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Islam: Restoring
Women’s Rights
Deliverance of
Justice in an
Unjust World
The Qur’an on War
and Peace
vol. 110 - issue elevennovember 2016
Restoring Women’s Rights
O ye who believe! Spend out
of what We have bestowed
on you before the day comes
wherein there shall be no
buying and selling, nor
friendship, nor intercession;
and it is those who disbelieve
that do wrong to themselves.
Islam, The Holy Qur’an,
It was narrated on account of
Hazrat Abu Hurairahra
that the
of Allah said: “God
Almighty has commanded:
‘Spend, O son of Adam, and
I shall spend on you.’”
Islam, Sahih Bukhari and
Sahih Muslim
Give to him who asks of you,
and do not turn away from him
who wants to borrow from you.
Christianity, The Bible,
Matthew 5:42
Good will come to those who
are generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with
justice. Surely the righteous
will never be shaken; they
will be remembered forever.
They will have no fear of
bad news; their hearts are
steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
christianity, The Bible,
Psalms 112: 5-7
Give charity to poor as
today you are rich and
tomorrow you may be poor.
Hinduism, Rig Veda,
Book 10
To be moved at the sight of
the thirsty, the hungry, and
the miserable and to offer
relief to them out of pity—is
the spring of virtue.
Jainism, Kundakunda,
Pancastikaya 137
Relieve people in distress as
speedily as you must release a
fish from a dry rill [lest he die].
Deliver people from danger
as quickly as you must free a
sparrow from a tight noose.
Be compassionate to orphans
and relieve widows. Respect
the old and help the poor.
Taoism, Tract of the
Quiet Way
The Holy Prophet
that the Promised Messiahas
would be raised near a
white minaret, east of
Damascus. This prophecy
was fulfilled with the advent
of the Promised Messiahas
from Qadian, India, a city
directly east of Damascus.
The Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
founder of
the review of religions
world faiths
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, the Promised Messiah
and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India.
From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and
developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
. He
was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve.
Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion
and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim
it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their
source but with the passage of time had drifted away
from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of
religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone.
His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed
when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah
– a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life.
His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions
held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It
was through this that he would bring mankind together
and establish everlasting peace.
In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas
founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a
community that has since grown in its stature and
strength and has remained active in conveying the
message of Islam to the ends of the earth.
Hazrat Ahmadas
had established himself as a respected
writer and had written over 80 books. His writings
have been translated into more than 60 languages and
continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest
scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of
Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference
of Great Religions in 1896.
He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus
in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence
of Jesus’sas
journey to India. In 1902, the Promised
initiated The Review of Religions which has
covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy
and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest
running English magazine in defence of Islam and the
values it teaches.
From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens
of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing
has continued and will continue through his Khulafa
Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the
tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of
Prophet Ahmadas
has really reached the ends of the earth.
8	 Islam: Restoring
	 Women’s Rights
This groundbreaking address
celebrates the different rights
and responsibilities of men and
women, while also emphasizing
the importance of women’s rights
and Islam’s role in protecting and
promoting them over 1400 years ago.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Worldwide
Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
28	 Deliverance from Afflictions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas,
The Promised
Messiah & Imam Mahdi
32	 Justice in an Unjust World
It has become clearer by the day
that the world is becoming more
and more unjust.This historic
address at York University analyzes
the root causes of injustice, and
gives us direction on achieving a
more just and peaceful future.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Worldwide
Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
48	 A Glimpse into the Life of the 	
	Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
50	 The Qur’an on War and Peace
Critics often accuse Islam of war-
mongering and violence.This excerpt
from the book Life of Muhammadsa
effectively demolishes those criticisms
through a detailed examination of
the verses of the Qur’an on war.
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadsa
the Second Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
62	 These are Hard Times
How can we be shown mercy?
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, The Promised
Messiah & Imam Mahdi
70	 Calendar of Religious Events
Front cover picture:
© Brian A Jackson | shutterstock
november 2016 Vol.111 issue eleven
Syed Amer Safir
Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik
Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser
Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan
Editor: Shahzad Ahmad
Editor: Qudsi Rasheed
Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik
Editor: Fazal Ahmad
Deputy: Rizwan Safir
Editor: Navida Sayed
Deputy: Arif Khan
Women’s Section
Editor: Aliya Latif
Deputy: Meliha Hayat
Editor: Sarah Waseem
Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf
Special Collections
Head: Razwan Baig
Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor
Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona
O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth,
Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed
Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik,
Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman
Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel
Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah
Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat
Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad
Ahsan Khan
Muhammad Hanif
Musa Sattar
Zubair Hayat, Mussawir Din
Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed
(Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana
Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad
Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad,
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal
andthePathwaytoThe world is passing through very turbulent times.The
global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and
graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to
the period just before the Second World War continue
to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving
the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific
Third World War.
In this book, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community warns the world of the fast approaching
dangers and how it can avert disaster and chart a
course to peace.
9 781848 808584
ISBN 184880858-5
9 781848 808577
ISBN 184880857-7
Please Note.
Background colour:
From His Holiness – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
– comes a groundbreaking vision for how to estab-
lish long-lasting peace in a world fraught with rapidly
increasing disorder and unrest. His Holiness reminds
world leaders that the flames of war are already burn-
ing through local and regional conflicts and we stand
at the precipice of another world war. If these sparks
were to truly ignite we could witness the horrific
reality of a nuclear war, whose consequences are
unimaginable. His Holiness is the Worldwide Head
and Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
– which has tens of millions of followers in over
200 countries.
World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace is a collection
of the historic addresses and letters by His Holiness to
world leaders and influential figures. In this book, His
Holiness offers consummate analysis on all aspects
of the global crisis; political, economic, social and
spiritual and provides the golden keys to resolving
the critical problems the world faces. In a world where
existing strategies for peace have failed and peo-
ple are desperately looking for a new direction, His
Holiness presents fresh and practical solutions, giving
hope that we can still prevent a global catastrophe.
(continued on back flap)
The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis
continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The
similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second
WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a
ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond
our imagination.
In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Fifth
Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and Supreme Head of the worldwide
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the
House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations
around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous
letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over
again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global
catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of
their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must
be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is
the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace.
Read online at:
Purchase the book here:
In this ground breaking address, His Holiness,
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, expounds
how, more than a millennium before the secular
world, Islam first definitively established
and safeguarded the rights of women 1400
years ago, whilst acknowledging and celebrating
the different strengths of men and women.
Secular people have only today in the
current times, raised a voice support-
ing the rights of women, whereas Islam
raised its voice 1400 years ago against the
cruelty and injustices against women. In
my address to the ladies at the Annual
Convention UK (Jalsa Salana), I gave
some explanation on this in light of the
verses of the Holy Qur’an. However, as
I have mentioned, there is now a great
deal of discussion on these rights includ-
ing here in Germany as well.Sometimes
our [Ahmadi] women and girls become
influenced by the discourses and out-
pouring of sentiments on women’s rights.
They believe that perhaps it is only those
people who today have raised these issues
concerning the rights of women,who are
truly championing and standing up for
them.Thus,they think that perhaps they
should be supported as the standard bear-
ers of women’s rights and deserve praise
for their efforts. Certainly, such peo-
ple are perhaps praiseworthy for giving
rights to those women deserving of them,
who were deprived of them; such women
who never attained their rights through
fter reciting Tashahhud,
Taawwuz and Surah Al-Fatihah,
His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmadaba
,Fifth Successor to the
Promised Messiahas
, Worldwide Head
of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
“Today there is much debate in the world
concerning the rights of men and women.
Whereas people are hugely expressive
regarding these rights, the fact is over-
looked by the world that there should
be certain boundaries assigned to them.
There is a need to classify where the dis-
tinction lies between men and women
as humans in their physical and innate
capabilities and faculties. Where should
there be uniformity in the rights of men
and women,and where should variances
in their rights be made due to their
different constitutions? And why differ-
entiate between the rights of men and
women in that case? Is it to establish the
superiority of men? Is it to make women
feel that they are the weaker species? Is it
to take an unjust advantage of women? If
the rights of men and women are estab-
lished on such a basis, then that would
most certainly be an injustice and cruelty
against women.
Women’s Rights
Where should there be
uniformity in the rights of
men and women, and where
should variances in their
rights be made due to their
different constitutions? And
why differentiate between
the rights of men and women
in that case? Is it to establish
the superiority of men? Is
it to make women feel that
they are the weaker species?
*The photos used in this article were not used in the original address but have been added
here to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility
for any errors in depiction.*
Translated from Urdu by Amer Safir
© User fStop Images GmbH | shutterstock
10 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 11
As I went into great detail at the UK
Annual Convention Address to the
ladies, undoubtedly the rights of men
and women are absolutely equal where
mutual similarities exist between men
and women, such as in terms of the
rewards for their actions and numerous
other matters.Where there are variances
in the rights of men and women,the nec-
essary reasons and factors that formed
the basis of these differences in rights
have been explained. For example take
food and water,which we need to sustain
our lives and are essential items. Just as
men eat food and drink water, similarly
women also need to consume food and
water to survive.However,in certain cir-
cumstances, such as when a woman is
passing through pregnancy for example,
she requires the best and a specific type
of food and nutrients.This is something
acknowledged throughout the world, by
doctors and others. During her preg-
nancy a woman requires certain food
and provisions, which is also necessary
for the child she carries. Islam has gone
into very minute detail and has covered
all such delicate issues. For example,
when a child is being breastfed, Islam
considers the care of a woman’s health.
If a husband divorces his wife during the
wife’s breastfeeding period, then Allah
the Almighty says that the responsibil-
ity of all expenditure of food rests with
the husband. Allah the Almighty states
either religion,government or the law of
the land.However,a Muslim woman can
never say that women’s rights organisa-
tions have played any role in aiding her
liberation,her freedom and her rights.In
the Holy Qur’an,Allah the Almighty has
given Muslims certain teachings and has
established the rights of every classifica-
tion and grouping of people in minute
detail. Nobody can match these teach-
ings,neither any law,government nor any
law-maker.Neither has any constitution
nor anyone else ever perceived this issue
in the manner that the Holy Qur’an and
Islam have.
Certainly, critics of Islam may indeed
object that they do not find the Muslim
countries of today implementing these
rights fully or they are failing to imple-
ment the majority of them. However,
the allegation of denying women’s rights
cannot be pinpointed on the teach-
ings of Islam. Nobody can allege that
Islamic laws usurp the rights of women.
Nobody can justifiably raise the objec-
tion that the Law-Bearing Book [the
Holy Qur’an] that Muslims take pride
in and that covers every aspect of law and
gives the best solutions on every aspect
of life for Muslims,eliminates the rights
of women.If anyone raises this objection,
it is completely wrong and unjust. It is
entirely correct that there is a difference
between secular and Islamic philosophy
in distributing the rights between men
and women. Islam is a religion based on
human nature that assigns rights accord-
ing to the intrinsic disposition of man
and woman, according to their respec-
tive capabilities. We can explain this
in the following way, that just as Allah
Almighty has divided humankind into
two categories, of men and women, He
has similarly divided their responsibili-
ties into two categories. Therefore, the
establishment of rights in Islam is natu-
rally done with consideration of these
Certainly, critics of Islam may
indeed object that they do not
find the Muslim countries
of today implementing these
rights fully or they are failing
to implement the majority
of them. However, the
allegation of denying women’s
rights cannot be pinpointed
on the teachings of Islam.
islam: restoring women’s rights
While the proper roles of men and women have
been constantly debated, only Islam has given
due rights to both, taking into consideration
their constitutions and circumstances.
© Brian A Jackson | Shutterstock
12 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 13
commandment of Allah the Almighty,
which is for the most two years, there it
is also the responsibility of the husband
to bear all her expenditure.He should not
treat the mother like an ordinary servant,
but rather the husband has been enjoined
to fully provide for the mother financially,
according to his capacity and resources.
It should not be the case that whilst she
was his wife he spent more on her, but
after divorcing her, he starts treating her
differently. As long as the child is being
suckled by its mother, the husband after
divorcing is obliged to treat the mother
exactly the same as he would when she
was his wife,and thus completely support
her financially. Allah the Almighty says
this is no favour or act of kindness by
the husband, rather this is a right given
by Allah the Almighty to women which
a husband has a duty to fulfil. By estab-
lishing this right,women have been saved
from disgrace and humiliation. So this
is how Islam, in even the most delicate
of matters,gives women their rights and
makes men realise their responsibili-
ties and the rights they have to give to
women. Islam safeguards the rights of
women in every single respect. When a
husband has been instructed to care so
much for a wife after divorce, then he
needs to take care of her even more so
as a wife.
Although Islam says there is a differ-
ence in the physical makeup of men and
women and also in their responsibili-
ties; in terms of intellect,just as man has
been given intelligence, woman too has
been given intelligence.Just as men have
been commanded to acquire education,
women have also been commanded to
educate themselves. As such, Allah the
Almighty has granted equal capabilities
and means for both men and women to
progress and advance. He has granted
them both intellect, so that they utilise
their wisdom and activate their mental
faculties and strive to excel one another.
Men cannot claim that they have exclu-
sively been granted intelligence and only
they can utilise it to advance. Nor can a
woman profess that only she has been
given intellect and she alone can progress
with it. Allah the Almighty has given a
mind, brain, wisdom and knowledge to
both men and women to procure knowl-
edge and insight. No man can say that
a woman’s intellect has reached a peak
beyond which she cannot progress and that
only men can develop their intellect beyond
a certain degree.Similarly,language and the
ability to speak have been given to both
men and women.If men can become great
orators and have the potential to demon-
strate such abilities, then women too can
become just as good orators – and they are!
“And the man to whom the child
belongs shall be responsible for their
(the mothers’) food and clothing
according to usage.”
Feeding and clothing here in fact infers
general expenditure and not just provid-
ing food and clothes for the wife as one
may provide to a servant. A woman is
not a servant or a slave, rather she is the
mother of his child and so man has also
been made responsible for taking care of
her financially during this period. [The
word] “maroof” here in this verse means
according to the capacity of the man. A
rich person will provide according to his
capacity and a poor person according
to his. This is mentioned in relation to
the husband divorcing the woman and
it has been ordained in very clear terms
that this does not refer to someone who
generally helps breastfeed the child, as
it was a tradition in some cultures and
tribes in olden times to use wet nurses
to help feed children.Here,the expendi-
ture and support does not refer to such
nurses,but rather it relates to the support,
financial help, care and food etc., for the
mother of the child.Where it is the duty
of the mother to breastfeed the child for
the appointed period according to the
Critics of Islam such as Geert Wilders
believe that Islam denies women’s rights
but they do not understand that the Muslim
countries of today are denying these rights:
not the true teachings in The Holy Qur’an.
© Robert Hoetink | Shutterstock
As long as the child is being
suckled by its mother, the
husband after divorcing is
obliged to treat the mother
exactly the same as he
would when she was his
wife, and thus completely
support her financially.
islam: restoring women’s rights
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14 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 15
woman’s patience and tolerance is far
superior to his. A general example of
this is in the upbringing of children
where women bear the child crying at
night and will wake up several times to
breastfeed the infant. No man can com-
pete with a woman in this respect.Some
men are so cruel that they start hitting
a child when it cries for even a short
while.Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra
Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad,
Second Caliph and Worldwide Head of
the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community]
was once discoursing on this topic of the
differences in nature and disposition of
men and women. He gave the example
of a mother enduring the wailing of her
child and said that in this sense, Allah
the Almighty has made the heart of a
woman as firm and strong as a mountain.
It was precisely this exalted example of
spiritual and secular knowledge and of
progress which led to the companions
of the Holy Prophetsa
listening to the
lectures of Hazrat Ayeshara
[the wife of
the Holy Prophetsa
], to increase their
knowledge. Thus, 1400 years ago Islam
paved the way for both women and men
to increase their knowledge and use
their intellect. Guidance was also given
on how to utilise this knowledge appro-
priately and a completely free license
was not granted.The chastity of women
has also been exhorted and she has been
allowed to carry out all of this within the
boundaries of modesty and purdah.
We similarly see that Allah the Almighty
has given some body parts equally to men
and women such as hands and limbs.Yet
nobody can deny that Allah the Almighty
has made the strength and power of the
limbs and nerves of men and women dif-
ferent. In other words, men have been
given more strength and women less.For
example, in terms of stress, men have a
greater endurance to bear stress as com-
pared with women. There was a survey
in the United Kingdom which discov-
ered that as a result of travelling to and
from work, women suffered from four
times more mental and emotional stress
compared to men.Thus, when Allah the
Almighty says men are stronger than
women, it means they have stronger
nerves and the ability to endure and
bear stress.Thus, domestically in resolv-
ing major issues and solving problems
that may arise,men should show greater
endurance and patience. Although this
differentiation in the ability to bear stress
and in nerves exists,women’s rights have
still been preserved.Men have been told
that as they are stronger,they have greater
responsibilities to control their emotions,
as they can take a greater burden.As man
is more physically powerful than woman,
he can lift greater loads.For example,if a
man says to a woman ‘You should lift and
carry the same load as me because God
has given you hands as well,’ this would
be cruelty to a woman and trampling
her rights. However, in women fulfill-
ing their responsibilities given by Allah
the Almighty, they have been bestowed
the required strength of nerves to fulfil
them. On the one hand, women com-
muting to work face four times greater
stress as compared to men.On the other,
when required, women have been given
great emotional and mental fortitude,
firm resolve and the ability to bear stress.
In the case where women are required to
fulfil certain responsibilities, her ability
to bear stress and tolerance is far greater
than a man’s and in certain situations a
No man can say that a
woman’s intellect has reached
a peak beyond which she
cannot progress and that only
men can develop their intellect
beyond a certain degree.
Similarly, language and the
ability to speak have been
given to both men and women.
Women are encouraged to gain knowledge
in the same way men are. There are equal
opportunities for both men and women to
progress and develop their capabilities.
© User jaboo2foto | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
16 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 17
The former Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom has given approval for women
to be allowed to fight in the ranks of
the army involved in war fighting on
the front line. This, according to him, is
a requirement of equality between men
and women, to grant them this equal
right to fight. Retrospectively, their own
generals have said that this is wrong and
foolish.In fact,former soldiers and army
personnel have openly said that this is a
means of weakening the army.
When Allah Almighty has differentiated
between the faculties and strengths of
men and women, then nothing else will
be achieved by this except for causing loss
and harm. Male soldiers also said that if
women fight on the front line, then they
will be more focused on protecting the
female soldiers instead of focusing their
attention on the enemy.
Recently,on a TV programme in Britain,
an analysis was being made on a news-
paper report that stated that the Russian
Army was superior over the British Army
in certain respects. The presenter of the
programme jokingly remarked that this
was perhaps because women would now
be fighting in the British Army.
Hence, people themselves realise that
He said that there are great philosophers
who have immense endurance and ability
to bear stress. However, if such people
were to be handed a child to take care
of, they would almost become insane by
the evening trying to tolerate the child’s
crying.Yet,incredibly,women are able to
bear this. Allah the Almighty has given
them special faculties and strength and
it is amazing to see a woman demon-
strating this. However, by contrast,
men in war demonstrate greater abil-
ity and strength. No matter how patient
and adept a woman may be, she may
become more anxious and apprehensive
in the face of battle.Whereas when faced
with caring for a child, even the most
primitive of women prove to be far more
accomplished and intelligent than even
the wisest of men.This is because Allah
the Almighty has instilled this patience
in the very nature of women according to
her responsibilities. There may be some
exceptions to this among men who may
display this patience in certain circum-
stances. However, generally speaking,
men do not have nearly as much patience
as women.There are some men who are
able to take care of children. The day
before yesterday I was going for the Fajr
(predawn) prayer and I noticed a man
with a two-year-old child in his lap sleep-
ing in the hall. God knows better what
his circumstances were,but this man was
very patiently looking after the child and
keeping him quiet. Thus, there are men
such as him,but this is only an exception
amongst men. In contrast, every single
woman has been given the innate ability
by Allah the Almighty of patience. On
one occasion Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra
said regarding the patience of women,
that alongside acquiring education, pre-
paring food and carrying out all their
responsibilities, they show no anxiety at
all whilst bringing up their children and
tolerating their crying and demands. If
the mother does become apprehensive
and express any irritation, she may very
lightly slap her child, but immediately
after she will embrace the child. This is
inherent in the nature of women.
Hence, Allah the Almighty has differ-
entiated the nature of man and woman
and has divided their responsibilities
accordingly. So, it is complete ignorance
to claim that in every single task men and
women should be equivalent,or that their
roles should be reversed.Considering the
demands that are now being raised on a
daily basis,it is not unlikely some will start
to say that their roles should be reversed
and men should be doing the role of
women and vice versa.In fact people have
already started making such demands.
On one occasion Hazrat
regarding the patience
of women, that alongside
acquiring education,
preparing food and carrying
out all their responsibilities,
they show no anxiety at all
whilst bringing up their
children and tolerating
their crying and demands.
Women and men have different capabilities
in terms of dealing with stress and
even surveys have shown that women
suffer much more from commuting
to and from work than men do.
© User Zurijeta | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
18 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 19
After the UK Annual Convention when
I spoke about good treatment and kind-
ness towards parents, someone from the
USA met me and said,“You should also
say something about justice between
mothers-in law and daughters-in-law.”
Islam requires justice and fairness in
every matter and it gives all people their
rights. Although I had briefly discussed
this at my address to the ladies at the
UK Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana),it
seems that in some matters,especially the
eastern mind-set, culture and traditions
greatly dominate over what religion actu-
ally teaches.Religious teaching is pushed
behind and they give their own cultural
thinking precedence.Thus,your mental-
ity should be in line with the teachings
of Islam and you must fulfil the rights of
there is a difference between men and
women. They understand that in gen-
eral circumstances men and women have
been given different responsibilities in
accordance with their different faculties
and strengths. We should understand
these differences.Islam is such a beautiful
teaching that it keeps this differentiation
in view and makes both men and women
understand their respective responsibili-
ties accordingly.
Generally, in the world women have
been treated cruelly by men and men
have tried to establish their superior-
ity over them in all matters. Now, in
reaction to the injustices perpetrated
against them, women have demanded
to be treated equally to men in every
single matter.This has been an incorrect
approach by both genders, which needs
to be reformed. We Ahmadis, who act
upon the true teachings of Islam, must
rectify this mistaken approach.
Sadly, even amongst some Ahmadis,
there are men who consider women
inferior. There are several and not just a
few women, who say to me verbally and
in letters, that after marriage their hus-
bands wish for them to cut off all ties
with their families. As wives they have
to listen to everything their husbands say
and no longer keep in contact with their
own relatives, to the extent that their
husbands prevent them from even meet-
ing their own parents.They tell them to
only communicate with the husband’s
relatives. Some husbands transgress to a
degree that, as I have said, they not only
stop their wives meeting their own rela-
tives and parents, but rather they even
insult their wives’ families and inflict
mental torture and emotional pain on
their wives.They fail to understand that
women have feelings also and possess
hearts. In parts of our culture and coun-
try there is still ignorance and sometimes
those who come to the West continue
with their ignorant ways. They com-
pletely neglect the feelings of women.
I will say that at times the mothers-in-
law are the cause of this injustice. They
forget their own time when they were
treated badly by their husbands. If they
were mistreated by their own husband
who, spurred on by his mother, denied
them their basic rights and kept bad
relations with her relatives, then this
should have led them to treating their
own daughters-in-law kindly and com-
passionately. However, as I have said,
ignorance rears its ugly head and moth-
ers-in-law conversely show a bad reaction
by initiating quarrels.
There are several and not just
a few women, who say to me
verbally and in letters, that
after marriage their husbands
wish for them to cut off all
ties with their families.
Women serving on the frontline may
inevitably divert the focus of male
soldiers away from the enemy.
© Mariia Ivanets | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
20 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 21
be mindful not to make unjust demands
of men.If men understand their distinct
responsibilities and act upon them, then
there will never be a question of women
raising unnecessary and undue demands.
There are some women who act unfairly.
However, when a woman’s rights are
being completely fulfilled, then I do not
think that any woman would ever act
Sometimes, worldly people ask me,
“What should be done to establish peace
in the world and how can we make this
society a completely peaceful one?”
I often give them the following reply,
which is generally appreciated by them.I
say that in order to establish peace,every
single person must understand their
individual responsibilities and strive to
fulfil them. Instead of demanding your
own rights from others, you should give
greater attention to fulfilling the rights of
others. Give more heed to giving rights
to other people. When every single per-
son strives to fulfil the rights of other
people in this way, then nobody’s rights
will be usurped.This indeed is the teach-
ing of Islam.
When a person’s rights are not being
usurped,then unless they are insane,they
will not unnecessarily persist in demand-
ing things. A woman should look at her
responsibilities and how she can best
fulfil them, including mothers-in-law,
daughters-in-law and daughters. Men
should also be mindful of their respon-
sibilities,how to discharge them and how
they can best fulfil these rights.Once this
happens,quarrels and fights in the home
will dissipate.
If women are granted their due rights
then they will cease demanding to be
given their rights.If women consider that
the upbringing of their children is a pri-
mary responsibility that Islam has given
them and their foremost duty is to raise
their child, then instead of unessentially
working,or spending time unnecessarily
with friends,they will give greater atten-
tion to the upbringing of their child.Not
only will they be bringing up their child,
but rather by bringing up a child of the
country, they will in fact be developing
the child into an active and beneficial
member of the nation.The good upbring-
ing of a child for the sake of his country
and for the [Ahmadiyya] Community
would make that child into an excellent
and useful individual.
The government has numerous schemes
to help in the upbringing of children
one another.A husband should fulfil the
rights of his wife,and the mother-in-law
should fulfil the rights of her daughter-
in-law. A daughter-in-law should fulfil
the right of her mother-in-law and also
the husband.If all are fulfilling the rights
of one another, nobody will ever be able
to raise an allegation against the teach-
ings of Islam of usurping the rights of
What was the exemplary model of the
Holy Prophetsa
in taking care of his
wife’s relations? Once,the Holy Prophetsa
returned home and he saw that his wife,
Hazrat Umme Habeeba’sra
brother, was
resting on Hazrat Umme Habeeba’sra
legs.Hazrat Umme Habeebara
was play-
ing with her brother’s hair. The Holy
said,“Umme Habeeba do you
love Mu’awiyah a lot?”. [She was the
daughter of Abu Sufyanra
and her broth-
er’s name was Mu’awiyah.] The Prophetsa
asked, “Is he very beloved to you?” She
replied, “Yes.”The Holy Prophetsa
“He is also very dear and beloved to me.”
That is,hesa
meant because of her [he also
was attached to her brother]. So, this is
[an example of] having regard for the
feelings of women.
Similarly, when men take care of the
rights of women, then they should also
Similarly, when men take care
of the rights of women, then
they should also be mindful
not to make unjust demands
of men. If men understand
their distinct responsibilities
and act upon them, then there
will never be a question of
women raising unnecessary
and undue demands.
The role of a daughter-in-law can
be difficult if everybody does not
cooperate and act considerately.
© TungCheung | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
22 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 23
for a child to receive training and care.
Here, I will say something to those
women whose children are in the waqf-
e-nau scheme and who believe that to
bring them up and to take care of them
is now completely the responsibility
of the Ahmadiyya Community. The
Community’s responsibility in training
them is limited to giving them guid-
ance for spiritual and secular education.
However, to bring them up in a pious
atmosphere and surrounding from
childhood, to give them complete reli-
gious knowledge and moral training, to
make them understand and realise the
importance of religious teachings and
to make them beneficial members of the
Community, are all the responsibilities
of the mother. The full cooperation of
the husband in this is essential because
he cannot cut himself off from this duty.
Both the mother and father must fulfil
these duties. It is a right of the woman
that her husband gives her complete
support and assistance. Hazrat Musleh
has explained something beau-
tifully. He said for the outer and visible
health and beauty of the child a mother
undergoes strenuous efforts and remains
very anxious. However, when it comes
to the question of the inner health of
the soul, there is less attention given. If
they do not care and focus on the inner
beauty of the child,this would be a great
injustice,that they give greater attention
to worldly accomplishments instead.
Therefore, Ahmadi mothers who make
the pledge that they will give precedence
to the faith over all worldly matters, will
not be truly fulfilling this pledge unless
they make their best efforts, using all
their capabilities to facilitate the reli-
gious and spiritual upbringing of a child.
If they do not make this effort, they will
not be fulfilling their pledges.
Girls should also remember that tomor-
row they will become mothers, God
Willing. So, instead of only becom-
ing materialistic mothers who demand
their materialistic and worldly rights,
they should become those spiritual and
religious mothers who fulfil the rights of
their children and whose children always
pray for them.Children who are brought
up in such an excellent manner,they and
their progeny become those who will
truly give rights to everyone in regards
of the correct application of the rights of
both men and women.They will become
the means of dispensing these rights to
others in the world and establishing
them. They will produce such a society
where rights are always maintained.That
will be a society and environment which
so that women and mothers can focus
on their employment and work instead.
Such schemes are perhaps also being
devised here in Germany as well.They do
this in an attempt to establish the rights
of women. However, at a certain point
they will come to finally realise that the
real upbringing of a child can only be
done in the lap of its mother.The love of
a mother, her nurturing and the manner
in which she can give care to her own
child can never be replicated by any other
person.It is impossible for anyone to give
the same attention as the mother gives
to her own offspring. Assess yourselves,
how a large proportion of those children
brought up in the care of social services
end up straying. It is also said that the
government is making policies where
mothers can work and fathers be given
allowances so that they can stay with the
child.If a woman is required in a special-
ist field or for a specific purpose that is a
different matter,but if this is made into a
general principle,it will lead to very dan-
gerous consequences. It is their wishful
thinking to believe that this will lead to
greater success and progress. There will
ultimately come a time when they will
realise that this was a wrong policy.Islam
teaches that only the love of a mother can
provide the best upbringing for a child,
and the reality is that it is the best place
Here, I will say something
to those women whose
children are in the waqf-e-
nau scheme and who believe
that to bring them up and
to take care of them is now
completely the responsibility
of the Ahmadiyya
Community.The Community’s
responsibility in training
them is limited to giving
them guidance for spiritual
and secular education.
Both men and women should look at
their responsibilities in a household
and work together as a unit rather than
quarrelling and fighting over small issues
that can be solved or prevented.
© ChameleonsEye | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
24 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 25
boys from their early childhood upbring-
ing; that they should promote from the
outset.They should understand they have
to establish the rights of their wives,
daughters and mothers and grant them
the highest status in society, a status
that Islam has granted them. Wherever
women and men have equal rights,Allah
the Almighty has granted them these
rights. There are the rewards for good
deeds,which are equal amongst men and
women.In terms of obtaining education,
there are equal opportunities and there
are so many other matters of necessity
where men and women have been given
equal rights by Allah Almighty.All such
rights must be established. However, in
the matter of the upbringing of children,
taking care of offspring and future gen-
erations and developing the true spirit of
establishing the rights of others in chil-
dren, Allah the Almighty has given this
duty to women.May Allah the Almighty
enable everyone to act upon this. Let us
join in silent prayer.”
tells the world that if you want guidance
in how to give others their rights, then
seek that guidance from us.
It requires immense effort and focus to
make this achievable. In terms of the
variances between men and women’s
rights, we need to obtain proper knowl-
edge and understanding of this [subject].
That day when every one of our moth-
ers and women gain knowledge of this,
will be the day our children will become
guides for the rest of the world. On that
day, the rights of every girl will be pro-
tected. The rights of every woman will
be safeguarded. And boys and sons who
are brought up with this training will
become men who will truly understand
the rights of women. They will not be
cruel to women and instead they will look
to see how they can give women their
rights. They will turn into fathers who
will properly support and cooperate with
their wives in bringing up children.
So today our girls are becoming influ-
enced by worldly organisations who
speak about giving rights to women,and
only speak of the rights which are lim-
ited to one’s individual self and do not go
beyond worldly aspirations.Instead,you
should raise the slogan of women’s rights
which should originate in the minds of
The only way to protect
women’s rights is to teach
boys from birth about the
role of women in their lives
and how to treat them.
The only way to protect women’s rights
is to teach boys from birth about the
role of women in their lives and how
to treat them. This will prevent them
for mistreating their wives, mothers,
daughters and sisters and will create a
harmonious and loving household for all.
© Joshua Resnick | Shutterstock
islam: restoring women’s rights
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26 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 27
Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
( g u i d e d o n e )
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
t should be kept in mind that for being delivered from
afflictions it is not necessary that people should become
Muslims, inasmuch as the Day of Judgement is appointed
for calling people to account for their religious errors. It is,
however, necessary that people should refrain from every type
of misconduct and should not revile the holy Prophets of God,
nor oppress the poor, and should spend freely in charity and
should ascribe no equal to God, neither stone, nor fire, nor
man, nor water, nor sun, nor moon and should discard the
ways of arrogance and mischief.”1
1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, Chashma-e-Marifat, Ruhani Khaza’in,
vol. 23, 404.
The Khalifah
in Canada
Over the next few editions the Review of Religions
will publish exclusive content of the historic tour of the
worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community
Syria. Iraq. Daesh. The world today is mired in
war, in death, in injustice. In this groundbreaking
address at York University, Hazrat Mirza Masroor
, Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community, analyzes the root causes of
these injustices and gives us a roadmap on how to
re-establish justice.
Justice in an
Unjust World
This proves that human beings have been
able to use their intelligence and minds
to move forward and to increase produc-
tivity, efficiency and personal comfort.
However,it is a cause of deep regret that
at a time when humanity is progressing
at such a rapid pace, it is also moving
further apart and becoming increasingly
divided. The peace and stability of the
world is being jeopardised and put at risk
on a daily basis. In some countries, the
leaders and governments are failing to
fulfil the rights of their people and are
inflicting grave cruelties and injustices
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
Khalifatul Masih V, Worldwide Head
of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
“Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem – in
the Name of Allah, the Gracious,
All distinguished guests,
Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa
Barakatohu - peace and blessings of Allah
be upon you all.
Today the world around us is constantly
evolving and advancing.Unquestionably,
in the past few decades, the world has
moved forward in leaps and bounds in
terms of technological development.
Every day new forms of modern tech-
nology and scientific advancements are
being developed.Progress is being made
in many spheres of our life. For exam-
ple,modern forms of communication and
electronics are continually progressing at
a rapid rate. The research and develop-
ment taking place is bringing ease and
comfort to our daily lives.
Justice in an
Unjust World
On 28th
October 2016, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifah (Caliph), His Holiness
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, delivered a historic lecture at York
University in Toronto in front of an audience of more than 180
guests, including academics, politicians, media and thought leaders.
The event, titled “Justice in an Unjust World,” was organised by the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada in collaboration with York
University. We present here the transcript of the keynote address
delivered by His Holiness.
However, it is a cause of deep
regret that at a time when
humanity is progressing at
such a rapid pace, it is also
moving further apart and
becoming increasingly divided.
The peace and stability of the
world is being jeopardised and
put at risk on a daily basis.
34 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 35
standards and hypocrisy at so many lev-
els of society and the resulting lack of
peace is a cause of the utmost concern
and grief for those people who sincerely
feel the pain of humanity. As the leader
of a worldwide Muslim community, it is
this issue that concerns and worries me
more than any other.
As a Muslim leader,it is a source of grief
to me personally,that the disorder taking
place today is centred around so-called
Muslims and is being associated with
Islam.On the one hand,most of the wars
being fought and the lives being lost are
in the Muslim world,whilst on the other
hand,so-called Muslims have now spread
their networks of terror further afield and
are targeting innocent people here in the
West. It is a tragedy of the very great-
est proportions that such people seek to
falsely justify their hate-filled and evil
acts in the name of Islam. Rather than
serving Islam,all they are achieving is to
defame its name.
The truth is that the very meaning of
the word “Islam” is “peace, security and
love”. Given this, we have to accept that
either the deplorable acts of terrorists
and extremists are entirely against the
teachings of Islam or alternatively, that
despite meaning “peace”,Islam is actually
a religion that advocates extremism and
violence.To assess which of these oppos-
ing propositions is correct, we must
consider what Islam’s true teachings are.
We must look to the primary source of
Islam, its Holy Book, the Holy Qur’an
and furthermore to the conduct and
example of its Founder,the Holy Prophet
Therefore, in the time available, I will
now present Islam’s true teachings to
you and thereafter hopefully you will be
in a position to understand whether the
upon them.In response,members of the
public are rising up in opposition and so
rebel groups have formed.
Furthermore, conflict zones are fertile
breeding grounds for terrorist groups and
extremists and so such groups have taken
root in many countries. In some cases,
where there is civil unrest, foreign gov-
ernments are siding with the leaders of
the nations, whereas other governments
are supporting the rebel factions. Thus,
both sides are being provided overt and
covert external support and the results are
there for all to see - bloodshed, violence
and the merciless killings of innocent
Where modern technology has been a
force for good, it has also been used as a
force for evil and destruction.Such tech-
nology has been developed that has the
capability of wiping nations off the map
with the press of a button. Of course, I
am referring to the development of weap-
ons of mass destruction that are capable
of inflicting the most unimaginable hor-
rors, devastation and destruction. Such
weapons are being produced that have
the potential to destroy not only civili-
sation today, but to also leave behind a
legacy of misery for generations to come.
In the world today, we witness double
justice in an unjust world
Human beings have used their
intelligence and ingenuity to increase
productivity and efficiency—but while
technology has progressed, the stability
of the world is being put at risk.
© ESB Professional | Shutterstock
*The photos used in this article were not used in the original
publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review
of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of
Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.*
This photo shows the power of a 21
kiloton atomic test. With nuclear weapons
so readily available, we are living in a
time where a world war can erupt at
any moment—and the effects will be
substantially greater than any previous war.
© Everett Historical | Shutterstock
As a Muslim leader, it is a
source of grief to me personally,
that the disorder taking place
today is centred around so-
called Muslims and is being
associated with Islam. On the
one hand, most of the wars
being fought and the lives
being lost are in the Muslim
world, whilst on the other
hand, so-called Muslims have
now spread their networks
of terror further afield...
36 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 37
matched by our desire and motivation to
fulfil the rights and interests of others.If
acted upon, this is the golden principle
that will unlock the door to true peace
and security.
In order to establish peace, Islam also
places great emphasis on the fulfilment
of one’s trusts.Thus, chapter 4, verse 59,
of the Holy Qur’an states:
“Verily, Allah commands you to make
over the trusts to those entitled to them,
and that, when you judge between men,
you judge with justice.And surely excel-
lent is that with which Allah admonishes
you! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.”
In this verse, Muslims have been clearly
instructed to fulfil the trusts that have
been placed in them.This includes trusts
and oaths that have been undertaken at
a personal level and those trusts that are
collective. In terms of personal trusts,
a person should not seize the property
or rights of others or fail to fulfil the
responsibilities he owes to other peo-
ple. In terms of collective trusts, one
important aspect is the duty of citizens
to elect representatives of the state who
they consider to be of the greatest value
to their nation. When it comes to elec-
tions or nominations,a person should not
vote automatically for his ally or party
division and conflict witnessed in the
world today is a result of Islam’s teach-
ings or a consequence of moving away
from them. During his life, the Founder
of Islam,the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
laid down, in just a few words, the foun-
dations for peace in the world and
between all peoples.
The Prophet of Islamsa
said that a per-
son should desire for others whatever
he desires for himself. I believe that this
timeless principle is as true today as it
ever was in the past.Certainly,every per-
son desires peace for themselves and to
be saved from all anxieties and worries.
Every person hopes that he or she has
the means to live comfortably and with-
out hardship. Every person seeks good
health so that they can enjoy their lives
free from pain or difficulty. Every person
craves good standing in their community
and the respect of others. In a similar
vein,every government and every nation
also seeks such prosperity. However,how
many people or nations are there who
truly desire peace,prosperity and success
for others?
In terms of verbal proclamations, it is
very easy to say that “Yes we do desire
the best for others”, however in practice
it is much more difficult and challenging.
Wherever, there is a conflict of interests,
most people tend to prioritise their own
interests and welfare over and beyond the
rights of others. This is true at an indi-
vidual level and also true at a collective
and national level. Today, rather than
selflessness, sadly we tend to see selfish-
ness. Most people or nations prioritise
their own rights and are quite willing to
relegate and demean the rights of oth-
ers in order to fulfil their own goals and
ambitions.In terms of the Muslim world,
it is because the leaders and the people
have discarded the true teachings of their
religion that they are now riven by bit-
ter division and unrest. Put simply, the
leaders have failed in their duties to pro-
tect their people and to safeguard their
rights and, in turn, rebel elements have
also deviated from what is right and just.
Further afield,instead of travelling upon
a path of justice and integrity, we have
seen time and time again, the world’s
major powers being concerned only with
fulfilling their own interests. Whether
they decide to side with the Muslim
governments or the opposition groups
is not dictated by what is fair and what
is right,rather only by which party better
serves their own interests. Yet according
to Islam, our desire and motivation to
fulfil our own interests should always be
His Holiness speaks
at York University
about the fact that
true Islam promotes
government that is
designed to protect
all citizens—not just
the rich and wealthy.
Further afield, instead of
travelling upon a path of
justice and integrity, we have
seen time and time again,
the world’s major powers
being concerned only with
fulfilling their own interests.
justice in an unjust world
38 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 39
people, rather than being corrupt and
rather than focusing on selfish personal
interests,then there will be no reason for
people to turn against their governments
or for civil wars or conflicts to arise.
Leading on from this,the same principle
of fulfilling trusts and oaths is something
that the major powers and international
institutions such as the United Nations
must always prioritise. Weaker nations
are often forced to rely on the support of
more powerful and richer countries and
so the latter should seek to fulfil the trust
that those less economically developed
nations place in them. They should try
to sincerely help them stand upon their
own two feet and realise that it is in the
world’s interest for weaker nations to
develop and prosper.
Similarly,at the United Nations it should
not be that certain countries wield undue
power and influence, or that the perma-
nent members of the Security Council
care only for their own interests and uti-
lise their veto power even where it is in
conflict with the interests of the major-
ity. Rather, all members of the United
Nations should work together and fulfil
the covenant of trust upon which the
institution was founded - to maintain
the peace and security of the world. If
all nations and international institutions
forgo narrow self-interest for the sake
of the collective good, then the conflicts
that are plaguing the world will naturally
die away.
Sadly, the world is currently travel-
ling in the opposite direction, wherein
Muslim governments have failed their
people, whilst self-interest is becoming
the hallmark of the major powers and
the powerful members of the United
Nations. Hence, nations are neither ful-
filling the trusts placed in them and nor
are they acting with justice and equity.
Recently, the former United Nations
Assistant Secretary-General, Anthony
Banbury, published an article outlining
the failings of the organisation in which
he served.Writing in The New YorkTimes,
he said:
“I love the United Nations but it is fail-
ing. There is too much bureaucracy and
little result.Too many decisions are made
for political reasons, rather than follow-
ing the values and objectives of the U.N
or by facts on the ground…
Then he says:
“For the UN to continue and prosper
it needs a complete overhaul and so an
member,rather they should consider who
is the most qualified and suitable for the
task at hand. Thereafter, those who are
elected and handed the keys to govern-
ment or power should exercise their
duties with honesty,integrity and justice.
This teaching is the model of democracy
that Islam champions. In every society,
there are mutual trusts and obligations
placed upon all people, and for the soci-
ety to function successfully,it is necessary
for normal citizens and the leaders to
fulfil their responsibilities towards each
other with true justice.If these principles
had been adhered to in the Muslim world
then we would never have seen the con-
flicts and division that are prevalent in
many countries. I personally believe this
Qur’anic principle to have universal value
and to be of benefit across the world and
not just in Muslim countries.
The citizens of all nations should seek to
elect those people to their parliaments
or assemblies who they believe will work
for the betterment and progress of their
nation.This should be the guiding prin-
ciple when voting for individuals or for
particular policies, rather than merely
following party lines or personal relation-
ships.If the leaders of a country are those
who truly seek the advancement of their
President-elect Donald Trump is another
controversial figure who has been elected
as president of the most powerful nation in
the world with access to military weapons
that can change the course of humanity.
© JStone | Shutterstock
Similarly, at the United
Nations it should not be that
certain countries wield undue
power and influence, or that
the permanent members of
the Security Council care only
for their own interests and
utilise their veto power even
where it is in conflict with
the interests of the majority.
justice in an unjust world
40 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 41
well-known newspaper columnist, Paul
Krugman,recently wrote in The New York
Times that:
“The Iraq war wasn’t an innocent mis-
take,a venture undertaken on the basis of
intelligence that turned out to be wrong.
The public justifications for the invasion
were nothing but pretexts, and falsified
pretexts at that.”
Hence, even those who initially sup-
ported the Iraq War, or who have been
advocates for the United Nations, have
been forced to admit their mistakes and
the grave consequences of their actions.
There is no doubt that such injustices
have shattered the foundations of world
peace and have enabled terrorist groups
such as Daesh to take root and grow.
These groups are now not just a threat
to the Muslim world but to all human-
ity. However, still it does not seem that
the world is learning from the lessons
of the past.Foreign policy injustice con-
tinues to be prevalent and is fuelling
wars in different countries, leading to
the deaths of innocent men,women and
children.Certain major powers continue
to prioritise their business interests over
and beyond everything else and so are
selling extremely advanced weapons to
other countries,even where there is clear
evidence that such artillery is being used
to kill or maim innocent people and to
destroy countless lives.
What I am saying is nothing new or
a secret but has long been in the pub-
lic domain. For example, a number of
Western countries are continuing to sell
weapons to Saudi Arabia that are being
used to target the people of Yemen. No
Muslim country has large-scale weap-
ons factories that can produce such huge
quantities of deadly weapons,and so their
only source is the Western world. Some
major powers are selling weapons to
Muslim governments, whilst other gov-
ernments are selling weapons to rebel
elements in the same countries.
Thus both sides are being fuelled and
armed from the outside. Quite simply, if
this trading were stopped, the Muslim
countries would have no weapons to
fight one another. Even Western writ-
ers and commentators have spoken of
the hypocrisy and immorality of such
international trade,yet when questioned
about such sales, governments either
ignore the question or seek to justify
what is patently unjustifiable. All they
care about is that their cheques clear
so that billions are added to their own
national budgets. In short, money talks
outside panel should examine the system
and recommend changes.”
Thus, even those closely affiliated with
the United Nations are now openly
attesting to its shortcomings and the
fact that it has failed in its mission to
maintain the peace and security of the
world. In terms of Western foreign pol-
icy mistakes, the prime example from
recent years is the Iraq War in 2003.The
former Foreign Minister of the United
Kingdom, David Miliband, who is now
the President of the International Rescue
Committee, spoke some time ago of the
long-term impact of that war. Speaking
about the continued instability and ter-
rorism in Iraq, during an interview with
The Observer, Mr. Miliband said:
“It’s clearly the case that the invasion
of Iraq, or more importantly what hap-
pened afterwards, is a significant factor
in understanding the current situation
in Iraq.”
When asked if Saddam Hussein would
have been able to hold Iraq together and
to keep it free from the likes of Daesh he
admitted that this was a distinct possibil-
ity. This was the admission of a former
British Parliamentarian who had voted
in favour of the Iraq War. Similarly, a
Former UK Foreign Minister David
Miliband has admitted that the current
instability in Iraq is at least partially
a result of the Iraq War in 2003.
Harald Dettenborn | Wikimedia Commons
| Released under CC BY 3.0 DE
“It’s clearly the case that the
invasion of Iraq, or more
importantly what happened
afterwards, is a significant
factor in understanding the
current situation in Iraq.”
justice in an unjust world
42 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 43
to be ready to give testimony against
themselves and their family members
in order to establish the truth and for
justice to be served. A Muslim’s loyalty
to the truth must take precedence over
everything else.Thereafter, in chapter 5,
verse 9 of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the
Almighty states:
“O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the
cause of Allah,bearing witness in equity;
and let not a people’s enmity incite you to
act otherwise than with justice.Be always
just, that is nearer to righteousness. And
fear Allah.Surely,Allah is aware of what
you do.”
Having instructed Muslims to be will-
ing to testify against themselves, in this
verse the Qur’an commands them to be
fair and just with all parties, including
their enemies and opponents.This is the
and morality is left nowhere to be seen.
How on earth can peace be achieved in
such an environment?
Terrorist groups also are able to acquire
huge stocks of heavy weaponry and a
continuous flow of funds. I often ask
how it was possible for the terrorist
group Daesh to become so rich? Where
does it get its millions from? Why has its
funding not been stopped? How does it
continue to trade oil and purchase weap-
onry? Western powers and the United
Nations have been able to place extremely
restrictive sanctions on powerful coun-
tries, yet for some reason have not been
able to curb the funding of groups such as
Daesh.Even now,despite belated efforts
to try and restrict the funding of Daesh,
it continues to earn millions of dollars.
Recently, Canada’s Minister for Public
Safety announced that the Canadian
Government would no longer refer to
Daesh as “Islamic State”. He said that
Daesh was neither Islamic and nor was
it a State.His comments were well made
and prove that Western governments are
well aware of the fact that such terror-
ism is not based on Islam. However, at
the same time, effective measures have
not been made to stop the funding and
growth of such groups. I have spoken at
length about the lack of justice in the
world and so I shall now explain what
Islam’s concept of justice is. As time is
limited, I shall cite just two verses of the
Holy Qur’an that illustrate Islam’s unpar-
alleled teachings of fairness and equity.
Chapter 4,verse 136 of the Holy Qur’an
“O ye who believe! Be strict in observing
justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even
though it be against yourselves or against
parents and kindred.Whether he be rich
or poor, Allah is more regardful of them
both than you are.Therefore, follow not
low desires so that you may able to act
equitably.And if you conceal the truth or
evade, then remember that Allah is well
aware of what you do.”
In this verse,Muslims have been directed
His Holiness pointed out that governments
and businesses acting solely on the
basis of self-interest will undermine
the peace and stability of the world.
Even Western writers and
commentators have spoken of
the hypocrisy and immorality
of such international trade,
yet when questioned about
such sales, governments
either ignore the question
or seek to justify what is
patently unjustifiable.
justice in an unjust world
44 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 45
recourse to violence,bloodshed and bru-
tality. If we truly want peace in our time
then we must act with justice. We must
value equality and fairness.
Whether Muslim or non-Muslim we
should pursue the universal standards
of justice outlined in the Holy Qur’an.
As the Prophet of Islamsa
so beautifully
stated, we must love for others, what we
love for ourselves. We must pursue the
rights of others with the same zeal and
determination that we pursue our own
rights. We should broaden our horizons
and look at what is right for the world,
rather than what is only right for us.
These are the means for peace in our age.
From the depths of my heart,I pray that
Allah the Almighty grants wisdom to
all parties and all nations so that it is
with this selfless spirit that they all work
together for the betterment of mankind.
With these words,I thank you all – thank
you very much.”
exalted standard of justice advocated by
Islam and so if today’s Muslim govern-
ments are not following this teaching it
is their fault.Hence,it would be entirely
unjust and wrong to blame Islam for
their misdeeds.
Furthermore, I say again that the
Western world is not blameless and
it is up to them to set aside their own
vested interests and to selflessly work
towards a better and brighter future for
our children and future generations. If
every policy made is based upon the solid
foundations of justice and integrity then
automatically the conflicts that have con-
sumed the world will be resolved without
His Holiness meets with Ontario’s Minister of
Research and Innovation and Science, the
Hon. Reza Moridi (left), and the Chancellor
of York University, Mr. Greg Sorbara (right),
who both attended the historic lecture and
welcomed His Holiness to York University.
Furthermore, I say again
that the Western world is not
blameless and it is up to them
to set aside their own vested
interests and to selflessly work
towards a better and brighter
future for our children
and future generations.
From the depths of my heart, I
pray that Allah the Almighty
grants wisdom to all parties
and all nations so that it is
with this selfless spirit that
they all work together for
the betterment of mankind.
46 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 47
He was very particular, even punctilious,
with regard to physical cleanliness. He
used to brush his teeth several times a
day and was so keen on the practice that
he used to say that were he not afraid
that the ordinance might prove onerous,
he would make it obligatory upon every
Muslim to brush his teeth before every
one of the five daily prayers. He always
washed his hands before and after each
meal and,after eating anything that had
been cooked,he always rinsed his mouth
and considered it desirable that every
person who had eaten anything cooked
should rinse his mouth before joining in
any of the prayers.1
In the polity of Islam a mosque is the
only place of gathering prescribed for the
Muslims. The Holy Prophetsa
, therefore,
laid particular stress upon the cleanliness
of mosques,especially on occasions when
people were expected to collect in them.
He had directed that on such occasions
incense should be burnt in the mosques
to purify the air.2
He also gave directions
that nobody should go to a mosque on
the occasion of a congregation or gather-
ing after eating anything that was likely
to exhale an offensive odour.3
He insisted upon streets being kept clean
and clear of twigs, stones, and all arti-
cles or matter which was likely either to
obstruct or to prove offensive.Whenever
he himself found any such matter or arti-
cle lying in a street he would remove it,
and he used to say that a person who
helps to keep streets and roads clean and
clear,earns spiritual merit in the sight of
God.He is also reported to have enjoined
that public thoroughfares should not
be so used as to cause obstruction nor
should any unclean or undesirable matter
or article be thrown on to a public street,
nor should a street be defiled in any other
way, as all such acts are displeasing to
God. He was very keen that all supply
of water conserved for human use should
be kept clean and pure. For instance, he
prohibited anything being thrown into
standing water which might befoul it and
any reservoir of water being used in a
manner which would render it impure.45
1. Sahih Bukhari.
2. Sunan Abu Dawud.
3. Sahih Bukhari.
A Glimpse into the Life of
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
4. Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
5. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood
, Life of Muhammad (Surrey: Islam
International, 1990), 298-300.
48 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 49
(1) In 22:40–42 we have:
Permission to fight is given to those
against whom war is made, because
they have been wronged—and Allah
indeed has power to help them—Those
who have been driven out from their
homes unjustly only because they said,
“Our Lord is Allah”—And if Allah
did not repel some men by means of
others, there would surely have been
pulled down cloisters and churches and
synagogues and mosques,wherein the
name of Allah is oft commemorated.
And Allah will surely help one who
helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful,
Mighty—Those who, if We establish
them in the earth, will observe Prayer
and pay the Zakat and enjoin good
he teaching of Islam is differ-
ent from both these teachings.
It strikes a mean between the
two. Islam does not teach aggression as
did Mosesas
.Nor does it,like present-day
(and presumably corrupt) Christianity,
preach a contradiction.It does not ask us
to turn the other cheek and at the same
time to sell our clothes to buy a sword.
The teaching of Islam fits into the natural
instincts of man, and promotes peace in
the only possible way.
Islam forbids aggression, but it urges
us to fight if failure to fight jeopardizes
peace and promotes war.If failure to fight
means the extirpation of free belief and
of the search of truth, it is our duty to
fight.This is the teaching on which peace
can ultimately be built, and this is the
teaching on which the Prophetsa
his own policies and his practice. The
suffered continuously and con-
sistently at Makkah but did not fight the
aggression of which he was an innocent
victim. When he escaped to Madinah,
the enemy was out to extirpate Islam;
it was, therefore, necessary to fight the
enemy in defence of truth and freedom
of belief. We quote below the passages
in the Qur’an which bear on the subject
of war.
The Qur’an on
War & Peace
One of the criticisms levelled at the Holy Qur’an is that its verses promote
violence. But in the following excerpt from Life of Muhammadsa
,the biog-
raphy of the Holy Prophetsa
by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood
, second successor of the Promised Messiahas
, we see that a detailed
examination of the verses in the Holy Qur’an regarding warfare show the
lengths to which Muslims are exhorted to pursue peace when at all possible.
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmadra
second successor of the Promised Messiahas
Permission to fight is given
to those against whom
war is made, because they
have been wronged—and
Allah indeed has power
to help them—Those who
have been driven out from
their homes unjustly...
The Qur’an’s teachings are beautifully
balanced and give practical solutions to
ending war and establishing peace.
© Kamomeen | Shutterstock
*The photos used in this article were not used in the original
publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review
of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of
Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.*
50 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 51
used not for self-aggrandizement,but for
the amelioration of the poor and the pro-
motion of peace and progress.
(2) In 2:191–194 we have:
And fight in the cause of Allah against
those who fight against you,but do not
transgress. Surely, Allah loves not the
transgressors.And kill them wherever
you meet them and drive them out
from where they have driven you out;
for persecution is worse than killing.
And fight them not in, and near, the
Sacred Mosque until they fight you,
then fight them: such is the requital
for the disbelievers. But if they desist,
then surely Allah is Most Forgiving,
Merciful. And fight them until there
is no persecution, and religion is pro-
fessed for Allah. But if they desist,
then remember that no hostility is
allowed except against the aggressors.
Fighting is to be for the sake of God,
not for our own sake or out of anger or
aggrandizement, and even fighting is to
be free from excesses, for excesses are
displeasing to God. Fighting is between
parties of combatants. Assaults on indi-
viduals are forbidden.Aggression against
a religion is to be met by active resist-
ance, for such aggression is worse than
bloodshed.Muslims are not to fight near
the Sacred Mosque, unless an attack is
first made by the enemy. Fighting near
the Sacred Mosque interferes with the
public right of pilgrimage. But if the
enemy attacks,Muslims are free to reply,
this being the just reward of aggression.
But if the enemy desists, Muslims must
desist also, and forgive and forget the
past. Fighting is to continue so long as
religious persecution lasts and religious
freedom is not established. Religion is
for God. The use of force or pressure
in religion is wrong. If the Kafirs [non-
believers] desist from it and make religion
free,Muslims are to desist from fighting
the Kafirs [non-believers]. Arms are to
be taken up against those who commit
excesses. When excesses cease, fighting
must cease also.
Categorically, we may say, the verses
teach the following rules:
I.	 War is to be resorted to only for the
sake of God and not for the sake of
any selfish motives, not for aggran-
dizement or for the advancement of
any other interests.
II.	 We can go to war only against one
who attacks us first.
and forbid evil. And with Allah rests
the final issue of all affairs.
The verse purports to say that permis-
sion to fight is given to the victims of
aggression. God is well able to help the
victims—those who have been driven
out of their homes because of their
beliefs. The permission is wise because,
if God were not to repel the cruel with
the help of the righteous,there would be
no freedom of faith and worship in the
world. God must help those who help
to establish freedom and worship.It fol-
lows that fighting is permitted when a
people have suffered long from wanton
aggression—when the aggressor has had
no cause for aggression and he seeks to
interfere with the religion of his victim.
The duty of the victim, if and when he
attains to power, is to establish religious
freedom and to protect all religions and
all religious places. His power is to be
used not for his own glorification, but
for the care of the poor, the progress of
the country and the general promotion
of peace.This teaching is as unexception-
able as it is clear and precise.It proclaims
the fact that early Muslims took to war
because they were constrained to do so.
Aggressive wars were forbidden by Islam.
Muslims are promised political power,
but are warned that this power must be
the qur’an on war & peace
The Holy Qur’an commanded Muslims to
engage in defensive war to fight for the
religious freedom of all religions and not
just Islam. Verse 41 in Chapter 22 orders
Muslims to protect churches, synagogues,
temples or any place of worship.
© Paul Matthew Photography | Shutterstock
Fighting is to be for the
sake of God, not for our
own sake or out of anger
or aggrandizement, and
even fighting is to be free
from excesses, for excesses
are displeasing to God.
Fighting is between parties
of combatants. Assaults on
individuals are forbidden.
52 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 53
that Allah is your Protector. What an
excellent Protector and what an excel-
lent Helper!
That is to say,wars have been forced upon
Muslims. But if the enemy desists, it is
the duty of Muslims to desist also, and
forgive the past. But if the enemy does
not desist and attacks Muslims again
and again, then he should remember
the fate of the enemies of earlier proph-
ets. Muslims are to fight while religious
persecution lasts, and so long as religion
is not for God and interference in reli-
gious matters is not abandoned. When
the aggressor desists, Muslims are to
desist also. They are not to continue the
war because the enemy believes in a false
religion.The value of beliefs and actions
is well known to God and He will reward
them as He pleases. Muslims have no
right to meddle with another people’s
III.	We can fight only those who fight
against us. We cannot fight against
those who take no part in warfare.
IV.	Even after the enemy has initiated
the attack, it is our duty to keep
warfare within limits.To extend the
war, either territorially or in respect
of weapons used, is wrong.
V.	 We are to fight only a regular army
charged by the enemy to fight on his
side.We are not to fight others on the
enemy side.
VI.	In warfare immunity is to be afforded
to all religious rites and observances.
If the enemy spares the places where
religious ceremonies are held, then
Muslims also must desist from fight-
ing in such places.
If the enemy uses a place of worship as a
base for attack,then Muslims may return
the attack.No blame will attach to them
if they do so.No fighting is allowed even
in the neighbourhood of religious places.
To attack religious places and to destroy
them or to do any kind of harm to them
is absolutely forbidden.A religious place
used as a base of operations may invite a
counter-attack.The responsibility for any
harm done to the place will then rest with
the enemy, not with Muslims.
If the enemy realizes the danger and the
mistake of using a religious place as a
base, and changes the battle-front, then
Muslims must conform to the change.
The fact that the enemy started the attack
from a religious place is not to be used
as an excuse for attacking that place.Out
of reverence Muslims must change their
battle-front as soon as the enemy does so.
Fighting is to continue only so long as
interference with religion and religious
freedom lasts. When religion becomes
free and interference with it is no longer
permitted and the enemy declares and
begins to act accordingly, then there is
to be no war, even if it is the enemy who
starts it.
(3) In 8:39–41 we have:
Say to those who disbelieve, if they
desist, that which is past will be for-
given them; and if they return thereto,
then verily the example of the former
peoples has already gone before them.
And fight them until there is no perse-
cution and religion is wholly for Allah.
But if they desist, then surely Allah
is Watchful of what they do. And
if they turn their backs, then know
A close examination of the Qur’anic verses
on war reveal that nowhere does Islam
permit Muslims to go on the offensive,
but rather only to defend themselves.
Even the right to a defensive battle in
Islam has many conditions attached to it,
such as protecting the environment, not
harming any women, children, or religious
leaders and many other stipulations.
© Kanta Kulat Photography | Shutterstock
If the enemy uses a place of
worship as a base for attack,
then Muslims may return
the attack. No blame will
attach to them if they do
so. No fighting is allowed
even in the neighbourhood
of religious places.To attack
religious places and to destroy
them or to do any kind of
harm to them is absolutely
forbidden. A religious place
used as a base of operations
may invite a counter-attack.
the qur’an on war & peace
54 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 55
That is to say, if in the course of a bat-
tle the disbelievers at any time incline
towards peace, Muslims are to accept
the offer at once and to make peace.
Muslims are to do so even at the risk of
being deceived.They are to put their trust
in God. Cheating will not avail against
Muslims, who rely on the help of God.
Their victories are due not to themselves
but to God. In the darkest and most
difficult times, God has stood by the
and his followers. So will He
stand by them against cheats. An offer
of peace is to be accepted. It is not to be
rejected on the plea that it may only be a
ruse with which the enemy seeks to gain
time for a fresh attack.
The stress on peace in the verses is not
without significance. It anticipates the
peace which the Prophetsa
signed at
Hudaibiyyah. The Prophetsa
is warned
that a time will come when the enemy
will sue for peace. The offer is not to be
turned down on the ground that the
enemy was the aggressor and had com-
mitted excesses, or that he cannot be
trusted. The straight path inculcated
by Islam requires a Muslim to accept
an offer of peace. Both piety and policy
make the acceptance desirable.
(5) In 4:95 we have:
O ye who believe! When you go forth
in the cause of Allah, make proper
investigation and say not to anyone
who greets you with the greeting of
peace, “Thou art not a believer.” You
seek the goods of this life, but with
Allah are good things in plenty. Such
were you before this, but Allah con-
ferred His favour on you; so do make
proper investigation. Surely, Allah is
well aware of what you do.
That is to say, when Muslims go out for
war,they are to make sure that the unrea-
sonableness of war has been explained
to the enemy and that he still wants war.
Even so,if a proposal of peace is received
from an individual or a group, Muslims
are not to turn it down on the plea that it
is not honest.If Muslims turn down pro-
posals of peace, they will not be fighting
for God,but for self-aggrandizement and
worldly gain.Just as religion comes from
God, worldly gain and glory also come
from Him. Killing is not to be the aim.
One whom we wish to kill today may be
guided tomorrow. Could Muslims have
become Muslims if they had not been
spared? Muslims are to abstain from kill-
ing because lives spared may turn out to
be lives guided.God is well aware of what
men do and to what ends and with what
motives they do it.
religion even if that religion seems to
them to be false.If,after an offer of peace,
the enemy continues to make war, then
Muslims may be sure of victory even
though their numbers are small.For God
will help them and who can help better
than God? These verses were revealed in
connection with the Battle of Badr.This
battle was the first regular fight between
Muslims and disbelievers.In it Muslims
were the victims of unprovoked aggres-
sion. The enemy had chosen to disturb
the peace of Madinah and of the territory
around. In spite of this, victory went to
the Muslims and important leaders of the
enemy were killed. To retaliate against
such unprovoked aggression seems natu-
ral, just and necessary. Yet Muslims are
taught to stop fighting as soon as the
enemy ceases it. All that the enemy is
required to concede is freedom of belief
and worship.
(4) In 8:62—63 we have:
And if they incline towards peace,
incline thou also towards it, and put
thy trust in Allah.Surely,it is He Who
is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And if
they intend to deceive thee,then surely
Allah is sufficient for thee. He it is
Who has strengthened thee with His
help and with the believers.
An unbiased study of the Holy Qur’an
reveals the reason behind giving
permission for defensive wars – which
ultimately is to establish long lasting
peace and to remove persecution.
© Zahraa Saleh | Shutterstock
That is to say, if in the course
of a battle the disbelievers
at any time incline towards
peace, Muslims are to accept
the offer at once and to make
peace. Muslims are to do
so even at the risk of being
deceived.They are to put their
trust in God. Cheating will
not avail against Muslims,
who rely on the help of God.
the qur’an on war & peace
56 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 57
so that he may hear the word of Allah;
then convey him to his place of secu-
rity. That is because they are a people
who have no knowledge (The Holy
Qur’an, 9:6).
That is to say, if any of those at war with
Muslims seek refuge with Muslims in
order to study Islam and ponder over
its message, they are to have refuge with
Muslims for such time as may be reason-
ably necessary for such a purpose.
(8) Of prisoners of war, the Qur’an:
It does not behove a Prophet that he
should have captives until he engages
in a regular fighting in the land. You
desire the goods of the world, while
Allah desires for you the Hereafter.
And Allah is Mighty,Wise (The Holy
Qur’an, 8:68).
That is to say, it does not become a
Prophet to make prisoners of his enemy
save as a result of regular war involving
much bloodshed.The system of making
prisoners of enemy tribes without war
and bloodshed practised until—and even
after—the advent of Islam, is here made
unlawful. Prisoners can be taken only
from combatants and after a battle.
(9) Rules for the release of prisoners are
also laid down.Thus we have:
Then afterwards either release them as
a favour or by taking ransom—until
the war lays down its burdens (The
Holy Qur’an, 47:5).
The best thing, according to Islam, is
to let off prisoners without asking for
ransom. As this is not always possible,
release by ransom is also provided for.
(10) There is provision for prisoners of
war who are unable themselves to pay,
and who have none who can or will
pay, for their release. Often, relations
are able to pay, but do not, because they
prefer to let their relations remain pris-
oners—possibly with the intention of
misappropriating their property in their
absence. This provision is contained in
the Qur’an:
And such as desire a deed of manu-
mission from among those whom your
right hands possess,write it for them if
you know any good in them; and give
them out of the wealth of Allah which
He has bestowed upon you (The Holy
Qur’an, 24: 34).
The verse teaches that even after war has
begun, it is the duty of Muslims to sat-
isfy themselves that the enemy is bent
upon aggression. It often happens that
no aggression is intended but that out of
excitement and fear the enemy has started
preparations for war. Unless Muslims
are satisfied that an aggressive attack
has been planned by the enemy, they are
not to go to war. If it turns out, or if the
enemy claims, that his preparations are
for self-defence, Muslims are to accept
the claim and desist from war. They are
not to argue that the enemy preparations
point to nothing but aggression; maybe
he intended aggression, but his inten-
tion has changed.Are not intentions and
motives continually changing? Did not
enemies of Islam become friends?
(6) On the inviolability of treaties the
Qur’an says:
Excepting those of the idolaters with
whom you have entered into a treaty
and who have not subsequently failed
you in anything nor aided anyone
against you.So fulfil to these the treaty
you have made with them till their
term. Surely, Allah loves those who
are righteous (The Holy Qur’an, 9:4).
Pagans, who enter into a pact with
Muslims, keep the pact and do not help
the enemy against Muslims, are to have
reciprocal treatment from Muslims.Piety
requires that Muslims should fulfil their
part of a pact in the letter as well as the
(7) Of an enemy at war with Muslims
who wishes to study the Message of
Islam, the Qur’an orders:
And if anyone of the idolaters ask pro-
tection of thee, grant him protection
It often happens that no
aggression is intended but
that out of excitement and
fear the enemy has started
preparations for war. Unless
Muslims are satisfied that
an aggressive attack has
been planned by the enemy,
they are not to go to war. If
it turns out, or if the enemy
claims, that his preparations
are for self-defence, Muslims
are to accept the claim
and desist from war.
the qur’an on war & peace
58 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 59
That is, those who do not deserve to be
released without ransom but who have
no one to pay ransom for them—if they
still ask for their freedom—can obtain
it by signing an undertaking that, if
allowed to work and earn, they will pay
their ransom. They are to be allowed to
do so, however, only if their competence
to work and earn is reasonably certain.If
their competence is proved, they should
even have financial help from Muslims in
their effort to work and earn. Individual
Muslims who can afford to do so should
pay; or, public subscription should be
raised to put these unfortunates on their
The passages from the Qur’an which we
have quoted above contain the teach-
ing of Islam on the subject of war and
peace.They tell us in what circumstances,
according to Islam,is it right to go to war
and what limits have to be observed by
Muslims when they make war.1
1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood
, Life of Muhammad (Surrey: Islam
International, 1990), 170-182.
the qur’an on war & peace
The English Rendering of the
5 Volume Commentary of the
Holy Qur’an
One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the
Holy Qur’an ever written.
Commentary by
Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra)
Read it online at:
Or Purchase the print version at:
The official website of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community worldwide.
You can find a huge collection
of free online material, including
translation and commentary of the
Holy Qur’an and you can access
literature of the Community including
the books written by its founder,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
60 The Review of Religions | november 2016
Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
( g u i d e d o n e )
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
hese are hard times and the wrath of God is aflame in
heaven. Today you cannot achieve your purpose with
empty words and boasting.Bring about such change in
yourselves and tread along the path of righteousness so that the
Merciful and the Compassionate should be pleased with you.
Let your private chambers be filled with the remembrance of
God. Remove the rust of impurities from your hearts. Avoid
rancour, miserliness and evil talk. Before you are overtaken by
the time which would afflict people with insanity, be madly
absorbed in your anxious entreaties. Most unfortunate are
the people who consider faith to mean only the dexterity and
adroitness of the tongue,while their hearts are dark and impure
and they are worms of the world. If you care for yourselves, be
not like them. Most unfortunate is the person who casts not a
glance at his sinful ego and, because of his foul odorous big-
otry, reviles others. He is doomed to ruin. Partake wholly of
righteousness and bear the full burden of the fear of God and
be constant in supplication so that you may be shown mercy.1
1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, Majmu’ah Ishtiharat, vol. 3, 515-517.
These are
Hard Times
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 Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights
 Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights
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Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights

  • 1. Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights 8 Deliverance of Afflictions 28 Justice in an Unjust World 32 The Qur’an on War and Peace 50 vol. 110 - issue elevennovember 2016 islam: Restoring Women’s Rights
  • 2. O ye who believe! Spend out of what We have bestowed on you before the day comes wherein there shall be no buying and selling, nor friendship, nor intercession; and it is those who disbelieve that do wrong to themselves. Islam, The Holy Qur’an, 2:255 It was narrated on account of Hazrat Abu Hurairahra that the Messengersa of Allah said: “God Almighty has commanded: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’” Islam, Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you. Christianity, The Bible, Matthew 5:42 Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. christianity, The Bible, Psalms 112: 5-7 Give charity to poor as today you are rich and tomorrow you may be poor. Hinduism, Rig Veda, Book 10 To be moved at the sight of the thirsty, the hungry, and the miserable and to offer relief to them out of pity—is the spring of virtue. Jainism, Kundakunda, Pancastikaya 137 Relieve people in distress as speedily as you must release a fish from a dry rill [lest he die]. Deliver people from danger as quickly as you must free a sparrow from a tight noose. Be compassionate to orphans and relieve widows. Respect the old and help the poor. Taoism, Tract of the Quiet Way The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa prophesied that the Promised Messiahas would be raised near a white minaret, east of Damascus. This prophecy was fulfilled with the advent of the Promised Messiahas from Qadian, India, a city directly east of Damascus. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ©makhzan-e-tasaweer founder of the review of religions Charity world faiths Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , the Promised Messiah and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India. From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa . He was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve. Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their source but with the passage of time had drifted away from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone. His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah – a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life. His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It was through this that he would bring mankind together and establish everlasting peace. In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a community that has since grown in its stature and strength and has remained active in conveying the message of Islam to the ends of the earth. Hazrat Ahmadas had established himself as a respected writer and had written over 80 books. His writings have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference of Great Religions in 1896. He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence of Jesus’sas journey to India. In 1902, the Promised Messiahas initiated The Review of Religions which has covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest running English magazine in defence of Islam and the values it teaches. From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing has continued and will continue through his Khulafa (successors). Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of Prophet Ahmadas has really reached the ends of the earth.
  • 3. 8 Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights This groundbreaking address celebrates the different rights and responsibilities of men and women, while also emphasizing the importance of women’s rights and Islam’s role in protecting and promoting them over 1400 years ago. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 28 Deliverance from Afflictions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi 32 Justice in an Unjust World It has become clearer by the day that the world is becoming more and more unjust.This historic address at York University analyzes the root causes of injustice, and gives us direction on achieving a more just and peaceful future. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 48 A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa 50 The Qur’an on War and Peace Critics often accuse Islam of war- mongering and violence.This excerpt from the book Life of Muhammadsa effectively demolishes those criticisms through a detailed examination of the verses of the Qur’an on war. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadsa , the Second Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 62 These are Hard Times How can we be shown mercy? Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , The Promised Messiah & Imam Mahdi 70 Calendar of Religious Events Front cover picture: © Brian A Jackson | shutterstock contents november 2016 Vol.111 issue eleven 48 8 30
  • 4. CHIEF EDITOR & MANAGER Syed Amer Safir ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik RELIGION & SCIENCE Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan ISLAM & CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Editor: Shahzad Ahmad LAW & HUMAN RIGHTS Editor: Qudsi Rasheed Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik ANCIENT RELIGIONS & ARCHAEOLOGY Editor: Fazal Ahmad Deputy: Rizwan Safir CHRISTIANITY Editor: Navida Sayed Deputy: Arif Khan Women’s Section Editor: Aliya Latif Deputy: Meliha Hayat BOOK REVIEWS Editor: Sarah Waseem WEB TEAM Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf Special Collections Head: Razwan Baig EDITORIAL BOARD Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth, Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed SUB-EDITORS Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik, Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman PROOFREADERS Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel HOUSE STYLE GUIDE Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah SOCIAL MEDIA Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad PRINT DESIGN AND LAYOUT Ahsan Khan INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION & DISTRIBUTION Muhammad Hanif ACCOUNTS & MARKETING Musa Sattar ART & CREATIVITY Zubair Hayat, Mussawir Din INDEXING,TAGGING & ARCHIVING Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed (Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad MANAGEMENT BOARD Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad, Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal WORLD CRISIS M I R Z A M A S R O O R A H M A D PEACE andthePathwaytoThe world is passing through very turbulent times.The global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to the period just before the Second World War continue to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific Third World War. In this book, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community warns the world of the fast approaching dangers and how it can avert disaster and chart a course to peace. WORLD CRISIS PEACE andthePathwayto 9 781848 808584 ISBN 184880858-5 9 781848 808577 ISBN 184880857-7 WORLDCRISISandthePathwaytoPEACEMIRZAMASROORAHMAD Please Note. Background colour: C=10 M=10 Y=0 K=100 From His Holiness – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba – comes a groundbreaking vision for how to estab- lish long-lasting peace in a world fraught with rapidly increasing disorder and unrest. His Holiness reminds world leaders that the flames of war are already burn- ing through local and regional conflicts and we stand at the precipice of another world war. If these sparks were to truly ignite we could witness the horrific reality of a nuclear war, whose consequences are unimaginable. His Holiness is the Worldwide Head and Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – which has tens of millions of followers in over 200 countries. World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace is a collection of the historic addresses and letters by His Holiness to world leaders and influential figures. In this book, His Holiness offers consummate analysis on all aspects of the global crisis; political, economic, social and spiritual and provides the golden keys to resolving the critical problems the world faces. In a world where existing strategies for peace have failed and peo- ple are desperately looking for a new direction, His Holiness presents fresh and practical solutions, giving hope that we can still prevent a global catastrophe. (continued on back flap) The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond our imagination. In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Fifth Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace. Read online at: Purchase the book here:
  • 5. In this ground breaking address, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , expounds how, more than a millennium before the secular world, Islam first definitively established and safeguarded the rights of women 1400 years ago, whilst acknowledging and celebrating the different strengths of men and women. Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights
  • 6. Secular people have only today in the current times, raised a voice support- ing the rights of women, whereas Islam raised its voice 1400 years ago against the cruelty and injustices against women. In my address to the ladies at the Annual Convention UK (Jalsa Salana), I gave some explanation on this in light of the verses of the Holy Qur’an. However, as I have mentioned, there is now a great deal of discussion on these rights includ- ing here in Germany as well.Sometimes our [Ahmadi] women and girls become influenced by the discourses and out- pouring of sentiments on women’s rights. They believe that perhaps it is only those people who today have raised these issues concerning the rights of women,who are truly championing and standing up for them.Thus,they think that perhaps they should be supported as the standard bear- ers of women’s rights and deserve praise for their efforts. Certainly, such peo- ple are perhaps praiseworthy for giving rights to those women deserving of them, who were deprived of them; such women who never attained their rights through A fter reciting Tashahhud, Taawwuz and Surah Al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba ,Fifth Successor to the Promised Messiahas , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, said: “Today there is much debate in the world concerning the rights of men and women. Whereas people are hugely expressive regarding these rights, the fact is over- looked by the world that there should be certain boundaries assigned to them. There is a need to classify where the dis- tinction lies between men and women as humans in their physical and innate capabilities and faculties. Where should there be uniformity in the rights of men and women,and where should variances in their rights be made due to their different constitutions? And why differ- entiate between the rights of men and women in that case? Is it to establish the superiority of men? Is it to make women feel that they are the weaker species? Is it to take an unjust advantage of women? If the rights of men and women are estab- lished on such a basis, then that would most certainly be an injustice and cruelty against women. ISLAM:Restoring Women’s Rights ADDRESS BY WORLDWIDE HEAD OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY TO GUESTS AT THE 41ST ANNUAL CONVENTION IN GERMANY Where should there be uniformity in the rights of men and women, and where should variances in their rights be made due to their different constitutions? And why differentiate between the rights of men and women in that case? Is it to establish the superiority of men? Is it to make women feel that they are the weaker species? *The photos used in this article were not used in the original address but have been added here to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.* Translated from Urdu by Amer Safir © User fStop Images GmbH | shutterstock 10 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 11
  • 7. As I went into great detail at the UK Annual Convention Address to the ladies, undoubtedly the rights of men and women are absolutely equal where mutual similarities exist between men and women, such as in terms of the rewards for their actions and numerous other matters.Where there are variances in the rights of men and women,the nec- essary reasons and factors that formed the basis of these differences in rights have been explained. For example take food and water,which we need to sustain our lives and are essential items. Just as men eat food and drink water, similarly women also need to consume food and water to survive.However,in certain cir- cumstances, such as when a woman is passing through pregnancy for example, she requires the best and a specific type of food and nutrients.This is something acknowledged throughout the world, by doctors and others. During her preg- nancy a woman requires certain food and provisions, which is also necessary for the child she carries. Islam has gone into very minute detail and has covered all such delicate issues. For example, when a child is being breastfed, Islam considers the care of a woman’s health. If a husband divorces his wife during the wife’s breastfeeding period, then Allah the Almighty says that the responsibil- ity of all expenditure of food rests with the husband. Allah the Almighty states either religion,government or the law of the land.However,a Muslim woman can never say that women’s rights organisa- tions have played any role in aiding her liberation,her freedom and her rights.In the Holy Qur’an,Allah the Almighty has given Muslims certain teachings and has established the rights of every classifica- tion and grouping of people in minute detail. Nobody can match these teach- ings,neither any law,government nor any law-maker.Neither has any constitution nor anyone else ever perceived this issue in the manner that the Holy Qur’an and Islam have. Certainly, critics of Islam may indeed object that they do not find the Muslim countries of today implementing these rights fully or they are failing to imple- ment the majority of them. However, the allegation of denying women’s rights cannot be pinpointed on the teach- ings of Islam. Nobody can allege that Islamic laws usurp the rights of women. Nobody can justifiably raise the objec- tion that the Law-Bearing Book [the Holy Qur’an] that Muslims take pride in and that covers every aspect of law and gives the best solutions on every aspect of life for Muslims,eliminates the rights of women.If anyone raises this objection, it is completely wrong and unjust. It is entirely correct that there is a difference between secular and Islamic philosophy in distributing the rights between men and women. Islam is a religion based on human nature that assigns rights accord- ing to the intrinsic disposition of man and woman, according to their respec- tive capabilities. We can explain this in the following way, that just as Allah Almighty has divided humankind into two categories, of men and women, He has similarly divided their responsibili- ties into two categories. Therefore, the establishment of rights in Islam is natu- rally done with consideration of these differences. Certainly, critics of Islam may indeed object that they do not find the Muslim countries of today implementing these rights fully or they are failing to implement the majority of them. However, the allegation of denying women’s rights cannot be pinpointed on the teachings of Islam. islam: restoring women’s rights While the proper roles of men and women have been constantly debated, only Islam has given due rights to both, taking into consideration their constitutions and circumstances. © Brian A Jackson | Shutterstock 12 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 13
  • 8. commandment of Allah the Almighty, which is for the most two years, there it is also the responsibility of the husband to bear all her expenditure.He should not treat the mother like an ordinary servant, but rather the husband has been enjoined to fully provide for the mother financially, according to his capacity and resources. It should not be the case that whilst she was his wife he spent more on her, but after divorcing her, he starts treating her differently. As long as the child is being suckled by its mother, the husband after divorcing is obliged to treat the mother exactly the same as he would when she was his wife,and thus completely support her financially. Allah the Almighty says this is no favour or act of kindness by the husband, rather this is a right given by Allah the Almighty to women which a husband has a duty to fulfil. By estab- lishing this right,women have been saved from disgrace and humiliation. So this is how Islam, in even the most delicate of matters,gives women their rights and makes men realise their responsibili- ties and the rights they have to give to women. Islam safeguards the rights of women in every single respect. When a husband has been instructed to care so much for a wife after divorce, then he needs to take care of her even more so as a wife. Although Islam says there is a differ- ence in the physical makeup of men and women and also in their responsibili- ties; in terms of intellect,just as man has been given intelligence, woman too has been given intelligence.Just as men have been commanded to acquire education, women have also been commanded to educate themselves. As such, Allah the Almighty has granted equal capabilities and means for both men and women to progress and advance. He has granted them both intellect, so that they utilise their wisdom and activate their mental faculties and strive to excel one another. Men cannot claim that they have exclu- sively been granted intelligence and only they can utilise it to advance. Nor can a woman profess that only she has been given intellect and she alone can progress with it. Allah the Almighty has given a mind, brain, wisdom and knowledge to both men and women to procure knowl- edge and insight. No man can say that a woman’s intellect has reached a peak beyond which she cannot progress and that only men can develop their intellect beyond a certain degree.Similarly,language and the ability to speak have been given to both men and women.If men can become great orators and have the potential to demon- strate such abilities, then women too can become just as good orators – and they are! “And the man to whom the child belongs shall be responsible for their (the mothers’) food and clothing according to usage.” Feeding and clothing here in fact infers general expenditure and not just provid- ing food and clothes for the wife as one may provide to a servant. A woman is not a servant or a slave, rather she is the mother of his child and so man has also been made responsible for taking care of her financially during this period. [The word] “maroof” here in this verse means according to the capacity of the man. A rich person will provide according to his capacity and a poor person according to his. This is mentioned in relation to the husband divorcing the woman and it has been ordained in very clear terms that this does not refer to someone who generally helps breastfeed the child, as it was a tradition in some cultures and tribes in olden times to use wet nurses to help feed children.Here,the expendi- ture and support does not refer to such nurses,but rather it relates to the support, financial help, care and food etc., for the mother of the child.Where it is the duty of the mother to breastfeed the child for the appointed period according to the Critics of Islam such as Geert Wilders believe that Islam denies women’s rights but they do not understand that the Muslim countries of today are denying these rights: not the true teachings in The Holy Qur’an. © Robert Hoetink | Shutterstock As long as the child is being suckled by its mother, the husband after divorcing is obliged to treat the mother exactly the same as he would when she was his wife, and thus completely support her financially. islam: restoring women’s rights ِ‫وف‬ُ‫ر‬ْ‫ع‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬ِ‫ِب‬ َّ‫ن‬ُُ‫ُت‬َ‫و‬ْ‫س‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫و‬ َّ‫ن‬ُ‫ه‬ُ‫ق‬ْ‫ز‬ِ‫ر‬ ُ‫ه‬َ‫ل‬ ِ‫ود‬ُ‫ل‬ْ‫و‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ى‬َ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫وف‬ُ‫ر‬ْ‫ع‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬ِ‫ِب‬ َّ‫ن‬ُُ‫ُت‬َ‫و‬ْ‫س‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫و‬ َّ‫ن‬ُ‫ه‬ُ‫ق‬ْ‫ز‬ِ‫ر‬ ُ‫ه‬َ‫ل‬ ِ‫ود‬ُ‫ل‬ْ‫و‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ى‬َ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫وف‬ُ‫ر‬ْ‫ع‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬ِ‫ِب‬ َّ‫ن‬ُُ‫ُت‬َ‫و‬ْ‫س‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫و‬ َّ‫ن‬ُ‫ه‬ُ‫ق‬ْ‫ز‬ِ‫ر‬ ُ‫ه‬َ‫ل‬ ِ‫ود‬ُ‫ل‬ْ‫و‬َ‫ْم‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ى‬َ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬َ‫و‬ ِ‫وف‬ُ‫ر‬ْ‫ع‬َ‫م‬ْ‫ل‬ِ‫ِب‬ َّ‫ن‬ُُ‫ُت‬َ‫و‬ْ‫س‬ِ‫ك‬َ‫و‬ َّ‫ن‬ُ‫ه‬ُ‫ق‬ْ‫ز‬ِ‫ر‬ ُ‫ه‬َ‫ل‬ ِ‫ود‬ُ‫ل‬ْ‫و‬َ‫م‬ْ‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ى‬َ‫ل‬َ‫ع‬َ‫و‬ 14 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 15
  • 9. woman’s patience and tolerance is far superior to his. A general example of this is in the upbringing of children where women bear the child crying at night and will wake up several times to breastfeed the infant. No man can com- pete with a woman in this respect.Some men are so cruel that they start hitting a child when it cries for even a short while.Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra [Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, Second Caliph and Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community] was once discoursing on this topic of the differences in nature and disposition of men and women. He gave the example of a mother enduring the wailing of her child and said that in this sense, Allah the Almighty has made the heart of a woman as firm and strong as a mountain. It was precisely this exalted example of spiritual and secular knowledge and of progress which led to the companions of the Holy Prophetsa listening to the lectures of Hazrat Ayeshara [the wife of the Holy Prophetsa ], to increase their knowledge. Thus, 1400 years ago Islam paved the way for both women and men to increase their knowledge and use their intellect. Guidance was also given on how to utilise this knowledge appro- priately and a completely free license was not granted.The chastity of women has also been exhorted and she has been allowed to carry out all of this within the boundaries of modesty and purdah. We similarly see that Allah the Almighty has given some body parts equally to men and women such as hands and limbs.Yet nobody can deny that Allah the Almighty has made the strength and power of the limbs and nerves of men and women dif- ferent. In other words, men have been given more strength and women less.For example, in terms of stress, men have a greater endurance to bear stress as com- pared with women. There was a survey in the United Kingdom which discov- ered that as a result of travelling to and from work, women suffered from four times more mental and emotional stress compared to men.Thus, when Allah the Almighty says men are stronger than women, it means they have stronger nerves and the ability to endure and bear stress.Thus, domestically in resolv- ing major issues and solving problems that may arise,men should show greater endurance and patience. Although this differentiation in the ability to bear stress and in nerves exists,women’s rights have still been preserved.Men have been told that as they are stronger,they have greater responsibilities to control their emotions, as they can take a greater burden.As man is more physically powerful than woman, he can lift greater loads.For example,if a man says to a woman ‘You should lift and carry the same load as me because God has given you hands as well,’ this would be cruelty to a woman and trampling her rights. However, in women fulfill- ing their responsibilities given by Allah the Almighty, they have been bestowed the required strength of nerves to fulfil them. On the one hand, women com- muting to work face four times greater stress as compared to men.On the other, when required, women have been given great emotional and mental fortitude, firm resolve and the ability to bear stress. In the case where women are required to fulfil certain responsibilities, her ability to bear stress and tolerance is far greater than a man’s and in certain situations a No man can say that a woman’s intellect has reached a peak beyond which she cannot progress and that only men can develop their intellect beyond a certain degree. Similarly, language and the ability to speak have been given to both men and women. Women are encouraged to gain knowledge in the same way men are. There are equal opportunities for both men and women to progress and develop their capabilities. © User jaboo2foto | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights 16 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 17
  • 10. The former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has given approval for women to be allowed to fight in the ranks of the army involved in war fighting on the front line. This, according to him, is a requirement of equality between men and women, to grant them this equal right to fight. Retrospectively, their own generals have said that this is wrong and foolish.In fact,former soldiers and army personnel have openly said that this is a means of weakening the army. When Allah Almighty has differentiated between the faculties and strengths of men and women, then nothing else will be achieved by this except for causing loss and harm. Male soldiers also said that if women fight on the front line, then they will be more focused on protecting the female soldiers instead of focusing their attention on the enemy. Recently,on a TV programme in Britain, an analysis was being made on a news- paper report that stated that the Russian Army was superior over the British Army in certain respects. The presenter of the programme jokingly remarked that this was perhaps because women would now be fighting in the British Army. Hence, people themselves realise that He said that there are great philosophers who have immense endurance and ability to bear stress. However, if such people were to be handed a child to take care of, they would almost become insane by the evening trying to tolerate the child’s crying.Yet,incredibly,women are able to bear this. Allah the Almighty has given them special faculties and strength and it is amazing to see a woman demon- strating this. However, by contrast, men in war demonstrate greater abil- ity and strength. No matter how patient and adept a woman may be, she may become more anxious and apprehensive in the face of battle.Whereas when faced with caring for a child, even the most primitive of women prove to be far more accomplished and intelligent than even the wisest of men.This is because Allah the Almighty has instilled this patience in the very nature of women according to her responsibilities. There may be some exceptions to this among men who may display this patience in certain circum- stances. However, generally speaking, men do not have nearly as much patience as women.There are some men who are able to take care of children. The day before yesterday I was going for the Fajr (predawn) prayer and I noticed a man with a two-year-old child in his lap sleep- ing in the hall. God knows better what his circumstances were,but this man was very patiently looking after the child and keeping him quiet. Thus, there are men such as him,but this is only an exception amongst men. In contrast, every single woman has been given the innate ability by Allah the Almighty of patience. On one occasion Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said regarding the patience of women, that alongside acquiring education, pre- paring food and carrying out all their responsibilities, they show no anxiety at all whilst bringing up their children and tolerating their crying and demands. If the mother does become apprehensive and express any irritation, she may very lightly slap her child, but immediately after she will embrace the child. This is inherent in the nature of women. Hence, Allah the Almighty has differ- entiated the nature of man and woman and has divided their responsibilities accordingly. So, it is complete ignorance to claim that in every single task men and women should be equivalent,or that their roles should be reversed.Considering the demands that are now being raised on a daily basis,it is not unlikely some will start to say that their roles should be reversed and men should be doing the role of women and vice versa.In fact people have already started making such demands. On one occasion Hazrat Musleh-e-Maudra said regarding the patience of women, that alongside acquiring education, preparing food and carrying out all their responsibilities, they show no anxiety at all whilst bringing up their children and tolerating their crying and demands. Women and men have different capabilities in terms of dealing with stress and even surveys have shown that women suffer much more from commuting to and from work than men do. © User Zurijeta | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights 18 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 19
  • 11. After the UK Annual Convention when I spoke about good treatment and kind- ness towards parents, someone from the USA met me and said,“You should also say something about justice between mothers-in law and daughters-in-law.” Islam requires justice and fairness in every matter and it gives all people their rights. Although I had briefly discussed this at my address to the ladies at the UK Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana),it seems that in some matters,especially the eastern mind-set, culture and traditions greatly dominate over what religion actu- ally teaches.Religious teaching is pushed behind and they give their own cultural thinking precedence.Thus,your mental- ity should be in line with the teachings of Islam and you must fulfil the rights of there is a difference between men and women. They understand that in gen- eral circumstances men and women have been given different responsibilities in accordance with their different faculties and strengths. We should understand these differences.Islam is such a beautiful teaching that it keeps this differentiation in view and makes both men and women understand their respective responsibili- ties accordingly. Generally, in the world women have been treated cruelly by men and men have tried to establish their superior- ity over them in all matters. Now, in reaction to the injustices perpetrated against them, women have demanded to be treated equally to men in every single matter.This has been an incorrect approach by both genders, which needs to be reformed. We Ahmadis, who act upon the true teachings of Islam, must rectify this mistaken approach. Sadly, even amongst some Ahmadis, there are men who consider women inferior. There are several and not just a few women, who say to me verbally and in letters, that after marriage their hus- bands wish for them to cut off all ties with their families. As wives they have to listen to everything their husbands say and no longer keep in contact with their own relatives, to the extent that their husbands prevent them from even meet- ing their own parents.They tell them to only communicate with the husband’s relatives. Some husbands transgress to a degree that, as I have said, they not only stop their wives meeting their own rela- tives and parents, but rather they even insult their wives’ families and inflict mental torture and emotional pain on their wives.They fail to understand that women have feelings also and possess hearts. In parts of our culture and coun- try there is still ignorance and sometimes those who come to the West continue with their ignorant ways. They com- pletely neglect the feelings of women. I will say that at times the mothers-in- law are the cause of this injustice. They forget their own time when they were treated badly by their husbands. If they were mistreated by their own husband who, spurred on by his mother, denied them their basic rights and kept bad relations with her relatives, then this should have led them to treating their own daughters-in-law kindly and com- passionately. However, as I have said, ignorance rears its ugly head and moth- ers-in-law conversely show a bad reaction by initiating quarrels. There are several and not just a few women, who say to me verbally and in letters, that after marriage their husbands wish for them to cut off all ties with their families. Women serving on the frontline may inevitably divert the focus of male soldiers away from the enemy. © Mariia Ivanets | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights 20 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 21
  • 12. be mindful not to make unjust demands of men.If men understand their distinct responsibilities and act upon them, then there will never be a question of women raising unnecessary and undue demands. There are some women who act unfairly. However, when a woman’s rights are being completely fulfilled, then I do not think that any woman would ever act unjustly. Sometimes, worldly people ask me, “What should be done to establish peace in the world and how can we make this society a completely peaceful one?” I often give them the following reply, which is generally appreciated by them.I say that in order to establish peace,every single person must understand their individual responsibilities and strive to fulfil them. Instead of demanding your own rights from others, you should give greater attention to fulfilling the rights of others. Give more heed to giving rights to other people. When every single per- son strives to fulfil the rights of other people in this way, then nobody’s rights will be usurped.This indeed is the teach- ing of Islam. When a person’s rights are not being usurped,then unless they are insane,they will not unnecessarily persist in demand- ing things. A woman should look at her responsibilities and how she can best fulfil them, including mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law and daughters. Men should also be mindful of their respon- sibilities,how to discharge them and how they can best fulfil these rights.Once this happens,quarrels and fights in the home will dissipate. If women are granted their due rights then they will cease demanding to be given their rights.If women consider that the upbringing of their children is a pri- mary responsibility that Islam has given them and their foremost duty is to raise their child, then instead of unessentially working,or spending time unnecessarily with friends,they will give greater atten- tion to the upbringing of their child.Not only will they be bringing up their child, but rather by bringing up a child of the country, they will in fact be developing the child into an active and beneficial member of the nation.The good upbring- ing of a child for the sake of his country and for the [Ahmadiyya] Community would make that child into an excellent and useful individual. The government has numerous schemes to help in the upbringing of children one another.A husband should fulfil the rights of his wife,and the mother-in-law should fulfil the rights of her daughter- in-law. A daughter-in-law should fulfil the right of her mother-in-law and also the husband.If all are fulfilling the rights of one another, nobody will ever be able to raise an allegation against the teach- ings of Islam of usurping the rights of others. What was the exemplary model of the Holy Prophetsa in taking care of his wife’s relations? Once,the Holy Prophetsa returned home and he saw that his wife, Hazrat Umme Habeeba’sra brother, was resting on Hazrat Umme Habeeba’sra legs.Hazrat Umme Habeebara was play- ing with her brother’s hair. The Holy Prophetsa said,“Umme Habeeba do you love Mu’awiyah a lot?”. [She was the daughter of Abu Sufyanra and her broth- er’s name was Mu’awiyah.] The Prophetsa asked, “Is he very beloved to you?” She replied, “Yes.”The Holy Prophetsa said, “He is also very dear and beloved to me.” That is,hesa meant because of her [he also was attached to her brother]. So, this is [an example of] having regard for the feelings of women. Similarly, when men take care of the rights of women, then they should also Similarly, when men take care of the rights of women, then they should also be mindful not to make unjust demands of men. If men understand their distinct responsibilities and act upon them, then there will never be a question of women raising unnecessary and undue demands. The role of a daughter-in-law can be difficult if everybody does not cooperate and act considerately. © TungCheung | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights 22 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 23
  • 13. for a child to receive training and care. Here, I will say something to those women whose children are in the waqf- e-nau scheme and who believe that to bring them up and to take care of them is now completely the responsibility of the Ahmadiyya Community. The Community’s responsibility in training them is limited to giving them guid- ance for spiritual and secular education. However, to bring them up in a pious atmosphere and surrounding from childhood, to give them complete reli- gious knowledge and moral training, to make them understand and realise the importance of religious teachings and to make them beneficial members of the Community, are all the responsibilities of the mother. The full cooperation of the husband in this is essential because he cannot cut himself off from this duty. Both the mother and father must fulfil these duties. It is a right of the woman that her husband gives her complete support and assistance. Hazrat Musleh Maudra has explained something beau- tifully. He said for the outer and visible health and beauty of the child a mother undergoes strenuous efforts and remains very anxious. However, when it comes to the question of the inner health of the soul, there is less attention given. If they do not care and focus on the inner beauty of the child,this would be a great injustice,that they give greater attention to worldly accomplishments instead. Therefore, Ahmadi mothers who make the pledge that they will give precedence to the faith over all worldly matters, will not be truly fulfilling this pledge unless they make their best efforts, using all their capabilities to facilitate the reli- gious and spiritual upbringing of a child. If they do not make this effort, they will not be fulfilling their pledges. Girls should also remember that tomor- row they will become mothers, God Willing. So, instead of only becom- ing materialistic mothers who demand their materialistic and worldly rights, they should become those spiritual and religious mothers who fulfil the rights of their children and whose children always pray for them.Children who are brought up in such an excellent manner,they and their progeny become those who will truly give rights to everyone in regards of the correct application of the rights of both men and women.They will become the means of dispensing these rights to others in the world and establishing them. They will produce such a society where rights are always maintained.That will be a society and environment which so that women and mothers can focus on their employment and work instead. Such schemes are perhaps also being devised here in Germany as well.They do this in an attempt to establish the rights of women. However, at a certain point they will come to finally realise that the real upbringing of a child can only be done in the lap of its mother.The love of a mother, her nurturing and the manner in which she can give care to her own child can never be replicated by any other person.It is impossible for anyone to give the same attention as the mother gives to her own offspring. Assess yourselves, how a large proportion of those children brought up in the care of social services end up straying. It is also said that the government is making policies where mothers can work and fathers be given allowances so that they can stay with the child.If a woman is required in a special- ist field or for a specific purpose that is a different matter,but if this is made into a general principle,it will lead to very dan- gerous consequences. It is their wishful thinking to believe that this will lead to greater success and progress. There will ultimately come a time when they will realise that this was a wrong policy.Islam teaches that only the love of a mother can provide the best upbringing for a child, and the reality is that it is the best place Here, I will say something to those women whose children are in the waqf-e- nau scheme and who believe that to bring them up and to take care of them is now completely the responsibility of the Ahmadiyya Community.The Community’s responsibility in training them is limited to giving them guidance for spiritual and secular education. Both men and women should look at their responsibilities in a household and work together as a unit rather than quarrelling and fighting over small issues that can be solved or prevented. © ChameleonsEye | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights 24 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 25
  • 14. boys from their early childhood upbring- ing; that they should promote from the outset.They should understand they have to establish the rights of their wives, daughters and mothers and grant them the highest status in society, a status that Islam has granted them. Wherever women and men have equal rights,Allah the Almighty has granted them these rights. There are the rewards for good deeds,which are equal amongst men and women.In terms of obtaining education, there are equal opportunities and there are so many other matters of necessity where men and women have been given equal rights by Allah Almighty.All such rights must be established. However, in the matter of the upbringing of children, taking care of offspring and future gen- erations and developing the true spirit of establishing the rights of others in chil- dren, Allah the Almighty has given this duty to women.May Allah the Almighty enable everyone to act upon this. Let us join in silent prayer.” tells the world that if you want guidance in how to give others their rights, then seek that guidance from us. It requires immense effort and focus to make this achievable. In terms of the variances between men and women’s rights, we need to obtain proper knowl- edge and understanding of this [subject]. That day when every one of our moth- ers and women gain knowledge of this, will be the day our children will become guides for the rest of the world. On that day, the rights of every girl will be pro- tected. The rights of every woman will be safeguarded. And boys and sons who are brought up with this training will become men who will truly understand the rights of women. They will not be cruel to women and instead they will look to see how they can give women their rights. They will turn into fathers who will properly support and cooperate with their wives in bringing up children. So today our girls are becoming influ- enced by worldly organisations who speak about giving rights to women,and only speak of the rights which are lim- ited to one’s individual self and do not go beyond worldly aspirations.Instead,you should raise the slogan of women’s rights which should originate in the minds of The only way to protect women’s rights is to teach boys from birth about the role of women in their lives and how to treat them. The only way to protect women’s rights is to teach boys from birth about the role of women in their lives and how to treat them. This will prevent them for mistreating their wives, mothers, daughters and sisters and will create a harmonious and loving household for all. © Joshua Resnick | Shutterstock islam: restoring women’s rights Your feedback is important to us Write to us with comments, feedback and suggestions at info@Reviewof 26 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 27
  • 15. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ( g u i d e d o n e ) founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas I t should be kept in mind that for being delivered from afflictions it is not necessary that people should become Muslims, inasmuch as the Day of Judgement is appointed for calling people to account for their religious errors. It is, however, necessary that people should refrain from every type of misconduct and should not revile the holy Prophets of God, nor oppress the poor, and should spend freely in charity and should ascribe no equal to God, neither stone, nor fire, nor man, nor water, nor sun, nor moon and should discard the ways of arrogance and mischief.”1 endnotes 1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , Chashma-e-Marifat, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 23, 404. Deliverance from Afflictions
  • 16. The Khalifah in Canada Over the next few editions the Review of Religions will publish exclusive content of the historic tour of the worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community
  • 17. Syria. Iraq. Daesh. The world today is mired in war, in death, in injustice. In this groundbreaking address at York University, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, analyzes the root causes of these injustices and gives us a roadmap on how to re-establish justice. Justice in an Unjust World
  • 18. This proves that human beings have been able to use their intelligence and minds to move forward and to increase produc- tivity, efficiency and personal comfort. However,it is a cause of deep regret that at a time when humanity is progressing at such a rapid pace, it is also moving further apart and becoming increasingly divided. The peace and stability of the world is being jeopardised and put at risk on a daily basis. In some countries, the leaders and governments are failing to fulfil the rights of their people and are inflicting grave cruelties and injustices Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Khalifatul Masih V, Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, said: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem – in the Name of Allah, the Gracious, Ever-Merciful. All distinguished guests, Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatohu - peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all. Today the world around us is constantly evolving and advancing.Unquestionably, in the past few decades, the world has moved forward in leaps and bounds in terms of technological development. Every day new forms of modern tech- nology and scientific advancements are being developed.Progress is being made in many spheres of our life. For exam- ple,modern forms of communication and electronics are continually progressing at a rapid rate. The research and develop- ment taking place is bringing ease and comfort to our daily lives. Justice in an Unjust World On 28th October 2016, the Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifah (Caliph), His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , delivered a historic lecture at York University in Toronto in front of an audience of more than 180 guests, including academics, politicians, media and thought leaders. The event, titled “Justice in an Unjust World,” was organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Canada in collaboration with York University. We present here the transcript of the keynote address delivered by His Holiness. lecture BY WORLDWIDE HEAD OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY However, it is a cause of deep regret that at a time when humanity is progressing at such a rapid pace, it is also moving further apart and becoming increasingly divided. The peace and stability of the world is being jeopardised and put at risk on a daily basis. 34 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 35
  • 19. standards and hypocrisy at so many lev- els of society and the resulting lack of peace is a cause of the utmost concern and grief for those people who sincerely feel the pain of humanity. As the leader of a worldwide Muslim community, it is this issue that concerns and worries me more than any other. As a Muslim leader,it is a source of grief to me personally,that the disorder taking place today is centred around so-called Muslims and is being associated with Islam.On the one hand,most of the wars being fought and the lives being lost are in the Muslim world,whilst on the other hand,so-called Muslims have now spread their networks of terror further afield and are targeting innocent people here in the West. It is a tragedy of the very great- est proportions that such people seek to falsely justify their hate-filled and evil acts in the name of Islam. Rather than serving Islam,all they are achieving is to defame its name. The truth is that the very meaning of the word “Islam” is “peace, security and love”. Given this, we have to accept that either the deplorable acts of terrorists and extremists are entirely against the teachings of Islam or alternatively, that despite meaning “peace”,Islam is actually a religion that advocates extremism and violence.To assess which of these oppos- ing propositions is correct, we must consider what Islam’s true teachings are. We must look to the primary source of Islam, its Holy Book, the Holy Qur’an and furthermore to the conduct and example of its Founder,the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa . Therefore, in the time available, I will now present Islam’s true teachings to you and thereafter hopefully you will be in a position to understand whether the upon them.In response,members of the public are rising up in opposition and so rebel groups have formed. Furthermore, conflict zones are fertile breeding grounds for terrorist groups and extremists and so such groups have taken root in many countries. In some cases, where there is civil unrest, foreign gov- ernments are siding with the leaders of the nations, whereas other governments are supporting the rebel factions. Thus, both sides are being provided overt and covert external support and the results are there for all to see - bloodshed, violence and the merciless killings of innocent people. Where modern technology has been a force for good, it has also been used as a force for evil and destruction.Such tech- nology has been developed that has the capability of wiping nations off the map with the press of a button. Of course, I am referring to the development of weap- ons of mass destruction that are capable of inflicting the most unimaginable hor- rors, devastation and destruction. Such weapons are being produced that have the potential to destroy not only civili- sation today, but to also leave behind a legacy of misery for generations to come. In the world today, we witness double justice in an unjust world Human beings have used their intelligence and ingenuity to increase productivity and efficiency—but while technology has progressed, the stability of the world is being put at risk. © ESB Professional | Shutterstock *The photos used in this article were not used in the original publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.* This photo shows the power of a 21 kiloton atomic test. With nuclear weapons so readily available, we are living in a time where a world war can erupt at any moment—and the effects will be substantially greater than any previous war. © Everett Historical | Shutterstock As a Muslim leader, it is a source of grief to me personally, that the disorder taking place today is centred around so- called Muslims and is being associated with Islam. On the one hand, most of the wars being fought and the lives being lost are in the Muslim world, whilst on the other hand, so-called Muslims have now spread their networks of terror further afield... 36 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 37
  • 20. matched by our desire and motivation to fulfil the rights and interests of others.If acted upon, this is the golden principle that will unlock the door to true peace and security. In order to establish peace, Islam also places great emphasis on the fulfilment of one’s trusts.Thus, chapter 4, verse 59, of the Holy Qur’an states: “Verily, Allah commands you to make over the trusts to those entitled to them, and that, when you judge between men, you judge with justice.And surely excel- lent is that with which Allah admonishes you! Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.” In this verse, Muslims have been clearly instructed to fulfil the trusts that have been placed in them.This includes trusts and oaths that have been undertaken at a personal level and those trusts that are collective. In terms of personal trusts, a person should not seize the property or rights of others or fail to fulfil the responsibilities he owes to other peo- ple. In terms of collective trusts, one important aspect is the duty of citizens to elect representatives of the state who they consider to be of the greatest value to their nation. When it comes to elec- tions or nominations,a person should not vote automatically for his ally or party division and conflict witnessed in the world today is a result of Islam’s teach- ings or a consequence of moving away from them. During his life, the Founder of Islam,the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa laid down, in just a few words, the foun- dations for peace in the world and between all peoples. The Prophet of Islamsa said that a per- son should desire for others whatever he desires for himself. I believe that this timeless principle is as true today as it ever was in the past.Certainly,every per- son desires peace for themselves and to be saved from all anxieties and worries. Every person hopes that he or she has the means to live comfortably and with- out hardship. Every person seeks good health so that they can enjoy their lives free from pain or difficulty. Every person craves good standing in their community and the respect of others. In a similar vein,every government and every nation also seeks such prosperity. However,how many people or nations are there who truly desire peace,prosperity and success for others? In terms of verbal proclamations, it is very easy to say that “Yes we do desire the best for others”, however in practice it is much more difficult and challenging. Wherever, there is a conflict of interests, most people tend to prioritise their own interests and welfare over and beyond the rights of others. This is true at an indi- vidual level and also true at a collective and national level. Today, rather than selflessness, sadly we tend to see selfish- ness. Most people or nations prioritise their own rights and are quite willing to relegate and demean the rights of oth- ers in order to fulfil their own goals and ambitions.In terms of the Muslim world, it is because the leaders and the people have discarded the true teachings of their religion that they are now riven by bit- ter division and unrest. Put simply, the leaders have failed in their duties to pro- tect their people and to safeguard their rights and, in turn, rebel elements have also deviated from what is right and just. Further afield,instead of travelling upon a path of justice and integrity, we have seen time and time again, the world’s major powers being concerned only with fulfilling their own interests. Whether they decide to side with the Muslim governments or the opposition groups is not dictated by what is fair and what is right,rather only by which party better serves their own interests. Yet according to Islam, our desire and motivation to fulfil our own interests should always be His Holiness speaks at York University about the fact that true Islam promotes government that is designed to protect all citizens—not just the rich and wealthy. Further afield, instead of travelling upon a path of justice and integrity, we have seen time and time again, the world’s major powers being concerned only with fulfilling their own interests. justice in an unjust world 38 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 39
  • 21. people, rather than being corrupt and rather than focusing on selfish personal interests,then there will be no reason for people to turn against their governments or for civil wars or conflicts to arise. Leading on from this,the same principle of fulfilling trusts and oaths is something that the major powers and international institutions such as the United Nations must always prioritise. Weaker nations are often forced to rely on the support of more powerful and richer countries and so the latter should seek to fulfil the trust that those less economically developed nations place in them. They should try to sincerely help them stand upon their own two feet and realise that it is in the world’s interest for weaker nations to develop and prosper. Similarly,at the United Nations it should not be that certain countries wield undue power and influence, or that the perma- nent members of the Security Council care only for their own interests and uti- lise their veto power even where it is in conflict with the interests of the major- ity. Rather, all members of the United Nations should work together and fulfil the covenant of trust upon which the institution was founded - to maintain the peace and security of the world. If all nations and international institutions forgo narrow self-interest for the sake of the collective good, then the conflicts that are plaguing the world will naturally die away. Sadly, the world is currently travel- ling in the opposite direction, wherein Muslim governments have failed their people, whilst self-interest is becoming the hallmark of the major powers and the powerful members of the United Nations. Hence, nations are neither ful- filling the trusts placed in them and nor are they acting with justice and equity. Recently, the former United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Anthony Banbury, published an article outlining the failings of the organisation in which he served.Writing in The New YorkTimes, he said: “I love the United Nations but it is fail- ing. There is too much bureaucracy and little result.Too many decisions are made for political reasons, rather than follow- ing the values and objectives of the U.N or by facts on the ground… Then he says: “For the UN to continue and prosper it needs a complete overhaul and so an member,rather they should consider who is the most qualified and suitable for the task at hand. Thereafter, those who are elected and handed the keys to govern- ment or power should exercise their duties with honesty,integrity and justice. This teaching is the model of democracy that Islam champions. In every society, there are mutual trusts and obligations placed upon all people, and for the soci- ety to function successfully,it is necessary for normal citizens and the leaders to fulfil their responsibilities towards each other with true justice.If these principles had been adhered to in the Muslim world then we would never have seen the con- flicts and division that are prevalent in many countries. I personally believe this Qur’anic principle to have universal value and to be of benefit across the world and not just in Muslim countries. The citizens of all nations should seek to elect those people to their parliaments or assemblies who they believe will work for the betterment and progress of their nation.This should be the guiding prin- ciple when voting for individuals or for particular policies, rather than merely following party lines or personal relation- ships.If the leaders of a country are those who truly seek the advancement of their President-elect Donald Trump is another controversial figure who has been elected as president of the most powerful nation in the world with access to military weapons that can change the course of humanity. © JStone | Shutterstock Similarly, at the United Nations it should not be that certain countries wield undue power and influence, or that the permanent members of the Security Council care only for their own interests and utilise their veto power even where it is in conflict with the interests of the majority. justice in an unjust world 40 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 41
  • 22. well-known newspaper columnist, Paul Krugman,recently wrote in The New York Times that: “The Iraq war wasn’t an innocent mis- take,a venture undertaken on the basis of intelligence that turned out to be wrong. The public justifications for the invasion were nothing but pretexts, and falsified pretexts at that.” Hence, even those who initially sup- ported the Iraq War, or who have been advocates for the United Nations, have been forced to admit their mistakes and the grave consequences of their actions. There is no doubt that such injustices have shattered the foundations of world peace and have enabled terrorist groups such as Daesh to take root and grow. These groups are now not just a threat to the Muslim world but to all human- ity. However, still it does not seem that the world is learning from the lessons of the past.Foreign policy injustice con- tinues to be prevalent and is fuelling wars in different countries, leading to the deaths of innocent men,women and children.Certain major powers continue to prioritise their business interests over and beyond everything else and so are selling extremely advanced weapons to other countries,even where there is clear evidence that such artillery is being used to kill or maim innocent people and to destroy countless lives. What I am saying is nothing new or a secret but has long been in the pub- lic domain. For example, a number of Western countries are continuing to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia that are being used to target the people of Yemen. No Muslim country has large-scale weap- ons factories that can produce such huge quantities of deadly weapons,and so their only source is the Western world. Some major powers are selling weapons to Muslim governments, whilst other gov- ernments are selling weapons to rebel elements in the same countries. Thus both sides are being fuelled and armed from the outside. Quite simply, if this trading were stopped, the Muslim countries would have no weapons to fight one another. Even Western writ- ers and commentators have spoken of the hypocrisy and immorality of such international trade,yet when questioned about such sales, governments either ignore the question or seek to justify what is patently unjustifiable. All they care about is that their cheques clear so that billions are added to their own national budgets. In short, money talks outside panel should examine the system and recommend changes.” Thus, even those closely affiliated with the United Nations are now openly attesting to its shortcomings and the fact that it has failed in its mission to maintain the peace and security of the world. In terms of Western foreign pol- icy mistakes, the prime example from recent years is the Iraq War in 2003.The former Foreign Minister of the United Kingdom, David Miliband, who is now the President of the International Rescue Committee, spoke some time ago of the long-term impact of that war. Speaking about the continued instability and ter- rorism in Iraq, during an interview with The Observer, Mr. Miliband said: “It’s clearly the case that the invasion of Iraq, or more importantly what hap- pened afterwards, is a significant factor in understanding the current situation in Iraq.” When asked if Saddam Hussein would have been able to hold Iraq together and to keep it free from the likes of Daesh he admitted that this was a distinct possibil- ity. This was the admission of a former British Parliamentarian who had voted in favour of the Iraq War. Similarly, a Former UK Foreign Minister David Miliband has admitted that the current instability in Iraq is at least partially a result of the Iraq War in 2003. Harald Dettenborn | Wikimedia Commons | Released under CC BY 3.0 DE “It’s clearly the case that the invasion of Iraq, or more importantly what happened afterwards, is a significant factor in understanding the current situation in Iraq.” justice in an unjust world 42 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 43
  • 23. to be ready to give testimony against themselves and their family members in order to establish the truth and for justice to be served. A Muslim’s loyalty to the truth must take precedence over everything else.Thereafter, in chapter 5, verse 9 of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty states: “O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of Allah,bearing witness in equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice.Be always just, that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah.Surely,Allah is aware of what you do.” Having instructed Muslims to be will- ing to testify against themselves, in this verse the Qur’an commands them to be fair and just with all parties, including their enemies and opponents.This is the and morality is left nowhere to be seen. How on earth can peace be achieved in such an environment? Terrorist groups also are able to acquire huge stocks of heavy weaponry and a continuous flow of funds. I often ask how it was possible for the terrorist group Daesh to become so rich? Where does it get its millions from? Why has its funding not been stopped? How does it continue to trade oil and purchase weap- onry? Western powers and the United Nations have been able to place extremely restrictive sanctions on powerful coun- tries, yet for some reason have not been able to curb the funding of groups such as Daesh.Even now,despite belated efforts to try and restrict the funding of Daesh, it continues to earn millions of dollars. Recently, Canada’s Minister for Public Safety announced that the Canadian Government would no longer refer to Daesh as “Islamic State”. He said that Daesh was neither Islamic and nor was it a State.His comments were well made and prove that Western governments are well aware of the fact that such terror- ism is not based on Islam. However, at the same time, effective measures have not been made to stop the funding and growth of such groups. I have spoken at length about the lack of justice in the world and so I shall now explain what Islam’s concept of justice is. As time is limited, I shall cite just two verses of the Holy Qur’an that illustrate Islam’s unpar- alleled teachings of fairness and equity. Chapter 4,verse 136 of the Holy Qur’an states: “O ye who believe! Be strict in observing justice, and be witnesses for Allah, even though it be against yourselves or against parents and kindred.Whether he be rich or poor, Allah is more regardful of them both than you are.Therefore, follow not low desires so that you may able to act equitably.And if you conceal the truth or evade, then remember that Allah is well aware of what you do.” In this verse,Muslims have been directed His Holiness pointed out that governments and businesses acting solely on the basis of self-interest will undermine the peace and stability of the world. Even Western writers and commentators have spoken of the hypocrisy and immorality of such international trade, yet when questioned about such sales, governments either ignore the question or seek to justify what is patently unjustifiable. justice in an unjust world 44 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 45
  • 24. recourse to violence,bloodshed and bru- tality. If we truly want peace in our time then we must act with justice. We must value equality and fairness. Whether Muslim or non-Muslim we should pursue the universal standards of justice outlined in the Holy Qur’an. As the Prophet of Islamsa so beautifully stated, we must love for others, what we love for ourselves. We must pursue the rights of others with the same zeal and determination that we pursue our own rights. We should broaden our horizons and look at what is right for the world, rather than what is only right for us. These are the means for peace in our age. From the depths of my heart,I pray that Allah the Almighty grants wisdom to all parties and all nations so that it is with this selfless spirit that they all work together for the betterment of mankind. With these words,I thank you all – thank you very much.” exalted standard of justice advocated by Islam and so if today’s Muslim govern- ments are not following this teaching it is their fault.Hence,it would be entirely unjust and wrong to blame Islam for their misdeeds. Furthermore, I say again that the Western world is not blameless and it is up to them to set aside their own vested interests and to selflessly work towards a better and brighter future for our children and future generations. If every policy made is based upon the solid foundations of justice and integrity then automatically the conflicts that have con- sumed the world will be resolved without His Holiness meets with Ontario’s Minister of Research and Innovation and Science, the Hon. Reza Moridi (left), and the Chancellor of York University, Mr. Greg Sorbara (right), who both attended the historic lecture and welcomed His Holiness to York University. Furthermore, I say again that the Western world is not blameless and it is up to them to set aside their own vested interests and to selflessly work towards a better and brighter future for our children and future generations. From the depths of my heart, I pray that Allah the Almighty grants wisdom to all parties and all nations so that it is with this selfless spirit that they all work together for the betterment of mankind. 46 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 47
  • 25. Cleanliness He was very particular, even punctilious, with regard to physical cleanliness. He used to brush his teeth several times a day and was so keen on the practice that he used to say that were he not afraid that the ordinance might prove onerous, he would make it obligatory upon every Muslim to brush his teeth before every one of the five daily prayers. He always washed his hands before and after each meal and,after eating anything that had been cooked,he always rinsed his mouth and considered it desirable that every person who had eaten anything cooked should rinse his mouth before joining in any of the prayers.1 In the polity of Islam a mosque is the only place of gathering prescribed for the Muslims. The Holy Prophetsa , therefore, laid particular stress upon the cleanliness of mosques,especially on occasions when people were expected to collect in them. He had directed that on such occasions incense should be burnt in the mosques to purify the air.2 He also gave directions that nobody should go to a mosque on the occasion of a congregation or gather- ing after eating anything that was likely to exhale an offensive odour.3 He insisted upon streets being kept clean and clear of twigs, stones, and all arti- cles or matter which was likely either to obstruct or to prove offensive.Whenever he himself found any such matter or arti- cle lying in a street he would remove it, and he used to say that a person who helps to keep streets and roads clean and clear,earns spiritual merit in the sight of God.He is also reported to have enjoined that public thoroughfares should not be so used as to cause obstruction nor should any unclean or undesirable matter or article be thrown on to a public street, nor should a street be defiled in any other way, as all such acts are displeasing to God. He was very keen that all supply of water conserved for human use should be kept clean and pure. For instance, he prohibited anything being thrown into standing water which might befoul it and any reservoir of water being used in a manner which would render it impure.45 endnotes 1. Sahih Bukhari. 2. Sunan Abu Dawud. 3. Sahih Bukhari. A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa 4. Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. 5. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmadra , Life of Muhammad (Surrey: Islam International, 1990), 298-300. 48 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 49
  • 26. (1) In 22:40–42 we have: Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged—and Allah indeed has power to help them—Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly only because they said, “Our Lord is Allah”—And if Allah did not repel some men by means of others, there would surely have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques,wherein the name of Allah is oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps Him. Allah is indeed Powerful, Mighty—Those who, if We establish them in the earth, will observe Prayer and pay the Zakat and enjoin good T he teaching of Islam is differ- ent from both these teachings. It strikes a mean between the two. Islam does not teach aggression as did Mosesas .Nor does it,like present-day (and presumably corrupt) Christianity, preach a contradiction.It does not ask us to turn the other cheek and at the same time to sell our clothes to buy a sword. The teaching of Islam fits into the natural instincts of man, and promotes peace in the only possible way. Islam forbids aggression, but it urges us to fight if failure to fight jeopardizes peace and promotes war.If failure to fight means the extirpation of free belief and of the search of truth, it is our duty to fight.This is the teaching on which peace can ultimately be built, and this is the teaching on which the Prophetsa based his own policies and his practice. The Prophetsa suffered continuously and con- sistently at Makkah but did not fight the aggression of which he was an innocent victim. When he escaped to Madinah, the enemy was out to extirpate Islam; it was, therefore, necessary to fight the enemy in defence of truth and freedom of belief. We quote below the passages in the Qur’an which bear on the subject of war. The Qur’an on War & Peace One of the criticisms levelled at the Holy Qur’an is that its verses promote violence. But in the following excerpt from Life of Muhammadsa ,the biog- raphy of the Holy Prophetsa by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmadra , second successor of the Promised Messiahas , we see that a detailed examination of the verses in the Holy Qur’an regarding warfare show the lengths to which Muslims are exhorted to pursue peace when at all possible. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmadra , second successor of the Promised Messiahas Permission to fight is given to those against whom war is made, because they have been wronged—and Allah indeed has power to help them—Those who have been driven out from their homes unjustly... The Qur’an’s teachings are beautifully balanced and give practical solutions to ending war and establishing peace. © Kamomeen | Shutterstock *The photos used in this article were not used in the original publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.* 50 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 51
  • 27. used not for self-aggrandizement,but for the amelioration of the poor and the pro- motion of peace and progress. (2) In 2:191–194 we have: And fight in the cause of Allah against those who fight against you,but do not transgress. Surely, Allah loves not the transgressors.And kill them wherever you meet them and drive them out from where they have driven you out; for persecution is worse than killing. And fight them not in, and near, the Sacred Mosque until they fight you, then fight them: such is the requital for the disbelievers. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Most Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until there is no persecution, and religion is pro- fessed for Allah. But if they desist, then remember that no hostility is allowed except against the aggressors. Fighting is to be for the sake of God, not for our own sake or out of anger or aggrandizement, and even fighting is to be free from excesses, for excesses are displeasing to God. Fighting is between parties of combatants. Assaults on indi- viduals are forbidden.Aggression against a religion is to be met by active resist- ance, for such aggression is worse than bloodshed.Muslims are not to fight near the Sacred Mosque, unless an attack is first made by the enemy. Fighting near the Sacred Mosque interferes with the public right of pilgrimage. But if the enemy attacks,Muslims are free to reply, this being the just reward of aggression. But if the enemy desists, Muslims must desist also, and forgive and forget the past. Fighting is to continue so long as religious persecution lasts and religious freedom is not established. Religion is for God. The use of force or pressure in religion is wrong. If the Kafirs [non- believers] desist from it and make religion free,Muslims are to desist from fighting the Kafirs [non-believers]. Arms are to be taken up against those who commit excesses. When excesses cease, fighting must cease also. Categorically, we may say, the verses teach the following rules: I. War is to be resorted to only for the sake of God and not for the sake of any selfish motives, not for aggran- dizement or for the advancement of any other interests. II. We can go to war only against one who attacks us first. and forbid evil. And with Allah rests the final issue of all affairs. The verse purports to say that permis- sion to fight is given to the victims of aggression. God is well able to help the victims—those who have been driven out of their homes because of their beliefs. The permission is wise because, if God were not to repel the cruel with the help of the righteous,there would be no freedom of faith and worship in the world. God must help those who help to establish freedom and worship.It fol- lows that fighting is permitted when a people have suffered long from wanton aggression—when the aggressor has had no cause for aggression and he seeks to interfere with the religion of his victim. The duty of the victim, if and when he attains to power, is to establish religious freedom and to protect all religions and all religious places. His power is to be used not for his own glorification, but for the care of the poor, the progress of the country and the general promotion of peace.This teaching is as unexception- able as it is clear and precise.It proclaims the fact that early Muslims took to war because they were constrained to do so. Aggressive wars were forbidden by Islam. Muslims are promised political power, but are warned that this power must be the qur’an on war & peace The Holy Qur’an commanded Muslims to engage in defensive war to fight for the religious freedom of all religions and not just Islam. Verse 41 in Chapter 22 orders Muslims to protect churches, synagogues, temples or any place of worship. © Paul Matthew Photography | Shutterstock Fighting is to be for the sake of God, not for our own sake or out of anger or aggrandizement, and even fighting is to be free from excesses, for excesses are displeasing to God. Fighting is between parties of combatants. Assaults on individuals are forbidden. 52 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 53
  • 28. that Allah is your Protector. What an excellent Protector and what an excel- lent Helper! That is to say,wars have been forced upon Muslims. But if the enemy desists, it is the duty of Muslims to desist also, and forgive the past. But if the enemy does not desist and attacks Muslims again and again, then he should remember the fate of the enemies of earlier proph- ets. Muslims are to fight while religious persecution lasts, and so long as religion is not for God and interference in reli- gious matters is not abandoned. When the aggressor desists, Muslims are to desist also. They are not to continue the war because the enemy believes in a false religion.The value of beliefs and actions is well known to God and He will reward them as He pleases. Muslims have no right to meddle with another people’s III. We can fight only those who fight against us. We cannot fight against those who take no part in warfare. IV. Even after the enemy has initiated the attack, it is our duty to keep warfare within limits.To extend the war, either territorially or in respect of weapons used, is wrong. V. We are to fight only a regular army charged by the enemy to fight on his side.We are not to fight others on the enemy side. VI. In warfare immunity is to be afforded to all religious rites and observances. If the enemy spares the places where religious ceremonies are held, then Muslims also must desist from fight- ing in such places. If the enemy uses a place of worship as a base for attack,then Muslims may return the attack.No blame will attach to them if they do so.No fighting is allowed even in the neighbourhood of religious places. To attack religious places and to destroy them or to do any kind of harm to them is absolutely forbidden.A religious place used as a base of operations may invite a counter-attack.The responsibility for any harm done to the place will then rest with the enemy, not with Muslims. If the enemy realizes the danger and the mistake of using a religious place as a base, and changes the battle-front, then Muslims must conform to the change. The fact that the enemy started the attack from a religious place is not to be used as an excuse for attacking that place.Out of reverence Muslims must change their battle-front as soon as the enemy does so. Fighting is to continue only so long as interference with religion and religious freedom lasts. When religion becomes free and interference with it is no longer permitted and the enemy declares and begins to act accordingly, then there is to be no war, even if it is the enemy who starts it. (3) In 8:39–41 we have: Say to those who disbelieve, if they desist, that which is past will be for- given them; and if they return thereto, then verily the example of the former peoples has already gone before them. And fight them until there is no perse- cution and religion is wholly for Allah. But if they desist, then surely Allah is Watchful of what they do. And if they turn their backs, then know A close examination of the Qur’anic verses on war reveal that nowhere does Islam permit Muslims to go on the offensive, but rather only to defend themselves. Even the right to a defensive battle in Islam has many conditions attached to it, such as protecting the environment, not harming any women, children, or religious leaders and many other stipulations. © Kanta Kulat Photography | Shutterstock If the enemy uses a place of worship as a base for attack, then Muslims may return the attack. No blame will attach to them if they do so. No fighting is allowed even in the neighbourhood of religious places.To attack religious places and to destroy them or to do any kind of harm to them is absolutely forbidden. A religious place used as a base of operations may invite a counter-attack. the qur’an on war & peace 54 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 55
  • 29. That is to say, if in the course of a bat- tle the disbelievers at any time incline towards peace, Muslims are to accept the offer at once and to make peace. Muslims are to do so even at the risk of being deceived.They are to put their trust in God. Cheating will not avail against Muslims, who rely on the help of God. Their victories are due not to themselves but to God. In the darkest and most difficult times, God has stood by the Prophetsa and his followers. So will He stand by them against cheats. An offer of peace is to be accepted. It is not to be rejected on the plea that it may only be a ruse with which the enemy seeks to gain time for a fresh attack. The stress on peace in the verses is not without significance. It anticipates the peace which the Prophetsa signed at Hudaibiyyah. The Prophetsa is warned that a time will come when the enemy will sue for peace. The offer is not to be turned down on the ground that the enemy was the aggressor and had com- mitted excesses, or that he cannot be trusted. The straight path inculcated by Islam requires a Muslim to accept an offer of peace. Both piety and policy make the acceptance desirable. (5) In 4:95 we have: O ye who believe! When you go forth in the cause of Allah, make proper investigation and say not to anyone who greets you with the greeting of peace, “Thou art not a believer.” You seek the goods of this life, but with Allah are good things in plenty. Such were you before this, but Allah con- ferred His favour on you; so do make proper investigation. Surely, Allah is well aware of what you do. That is to say, when Muslims go out for war,they are to make sure that the unrea- sonableness of war has been explained to the enemy and that he still wants war. Even so,if a proposal of peace is received from an individual or a group, Muslims are not to turn it down on the plea that it is not honest.If Muslims turn down pro- posals of peace, they will not be fighting for God,but for self-aggrandizement and worldly gain.Just as religion comes from God, worldly gain and glory also come from Him. Killing is not to be the aim. One whom we wish to kill today may be guided tomorrow. Could Muslims have become Muslims if they had not been spared? Muslims are to abstain from kill- ing because lives spared may turn out to be lives guided.God is well aware of what men do and to what ends and with what motives they do it. religion even if that religion seems to them to be false.If,after an offer of peace, the enemy continues to make war, then Muslims may be sure of victory even though their numbers are small.For God will help them and who can help better than God? These verses were revealed in connection with the Battle of Badr.This battle was the first regular fight between Muslims and disbelievers.In it Muslims were the victims of unprovoked aggres- sion. The enemy had chosen to disturb the peace of Madinah and of the territory around. In spite of this, victory went to the Muslims and important leaders of the enemy were killed. To retaliate against such unprovoked aggression seems natu- ral, just and necessary. Yet Muslims are taught to stop fighting as soon as the enemy ceases it. All that the enemy is required to concede is freedom of belief and worship. (4) In 8:62—63 we have: And if they incline towards peace, incline thou also towards it, and put thy trust in Allah.Surely,it is He Who is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And if they intend to deceive thee,then surely Allah is sufficient for thee. He it is Who has strengthened thee with His help and with the believers. An unbiased study of the Holy Qur’an reveals the reason behind giving permission for defensive wars – which ultimately is to establish long lasting peace and to remove persecution. © Zahraa Saleh | Shutterstock That is to say, if in the course of a battle the disbelievers at any time incline towards peace, Muslims are to accept the offer at once and to make peace. Muslims are to do so even at the risk of being deceived.They are to put their trust in God. Cheating will not avail against Muslims, who rely on the help of God. the qur’an on war & peace 56 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 57
  • 30. so that he may hear the word of Allah; then convey him to his place of secu- rity. That is because they are a people who have no knowledge (The Holy Qur’an, 9:6). That is to say, if any of those at war with Muslims seek refuge with Muslims in order to study Islam and ponder over its message, they are to have refuge with Muslims for such time as may be reason- ably necessary for such a purpose. (8) Of prisoners of war, the Qur’an: It does not behove a Prophet that he should have captives until he engages in a regular fighting in the land. You desire the goods of the world, while Allah desires for you the Hereafter. And Allah is Mighty,Wise (The Holy Qur’an, 8:68). That is to say, it does not become a Prophet to make prisoners of his enemy save as a result of regular war involving much bloodshed.The system of making prisoners of enemy tribes without war and bloodshed practised until—and even after—the advent of Islam, is here made unlawful. Prisoners can be taken only from combatants and after a battle. (9) Rules for the release of prisoners are also laid down.Thus we have: Then afterwards either release them as a favour or by taking ransom—until the war lays down its burdens (The Holy Qur’an, 47:5). The best thing, according to Islam, is to let off prisoners without asking for ransom. As this is not always possible, release by ransom is also provided for. (10) There is provision for prisoners of war who are unable themselves to pay, and who have none who can or will pay, for their release. Often, relations are able to pay, but do not, because they prefer to let their relations remain pris- oners—possibly with the intention of misappropriating their property in their absence. This provision is contained in the Qur’an: And such as desire a deed of manu- mission from among those whom your right hands possess,write it for them if you know any good in them; and give them out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you (The Holy Qur’an, 24: 34). The verse teaches that even after war has begun, it is the duty of Muslims to sat- isfy themselves that the enemy is bent upon aggression. It often happens that no aggression is intended but that out of excitement and fear the enemy has started preparations for war. Unless Muslims are satisfied that an aggressive attack has been planned by the enemy, they are not to go to war. If it turns out, or if the enemy claims, that his preparations are for self-defence, Muslims are to accept the claim and desist from war. They are not to argue that the enemy preparations point to nothing but aggression; maybe he intended aggression, but his inten- tion has changed.Are not intentions and motives continually changing? Did not enemies of Islam become friends? (6) On the inviolability of treaties the Qur’an says: Excepting those of the idolaters with whom you have entered into a treaty and who have not subsequently failed you in anything nor aided anyone against you.So fulfil to these the treaty you have made with them till their term. Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous (The Holy Qur’an, 9:4). Pagans, who enter into a pact with Muslims, keep the pact and do not help the enemy against Muslims, are to have reciprocal treatment from Muslims.Piety requires that Muslims should fulfil their part of a pact in the letter as well as the spirit. (7) Of an enemy at war with Muslims who wishes to study the Message of Islam, the Qur’an orders: And if anyone of the idolaters ask pro- tection of thee, grant him protection It often happens that no aggression is intended but that out of excitement and fear the enemy has started preparations for war. Unless Muslims are satisfied that an aggressive attack has been planned by the enemy, they are not to go to war. If it turns out, or if the enemy claims, that his preparations are for self-defence, Muslims are to accept the claim and desist from war. the qur’an on war & peace 58 The Review of Religions | november 2016 november 2016 | The Review of Religions 59
  • 31. That is, those who do not deserve to be released without ransom but who have no one to pay ransom for them—if they still ask for their freedom—can obtain it by signing an undertaking that, if allowed to work and earn, they will pay their ransom. They are to be allowed to do so, however, only if their competence to work and earn is reasonably certain.If their competence is proved, they should even have financial help from Muslims in their effort to work and earn. Individual Muslims who can afford to do so should pay; or, public subscription should be raised to put these unfortunates on their feet. The passages from the Qur’an which we have quoted above contain the teach- ing of Islam on the subject of war and peace.They tell us in what circumstances, according to Islam,is it right to go to war and what limits have to be observed by Muslims when they make war.1 endnotes 1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmood Ahmadra , Life of Muhammad (Surrey: Islam International, 1990), 170-182. the qur’an on war & peace The English Rendering of the 5 Volume Commentary of the Holy Qur’an One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the Holy Qur’an ever written. Commentary by Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra) Read it online at: Or Purchase the print version at: ©AMAGALLERYUK The official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide. You can find a huge collection of free online material, including translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an and you can access literature of the Community including the books written by its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas . 60 The Review of Religions | november 2016
  • 32. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ( g u i d e d o n e ) founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas T hese are hard times and the wrath of God is aflame in heaven. Today you cannot achieve your purpose with empty words and boasting.Bring about such change in yourselves and tread along the path of righteousness so that the Merciful and the Compassionate should be pleased with you. Let your private chambers be filled with the remembrance of God. Remove the rust of impurities from your hearts. Avoid rancour, miserliness and evil talk. Before you are overtaken by the time which would afflict people with insanity, be madly absorbed in your anxious entreaties. Most unfortunate are the people who consider faith to mean only the dexterity and adroitness of the tongue,while their hearts are dark and impure and they are worms of the world. If you care for yourselves, be not like them. Most unfortunate is the person who casts not a glance at his sinful ego and, because of his foul odorous big- otry, reviles others. He is doomed to ruin. Partake wholly of righteousness and bear the full burden of the fear of God and be constant in supplication so that you may be shown mercy.1 endnotes 1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , Majmu’ah Ishtiharat, vol. 3, 515-517. These are Hard Times