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Abstract july 2005

     Quella che segue è una sintesi della Ricerca Comparativa fra giovani imprenditori egiziani ed italiani,
realizzata con FORMAPER, all'interno del Progetto EBIS per la costruzione di una Entrepreneurship
Academy, parte dell'esistente Egyptian Junior Business Association che è attiva a Il Cairo dal 2001.
     L'Academy è finalizzata alla promozione e allo sviluppo dell'imprenditorialità delle PMI in Egitto,
attraverso servizi di formazione, consulenza, project start up, networking ecc. Il progetto ha previsto la
progettazione e la preparazione di uno specifico Strategic Business Plan che ho realizzato conducendo
anche questa Comparative Research sottoforma di Progetto Pilota.
     In sintesi, lo Strategic Business Plan pone il focus sull'intera organizzazione mentre il Business Plan di
solito si riferisce a un programma, prodotto o servizio specifico. Vuole dare un contributo al processo
decisionale strategico nel determinare dove l'organizzazione vuole andare nei prossimi anni (mission,
vision, obiettivi), come ci vuole arrivare (strategie, partnership, struttura organizzativa, approcci al
marketing) e come saprà se c'è arrivata (indicatori generali) Oltre a essere più conciso e meno "finanziario"
del Business Plan, l'SBP è un valido strumento per canalizzare energie, risorse, lavoro in team del Comitato
di Direzione. In questo caso specifico ha avuto una forte valenza operativa poiché al suo interno sono stati
inseriti alcuni Progetti Pilota concreti e velocemente realizzabili, che sono serviti per correggere
l'approccio, testarlo, validarlo e contemporaneamente trasferire know how al partner locale.
                                                                                                    Adalberto Geradini
                                              Abstract from:
                                    Strategic Business Plan July 2005
                                                Annex 1:
                                  COMPARATIVE RESEARCH REPORT
3.   ACTIONS, methodology
4.   OUTPUT, overall considerations
     5.1 The interview grid
     5.2 Comparison
     5.3 Abstracts of the 6 case studies

     Formaper, Agency of Milan Chamber of Commerce Industry Craft and Agriculture sezione Attività
Internazionali,, and EJB, Egyptian Junior Business Association,, have
designed a cooperation project in the field of entrepreneurship development and support to new
entrepreneurs. The project acts under the umbrella of the programme named “EBIS” managed by
Eurochambres, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the Egyptian
Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC) and it is aimed at supporting Egyptian business representative
organisations through training and capacity building initiatives provided by the European Chamber
     Through the implementation of pilot activities, the project will achieve the drawing up the Strategic
Business Plan for setting up of the EJBAcademy which will function as a platform where training initiatives
and promotion activities will be designed and implemented in order to spread in the Egyptian society the
value of entrepreneurship . One of the pilot actions foreseen by the project, is to conduct a comparative
study on needs analysis of new entrepreneurs in Egypt and in Italy. The study has been realised with the
scope to produce material that could be utilised by Entrepreneurship Academy (EA) of EJB during its future
activities to design and produce tailor-made and effective services of entrepreneurial support activities.
     This activity had Formaper and EJB experts interviewing 3 new entrepreneurs in Egypt – members of
EJB – to analyze and assess the start up phase of their business, observe the process of elaboration of
entrepreneurial ideas, discuss the encountered obstacles and difficulties, analyze the available of support
services and their effectiveness. The same activity has been conducted with 3 new entrepreneurs in Italy and
at the end the following document, containing observations raised by the different “case histories” has been

                           adalberto geradini                    1
Abstract july 2005

     The main goal of this comparative study, based on samples of some new entrepreneurs (6) in Egypt and
in Italy, is double: on one side is to observe the process of elaboration of entrepreneurial business in order to
show some concrete clues and guidelines to the would-be entrepreneurs that can also be of encouragement to
them. On the other side is to produce material useful for training institutions to find which training support is
necessary to new entrepreneurs, since the mission of a pragmatic entrepreneurial training is not only to foster
the set-up of new enterprises but first and foremost, insure highest survival rate of the newly established
businesses facilitating their further growth and development.
     The objective is not to identify experiences that can be reproduced as they are, as the transferring process
requires in any case a deep action to conform to local circumstances, but to help new entrepreneurs to
understand the complex processes that are the base of the success of examined organisations and to identify
concrete examples containing ideas and practices where to learn. It has been assumed that showing some
various experiences, even in some case not homogeneous, will help to germinate and to develop, through a
“cross contamination learning process”, good practices. For that reason the six case studies have been
chosen for their innovative character in the context where they operate and in situations very different in
terms of clients, typology of services offered and management aspects. At last the intention of this
investigation was to describe and to analyze successful business experiences, born and developed in different
conditions to verify what can be transferred in the environments where EA will be active, and not to produce
an academically research.
     Secondly, as the starting phase of a new enterprise usually is the most delicate one, we have been
interested in focusing how entrepreneurs started and how they adapted to their environment, without any
intention to define a model, but to obtain basic inputs for designing effective services to support youngs in
business with new training and support initiatives, connected to the needs of the local market. For that reason
it has been selected organisations alive and active on the market since a minimum of 2-3 years that have
already overcame the difficulties connected to the initial start up phase. These case histories could make up
valuable tools for EA called to plan and to implement the new services, giving suggestions for service
implementation, to suggest concrete actions and services to support the start up, the management and the
development of young entrepreneurial activities.

     The analysis of the six cases has been done by means of interviews utilising a questionnaire having a
common grid made by open-ended questions. To help the entrepreneur to reflect and to compare the
difficulties encountered at the initial start up phase and now, at the end of the interview it has been asked to
the entrepreneur to fill in a grid with items derived from Formaper research NR. 67

4.0 OUTPUT: overall considerations
    Once more, as already mentioned, it has to be emphasised that the restricted sample, in term of quantity,
qualifies this not as a formal research but as a pragmatic analysis focused on highlighting histories and
eventual common problems. The interviews and examination of the case studies made on evidence the
following aspects:

•   General. The organisations that became solid and stable, with an acceptable balance between costs and
    quality, reached that equilibrium with a difficult and delicate process that meant working also in the
    following two directions. The first was to develop and accept at the beginning both low profitable and
    high profitable projects. Usually the firsts were utilised to enter in the market and to tie with the first
    clients but immediately after that, they have been adapted and recycled for new clients, becoming in this
    way high profitable. An aspect that was common to all the first projects is that the services offered were
    qualified and highly visible, not necessarily revolutionary but innovative in one aspect or in another,
    unique, extremely client oriented and devoted to build a concrete reputation of the entrepreneur.
    The second direction was the quite wide diversification of clients, services and suppliers. The necessity
    to be quick to survive brought the enterprises to define the target of clients but not as precise and limited
    as it can be done once the firm is established. To diversify did not mean accepting or doing everything
    but follow a precise line (the entrepreneur individual mission and the vision) considering the target an

                           adalberto geradini                   2
Abstract july 2005

    opportunity and not a constraint. The diversification was also functional to the realisation of cost savings
    utilising the resources.

•   Marketing. One of the most critical aspects mentioned in the interviews was how to become well known
    on the market starting from zero. The communication towards the clients was established in some cases
    following the classical path, building a database and sending brochures or e-mail, in other situations the
    entrepreneurs started since when attending the school courses and contemporarily selling various
    services to the students or to others, in this way they trained themselves, utilised it as a learning
    opportunity and became known. But the real investment of time and energy dedicated by the
    entrepreneur to this field was to expose oneself, being visible as owner, participating in several
    occasions, even social and not only professional, and through the personal contacts establishing a strong
    external net of relationships, where the passion in the own entrepreneurial idea combined with the
    rationality to understand the needs of the possible client. It means to be deeply rooted in the territory and
    spend a considerable amount of time and energies, sometimes in conflict with the private life.
        In general, the structured marketing competencies, as the administrative ones moreover, are
    considered fundamental but with the awareness that they are often missing in themselves. This because is
    also declared that the training institutions give a professional background in this field, with instruments
    and tools, but generally speaking they are focused and tailored to the medium-high or already established
    enterprises, that have a lot of capitals. Another point, an emotional resistance to structure the marketing
    activities in a professional way, is that often the founder fall in love with his idea and not with the market
    or with the numbers that depicts it.

    •     Organisation
          From some interviews, specifically the ones had with the youngest, still stands out an image of
     entrepreneurship as something that is ambivalent: from one hand it is perceived as an opportunity to deal
     with flexibility, creativity, to manage one’s autonomy but on the other hand it is perceived as something
     uncertain and pervading all own existence, a condition that does not facilitate private and social life. The
     majority of entrepreneurs interviewed declared that the decision to become entrepreneurs was absolutely
     autonomous but influenced by the example of other entrepreneurs while institutions and schools were
     scarcely influent.
     Especially at the beginning, the leadership style adopted in their organisations is not autocratic but
     established by the capacity to identify interesting projects and to aggregate around them the necessaries
     resources, choosing the persons one by one, motivating them, and leading through the deep knowledge
     of the service produced, more then through the management skills.
          This, the management, remains a delicate point where all the learning done at school is judged not
     adequate to SMEs reality. From one side it seems that every management approach is considered heavy
     and on the other hand there is the research for a magic wand, “the tool" that can solve any problem. The
     impatience that distinguishes the start up phase, not easily copes with the necessity to think both wide
     angle and in a structured way, and with the fact that this attitude is not an optional for the successful
     entrepreneur and that requires specific dedicated time.
          Moreover it is emphasised the capacity to be flexible and to change in progress, without being tied to
    one’s decisions and to accept mistakes and critics without considering them an attempt or insult to one’s
    ownership. It has been underlined the importance to establish a network with clients, with possible
    collaborators, with other entrepreneurs, with experts and so on. If the enterprise grows and other
    collaborators are engaged, there is the difficulty to deal with the division of roles and responsibilities,
    often with the same people with whom the adventure started. On the other end young entrepreneur tend
    towards to establish horizontal relationship, in "horizontal team" and faces in the organisation the same
    problem that meets in his period of life: how to deal with the authority.
         There is the awareness that persons have to be considered “human capital” more than “human
    resources” as they are essential to develop innovative ideas and that enterprises can take advantage by
    making the most of knowledge, competencies, relationships of their employees. This, once more, means
    that entrepreneurs have to update their training but sometimes their long working time does not allow
    them to follow formal, institutional courses. More over it is evident that they appreciate and require
    learning approaches where they can learn one from the other in a benchmarking situation, starting from
    realisations and not from models. To share experiences, to collaborate in virtual project team or network,
    as it happens in long distance learning, monitored by tutorial assistance, can help entrepreneurs to find

                            adalberto geradini                   3
Abstract july 2005

    inspiration and advices, to access to technologies and relationships, may be to individuate new

•    Economics
         As the enterprises interviewed were not production companies, the necessity to have big amount of
    capitals was not essential during the phase of the start up, but almost everybody met several difficulties to
    find the necessary funds, and this became crucial for maintaining and developing the enterprises. In
    the”Eurobarometro”, research on European industries on the obstacles to the enterprise foundation, 76%
    of people interviewed indicated as main obstacle the lack of available capitals and 69% the complexity of
    public administrative procedure, even if it is true that the decision of the individual to found and to
    expand the enterprise is influenced by many other factors not purely economical.
         Also in the European Business Survey Grant Thornton 2002, more than 20% of SMEs declares had
    problems having long terms financial loans, while for the banks the high level of general expenses
    connected to small amount credits make them not interesting. Besides banks and investors need reliable
    information, previous positive elements and guarantees that usually new young would-be entrepreneur do
    not have, mainly if they deal with totally new products or services in social and knowledge field. A
    common component of any SME development strategy is access to finance both for starting up and
    entrepreneurial growth, and the availability of information to enable easier access to finance becomes the
    real core, the critical point. Often there are funds made available by public institution, local or
    international, but the communication channels are not known to young would be-entrepreneurs, neither to
    others, and the procedures are long and complicate.

•    Relations with Public Administration
          Main difficulties found with PA are represented by two items: long terms payment and exhausting/
    twisting decision making process, that are exactly the opposite of what a new enterprise needs and thus to
    be easy going in the process: contract award- performance-release the project-payment- begin a new
    project. For the first item, long terms of payments, a new enterprise can not sustain a long period with no
    money, there is the necessity to work very quick on new projects, to make experience and profit.
          The second item is tiring, time consuming and also contradictory to the attitude of young generation,
    focused on variety, curiosity and simplicity of relationship accompanied with inexperience in diplomatic
    relations and bureaucratic traps and formalities. Even if administrative procedures for founding a new
    enterprise already took benefit from Public Administration that reduced the average time necessary to
    begin an enterprise (mainly the individual one) it has been told that further improvements relevant to
    procedures, contacts, formats, permissions, licenses, authorisations and costs are essential.

•    Quality and innovation
         Everybody gave big attention to quality that is considered fundamental in establishing client fidelity.
    In this sense is essential to have skilled personnel but it has been evidenced the difficulty to find and to
    recruit competent people, to pay their high cost and to face the risk, always present but more important at
    the beginning when the entrepreneurial idea is really new, that after a while this people leaves them for
    other enterprises or to become a competitor. For that reason the entrepreneurs interviewed underlined the
    opportunity to establish a motivating organisational atmosphere where the entrepreneur also teaches,
    trains the others, creating a development environment where one can improve his professionalism.
    Specifically, the fact that the quality is strictly connected to the perceived quality by the users requires to
    be rooted in the territory, to know it very well to have the capacity to interpret the client needs and to
    design an adequate offer. It is not common that at very beginning one proposes services on the global
         Another aspect is the tendency to consider "creativity" that produces innovation as something purely
    genetic, you have it or you do not have it, without considering that the applied creativity is developed and
    increased through the interaction with the environment. This is a continuous learning process that can be
    trained, even if it is mentioned the lack of diffusion of reliable courses on this matter. The competitive
    pressure brings enterprises to research continuously knowledge and innovation management. Enterprises
    can upgrade themselves in different ways, by the technological development, by the total quality
    management, by new ways to organise the work or distribution channels, by the brands or by the design
    and so on. Everything in some way can be done internally but for the SMEs and for new entrepreneurs
    there is a specific sensibility to be accompanied on these matters in a substantial way.
                            adalberto geradini                   4
Abstract july 2005

•    Relations with the territory
         Accordingly to the research done by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM 2002 Summary
    Report) 7% of new entrepreneurs, in case of success, gives rise to a new significant market niche, while
    70% of new enterprises supplies products or services in markets already existing where the competition is
    already remarkable and the critical technology and know how is available since one year.
         A global approach to entrepreneurship could operate on three levels: the individual, the enterprise
     and the territory/the society, in a systemic way where each item influences and is influenced by the
     To motivate people to become entrepreneurs could be done explaining them what it means in reality,
     without any under or overestimate, in order to develop their sensitivity to the concept and to the values
     of entrepreneurship and make interesting and appealing their eventual choice, starting from self
     assessment and driving them to acquire the requested skills to transform their ambitions in real
     successfully projects.
         For the second step, to transform project in “healthy” enterprises, specific environmental conditions
     are required, some of them mentioned before, that would promote the development of enterprises
     allowing them to grow and to develop but without any interference in the normal.

   5.1 The interview grid
   5.2 Tabulation
   5.3 Abstracts of the 6 case studies

                           adalberto geradini                   5

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Abstract from Strategic Business Plan July 2005

  • 1. Abstract july 2005 INTRODUZIONE Quella che segue è una sintesi della Ricerca Comparativa fra giovani imprenditori egiziani ed italiani, realizzata con FORMAPER, all'interno del Progetto EBIS per la costruzione di una Entrepreneurship Academy, parte dell'esistente Egyptian Junior Business Association che è attiva a Il Cairo dal 2001. L'Academy è finalizzata alla promozione e allo sviluppo dell'imprenditorialità delle PMI in Egitto, attraverso servizi di formazione, consulenza, project start up, networking ecc. Il progetto ha previsto la progettazione e la preparazione di uno specifico Strategic Business Plan che ho realizzato conducendo anche questa Comparative Research sottoforma di Progetto Pilota. In sintesi, lo Strategic Business Plan pone il focus sull'intera organizzazione mentre il Business Plan di solito si riferisce a un programma, prodotto o servizio specifico. Vuole dare un contributo al processo decisionale strategico nel determinare dove l'organizzazione vuole andare nei prossimi anni (mission, vision, obiettivi), come ci vuole arrivare (strategie, partnership, struttura organizzativa, approcci al marketing) e come saprà se c'è arrivata (indicatori generali) Oltre a essere più conciso e meno "finanziario" del Business Plan, l'SBP è un valido strumento per canalizzare energie, risorse, lavoro in team del Comitato di Direzione. In questo caso specifico ha avuto una forte valenza operativa poiché al suo interno sono stati inseriti alcuni Progetti Pilota concreti e velocemente realizzabili, che sono serviti per correggere l'approccio, testarlo, validarlo e contemporaneamente trasferire know how al partner locale. Adalberto Geradini Abstract from: Strategic Business Plan July 2005 Annex 1: COMPARATIVE RESEARCH REPORT 1. INTRODUCTION 2. OBJECTIVE 3. ACTIONS, methodology 4. OUTPUT, overall considerations 5. ATTACHMENTS 5.1 The interview grid 5.2 Comparison 5.3 Abstracts of the 6 case studies 1.0 INTRODUCTION Formaper, Agency of Milan Chamber of Commerce Industry Craft and Agriculture sezione Attività Internazionali,, and EJB, Egyptian Junior Business Association,, have designed a cooperation project in the field of entrepreneurship development and support to new entrepreneurs. The project acts under the umbrella of the programme named “EBIS” managed by Eurochambres, the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and the Egyptian Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC) and it is aimed at supporting Egyptian business representative organisations through training and capacity building initiatives provided by the European Chamber network. Through the implementation of pilot activities, the project will achieve the drawing up the Strategic Business Plan for setting up of the EJBAcademy which will function as a platform where training initiatives and promotion activities will be designed and implemented in order to spread in the Egyptian society the value of entrepreneurship . One of the pilot actions foreseen by the project, is to conduct a comparative study on needs analysis of new entrepreneurs in Egypt and in Italy. The study has been realised with the scope to produce material that could be utilised by Entrepreneurship Academy (EA) of EJB during its future activities to design and produce tailor-made and effective services of entrepreneurial support activities. This activity had Formaper and EJB experts interviewing 3 new entrepreneurs in Egypt – members of EJB – to analyze and assess the start up phase of their business, observe the process of elaboration of entrepreneurial ideas, discuss the encountered obstacles and difficulties, analyze the available of support services and their effectiveness. The same activity has been conducted with 3 new entrepreneurs in Italy and at the end the following document, containing observations raised by the different “case histories” has been produced. adalberto geradini 1
  • 2. Abstract july 2005 2.0 OBJECTIVE The main goal of this comparative study, based on samples of some new entrepreneurs (6) in Egypt and in Italy, is double: on one side is to observe the process of elaboration of entrepreneurial business in order to show some concrete clues and guidelines to the would-be entrepreneurs that can also be of encouragement to them. On the other side is to produce material useful for training institutions to find which training support is necessary to new entrepreneurs, since the mission of a pragmatic entrepreneurial training is not only to foster the set-up of new enterprises but first and foremost, insure highest survival rate of the newly established businesses facilitating their further growth and development. The objective is not to identify experiences that can be reproduced as they are, as the transferring process requires in any case a deep action to conform to local circumstances, but to help new entrepreneurs to understand the complex processes that are the base of the success of examined organisations and to identify concrete examples containing ideas and practices where to learn. It has been assumed that showing some various experiences, even in some case not homogeneous, will help to germinate and to develop, through a “cross contamination learning process”, good practices. For that reason the six case studies have been chosen for their innovative character in the context where they operate and in situations very different in terms of clients, typology of services offered and management aspects. At last the intention of this investigation was to describe and to analyze successful business experiences, born and developed in different conditions to verify what can be transferred in the environments where EA will be active, and not to produce an academically research. Secondly, as the starting phase of a new enterprise usually is the most delicate one, we have been interested in focusing how entrepreneurs started and how they adapted to their environment, without any intention to define a model, but to obtain basic inputs for designing effective services to support youngs in business with new training and support initiatives, connected to the needs of the local market. For that reason it has been selected organisations alive and active on the market since a minimum of 2-3 years that have already overcame the difficulties connected to the initial start up phase. These case histories could make up valuable tools for EA called to plan and to implement the new services, giving suggestions for service implementation, to suggest concrete actions and services to support the start up, the management and the development of young entrepreneurial activities. 3.0 ACTIONS The analysis of the six cases has been done by means of interviews utilising a questionnaire having a common grid made by open-ended questions. To help the entrepreneur to reflect and to compare the difficulties encountered at the initial start up phase and now, at the end of the interview it has been asked to the entrepreneur to fill in a grid with items derived from Formaper research NR. 67 4.0 OUTPUT: overall considerations Once more, as already mentioned, it has to be emphasised that the restricted sample, in term of quantity, qualifies this not as a formal research but as a pragmatic analysis focused on highlighting histories and eventual common problems. The interviews and examination of the case studies made on evidence the following aspects: • General. The organisations that became solid and stable, with an acceptable balance between costs and quality, reached that equilibrium with a difficult and delicate process that meant working also in the following two directions. The first was to develop and accept at the beginning both low profitable and high profitable projects. Usually the firsts were utilised to enter in the market and to tie with the first clients but immediately after that, they have been adapted and recycled for new clients, becoming in this way high profitable. An aspect that was common to all the first projects is that the services offered were qualified and highly visible, not necessarily revolutionary but innovative in one aspect or in another, unique, extremely client oriented and devoted to build a concrete reputation of the entrepreneur. The second direction was the quite wide diversification of clients, services and suppliers. The necessity to be quick to survive brought the enterprises to define the target of clients but not as precise and limited as it can be done once the firm is established. To diversify did not mean accepting or doing everything but follow a precise line (the entrepreneur individual mission and the vision) considering the target an adalberto geradini 2
  • 3. Abstract july 2005 opportunity and not a constraint. The diversification was also functional to the realisation of cost savings utilising the resources. • Marketing. One of the most critical aspects mentioned in the interviews was how to become well known on the market starting from zero. The communication towards the clients was established in some cases following the classical path, building a database and sending brochures or e-mail, in other situations the entrepreneurs started since when attending the school courses and contemporarily selling various services to the students or to others, in this way they trained themselves, utilised it as a learning opportunity and became known. But the real investment of time and energy dedicated by the entrepreneur to this field was to expose oneself, being visible as owner, participating in several occasions, even social and not only professional, and through the personal contacts establishing a strong external net of relationships, where the passion in the own entrepreneurial idea combined with the rationality to understand the needs of the possible client. It means to be deeply rooted in the territory and spend a considerable amount of time and energies, sometimes in conflict with the private life. In general, the structured marketing competencies, as the administrative ones moreover, are considered fundamental but with the awareness that they are often missing in themselves. This because is also declared that the training institutions give a professional background in this field, with instruments and tools, but generally speaking they are focused and tailored to the medium-high or already established enterprises, that have a lot of capitals. Another point, an emotional resistance to structure the marketing activities in a professional way, is that often the founder fall in love with his idea and not with the market or with the numbers that depicts it. • Organisation From some interviews, specifically the ones had with the youngest, still stands out an image of entrepreneurship as something that is ambivalent: from one hand it is perceived as an opportunity to deal with flexibility, creativity, to manage one’s autonomy but on the other hand it is perceived as something uncertain and pervading all own existence, a condition that does not facilitate private and social life. The majority of entrepreneurs interviewed declared that the decision to become entrepreneurs was absolutely autonomous but influenced by the example of other entrepreneurs while institutions and schools were scarcely influent. Especially at the beginning, the leadership style adopted in their organisations is not autocratic but established by the capacity to identify interesting projects and to aggregate around them the necessaries resources, choosing the persons one by one, motivating them, and leading through the deep knowledge of the service produced, more then through the management skills. This, the management, remains a delicate point where all the learning done at school is judged not adequate to SMEs reality. From one side it seems that every management approach is considered heavy and on the other hand there is the research for a magic wand, “the tool" that can solve any problem. The impatience that distinguishes the start up phase, not easily copes with the necessity to think both wide angle and in a structured way, and with the fact that this attitude is not an optional for the successful entrepreneur and that requires specific dedicated time. Moreover it is emphasised the capacity to be flexible and to change in progress, without being tied to one’s decisions and to accept mistakes and critics without considering them an attempt or insult to one’s ownership. It has been underlined the importance to establish a network with clients, with possible collaborators, with other entrepreneurs, with experts and so on. If the enterprise grows and other collaborators are engaged, there is the difficulty to deal with the division of roles and responsibilities, often with the same people with whom the adventure started. On the other end young entrepreneur tend towards to establish horizontal relationship, in "horizontal team" and faces in the organisation the same problem that meets in his period of life: how to deal with the authority. There is the awareness that persons have to be considered “human capital” more than “human resources” as they are essential to develop innovative ideas and that enterprises can take advantage by making the most of knowledge, competencies, relationships of their employees. This, once more, means that entrepreneurs have to update their training but sometimes their long working time does not allow them to follow formal, institutional courses. More over it is evident that they appreciate and require learning approaches where they can learn one from the other in a benchmarking situation, starting from realisations and not from models. To share experiences, to collaborate in virtual project team or network, as it happens in long distance learning, monitored by tutorial assistance, can help entrepreneurs to find adalberto geradini 3
  • 4. Abstract july 2005 inspiration and advices, to access to technologies and relationships, may be to individuate new partnerships. • Economics As the enterprises interviewed were not production companies, the necessity to have big amount of capitals was not essential during the phase of the start up, but almost everybody met several difficulties to find the necessary funds, and this became crucial for maintaining and developing the enterprises. In the”Eurobarometro”, research on European industries on the obstacles to the enterprise foundation, 76% of people interviewed indicated as main obstacle the lack of available capitals and 69% the complexity of public administrative procedure, even if it is true that the decision of the individual to found and to expand the enterprise is influenced by many other factors not purely economical. Also in the European Business Survey Grant Thornton 2002, more than 20% of SMEs declares had problems having long terms financial loans, while for the banks the high level of general expenses connected to small amount credits make them not interesting. Besides banks and investors need reliable information, previous positive elements and guarantees that usually new young would-be entrepreneur do not have, mainly if they deal with totally new products or services in social and knowledge field. A common component of any SME development strategy is access to finance both for starting up and entrepreneurial growth, and the availability of information to enable easier access to finance becomes the real core, the critical point. Often there are funds made available by public institution, local or international, but the communication channels are not known to young would be-entrepreneurs, neither to others, and the procedures are long and complicate. • Relations with Public Administration Main difficulties found with PA are represented by two items: long terms payment and exhausting/ twisting decision making process, that are exactly the opposite of what a new enterprise needs and thus to be easy going in the process: contract award- performance-release the project-payment- begin a new project. For the first item, long terms of payments, a new enterprise can not sustain a long period with no money, there is the necessity to work very quick on new projects, to make experience and profit. The second item is tiring, time consuming and also contradictory to the attitude of young generation, focused on variety, curiosity and simplicity of relationship accompanied with inexperience in diplomatic relations and bureaucratic traps and formalities. Even if administrative procedures for founding a new enterprise already took benefit from Public Administration that reduced the average time necessary to begin an enterprise (mainly the individual one) it has been told that further improvements relevant to procedures, contacts, formats, permissions, licenses, authorisations and costs are essential. • Quality and innovation Everybody gave big attention to quality that is considered fundamental in establishing client fidelity. In this sense is essential to have skilled personnel but it has been evidenced the difficulty to find and to recruit competent people, to pay their high cost and to face the risk, always present but more important at the beginning when the entrepreneurial idea is really new, that after a while this people leaves them for other enterprises or to become a competitor. For that reason the entrepreneurs interviewed underlined the opportunity to establish a motivating organisational atmosphere where the entrepreneur also teaches, trains the others, creating a development environment where one can improve his professionalism. Specifically, the fact that the quality is strictly connected to the perceived quality by the users requires to be rooted in the territory, to know it very well to have the capacity to interpret the client needs and to design an adequate offer. It is not common that at very beginning one proposes services on the global market. Another aspect is the tendency to consider "creativity" that produces innovation as something purely genetic, you have it or you do not have it, without considering that the applied creativity is developed and increased through the interaction with the environment. This is a continuous learning process that can be trained, even if it is mentioned the lack of diffusion of reliable courses on this matter. The competitive pressure brings enterprises to research continuously knowledge and innovation management. Enterprises can upgrade themselves in different ways, by the technological development, by the total quality management, by new ways to organise the work or distribution channels, by the brands or by the design and so on. Everything in some way can be done internally but for the SMEs and for new entrepreneurs there is a specific sensibility to be accompanied on these matters in a substantial way. adalberto geradini 4
  • 5. Abstract july 2005 • Relations with the territory Accordingly to the research done by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM 2002 Summary Report) 7% of new entrepreneurs, in case of success, gives rise to a new significant market niche, while 70% of new enterprises supplies products or services in markets already existing where the competition is already remarkable and the critical technology and know how is available since one year. A global approach to entrepreneurship could operate on three levels: the individual, the enterprise and the territory/the society, in a systemic way where each item influences and is influenced by the others. To motivate people to become entrepreneurs could be done explaining them what it means in reality, without any under or overestimate, in order to develop their sensitivity to the concept and to the values of entrepreneurship and make interesting and appealing their eventual choice, starting from self assessment and driving them to acquire the requested skills to transform their ambitions in real successfully projects. For the second step, to transform project in “healthy” enterprises, specific environmental conditions are required, some of them mentioned before, that would promote the development of enterprises allowing them to grow and to develop but without any interference in the normal. 5. ATTACHMENTS 5.1 The interview grid 5.2 Tabulation 5.3 Abstracts of the 6 case studies adalberto geradini 5