. As stated previously by 2050 worldwide
urbanization is supposed to increase dramatically, but not for Japan. "The largest declines between
2014 and 2050 are projected for Japan, with a decline of 12 million urban dwellers" (Worldwide
Urbanization Prospects, pg. 12). Tokyo is a city in Japan which has the highest population
throughout japan with a population of almost 38 million people (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects,
pg. 26). Tokyo is the biggest city in the world holding the biggest population. Tokyo is a city on the
eastern part of the island it is about a mile off of the ocean and not directly connected to the ocean
which is surprising to me. Osaka is also in the top ten for highest population per city which has a
population of about 20 million (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 26). These two cities alone
count for nearly 40% of the country's population. (Quellherst, reference 3) The housing in these two
cities is very packed. "Exorbitant land costs have resulted in structures being built wall to wall up to
the lot lines" (Palen, pg 323). In Tokyo there is not much open land
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Urban Civilization : Causes And Effects Of Urban...
Cities are organized and arranged deliberately in order to shape the future of places and their
communities. This formation can greatly contribute to the overall impact and general sense of place.
However, these plans, often state, or nationally led, can be cited as attempts to instigate the
authoritative power and control over people and places. Therefore, cities and their physical
agglomerations have the potential to become highly politicized. During the period of urban
development, both in the United States and across the Atlantic in Europe and Asia, the metropolitan
landscape was greatly altered. Due to the devastating consequences of World War II, as well as,
race–based and ethnic connotations, cities were completely cleared of both form and meaning to be
recreated into spaces of idealized thought and actions. This period, spanning the majority of the 20th
century, sought to reconfigure physical, social, political, and economic environments.
The path of urban redevelopment and housing across nations emanated from the impact of the
Industrial Revolution and the periodical periods of metropolitan mismanagement that subsequently
followed. The urban landscape was altered and formed interchangeably to define both in meaning
and shape of the metropolitan cities in the 20th century. Housing development, a subsequent factor
of post–war destruction and urban renewal, different in shape and form from region to region,
however, it precluded similar meanings of reconstructing national identity through the formation of
new modern cities, fully separated from its past form. I argue that the failures of urban
redevelopment and public housing in the United States greatly attributed to the persisting racial
stigmatization and segregation. Meanwhile in Europe and in Asia, while racial stratification was
present, the aspiration to demonstrate national scale modernization to a globally vigilant audience
motivated its reconstruction.
Pre–WWII | Modernism and Functionalism
Much of the redevelopment and renewal that occurred post WWII appeared in cities that were
greatly impacted by the war. However, the movement's origins can be traced to the period of
modernization and functionalism in the early 20th century. In
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Natural Disasters Vs Earthquakes
Earthquakes and Hurricanes are two of the costliest natural disasters that have occurred around the
world. Both Japan and the United States have been unfortunate to experience many of both, with the
largest and costliest of each hitting both countries. While building codes continue to help with loss
of life and destruction of structures, there are still forces of nature that will destroy and damage
buildings regardless of the efforts that are made. With the cost of repairs increasing the destruction
that can happen with any major natural disaster will continue to increase repair costs. Both of these
forms of natural disasters will continue to impact both counties in the future with lessons learned
with each occurring natural disaster. ... Show more content on ...
Over 26 billion dollars in damages was caused from the hurricane. goes on to state "It is
estimated that 1,250,000 people evacuated from parishes in southeastern and south–central
Louisiana." Due to such a large amount of people who evacuated it probably helped avoid further
loss of life. discusses with Hurricane Andrew and the recovery that took place
after the event. Over $11 billion was given to Florida and Louisiana in federal aid monies to help
rebuild and repair after the devastation that occurred. The Homestead Air Force Base was not rebuilt
for a loss of jobs and revenue for the area. 99% of the mobile homes in Homestead were destroyed.
Many people used the monies given to them from their insurance to relocate and move. Miami–
Dade county had a shift in population where people where over 270,000 people moved out of that
county while Palm Beach county had an increase in population in that same time frame (1990–2000)
of over 100,000 people. ( While some areas it took years to recover, other
areas never fully recovered as people left. In 1994 the United States had a population of 263.3
million people. On January 17, 1994 the United States had its largest earthquake based on deaths at
61 and total damage costs at $22.8 million (Abbott p.9). At 4:31 in the morning on January 17,
people were woken with an earthquake that had a magnitude of 6.7. This earthquake was on a
previously undocumented blind thrust
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Japan And The United Kingdom
Japan and the United Kingdom have long been world powers and are now in the top 10 biggest
economies of the world; being third and fifth in the 2014 rankings. (Centre for Economics and
Business Research. 2015) However, both countries have been hit by a great economic crisis that
changed their economies deeply. Though it occurred on different time frames; 1991 to 2000 for
Japan and 2007 to 2012 for the United Kingdom, a lot of similarities can be found between the
causes that started both crises as well as between the development of these crises. However, not
everything is comparable so we can wonder, to what extent are the Japanese recession of the 1990s
and the Great Recession of 2007–2012 similar? In order to answer this question and get a full
understanding of both periods, we will first look at the causes of the Great Recession, then have a
look at the causes of the Japanese lost decade and finally, analyse the similarities and differences
between the two crises. Japan saw its nation change in 1990 when the Japanese economy stagnated.
Indeed, between 1991 and 2003 the Japanese economy only grew 1.14% (of GDP) every year. This
is not enough when compared to other developed countries. (Yuji Horioka, 2006). Alexander, A. J.
(2000) states the facts that from the first quarter of 1990 to the first quarter of 2000 the annual
increase in real gross domestic product per capita barely exceeded 1 percent, making it very clear
that Japan was in a recession. This is all the
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The Mikewed Family
Sociologist Katherine Newman explores the impacts and trends towards the rising number of
accordion families in various countries. Economic factors such as globalization, education, and
housing markets are causing profound effects on parents and young adults who find themselves
facing prolong periods of living at home. These extended periods of living at home is what Newman
defines as the accordion family.
According to Katherine Newman, there are various differences among countries. However, among
these countries there are similar patterns that exist within families, which she refers to as accordion
families. The accordion family refers to the expanding and contracting of children leaving, then re–
entering a household (Newman, 2012, p. 34). ... Show more content on ...
These changes include globalization, housing markets, education and family income and wealth.
Newman found that global competition has a profound effect on young adults in countries like
Japan, Spain, Italy, and United States who find themselves facing extended unemployment
(Newman, 2012, p. 45). This is forcing many to live at home with their parents. Young adults new to
the labor market feel a great increase in competition and in the downward shift of wages (Newman,
2012, p. 45). Young adults see globalization as competition for already scarce jobs, which means
that young adults who have little work experience have to compete for jobs with people who have
vast working experience (cite?). As a result, it is the youth that suffers from globalization. The rate
of unemployment is also high in countries with weak welfare states such as Japan, Spain, Italy and
the United States (Newman, 2012, p. 61). Weakened welfare states are another cause to the increase
in accordion families due to governments and states leaving young adults to be their own
responsibility during economic trouble (Newman, 2012, p. 61). Compared to generous welfare states
including the Scandinavian countries that offer those in trouble higher education benefits, affordable
rental housing and unemployment benefits, unemployment for those with a weakened welfare state
face higher rates of unemployment (Newman, 2012, p.
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The Manhattan Project Lifesaver Or Life Destroyer Essay
The Manhattan Project Lifesaver or Life Destroyer Going throughout history and the mistakes we
have made throughout, you would think back and say if we did the right thing or if we have made a
huge mistake. In this case it is the Manhattan Project. This project was first time the atomic bomb
was introduced. It was led by General Leslie Groves and the research was directed by American
scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Most of the people who worked on this project were not told what
they were working on, but only told what to do. In this case, was it right to lie to the people working
on this project, was it necessary not to tell the U.S. community, and was it necessary to bomb
Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Manhattan Project was necessary for certain things, but not all. As
human beings, we tend to lie to people. Whether it be to your parents, friends, or school teachers. It
is just a thing we do to keep ourselves from getting in trouble. When working on the Manhattan
Project, certain people were not told what the project is. Others were told but were not allowed to
tell anyone else. This was because they did not want the US community to know. They didn't know
what type of response they would get. If you put yourself in one of the workers shoes and then
realized what you have been working on, you would feel so bad because you created a weapon of
Lazaro 2
destruction. Not only that but you also took part in a project that killed millions. This is how most
people felt
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The Reserve Bank Of Australia
Executive Summary
Booms, busts, recessions, and growth; all of the preceding terms are characteristics of a typical
market economy. There are times when an economy can flourish spectacularly and there are times
when it can fail miserably. Consequently, it is the responsibility of a nation's central bank to manage
these fluctuations through conducting effective monetary policy. The following paper will assume
the perspective of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and critically analyze the past, present, and
future of the Australian economy while considering specific sectors. With a GDP of over $1 trillion
USD, the Australian economy is among the largest in the world (Cornett and Saunders, 2014).
Australia is trading partners with the United States, China, and Japan, but their economic ties are
mainly centered in the Pacific Rim. Exports are crucial to the country's GDP and this has created
problems regarding sustainability in the Australian economy. The Australian economy is reliant on
three key sectors: services, housing, and mining. The services sector employs the largest percentages
of Australians – around 80 percent – and is responsible for approximately 70 percent of the country's
GDP (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). With jobs in a variety of specific industries, this sector
drives the success of the Australian economy. The housing sector is experiencing unprecedented
growth leading to concerns over a potential asset bubble. An increase in the amount
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Global Financial Crisis Essay
Starting from problems of payment defaults on housing loans (subprime mortgage defaults) in the
United States (U.S.), then ballooned damaging crisis of the banking system not only in the United
States but extends into Europe and into Asia. Successive cause a domino effect on the solvency and
liquidity of financial institutions in these countries, among others, led to the bankruptcy of hundreds
of banks, securities firms, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance. The crisis then spread to parts
of Asia, especially countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia,
Thailand, including Indonesia, which happens to have long had the letters beharga these companies.
From the various critiques by experts, that the problem is ... Show more content on
Lehman Brothers announced a gradual loss before finally bankrupt. On June 16, 2008, the company
announced losses worth 2.8 billion dollars for the second half of 2008. Followed by losses of 3.9
billion U.S. dollars in part–to–three in 2008 (10 September) and culminate in the announcement of
bankruptcy on September 15, 2008. Similar unrest was also experienced almost simultaneously by
Merryl Linch, Citigroup, AIG and other large financial institutions.
This affected the weakening of the real sector with the bankruptcy of major U.S. companies like
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler that threaten the continuity of work thousands of employees.
Sure enough, the U.S. unemployment rate rose to 6.7% in line with the increase in pessimism among
consumers and investors throughout the period from September to November 2008. That is the level
of termination of employment (FLE), the largest in the last 34 years. Carrying 533 000 employees
laid off and reached a total of 1.91 million persons in 2008. (Source: U.S. department of labor).
Along with that, on 30 November 2008, the U.S. government also announced a decline in the value
of real GDP for part III in 2008 amounted to 0.3%.
Likewise, also in Europe, the banking crisis in Europe was marked by problems at a small bank in
the UK, namely Northern Rock Bank, in mid–2007. Northern Rock is a true small–scale private
bank in the UK. However, when there broke down in
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The Metabolism Movement
The Metabolism movement is known as a modern architecture movement, which emerged from
japan. The movement had its blooming start during the World Design Congress held at Tokyo in
1960, when a group of young architects and designers, who called themselves "Metabolists,"
presented their radical and visionary proposals of urban and architectural schemes. Among the
schemes that were presented were the "Marine city" and the "Tower shape city" by Kiyonori
Kikutake. This presentation introduced the motabolist movement to the audience. The main
members of the movement were architects Kiyonori Kikutake, Masato Otaka, Fumihiko Maki,
Noriaki Kurokawa, the architectural critic Noboru Kawazoe. And Kenzo Tange who is recognized as
the mentor of these Metabolists. The architects involved envisioned the ideal city, and planned
experimental architecture and cities that are adaptable to change they developed flexible buildings,
houses that could expand or shrink according to demand, cities that were sustainable, with buildings
made of recyclable materials. All of this visions and views were arose as a response to reconstruct
japan after the human and environmental disaster that followed the atomic bombing of Japan during
the World War II.
The main concern of the metabolist group of architects is to achieve flexible, changeable ... Show
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The project is built in 1967 and is located in Ginza, Tokyo. Its was designed by Kenzo Tange, the
limited building space inspired him to design a 57m vertical structure made of a 7,7 diameter single
circular core, which is used as a plug in for cantilever floors. The core is also used as an access shaft
for modular office units, which punctuated the main core on both sides. The building represents
metabolism movement ideas of organically inspired structural growth. The project was supposed to
be developed into a prefabricated mega structure
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The Recession Of The United States And United Kingdom
The Great Recession of 2007–2012, of which several countries are still recovering, including the
United States and United Kingdom, shows great similarity to the Japanese Recession of the 1990s.
However, by taking a closer look and identifying the causes of both we become aware of the
differences that make them not so similar after all. The Great Recession had a domino effect
beginning in the United States with the fault of subprime mortgages creating a housing bubble.
Whereas Japan's fault lies with the increasing land prices due to investment, in which created a land
bubble that eventually would burst. With the United States and Japan holding high ranks on the Top
10 Exporters in 2014, United States 2nd and Japan 4th, a recession shows ... Show more content on ...
The risk was extremely high due to the possibility that the loan would never be paid back. During
the 2000s a housing price bubble was beginning to form within the United States. This was due to
those who before could not own a house, suddenly being able to due to subprime mortgages. Prices
rose 90% from 2000 to 2006 (Ueda, 2012) showing a rapid increase in housing prices and therefor
increasing the amount further of those who would never be able to pay their mortgage back. This
caused great financial pressure within the United States economy when the federal reserve raised
interest rates within the United States in February 2007.This meant that debts were not being paid
by subprime mortgage holders resulting in the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in mid
2007. A prime example of this is the largest sub prime lender firm within the United States, New
Century Financial. New Century Financial filled for bankruptcy on the 2nd of April 2007. The
collapse came with a cut of roughly 3,200 jobs. (Treanor, 2007) The collapse of the subprime market
meant that the housing boom within United States and United Kingdom came to an end and burst
the housing bubble within the United States. (Arestis, Sobreira, and Oreiro, 2010) However, this did
not stop the spread of the subprime mortgage. In the United Kingdom, Bank Northern Rock began
to target sub–prime customers. Northern
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Japanese Refugees Research Paper
Japan itself has dealt with immense troubles, some of which still affect the chain of islands today.
These dissensions are especially evident in the modern day conflict of refugees and whether or not
countries, such as Japan, should feel obligated to accept them. A combination of a lack of resources,
natural disasters, economy, and the desire to fix its peoples' issues before attempting to help others
causes Japan to rightfully feel hesitant about whether or not it should allow asylum–seekers. Due to
it's current state economically and small size as an archipelago, Japan is reasonably unable to
increase their refugee acceptance rates.
Japan is an archipelago, a chain of islands that, according to Thomas Brinkhoff, who belongs to the
Institute ... Show more content on ...
The thousands of asylum requests per year in addition to the conflicts economically, geopolitically,
and the overall desire to fix its peoples' issues cause Japan to rightfully accept a rather low amount
of refugees. As Kurtenbach and Yamaguchi state in Japan, Wary of Outsiders, Keeps Doors Closed
to Refugees, "In the past five years, the proportion of applicants granted refugee status in Japan has
dropped to below 1 percent" (Kurtenbach & Yamaguchi). This is a fairly low amount when
compared to somewhere such as Germany, who has accepted approximately 40,000 Syrian refugees
since around 2013, according to the same article by Kurtenbach and Yamaguchi (Kurtenbach &
Yamaguchi). However, places such as Germany have an advantage, as they have much more land
area than Japan, who is only a relatively small archipelago. Japan is currently not in a stable state to
accept refugees, as they will cost a fair amount of money, about $480,000,000 in 2014 alone if every
refugee is accepted as previously mentioned, and Japan is already neck deep in debt. When
combined with its lack of natural recourses and need to solve its own problems, it is clear that Japan
is in no shape to accept around 8,000 more people to care for every year. To conclude, for
geopolitical and economical reasons, Japan is unable to accept any
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Urbanisation Advantages And Disadvantages
Do the benefits of urbanisation outweigh the disadvantages? By Martha Chan 10B2
Word count: 2149
Urbanization is defined as rapid population growth in urban areas. There are four major causes for
urbanisation including: rapid economic growth, population increase, economies of scale and
multiplier effect. The environment around us is heavily affected by urbanisation, bringing
advantages and disadvantages along with it. Almost 45 per cent of the world's population which is
two and a half billion people are living in urban areas.
Global Perspective
There is a well–established connection between a country's level of urbanization and its GDP (gross
domestic product). In the 2011 data graph on the UN website, it shows a strong positive link: ...
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Tokyo is the world's largest city with a total of 38 million residents and a GDP of US$1,479 billion.
Four major advantages of living in Japan includes outstanding medical services, more job
opportunities, and a convenient lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranked the health
systems of its 191 member states in its World Health Report in 2000 and Japan was ranked 10th.
Japanese outcomes for high level medical treatment is generally competitive with that of the US.
Nextly, according to the statistics from the Tokyo Government, the total number of offices in Tokyo
is over 670,000, which accounts for 11.6% of all Japanese companies. Furthermore, Japan has the
highest number of employees, 7,752,604. However, the major push factors due to urbanisation in
this metropolis city is environmental pollution. According to a WHO survey, Japan has been
suffering since 1960 due to it having an incredibly high level of air pollution. As the quality of air
decreases, the risk of having different diseases increases. This contradiction causes Japan to become
harder to live
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The World 's Leading Industrial Countries
This paper will discuss the comparisons between the Group of seven (G7) countries known as the
world's leading industrial countries and their economic performance since the financial crisis using
the IS – LM model.
Representatives of the European Union , that includes the presidency of the European Union and the
European Central Bank , as well as leaders of international financial institutions and regularly
attend. In the year 2013 the United Kingdom assumed the presidency of the Group of 7 will host a
meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors on Friday May 10 and Saturday , 11th G7
finance ministers make and central bank governors from seven countries : Canada, France ,
Germany, Italy , Japan, Great Britain and the United States. The group met regularly since 1976 to
discuss key issues related to global economic stability.
The G20 conferences included national leaders for the first time in 2008 amid the world financial
crisis and recession, and in 2009 G20 leaders announced plans for the G20 to replace its
predecessors as the main forum for global economic policy, reflecting the increased economic
importance of China and other emerging–market nations.
Emerging nations had long complained that their interests were not addressed during the G7
meetings; these concerns resulted in the first meeting of the newly formed Group of Twenty, with
the G8 nations plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia,
Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South
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World Social Policies And Health Care Policy And...
World Social Policies
The advantages and disadvantages of resources and services within United States compared to other
govern countries and their social demands for their citizens are immeasurably different. When
comparing and analyzing how governing bodies oversees the well–being of citizens within their
region of the world, it is important not to rely on their economic growth only. But, how their social
policies and guidelines address poverty, housing, health care, unemployment, and the lack of
Each governing body strive to improve the life expectancy of their citizens by implementing policies
that would provide access to, delivering and allocating, and refining resources within the
communities for the betterment of the people. The state welfare and public practice within a
governmental and / or political setting varies with each area of concern; mainly with the health care
and inequality (unemployment and homelessness) of citizens. This report will contrast how citizens
of the United States, Belgium, and Japan fair with their health care policy and inequality policy that
are implemented to service their perspective region.
The growing concern of health care in the United States is alarming to its citizens. Unfortunately,
the health care system does not provide an even quality of medical care for all citizens. Social
Justice indicates that the government must allocate costs and benefits to help the citizens even if it
does not guarantee fairness across the
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Antarctica Earthquake Research Paper
An earthquake shook northeastern japan on March 11, 2011. It was a magnitude –9 earthquake so it
caused a savage tsunami. The great earthquake was felt around the world from the antarctica's ice
sheet and norway's fjords. Even years later things are getting washed up on north America s
beaches. 250 miles of japan's coastline Honshu dropped almost 2 feet . The jolt moved 8 feet of
Honshu eastward. The tsunami broke icebergs in parts of Antarctica such as Sulzberger ice shelves.
Japan is still recovering from the devastating earthquake and tsunami . It was about 150,000
evacuees that lost their homes in February 2017. About 50,000 of them are as of today still living in
temporary housing . 120,000 houses and more were destroyed , 726,000
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My Life Of A Military Family
All my life I have had a passion for learning about different cultures and peoples. This passion most
likely comes from my unique upbringing. I was born into a military family. I have had opportunity
to live is different places and learn many things about the world and the people in it. As a child of a
military family I have had so much exposure to a variety of diverse cultures, so I tend to be rather
open–minded. Having been an outsider myself plenty of times before, I find that I am more
accepting of people with different worldviews than most Americans. By and large, because I have
had to adapt to new cultures and make new friends every couple of years, I now have excellent
social skills, easily finding common ground and striking up conversations with people from a
variety of backgrounds.
My passions for other cultures and learning about different people became even more important to
me as I went to university. I was accepted into The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and I
applied for campus housing. I wanted to live in one building and that residence hall was called
Phillips Hawkins, it was also known as the International Residence Hall. I lived in Phillips Hawkins
for 3 years. As a resident for part of the first year and as a Resident Advisor for the rest. During
these 3 years I made many friends from 38 different countries. One of those countries was Japan and
these students came from 5 different universities: Kyoto Sangyo University, Nagoya University,
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Harry Truman Essay
Harry Truman
Harry Truman became President in April of 1945, and led 2 very vibrant terms. Although he was
very unpopular and inexperienced, he made a lot of important decisions, which helped America to
develop during a difficult period in time. He also solved many national and international crises, and
without his leadership, the nation may not have prospered the way it did in the years following his
Presidency. Truman was sworn in while there was an Allied attack of Germany and preparations for
an invasion of Japan. During the first month of his term, Germany surrendered and he went to
Germany for the Potsdam Conference. Upon his return, he received word that the Manhattan Project
had been completed, and he ordered the use of ... Show more content on ...
The Truman Doctrine sent US aid to Greece and Turkey, and also encouraged the American people
to support the cold war. The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Plan, was to
rebuild the European market, which would benefit U.S. trade, and to strengthen democratic
governments in Western Europe. Under the Marshall Plan, the US spent $13 billion over 4 years.
The Point Four provided aid to underdeveloped countries, and by offering scientific and technical
aid; it helped to reduce famine, disease, and economic hardship of 35 Asian and African nations.
Last, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, established a regional defense alliance to
protect each country involved. Beside these programs, Truman also dealt with the large–scale
problem of preventing North Korean Communists from taking over South Korea, and sent troops to
fight in the war. The Korean War asked the whole nation to become involved in production and
mobilizing troops, and the US involvement in the war proved to affect many people. Truman also
made many decisions affecting the American people domestically. After World War II, he passed the
GI Bill, which provided the returning war veterans with cash, education, housing, and
unemployment benefits. After the war, the nation switched from war production to the
manufacturing of peacetime goods. Prices skyrocketed as demand rose, and laborers fought for
wage increases that mirrored the
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Differences In America
I spent six years of my life in the United States where I met people with diversified cultural
backgrounds. Of all the cultural differences I experienced, I felt that elderly in America and Japan
are different, as in how they act in the society. For instance, elderly in America seemed to have more
jubilant life compared to those in Japan. When I came back to Japan, I had a chance to visit a
nursing home with my chorus club members in high school. We sang traditional Japanese songs,
which elderly were fascinated from our singing. This event triggered me to think that I want to help
elderly in the future. An aging society is one of the biggest issues in the world, especially in Japan.
According to the 2010 research by United Nations, Japan marks top for the number of elderly in the
country. Now, Japan holds the problem with "mutodoke" nursing home, which is a nursing home
that is operating without permission from the government and does not meet the requirement in
order to run the place. However, many people move in since they do not have enough money to go
to ordinary nursing home or do not have families to take care of them. ... Show more content on ...
Also, it is a place with security and that people can have fun with amenities such as tennis courts,
swimming pools, and golf courses. For example, one of the retirement communities in California is
called Laguna Woods Village, which offers distinctive and gracious living, lifestyle opportunities,
and planned activities. By promoting the idea of retirement community to Japan, I think the problem
with the number of elderly without going to nursing homes would definitely decrease. Also, the
number of "mutodoke" nursing home would decrease in addition to the number of elderly without a
place to go. In order to promote the idea, English is needed as well as knowledge for social
... Get more on ...

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Japan Culture Vs America

  • 1. Japan Culture Vs America Japan is located on an island in Asia. Japan has a very interesting and intriguing culture. Everything, from education to even how Japanese people greet each other. People in Japan are very proper compared to other countries. Their houses are very different from one's in the United States from when you even enter the house to when you leave. This is the research I've found on my county and I hope you enjoy all the cool facts and customs. Japan has a diet that is very healthy and before 2008 they had a law where you couldn't be over a certain waist width (Norimitsu, 2008).Ever since 2008, they can't fine or arrest you but you have to get a checkup every year by a doctor. (Norimitsu, 2008) They usually eat rice, vegetables, seafood, fruit ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The Great Recession The Great Recession of 2008 was the biggest global financial crisis that the world witnessed after the Great Depression of the 1930s. Collapsing markets, failure of banks and drastic decrease in international trade were just some key characteristics of the great recession. It became clear after the collapse of the capitalist ideology enforced by United States that this was the end of America– centred age of globalization (Lecture 2). This paper will compare and contrast the key characteristics of the great recession and the great depression. It will also emphasize that the root causes of the financial collapse of 2008 were first, unfavourable macroeconomic factors such as increasing deficits in the current account of advanced countries and loose ... Show more content on ... Baldwin in his book, "The Great Trade Collapse", explains that the financial collapse was very sudden and synchronized which increased its severity. The trade collapse in 2008 was not as severe as the Great Depression, however, the fall was very quick as it took 9 months for trade to fall at the same level which took 24 months in 1930s (Baldwin, Pg. 1). The gradual trade collapse was an initial sign that a severe financial crisis is about to come as countries that were dependent on commodity exports (oil and minerals) were hit the most which includes Canada as well. Additionally, uncertainty about the future spread globally and as a result people began to delay their unnecessary expenses. With consumption rate decreasing globally, imports and exports were adversely affected as well resulting into decreasing GDP in US, European Union and Japan (Baldwin, 2009). It can be concluded from the stated facts that the nature of the Great Recession was widespread primarily due to the internationalization of trade. Capitalism, with its main concept of globalization had made the great recession a global phenomenon since after the triumph of United States in Cold War, capitalism was adopted as the new world order. The expansion of MNCs and global supply chains which were created to reduce operational costs meant that disruption in one country of operation would likely cause problems with associated subsidiaries in other countries. Thus, the connectedness of the financial markets and trade contributed in creating a synchronized and severe recession ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Japan and Globalization Japan, home of some of the largest multinational technology corporations in the world, has been influenced in myriad ways through globalization. The effects of globalization on Japan provide valuable insights into the transformation of Japanese society. Global processes have increased wages and homelessness, strengthened environmental management programs, shifted governance towards regionalism, and threatened linguistic diversity in Japan. Numerous studies on Japan's economy provide both the positive and negative effects of globalization. Nakamura (2013) used Japanese wage censuses from 1998, 2000, and 2002 to explore the effects of inward and outward foreign direct investment (FDI) on the wages of Japanese workers in manufacturing ... Show more content on ... 86). Many politicians and economists regard neoliberalism as the key to national economic growth. Japan's move towards neoliberalism–orientated regionalism follows the current trends of globalization. The use of English in Japanese society challenges the traditional view of English as a lingua franca. Kubota and McKay (2009) investigated the role of English in Hasu (a pseudonym), a small Japanese community with non–English–speaking immigrants from Brazil, China, Peru, Korea, Thailand, and other countries, by evaluating the results of a community survey on diversity and interviewing five Japanese individuals (p. 593). They found that an attachment to English could reinforce the superiority of native speakers and deprive English learners of their willingness to communicate with others in other languages (Kubota & McKay, 2009, p. 612). The process of globalization entails the interconnectedness of people across the world. In this instance, the use of English acts as a boundary to cultural and linguistic understanding and divides people instead of connecting them together. Seargeant (2005) finds that the influx of loanwords and the decorative use of English in media and advertising acts as a boundary between Japan and the world because of its unfamiliar use (p. 318). Japan has essentially co–opted English and transformed it into a language that native English speakers find strange. The proliferation of English ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Cause And Effects Of Tsunami In Japan In March of 2011, a magnitude 9 earthquake hit Japan, releasing a dangerous tsunami. Japan was not expecting the magnitude of the earthquake and tsunami, and endured much hardship after the disaster. The effects of the tsunami can still be seen in Japan today through its residents, economy, and through actions that have been taken to further protect residents from future disasters. Though the Japan 2011 tsunami is one of the most destructive tsunamis ever recorded, dangerous tsunamis continue to take place across the globe. The Japan 2011 tsunami not only affected the inhabitants of Japan, but also affected people around the world. After disasters such as this, each area must endure the aftermath of the disaster and recover from the effects. A tsunami is a series of huge waves occurring when there is a major disturbance on the ocean floor. Tsunamis often occur due to earthquakes, volcanoes, or landslides (Park 16). Underwater earthquakes may produce waves that travel in all different directions. Some tsunamis lose power and die out under water, others may produce large waves as they approach land. Tsunamis may look like an onrushing tidal wave as they approach land, but do not occur because of tides (Park 6). Their walls of water can move across the open ocean at speeds of up to 560 miles per hour. When the waves hit the coast, they can reach up to 100 feet (Park 5). The tsunami in Japan is believed to have occurred after two of Earth's tectonic plates collided in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Monetary Policy And Housing Markets Essay Running head: MONETARY POLICY AND HOUSING MARKETS 1 Principles of Finance 1 Murali Yoheswaran University of the People In partial fulfillment of the requirements for BUS 2203 – Section (B) – Principles of Finance Dr. Sali Bakare September 12, 2016 Running head: MONETARY POLICY AND HOUSING MARKETS 2 Abstract The U.S monetary policy and the housing market developments are instruments that rely on each other. Any change on one instrument will have an effect on the other. We saw this with how the U.S economy housing bubble and bust which left the country in dismay. It was like a super tornado that ripped through and left a crushing debris, the U.S economy housing market was going through some rude awakenings. If the U.S monetary policy was more stringent and placed proper channels then all of this disaster could have been averted. Running head: MONETARY POLICY AND HOUSING MARKETS 3 What role did the setting of monetary policy play in housing market developments? The Federal Reserve Board describes the monetary policy as the policy that the Federal Reserve, the nation's central bank, does to influence the amount of money and credit in the U.S economy. What happens to money and credit affects interest rates and the performance of the U.S economy. The monetary policy creates a playing field for the economy where money value varies and inflation controls the purchasing power. Monetary policy is a noteworthy instrument since it can control how much money is borrowed and how much ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Post Ww2 Compare And Contrast Compare and Contrast: Urban Redevelopment and Housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia This paper is written to compare and contrast urban redevelopment and housing in the U.S., Europe, and Asia in the post–WWII era. Being aware of the fact that housing was indeed an integral part of urban redevelopment in the postwar era, the following analysis of urban redevelopment will focus on the larger picture, while that of housing would pay more attention to the details. Specifically, for urban redevelopment, planning ideas and the level of inequality in different countries are examined, and with regard to housing, I would like to analyze their architectural features. First of all, the planning ideas that guided the process of urban redevelopment in different countries vary to a significant extent. In Japan, priority was given to improve the urban road network. As a consequence, broad arterial roads were planned, and green areas were provided at the fringe. The redevelopment of the city of Nagoya revealed ambitious efforts. In this city, two 100–meter wide boulevards that served as the axes was constructed, and a large number of parks were established. While according to the Tokyo plan, an extensive network of ring and radial parkways, greenbelts, and corridors were built in order to restructure Tokyo and subdivide it into many smaller sub–cities. On the outskirts, a permanent greenbelt would be formed where development would be constrained. Additionally, most of the population were ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Why Did Mrs Endo Die Essay Why Did Mrs Endo Die? Introduction In this essay, I will not only attempt to explain all the factors which may have caused Mrs Endo's death, but also the causes and results of the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Background Information The 1995 Kobe earthquake (known as the Great Hanshin" earthquake in Japan) hit Japan on Tuesday the 17th of January at 5:40 am. It is called the "Kobe earthquake", not because the epicentre of the earthquake was in the Japanese city of Kobe but because Kobe was very much hit the hardest. In fact, the actual epicentre of the earthquake was in on the northern end of Awaji Island (fig. A+A'). (fig. A) Awaji Island is an island approximately 70 km south from Kobe with relatively ... Show more content on ... When the earthquake hit, it ruptured many underground water pipes, cut many electricity lines, and made many if the gas pipes explode. Any one of these happening are bad, but when all three occur at the same time, it causes many disasters. When electricity combines with gas, it causes massive electrical fires, which are difficult to put out with water, as it has the risk of electric shock. These fires destroy, but they also take multiple firemen, and many people and supplies to put out, which distracted from many people (like Mrs Endo) who were trapped or suffocating. Water conducts electricity, which means, when the water from the pipes combines with broken electricity lines, anything that touches the water, gets an electric shock. Again, not only does this injure many people, and make it very difficult for people to get around, but also takes many supplies, time to fix, and was a major distraction to the emergency services which could've been searching for survivors, or Mrs ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. World War II DBQ World War II had a major impact on America. America did suffer economic crisis from the Great Depression that resulted in millions of unemployed American citizens. World War II forced women into the work place, ended the great depression and bankrupted Germany. Hitler attempted to wipe out all the jews by killing them, imprisoning them, and experimenting on them during the holocaust. War posters lead to patriotism. Women went to work and became spenders. New inventions, minorities in sports, and fashion improvements. Civil rights for women and minorities became an issue. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor for different reasons. The reason for the attack on Pearl Harbor and the goal of the attack are not the same. Japan had ... Show more content on ... Military leaders and politicians saw a war between the U.S. and Japan as inevitable, with the solution being to attack first. The labor market changed a lot. Tens of millions of workers moved from low to high productivity jobs in industrial centers. Millions of students, housewives, and unemployed moved into the active labor force. "Your victory garden counts more than ever!" (Doc 2). Gas, meat and clothing were rationed. Most families would use 3 US gallons a week. Production of most goods like cars, new housing, kitchen appliances, were all banned until the war ended. In industrial areas housing was scarce so people would live in cramped housing. Blackouts were practiced in every city.. Everything showing through windows had to be covered, all lights had to be off. The reason for this was to remind people that there was a war going on and to provide activities that would engage the civil spirit of millions of people not involved in war effort. Women volunteered to work for the Red Cross, and other agencies. In conclusion, World War II flung America into action and new thoughts. Workmanship, music, and thoughts changed. Society, governmental issues, economy, and even our way of ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Comparison Of Internment Camps In The Bracelet By Yoshida... In 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, which later led to a war between the United States and Japan. As a result, more than 110,000 Japanese people that were living in the United States were forced to move into internment camps, because the U.S. government feared that the Japanese Americans would secretly aid Japan's war effort. In the short story, "The Bracelet" by Yoshida Uchda, the main character, Ruri, was tremendously impacted from being forced into the internment camps, despite the fact that she and her family were loyal Americans. Similarly, in the memoir, "Farewell to Manzanar," Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston has also experienced this hardship. The experiences and perspectives of both characters in the story are very similar, because they both experienced unwillingly being placed in internment camps and having to endure through the poor living conditions at these internment camps. Due to the war between the United states and Japan, many families were being separated and put into internment camps. Although Ruri and Jeanne are different characters in different stories, they both experienced involuntarily being placed in these internment camps even though they have done nothing wrong. When the United States entered World War II, people from the Japanese descent were uprooted by the government and were forced to go live in internment camps for the duration of the war. Ruri expressed that "the crazy thing about the whole evacuation was that we were all loyal Americans. Most ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Return Of Depression Economics 2008 Economics Noble Prize winner and Princeton University professor, Paul Krugman, translates the roots of modern and prior financial crisis economics. In his book, The Return of Depression Economics and The Crisis of 2008, Krugman first educates the reader of historical and foreign financial crises which allows for a deeper understanding of the modern financial system. The context provided from the historical analysis proves to be a crucial prospective in such a way that the rest of Krugman's narrative about modern finance continually relates back to the historical analysis. From there, Krugman analyzes and updates his prior studies done on the Asian financial crisis. He then applies his knowledge from historical events to the modern day financial struggles and argues his opinion about how and why our financial world operates the way it does. Krugman explains his perspective that the world believed that depression economics was no longer a problem, however the Asian crisis, Japan 's liquidity trap and the Latin American crisis having acted as warning signals to modern market struggles. Thus he says that this subject needs further examination and more resources should be poured into it. For Krugman, Depression Economics is still a relevant problem and should be further studied. On top of simply translating past and present financial systems, Krugman dissects the interconnection between economics and politics. Starting with the rise of socialism, many governments took on ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay On The Composition Of Capital Inflows In figure 3, Cho and Rhee (2014) show the composition of capital flows for all 10 Asian Countries excluding Hong Kong and Singapore. While the FDI was quiet stable, the portfolio investment part decreased from 2.2% of GDP in 2007 to –2.9% in 2008. Also, the other investment part of capital inflows, like bank loans, declined since 2007; nevertheless, it rebounded over than the pre–crisis level and became the major source of capital inflows after GFC. Cho and Rhee (2014) explain the composition of capital inflows by individual country in figure 4. It is easily to notice that both financial hubs, Hong Kong and Singapore, have more than 10% of GDP which was led by other investment part. In terms of two G2 countries, Japan and People's Republic ... Show more content on ... Increasing money impacts Asian economy on capital flows and on either exchange rates or housing prices significantly. The result of this section is quiet interesting. The QE of US brought huge capital inflows into Asian economies. There are two ways that it can influence: 1) a large amount money flows into the emerging markets to buy their currencies which investors expected they would increase values relative to USD; then, the expectation caused the appreciation of currencies. 2) however, if the central banks of some certain economies try to stabilize their exchange rates not to appreciate, the effect of QE would show in the housing markets, the most important household assets in most Asian countries. In real terms, Cho and Rhee (2014) indicates in the figure 5 that the housing prices nearly double in Hong Kong and India since the fourth quarter in 2008 to 2012. Also, in Taiwan, the housing prices rose by almost 60%. In Malaysia, it increased by around 30%. Economies with stable or rigid exchanges suffer from large increasing in the housing prices. Figure 6, calculated by Cho and Rhee (2014), demonstrates the relationship between exchange rates and housing prices. From the figure 6, it is obvious that Japan is an outlier. As a result, we show two situations in the figure 6, with and without Japan. Including Japan in the calculation, the correlation coefficient between exchange rates and housing prices is –o.84. ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Urban Areas Of Chin A Large Portion Of A Population In many areas of the world, the increase of population always caused an issue with adequate housing. While some countries do better than others at controlling the situation, there is always a percentage of people that live in the slums. About 55.6% of the population in China are currently living in the urban areas which is fairly good in a country such as China, compared to the 18.3% in 1982.1 However the rate of urbanization is at a rate of 3.01%, which is a fairly high rate as compared to the world.32With over 44.4% of China's population not living in an urbanized area, rises the question of how to quickly and effectively move the slum population into adequate housing. Many questions arise from urbanizing a large portion of a population such as, how can China manage its population, how can China decrease the social barrier between the slums and urban areas, and lastly what classifies as adequate housing? China has already implemented some population restrictions upon its in inhabitants. The one child policy is put in place order to control the Chinese population of the country meaning less people to house in the future. It is proven effective by at least preventing 400 million births in 1980.3 This comes with a drawback of putting more pressure on the China's economic future with the ratio of the elderly to the working force increasing. Ultimately cutting almost 400 million future workers, it puts a heavy strain on. With one child per household, it is effectively ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. My First Overseas Duty Station Essay One very big first in my life was our first overseas duty station in Japan. This was such an adventure from start to finish, and I experienced many other firsts during that tie as well. The flight to Japan seemed like it took a lifetime, but that might be because I had a one year old on my lap most of the time. She had a seat, but she refused to sit in it at any given time. We finally made it to Japan and through customs and then came a three–hour bus ride to the base we were going to be stationed to, Atsugi. We got checked into our hotel room, just one room for the three of us, and then started the two weeks of jet lag. The very first full day that we were in Japan was my daughter's first birthday, so we also celebrated a bit with her. We spent two months in one room together, mostly my daughter and I, since my husband deployed fairly quickly after arriving, until they finally found housing for us. Once in housing we received our shipment, minus furniture, and celebrated our first of many homecomings while in Japan. ... Show more content on ... It was crazy to drive on the wrong side of the road but we learned. I had finally decided to start school a year after we had been in Japan and on the day before I started classes, I found out I was going to be carrying and having our second child there in Japan. During this pregnancy, I stayed in school full time because I was so motivated to get as far as I could before she came. We decided to move to a larger house on base and when it became available, I had to move us with a little help from friends and some service members while I was eight months pregnant. Once settled, my husband returned from work ups in time to help me out during and after the c–section, but left three weeks later for another five months of deployment. Around Christmas time, we enjoyed another homecoming and then just a few months later another big first happened as ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Counting Street Sleepers Those who sleep on the streets go unnoticed by many United States citizens. According to the article "Counting Street Sleepers" written by E.W., in 2014 there was as many as "1.49 million people" who slept in shelters, "and 578,424 were recorded as being without shelter." Even though fixing these numbers is common knowledge and something most can agree upon, there is a lack of solutions or effort. Granted, the shelters have been showing improvement, and there are states taking larger steps to work towards ending homelessness. But the pace is inadequate. There are thousands who need shelter and food, and they stretch across the age bracket. From children and adolescents, to college students, to adults and veterans returning from war. Thousands ... Show more content on ... They claimed to lose 91% of their homeless by giving them homes, but after some research, Kevin Corinth, writer of the Huffington Post article "Think Utah Solved Homelessness? Think again", found that they faked their numbers. According to Corinth, "Utah conducts a count of its homeless population on a single night each January." They then claim that the numbers are annual, instead of point–in–time, meaning that "the actual count is adjusted upward to reflect the fact that some people who were homeless...were not homeless on the night of the count" (Corinth, Kevin). They also stopped counting those who spent a large amount of time in shelters as homeless, dropping their percentages. In reality, Utah is not the powerhouse it claimed to be. Corinth suggested that instead of Utah cooking up a great percentage, "additional focus should be placed on transitioning people out of expensive supportive housing and into housing of their own or with family members when their well–being improves." It's a good point. So many of Utah's citizens could have had housing by the time the state was done faking the country out. The extra effort put would have gone to people deserving of the help, and Utah would have genuinely been a leader for the rest of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Korean Civilization In Korea In 1897 King Gojong ended the Joseon dynasty and began The Great Han Empire as an independant country with himself as the Emperor. Growth of the country was greatly encouraged and Seoul constructed new roads and buildings as well as introducing new amenities such as electricity, telephones, trains, and a railway. As citizens were now able to travel, those who had lived abroad worked to replicate advancements they had seen in places such as Washington. A waste removal system was implemented and recreational parks were created. Eventually in 1909, the Japanese began the colonial rule of Korea for 36 years. Hanyang was renamed Gyeseong and Japan begins to dismantle the city to better serve themselves but also to assert their authority over the Korean citizens with the destruction of important historical Korean sites. At this time, Japan introduces capitalism and a bureaucratic style government to Korean society. Gyeseong's population began to grow due to the poor conditions of rural cities as well as the economic growth in Gyeseong, however the population was limited to roughly one million. The size of the city expanded to nearly ten times bigger than the original size of Seoul and a water treatment facility was built which lowered the mortality rate from a cholera epidemic in the country. During this colonial period, bus services are established with modest use by 7700 people in 1909 growing to nearly half a million riders in 1945, although streetcar use is more important to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Essay On American Food United States of America The United States is a melting pot of different types of people and with that come food brought in from all over. With their being food from all over the world coming into the United States finding what is consider "American" food can be hard. Though there are some food that come from other places and well as coming from America that is considered American food. Foods like hot dogs, hamburger, chips mac and cheese, and meat loaf are just some of the things that are considered American. There are different styles of food that are considered American in different parts of the United States that are home comfort foods. There are also somethings that are created by the United States that would be considers American ... Show more content on ... The main aim of secondary education is to prepare for applying for entrances to Universities. (Japanese Education) Education in Japan is payed by the government for primary school and middle education and anything before and after that must be paid for by the parents. There is nine years of schooling by the government for public school for free though private schools must be paid for. Then secondary school must be paid for and even though high school must be paid for 94% for students continue onto high school. (Japanese Education) United States of America Education in the United States has a three to four schooling system where a child starts in Elementary school and ends in High school with a 97% literacy rate (United States Press). Parents can enroll their child into a child care or a preschool program, there are some programs that make child care free if not reduced but child care cost to the parents, though if they go into a preschool program it is free paid for by the government, though going to child care or a preschool program is not a requirement it is highly recommended that children go to at less preschool. Then a child will start Elementary school which starts when a child is about five. Though in some states it is not required for a child to go to kindergarten is it is most states. From Elementary school all the way to high school it is ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Toyota Corporation: SWOT Analysis Of Toyota Company 1 INTRODUCTION:– 1.1 Company profile:– TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION is a Japan– based company mainly engaged in the automobile business and financial business. The Company operates through three business segments. The Automobile segment is engaged in the design, manufacture and sale of car products including passenger cars, minivans and trucks, as well as the related parts and accessories. The Finance segment is involved in the provision of financial services related to the sale of the Company's products, as well as the leasing of vehicles and equipment. The others segment is involved in the design, manufacture and sale of housings, as well as information and communication business. 1.2 Major Businesses:– A) Automotive Operations: Toyota produces ... Show more content on ... A) SWOT Analysis of Toyota Company (Internal Factors):– Internal Factors Strengths Weaknesses Management Having competent and experienced management team and board members Large size of management team reduces chances of moving fast into the targeted market, because of slow rate in decision making Offering Hybrid products that are customer friendly Expensive in proofing the market that are right products for them Marketing Distribution of products into the market through wide range of identified branches Expensive in establishing this distribution network Personnel Have good skilled workforce who are relied upon The gap will be big if the employees left the Company Finance Improved revenues from sales made in the global market Limited workforce and material may slow down the growth of the Company in relation to competitors Manufacturing Main supplier of material ensure fast and quality Different supply interests among the Company ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Culture And Business Practices Of Japan Introduction 221 Baker plans to open a store in Tokyo, Japan by the end of the 2016 fiscal year. By conducting research by utilizing the World Wide Web and an informative interview by Sensei Mako Nozu, we have gathered substantial information about the culture and business practices of Japan. We feel as if our knowledge has equipped us to succeed in this widely misunderstood market. Venture Japan stated that "many foreign countries never do start business in Japan (or enter the market through a distributor) because of the misconception, fueled by those infamous myths of doing business in Japan, that dealing with the Japanese business culture is somehow too risky" (Venture Japan). We are ready to take on this "risk" as many other ... Show more content on ... For example, if your shift is at 9 A.M. you are expected to be dressed, clocked in, and at your desk before that time (Nozu). Also, in every situation you find yourself in, you should be aware of how people are perceiving you, as this is extremely important to the Japanese. It is very common for the Japanese to go out after work to bars, karaoke 's, or restaurants. If you are invited you should make an effort to go, as good relationships with those whom you work with are important. The well being of the group is always placed above the individual in their culture. If a Japanese business is not doing well the CEO would cut his own pay so that it could be fairly distributed to his employees. Things like this, that we may not see in Western business practices, are all part of the unified country of Japan. Family Life As the Japanese are very social and place a lot of emphasis on strong bonds, family is extremely important. Families in Japan are referred to as "ie" and are all registered to the same "koseki" or official government document (Bestor). The structure is very similar that seen in Western culture where the mother, father, and children reside together. It is common for older relatives to live with a family, and if they do not, there is an old saying that "even if an extended family does not live together, parents and grandparents should live near enough to carry over a bowl of hot ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Lear Ando Research Paper Ando was born a few minutes before his twin brother in Osaka japan in 1941 September 13. When he was two years old his parents decided to give him to his grandmother while his brother would remain their parents. He worked as a truck driver and boxer he was given great ideas from his brother takao kitayama. He wanted to become a professional boxer at the age of 17. A series of boxing matches took him to Bangkok Thailand while there he visited Buddhist temple in his spare time and become fascinated by their design. Ando decided to end his boxing carrier less than two years graduating from high school to chase after (related to the beautiful design and construction of buildings, etc.) he was attended higher classes to learn drawing and tools and ... Show more content on ... The forms are partially buried into the sloping ground of a national park and become a compositional addition to the (wide view of a nature scene/wide area of beautiful land). Placed carefully as to not disrupt the pre–existing trees on the site, the structure responds to the (next to something else) community while the concrete forms address a more general nature through a playful moving around/misleading and tricking of light. The northern volume consists of a two– story height containing a double height living room, a kitchen and a dining room on the first floor with the master bedroom and a study on the second floor. The southern mass then consists of six linearly organized children's bedrooms, a bathroom and a lobby. Connecting the two spaces is a below grade tunnel that lies beneath the exterior stairs of the (open space next to a building). Ando's concrete is often referred to as "smooth–as–silk." He explains that the quality of construction does not depend on the mix itself, but rather on the form work into which the concrete is cast. Because of the tradition of wooden (related to the beautiful design and construction of buildings, etc.)" in Japan, the craft level of (the art of building things with wood) is very high. Wooden form work, where not a single drop of water will escape from the seams of the forms depends on this. Watertight forms are extremely important. Otherwise, ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Income Guarantee Schemes And The Developed Countries Income Guarantee Schemes in the Developed Countries YE YUAN ECON 3405– Critique of Capitalism–Fall 2014 Abstract This paper describes several income guarantee schemes in United States, United Kingdom and Japan, which could represent most developed countries in the world in this field. The first half part of this paper tells that income guarantee schemes in these three countries have both similarities and differences because they have really different histories in development. The second half part discusses the significance of minimum wage policy and some its influences on several issues. At the last of the paper, I present my own opinions on issues of income guarantee schemes. I. Introduction Employment is a popular topic in ... Show more content on ... For this reason, income guarantee schemes are necessary to economic growth and social stability. Most developed countries are in North America and Europe, however in Asia Japan is a developed country with strong economy foundation. So I choose United States, United Kingdom and Japan to describe this issue. II. Income guarantee schemes in United States As the strongest developed country in the world, United States had legislated minimum wage to guarantee income for workers in early time. Minimum wage is an efficient tool to improve labor market in history. However, the first country legislated minimum wage is New Zealand that was enforced by compulsory arbitration (Verrill, 1915:105). United States legisted minimum wage system with the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and set the federal minimum wage is $0.25 per hour. The 1938 Act was applicable generally to employees engaged in interstate commerce or in the production of goods for interstate commerce (US Department of Labor, 2009). Then the minimum wage level increases several times because of productivity improvement and increasing inflation rate. The federal government has to update the minimum wage level frequently. In 1961, there was new policy extended coverage primarily to employees in large retail and service enterprises as well as to local transit, construction, and gasoline service station employees (US Department of Labor, 2009). In 1966, the labor system ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Can China Avoid Japan's Deflationary Fate? Can China Avoid Japan's Deflationary Fate? The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently highlighted that global recession risks in 2016 had risen, but attached a zero percent chance that China would experience this fate. A scenario of an economically contracting China would send deflationary scares spiralling: government bond yields in advanced markets, particularly safe–haven countries, would collapse and perhaps go negative as investors switched their focus to real returns. Although China is unlikely to experience negative growth in the near term, the economy is clearly growing below trend, thereby imparting a deflationary bias on activity. One possible way to eradicate such forces is to export them by weakening the yuan. The decision by the Peoples' Bank of China (PBoC) to allow the currency to weaken in August sent shock waves around global financial markets, because it highlighted the risks of further escalation in the Great Currency War. Furthermore, the decision to at least contemplate devaluation to solve deflationary issues was viewed as mimicking the policies of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ). The latter is an old hand at fighting the persistence of falling prices, but the fact is that it is still paying a heavy price for failing to contain the forces that were producing a bubble economy, notably a major expansion of bank lending and corporate debt issuance. Japan consequently experienced a so–called balance sheet recession that ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. World Wide Urbanization : A Small Island Country WORLD WIDE URBANIZATION Alex Pope 12/11/14 Alex Pope Cities, Suburbs, and Small towns 12/11/14 Worldwide Urbanization Worldwide urbanization is the movement of people from rural areas to urban areas. The number of people making this change is growing every year. "Globally, more people live in urban areas than in rural areas, with 54% of the world's population residing in urban areas in 2014. In 1950, 30% of the world's population was urban, and by 2050, 66% of the world's population is projected to be urban" (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 1). When looking at the rapid growth among people trying to move to a more urban environment, it's interesting to break it down into regions and take a closer look at what specific ... Show more content on ... Japan is also the home to the largest car company on the planet, which is Toyota. Toyota is known for manufacturing the most cars, while having some of the most reliable cars on the road. Although Japan is one of the top 10 for most people living in an urban environment, it is said that with time the numbers are only supposed to decrease. As stated previously by 2050 worldwide urbanization is supposed to increase dramatically, but not for Japan. "The largest declines between 2014 and 2050 are projected for Japan, with a decline of 12 million urban dwellers" (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 12). Tokyo is a city in Japan which has the highest population throughout japan with a population of almost 38 million people (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 26). Tokyo is the biggest city in the world holding the biggest population. Tokyo is a city on the eastern part of the island it is about a mile off of the ocean and not directly connected to the ocean which is surprising to me. Osaka is also in the top ten for highest population per city which has a population of about 20 million (Worldwide Urbanization Prospects, pg. 26). These two cities alone count for nearly 40% of the country's population. (Quellherst, reference 3) The housing in these two cities is very packed. "Exorbitant land costs have resulted in structures being built wall to wall up to the lot lines" (Palen, pg 323). In Tokyo there is not much open land ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Urban Civilization : Causes And Effects Of Urban... Intro Cities are organized and arranged deliberately in order to shape the future of places and their communities. This formation can greatly contribute to the overall impact and general sense of place. However, these plans, often state, or nationally led, can be cited as attempts to instigate the authoritative power and control over people and places. Therefore, cities and their physical agglomerations have the potential to become highly politicized. During the period of urban development, both in the United States and across the Atlantic in Europe and Asia, the metropolitan landscape was greatly altered. Due to the devastating consequences of World War II, as well as, race–based and ethnic connotations, cities were completely cleared of both form and meaning to be recreated into spaces of idealized thought and actions. This period, spanning the majority of the 20th century, sought to reconfigure physical, social, political, and economic environments. The path of urban redevelopment and housing across nations emanated from the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the periodical periods of metropolitan mismanagement that subsequently followed. The urban landscape was altered and formed interchangeably to define both in meaning and shape of the metropolitan cities in the 20th century. Housing development, a subsequent factor of post–war destruction and urban renewal, different in shape and form from region to region, however, it precluded similar meanings of reconstructing national identity through the formation of new modern cities, fully separated from its past form. I argue that the failures of urban redevelopment and public housing in the United States greatly attributed to the persisting racial stigmatization and segregation. Meanwhile in Europe and in Asia, while racial stratification was present, the aspiration to demonstrate national scale modernization to a globally vigilant audience motivated its reconstruction. Pre–WWII | Modernism and Functionalism Much of the redevelopment and renewal that occurred post WWII appeared in cities that were greatly impacted by the war. However, the movement's origins can be traced to the period of modernization and functionalism in the early 20th century. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Natural Disasters Vs Earthquakes Earthquakes and Hurricanes are two of the costliest natural disasters that have occurred around the world. Both Japan and the United States have been unfortunate to experience many of both, with the largest and costliest of each hitting both countries. While building codes continue to help with loss of life and destruction of structures, there are still forces of nature that will destroy and damage buildings regardless of the efforts that are made. With the cost of repairs increasing the destruction that can happen with any major natural disaster will continue to increase repair costs. Both of these forms of natural disasters will continue to impact both counties in the future with lessons learned with each occurring natural disaster. ... Show more content on ... Over 26 billion dollars in damages was caused from the hurricane. goes on to state "It is estimated that 1,250,000 people evacuated from parishes in southeastern and south–central Louisiana." Due to such a large amount of people who evacuated it probably helped avoid further loss of life. discusses with Hurricane Andrew and the recovery that took place after the event. Over $11 billion was given to Florida and Louisiana in federal aid monies to help rebuild and repair after the devastation that occurred. The Homestead Air Force Base was not rebuilt for a loss of jobs and revenue for the area. 99% of the mobile homes in Homestead were destroyed. Many people used the monies given to them from their insurance to relocate and move. Miami– Dade county had a shift in population where people where over 270,000 people moved out of that county while Palm Beach county had an increase in population in that same time frame (1990–2000) of over 100,000 people. ( While some areas it took years to recover, other areas never fully recovered as people left. In 1994 the United States had a population of 263.3 million people. On January 17, 1994 the United States had its largest earthquake based on deaths at 61 and total damage costs at $22.8 million (Abbott p.9). At 4:31 in the morning on January 17, people were woken with an earthquake that had a magnitude of 6.7. This earthquake was on a previously undocumented blind thrust ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Japan And The United Kingdom Japan and the United Kingdom have long been world powers and are now in the top 10 biggest economies of the world; being third and fifth in the 2014 rankings. (Centre for Economics and Business Research. 2015) However, both countries have been hit by a great economic crisis that changed their economies deeply. Though it occurred on different time frames; 1991 to 2000 for Japan and 2007 to 2012 for the United Kingdom, a lot of similarities can be found between the causes that started both crises as well as between the development of these crises. However, not everything is comparable so we can wonder, to what extent are the Japanese recession of the 1990s and the Great Recession of 2007–2012 similar? In order to answer this question and get a full understanding of both periods, we will first look at the causes of the Great Recession, then have a look at the causes of the Japanese lost decade and finally, analyse the similarities and differences between the two crises. Japan saw its nation change in 1990 when the Japanese economy stagnated. Indeed, between 1991 and 2003 the Japanese economy only grew 1.14% (of GDP) every year. This is not enough when compared to other developed countries. (Yuji Horioka, 2006). Alexander, A. J. (2000) states the facts that from the first quarter of 1990 to the first quarter of 2000 the annual increase in real gross domestic product per capita barely exceeded 1 percent, making it very clear that Japan was in a recession. This is all the ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Mikewed Family Sociologist Katherine Newman explores the impacts and trends towards the rising number of accordion families in various countries. Economic factors such as globalization, education, and housing markets are causing profound effects on parents and young adults who find themselves facing prolong periods of living at home. These extended periods of living at home is what Newman defines as the accordion family. According to Katherine Newman, there are various differences among countries. However, among these countries there are similar patterns that exist within families, which she refers to as accordion families. The accordion family refers to the expanding and contracting of children leaving, then re– entering a household (Newman, 2012, p. 34). ... Show more content on ... These changes include globalization, housing markets, education and family income and wealth. Newman found that global competition has a profound effect on young adults in countries like Japan, Spain, Italy, and United States who find themselves facing extended unemployment (Newman, 2012, p. 45). This is forcing many to live at home with their parents. Young adults new to the labor market feel a great increase in competition and in the downward shift of wages (Newman, 2012, p. 45). Young adults see globalization as competition for already scarce jobs, which means that young adults who have little work experience have to compete for jobs with people who have vast working experience (cite?). As a result, it is the youth that suffers from globalization. The rate of unemployment is also high in countries with weak welfare states such as Japan, Spain, Italy and the United States (Newman, 2012, p. 61). Weakened welfare states are another cause to the increase in accordion families due to governments and states leaving young adults to be their own responsibility during economic trouble (Newman, 2012, p. 61). Compared to generous welfare states including the Scandinavian countries that offer those in trouble higher education benefits, affordable rental housing and unemployment benefits, unemployment for those with a weakened welfare state face higher rates of unemployment (Newman, 2012, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Manhattan Project Lifesaver Or Life Destroyer Essay The Manhattan Project Lifesaver or Life Destroyer Going throughout history and the mistakes we have made throughout, you would think back and say if we did the right thing or if we have made a huge mistake. In this case it is the Manhattan Project. This project was first time the atomic bomb was introduced. It was led by General Leslie Groves and the research was directed by American scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer. Most of the people who worked on this project were not told what they were working on, but only told what to do. In this case, was it right to lie to the people working on this project, was it necessary not to tell the U.S. community, and was it necessary to bomb Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The Manhattan Project was necessary for certain things, but not all. As human beings, we tend to lie to people. Whether it be to your parents, friends, or school teachers. It is just a thing we do to keep ourselves from getting in trouble. When working on the Manhattan Project, certain people were not told what the project is. Others were told but were not allowed to tell anyone else. This was because they did not want the US community to know. They didn't know what type of response they would get. If you put yourself in one of the workers shoes and then realized what you have been working on, you would feel so bad because you created a weapon of Lazaro 2 destruction. Not only that but you also took part in a project that killed millions. This is how most people felt ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Reserve Bank Of Australia Executive Summary Booms, busts, recessions, and growth; all of the preceding terms are characteristics of a typical market economy. There are times when an economy can flourish spectacularly and there are times when it can fail miserably. Consequently, it is the responsibility of a nation's central bank to manage these fluctuations through conducting effective monetary policy. The following paper will assume the perspective of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and critically analyze the past, present, and future of the Australian economy while considering specific sectors. With a GDP of over $1 trillion USD, the Australian economy is among the largest in the world (Cornett and Saunders, 2014). Australia is trading partners with the United States, China, and Japan, but their economic ties are mainly centered in the Pacific Rim. Exports are crucial to the country's GDP and this has created problems regarding sustainability in the Australian economy. The Australian economy is reliant on three key sectors: services, housing, and mining. The services sector employs the largest percentages of Australians – around 80 percent – and is responsible for approximately 70 percent of the country's GDP (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). With jobs in a variety of specific industries, this sector drives the success of the Australian economy. The housing sector is experiencing unprecedented growth leading to concerns over a potential asset bubble. An increase in the amount ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Global Financial Crisis Essay Starting from problems of payment defaults on housing loans (subprime mortgage defaults) in the United States (U.S.), then ballooned damaging crisis of the banking system not only in the United States but extends into Europe and into Asia. Successive cause a domino effect on the solvency and liquidity of financial institutions in these countries, among others, led to the bankruptcy of hundreds of banks, securities firms, mutual funds, pension funds and insurance. The crisis then spread to parts of Asia, especially countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Singapore, Hongkong, Malaysia, Thailand, including Indonesia, which happens to have long had the letters beharga these companies. From the various critiques by experts, that the problem is ... Show more content on ... Lehman Brothers announced a gradual loss before finally bankrupt. On June 16, 2008, the company announced losses worth 2.8 billion dollars for the second half of 2008. Followed by losses of 3.9 billion U.S. dollars in part–to–three in 2008 (10 September) and culminate in the announcement of bankruptcy on September 15, 2008. Similar unrest was also experienced almost simultaneously by Merryl Linch, Citigroup, AIG and other large financial institutions. This affected the weakening of the real sector with the bankruptcy of major U.S. companies like General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler that threaten the continuity of work thousands of employees. Sure enough, the U.S. unemployment rate rose to 6.7% in line with the increase in pessimism among consumers and investors throughout the period from September to November 2008. That is the level of termination of employment (FLE), the largest in the last 34 years. Carrying 533 000 employees laid off and reached a total of 1.91 million persons in 2008. (Source: U.S. department of labor). Along with that, on 30 November 2008, the U.S. government also announced a decline in the value of real GDP for part III in 2008 amounted to 0.3%. Likewise, also in Europe, the banking crisis in Europe was marked by problems at a small bank in the UK, namely Northern Rock Bank, in mid–2007. Northern Rock is a true small–scale private bank in the UK. However, when there broke down in ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Metabolism Movement The Metabolism movement is known as a modern architecture movement, which emerged from japan. The movement had its blooming start during the World Design Congress held at Tokyo in 1960, when a group of young architects and designers, who called themselves "Metabolists," presented their radical and visionary proposals of urban and architectural schemes. Among the schemes that were presented were the "Marine city" and the "Tower shape city" by Kiyonori Kikutake. This presentation introduced the motabolist movement to the audience. The main members of the movement were architects Kiyonori Kikutake, Masato Otaka, Fumihiko Maki, Noriaki Kurokawa, the architectural critic Noboru Kawazoe. And Kenzo Tange who is recognized as the mentor of these Metabolists. The architects involved envisioned the ideal city, and planned experimental architecture and cities that are adaptable to change they developed flexible buildings, houses that could expand or shrink according to demand, cities that were sustainable, with buildings made of recyclable materials. All of this visions and views were arose as a response to reconstruct japan after the human and environmental disaster that followed the atomic bombing of Japan during the World War II. The main concern of the metabolist group of architects is to achieve flexible, changeable ... Show more content on ... The project is built in 1967 and is located in Ginza, Tokyo. Its was designed by Kenzo Tange, the limited building space inspired him to design a 57m vertical structure made of a 7,7 diameter single circular core, which is used as a plug in for cantilever floors. The core is also used as an access shaft for modular office units, which punctuated the main core on both sides. The building represents metabolism movement ideas of organically inspired structural growth. The project was supposed to be developed into a prefabricated mega structure ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Recession Of The United States And United Kingdom The Great Recession of 2007–2012, of which several countries are still recovering, including the United States and United Kingdom, shows great similarity to the Japanese Recession of the 1990s. However, by taking a closer look and identifying the causes of both we become aware of the differences that make them not so similar after all. The Great Recession had a domino effect beginning in the United States with the fault of subprime mortgages creating a housing bubble. Whereas Japan's fault lies with the increasing land prices due to investment, in which created a land bubble that eventually would burst. With the United States and Japan holding high ranks on the Top 10 Exporters in 2014, United States 2nd and Japan 4th, a recession shows ... Show more content on ... The risk was extremely high due to the possibility that the loan would never be paid back. During the 2000s a housing price bubble was beginning to form within the United States. This was due to those who before could not own a house, suddenly being able to due to subprime mortgages. Prices rose 90% from 2000 to 2006 (Ueda, 2012) showing a rapid increase in housing prices and therefor increasing the amount further of those who would never be able to pay their mortgage back. This caused great financial pressure within the United States economy when the federal reserve raised interest rates within the United States in February 2007.This meant that debts were not being paid by subprime mortgage holders resulting in the collapse of the subprime mortgage market in mid 2007. A prime example of this is the largest sub prime lender firm within the United States, New Century Financial. New Century Financial filled for bankruptcy on the 2nd of April 2007. The collapse came with a cut of roughly 3,200 jobs. (Treanor, 2007) The collapse of the subprime market meant that the housing boom within United States and United Kingdom came to an end and burst the housing bubble within the United States. (Arestis, Sobreira, and Oreiro, 2010) However, this did not stop the spread of the subprime mortgage. In the United Kingdom, Bank Northern Rock began to target sub–prime customers. Northern ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Japanese Refugees Research Paper Japan itself has dealt with immense troubles, some of which still affect the chain of islands today. These dissensions are especially evident in the modern day conflict of refugees and whether or not countries, such as Japan, should feel obligated to accept them. A combination of a lack of resources, natural disasters, economy, and the desire to fix its peoples' issues before attempting to help others causes Japan to rightfully feel hesitant about whether or not it should allow asylum–seekers. Due to it's current state economically and small size as an archipelago, Japan is reasonably unable to increase their refugee acceptance rates. Japan is an archipelago, a chain of islands that, according to Thomas Brinkhoff, who belongs to the Institute ... Show more content on ... The thousands of asylum requests per year in addition to the conflicts economically, geopolitically, and the overall desire to fix its peoples' issues cause Japan to rightfully accept a rather low amount of refugees. As Kurtenbach and Yamaguchi state in Japan, Wary of Outsiders, Keeps Doors Closed to Refugees, "In the past five years, the proportion of applicants granted refugee status in Japan has dropped to below 1 percent" (Kurtenbach & Yamaguchi). This is a fairly low amount when compared to somewhere such as Germany, who has accepted approximately 40,000 Syrian refugees since around 2013, according to the same article by Kurtenbach and Yamaguchi (Kurtenbach & Yamaguchi). However, places such as Germany have an advantage, as they have much more land area than Japan, who is only a relatively small archipelago. Japan is currently not in a stable state to accept refugees, as they will cost a fair amount of money, about $480,000,000 in 2014 alone if every refugee is accepted as previously mentioned, and Japan is already neck deep in debt. When combined with its lack of natural recourses and need to solve its own problems, it is clear that Japan is in no shape to accept around 8,000 more people to care for every year. To conclude, for geopolitical and economical reasons, Japan is unable to accept any ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Urbanisation Advantages And Disadvantages Do the benefits of urbanisation outweigh the disadvantages? By Martha Chan 10B2 Word count: 2149 Introduction Urbanization is defined as rapid population growth in urban areas. There are four major causes for urbanisation including: rapid economic growth, population increase, economies of scale and multiplier effect. The environment around us is heavily affected by urbanisation, bringing advantages and disadvantages along with it. Almost 45 per cent of the world's population which is two and a half billion people are living in urban areas. Global Perspective There is a well–established connection between a country's level of urbanization and its GDP (gross domestic product). In the 2011 data graph on the UN website, it shows a strong positive link: ... Show more content on ... Tokyo is the world's largest city with a total of 38 million residents and a GDP of US$1,479 billion. Four major advantages of living in Japan includes outstanding medical services, more job opportunities, and a convenient lifestyle. The World Health Organization (WHO) ranked the health systems of its 191 member states in its World Health Report in 2000 and Japan was ranked 10th. Japanese outcomes for high level medical treatment is generally competitive with that of the US. Nextly, according to the statistics from the Tokyo Government, the total number of offices in Tokyo is over 670,000, which accounts for 11.6% of all Japanese companies. Furthermore, Japan has the highest number of employees, 7,752,604. However, the major push factors due to urbanisation in this metropolis city is environmental pollution. According to a WHO survey, Japan has been suffering since 1960 due to it having an incredibly high level of air pollution. As the quality of air decreases, the risk of having different diseases increases. This contradiction causes Japan to become harder to live ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The World 's Leading Industrial Countries This paper will discuss the comparisons between the Group of seven (G7) countries known as the world's leading industrial countries and their economic performance since the financial crisis using the IS – LM model. Representatives of the European Union , that includes the presidency of the European Union and the European Central Bank , as well as leaders of international financial institutions and regularly attend. In the year 2013 the United Kingdom assumed the presidency of the Group of 7 will host a meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors on Friday May 10 and Saturday , 11th G7 finance ministers make and central bank governors from seven countries : Canada, France , Germany, Italy , Japan, Great Britain and the United States. The group met regularly since 1976 to discuss key issues related to global economic stability. The G20 conferences included national leaders for the first time in 2008 amid the world financial crisis and recession, and in 2009 G20 leaders announced plans for the G20 to replace its predecessors as the main forum for global economic policy, reflecting the increased economic importance of China and other emerging–market nations. Emerging nations had long complained that their interests were not addressed during the G7 meetings; these concerns resulted in the first meeting of the newly formed Group of Twenty, with the G8 nations plus Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, the European Union, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. World Social Policies And Health Care Policy And... World Social Policies The advantages and disadvantages of resources and services within United States compared to other govern countries and their social demands for their citizens are immeasurably different. When comparing and analyzing how governing bodies oversees the well–being of citizens within their region of the world, it is important not to rely on their economic growth only. But, how their social policies and guidelines address poverty, housing, health care, unemployment, and the lack of education. Each governing body strive to improve the life expectancy of their citizens by implementing policies that would provide access to, delivering and allocating, and refining resources within the communities for the betterment of the people. The state welfare and public practice within a governmental and / or political setting varies with each area of concern; mainly with the health care and inequality (unemployment and homelessness) of citizens. This report will contrast how citizens of the United States, Belgium, and Japan fair with their health care policy and inequality policy that are implemented to service their perspective region. The growing concern of health care in the United States is alarming to its citizens. Unfortunately, the health care system does not provide an even quality of medical care for all citizens. Social Justice indicates that the government must allocate costs and benefits to help the citizens even if it does not guarantee fairness across the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Antarctica Earthquake Research Paper An earthquake shook northeastern japan on March 11, 2011. It was a magnitude –9 earthquake so it caused a savage tsunami. The great earthquake was felt around the world from the antarctica's ice sheet and norway's fjords. Even years later things are getting washed up on north America s beaches. 250 miles of japan's coastline Honshu dropped almost 2 feet . The jolt moved 8 feet of Honshu eastward. The tsunami broke icebergs in parts of Antarctica such as Sulzberger ice shelves. Japan is still recovering from the devastating earthquake and tsunami . It was about 150,000 evacuees that lost their homes in February 2017. About 50,000 of them are as of today still living in temporary housing . 120,000 houses and more were destroyed , 726,000 ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. My Life Of A Military Family All my life I have had a passion for learning about different cultures and peoples. This passion most likely comes from my unique upbringing. I was born into a military family. I have had opportunity to live is different places and learn many things about the world and the people in it. As a child of a military family I have had so much exposure to a variety of diverse cultures, so I tend to be rather open–minded. Having been an outsider myself plenty of times before, I find that I am more accepting of people with different worldviews than most Americans. By and large, because I have had to adapt to new cultures and make new friends every couple of years, I now have excellent social skills, easily finding common ground and striking up conversations with people from a variety of backgrounds. My passions for other cultures and learning about different people became even more important to me as I went to university. I was accepted into The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and I applied for campus housing. I wanted to live in one building and that residence hall was called Phillips Hawkins, it was also known as the International Residence Hall. I lived in Phillips Hawkins for 3 years. As a resident for part of the first year and as a Resident Advisor for the rest. During these 3 years I made many friends from 38 different countries. One of those countries was Japan and these students came from 5 different universities: Kyoto Sangyo University, Nagoya University, Nara ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Harry Truman Essay Harry Truman Harry Truman became President in April of 1945, and led 2 very vibrant terms. Although he was very unpopular and inexperienced, he made a lot of important decisions, which helped America to develop during a difficult period in time. He also solved many national and international crises, and without his leadership, the nation may not have prospered the way it did in the years following his Presidency. Truman was sworn in while there was an Allied attack of Germany and preparations for an invasion of Japan. During the first month of his term, Germany surrendered and he went to Germany for the Potsdam Conference. Upon his return, he received word that the Manhattan Project had been completed, and he ordered the use of ... Show more content on ... The Truman Doctrine sent US aid to Greece and Turkey, and also encouraged the American people to support the cold war. The Marshall Plan, also known as the European Recovery Plan, was to rebuild the European market, which would benefit U.S. trade, and to strengthen democratic governments in Western Europe. Under the Marshall Plan, the US spent $13 billion over 4 years. The Point Four provided aid to underdeveloped countries, and by offering scientific and technical aid; it helped to reduce famine, disease, and economic hardship of 35 Asian and African nations. Last, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, established a regional defense alliance to protect each country involved. Beside these programs, Truman also dealt with the large–scale problem of preventing North Korean Communists from taking over South Korea, and sent troops to fight in the war. The Korean War asked the whole nation to become involved in production and mobilizing troops, and the US involvement in the war proved to affect many people. Truman also made many decisions affecting the American people domestically. After World War II, he passed the GI Bill, which provided the returning war veterans with cash, education, housing, and unemployment benefits. After the war, the nation switched from war production to the manufacturing of peacetime goods. Prices skyrocketed as demand rose, and laborers fought for wage increases that mirrored the ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Differences In America I spent six years of my life in the United States where I met people with diversified cultural backgrounds. Of all the cultural differences I experienced, I felt that elderly in America and Japan are different, as in how they act in the society. For instance, elderly in America seemed to have more jubilant life compared to those in Japan. When I came back to Japan, I had a chance to visit a nursing home with my chorus club members in high school. We sang traditional Japanese songs, which elderly were fascinated from our singing. This event triggered me to think that I want to help elderly in the future. An aging society is one of the biggest issues in the world, especially in Japan. According to the 2010 research by United Nations, Japan marks top for the number of elderly in the country. Now, Japan holds the problem with "mutodoke" nursing home, which is a nursing home that is operating without permission from the government and does not meet the requirement in order to run the place. However, many people move in since they do not have enough money to go to ordinary nursing home or do not have families to take care of them. ... Show more content on ... Also, it is a place with security and that people can have fun with amenities such as tennis courts, swimming pools, and golf courses. For example, one of the retirement communities in California is called Laguna Woods Village, which offers distinctive and gracious living, lifestyle opportunities, and planned activities. By promoting the idea of retirement community to Japan, I think the problem with the number of elderly without going to nursing homes would definitely decrease. Also, the number of "mutodoke" nursing home would decrease in addition to the number of elderly without a place to go. In order to promote the idea, English is needed as well as knowledge for social ... Get more on ...