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OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST                                                                              NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION
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                                                              «Address1»                                                                   Vol. 19, No. 4 April 2011   A Newsletter to Inspire and Celebrate Oakland United Methodists
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"We invite all persons to be a part of our Community of Faith by participating in worship, education, fellowship and Christian service."

                                                                                        Disciple Express
                                                    April Calendar of Events
                    Sun, Apr 3              9:00 a.m.          Sunday school & Choir practice
                                            10:00 a.m.         Worship w/Communion
                                            11:00 a.m.         Koinonia/Education Committee meeting
                    Wed. Apr 6              6:30 8:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. High youth groups
                    Sun, Apr 10             9:00 a.m.          Sunday school/Choir practice
                                            10:00 a.m.         Worship / Camp Sunday
                                            11:00 a.m.         Koinonia
                    Wed. Apr 13             6:30 8:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. High youth groups
                    Sun, Apr17              9:00 a.m.          Sunday school & Choir practice
                                            10:00 a.m.         Worship / Palm Sunday / Confirmation recognition
                                            11:00 a.m.         Koinonia
                    Wed. Apr 20             6:30 8:00 p.m. Last Jr. & Sr. High youth groups for the summer
                    Thu. Apr 21             7:00 p.m.          Administrative Council
                    Sat Apr 23              7:00 a.m.     7:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil

                    Sun, Apr 24             6:30 a.m.          RCA Easter Sunrise Service at Carson cemetery
                                            9:00 a.m.          Sunday school &Choir practice
                                            10:00 a.m.         Worship / Easter
                    April 26     May 10                        Rev. Textor on vacation
Disciple Express                                                                                                              Disciple Express
Administrative Board Meeting, February 17, 2011 Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee: Mark                    CONFIRMATION BELIEF STATEMENTS minute of the day. He is always there when ever I need
                                                 Martens reported that they are still looking for Youth                                                                      him. God loves us no matter what. He is the creator of
Present: Pastor Shirley Textor, Peggy Bentley,                                                                   I believe god as our creator, as our Lord, Father of us.
                                                 Counselors for 3 weeks in March and 3 weeks in                                                                              this wonderful world. There have been a variety of
Mark Martens, Dick Merkle, Barb Schorsch, Skip                                                                   I believe Jesus as the messiah, the son of God and
                                                 April. Staff and Pastor evaluations are being                                                                               different instances where all I can say is- That s a
Applegate, Robin Jefferson, Merlin Jones, Cathey                                                                 Man, the Christ child, and our savior. I believe Holy
Grosvenor, Bernie Bolton, Norma Bolton, Mischa   completed.                                                                                                                  God moment!
                                                                                                                 Spirit as the spirit of love, hope, and salvation. I
Martens.                                                Lay Leader s Report: Merlin read to the board a          believe our church as the people, servants of the Lord,            I believe God, sent his Son Jesus Christ as a
Chairperson, Barb Schorsch opened the meeting with letter from Marty Miller introducing his mission. He          and as prophets that have God s word in their hearts        baby to come in this world and live with other people,
                                                        will be traveling through our area April 9-16 and        and spread the good news.                                   and then die for our sins on the cross.
requests for those in need of prayer. Several names
were brought to our attention as needing prayers for would like to share his music with us. He asks only                                                                              The Holy Spirit or (Holy Ghost) to me, I see
                                                        for a love offering to be taken after his concert or a
healing and grief. Pastor Shirley led us in prayer.                                                                                                                          this as a ghost that comes into me and makes me want
                                                        church donation of $350.00. Merlin motioned to           * God He is real and the creator of everything.             to learn about God and Jesus, and encourages me to be
Secretary s Report: The Secretary s report for          request Mr. Miller to share his music with us on April
                                                                                                                 Jesus He is real. Died on the cross for us.                 a good Christian. If you ask me, I think that God,
January, as submitted by pro-tem Norma Bolton, was 10th, either during church or a scheduled evening
read. Pastor Shirley made one change to paragraph                                                                                                                            Jesus, and The Holy Spirit is a three-in-one deal.
                                                        service. Cathey seconded the motion and the request      Holy Spirit   everywhere, always watching over me.
10, changing Jr. High to Sr. High. Skip moved to        was approved. Sheryl Sindt will contact Mr. Miller                                                                            I am the Church! You are the Church, we are
                                                                                                                 Church is not a building, is the people. Where you
accept the report as corrected. Mischa seconded the to see if we can coordinate schedules.                                                                                   the Church together! The Church! One of my favorite
                                                                                                                 go to worship/pray, etc.
motion and the report was approved.                                                                                                                                          things is singing church praise songs and hymns,
                                                        Merlin complimented Veva Larson and Cathey                                                                           especially this one! The Church to me, is a place where
Treasurer s Report: The Treasurer s report was          Grosvenor on the work that they are doing with the
                                                                                                                 * I believe that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the       we learn more about God and Jesus. I feel God wants
reviewed with Dick and Robin answering any              Sr. High UMYF. He also reported that he has
                                                                                                                 church is a family. We love each other no matter            us to go to church to not only learn about Him, but to
questions. Bernie motioned to approve the               removed the bat that had taken up residence in the
                                                                                                                 what, in good times or bad.                                 also spread words and joy to other people who don t. I
Treasurer s report. Norma seconded the motion and fellowship hall.
                                                                                                                                                                             also think God loves seeing everyone come together
the Treasurer s Report for January was approved.
                                                        Pastor s Report: Pastor Shirley led us through some                                                                  and smile and have a good time.
Robin Jefferson then brought to the Board a request of the basics of our church foundation, using the            * What I believe about God is that he sent Jesus to
to purchase a digital recording system that could be    booklet Church, Body and Structure of United             save us. What I believe about Jesus is that he came to
attached to our sound system. The purchase of this      Methodist Church. We reviewed the 3 branches             save us from our sins when he died on the cross.
recorder would allow recordings to be made of any       made up of General Conference, Council of Bishops
services held in our church and transferred to disk or and the 9 member Judicial Council.                        What I believe about the Holy Spirit is that it is God
available on our website allowing those who are not                                                              and he is with us where ever we go. What I believe
able to attend services to listen. It comes from        Dates to keep in mind:                                   about the church is that it is a family that works like a
Robin s heart to serve the service men and women        March 9th       Ash Wednesday at Carson UMC 7:30         team and goes to a shelter to praise their father.
overseas who do not get regular church services,        p.m.
although it could also be used to record weddings or March 17th         Administrative Council
funerals. Robin has done all of the leg work to get     March 27th      Faith Fest at Hancock UMC 3:00-5:00      * What I believe about: God He always loves us
this project up and running. Robin and Dan Jefferson with meal to follow                                         Jesus Helps us love God
have also offered to donate the entire cost of the      April 17th      Palm Sunday & Confirmation
                                                                 th                                              Holy Spirit   Lives in us
recording system. After discussion was held, Norma April 20             Last MYF for the year
moved to accept this gift. Skip seconded the motion May 14th            Save the Date for a whole church         Church Helps us be closer to God.
and the motion was approved with applause. This         community day!
will make a great addition to our sound system.         Pastor brought it to the Board s attention that we
Board of Trustees: There was no member from the need a committee to work on Scholarship
                                                        applications. Our selections will be presented at
                                                                                                                 * When I go to church every Sunday, there are two
                                                                                                                 things I look forward in is-1, seeing smiles on peoples         SAVE MAY 14 FOR AN
Board of Trustees present. It was noted that the
carpet in the front of the church is rippling and needs Class Night. More discussion will be held at our next
                                                                                                                 faces-happy, and 2, learning new things about God
                                                                                                                 every week! Believe it or not, I love going to church! :)
                                                                                                                                                                                    ALL CHURCH
to be addressed as it could be a tripping danger.       meeting.
Dave Applegate will be contacted and made aware of                                                                     I believe in God. Although I can t see him, I
                                                                                                Con t
the problem                                                                                                      know for a fact that he is watching over me every
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                               Disciple Express
                                                         Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair
                                                         Technician, Jesus, into the heart component.             LIFE-CHANGING MINISTRY                          A          Most gifts coming to UMCOR have been designated for
                                                                                                                                                                             specific programs-and those programs receive 100
                                                                                                                  RESPONSE TO GOD'S LOVE                                     percent of those gifts. So part of the One Great Hour of
                                                         No matter how big or small the SIN defect                                                                           Sharing offering plus a small percentage of other general
                                                         is, Jesus will replace it with:                          Join United Methodists everywhere by participating in
RECALL NOTICE:                                                                                                                                                               donations support UMCOR's cost of doing business.
                                                                                                                  this special offering that supports UMCOR s vital work.
                                                       1. Love                                                    Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the            AD BOARD MINUTES CON T
The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling       2. Joy                                                     foundation for UMCOR to seek justice and mercy for
all units manufactured, regardless of make or year,                                                               suffering people everywhere.                               Missions Committee: Mischa reported that the
                                                       3. Peace
due to a serious defect in the primary and central                                                                                                                           committee has met to discuss future plans. The month of
                                                       4. Patience                                                You can be assured that when catastrophes cause
component of the heart.                                                                                                                                                      February s 3rd Sunday Offering will go to Imagine No
                                                       5. Kindness                                                suffering, your church, impelled by Jesus' love and        Malaria (previously Nothing But Nets). The Month of
                                                       6. Goodness                                                compassion, will be in the lead to ease the pain.          March is still undecided but they are planning on doing
This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype 7. Faithfulness                                            THE 2011 OFFERING ESSENTIAL TO UMCOR                       something with the Heifer Project. March 20th the
units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the        8. Gentleness
                                                                                                                                                                             committee will host the 2nd annual Chicken Delight. A
reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent      9. Self control                                            Gifts to this offering underwrite UMCOR's "costs of
                                                                                                                                                                             summer event barefooting Sunday is being planned
units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub-                                                              doing business." That helps us keep our promise that 100
                                                                                                                                                                             where we will be asked to bring new or gently used
sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more             Please see the operating manual,                           percent of every other gift you make to a specific
commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily           the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving          UMCOR project can be spent on that project-not on
expressed.                                             Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes.      home office costs.                                         Nominations Committee: Still seeking 2 more
                                                                                                                                                                             committee members. If you can serve on this committee,
                                                                                                                  UMCOR is a good steward of God's gifts. UMCOR s top
                                                                                                                                                                             please contact the church office.
Some of the symptoms include:                            WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being           ratings by both Charity Navigator and the American
1. Loss of direction                                     unit without correction voids any manufacturer           Institute of Philanthropy attest to UMCOR s financial      Education Committee: Mischa reported that it is in the
2. Foul vocal emissions                                  warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and             accountability.                                            planning stages to host a Women s Lunch with a DVD
3. Amnesia of origin                                     problems too numerous to list and will result in the                                                                for Christian Inspiration. There has been some interest in
4. Lack of peace and joy                                                                                          Offering gifts over and above those used to cover
                                                         human unit being permanently impounded. For free                                                                    a women s group or a Bible study group. There will be a
                                                                                                                  administrative costs are channeled where they're most
5. Selfish or violent behavior                           emergency service, call on Jesus.                                                                                   VBS meeting the first week in March at the Christian
6. Depression or confusion in the mental component                                                                needed. UMCOR's specialized ministries responding in
7. Fearfulness                                                                                                    disaster, fighting hunger, alleviating poverty, providing
                                                         DANGER: The human being units not responding to
                                                                                                                  relief supplies around the world, and offering hospitality Old Business: Pastor presented her plans for May 14 ,
8. Idolatry                                              this recall action will have to be scrapped in the
9. Rebellion                                                                                                      to immigrants and refugees all assist the most vulnerable calling it a Community Appreciation Day. Some high
                                                         furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to                                                                    points include community project for all ages to help
                                                                                                                  people whose need is greatest.
                                                         enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that                                                                 with; inviting a specific group to show our appreciation
                                                         facility. Thank you for your attention!                  CELEBRATE ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING
The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault                                                                                                                         for their community dedication; sponsoring a lunch after
                                                                                                                  APRIL 3
for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair - GOD                                                                                                                work is done; checking with City Council to see what
and service free of charge to correct this defect.                                                                NO WORLD SERVICE FUNDS COME TO UMCOR                       jobs would be appreciated. Pastor asked that each board
                                                                                                                  UMCOR receives no World Service funds or any other         member come to the next meeting with a project idea.
                                                        P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others
                                                        of this important recall notice, and you may contact      apportionments. Your gifts mean we're right there with  New Business: Weapons policy. Do we need a policy
The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously the Father any time by 'Knee mail'!                             hardworking families, people who are affected by storms for weapons that may be brought into our church?
offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering                                                               or war, disaster or disease.                            Discussion was held and the item was tabled until the
cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee                                                                                                                         next meeting.
required.                                                                                                         The One Great Hour of Sharing offering provides
                                                        Because He Lives                                          essential support to UMCOR. Without this offering so Bernie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
                                                       BEING THANKFUL                                             much of what UMCOR does to bring hope and healing to Merlin seconded the motion and the meeting was
                                                       A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your    the world could not happen.
The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very                                                        adjourned with prayer by Chairperson, Barb Schorsch.
-E-R.                                                  commendable. What does she say?"                           HOW YOUR GIFTS HELP                                        Respectfully Submitted,
Once connected, please upload your burden              The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!"
of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure.                                                                          Keep the Lights On                                         Peggy Bentley, Recording Secretary
Disciple Express                                                                                              Disciple Express
Scholarships Available                                    STEWARDSHIP from Salem News Quincy, IL                                                                                2011 CHILDREN S IMMUNIZATION
The Macedonia United Methodist Memorial                   We often think of stewardship as our annual and
Scholarship Fund was established to encourage             special offering gifts, but it is much more than that.                                                                 Oakland City Hall, 101 N Main St.
Christian youth to further their education. The Fund      Two definitions of stewardship are: Webster s               (If you have any news you would like to have               April 9th, Saturday      9 11 a.m.
has available $500 scholarships to graduating seniors.    Dictionary: The individual s responsibility to manage       announced in the church newsletter, please have the        May 14th, Saturday 9 11 a.m.
The applicants must be an active member of a United       his life and property with proper regard to the rights of   information to the church office by the 20th of the        June 11th, Saturday 9 11 a.m.
Methodist Church within the Riverside School District.    others. Holman Bible Dictionary: Utilizing and              month.)                                                    Clinics are open to all children of Pottawattamie
The applicants must be active in church activities, the   managing all resources God provides for the glory of                                                                   County ages birth through 18 yrs, who meet the
community, and home.                                      God and the betterment of his creation.                                                                                following criteria:
                                                                                                                                                                                          Enrolled in Medicaid
Applications may be obtained from Gary Forristall,        Note each definition extends stewardship to all of the      THANK YOU                                                           Do not have health insurance
Chairman, by e-mailing or calling      resources God has given us to use, including our lives.                                                                         Insurance does not cover immunizations
                                                          Since we are still early in 2011, now is a good time for    SILENT HELPERS!!
486-2511. This scholarship is renewable up to 4 years.                                                                                                                                    And/or is Alaskan native/American Indian.
Deadline for applications is April 15, 2011.              us to consider how we are performing as stewards.            Every month we receive a newsletter from our              A $5.00 donation per visit is suggested to offset
                                                        Before considering your stewardship, do a quick               church. This involves our church secretary, Sheryl, and cost of supplies.
                                                                                                                      several other volunteers that help fold and prepare for
MISSIONS COMMITTEE                                      inventory of the abundance God has given to you. Try
                                                                                                                      mailing. Being one of the persons who call on these
                                                        not to think about the things you do not have or need,                                                                   EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING
The Missions Committee has decided to honor the men but instead think of all you have been given. Now                 volunteers, I want to THANK the following persons for
and women serving in the military. Our third Sunday consider, are you being a good steward of:                        giving a couple of hours each month in this                3/6/11-Minutes - present: Pastor Earlin Shanno,
offering on April 17th will be used to buy some type of                                                               service. Ilene Applegate, Skip Applegate, Carol            Pam Ehmke, Sharon Jones, Leigh Bell, Kristy
a gift card to be sent to those serving our country.    Your body. Are you taking good care of it? Do you             Wilson, Lee Knudson, Ilene Parkhill, Gloria Gleaves,       Rieken
                                                        exercise? Have you had a check up lately?                     Louise Merkle, Jean Blackburn, Jesse Shiffer, Leslie       VBS 2011 Shake it UP
The committee will also have cards in the narthex area                                                                                                                           Dates: June 20-24th (3rd wk)-at Christian Church;
                                                        Your mind. Do you challenge it with problems? Do              Cleaveland, Cathey Grosvenor, and Eileen
on April 10th and 17th so friends and relatives can                                                                                                                              6-8 pm - dinner served at 6
                                                        you exercise it by reading? Do you think positive             Grobe. We usually need about 4-5 persons to
write a note of appreciation to these people. Please
                                                        thoughts?                                                     accomplish this task around the end of every month. If Sat, June 18th (5-7 pm) kick off/registration in
take a moment to sign one or more of these cards.                                                                     you would like to place your name on this list of          park: hot dog roast, games.
If you have someone in the service, please make sure    Your spiritual life. How frequently do you offer praise       persons, please call the church office at 482-5530 or my Reviewed space in church for groups. Pam will
our church office has their correct address.            to God? Do you regularly seek God with devotions or           phone number at 482-3034.                                  put together schedule for each night based on
                                                        bible study? Do you fellowship with other believers?                                                                     space.
These are the addresses reported to the church          Do you have a spiritual life outside of church?                                        Dick Merkle                       Discussed leaders for VBS.
office.                                                                                                               To Carol Wilson and the United Methodist Women                Director - Earlin Shanno
                                                        Your time. Are you involved in any missions? Are
                                                                                                                                                                                    Co-Directors - Kristy Rieken, Pam Ehmke
Tyler Clark, 3717 Neely Rd. #162, Fort                  you spending time with God in prayer? Are you active          Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair.    Crafts - Amy, Leigh Bell
                                                        in church activities? Would God approve of how you            Perhaps you sent a funeral spray. If so we saw it there.
Wainwright, AK 99703                                                                                                                                                                Storyteller - Pastor Shirley, ?Loree Hamilton
                                                        spend His time?                                               Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend            Kitchen - ? (Christian Church women)
 Brad Grosvenor, 104 Park Brook Ct., Stafford,          Your relationships. Are they built on respect? Are you        could say; Perhaps you were not there at all,                 Decorating - Sharon Jones
VA 22554                                                forgiving? Do friends, family and colleagues know             Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to              Music -?
                                                        how important they are to you? Who do you love?               console our hearts,                                           Recreation -?
SPC Harker, Joshua, DCO 1-168, Inf. COP Zornat,                                                                       We thank you so much whatever the part.                       Discovery Time-?
                                                        Your material resources. Do you have a giving plan?
APO, AE 09364                                           What percent of your income do you give? Would God                                    The family of Bradley Klindt          Group leaders -?
                                                                                                                                                                                 Pam, Earlin and Leigh will work on publicity/
PFC Harker, Jeremy, TF 1-168, Inf. HHC Mortars,
                                                          approve of how you spend His money? Does God get            Dear United Methodist Church,
                                                          what is left?                                                                                                          flyers/etc. Will start sending volunteer sign up in
FOB Gardez, APO, AE 09364                                                                                             Thank you for the scholarship. It helped me pay for        church within next month. Will meet with Earlin
                                                          Remember the promise in Luke 6:38 Give, and it will         school at Iowa State University. God has blessed me in @ Christian Church first wk of May (date to be
Jared Myers ET Comm.USS Oklahoma City SSN 723             be given to you. A good measure, pressed down,              many ways.                                                 set) for next group meeting. Kristy, Pam and
FPO AE 09581-2403                                         shaken together and running over, will be poured into                                                                  Sharon will look through materials needed to get
                                                          your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be                                  Thanks, Wesley Henry
Jefferson, Bradley TF 168 IN HHC                                                                                                                                                 orders placed within next month.
                                                          measured to you.
Disciple Express                                                                 Disciple Express
NURSERY                                                                             APRIL BIRTHDAYS                                   REMEMBER OUR SERVICE
                                            KOINONIA                                                                                  MEN AND WOMEN
VOLUNTEERS                                 3rd    Marvin & Carolyn Clark
                                                                                     1    Luke Applegate
                                                                                                                                      Dane Nelsen, step-
                                                                                     3    Joni Gordon
April                                      10th   Gloria G. & Jean B.
                                                                                     3    A.C. Roller
                                                                                                                                      grandson of Daryl &
                                                                                                                                      Rita Henningsen; Matt
                                           17     Larry & Judie Danker                                                                Hackett, great nephew
       3       Kristy Rieken                                                         4    Morgan Weirich
                                           24     Easter                             4    Christopher Buckhahn
                                                                                                                                      of Jessie Shiffer; Kristie
       10      Lisa Pierson                                                                                                           Copenhaver, John &
       17      Cyndy Haines
                                           SUNDAY SCHOOL                             5    Derek Pierce                                Mary Lou Copenhaver s
                                           TEACHERS                                  6    Josh Mills                                  daughter; Alan Walker;
       24      Norma Bolton                                                                                                           Kelly Holdaway; Josh
                                                                                     8    Stacy Roller
                                                                                                                                      Harker; Jeremy Harker;
                                           3th    Kristy Rieken                     10    Erin Schuster                               Brad Jefferson, son of Dan & Robin Jefferson;
                                                                                    12    Heath Haines                                Jared Myers, son of Robert Myers and Sid & Tami
                                                                                                                                      Skank; Tyler Williamson, son of Michelle Swope;
                                                                                    12    Trevor Jefferson
                                                  Sheila Applegate                                                                    Jon Reed, son of Phil & Denise Reed; Sonja Husz;
                                                                                    13    Ryan Hildebrand
USHERS,                                           Pam Ehmke
                                                                                                                                      Lucas Smith, Addie Mae s grandson; Brian
                                                                                                                                      Thornton from Avoca; Tyler Clark, Marvin &
                                                                                    14    Danielle Turner
            GREETERS,                      10th Leigh Belle                         15    Aiden Bell
                                                                                                                                      Carolyn Clark s grandson serving in Alaska, Brad
                                                                                                                                      Grosvenor, Cathey Grosvenor s son stateside, and
                                                  Kristy Rieken                     18    Audrey Hartje
                  CANDLELIGHT ERS                                                                                                     other area service men and women.
                                                  Lynelle Jeppesen                  18    Robert Samson                               If you have a loved one in the service and wish to
3rd         Bud & Marsha Beedle                                                                                                       have them listed on our prayer list, please contact
                                                  Pam Ehmke                         18    Derrick Fulton
            Tim & Dianne White                                                                                                        the church office.
                                                                                    18    Chelsie Grobe
Candle lighters                            17th Kristy Rieken
                                                                                    19    Dave Wahl
            Kyra & Kristian Martens               Lisa Pierson                      19    Christina Foutch                            NURSING HOMES - Remember those in the
                                                  Barb Schorsch                     22    Mary Waggoner                               nursing homes with cards and visits.
10th        Marvin & Carolyn Clark
                                                  Pam Ehmke                         26    Connie Gardner                              Oakland Manor: Mary Applegate, Margaret Alff,
            Larry & Lucia Kinnison
                                                                                    26    Nick Bates                                  Oakland Heights: Eileen Haines, Lucille Bentley,
Candle lighters
                                           24th Lindsey Henderson                                                                     Pauline Hogzett
                                                                                    29    Megan Nelson
            Emma Ehmke & Haley Hummel             Leigh Belle                                                                         Primrose: Lois Allen
                                                                                    29    Chad Obrecht                                Harlan: Dorothy Liddell
                                                  Lisa Pierson
17th        Lyle & Peggy Bentley                                                    30    Sydney Turner
                                                  Pam Ehmke
            Todd & Lindsay Bentley
Candle lighters                            SR. HIGH YOUTH COUNSELORS
            Andrew Jones & Grace Gleaves                                            DID NOAH FISH?
                                           Volunteers needed!                       A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do
                                                                                    you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was
24th        Craig & Lisa Hummel
                                                                                    on the Ark ?" "No," replied Johnny. "How
            Dave & Sheila Applegate                                                 could he, with just two worms."                                                       is May 20
Candle lighters
                                                                                                                                                                           9:00 A.M.
            Camryn Pierson & Sarah Jones
Disciple Express                                                                  Disciple Express
                   Rules from God for 2011
                                                                   6. Reach Up !!...      For something
                   1. Wake Up !!        Decide to have a good      higher. "Trust in the Lord with all your
                   day.                                            heart, and lean not unto your own
                   "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let       understanding. In all your ways,
                   us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24     acknowledge Him, And He will direct your
                                                                   Proverbs 3:5-6
                   2. Dress Up !!           The best way to
                   dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an    7. Lift Up !!...     Your Prayers.
                   inexpensive way to improve your looks.          "Do not worry about anything;
                   "The Lord does not look at the things man       Instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING."
                   looks at. Man looks at outward appearance;      Philippians 4:6
                   but the Lord looks at the heart."
                   I Samuel 16:7

                   3 . Shut Up!!         Say nice things and
                   learn to listen.. God gave us two ears and
                   one mouth, so He must have meant for us
                   to do twice as much listening as talking.
                   "He who guards his lips guards his soul."
                   Proverbs 13:3

                   4. Stand Up!!..... For what you believe in.
                   Stand for something or you will fall for        RCA SPONSORED SERVICE
                   anything.. "Let us not be weary in doing        The Riverside Church Association is sponsoring the
                   good; for at the proper time, we will reap a    annual Easter Sunrise Service at sunrise (time to be
                   harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as w   announced) at the Carson Cemetery with a
                   e have opportunity, let us do good..."          community breakfast served at the Carson
                                                                   Community Building following the service.
                   Galatians 6:9-10

                   5. Look Up !!...         To the Lord.
                   "I can do everything through Christ who
                   strengthens me."
                   Philippians 4:13

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April 2011 Newsletter

  • 1. OAKLAND UNITED METHODIST NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION CHURCH U.S. POSTAGE PAID 200 North Main PO Box 606 OAKLAND, Oakland, IA 51560 IOWA Phone: 712-482-5530 Parsonage ph. 712-482-5539 PERMIT NO. 5 E-mail: Address Service Requested «Mailing label» «Address1» Vol. 19, No. 4 April 2011 A Newsletter to Inspire and Celebrate Oakland United Methodists «Address2» «City State» «Zip code» "We invite all persons to be a part of our Community of Faith by participating in worship, education, fellowship and Christian service." Disciple Express April Calendar of Events Sun, Apr 3 9:00 a.m. Sunday school & Choir practice 10:00 a.m. Worship w/Communion 11:00 a.m. Koinonia/Education Committee meeting Wed. Apr 6 6:30 8:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. High youth groups Sun, Apr 10 9:00 a.m. Sunday school/Choir practice 10:00 a.m. Worship / Camp Sunday 11:00 a.m. Koinonia Wed. Apr 13 6:30 8:00 p.m. Jr. & Sr. High youth groups Sun, Apr17 9:00 a.m. Sunday school & Choir practice 10:00 a.m. Worship / Palm Sunday / Confirmation recognition 11:00 a.m. Koinonia Wed. Apr 20 6:30 8:00 p.m. Last Jr. & Sr. High youth groups for the summer Thu. Apr 21 7:00 p.m. Administrative Council Sat Apr 23 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Prayer Vigil Sun, Apr 24 6:30 a.m. RCA Easter Sunrise Service at Carson cemetery 9:00 a.m. Sunday school &Choir practice 10:00 a.m. Worship / Easter April 26 May 10 Rev. Textor on vacation
  • 2. Disciple Express Disciple Express Administrative Board Meeting, February 17, 2011 Staff/Pastor/Parish Relations Committee: Mark CONFIRMATION BELIEF STATEMENTS minute of the day. He is always there when ever I need Martens reported that they are still looking for Youth him. God loves us no matter what. He is the creator of Present: Pastor Shirley Textor, Peggy Bentley, I believe god as our creator, as our Lord, Father of us. Counselors for 3 weeks in March and 3 weeks in this wonderful world. There have been a variety of Mark Martens, Dick Merkle, Barb Schorsch, Skip I believe Jesus as the messiah, the son of God and April. Staff and Pastor evaluations are being different instances where all I can say is- That s a Applegate, Robin Jefferson, Merlin Jones, Cathey Man, the Christ child, and our savior. I believe Holy Grosvenor, Bernie Bolton, Norma Bolton, Mischa completed. God moment! Spirit as the spirit of love, hope, and salvation. I Martens. Lay Leader s Report: Merlin read to the board a believe our church as the people, servants of the Lord, I believe God, sent his Son Jesus Christ as a Chairperson, Barb Schorsch opened the meeting with letter from Marty Miller introducing his mission. He and as prophets that have God s word in their hearts baby to come in this world and live with other people, will be traveling through our area April 9-16 and and spread the good news. and then die for our sins on the cross. requests for those in need of prayer. Several names were brought to our attention as needing prayers for would like to share his music with us. He asks only The Holy Spirit or (Holy Ghost) to me, I see for a love offering to be taken after his concert or a healing and grief. Pastor Shirley led us in prayer. this as a ghost that comes into me and makes me want church donation of $350.00. Merlin motioned to * God He is real and the creator of everything. to learn about God and Jesus, and encourages me to be Secretary s Report: The Secretary s report for request Mr. Miller to share his music with us on April Jesus He is real. Died on the cross for us. a good Christian. If you ask me, I think that God, January, as submitted by pro-tem Norma Bolton, was 10th, either during church or a scheduled evening read. Pastor Shirley made one change to paragraph Jesus, and The Holy Spirit is a three-in-one deal. service. Cathey seconded the motion and the request Holy Spirit everywhere, always watching over me. 10, changing Jr. High to Sr. High. Skip moved to was approved. Sheryl Sindt will contact Mr. Miller I am the Church! You are the Church, we are Church is not a building, is the people. Where you accept the report as corrected. Mischa seconded the to see if we can coordinate schedules. the Church together! The Church! One of my favorite go to worship/pray, etc. motion and the report was approved. things is singing church praise songs and hymns, Merlin complimented Veva Larson and Cathey especially this one! The Church to me, is a place where Treasurer s Report: The Treasurer s report was Grosvenor on the work that they are doing with the * I believe that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the we learn more about God and Jesus. I feel God wants reviewed with Dick and Robin answering any Sr. High UMYF. He also reported that he has church is a family. We love each other no matter us to go to church to not only learn about Him, but to questions. Bernie motioned to approve the removed the bat that had taken up residence in the what, in good times or bad. also spread words and joy to other people who don t. I Treasurer s report. Norma seconded the motion and fellowship hall. also think God loves seeing everyone come together the Treasurer s Report for January was approved. Pastor s Report: Pastor Shirley led us through some and smile and have a good time. Robin Jefferson then brought to the Board a request of the basics of our church foundation, using the * What I believe about God is that he sent Jesus to to purchase a digital recording system that could be booklet Church, Body and Structure of United save us. What I believe about Jesus is that he came to attached to our sound system. The purchase of this Methodist Church. We reviewed the 3 branches save us from our sins when he died on the cross. recorder would allow recordings to be made of any made up of General Conference, Council of Bishops services held in our church and transferred to disk or and the 9 member Judicial Council. What I believe about the Holy Spirit is that it is God available on our website allowing those who are not and he is with us where ever we go. What I believe able to attend services to listen. It comes from Dates to keep in mind: about the church is that it is a family that works like a Robin s heart to serve the service men and women March 9th Ash Wednesday at Carson UMC 7:30 team and goes to a shelter to praise their father. overseas who do not get regular church services, p.m. although it could also be used to record weddings or March 17th Administrative Council funerals. Robin has done all of the leg work to get March 27th Faith Fest at Hancock UMC 3:00-5:00 * What I believe about: God He always loves us this project up and running. Robin and Dan Jefferson with meal to follow Jesus Helps us love God have also offered to donate the entire cost of the April 17th Palm Sunday & Confirmation th Holy Spirit Lives in us recording system. After discussion was held, Norma April 20 Last MYF for the year moved to accept this gift. Skip seconded the motion May 14th Save the Date for a whole church Church Helps us be closer to God. and the motion was approved with applause. This community day! will make a great addition to our sound system. Pastor brought it to the Board s attention that we Board of Trustees: There was no member from the need a committee to work on Scholarship applications. Our selections will be presented at * When I go to church every Sunday, there are two things I look forward in is-1, seeing smiles on peoples SAVE MAY 14 FOR AN Board of Trustees present. It was noted that the carpet in the front of the church is rippling and needs Class Night. More discussion will be held at our next faces-happy, and 2, learning new things about God every week! Believe it or not, I love going to church! :) ALL CHURCH PROJECT to be addressed as it could be a tripping danger. meeting. Dave Applegate will be contacted and made aware of I believe in God. Although I can t see him, I Con t the problem know for a fact that he is watching over me every
  • 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Disciple Express Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Jesus, into the heart component. LIFE-CHANGING MINISTRY A Most gifts coming to UMCOR have been designated for specific programs-and those programs receive 100 RESPONSE TO GOD'S LOVE percent of those gifts. So part of the One Great Hour of No matter how big or small the SIN defect Sharing offering plus a small percentage of other general is, Jesus will replace it with: Join United Methodists everywhere by participating in RECALL NOTICE: donations support UMCOR's cost of doing business. this special offering that supports UMCOR s vital work. 1. Love Your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing lay the AD BOARD MINUTES CON T The Maker of all human beings (GOD) is recalling 2. Joy foundation for UMCOR to seek justice and mercy for all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, suffering people everywhere. Missions Committee: Mischa reported that the 3. Peace due to a serious defect in the primary and central committee has met to discuss future plans. The month of 4. Patience You can be assured that when catastrophes cause component of the heart. February s 3rd Sunday Offering will go to Imagine No 5. Kindness suffering, your church, impelled by Jesus' love and Malaria (previously Nothing But Nets). The Month of 6. Goodness compassion, will be in the lead to ease the pain. March is still undecided but they are planning on doing This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype 7. Faithfulness THE 2011 OFFERING ESSENTIAL TO UMCOR something with the Heifer Project. March 20th the units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the 8. Gentleness committee will host the 2nd annual Chicken Delight. A reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent 9. Self control Gifts to this offering underwrite UMCOR's "costs of summer event barefooting Sunday is being planned units. This defect has been technically termed "Sub- doing business." That helps us keep our promise that 100 where we will be asked to bring new or gently used sequential Internal Non-Morality," or more Please see the operating manual, percent of every other gift you make to a specific shoes. commonly known as S.I.N., as it is primarily the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving UMCOR project can be spent on that project-not on expressed. Earth) for further details on the use of these fixes. home office costs. Nominations Committee: Still seeking 2 more committee members. If you can serve on this committee, UMCOR is a good steward of God's gifts. UMCOR s top please contact the church office. Some of the symptoms include: WARNING: Continuing to operate the human being ratings by both Charity Navigator and the American 1. Loss of direction unit without correction voids any manufacturer Institute of Philanthropy attest to UMCOR s financial Education Committee: Mischa reported that it is in the 2. Foul vocal emissions warranties, exposing the unit to dangers and accountability. planning stages to host a Women s Lunch with a DVD 3. Amnesia of origin problems too numerous to list and will result in the for Christian Inspiration. There has been some interest in 4. Lack of peace and joy Offering gifts over and above those used to cover human unit being permanently impounded. For free a women s group or a Bible study group. There will be a administrative costs are channeled where they're most 5. Selfish or violent behavior emergency service, call on Jesus. VBS meeting the first week in March at the Christian 6. Depression or confusion in the mental component needed. UMCOR's specialized ministries responding in Church. 7. Fearfulness disaster, fighting hunger, alleviating poverty, providing DANGER: The human being units not responding to relief supplies around the world, and offering hospitality Old Business: Pastor presented her plans for May 14 , th 8. Idolatry this recall action will have to be scrapped in the 9. Rebellion to immigrants and refugees all assist the most vulnerable calling it a Community Appreciation Day. Some high furnace. The SIN defect will not be permitted to points include community project for all ages to help people whose need is greatest. enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that with; inviting a specific group to show our appreciation facility. Thank you for your attention! CELEBRATE ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for their community dedication; sponsoring a lunch after APRIL 3 for this defect, is providing factory-authorized repair - GOD work is done; checking with City Council to see what and service free of charge to correct this defect. NO WORLD SERVICE FUNDS COME TO UMCOR jobs would be appreciated. Pastor asked that each board UMCOR receives no World Service funds or any other member come to the next meeting with a project idea. P.S. Please assist where possible by notifying others of this important recall notice, and you may contact apportionments. Your gifts mean we're right there with New Business: Weapons policy. Do we need a policy The Repair Technician, JESUS, has most generously the Father any time by 'Knee mail'! hardworking families, people who are affected by storms for weapons that may be brought into our church? offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering or war, disaster or disease. Discussion was held and the item was tabled until the cost of these repairs. There is no additional fee next meeting. required. The One Great Hour of Sharing offering provides Because He Lives essential support to UMCOR. Without this offering so Bernie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m. BEING THANKFUL much of what UMCOR does to bring hope and healing to Merlin seconded the motion and the meeting was A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your the world could not happen. The number to call for repair in all areas is: P-R-A-Y mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very adjourned with prayer by Chairperson, Barb Schorsch. -E-R. commendable. What does she say?" HOW YOUR GIFTS HELP Respectfully Submitted, Once connected, please upload your burden The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!" of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure. Keep the Lights On Peggy Bentley, Recording Secretary
  • 4. Disciple Express Disciple Express Scholarships Available STEWARDSHIP from Salem News Quincy, IL 2011 CHILDREN S IMMUNIZATION CLINICS The Macedonia United Methodist Memorial We often think of stewardship as our annual and Scholarship Fund was established to encourage special offering gifts, but it is much more than that. Oakland City Hall, 101 N Main St. Christian youth to further their education. The Fund Two definitions of stewardship are: Webster s (If you have any news you would like to have April 9th, Saturday 9 11 a.m. has available $500 scholarships to graduating seniors. Dictionary: The individual s responsibility to manage announced in the church newsletter, please have the May 14th, Saturday 9 11 a.m. The applicants must be an active member of a United his life and property with proper regard to the rights of information to the church office by the 20th of the June 11th, Saturday 9 11 a.m. Methodist Church within the Riverside School District. others. Holman Bible Dictionary: Utilizing and month.) Clinics are open to all children of Pottawattamie The applicants must be active in church activities, the managing all resources God provides for the glory of County ages birth through 18 yrs, who meet the community, and home. God and the betterment of his creation. following criteria: Enrolled in Medicaid Applications may be obtained from Gary Forristall, Note each definition extends stewardship to all of the THANK YOU Do not have health insurance Chairman, by e-mailing or calling resources God has given us to use, including our lives. Insurance does not cover immunizations Since we are still early in 2011, now is a good time for SILENT HELPERS!! 486-2511. This scholarship is renewable up to 4 years. And/or is Alaskan native/American Indian. Deadline for applications is April 15, 2011. us to consider how we are performing as stewards. Every month we receive a newsletter from our A $5.00 donation per visit is suggested to offset Before considering your stewardship, do a quick church. This involves our church secretary, Sheryl, and cost of supplies. several other volunteers that help fold and prepare for MISSIONS COMMITTEE inventory of the abundance God has given to you. Try mailing. Being one of the persons who call on these not to think about the things you do not have or need, EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETING The Missions Committee has decided to honor the men but instead think of all you have been given. Now volunteers, I want to THANK the following persons for and women serving in the military. Our third Sunday consider, are you being a good steward of: giving a couple of hours each month in this 3/6/11-Minutes - present: Pastor Earlin Shanno, offering on April 17th will be used to buy some type of service. Ilene Applegate, Skip Applegate, Carol Pam Ehmke, Sharon Jones, Leigh Bell, Kristy a gift card to be sent to those serving our country. Your body. Are you taking good care of it? Do you Wilson, Lee Knudson, Ilene Parkhill, Gloria Gleaves, Rieken exercise? Have you had a check up lately? Louise Merkle, Jean Blackburn, Jesse Shiffer, Leslie VBS 2011 Shake it UP The committee will also have cards in the narthex area Dates: June 20-24th (3rd wk)-at Christian Church; Your mind. Do you challenge it with problems? Do Cleaveland, Cathey Grosvenor, and Eileen on April 10th and 17th so friends and relatives can 6-8 pm - dinner served at 6 you exercise it by reading? Do you think positive Grobe. We usually need about 4-5 persons to write a note of appreciation to these people. Please thoughts? accomplish this task around the end of every month. If Sat, June 18th (5-7 pm) kick off/registration in take a moment to sign one or more of these cards. you would like to place your name on this list of park: hot dog roast, games. If you have someone in the service, please make sure Your spiritual life. How frequently do you offer praise persons, please call the church office at 482-5530 or my Reviewed space in church for groups. Pam will our church office has their correct address. to God? Do you regularly seek God with devotions or phone number at 482-3034. put together schedule for each night based on bible study? Do you fellowship with other believers? space. These are the addresses reported to the church Do you have a spiritual life outside of church? Dick Merkle Discussed leaders for VBS. office. To Carol Wilson and the United Methodist Women Director - Earlin Shanno Your time. Are you involved in any missions? Are Co-Directors - Kristy Rieken, Pam Ehmke Tyler Clark, 3717 Neely Rd. #162, Fort you spending time with God in prayer? Are you active Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair. Crafts - Amy, Leigh Bell in church activities? Would God approve of how you Perhaps you sent a funeral spray. If so we saw it there. Wainwright, AK 99703 Storyteller - Pastor Shirley, ?Loree Hamilton spend His time? Perhaps you spoke the kindest words, As any friend Kitchen - ? (Christian Church women) Brad Grosvenor, 104 Park Brook Ct., Stafford, Your relationships. Are they built on respect? Are you could say; Perhaps you were not there at all, Decorating - Sharon Jones VA 22554 forgiving? Do friends, family and colleagues know Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to Music -? how important they are to you? Who do you love? console our hearts, Recreation -? SPC Harker, Joshua, DCO 1-168, Inf. COP Zornat, We thank you so much whatever the part. Discovery Time-? Your material resources. Do you have a giving plan? APO, AE 09364 What percent of your income do you give? Would God The family of Bradley Klindt Group leaders -? Pam, Earlin and Leigh will work on publicity/ PFC Harker, Jeremy, TF 1-168, Inf. HHC Mortars, approve of how you spend His money? Does God get Dear United Methodist Church, what is left? flyers/etc. Will start sending volunteer sign up in FOB Gardez, APO, AE 09364 Thank you for the scholarship. It helped me pay for church within next month. Will meet with Earlin Remember the promise in Luke 6:38 Give, and it will school at Iowa State University. God has blessed me in @ Christian Church first wk of May (date to be Jared Myers ET Comm.USS Oklahoma City SSN 723 be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, many ways. set) for next group meeting. Kristy, Pam and FPO AE 09581-2403 shaken together and running over, will be poured into Sharon will look through materials needed to get your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be Thanks, Wesley Henry Jefferson, Bradley TF 168 IN HHC orders placed within next month. measured to you. FOB GARDEX APO AE 09364
  • 5. Disciple Express Disciple Express NURSERY APRIL BIRTHDAYS REMEMBER OUR SERVICE KOINONIA MEN AND WOMEN VOLUNTEERS 3rd Marvin & Carolyn Clark 1 Luke Applegate Dane Nelsen, step- 3 Joni Gordon April 10th Gloria G. & Jean B. 3 A.C. Roller grandson of Daryl & Rita Henningsen; Matt 17 Larry & Judie Danker Hackett, great nephew 3 Kristy Rieken 4 Morgan Weirich 24 Easter 4 Christopher Buckhahn of Jessie Shiffer; Kristie 10 Lisa Pierson Copenhaver, John & 17 Cyndy Haines SUNDAY SCHOOL 5 Derek Pierce Mary Lou Copenhaver s TEACHERS 6 Josh Mills daughter; Alan Walker; 24 Norma Bolton Kelly Holdaway; Josh 8 Stacy Roller Harker; Jeremy Harker; 3th Kristy Rieken 10 Erin Schuster Brad Jefferson, son of Dan & Robin Jefferson; 12 Heath Haines Jared Myers, son of Robert Myers and Sid & Tami Skank; Tyler Williamson, son of Michelle Swope; 12 Trevor Jefferson Sheila Applegate Jon Reed, son of Phil & Denise Reed; Sonja Husz; 13 Ryan Hildebrand USHERS, Pam Ehmke Lucas Smith, Addie Mae s grandson; Brian Thornton from Avoca; Tyler Clark, Marvin & 14 Danielle Turner GREETERS, 10th Leigh Belle 15 Aiden Bell Carolyn Clark s grandson serving in Alaska, Brad Grosvenor, Cathey Grosvenor s son stateside, and Kristy Rieken 18 Audrey Hartje CANDLELIGHT ERS other area service men and women. Lynelle Jeppesen 18 Robert Samson If you have a loved one in the service and wish to 3rd Bud & Marsha Beedle have them listed on our prayer list, please contact Pam Ehmke 18 Derrick Fulton Tim & Dianne White the church office. 18 Chelsie Grobe Candle lighters 17th Kristy Rieken 19 Dave Wahl Kyra & Kristian Martens Lisa Pierson 19 Christina Foutch NURSING HOMES - Remember those in the Barb Schorsch 22 Mary Waggoner nursing homes with cards and visits. 10th Marvin & Carolyn Clark Pam Ehmke 26 Connie Gardner Oakland Manor: Mary Applegate, Margaret Alff, Larry & Lucia Kinnison 26 Nick Bates Oakland Heights: Eileen Haines, Lucille Bentley, Candle lighters 24th Lindsey Henderson Pauline Hogzett 29 Megan Nelson Emma Ehmke & Haley Hummel Leigh Belle Primrose: Lois Allen 29 Chad Obrecht Harlan: Dorothy Liddell Lisa Pierson 17th Lyle & Peggy Bentley 30 Sydney Turner Pam Ehmke Todd & Lindsay Bentley Candle lighters SR. HIGH YOUTH COUNSELORS Andrew Jones & Grace Gleaves DID NOAH FISH? Volunteers needed! A Sunday school teacher asked, "Johnny, do you think Noah did a lot of fishing when he was 24th Craig & Lisa Hummel on the Ark ?" "No," replied Johnny. "How Dave & Sheila Applegate could he, with just two worms." is May 20 Candle lighters 9:00 A.M. Camryn Pierson & Sarah Jones
  • 6. Disciple Express Disciple Express Rules from God for 2011 6. Reach Up !!... For something 1. Wake Up !! Decide to have a good higher. "Trust in the Lord with all your day. heart, and lean not unto your own "Today is the day the Lord hath made; let understanding. In all your ways, us rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24 acknowledge Him, And He will direct your path." Proverbs 3:5-6 2. Dress Up !! The best way to dress up is to put on a smile. A smile is an 7. Lift Up !!... Your Prayers. inexpensive way to improve your looks. "Do not worry about anything; "The Lord does not look at the things man Instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING." looks at. Man looks at outward appearance; Philippians 4:6 but the Lord looks at the heart." I Samuel 16:7 3 . Shut Up!! Say nice things and learn to listen.. God gave us two ears and one mouth, so He must have meant for us to do twice as much listening as talking. "He who guards his lips guards his soul." Proverbs 13:3 4. Stand Up!!..... For what you believe in. Stand for something or you will fall for RCA SPONSORED SERVICE anything.. "Let us not be weary in doing The Riverside Church Association is sponsoring the good; for at the proper time, we will reap a annual Easter Sunrise Service at sunrise (time to be harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as w announced) at the Carson Cemetery with a e have opportunity, let us do good..." community breakfast served at the Carson Community Building following the service. Galatians 6:9-10 5. Look Up !!... To the Lord. "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13