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Building Quick APIs
by Gavin Pickin
Building Quick APIs
by Gavin Pickin
Gavin Pickin
Who am I?
• Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions
• Work with ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox
APIs and VueJS every day!
• Working with Coldfusion for 22 years
• Working with Javascript just as long
• Love learning and sharing the lessons learned
• From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca
• Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters
What is this talk?
We will setup a secure API using fluent query language - and
you’ll see how quick Quick development can be!
We will use
● ColdBox
● ColdBox’s built in REST BaseHandler
● Route Visualizer
● CBSecurity
● Quick ORM
What is this talk not?
● We will not be adding an API to a Legacy Site
● We will not be adding an API to a non ColdBox site
● It is not my CF Meetup Talk “Building APIs with
ColdFusion Part 1”
Why should I give this talk?
• I build a lot of APIs for Customers
• I have seen many different ways to build an API
• I’m going to share some of the lessons I have learned.
• I try to present in step by step follow along later
format that I think you’ll love
• Hopefully you’ll learn something
• Hopefully it will be useful.
What is an API?
API is an application programming interface
More commonly when someone says API today they think of
an JSON API, usually we hope for a REST API but not always.
APIs can be xml, soap, but it’s very common to talk about
JSON apis, and that’s what we’re talking about today.
Although most of it is relatable.
What is REST
REST is acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. It is
architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems and
was first presented by Roy Fielding in 2000 in his famous
All REST are APIs but not all APIs are REST.
Guiding Principles of REST
● Client–server
● Stateless
● Cacheable
● Uniform interface
● Layered system
The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information
that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal
service, a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person),
and so on. REST uses a resource identifier to identify the particular resource
involved in an interaction between components.
What App are we working on?
SOAPBOX API - An API for a twitter clone we built for our ColdBox Zero to Hero Training.
Let’s do this!!!
Start up CommandBox!!!
Create a ColdBox App
box coldbox create app soapbox-api
This installs:
● ColdBox
● TestBox
● CommandBox-dotEnv
● CommandBox-cfconfig
● CommandBox-cfformat
Let’s update our .env
● Change the connection string to match our DB - soapboxapi
● Change the DB_DATABASE to match our DB - soapboxapi
● Change ports, user name and password to match
Let’s start our server
That port matches the testbox runner in the box.json - our site - our tests
box start port=53163
Let’s plan our API
What is an Example URL - /api/v01/users
We’re going to make API a module with a V01 module inside of it.
● Add modules_app folder for this apps custom modules
● Add modules_app/api folder with ModuleConfig.cfc
● Add modules_app/api/modules/api-v01 folder with ModuleConfig.cfc
API - V01
Let’s build out our API V01 Module
● Add modules_app/api/modules/api-v01/config Folder with Router.cfc
● Setup the base route of “/” to go to main.index
● Add api-v01/handlers/main.cfc which extends coldbox.system.RestHandler
● Add index event in the main handler
● Index event should sets data in the response object to welcome the user to
the api.
API - V01
Let’s plan our API
USER resource
GET /api/v02/users - get a list of users
POST /api/v02/users - create a new user
GET /api/v02/users/:userID - get a single user
POST /api/v02/users/:userID - update a single user
DELETE /api/v02/users/:userID - delete a single user
API - V02
Add User Resource to Router.cfc
resource = "users",
handler = "users",
parameterName = "userID",
only = [ "index", "show", "create", "update", "delete" ]
API - V02
Let’s view our Routes
box install route-visualizer
API - V02
Build our Users Handler
function index( event, rc, prc ){
event.getResponse().setData( "List Users" );
function create( event, rc, prc ){
event.getResponse().setData( "Create User" );
API - V02
Secure our CUD Actions
Let’s use CBSecurity to lock down our non READ functionality
API - V03
Install CBSecurity
Add the Config to your config/ColdBox.cfc
Add a JWT Secret incase .env has a blank one
Add “api-v03:main.index” for “invalidAuthenticationEvent”
Add “api-v03:main.index” for “invalidAuthorizationEvent”
API - V03
box install cbsecurity
Add Secured Metadata
function create( event, rc, prc ) secured{
event.getResponse().setData( "Create Users" );
API - V03
Check our Security
You will get redirected to main.index
API - V03
Updating Redirects for API Authentication
and Authorization Issues
You should really setup your main ColdBox app for an HTML page and
your API module for an API page
Add settings to the API-v04 Module Config
Add “api-v04:main.index” for “invalidAuthenticationEvent”
Add “api-v04:main.index” for “invalidAuthorizationEvent”
API - V04
Updating Redirects for API Authentication
and Authorization Issues
Now we are redirected to an API Handler
You can add new methods for onInvalidAuth and or
onInvalidAuthorization to be more specific in your responses
API - V04
Install and Configure Quick
add a datasource definition in Application.cfc
API - V05
this.datasource = "soapboxapi";
box install quick
Create our Quick User Entity
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {
property name="id" type="string";
property name="username" type="string";
property name="email" type="string";
property name="password" type="string";
API - V05
Quick is Smart
● Quick guesses the table is named Users because the entity is User
● Quick guesses the Primary Key is ID
● Quick uses the Datasource defined in the Application.cfc
● Quick can make a Virtual Service for us from a WireBox Injection
property name="userService" inject="quickService:User@api-v05";
Quick does a lot for us
API - V05
Show a User
function show( event, rc, prc ){
event.paramValue( "userID", 0 );
.findOrFail( rc.userID )
API - V05
Show a User
API - V05
What if we can’t find that User?
404 response
API - V05
Return a list of Users
function index( event, rc, prc ){
API - V06
What is asMemento()
asMemento() is a special function that tells quick you want to map over
all of the objects in the array, and call getMemento() on all of the items
.get().getMemento() doesn’t work because .get() returns an array
As memento is essentially the following done for you.
...get().map( (item) => { return item.getMemento() } );
API - V06
Reinit and check the API
API - V06
Configuring Mementifier
● We don’t want to return all of the fields
● For example Password, even if it is encrypted
API - V07
Mementifier Inline Excludes
API - V07
excludes=[ "password" ]
Mementifier - Inline Includes
API - V08
includes=[ "id", "username", "email" ],
ignoreDefaults = true
Mementifier - Entity Config
API - V09
this.memento = {
defaultIncludes=[ "username", "email" ],
Mementifier - Inline Includes
API - V10
function index( event, rc, prc ){
includes=[ “ID” ]
Using Where to Filter Users
API - V11
event.paramValue( "username_filter", "" );
.where( "username", "like", '%#rc.username_filter#%')
Using Scope to Filter Users
API - V12
//handler - use this
// not this
userService.where( "username", "like", '%#rc.username_filter#%')
// models/User.cfc
function scopeWhereUsernameLike( qb, filter ){
qb.where( "Username", "like", '%#filter#%' )
Using Dynamic Where to Match Users
API - V13
Using When for Empty Variables
API - V14
.when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) {
Using When for Empty Variables
API - V14
.when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) {
Using When for Empty Variables
API - V14
.when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) {
Using ‘Or’ for Similar Filters
API - V15
.when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) {
Using ‘Or’ for Similar Filters
API - V15
.orWhere( function(q){
q.when( len( rc.username ), function( q2 ) {
Setup Rant Resource
API - V16
resource = "rants",
handler = "rants",
parameterName = "rantID",
only = [ "index", "show", "create", "update", "delete" ]
Setup Rant Handler
API - V16
* Manage Rants API Handler
component extends="coldbox.system.RestHandler "{
* Display a list of Rants
function index( event, rc, prc ){
event.getResponse().setData( "Show Rants");
* Create a Rant
Test Rant Resource
API - V16
Create Rant Entity
API - V17
component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" {
property name="id" type="string";
property name="body" type="string";
property name="createdDate" type="date";
property name="modifiedDate" type="date";
property name="userID" type="string";
Inject Rant Service and Return Rants
API - V17
property name="rantService" inject="quickService:Rant@api-v17";
function index( event, rc, prc ){
Paginate the Rants Returned
API - V18
● We don’t want to return every record, it will only
grow longer and longer over time, and
performance will suffer
● ColdBox RESTBaseHandler already has Pagination
● Let’s use Quick’s Paginate function
Paginate the Rants Returned
API - V18
Paginate the Rants Returned
API - V18
Why do we have 2 sets of Pagination Data???
Use SetDataWithPagination
API - V19
Return Rants User Information
// Add User Relationship to Rant.cfc
function user(){
return hasOne( "User@api-v20", "id", "userID" );
API - V20
// Update Rants.cfc handler
.asMemento( includes="user" )
Return Rants User Information
API - V20
Return Rants User Information
API - V20
● Nested Fields
● What if we just want 1 field?
● How is Mementifier getting the
Return Rants with SubSelect User Information
API - V21
.addSubselect( "username", "user.username")
Return a Count of Rants for Users
API - V22
// Add Rants Relationship to models/User.cfc
function rants(){
return hasMany( "Rant@api-v22", "userID", "id" );
// Update users.cfc handler
.withCount( "rants" )
Return Recent Rants for Users
API - V23
get( "/users/:userID/rants"
, "userRants.index" );
// Handlers/userRants.cfc
function index( event, rc, prc ){
event.paramValue( "userID", "" );
event.paramValue( "page", 1 );
event.paramValue( "per_page", 10 );
.where( "userID", rc.userID )
.orderBy( "createdDate", "desc" )
.paginate(, rc.per_page )
Create a new Rant
API - V24
function create( event, rc, prc ){
event.paramValue( "userID", "" );
event.paramValue( "body", "" );
.findOrFail( rc.userID )
.create( { body: rc.body } );
event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Created" );
View the new Rant
API - V24
What if we add an Empty Rant
API - V24
Not User
Validate a new Rant
API - V25
box Install cbvalidation
Validate a new Rant - Handler Constraints
API - V25
var validationResult = validate(
target = rc,
constraints = { body : { required : true } }
if ( !validationResult.hasErrors() ) {
// Normal API Response
} else {
.setError( true )
.addMessage( validationResult.getAllErrors() )
.setStatusCode( 400 )
.setStatusText( "Validation error" );
Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints
API - V26
this.constraints = {
body : { required : true },
userID: { required : true, type : "numeric" }
// Handler/rants.cfc
var rant = getInstance( "Rant@api-v26" )
.fill({ body: rc.body, userID: rc.userID });
validateOrFail( rant );
var user = userService.findOrFail( rc.userID );;
event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Created" );
Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints
API - V26
Body is missing or empty
Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints
API - V26
UserID is not numeric
Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints
API - V26
UserID is numeric but not in User table
Edit a Rant
API - V27
event.paramValue( "rantID", 0 );
event.paramValue( "body", "" );
var rant = rantService.findOrFail( rc.rantID )
.fill({ body: rc.body });
validateOrFail( rant );;
event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Updated" );
Edit a Rant - Success
API - V27
Edit a Rant - Missing Body
API - V27
Delete a Rant
API - V28
function delete( event, rc, prc ){
event.paramValue( "rantID", 0 );
var rant = rantService.findOrFail( rc.rantID ).delete();
event.getResponse().setData( "Delete a Rant" );
Delete a Rant that doesn’t Exist
API - V28
Delete a Rant that does Exist
API - V28
Secure the Add / Edit Rant
function create( event, rc, prc ) secured{ … }
function update( event, rc, prc ) secured{ … }
API - V29
Secure the Delete Rant with a Special Permission
API - V29
function delete( event, rc, prc ) secured="RANT__DELETE"{ … }
Create a Generate JWT Endpoint
post( "/login", "session.create" );
delete( "/logout", "session.delete" );
function create( event, rc, prc ){
token = jwtAuth().fromuser( userService.findOrFail( 2 ) );
.addMessage( "Token Created" )
.setData( token );
function delete( event, rc, prc ){
event.getResponse().setData( "Delete Session - Log Out" );
API - V30
Decorate User.cfc Entity for JWT
API - V30
* A struct of custom claims to add to the JWT token
struct function getJWTCustomClaims(){
return {};
* This function returns an array of all the scopes that should be attached to the JWT
* token that will be used for authorization.
array function getJWTScopes(){
return [];
Hit Generate JWT Endpoint
API - V30
Use JWT to Add a Rant
API - V30
But Wait, there’s more (I wish)
I really wanted to show you more, but we don’t have all day.
Join me at the CF Online Meetup where I do this again, maybe
Join me for the October Ortus Webinar as we build on top of this.
We might make a CFCasts series out of this if you like this style of
You can use images and add them opacity at 90%. This will blend the image
with the gradient background. This is a good option for subtitles also.
Testing APIs with TestBox
with Javier Quintero
Up Next
Twitter: @gpickin
Gavin Pickin
Senior Software Consultant
Ortus Solutions, Corp

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Itb 2021 - Bulding Quick APIs by Gavin Pickin

  • 1. Building Quick APIs by Gavin Pickin
  • 2. Building Quick APIs by Gavin Pickin
  • 3.
  • 4. Gavin Pickin Who am I? • Software Consultant for Ortus Solutions • Work with ColdBox, CommandBox, ContentBox APIs and VueJS every day! • Working with Coldfusion for 22 years • Working with Javascript just as long • Love learning and sharing the lessons learned • From New Zealand, live in Bakersfield, Ca • Loving wife, lots of kids, and countless critters @gpickin
  • 5. What is this talk? We will setup a secure API using fluent query language - and you’ll see how quick Quick development can be! We will use ● ColdBox ● ColdBox’s built in REST BaseHandler ● Route Visualizer ● CBSecurity ● Quick ORM
  • 6. What is this talk not? ● We will not be adding an API to a Legacy Site ● We will not be adding an API to a non ColdBox site ● It is not my CF Meetup Talk “Building APIs with ColdFusion Part 1” BUT YOU COULD DO ALL OF THESE THINGS WITH THE KNOWLEDGE FROM THIS TALK
  • 7. Why should I give this talk? • I build a lot of APIs for Customers • I have seen many different ways to build an API • I’m going to share some of the lessons I have learned. • I try to present in step by step follow along later format that I think you’ll love • Hopefully you’ll learn something • Hopefully it will be useful.
  • 8. What is an API? API is an application programming interface More commonly when someone says API today they think of an JSON API, usually we hope for a REST API but not always. APIs can be xml, soap, but it’s very common to talk about JSON apis, and that’s what we’re talking about today. Although most of it is relatable.
  • 9. REST JSON API vs JSON API What is REST REST is acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. It is architectural style for distributed hypermedia systems and was first presented by Roy Fielding in 2000 in his famous dissertation. All REST are APIs but not all APIs are REST.
  • 10. Guiding Principles of REST ● Client–server ● Stateless ● Cacheable ● Uniform interface ● Layered system The key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service, a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. REST uses a resource identifier to identify the particular resource involved in an interaction between components.
  • 11. What App are we working on? SOAPBOX API - An API for a twitter clone we built for our ColdBox Zero to Hero Training.
  • 12. Let’s do this!!! Start up CommandBox!!!
  • 13. Create a ColdBox App box coldbox create app soapbox-api This installs: ● ColdBox ● TestBox ● CommandBox-dotEnv ● CommandBox-cfconfig ● CommandBox-cfformat
  • 14. Let’s update our .env ● Change the connection string to match our DB - soapboxapi ● Change the DB_DATABASE to match our DB - soapboxapi ● Change ports, user name and password to match
  • 15. Let’s start our server That port matches the testbox runner in the box.json - our site - our tests box start port=53163
  • 16. Let’s plan our API What is an Example URL - /api/v01/users We’re going to make API a module with a V01 module inside of it. ● Add modules_app folder for this apps custom modules ● Add modules_app/api folder with ModuleConfig.cfc ● Add modules_app/api/modules/api-v01 folder with ModuleConfig.cfc API - V01
  • 17. Let’s build out our API V01 Module ● Add modules_app/api/modules/api-v01/config Folder with Router.cfc ● Setup the base route of “/” to go to main.index ● Add api-v01/handlers/main.cfc which extends coldbox.system.RestHandler ● Add index event in the main handler ● Index event should sets data in the response object to welcome the user to the api. API - V01
  • 18. Let’s plan our API USER resource GET /api/v02/users - get a list of users POST /api/v02/users - create a new user GET /api/v02/users/:userID - get a single user POST /api/v02/users/:userID - update a single user DELETE /api/v02/users/:userID - delete a single user API - V02
  • 19. Add User Resource to Router.cfc resources( resource = "users", handler = "users", parameterName = "userID", only = [ "index", "show", "create", "update", "delete" ] ); API - V02
  • 20. Let’s view our Routes box install route-visualizer API - V02
  • 21. Build our Users Handler function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( "List Users" ); } function create( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( "Create User" ); } API - V02
  • 22. Secure our CUD Actions Let’s use CBSecurity to lock down our non READ functionality ● CREATE ● UPDATE ● DELETE API - V03
  • 23. Install CBSecurity Add the Config to your config/ColdBox.cfc Add a JWT Secret incase .env has a blank one Add “api-v03:main.index” for “invalidAuthenticationEvent” Add “api-v03:main.index” for “invalidAuthorizationEvent” API - V03 box install cbsecurity
  • 24. Add Secured Metadata function create( event, rc, prc ) secured{ event.getResponse().setData( "Create Users" ); } API - V03
  • 26. Updating Redirects for API Authentication and Authorization Issues You should really setup your main ColdBox app for an HTML page and your API module for an API page Add settings to the API-v04 Module Config Add “api-v04:main.index” for “invalidAuthenticationEvent” Add “api-v04:main.index” for “invalidAuthorizationEvent” API - V04
  • 27. Updating Redirects for API Authentication and Authorization Issues Now we are redirected to an API Handler You can add new methods for onInvalidAuth and or onInvalidAuthorization to be more specific in your responses API - V04
  • 28. Install and Configure Quick add a datasource definition in Application.cfc API - V05 this.datasource = "soapboxapi"; box install quick
  • 29. Create our Quick User Entity component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" { property name="id" type="string"; property name="username" type="string"; property name="email" type="string"; property name="password" type="string"; } API - V05
  • 30. Quick is Smart ● Quick guesses the table is named Users because the entity is User ● Quick guesses the Primary Key is ID ● Quick uses the Datasource defined in the Application.cfc ● Quick can make a Virtual Service for us from a WireBox Injection property name="userService" inject="quickService:User@api-v05"; Quick does a lot for us API - V05
  • 31. Show a User function show( event, rc, prc ){ event.paramValue( "userID", 0 ); event.getResponse().setData( userService .findOrFail( rc.userID ) .getMemento() ); } API - V05
  • 33. What if we can’t find that User? 404 response API - V05
  • 34. Return a list of Users function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( userService .asMemento() .get() ); } API - V06
  • 35. What is asMemento() asMemento() is a special function that tells quick you want to map over all of the objects in the array, and call getMemento() on all of the items .get().getMemento() doesn’t work because .get() returns an array As memento is essentially the following done for you. ...get().map( (item) => { return item.getMemento() } ); API - V06
  • 36. Reinit and check the API API - V06
  • 37. Configuring Mementifier ● We don’t want to return all of the fields ● For example Password, even if it is encrypted API - V07
  • 38. Mementifier Inline Excludes API - V07 userService .asMemento( excludes=[ "password" ] ) .get()
  • 39. Mementifier - Inline Includes API - V08 userService .asMemento( includes=[ "id", "username", "email" ], ignoreDefaults = true ) .get()
  • 40. Mementifier - Entity Config API - V09 //models/User.cfc this.memento = { defaultIncludes=[ "username", "email" ], neverInclude=["password"] }
  • 41. Mementifier - Inline Includes API - V10 function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( userService .asMemento( includes=[ “ID” ] ) .get() ); }
  • 42. Using Where to Filter Users API - V11 event.paramValue( "username_filter", "" ); event.getResponse().setData( userService .where( "username", "like", '%#rc.username_filter#%') .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get() );
  • 43. Using Scope to Filter Users API - V12 //handler - use this userService.whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) // not this userService.where( "username", "like", '%#rc.username_filter#%') // models/User.cfc function scopeWhereUsernameLike( qb, filter ){ qb.where( "Username", "like", '%#filter#%' ) }
  • 44. Using Dynamic Where to Match Users API - V13 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .whereUsername(rc.username) .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get()
  • 45. Using When for Empty Variables API - V14 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) { q.whereUsername(rc.username) } .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get()
  • 46. Using When for Empty Variables API - V14 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) { q.whereUsername(rc.username) } .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get()
  • 47. Using When for Empty Variables API - V14 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) { q.whereUsername(rc.username) } .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get()
  • 48. Using ‘Or’ for Similar Filters API - V15 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .when( len( rc.username ), function( q ) { q.whereUsername(rc.username) } .asMemento( includes="ID" ) .get()
  • 49. Using ‘Or’ for Similar Filters API - V15 userService .whereUsernameLike(rc.username_filter) .orWhere( function(q){ q.when( len( rc.username ), function( q2 ) { q2.orwhereUsername(rc.username) }) })
  • 50. Setup Rant Resource API - V16 resources( resource = "rants", handler = "rants", parameterName = "rantID", only = [ "index", "show", "create", "update", "delete" ] );
  • 51. Setup Rant Handler API - V16 /** * Manage Rants API Handler * */ component extends="coldbox.system.RestHandler "{ /** * Display a list of Rants */ function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( "Show Rants"); } /** * Create a Rant */
  • 52. Test Rant Resource API - V16
  • 53. Create Rant Entity API - V17 component extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors="true" { property name="id" type="string"; property name="body" type="string"; property name="createdDate" type="date"; property name="modifiedDate" type="date"; property name="userID" type="string"; }
  • 54. Inject Rant Service and Return Rants API - V17 property name="rantService" inject="quickService:Rant@api-v17"; function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.getResponse().setData( rantService .asMemento() .get() ); }
  • 55. Paginate the Rants Returned API - V18 ● We don’t want to return every record, it will only grow longer and longer over time, and performance will suffer ● ColdBox RESTBaseHandler already has Pagination information ● Let’s use Quick’s Paginate function
  • 56. Paginate the Rants Returned API - V18 event.getResponse().setData( rantService .asMemento() .paginate(1,10) );
  • 57. Paginate the Rants Returned API - V18 event.getResponse().setData( rantService .asMemento() .paginate(1,10) ); Why do we have 2 sets of Pagination Data???
  • 58. Use SetDataWithPagination API - V19 event .getResponse() .setDataWithPagination( rantService .asMemento() .paginate(1,10) );
  • 59. Return Rants User Information // Add User Relationship to Rant.cfc function user(){ return hasOne( "User@api-v20", "id", "userID" ); } API - V20 // Update Rants.cfc handler event.getResponse().setDataWithPagination( rantService .asMemento( includes="user" ) .paginate(1,10) );
  • 60. Return Rants User Information API - V20
  • 61. Return Rants User Information API - V20 ● Nested Fields ● What if we just want 1 field? ● How is Mementifier getting the data??
  • 62. Return Rants with SubSelect User Information API - V21 event.getResponse().setDataWithPagination( rantService .addSubselect( "username", "user.username") .asMemento() .paginate(1,10) );
  • 63. Return a Count of Rants for Users API - V22 // Add Rants Relationship to models/User.cfc function rants(){ return hasMany( "Rant@api-v22", "userID", "id" ); } // Update users.cfc handler userService .withCount( "rants" ) .asMemento( includes=["ID","rantsCount"] ) .get()
  • 64. Return Recent Rants for Users API - V23 //Router.cfc get( "/users/:userID/rants" , "userRants.index" ); // Handlers/userRants.cfc function index( event, rc, prc ){ event.paramValue( "userID", "" ); event.paramValue( "page", 1 ); event.paramValue( "per_page", 10 ); event.getResponse().setDataWithPagination ( rantService .where( "userID", rc.userID ) .orderBy( "createdDate", "desc" ) .asMemento() .paginate(, rc.per_page ) ); }
  • 65. Create a new Rant API - V24 function create( event, rc, prc ){ event.paramValue( "userID", "" ); event.paramValue( "body", "" ); userService .findOrFail( rc.userID ) .rants() .create( { body: rc.body } ); event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Created" ); }
  • 66. View the new Rant API - V24
  • 67. What if we add an Empty Rant API - V24 Not User Friendly
  • 68. Validate a new Rant API - V25 box Install cbvalidation
  • 69. Validate a new Rant - Handler Constraints API - V25 var validationResult = validate( target = rc, constraints = { body : { required : true } } ) if ( !validationResult.hasErrors() ) { // Normal API Response } else { event.getResponse() .setError( true ) .addMessage( validationResult.getAllErrors() ) .setStatusCode( 400 ) .setStatusText( "Validation error" ); }
  • 70. Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints API - V26 //Rant.cfc this.constraints = { body : { required : true }, userID: { required : true, type : "numeric" } }; // Handler/rants.cfc var rant = getInstance( "Rant@api-v26" ) .fill({ body: rc.body, userID: rc.userID }); validateOrFail( rant ); var user = userService.findOrFail( rc.userID );; event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Created" );
  • 71. Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints API - V26 Body is missing or empty
  • 72. Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints API - V26 UserID is not numeric
  • 73. Validate a new Rant - Entity Constraints API - V26 UserID is numeric but not in User table
  • 74. Edit a Rant API - V27 event.paramValue( "rantID", 0 ); event.paramValue( "body", "" ); var rant = rantService.findOrFail( rc.rantID ) .fill({ body: rc.body }); validateOrFail( rant );; event.getResponse().setData( "Rant Updated" );
  • 75. Edit a Rant - Success API - V27
  • 76. Edit a Rant - Missing Body API - V27
  • 77. Delete a Rant API - V28 function delete( event, rc, prc ){ event.paramValue( "rantID", 0 ); var rant = rantService.findOrFail( rc.rantID ).delete(); event.getResponse().setData( "Delete a Rant" ); }
  • 78. Delete a Rant that doesn’t Exist API - V28
  • 79. Delete a Rant that does Exist API - V28
  • 80. Secure the Add / Edit Rant function create( event, rc, prc ) secured{ … } function update( event, rc, prc ) secured{ … } API - V29 NOT LOGGED IN
  • 81. Secure the Delete Rant with a Special Permission API - V29 function delete( event, rc, prc ) secured="RANT__DELETE"{ … } NOT LOGGED IN
  • 82. Create a Generate JWT Endpoint //Router.cfc post( "/login", "session.create" ); delete( "/logout", "session.delete" ); //handlers/session.cfc function create( event, rc, prc ){ token = jwtAuth().fromuser( userService.findOrFail( 2 ) ); event.getResponse() .addMessage( "Token Created" ) .setData( token ); } function delete( event, rc, prc ){ jwtAuth().logout(); event.getResponse().setData( "Delete Session - Log Out" ); } API - V30
  • 83. Decorate User.cfc Entity for JWT API - V30 /** * A struct of custom claims to add to the JWT token */ struct function getJWTCustomClaims(){ return {}; } /** * This function returns an array of all the scopes that should be attached to the JWT * token that will be used for authorization. */ array function getJWTScopes(){ return []; }
  • 84. Hit Generate JWT Endpoint API - V30
  • 85. Use JWT to Add a Rant API - V30
  • 86. But Wait, there’s more (I wish) I really wanted to show you more, but we don’t have all day. Join me at the CF Online Meetup where I do this again, maybe slower/better Join me for the October Ortus Webinar as we build on top of this. We might make a CFCasts series out of this if you like this style of content
  • 87. You can use images and add them opacity at 90%. This will blend the image with the gradient background. This is a good option for subtitles also. Testing APIs with TestBox with Javier Quintero Up Next
  • 88. E-mail: Twitter: @gpickin Gavin Pickin Senior Software Consultant Ortus Solutions, Corp