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Japan’s Legislative Branch: The National Diet 
As in the United States, Japan’s government is divided into three separate branches: judicial, executive, 
and legislative. However, in Japan, the National Diet, or Japan’s legislature, is considered “the highest 
organ of state power” and “the sole law-making organ of the State” based on the Constitution. The Diet 
is made up of two houses, the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, that are primarily 
responsible for making laws, approving the annual national budget, initiating amendments to the 
Constitution, conducting investigations on the government, impeaching judges convicted of criminal or 
unethical conduct, and formally selecting the Prime Minister of Japan. 
The House of Councillors is the upper house of the Diet of Japan, composed of 242 members who each 
serve six year terms. The House of Representatives is the lower house with 480 members. As opposed to 
the upper house, lower house members are elected for four-year terms. All citizens of Japan gain 
universal suffrage at age 20 and may take part in the election process. To run for office, you must be 25 
years old in the House of Representatives and 30 years old in the house of Councillors. Both houses are 
elected under a parallel voting system, which basically means that the results of the election of the 
upper house has little or no impact on the results of the lower house. Additionally, voters partake in 
these elections using different voting systems. 
Though both houses play a seemingly equal important role within the legislative branch of the 
government, the lower house, or the House of Representatives is considered more powerful. For 
instance, if a bill is passed by the House of Representatives, but then later struck down by the House of 
Councillors, the lower house has the authority to override this decision by a two-thirds vote. 
Furthermore, the House of Councillors cannot block legislation when certain issues arise such as treaty 
amendments and budget concerns. The lower house may also dissolve the government if it passes a 
motion of no-confidence introduced by 50 of its members. Despite the added power, the lower house is 
still subject to dissolution by the Prime Minister, who is currently Junichiro Koizumi, through a passage 
of no-confidence, as was recently seen in Canada late last year. 
The Diet is required under the Constitution to meet at least once a year. During these sessions, the 
Emperor, who is recognized as the symbol of the Japanese nation and the unity of its people, outlines 
the government’s plans for the coming year. The National Diet Building is located in Japan’s capital, 
Legislative branch: bicameral Diet or Kokkai consists of the House of Councillors or Sangi -in (242 seats - 
members elected for fixed six-year terms; 146 members in multi-seat constituencies and 96 by 
proportional representation) half elected every three years; and the House of Representatives or Shugi -
in (480 seats - members elected for maximum four-year terms; 300 in single-seat constituencies; 180 
members by proportional representation in 11 regional blocs); the prime minister has the right to 
dissolve the House of Representatives at any time with the concurrence of the cabinet 
There are 47 prefectural and numerous municipal governments in Japan. Their responsibilities include 
providing education, welfare, and other services 
Agence France-Presse/Getty Images: Lawmakers raise their hands for banzai cheers at the National Diet 
in Tokyo on Nov. 16 as the lower house of parliament ...
Diet, also called (1889–1947) Imperial Diet, Japanese Kokkai (“National Assembly”), or Teikoku Gikai 
(“Imperial Assembly”), the national legislature of Japan. 
Under the Meiji Constitution of 1889, the Imperial Diet was established on the basis of two houses with 
coequal powers. The upper house, the House of Peers (Kizokuin), was almost wholly appointive. Initially, 
its membership was slightly less than 300, but it was subsequently increased to approximately 400. The 
peers were intended to represent the top rank and quality of the nation and to serve as a check upon 
the lower house. The pre-World War II House of Representatives (Shūgiin) was originally composed of 
300 members, all elected, but gradually this number was increased to 466. Its powers were in many 
respects largely negative. Without Diet approval, no bill could become law. The government did have 
the right to issue imperial ordinances in case of an emergency, but if these were to remain in effect the 
Diet had to approve them at its next session. There was one significant limitation upon the traditional 
legislative control over the purse strings. If the Diet did not pass the budget in a manner acceptable to 
the government, the government had the right to apply the budget for the previous year. This provision 
was borrowed from Prussian practice. The Diet did not initiate important legislation; this was chiefly the 
function of the executive. 
Under the Constitution of 1947 the Diet, renamed Kokkai, was drastically altered both in structure and 
in powers. There remained two houses, the House of Representatives (Shūgiin) and the House of 
Councillors (Sangiin). The latter takes the place of the old House of Peers and has a membership of 250 
consisting of two categories: 100 councillors elected from the nation at large with the remaining 152 
elected as prefectural representatives. Every voter may cast a ballot for one candidate in each category, 
giving him a total of two votes. The members of the House of Councillors serve for six years, with one-half 
of the members standing for election every three years. The House of Councillors cannot be 
dissolved in case of conflict between it and the executive branch. The balance of power, though, lies in 
the lower house, where general agreement with executive policy must prevail. In case of a deadlock 
between the two houses over the selection of a prime minister, the vote of the lower house takes 
precedence. The budget must be submitted first to the lower house; if the two houses cannot agree, the 
position of the lower house prevails after 30 days. This same provision applies to treaties. With other 
legislation, if the councillors reject a bill or refuse to act upon it within 60 days, the House of 
Representatives can make it law by repassing it by a two-thirds majority of the members present. 
The House of Representatives has 467 members elected from 118 electoral districts. Each district has 
from three to five representatives, but the voter casts only one ballot, with the candidates receiving the 
highest number of votes being elected. Lower-house members are elected for a term of four years, but 
the house can be dissolved at any time by the government, in which case elections must be held within 
40 days.
As in the past, the Japanese Diet rarely initiates important legislation; such laws ordinarily come to the 
Diet under cabinet sponsorship. However, an individual member’s bill can be introduced in the lower 
house if it has been signed by 20 or more members, and in the upper house with the signature of 10 or 
more members. Under Diet law, the committee system has been drastically altered to accord more with 
U.S. practice. Each house has slightly more than 20 standing committees dealing with such subjects as 
foreign affairs, finance, and education. Government legislation goes first to the appropriate committee, 
where it is examined and often vigorously debated. Membership on these committees is determined by 
the Diet in rough accordance with the party ratios in each house. A member normally retains his 
assignments as long as he sits in the Diet. Thus he develops some detailed knowledge and may provide a 
challenge to government policymakers of opposing parties or convictions. 
The Japanese parliament is called the Diet. It consists of the House of Representatives (480 members) 
and the House of Councillors (242 members). The members of the Diet are elected by the Japanese 
1. Home 
2. Japan 
3. Government, Military, Crime - Government 
 Websites and Resources 
 Japanese Prime Minister 
 Nakasone on What It Takes to Be Prime Minister
 Apologizing and Leaving Office in Japan 
 Cabinet in Japan 
 Cabinet’s Role in Governing and Controlling the Bureaucracy 
 Japanese Legislature 
 Dissolution of Parliament 
 Dissolution of Parliament and the 'Purple Fukusa' Imperial Rescript 
 Reforms of the Legislature 
 Elections in Japan 
 Duties of the Legislature in Japan 
 Seat Numbers and Diet Politics 
 Members of the Japanese Diet 
 Japanese Legislators 
Japanese Diet building Japan, like most democracies in the world, has a parliamentary system with two 
“chambers” or “houses” that is based at least in part on the British parliamentary system. The lower 
house is the most powerful of the two houses, with the upper house traditionally being a rubber 
stamp body with the power to reject or amend legislation. The Prime Minister is the leader of the 
party that holds a majority of the seats in the lower house. If there is no majority a coalition 
government is formed, which is usually headed by the leader of the largest party in the coalition. 
Within the parliamentary system the executive and the legislature are bound together through 
elections, procedure and law. This is different than the “federal” system in the United States in which 
the president and the legislature are elected separately and there are defined separation of powers 
between the president and the legislature. The word parliament is derived from the French word 
“parliament,” meaning debate. Parliament-like forms of government existed in ancient Greece and 
Rome and other ancient civilizations. Some historians say the first real parliament was in Iceland. 
The word parliament was first used in England in 1275 to describe a council of nobles, bishops and 
abbots at Westminster.
In Japan, it is formally specified that the Diet, as the core of Japan’s system of governance, takes 
precedence over the government’s executive branch. The designation of the prime minister, who 
heads the executive branch, is done by resolution of the Diet. Japan practices a system of 
parliamentary cabinet by which the prime minister appoints the majority of the cabinet members from 
among members of the Diet. The cabinet thus works in solidarity with the Diet and is responsible to 
it. In this respect, the system is similar to that of Great Britain, but different from that of the United 
States, where the three branches of government are theoretically on a level of perfect equality. 
[Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] 
“The Diet is divided into two chambers: the lower chamber, or the House of Representatives, and 
the upper chamber, or the House of Councillors. The House of Representatives may introduce 
“noconfidence motions” with respect to the cabinet. The cabinet, on the other hand, is able to 
dissolve the House of Representatives. It also has the authority to designate the chief judge and 
appoint the other judges of the Supreme Court. It is the Supreme Court that determines the 
constitutionality of any law or official act. The constitut ion authorizes the Diet to “set up an 
impeachment court from among the members of both houses in order to try any judges against 
whom removal proceedings have been instituted.” Japan’s Diet is designated in the constitution as 
“the highest organ of state power.” [Ibid] 
Websites and Resources 
Good Websites and Sources: Wikipedia article on the Government of Japan Wikipedia ; Wikipedia 
article on the Japanese FlagWikipedia ; Government Organization 
Chart and ; Statistical Handbook of Japan Government 
Chapter ; 2010 Edition ; 
News Governments on the WWW--- Japan ; Japan Echo, a Journal on 
Japanese Politics and Society ; Electronic Journal of Japanese 
Prime Minister, Legislature and Leaders: CIA List of Current World Leaders / ; 
Kantei, Office of the Prime Minister ; Cabinet Office ; House of 
Representatives (Shugiin) ; House of Councillors (Sangiin) ; National Diet 
Library National Diet Building in Tokyo Photos of National Diet Building at Japan- 
Photo Archive ; Wikipedia Wikipedia ; Japan Visitor Japan Visitor ; Japanese 
Lifestyle Constitution of Japan ; 
Birth of the Constitution of Japan ; Research Commission on the 
Constitution ;
Japanese Prime Minister 
Prime Minister's office Technically, the Emperor is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head 
of the government: As is the case in Britain, the prime Minister is selected from the dominant party or 
coalition of parties in the legislature (the Diet). Executive power is vested in the cabinet (made up of 
around 20 ministers), which is selected by the prime minister and collectively responsible to the Diet. 
The prime minister is the chief executive of the country; and the person in control of the legislature 
and fiscal policy. He (or she) and his cabinet manage all the government departments. He r emains 
in power as long as his party remains in power or as long as he is supported by his party. A prime 
minister can be replaced if he or she resigns or is voted out by his or her party. 
The Prime Minister officially becomes the Prime Minister when he is elected by a majority of the 
representatives in the lower house and is sworn in an attestation ceremony before the Emperor at 
the Imperial Palace. In most cases a Prime Minister becomes Prime Minister after his party wins an 
election or is chosen as a new leader of a party already in power. 
A prime minister is required to appear in weekly debates with opposition members in the lower 
house and answer question from other legislators. He is not hindered by checks and balances like 
those in the United States government. Typically a prime minister typically has two meetings with the 
press a day. 
The prime minister takes office when he is handed his commission by the Emperor. After taking 
office a new prime minister often makes a visit to the important Shinto shrines in Ise to signify the 
sanctity of the government. The Prime Minister lives in a house in house known as the “Official 
Residence” and flies around in a big 747 with a big red sun on the tail. His monthly salary is 
¥2,304,000 a month (about $343,000 a year). 
Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone said there were three qualities necessary for being a 
good prime minister: sizing up situations, being a unifying force and persuading others.
Prime Minister's plane 
The election within the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) for the LDP leader is effectively the election 
for the Prime Minister. Of the 528 votes cast for LDP leader, 304 were from lower house members, 
83 were from upper house members, and 141 from prefectural chapters---three from each of the 47 
As of 2011 there had been 33 prime ministers since the end of World War II. Most were forced to 
quit to take responsibility for an election defeat, scandal or because of illness. There have been a 
sizable number of cases in which scandals forced prime ministers to step down. Some prime 
ministers have resigned soon after achieving major goals. Those cases are divided into two types -- 
leaving with a real sense of achievement and doing so to give the impression of a smooth transfer of 
power in the midst of political deadlock. There have been a sizable number of cases in which 
scandals forced prime ministers to step down. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun] 
Among the most important speeches given by the Japanese prime minister is the shoshin hyomei 
enzetsu policy speech. “Shoshin hyomei enzetsu” means to present (hyomei) ideas you believe in 
(shoshin), and the prime minister addresses the Diet on his or her ideals for running the government. 
Prime ministers make policy speeches at the beginning of extraordinary Diet sessions, which are 
convened whenever necessary, and when a prime minister is replaced in the middle of a Diet 
session.Prime ministers also make policy speeches at the beginning of ordinary Diet sessions, which 
are convened every January. But they are different from shoshin hyomei enzetsu. Called "shisei 
hoshin enzetsu," they are about the prime minister's administrative policies. [Source: Yomiuri 
Shimbun, October 4, 2011] 
See the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 
Nakasone on What It Takes to Be Prime Minister 
Former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone wrote in the Yomiuri Shimbun: Requirements to be prime 
minister include a strong belief to develop the country and a sense of responsibility for the country's 
history and its future citizens. I always told new prime ministers who visited me to keep two things in 
mind: One is to find, as soon as possible, people who are on the same side and are willing to die
with you. In other words, find people who share a common destiny. In my case, those people were 
then Chief Cabinet Secretary Masaharu Gotoda and then Liberal Democratic Party Secretary 
General Shin Kanemaru. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, February 18, 2012] 
The other thing is to find leaders who will cooperate in summits and other international meetings to 
realize mutual cooperation, for example, by engaging in correspondence. Diplomacy is like waging a 
war without weapons and concluding in peace. At that time, I attended international meetings with 
the same sense of urgency as if I were a soldier sent overseas. 
The prime minister, in reality, is engaged in a war of politics, not administrative politics. Therefore, 
choosing allies within a cabinet is the most important thing. 
Since the late 1950s, I wrote down the things I would do if I became prime minister in notebooks. I 
had 30 such notebooks just before I became prime minister. A day before I assumed the post, I 
chose about 10 things from those notebooks. 
Apologizing and Leaving Office in Japan 
Nassrine Azimi, senior adviser at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (Unitar), 
wrote in the New York Times in June 2010,”Watching Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s teary -eyed 
apology to fellow Democratic Party of Japan members... I was not thinking of the usual 
commentaries offered in the days before his resignation---squandering of the public mandate, 
indecisiveness, aloofness, political paralysis. Rather, watching Hatoyama, I kept thinking that a 
politician taking responsibility for his failings and stepping down is truly a sight to behold. In lig ht of 
rising public pressure and criticism within his own party ahead of a major election, Hatoyama may 
have had little choice. Still, that he did so in a timely manner and with dignity is to his credit.”[Source: 
Nassrine Azimi, New York Times, June 7, 2010] 
“This is not to suggest that leaders in Japan or elsewhere should throw down the gauntlet at the first 
sign of confrontation or public disapproval. But to know that sometimes one’s best contribution is to 
leave is surely a virtue. It is also an extremely rare one, as citizens of too many countries with 
leaders averse to accepting blame or stepping down can testify...Try to imagine Iran’s Mahmoud 
Ahmadinejad, or North Korea’s Kim Jong-il, or Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe expressing remorse and 
resigning. Or imagine George W. Bush or senior members of his administration apologizing for 
leading their country into an ill-conceived and disastrous war in Iraq.” [Ibid] 
“The Japanese propensity for taking personal responsibility for failure, frequently misunderstood by 
Westerners as contrived or insincere, is in fact deeply embedded in their psyche. Fosco Maraini, the 
intrepid Italian anthropologist, wrote in his memoir “Meeting with Japan” that even if the term 
Bushido---translated as “the Way of the Samurai”---is no longer practiced in daily life, the nucleus of 
traditional ideas such as honor and self-sacrifice continue to influence Japanese politics, business 
and family life.” 
“When in February of this year Akio Toyoda, the president of Toyota, testified before the U.S. 
Congress and took personal responsibility for the failures of his company, it was seen as a matter of 
course. But can one even imagine an American executive from Wall Street apologizing in the
parliament of another country? Since moving to Japan, I have watched with amazement as public 
and private-sector officials have voluntarily stepped down to atone for the errors of their 
subordinates. When I was heading an office here, invariably it was the Japanese staff in my team 
who were quickest to accept blame for real or imagined failings.” 
Cabinet in Japan 
Cabinet meeting The prime minister delegates much of his authority to his Cabinet which is usually 
made of 17 or so members of his party or coalition parties. The prime minister and the Cabinet are 
called “the government.” Some ministers serve as heads of departments. Others fulfill special duties 
earmarked by the prime minister. Cabinet minsters are responsible for determining policy. Each 
fulfills duties as both the head of a department and a member of parliament. 
The chief party secretary is largely regarded as the No. 2 position. The foreign minister is a position 
that is regarded as a stepping stone to the premiership. There used to be a deputy prime minister 
that was the equivalent to the vice president but that position no longer exists. 
The prime minister selects the cabinet. Prime minsters without a clear majority frequently reshuffle 
their cabinets to keep every body in line. This generally translates to weak ministers, which have 
little control over the bureaucrats. 
Cabinet changes are routine in Japan, where 34 prime ministers have served since the end of 
World War II. The last four prime ministers---Shinzo Abe, Yasuo Fukuda, Taro Aso and Yukio 
Hatoyama, each resigned after barely a year in office, For what its worth each had also been the son 
or grandson of a prime minister. 
Cabinet’s Role in Governing and Controlling the Bureaucracy 
The cabinet, the majority of whose members must come from the Diet, is the supreme decision-making 
organ of the executive branch of government. The prime minister, who heads the cabinet, 
has the right to appoint and dismiss ministers of state (kokumu daijin) who make up the cabinet. He 
or she presides over cabinet meetings and may exercise his or her right to control and guide the 
various sectors of the state administrative apparatus. So-called cabinet resolutions are reached on 
the basis of a unanimity of views. The prime minister and all members of the cabinet must be,
according to the constitution, civilians. The constitution also states, “executive power shall be vested 
in the Cabinet.” [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] 
“However, the cabinet has under its control and coordination a number of ministries and other 
central administrative organs to which it delegates the exercise and control of many routine tasks of 
Japan’s central government. As part of reform efforts that were aimed at increasing the efficiency 
and effectiveness of government operations, in January 2001 the executive branch of the 
government underwent an extensive reorganization in which the number of existing ministries and 
ministry-level commissions and agencies, 22 at that time, was cut almost in half. In addition to the 
newly created Cabinet Office, the cabinet includes 11 ministries, the 11th being created in January 
2007 when the DefenseAgency became the Ministry of Defense. As of 2011, each ministry is 
headed by a minister of state appointed by the prime minister. Each minister is assisted by one or 
two senior viceministers and up to three parliamentary secretaries. These officials are usually 
members of the Diet. [Ibid] 
“The Cabinet Office was created by the 2001 reorganization in order to strengthen cabinet functions 
and the prime minister’s overall policy leadership capability. Headed by the prime minister, the 
Cabinet Office drafts plans and provides comprehensive coordination from a level one step above 
other government ministries and agencies. The Cabinet Office oversees the Imperial Household 
Agency and three external bureaus: Fair Trade Commission, National Public Safety Commission, 
and Financial Services Agency. In addition to the ministers of state for special missions, the Cabinet 
Office also includes the following three important policy councils: Council for Science and 
Technology Policy, Central Disaster Management Council, and Council for Gender Equality. Taken 
together, the Cabinet Office, the ministries, and the various agencies and commissions are known 
as the central government offices (chuo shocho). [Ibid] 
The cabinet has under its control and coordination a number of ministries and other central 
administrative organs to which it delegates the exercise and control of many routine tasks of Japan’s 
central government. As part of reform efforts that were aimed at increasing the efficiency and 
effectiveness of government operations, in January 2001 the executive branch of the government 
underwent an extensive reorganization in which the number of existing ministries and ministry -level 
commissions and agencies, 22 at that time, was cut almost in half. In addition to the newly created 
Cabinet Office, the cabinet includes 11 ministries, the 11th being created in January 2007 when the 
DefenseAgency became the Ministry of Defense. As of 2011, each ministry is headed by a minister 
of state appointed by the prime minister. Each minister is assisted by one or two senior viceministers 
and up to three parliamentary secretaries. These officials are usually members of the Diet. [Ibid] 
Japanese Legislature
The Japanese legislature (Diet) is a parliamentary body with two houses with 727 seats: the lower 
House of Representatives (480 seats) and upper House of Councillors (242 seats). In the lower 
house 241 seats is a majority and 252 seats is regarded as a stable majori ty. Of the 480 seats in the 
lower house, there are 300 seats in single seat constituencies and 180 proportional representation 
The Diet is officially the sole law-making body. The House of Representatives has more power and 
preeminence over the House of Counselors, which has traditionally been a rubber stamp body. 
Upper house lawmakers serve six year terms. Unlike the lower house, the upper house cannot be 
dissolved for snap elections (See Elections).The House of Representatives is governed by a 
tradition that requires major legislation to be passed unanimous consent. 
The word Diet is used both to describe only the House of Representatives and the House of 
Representatives and the House of Counselors. Even though the word Diet is largely used in the 
West to describe the Japanese legislature many Japanese aren’t familiar with the word. 
The victory of the opposition Democratic Party in July 2007 elections effectively gave Japan a two - 
house legislature. Before that the upper house was never taken seriously and was largely under the 
thumb of the LDP. After falling under the control of the Democratic party the upper house and the 
Democratic Party has suddenly emerged as major political forces and changed the way politics as 
usual operates in Japan by giving the Democratic Party the power to block LDP legislation. 
The National Diet Building in Tokyo is an imposing three story white stone structure with a massive 
200-foot-high dome. The right half of the building contains the House of Councilors and the left side 
contains House of Representatives. Television coverage of parliament debates was introduced in 
January, 1998. 
Official diet sessions usually begin in mid January. 
In Japan it is possible to ram a bill through the lower house and make it law without approval of the 
upper house. The Constitution stipulates that the budget will be enacted within 30 days of being sent 
to the upper house after being approved by the lower house. If the budget passes the lower house it 
is virtually assured of being passed even if it s voted down by the upper house.
Often before decisions are made there are endless committee meetings and media leaks that 
characterize the country’s consensus-driven decision-making process. 
Dissolution of Parliament 
The Constitution of Japan states that newly elected or reelected lower house members serve four - 
year terms. However, the lower house has normally been dissolved by a process known as "kaisan," 
or dissolution, while chamber members are in office. This would mean that all members of the lower 
house would have to give up their seats in the event of dissolution. The right to dissolve the lower 
house belongs to the cabinet. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, November 15, 2012] 
Under the current Constitution, 23 lower house elections have been conducted as of January 2013. 
Of them, the December 1976 election was the only one to be held after lower house members' terms 
had expired. In many cases, successive prime ministers have dissolved the lower house in a way 
that best suited them. For instance, some prime ministers opted for "Shugi-in kaisan" as they faced 
difficulties steering their administrations. Other prime minister did so after no-confidence motions 
were adopted against their cabinets. [Ibid] 
The passage of such a resolution means a cabinet has been branded as untrustworthy by the lower 
chamber. Dissolving the lower house for a general election means voters will be allowed to pass 
judgment on the government led by a prime minister against whose cabinet no-confidence motion 
has been adopted. [Ibid] 
Dissolution is possible in Britain and Germany, both of which have a parliamentary system of 
government. The system requires a political party that has a majority of seats in the legislature to 
form a cabinet. Britain's House of Commons and Germany's Bundestag, both equivalents to Japan's 
"Shugi-in," can be dissolved under this system. [Ibid] 
Dissolution of Parliament and the 'Purple Fukusa' Imperial 
In line with Article 7 of the Constitution, the Cabinet approves the dissolution of par liament at its 
regular meeting, where the prime minister seeks the endorsement of the dissolution from his Cabinet 
ministers, who sign relevant paperwork. The Emperor then signs an Imperial rescript dissolving the 
chamber, which the lower house speaker reads to a plenary session. An Imperial rescript 
proclaiming the dissolution of the lower house is an official document bearing the Imperial seal and 
the Emperor's signature. The dissolution of the lower house is defined as "one of the Emperor's acts 
in matters of the state on behalf of the people with the advice and approval of the cabinet" under 
Article 7 of the Constitution. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, November 18, 2012] 
The prime minister must obtain cabinet approval for a lower house dissolution in advance and 
collect the signatures of all cabinet members on a cabinet document to obtain the Imperial rescript. 
After getting the cabinet's approval, the director general of the Cabinet Affairs Office visits the 
Imperial Palace and returns with the Imperial rescript with the Emperor's seal and signature. The 
prime minister then signs it. [Ibid]
The Imperial rescript itself is kept as a public document and an official copy of the text is delivered 
to the lower house speaker as a document giving notification of the dissolution via the chief cabinet 
secretary. The lower house is dissolved after the speaker reads out the document. As the rescript is 
carried in a purple furoshiki cloth, also called "fukusa," the term "purple fukusa" is often used as a 
synonym for dissolution of the lower house. [Ibid] 
Reforms of the Legislature 
prime minister debate The Japanese bureaucracy has traditionally taken the lead in drafting new budget 
and writing legislation with legislature doing little more than rubber stamping the burea ucrats 
proposals. The power of bureaucrats was so so strong that politician were unable to cut spending 
and pass sweeping new laws. 
After the August 2009 elections threw out the old the party, the new leaders vowed to take power 
out of the hands of the bureaucrats and put it the hands of the politicians. 
One of the first things Hatoyama did was set up the Government Revitalization Unit that was in 
charge of identifying and cutting wasteful spending in the government. Resembling a cross between 
a Congressional budget hearing and a Spanish Inquisition interrogation, the hearings werw 
conducted by the units panels and were often short and harsh. Bureaucrats and supporters of 
projects deemed wasteful by the panel were given about 30 minutes to an hour to justi fy their 
programs and asked questions by a panel that often had little knowledge of the programs. 
The hearings were conducted by 13-member panels and were shown on television. One of the 
reasons for having them was to make government more transparent. In one widely shown exchange 
the head of a project to build an advanced supercomputer was asked to offer some good reason 
why the government should fund the project. The project head said to advance science and compete 
with the United States. The head of the panel responded by saying, “Does it matter if the United 
States is No.1" and refused a request to increase funding. Scientists, including some Nobel
laureates condemned the cuts, arguing the money was vital for Japan to remain competitive in 
technology fields. 
See history, Hatoyama government 
Elections in Japan 
General elections are national election in which every seat in the House of Commons is contested. 
They are held under two conditions: 1) if there is a no confidence vote by Parliament or 2) the Prime 
Minister dissolves Parliament and calls an election. The Prime Minister can call the election at any 
time within a five year period after the previous election. 
In most case, if the ruling party's poll numbers are high, and its been a while since the last election, 
the Prime Minister will call an election. The poll ratings of the ruling party are low they will usually 
hold on to power as long as they can and call an election as late as possible. 
A no confidence vote is brought by the opposition party. It occurs when the ruling party is unable to 
get a bill passed and thus is viewed as unable to govern. It then resigns and a new election is called. 
See Separate Article on Elections 
Duties of the Legislature in Japan 
legislators voting The Diet has additional important functions, such as approving the national budget, 
ratifying international treaties, and setting in motion any formal proposals for amending the 
constitution. Three categories of Diet sessions are held: ordinary, extraordinary, and special. The 
ordinary session, which is convened once a year during January with a term of 150 days, plays the 
central role because that is where Diet members deliberate on the next year’s budget and the laws 
necessary to implement that budget. Although the House of Councillors and the House of 
Representatives share power, the latter predominates in decisions on legislation, designation of the 
prime minister, budgetary matters, and international treaties. For example, if a bill is passed by the 
House of Representatives but the House of Councillors deliberates otherwise (rejecting the bill or 
insisting on alterations), the bill will nevertheless become law if resubmitted to the House of 
Representatives and approved by two thirds of the members present. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry 
of Foreign Affairs, Japan]
The main role of the legislature is making laws, all of which begin as bills. Each bill is drafted and 
debated and sent to a standing committee made up of members of both the ruling and opposition 
parties. After discussion and changes the bill is sent back to the diet, where changes are debated 
clause by clause. If the bill is approved, usually by a majority vote in the lower house, it becomes 
law. Most bills entail the appropriation of money. The “power of the pur se” is a term used to describe 
the power of the parliament to determine how much money is spent on designated programs and 
Bills are voted on by the lower house. The are then voted on by the upper house. If the bill is 
rejected by the upper house it can be approved by the lower house with two thirds or more vote. A 
bill approved by the lower house can also be approved if the upper house fails to vote on it within 60 
Major dates on the Diet calender include 1) the start of ordinary session in mid January; 2) 
submission of fiscal year budget in late January; 3) enactment of fiscal year budget in March. 
Sometimes an a 70-day extraordinary Diet session is held from September to November. 
Seat Numbers and Diet Politics 
The number of seats won by each party in the December 2012 House of Representatives election 
will set the course for postelection politics, as explained by the Yomiuri Shimbun in these figures: 
241: Majority to pass bills. In the lower house, the ruling party cannot pass bills, including budget - 
related items, without a 241-seat majority. The Liberal Democratic Party won a majority in the 2005 
and 2102 polls and the Democratic Party of Japan won a majority in the 2009 poll. The LDP won 294 
seats in the December 2012 election. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, December 17, 2012] 
320: Two-thirds majority. A more important figure for the ruling party is 320, the number 
corresponding to two-thirds of the total seats in the lower house. Article 59 of the Constitution 
stipulates, "A bill that is passed by the House of Representatives, and upon which the House of 
Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, becomes a law 
when passed a second time by the House of Representatives by a majority of two-thirds or more of 
the members present." The LDP and New Komeito together won 325 seats in the December 2012 
election. [Ibid] 
Currently no party holds a majority in the House of Councillors. No matter how the lower house 
election turns out, it is possible the current state of a divided Diet, in which the ruling bloc controls 
the lower house while the opposition holds a collective upper house majority, will continue. Given the 
circumstances, if the ruling party gains a two-thirds majority in the lower house, government 
administration will become easier. In the 2005 lower house election, the LDP and New Komeito won 
a total of 327 seats. The two parties lost the majority in the 2007 upper house election and the Diet 
became divided. However, the ruling bloc was able to enact laws, including the revised Antiterrorism 
Law, from 2007 to 2009 through second voting in the lower house. [Ibid] 
51: Third force exerts influence. The Diet Law and the lower house rules stipulate that a Diet 
member can only submit bills related to no-confidence motions and budgets with the support of at 
least 50 other lawmakers. To submit a bill unrelated to the budget, a member must obtain support
from a minimum of 20 other members. In other words, to submit these two types of bills, each party 
must secure 51 seats and 21 seats, respectively. For party leaders to take part in interpellations with 
the prime minister, a party must hold at least 10 seats in either the lower or upper house. The 
Restoration Party won 54 seats in the December 2012 election. [Ibid] 
Members of the Japanese Diet 
The Diet is made up of members who are directly elected by citizens of at least 20 years of age. 
The political parties, to which almost all Diet members belong, are the basic unit s of political activity. 
Thus Japan is said to practice party politics. The prime minister is chosen by the Diet from among its 
members. The prime minister then forms a cabinet, and the cabinet controls the executive branch of 
government. The Diet is the “sole law-making organ of the State.” All legislations must follow a 
process leading to final approval in the Diet. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] 
“One must be at least 25 years old to be eligible for election to the House of Representatives. As of 
2011, the number of members of the House of Representatives is 480. Of these, 300 are chosen 
according to the single-seat constituency system, by which just one person is elected from each 
district. The other 180 are chosen as per a proportional representation system whereby seats are 
distributed to preferred party members according to the proportion of the vote received by the party. 
Members of the House of Representatives are elected for four -year terms, but the cabinet may 
dissolve the House of Representatives before the end of a full term. One must be at least 30 years 
old to be elected to the House of Councillors. [Ibid] 
“In 2001 the total number of members was reduced from 252 to 247, and in 2004 it was reduced to 
242. As of 2011, of the 242 current seats, 146 are filled according to the electoral district system and 
the remaining 96 are filled based on a proportional representation system. All members are chosen 
for six-year terms. Half of the total number are chosen every three year s. Members of the House of 
Councillors remain in their positions whether or not there is a dissolution of the House of 
Representatives. [Ibid] 
Japanese Legislators 
legislator's "dormitory" room Members of the Diet are elected to terms of four year or less if the Diet is
dissolved with a no confidence vote. Members of the House of Councilors are elected to six year 
terms. Japanese citizens 25 year or older are eligible to run for the Diet. Lawmakers are given 
access to apartments called dormitories near the Diet building in Tokyo and receive reimbursements 
from the government for general offices expenses such as utilities or postage. 
Japan has the world highest paid legislators. According to the Guinness Book of Records, members 
of House of Representatives and House of Councilors receive $211,000 a year. The monthly salary 
of the cabinet ministers is ¥1.51 million. The average income of lawmakers in the Japanese Diet is 
about $269,000, plus winter and summer bonuses with the summer bonus worth between $24,000 
and $50,000. Some lawmakers earn considerably amounts of money from the sale of books they 
wrote, The highest income in 2007 was ¥1.55 billion earned by Yorihisa Matsuno mainly from the 
sale of real estate inherited from his late father. 
Japanese lawmakers earned an average of ¥22.23 million in 2009, down by ¥2.59 million in 2008. 
Japanese governors earned an average of ¥16.33 million in 2009. The winter bonus for the average 
central government official was ¥592,000 in 2010, down 8.4 percent from the previous year. The 
winter bonus for similar local officials was ¥549,500. 
Many legislators are considered old and out of touch with ordinary voters. They are often seen 
napping during Parliament sessions. Sometimes, though, sessions get quite rowdy Legislators raise 
their first and cheer "ganboro," a vow to fight on. Water has been tossed by one legislator at others, 
scuffles have broken for control of the microphones and fist fights have occurred. The ox walk is a 
filibuster technique in which legislators walk extremely slowly to the podium to delay voting. 
Most of the work is done in standing committees. According to the so called 1955 system members 
of the opposing parties have open disputes but takes baths and socialize together and make deals 
under secret negotiations that are held under tight rules. The reformist politician Ichiro Ozawa wrote. 
"The parties enjoy casual talk with each other across the room. "They bargain, make deals. the 
atmosphere is easy, they talk lightheartedly. Somewhere along the way, though, the bathers forgot 
the fundamental democratic principal that they must at least occasionally change places. Ozawa 
also said that 'final decisions' are made in advance." 
An age limit for legislators in the LDP is 73 years of age. The limit went into affect in 1999. It is not 
always enforced. 
Forty-six percent of DPJ Diet members elected in the 2009 elections were first time members of 
Image Sources: 1) 5) 7) Shugin House of Representatives site 2) 4) 6) Kantei, office of prime 
minister' site 3) Defence Talk 4) 5) 6) 7) 
Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Yomiuri, Times of 
London, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, 
Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and 
other publications. 
© 2009 Jeffrey Hays
Last updated January 2013 
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  • 1. Japan’s Legislative Branch: The National Diet As in the United States, Japan’s government is divided into three separate branches: judicial, executive, and legislative. However, in Japan, the National Diet, or Japan’s legislature, is considered “the highest organ of state power” and “the sole law-making organ of the State” based on the Constitution. The Diet is made up of two houses, the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, that are primarily responsible for making laws, approving the annual national budget, initiating amendments to the Constitution, conducting investigations on the government, impeaching judges convicted of criminal or unethical conduct, and formally selecting the Prime Minister of Japan. The House of Councillors is the upper house of the Diet of Japan, composed of 242 members who each serve six year terms. The House of Representatives is the lower house with 480 members. As opposed to the upper house, lower house members are elected for four-year terms. All citizens of Japan gain universal suffrage at age 20 and may take part in the election process. To run for office, you must be 25 years old in the House of Representatives and 30 years old in the house of Councillors. Both houses are elected under a parallel voting system, which basically means that the results of the election of the upper house has little or no impact on the results of the lower house. Additionally, voters partake in these elections using different voting systems. Though both houses play a seemingly equal important role within the legislative branch of the government, the lower house, or the House of Representatives is considered more powerful. For instance, if a bill is passed by the House of Representatives, but then later struck down by the House of Councillors, the lower house has the authority to override this decision by a two-thirds vote. Furthermore, the House of Councillors cannot block legislation when certain issues arise such as treaty amendments and budget concerns. The lower house may also dissolve the government if it passes a motion of no-confidence introduced by 50 of its members. Despite the added power, the lower house is still subject to dissolution by the Prime Minister, who is currently Junichiro Koizumi, through a passage of no-confidence, as was recently seen in Canada late last year. The Diet is required under the Constitution to meet at least once a year. During these sessions, the Emperor, who is recognized as the symbol of the Japanese nation and the unity of its people, outlines the government’s plans for the coming year. The National Diet Building is located in Japan’s capital, Tokyo. Legislative branch: bicameral Diet or Kokkai consists of the House of Councillors or Sangi -in (242 seats - members elected for fixed six-year terms; 146 members in multi-seat constituencies and 96 by proportional representation) half elected every three years; and the House of Representatives or Shugi -
  • 2. in (480 seats - members elected for maximum four-year terms; 300 in single-seat constituencies; 180 members by proportional representation in 11 regional blocs); the prime minister has the right to dissolve the House of Representatives at any time with the concurrence of the cabinet There are 47 prefectural and numerous municipal governments in Japan. Their responsibilities include providing education, welfare, and other services Agence France-Presse/Getty Images: Lawmakers raise their hands for banzai cheers at the National Diet in Tokyo on Nov. 16 as the lower house of parliament ...
  • 3. Diet, also called (1889–1947) Imperial Diet, Japanese Kokkai (“National Assembly”), or Teikoku Gikai (“Imperial Assembly”), the national legislature of Japan. Under the Meiji Constitution of 1889, the Imperial Diet was established on the basis of two houses with coequal powers. The upper house, the House of Peers (Kizokuin), was almost wholly appointive. Initially, its membership was slightly less than 300, but it was subsequently increased to approximately 400. The peers were intended to represent the top rank and quality of the nation and to serve as a check upon the lower house. The pre-World War II House of Representatives (Shūgiin) was originally composed of 300 members, all elected, but gradually this number was increased to 466. Its powers were in many respects largely negative. Without Diet approval, no bill could become law. The government did have the right to issue imperial ordinances in case of an emergency, but if these were to remain in effect the Diet had to approve them at its next session. There was one significant limitation upon the traditional legislative control over the purse strings. If the Diet did not pass the budget in a manner acceptable to the government, the government had the right to apply the budget for the previous year. This provision was borrowed from Prussian practice. The Diet did not initiate important legislation; this was chiefly the function of the executive. Under the Constitution of 1947 the Diet, renamed Kokkai, was drastically altered both in structure and in powers. There remained two houses, the House of Representatives (Shūgiin) and the House of Councillors (Sangiin). The latter takes the place of the old House of Peers and has a membership of 250 consisting of two categories: 100 councillors elected from the nation at large with the remaining 152 elected as prefectural representatives. Every voter may cast a ballot for one candidate in each category, giving him a total of two votes. The members of the House of Councillors serve for six years, with one-half of the members standing for election every three years. The House of Councillors cannot be dissolved in case of conflict between it and the executive branch. The balance of power, though, lies in the lower house, where general agreement with executive policy must prevail. In case of a deadlock between the two houses over the selection of a prime minister, the vote of the lower house takes precedence. The budget must be submitted first to the lower house; if the two houses cannot agree, the position of the lower house prevails after 30 days. This same provision applies to treaties. With other legislation, if the councillors reject a bill or refuse to act upon it within 60 days, the House of Representatives can make it law by repassing it by a two-thirds majority of the members present. The House of Representatives has 467 members elected from 118 electoral districts. Each district has from three to five representatives, but the voter casts only one ballot, with the candidates receiving the highest number of votes being elected. Lower-house members are elected for a term of four years, but the house can be dissolved at any time by the government, in which case elections must be held within 40 days.
  • 4. As in the past, the Japanese Diet rarely initiates important legislation; such laws ordinarily come to the Diet under cabinet sponsorship. However, an individual member’s bill can be introduced in the lower house if it has been signed by 20 or more members, and in the upper house with the signature of 10 or more members. Under Diet law, the committee system has been drastically altered to accord more with U.S. practice. Each house has slightly more than 20 standing committees dealing with such subjects as foreign affairs, finance, and education. Government legislation goes first to the appropriate committee, where it is examined and often vigorously debated. Membership on these committees is determined by the Diet in rough accordance with the party ratios in each house. A member normally retains his assignments as long as he sits in the Diet. Thus he develops some detailed knowledge and may provide a challenge to government policymakers of opposing parties or convictions. Legislature: The Japanese parliament is called the Diet. It consists of the House of Representatives (480 members) and the House of Councillors (242 members). The members of the Diet are elected by the Japanese people. 1. Home 2. Japan 3. Government, Military, Crime - Government JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER, CABINET AND PARLIAMENT (THE DIET)  JAPANESE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM  Websites and Resources  Japanese Prime Minister  Nakasone on What It Takes to Be Prime Minister
  • 5.  Apologizing and Leaving Office in Japan  Cabinet in Japan  Cabinet’s Role in Governing and Controlling the Bureaucracy  Japanese Legislature  Dissolution of Parliament  Dissolution of Parliament and the 'Purple Fukusa' Imperial Rescript  Reforms of the Legislature  Elections in Japan  Duties of the Legislature in Japan  Seat Numbers and Diet Politics  Members of the Japanese Diet  Japanese Legislators JAPANESE PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM Japanese Diet building Japan, like most democracies in the world, has a parliamentary system with two “chambers” or “houses” that is based at least in part on the British parliamentary system. The lower house is the most powerful of the two houses, with the upper house traditionally being a rubber stamp body with the power to reject or amend legislation. The Prime Minister is the leader of the party that holds a majority of the seats in the lower house. If there is no majority a coalition government is formed, which is usually headed by the leader of the largest party in the coalition. Within the parliamentary system the executive and the legislature are bound together through elections, procedure and law. This is different than the “federal” system in the United States in which the president and the legislature are elected separately and there are defined separation of powers between the president and the legislature. The word parliament is derived from the French word “parliament,” meaning debate. Parliament-like forms of government existed in ancient Greece and Rome and other ancient civilizations. Some historians say the first real parliament was in Iceland. The word parliament was first used in England in 1275 to describe a council of nobles, bishops and abbots at Westminster.
  • 6. In Japan, it is formally specified that the Diet, as the core of Japan’s system of governance, takes precedence over the government’s executive branch. The designation of the prime minister, who heads the executive branch, is done by resolution of the Diet. Japan practices a system of parliamentary cabinet by which the prime minister appoints the majority of the cabinet members from among members of the Diet. The cabinet thus works in solidarity with the Diet and is responsible to it. In this respect, the system is similar to that of Great Britain, but different from that of the United States, where the three branches of government are theoretically on a level of perfect equality. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] “The Diet is divided into two chambers: the lower chamber, or the House of Representatives, and the upper chamber, or the House of Councillors. The House of Representatives may introduce “noconfidence motions” with respect to the cabinet. The cabinet, on the other hand, is able to dissolve the House of Representatives. It also has the authority to designate the chief judge and appoint the other judges of the Supreme Court. It is the Supreme Court that determines the constitutionality of any law or official act. The constitut ion authorizes the Diet to “set up an impeachment court from among the members of both houses in order to try any judges against whom removal proceedings have been instituted.” Japan’s Diet is designated in the constitution as “the highest organ of state power.” [Ibid] Websites and Resources Links in this Website: GOVERNMENT AND SYMBOLS IN JAPAN ; JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER AND PARLIAMENT ; POLITICS AND ELECTIONS IN JAPAN ; POLITICIANS IN JAPAN ; BUREAUCRACY IN JAPAN ; CORRUPTION AND GOVERNMENT SCANDALS IN JAPAN ; TAXES, WELFARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY IN ; Good Websites and Sources: Wikipedia article on the Government of Japan Wikipedia ; Wikipedia article on the Japanese FlagWikipedia ; Government Organization Chart and ; Statistical Handbook of Japan Government Chapter ; 2010 Edition ; News Governments on the WWW--- Japan ; Japan Echo, a Journal on Japanese Politics and Society ; Electronic Journal of Japanese Studies Prime Minister, Legislature and Leaders: CIA List of Current World Leaders / ; Kantei, Office of the Prime Minister ; Cabinet Office ; House of Representatives (Shugiin) ; House of Councillors (Sangiin) ; National Diet Library National Diet Building in Tokyo Photos of National Diet Building at Japan- Photo Archive ; Wikipedia Wikipedia ; Japan Visitor Japan Visitor ; Japanese Lifestyle Constitution of Japan ; Birth of the Constitution of Japan ; Research Commission on the Constitution ;
  • 7. Japanese Prime Minister Prime Minister's office Technically, the Emperor is the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of the government: As is the case in Britain, the prime Minister is selected from the dominant party or coalition of parties in the legislature (the Diet). Executive power is vested in the cabinet (made up of around 20 ministers), which is selected by the prime minister and collectively responsible to the Diet. The prime minister is the chief executive of the country; and the person in control of the legislature and fiscal policy. He (or she) and his cabinet manage all the government departments. He r emains in power as long as his party remains in power or as long as he is supported by his party. A prime minister can be replaced if he or she resigns or is voted out by his or her party. The Prime Minister officially becomes the Prime Minister when he is elected by a majority of the representatives in the lower house and is sworn in an attestation ceremony before the Emperor at the Imperial Palace. In most cases a Prime Minister becomes Prime Minister after his party wins an election or is chosen as a new leader of a party already in power. A prime minister is required to appear in weekly debates with opposition members in the lower house and answer question from other legislators. He is not hindered by checks and balances like those in the United States government. Typically a prime minister typically has two meetings with the press a day. The prime minister takes office when he is handed his commission by the Emperor. After taking office a new prime minister often makes a visit to the important Shinto shrines in Ise to signify the sanctity of the government. The Prime Minister lives in a house in house known as the “Official Residence” and flies around in a big 747 with a big red sun on the tail. His monthly salary is ¥2,304,000 a month (about $343,000 a year). Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone said there were three qualities necessary for being a good prime minister: sizing up situations, being a unifying force and persuading others.
  • 8. Prime Minister's plane The election within the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) for the LDP leader is effectively the election for the Prime Minister. Of the 528 votes cast for LDP leader, 304 were from lower house members, 83 were from upper house members, and 141 from prefectural chapters---three from each of the 47 chapters. As of 2011 there had been 33 prime ministers since the end of World War II. Most were forced to quit to take responsibility for an election defeat, scandal or because of illness. There have been a sizable number of cases in which scandals forced prime ministers to step down. Some prime ministers have resigned soon after achieving major goals. Those cases are divided into two types -- leaving with a real sense of achievement and doing so to give the impression of a smooth transfer of power in the midst of political deadlock. There have been a sizable number of cases in which scandals forced prime ministers to step down. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun] Among the most important speeches given by the Japanese prime minister is the shoshin hyomei enzetsu policy speech. “Shoshin hyomei enzetsu” means to present (hyomei) ideas you believe in (shoshin), and the prime minister addresses the Diet on his or her ideals for running the government. Prime ministers make policy speeches at the beginning of extraordinary Diet sessions, which are convened whenever necessary, and when a prime minister is replaced in the middle of a Diet session.Prime ministers also make policy speeches at the beginning of ordinary Diet sessions, which are convened every January. But they are different from shoshin hyomei enzetsu. Called "shisei hoshin enzetsu," they are about the prime minister's administrative policies. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, October 4, 2011] See the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Nakasone on What It Takes to Be Prime Minister Former prime minister Yasuhiro Nakasone wrote in the Yomiuri Shimbun: Requirements to be prime minister include a strong belief to develop the country and a sense of responsibility for the country's history and its future citizens. I always told new prime ministers who visited me to keep two things in mind: One is to find, as soon as possible, people who are on the same side and are willing to die
  • 9. with you. In other words, find people who share a common destiny. In my case, those people were then Chief Cabinet Secretary Masaharu Gotoda and then Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Shin Kanemaru. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, February 18, 2012] The other thing is to find leaders who will cooperate in summits and other international meetings to realize mutual cooperation, for example, by engaging in correspondence. Diplomacy is like waging a war without weapons and concluding in peace. At that time, I attended international meetings with the same sense of urgency as if I were a soldier sent overseas. The prime minister, in reality, is engaged in a war of politics, not administrative politics. Therefore, choosing allies within a cabinet is the most important thing. Since the late 1950s, I wrote down the things I would do if I became prime minister in notebooks. I had 30 such notebooks just before I became prime minister. A day before I assumed the post, I chose about 10 things from those notebooks. Apologizing and Leaving Office in Japan Nassrine Azimi, senior adviser at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (Unitar), wrote in the New York Times in June 2010,”Watching Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s teary -eyed apology to fellow Democratic Party of Japan members... I was not thinking of the usual commentaries offered in the days before his resignation---squandering of the public mandate, indecisiveness, aloofness, political paralysis. Rather, watching Hatoyama, I kept thinking that a politician taking responsibility for his failings and stepping down is truly a sight to behold. In lig ht of rising public pressure and criticism within his own party ahead of a major election, Hatoyama may have had little choice. Still, that he did so in a timely manner and with dignity is to his credit.”[Source: Nassrine Azimi, New York Times, June 7, 2010] “This is not to suggest that leaders in Japan or elsewhere should throw down the gauntlet at the first sign of confrontation or public disapproval. But to know that sometimes one’s best contribution is to leave is surely a virtue. It is also an extremely rare one, as citizens of too many countries with leaders averse to accepting blame or stepping down can testify...Try to imagine Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, or North Korea’s Kim Jong-il, or Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe expressing remorse and resigning. Or imagine George W. Bush or senior members of his administration apologizing for leading their country into an ill-conceived and disastrous war in Iraq.” [Ibid] “The Japanese propensity for taking personal responsibility for failure, frequently misunderstood by Westerners as contrived or insincere, is in fact deeply embedded in their psyche. Fosco Maraini, the intrepid Italian anthropologist, wrote in his memoir “Meeting with Japan” that even if the term Bushido---translated as “the Way of the Samurai”---is no longer practiced in daily life, the nucleus of traditional ideas such as honor and self-sacrifice continue to influence Japanese politics, business and family life.” “When in February of this year Akio Toyoda, the president of Toyota, testified before the U.S. Congress and took personal responsibility for the failures of his company, it was seen as a matter of course. But can one even imagine an American executive from Wall Street apologizing in the
  • 10. parliament of another country? Since moving to Japan, I have watched with amazement as public and private-sector officials have voluntarily stepped down to atone for the errors of their subordinates. When I was heading an office here, invariably it was the Japanese staff in my team who were quickest to accept blame for real or imagined failings.” Cabinet in Japan Cabinet meeting The prime minister delegates much of his authority to his Cabinet which is usually made of 17 or so members of his party or coalition parties. The prime minister and the Cabinet are called “the government.” Some ministers serve as heads of departments. Others fulfill special duties earmarked by the prime minister. Cabinet minsters are responsible for determining policy. Each fulfills duties as both the head of a department and a member of parliament. The chief party secretary is largely regarded as the No. 2 position. The foreign minister is a position that is regarded as a stepping stone to the premiership. There used to be a deputy prime minister that was the equivalent to the vice president but that position no longer exists. The prime minister selects the cabinet. Prime minsters without a clear majority frequently reshuffle their cabinets to keep every body in line. This generally translates to weak ministers, which have little control over the bureaucrats. Cabinet changes are routine in Japan, where 34 prime ministers have served since the end of World War II. The last four prime ministers---Shinzo Abe, Yasuo Fukuda, Taro Aso and Yukio Hatoyama, each resigned after barely a year in office, For what its worth each had also been the son or grandson of a prime minister. Cabinet’s Role in Governing and Controlling the Bureaucracy The cabinet, the majority of whose members must come from the Diet, is the supreme decision-making organ of the executive branch of government. The prime minister, who heads the cabinet, has the right to appoint and dismiss ministers of state (kokumu daijin) who make up the cabinet. He or she presides over cabinet meetings and may exercise his or her right to control and guide the various sectors of the state administrative apparatus. So-called cabinet resolutions are reached on the basis of a unanimity of views. The prime minister and all members of the cabinet must be,
  • 11. according to the constitution, civilians. The constitution also states, “executive power shall be vested in the Cabinet.” [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] “However, the cabinet has under its control and coordination a number of ministries and other central administrative organs to which it delegates the exercise and control of many routine tasks of Japan’s central government. As part of reform efforts that were aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, in January 2001 the executive branch of the government underwent an extensive reorganization in which the number of existing ministries and ministry-level commissions and agencies, 22 at that time, was cut almost in half. In addition to the newly created Cabinet Office, the cabinet includes 11 ministries, the 11th being created in January 2007 when the DefenseAgency became the Ministry of Defense. As of 2011, each ministry is headed by a minister of state appointed by the prime minister. Each minister is assisted by one or two senior viceministers and up to three parliamentary secretaries. These officials are usually members of the Diet. [Ibid] “The Cabinet Office was created by the 2001 reorganization in order to strengthen cabinet functions and the prime minister’s overall policy leadership capability. Headed by the prime minister, the Cabinet Office drafts plans and provides comprehensive coordination from a level one step above other government ministries and agencies. The Cabinet Office oversees the Imperial Household Agency and three external bureaus: Fair Trade Commission, National Public Safety Commission, and Financial Services Agency. In addition to the ministers of state for special missions, the Cabinet Office also includes the following three important policy councils: Council for Science and Technology Policy, Central Disaster Management Council, and Council for Gender Equality. Taken together, the Cabinet Office, the ministries, and the various agencies and commissions are known as the central government offices (chuo shocho). [Ibid] The cabinet has under its control and coordination a number of ministries and other central administrative organs to which it delegates the exercise and control of many routine tasks of Japan’s central government. As part of reform efforts that were aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, in January 2001 the executive branch of the government underwent an extensive reorganization in which the number of existing ministries and ministry -level commissions and agencies, 22 at that time, was cut almost in half. In addition to the newly created Cabinet Office, the cabinet includes 11 ministries, the 11th being created in January 2007 when the DefenseAgency became the Ministry of Defense. As of 2011, each ministry is headed by a minister of state appointed by the prime minister. Each minister is assisted by one or two senior viceministers and up to three parliamentary secretaries. These officials are usually members of the Diet. [Ibid] Japanese Legislature
  • 12. The Japanese legislature (Diet) is a parliamentary body with two houses with 727 seats: the lower House of Representatives (480 seats) and upper House of Councillors (242 seats). In the lower house 241 seats is a majority and 252 seats is regarded as a stable majori ty. Of the 480 seats in the lower house, there are 300 seats in single seat constituencies and 180 proportional representation seats. The Diet is officially the sole law-making body. The House of Representatives has more power and preeminence over the House of Counselors, which has traditionally been a rubber stamp body. Upper house lawmakers serve six year terms. Unlike the lower house, the upper house cannot be dissolved for snap elections (See Elections).The House of Representatives is governed by a tradition that requires major legislation to be passed unanimous consent. The word Diet is used both to describe only the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives and the House of Counselors. Even though the word Diet is largely used in the West to describe the Japanese legislature many Japanese aren’t familiar with the word. The victory of the opposition Democratic Party in July 2007 elections effectively gave Japan a two - house legislature. Before that the upper house was never taken seriously and was largely under the thumb of the LDP. After falling under the control of the Democratic party the upper house and the Democratic Party has suddenly emerged as major political forces and changed the way politics as usual operates in Japan by giving the Democratic Party the power to block LDP legislation. The National Diet Building in Tokyo is an imposing three story white stone structure with a massive 200-foot-high dome. The right half of the building contains the House of Councilors and the left side contains House of Representatives. Television coverage of parliament debates was introduced in January, 1998. Official diet sessions usually begin in mid January. In Japan it is possible to ram a bill through the lower house and make it law without approval of the upper house. The Constitution stipulates that the budget will be enacted within 30 days of being sent to the upper house after being approved by the lower house. If the budget passes the lower house it is virtually assured of being passed even if it s voted down by the upper house.
  • 13. Often before decisions are made there are endless committee meetings and media leaks that characterize the country’s consensus-driven decision-making process. Dissolution of Parliament The Constitution of Japan states that newly elected or reelected lower house members serve four - year terms. However, the lower house has normally been dissolved by a process known as "kaisan," or dissolution, while chamber members are in office. This would mean that all members of the lower house would have to give up their seats in the event of dissolution. The right to dissolve the lower house belongs to the cabinet. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, November 15, 2012] Under the current Constitution, 23 lower house elections have been conducted as of January 2013. Of them, the December 1976 election was the only one to be held after lower house members' terms had expired. In many cases, successive prime ministers have dissolved the lower house in a way that best suited them. For instance, some prime ministers opted for "Shugi-in kaisan" as they faced difficulties steering their administrations. Other prime minister did so after no-confidence motions were adopted against their cabinets. [Ibid] The passage of such a resolution means a cabinet has been branded as untrustworthy by the lower chamber. Dissolving the lower house for a general election means voters will be allowed to pass judgment on the government led by a prime minister against whose cabinet no-confidence motion has been adopted. [Ibid] Dissolution is possible in Britain and Germany, both of which have a parliamentary system of government. The system requires a political party that has a majority of seats in the legislature to form a cabinet. Britain's House of Commons and Germany's Bundestag, both equivalents to Japan's "Shugi-in," can be dissolved under this system. [Ibid] Dissolution of Parliament and the 'Purple Fukusa' Imperial Rescript In line with Article 7 of the Constitution, the Cabinet approves the dissolution of par liament at its regular meeting, where the prime minister seeks the endorsement of the dissolution from his Cabinet ministers, who sign relevant paperwork. The Emperor then signs an Imperial rescript dissolving the chamber, which the lower house speaker reads to a plenary session. An Imperial rescript proclaiming the dissolution of the lower house is an official document bearing the Imperial seal and the Emperor's signature. The dissolution of the lower house is defined as "one of the Emperor's acts in matters of the state on behalf of the people with the advice and approval of the cabinet" under Article 7 of the Constitution. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, November 18, 2012] The prime minister must obtain cabinet approval for a lower house dissolution in advance and collect the signatures of all cabinet members on a cabinet document to obtain the Imperial rescript. After getting the cabinet's approval, the director general of the Cabinet Affairs Office visits the Imperial Palace and returns with the Imperial rescript with the Emperor's seal and signature. The prime minister then signs it. [Ibid]
  • 14. The Imperial rescript itself is kept as a public document and an official copy of the text is delivered to the lower house speaker as a document giving notification of the dissolution via the chief cabinet secretary. The lower house is dissolved after the speaker reads out the document. As the rescript is carried in a purple furoshiki cloth, also called "fukusa," the term "purple fukusa" is often used as a synonym for dissolution of the lower house. [Ibid] Reforms of the Legislature prime minister debate The Japanese bureaucracy has traditionally taken the lead in drafting new budget and writing legislation with legislature doing little more than rubber stamping the burea ucrats proposals. The power of bureaucrats was so so strong that politician were unable to cut spending and pass sweeping new laws. After the August 2009 elections threw out the old the party, the new leaders vowed to take power out of the hands of the bureaucrats and put it the hands of the politicians. One of the first things Hatoyama did was set up the Government Revitalization Unit that was in charge of identifying and cutting wasteful spending in the government. Resembling a cross between a Congressional budget hearing and a Spanish Inquisition interrogation, the hearings werw conducted by the units panels and were often short and harsh. Bureaucrats and supporters of projects deemed wasteful by the panel were given about 30 minutes to an hour to justi fy their programs and asked questions by a panel that often had little knowledge of the programs. The hearings were conducted by 13-member panels and were shown on television. One of the reasons for having them was to make government more transparent. In one widely shown exchange the head of a project to build an advanced supercomputer was asked to offer some good reason why the government should fund the project. The project head said to advance science and compete with the United States. The head of the panel responded by saying, “Does it matter if the United States is No.1" and refused a request to increase funding. Scientists, including some Nobel
  • 15. laureates condemned the cuts, arguing the money was vital for Japan to remain competitive in technology fields. See history, Hatoyama government Elections in Japan General elections are national election in which every seat in the House of Commons is contested. They are held under two conditions: 1) if there is a no confidence vote by Parliament or 2) the Prime Minister dissolves Parliament and calls an election. The Prime Minister can call the election at any time within a five year period after the previous election. In most case, if the ruling party's poll numbers are high, and its been a while since the last election, the Prime Minister will call an election. The poll ratings of the ruling party are low they will usually hold on to power as long as they can and call an election as late as possible. A no confidence vote is brought by the opposition party. It occurs when the ruling party is unable to get a bill passed and thus is viewed as unable to govern. It then resigns and a new election is called. See Separate Article on Elections Duties of the Legislature in Japan legislators voting The Diet has additional important functions, such as approving the national budget, ratifying international treaties, and setting in motion any formal proposals for amending the constitution. Three categories of Diet sessions are held: ordinary, extraordinary, and special. The ordinary session, which is convened once a year during January with a term of 150 days, plays the central role because that is where Diet members deliberate on the next year’s budget and the laws necessary to implement that budget. Although the House of Councillors and the House of Representatives share power, the latter predominates in decisions on legislation, designation of the prime minister, budgetary matters, and international treaties. For example, if a bill is passed by the House of Representatives but the House of Councillors deliberates otherwise (rejecting the bill or insisting on alterations), the bill will nevertheless become law if resubmitted to the House of Representatives and approved by two thirds of the members present. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan]
  • 16. The main role of the legislature is making laws, all of which begin as bills. Each bill is drafted and debated and sent to a standing committee made up of members of both the ruling and opposition parties. After discussion and changes the bill is sent back to the diet, where changes are debated clause by clause. If the bill is approved, usually by a majority vote in the lower house, it becomes law. Most bills entail the appropriation of money. The “power of the pur se” is a term used to describe the power of the parliament to determine how much money is spent on designated programs and institutions. Bills are voted on by the lower house. The are then voted on by the upper house. If the bill is rejected by the upper house it can be approved by the lower house with two thirds or more vote. A bill approved by the lower house can also be approved if the upper house fails to vote on it within 60 days. Major dates on the Diet calender include 1) the start of ordinary session in mid January; 2) submission of fiscal year budget in late January; 3) enactment of fiscal year budget in March. Sometimes an a 70-day extraordinary Diet session is held from September to November. Seat Numbers and Diet Politics The number of seats won by each party in the December 2012 House of Representatives election will set the course for postelection politics, as explained by the Yomiuri Shimbun in these figures: 241: Majority to pass bills. In the lower house, the ruling party cannot pass bills, including budget - related items, without a 241-seat majority. The Liberal Democratic Party won a majority in the 2005 and 2102 polls and the Democratic Party of Japan won a majority in the 2009 poll. The LDP won 294 seats in the December 2012 election. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, December 17, 2012] 320: Two-thirds majority. A more important figure for the ruling party is 320, the number corresponding to two-thirds of the total seats in the lower house. Article 59 of the Constitution stipulates, "A bill that is passed by the House of Representatives, and upon which the House of Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, becomes a law when passed a second time by the House of Representatives by a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present." The LDP and New Komeito together won 325 seats in the December 2012 election. [Ibid] Currently no party holds a majority in the House of Councillors. No matter how the lower house election turns out, it is possible the current state of a divided Diet, in which the ruling bloc controls the lower house while the opposition holds a collective upper house majority, will continue. Given the circumstances, if the ruling party gains a two-thirds majority in the lower house, government administration will become easier. In the 2005 lower house election, the LDP and New Komeito won a total of 327 seats. The two parties lost the majority in the 2007 upper house election and the Diet became divided. However, the ruling bloc was able to enact laws, including the revised Antiterrorism Law, from 2007 to 2009 through second voting in the lower house. [Ibid] 51: Third force exerts influence. The Diet Law and the lower house rules stipulate that a Diet member can only submit bills related to no-confidence motions and budgets with the support of at least 50 other lawmakers. To submit a bill unrelated to the budget, a member must obtain support
  • 17. from a minimum of 20 other members. In other words, to submit these two types of bills, each party must secure 51 seats and 21 seats, respectively. For party leaders to take part in interpellations with the prime minister, a party must hold at least 10 seats in either the lower or upper house. The Restoration Party won 54 seats in the December 2012 election. [Ibid] Members of the Japanese Diet The Diet is made up of members who are directly elected by citizens of at least 20 years of age. The political parties, to which almost all Diet members belong, are the basic unit s of political activity. Thus Japan is said to practice party politics. The prime minister is chosen by the Diet from among its members. The prime minister then forms a cabinet, and the cabinet controls the executive branch of government. The Diet is the “sole law-making organ of the State.” All legislations must follow a process leading to final approval in the Diet. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan] “One must be at least 25 years old to be eligible for election to the House of Representatives. As of 2011, the number of members of the House of Representatives is 480. Of these, 300 are chosen according to the single-seat constituency system, by which just one person is elected from each district. The other 180 are chosen as per a proportional representation system whereby seats are distributed to preferred party members according to the proportion of the vote received by the party. Members of the House of Representatives are elected for four -year terms, but the cabinet may dissolve the House of Representatives before the end of a full term. One must be at least 30 years old to be elected to the House of Councillors. [Ibid] “In 2001 the total number of members was reduced from 252 to 247, and in 2004 it was reduced to 242. As of 2011, of the 242 current seats, 146 are filled according to the electoral district system and the remaining 96 are filled based on a proportional representation system. All members are chosen for six-year terms. Half of the total number are chosen every three year s. Members of the House of Councillors remain in their positions whether or not there is a dissolution of the House of Representatives. [Ibid] Japanese Legislators legislator's "dormitory" room Members of the Diet are elected to terms of four year or less if the Diet is
  • 18. dissolved with a no confidence vote. Members of the House of Councilors are elected to six year terms. Japanese citizens 25 year or older are eligible to run for the Diet. Lawmakers are given access to apartments called dormitories near the Diet building in Tokyo and receive reimbursements from the government for general offices expenses such as utilities or postage. Japan has the world highest paid legislators. According to the Guinness Book of Records, members of House of Representatives and House of Councilors receive $211,000 a year. The monthly salary of the cabinet ministers is ¥1.51 million. The average income of lawmakers in the Japanese Diet is about $269,000, plus winter and summer bonuses with the summer bonus worth between $24,000 and $50,000. Some lawmakers earn considerably amounts of money from the sale of books they wrote, The highest income in 2007 was ¥1.55 billion earned by Yorihisa Matsuno mainly from the sale of real estate inherited from his late father. Japanese lawmakers earned an average of ¥22.23 million in 2009, down by ¥2.59 million in 2008. Japanese governors earned an average of ¥16.33 million in 2009. The winter bonus for the average central government official was ¥592,000 in 2010, down 8.4 percent from the previous year. The winter bonus for similar local officials was ¥549,500. Many legislators are considered old and out of touch with ordinary voters. They are often seen napping during Parliament sessions. Sometimes, though, sessions get quite rowdy Legislators raise their first and cheer "ganboro," a vow to fight on. Water has been tossed by one legislator at others, scuffles have broken for control of the microphones and fist fights have occurred. The ox walk is a filibuster technique in which legislators walk extremely slowly to the podium to delay voting. Most of the work is done in standing committees. According to the so called 1955 system members of the opposing parties have open disputes but takes baths and socialize together and make deals under secret negotiations that are held under tight rules. The reformist politician Ichiro Ozawa wrote. "The parties enjoy casual talk with each other across the room. "They bargain, make deals. the atmosphere is easy, they talk lightheartedly. Somewhere along the way, though, the bathers forgot the fundamental democratic principal that they must at least occasionally change places. Ozawa also said that 'final decisions' are made in advance." An age limit for legislators in the LDP is 73 years of age. The limit went into affect in 1999. It is not always enforced. Forty-six percent of DPJ Diet members elected in the 2009 elections were first time members of parliament. Image Sources: 1) 5) 7) Shugin House of Representatives site 2) 4) 6) Kantei, office of prime minister' site 3) Defence Talk 4) 5) 6) 7) Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Yomiuri, Times of London, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and other publications. © 2009 Jeffrey Hays
  • 19. Last updated January 2013 Page Top This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available in an effort to advance understanding of country or topic discussed in the article. This constitutes 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. If you are the copyright owner and would like this content removed from, please contact me.  About This Project  Support and Donations Search Questions or comments, e-mail © 2013 Jeffrey Hays