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DEC 2009-JAN 2010 / RS. 150

Taxation: Is your IT
infrastructure ready
                          30   Virtualisation: Has34
                               the fizz settled or is
                                                                             Tech for Logistics:
                                                                             How IT can help save every
                                                                                                            38      THE BIG Q
                                                                                                                    How to track IP theft
for GST roll out?              it another passing fad?                       paisa you earn?                        and prevent it? Pg.53

                                                                                                            THE NEXT

                                                                                              S Ilango,
                                                                                         Senior Manager
Sushil Aggarwal,

                                                                                       Aditya Birla Group
Marathon Electric India

                                                                   Rakesh Mohan
                                                                    Project Manager
                                                                                                                  TO THE
Dhiraj Sinha,
Tech Lead
Dell Perot Systems
                                                                                                               TOP SEAT
                                                                                                                                  PAGE 16

                                                                                                             15 MINUTE
                                                     Jojo Jose
                                                    GM (Systems)
                                                     GTN Group

                                                                                                               Easy if you are willing
                                                                                                             to change your mindset
A 9.9 Media Publication                                                                                                           PAGE 47

                               It’s time for
                               the Maybach
                               The $825 Model T launched in 1908 by
                               Henry Ford was not just the first ‘affordable’
                               car. It also introduced the concept of                                           “IT Next is more like a
                               assembly line in the automobile sector. This opened                              custom-built Maybach
                               a floodgate for others to follow. The concept of “one size fits                  that has been designed
                               all” became universal, spreading quickly across all sectors, including           to suit your needs and
                               mainline media, which adopted it for reaching the masses. More recently,
                               niche magazines have also gone the assembly line way, becoming all things        S H U B H E N D U PA R T H
                               to all people.
                                  So, when we decided to launch a new publication targeted to IT
                               Managers, one thing was clear—ours would be no assembly line. We
                               decided to take a tailor-made approach like the top-of-the-line custom-
                               built German car, the Maybach. The result is a thoughtfully crafted IT Next
                               that is customised to your needs.
                                  We began with a survey of the IT Managers in India to confirm our
                               hypothesis that this is a community that wields considerable influence and
                               is far more extensive than the CXO fraternity, which several magazines
                               and portals focus on.
                                  Indeed, the survey revealed that there is a yawning gap in the way
                               existing magazines, including majority of B2B IT publications, cater to
                               the specific needs of the IT Manager.
                                  Not surprising then, that you overwhelmed us with your views, ideas
                               and concerns through your responses to our survey.
                                  In fact, several stories in this launch issue are based on the suggestions
                               you gave us. We hope to further build on your inputs in launching our
                               online version,, in the coming days.
                                                                                                                                             Blogs To Watch!
                                  I sincerely hope that you like IT Next not only in terms of the content and

                               design but also for its theme and philosophy. Believe me, we have toiled                            
                               over every aspect of this eclectic product. Unlike Ford’s Model T, IT Next
                                                                                                                                             Your views and opinion matter
                               is more like a custom-built Maybach that has been designed to suit your                                       to us. Send your feedback
                               particular needs and requirements.                                                                            on stories and the magazine
                                                                                                                                             at shubhendu.parth@9dot9.
                                  So, do let us know your reactions and join us in the journey to facilitate                                 in or SMS us at 567678 (type
                               and celebrate your growth as a technocrat.                                                                    ITNEXT<space>your feedback)

                                                                                                                                   D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   1
                                                                                                                               Fa c e b o o k:
                                                                                                                               ht t p : // w w w. f a c e b o o k .
                                                                                                                               c o m / ho m e . p hp # / g r o u p .
                                                                                                                               p hp ? g i d = 1 9 5 67 5 0 3 05 8 2

                                                                                                                               Tw i t t e r :
                                                                                                                               ht t p : // t w i t t e r. c o m / i t n e x t

                                                                                                                               L i nke d I n
                                                                                                                               ht t p : // w w w. li nk e d i n . c o m /
                                                                                                                               g r o u p s ? g i d = 2 2 6 17 7 0& t r k = m y g _

FOR THE L ATEST TECHNOLOGY UPDATES GO TO ITNEXT.IN                   DEC ’09-JAN ’10 V O L U M E 0 1 | I S S U E 0 1           u g r p _ ov r


                                                                                 TO THE TOP

                                                                    BASED ON AN EXTENSIVE SURVEY OF IT
                                                               MANAGERS, IT Next presents a handy guide for
                                                              technology managers who have their hearts set on
      16                                                                                     becoming a CIO

           INSIGHTS                                                               BOSS TALK                            INTERVIEW
      23 Clicking it big
      Communication as a Service (CaaS) is set to change the way an enter-
      prise communicates and collaborates today                                                                                                                                      C OV E R P H OTO G RA P H Y: DR LOH I A , M EX Y X AV IE R & SA N TOS H BH AS K A R

      26 No mishaps for this mail
      e-Mail security needs to guarantee perimeter safety, confidentiality
      and non-repudiation

      28 Top 5 mobile applications
                                                                                                                                                                                     C OV E R DES I G N : JAYA N K N A RAYA N A N

      Technologies that can help enterprises go mobile

      30 Ready steady GST
      The forthcoming GST regime will compel IT managers to execute a         05 Innovate to add value |           44 “There was no recession
      complete realignment of the IT infrastructure. Are you prepared?        Birlasoft CEO, Arup Gupta on         in India” | SAP’s Asia-Pacific
                                                                              importance of innovation and         Senior V-P, Simon Dale, discusses
      34 Has the fizz settled?                                                 how it can help IT managers          the global slowdown and the
      Is it time to assess the benefits of server virtualisation?              succeed professionally               company’s changing strategy

 2    IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0

                                                                                                   Managing Director: Dr Pramath Raj Sinha
                                                                                                   Printer & Publisher: Vikas Gupta

                                                                                                   Group Editor: R Giridhar
                                                                                                   Editor: Shubhendu Parth
                                                                                                   Consulting Editor: Pravin Prashant
                LONG WAY TO GO | How ICT intervention in                                           Associate Editor: Shashwat DC
                                                                                                   Sr Correspondent: Jatinder Singh

 38             the logistics sector can make a huge difference
                                                                                                   Sr Creative Director: Jayan K Narayanan
    OPINION                         52 Manage IT | 5 simple steps                                  Art Director: Binesh Sreedharan
12 Tech Talk: On cloud nine!        to greening your enterprises                                   Associate Art Director: Anil VK
| by Dr Manoj Saxena, CEO, Net-                                                                    Manager Design: Chander Shekhar
Edge Computing Solutions                 OFF THE SHELF                                             Sr Visualisers: Anoop PC, Santosh Kushwaha
                                    60 HP shrinks your world | A                                   Sr Designers: Prasanth TR & Anil T
14 Money wise: The Penny            sneak preview of enterprise prod-
                                                                                                   SALES & MARKETING
route to Pounds by Ratnakar         ucts, solutions and services                                   VP Sales & Marketing: Naveen Chand Singh
Nemani, CIO & Head—IT Projects                                                                     (09971794688)
Wing, VST                                                                                          Brand Manager: Siddhant Raizada (09990388390)
                                                                                                   National Manager-Events & Special Projects:
 15-MINUTE                                                                                         Mahantesh Godi (09880436623)
MANAGER                                                                                            National Manager Online: Nitin Walia
47 Predicting IT right |                                                                           (09811772466)
Strategic IT forecasting is a                                                                      GM South: Vinodh Kaliappan(09740714817)
challenging task, but can make a         THE BIG Q                                                 GM North: Pranav Saran(09312685289)
                                                                                                   GM West: Sachin N Mhashilkar(09920348755)
difference to your business         53 Who stole my washing
                                                                                                   Assistant Brand Manager: Arpita Ganguli
                                    machine? | How to track IP
                                                                                                   Co-ordinator Ad Sales, MIS, Scheduling:
48 Office Yoga | Asanas for a        theft and prevent it                                           Deepak Sharma
busy manager
                                         CUBE CHAT                                                 PRODUCTION & LOGISTICS
50 Get back to the class-           58 Pining to be a TV star | Yes,                               Sr. GM Operations: Shivshankar M Hiremath
room! | Choosing the right skills   professional achievers too can                                 Production Executive: Vilas Mhatre
to upgrade is key to beating the    nurture off-beat aspirations and                               Logistics: MP Singh, Mohamed Ansari,
recession blues                     Rajesh Aggarwal, IT Manager,                                   Shashi Shekhar Singh
                                    D P Jindal Group is one of them
                                                                                                   OFFICE ADDRESS
                                                                                                   Nine Dot Nine Mediaworx Pvt Ltd
                                                                                                   K-40, Connaught Place, Outer Circle,
                                         REGULARS                                                  New Delhi–110 001, India
                                    Editorial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01                   Printed and published by Vikas Gupta for
                                    Industry update_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 06                          Nine Dot Nine Mediaworx Pvt Ltd
                                                                                                   K-40, Connaught Place, Outer Circle,
                                    Tech indulge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _62
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                                    Open debate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _63
                                                                                                   Editor: Vikas Gupta
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                                                                                                   © A L L R I G H TS R ES E R V E D : R E P R O D UC T I O N I N W H O L E O R I N
                                                                                                   PA RT W I T H O UT W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N F R O M N I N E D OT N I N E
                                                                                                   M E D I AWO R X P V T LT D I S P R O H I BI T E D.

                                                                                                                                        D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT        3

                                PROJECT MANAGEMENT

                                Innovate to
                                add value
                                                oday, IT managers, I think, have

                                T               become very inward-focused
                                                in terms of adhering to process,
                                                cost and scope. These are all good
                                                things from the Capability Matu-
                                rity Model (CMM) perspective, but are they
                                really meeting the expectations of the customer?
                                Though we may follow all CMM processes faith-
                                fully, the customer is really looking for value-
                                add beyond their specifications. Real successful
                                IT managers are able to add value, enabling           “The need of the hour is to find the best
                                customers to become more competitive in their
                                business spheres.
                                                                                      solution for a particular problem, rather
                                   IT managers, in addition to knowing the            than treat it just as a routine affair”
                                software delivery process, need to be aware
                                of technologies and domains so that they can                                                       choosing the more fruitful career path—
                                deliver the best possible solution to a particular                                                 managerial or purely technological. Some
                                problem. This is what we call an innovative                                                        Indian companies offer a clear growth path in
                                solution. That is the transformation that I would                                                  pure technology and pure domain, but still
                                like to see in the mind set of all IT managers.                                                    most professionals opt for the faster managerial
                                   IT managers abroad would possibly be less                                                       route. Most Indian companies try to hire project
                                stringent about processes, giving more attention                                                   managers or senior practice managers with some
                                to adding value in terms of domain, new                   SUGGESTION BOX                           knowledge of the latest domain technologies,
                                technology and architecture. So how does one                                                       but as I said earlier, some of the deficiencies in
                                change the mind set of an Indian IT manager?                                                       managers in regard to technology and domain
                                One needs to start thinking out of the box and                                                     can be compensated by bringing all stakeholders
                                bringing together various stakeholders in the                                                      together. I have seen some of the best-of-the-
                                problem like domain expertise, technology                                                          breed IT companies in India do so.
                                expertise and possibly the architecture group for                                                     Yes, a pure technocrat too can become
                                a brainstorming session. That is exactly what the                                                  a CEO. I myself hold a master’s degree in
                                people abroad do.                                                                                  computer science and have grown through the
                                   If the problem is too complex, outside                                                          ranks. However, more boards and promoters
                                consultants and talent can be involved, rather        The book talks                               are inclined to hire CEOs who can showcase
                                than opting for the solution that exists in house     about how to add                             diversity in terms of technology and domain,
                                and somehow make it fit the particular problem.       value and make cli-                          and now, also an MBA degree. This ensures that

                                   I am not laying undue emphasis on routine          ents more competi-                           with overall grooming, the individual can solve
                                things like operational efficiency and delivery.      tive. It also has tips                       the complex sets of problems being faced by
                                The need of the hour is to find the best solution     on how to build the                          companies today.
                                for a particular problem, rather than treat it just   winning team.
                                                                                                                                   The author is CEO of Birlasoft. He has more than 30 years
                                as a routine affair.                                  WRITER: JIM COLLINS
                                                                                                                                   experience in the IT industry and has previously worked
                                                                                      P UBL I S H E R : H A R P E R BUS I N ES S
                                   IT managers are often in a dilemma about           PRICE: INR 626.00                            with Polaris and TCS

                                                                                                                                                            D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   5
                                                                                       I N D U S T R Y

    UPDATE                                                                                                                              DEALS

                                                                                                                                        promises to provide an online
                                                                                                                                        platform for software developers
                                                                                                                                        to create their own programs,
                                                                                                                                        and space for customers to store
                                                                                                                                           The service had been in
                                                                                                                                        testing phase for about a year
                                                                                                                                        and will go fully live at the
                                                                                                                                        beginning of next year, according
                                                                                                                                        to Microsoft’s chief software
                                                                                                                                        architect Ray Ozzie.
                                                                                                                                           Big Blue (IBM) also raised
                                                                                                                                        the stakes by launching a
                                                                                                                                        new cloud computing service,
                                                                                                                                        similar to that from Amazon
                                                                                                                                        and Dubbed as
                                                                                                                                        the ‘Smart Analytics Cloud’, it is
                                                                                                                                        IBM’s biggest cloud computing
                                                                                                                                        service yet and will be at first

    The cloud gets                                                                                                        MS and IBM
                                                                                                                          their cloud
                                                                                                                                        adopted internally by the
                                                                                                                                           Meanwhile, on the domestic
    more pervasive                                                                                                           commit-
                                                                                                                            ments, by
                                                                                                                                        front, companies like Reliance
                                                                                                                                        and Airtel have already
    TECH TRENDS | There was much reason to cheer for the cloud comput-                                                     launching    launched cloud service. Also,
    ing front as bigger players made cloud announcements. While, it is                                                       services   Zenith Infotech has entered the
    still early days for the cloud industry, which Gartner Research esti-                                                based on the   space through its private cloud
    mates will ring up sales of about $3.4 billion this year, the momentum                                                     model    computing platform PROUD,
    has started building up with two biggest software giants, Microsoft                                                                 which it is positioning as a single
    and IBM, announcing their plans.                                                                                                    centralised computing system
       Microsoft, which seemed to have missed the cloud bus, announced                                                                  that can replace the need for
    that it will roll out the long-awaited Azure system on January 1, 2010.                                                             customers to buy computing
    Azure is Microsoft’s foray into the cloud computing system and it                                                                   and network hardware as
                                                                                                                                        separate and difficult-to-manage
                                                                                                                                           More recently, NIIT and
         OM               Global end user spending on telecom is all set for a positive                                                 Hitachi have announced their
    SPEND                 growth in 2010, after 12 months of negative growth                                                            cloud offering for the enterprise
                           (NUMBERS IN US$ BILLIONS)                                                                                    space. To begin with, Hitachi
    Spending on                    2000                                                                                                 Information Systems will
    WAN optimisa-
                                                                                                                                        leverage NIIT Technologies’ data
    tion and SSL                   1950
                                                                                                                                        centre in Bangkok and create its
                                                                                                                                                                              P HOTOG RA P H Y: P HOTOS .C OM

    virtual private                                                                    -4
    network                                                      6   %          1958             %                   %                  first hub outside Japan. This will
                                   1900                       5.                                               3.2              1940
    is less likely to                                                                                                                   be networked to their existing
    be influenced
                                    1850                                                                1879                            infrastructure. The services,



                                                       1854                                                                             according to the road map,
                                   1800                                                                                                 should be available from the first
                                                                                                                                        quarter of the next fiscal.
    SO U R CE: GART NER , S E PTE M B E R 2 0 0 9

6   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
YOUR PRIMARY DEFENCE LAYER                    EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY                     COOL YOUR DATA                     UPDATE
Norton’s NIS 2010 claims to enhance user      Genius has introduced new range of          Extreme Networks has introduced a 10
experience with new fea-                      Graphic Tablets—the EasyPen i405 and        Gigabit Ethernet switch, that promises
tures like Quorum and safe                    the MousePen i608. It features              30% power sav-
web protection. The product                   two buttons and 1024                        ings, for the next
is Windows 7 compatible                       level pressure sen-                         generation data
and available at Rs 1,450                     sitivity for control over                   centre, cloud com-
for a single PC license.                      drawing or writing.                         puting and hosted environments.

       LinkedIn opens up                                                                            APIs were evaluated on a case-
                                                                                                    by-case basis, where priority was
                                                                                                    given to “integrations that provide
                                                                                                    the most value to the greatest
       TECH TIDINGS | Popular net-                                                                  number of LinkedIn users,”
       working and professional site                                                                according to its former policy. The
       LinkedIn seems to be opening up                                                              LinkedIn Platform now allows
       to the developer community. It                                                               that access to everyone.
       has launched a platform for the                                                                  However, there is some
       developer community. With this                                                               doubt on whether the move
       move, third party developers will                                                            is too little and a tad late, as
       be able use LinkedIn’s profile                                                               other networking giants like
       content in their business appli-                                                             Facebook and MySpace have
       cations and Websites. The move                                                               successfully engaged the
       follows the company’s decision                                                               developer community in the last
       to join hands with technology                                                                couple of years. There is a lot
       companies—IBM, Microsoft,                                                                    of speculation on the pending
       Research In Motion (Blackberry),                                                             interface redesign, but no official
       and Twitter—for integrations        Announces         across different networks.             word on it.
       with their respective products      platform for         Developers can now register at          Nevertheless, by opening
       and solutions. While these          third party to receive      up its API the company has
       partnerships created additional     developers        a unique key that allows access to     insured that developers can add
       channels for LinkedIn’s plat-                         discussion boards, sample code,        to LinkedIn’s value by building
       form, the latest move would                           provisioning code and more. In         a whole new set of standalone
       make LinkedIn ubiquitous                              the past, requests to use LinkedIn     products.

                      AROUND THE WORLD                                                                                       QUICK BYTE

                      Unified communication:
                      to touch $4.2 Bn by 2014
       While the world rued the economic slowdown, there
       was a silver lining for the Unified Communications
       (UC) industry. Enterprises took to UC solutions to cut
                                                                                                  GOOGLE CO-FOUNDER SERGEY BRIN
       down on costs. According an ABI Research report,                                           ON CHROME OS VS MS WINDOWS...
       the segment is set to jump from $302 million in 2008                                       “CALL US DUMB
       to $4.2 billion by 2014. The growth confirms the                                            BUSINESSMEN, BUT
                                                                                                  WE REALLY FOCUS ON
       perception of UC as a productive and cost-cutting                                          USER NEEDS RATHER
       technology rather than a fancy collaborative tool,                                         THAN ON STRATEGIES
       particularly for MNCs with offices across multiple                                          RELATED TO OTHER

                                                                                                         D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   7

    Salesforce unveils
    office networking tool
    WEB 2.0 | Understanding the
    significance of social network-
    ing and the opportunity it can
    bring for corporates, Salesforce.
    com, has introduced an in-house
    social networking model called
    Salesforce Chatter.                                                                       INTERVIEW
       The service is intended to                                                             PAUL KAELEY
    provide a platform where all                                                              Director—Global Storage (Data Man-
                                                                                              agement) Consulting Practice, Dell
    employees can collaborate and
    connect with their co-workers
    using the intranet.                       The new           itself with Twitter and       IT NEXT: What is your outlook of the
       The service, an in-house social        tool will be      Facebook that users are       IT consulting business in India?
    networking and collaboration              included in all   already comfortable with.
                                                                                              PAUL: There is a great opportunity
    tool aims at improving interaction        paid editions         While employees at
                                                                                              within the India market in the IT consult-
    within the organisation. It enables       of Salesforce     Salesforce have already
                                                                                              ing space. Our consulting approach is
    employees to create their profile,        CRM and           started using the
                                                                                              designed to help customers of all sizes
    update their status, and inform          chatterbox, the company
                                                                                              to rapidly identify ways to drive more
    peers about “what they are doing,”                          is looking at making it
                                                                                              efficiency within their data centres. Using
    right away.                                                 available to the corporate
                                                                                              our Measurable Rapid Insight (MRI)
       The move comes on the                                    in early 2010.
                                                                                              approach we can quickly identify what
    expected line of the changing                                   The new chatter edition
                                                                                              customers are spending on storage and
    working environmemt, with                                   will be sold for $50 per
                                                                                              then show a path to how they can reduce
    enterprises swiftly evaluating                              user per month and will
                                                                                              cost and complexity.
    how cloud and social networking                             include salesforce chatter,
    can help them reach business                                salesforce content and        How are you addressing the needs of
    goals in a smoother way.                          , the company        IT managers?
       The service also integrates                              informed.
                                                                                              Our whole strategy is focused on quickly
                                                                                              addressing key pain points of IT manag-
                                                                                              ers. Our storage services directly map

    Enterprise software market                                                                to key issues faced by our customers
                                                                                              today—from data growth to data protec-
                                                                                              tion and optimising storage.
    to grow 10% in 2009                                                                       How is Dell applying its consulting
                                                                                              services for improved storage ef-
    TECH TRENDS | The enterprise software           been mitigated by the large untapped      ficiency?
    market in India continues to post a             market that is adopting IT on a
                                                                                              The need to address enterprise data
    healthy growth and is expected to regis-        continuous scale, the report states.
                                                                                              management issues continues to be high
    ter an overall 10.1% growth this year.              The main driving force behind the
                                                                                              on the agenda of CIOs and IT Managers.
       The recent Gartner report                             enterprise software market
                                                                                                                                       P HOTOG RA P H Y: JAYA N K N A RAYA NA N

                                                                                              Most companies are spending a large
    predicts that the market will                            still continues to ERP,
    continue to improve and
    touch 11.8% growth in 2010.
    India is the fourth-largest
    market in the Asia-Pacific
    (APAC) region, and while
                                       ENTERPRISE S/W
                                        GROWTH IN
                                                             driven by SAP and Oracle.
                                                             India, China and Vietnam
                                                             are the biggest drivers for
                                                             the enterprise market in the
                                                             $20 billion APAC market,
                                                                                              percentage of their budget on storage and
                                                                                              Dell’s consulting services capabilities can
                                                                                              help quickly identify how organisations
                                                                                              can maximise their spend and ensure that
                                                                                              storage is matched to business needs.

    the impact of the slowdown               2009            which will grow by 10.2%
                                          Source: Gartner
    cannot be discounted it has                              in 2009.                         By Jatinder Singh

8   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0

                                                                                                                                 SOCIAL NETWORKING

                                  Fujitsu, NetApp join                                                                           NSE starts
                                  hands for storage                                                                              to Tweet
                                                                                                                                 The Twitter club got a major
                                                                                                            The two              boost as the National Stock
                                                                                                            companies            Exchange (NSE) begun sending
                                                                                                            will jointly         out live quotes of its benchmark
                                                                                                            develop inte-        index Nifty on the micro-blogging
                                                                                                            grated data          website. The Indian bourse cur-
                                                                                                            management           rently sends out an update of the
                                                                                                            and storage          Nifty index as well as the highs
                                                                                                            products and         and lows every 10 minutes during
                                                                                                            solutions            the trading hours. With this move,
                                                                                                                                 NSE has become the first Indian
                                                                                                                                 bourse to join
                                                                                                                                 the Twitter club,
                                                                                                                                 beating its rival
                                                                                                                                 Bombay Stock
                                                                                                                                 Exchange (BSE).
                                  TECH ALLIANCE | In what can be termed as a              single console management              major bourses
                                  major realignment in the data management space,         of the entire infrastructure,          like NASDAQ
                                  Fujitsu, a player in software management joined         and increases productivity             from the US and
                                  hands with storage system vendor NetApp to pro-         and operational efficiency             FTSE from the
                                  vide tightly integrated and automated storage and       through ease of use. With              UK have already
                                  data management solutions.                              the combination of products            established their
                                     According to the announcement made by the            and solutions from both                presence on Twit-
                                  two companies, they will jointly develop integrated     companies, customers can               ter. Meanwhile,
                                  products and services in the areas of virtualisation,   reduce their capex and                 NSE plans to provide more infor-
                                  storage and data management, and storage services       leverage IT infrastructure.            mation over Twitter in the coming
                                  and solutions.                                             The two companies further           days. The NSE Tweets have been
                                     The two companies will also work towards             plan to implement a global             well received by the users. Within
                                  integrating NetApp’s storage management                 joint go-to-market strategy            a week of its launch, the NSE has
                                  software into Fujitsu’s resource management             for all complementary                  already registered about 1,600
                                  framework, that dynamically orchestrates servers,       products. The tie-up also              followers.The exchange aims to
                                  networks, storage and software to run applications      envisages full integration of          add some more indices and tools
                                  on demand.                                              NetApp V-series products               on the social networking site in
                                     The framework also enables easier                    with Fujitsu’s Eternus                 the coming days, besides enabling
                                  administration of data centre environments, allows      storage systems.                       investors to reach NSE through

                                   NEWS @            WHAT IS COOKING AT MICROSOFT?
                                          BLOG       PERHAPS THE WHOLE, “end-of-the-world” thing in 2012 really has something to do with Microsoft, which is
                                                     likely to release Windows 8 in that year | Nicholas Kolakowski <> in Microsoft Kitchen

                                  The blog posted two slides suggesting that the next Windows Server and

                                  Windows 8 would be released in 2012. Earlier in October, the LinkedIn page
                                  for Robert Morgan, a senior member of Microsoft’s Research & Development
                                  team, stated his current projects included 128 bit architecture compatibility
                                  with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan.

                                                                                                                                      D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   9
SMS itnext samsung
     OPINION                                   DR. MANOJ SAXENA
                                               CEO, NetEdge Computing Solutions

                                                                                                       Key attraction
                                                                                                       Cloud computing has a tremendous

     On cloud nine!
                                                                                                       enterprise pull because it conceals the
                                                                                                       complexity of the infrastructure from
                                                                                                       end-users. They do not know, or need
                                                                                                       to know, what is there in the cloud.
     Yes, that is where cloud computing is set to                                                      This has become possible due to one
                                                                                                       of the key architectural attributes and
     take enterprises--both big and small                                                              underlying technologies of the cloud
                                                                                                       computing model—virtualisation.
                                                                                                       This refers to the abstraction of physi-
                                                                                                       cal IT resources from the people and
                 loud computing, as a ser-                                                             applications using them.

     C           vice offering, has been
                 gaining momentum in
                 India in the last couple of
                 years. While big players
     such as Sun Microsystems, Google,
     IBM, Amazon and Microsoft are in the
     lead, many small private companies are
                                                                                                          Virtualisation allows servers,
                                                                                                       storage devices and other hardware to
                                                                                                       be treated as a pool of resources rather
                                                                                                       than discrete systems so that these
                                                                                                       resources can be allocated on-demand.
                                                                                                          Cloud computing brings a new level
                                                                                                       of efficiency and economy to delivering
     beginning to grab market share.                                                                   IT resources on demand, and in the
        The evolution of cloud computing                                                               process, it opens up new business
     will create not only a dynamic IT                                                                 models and market opportunities.
     environment, but will also bolster user-
     empowerment through the concept of                                                                Cost efficiency
     IT as a Service. A wide range of cloud                                                            As organisations cope with a dynami-
     computing platforms and applications                                                              cally changing business environment,
     are emerging in the market, offering                                                              IT managers can look to cloud comput-
     businesses an entirely new way to                                                                 ing as a way to maintain a flexible and
     deploy technology.                                                                                scalable IT infrastructure that enables
                                                                                                       business agility. The IT managers are
     The architecture                                                                                  showing keen interest in investing time
     Before delving deeper into the criteria              “Cloud computing                             and understanding how the cloud will
     for adoption of the cloud computing                                                               impact access control, network security
     model by enterprises, it is important
                                                          brings in a new level of                     and other core network components.
     to understand its architectural frame-               efficiency and economy                        IT managers of many organisations are
     work. While the majority of contempo-                                                             also eyeing the cloud computing ser-
     rary Internet applications use three-tier
                                                          to delivering IT                             vices model to save money.
     model as generic architecture, the use               resources on demand”                            The principal findings of a research
     of virtualisation in clouds has created a                                                         conducted recently among IT managers
     new set of abstraction at higher levels—                                                          of SMEs to study the acceptance of cloud
     applications, platforms and infrastruc-              of the software runs on a provider’s         computing by businesses has revealed
     ture. These layers not only encapsulate              infrastructure and serves multiple           that IT managers are aggressively
     on-demand resources but also define a                clients. The middle layer, Platform as a     deploying cloud computing initiatives
     new application development model.                   Service or PaaS, offerings can provide       to accomplish business objectives.
     Within each layer of abstraction, there              for every phase of software development      As budgets for cloud computing
                                                                                                                                                   P HOTOG RA P H Y: AJAY C H AW L A

     are myriad business opportunities for                and testing, or they can be specialised      increase, IT managers are examining
     defining services that can be offered on             around a particular area such as             critical technologies for building the
     a pay-per-use basis.                                 content management. Infrastructure as        infrastructure behind the cloud.
        Software as a Service or SaaS                     a Service or IaaS lies at the lowest rung.      So how does an individual, a business
     occupies the highest layer and features              This layer can deliver basic storage and     or an IT manager take advantage of
     a complete application offered as a                  computing capabilities as standardised       the cloud computing trend? Cloud
     service on-demand. Single instance                   services over the network.                   computing is not just about proliferation

12   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0

Companies have realised that by clinging to the
cloud they can access profitable business
applications and can drastically boost their
infrastructure resources, all at a negligible cost.

of IT stacks on a restricted handful     clinging to the cloud they can access
of infrastructure providers. It is       profitable business applications
also about an emerging ecosystem         and can drastically boost their
of complementary services that           infrastructure resources, all at a
provide computing resources such as      negligible cost. This is forcing IT
applications on demand, distributed      managers and CEOs of companies to
databases and virtual private data       deploy the cloud computing model in
centres for the entire range of IT       their organisations.
consumers. These services span the          Keeping in view the array of
range of customer requirements           advantages that cloud computing
from individual developers and           has to offer, the number and quality
small startups to large enterprises.     of public and commercially available
Not only the larger firms but            cloud-based service offerings has
also small and medium enterprises        been growing fast. Using the cloud
can leverage cloud computing to          is often the best option for start-
save costs.                              ups, research projects, Web 2.0
                                         developers, or niche players who
Boon for SMEs                            want a simple and low-cost way to
Cloud computing provides an alter-       load and go.
native to investing in one’s own            A recent finding by global financial
infrastructure and software. There-      services firm Merrill Lynch suggests
fore, the ability to cloud-source an     that cloud computing will expand
application instead of buying self-      into a global market of $95 billion
hosted applications has seen a sig-      over the next four years. Gartner has
nificant rise amongst SMEs. Cloud        also named cloud computing, green
computing presents a powerful            IT and social-computing platforms
opportunity to SMEs to use latest        among technologies that are poised
technologies and services from           to achieve broad enterprise adoption
the cloud which also helps them          in the next two to five years.
save costs, as it is a pay-per-license      This cloud is not one to be blown
model. It helps them to avoid buy-       away in a hurry.
ing the entire hardware or the soft-
ware library.                            Besides heading NetEdge, the author is also
   Companies have realised that by       a registered Computer Consultant with ADB

                                                  D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT
     OPINION                                   RATNAKAR NEMANI
                                               CIO & Head—IT Projects Wing, VST

                                                                                                       step would be to avoid use of multiple
                                                                                                       packages with similar functionality.
                                                                                                       Besides, as an IT manager you can also
                                                                                                       explore options like e-learning to cut

     The Penny route                                                                                   travel and accommodation costs for
                                                                                                       the HR department. Web conferences
                                                                                                       also benefit geographically distributed

     to Pounds                                                                                         functional departments.
                                                                                                          Pennies can also be saved by delaying
                                                                                                       investment in new IT infrastructure,
                                                                                                       like new PCs, by a year or more. The
             n times like these, when the                                                              IT manager can think of alternatives

     I       world economy is struggling to
             recover from a long economic
             downturn and top line growth is
             either marginal or just not pos-
     sible, cost reduction becomes a favoured
     means for a company to stay afloat. It
     is in these times that every function
                                                                                                       instead of going in for basic technology
                                                                                                       upgrades. A simple example can be
                                                                                                       virtualisation of desktops or adoption
                                                                                                       of thin clients. This will not only offer
                                                                                                       benefits in capital expenses (Capex)but
                                                                                                       also reduce the operational expensees
                                                                                                       (Opex) by ensuring less power
     within the company needs to be an                                                                 consumption and lower manpower
     active participant in financial matters,                                                          requirement. Not to talk about enhanced
     and the CIO needs to also look at things                                                          security levels and the satisfaction of
     from the perspective of a ‘Cheap Innova-                                                          creating a greener IT environment.
     tion Officer’.
        One might wonder how the IT                                                                    Benchmark yourself
     function, which seldom accounts for                                                               Finally, all this exercise will be in vain,
     more than single digit of the overall                                                             if you do not really benchmark your-
     expenditure, really helps reduce costs.
     But in these times, a penny saved is
                                                          “The CIO needs to                            self. What is the percentage of IT spend
                                                                                                       vis-à-vis net turnover? Ensure that you
     indeed a penny earned. In fact, the                  look at things from                          check this ratio every year, benchmarking
     IT function can play the catalyst in
     enterprise-wide productivity measures.
                                                          a Cheap Innovation                           with the best companies. I would advise
                                                                                                       IT managers to look at ways and means
     Let me share with you how I have                     Officer perspective”                          to turn the IT function into a profit cen-
     done this at VST, one of the leading                                                              tre from a conventional cost centre. For
     companies in the tobacco space.                      return on investment (ROI) that they         instance, in case you have excess man-
                                                          fetched. Such evaluation always helps        power, think of utilising their skills for
     Be clear on ROI, TCO                                 a firm plug any leakage in the process.      outside projects instead of rendering
     One of the primary functions of the IT                  For instance, on detailed examination     them redundant. This will not only gener-
     team is to work out the planned invest-              we found out that Total Outsourcing          ate revenue but also enhance employees’
     ment for upcoming projects and keep                  of Services (TOS) well suited to VST         trust in the company. Externally too, the
     Total Cost of Operation (TCO) within                 needs since it offered twin benefits—        firm can gain prestige and credibility.
     reasonable limits. To accomplish this,               contemporary technology and better              The list can be endless. But
     you need to align your IT needs with                 technical expertise. In fact, VST was        earning better profits through cost
     the company plan, as lack of business                among the pioneers in the country to go in   reduction should remain the eternal
     can spell failure for projects.                      for long-term outsourcing in April 2004.     mantra for IT professionals within
                                                                                                                                                            P HOTOG RA P H Y: S U RES H VA NGA PAL LY

        Initiatives causing time inefficiency             This pulled down our costs significantly.    the organisation as they can lead the
     and impacting strategic business should                                                           charge towards raising productivity
     be identified and scrapped, even if they             Re-examine current systems                   levels even as costs are cut. After all,
     are already part of the projects portfolio.          One of the important things that an IT       pennies make pounds!
     The first thing that I did after taking              manager can do in these trying times
     over as IT function head at VST was to               is to re-valuate the existing infra-         The author is a cost accountant by qualification
                                                                                                       and an IT professional by choice. He is, cur-
     identify the kind of investments that                structure and try to pinch a penny           rently, focussed on turning VST’s IT division into
     were being made in IT and the precise                here and a penny there. A simple first       a profit centre

14   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
                   09 SURVEY

                                               P HOTOG RA P H Y: JAYA N K N A RAYA NA N

16   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0

                                                                                                       XXXXXXXXXXXXX | COVER STORY

                                                   TO THE TOP
                                           BASED ON AN EXTENSIVE SURVEY OF
                                           IT MANAGERS, IT Next presents a handy
                                           guide for technology managers who have
                                           their hearts set on becoming a CIO
                                           BY SHASHWAT DC / IMAGING ANIL T

                                           Peep into an anthill and you will realise what seamless order and perfection mean.
                                           Our tiny insect cousins have engineered a complex organisational structure which,
                                           though hierarchal, is highly efficient. At the very apex, sits the queen, the head of all
                                           the domicile ants, and does little than preen and procreate. Below the empress, there
                                           are scores and scores of worker ants which toil endlessly to ensure that her majesty
                                           remains unperturbed and at ease.

                                                                                                                            D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   17

           Were we to project this organisational      case of Mr O who is the CIO of a large        cabin, and moves in hallowed circles
       structure on to a standard enterprise,          pharmaceutical company and whose              receiving awards and recognition with
       more so on to the IT function of a typical      lifestyle is the envy of many. More often     amazing regularity.
       enterprise, it will be fairly evident that      than not, he is touring the country, or the      So when does Mr O work? Well
       the CIO is the queen of the IT-hill,            globe, for work and conferences. He is        honestly, he does not; he merely gets
       waited upon by the rest of the managers         courted by vendors, analysts, journalists     the work done. Over the years, he has
       and professionals. The IT head often has        and others who are all ears for every word    outsourced much of the infrastructure
       little to do with IT these days; he frets       that escapes his mouth. Even the CEO of       management to external vendors. Now
       and fumes over things like RoI, people          the company pays attention whenever           all he has is a small and well-knit team
       management, business issues, et al.             Mr O comes up with a new proposal or          of managers and IT professionals who
           For the sake of illustration, take the      strategy. Mr O operates out of a spacious     handle the day-to-day functioning of the
                                                                                                     IT infrastructure and the data centre.
                                                                                                     The anthill is not much different from
                                                                                                     the IT-hill, is it?

   “IT managers                                                                                      IT Next survey
                                                                                                     While one cannot be sure if the worker
     need to take                                                                                    ant within the anthill aspires to be the
       up bigger                                                                                     queen, but IT managers certainly desire
 challenges and                                                              “For an IT              to become CIOs. This was evident when
                                                                                                     we conducted a survey to ascertain
  get out of their                                                           manager to              what it takes to be a CIO. Our survey
comfort zone to                                                              succeed, it             drew responses from nearly 250 IT
       succeed”                                                              is essential            managers around the country—repre-
                                                                                                     senting a wide array of verticals, cities
       —Dhiraj Sinha                                                         that he looks           and profiles. To say that the response
       Leader (Tech),
                                                                             at bridging             was overwhelming will be an under-
  Dell Perot Systems
                                                                             business                statement. Nearly 200 IT managers
                                                                                                     had completed the survey within two
                                                                             versus IT gap”          days, with more responses trickling in
                                                                              —Jojo Jose
                                                                                                     over the next few days. The dozen odd
                                                                              GM (Systems),
                                                                                                     questions in the survey were designed
                                                                              GTN Group
                                                                                                     to capture the ‘essentials’ of what it

                                                                                                                                                    P HOTO G RA P H Y: ( RI G H T ) SA N TO S H B H AS K A R
                                                                                                     takes to be a CIO. Once, the verdict was
                                                                                                     received from the IT managers’ end, the
                                                                                                     same questions were posed to CIOs and
                                                                                                     external consultants, and they were
                                                                                                     asked to share their views.
                                                                                                        Based on the findings from the two
                                                                                                     surveys, we present the 7-step guide
                                                                                                     to becoming a CIO. Though much
                                                                                                     of this may seem fairly obvious and
                                                                                                     commonsensical, do remember that it is

                                                 BE BUSINESS                         ‘DE-TECHNI-                       BE THE
                                                 SAVVY                               CALISE’                           GAUNTLET GUY

                                                         You are already a tech                Non-IT issues                      Be the first to

                                                 1                                  2                                 3
                                                         whiz kid, but so are                  need to be                         stake a claim to
                                                         the other IT manag-                   befriended. Get                    challenging as-
                                                         ers eyeing the CIO’s                  out of the techie                  signments. Even
                                                         slot. Better bone up                  mould and you                      if the project fails,

 THE                                             on the company’s business;
                                                 understand its nuances. Get
                                                                                     will discover a new world.
                                                                                     Learn more about HR, mar-
                                                                                                                       you will end up learning.
                                                                                                                       And, of course, the powers

                                                 familiar with business con-         keting, sales, production         that be will learn about you
                                                 cepts like RoI, EBITDA and          and issues that interest          if the project succeeds. You
                                                 PAT to gain an edge over the        other people.                     will be that much closer to
                                                 competition.                                                          the coveted cabin.

  18   IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0

   the small things that go to make a CIO.
   And it is these traits and specialities
                                                track of its financial standing, market
                                                share, market scenario, competitors
   that need to be imbibed and displayed        and their strategies. Considering that
   to earn the CIO cap. While the steps         IT plays a very critical role, the CIO is
   may seem fairly easy they demand a           expected to don a business hat at all
   complete change of mind set.                 junctures. And the IT manager, who
                                                desires to take on the CIO role, needs to
                   Be business                  be at home wearing the business hat as
       1ST         savvy                        well. So, start practicing it right away.
      STEP         Over the past few years,        “The CIO is an interface between

                   the role of the CIO has      business and technology. He is expected
   undergone a 180 degree change. While,        to have knowledge of both the worlds.
   the CIO continues to remain the king         It is very obvious that he can map the
   (or the queen) of all things technical,      technology to business processes and
   his role has expanded to encompass all       requirements easily because of his
   functions in an organisation. Thus, a        understanding of both,” says Ketan
   CIO is no more chained to the data cen-      Shah, Associate Director, Angel Broking.                                                say Jack of All IT
   tre or the IT department but is expected        According to him, if a manager is                                                    Manager is most suited
   to take on a bigger and more strategic       aiming to become a CIO, then he has                                                     to become a CIO
   role within the organisation. This is also   to bring about a major change in his
   because with rapid digitisation, IT and      thought process. “An IT manager looks
   technology are not just backend, but         at the business from the technology

   front-end tools.                             perspective, while a CIO takes a
      What this implies is that while a         business view of technologies. This
   CIO at a retail organisation may be          change is possible only when an IT
   concerned about implementing the best        manager starts understanding the
   inventory and warehousing system in          business. Once an IT manager develops
   his organisation, he also needs to look      a better understanding of the business
   at the Web and mobile as additional          he can start mapping technology to                                                      want CEOs to mentor
   fronts to reach the customer. Here, IT       business, since technology is any way                                                   potential CIOs
   can provide the organisation with a          his forte,” Shah adds.
   completely new revenue stream that did
   not exist before. The CIO, in this case,                      ‘De-technicalise’
   needs to be the change agent who ushers          2ND          Read a Dilbert comic
   in such a transformation—in a proactive
   and not reactive manner.
                                                   STEP          strip and you will
                                                                 realise what the IT guys

                                                                                               S OU RC E: IT N EX T S UR VE Y 2 0 0 9

      The IT manager too needs to               think about the world, and in return,
   inculcate this kind of business-
   conscious approach. The first step is
   to familiarise oneself with all business
   concepts like RoI, EBITDA and PAT. It
                                                what the world thinks about them.
                                                Even today, despite the ubiquity of
                                                computing lingo, it is hard for a layman
                                                to have a conversation with a technical
                                                                                                                                        feel 13+ years of ex-
   is not enough to know just what your         expert. It is not surprising, considering                                               perience is neces-
   company does, you also need to keep          that techies are often considered geeks                                                 sary to become a CIO

BECOME                            BE A PEOPLE                         GET                                                                 TURN INTO A
INNOVATIVE                        PERSON                              NETWORKED                                                           BE-ALL PERSON
          Focus on the                      Managing people                      Increase your                                                       The CIO needs

4                                5                                   6                                                                   7
          needs and ways                    is infinitely more                    circle. Join                                                        to be a jack-of-all
          of doing busi-                    difficult than man-                   online sites like                                                   trades. He has to
          ness. Think out                   aging computers.                     LinkedIn, Face-                                                     manage different
          of the box. Add                   Learn to inspire                     book, Orkut and                                                     tasks, different
value. Delight the cus-           peers. Let them come to             special community groups.                                           people and different situ-
tomer and the boss. The           you with their problems.            Share experiences and                                               ations, all the time. So, if
CIO’s seat will not seem          Empathise and resolve their         knowledge. The network                                              your eyes are set on the
so distant.                       problems. They will love to         will sustain you as you                                             plum CIO assignment, get
                                  follow you.                         work towards your goal.                                             ready for all this and more.

                                                                                                                                        D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT   19
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IT Next January 2010 Issue

  • 1. DEC 2009-JAN 2010 / RS. 150 VOLUME 01 / ISSUE 01 Taxation: Is your IT infrastructure ready 30 Virtualisation: Has34 the fizz settled or is Tech for Logistics: How IT can help save every 38 THE BIG Q How to track IP theft for GST roll out? it another passing fad? paisa you earn? and prevent it? Pg.53 ARE YOU THE NEXT CIO? 7 S Ilango, Senior Manager Sushil Aggarwal, STEPS Aditya Birla Group Leader-IT Marathon Electric India Rakesh Mohan Project Manager TO THE Dhiraj Sinha, Tech Lead Dell Perot Systems Flytxt TOP SEAT PAGE 16 15 MINUTE Jojo Jose GM (Systems) GTN Group MANAGER Easy if you are willing to change your mindset A 9.9 Media Publication PAGE 47
  • 2. EDITORIAL It’s time for the Maybach The $825 Model T launched in 1908 by Henry Ford was not just the first ‘affordable’ car. It also introduced the concept of “IT Next is more like a assembly line in the automobile sector. This opened custom-built Maybach a floodgate for others to follow. The concept of “one size fits that has been designed all” became universal, spreading quickly across all sectors, including to suit your needs and mainline media, which adopted it for reaching the masses. More recently, requirements” niche magazines have also gone the assembly line way, becoming all things S H U B H E N D U PA R T H to all people. So, when we decided to launch a new publication targeted to IT Managers, one thing was clear—ours would be no assembly line. We decided to take a tailor-made approach like the top-of-the-line custom- built German car, the Maybach. The result is a thoughtfully crafted IT Next that is customised to your needs. We began with a survey of the IT Managers in India to confirm our hypothesis that this is a community that wields considerable influence and is far more extensive than the CXO fraternity, which several magazines and portals focus on. Indeed, the survey revealed that there is a yawning gap in the way existing magazines, including majority of B2B IT publications, cater to the specific needs of the IT Manager. Not surprising then, that you overwhelmed us with your views, ideas and concerns through your responses to our survey. In fact, several stories in this launch issue are based on the suggestions you gave us. We hope to further build on your inputs in launching our online version,, in the coming days. Blogs To Watch! I sincerely hope that you like IT Next not only in terms of the content and P HOTOG RA P H Y: DR LOH I A design but also for its theme and philosophy. Believe me, we have toiled over every aspect of this eclectic product. Unlike Ford’s Model T, IT Next Your views and opinion matter is more like a custom-built Maybach that has been designed to suit your to us. Send your feedback particular needs and requirements. on stories and the magazine at shubhendu.parth@9dot9. So, do let us know your reactions and join us in the journey to facilitate in or SMS us at 567678 (type and celebrate your growth as a technocrat. ITNEXT<space>your feedback) D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 1
  • 3.
  • 4. CONTENT Fa c e b o o k: ht t p : // w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / ho m e . p hp # / g r o u p . p hp ? g i d = 1 9 5 67 5 0 3 05 8 2 Tw i t t e r : ht t p : // t w i t t e r. c o m / i t n e x t L i nke d I n ht t p : // w w w. li nk e d i n . c o m / g r o u p s ? g i d = 2 2 6 17 7 0& t r k = m y g _ 7 FOR THE L ATEST TECHNOLOGY UPDATES GO TO ITNEXT.IN DEC ’09-JAN ’10 V O L U M E 0 1 | I S S U E 0 1 u g r p _ ov r 09 SURVEY STEPS TO THE TOP Page SEAT BASED ON AN EXTENSIVE SURVEY OF IT MANAGERS, IT Next presents a handy guide for technology managers who have their hearts set on 16 becoming a CIO INSIGHTS BOSS TALK INTERVIEW 23 Clicking it big Communication as a Service (CaaS) is set to change the way an enter- prise communicates and collaborates today C OV E R P H OTO G RA P H Y: DR LOH I A , M EX Y X AV IE R & SA N TOS H BH AS K A R 26 No mishaps for this mail e-Mail security needs to guarantee perimeter safety, confidentiality and non-repudiation 28 Top 5 mobile applications C OV E R DES I G N : JAYA N K N A RAYA N A N Technologies that can help enterprises go mobile 30 Ready steady GST The forthcoming GST regime will compel IT managers to execute a 05 Innovate to add value | 44 “There was no recession complete realignment of the IT infrastructure. Are you prepared? Birlasoft CEO, Arup Gupta on in India” | SAP’s Asia-Pacific importance of innovation and Senior V-P, Simon Dale, discusses 34 Has the fizz settled? how it can help IT managers the global slowdown and the Is it time to assess the benefits of server virtualisation? succeed professionally company’s changing strategy 2 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
  • 5. ITNEXT.IN MANAGEMENT Managing Director: Dr Pramath Raj Sinha Printer & Publisher: Vikas Gupta EDITORIAL Group Editor: R Giridhar Editor: Shubhendu Parth Consulting Editor: Pravin Prashant Page LONG WAY TO GO | How ICT intervention in Associate Editor: Shashwat DC Sr Correspondent: Jatinder Singh 38 the logistics sector can make a huge difference DESIGN Sr Creative Director: Jayan K Narayanan OPINION 52 Manage IT | 5 simple steps Art Director: Binesh Sreedharan 12 Tech Talk: On cloud nine! to greening your enterprises Associate Art Director: Anil VK | by Dr Manoj Saxena, CEO, Net- Manager Design: Chander Shekhar Edge Computing Solutions OFF THE SHELF Sr Visualisers: Anoop PC, Santosh Kushwaha 60 HP shrinks your world | A Sr Designers: Prasanth TR & Anil T 14 Money wise: The Penny sneak preview of enterprise prod- SALES & MARKETING route to Pounds by Ratnakar ucts, solutions and services VP Sales & Marketing: Naveen Chand Singh Nemani, CIO & Head—IT Projects (09971794688) Wing, VST Brand Manager: Siddhant Raizada (09990388390) National Manager-Events & Special Projects: 15-MINUTE Mahantesh Godi (09880436623) MANAGER National Manager Online: Nitin Walia 47 Predicting IT right | (09811772466) Strategic IT forecasting is a GM South: Vinodh Kaliappan(09740714817) challenging task, but can make a THE BIG Q GM North: Pranav Saran(09312685289) GM West: Sachin N Mhashilkar(09920348755) difference to your business 53 Who stole my washing Assistant Brand Manager: Arpita Ganguli machine? | How to track IP Co-ordinator Ad Sales, MIS, Scheduling: 48 Office Yoga | Asanas for a theft and prevent it Deepak Sharma busy manager CUBE CHAT PRODUCTION & LOGISTICS 50 Get back to the class- 58 Pining to be a TV star | Yes, Sr. GM Operations: Shivshankar M Hiremath room! | Choosing the right skills professional achievers too can Production Executive: Vilas Mhatre to upgrade is key to beating the nurture off-beat aspirations and Logistics: MP Singh, Mohamed Ansari, recession blues Rajesh Aggarwal, IT Manager, Shashi Shekhar Singh D P Jindal Group is one of them OFFICE ADDRESS Nine Dot Nine Mediaworx Pvt Ltd K-40, Connaught Place, Outer Circle, REGULARS New Delhi–110 001, India Editorial _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01 Printed and published by Vikas Gupta for Industry update_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 06 Nine Dot Nine Mediaworx Pvt Ltd K-40, Connaught Place, Outer Circle, Tech indulge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _62 New Delhi–110 001, India Open debate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _63 Editor: Vikas Gupta My log _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 64 K-40, Connaught Place, Outer Circle, New Delhi–110 001, India ADVERTISER INDEX Printed at: Nutech Photolithographers IBM Reverse Gatefold B-240, Okhla Phase–I, Canon IFC P L E AS E New Delhi–110 020, India R ECYC L E Samsung 10-11 Page TataComm 13, 27, 43 THIS M AGA Z I N E AND R E M OVE Sybase IBC 54 EMC BC I N S E RTS B E FO R E RECYCLING © A L L R I G H TS R ES E R V E D : R E P R O D UC T I O N I N W H O L E O R I N PA RT W I T H O UT W R I T T E N P E R M I S S I O N F R O M N I N E D OT N I N E M E D I AWO R X P V T LT D I S P R O H I BI T E D. D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 3
  • 6.
  • 7. BOSS TALK | ARUP GUPTA PROJECT MANAGEMENT Innovate to add value oday, IT managers, I think, have T become very inward-focused in terms of adhering to process, cost and scope. These are all good things from the Capability Matu- rity Model (CMM) perspective, but are they really meeting the expectations of the customer? Though we may follow all CMM processes faith- fully, the customer is really looking for value- add beyond their specifications. Real successful IT managers are able to add value, enabling “The need of the hour is to find the best customers to become more competitive in their business spheres. solution for a particular problem, rather IT managers, in addition to knowing the than treat it just as a routine affair” software delivery process, need to be aware of technologies and domains so that they can choosing the more fruitful career path— deliver the best possible solution to a particular managerial or purely technological. Some problem. This is what we call an innovative Indian companies offer a clear growth path in solution. That is the transformation that I would pure technology and pure domain, but still like to see in the mind set of all IT managers. most professionals opt for the faster managerial IT managers abroad would possibly be less route. Most Indian companies try to hire project stringent about processes, giving more attention managers or senior practice managers with some to adding value in terms of domain, new SUGGESTION BOX knowledge of the latest domain technologies, technology and architecture. So how does one but as I said earlier, some of the deficiencies in change the mind set of an Indian IT manager? managers in regard to technology and domain One needs to start thinking out of the box and can be compensated by bringing all stakeholders bringing together various stakeholders in the together. I have seen some of the best-of-the- problem like domain expertise, technology breed IT companies in India do so. expertise and possibly the architecture group for Yes, a pure technocrat too can become a brainstorming session. That is exactly what the a CEO. I myself hold a master’s degree in people abroad do. computer science and have grown through the If the problem is too complex, outside ranks. However, more boards and promoters consultants and talent can be involved, rather The book talks are inclined to hire CEOs who can showcase than opting for the solution that exists in house about how to add diversity in terms of technology and domain, and somehow make it fit the particular problem. value and make cli- and now, also an MBA degree. This ensures that P HOTOG RA P H Y: D R LO H IA I am not laying undue emphasis on routine ents more competi- with overall grooming, the individual can solve things like operational efficiency and delivery. tive. It also has tips the complex sets of problems being faced by The need of the hour is to find the best solution on how to build the companies today. for a particular problem, rather than treat it just winning team. The author is CEO of Birlasoft. He has more than 30 years as a routine affair. WRITER: JIM COLLINS experience in the IT industry and has previously worked P UBL I S H E R : H A R P E R BUS I N ES S IT managers are often in a dilemma about PRICE: INR 626.00 with Polaris and TCS D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 5
  • 8. UPDATE I N D U S T R Y TRENDS UPDATE DEALS PRODUCTS SERVICES PEOPLE promises to provide an online platform for software developers to create their own programs, and space for customers to store data. The service had been in testing phase for about a year and will go fully live at the beginning of next year, according to Microsoft’s chief software architect Ray Ozzie. Big Blue (IBM) also raised the stakes by launching a new cloud computing service, similar to that from Amazon and Dubbed as the ‘Smart Analytics Cloud’, it is IBM’s biggest cloud computing service yet and will be at first The cloud gets MS and IBM enhanced their cloud adopted internally by the company. Meanwhile, on the domestic more pervasive commit- ments, by front, companies like Reliance and Airtel have already TECH TRENDS | There was much reason to cheer for the cloud comput- launching launched cloud service. Also, ing front as bigger players made cloud announcements. While, it is services Zenith Infotech has entered the still early days for the cloud industry, which Gartner Research esti- based on the space through its private cloud mates will ring up sales of about $3.4 billion this year, the momentum model computing platform PROUD, has started building up with two biggest software giants, Microsoft which it is positioning as a single and IBM, announcing their plans. centralised computing system Microsoft, which seemed to have missed the cloud bus, announced that can replace the need for that it will roll out the long-awaited Azure system on January 1, 2010. customers to buy computing Azure is Microsoft’s foray into the cloud computing system and it and network hardware as separate and difficult-to-manage components. More recently, NIIT and TELEC OM Global end user spending on telecom is all set for a positive Hitachi have announced their SPEND growth in 2010, after 12 months of negative growth cloud offering for the enterprise (NUMBERS IN US$ BILLIONS) space. To begin with, Hitachi Spending on 2000 Information Systems will WAN optimisa- leverage NIIT Technologies’ data tion and SSL 1950 centre in Bangkok and create its P HOTOG RA P H Y: P HOTOS .C OM virtual private -4 .0 network 6 % 1958 % % first hub outside Japan. This will 1900 5. 3.2 1940 is less likely to be networked to their existing be influenced 1850 1879 infrastructure. The services, 2007 2009 2008 2010 1854 according to the road map, 1800 should be available from the first quarter of the next fiscal. SO U R CE: GART NER , S E PTE M B E R 2 0 0 9 6 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
  • 9. YOUR PRIMARY DEFENCE LAYER EXPRESS YOUR CREATIVITY COOL YOUR DATA UPDATE Norton’s NIS 2010 claims to enhance user Genius has introduced new range of Extreme Networks has introduced a 10 experience with new fea- Graphic Tablets—the EasyPen i405 and Gigabit Ethernet switch, that promises tures like Quorum and safe the MousePen i608. It features 30% power sav- web protection. The product two buttons and 1024 ings, for the next is Windows 7 compatible level pressure sen- generation data and available at Rs 1,450 sitivity for control over centre, cloud com- for a single PC license. drawing or writing. puting and hosted environments. LinkedIn opens up APIs were evaluated on a case- by-case basis, where priority was given to “integrations that provide the most value to the greatest TECH TIDINGS | Popular net- number of LinkedIn users,” working and professional site according to its former policy. The LinkedIn seems to be opening up LinkedIn Platform now allows to the developer community. It that access to everyone. has launched a platform for the However, there is some developer community. With this doubt on whether the move move, third party developers will is too little and a tad late, as be able use LinkedIn’s profile other networking giants like content in their business appli- Facebook and MySpace have cations and Websites. The move successfully engaged the follows the company’s decision developer community in the last to join hands with technology couple of years. There is a lot companies—IBM, Microsoft, of speculation on the pending Research In Motion (Blackberry), interface redesign, but no official and Twitter—for integrations Announces across different networks. word on it. with their respective products platform for Developers can now register at Nevertheless, by opening and solutions. While these third party to receive up its API the company has partnerships created additional developers a unique key that allows access to insured that developers can add channels for LinkedIn’s plat- discussion boards, sample code, to LinkedIn’s value by building form, the latest move would provisioning code and more. In a whole new set of standalone make LinkedIn ubiquitous the past, requests to use LinkedIn products. AROUND THE WORLD QUICK BYTE Unified communication: to touch $4.2 Bn by 2014 While the world rued the economic slowdown, there was a silver lining for the Unified Communications (UC) industry. Enterprises took to UC solutions to cut GOOGLE CO-FOUNDER SERGEY BRIN down on costs. According an ABI Research report, ON CHROME OS VS MS WINDOWS... the segment is set to jump from $302 million in 2008 “CALL US DUMB to $4.2 billion by 2014. The growth confirms the BUSINESSMEN, BUT WE REALLY FOCUS ON perception of UC as a productive and cost-cutting USER NEEDS RATHER technology rather than a fancy collaborative tool, THAN ON STRATEGIES particularly for MNCs with offices across multiple RELATED TO OTHER BUSINESSES” geographies. D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 7
  • 10. UPDATE Salesforce unveils office networking tool WEB 2.0 | Understanding the significance of social network- ing and the opportunity it can bring for corporates, Salesforce. com, has introduced an in-house social networking model called Salesforce Chatter. INTERVIEW The service is intended to PAUL KAELEY provide a platform where all Director—Global Storage (Data Man- agement) Consulting Practice, Dell employees can collaborate and connect with their co-workers using the intranet. The new itself with Twitter and IT NEXT: What is your outlook of the The service, an in-house social tool will be Facebook that users are IT consulting business in India? networking and collaboration included in all already comfortable with. PAUL: There is a great opportunity tool aims at improving interaction paid editions While employees at within the India market in the IT consult- within the organisation. It enables of Salesforce Salesforce have already ing space. Our consulting approach is employees to create their profile, CRM and started using the designed to help customers of all sizes update their status, and inform chatterbox, the company to rapidly identify ways to drive more peers about “what they are doing,” is looking at making it efficiency within their data centres. Using right away. available to the corporate our Measurable Rapid Insight (MRI) The move comes on the in early 2010. approach we can quickly identify what expected line of the changing The new chatter edition customers are spending on storage and working environmemt, with will be sold for $50 per then show a path to how they can reduce enterprises swiftly evaluating user per month and will cost and complexity. how cloud and social networking include salesforce chatter, can help them reach business salesforce content and How are you addressing the needs of goals in a smoother way., the company IT managers? The service also integrates informed. Our whole strategy is focused on quickly addressing key pain points of IT manag- ers. Our storage services directly map Enterprise software market to key issues faced by our customers today—from data growth to data protec- tion and optimising storage. to grow 10% in 2009 How is Dell applying its consulting services for improved storage ef- TECH TRENDS | The enterprise software been mitigated by the large untapped ficiency? market in India continues to post a market that is adopting IT on a The need to address enterprise data healthy growth and is expected to regis- continuous scale, the report states. management issues continues to be high ter an overall 10.1% growth this year. The main driving force behind the on the agenda of CIOs and IT Managers. The recent Gartner report enterprise software market P HOTOG RA P H Y: JAYA N K N A RAYA NA N Most companies are spending a large predicts that the market will still continues to ERP, continue to improve and touch 11.8% growth in 2010. India is the fourth-largest market in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, and while .3 ENTERPRISE S/W GLOBAL GROWTH IN % driven by SAP and Oracle. India, China and Vietnam are the biggest drivers for the enterprise market in the $20 billion APAC market, percentage of their budget on storage and Dell’s consulting services capabilities can help quickly identify how organisations can maximise their spend and ensure that storage is matched to business needs. the impact of the slowdown 2009 which will grow by 10.2% Source: Gartner cannot be discounted it has in 2009. By Jatinder Singh 8 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
  • 11. UPDATE SOCIAL NETWORKING Fujitsu, NetApp join NSE starts hands for storage to Tweet The Twitter club got a major The two boost as the National Stock companies Exchange (NSE) begun sending will jointly out live quotes of its benchmark develop inte- index Nifty on the micro-blogging grated data website. The Indian bourse cur- management rently sends out an update of the and storage Nifty index as well as the highs products and and lows every 10 minutes during solutions the trading hours. With this move, NSE has become the first Indian bourse to join the Twitter club, beating its rival Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Internationally, TECH ALLIANCE | In what can be termed as a single console management major bourses major realignment in the data management space, of the entire infrastructure, like NASDAQ Fujitsu, a player in software management joined and increases productivity from the US and hands with storage system vendor NetApp to pro- and operational efficiency FTSE from the vide tightly integrated and automated storage and through ease of use. With UK have already data management solutions. the combination of products established their According to the announcement made by the and solutions from both presence on Twit- two companies, they will jointly develop integrated companies, customers can ter. Meanwhile, products and services in the areas of virtualisation, reduce their capex and NSE plans to provide more infor- storage and data management, and storage services leverage IT infrastructure. mation over Twitter in the coming and solutions. The two companies further days. The NSE Tweets have been The two companies will also work towards plan to implement a global well received by the users. Within integrating NetApp’s storage management joint go-to-market strategy a week of its launch, the NSE has software into Fujitsu’s resource management for all complementary already registered about 1,600 framework, that dynamically orchestrates servers, products. The tie-up also followers.The exchange aims to networks, storage and software to run applications envisages full integration of add some more indices and tools on demand. NetApp V-series products on the social networking site in The framework also enables easier with Fujitsu’s Eternus the coming days, besides enabling administration of data centre environments, allows storage systems. investors to reach NSE through NEWS @ WHAT IS COOKING AT MICROSOFT? BLOG PERHAPS THE WHOLE, “end-of-the-world” thing in 2012 really has something to do with Microsoft, which is likely to release Windows 8 in that year | Nicholas Kolakowski <> in Microsoft Kitchen The blog posted two slides suggesting that the next Windows Server and P HOTOG RA P H Y: P HOTOS .C OM Windows 8 would be released in 2012. Earlier in October, the LinkedIn page for Robert Morgan, a senior member of Microsoft’s Research & Development team, stated his current projects included 128 bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan. D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 9
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  • 14. TECH TALK OPINION DR. MANOJ SAXENA CEO, NetEdge Computing Solutions Key attraction Cloud computing has a tremendous On cloud nine! enterprise pull because it conceals the complexity of the infrastructure from end-users. They do not know, or need to know, what is there in the cloud. Yes, that is where cloud computing is set to This has become possible due to one of the key architectural attributes and take enterprises--both big and small underlying technologies of the cloud computing model—virtualisation. This refers to the abstraction of physi- cal IT resources from the people and loud computing, as a ser- applications using them. C vice offering, has been gaining momentum in India in the last couple of years. While big players such as Sun Microsystems, Google, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft are in the lead, many small private companies are Virtualisation allows servers, storage devices and other hardware to be treated as a pool of resources rather than discrete systems so that these resources can be allocated on-demand. Cloud computing brings a new level of efficiency and economy to delivering beginning to grab market share. IT resources on demand, and in the The evolution of cloud computing process, it opens up new business will create not only a dynamic IT models and market opportunities. environment, but will also bolster user- empowerment through the concept of Cost efficiency IT as a Service. A wide range of cloud As organisations cope with a dynami- computing platforms and applications cally changing business environment, are emerging in the market, offering IT managers can look to cloud comput- businesses an entirely new way to ing as a way to maintain a flexible and deploy technology. scalable IT infrastructure that enables business agility. The IT managers are The architecture showing keen interest in investing time Before delving deeper into the criteria “Cloud computing and understanding how the cloud will for adoption of the cloud computing impact access control, network security model by enterprises, it is important brings in a new level of and other core network components. to understand its architectural frame- efficiency and economy IT managers of many organisations are work. While the majority of contempo- also eyeing the cloud computing ser- rary Internet applications use three-tier to delivering IT vices model to save money. model as generic architecture, the use resources on demand” The principal findings of a research of virtualisation in clouds has created a conducted recently among IT managers new set of abstraction at higher levels— of SMEs to study the acceptance of cloud applications, platforms and infrastruc- of the software runs on a provider’s computing by businesses has revealed ture. These layers not only encapsulate infrastructure and serves multiple that IT managers are aggressively on-demand resources but also define a clients. The middle layer, Platform as a deploying cloud computing initiatives new application development model. Service or PaaS, offerings can provide to accomplish business objectives. Within each layer of abstraction, there for every phase of software development As budgets for cloud computing P HOTOG RA P H Y: AJAY C H AW L A are myriad business opportunities for and testing, or they can be specialised increase, IT managers are examining defining services that can be offered on around a particular area such as critical technologies for building the a pay-per-use basis. content management. Infrastructure as infrastructure behind the cloud. Software as a Service or SaaS a Service or IaaS lies at the lowest rung. So how does an individual, a business occupies the highest layer and features This layer can deliver basic storage and or an IT manager take advantage of a complete application offered as a computing capabilities as standardised the cloud computing trend? Cloud service on-demand. Single instance services over the network. computing is not just about proliferation 12 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
  • 15. OPINION Companies have realised that by clinging to the cloud they can access profitable business applications and can drastically boost their infrastructure resources, all at a negligible cost. of IT stacks on a restricted handful clinging to the cloud they can access of infrastructure providers. It is profitable business applications also about an emerging ecosystem and can drastically boost their of complementary services that infrastructure resources, all at a provide computing resources such as negligible cost. This is forcing IT applications on demand, distributed managers and CEOs of companies to databases and virtual private data deploy the cloud computing model in centres for the entire range of IT their organisations. consumers. These services span the Keeping in view the array of range of customer requirements advantages that cloud computing from individual developers and has to offer, the number and quality small startups to large enterprises. of public and commercially available Not only the larger firms but cloud-based service offerings has also small and medium enterprises been growing fast. Using the cloud can leverage cloud computing to is often the best option for start- save costs. ups, research projects, Web 2.0 developers, or niche players who Boon for SMEs want a simple and low-cost way to Cloud computing provides an alter- load and go. native to investing in one’s own A recent finding by global financial infrastructure and software. There- services firm Merrill Lynch suggests fore, the ability to cloud-source an that cloud computing will expand application instead of buying self- into a global market of $95 billion hosted applications has seen a sig- over the next four years. Gartner has nificant rise amongst SMEs. Cloud also named cloud computing, green computing presents a powerful IT and social-computing platforms opportunity to SMEs to use latest among technologies that are poised technologies and services from to achieve broad enterprise adoption the cloud which also helps them in the next two to five years. save costs, as it is a pay-per-license This cloud is not one to be blown model. It helps them to avoid buy- away in a hurry. ing the entire hardware or the soft- ware library. Besides heading NetEdge, the author is also Companies have realised that by a registered Computer Consultant with ADB D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT
  • 16. MONEY WISE OPINION RATNAKAR NEMANI CIO & Head—IT Projects Wing, VST step would be to avoid use of multiple packages with similar functionality. Besides, as an IT manager you can also explore options like e-learning to cut The Penny route travel and accommodation costs for the HR department. Web conferences also benefit geographically distributed to Pounds functional departments. Pennies can also be saved by delaying investment in new IT infrastructure, like new PCs, by a year or more. The n times like these, when the IT manager can think of alternatives I world economy is struggling to recover from a long economic downturn and top line growth is either marginal or just not pos- sible, cost reduction becomes a favoured means for a company to stay afloat. It is in these times that every function instead of going in for basic technology upgrades. A simple example can be virtualisation of desktops or adoption of thin clients. This will not only offer benefits in capital expenses (Capex)but also reduce the operational expensees (Opex) by ensuring less power within the company needs to be an consumption and lower manpower active participant in financial matters, requirement. Not to talk about enhanced and the CIO needs to also look at things security levels and the satisfaction of from the perspective of a ‘Cheap Innova- creating a greener IT environment. tion Officer’. One might wonder how the IT Benchmark yourself function, which seldom accounts for Finally, all this exercise will be in vain, more than single digit of the overall if you do not really benchmark your- expenditure, really helps reduce costs. But in these times, a penny saved is “The CIO needs to self. What is the percentage of IT spend vis-à-vis net turnover? Ensure that you indeed a penny earned. In fact, the look at things from check this ratio every year, benchmarking IT function can play the catalyst in enterprise-wide productivity measures. a Cheap Innovation with the best companies. I would advise IT managers to look at ways and means Let me share with you how I have Officer perspective” to turn the IT function into a profit cen- done this at VST, one of the leading tre from a conventional cost centre. For companies in the tobacco space. return on investment (ROI) that they instance, in case you have excess man- fetched. Such evaluation always helps power, think of utilising their skills for Be clear on ROI, TCO a firm plug any leakage in the process. outside projects instead of rendering One of the primary functions of the IT For instance, on detailed examination them redundant. This will not only gener- team is to work out the planned invest- we found out that Total Outsourcing ate revenue but also enhance employees’ ment for upcoming projects and keep of Services (TOS) well suited to VST trust in the company. Externally too, the Total Cost of Operation (TCO) within needs since it offered twin benefits— firm can gain prestige and credibility. reasonable limits. To accomplish this, contemporary technology and better The list can be endless. But you need to align your IT needs with technical expertise. In fact, VST was earning better profits through cost the company plan, as lack of business among the pioneers in the country to go in reduction should remain the eternal can spell failure for projects. for long-term outsourcing in April 2004. mantra for IT professionals within P HOTOG RA P H Y: S U RES H VA NGA PAL LY Initiatives causing time inefficiency This pulled down our costs significantly. the organisation as they can lead the and impacting strategic business should charge towards raising productivity be identified and scrapped, even if they Re-examine current systems levels even as costs are cut. After all, are already part of the projects portfolio. One of the important things that an IT pennies make pounds! The first thing that I did after taking manager can do in these trying times over as IT function head at VST was to is to re-valuate the existing infra- The author is a cost accountant by qualification and an IT professional by choice. He is, cur- identify the kind of investments that structure and try to pinch a penny rently, focussed on turning VST’s IT division into were being made in IT and the precise here and a penny there. A simple first a profit centre 14 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
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  • 19. 09 7 XXXXXXXXXXXXX | COVER STORY SURVEY STEPS TO THE TOP SEAT BASED ON AN EXTENSIVE SURVEY OF IT MANAGERS, IT Next presents a handy guide for technology managers who have their hearts set on becoming a CIO BY SHASHWAT DC / IMAGING ANIL T P HOTOG RA P H Y: JAYA N K N A RAYA NA N Peep into an anthill and you will realise what seamless order and perfection mean. Our tiny insect cousins have engineered a complex organisational structure which, though hierarchal, is highly efficient. At the very apex, sits the queen, the head of all the domicile ants, and does little than preen and procreate. Below the empress, there are scores and scores of worker ants which toil endlessly to ensure that her majesty remains unperturbed and at ease. D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 17
  • 20. COVER STORY | 09 SURVEY Were we to project this organisational case of Mr O who is the CIO of a large cabin, and moves in hallowed circles structure on to a standard enterprise, pharmaceutical company and whose receiving awards and recognition with more so on to the IT function of a typical lifestyle is the envy of many. More often amazing regularity. enterprise, it will be fairly evident that than not, he is touring the country, or the So when does Mr O work? Well the CIO is the queen of the IT-hill, globe, for work and conferences. He is honestly, he does not; he merely gets waited upon by the rest of the managers courted by vendors, analysts, journalists the work done. Over the years, he has and professionals. The IT head often has and others who are all ears for every word outsourced much of the infrastructure little to do with IT these days; he frets that escapes his mouth. Even the CEO of management to external vendors. Now and fumes over things like RoI, people the company pays attention whenever all he has is a small and well-knit team management, business issues, et al. Mr O comes up with a new proposal or of managers and IT professionals who For the sake of illustration, take the strategy. Mr O operates out of a spacious handle the day-to-day functioning of the IT infrastructure and the data centre. The anthill is not much different from the IT-hill, is it? “IT managers IT Next survey While one cannot be sure if the worker need to take ant within the anthill aspires to be the up bigger queen, but IT managers certainly desire challenges and “For an IT to become CIOs. This was evident when we conducted a survey to ascertain get out of their manager to what it takes to be a CIO. Our survey comfort zone to succeed, it drew responses from nearly 250 IT succeed” is essential managers around the country—repre- senting a wide array of verticals, cities —Dhiraj Sinha that he looks and profiles. To say that the response Leader (Tech), at bridging was overwhelming will be an under- Dell Perot Systems business statement. Nearly 200 IT managers had completed the survey within two versus IT gap” days, with more responses trickling in —Jojo Jose over the next few days. The dozen odd GM (Systems), questions in the survey were designed GTN Group to capture the ‘essentials’ of what it P HOTO G RA P H Y: ( RI G H T ) SA N TO S H B H AS K A R takes to be a CIO. Once, the verdict was received from the IT managers’ end, the same questions were posed to CIOs and external consultants, and they were asked to share their views. Based on the findings from the two surveys, we present the 7-step guide to becoming a CIO. Though much of this may seem fairly obvious and commonsensical, do remember that it is BE BUSINESS ‘DE-TECHNI- BE THE SAVVY CALISE’ GAUNTLET GUY 7 You are already a tech Non-IT issues Be the first to 1 2 3 whiz kid, but so are need to be stake a claim to the other IT manag- befriended. Get challenging as- ers eyeing the CIO’s out of the techie signments. Even slot. Better bone up mould and you if the project fails, THE on the company’s business; understand its nuances. Get will discover a new world. Learn more about HR, mar- you will end up learning. And, of course, the powers STEPS familiar with business con- keting, sales, production that be will learn about you cepts like RoI, EBITDA and and issues that interest if the project succeeds. You PAT to gain an edge over the other people. will be that much closer to competition. the coveted cabin. 18 IT NEXT | D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0
  • 21. COVER STORY the small things that go to make a CIO. And it is these traits and specialities track of its financial standing, market share, market scenario, competitors 09 SURVEY that need to be imbibed and displayed and their strategies. Considering that to earn the CIO cap. While the steps IT plays a very critical role, the CIO is may seem fairly easy they demand a expected to don a business hat at all complete change of mind set. junctures. And the IT manager, who desires to take on the CIO role, needs to Be business be at home wearing the business hat as 1ST savvy well. So, start practicing it right away. STEP Over the past few years, “The CIO is an interface between 75% the role of the CIO has business and technology. He is expected undergone a 180 degree change. While, to have knowledge of both the worlds. the CIO continues to remain the king It is very obvious that he can map the (or the queen) of all things technical, technology to business processes and his role has expanded to encompass all requirements easily because of his functions in an organisation. Thus, a understanding of both,” says Ketan CIO is no more chained to the data cen- Shah, Associate Director, Angel Broking. say Jack of All IT tre or the IT department but is expected According to him, if a manager is Manager is most suited to take on a bigger and more strategic aiming to become a CIO, then he has to become a CIO role within the organisation. This is also to bring about a major change in his because with rapid digitisation, IT and thought process. “An IT manager looks technology are not just backend, but at the business from the technology 42% front-end tools. perspective, while a CIO takes a What this implies is that while a business view of technologies. This CIO at a retail organisation may be change is possible only when an IT concerned about implementing the best manager starts understanding the inventory and warehousing system in business. Once an IT manager develops his organisation, he also needs to look a better understanding of the business at the Web and mobile as additional he can start mapping technology to want CEOs to mentor fronts to reach the customer. Here, IT business, since technology is any way potential CIOs can provide the organisation with a his forte,” Shah adds. completely new revenue stream that did not exist before. The CIO, in this case, ‘De-technicalise’ needs to be the change agent who ushers 2ND Read a Dilbert comic in such a transformation—in a proactive and not reactive manner. STEP strip and you will realise what the IT guys 47 S OU RC E: IT N EX T S UR VE Y 2 0 0 9 The IT manager too needs to think about the world, and in return, inculcate this kind of business- conscious approach. The first step is to familiarise oneself with all business concepts like RoI, EBITDA and PAT. It what the world thinks about them. Even today, despite the ubiquity of computing lingo, it is hard for a layman to have a conversation with a technical % feel 13+ years of ex- is not enough to know just what your expert. It is not surprising, considering perience is neces- company does, you also need to keep that techies are often considered geeks sary to become a CIO BECOME BE A PEOPLE GET TURN INTO A INNOVATIVE PERSON NETWORKED BE-ALL PERSON Focus on the Managing people Increase your The CIO needs 4 5 6 7 needs and ways is infinitely more circle. Join to be a jack-of-all of doing busi- difficult than man- online sites like trades. He has to ness. Think out aging computers. LinkedIn, Face- manage different of the box. Add Learn to inspire book, Orkut and tasks, different value. Delight the cus- peers. Let them come to special community groups. people and different situ- tomer and the boss. The you with their problems. Share experiences and ations, all the time. So, if CIO’s seat will not seem Empathise and resolve their knowledge. The network your eyes are set on the so distant. problems. They will love to will sustain you as you plum CIO assignment, get follow you. work towards your goal. ready for all this and more. D E C 2 0 0 9 – J A N 2 0 1 0 | IT NEXT 19