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US                                                                                                                                              December 2009
       OC       Let’s be conversant with REY….                                                                                                                                                  Issue 03

  IN F
Technically HE is a computer              What does the future hold for               again….) “Seriously the problem
support technician; a specialist who      you? Any exciting           plans?          am dealing with now is the
installs or removes software,             Developments?                               defective timekeeping machine at
troubleshoots    technical     issues,    Hopefully get promoted. Say five            Libarnes building, hopefully it will
configures LAN and responsible for                                                    be replaced soon …aron hapsay na                                    The Official Publication of Management Information Services
                                          years from now probably I would
                                                                                      ang pag-download sa data kun
information security and privacy.         still be working here at MIS. I love
                                          my job here and am happy working            ting-payroll na…”                            eTOMS – consolidate and manage LGU finances
Personally HIS colleagues describe        for the province of Agusan del Sur
him as a very reliable person,            cause this is where I have used my                                                 eTOMS is an acronym for Electronic Treasury Operations Management
competent, patient, approachable,         expertise as a computer technician;                                                System. It is a revenue support system developed to recognize the
and simple; somebody who really           this is where I started.                                                           importance of consolidating and managing LGU finances. By automating
knows his job well.                                                                                                          the LGU's collection and disbursement operations, eTOMS adds to the fiscal
                                                                                                                             benefits already being derived from the implementation of Real Property
                                                                                                                             Tax Information System (RPTIS) and Business Permits Licensing System
We were able to corner him for a          What do you do on your free
                                                                                                                             (BPLS), the other two income-generating developed system.
certain time to fathom his effective-     time?
ness.                                     Games….Before when our net usage                                                   eTOMS particularly used in treasury office to generate all the reports
                                          was still not restricted, I became                                                 required and prescribed by the Bureau of Local Government Finance
What do you love about your               fond of “Farmville” (grins….)                                                      (BLGF). Examples of such report are Statement of Receipt Sources,
job?                                                                                                                         Statement of Expenditures, Statement of Receipt Sources and Expenditures
The “challenge” that my job entails       If you encounter job-related                FAST FACTS:
                                                                                      FAST FACTSC                            (SRE), and a lot more.
                                          issues and had a hard time                  Full Name: Augustus Rey N. De          As it was implemented in the 14 municipalities of Agusan Del Sur a
What would you say makes you              coping,      what       superpower                       Guzman                    seminar/workshop was conducted by our very own MIS chief of office; Eng’r.
different from your colleagues?           would help you in the course of             Age: 29                                Nephtali Morgado with Mr. Roy Sabuero; Prosperidad Municipal Treasurer.
I would say I got “initiative”. If a      that encounter? Why?                        Birth date: August 2, 1980             Both are key personnel who realized the development of the system.
certain PC problem is encountered         I would like to mimic marvel                Little Darling: Steffanie Lyka
and the rest of the team members          superhero Jamie Madrox; “Multiple                           (2 yrs old)            The three days seminar last November 16-18, 2009 was held at Rosalinda’s
won’t be able to solve it, I would try    Man”. (Grins….) Hopefully I could           Position: CO II – ICT Maintenance      Restaurant, San Francisco participated by all Municipal Treasurer’s and
my best to find ways to tackle the        replicate myself so I can handle                               Section             some personnel from the Provincial Treasurer’s Office.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       - msov
issue.                                    issues at hand all at once. (Grins
              ia                                                                                                                                  MIS-ICT Maintenance Section’s significance in the “Pagtuon
      h   Triv Inspiration behind the “apple logo”                                                                                 Sp      ot
  Tec                                                                               Re-alignment of Office....
                                                                                                                                                                                    Project & Barangay Computerization Program”
               and who designed it                                                                                                                                         Computerization is practically synonymous with modernization. As we computerize the
                                                                                    We are graced with the presence of
                    Believe it or not,                     by eating an apple                                                                                              barangay units, we are giving them the means to modernize the delivery of public services to
                                                                                    Mr. Ferdinand “Tata” Perez, who                                                        their own residents. This drives the formalization of issuing barangay clearances and permits.
                    the current Apple                     he had laced with         was the Coordinator when ITU was                                                       That is a task that they have to do on their own, they were just being given the tools to make it
                    logo, which an                        cyanide. Turing is        created. He reminds us to review                                                       happen.
                    image of a bit                        regarded as one of        our vision and work together to
                    apple, wasn't the                     the fathers of the        aim for that. He very well said that                                                   It all started with a vision that will soon be realized by the starting initiative of PGAS thru the
                    first logo to be      computer. The rainbow colors of the                                                                                              effort of our Gov. Ma. Valentina “Tina” G. Plaza by turning over 80 units of complete set of PC
                                                                                    small activities like what we’re                                                       to chosen barangays and schools.
                    used by Apple Inc.    logo are rumored to be a reference        having is essential to continuously
 The first Apple logo was designed by     to the rainbow flag, as homage to         motivate all of us as member of the                                                    Our very own ICT Maintenance technicians, plays a vital role in the said project as they were
 Steve Jobs himself together with         Turing's homosexuality.                   team.                                                                                  responsible in checking if the PC that’s going to be distributed works well and in its best. They
 Ronald Wayne -- one of Apple's                                                                                                                                            were also in-charge in setting up the technical set up of the venue upon PC turn-over.
 co-founders. It depicts an image of      The Rainbow Apple's base structure
 Isaac Newton sitting under an apple      became the template for Apple's           The formal activity was ended with       Re-alignment of Office Functions Activity held at Masao
 tree;                                    current and more conservative logos       a get together happening to
             This logo was eventually                                                                                                         Information Technology Unit (ITU) was created as a unit, year 2001 under the Provincial Governor’s Office thru Ordinance No.
                                          (color-wise).                             celebrate the small wins that we         22 Series 2001. On March of this year Ordinance No. 36, Series 2009 was created entitled “An Ordinance Reorganizing the Provincial
             replaced by Rob Janoff's                                               had for the present year. Alls well      Government of Agusan Del Sur”. Thru this ordinance ITU now named Management Information Services (MIS) was transferred under the
             Rainbow Apple logo                                                     that ends well…                          Provincial Administrator’s Office. There is a proposed plan of transferring its existence under the Provincial Planning and Development Office
             during the late 1970's. It
             is believed                           uo    te                                                       - msov     by next year.
                                                                                                                                              With the units’ constant transfer under the wings of different offices we had come up with several objectives to re-aligned our
 that the Rainbow Apple is the
                                           Te  chQ                                                                           function and staff responsibilities. A one day activity was held last 27th day of November 2009 1)To re-align office functions now that the
                                                                                                                             entire office is under the Provincial Administrators Office; 2) To ensure that individual employees responsibilities are in accordance to MIS core
 company's tribute to Isaac Newton's
                                                                                                                             agenda and objective as it was created in 2001; 3)To assess how far the office has gone since its inception; and 4) To review and realign official
 discoveries on gravity and light               "Life would be so much easier if we only had the source code."               MIS Mission, Vision, Core values and Objectives in accordance to future transfer of MIS under the Provincial Planning and Development
 prisms.                                                                                                                     Office.                                                                                                                           Cont. to page 4

 While [The Rainbow Apple] is
 generally accepted to have referred
                                                              Management Information Services
 to Isaac Newton, another explana-                            3rd Floor, Executive Bldg.
 tion exists that the bitten apple pays                       D.O. Plaza Government Center
 homage to the mathematician Alan                             Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur

                                                                                                                     p4 p1
 Turing, who committed suicide                                Phone: 085 3437955
h                                                            Talk10    ways IT department waste money
                                                                                                                                                                                                     10 ways IT .....
  Tec                                                                                                                                                                                                It makes more sense to carefully evaluate         as a new OS, it’s often smart to roll it out    the same training may be available on
                                                                                                                                                                                                     how the systems and software are being            with a pilot group first so you can work        DVD or through live online instruction at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                     used and whether there’s a real need to           out any unanticipated problems before           fraction of the cost. Is the department
IT is often a popular target for corporate                                                        the plan that they never use at all.              on how your company operates and what            upgrade. You can save the cost of new             deploying across the entire organization.       paying for certifications that may not be
cost-cutting. So the more you can identify                                                                                                          its specific needs are. If you do find that      licenses and administrative overhead costs                                                        necessary?       Certification    provides
and control unnecessary spending, the                                                             3. Not allowing employees to work                 you need to bring in a consultant, check         — and often, make users happier and               8.Overspending on hardware While                assurance of a certain level of knowledge
better you’ll be able to fend off the                                                             from home. Company managers                       credentials and references carefully. There      avoid deployment headaches — by                   buying new hardware can save you                and in some cases, having certified
budget axe. Here are a few areas where IT                                                         sometimes fail to recognize the significant       are many good, hard-working IT                   sticking with what you have now if it’s still     money, too much of a good thing can             employees on staff enhances the
budgets often go to waste.                                                                        cost benefits — to both employer and              consultants. The field is also a great target    working fine for your company’s purposes.         waste it. Some companies are still not          company’s reputation or allows it to
                                                                                                  employee — of allowing employees to               for rip-off artists who talk over your head                                                        utilizing virtualization to the extent that     participate in vendor partner programs.
Back in the golden days of IT, when                                                               telecommute all or part of the time. One          about specialized technologies and try to        This applies to servers, too. It’s nice to have   they could to reduce both capital and           But some IT professionals collect multiple
companies had plenty of money to throw                                                            reason they oppose such an arrangement            push the latest and greatest on you —            the latest and greatest running on the            operating expenditures. Instead of buying       certifications — at company expense —
around, it didn’t matter so much if there                                                         is that they won’t have as much control           whether you need it or not — or attempt          most powerful machines, but will it make          multiple mid-priced servers to run Web          that may not benefit the company at all
was a little wastage here and there.                                                              over workers who aren’t on site. IT               to sell you on specific products that you        a real difference in terms of productivity,       services, mail services, collaboration and      (although they may benefit the employee
Today, however, budgets are tight and                                                             departments sometimes support this                may not really need.                             security, and other important factors or do       communications services, etc., you may be       in looking for a new job).
there aren’t many cash to spare. That                                                             position for fear that remote workers will                                                         you just want it so you’ll have a new toy to      able to save substantially by purchasing
means IT departments need to take a                                                               present a security threat. However, with          5.Hiring full-time employees when                play with?                                        one or two more powerful machines and           Ongoing training is important, and having
good, hard look at where the money is                                                             modern technologies such as NAP/NAC               contractors would be more cost                                                                     consolidating servers with virtualization       well-trained personnel can save a
going and where cuts can be made —                                                                and DirectAccess, you can ensure that             effective. The flip side of the previous         7.Failing to upgrade old, inefficient             technologies. Not only is the total capital     company money in the long run. But
before someone higher up does it for you.                                                         remote systems connecting to the                  item involves being afraid to use                equipment. On the other hand, some                outlay often less, but you reduce the cost      when budgets are tight, it’s also important
Some of these may seem to be just                                                                 company LAN are properly configured               consultants or contractors when it’s             companies are going overboard when it             of extended warranties and maintenance          to get the most for every training budget
common sense, but there are organiza-                                                             and protected and that the connections            appropriate. Hiring full-time employees          comes to squeezing every last drop of use         contracts since they apply to fewer             and cut out the waste.
tions out there right now that are wasting                                                        are secure. Allowing more employees to            to handle a workload that’s likely to be         out of their current systems. If the              machines, and operating costs are often
money in all these ways.                                                                          work from home enables the company to             temporary leaves you with idle workers           computers are getting so old that they            lower because the total power usage is          10. Wasting money on travel expenses
                                                                                                  save money on office space and air                who end up costing you money because             regularly break down and require repairs,         less.                                           Training isn’t the only reason employees
1. Wasting Energy Despite some                                                                    conditioning. Employees save money on             there’s not enough for them to do to             if your servers go down so often that users                                                       travel on the company dime. Members of
reduction in power costs over the last year,                                                      clothes, lunches, and transportation. They        warrant their salaries — or forcing you to       of the network can’t get their work done          Another way some companies waste                the IT department may be called upon to
rates appear to be headed back up. The                                                            also often enjoy work more, so they end           go through the pains (to those employees         or customers can’t access your site, if you’re    money is by purchasing equipment for a          attend meetings at company headquar-
electric bill is still a large expense for most                                                   up putting in extra hours that raise              as well as to the company) of layoffs. In        putting sensitive data at risk because            project that requires very intensive            ters or give presentations at another
companies — and the IT department is a                                                            productivity and benefit the company.             these situations, when you don’t have the        you’re depending on old software that’s           computing resources — but only for a            branch office or go to a different location
big user of energy. You can save more                                                             Many IT-related jobs, such as those of            current manpower or expertise on staff to        full of vulnerabilities, if the hardware costs    limited time. When the project is over,         to help set up equipment or troubleshoot
money than you might suspect by                                                                   in-house developers and Web designers,            get the job done, it’s often more cost           considerably more to operate than more            you’re stuck with the expensive                 software problems. In a tight economy, it’s
adopting some energy-saving policies.                                                             can be done from home.                            effective to hire independent contractors.       modern machines because it’s so energy            equipment.                                      smart to examine whether this things can
With the power settings available in                                                                                                                Not only can you limit the duration of the       inefficient, it may be time to think about                                                        be done online or through remote control
modern operating systems, there’s really                                                          4.Using consultants when the job could            commitment, but you don’t generally              investing some capital to lower operating         9.Not using the training budget                 software.
no excuse for it, but some IT pros turn off                                                       be done by staff. It’s a common scenario:         have to pay for fringe benefits, such as         costs and save money over the long run.           effectively. Technology is always
power-saving features in favor of higher                                                          Employees      have        been    telling        vacation and sick leave. You also don’t                                                            changing and it’s important for IT              Sometimes, though, travel can’t be
performance.                                                                                      management for months or years that               have the administrative overhead of              Remember that neither software nor                personnel to stay current, but some             avoided. In those cases, you can still save
                                                                                                  changes need to be made, but they’ve              withholding taxes and filing the                 hardware upgrades have to be an “all or           departments waste money on training             money by staying in more reasonably
How about the practice of leaving lights                                                          been ignored. Then the company hires a            paperwork that’s associated with regular         nothing” proposition. Some departments            that could be done as effectively for much      priced hotels, putting a limit on meals
on in offices and server rooms when no one                                                        consultant, who charges tens or even              employees.                                       or individuals may need to be upgraded            less. Do employees really need to travel to     reimbursements or instituting a per diem,
is there? Most people don’t think about                                                           hundreds of thousands of cash to do a                                                              while others can get along for a while            a distant site for training or can it be done   and even taking buses instead of cabs for
the cost, but it can add up.                                                                      “study” and arrives at the same                   6. Making unnecessary upgrades                   longer with what they have. And when              on-site less expensively? Perhaps instead       small savings that add up.
                                                                                                  conclusion, providing the same advice             There are good reasons to upgrade your           you’re considering a major upgrade, such          of sending several employees, one can
2.Spending too much on mobile                                                                     staff members were trying to give away            software and/or hardware. When new                                                                 attend and then come back and share
technology Mobile phones and devices                                                              free.                                             operating systems or applications provide                                                          what he/she learned with the others. Or                            -

are “fun toys” for IT pros, but company-                                                                                                            functionality that your users need or that

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    s By ADS                     LGIS Enhancement takes-off
provided equipment and plans may be                                                               If you have people on staff who have              can help them get their jobs done more

costing more than necessary. A recent                                                             expertise in a particular area and have           easily or more rapidly, it makes sense to
survey showed that only one out of four                                                           the time to do a job, it’s generally more         upgrade. When existing hardware won’t
employees uses 75% or more of the voice                                                           cost effective to allow them to do it than        run those programs you need, it may be
                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Provincial Government of Agusan Del            2009) was done at the MIS conference
minutes that their companies are paying                                                           to bring in an outsider who has to spend          necessary to buy new computers.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sur embarked on a computerization                  room for them to be able to understand
for and almost half (48%) have services on                                                        many (billable) hours getting up to speed         .
                                                                                                                                                                               Cont. to Page 3.                                                        how the project came into being and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    program that aimed to increase revenue
                                                                                                         um                                                                                         collection for the five pilot LGU’s namely         understand the office business process and

                                                                                                  Te chH                                                                                            Sibagat, Bayugan, Prosperidad, San                 system operation. They were also given a
         Official Publication of Management Information Services

                                                                       Nephtali F. Morgado                                           A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he           Francisco and Trento. From the time the            one day Basic PC Troubleshooting and
                                                                         Editor In Chief                                             is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down                system was used, major changes were                Maintenance Seminar last November 12,

                                                                                                                                     below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts:               considered upon the recommendation of              2009 as essential tool to perform their
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the stakeholders and with the new                  duties.
                                                                         Jumar V. Boniza
                                                                                                                                     "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"                       implementation of newly adopted tax
                                                                           Ass’t. Editor                                             The man below says: "yes you're in a hot air                                                                      Resource speakers for the orientation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    collection adjustments, it encountered
                                                                                                                                     balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field."                   bugs and errors thus necessary to fix them         include Mr. Roy Sabuero, Municipal                Sir Nep with his welcome message to the whole
                                                                      Eng’r. Warren E. Lagat                                         "You must work in Information Technology" says                 accordingly and enhance to fit their needs.        Treasurer of Prosperidad, Mr. Jose                      team on the 1st day of Orientation
                                                                      News Correspondent                                             the balloonist.                                                                                                   Sanchez, Municipal Assessor also from
                                                                                                                                     "I do" replies the man. "How did you know?"                    The system consists of RPTIS (Real                 Prosperidad, Eng’r. Romeo Restor from
                                                                                                                                     "Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have               Property Tax Information System), BPLS             PASSTO, our very own Eng’r. Jumar
                                                                       Michelle O. Villasis
                                                                                                                                     told me is technically correct, but it's no use to             (Business Permit and Licensing System              Boniza, Eng’r. Rogelio Dellola and Eng’r.
                                                                    Head Writter/ Layout Editor                                      anyone."                                                                                                          Warren Lagat. The week long activity was
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and RCS (Revenue Collection System). A
                                                                                                                                                                                                    team was formed for the purpose of                 concluded with a closing program which
                                                                    Andrew Bryan A. Mondejar              The man below says "you must work in business."                                           enhancement. Members were divided into             was graced by the Municipal treasusrer’s
                                                                      Graphics/Layout Artist              "I do" reply the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", says the man,                the Steering group, Programmers group              from the five pilot municipalities, PASSTO
                                                                                                          "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to                and the Implementor’s group. As there              Chairperson; Ms. Celsa Sanchez who gave
                                                                                                          be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now              were two additional programmers hired              a short speech to formally accept the
                                                                         Eddie S. Miladona                it's my fault."                                                                           for this purpose and implementors to focus         team members and our Provincial
                                                                      Circulations Supervisor                                                                                                                                                          Administrator, Mr. Jesusimo Ronquillo who
                                                                                                                                                                                                    on problems with in each municipality, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    week long orientation (November 3 – 6,             render a message of encouragement to              Newly hired programmers and implementors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            after their 1-day seminar on Basic PC

                                                                                                                                                                                               p2 p3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Troubleshooting and Maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              - msov

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  • 1. US December 2009 OC Let’s be conversant with REY…. Issue 03 allaboutIT IN F Technically HE is a computer What does the future hold for again….) “Seriously the problem support technician; a specialist who you? Any exciting plans? am dealing with now is the installs or removes software, Developments? defective timekeeping machine at troubleshoots technical issues, Hopefully get promoted. Say five Libarnes building, hopefully it will configures LAN and responsible for be replaced soon …aron hapsay na The Official Publication of Management Information Services years from now probably I would ang pag-download sa data kun information security and privacy. still be working here at MIS. I love my job here and am happy working ting-payroll na…” eTOMS – consolidate and manage LGU finances Personally HIS colleagues describe for the province of Agusan del Sur him as a very reliable person, cause this is where I have used my eTOMS is an acronym for Electronic Treasury Operations Management competent, patient, approachable, expertise as a computer technician; System. It is a revenue support system developed to recognize the and simple; somebody who really this is where I started. importance of consolidating and managing LGU finances. By automating knows his job well. the LGU's collection and disbursement operations, eTOMS adds to the fiscal benefits already being derived from the implementation of Real Property Tax Information System (RPTIS) and Business Permits Licensing System We were able to corner him for a What do you do on your free (BPLS), the other two income-generating developed system. certain time to fathom his effective- time? ness. Games….Before when our net usage eTOMS particularly used in treasury office to generate all the reports was still not restricted, I became required and prescribed by the Bureau of Local Government Finance What do you love about your fond of “Farmville” (grins….) (BLGF). Examples of such report are Statement of Receipt Sources, job? Statement of Expenditures, Statement of Receipt Sources and Expenditures The “challenge” that my job entails If you encounter job-related FAST FACTS: FAST FACTSC (SRE), and a lot more. issues and had a hard time Full Name: Augustus Rey N. De As it was implemented in the 14 municipalities of Agusan Del Sur a What would you say makes you coping, what superpower Guzman seminar/workshop was conducted by our very own MIS chief of office; Eng’r. different from your colleagues? would help you in the course of Age: 29 Nephtali Morgado with Mr. Roy Sabuero; Prosperidad Municipal Treasurer. I would say I got “initiative”. If a that encounter? Why? Birth date: August 2, 1980 Both are key personnel who realized the development of the system. certain PC problem is encountered I would like to mimic marvel Little Darling: Steffanie Lyka and the rest of the team members superhero Jamie Madrox; “Multiple (2 yrs old) The three days seminar last November 16-18, 2009 was held at Rosalinda’s won’t be able to solve it, I would try Man”. (Grins….) Hopefully I could Position: CO II – ICT Maintenance Restaurant, San Francisco participated by all Municipal Treasurer’s and my best to find ways to tackle the replicate myself so I can handle Section some personnel from the Provincial Treasurer’s Office. - msov issue. issues at hand all at once. (Grins ia MIS-ICT Maintenance Section’s significance in the “Pagtuon h Triv Inspiration behind the “apple logo” Sp ot Tec Re-alignment of Office.... Hot Project & Barangay Computerization Program” and who designed it Computerization is practically synonymous with modernization. As we computerize the We are graced with the presence of Believe it or not, by eating an apple barangay units, we are giving them the means to modernize the delivery of public services to Mr. Ferdinand “Tata” Perez, who their own residents. This drives the formalization of issuing barangay clearances and permits. the current Apple he had laced with was the Coordinator when ITU was That is a task that they have to do on their own, they were just being given the tools to make it logo, which an cyanide. Turing is created. He reminds us to review happen. image of a bit regarded as one of our vision and work together to apple, wasn't the the fathers of the aim for that. He very well said that It all started with a vision that will soon be realized by the starting initiative of PGAS thru the first logo to be computer. The rainbow colors of the effort of our Gov. Ma. Valentina “Tina” G. Plaza by turning over 80 units of complete set of PC small activities like what we’re to chosen barangays and schools. used by Apple Inc. logo are rumored to be a reference having is essential to continuously The first Apple logo was designed by to the rainbow flag, as homage to motivate all of us as member of the Our very own ICT Maintenance technicians, plays a vital role in the said project as they were Steve Jobs himself together with Turing's homosexuality. team. responsible in checking if the PC that’s going to be distributed works well and in its best. They Ronald Wayne -- one of Apple's were also in-charge in setting up the technical set up of the venue upon PC turn-over. co-founders. It depicts an image of The Rainbow Apple's base structure Isaac Newton sitting under an apple became the template for Apple's The formal activity was ended with Re-alignment of Office Functions Activity held at Masao tree; current and more conservative logos a get together happening to This logo was eventually Information Technology Unit (ITU) was created as a unit, year 2001 under the Provincial Governor’s Office thru Ordinance No. (color-wise). celebrate the small wins that we 22 Series 2001. On March of this year Ordinance No. 36, Series 2009 was created entitled “An Ordinance Reorganizing the Provincial replaced by Rob Janoff's had for the present year. Alls well Government of Agusan Del Sur”. Thru this ordinance ITU now named Management Information Services (MIS) was transferred under the Rainbow Apple logo that ends well… Provincial Administrator’s Office. There is a proposed plan of transferring its existence under the Provincial Planning and Development Office during the late 1970's. It is believed uo te - msov by next year. With the units’ constant transfer under the wings of different offices we had come up with several objectives to re-aligned our that the Rainbow Apple is the Te chQ function and staff responsibilities. A one day activity was held last 27th day of November 2009 1)To re-align office functions now that the entire office is under the Provincial Administrators Office; 2) To ensure that individual employees responsibilities are in accordance to MIS core company's tribute to Isaac Newton's agenda and objective as it was created in 2001; 3)To assess how far the office has gone since its inception; and 4) To review and realign official discoveries on gravity and light "Life would be so much easier if we only had the source code." MIS Mission, Vision, Core values and Objectives in accordance to future transfer of MIS under the Provincial Planning and Development prisms. Office. Cont. to page 4 Interestingly*** While [The Rainbow Apple] is generally accepted to have referred Management Information Services to Isaac Newton, another explana- 3rd Floor, Executive Bldg. tion exists that the bitten apple pays D.O. Plaza Government Center homage to the mathematician Alan Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur p4 p1 Turing, who committed suicide Phone: 085 3437955
  • 2. h Talk10 ways IT department waste money 10 ways IT ..... Tec It makes more sense to carefully evaluate as a new OS, it’s often smart to roll it out the same training may be available on how the systems and software are being with a pilot group first so you can work DVD or through live online instruction at a used and whether there’s a real need to out any unanticipated problems before fraction of the cost. Is the department IT is often a popular target for corporate the plan that they never use at all. on how your company operates and what upgrade. You can save the cost of new deploying across the entire organization. paying for certifications that may not be cost-cutting. So the more you can identify its specific needs are. If you do find that licenses and administrative overhead costs necessary? Certification provides and control unnecessary spending, the 3. Not allowing employees to work you need to bring in a consultant, check — and often, make users happier and 8.Overspending on hardware While assurance of a certain level of knowledge better you’ll be able to fend off the from home. Company managers credentials and references carefully. There avoid deployment headaches — by buying new hardware can save you and in some cases, having certified budget axe. Here are a few areas where IT sometimes fail to recognize the significant are many good, hard-working IT sticking with what you have now if it’s still money, too much of a good thing can employees on staff enhances the budgets often go to waste. cost benefits — to both employer and consultants. The field is also a great target working fine for your company’s purposes. waste it. Some companies are still not company’s reputation or allows it to employee — of allowing employees to for rip-off artists who talk over your head utilizing virtualization to the extent that participate in vendor partner programs. Back in the golden days of IT, when telecommute all or part of the time. One about specialized technologies and try to This applies to servers, too. It’s nice to have they could to reduce both capital and But some IT professionals collect multiple companies had plenty of money to throw reason they oppose such an arrangement push the latest and greatest on you — the latest and greatest running on the operating expenditures. Instead of buying certifications — at company expense — around, it didn’t matter so much if there is that they won’t have as much control whether you need it or not — or attempt most powerful machines, but will it make multiple mid-priced servers to run Web that may not benefit the company at all was a little wastage here and there. over workers who aren’t on site. IT to sell you on specific products that you a real difference in terms of productivity, services, mail services, collaboration and (although they may benefit the employee Today, however, budgets are tight and departments sometimes support this may not really need. security, and other important factors or do communications services, etc., you may be in looking for a new job). there aren’t many cash to spare. That position for fear that remote workers will you just want it so you’ll have a new toy to able to save substantially by purchasing means IT departments need to take a present a security threat. However, with 5.Hiring full-time employees when play with? one or two more powerful machines and Ongoing training is important, and having good, hard look at where the money is modern technologies such as NAP/NAC contractors would be more cost consolidating servers with virtualization well-trained personnel can save a going and where cuts can be made — and DirectAccess, you can ensure that effective. The flip side of the previous 7.Failing to upgrade old, inefficient technologies. Not only is the total capital company money in the long run. But before someone higher up does it for you. remote systems connecting to the item involves being afraid to use equipment. On the other hand, some outlay often less, but you reduce the cost when budgets are tight, it’s also important Some of these may seem to be just company LAN are properly configured consultants or contractors when it’s companies are going overboard when it of extended warranties and maintenance to get the most for every training budget common sense, but there are organiza- and protected and that the connections appropriate. Hiring full-time employees comes to squeezing every last drop of use contracts since they apply to fewer and cut out the waste. tions out there right now that are wasting are secure. Allowing more employees to to handle a workload that’s likely to be out of their current systems. If the machines, and operating costs are often money in all these ways. work from home enables the company to temporary leaves you with idle workers computers are getting so old that they lower because the total power usage is 10. Wasting money on travel expenses save money on office space and air who end up costing you money because regularly break down and require repairs, less. Training isn’t the only reason employees 1. Wasting Energy Despite some conditioning. Employees save money on there’s not enough for them to do to if your servers go down so often that users travel on the company dime. Members of reduction in power costs over the last year, clothes, lunches, and transportation. They warrant their salaries — or forcing you to of the network can’t get their work done Another way some companies waste the IT department may be called upon to rates appear to be headed back up. The also often enjoy work more, so they end go through the pains (to those employees or customers can’t access your site, if you’re money is by purchasing equipment for a attend meetings at company headquar- electric bill is still a large expense for most up putting in extra hours that raise as well as to the company) of layoffs. In putting sensitive data at risk because project that requires very intensive ters or give presentations at another companies — and the IT department is a productivity and benefit the company. these situations, when you don’t have the you’re depending on old software that’s computing resources — but only for a branch office or go to a different location big user of energy. You can save more Many IT-related jobs, such as those of current manpower or expertise on staff to full of vulnerabilities, if the hardware costs limited time. When the project is over, to help set up equipment or troubleshoot money than you might suspect by in-house developers and Web designers, get the job done, it’s often more cost considerably more to operate than more you’re stuck with the expensive software problems. In a tight economy, it’s adopting some energy-saving policies. can be done from home. effective to hire independent contractors. modern machines because it’s so energy equipment. smart to examine whether this things can With the power settings available in Not only can you limit the duration of the inefficient, it may be time to think about be done online or through remote control modern operating systems, there’s really 4.Using consultants when the job could commitment, but you don’t generally investing some capital to lower operating 9.Not using the training budget software. no excuse for it, but some IT pros turn off be done by staff. It’s a common scenario: have to pay for fringe benefits, such as costs and save money over the long run. effectively. Technology is always power-saving features in favor of higher Employees have been telling vacation and sick leave. You also don’t changing and it’s important for IT Sometimes, though, travel can’t be performance. management for months or years that have the administrative overhead of Remember that neither software nor personnel to stay current, but some avoided. In those cases, you can still save changes need to be made, but they’ve withholding taxes and filing the hardware upgrades have to be an “all or departments waste money on training money by staying in more reasonably How about the practice of leaving lights been ignored. Then the company hires a paperwork that’s associated with regular nothing” proposition. Some departments that could be done as effectively for much priced hotels, putting a limit on meals on in offices and server rooms when no one consultant, who charges tens or even employees. or individuals may need to be upgraded less. Do employees really need to travel to reimbursements or instituting a per diem, is there? Most people don’t think about hundreds of thousands of cash to do a while others can get along for a while a distant site for training or can it be done and even taking buses instead of cabs for the cost, but it can add up. “study” and arrives at the same 6. Making unnecessary upgrades longer with what they have. And when on-site less expensively? Perhaps instead small savings that add up. conclusion, providing the same advice There are good reasons to upgrade your you’re considering a major upgrade, such of sending several employees, one can 2.Spending too much on mobile staff members were trying to give away software and/or hardware. When new attend and then come back and share technology Mobile phones and devices free. operating systems or applications provide what he/she learned with the others. Or - tes are “fun toys” for IT pros, but company- functionality that your users need or that s By ADS LGIS Enhancement takes-off provided equipment and plans may be If you have people on staff who have can help them get their jobs done more New costing more than necessary. A recent expertise in a particular area and have easily or more rapidly, it makes sense to survey showed that only one out of four the time to do a job, it’s generally more upgrade. When existing hardware won’t employees uses 75% or more of the voice cost effective to allow them to do it than run those programs you need, it may be The Provincial Government of Agusan Del 2009) was done at the MIS conference minutes that their companies are paying to bring in an outsider who has to spend necessary to buy new computers. Sur embarked on a computerization room for them to be able to understand for and almost half (48%) have services on many (billable) hours getting up to speed . or Cont. to Page 3. how the project came into being and program that aimed to increase revenue um collection for the five pilot LGU’s namely understand the office business process and Te chH Sibagat, Bayugan, Prosperidad, San system operation. They were also given a Official Publication of Management Information Services Nephtali F. Morgado A man is flying in a hot air balloon and realizes he Francisco and Trento. From the time the one day Basic PC Troubleshooting and Editor In Chief is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down system was used, major changes were Maintenance Seminar last November 12, allaboutIT below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts: considered upon the recommendation of 2009 as essential tool to perform their the stakeholders and with the new duties. Jumar V. Boniza "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" implementation of newly adopted tax Ass’t. Editor The man below says: "yes you're in a hot air Resource speakers for the orientation collection adjustments, it encountered balloon, hovering 30 feet above this field." bugs and errors thus necessary to fix them include Mr. Roy Sabuero, Municipal Sir Nep with his welcome message to the whole Eng’r. Warren E. Lagat "You must work in Information Technology" says accordingly and enhance to fit their needs. Treasurer of Prosperidad, Mr. Jose team on the 1st day of Orientation News Correspondent the balloonist. Sanchez, Municipal Assessor also from "I do" replies the man. "How did you know?" The system consists of RPTIS (Real Prosperidad, Eng’r. Romeo Restor from "Well" says the balloonist, "everything you have Property Tax Information System), BPLS PASSTO, our very own Eng’r. Jumar Michelle O. Villasis told me is technically correct, but it's no use to (Business Permit and Licensing System Boniza, Eng’r. Rogelio Dellola and Eng’r. Head Writter/ Layout Editor anyone." Warren Lagat. The week long activity was and RCS (Revenue Collection System). A team was formed for the purpose of concluded with a closing program which Andrew Bryan A. Mondejar The man below says "you must work in business." enhancement. Members were divided into was graced by the Municipal treasusrer’s Graphics/Layout Artist "I do" reply the balloonist, "but how did you know?" "Well", says the man, the Steering group, Programmers group from the five pilot municipalities, PASSTO "you don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you expect me to and the Implementor’s group. As there Chairperson; Ms. Celsa Sanchez who gave be able to help. You're in the same position you were before we met, but now were two additional programmers hired a short speech to formally accept the Eddie S. Miladona it's my fault." for this purpose and implementors to focus team members and our Provincial Circulations Supervisor Administrator, Mr. Jesusimo Ronquillo who on problems with in each municipality, a week long orientation (November 3 – 6, render a message of encouragement to Newly hired programmers and implementors after their 1-day seminar on Basic PC everyone. p2 p3 Troubleshooting and Maintenance - msov