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Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/uog.6115

ISUOG consensus statement: what constitutes a fetal
H. MUNOZ, T. NELSON, D. PALADINI and S. YAGEL for the ISUOG Fetal Echocardiography
Task Force

K E Y W O R D S: fetal echocardiography; guidelines; heart; pregnancy

Introduction                                                         2) a definition of what constitutes a fetal echocardiogram;
                                                                     3) a description of imaging modalities for fetal echocar-
In 2006 the International Society of Ultrasound in
Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) published practice
                                                                     4) the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration; and
guidelines for the sonographic screening of congenital
                                                                     5) documentation of diagnostic findings and conclusions.
heart disease (CHD) during the second trimester of
pregnancy1 . This document described two levels for                  One of the main goals for a fetal echocardiogram is to
screening low-risk fetuses for heart anomalies. Firstly,             confirm the presence or absence of cardiac disease. If this
a ‘basic’ scan should be performed by analyzing a                    scan is abnormal, the examiner should characterize these
four-chamber view of the fetal heart. Secondly, an                   abnormalities, develop an accurate differential diagnosis
‘extended-basic’ scan further examines the size and                  of the most probable defects, and specifically identify
relationships of both arterial outflow tracts. The term               fetuses that will require immediate medical or surgical
‘fetal echocardiogram’ was also mentioned as a more                  attention after birth. Special emphasis should be directed
detailed sonographic evaluation to be performed by                   toward fetuses that are likely to have ductal-dependent
specialists in the prenatal diagnosis of CHD. Although               lesions2 – 4 .
common indications and imaging techniques were briefly
discussed, it was thought important to further explain
                                                                     When should a fetal echocardiogram be performed?
how this advanced diagnostic procedure differs from the
basic and extended-basic cardiac screening examinations.             Fetal echocardiography can be performed at any time
   A Fetal Echocardiography Task Force was subsequently              during the second trimester when cardiac anatomical
asked to develop a standard description of ‘what                     details can be satisfactorily visualized. For example, a
constitutes a fetal echocardiogram’. Our original goal               mother who is at a slightly increased risk for CHD – e.g.
was to develop guidelines for a detailed examination of              2% against a background rate of 0.8% – should be elec-
the fetal heart that were based on the literature and                tively scheduled for a detailed cardiac scan at some time
a consensus opinion of an expert panel. However, we                  between 18 and 22 weeks’ menstrual age. These include
soon realized that this project was quite different from             mothers with a family history of CHD, maternal diabetes
developing minimum practice guidelines for fetal cardiac             or exposure to teratogenic drugs, and fetuses that have
screening. There are several imaging modalities that can             had an increased nuchal translucency thickness measure-
be used to evaluate fetal heart anomalies, ranging from              ment. Fetal cardiac abnormalities may occur in association
M-mode techniques and color Doppler sonography to                    with extracardiac anomalies and therefore a detailed car-
the use of four-dimensional (4D) ultrasonography with                diac scan may be indicated when such anomalies are
spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC). Consequently,               detected5 – 7 . A mother who is particularly anxious because
our original efforts to develop a minimum practice                   of a family history, perhaps loss of a previous child for
guideline for fetal echocardiography evolved into a                  example, or where the nuchal translucency measurement
consensus statement that covers the following topics:                is ≥ 3.5 mm, may be offered a scan at or before 14 weeks’
                                                                     gestation, with a follow-up scan at 20–22 weeks8 . If a
1) guidance about timing of and indications for fetal                fetus is suspected of having CHD at any scan, it should
   echocardiography;                                                 be seen as soon as possible, regardless of menstrual age.

Correspondence to: Dr W. Lee, Division of Fetal Imaging, William Beaumont Hospital, 3601 West Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak,
Michigan 48073, USA (e-mail:

Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                                       CONSENSUS STATEMENT
240                                                                                                                  Lee et al.

Others have suggested using a fetal echocardiogram as a           •   cardiac axis and situs
component of the genetic sonogram, to evaluate fetuses            •   ventricular morphology
at risk for chromosome abnormalities9,10 .                        •   pericardial effusions
                                                                  •   venous-atrial, atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial
Who should be referred for fetal echocardiography?                    connections of the heart
                                                                  •   size and relationships of the left and right ventricular
The detection rate of structural heart anomalies will be              outflow tracts
higher with fetal echocardiography than with screening            •   ductal and aortic arches
examinations. Women with recognized increased risks for           •   interventricular septum
fetal cardiac anomalies should be offered a more detailed         •   atrial septum, atrial chamber size, and foramen ovale
scan. Risk factors for fetal cardiac anomalies can be             •   atrioventricular and semilunar valves
categorized as fetal or maternal in origin. Some of the           •   flow across each heart connection, as seen with Doppler
more common indications for fetal echocardiography are                flow mapping.
summarized in Table 1. Acquired cardiac lesions that
become apparent later in life, even those of genetic              These anatomical features are usually evaluated using
origin such as Marfan’s syndrome and hypertrophic                 transverse views, although sagittal scanning planes are
subaortic stenosis, are not generally detectable by prenatal      also used as necessary. However, the specific views are
ultrasonography.                                                  less important as long as the relevant cardiac structures are
                                                                  being satisfactorily visualized. Color Doppler ultrasono-
What constitutes a fetal echocardiogram during the                graphy is an important component of the fetal echocar-
second trimester of pregnancy?                                    diogram. Although spectral Doppler ultrasonography is
Many experienced healthcare professionals, whether they           not essential, it can be used to further characterize the
are midwives, sonographers, obstetricians, perinatologists        nature and severity of suspected flow disturbances15,16 .
or radiologists, can evaluate the fetal heart with a high         Continuous-wave Doppler sonography is sometimes nec-
degree of diagnostic accuracy during an obstetric ultra-          essary to quantify very high velocity flow across stenotic
sound evaluation. The echocardiogram can be individu-             or incompetent valves. Occasionally, advanced techniques
alized, depending on the nature of the suspected cardiac          may be required to evaluate fetal cardiac function using
lesion. As a minimum, it involves a thorough exami-               measurements of ventricular ejection fraction, stroke vol-
nation of the four-chamber view, both arterial outflow             ume, cardiac output, mechanical PR intervals, Tei indices,
tracts, three vessels and trachea view, and an assess-            and ventricular strain parameters17 – 20 . Volume sonog-
ment of pulmonary venous return11 – 14 . The examiner             raphy allows a supplemental approach for analyzing
should confirm anatomical relationships and functional             complex cardiac lesions and may also provide impor-
flow characteristics through a systematic analysis of the          tant benefits for telemedicine, educational and research
following areas:                                                  applications21 – 24 .
                                                                     Although two-dimensional (2D) measurements of
                                                                  cardiac chambers or vessels are not always required for
Table 1 Common indications for fetal echocardiography             fetal echocardiography, they may help to interpret findings
                                                                  when compared against expected values. Quantitative
Maternal indications                 Fetal indications            measurements can be used to objectively interpret the
                                                                  severity of some cardiac lesions and as a basis for
First-degree relative of proband     Increased nuchal             comparison over time. Measurements can be especially
  (mother or father) with CHD          translucency thickness     helpful where several different examiners are obtaining
Prior child with CHD born to         Abnormal ductus venosus
                                                                  cardiac biometry throughout pregnancy. Standardized
  mother and/or father                 waveform
Pre-existing metabolic disease       Abnormal fetal cardiac       techniques must be used to maintain appropriate quality
  Type 1 diabetes                      screening exam             control. Some investigators have proposed the use
  Phenylketonuria                    Major extracardiac           of Z-scores to improve the interpretation of cardiac
Infections                             abnormality                measurements25 – 27 .
  Parvovirus B19                     Abnormal fetal karyotype
  Rubella                            Hydrops
                                                                  What type of imaging techniques are used for fetal
  Coxsackie                          Effusion
Autoimmune antibodies                Fetal cardiac dysrhythmias   echocardiography?
  Anti-Ro (SSA)                      Persistent bradycardia or
                                                                  Suspected anomalies can be evaluated using several
  Anti-La (SSB)                        tachycardia
Teratogen exposure                                                imaging modalities, although the examination can be
  Retinoids                                                       individualized for specific cardiac anomalies (Table 2).
  Phenytoin                                                       Real-time gray-scale sonography and complementary
  Carbamazepine                                                   Doppler ultrasound techniques (e.g. spectral and color)
  Lithium carbonate
                                                                  are often applied. M-mode echocardiography and
  Valproic acid
  Paroxetine                                                      Doppler ultrasonography are also important tools for the
                                                                  analysis of fetal cardiac dysrhythmias. Additional results,
CHD, congenital heart disease.                                    from three-dimensional (3D) and 4D ultrasonography,

Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                       Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242.
Consensus statement                                                                                                    241

may further increase diagnostic confidence for the              disease can be quite different from what is found in a
accurate characterization of some complex lesions.             pediatric population. For example, prenatal recognition of
   The examiner must be completely familiar with the           trisomy 18 in a fetus with an inlet ventricular septal defect
potential impact of technical factors for acquiring the        may dramatically alter management of the pregnancy or
best diagnostic heart images within the constraints            child after delivery. The rarity of individuals with both
of acceptable thermal and mechanical safety indices.           cardiac and extracardiac diagnostic skills supports the
Ultrasound signal gain, image magnification, compound           need for close teamwork to provide the most precise
imaging, and harmonic imaging should be optimized.             fetal prognosis. Only an accurate differential diagnosis
Other important factors should also be considered,             will lead to appropriate prenatal counseling. For these
including menstrual age, maternal body habitus, fetal          reasons, we recommend multidisciplinary counseling for
movement and position, and ultrasound transducer               parents who expect to deliver an infant with heart disease.
frequency. It may be necessary to wait until an optimal        This may include collaboration between specialists
fetal position is obtained or even to reschedule the patient   in pediatric cardiology, maternal fetal medicine, fetal
to be scanned on another day.                                  imaging, neonatology, genetics, cardiothoracic surgery,
   An accurate prenatal diagnosis is extremely important       social work and psychology.
for healthcare professionals who will be counseling
parents about the nature, severity, clinical management        How should fetal echocardiogram results be
and prognosis of their unborn child. Some aspects of           documented?
how to obtain information concerning the entire fetus          There is currently no universal legal requirement to doc-
may be well beyond the scope of a pediatric cardiologist       ument, record and archive a fetal echocardiogram. Both
working in isolation from the obstetric imaging specialist.    stored images and a report to the managing/referring
The interpretation of some cardiac abnormalities can           clinician are highly recommended and are mandatory in
be challenging, and minor differences can substantially        some jurisdictions. However, we suggest that those pro-
alter the surgical approach and clinical prognosis. For        viding fetal echocardiography should have the facilities
example, abnormal mitral valve attachments can preclude        for recording still and moving images of the heart, and
the switch operation for transposition of the great            these should be available for future reference. Another
arteries, a remote or small VSD in a double-outlet             alternative is to store volume data sets using 3D and 4D
right ventricle can only be treated by a one ventricle         ultrasonography.
repair, or a restrictive atrial septum can change the
immediate postnatal management and prognosis in fetuses
with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. It should also be
recognized that some cardiac lesions will evolve over time     This consensus statement was developed under the
and may not be apparent until later in pregnancy28 .           auspices of the ISUOG Clinical Standards Committee.
   Any cardiac abnormality must be interpreted in the          Chair: Dr W. Lee, Division of Fetal Imaging, William
context of the entire fetus and there should be a              Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, USA.
careful search for possible associations with extracardiac       Appreciation is particularly extended to specialty
abnormalities. The clinical significance of fetal cardiac       consultants on the Fetal Echocardiography Task Force

Table 2 General recommendations for fetal echocardiography

Echocardiographic component                                                                  Recommendation

  Laterality, situs, cardiac connections, other anomalies                                    Mandatory
  Normal heart                                                                               Optional
  Abnormal heart                                                                             Desirable depending on anomaly
Cardiac rhythm (M-mode or spectral Doppler)
  Normal rhythm on two-dimensional ultrasonography                                           Optional
  Abnormal rhythm on two-dimensional ultrasonography                                         Mandatory
Cardiac function (e.g. M-mode or Doppler)
  Normal function on two-dimensional ultrasonography                                         Optional
  Abnormal function on two-dimensional ultrasonography                                       Desirable depending on anomaly
Color Doppler ultrasonography                                                                Mandatory
Power Doppler ultrasonography                                                                Optional
Spectral Doppler ultrasonography
  Normal cardiac anatomy                                                                     Optional
  Abnormal cardiac anatomy                                                                   Desirable depending on anomaly
Continuous-wave Doppler ultrasonography                                                      Optional
Tissue Doppler ultrasonography                                                               Optional
Three- and four-dimensional ultrasonography                                                  Optional

Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.                   Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242.
242                                                                                                                                  Lee et al.

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ISUOG consensus statement: what constitutes a fetal echocardiogram?

  • 1. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242 Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/uog.6115 ISUOG consensus statement: what constitutes a fetal echocardiogram? W. LEE, L. ALLAN, J. S. CARVALHO, R. CHAOUI, J. COPEL, G. DEVORE, K. HECHER, H. MUNOZ, T. NELSON, D. PALADINI and S. YAGEL for the ISUOG Fetal Echocardiography Task Force K E Y W O R D S: fetal echocardiography; guidelines; heart; pregnancy Introduction 2) a definition of what constitutes a fetal echocardiogram; 3) a description of imaging modalities for fetal echocar- In 2006 the International Society of Ultrasound in diography; Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG) published practice 4) the importance of multidisciplinary collaboration; and guidelines for the sonographic screening of congenital 5) documentation of diagnostic findings and conclusions. heart disease (CHD) during the second trimester of pregnancy1 . This document described two levels for One of the main goals for a fetal echocardiogram is to screening low-risk fetuses for heart anomalies. Firstly, confirm the presence or absence of cardiac disease. If this a ‘basic’ scan should be performed by analyzing a scan is abnormal, the examiner should characterize these four-chamber view of the fetal heart. Secondly, an abnormalities, develop an accurate differential diagnosis ‘extended-basic’ scan further examines the size and of the most probable defects, and specifically identify relationships of both arterial outflow tracts. The term fetuses that will require immediate medical or surgical ‘fetal echocardiogram’ was also mentioned as a more attention after birth. Special emphasis should be directed detailed sonographic evaluation to be performed by toward fetuses that are likely to have ductal-dependent specialists in the prenatal diagnosis of CHD. Although lesions2 – 4 . common indications and imaging techniques were briefly discussed, it was thought important to further explain When should a fetal echocardiogram be performed? how this advanced diagnostic procedure differs from the basic and extended-basic cardiac screening examinations. Fetal echocardiography can be performed at any time A Fetal Echocardiography Task Force was subsequently during the second trimester when cardiac anatomical asked to develop a standard description of ‘what details can be satisfactorily visualized. For example, a constitutes a fetal echocardiogram’. Our original goal mother who is at a slightly increased risk for CHD – e.g. was to develop guidelines for a detailed examination of 2% against a background rate of 0.8% – should be elec- the fetal heart that were based on the literature and tively scheduled for a detailed cardiac scan at some time a consensus opinion of an expert panel. However, we between 18 and 22 weeks’ menstrual age. These include soon realized that this project was quite different from mothers with a family history of CHD, maternal diabetes developing minimum practice guidelines for fetal cardiac or exposure to teratogenic drugs, and fetuses that have screening. There are several imaging modalities that can had an increased nuchal translucency thickness measure- be used to evaluate fetal heart anomalies, ranging from ment. Fetal cardiac abnormalities may occur in association M-mode techniques and color Doppler sonography to with extracardiac anomalies and therefore a detailed car- the use of four-dimensional (4D) ultrasonography with diac scan may be indicated when such anomalies are spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC). Consequently, detected5 – 7 . A mother who is particularly anxious because our original efforts to develop a minimum practice of a family history, perhaps loss of a previous child for guideline for fetal echocardiography evolved into a example, or where the nuchal translucency measurement consensus statement that covers the following topics: is ≥ 3.5 mm, may be offered a scan at or before 14 weeks’ gestation, with a follow-up scan at 20–22 weeks8 . If a 1) guidance about timing of and indications for fetal fetus is suspected of having CHD at any scan, it should echocardiography; be seen as soon as possible, regardless of menstrual age. Correspondence to: Dr W. Lee, Division of Fetal Imaging, William Beaumont Hospital, 3601 West Thirteen Mile Road, Royal Oak, Michigan 48073, USA (e-mail: Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. CONSENSUS STATEMENT
  • 2. 240 Lee et al. Others have suggested using a fetal echocardiogram as a • cardiac axis and situs component of the genetic sonogram, to evaluate fetuses • ventricular morphology at risk for chromosome abnormalities9,10 . • pericardial effusions • venous-atrial, atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial Who should be referred for fetal echocardiography? connections of the heart • size and relationships of the left and right ventricular The detection rate of structural heart anomalies will be outflow tracts higher with fetal echocardiography than with screening • ductal and aortic arches examinations. Women with recognized increased risks for • interventricular septum fetal cardiac anomalies should be offered a more detailed • atrial septum, atrial chamber size, and foramen ovale scan. Risk factors for fetal cardiac anomalies can be • atrioventricular and semilunar valves categorized as fetal or maternal in origin. Some of the • flow across each heart connection, as seen with Doppler more common indications for fetal echocardiography are flow mapping. summarized in Table 1. Acquired cardiac lesions that become apparent later in life, even those of genetic These anatomical features are usually evaluated using origin such as Marfan’s syndrome and hypertrophic transverse views, although sagittal scanning planes are subaortic stenosis, are not generally detectable by prenatal also used as necessary. However, the specific views are ultrasonography. less important as long as the relevant cardiac structures are being satisfactorily visualized. Color Doppler ultrasono- What constitutes a fetal echocardiogram during the graphy is an important component of the fetal echocar- second trimester of pregnancy? diogram. Although spectral Doppler ultrasonography is Many experienced healthcare professionals, whether they not essential, it can be used to further characterize the are midwives, sonographers, obstetricians, perinatologists nature and severity of suspected flow disturbances15,16 . or radiologists, can evaluate the fetal heart with a high Continuous-wave Doppler sonography is sometimes nec- degree of diagnostic accuracy during an obstetric ultra- essary to quantify very high velocity flow across stenotic sound evaluation. The echocardiogram can be individu- or incompetent valves. Occasionally, advanced techniques alized, depending on the nature of the suspected cardiac may be required to evaluate fetal cardiac function using lesion. As a minimum, it involves a thorough exami- measurements of ventricular ejection fraction, stroke vol- nation of the four-chamber view, both arterial outflow ume, cardiac output, mechanical PR intervals, Tei indices, tracts, three vessels and trachea view, and an assess- and ventricular strain parameters17 – 20 . Volume sonog- ment of pulmonary venous return11 – 14 . The examiner raphy allows a supplemental approach for analyzing should confirm anatomical relationships and functional complex cardiac lesions and may also provide impor- flow characteristics through a systematic analysis of the tant benefits for telemedicine, educational and research following areas: applications21 – 24 . Although two-dimensional (2D) measurements of cardiac chambers or vessels are not always required for Table 1 Common indications for fetal echocardiography fetal echocardiography, they may help to interpret findings when compared against expected values. Quantitative Maternal indications Fetal indications measurements can be used to objectively interpret the severity of some cardiac lesions and as a basis for First-degree relative of proband Increased nuchal comparison over time. Measurements can be especially (mother or father) with CHD translucency thickness helpful where several different examiners are obtaining Prior child with CHD born to Abnormal ductus venosus cardiac biometry throughout pregnancy. Standardized mother and/or father waveform Pre-existing metabolic disease Abnormal fetal cardiac techniques must be used to maintain appropriate quality Type 1 diabetes screening exam control. Some investigators have proposed the use Phenylketonuria Major extracardiac of Z-scores to improve the interpretation of cardiac Infections abnormality measurements25 – 27 . Parvovirus B19 Abnormal fetal karyotype Rubella Hydrops What type of imaging techniques are used for fetal Coxsackie Effusion Autoimmune antibodies Fetal cardiac dysrhythmias echocardiography? Anti-Ro (SSA) Persistent bradycardia or Suspected anomalies can be evaluated using several Anti-La (SSB) tachycardia Teratogen exposure imaging modalities, although the examination can be Retinoids individualized for specific cardiac anomalies (Table 2). Phenytoin Real-time gray-scale sonography and complementary Carbamazepine Doppler ultrasound techniques (e.g. spectral and color) Lithium carbonate are often applied. M-mode echocardiography and Valproic acid Paroxetine Doppler ultrasonography are also important tools for the analysis of fetal cardiac dysrhythmias. Additional results, CHD, congenital heart disease. from three-dimensional (3D) and 4D ultrasonography, Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242.
  • 3. Consensus statement 241 may further increase diagnostic confidence for the disease can be quite different from what is found in a accurate characterization of some complex lesions. pediatric population. For example, prenatal recognition of The examiner must be completely familiar with the trisomy 18 in a fetus with an inlet ventricular septal defect potential impact of technical factors for acquiring the may dramatically alter management of the pregnancy or best diagnostic heart images within the constraints child after delivery. The rarity of individuals with both of acceptable thermal and mechanical safety indices. cardiac and extracardiac diagnostic skills supports the Ultrasound signal gain, image magnification, compound need for close teamwork to provide the most precise imaging, and harmonic imaging should be optimized. fetal prognosis. Only an accurate differential diagnosis Other important factors should also be considered, will lead to appropriate prenatal counseling. For these including menstrual age, maternal body habitus, fetal reasons, we recommend multidisciplinary counseling for movement and position, and ultrasound transducer parents who expect to deliver an infant with heart disease. frequency. It may be necessary to wait until an optimal This may include collaboration between specialists fetal position is obtained or even to reschedule the patient in pediatric cardiology, maternal fetal medicine, fetal to be scanned on another day. imaging, neonatology, genetics, cardiothoracic surgery, An accurate prenatal diagnosis is extremely important social work and psychology. for healthcare professionals who will be counseling parents about the nature, severity, clinical management How should fetal echocardiogram results be and prognosis of their unborn child. Some aspects of documented? how to obtain information concerning the entire fetus There is currently no universal legal requirement to doc- may be well beyond the scope of a pediatric cardiologist ument, record and archive a fetal echocardiogram. Both working in isolation from the obstetric imaging specialist. stored images and a report to the managing/referring The interpretation of some cardiac abnormalities can clinician are highly recommended and are mandatory in be challenging, and minor differences can substantially some jurisdictions. However, we suggest that those pro- alter the surgical approach and clinical prognosis. For viding fetal echocardiography should have the facilities example, abnormal mitral valve attachments can preclude for recording still and moving images of the heart, and the switch operation for transposition of the great these should be available for future reference. Another arteries, a remote or small VSD in a double-outlet alternative is to store volume data sets using 3D and 4D right ventricle can only be treated by a one ventricle ultrasonography. repair, or a restrictive atrial septum can change the immediate postnatal management and prognosis in fetuses Acknowledgments with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. It should also be recognized that some cardiac lesions will evolve over time This consensus statement was developed under the and may not be apparent until later in pregnancy28 . auspices of the ISUOG Clinical Standards Committee. Any cardiac abnormality must be interpreted in the Chair: Dr W. Lee, Division of Fetal Imaging, William context of the entire fetus and there should be a Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan, USA. careful search for possible associations with extracardiac Appreciation is particularly extended to specialty abnormalities. The clinical significance of fetal cardiac consultants on the Fetal Echocardiography Task Force Table 2 General recommendations for fetal echocardiography Echocardiographic component Recommendation Structure Laterality, situs, cardiac connections, other anomalies Mandatory Biometry Normal heart Optional Abnormal heart Desirable depending on anomaly Cardiac rhythm (M-mode or spectral Doppler) Normal rhythm on two-dimensional ultrasonography Optional Abnormal rhythm on two-dimensional ultrasonography Mandatory Cardiac function (e.g. M-mode or Doppler) Normal function on two-dimensional ultrasonography Optional Abnormal function on two-dimensional ultrasonography Desirable depending on anomaly Color Doppler ultrasonography Mandatory Power Doppler ultrasonography Optional Spectral Doppler ultrasonography Normal cardiac anatomy Optional Abnormal cardiac anatomy Desirable depending on anomaly Continuous-wave Doppler ultrasonography Optional Tissue Doppler ultrasonography Optional Three- and four-dimensional ultrasonography Optional Copyright  2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2008; 32: 239–242.
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