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Volume 1, Issue 3 by Tom Tracy
                                   Fall 2009        Do you or anyone you know                  and credit cards, people         who are involved with
                                                    in their 20s or 30s have sto-              and relationship, and            hiring and supervising
                                                    ries that are worthy of                    challenges faced. What-          new employees to get
                                                                 ever people have learned         there perspectives and
                                                    Who are we kidding,
                                                    of course you do!
                                                    Whether you picked
                                                    the wrong college,
                                                    got carried away with
                                                    credit cards, took on way                  from real experience       advice on choosing a
                                                    too much student debt to                   could be useful to people  career, getting a job,
                                                    earn a degree, studied in a                coming along or just get-  and succeeding on the
                                                    field where there are now no               ting started. So please    job. They can post
                                                    jobs, . . ., whatever real                 post your stories. And if  their stories at
                                                    world, post-schooling ex-                  you can, interview and     www.theDailyMistake.
                                                    periences you have had,                    post the stories of other  org, be interviewed by
                                                    please share them at                       people with interesting    Wri2me or a student in
                                                                 paths and experiences.     their area, and even be
                                                                                               With the deteriorating job interviewed via Web

                                                    This is the Web site of
                                                    Wri2me, a Portland-based                   market, the increasingly cam and Skype.
                                                    nonprofit organization that                high cost of college edu- Your stories and advice
                                                    is focused on helping Maine                cations and debts in-      can really make a dif-
                                   Treatment News

                                                    people in their teens and 20s              curred to finance them,    ference for people
                                                    make important decisions, is               and the low completion     coming along behind
                                   Maine Juvenile

                                                    collecting the                                     rates from col-    you.
                                                    stories and                                        leges, our teens
                                                                                                                          Check out :
                                                    perspectives                                       and 20s are facing
                                                    of people                                          difficult choices. org Post your stories.
                                                    with recent                                        They need advice Be in touch with Tom
                                                    real world                                         from people who Tracy
                                                    experience. These may be                   are unbiased and unafraid (
                                                    about getting a job, choos-                to tell what worked and
                                                                                                                          m, 207-415-8412).
                                                    ing a career, whether the                  what didn’t.
                                                    schools and programs at-                   Wri2me is also looking
                                                    tended were worthwhile and
                                                                                               for people of any age
                                                    worth the cost, money, debt

                                                     Inside this issue:
                                                                                                                 What message about Marijuana is
                                                                       Cover        winning online? (YouTube views)
                                                     Encouragement of Marijuana Use from Internet   Page Two     •   “How to Hide Your Stash” 78,130 views in
                                                                                                                     18 months.
                                                     The Online Mom & WiredSafety                   Page Three
                                                                                                                 •   “New Ways to Hide Your Wee” 1,099,466
                                                     Reclaiming Futures Every Day                   Page Four        views in 6 months

                                                     Recovery Capital                               Page Four    •   “Marijuana: Facts for Parents” 8,882
                                                                                                                     views in two years.
                                                                                                                 •   “Marijuana Can Destroy Your Life Parts
                                                                                                                     1, 2, and 3” 588 views in two years.
Encouragement of Marijuana Use From the Internet
 by Paul Grazia MSW Intern - Juvenile Treatment Network
With schools, agencies, juvenile          • Sites that review, in detail, the   Meanwhile, Anti-Drugs videos are
justice and parents working dili-         best places to buy and use drugs in   often very hard to come by and are
gently to lead the battle against         Portland                              usually either parodies or just vid-
adolescents’ exposure to mari-            • A 33-Chapter book which ex-         eos of town meetings or national
juana, one would think that               plains a step by step methodology     speakers. Aside from the content,
marijuana usage would be way              to become a successful drug dealer    which in general will be uninterest-
down. However, that assumption            • An in-depth tutorial on how to      ing to youth, there is another major
doesn’t take into account the             grow marijuana in your home           barrier as their titles are often very
drive and determination of the            without your parents knowing          formal and not subject to a typical
many marijuana users who en-              • Message boards where mari-          adolescent search. Consider these
courage far too many Maine                juana users discuss everything        videos from YouTube:
youth to become users them-               from detecting under cover police     • “Marijuana: Facts for Parents”
selves. In 2008, the MYDAUS               officers and hiding your usage        registered 8,882 views in over two
                                             from your parents                  years
      ...we are losing the online battle,    • Videos about various ways        • “Marijuana Can Destroy Your
                                             to smoke marijuana.                Life Parts 1,2, and 3” combine for
    badly...our lack of easily accessible
                                             • Videos showing and dis-          588 views since August 2007.
      online resources, especially with
                                             cussing the best places to hide    And finally, there is zero anti usage
 videos, is incredibly detrimental to our                                       videos addressing any sort of drug
                                             marijuana at your home and in
   fight against marijuana use in Maine.
                                             your car with special emphasis     usage for the state of Maine.
                                             on how to avoid detection by
results (Maine Youth Drug Al- drug sniffing dogs.                               These numbers make it very appar-
cohol Use Survey) showed that                                                   ent to me that we are losing the
22.7% of adolescent have used With the technological compe-                     online battle, badly, and that our
marijuana at least once in their tence of adoles-                                                 lack of easily ac-
life and 12.7% have used in the cents at an all time                                              cessible    online
last 30 days. For every preven- high, their expo-                                                 resources, espe-
tative action and intervention we sure to this danger-                                            cially with vid-
conduct, there are always people ous material is in-                                              eos, is incredibly
who conduct their own measures evitable. It is my                                                 detrimental to our
to ensure that the usage and dis- feeling that even                                               fight      against
tribution grows, and even re- though drug use                                                     marijuana use in
cruits new members.                       amongst      adoles-                                    Maine.
                                          cents is declining perhaps the last
Like any other resource, the battlefield is online. Consider the                As Maine citizens interested in re-
marijuana users display their in- following videos from YouTube:                ducing substance use, it is our re-
formation online through a wide • “How To Hide Your Stash”                      sponsibility to be aware of this
variety of mediums including recorded 78,130 views in about an                  online solicitation as it has an im-
YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, 18 month period                                     measurable effect on our efforts. By
message boards, and custom • “New Ways To Hide Your                             increasing our awareness of the
made web pages, some of which Weed” recorded 1,099,466 views                    matter, we will drastically improve
even require a password to enter. since February, 2009 only 6                   effectiveness within our target
Through my research online, I months ago!                                       demographic and reintroduce inter-
have found:                                                                     vention into a medium in which it
                                                                                has been long absent.

 Page 2                                                                              M A I N E J U V E N I L E T R E A T M E NT N E W S
The JTN Recommends: being informed about e-technology
During discussions with parents, JTN members and providers of substance abuse prevention and treatment,
we hear frequently about lack of knowledge regarding e-technology. Or maybe about familiarity with the
World Wide Web and its offerings but being overwhelmed by what’s available. Or maybe concern about
safety. We’ve investigated and discovered a few safe and easily negotiated places for the “digital novice.”
We are encouraging you to be informed about the web because our “digital natives” are. It is a grand part of
their culture and it is not going away.


                        About The Online Mom Network
                        The Online Mom Network is a community of caring parents* that aspire to be in-
                        formed and knowledgeable about the technology that is such an everyday part of our
                        children's lives.

You can use the web page for information or you can become a member. As a member of The Online Mom
Network, you will receive weekly Newsletters, technology bulletins, and special offers. All the up-to-the-
minute information and advice on the latest gadgets, web sites, and tech developments that your kids are ex-
periencing and that you need to know about!
*You do not need to be a parent to join or benefit from the information.

                                     Welcome to WiredSafety, the world's largest Internet safety, help and
                                     education resource

WiredSafety, Is A 501(c)(3) Program and the largest online safety, education and help group in the world.
We are a cyber-neighborhood watch and operate worldwide in cyberspace through our more than 9,000 vol-
unteers worldwide. (WiredSafety is run entirely by volunteers.)

WiredSafety is a resource for:

•     help for online victims of cybercrime and harassment
•     assisting law enforcement worldwide on preventing and investigating cybercrimes
•     education
•     providing information on all aspects of online safety, privacy and security.

                         For these links and other resources visit us at our website:

    VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3                                                                                   Page 3
The JTN Also Recommends: Reclaiming Futures Every Day
Another great resource                         grown to 27 sites thanks to a new         Reclaiming Future Every Day is a
we want to highlight in                        investment by RWJF.                       great site for anyone wanting to learn
this newsletter, is the                                                                  more about juvenile justice and also
                                                Reclaiming Futures Every Day is
online blog, Reclaiming                                                                  what is currently happening on the
                                                set up to promote the sharing of
Futures Every Day.                                                                       ground. We feel this could be a great
                                                information about implementing
                                                                                         resource to many of you in the Juve-
The blog is a great                             the model between the sites. It is
                                                                                         nile Treatment Network.
online resource for anyone who               also designed to spread news, infor-
wants to learn more about the Re-                                                        In addition to the blog, you can fol-
claiming Futures model. Reclaim-                                                         low Reclaiming Futures Every Day
ing Futures has been helping young                                                       on Facebook and Twitter. You will
people who have found themselves                                                         find links to both of these features on
in trouble with alcohol, drugs, and          mation, and new research on juve-           the right hand side of the page. You
crime. It began in 2001 with a               nile justice reforms and adolescent         can also sign up to have a weekly
grant from the Robert Wood John-             drug treatment. The goal is not only        digest delivered to you directly via e-
son Foundation (RWJF). It started            to share information between imple-         mail.
with 10 pilot sites and has now              mentation sites, but also with the
                                                                                         You can find the blog at this address:
                                             broader public.

Recovery Capital: A Commentary by Michele Hylen, LCSW, CCS
Do you know what makes Recovery               ery. William White and Susan Godley         adolescence itself. One way to start is
Capital? Recovery Capital is the “total       in “Adolescent Recovery:                               to take an inventory of Re-
internal and external assets that an indi-    What We Need to                                        covery Capital for each youth
vidual can mobilize to initiate and sus-      Know,” (2) pointed out                                 we live with or provide ser-
tain recovery.”(1) Things like suppor-        this dilemma as primary.                               vices to. We’ve talked a lot
tive relationships, positive interests and    They note that we typi-                                about “strengths based.”
activities, perseverance despite difficult    cally think of recovery as                             Recovery Capital is just that.
odds, enjoyable employment or school,         resolution of problems                                 Telling a kid to get rid of
stable housing are examples of such           that help move us toward                               friends who are detrimental
Capital. These are the resources or           greater physical, emo-                                 is not always achievable.
assets we have in the bank if you will,       tional and relational                                  Maybe the telling is, but the
things to keep us going and headed in a       health. What does this                                 actually ridding isn’t. Re-
preferable direction. If we veer away,        mean for youth? More                                   covery Capital for youth
these are the things that can bring us        importantly, what does                                 sometimes means taking the
back to the road of recovery.                 this mean to youth? How                                positive risk to keep some of
                                              do we gauge such a shift and change?        those friends and interact differently.
Recovery Capital is a great concept
                                              Adolescents are constantly shifting and     You get the message. There are no
when adults are working toward change
                                              changing, constantly moving forward         easy answers. With youth in particular,
of any kind, particularly with substance
                                              and backward, sometimes simply be-          let’s make sure we are helping them
abuse recovery. We know that persons
                                              cause that is what their brains do – the    build Recovery Capital that they appre-
with higher amounts of internal and
                                              second most important challenge, the        ciate before or while they are removing
external assets are more likely to re-
                                              adolescent brain.                           the assets (friends who use, feeling
cover from alcohol and other drug use
                                                                                          high) they define as important.
without professional involvement or           As parents, providers, teachers, proba-
with less professional involvement.           tion officers, and members of our
With adolescents or youth we run into a       youths’ communities, we wrestle to-         1.     Cloud, W. & Granfield, R. A Life Course Perspective on
                                              gether to discern how to define adoles-            Exiting Addiction: The Relevance of Recovery Capital in
few more challenges.                                                                             Treatment, p 199.
                                              cent recovery from drugs and alcohol,
One challenge with youth is that we                                                       2.     White, W. * Godley, S. (2007). Adolescent recovery:
                                              from mental health problems, from                  What we need to know. Student Assistance Journal, 19
lack consensus on a definition of recov-                                                         (2), 20-25.

Page 4                                                                                         M A I N E J U V E N I L E T R E A T M E NT N E W S

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J T N Newsletter Fall

  • 1. Volume 1, Issue 3 by Tom Tracy Fall 2009 Do you or anyone you know and credit cards, people who are involved with in their 20s or 30s have sto- and relationship, and hiring and supervising ries that are worthy of challenges faced. What- new employees to get ever people have learned there perspectives and Who are we kidding, of course you do! Whether you picked the wrong college, got carried away with credit cards, took on way from real experience advice on choosing a too much student debt to could be useful to people career, getting a job, earn a degree, studied in a coming along or just get- and succeeding on the field where there are now no ting started. So please job. They can post jobs, . . ., whatever real post your stories. And if their stories at world, post-schooling ex- you can, interview and www.theDailyMistake. periences you have had, post the stories of other org, be interviewed by please share them at people with interesting Wri2me or a student in paths and experiences. their area, and even be With the deteriorating job interviewed via Web WWW.JUVENILETREATMENTNETWORK.ORG This is the Web site of Wri2me, a Portland-based market, the increasingly cam and Skype. nonprofit organization that high cost of college edu- Your stories and advice is focused on helping Maine cations and debts in- can really make a dif- Treatment News people in their teens and 20s curred to finance them, ference for people make important decisions, is and the low completion coming along behind Maine Juvenile collecting the rates from col- you. stories and leges, our teens Check out : perspectives and 20s are facing www.theDailyMistake. of people difficult choices. org Post your stories. with recent They need advice Be in touch with Tom real world from people who Tracy experience. These may be are unbiased and unafraid ( about getting a job, choos- to tell what worked and m, 207-415-8412). ing a career, whether the what didn’t. schools and programs at- Wri2me is also looking tended were worthwhile and for people of any age worth the cost, money, debt Inside this issue: What message about Marijuana is Cover winning online? (YouTube views) Encouragement of Marijuana Use from Internet Page Two • “How to Hide Your Stash” 78,130 views in 18 months. The Online Mom & WiredSafety Page Three • “New Ways to Hide Your Wee” 1,099,466 Reclaiming Futures Every Day Page Four views in 6 months Recovery Capital Page Four • “Marijuana: Facts for Parents” 8,882 views in two years. • “Marijuana Can Destroy Your Life Parts 1, 2, and 3” 588 views in two years.
  • 2. Encouragement of Marijuana Use From the Internet by Paul Grazia MSW Intern - Juvenile Treatment Network With schools, agencies, juvenile • Sites that review, in detail, the Meanwhile, Anti-Drugs videos are justice and parents working dili- best places to buy and use drugs in often very hard to come by and are gently to lead the battle against Portland usually either parodies or just vid- adolescents’ exposure to mari- • A 33-Chapter book which ex- eos of town meetings or national juana, one would think that plains a step by step methodology speakers. Aside from the content, marijuana usage would be way to become a successful drug dealer which in general will be uninterest- down. However, that assumption • An in-depth tutorial on how to ing to youth, there is another major doesn’t take into account the grow marijuana in your home barrier as their titles are often very drive and determination of the without your parents knowing formal and not subject to a typical many marijuana users who en- • Message boards where mari- adolescent search. Consider these courage far too many Maine juana users discuss everything videos from YouTube: youth to become users them- from detecting under cover police • “Marijuana: Facts for Parents” selves. In 2008, the MYDAUS officers and hiding your usage registered 8,882 views in over two from your parents years ...we are losing the online battle, • Videos about various ways • “Marijuana Can Destroy Your to smoke marijuana. Life Parts 1,2, and 3” combine for badly...our lack of easily accessible • Videos showing and dis- 588 views since August 2007. online resources, especially with cussing the best places to hide And finally, there is zero anti usage videos, is incredibly detrimental to our videos addressing any sort of drug marijuana at your home and in fight against marijuana use in Maine. your car with special emphasis usage for the state of Maine. on how to avoid detection by results (Maine Youth Drug Al- drug sniffing dogs. These numbers make it very appar- cohol Use Survey) showed that ent to me that we are losing the 22.7% of adolescent have used With the technological compe- online battle, badly, and that our marijuana at least once in their tence of adoles- lack of easily ac- life and 12.7% have used in the cents at an all time cessible online last 30 days. For every preven- high, their expo- resources, espe- tative action and intervention we sure to this danger- cially with vid- conduct, there are always people ous material is in- eos, is incredibly who conduct their own measures evitable. It is my detrimental to our to ensure that the usage and dis- feeling that even fight against tribution grows, and even re- though drug use marijuana use in cruits new members. amongst adoles- Maine. cents is declining perhaps the last Like any other resource, the battlefield is online. Consider the As Maine citizens interested in re- marijuana users display their in- following videos from YouTube: ducing substance use, it is our re- formation online through a wide • “How To Hide Your Stash” sponsibility to be aware of this variety of mediums including recorded 78,130 views in about an online solicitation as it has an im- YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, 18 month period measurable effect on our efforts. By message boards, and custom • “New Ways To Hide Your increasing our awareness of the made web pages, some of which Weed” recorded 1,099,466 views matter, we will drastically improve even require a password to enter. since February, 2009 only 6 effectiveness within our target Through my research online, I months ago! demographic and reintroduce inter- have found: vention into a medium in which it has been long absent. Page 2 M A I N E J U V E N I L E T R E A T M E NT N E W S
  • 3. The JTN Recommends: being informed about e-technology During discussions with parents, JTN members and providers of substance abuse prevention and treatment, we hear frequently about lack of knowledge regarding e-technology. Or maybe about familiarity with the World Wide Web and its offerings but being overwhelmed by what’s available. Or maybe concern about safety. We’ve investigated and discovered a few safe and easily negotiated places for the “digital novice.” We are encouraging you to be informed about the web because our “digital natives” are. It is a grand part of their culture and it is not going away. About The Online Mom Network The Online Mom Network is a community of caring parents* that aspire to be in- formed and knowledgeable about the technology that is such an everyday part of our children's lives. You can use the web page for information or you can become a member. As a member of The Online Mom Network, you will receive weekly Newsletters, technology bulletins, and special offers. All the up-to-the- minute information and advice on the latest gadgets, web sites, and tech developments that your kids are ex- periencing and that you need to know about! *You do not need to be a parent to join or benefit from the information. Welcome to WiredSafety, the world's largest Internet safety, help and education resource WiredSafety, Is A 501(c)(3) Program and the largest online safety, education and help group in the world. We are a cyber-neighborhood watch and operate worldwide in cyberspace through our more than 9,000 vol- unteers worldwide. (WiredSafety is run entirely by volunteers.) WiredSafety is a resource for: • help for online victims of cybercrime and harassment • assisting law enforcement worldwide on preventing and investigating cybercrimes • education • providing information on all aspects of online safety, privacy and security. For these links and other resources visit us at our website: VOLUME 1, ISSUE 3 Page 3
  • 4. The JTN Also Recommends: Reclaiming Futures Every Day Another great resource grown to 27 sites thanks to a new Reclaiming Future Every Day is a we want to highlight in investment by RWJF. great site for anyone wanting to learn this newsletter, is the more about juvenile justice and also Reclaiming Futures Every Day is online blog, Reclaiming what is currently happening on the set up to promote the sharing of Futures Every Day. ground. We feel this could be a great information about implementing resource to many of you in the Juve- The blog is a great the model between the sites. It is nile Treatment Network. online resource for anyone who also designed to spread news, infor- wants to learn more about the Re- In addition to the blog, you can fol- claiming Futures model. Reclaim- low Reclaiming Futures Every Day ing Futures has been helping young on Facebook and Twitter. You will people who have found themselves find links to both of these features on in trouble with alcohol, drugs, and mation, and new research on juve- the right hand side of the page. You crime. It began in 2001 with a nile justice reforms and adolescent can also sign up to have a weekly grant from the Robert Wood John- drug treatment. The goal is not only digest delivered to you directly via e- son Foundation (RWJF). It started to share information between imple- mail. with 10 pilot sites and has now mentation sites, but also with the You can find the blog at this address: broader public. Recovery Capital: A Commentary by Michele Hylen, LCSW, CCS Do you know what makes Recovery ery. William White and Susan Godley adolescence itself. One way to start is Capital? Recovery Capital is the “total in “Adolescent Recovery: to take an inventory of Re- internal and external assets that an indi- What We Need to covery Capital for each youth vidual can mobilize to initiate and sus- Know,” (2) pointed out we live with or provide ser- tain recovery.”(1) Things like suppor- this dilemma as primary. vices to. We’ve talked a lot tive relationships, positive interests and They note that we typi- about “strengths based.” activities, perseverance despite difficult cally think of recovery as Recovery Capital is just that. odds, enjoyable employment or school, resolution of problems Telling a kid to get rid of stable housing are examples of such that help move us toward friends who are detrimental Capital. These are the resources or greater physical, emo- is not always achievable. assets we have in the bank if you will, tional and relational Maybe the telling is, but the things to keep us going and headed in a health. What does this actually ridding isn’t. Re- preferable direction. If we veer away, mean for youth? More covery Capital for youth these are the things that can bring us importantly, what does sometimes means taking the back to the road of recovery. this mean to youth? How positive risk to keep some of do we gauge such a shift and change? those friends and interact differently. Recovery Capital is a great concept Adolescents are constantly shifting and You get the message. There are no when adults are working toward change changing, constantly moving forward easy answers. With youth in particular, of any kind, particularly with substance and backward, sometimes simply be- let’s make sure we are helping them abuse recovery. We know that persons cause that is what their brains do – the build Recovery Capital that they appre- with higher amounts of internal and second most important challenge, the ciate before or while they are removing external assets are more likely to re- adolescent brain. the assets (friends who use, feeling cover from alcohol and other drug use high) they define as important. without professional involvement or As parents, providers, teachers, proba- with less professional involvement. tion officers, and members of our With adolescents or youth we run into a youths’ communities, we wrestle to- 1. Cloud, W. & Granfield, R. A Life Course Perspective on gether to discern how to define adoles- Exiting Addiction: The Relevance of Recovery Capital in few more challenges. Treatment, p 199. cent recovery from drugs and alcohol, One challenge with youth is that we 2. White, W. * Godley, S. (2007). Adolescent recovery: from mental health problems, from What we need to know. Student Assistance Journal, 19 lack consensus on a definition of recov- (2), 20-25. Page 4 M A I N E J U V E N I L E T R E A T M E NT N E W S