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Should Islam Really
be Feared...?
Qur’anic History &
the Role of Islamic
On Fasting
The Economic System
of Islam
vol. 111 - issue sixjune 2016
Surely, success does come to the
believers, Who are humble in
their Prayers, And who shun all
that which is vain, And who are
active in paying the Zakat, And
who guard their chastity—
Harithah ibn Wahab al-Khuzai
narrated that the Messenger
of Allahsa
said: “Should I not
inform you about the people of
Paradise: They are every humble
and weak person, who if he were
to make an Oath by Allah, He
would fulfil it. Should I not
inform you about the people of
the Fire: They are every prideful,
swaggering ill-speaking person.”
Prayer and Unity—for Prayer is
the name of the proclamation of
Unity in practice—are without
blessing and vain when they
are empty of humility and
nothingness and are not pursued
with a single-minded heart!
ISLAM, VOL. 1, P. 172.
Be of an exceedingly humble spirit,
for the end of man is the worm.
Blessed are the meek, for
they shall inherit the earth.
The Lamenter [who is seeking a
vision] cries, for he is humbling
himself, remembering his
nothingness in the presence
of the Great Spirit.
Within the world the palace
pillar is broad, but the human
heart should be modest.
Subdue pride by modesty,
overcome hypocrisy by simplicity,
and dissolve greed by contentment.
Without merit am I; all merit
is Thine.Thine, Lord, are all
merits—by what tongue have
I power to praise Thee?
The Holy Prophet
that the Promised Messiahas
would be raised near a
white minaret, east of
Damascus. This prophecy
was fulfilled with the advent
of the Promised Messiahas
from Qadian, India, a city
directly east of Damascus.
The Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
founder of
the review of religions
world faiths
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, the Promised Messiah
and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India.
From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and
developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
. He
was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve.
Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion
and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim
it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their
source but with the passage of time had drifted away
from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of
religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone.
His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed
when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah
– a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life.
His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions
held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It
was through this that he would bring mankind together
and establish everlasting peace.
In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas
founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a
community that has since grown in its stature and
strength and has remained active in conveying the
message of Islam to the ends of the earth.
Hazrat Ahmadas
had established himself as a respected
writer and had written over 80 books. His writings
have been translated into more than 60 languages and
continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest
scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of
Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference
of Great Religions in 1896.
He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus
in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence
of Jesus’sas
journey to India. In 1902, the Promised
initiated The Review of Religions which has
covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy
and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest
running English magazine in defence of Islam and the
values it teaches.
From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens
of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing
has continued and will continue through his Khulafa
Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the
tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of
Prophet Ahmadas
has really reached the ends of the earth.
8	 Sayings of the Holy Prophetsa
Hadith on Fasting
10	 Should Islam Really
	 Be Feared…?
Keynote address at a special reception
in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Worldwide
Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
26	 Qur’anic History and the
	 Role of Islamic Calligraphy
Calligraphy holds, perhaps, pride
of place as the foremost and most
characteristic of the modes of
visual expression in Islam. Read
the first part in a two-part article
on the fascinating art and history
behind Islamic calligraphy.
46	 Spiritual Benefits of Fasting
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, the Promised
Messiah and Imam Mahdi
50	 The Economic System of Islam
In this eleventh part of the series,
Russia’s need for international
trade in order to sustain its
economy is discussed.
58	 Calendar of Religious Events
Front cover pictures:
© Prazis |
Erratum: On page 49 of our April 2016 edition a map
highlights the countries in which alcohol is prohibited
due to the practice of Islamic law. India has been
mistakenly highlighted and should not have been.
june 2016 Vol.111 issue six
Syed Amer Safir
Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik
Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser
Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan
Editor: Shahzad Ahmad
Editor: Qudsi Rasheed
Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik
Editor: Fazal Ahmad
Deputy: Rizwan Safir
Editor: Navida Sayed
Deputy: Arif Khan
Women’s Section
Editor: Aliya Latif
Deputy: Meliha Hayat
Editor: Sarah Waseem
Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf
Special Collections
Head: Razwan Baig
Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor
Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona
O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth,
Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed
Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik,
Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman
Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel
Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah
Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat
Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad
Ahsan Khan
Muhammad Hanif
Musa Sattar
Zubair Hayat, Mussawir Din
Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed
(Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana
Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad
Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad,
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal
The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis
continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The
similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second
WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a
ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond
our imagination.
In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Fifth
Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and Supreme Head of the worldwide
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the
House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations
around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous
letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over
again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global
catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of
their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must
be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is
the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace.
Read online at:
Purchase the book here:
Hadith on Fasting
Abu Hurairara
related that the Holy Prophetsa
established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith
and hoping for a reward from Allah,then all his previous sins
will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan
out of sincere faith,and hoping for a reward from Allah,then
all his previous sins will be forgiven.1
Narrated by Ibn Abbasra
:The Prophetsa
was the most generous
amongst the people, and he used to be more so in the month
of Ramadan when Gabriel visited him, and Gabriel used to
meet him on every night of Ramadan till the end of the month.
The Prophetsa
used to recite the Holy Qur’an to Gabriel, and
when Gabriel met him, he used to be more generous than a
fast wind (which causes rain and welfare). 2
1. Sahih Bukhari, Kitaab-as-Saum, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 126.
2. Sahih Bukhari, Kitaab-as-Saum, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 127.
Sayings of
The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
june 2016 | The Review of Religions 9
Should Islam
Really Be Feared...?
Throughout Europe, people fear Islam and what it has
to offer. But is that fear well-founded?
fter reciting Tashahhud,
Ta’awwuz and Bismillah, Hazrat
Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
Khalifatul Masih Vaba
, Worldwide Head
of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
“All distinguished guests, Assalamo
Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatohu
- peace and blessings of Allah be upon
you all.
First of all, I would like to take this
opportunity to sincerely thank all of
our guests who have kindly accepted
our invitation to today’s reception. The
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a
sect within Islam whose purpose and
objectives are extremely clear; we seek to
bring mankind towards its Creator - God
Almighty.We seek to draw the attention
of all people towards their responsibili-
ties to their fellow man and the need to
treat one another with love, compassion
and respect. And we desire and seek to
establish true and long-lasting peace in
the world.We,Ahmadi Muslims,believe
the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community to be the Promised Messiah
and Imam Mahdi as foretold by the Holy
Qur’an and the Prophet of Islamsa
Both the Holy Qur’an and the Holy
prophesied certain signs that
would testify to the truth of the Promised
and we believe that they have
Should Islam
Really Be Feared...? We seek to draw the attention
of all people towards their
responsibilities to their
fellow man and the need
to treat one another with
love, compassion and respect.
And we desire and seek to
establish true and long-
lasting peace in the world.
Keynote Address at a Special Recep tion
in Copenhagen, Denmark.
*Some of the photos used in this article have been added
to this address by The Review of Religions to help
illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions
takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.*
His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
spoke to the
audience at a special reception in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
Khalifatul Masih Vaba
, Worldwide Head of
the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
The Review of Religions is pleased
to present an address given by His
Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor
, Worldwide Head of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, on 9th
May 2016, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Attended by politicians, academics, and
community leaders, His Holiness spoke
of the impending dangers of a Third
World War, the refugee crisis, and the
obligations of Muslims to those around
june 2016 | The Review of Religions 13
peace and inculcated within his followers
human sympathy and compassion.
Indeed, the Promised Messiahas
“To love mankind and to show compas-
sion to others is an immense form of
worship of God Almighty and an out-
standing means of attaining His pleasure
and rewards.”
Therefore,according to our beliefs,Islam
teaches that until a Muslim fulfills the
rights of mankind he or she cannot fulfil
the rights owed to God Almighty.Indeed
on certain occasions the rights owed to
one’s fellow human beings supersede and
take priority even above and beyond the
rights owed to Allah the Almighty.
In short,Islam stipulates that only when
a person fulfills the rights of other people,
irrespective of who they are or what they
believe,can he or she be classed as a true
Muslim. Following his demise in 1908,
the Promised Messiahas
was succeeded
by the institution of Khilafat (Caliphate),
whose purpose was,and continues to be,
to advance the Promised Messiah’sas
sion of propagating Islam’s true teachings
to all parts of the world.I shall now pre-
sent some of Islam’s true teachings and
seek to clarify some common misconcep-
tions about the religion.
Islam counsels mankind to discard all
forms of hatred, enmity and malice and
instead to unite under a banner of love
and mutual respect. It advocates the
establishment of peace and justice at all
levels of society and between all people.
Thus, in chapter 5, verse 9 of the Holy
Qur’an, Allah the Almighty has said:
“O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the
cause of equity; and let not a people’s
enmity incite you to act otherwise than
with justice.Be always just,that is nearer
all been fulfilled in support of the claim
of the Founder of our Community.Some
of the signs related to the development
of the world at the time of the Messiah
and Mahdi. For example, it was foretold
that he would be sent when modern
technology and the means of communi-
cation had developed to such an extent
that people in different parts of the world
would be brought together and at a time
when the press and media had been
Furthermore,the Holy Prophetsa
esied of a great heavenly sign that would
accompany the advent of the Promised
and that was the eclipse of the
sun and moon during certain prescribed
days in the month of Ramadan.And fol-
lowing the claim of the Founder of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community this
heavenly sign was gloriously fulfilled to
the letter in the Eastern hemisphere in
1894 and in the Western hemisphere in
Thus,having observed how the signs and
prophecies of the Qur’an and the Holy
were unequivocally fulfilled in
his favour, we Ahmadi Muslims believe
our Founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
of Qadian, to be the Promised
Messiah and Imam Mahdi. We believe
that he came as a beacon of truth to con-
vey the true and resplendent teachings of
Islam to the entire world. He implored
the people of the world to live together in
His Holinessaba
addresses the audience
at the special reception, which was
attended by academics, dignitaries, and
other members of the community.
Furthermore, the Holy
prophesied of a
great heavenly sign that
would accompany the advent
of the Promised Messiahas
and that was the eclipse of
the sun and moon during
certain prescribed days in
the month of Ramadan.
should islam really be feared...?
Only recently has modern technology allowed
the world to communicate with ease. This
was a sign of the Messiahas
of the latter
days prophesied by Prophet Muhammadsa
Sergey Nivens |
14 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 15
Another charge that is often levelled
at Islam is that it was spread violently
by the sword. This allegation is com-
pletely unfounded and indeed nothing
could be further from the truth. All of
the wars fought during the life of the
Holy Prophetsa
and the four rightly
guided Caliphs who succeeded him,
were entirely defensive in nature, where
war had been forced upon them. And
even where war had been forced upon
the Muslims, they still sought to protect
and respect the revered places of other
religions and their respected figures.
Yet sadly in today’s world,we see that the
blessed character of the Holy Prophetsa
has been grievously assassinated. Even
here in Denmark, some years ago, there
were cartoons printed that sought to
ridicule the Foundersa
of Islam and to
portray him, God forbid, as an imperi-
alistic leader and belligerent warmonger.
This unjust portrayal of the Holy
defies history and defies the
The reality was that the Holy Prophetsa
was forever enslaved by his determina-
tion to establish peace and the rights of
Indeed, when Allah the Almighty first
gave the Holy Prophetsa
to wage a defensive war against the
Makkans,it was given in order to defend
the institution of religion, rather than
merely to defend Islam.
That is why in chapter 22, verses 40-41,
of the Holy Qur’an, Allah proclaimed
that if the aggressors were not stopped
then they would not limit themselves to
attacking the innocent Muslims but their
ultimate aim was to destroy all forms of
religion. Allah very clearly states that if
the Makkans were not forcefully repelled
then no church, synagogue, temple,
to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely
Allah is aware of what you do.”
In this verse, Allah has commanded
Muslims to treat all people, including
even their enemies and opponents, with
fairness and justice.Thus,Islam does not
permit cruelty or wrongdoing under any
circumstances.Without doubt,the Holy
of Islam established the very
highest standards of religious freedom
and tolerance in the world.
A prime example of this was the way in
which the Holy Prophetsa
treated and
respected the Jewish community and
other non-Muslims after his migration
to Madinah following years of persecu-
tion in his hometown of Makkah. Most
of the local people of Madinah accepted
Islam and so they welcomed the Holy
and accepted him, not only as
their religious leader,but they also elected
him as the leader of the State.
Nonetheless, there remained a signifi-
cant Jewish community in Madinah
and also of other non-Muslims. Thus,
upon being chosen as the leader of the
State, the Holy Prophetsa
established a
covenant of peace with the Jews and the
other groups, based upon the principles
of universal religious freedom and tol-
erance. According to the covenant, the
religious freedoms of the Jews and the
other non-Muslim communities were
protected and guaranteed by the Holy
Prophet of Islamsa
History proves that the Holy Prophetsa
never violated the terms of this treaty and
that under his rule the religious rights
and freedoms of the non-Muslims were
always upheld. This is a clear refutation
to those who allege that Islam permits
anti-Semitism or any form of religious
discrimination. Another example of the
magnificent moral character of the Holy
was displayed when he was vis-
ited by a delegation of Christians from
the city of Najran. Upon learning that
they wished to pray, he offered them his
own mosque to worship, according to
their Christian customs and beliefs.
Thus, upon being chosen as
the leader of the State, the
Holy Prophetsa
established a
covenant of peace with the
Jews and the other groups,
based upon the principles
of universal religious
freedom and tolerance.
Various dignitaries attended the
reception. Top row, from left to
right: Mr. Jan Erik Messman, MP;
Ms. Ulla Sandbaek, MP; Mr. Holger
Schou Rasmussen, Mayor of
Lolland. Bottom row: Mr. Bertel
Haarder, Minister for Cultural Affairs
and Minister for Ecclesiastical
Affairs; Ms. Josephine Fock,
MP; National President of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
Denmark, Mr. Zakaria Khan.
should islam really be feared...?
16 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 17
Holy Prophetsa
further taught that no
person could be compelled to convert to
Despite these noble teachings, it is a
source of huge regret that in the wars
being fought today, we regularly see
incidents of indiscriminate firing or
bombardment in which innocent and
defenceless civilians – women, children
and the elderly – are being mercilessly
killed.The Muslims involved in such bar-
baric behaviour serve only to defame the
name of their religion and are to be con-
demned in the strongest possible terms.
Nonetheless, such ignorance and evil
amongst the Muslims was bound to
occur because the Holy Prophetsa
told of this very state of affairs wherein
the Muslims would completely forget the
teachings of their religion. It was to be
at such a time that Allah would send the
Promised Messiahas
to revive Islam and
to establish a righteous community who
acted upon its true teachings.
Further, it cannot be said that the non-
Muslim world remains entirely innocent
or blameless. Certainly, there are also
some non-Muslim powers, who in spite
of claiming to be fighting for the sake of
peace, have also been guilty of killing or
maiming innocent civilians in different
parts of the world through indiscrimi-
nate warfare. Anyway, the truth is that
the Muslim governments of today are not
governing according to the true Islamic
principles,which are of honesty,integrity
and justice for all.
Wherever and whenever Islam’s true
teachings have actually been practiced
their beauty and beneficence have been
appreciated by all. For instance, during
the era of Hazrat Umarra
,the second suc-
cessor to the Holy Prophetsa
,Islam spread
to Syria and a Muslim government was
formed.As part of its governance,a civic
tax was collected from the Christian citi-
zens of the nation, but later the Muslim
government returned the tax because the
Roman Empire had seized control and
the Muslim rulers were no longer able
to protect the members of the public or
fulfil their rights.
The Muslim leaders had no option but to
leave and this caused a great deal of dis-
tress to the non-Muslims who had lived
under their rule.They became extremely
emotional and pleaded for the Muslims
to return and prayed fervently for this.
Without any hesitation they proclaimed
their desire for the Muslims to rule them
again and to protect them from the
mosque or the place of worship of any
religion would remain safe.
These verses make it categorically clear
that when the Muslims were permit-
ted to engage in a defensive war, it was
granted in order to defend all religions
and all beliefs, rather than for the sake
of conquering lands or to spread cruelty.
Given this,it is a means of extreme grief
for a true Muslim to hear the opponents
of Islam claim that the Holy Prophetsa
was motivated by a thirst for power and
a lust for empire building.
The Holy Prophetsa
neither sought power
and nor did he engage in any war in order
to forcefully spread Islam or to compel
others to become Muslim. His only
motivation was to establish peace and
universal religious freedom.Therefore,it
is the duty of a true Muslim to forever
protect and value all religions,whether it
be Christianity,Judaism or any other.The
Holy Prophetsa
taught that during war-
fare only those people who were directly
engaged in the war could be fought. He
gave strict instructions that no inno-
cent person was ever to be attacked. No
woman, child or elderly person was ever
to be targeted. He taught that no reli-
gious leader or priest could be attacked
and nor could any place of worship.The
The Holy Prophetsa
sought power and nor did he
engage in any war in order
to forcefully spread Islam or
to compel others to become
Muslim. His only motivation
was to establish peace and
universal religious freedom.
Therefore, it is the duty of
a true Muslim to forever
protect and value all religions,
whether it be Christianity,
Judaism or any other.
should islam really be feared...?
Through the example of Prophet
and the teachings in the Holy
Qur’an, all Muslims are taught to guard
the values of all religions and religious
places of worship—not just mosques.
Atthapol Saita |
18 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 19
Even though what Hazrat Abu Bakrra
had said was in accordance with Islamic
belief,the Holy Prophetsa
instructed that
a Muslim should not make such a claim
in front of a Jewish person as it could
cause them pain or offence. This teach-
ing of the Holy Prophetsa
was extremely
profound and the basis for establishing
peace between the people of different
faiths and beliefs.
However today, we see that in the name
of freedom of expression, prophets and
saintly figures are routinely mocked and
ridiculed,even though there are millions
of people who follow their teachings and
who cannot bear to see them derided in
this manner. If we truly desire peace in
the world,we need to think of the conse-
quences of our words and deeds.We need
to be respectful of the beliefs and values
of others.This is the way to break down
barriers and to knock down the walls of
enmity and resentment that have been
erected in so many parts of the world.
Certainly establishing peace is the most
critical and urgent need of the time.This
should be our foremost ambition and
objective.No one can deny that the hate-
ful and wicked acts of certain Muslims
have significantly contributed to many
of the conflicts that are witnessed today.
However, it should be absolutely clear
that the reason they are involved in such
cruelties is because they have moved far
away from the true teachings of Islam.
Furthermore,there are certain non-Mus-
lim worldly powers that are also fanning
the flames of conflict through their unjust
acts and policies.Anyway,if one reads the
Holy Qur’an and assesses the life of the
Holy Prophetsa
through a lens of justice,
rather than through a lens of prejudice,
they will soon realise that Islam is a reli-
gion of peace. They will realise that the
Holy Prophetsa
desired peace with every
fibre of his being. They will realise that
the Qur’an’s teachings are of love for all
of humanity.
injustices of the Roman Empire.
Later, when the Muslims were able to
return, the first to celebrate were the
non-Muslims,who knew that their rights
would be upheld once again. Certainly,
the early Muslims were entirely just and
fair in all matters. For example, once a
case was submitted before Hazrat Umarra
the second Caliph of Islam,in which one
party was a Muslim and the other was
a Jew.
After listening to their respective cases,
Hazrat Umarra
found in favour of the
Jewish person and against the Muslim.
Islam also teaches that it is extremely
important to care for the feelings and
sentiments of others.Once during a con-
versation with a Jewish person, Hazrat
Abu Bakrra
, who was the closest con-
fidant of the Holy Prophetsa
, said that
the status of the Prophet of Islamsa
greater than the status of the Prophet
Upon hearing this,the Jewish man com-
plained to the Holy Prophetsa
Hearing this,the Holy Prophetsa
Hazrat Abu Bakrra
and said he ought to
have respected the feelings of the Jewish
However today, we see that
in the name of freedom of
expression, prophets and
saintly figures are routinely
mocked and ridiculed, even
though there are millions
of people who follow their
teachings and who cannot
bear to see them derided in
this manner. If we truly desire
peace in the world, we need
to think of the consequences
of our words and deeds.
The recent Arab Spring has highlighted the
injustice and inequality in the Muslim world,
where Qur’anic values have not been upheld.
ValeStock |
Some people take freedom of speech
to the extreme, trying to hurt religious
sensibilities. At the same time, Islam is
actively against any violence being done to
those who do offend religious sensibilities.
MyImages-Micha |
should islam really be feared...?
20 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 21
that the horrific acts of such so-called
Muslims do not represent the teachings
of the religion itself but rather they have
their own vested interests. In light of
what I have said, I would also urge and
request the Western leaders and politi-
cians to understand their responsibilities
and instead of keeping good relations
with the Muslim leaders for their own
political or financial gains, they must
utilise whatever influence they have to
impartially guide and help the Muslim
governments towards creating peace.
Otherwise they would be equally held
responsible for ruining world peace.
These days there is increasing fear and
trepidation amongst the people of Europe
due to the fact that so many refugees have
entered this Continent over the past year.
It should be kept in mind that the vast
majority of the refugees have sought
shelter in the West because of the des-
perate cruelties and devastation they have
faced in their own countries. However,
the truth is that no single country, and
in fact no continent, has the capability
to absorb the millions of people who are
fleeing their war-torn countries.Thus the
only solution is to formulate a genuine
framework for peace in their countries of
origin and to try and bring an end to the
cruelty in their homelands.
Consequently, I once again ask all of
the guests, and in particular the poli-
ticians and influential figures present,
that they should not waste any oppor-
tunity in working for world peace
because the alternative does not bear
contemplating. As I have already said,
a Third World War is swiftly approach-
ing and if it is not stopped in its tracks
its catastrophic effects will surely last for
generations, because a world war today
is more than likely to include the use of
nuclear weapons. The effects of such a
war are unimaginable and impossible to
May Allah grant sense and wisdom to the
people of the world. May He, through
His infinite grace and mercy, protect all
of us and enable mankind to live together
in peace and harmony and to fulfil each
other’s rights at all times. May we soon
emerge from the bitter conflicts of today
to a better and brighter future in which
all nations and all groups are able to live
side by side and in which a spirit of love,
compassion and humanity prevails.
With these words I would like to once
again thank you all for joining us today.
Thank you very much.”
Today, we are living at a time of increas-
ing instability and uncertainty and so
every person, in every part of the world,
needs to take individual responsibility
towards establishing peace. Conflicts
continue to ignite and burn throughout
the world and so let us not be in any
doubt that the shadow of a fateful war
looms before us. Alliances and blocs are
rapidly forming before our eyes and so
it is my grave fear that we are charging
madly towards a calamitous Third World
War without pause for thought.
In fact, it would not be inaccurate to say
that the roots of such a war have already
taken hold. If we wish to save ourselves,
and more importantly, if we wish to
protect our children and future genera-
tions from the torment of war and its
destructive consequences, then we must
fulfil the rights of our Creator and the
rights of one another. We must care for
and respect each other, regardless of any
differences of caste, creed or colour.
And we must value and respect the
religious and national sentiments of
one another. There is no doubt that the
Muslim Governments of today have
failed their people and have unjustly
seized their rights and consequently
extremist and terrorist groups have
taken advantage and gained in strength.
Those groups are now wreaking havoc
and destruction, not only in the Muslim
world, but have also spread their net-
works of terror to the West.
Thus, a fear of Islam and Muslims, has
taken root and continues to increase.
Once again, I wish to make it clear
The problem of terrorism has now moved to
Europe, with attacks in Paris and Brussels
showing it to be a global problem.
User CRM |
Conflicts continue to ignite
and burn throughout the
world and so let us not be in
any doubt that the shadow of
a fateful war looms before us.
should islam really be feared...?
22 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 23
Bitcoin: On Behalf of
The Future
Educating Our Children
The Difference Between
True Islam & Extremist
FGM’ – Not in The
Name of Religion
Why The Honeybee
is Dying and What It
Means for Life on Earth
Wonders Experienced
Through Fasting
The Islamic Dilemma
Should We Fear the
Religion of Peace?
Atheism or Belief -
Which is evidence
God - His Transcedence
and Manifestation
Untold Stories
From the Archives:
My Visit to Qadian
Preaching Activities of
in the East
The Sign of the Heavens
The Plague
A Murder in British
Lahore: Closing the Case
of Lekh Ram
World War One:
Centenary of Fulfliment
of a Grand Prophecy
S P E C I A L 1 6 4 P A G E E D I T I O N
A Message of Peace
Legal Right Verses
Moral Duty
Is it Permissable for
Prisoners of War
to be Executed?
The Life of the
Prophet Muhammadsa
The Economic System
of Islam
The Institution of Hajj
Mahmud’s Letter From
the Land of the Dearest
One [Muhammadsa
The Life & Character of
the Seal of Prophetssa
Firm Stance Against
Terror At Peace
The Golden Principles
for World Peace
Three Minutes and
Has Science Rendered
Religion Obsolete?
Halloween –
Fear or Fun?
Shariah: A Semantic
Connecting to Khilafat:
A Guidance for Today’s
Muslim Youth
Islam’s Response to the
Destruction of Cultural
A Guidance forToday’s MuslimYouth
Connecting to Khilafat:
Is the Shroud of Turin a
Medieval Photograph?
The Sudarium of Oviedo
and the Shroud of Turin
A Brief Review of Recent
CNN Documentary on
the Shroud
The Oviedo Cloth by
Mark Guscin:
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Mufti Muhammad
– An Early Ray of
Western Sunrise
World Peace & Security
- The Critical Issues of
Our Time
Responsibilities of an
Ahmadi Muslim
The Economic System
of Islam
The Race to Conquer the
Secret of Life
The Spiritual Benefits of
Navigating Life in the
21st Century
Visits to
Sacred Places
Three Gradations of
Doing Good
Is Religion Truly the
Cause of Disorder in the
World Today?
Apartheid of Ahmadis
in Pakistan
Women’s Responsibilities:
Fulfilling the
Conditions of Bai’at
GAMEIs religion truly
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alligraphy is a fundamental ele-
ment and one of the most highly
regarded forms of Islamic Art.
The word calligraphy comes from the
Greek words kallos, meaning beauty,
and graphein, meaning writing. In the
modern sense, calligraphy relates to “the
art of giving form to signs in an expres-
sive, harmonious and skilful manner.”1
Islamic calligraphy is one of the most
sophisticated in the world and is a visual
expression of the deepest reverence to the
spiritual world.
The Holy Qur’an mentions, with regard
to the revelation of the Holy Qur’an
“And we have arranged it in the best
In this verse, the phrase “in the best
form,” indicates the putting together of
parts to form a strong,integral,consistent
whole.Therefore, the Arabic word tartil
is translated as a reflective,measured and
rhythmic recitation.3
The Islamic scholar
Hafiz Fazle-Rabbi has elaborated that
this word, when used in the context of
writing, can refer to calligraphy, as a
means of beautifying the writing.4
It is narrated by Hazrat Amir Muawiyara
that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
regarding the correct style of Qur’anic
writing: “O Muawiya, keep the correct
consistency of your ink under the ink-
pot, make a slanting cut to your pen,
write the ‘Ba’ of Bismillah prominently,
also sharply write the corners of the letter
‘Seen’, do not make an incorrect eye of
the letter ‘Meem’, write the word Allah
with great elegance,elongate the shape of
the letter ‘Noon’ of the word Rahmaan,
and write Raheem beautifully, and keep
the pen at the back of your right ear so
you will remember that.”5
Qur’anic History and
the Role of Islamic
Razwan Baig, London, UK
(Calligrapher and one of the largest private collectors of Islamic manuscripts in the U.K.)
© User mrfiza |
It is mentioned in Kanzul-
Ummaal, (Treasure of the
Doers of Good Deeds) as
narrated by Saeed ibn-e-
Sakina, that Hazrat Alira
a person writing Bismillah
and then said,“you have
to write it in a beautiful
manner, because if you
do this, then Allah will
bless and forgive you.”
The Review of Religions is pleased to present the first part in a two-part
article on the fascinating art and history behind Islamic calligraphy.
ً‫يل‬ِ‫ت‬ْ‫ر‬َ‫ت‬ ُ‫ه‬‫ا‬َ‫ن‬ْ‫ل‬َّ‫ت‬َ‫ر‬َ‫و‬
june 2016 | The Review of Religions 27
artistic mastery,but I found that Islamic
calligraphy was there ages before I was.”9
Steve Jobs,the founder of Apple,started
his creative career inspired by geometry
and the art of calligraphy. In his biog-
raphy it was mentioned that calligraphy
workshops influenced Apple’s graceful,
minimalist aesthetic. These experiences,
Jobs said later,shaped his creative vision.10
Indeed, in his Stanford commencement
address in June 2005, Jobs said: “If I had
never dropped in on that single callig-
raphy course in college, the Mac would
have never had multiple typefaces or pro-
portionally spaced fonts.”11
Martin Lings, also known as Abu Bakr
Siraj ud-Din, was an English writer and
scholar who also penned a biography
of the Holy Prophetsa
. His teaching
has guided and inspired the Thesaurus
Islamicus Foundation in all its work with
the sacred arts of the Holy Qur’an.Lings
believed that the pinnacle of Islamic art
was Arabic calligraphy, which transmits
the verses of the Holy Qur’an into visual
Indeed,the history of Arabic calligraphy
is inextricably linked with the history of
Islam. There is also a close relationship
historically between each Arabic script
and its common usage. According to
the history of written language, Arabic
is only second to the Roman alphabet in
terms of widespread usage today.13
Pre-Islamic Arabs relied heavily upon
oral traditions for the retention of infor-
mation and for communication. Later,
calligraphy became an invaluable tool for
The Alphabet Family Tree
It is very hard to trace the origins of
Arabic script, but there is evidence that
The act of calligraphy is intriguing in that
it leaves a tangible trace of a physical act.
But that written trace does not merely
record an action. In some Muslim areas,
calligraphy was actually considered to
leave clues as to the calligrapher’s moral
fibre. Indeed, the quality of the calligra-
phy was believed to hold clues as to the
character of the calligrapher. The tools
used in calligraphy: the paper on which
it was written, the writing implements,
the gold leaf used in illumination—all
required a diverse set of skills.6
Calligraphy holds,perhaps,pride of place
as the foremost and most characteris-
tic of the modes of visual expression in
Islam.After years of practice,calligraphy
becomes second nature to a master cal-
ligrapher.However,the dots always allow
for a quick assessment as to whether or
not the proportions are correct.
It is mentioned in Kanzul-Ummaal,
(Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds)
as narrated by Saeed ibn-e-Sakina,
that Hazrat Alira
saw a person writing
Bismillah and then said, “you have to
write it in a beautiful manner, because
if you do this, then Allah will bless and
forgive you.”7
The great Egyptian writer,Taha Hussein,
once said: “Others read in order to study,
while we have to study in order to read.”8
His complaint was more than justified.
The intricacies of calligraphy can take
years to master.
In Praise of Calligraphy
Islamic calligraphy was not only
acclaimed by the Muslim world, it was
also considered a great artistic mode of
visual expression.
Pablo Picasso was so inspired by Islamic
calligraphy that he said: “If I had known
there was such a thing as Islamic calligra-
phy,I would never have started to paint.I
have strived to reach the highest levels of
The great artist Pablo Picasso famously
said, “If I had known there was such
a thing as Islamic calligraphy, I would
never have started to paint. I have
strived to reach the highest levels of
artistic mastery, but I found that Islamic
calligraphy was there ages before I was.”
Paolo Monti | Wikpedia Commons | Released under Creative
Commons BY-SA 4.0
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
Pablo Picasso was so inspired
by Islamic calligraphy that he
said:“If I had known there
was such a thing as Islamic
calligraphy, I would never
have started to paint. I have
strived to reach the highest
levels of artistic mastery, but I
found that Islamic calligraphy
was there ages before I was.”
28 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 29
demise, proves that the Arabic language
and alphabet predated them.
However, while there is solid evidence
that the Arabic language and script are
quite ancient,the accuracy of tracing the
history of this rich language is very dif-
ficult; especially due to the biased studies
and research of many orientalists and
scholars who vehemently tried to deny
the existence of the Arabs as a nation due
to their distinct enmity towards Islam.
it was very well-known to the Arabs in
Arabia although they did not widely use
the script and actually depended instead
on verbal and oral traditions.It is believed
that the recent Arabic Script was most
likely developed from the Nabataean
script, which was itself derived from the
Aramaic script.It should be noted that all
of these Semitic languages (Phoenician,
Canaanic,Aramaic,Nabataean,etc.) were
not more than slang versions of Arabic
which had become separate languages
with the passage of time due to limited
communication with central Arabia.But
Arabia preserved pure Arabic, especially
in remote areas.The most interesting and
mysterious phenomenon was that Arabic
was an incredibly rich language, in stark
contrast to the primitive Arabs who used
it,indicating that they themselves did not
create the Arabic language. This phe-
nomenon supported the theory that the
language was not man-made but actu-
ally a result of divine revelation. Arabia
provided the perfect environment to pre-
serve it because it was less influenced by
external factors,unlike other parts of the
world.While the Arabic language is very
ancient, it was not known to be a writ-
ten language until perhaps the third or
fourth century C.E. Some studies claim
that the written scripts of Arabic were
known much earlier, around 2500 B.C.,
but on a smaller scale,as the Arabic lan-
guage at that time was exactly the same
Arabic at the advent of Islam.
Bearing in mind that all of the Semitic
civilisations in Levant and ancient Iraq
were Arab civilisations, and had been
inhibited by Arabs since time immemo-
rial,it is hard to identify exactly when and
where the Arabic alphabet originated.
History, then, suggests that it was not
Muslims who created the alphabet at
the time of the advent of Islam due to
the needs of the time.The very fact that
the Holy Qur’an was recorded and suc-
cessfully disseminated in Levant and
Iraq without any language barriers pos-
ing problems, at the time of the Holy
and then the Caliphs after his
The most interesting and
mysterious phenomenon
was that Arabic was an
incredibly rich language, in
stark contrast to the primitive
Arabs who used it, indicating
that they themselves did not
create the Arabic language.
History, then, suggests that it
was not Muslims who created
the alphabet at the time of the
advent of Islam due to the
needs of the time. The very
fact that the Holy Qur’an
was recorded and successfully
disseminated in Levant and
Iraq without any language
barriers posing problems, at
the time of the Holy Prophetsa
and then the Caliphs after
his demise, proves that
the Arabic language and
alphabet predated them.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
Comparison of letter forms in Nabatean,
Arabic, Syriac, and Hebrew. | Released under
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
30 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 31
from the Nabatean script, and yet the
early Arabic scripts also seem to have
been affected by other scripts in the area,
such as the Syriac script.
The Al-Jazm script continued to develop
until the early Islamic era in Makkah
and Madinah in the west of the Arabian
In the first Islamic century,the art of cal-
ligraphy was born.The first formal scripts
that emerged were from the Hijaz region
of the Arabian Peninsula, most possibly
from the city of Madinah. Those are
early “Kufic”Qur’anic scripts and with a
stately verticality and regularity in them
called ma’il.
Other scripts, such as the Mukawwar,
Mubsoott, and Mashq scripts, did not
survive the progression of Islam, even
though they had been used both before
and during the early days of Islam.15
The Early Development of Arabic
If we look into the history of the Arabian
Peninsula and the origin of the Arabic
language, archaeologists have found
inscriptions that show a close relation-
ship between Arabic scripts and some
earlier scripts such as the Canaanite,
Aramaic and Nabataean alphabet, that
were found in the north of the Arabian
Peninsula.These inscriptions were dated
as far back as the 14th century B.C.E.
Arabic Musnad
The first Arabic script, Arabic Musnad,
which probably developed from the
above-mentioned languages, does not
possess the cursive aesthetic that most
people associate with modern Arabic
scripts. Discovered in the south of the
Arabian peninsula in Yemen, this script
reached its final form around 500 B.C.E.
and was used until the 6th century. It
did not look like modern Arabic, as its
shapes were very basic and resembled
the Nabataean and Canaanite alphabets
more than the Arabic shapes.14
During the sixth and seventh centu-
ries, the revelation of Islam had a major
impact on the development of Arabic cal-
ligraphy. The Arabic alphabet is written
from right to left like Hebrew, Aramaic,
Syriac, and other scripts from the same
linguistic family.
Early Calligraphic Script: Al-Jazm
The first form of an Arabic-like alpha-
bet is known as the Al-Jazm script,
which was used by northern tribes in
the Arabian Peninsula. Many research-
ers think the roots of this script originate
A panel showing ancient Arabic
Musnad script dating back from
around 700 B.C.E. around Yemen.
User Jastrow | | Public domain work
Funerary inscription about the pre-
Islamic poet Imrul-Qays, ca. 328 C.E.
Wikimedia Commons | Released under
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
An example of Al-Jazm script.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
If we look into the history
of the Arabian Peninsula
and the origin of the Arabic
language, archaeologists have
found inscriptions that show
a close relationship between
Arabic scripts and some earlier
scripts such as the Canaanite,
Aramaic and Nabataean
alphabet, that were found
in the north of the Arabian
Peninsula.These inscriptions
were dated as far back as
the 14th century B.C.E.
32 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 33
was created only seven decades after the
Hijra, was inspirational.
The Kufic script continued its devel-
opment through different dynasties,
including the Umayyad (661 – 750 C.E.)
and Abbasid (750 – 1258 C.E.) dynas-
ties. On this page, are some examples of
Kufic scripts and their different develop-
mental stages:
During the third century, the whole
structure of calligraphy in the Islamic
domains changed dramatically. Qur’ans
were copied in huge numbers with vari-
ous degrees of artistic skill. The thick,
straight,flat Qur’anic scripts were intro-
duced. Once paper was introduced, the
use of parchment and vellum died out,
along with their characteristic scripts.
Other Known Early Islamic Scripts
Over the course of their development,
different Arabic scripts were created in
different periods and locations.
For example, before the invention of
the Kufi script the Arabs had several
other scripts, the names of which were
derived from their places of origin, such
as Makki from Makkah, Hiri from Hira
and Madani in Madinah.
It has been narrated by Abu Hakima
Abdi, that he used to write various
books in Kufi.Once,Hazrat Alira
say after, fourth successor to the Holy
saw him while he was writing,
and said: “Try to write boldly and in a
prominent manner,also try to make your
pen beautiful,” so Abu Hakima cut his
pen and started writing again. Hazrat
continued to stand beside him and
then said “use the best ink with the writ-
ing pen and make the writing beautiful
just as Allah has revealed his beautiful
Tumari was another script, which
was formulated by the direct order of
Muawiya, and became the royal script
of the Ummayad dynasty.
Kufi Script
Kufi was invented in the city of Kufa
(currently in Iraq) in the second dec-
ade of the Islamic reign, taking its name
from its city of origin and, as mentioned
earlier,was derived from an earlier script
call Ma’il.
As a calligraphic historian, the prob-
lem remains of identifying calligraphy
without dated, signed specimens.While
we have the names of scripts such as
Mukawwar, Mubsoott, Mashq, Jalil,
Ma’il,etc.,there is no way to definitively
link them to known examples.
In the early stages of its development,the
Kufic script did not include the dots that
we know from modern Arabic scripts. If
we examine Kufic script inscriptions,we
notice particular characteristics such as
angular shapes and long vertical lines.
In addition, the script letters were wider
originally,which made writing long con-
tent more difficult. Still, the script was
used for the architectural decoration of
buildings, such as mosques, palaces and
The grand impression in the Dome of
the Rock is one example of early Arabic
script—this monument,with the earliest
examples of Qur’anic script and which
Kufic script from the 9th-10th centuries.
User 50 Watts | | Released under CC BY 2.0
Kufic script from the Holy
Qur’an, 11th century.
Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art.
Islamic Dirham from the Abbasid period
with Kufic scripts on both sides.
Hussein Alazaat | | Released under Creative
Commons BY 2.0
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
34 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 35
Ibn Muqlah
Abu ‘ali Muhammad Ibn ‘ali Ibn Muqlah
Shirazi hailed from Iran and was a states-
man, poet, and calligrapher living in the
late 9th
century. In addition, he served as
the vizier,or prime minister,several times
under the reign of the Abbasid caliphate
in Baghdad.
One of his most important contribu-
tions to calligraphy was recognising that
a system of proportion was needed that
would allow people to easily copy and
replicate scripts,while also making them
easier to read and more elegant.His first
script, therefore, obeyed strict propor-
tional rules. In his system, the dot that
we know today was used for measuring
the proportions of the lines, and a circle
with a diameter equal to the alif ’s height
as a measuring unit for letter proportions.
Ibn Muqlah’s system was incredibly
important in the standardising of the
cursive scripts. Moreover, his system
made prominent cursive styles of writ-
ing, making them acceptable—and even
worthy—for use in the writing of the
Holy Qur’an.
Three elements together form the basis
for proportion in Arabic calligraphy.The
first is the height of the alif, which is a
vertical,straight stroke that can comprise
of between three to twelve dots.The sec-
ond element pertains to the width of the
alif, which is formed when the calligra-
pher presses the tip of their pen to the
paper.The square impression left on the
paper determines the width of the alif.
The final element consists of the hypo-
thetical circle that could be drawn around
the alif, with the alif as its diameter. All
Arabic letters should fit within this circle.
When the Dome of the Rock was
restored by the order of the Caliph
Al-Ma’mun (reigned 813-833 C.E.), a
barely visible narrow belt of inscription
was added in Thuluth script. This was
eventually to become the most impor-
tant script in calligraphy.
The Baghdad Period
For the historian, facts were better doc-
umented at the beginning of the 10th
century C.E.Baghdad became the great-
est city in terms of art, knowledge and
sciences related to Islamic calligraphy.In
the over 500-year-history of the Abbasid
Caliphate, this city saw the emergence
of the art of calligraphy as a fine art and
the rise of the great founding teachers,
admirers and their followers.
Ma’mun’s vizier Umar ibn Musida stated,
in praise of Arabic calligraphy: “The
scripts are like a garden of the sciences.
They are a picture whose spirit is eluci-
dation. The body is swiftness. The feet
are regularity. Its limbs are skill in the
details of knowledge. Its composition is
like the composition of musical notes and
Pioneers of Islamic Calligraphy and
Writing was very important during the
early years of the evolution of Islam.
Some of the captives of the Battle of
Badr could not afford to pay ransom to
be freed but they could read and write.
The Prophetsa
told them that they would
be freed if they each taught ten Muslim
children to read and write. This was
beneficial for both the captives and the
Muslims.As a result,the captives taught
the Companions to read and write in a
very short time. By virtue of this ini-
tiative, the number of those who were
literate in Madinah increased tremen-
Among them was Zayd bin
,who became one of the primary
scribes to write down revelations to the
Holy Prophetsa
and worked on compil-
ing the pages of the Qur’an. Although
only a child at the time, the Messengersa
of Allah appointed him to write down
revealed verses, which allowed him to
later fulfil the duty of the compilation
of the Qur’an, enabling the Qur’an to
be formatted in the book we see today.20
Now in a very brief introduction, I
will consider three major calligraphers’
work and their contribution to Islamic
in Arabic
Jessica Bordeau |
Smashing Magazine
| Released under
Creative Commons
BY-SA 3.0.
Proportions in Arabic calligraphy.
Jessica Bordeau | Smashing Magazine | Released
under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
36 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 37
the house of the last Abbasid caliph, al-
Mustasim Billah.
The caliph was so inspired by his work
that he gave his surname to him so that
when, in the future, people praised his
work, they would also remember him.
It is said that he wrote 364 written copies
of the Qur’an. He transformed cal-
ligraphy yet again, bringing even more
elegance to Ibn al-Bawwab’s method.
Moreover, his “seven students”—the
most famous seven of the many that he
taught—are said to have disseminated his
style (and their own versions of his style)
far and wide, thereby making it the new
standard. Unlike with Ibn al-Bawwab,
he has left a multitude of authenticated
works to study.
Committed to his work during the
Mongol sack of Baghdad in 1258, he
took refuge in the minaret of a mosque
so he could finish his calligraphy practice.
Several copies of his work still exist and
are highly prized by collectors.
Other New Scripts
Around 1500 C.E, nearly two hundred
years after Mustasimi, Turkish callig-
raphers invented a style called Diwani
which was rather difficult to read. In
order to set governmental or ministerial
documents apart from ordinary docu-
ments, they made this script the official
script of the Ottoman sultans.The other
invention of Turkish calligraphers was a
beautiful and decorative shape of twisted
letters called Tughra, which was used to
form the name of the Ottoman emperor,
and was employed to authenticate the
Sultan’s orders. It was used essentially as
a seal or signature.
After the invention of Kufi script in
Kufa and the spread of it throughout
the Muslim world, the western part of
the Islamic world did not experience any
equivalent developments on par with the
eastern area.
The western region in the Islamic world,
including the whole of North Africa,
Ibn Al-Bawwab
Ibn al-Bawwab was an Arabic calligra-
pher and illuminator of the 11th
and lived in Baghdad. He came from a
common lineage and was a craftsman
in his youth. In time, he also became an
important religious figure. It is possible
that that he was the first really signifi-
cant artist in Islam. A skilled painter, he
also pursued his artistic talents by both
writing the scripts and illuminating his
own works, which was rarely done by
calligraphers of the era. Not only did he
refine the methods of Ibn Muqlah, he
also taught many students and is believed
to have produced at least 64 written and
calligraphied copies of the Qur’an.
In addition, Ibn al-Bawwab also was
credited with the invention of both the
Muhaqqaq and Rayhani scripts.Because
of the consistency and beauty of the
scripts, those penned by Ibn al-Bawwab
were considered quite valuable and were
sold for high prices even while he was
alive.Working in all six styles,he is con-
sidered to have improved all of them,
especially the Naskh and Muhaqqaq
Ibn al-Bawwab brought an elegance to
Ibn Muqlah’s system and,while retaining
the mathematical accuracy and precision
of Ibn Muqlah, added artistic flourish
and flair to the system. In this way, he
was in part responsible for promulgat-
ing the contemporary method, in which
the script maintains internal proportion
by using the dot—made by the proper
pen for the script—as the unit of meas-
urement. Although Ibn al-Bawwab is
said to have penned a large number of
secular works in addition to the copies
of the Qur’an he produced, only frag-
ments of his secular work remain. As far
as his Qur’ans, only one—written in the
Reyhan script—has survived,which is in
the Chester Beatty Collection in Dublin,
Yaqut al-Mustasimi
The third great calligrapher was Yaqut al-
Mustasimi, from the thirteenth century,
also from Baghdad, who was a slave in
The Ibn al-Bawwab script at Chester
Beatty Library is the earliest example
of a Qur’an in a cursive script.
An example of Thuluth script
thought to be by Al-Mustasimi.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
38 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 39
Kufic is one of the earliest styles to be
used to record the word of God in the
Qur’an. One of the early Kufic inscrip-
tions can be seen inside the Dome of the
Rock in Jerusalem.
During the first three centuries of the
Islamic period (7th-9th century C.E.),
the Holy Qur’an was written and
recorded in Kufic script.
Thuluth Script
The name “Thuluth”(meaning “a third”in
Arabic) refers to this style because one-
third of each letter slopes and because
it refers to the width of the pen used to
write the script.
This script is called the king of callig-
raphy; it was first formulated in the 7th
century C.E. and fully developed in the
9th century.Thuluth is a more imposing
and impressive style. Not often used for
long texts or the body of a work, it most
suited titles or epigrams. As it evolved
over the centuries, examples of its many
forms can be found on architectural
monuments of all sorts.
Naskh Script
Naskh means “copy” in Arabic. It is one
of the earliest scripts, redesigned by Ibn
Muqlah in the 10th century C.E., using
the comprehensive system of proportion
mentioned above.It is noted for its clar-
ity in reading and writing, and was used
to copy the Qur’an. In contrast to the
Thuluth script, Naskh script would be
used to be called the Maghreb,consisting
of modern Libya,Sudan,Tunisia,Algeria,
Morocco and even Spain.
It appears that a cultural separation
occurred between Maghreb (west) and
Mashregh (east) in the Islamic world.
This separation is quite visible in terms
of calligraphic development. So we have
a beautiful Kufi script called Maghrebi
Kufi and others,called Kairouani,Sudani
and Fasi.
Six Major Scripts
1.	Kufi (Place of development)
2.	Thuluth (Width of the pen)
3.	Naskh (Usage for Qur’an)
4.	Deewani (Writing of the Court)
5.	Riqa (Daily simple use)
6.	Ta’liq (Hanging style script)
Kufic Script
The Kufic script is derived from the
Hijazi Script,whose origin may be traced
to Hirian, Nabatean and Ma’il, and as
mentioned above, derives its name from
the city of Kufa in Iraq.
Kufic is noted for its proportional meas-
urements, angularity, and squareness.
Ceramic bowl decorated with calligraphy.
User Mocost | | Released
under Creative Commons BY 2.0
Plaited Kufi script.
Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
40 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 41
The letters are rounded and have a lot of
curves. While this makes it less legible,
the script is often written with a large
distance between lines to give more space
for the eye to identify letters and words.
Nasta’liq Script
The Nasta’liq is a refined version of the
Ta’liq script.Nasta’liq is the most popu-
lar contemporary style among classical
Persian calligraphy scripts. Indeed, it
is known as “bride of the calligraphy
Shekasteh script
In the 17th century a more cursive
form of Nasta’liq was produced called
Riqa Script
The word Riqa means “a small sheet,”
which could be an indication of the
medium on which it was originally cre-
ated.The Riqa style of handwriting is the
most common type of handwriting. It is
known for its clipped letters composed
of short,straight lines and simple curves.
Riqa is a style that has evolved from
Naskh and Thuluth.
Other Calligraphic Styles
Tughra was used by the Ottoman sultans
as their signature. It was supposed to
be impossible to imitate. For this rea-
son, then, the tughra was often used
as a stamp of authority and the royal
emblem of the sultan.The genius of the
tughra was that it was difficult to forge,
and that meant that it could be used to
authorise and legitimise anything from
royal decrees to official coins of the realm.
The official emblem would often include
the name of both the sultan himself,and
that of his father, along with the phrase
“eternally victorious.”
These calligraphic symbols were so dif-
ficult to make that they required a special
artist, employed by the court, to design
and execute the tughra. An illuminator
would then add colour, scroll designs
and gold leaf, essentially “decorating”
the tughra.
From the use of the first tughra in 1324,
used in longer body text.
Diwani Script
The name of this script derives from
“Diwan,”the name of the Ottoman royal
chancery. Created by Housam Roumi,
this script was used in the courts to write
official documents (as mentioned above)
and reached the height of its popularity
under Suleyman I the Magnificent in the
sixteenth century.
Developed during the 16th century, it
reached its final shape in the 19th century
Ta’liq Script
Ta’liq means “hanging”and refers to the
shape of the letters. It is a cursive script
developed by the Persians in the early
part of the 9th century. It is also known
as Farsi (Persian).
An example of Diwani script.
Jessica Bordeau | Smashing Magazine | Released
under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
Diwani script.
User cactusbones | | Released under
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0.
Another example of Diwani script.
Mehmet Izzet al-Karkuki | Public Domain
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
42 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 43
2. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 33.
4. A Beginner’s Guide To Andalusi Calligraphy:
5. Allama Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam ud
Deen, Kanzul-Ummaal, (Treasure of the Doers of
Good Deeds), p486 and ref. no. 29566.
and-writing-word-god-calligrap. Accessed June
7. Allam Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam ud Deen,
Kanzul-Ummaal, p486 and ref no. 69558.
9. Jurgen Wasim Fremgen, The Aura of Aliph:
The Art of Writing in Islam, (New York: Prestel,
10. Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 2011).
11. http://www.theguardian.
13. Yasin Hamid Safadi, Islamic Calligraphy,
Thames and Hudson, London, 1979
14. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot.
Accessed June 2016.
16. Allama Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam
ud Deen, Kanzul-Ummaal, p.486 and ref no.
17. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot.
19. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot.
these forms became increasingly ornate
and elaborate. The tughra shown above
belonged to the Sultan Suleiman the
Magnificent (1520-566). It contains
three vertical shafts and a number of
concentric loops in complex, graceful,
flowing lines.
Be sure to read the second part of this
series next month in our July edition.
About the Author: Razwan Baig is a scholar,
collector, philanthropist and Islamic art critic and
researcher. His Islamic art collection includes items
as diverse as textiles and ceramics to Qur’anic
manuscripts,and has been shown in several major
art museums and international exhibitions. His
interest in Islamic calligraphy began at age 12
and has run workshops and presented on the art of
calligraphy since 1994. He completed his BA (Hons)
History of Art & Archaeology of Islamic world,
School of Oriental and African Studies, University
of London. He also has obtained extensive training
in Arabic calligraphy in different styles from
Birkbeck College, University of Sunderland as
well as from some of the foremost calligraphers
from Turkey, Baghdad and Pakistan. He will be
exhibiting a portion of his collection this summer
at The Review of Religions exhibition at the 50th
annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community on August 12-14, 2016. As one of
the largest private collectors of Islamic manuscripts
in the U.K., he is also currently showing portions
of his collection at the Art of Islam festival at
Buckinghamshire County Museum through the end
of September 2016.
Signature of an Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman
the Magnificent.
qur’anic history and the role of
islamic calligraphy
44 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 45
Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
( g u i d e d o n e )
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
o be moderate in eating and drinking and to bear
hunger and thirst are necessary for the purification of
the spirit and promote the capacity for visions. Man
does not live by bread alone.To discard all thought of eternal
life is to invite Divine wrath.
It should be remembered that the fast does not mean merely
that a person should abstain from food and drink over a cer-
tain period. During the fast one should be occupied greatly
with the remembrance of God. The Holy Prophetsa
himself greatly with worship during the month of Ramadan.
During that month one should discard one’s preoccupation
with eating and drinking; and cutting asunder from these
needs should address oneself wholly towards God.1
1. 1906 Jalsa Salana Speech, Al-Badr, 10th
January 1907, p. 15.
On Fasting
In recent times vested interests have
launched a ‘crusade’ against Islam.
Islam is labelled as a religion of terror,
backwardness and suppression.
Based on Quranic teachings, the author of
this book goes about disproving these notions
and professes that Islam provides practical
solutions to current issues; and argues that:
(1) Swords can win territories but not hearts,
forces can bend heads but not minds; (2) The role
of women is not of concubines in harems nor a
society imprisoned in the four wall of their houses;
(3) Richer nations provide aid with strings attached
and yet the flow of wealth continues to be in the
direction of the rich while the poorer sink deeper
in the red; (4) Religion does not need to be the
predominant legislative authority in the political
affairs of the state; (5) Irrespective of the thawing
of the cold war, the issue of war and peace does not
only hang by the thread of superpower relationship.
(6) Without God there can be no peace.
It also contains comprehensive discussion
on interest; financial aid; international
relations; and the role of Israel, America and
the United Kingdom in a new world order.
The message of this book is timeless and chalks
a blue print for the future prospects for peace.
Read online:
Purchase print copy:
solitary voice, raised in
Makkah, was, under Divine
Command, calling people
to the worship of One God and
proclaiming that through responding
to this call would humankind achieve
true dignity, honour, prosperity and
happiness both here and Hereafter.
That voice was the voice of the Holy
Prophet Muhammadsa
, the Seal
of the Prophets. In this popular
biography, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-
Din Mahmud Ahmadra
outlines the
life of the most influential man in
history in an easy-to-digest manner.
Read online here:
Purchase book
Prospect of Russia Emerging as
Global Economic Shock
It is now universally acknowledged
that no country can survive on its own.
Experience underscores the imperative
for a country to establish relations with
other nations. Thus, if the Soviet Union
cannot maintain economic progress
under autarchy, it would be impelled to
search for foreign markets to dispose of
its industrial surplus.This became abun-
dantly evident during the war when the
Soviet Union had to rely heavily on
imports of essential goods from America
and Great Britain. If it maintains its
pace of industrialisation, the Soviet
Union would have to find new markets
for its products. When that day arrives,
would the Russian policy not assume
the same characteristics and adopt the
same methods as we have seen in the his-
tory of other imperial powers? To put it
plainly, Russia would be compelled to
make other countries, by some means or
other, to buy Russian products in order
to keep its labour employed and sustain
its economic and industrial growth.
Experience of Other Imperialist
We have seen that when it concerns
granting India independence, rousing
The Economic
System of Islam If it maintains its pace of
industrialisation, the Soviet
Union would have to find
new markets for its products.
When that day arrives, would
the Russian policy not assume
the same characteristics and
adopt the same methods as
we have seen in the history
of other imperial powers?
by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra
We continue with the serialisation
of the epic lecture delivered by the
Second Worldwide Head of the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din
Mahmud Ahmadra
, later published
as a book titled The Economic
System of Islam. In this eleventh
part of the series, Russia’s need
for international trade in order to
sustain its economy is discussed.
To read the first ten parts, visit our
*The photos used in this article were not used in the original
publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review
of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of
Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.*
Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad
june 2016 | The Review of Religions 51
economies to Soviet goods, as they did
for the Western capitalists.But this time
it would be a bigger economic shock for
the world. Sometimes an argument is
made that vulnerable countries could
escape the onslaught of Russian compe-
tition by becoming allies of the Soviet
Union and gain all the advantages of the
communist system. But a little reflec-
tion would establish that this idea is not
sound. In the first place, we should not
forget that not many countries would put
aside all other considerations and rush to
join the Soviet Union simply to capture
some economic gains.The Communists
in various countries would, of course,
be glad to see the Soviet system intro-
duced everywhere,but it seems doubtful
that many would submit their econo-
mies to Russian dictates. This would
apply to Communists in Great Britain
and America and to those of practically
every other country.They have a prefer-
ence,no doubt,for the Soviet system,but
they are not eager at all to let Moscow
run their country’s affairs. I cannot say
anything about the thinking of Indian
communists. We know from experi-
ence that they are not given to thinking
through important issues and, generally,
are not well-educated. They are fond of
sloganeering, but few understand the
implications of their slogans. Many put
thought and reflection aside and get
carried away by their emotions.It is pos-
sible that a large majority of the Indian
Communists would not object to India
being absorbed into the Soviet Union,
but Communists in the rest of the world
are not so inclined,and believe that such
a situation would bring about ruin and
destruction for their countries.
Absence of Equality in Russian
Occupied Territories
We should also observe that the qual-
ity of life enjoyed by European Russians
differs significantly from that of people
living in the Soviet territories outside
Europe. I would meet all expenses if the
Communist Party were to let one mem-
ber of my Community visit the Soviet
speeches are made in the Houses of
Parliament, but when it concerns
economic progress, the experts start
pronouncing on the need for protecting
British interests.No doubt,Russia’s case
would be quite similar, though with one
important difference: in the case of Great
Britain and America it is the private firms
that compete, but in the case of Russia
it will be the entire socialist system that
would compete with the individual for-
eign trader. It will not willingly close its
factories and allow unemployment to rise
in the face of foreign competition, but it
will adopt all means to make other coun-
tries buy its products. And it will direct
the entire might of its state—which
owns factories and wields total political
power—towards achieving that end.The
economically weak neighbouring coun-
tries would be particularly vulnerable to
Soviet pressure. At that point, Russia
would use all the tactics that the big
investors employ under capitalism.Since
industry in Russia is under State con-
trol,the clout of political power will also
be wielded. At that stage, Russia would
not just be concerned with protecting its
commercial interests, it would also seek
to raise the standard of its industry, pro-
tect its labour and factories, and attract
foreign capital. Thus, the neighbouring
economies would end up opening their
the economic system of islam
All countries rely on import and export
for their economies to thrive.
User Stockphoto Mania |
Smaller, economically weak, neighbouring
countries would feel the most pressure
from Russia to import their products.
User Whitelook |
But in the case of Russia it
will be the entire socialist
system that would compete
with the individual foreign
trader. It will not willingly
close its factories and
allow unemployment to
rise in the face of foreign
competition, but it will adopt
all means to make other
countries buy its products.
52 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 53
its will.In fact,the change can already be
observed. So long as Russia was preoc-
cupied with domestic politics, Finland,
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were free
and independent. Russia boasted that it
did not get involved in the internal affairs
of other countries and that in pursuit of
liberation, it had granted independence
to all countries that so desired—namely
Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, Finland,
Poland,and Georgia.It had also handed
over Turkey a portion of Armenia that
was originally a part of Turkey. But as
soon as domestic unrest abated,Georgia
was incorporated into the Soviet Union.
On gaining further strength, it started
to dispute Finland’s border.This process
continued until the Soviet Union came
to occupy Latvia,Lithuania and Estonia.
Portions of Romania too were nibbled
off, and Finland was overpowered and
some parts of it were incorporated into
the Soviet Union, leaving the rest of the
country independent. Poland is being
quietly appropriated now.Russia has pro-
claimed publicly that a government that
does not support its policies would not
be tolerated at its borders. Only govern-
ments that are prepared to remain loyal
and subservient to Moscow can remain
in power in these countries. Under the
cloak of security, there has been Russian
interference in the affairs of Poland,
Czechoslovakia and Romania. Schemes
have been set afoot to grab the oil fields
in Persia.Turkey is being called upon to
hand back portions of Armenia ceded to
it earlier and Moscow has openly sought
control of the Dardanelles.
Did the old imperial governments
do anything different in their days of
glory? Did they not, in fact, proceed
more gently and tactfully? Were they
not less blunt and less brutal? To be sure,
Great Britain too has had an interest in
the Dardanelles for a long time, but it
never applied the degree of pressure on
Turkey as Russia has done in just a few
years. With this evidence, it is not wise
to believe that Russia would not force
its neighbouring countries into eco-
nomic subjugation in the same way as
Union and show him that the poor in
Bukhara have everything that the poor
in Moscow have, in terms of housing,
clothing, food, education and medical
care. I am sure an inspection of life in
the two towns would show that there
is an appalling difference in the degree
of well-being enjoyed by their inhabit-
ants.The same observation applies to the
other Russian territories in Asia. Only
recently, an official announcement was
made regarding schemes to ameliorate
conditions in these territories, and that
a special programme would be devised
for future progress there.This statement
should help to dispel the delusion that
Soviet Russia treats its Asian citizens as
well as its European citizens. Had this
been so, the European and Asian terri-
tories of the Soviet Union would have
reached a similar economic status.Some
people believe that because Communism
is based on the principle of equality, the
system would not betray itself by usurp-
ing the rights of the weak.This idea is no
more than a delusion. The Russian reti-
cence till now in economic competition
and in the scramble for foreign territories
has not been due to any ethical sense of
right or wrong,but simply from its inabil-
ity to assert its power.These policies will
undergo a radical transformation as soon
as it becomes strong enough to impose
the economic system of islam
Most countries, even those with
Communist supporters, would not
want to join the Soviet Union and let
Moscow run their countries’ affairs.
User Triff |
This statement should help
to dispel the delusion that
Soviet Russia treats its
Asian citizens as well as its
European citizens. Had this
been so, the European and
Asian territories of the Soviet
Union would have reached
a similar economic status.
Soviet territories outside of Europe
faced a much lower quality of life
than those in Soviet Russia.
Ema Woo |
54 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 55
say,‘might is right.’ Given this record of
Russian approach in international poli-
tics,how can we hope that Russia would
take a more egalitarian and just approach
in the economic sphere? For those who
think that political decisions are different
[from economic decisions] the question
can be posed differently: if Russia really
loves equity why does it seek to occupy
Iran’s oil fields? Is this fair to Iran, con-
sidering that the country itself needs oil
to support its poor and hungry people?
If the interests and welfare of the weak
have any value in Russia’s eyes, as the
Communists claim, then Russia should
have,for example,lent money to Iran free
of interest so that Iran could develop its
oil resources. It should be obvious, then,
that the objective of Russia is to deprive
Iran of the benefit of its oil fields to pro-
mote its own interests.Some people argue
that the British too have taken posses-
sion of Iran’s oil fields.This is not a good
argument, because the wrong done by
one does not justify the same for some-
one else. If Britain is to be condemned
for its actions, one should also condemn
Russia.Russian actions demonstrate that
its policies are in reality no different from
the policies followed by other imperial
powers. If Russia subscribes to the prin-
ciple of equality, it should hand over the
oilfields of Baku to Iran on the ground
that Iran must have the same rights as
Russia. But Russia has no interest in
such ‘equality’. Russia is still at an early
stage of industrialisation. When it has
advanced, we can expect to see that it
would promote its industrial interests in
other countries in a manner that has not
been witnessed before.The reason is that
Communism has only crushed individual
capitalism, but it has nurtured and pro-
moted collective capitalism, which is a
very dangerous development. America
passed antitrust laws precisely to curb
this kind of development.
the European traders did with the help
of their governments.Events have proved
that as soon as Russia gained power, its
claims of political equality and freedom
went by the board. There is now no basis
for accepting Russia’s claim that it has no
interest in other countries. Upon enter-
ing the world of politics, Communism
changed its ideology and disregarded
its own principles in favour of advanc-
ing its own interests. Georgia, Bokhara,
Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
have all been occupied and brought
under its political authority. Schemes
are being prepared to gain influence in
Iran and Turkey,and for the break-up of
China.Can the occupation and subjuga-
tion of these countries be called equality
and freedom of conscience? Why would
Finland permit that a part of its territory
be absorbed into Russia? Why was the
freedom of Latvia,Lithuania and Estonia
trampled underfoot? Why was it neces-
sary that these countries should sacrifice
their own independence to safeguard
White Russia? Was it incumbent upon
Georgia and Bokhara to get incorporated
into the Russian empire? If this was for
the cause of liberty and freedom, why
did the opposite not take place? Why
was not a part of Russia handed over to
Finland,and other parts given to Poland,
Romania,Turkey and Iran to strengthen
their defences? Surely, from the view-
point of security, these smaller countries
merited additional territory more than
Russia did. The fact is that Russia
remained non-aggressive only as long as
it lacked the power. Once it gained the
power, Russia did not hesitate to devour
the smaller states on grounds that it
needed to strengthen its borders. If this
were a valid reason, it could also be used
by America to justify retaining control
over the Japanese Islands. The reality is
that those with power can always present
excuses to justify their actions; as they
the economic system of islam
Past events have proved that whenever
Russia gained power, its claims of
equality and freedom weakened.
User daseugen |
Russia’s desire to occupy Iran’s oil
fields went against the principles of
Communism, by which, they should have
helped Iran develop its oil for itself.
Anton Watman |
56 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 57
Note about references
Verse references to the Holy Qur’an
count ‘Bismillah…’ (In the Name
of Allah…) as the first verse of each
Chapter. In some non-standard texts,
this is not counted. Should the reader
refer to such texts, the verse quoted in
The Review of Religions will be found a
verse earlier, i.e. at one verse less than
the number quoted in this journal.
For the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘sa
or ‘(saw)
’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’,
or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used
normally in small letters. They stand
for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning
‘peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him’. Likewise, the letters ‘as
’ or ‘(as)
after the name of all other prophets
is an abbreviation meaning ‘peace
be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis
salatu wassalam’ which are words
that a Muslim utters out of respect
whenever he or she comes across
that name. The abbreviation ‘ra
’ or ‘(ra)
stands for ‘Raziallahu Ta’ala anhu and
is used for Companions of a Prophet,
meaning Allah be pleased with him
or her (when followed by the relevant
Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘rh
’ or ‘(rh)
’ for
Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy
of Allah the Exalted be upon him.
In keeping with current universal
practice, local transliterations
of names of places are preferred
to their anglicised versions, e.g.
Makkah instead of Mecca, etc.
Monday, 7th
June -
Wednesday, 6th
Exact dates may vary by area
Faith: Islam
Event: Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth
month of the Islamic
calendar and one of the
holiest for Muslims.
During this month,
the Holy Prophet
the first revelations of
the Holy Qur’an. During
this month Muslims
who are in good health
are required to fast from
morning dawn to sunset,
abstaining from both food
and water.They also focus
particularly on reciting and
contemplating on the Holy
Qur’an during this month.
Monday, 11th
June –
Wednesday, 13th
Faith: Judaism
Event: Shavuot
Shavuot, also known as
the Festival of Weeks,
marks the end of a seven-
week celebration which
starts from Passover
and ends with Shavuot.
Shavuot is known for its
historical and agricultural
significance in Judaism, as
it celebrates both the time
when Mosesas
received the
Torah on Mount Sinai
and also the time when,
traditionally, barley and
wheat were harvested
in the land of Israel.
Tuesday, 21st
Faith: Paganism
Event: Summer Solstice
or Midsummer
The word “solstice,”
meaning “sun stand still,”is
a celebration for the longest
day of the year when the
distance between the sun
and the equator is the
farthest. Pagans celebrate
the cycle of the waxing and
waning of the seasons.
Calendar of
Events &
june 2016
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Should Islam Really Be Feared…?

  • 1. Should Islam Really be Feared...? 10 Qur’anic History & the Role of Islamic Calligraphy 26 On Fasting 46 The Economic System of Islam 50 vol. 111 - issue sixjune 2016 Should Islam Really Be Feared...?
  • 2. Surely, success does come to the believers, Who are humble in their Prayers, And who shun all that which is vain, And who are active in paying the Zakat, And who guard their chastity— ISLAM, THE HOLY QUR’AN, CH.23:V.2-6. Harithah ibn Wahab al-Khuzai narrated that the Messenger of Allahsa said: “Should I not inform you about the people of Paradise: They are every humble and weak person, who if he were to make an Oath by Allah, He would fulfil it. Should I not inform you about the people of the Fire: They are every prideful, swaggering ill-speaking person.” ISLAM, THE HOLY PROPHETSA , HADITH OF BUKHARI. Prayer and Unity—for Prayer is the name of the proclamation of Unity in practice—are without blessing and vain when they are empty of humility and nothingness and are not pursued with a single-minded heart! ISLAM, THE PROMISED MESSIAHAS , THE ESSENCE OF ISLAM, VOL. 1, P. 172. Be of an exceedingly humble spirit, for the end of man is the worm. JUDAISM, MISHNAH, ABOT 4:4. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. CHRISTIANITY, THE BIBLE, MATTHEW 5:5. The Lamenter [who is seeking a vision] cries, for he is humbling himself, remembering his nothingness in the presence of the Great Spirit. OGLALA SIOUX TRADITION, BLACK ELK OF THE SIOUX. Within the world the palace pillar is broad, but the human heart should be modest. SHINTOISM, MORITAKE ARAKIDA, ONE HUNDRED POEMS ABOUT THE WORLD. Subdue pride by modesty, overcome hypocrisy by simplicity, and dissolve greed by contentment. JAINISM, SAMANASUTTAM 136. Without merit am I; all merit is Thine.Thine, Lord, are all merits—by what tongue have I power to praise Thee? SIKHISM, ADI GRANTH, WADHANS, M.5. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa prophesied that the Promised Messiahas would be raised near a white minaret, east of Damascus. This prophecy was fulfilled with the advent of the Promised Messiahas from Qadian, India, a city directly east of Damascus. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ©makhzan-e-tasaweer founder of the review of religions Humility world faiths Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , the Promised Messiah and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India. From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa . He was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve. Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their source but with the passage of time had drifted away from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone. His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah – a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life. His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It was through this that he would bring mankind together and establish everlasting peace. In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a community that has since grown in its stature and strength and has remained active in conveying the message of Islam to the ends of the earth. Hazrat Ahmadas had established himself as a respected writer and had written over 80 books. His writings have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference of Great Religions in 1896. He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence of Jesus’sas journey to India. In 1902, the Promised Messiahas initiated The Review of Religions which has covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest running English magazine in defence of Islam and the values it teaches. From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing has continued and will continue through his Khulafa (successors). Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of Prophet Ahmadas has really reached the ends of the earth.
  • 3. 8 Sayings of the Holy Prophetsa Hadith on Fasting 10 Should Islam Really Be Feared…? Keynote address at a special reception in Copenhagen, Denmark. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community 26 Qur’anic History and the Role of Islamic Calligraphy Calligraphy holds, perhaps, pride of place as the foremost and most characteristic of the modes of visual expression in Islam. Read the first part in a two-part article on the fascinating art and history behind Islamic calligraphy. RAZWAN BAIG, LONDON, UK 46 Spiritual Benefits of Fasting Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi 50 The Economic System of Islam In this eleventh part of the series, Russia’s need for international trade in order to sustain its economy is discussed. HAZRAT MIRZA BASHIR-UD-DIN MAHMUD AHMADRA , THE SECOND CALIPH OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY 58 Calendar of Religious Events Front cover pictures: © Prazis | Erratum: On page 49 of our April 2016 edition a map highlights the countries in which alcohol is prohibited due to the practice of Islamic law. India has been mistakenly highlighted and should not have been. contents june 2016 Vol.111 issue six 50 10 26
  • 4. CHIEF EDITOR & MANAGER Syed Amer Safir ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik RELIGION & SCIENCE Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan ISLAM & CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Editor: Shahzad Ahmad LAW & HUMAN RIGHTS Editor: Qudsi Rasheed Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik ANCIENT RELIGIONS & ARCHAEOLOGY Editor: Fazal Ahmad Deputy: Rizwan Safir CHRISTIANITY Editor: Navida Sayed Deputy: Arif Khan Women’s Section Editor: Aliya Latif Deputy: Meliha Hayat BOOK REVIEWS Editor: Sarah Waseem WEB TEAM Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf Special Collections Head: Razwan Baig EDITORIAL BOARD Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth, Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed SUB-EDITORS Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik, Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman PROOFREADERS Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel HOUSE STYLE GUIDE Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah SOCIAL MEDIA Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad PRINT DESIGN AND LAYOUT Ahsan Khan INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION & DISTRIBUTION Muhammad Hanif ACCOUNTS & MARKETING Musa Sattar ART & CREATIVITY Zubair Hayat, Mussawir Din INDEXING,TAGGING & ARCHIVING Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed (Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad MANAGEMENT BOARD Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad, Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond our imagination. In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Fifth Khalifah of the Promised Messiah and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace. Read online at: Purchase the book here:
  • 5. Hadith on Fasting Abu Hurairara related that the Holy Prophetsa said,“Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah,then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith,and hoping for a reward from Allah,then all his previous sins will be forgiven.1 Narrated by Ibn Abbasra :The Prophetsa was the most generous amongst the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadan when Gabriel visited him, and Gabriel used to meet him on every night of Ramadan till the end of the month. The Prophetsa used to recite the Holy Qur’an to Gabriel, and when Gabriel met him, he used to be more generous than a fast wind (which causes rain and welfare). 2 endnotes 1. Sahih Bukhari, Kitaab-as-Saum, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 126. 2. Sahih Bukhari, Kitaab-as-Saum, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 127. Sayings of The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa june 2016 | The Review of Religions 9
  • 6. Should Islam Really Be Feared...? Throughout Europe, people fear Islam and what it has to offer. But is that fear well-founded?
  • 7. A fter reciting Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Bismillah, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Khalifatul Masih Vaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community said: “All distinguished guests, Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatohu - peace and blessings of Allah be upon you all. First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all of our guests who have kindly accepted our invitation to today’s reception. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a sect within Islam whose purpose and objectives are extremely clear; we seek to bring mankind towards its Creator - God Almighty.We seek to draw the attention of all people towards their responsibili- ties to their fellow man and the need to treat one another with love, compassion and respect. And we desire and seek to establish true and long-lasting peace in the world.We,Ahmadi Muslims,believe the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to be the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi as foretold by the Holy Qur’an and the Prophet of Islamsa . Both the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsa prophesied certain signs that would testify to the truth of the Promised Messiahas and we believe that they have Should Islam Really Be Feared...? We seek to draw the attention of all people towards their responsibilities to their fellow man and the need to treat one another with love, compassion and respect. And we desire and seek to establish true and long- lasting peace in the world. Keynote Address at a Special Recep tion in Copenhagen, Denmark. *Some of the photos used in this article have been added to this address by The Review of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.* His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba spoke to the audience at a special reception in Copenhagen, Denmark. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Khalifatul Masih Vaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community The Review of Religions is pleased to present an address given by His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, on 9th May 2016, in Copenhagen, Denmark. Attended by politicians, academics, and community leaders, His Holiness spoke of the impending dangers of a Third World War, the refugee crisis, and the obligations of Muslims to those around them. june 2016 | The Review of Religions 13
  • 8. peace and inculcated within his followers human sympathy and compassion. Indeed, the Promised Messiahas once said: “To love mankind and to show compas- sion to others is an immense form of worship of God Almighty and an out- standing means of attaining His pleasure and rewards.” Therefore,according to our beliefs,Islam teaches that until a Muslim fulfills the rights of mankind he or she cannot fulfil the rights owed to God Almighty.Indeed on certain occasions the rights owed to one’s fellow human beings supersede and take priority even above and beyond the rights owed to Allah the Almighty. In short,Islam stipulates that only when a person fulfills the rights of other people, irrespective of who they are or what they believe,can he or she be classed as a true Muslim. Following his demise in 1908, the Promised Messiahas was succeeded by the institution of Khilafat (Caliphate), whose purpose was,and continues to be, to advance the Promised Messiah’sas mis- sion of propagating Islam’s true teachings to all parts of the world.I shall now pre- sent some of Islam’s true teachings and seek to clarify some common misconcep- tions about the religion. Islam counsels mankind to discard all forms of hatred, enmity and malice and instead to unite under a banner of love and mutual respect. It advocates the establishment of peace and justice at all levels of society and between all people. Thus, in chapter 5, verse 9 of the Holy Qur’an, Allah the Almighty has said: “O ye who believe! Be steadfast in the cause of equity; and let not a people’s enmity incite you to act otherwise than with justice.Be always just,that is nearer all been fulfilled in support of the claim of the Founder of our Community.Some of the signs related to the development of the world at the time of the Messiah and Mahdi. For example, it was foretold that he would be sent when modern technology and the means of communi- cation had developed to such an extent that people in different parts of the world would be brought together and at a time when the press and media had been established. Furthermore,the Holy Prophetsa proph- esied of a great heavenly sign that would accompany the advent of the Promised Messiahas and that was the eclipse of the sun and moon during certain prescribed days in the month of Ramadan.And fol- lowing the claim of the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community this heavenly sign was gloriously fulfilled to the letter in the Eastern hemisphere in 1894 and in the Western hemisphere in 1895. Thus,having observed how the signs and prophecies of the Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsa were unequivocally fulfilled in his favour, we Ahmadi Muslims believe our Founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas of Qadian, to be the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi. We believe that he came as a beacon of truth to con- vey the true and resplendent teachings of Islam to the entire world. He implored the people of the world to live together in His Holinessaba addresses the audience at the special reception, which was attended by academics, dignitaries, and other members of the community. Furthermore, the Holy Prophetsa prophesied of a great heavenly sign that would accompany the advent of the Promised Messiahas and that was the eclipse of the sun and moon during certain prescribed days in the month of Ramadan. should islam really be feared...? Only recently has modern technology allowed the world to communicate with ease. This was a sign of the Messiahas of the latter days prophesied by Prophet Muhammadsa . Sergey Nivens | 14 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 15
  • 9. Another charge that is often levelled at Islam is that it was spread violently by the sword. This allegation is com- pletely unfounded and indeed nothing could be further from the truth. All of the wars fought during the life of the Holy Prophetsa and the four rightly guided Caliphs who succeeded him, were entirely defensive in nature, where war had been forced upon them. And even where war had been forced upon the Muslims, they still sought to protect and respect the revered places of other religions and their respected figures. Yet sadly in today’s world,we see that the blessed character of the Holy Prophetsa has been grievously assassinated. Even here in Denmark, some years ago, there were cartoons printed that sought to ridicule the Foundersa of Islam and to portray him, God forbid, as an imperi- alistic leader and belligerent warmonger. This unjust portrayal of the Holy Prophetsa defies history and defies the truth. The reality was that the Holy Prophetsa was forever enslaved by his determina- tion to establish peace and the rights of humanity. Indeed, when Allah the Almighty first gave the Holy Prophetsa permission to wage a defensive war against the Makkans,it was given in order to defend the institution of religion, rather than merely to defend Islam. That is why in chapter 22, verses 40-41, of the Holy Qur’an, Allah proclaimed that if the aggressors were not stopped then they would not limit themselves to attacking the innocent Muslims but their ultimate aim was to destroy all forms of religion. Allah very clearly states that if the Makkans were not forcefully repelled then no church, synagogue, temple, to righteousness. And fear Allah. Surely Allah is aware of what you do.” In this verse, Allah has commanded Muslims to treat all people, including even their enemies and opponents, with fairness and justice.Thus,Islam does not permit cruelty or wrongdoing under any circumstances.Without doubt,the Holy Prophetsa of Islam established the very highest standards of religious freedom and tolerance in the world. A prime example of this was the way in which the Holy Prophetsa treated and respected the Jewish community and other non-Muslims after his migration to Madinah following years of persecu- tion in his hometown of Makkah. Most of the local people of Madinah accepted Islam and so they welcomed the Holy Prophetsa and accepted him, not only as their religious leader,but they also elected him as the leader of the State. Nonetheless, there remained a signifi- cant Jewish community in Madinah and also of other non-Muslims. Thus, upon being chosen as the leader of the State, the Holy Prophetsa established a covenant of peace with the Jews and the other groups, based upon the principles of universal religious freedom and tol- erance. According to the covenant, the religious freedoms of the Jews and the other non-Muslim communities were protected and guaranteed by the Holy Prophet of Islamsa . History proves that the Holy Prophetsa never violated the terms of this treaty and that under his rule the religious rights and freedoms of the non-Muslims were always upheld. This is a clear refutation to those who allege that Islam permits anti-Semitism or any form of religious discrimination. Another example of the magnificent moral character of the Holy Prophetsa was displayed when he was vis- ited by a delegation of Christians from the city of Najran. Upon learning that they wished to pray, he offered them his own mosque to worship, according to their Christian customs and beliefs. Thus, upon being chosen as the leader of the State, the Holy Prophetsa established a covenant of peace with the Jews and the other groups, based upon the principles of universal religious freedom and tolerance. Various dignitaries attended the reception. Top row, from left to right: Mr. Jan Erik Messman, MP; Ms. Ulla Sandbaek, MP; Mr. Holger Schou Rasmussen, Mayor of Lolland. Bottom row: Mr. Bertel Haarder, Minister for Cultural Affairs and Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs; Ms. Josephine Fock, MP; National President of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Denmark, Mr. Zakaria Khan. should islam really be feared...? 16 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 17
  • 10. Holy Prophetsa further taught that no person could be compelled to convert to Islam. Despite these noble teachings, it is a source of huge regret that in the wars being fought today, we regularly see incidents of indiscriminate firing or bombardment in which innocent and defenceless civilians – women, children and the elderly – are being mercilessly killed.The Muslims involved in such bar- baric behaviour serve only to defame the name of their religion and are to be con- demned in the strongest possible terms. Nonetheless, such ignorance and evil amongst the Muslims was bound to occur because the Holy Prophetsa fore- told of this very state of affairs wherein the Muslims would completely forget the teachings of their religion. It was to be at such a time that Allah would send the Promised Messiahas to revive Islam and to establish a righteous community who acted upon its true teachings. Further, it cannot be said that the non- Muslim world remains entirely innocent or blameless. Certainly, there are also some non-Muslim powers, who in spite of claiming to be fighting for the sake of peace, have also been guilty of killing or maiming innocent civilians in different parts of the world through indiscrimi- nate warfare. Anyway, the truth is that the Muslim governments of today are not governing according to the true Islamic principles,which are of honesty,integrity and justice for all. Wherever and whenever Islam’s true teachings have actually been practiced their beauty and beneficence have been appreciated by all. For instance, during the era of Hazrat Umarra ,the second suc- cessor to the Holy Prophetsa ,Islam spread to Syria and a Muslim government was formed.As part of its governance,a civic tax was collected from the Christian citi- zens of the nation, but later the Muslim government returned the tax because the Roman Empire had seized control and the Muslim rulers were no longer able to protect the members of the public or fulfil their rights. The Muslim leaders had no option but to leave and this caused a great deal of dis- tress to the non-Muslims who had lived under their rule.They became extremely emotional and pleaded for the Muslims to return and prayed fervently for this. Without any hesitation they proclaimed their desire for the Muslims to rule them again and to protect them from the mosque or the place of worship of any religion would remain safe. These verses make it categorically clear that when the Muslims were permit- ted to engage in a defensive war, it was granted in order to defend all religions and all beliefs, rather than for the sake of conquering lands or to spread cruelty. Given this,it is a means of extreme grief for a true Muslim to hear the opponents of Islam claim that the Holy Prophetsa was motivated by a thirst for power and a lust for empire building. The Holy Prophetsa neither sought power and nor did he engage in any war in order to forcefully spread Islam or to compel others to become Muslim. His only motivation was to establish peace and universal religious freedom.Therefore,it is the duty of a true Muslim to forever protect and value all religions,whether it be Christianity,Judaism or any other.The Holy Prophetsa taught that during war- fare only those people who were directly engaged in the war could be fought. He gave strict instructions that no inno- cent person was ever to be attacked. No woman, child or elderly person was ever to be targeted. He taught that no reli- gious leader or priest could be attacked and nor could any place of worship.The The Holy Prophetsa neither sought power and nor did he engage in any war in order to forcefully spread Islam or to compel others to become Muslim. His only motivation was to establish peace and universal religious freedom. Therefore, it is the duty of a true Muslim to forever protect and value all religions, whether it be Christianity, Judaism or any other. should islam really be feared...? Through the example of Prophet Muhammadsa and the teachings in the Holy Qur’an, all Muslims are taught to guard the values of all religions and religious places of worship—not just mosques. Atthapol Saita | 18 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 19
  • 11. Even though what Hazrat Abu Bakrra had said was in accordance with Islamic belief,the Holy Prophetsa instructed that a Muslim should not make such a claim in front of a Jewish person as it could cause them pain or offence. This teach- ing of the Holy Prophetsa was extremely profound and the basis for establishing peace between the people of different faiths and beliefs. However today, we see that in the name of freedom of expression, prophets and saintly figures are routinely mocked and ridiculed,even though there are millions of people who follow their teachings and who cannot bear to see them derided in this manner. If we truly desire peace in the world,we need to think of the conse- quences of our words and deeds.We need to be respectful of the beliefs and values of others.This is the way to break down barriers and to knock down the walls of enmity and resentment that have been erected in so many parts of the world. Certainly establishing peace is the most critical and urgent need of the time.This should be our foremost ambition and objective.No one can deny that the hate- ful and wicked acts of certain Muslims have significantly contributed to many of the conflicts that are witnessed today. However, it should be absolutely clear that the reason they are involved in such cruelties is because they have moved far away from the true teachings of Islam. Furthermore,there are certain non-Mus- lim worldly powers that are also fanning the flames of conflict through their unjust acts and policies.Anyway,if one reads the Holy Qur’an and assesses the life of the Holy Prophetsa through a lens of justice, rather than through a lens of prejudice, they will soon realise that Islam is a reli- gion of peace. They will realise that the Holy Prophetsa desired peace with every fibre of his being. They will realise that the Qur’an’s teachings are of love for all of humanity. injustices of the Roman Empire. Later, when the Muslims were able to return, the first to celebrate were the non-Muslims,who knew that their rights would be upheld once again. Certainly, the early Muslims were entirely just and fair in all matters. For example, once a case was submitted before Hazrat Umarra , the second Caliph of Islam,in which one party was a Muslim and the other was a Jew. After listening to their respective cases, Hazrat Umarra found in favour of the Jewish person and against the Muslim. Islam also teaches that it is extremely important to care for the feelings and sentiments of others.Once during a con- versation with a Jewish person, Hazrat Abu Bakrra , who was the closest con- fidant of the Holy Prophetsa , said that the status of the Prophet of Islamsa was greater than the status of the Prophet Mosesas . Upon hearing this,the Jewish man com- plained to the Holy Prophetsa . Hearing this,the Holy Prophetsa rebuked Hazrat Abu Bakrra and said he ought to have respected the feelings of the Jewish man. However today, we see that in the name of freedom of expression, prophets and saintly figures are routinely mocked and ridiculed, even though there are millions of people who follow their teachings and who cannot bear to see them derided in this manner. If we truly desire peace in the world, we need to think of the consequences of our words and deeds. The recent Arab Spring has highlighted the injustice and inequality in the Muslim world, where Qur’anic values have not been upheld. ValeStock | Some people take freedom of speech to the extreme, trying to hurt religious sensibilities. At the same time, Islam is actively against any violence being done to those who do offend religious sensibilities. MyImages-Micha | should islam really be feared...? 20 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 21
  • 12. that the horrific acts of such so-called Muslims do not represent the teachings of the religion itself but rather they have their own vested interests. In light of what I have said, I would also urge and request the Western leaders and politi- cians to understand their responsibilities and instead of keeping good relations with the Muslim leaders for their own political or financial gains, they must utilise whatever influence they have to impartially guide and help the Muslim governments towards creating peace. Otherwise they would be equally held responsible for ruining world peace. These days there is increasing fear and trepidation amongst the people of Europe due to the fact that so many refugees have entered this Continent over the past year. It should be kept in mind that the vast majority of the refugees have sought shelter in the West because of the des- perate cruelties and devastation they have faced in their own countries. However, the truth is that no single country, and in fact no continent, has the capability to absorb the millions of people who are fleeing their war-torn countries.Thus the only solution is to formulate a genuine framework for peace in their countries of origin and to try and bring an end to the cruelty in their homelands. Consequently, I once again ask all of the guests, and in particular the poli- ticians and influential figures present, that they should not waste any oppor- tunity in working for world peace because the alternative does not bear contemplating. As I have already said, a Third World War is swiftly approach- ing and if it is not stopped in its tracks its catastrophic effects will surely last for generations, because a world war today is more than likely to include the use of nuclear weapons. The effects of such a war are unimaginable and impossible to comprehend. May Allah grant sense and wisdom to the people of the world. May He, through His infinite grace and mercy, protect all of us and enable mankind to live together in peace and harmony and to fulfil each other’s rights at all times. May we soon emerge from the bitter conflicts of today to a better and brighter future in which all nations and all groups are able to live side by side and in which a spirit of love, compassion and humanity prevails. With these words I would like to once again thank you all for joining us today. Thank you very much.” Today, we are living at a time of increas- ing instability and uncertainty and so every person, in every part of the world, needs to take individual responsibility towards establishing peace. Conflicts continue to ignite and burn throughout the world and so let us not be in any doubt that the shadow of a fateful war looms before us. Alliances and blocs are rapidly forming before our eyes and so it is my grave fear that we are charging madly towards a calamitous Third World War without pause for thought. In fact, it would not be inaccurate to say that the roots of such a war have already taken hold. If we wish to save ourselves, and more importantly, if we wish to protect our children and future genera- tions from the torment of war and its destructive consequences, then we must fulfil the rights of our Creator and the rights of one another. We must care for and respect each other, regardless of any differences of caste, creed or colour. And we must value and respect the religious and national sentiments of one another. There is no doubt that the Muslim Governments of today have failed their people and have unjustly seized their rights and consequently extremist and terrorist groups have taken advantage and gained in strength. Those groups are now wreaking havoc and destruction, not only in the Muslim world, but have also spread their net- works of terror to the West. Thus, a fear of Islam and Muslims, has taken root and continues to increase. Once again, I wish to make it clear The problem of terrorism has now moved to Europe, with attacks in Paris and Brussels showing it to be a global problem. User CRM | Conflicts continue to ignite and burn throughout the world and so let us not be in any doubt that the shadow of a fateful war looms before us. should islam really be feared...? 22 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 23
  • 13. Bitcoin: On Behalf of The Future 14 Educating Our Children 24 The Difference Between True Islam & Extremist Groups 30 FGM’ – Not in The Name of Religion 50 VOL. 110 - ISSUE 1JANUARY 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ERADICATING EXTREMISM Why The Honeybee is Dying and What It Means for Life on Earth 16 Wonders Experienced Through Fasting 26 The Islamic Dilemma Should We Fear the Religion of Peace? 30 Atheism or Belief - Which is evidence Based? 42 VOL. 110 - ISSUE SEVENJULY 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG The ISLAMIC DILEMMA ShouldWeFearthe ReligionofPeace? God - His Transcedence and Manifestation 12 Untold Stories 26 From the Archives: My Visit to Qadian 38 Preaching Activities of Jesusas in the East 46 VOL. 110 - ISSUE TWOFEBRUARY 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG EYES CANNOT REACH HIM... The Sign of the Heavens 20 The Plague 58 A Murder in British Lahore: Closing the Case of Lekh Ram 80 World War One: Centenary of Fulfliment of a Grand Prophecy 102 VOL. 110 - ISSUE EIGHTAUGUST 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG EVIDENCE FORTHE TRUTHYoubetheJudge... S P E C I A L 1 6 4 P A G E E D I T I O N A Message of Peace 10 Legal Right Verses Moral Duty 38 Is it Permissable for Prisoners of War to be Executed? 56 The Life of the Prophet Muhammadsa 68 VOL. 110 - ISSUE THREEMARCH 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG REACTIONto CHARLIE HEBDO...? SERMON onthe MOUNT The Economic System of Islam 10 The Institution of Hajj 20 Mahmud’s Letter From the Land of the Dearest One [Muhammadsa ] 24 The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssa 52 VOL. 110 - ISSUE NINESEPTEMBER 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG Fromthe LETTERSof MAHMUDRA A HISTORIC JOURNEY TO THE HOUSE OF GOD Firm Stance Against Terror At Peace Symposium 8 The Golden Principles for World Peace 16 Three Minutes and Counting 38 Has Science Rendered Religion Obsolete? 66 VOL. 110 - ISSUE FOURAPRIL 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG RAY OF HOPE? SERMON onthe MOUNT Halloween – Fear or Fun? 10 Shariah: A Semantic Oxymoron? 28 Connecting to Khilafat: A Guidance for Today’s Muslim Youth 36 Islam’s Response to the Destruction of Cultural Heritage 56 VOL. 110 - ISSUE TENOCTOBER 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG A Guidance forToday’s MuslimYouth Connecting to Khilafat: Is the Shroud of Turin a Medieval Photograph? 22 The Sudarium of Oviedo and the Shroud of Turin 40 A Brief Review of Recent CNN Documentary on the Shroud 56 The Oviedo Cloth by Mark Guscin: Book Review 66 VOL. 110 - ISSUE FIVEMAY 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG TheRESURRECTION ShroudingTheTruth? Mufti Muhammad Sadiqra – An Early Ray of Western Sunrise 18 World Peace & Security - The Critical Issues of Our Time 38 Responsibilities of an Ahmadi Muslim 50 The Economic System of Islam 56 VOL. 110 - ISSUE ELEVENNOVEMBER 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG WORLDPEACE &SECURITY: THE CRITICAL ISSUES OF OURTIME The Race to Conquer the Secret of Life 14 The Spiritual Benefits of Fasting 24 Navigating Life in the 21st Century 32 Visits to Sacred Places 54 VOL. 110 - ISSUE SIXJUNE 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG NAVIGATING LIFEinthe 21ST CENTURY Spirituality, Morality &Material Progress Three Gradations of Doing Good 14 Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder in the World Today? 20 Apartheid of Ahmadis in Pakistan 52 Women’s Responsibilities: Fulfilling the Conditions of Bai’at 78 VOL. 110 - ISSUE TWELVEDECEMBER 2015 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG The BLAME GAMEIs religion truly the cause of disorder in the world today? Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder in the World Today? To order back issues email The front covers of our 12 Editions in 2015 Subscribe 12 editions for just £15gbp or $30 Usd or $36 cad Students! 12 editions for just £5gbp or $10 Usd or $12 cad
  • 14. C alligraphy is a fundamental ele- ment and one of the most highly regarded forms of Islamic Art. The word calligraphy comes from the Greek words kallos, meaning beauty, and graphein, meaning writing. In the modern sense, calligraphy relates to “the art of giving form to signs in an expres- sive, harmonious and skilful manner.”1 Islamic calligraphy is one of the most sophisticated in the world and is a visual expression of the deepest reverence to the spiritual world. The Holy Qur’an mentions, with regard to the revelation of the Holy Qur’an “And we have arranged it in the best form.”2 In this verse, the phrase “in the best form,” indicates the putting together of parts to form a strong,integral,consistent whole.Therefore, the Arabic word tartil is translated as a reflective,measured and rhythmic recitation.3 The Islamic scholar Hafiz Fazle-Rabbi has elaborated that this word, when used in the context of writing, can refer to calligraphy, as a means of beautifying the writing.4 It is narrated by Hazrat Amir Muawiyara that the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa said, regarding the correct style of Qur’anic writing: “O Muawiya, keep the correct consistency of your ink under the ink- pot, make a slanting cut to your pen, write the ‘Ba’ of Bismillah prominently, also sharply write the corners of the letter ‘Seen’, do not make an incorrect eye of the letter ‘Meem’, write the word Allah with great elegance,elongate the shape of the letter ‘Noon’ of the word Rahmaan, and write Raheem beautifully, and keep the pen at the back of your right ear so you will remember that.”5 Qur’anic History and the Role of Islamic Calligraphy Razwan Baig, London, UK (Calligrapher and one of the largest private collectors of Islamic manuscripts in the U.K.) © User mrfiza | It is mentioned in Kanzul- Ummaal, (Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds) as narrated by Saeed ibn-e- Sakina, that Hazrat Alira saw a person writing Bismillah and then said,“you have to write it in a beautiful manner, because if you do this, then Allah will bless and forgive you.” The Review of Religions is pleased to present the first part in a two-part article on the fascinating art and history behind Islamic calligraphy. ً‫يل‬ِ‫ت‬ْ‫ر‬َ‫ت‬ ُ‫ه‬‫ا‬َ‫ن‬ْ‫ل‬َّ‫ت‬َ‫ر‬َ‫و‬ june 2016 | The Review of Religions 27
  • 15. artistic mastery,but I found that Islamic calligraphy was there ages before I was.”9 Steve Jobs,the founder of Apple,started his creative career inspired by geometry and the art of calligraphy. In his biog- raphy it was mentioned that calligraphy workshops influenced Apple’s graceful, minimalist aesthetic. These experiences, Jobs said later,shaped his creative vision.10 Indeed, in his Stanford commencement address in June 2005, Jobs said: “If I had never dropped in on that single callig- raphy course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or pro- portionally spaced fonts.”11 Martin Lings, also known as Abu Bakr Siraj ud-Din, was an English writer and scholar who also penned a biography of the Holy Prophetsa . His teaching has guided and inspired the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation in all its work with the sacred arts of the Holy Qur’an.Lings believed that the pinnacle of Islamic art was Arabic calligraphy, which transmits the verses of the Holy Qur’an into visual form.12 Indeed,the history of Arabic calligraphy is inextricably linked with the history of Islam. There is also a close relationship historically between each Arabic script and its common usage. According to the history of written language, Arabic is only second to the Roman alphabet in terms of widespread usage today.13 Pre-Islamic Arabs relied heavily upon oral traditions for the retention of infor- mation and for communication. Later, calligraphy became an invaluable tool for communication. The Alphabet Family Tree It is very hard to trace the origins of Arabic script, but there is evidence that The act of calligraphy is intriguing in that it leaves a tangible trace of a physical act. But that written trace does not merely record an action. In some Muslim areas, calligraphy was actually considered to leave clues as to the calligrapher’s moral fibre. Indeed, the quality of the calligra- phy was believed to hold clues as to the character of the calligrapher. The tools used in calligraphy: the paper on which it was written, the writing implements, the gold leaf used in illumination—all required a diverse set of skills.6 Calligraphy holds,perhaps,pride of place as the foremost and most characteris- tic of the modes of visual expression in Islam.After years of practice,calligraphy becomes second nature to a master cal- ligrapher.However,the dots always allow for a quick assessment as to whether or not the proportions are correct. It is mentioned in Kanzul-Ummaal, (Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds) as narrated by Saeed ibn-e-Sakina, that Hazrat Alira saw a person writing Bismillah and then said, “you have to write it in a beautiful manner, because if you do this, then Allah will bless and forgive you.”7 The great Egyptian writer,Taha Hussein, once said: “Others read in order to study, while we have to study in order to read.”8 His complaint was more than justified. The intricacies of calligraphy can take years to master. In Praise of Calligraphy Islamic calligraphy was not only acclaimed by the Muslim world, it was also considered a great artistic mode of visual expression. Pablo Picasso was so inspired by Islamic calligraphy that he said: “If I had known there was such a thing as Islamic calligra- phy,I would never have started to paint.I have strived to reach the highest levels of The great artist Pablo Picasso famously said, “If I had known there was such a thing as Islamic calligraphy, I would never have started to paint. I have strived to reach the highest levels of artistic mastery, but I found that Islamic calligraphy was there ages before I was.” Paolo Monti | Wikpedia Commons | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy Pablo Picasso was so inspired by Islamic calligraphy that he said:“If I had known there was such a thing as Islamic calligraphy, I would never have started to paint. I have strived to reach the highest levels of artistic mastery, but I found that Islamic calligraphy was there ages before I was.” 28 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 29
  • 16. demise, proves that the Arabic language and alphabet predated them. However, while there is solid evidence that the Arabic language and script are quite ancient,the accuracy of tracing the history of this rich language is very dif- ficult; especially due to the biased studies and research of many orientalists and scholars who vehemently tried to deny the existence of the Arabs as a nation due to their distinct enmity towards Islam. it was very well-known to the Arabs in Arabia although they did not widely use the script and actually depended instead on verbal and oral traditions.It is believed that the recent Arabic Script was most likely developed from the Nabataean script, which was itself derived from the Aramaic script.It should be noted that all of these Semitic languages (Phoenician, Canaanic,Aramaic,Nabataean,etc.) were not more than slang versions of Arabic which had become separate languages with the passage of time due to limited communication with central Arabia.But Arabia preserved pure Arabic, especially in remote areas.The most interesting and mysterious phenomenon was that Arabic was an incredibly rich language, in stark contrast to the primitive Arabs who used it,indicating that they themselves did not create the Arabic language. This phe- nomenon supported the theory that the language was not man-made but actu- ally a result of divine revelation. Arabia provided the perfect environment to pre- serve it because it was less influenced by external factors,unlike other parts of the world.While the Arabic language is very ancient, it was not known to be a writ- ten language until perhaps the third or fourth century C.E. Some studies claim that the written scripts of Arabic were known much earlier, around 2500 B.C., but on a smaller scale,as the Arabic lan- guage at that time was exactly the same Arabic at the advent of Islam. Bearing in mind that all of the Semitic civilisations in Levant and ancient Iraq were Arab civilisations, and had been inhibited by Arabs since time immemo- rial,it is hard to identify exactly when and where the Arabic alphabet originated. History, then, suggests that it was not Muslims who created the alphabet at the time of the advent of Islam due to the needs of the time.The very fact that the Holy Qur’an was recorded and suc- cessfully disseminated in Levant and Iraq without any language barriers pos- ing problems, at the time of the Holy Prophetsa and then the Caliphs after his The most interesting and mysterious phenomenon was that Arabic was an incredibly rich language, in stark contrast to the primitive Arabs who used it, indicating that they themselves did not create the Arabic language. History, then, suggests that it was not Muslims who created the alphabet at the time of the advent of Islam due to the needs of the time. The very fact that the Holy Qur’an was recorded and successfully disseminated in Levant and Iraq without any language barriers posing problems, at the time of the Holy Prophetsa and then the Caliphs after his demise, proves that the Arabic language and alphabet predated them. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy Comparison of letter forms in Nabatean, Arabic, Syriac, and Hebrew. | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 30 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 31
  • 17. from the Nabatean script, and yet the early Arabic scripts also seem to have been affected by other scripts in the area, such as the Syriac script. The Al-Jazm script continued to develop until the early Islamic era in Makkah and Madinah in the west of the Arabian Peninsula. In the first Islamic century,the art of cal- ligraphy was born.The first formal scripts that emerged were from the Hijaz region of the Arabian Peninsula, most possibly from the city of Madinah. Those are early “Kufic”Qur’anic scripts and with a stately verticality and regularity in them called ma’il. Other scripts, such as the Mukawwar, Mubsoott, and Mashq scripts, did not survive the progression of Islam, even though they had been used both before and during the early days of Islam.15 The Early Development of Arabic Scripts If we look into the history of the Arabian Peninsula and the origin of the Arabic language, archaeologists have found inscriptions that show a close relation- ship between Arabic scripts and some earlier scripts such as the Canaanite, Aramaic and Nabataean alphabet, that were found in the north of the Arabian Peninsula.These inscriptions were dated as far back as the 14th century B.C.E. Arabic Musnad The first Arabic script, Arabic Musnad, which probably developed from the above-mentioned languages, does not possess the cursive aesthetic that most people associate with modern Arabic scripts. Discovered in the south of the Arabian peninsula in Yemen, this script reached its final form around 500 B.C.E. and was used until the 6th century. It did not look like modern Arabic, as its shapes were very basic and resembled the Nabataean and Canaanite alphabets more than the Arabic shapes.14 During the sixth and seventh centu- ries, the revelation of Islam had a major impact on the development of Arabic cal- ligraphy. The Arabic alphabet is written from right to left like Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and other scripts from the same linguistic family. Early Calligraphic Script: Al-Jazm The first form of an Arabic-like alpha- bet is known as the Al-Jazm script, which was used by northern tribes in the Arabian Peninsula. Many research- ers think the roots of this script originate A panel showing ancient Arabic Musnad script dating back from around 700 B.C.E. around Yemen. User Jastrow | | Public domain work Funerary inscription about the pre- Islamic poet Imrul-Qays, ca. 328 C.E. Wikimedia Commons | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 An example of Al-Jazm script. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy If we look into the history of the Arabian Peninsula and the origin of the Arabic language, archaeologists have found inscriptions that show a close relationship between Arabic scripts and some earlier scripts such as the Canaanite, Aramaic and Nabataean alphabet, that were found in the north of the Arabian Peninsula.These inscriptions were dated as far back as the 14th century B.C.E. 32 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 33
  • 18. was created only seven decades after the Hijra, was inspirational. The Kufic script continued its devel- opment through different dynasties, including the Umayyad (661 – 750 C.E.) and Abbasid (750 – 1258 C.E.) dynas- ties. On this page, are some examples of Kufic scripts and their different develop- mental stages: During the third century, the whole structure of calligraphy in the Islamic domains changed dramatically. Qur’ans were copied in huge numbers with vari- ous degrees of artistic skill. The thick, straight,flat Qur’anic scripts were intro- duced. Once paper was introduced, the use of parchment and vellum died out, along with their characteristic scripts. Other Known Early Islamic Scripts Over the course of their development, different Arabic scripts were created in different periods and locations. For example, before the invention of the Kufi script the Arabs had several other scripts, the names of which were derived from their places of origin, such as Makki from Makkah, Hiri from Hira and Madani in Madinah. It has been narrated by Abu Hakima Abdi, that he used to write various books in Kufi.Once,Hazrat Alira should say after, fourth successor to the Holy Prophetsa saw him while he was writing, and said: “Try to write boldly and in a prominent manner,also try to make your pen beautiful,” so Abu Hakima cut his pen and started writing again. Hazrat Alira continued to stand beside him and then said “use the best ink with the writ- ing pen and make the writing beautiful just as Allah has revealed his beautiful message.”16 Tumari was another script, which was formulated by the direct order of Muawiya, and became the royal script of the Ummayad dynasty. Kufi Script Kufi was invented in the city of Kufa (currently in Iraq) in the second dec- ade of the Islamic reign, taking its name from its city of origin and, as mentioned earlier,was derived from an earlier script call Ma’il. As a calligraphic historian, the prob- lem remains of identifying calligraphy without dated, signed specimens.While we have the names of scripts such as Mukawwar, Mubsoott, Mashq, Jalil, Ma’il,etc.,there is no way to definitively link them to known examples. In the early stages of its development,the Kufic script did not include the dots that we know from modern Arabic scripts. If we examine Kufic script inscriptions,we notice particular characteristics such as angular shapes and long vertical lines. In addition, the script letters were wider originally,which made writing long con- tent more difficult. Still, the script was used for the architectural decoration of buildings, such as mosques, palaces and schools.17 The grand impression in the Dome of the Rock is one example of early Arabic script—this monument,with the earliest examples of Qur’anic script and which Kufic script from the 9th-10th centuries. User 50 Watts | | Released under CC BY 2.0 Kufic script from the Holy Qur’an, 11th century. Smithsonian’s Museums of Asian Art. Islamic Dirham from the Abbasid period with Kufic scripts on both sides. Hussein Alazaat | | Released under Creative Commons BY 2.0 qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 34 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 35
  • 19. Ibn Muqlah Abu ‘ali Muhammad Ibn ‘ali Ibn Muqlah Shirazi hailed from Iran and was a states- man, poet, and calligrapher living in the late 9th century. In addition, he served as the vizier,or prime minister,several times under the reign of the Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad. One of his most important contribu- tions to calligraphy was recognising that a system of proportion was needed that would allow people to easily copy and replicate scripts,while also making them easier to read and more elegant.His first script, therefore, obeyed strict propor- tional rules. In his system, the dot that we know today was used for measuring the proportions of the lines, and a circle with a diameter equal to the alif ’s height as a measuring unit for letter proportions. Ibn Muqlah’s system was incredibly important in the standardising of the cursive scripts. Moreover, his system made prominent cursive styles of writ- ing, making them acceptable—and even worthy—for use in the writing of the Holy Qur’an. Three elements together form the basis for proportion in Arabic calligraphy.The first is the height of the alif, which is a vertical,straight stroke that can comprise of between three to twelve dots.The sec- ond element pertains to the width of the alif, which is formed when the calligra- pher presses the tip of their pen to the paper.The square impression left on the paper determines the width of the alif. The final element consists of the hypo- thetical circle that could be drawn around the alif, with the alif as its diameter. All Arabic letters should fit within this circle. When the Dome of the Rock was restored by the order of the Caliph Al-Ma’mun (reigned 813-833 C.E.), a barely visible narrow belt of inscription was added in Thuluth script. This was eventually to become the most impor- tant script in calligraphy. The Baghdad Period For the historian, facts were better doc- umented at the beginning of the 10th century C.E.Baghdad became the great- est city in terms of art, knowledge and sciences related to Islamic calligraphy.In the over 500-year-history of the Abbasid Caliphate, this city saw the emergence of the art of calligraphy as a fine art and the rise of the great founding teachers, admirers and their followers. Ma’mun’s vizier Umar ibn Musida stated, in praise of Arabic calligraphy: “The scripts are like a garden of the sciences. They are a picture whose spirit is eluci- dation. The body is swiftness. The feet are regularity. Its limbs are skill in the details of knowledge. Its composition is like the composition of musical notes and melodies.”18 Pioneers of Islamic Calligraphy and Writing Writing was very important during the early years of the evolution of Islam. Some of the captives of the Battle of Badr could not afford to pay ransom to be freed but they could read and write. The Prophetsa told them that they would be freed if they each taught ten Muslim children to read and write. This was beneficial for both the captives and the Muslims.As a result,the captives taught the Companions to read and write in a very short time. By virtue of this ini- tiative, the number of those who were literate in Madinah increased tremen- dously.19 Among them was Zayd bin Thabitra ,who became one of the primary scribes to write down revelations to the Holy Prophetsa and worked on compil- ing the pages of the Qur’an. Although only a child at the time, the Messengersa of Allah appointed him to write down revealed verses, which allowed him to later fulfil the duty of the compilation of the Qur’an, enabling the Qur’an to be formatted in the book we see today.20 Now in a very brief introduction, I will consider three major calligraphers’ work and their contribution to Islamic calligraphy. Letter proportions in Arabic calligraphy Jessica Bordeau | Smashing Magazine | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0. Proportions in Arabic calligraphy. Jessica Bordeau | Smashing Magazine | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 36 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 37
  • 20. the house of the last Abbasid caliph, al- Mustasim Billah. The caliph was so inspired by his work that he gave his surname to him so that when, in the future, people praised his work, they would also remember him. It is said that he wrote 364 written copies of the Qur’an. He transformed cal- ligraphy yet again, bringing even more elegance to Ibn al-Bawwab’s method. Moreover, his “seven students”—the most famous seven of the many that he taught—are said to have disseminated his style (and their own versions of his style) far and wide, thereby making it the new standard. Unlike with Ibn al-Bawwab, he has left a multitude of authenticated works to study. Committed to his work during the Mongol sack of Baghdad in 1258, he took refuge in the minaret of a mosque so he could finish his calligraphy practice. Several copies of his work still exist and are highly prized by collectors. Other New Scripts Around 1500 C.E, nearly two hundred years after Mustasimi, Turkish callig- raphers invented a style called Diwani which was rather difficult to read. In order to set governmental or ministerial documents apart from ordinary docu- ments, they made this script the official script of the Ottoman sultans.The other invention of Turkish calligraphers was a beautiful and decorative shape of twisted letters called Tughra, which was used to form the name of the Ottoman emperor, and was employed to authenticate the Sultan’s orders. It was used essentially as a seal or signature. After the invention of Kufi script in Kufa and the spread of it throughout the Muslim world, the western part of the Islamic world did not experience any equivalent developments on par with the eastern area. The western region in the Islamic world, including the whole of North Africa, Ibn Al-Bawwab Ibn al-Bawwab was an Arabic calligra- pher and illuminator of the 11th century, and lived in Baghdad. He came from a common lineage and was a craftsman in his youth. In time, he also became an important religious figure. It is possible that that he was the first really signifi- cant artist in Islam. A skilled painter, he also pursued his artistic talents by both writing the scripts and illuminating his own works, which was rarely done by calligraphers of the era. Not only did he refine the methods of Ibn Muqlah, he also taught many students and is believed to have produced at least 64 written and calligraphied copies of the Qur’an. In addition, Ibn al-Bawwab also was credited with the invention of both the Muhaqqaq and Rayhani scripts.Because of the consistency and beauty of the scripts, those penned by Ibn al-Bawwab were considered quite valuable and were sold for high prices even while he was alive.Working in all six styles,he is con- sidered to have improved all of them, especially the Naskh and Muhaqqaq scripts. Ibn al-Bawwab brought an elegance to Ibn Muqlah’s system and,while retaining the mathematical accuracy and precision of Ibn Muqlah, added artistic flourish and flair to the system. In this way, he was in part responsible for promulgat- ing the contemporary method, in which the script maintains internal proportion by using the dot—made by the proper pen for the script—as the unit of meas- urement. Although Ibn al-Bawwab is said to have penned a large number of secular works in addition to the copies of the Qur’an he produced, only frag- ments of his secular work remain. As far as his Qur’ans, only one—written in the Reyhan script—has survived,which is in the Chester Beatty Collection in Dublin, Ireland. Yaqut al-Mustasimi The third great calligrapher was Yaqut al- Mustasimi, from the thirteenth century, also from Baghdad, who was a slave in The Ibn al-Bawwab script at Chester Beatty Library is the earliest example of a Qur’an in a cursive script. An example of Thuluth script thought to be by Al-Mustasimi. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 38 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 39
  • 21. Kufic is one of the earliest styles to be used to record the word of God in the Qur’an. One of the early Kufic inscrip- tions can be seen inside the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. During the first three centuries of the Islamic period (7th-9th century C.E.), the Holy Qur’an was written and recorded in Kufic script. Thuluth Script The name “Thuluth”(meaning “a third”in Arabic) refers to this style because one- third of each letter slopes and because it refers to the width of the pen used to write the script. This script is called the king of callig- raphy; it was first formulated in the 7th century C.E. and fully developed in the 9th century.Thuluth is a more imposing and impressive style. Not often used for long texts or the body of a work, it most suited titles or epigrams. As it evolved over the centuries, examples of its many forms can be found on architectural monuments of all sorts. Naskh Script Naskh means “copy” in Arabic. It is one of the earliest scripts, redesigned by Ibn Muqlah in the 10th century C.E., using the comprehensive system of proportion mentioned above.It is noted for its clar- ity in reading and writing, and was used to copy the Qur’an. In contrast to the Thuluth script, Naskh script would be used to be called the Maghreb,consisting of modern Libya,Sudan,Tunisia,Algeria, Morocco and even Spain. It appears that a cultural separation occurred between Maghreb (west) and Mashregh (east) in the Islamic world. This separation is quite visible in terms of calligraphic development. So we have a beautiful Kufi script called Maghrebi Kufi and others,called Kairouani,Sudani and Fasi. Six Major Scripts 1. Kufi (Place of development) 2. Thuluth (Width of the pen) 3. Naskh (Usage for Qur’an) 4. Deewani (Writing of the Court) 5. Riqa (Daily simple use) 6. Ta’liq (Hanging style script) Kufic Script The Kufic script is derived from the Hijazi Script,whose origin may be traced to Hirian, Nabatean and Ma’il, and as mentioned above, derives its name from the city of Kufa in Iraq. Kufic is noted for its proportional meas- urements, angularity, and squareness. Ceramic bowl decorated with calligraphy. User Mocost | | Released under Creative Commons BY 2.0 Plaited Kufi script. Library of Congress, African and Middle Eastern Division. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 40 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 41
  • 22. The letters are rounded and have a lot of curves. While this makes it less legible, the script is often written with a large distance between lines to give more space for the eye to identify letters and words. Nasta’liq Script The Nasta’liq is a refined version of the Ta’liq script.Nasta’liq is the most popu- lar contemporary style among classical Persian calligraphy scripts. Indeed, it is known as “bride of the calligraphy scripts.” Shekasteh script In the 17th century a more cursive form of Nasta’liq was produced called Shekasteh. Riqa Script The word Riqa means “a small sheet,” which could be an indication of the medium on which it was originally cre- ated.The Riqa style of handwriting is the most common type of handwriting. It is known for its clipped letters composed of short,straight lines and simple curves. Riqa is a style that has evolved from Naskh and Thuluth. Other Calligraphic Styles Tughra was used by the Ottoman sultans as their signature. It was supposed to be impossible to imitate. For this rea- son, then, the tughra was often used as a stamp of authority and the royal emblem of the sultan.The genius of the tughra was that it was difficult to forge, and that meant that it could be used to authorise and legitimise anything from royal decrees to official coins of the realm. The official emblem would often include the name of both the sultan himself,and that of his father, along with the phrase “eternally victorious.” These calligraphic symbols were so dif- ficult to make that they required a special artist, employed by the court, to design and execute the tughra. An illuminator would then add colour, scroll designs and gold leaf, essentially “decorating” the tughra. From the use of the first tughra in 1324, used in longer body text. Diwani Script The name of this script derives from “Diwan,”the name of the Ottoman royal chancery. Created by Housam Roumi, this script was used in the courts to write official documents (as mentioned above) and reached the height of its popularity under Suleyman I the Magnificent in the sixteenth century. Developed during the 16th century, it reached its final shape in the 19th century Ta’liq Script Ta’liq means “hanging”and refers to the shape of the letters. It is a cursive script developed by the Persians in the early part of the 9th century. It is also known as Farsi (Persian). An example of Diwani script. Jessica Bordeau | Smashing Magazine | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 Diwani script. User cactusbones | | Released under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.0. Another example of Diwani script. Mehmet Izzet al-Karkuki | Public Domain qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 42 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 43
  • 23. endnotes 1. 2. Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Furqan, Verse 33. 3. 4. A Beginner’s Guide To Andalusi Calligraphy: 5. Allama Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam ud Deen, Kanzul-Ummaal, (Treasure of the Doers of Good Deeds), p486 and ref. no. 29566. 6. traces-calligrapher-islamic-calligraphy-practice- and-writing-word-god-calligrap. Accessed June 2016. 7. Allam Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam ud Deen, Kanzul-Ummaal, p486 and ref no. 69558. 8. schami.pdf 9. Jurgen Wasim Fremgen, The Aura of Aliph: The Art of Writing in Islam, (New York: Prestel, 2010). 10. Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011). 11. http://www.theguardian. com/technology/2011/oct/09/ steve-jobs-stanford-commencement-address 12. htm 13. Yasin Hamid Safadi, Islamic Calligraphy, Thames and Hudson, London, 1979 14. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot. calligraphy.html 15. Accessed June 2016. 16. Allama Ala wud Din Ali Bin Husam ud Deen, Kanzul-Ummaal, p.486 and ref no. 29559. 17. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot. calligraphy.html 18. criticism-in-islamic-art/ 19. http://darwinpapasin.blogspot. calligraphy.html 20. these forms became increasingly ornate and elaborate. The tughra shown above belonged to the Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1520-566). It contains three vertical shafts and a number of concentric loops in complex, graceful, flowing lines. Be sure to read the second part of this series next month in our July edition. About the Author: Razwan Baig is a scholar, collector, philanthropist and Islamic art critic and researcher. His Islamic art collection includes items as diverse as textiles and ceramics to Qur’anic manuscripts,and has been shown in several major art museums and international exhibitions. His interest in Islamic calligraphy began at age 12 and has run workshops and presented on the art of calligraphy since 1994. He completed his BA (Hons) History of Art & Archaeology of Islamic world, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He also has obtained extensive training in Arabic calligraphy in different styles from Birkbeck College, University of Sunderland as well as from some of the foremost calligraphers from Turkey, Baghdad and Pakistan. He will be exhibiting a portion of his collection this summer at The Review of Religions exhibition at the 50th annual convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community on August 12-14, 2016. As one of the largest private collectors of Islamic manuscripts in the U.K., he is also currently showing portions of his collection at the Art of Islam festival at Buckinghamshire County Museum through the end of September 2016. Signature of an Ottoman Sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent. qur’anic history and the role of islamic calligraphy 44 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 45
  • 24. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ( g u i d e d o n e ) founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas T o be moderate in eating and drinking and to bear hunger and thirst are necessary for the purification of the spirit and promote the capacity for visions. Man does not live by bread alone.To discard all thought of eternal life is to invite Divine wrath. It should be remembered that the fast does not mean merely that a person should abstain from food and drink over a cer- tain period. During the fast one should be occupied greatly with the remembrance of God. The Holy Prophetsa occupied himself greatly with worship during the month of Ramadan. During that month one should discard one’s preoccupation with eating and drinking; and cutting asunder from these needs should address oneself wholly towards God.1 endnotes 1. 1906 Jalsa Salana Speech, Al-Badr, 10th January 1907, p. 15. On Fasting
  • 25. In recent times vested interests have launched a ‘crusade’ against Islam. Islam is labelled as a religion of terror, backwardness and suppression. Based on Quranic teachings, the author of this book goes about disproving these notions and professes that Islam provides practical solutions to current issues; and argues that: (1) Swords can win territories but not hearts, forces can bend heads but not minds; (2) The role of women is not of concubines in harems nor a society imprisoned in the four wall of their houses; (3) Richer nations provide aid with strings attached and yet the flow of wealth continues to be in the direction of the rich while the poorer sink deeper in the red; (4) Religion does not need to be the predominant legislative authority in the political affairs of the state; (5) Irrespective of the thawing of the cold war, the issue of war and peace does not only hang by the thread of superpower relationship. (6) Without God there can be no peace. It also contains comprehensive discussion on interest; financial aid; international relations; and the role of Israel, America and the United Kingdom in a new world order. The message of this book is timeless and chalks a blue print for the future prospects for peace. Read online: Purchase print copy: A solitary voice, raised in Makkah, was, under Divine Command, calling people to the worship of One God and proclaiming that through responding to this call would humankind achieve true dignity, honour, prosperity and happiness both here and Hereafter. That voice was the voice of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa , the Seal of the Prophets. In this popular biography, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud- Din Mahmud Ahmadra outlines the life of the most influential man in history in an easy-to-digest manner. Read online here: Purchase book here:
  • 26. Prospect of Russia Emerging as Global Economic Shock It is now universally acknowledged that no country can survive on its own. Experience underscores the imperative for a country to establish relations with other nations. Thus, if the Soviet Union cannot maintain economic progress under autarchy, it would be impelled to search for foreign markets to dispose of its industrial surplus.This became abun- dantly evident during the war when the Soviet Union had to rely heavily on imports of essential goods from America and Great Britain. If it maintains its pace of industrialisation, the Soviet Union would have to find new markets for its products. When that day arrives, would the Russian policy not assume the same characteristics and adopt the same methods as we have seen in the his- tory of other imperial powers? To put it plainly, Russia would be compelled to make other countries, by some means or other, to buy Russian products in order to keep its labour employed and sustain its economic and industrial growth. Experience of Other Imperialist Powers We have seen that when it concerns granting India independence, rousing The Economic System of Islam If it maintains its pace of industrialisation, the Soviet Union would have to find new markets for its products. When that day arrives, would the Russian policy not assume the same characteristics and adopt the same methods as we have seen in the history of other imperial powers? by Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra We continue with the serialisation of the epic lecture delivered by the Second Worldwide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmadra , later published as a book titled The Economic System of Islam. In this eleventh part of the series, Russia’s need for international trade in order to sustain its economy is discussed. To read the first ten parts, visit our website: *The photos used in this article were not used in the original publication, but have been added to our serialisation by The Review of Religions to help illustrate the subject matter. The Review of Religions takes full responsibility for any errors in depiction.* ra Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad THEECONOMICSYSTEMofISLAMMirzaBashir-ud-DinMahmudAhmad U ra june 2016 | The Review of Religions 51
  • 27. economies to Soviet goods, as they did for the Western capitalists.But this time it would be a bigger economic shock for the world. Sometimes an argument is made that vulnerable countries could escape the onslaught of Russian compe- tition by becoming allies of the Soviet Union and gain all the advantages of the communist system. But a little reflec- tion would establish that this idea is not sound. In the first place, we should not forget that not many countries would put aside all other considerations and rush to join the Soviet Union simply to capture some economic gains.The Communists in various countries would, of course, be glad to see the Soviet system intro- duced everywhere,but it seems doubtful that many would submit their econo- mies to Russian dictates. This would apply to Communists in Great Britain and America and to those of practically every other country.They have a prefer- ence,no doubt,for the Soviet system,but they are not eager at all to let Moscow run their country’s affairs. I cannot say anything about the thinking of Indian communists. We know from experi- ence that they are not given to thinking through important issues and, generally, are not well-educated. They are fond of sloganeering, but few understand the implications of their slogans. Many put thought and reflection aside and get carried away by their emotions.It is pos- sible that a large majority of the Indian Communists would not object to India being absorbed into the Soviet Union, but Communists in the rest of the world are not so inclined,and believe that such a situation would bring about ruin and destruction for their countries. Absence of Equality in Russian Occupied Territories We should also observe that the qual- ity of life enjoyed by European Russians differs significantly from that of people living in the Soviet territories outside Europe. I would meet all expenses if the Communist Party were to let one mem- ber of my Community visit the Soviet speeches are made in the Houses of Parliament, but when it concerns economic progress, the experts start pronouncing on the need for protecting British interests.No doubt,Russia’s case would be quite similar, though with one important difference: in the case of Great Britain and America it is the private firms that compete, but in the case of Russia it will be the entire socialist system that would compete with the individual for- eign trader. It will not willingly close its factories and allow unemployment to rise in the face of foreign competition, but it will adopt all means to make other coun- tries buy its products. And it will direct the entire might of its state—which owns factories and wields total political power—towards achieving that end.The economically weak neighbouring coun- tries would be particularly vulnerable to Soviet pressure. At that point, Russia would use all the tactics that the big investors employ under capitalism.Since industry in Russia is under State con- trol,the clout of political power will also be wielded. At that stage, Russia would not just be concerned with protecting its commercial interests, it would also seek to raise the standard of its industry, pro- tect its labour and factories, and attract foreign capital. Thus, the neighbouring economies would end up opening their the economic system of islam All countries rely on import and export for their economies to thrive. User Stockphoto Mania | Smaller, economically weak, neighbouring countries would feel the most pressure from Russia to import their products. User Whitelook | But in the case of Russia it will be the entire socialist system that would compete with the individual foreign trader. It will not willingly close its factories and allow unemployment to rise in the face of foreign competition, but it will adopt all means to make other countries buy its products. 52 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 53
  • 28. its will.In fact,the change can already be observed. So long as Russia was preoc- cupied with domestic politics, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia were free and independent. Russia boasted that it did not get involved in the internal affairs of other countries and that in pursuit of liberation, it had granted independence to all countries that so desired—namely Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, Finland, Poland,and Georgia.It had also handed over Turkey a portion of Armenia that was originally a part of Turkey. But as soon as domestic unrest abated,Georgia was incorporated into the Soviet Union. On gaining further strength, it started to dispute Finland’s border.This process continued until the Soviet Union came to occupy Latvia,Lithuania and Estonia. Portions of Romania too were nibbled off, and Finland was overpowered and some parts of it were incorporated into the Soviet Union, leaving the rest of the country independent. Poland is being quietly appropriated now.Russia has pro- claimed publicly that a government that does not support its policies would not be tolerated at its borders. Only govern- ments that are prepared to remain loyal and subservient to Moscow can remain in power in these countries. Under the cloak of security, there has been Russian interference in the affairs of Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania. Schemes have been set afoot to grab the oil fields in Persia.Turkey is being called upon to hand back portions of Armenia ceded to it earlier and Moscow has openly sought control of the Dardanelles. Did the old imperial governments do anything different in their days of glory? Did they not, in fact, proceed more gently and tactfully? Were they not less blunt and less brutal? To be sure, Great Britain too has had an interest in the Dardanelles for a long time, but it never applied the degree of pressure on Turkey as Russia has done in just a few years. With this evidence, it is not wise to believe that Russia would not force its neighbouring countries into eco- nomic subjugation in the same way as Union and show him that the poor in Bukhara have everything that the poor in Moscow have, in terms of housing, clothing, food, education and medical care. I am sure an inspection of life in the two towns would show that there is an appalling difference in the degree of well-being enjoyed by their inhabit- ants.The same observation applies to the other Russian territories in Asia. Only recently, an official announcement was made regarding schemes to ameliorate conditions in these territories, and that a special programme would be devised for future progress there.This statement should help to dispel the delusion that Soviet Russia treats its Asian citizens as well as its European citizens. Had this been so, the European and Asian terri- tories of the Soviet Union would have reached a similar economic status.Some people believe that because Communism is based on the principle of equality, the system would not betray itself by usurp- ing the rights of the weak.This idea is no more than a delusion. The Russian reti- cence till now in economic competition and in the scramble for foreign territories has not been due to any ethical sense of right or wrong,but simply from its inabil- ity to assert its power.These policies will undergo a radical transformation as soon as it becomes strong enough to impose the economic system of islam Most countries, even those with Communist supporters, would not want to join the Soviet Union and let Moscow run their countries’ affairs. User Triff | This statement should help to dispel the delusion that Soviet Russia treats its Asian citizens as well as its European citizens. Had this been so, the European and Asian territories of the Soviet Union would have reached a similar economic status. Soviet territories outside of Europe faced a much lower quality of life than those in Soviet Russia. Ema Woo | 54 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 55
  • 29. say,‘might is right.’ Given this record of Russian approach in international poli- tics,how can we hope that Russia would take a more egalitarian and just approach in the economic sphere? For those who think that political decisions are different [from economic decisions] the question can be posed differently: if Russia really loves equity why does it seek to occupy Iran’s oil fields? Is this fair to Iran, con- sidering that the country itself needs oil to support its poor and hungry people? If the interests and welfare of the weak have any value in Russia’s eyes, as the Communists claim, then Russia should have,for example,lent money to Iran free of interest so that Iran could develop its oil resources. It should be obvious, then, that the objective of Russia is to deprive Iran of the benefit of its oil fields to pro- mote its own interests.Some people argue that the British too have taken posses- sion of Iran’s oil fields.This is not a good argument, because the wrong done by one does not justify the same for some- one else. If Britain is to be condemned for its actions, one should also condemn Russia.Russian actions demonstrate that its policies are in reality no different from the policies followed by other imperial powers. If Russia subscribes to the prin- ciple of equality, it should hand over the oilfields of Baku to Iran on the ground that Iran must have the same rights as Russia. But Russia has no interest in such ‘equality’. Russia is still at an early stage of industrialisation. When it has advanced, we can expect to see that it would promote its industrial interests in other countries in a manner that has not been witnessed before.The reason is that Communism has only crushed individual capitalism, but it has nurtured and pro- moted collective capitalism, which is a very dangerous development. America passed antitrust laws precisely to curb this kind of development. the European traders did with the help of their governments.Events have proved that as soon as Russia gained power, its claims of political equality and freedom went by the board. There is now no basis for accepting Russia’s claim that it has no interest in other countries. Upon enter- ing the world of politics, Communism changed its ideology and disregarded its own principles in favour of advanc- ing its own interests. Georgia, Bokhara, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia have all been occupied and brought under its political authority. Schemes are being prepared to gain influence in Iran and Turkey,and for the break-up of China.Can the occupation and subjuga- tion of these countries be called equality and freedom of conscience? Why would Finland permit that a part of its territory be absorbed into Russia? Why was the freedom of Latvia,Lithuania and Estonia trampled underfoot? Why was it neces- sary that these countries should sacrifice their own independence to safeguard White Russia? Was it incumbent upon Georgia and Bokhara to get incorporated into the Russian empire? If this was for the cause of liberty and freedom, why did the opposite not take place? Why was not a part of Russia handed over to Finland,and other parts given to Poland, Romania,Turkey and Iran to strengthen their defences? Surely, from the view- point of security, these smaller countries merited additional territory more than Russia did. The fact is that Russia remained non-aggressive only as long as it lacked the power. Once it gained the power, Russia did not hesitate to devour the smaller states on grounds that it needed to strengthen its borders. If this were a valid reason, it could also be used by America to justify retaining control over the Japanese Islands. The reality is that those with power can always present excuses to justify their actions; as they the economic system of islam Past events have proved that whenever Russia gained power, its claims of equality and freedom weakened. User daseugen | Russia’s desire to occupy Iran’s oil fields went against the principles of Communism, by which, they should have helped Iran develop its oil for itself. Anton Watman | 56 The Review of Religions | june 2016 june 2016 | The Review of Religions 57
  • 30. Note about references Verse references to the Holy Qur’an count ‘Bismillah…’ (In the Name of Allah…) as the first verse of each Chapter. In some non-standard texts, this is not counted. Should the reader refer to such texts, the verse quoted in The Review of Religions will be found a verse earlier, i.e. at one verse less than the number quoted in this journal. For the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘sa ’ or ‘(saw) ’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used normally in small letters. They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘peace and blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters ‘as ’ or ‘(as) ’ after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation meaning ‘peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu wassalam’ which are words that a Muslim utters out of respect whenever he or she comes across that name. The abbreviation ‘ra ’ or ‘(ra) ’ stands for ‘Raziallahu Ta’ala anhu and is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with him or her (when followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘rh ’ or ‘(rh) ’ for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon him. In keeping with current universal practice, local transliterations of names of places are preferred to their anglicised versions, e.g. Makkah instead of Mecca, etc. Monday, 7th June - Wednesday, 6th July Exact dates may vary by area Faith: Islam Event: Ramadan Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and one of the holiest for Muslims. During this month, the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa received the first revelations of the Holy Qur’an. During this month Muslims who are in good health are required to fast from morning dawn to sunset, abstaining from both food and water.They also focus particularly on reciting and contemplating on the Holy Qur’an during this month. Monday, 11th June – Wednesday, 13th June Faith: Judaism Event: Shavuot Shavuot, also known as the Festival of Weeks, marks the end of a seven- week celebration which starts from Passover and ends with Shavuot. Shavuot is known for its historical and agricultural significance in Judaism, as it celebrates both the time when Mosesas received the Torah on Mount Sinai and also the time when, traditionally, barley and wheat were harvested in the land of Israel. Tuesday, 21st June Faith: Paganism Event: Summer Solstice or Midsummer The word “solstice,” meaning “sun stand still,”is a celebration for the longest day of the year when the distance between the sun and the equator is the farthest. Pagans celebrate the cycle of the waxing and waning of the seasons. Calendar of Religious Events & Festivals june 2016 SUBSCRIPTION Subscription Contacts: India - Khursheed Ahmad Email: Tel: +91 1872 500970 Tel: +91 981 544 6792 Fax: +91 1872 500971 USA - Adnan Ahmed Bhalli Email: Tel: +1 412 639 9108 Canada - Muhammad Dawood Khalid Email: Tel: +1 647-779-1810 Nigeria - Qasim Oyekola Email: Tel: + 23 481 2221 1949 Ghana - Naeem A. Cheema Email: Tel: +23 320 0517 181 +23 324 2105 652 UK - Athar Ahmad Bajwa Email: Tel: +44 745 339 1205 For all other subscription issues or for general enquiries email or contact Head Office: Tahir House 22 Deer Park Road, London SW19 3TL
  • 31. spine vol.111-issuesixjune2016www.reviewofreligions.orgShouldIslamreallybefeared...? © Islamic Publications, 2016 ISSN No. 0034-6721 Terrorism was never Mohammad The Review of Religions, in print since 1902, is one of the longest-running comparative religious magazines. The objective of the magazine is to present the teachings of Islam, reflecting its rational, harmonious and inspiring nature. It also brings together articles and viewpoints on different religions and seeks to make discussions on religion and religious philosophy accessible to a wider readership. The magazine is devoted to promoting intellectual and lively debate that is based on respect for all prophets and religions. Islam repeatedly stresses the need to seek knowledge and The Review of Religions provides a unique platform for people to acquire, and share knowledge. Yearly subscription is only £15 sterling or $30 for overseas customers. To subscribe, or for more info, visit Follow us on Twitter @ReviewReligions