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Man’s Ability to
Receive Revelation
Gravitational Waves
The Pillars of Islam
Jalsa Salana: What True
Islam is Really All About
The Holy Prophet
that the Promised Messiahas
would be raised near a
white minaret, east of
Damascus. This prophecy
was fulfilled with the advent
of the Promised Messiahas
from Qadian, India, a city
directly east of Damascus.
The Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, the Promised Messiah
and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India.
From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and
developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
. He
was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve.
Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion
and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim
it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their
source but with the passage of time had drifted away
from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of
religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone.
His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed
when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah
– a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life.
His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions
held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It
was through this that he would bring mankind together
and establish everlasting peace.
In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas
founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a
community that has since grown in its stature and
strength and has remained active in conveying the
message of Islam to the ends of the earth.
Hazrat Ahmadas
had established himself as a respected
writer and had written over 80 books. His writings
have been translated into more than 60 languages and
continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest
scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of
Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference
of Great Religions in 1896.
He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus
in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence
of Jesus’sas
journey to India. In 1902, the Promised
initiated The Review of Religions which has
covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy
and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest
running English magazine in defence of Islam and the
values it teaches.
From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens
of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing
has continued and will continue through his Khulafa
Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the
tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of
Prophet Ahmadas
has really reached the ends of the earth.
And turn not thy cheek away
from men in pride nor walk in
the earth haughtily; Surely, Allah
loves not any arrogant boaster.’
The Messenger of Allah, peace
and blessings be upon him, said,
‘None shall enter the Fire (of
Hell) who has in his heart the
weight of a mustard seed of Iman
and none shall enter Paradise
who has in his heart the weight
of a mustard seed of pride’.
Arrogance is an affliction that
constantly affects man. Keep in
mind that arrogance comes from
Satan and converts an arrogant
one into Satan. Until a person
turns wholly away from the path
of arrogance he is not enabled
to accept the truth and does not
become worthy of receiving Divine
grace, inasmuch as arrogance
bars his way. So shun every type
of arrogance, whether generated
by learning, wealth, status, caste,
family or noble descent.These
are the factors that give birth to
arrogance. Until a person purifies
himself of all such pride he
cannot win Divine approval and
become a chosen one of God.
Pride goes before destruction, and
a haughty spirit before a fall.
Humble yourselves before the
Lord, and He will lift you up.
Shun all pride and jealousy, Give
up all idea of ‘me’ and ‘mine’.
The mightly proud ultimately
rot in their own arrogance.
The fool who thinks he is
wise is called a fool indeed.
If you desire to obtain help, put
away pride. Even a hair of pride
shuts you off, as if by a great cloud.
Pride and Egotism
8	 Man’s Ability to Receive
14 Gravitational Waves:
	 A New Window Opens
Since time immemorial we have
been fascinated by the heavens. With
the recent detection of gravitational
waves, we can listen to these waves
and gain further insights into
the workings of the universe.
26	 A Glimpse into the Life of the 	
	 Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
30	 The Pillars of Islam
A special feature in which we highlight
the writings of the Promised Messiah,
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
on various topics.This month, the
Promised Messiahas
explains the five
fundamental pillars of Islam in depth.
40	 Jalsa Salana: What True Islam
	 is Really All About
Freelance journalist Sarah Linneyhad
the opportunity to visit the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community Annual
Convention in Alton, Hampshire.
After spending a whole day with
over 30,000 Muslims, she reflects on
her experiences and what the true
teachings of Islam are really about.
62	 Calendar of Religious Events
Front cover picture:
Vladimir Arndt | shutterstock
andthePathwaytoThe world is passing through very turbulent times.The
global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and
graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to
the period just before the Second World War continue
to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving
the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific
Third World War.
In this book, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community warns the world of the fast approaching
dangers and how it can avert disaster and chart a
course to peace.
9 781848 808584
ISBN 184880858-5
9 781848 808577
ISBN 184880857-7
Please Note.
Background colour:
From His Holiness – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
– comes a groundbreaking vision for how to estab-
lish long-lasting peace in a world fraught with rapidly
increasing disorder and unrest. His Holiness reminds
world leaders that the flames of war are already burn-
ing through local and regional conflicts and we stand
at the precipice of another world war. If these sparks
were to truly ignite we could witness the horrific
reality of a nuclear war, whose consequences are
unimaginable. His Holiness is the Worldwide Head
and Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
– which has tens of millions of followers in over
200 countries.
World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace is a collection
of the historic addresses and letters by His Holiness to
world leaders and influential figures. In this book, His
Holiness offers consummate analysis on all aspects
of the global crisis; political, economic, social and
spiritual and provides the golden keys to resolving
the critical problems the world faces. In a world where
existing strategies for peace have failed and peo-
ple are desperately looking for a new direction, His
Holiness presents fresh and practical solutions, giving
hope that we can still prevent a global catastrophe.
(continued on back flap)
The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis
continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The
similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second
WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a
ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond
our imagination.
In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
, Fifth
Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas
and Supreme Head of the worldwide
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the
House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations
around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous
letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over
again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global
catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of
their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must
be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is
the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace.
Read online at:
Purchase the book here:
Syed Amer Safir
Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik
Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser
Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan
Editor: Shahzad Ahmad
Deputy: Zafir Malik
Editor: Qudsi Rasheed
Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik
Editor: Fazal Ahmad
Deputy: Rizwan Safir
Editor: Navida Sayed
Deputy: Arif Khan
Editor: Aliya Latif
Deputy: Meliha Hayat
Editor: Sarah Waseem
Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf
Head: Razwan Baig
Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor
Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona
O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth,
Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed
Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik,
Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman
Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel
Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah
Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat
Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad
Ahsan Khan
Muhammad Hanif
Musa Sattar
Zubair Hayat, Musawer Din
Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed
(Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana
Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad
Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad,
Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal
Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
( g u i d e d o n e )
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
Man’s Ability To
Receive Revelation
s God has invested man with the faculty of reason for
the understanding, to some degree, of elementary mat-
ters, in the same way God has vested in him a hidden
faculty of receiving revelation. When human reason arrives at
the limit of its reach, then at that stage God Almighty, for the
purpose of leading His true and faithful servants to the per-
fection of understanding and certainty, guides them through
revelation and visions.Thus the stages which reason could not
reach are traversed by means of revelation and visions,and seek-
ers after truth thereby arrive at full certainty.This is the way of
Allah, to guide to which Prophets have appeared in the world.
Without treading this path,no one has ever arrived at true and
perfect understanding. But a poor dry philosopher is in such a
hurry that he desires everything to be disclosed at the stage of
reason. He does not know that reason cannot carry a burden
beyond its strength,nor can it step further than its capacity.He
does not reflect that,to carry a person to his desired excellence,
God Almighty has bestowed upon him not only the faculty
God Almighty has bestowed upon him not
only the faculty of reason but also the faculty
of experiencing visions and revelations.
of reason but also the faculty of experiencing visions and
It is the height of misfortune to make use of only the
elementary means out of those that God has, out of His
Perfect Wisdom, bestowed upon man for the purpose of
recognizing God, and to remain ignorant of the rest. It
is extremely unwise to let those faculties atrophy through
lack of use and to derive no benefit from them.A person
who does not use the faculty of receiving revelation and
denies its existence cannot be a true philosopher,whereas
the existence of this faculty has been established by the
testimony of thousands of the righteous and all men of
true understanding have arrived at perfect understanding
through this means.1
1.Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
,The Essence of Islam,vol.2 (Tilford,
Surrey: Islam International Publications, 1993), 37-38.
A person who does not use the faculty
of receiving revelation and denies its
existence cannot be a true philosopher...
The official website of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community worldwide.
You can find a huge collection of free online
material, including translation and commentary
of the Holy Qur’an and you can access literature
of the Community including the books written
by its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
another. The
s of religion.
hless, yet the
alvation. So
e Promised
ure is weak,
o, owing to
or humanity,
ra, God has
ts, but none
of Islam in
present age,
ercessor that
ree mankind
hilosophy of
ilty and his
The Promised Messiah and Mahdi
Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
very human being seeks salvation in some form or another. The
concept of salvation holds pivotal importance in matters of religion.
A faith unable to deliver its followers from sin is worthless, yet the
progress and benefit of society depends on this very salvation. So where
should one turn to attain it?
In this work, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah
and Mahdi, explains that since human nature is weak, salvation can only be
attained through a mediator who, owing to their perfect relationship with
God and deep sympathy for humanity, can serve as a link between God and
man. In every era, God has conferred salvation upon humanity through His
prophets, but none can match the unparalleled status held by the Prophet
of Islam in this respect, who was the paragon of perfection. In the present
age, it is this pure and blessed prophet who is the only intercessor that can
grant humanity a living relationship with God and free mankind from the
shackles of sin.
The author presents an exquisite exposition on the philosophy of divine
intercession, sinlessness, forgiveness, human frailty and his advent as the
Promised Messiah.
guteksk7 | Shutterstock
Exploring gravitational waves, the
universe and its impact on us…
ince time immemorial, we have
been fascinated by the heavens.
The sight of the heavenly bodies –
the sun, moon and stars – sparked the
human imagination. At first, we tried
to understand the skies through myths,
imagined and developed from generation
to generation.In the heavenly constella-
tions we saw chariots, animals, pottery,
gods and heroes.Yet alongside our fables
and tales,the more scientifically-minded
amongst us started to notice how the
heavenly bodies moved, and started to
use their positions to calculate the days,
the months and the seasons. From this,
we developed the most basic science of
all: mathematics, as the Qur’an testifies
The Holy Qur’an, 10:6.
The Holy Qur’an, 81:12.
He it is Who made the sun radiate a bril-
liant light and the moon reflect a lustre,
and ordained for it stages,that you might
know the number of years and the system
of calculation.Allah has not created this
but in truth. He details the Signs for a
people who have knowledge.1
Alongside the myths, scientists and
philosophers continuously sought to
rationally understand the vault of the
heavens above us.Greek philosophers like
Gravitational Waves:
A New
Window Opens
Pythagoras and Ptolemy were followed
by the giants of the Islamic sciences,
such as Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Battani
and Al-Khwarizmi, who critiqued and
further developed the field with observa-
tion and careful measurement. The next
window into the heavens opened up rela-
tively recently with the development of
radio astronomy.We began to look at the
sky using radio waves and microwaves.
We discovered what the stars were com-
posed of, through our knowledge of the
electromagnetic spectrum, which varied
from visible light to beyond the infra-
red and ultraviolet spectrum.It is during
this time that our understanding of the
celestial bodies advanced,just as the Holy
Qur’an prophesied would happen in the
age of the Messiah:
The Holy Qur’an, 10:6.
The Holy Qur’an, 81:12.
And when the heaven is laid bare.2
We are lucky enough to witness an exam-
ple of this in our lifetimes with the recent
detection of gravitational waves.
We are lucky enough to
witness an example of
this in our lifetimes with
the recent detection of
gravitational waves.
What are Gravitational Waves?
Gravitational waves are not electromag-
netic radiation. It was Einstein who
first predicted gravitational waves with
his theory of general relativity in 1915.
While Isaac Newton explained gravity
in the 17th
century as a force that acts
between any two objects possessing mass,
Einstein believed that gravity is the result
of the distortion of the space-time fabric
by such objects. While the Newtonian
theory of gravity holds good for most
common observations with remark-
able accuracy, it fails to explain several
phenomena associated with very heavy
objects like neutron stars and black holes.
The distortions in space-time due to such
heavy bodies as described by Einstein
are much like how a trampoline or a
stretched sheet of fabric deforms when a
heavy object is placed upon it.It is inter-
esting to note that though Einstein was
the first scientist to theorise the existence
of the space-time “fabric,”reference to it
can be found in the Holy Qur’an:
Qur’an 21:105
Qur’an 39:68
Remember the day when We shall roll up
the heavens like the rolling up of writ-
ten scrolls by a scribe. As We began the
first creation, so shall We repeat it — a
promise binding upon Us; We shall cer-
tainly perform it.3
Qur’an 21:105
Qur’an 39:68
And they do not esteem Allah, with
the esteem that is due to Him. And the
whole earth will be but His handful on
Pythagoras, depicted on a 3rd century
coin. Pythagoras was a famous Ionian
philosopher and mathematician, most well
known for formulating the Pythagorean
theorem, which elucidates a fundamental
relationship in Euclidean geometry between
the three sides of a right angle triangle.
gravitational waves:
a new window opens
the Day of Resurrection, and the heav-
ens will be rolled up in His right hand.
Glory to Him and exalted is He above
that which they associate with Him.4
The verses above refer to the universe as
a deformable fabric or parchment that
can be rolled up,similar to how Einstein
conceived of space-time.
A major prediction of Einstein’s general
theory was the existence of gravitational
waves. While he described the force of
gravity as the distortion in the fabric
of space-time, gravitational waves were
described as the ‘ripples’ in the fabric
of space-time caused by massive accel-
erating objects. These ripples are much
like what we see when we throw a stone
in water or if a heavy ball were to be
bounced on a trampoline.
Gravitational waves have an effect simi-
lar to electromagnetic waves. Just as
electromagnetic waves carry the electro-
magnetic force,gravitational waves ‘carry’
energy known as ‘gravitational radiation’.
When electromagnetic radiation strikes
an object it induces electricity or mag-
netism (see page 21), and in a similar
fashion, when gravitational waves strike
an object, they distort the space around
the object, thus changing the actual size
Ibn Al Haytham, the father of
modern optics, pioneered and
first elucidated the scientific
method. His contribution
to astronomy was in his
critique of Ptolemy’s work
and his demonstration
of its inherent flaws.
The verses above refer to the
universe as a deformable
fabric or parchment
that can be rolled up,
similar to how Einstein
conceived of space-time.
of the object.While some of us may wish
to blame our ever-increasing weight on
passing gravitational waves, unfortu-
nately (or fortunately) the effects of
gravitational waves are very small.
Detecting Gravitational Waves
Since the prediction of gravitational
waves by Einstein, the scientific com-
munity has been working on detecting
them. Unlike electromagnetic waves,
gravitational waves cannot be ‘seen’with
the naked eye, telescopes or antennas.
We can only ‘observe’ them indirectly
through their effects. Interestingly, we
can find reference to such invisible forces
holding the heavens together,in the Holy
Qur’an 21:105
Qur’an 39:68
Qur’an 31:11
Qur’an 67:4-5
Qur’an 55:34
He  has  created  the  heavens  with-
out any pillars that you can see, and
He has placed in the earth firm moun-
tains that it may not quake with you,and
He has scattered therein all kinds of crea-
tures; and We have sent down water from
the clouds, and caused to grow therein
every noble species.5
The verse above is sometimes understood
to mean that Allah has created the uni-
verse without any pillars. However, a
more accurate translation is that Allah
has created the universe without any vis-
ible pillars.This may be pointing towards
gravity in general and gravitational waves
in particular.
The first observation of gravitational
waves came in 1974 when a binary pul-
sar system,the Hulse-Taylor binary – two
extremely dense and heavy stars orbit-
ing around each other – was discovered.
It was discovered by Russell Alan Hulse
and Joseph Hooton Taylor, Jr., of the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Their discovery of the system and anal-
ysis of it earned them the 1993 Nobel
Prize in Physics.The system was observed
for eight years and it was determined that
the stars were getting closer to each other
at precisely the rate predicted by general
relativity if gravitational wave emissions
were occurring.
The second major observation came in
September 2015, despite the immense
hurdle posed by the detection of gravita-
tional waves,that is,their extremely weak
gravitational waves:
a new window opens
effect. Passing gravitational waves can
easily pass unnoticed because of the very
minimal effect they have on objects.The
task of detecting the direct effect of grav-
itational waves on an object was deemed
impossible until LIGO was finally built.
LIGO (Laser Interferometer
Gravitational Observatory) – another
imaginative use of acronyms by physi-
cists – is a pair of observatories in the
United States built to detect gravitational
waves.Unlike conventional observatories,
LIGO does not consist of a telescope or
similar devices.The observatory has two
large arms, each measuring four kilo-
metres in length, perpendicular to each
Laser Interferometers consist of a laser
beam that is split into two with a ‘beam
splitter’. The two laser beams also run
perpendicular to one another, in each
of the arms. Any change in the distance
travelled by the laser beams results in the
two beams no longer being ‘in-step’with
each other, thus creating an interference
pattern (hence the term interferometers’).
The whole idea is that if a gravitational
wave passes through the observatory,
the observatory arms will expand and
The electromagnetic spectrum is comprised
of a continuous range of wavelengths, of
which visible light only forms a small part.
Philip Ronan | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0
contract, resulting in a difference in
the distance travelled by the two laser
The differences measured are incredibly
small.Gravitational waves will cause the
observatory arms to change in length by
only about a fraction of the size of a pro-
ton (0.0000000000000000001 metres).
Another way to look at this minute
observation and the remarkable accu-
racy of the LIGO is that it can measure
the distance between the sun and the
nearest star Proxima Centauri, which is
about 4.25 light years away, to a level of
about the width of a human hair.7
is undoubtedly the most precise measur-
ing device ever built by humans.
On September 14, 2015 at 5:51 a.m.
Eastern Daylight Time (09:51 UTC),
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-
wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors
picked up evidence of gravitational
Physicists have concluded that
the detected gravitational waves were
produced during the final fraction of a
second, during the merger of two black
holes to produce a single, much bigger,
rotary black hole. This collision of two
black holes had been predicted but never
detected. Based on the observed signals,
LIGO scientists estimate that the black
holes for this event were about 29 and 36
times the mass of the sun, and the event
took place 1.3 billion years ago.
Why Are Gravitational Waves
The discovery of gravitational waves is a
very important step in our understanding
of the universe. It has opened up a new
window which was closed until recently.
We can now listen to these waves and
gravitational waves:
a new window opens
The idea of space-time as a fabric was
the result of Einstein’s new paradigm for
understanding the nature of the universe. It
asserts that any object possessing mass
deforms the space-time fabric around it. This
deformation of space-time is what creates
gravity. This description of space as a fabric
is confirmed by the Qur’an, which also
describes space as a deformable fabric.
User koya979 | Shutterstock
thereby expand our understanding of
the universe, obtaining insights into the
behaviour of massive objects such as
black holes and neutron stars.
It is interesting that this discovery comes
at a time when the scientific community
is realising how little they know about
the universe. Over the last 100 years, we
have taken giant leaps in our understand-
ing of the universe, how it works, what
is it made up of and how it came into
being. But it seems that with every new
discovery, instead of gaining complete
understanding, we simply realise how
little we know.4.
Qur’an 67:4-5
Who has created seven heavens in har-
mony. No incongruity canst thou see
in the creation of the Gracious God.
Then look again: Seest thou any flaw?
Aye, look again, and yet again, thy sight
will only return unto thee confused and
After thousands of years of wondering
about the sky, trillions of dollars spent
in research and missions to outer space,
we still only have a minimal under-
standing of the universe; since all of the
observable objects such as stars, plan-
ets, galaxies, etc., account for only 4% of
the universe.10
The rest, in an ingenious
naming scheme, is referred to as ‘dark
matter’ and ‘dark energy’! We know lit-
tle to nothing about this ‘dark universe’,
which makes up the majority of what we
call space.The new window opened up by
the detection of gravitational waves may
LIGO in action: a laser beam is split into
two arms through a ‘beam splitter’. These
arms run perpendicular to one another.
Thus, any change in the space-time
fabric that the LIGO occupies, results in a
delay in the laser beams reception at the
photo-detector, creating an interference
pattern. This is the technique used to
measure the effect of gravitational waves.
provide us further insights into how the
universe works and what it is made up of.
Or perhaps with this new looking glass,
we may simply realise that we know and
understand even less.
In our pursuit of complete understand-
ing, we are constantly reminded of our
limitations.Thus,the search for a decisive
discovery that can finally liberate us from
our earthly confines goes on. The quest
continues. Little do we realise that the
final authority to go beyond rests with
the Creator of the Universe:
Qur’an 67:4-5
Qur’an 55:34
O company of Jinn and men! If you have
power to go beyond the confines of the
heavens and the earth, then do go. But
you cannot go save with authority.11
About the Author: Shahab Khokhar has a
master’s degree in physics with a specialization in
theoretical physics, focussing on gravitation and
cosmology. Currently, he works in product and
business development with SolarGrid Energy, Inc.
1. The Holy Qur’an, 10:6.
2. The Holy Qur’an, 81:12.
3. The Holy Qur’an, 21:105.
4. The Holy Qur’an, 39:68.
5. The Holy Qur’an, 31:11.
6. Barish, Barry C. and Rainer Weiss,“LIGO
and the Detection of Gravitational Waves,”
Physics Today 52 (10), 1999.
9. The Holy Qur’an, 67:4-5.
10. “Dark Energy, Dark Matter”. NASA
Science: Astrophysics. 5 June 2015.
11. The Holy Qur’an, 55:34.
gravitational waves:
a new window opens
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A Glimpse into the Life of
the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
Patience in Adversity
The Holy Prophetsa
used to say: ‘For a Muslim, life is all full of good and
nobody but a true believer finds himself in that position; for, if he meets
with success he is grateful to God and becomes the recipient of greater
favours from Him. On the other hand, if he suffers pain or tribulation
he endures it with patience and thus again makes himself deserving of
God’s favours.’When his end drew near and he gave vent to a groan in
the extremity of his condition, his daughter Fatimara
exclaimed that she
could not bear to see him in that state.Thereupon he said:‘Have patience!
Your father will suffer no pain after this day,’meaning that all his troubles
were confined to this world and from the moment that he was released
from this life and entered the presence of his Maker he would be subject
to no further pain. During the prevalence of an epidemic he would not
approve of people moving out of an afflicted town into another, for this
serves to enlarge the area of the pestilence. He used to say that in times
of epidemic if a person stayed on in his own town and refrained from
carrying infection into unaffected areas and died of the epidemic, he
would be regarded as a martyr (Bukhari, Kitabut Tibb).1
1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmadra
, Life of Muhammad (Tilford, Sur-
rey, U.K.: Islam International Publications Limited, 2013), 240-241.
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rom 1896 to 1914 the plague ravaged British India, and
more particularly, the province of Punjab. During these
perilous times, as towns and cities were devoured, the
British government undertook efforts to save the people from this
pandemic through inoculation. It was in this backdrop that Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian penned Noah’s Ark in 1902. In it the
author elaborates the essence of his teachings and states that those
who sincerely follow its tenets would be saved miraculously from
the onslaughts of this epidemic, even without inoculation. This
was a prophecy vouchsafed to him by God. History testifies to the
magnificent fulfilment of this prophecy.
The book Noah’s Ark shines as a beacon of hope not only for the
people of the past, but also now and shall continue to grant salvation
to the world in all ages. It is a book that stands as one of the most
influential works of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi,and continues
to transform lives even today.
The Pillars of Islam
User Samiph222 | Shutterstock
Supplication during Salat
Salat is the effective criterion of the
piety of a worshipper. He who weeps
throughout his Salat is bestowed security.
As a child weeps loudly in its mother’s
lap and is comforted by the love and
compassion of its mother, in the same
way he who supplicates God with humil-
ity and a melting heart in his Salat places
himself in the lap of the compassion of
Gracious Lord.He who finds no delight
in the Salat has not yet truly tasted
the pleasure of believing. Salat does
not merely mean physical postures and
movements.Some people get through the
Salat quickly like the nibbling of a hen
and then start long supplications, that is
to say perform the Salat quickly as if it
were a formal ceremony, whereas that is
the time for supplicating God Almighty.
Having emerged from it without any gain
The Pillars of Islam
The Promised Messiahas
wrote over
80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and
Persian. Excerpts of his collected
works have been translated into
English and organised by topic. The
Review of Religions is pleased to
present these excerpts as part of a
monthly feature. Here we continue
the second part of the three-part
series on the pillars of Islam.
Extracts from The Essence of Islam,
Vol.II (pp.293-318)
they start their supplications.Make your
supplications during the Salat; make the
Salat a means of supplication and prayer.
[Malfuzat, vol. II, p. 145]
Recitation of Al-Fatihah in Salat
Prayer is the purpose and spirit of the
Salat. How can that purpose be really
achieved except by praying during Salat.
Such a worshipper is like one who is
granted an opportunity of presenting
himself before the Sovereign and sub-
mitting his petition, but he says nothing
at the time and after he leaves the pres-
ence he presents his petition.That would
not avail him anything.That is the case of
the people who do not pray humbly and
earnestly during the Salat.Make all your
supplication during the Salat and observe
it with all its due requirements. God
Almighty has taught us a prayer at the
very beginning of the Holy Qur’an and
Salat does not merely mean
physical postures and
movements. Some people get
through the Salat quickly like
the nibbling of a hen and then
start long supplications, that
is to say perform the Salat
quickly as if it were a formal
ceremony, whereas that is
the time for supplicating
God Almighty. Having
emerged from it without
any gain they start their
supplications. Make your
supplications during the
Salat; make the Salat a means
of supplication and prayer.
has also instructed us in all the require-
ments of prayer. The recitation of Surah
Fatihah is obligatory in the Salat, which
indicates that true prayer is offered only
in the course of the Salat.
[Malfuzat, vol. III, p. 258]
Salat to be Offered in Arabic
The Salat may not be observed in any
language except the language of the Holy
Qur’an. But after the prescribed prayers
and supplications you may supplicate
God Almighty in your own vernacular
also.You must not neglect the prescribed
prayers.The Christians having departed
What are the five daily prayer
services? They are pictures
of your different conditions
during the course of the
day. You pass through five
conditions at a time of trial
and your nature demands that
you must pass through them.
Salat is one of the pillars of Islam that has
such a deep significance to all Muslims
because it opens the doors to a strong
relationship with God. From supplication
to prayers it is filled with meaning, passion
and sincerity for a believer to excel.
Sony Herdiana | Shutterstock
from this principle have lost everything.
[Malfuzat, vol. III, p. 288]
What is the Salat? It is the supplication
made humbly in the form of glorification
and praise of God,proclaiming His holi-
ness,seeking His forgiveness and calling
down His blessings on the Holy Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be on him).
When you are occupied with the Salat
do not confine yourselves only to the
prescribed prayers like heedless peo-
ple whose Salat is all formality and has
no reality behind it. When you observe
the Salat, then besides the prescribed
prayers taught by the Holy Qur’an and
by the Holy Prophet (peace and bless-
ings of Allah be on him), you should set
forth your supplications in your respec-
tive vernaculars so that your hearts may
be moved by your humility and your
[Kashti Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19,
pp. 68-69]
Supplications may be Offered in One’s
Own Vernacular
Make your supplications during your five
daily prayer services.You are not forbid-
den to supplicate in your own vernaculars.
The Salat is not properly observed except
with concentration, and concentration
cannot be achieved without humility,
and humility is generated by a compre-
hension of that which is said.Therefore,
eagerness and travail of the soul are
generated more easily by supplication in
one’s vernacular. But this does not mean
that you should dispense with the pre-
scribed prayers and offer the Salat in your
own language. That is not what I mean.
What I have in mind is that after the pre-
scribed prayers you should also supplicate
in your own language. There is a special
blessing in the prescribed prayers. Salat
means prayer.Therefore during the Salat
pray for deliverance from the calamities
of the here and the hereafter, and that
your end may be good.Pray also for your
wives and children. Be good and shun
all evil.
[Malfuzat, vol. VI, p. 146]
The Philosophy of the Five Daily
What are the five daily prayer services?
They are pictures of your different con-
ditions during the course of the day.You
pass through five conditions at a time of
trial and your nature demands that you
must pass through them. The first of
these is when you are warned that you are
about to be afflicted with a calamity. For
instance,imagine that a warrant has been
issued for your presence in court.This is
the first condition which disturbs your
serenity and contentment.This condition
resembles the time when the sun begins
to decline, as on the receipt of the court
warrant. Corresponding to this condi-
tion, the noon prayer (Zuhr) has been
prescribed,the time of which begins with
the decline of the sun.
You experience the second condition
when you are drawn close to the place
of the calamity. For instance, when hav-
ing been taken into custody under the
warrant you are produced before the
magistrate. At that time you are in ter-
ror and the light of security seems as if
it were about to depart from you. This
condition resembles the time when
the light of the sun diminishes and the
human eye can fix itself upon the sun
and it becomes obvious that the time of
its setting is near. Corresponding to this
spiritual condition the afternoon prayer
(‘Asr) has been prescribed.
The third condition sets in when you lose
all hope of deliverance from the calamity.
For instance, when after the recording
of the prosecution evidence, which is
designed to bring about your ruin, you
are charged with an offence and a charge
sheet is prepared.At this time you almost
lose your senses and you begin to think
of yourself as a prisoner. That condition
resembles the time when the sun sets and
hope of daylight comes to an end. The
sunset prayer (Maghrib) is prescribed
corresponding to this spiritual condition.
The fourth condition is when you are
afflicted by the calamity and its deep
darkness envelops you completely. For
instance,when after the close of the evi-
dence you are convicted and sentenced
and are committed to the custody of the
police.This condition resembles the time
of nightfall, when everything falls into
deep darkness.The evening prayer (‘Isha)
is prescribed corresponding to this spir-
itual condition.
When praying it is essential that a
person speaks to God in his or her
own language, since this produces
concentration and attention in prayers.
Aisylu Ahmadieva | Shutterstock
the pillars of islam
When you have spent a certain time in
the darkness of the affliction, Divine
mercy surges up and delivers you from
the darkness, as the dawn succeeds the
darkness of the night and daylight begins
to appear.The dawn prayer (Fajr) is pre-
scribed corresponding to this spiritual
condition.God Almighty in view of your
five changing conditions has prescribed
five prayer services for you.You can thus
understand that these services have been
prescribed for the benefit of your soul.If
you desire security against these calami-
ties you should not neglect the five daily
services, as they are a reflection of your
inner and spiritual conditions.The Salat
is a remedy for the calamities that may
threaten.You know not what type of cir-
cumstances the new day might confront
you with. So before the beginning of
the day supplicate your Divine Master
earnestly that the day may prove to be
a source of benefit and blessing for you.
[Kashti Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19,
pp. 69-70]
Salat Protects from Sin
Salat is an instrument for delivery from
sin. It is a quality of the Salat that it
makes a person secure against sin and
vice. So seek a Salat of that type and try
to make your Salat such.Salat is the soul
of bounties.The grace of God Almighty
is received through the Salat. Then
observe it duly so that you might become
heirs to the bounties of God Almighty.
[Malfuzat, vol. V, p. 126]
Significance of Postures in Salat
What is the Salat? It is the submission
of one’s humility and one’s weakness to
God and to seek the fulfilment of one’s
needs from Him. In the course of the
Salat the worshipper sometimes stands
before God with folded arms signify-
ing his consciousness of the glory of
Salat is an instrument for
delivery from sin. It is a
quality of the Salat that it
makes a person secure against
sin and vice. So seek a Salat
of that type and try to make
your Salat such. Salat is the
soul of bounties.The grace
of God Almighty is received
through the Salat.Then
observe it duly so that you
might become heirs to the
bounties of God Almighty.
God and his eagerness to carry out His
Commandments; at other times he falls
into prostration in complete humility
and devotion and seeks the fulfilment of
his needs. Sometimes like a beggar he
praises Him from Whom he begs and
proclaiming His greatness and His glory
seeks to move His mercy and supplicates
Him. A faith that has nothing compa-
rable to the Salat is altogether empty…
Salat means the love and fear of God
and the preoccupation of the heart with
His remembrance.That is faith.He who
seeks escape from Prayer is no better than
an animal. To eat and drink and sleep
away the hours like an animal is not faith.
This is the practice of the disbelievers…
for him who desires to meet God and
is anxious to reach Him the Salat is a
conveyance by climbing into which he
can arrive at his goal speedily. He who
gives up the Salat, how shall he arrive?
Since the Muslims have abandoned the
Salat or have given up observing it with
the serenity and comfort and love of the
heart, being neglectful of its true real-
ity, Islam has begun to decline.The time
when the Salat was observed properly
was a great time for Islam, when it had
become dominant in the whole world.
Since the Muslims have given up the
proper performance of the Salat they
themselves have been abandoned. It is
the Salat performed with heartfelt ear-
nestness that delivers a person from all
difficulties. It is my repeated experience
that I pray for the resolving of some dif-
ficulty and while I am still occupied with
the Salat God resolves the difficulty.
What happens in the Salat? One raises
one’s hands in supplication and the
Other listens to him well. Then a time
comes when He Who listens speaks and
responds to the supplicator.This is the sit-
uation in the Salat.The worshipper falls
into prostration before God Almighty
and submits his difficulties and his needs
to Him.The result of true and real Salat
is that soon the time comes when God
Almighty responds to the supplicant and
comforts him with His words.Can such
Do not perform the Salat as
a mere ceremony, but observe
it with the burning and the
melting of the heart and
supplicate continuously in
the Salat. It is the key to the
resolving of all difficulties.
the pillars of islam
an experience be possible without the
true observance of Salat?
[Malfuzat, vol. V, pp. 253-255]
The Real Salat
Salat is truly so called when a sincere and
holy relationship is established with God
and the worshipper becomes so devoted
to the pleasure of God Almighty and His
obedience and so upholds his faith above
all worldly values that he is ever ready
to lay down his life in the cause of God.
It is only then that it can be said that
his Salat is worthy to be called by that
name. So long as this condition is not
established and the worshipper does not
become a model of sincerity and faith-
fulness his prayers and other actions are
without effect.
[Malfuzat, vol. VI, p. 240]
Salat, Supplication, and Certainty
of Faith
Do not perform the Salat as a mere cer-
emony, but observe it with the burning
and the melting of the heart and suppli-
cate continuously in the Salat. It is the
key to the resolving of all difficulties.
In addition to the prescribed prayers and
glorification supplicate much in your ver-
nacular so that your heart should melt,
and continue this effort till you arrive at
that condition for that is the means of
the achieving of all true objectives. All
physical postures during the Salat should
represent the condition of the heart also.
When the worshipper stands in the Salat
his heart should also be standing erect for
God’s obedience; when he bows down
the heart should also bow down; and
when he goes into prostration the heart
should also prostrate itself,which means
that the heart should not let go of God at
any time. When he reaches that condi-
tion he will begin to get rid of sins.
[Malfuzat, vol. VI, pp. 367-368]
The timings of the prayers hold a deep
significance and symbolise the different
states of man throughout the day.
KHRAMOV | Shutterstock
Jalsa Salana:
What True Islam is
Really All About
The Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of
the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK
is a unique event that brings more than
35,000 participants from more than 110
countries to increase religious knowledge and
promote a sense of peace and brotherhood.
While speakers discuss a range of religious
topics and their relevance to contemporary
society, the most distinguishing feature of
this convention is that it is blessed by the
presence of His Holiness Hazrat Mirza
Masroor Ahmadaba
, the Head of the world-
wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community,
delivering four faith-inspiring addresses
over three days. Journalist Sarah Linney
attended Jalsa Salana for the first time and
reflects on her impressions of this unique
Kaleem had warned me about the traf-
fic. He had warned me about the mud.
But he hadn’t warned me about the
The car crawled into the field at an
impossibly slow pace, not because we
were stuck in traffic, or mud, or even the
interminable security queues (you think
Muslims don’t fear terror attacks too?),
but because about every 20 seconds the
driver, Subby, would run into someone
he just had to say hello to.
‘Assalaam alaikum! How are you?’ he
would exclaim joyously, shaking hands
and grinning, Arabic and English min-
gling as an almost continuous parade of
friends knocked on the window excitedly.
Welcome to Jalsa Salana.
The Jalsa – its name means ‘peace gath-
ering’ – is the UK’s biggest Muslim
convention, attended by almost 38,000
people from 114 countries and watched
by tens of millions more on TV and
It is run entirely by volunteers, who
transform a farm in Hampshire into
a 200-acre festival site, with kitchens,
food tents, exhibitions, accommodation,
a bazaar,an international bookshop,radio
and TV broadcasts and much more.
So what am I, an infrequent church
attendee, doing at a Muslim event?
I’ve been invited by my friends Faiza
and Kaleem, who told me it was ‘their
So what am I, an infrequent
church attendee, doing
at a Muslim event? I’ve
been invited by my friends
Faiza and Kaleem, who
told me it was ‘their version
of Glastonbury’ – and so,
hoping I wouldn’t have
to sit through a set by Ed
Sheeran, I accepted.This is the
first thing you need to know
about Ahmadi Muslims –
they are super-welcoming
and super-friendly...
version of Glastonbury’– and so,hoping
I wouldn’t have to sit through a set by Ed
Sheeran, I accepted.
This is the first thing you need to know
about Ahmadi Muslims – they are super-
welcoming and super-friendly. And, far
from the stereotypical image of chauvin-
istic Muslim men who, we’re often told,
view women as ‘second-class citizens’, I
was treated like royalty.
There are shuttle buses between the site
and Alton station,but Subby and a friend
were sent to pick me up instead, which
neatly got me out of possibly struggling
to convince the bus driver that yes, this
white-faced, blue-eyed blonde really
was going to Jalsa. They brought me an
umbrella, which I promptly managed to
break, and opened the car door for me,
perhaps afraid that I would break that
too. On the back seat was a welcome
sight after a long train journey – cans of
diet Pepsi and mango juice.
On our way in, Subby talked to me
about the charity work that the Ahmadi
Muslims do, and how an important part
of the festival is pledging their allegiance
to the UK as well as to their religion.
Later that afternoon the community’s
spiritual leader, Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
led a ceremony in which the UK flag and
the Ahmadi flag are raised together.
‘Real Islam is helping the poor and serv-
ing the community we live in,’Subby tells
Eventually we make it through the
entrance,I go through security and Subby
leaves me in the care of my guides for the
day,Zain and Furqan.The site is divided
into men’s and women’s sections,so they
will show me round the men’s half.
I am surprised to discover that these two
mature and intelligent young men are
just 24 and 16 respectively, as they seem
older and wiser. Zain also has a brilliant
sense of humour and it isn’t long before
jalsa salana: what true islam
is really all about
There are 5,000 volunteers
helping out at the festival
in total – many of them
high-flying professionals like
doctors, nurses and even pilots
(the man who drives me back
to the station at the end of the
day is an A&E doctor at a
hospital in Kent, where I live).
he is mischievously mocking my terrible
photography skills.
Our first trip is to the huge kitchens,
where dozens of volunteers are hard
at work mixing vast tubs of curry and
dough. Even children, it seems, want to
do their bit – a beautiful little boy called
Hashim is helping with the procession of
chapatis on the conveyor belt in front of
me, made at the rate of 10,000 an hour.
Over the three days of the festival, the
volunteers will make 300,000 slices of
bread and 270,000 meals.
There are 5,000 volunteers helping out at
the festival in total – many of them high-
flying professionals like doctors, nurses
and even pilots (the man who drives me
back to the station at the end of the day
is an A&E doctor at a hospital in Kent,
where I live).‘There is a huge volunteer-
ing spirit – everyone wants to take part,’
Zain explains.
‘If all Muslims followed the teachings of
their religion, no Muslim would ever be
Our next stop is a tent where I can learn
more about the Ahmadi Muslim faith.
His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor
, the Head of the worldwide
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, inaugurates
the three day event by raising the flag
of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
The UK flag is also raised alongside it,
demonstrating loyalty and harmony.
AMA Gallery
Unlike other Muslims, Ahmadis believe
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a 19th-century
religious leader, was the Messiah whose
advent was foretold by the Prophet
Muhammad.Other Muslims believe the
Messiah is yet to come.
Because of this, Ahmadis have often
been persecuted in Muslim countries
such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan,
where it is all but illegal to be an Ahmadi.
Prohibitions on practising their religion,
arrests,attacks and killings are common-
place. Some 2,387 Ahmadis have been
arrested for religious practice in Pakistan
since 1982, 256 have been killed, and 48
mosques have been destroyed.
Several of the people I meet over the
course of the day will tell me, quite
calmly, how their parents had to flee to
the UK for their own safety. When I
tell one woman how matter-of-fact she
seems about it, she replies: ‘It’s every-
body’s story.’
The Ahmadis’ motto is Love For All,
Hatred For None,and the community has
repeatedly spoken out against extremism
and terrorism – Mirza Masroor Ahmad
did so again at this year’s Jalsa. In the
tent is a game of giant Jenga symbolis-
ing the concept of world peace.On each
brick is inscribed an important tenet like
tolerance and women’s rights; the idea
is to show that if you remove just one
of the bricks, one of the tenets, global
peace collapses.
I also get to play a game where I work out
which statements about Islam are true
and which are misconceptions:
It’s then time for the flag-raising cere-
mony – or,rather,for standing in the cold
for half an hour waiting for a flag-raising
ceremony which Zain thinks is happen-
ing at 4pm, but which is actually taking
place at 4.30pm.
On our way round the site he,like Subby,
bumps constantly into people he knows.
Though there are 30,000 people here, it
feels like everyone knows everyone else.
There is an enormous community spirit
jalsa salana: what true islam
is really all about
One tweet sent across
the Atlantic Ocean, and
suddenly here we all
are together, celebrating
peace and friendship on
a farm in Hampshire.
and camaraderie, and I don’t feel like an
outsider at all; I feel part of it.
And, quite by chance, the high point of
my day comes when we walk right past
one of my Twitter heroes,Qasim Rashid.
A lawyer and Muslim scholar who has
come all the way over from America for
the conference, he is ultimately the per-
son who brought my attendance about,as
it was a Twitter conversation between us
about Ramadan that led to me meeting
Faiza and becoming friends.
To my astonishment, he remembers
me and we take a picture together with
our mutual friend Kaleem (also known
as Chris – he is a Brit who converted
to Islam). One tweet sent across the
Atlantic Ocean, and suddenly here we
all are together, celebrating peace and
friendship on a farm in Hampshire.
Also among the guests are a number of
prominent politicians – I spot Education
Secretary Justine Greening and meet
Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon without
even realising. I think he talked to me
about the weather. Richmond Park MP
and former London mayoral candidate
Zac Goldsmith is also there.
His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba
the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community, delivers his address
presenting the true pristine teachings of Islam
which is relayed to millions around the world.
AMA Gallery
In search of a warming cup of tea after
our wait for the flag-raising,Zain,Furqan
and I head into the Humanity First tent
where I can learn about the Ahmadis’
charity work.
Humanity First’s 30,000 volunteers
work across the globe in areas includ-
ing disaster relief, education, providing
clean water, caring for orphans, health-
care and restoring sight. The charity
provided relief in the aftermath of the
Grenfell Tower fire, a number of recent
earthquakes, including Nepal and Haiti,
and the Bosnian conflict, which is when
the charity was set up.
‘The tenets of Islam are for everyone.The
only criterion is need,’explains the char-
ity’s implementation analyst Quddous
Ahmed, one of only five paid staff at the
charity’s UK headquarters in London.
‘We are on the front line right there with
the Red Cross when there is a disaster.
97p in every pound raised goes to our
‘People spend their holidays going to do
this work.It’s about serving mankind and
the love we have for mankind.
‘Painting a classroom, for example, has
Sarah Linney with Kaleem Edwards and
Qasim Rashid at the Jalsa Salana UK.
Courtesy Sarah Linney
jalsa salana: what true islam
is really all about
It reminded me what a force
for good religion can be. It’s
certainly true that religion
can be misused as an excuse
for persecution and hatred –
but it’s an overwhelmingly
positive influence in the lives
of these people, inspiring
them to give huge amounts
of their time and money
to help others, and giving
them faith, hope, gratitude
and a love for humanity.
such a massive effect. At one school
where we helped out, some of the kids
who had left came back to study again
just because the learning environment
was so nice again. It was lovely to see
their faces. And it cost just £100 as the
only thing we used the money for were
the supplies.’
Most of the funds come from the
Ahmadis themselves,including the pro-
ceeds from selling merchandise at Jalsa
and a telethon earlier this year which
raised £2 million.
‘Our income is increasing every year,and
so is our impact,’Mr Ahmed added.
He quotes anthropologist and author
Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a
small group of thoughtful, committed
citizens can change the world; indeed,
it’s the only thing that ever has.’
So what did I learn from my experiences
at the Jalsa Salana?
It reminded me what a force for good
religion can be. It’s certainly true that
religion can be misused as an excuse for
persecution and hatred – but it’s an over-
whelmingly positive influence in the lives
of these people, inspiring them to give
huge amounts of their time and money to
help others,and giving them faith,hope,
gratitude and a love for humanity.
It reminded me how wonderful difference
is – because there’s always something to
learn from people who are a little dif-
ferent from you. Everyone I met exuded
such positivity and cheerfulness that I
resolved to be a little less negative and
down on myself.
It reminded me that underneath our dif-
ferences,we’re all the same as long as we
know how to laugh and be kind. These
people,almost all of whom I’d never met
before,accepted me and laughed with me
as if they’d always known me.
Zac Goldsmith among the many
prominent guests attending the Jalsa
Salana and appreciating the efforts of
the Ahmadiyya Community for world
peace and its humanitarian works.
It reminded me of the power of the ran-
dom encounter, something I’ve always
strongly believed in. You never know
where the most casual conversations and
questions will lead.
And, most importantly, it reminded me
of the importance of keeping an open
mind. If I’d been scared of things that
were different,I’d have missed out on an
amazingly fun experience, a great many
opportunities to learn, and new friend-
ships with people who have helped me
to be a better, happier person.
One of many delegations visiting the
Jalsa and partaking in the atmosphere
of love, brotherhood and tolerance.
It reminded me that
underneath our differences,
we’re all the same as long
as we know how to laugh
and be kind.These people,
almost all of whom I’d never
met before, accepted me
and laughed with me as if
they’d always known me.
About the Author: Sarah Linney is a
freelance journalist and the editor of
news, features and opinion website The
Loop (theloopjournalism.wordpress.
com). She has previously worked
for the Kent Messenger Group and
Kent on Sunday, and as a freelance
The Ahmadiyya Community’s motto is
Love For All, Hatred For None, and the
community has repeatedly spoken out
against all forms of extremism and terrorism.
Write to us with comments,
feedback and suggestions at
In recent times vested interests have
launched a ‘crusade’ against Islam.
Islam is labelled as a religion of terror,
backwardness and suppression.
Based on Quranic teachings, the author of
this book goes about disproving these notions
and professes that Islam provides practical
solutions to current issues; and argues that:
(1) Swords can win territories but not hearts,
forces can bend heads but not minds; (2) The role
of women is not of concubines in harems nor a
society imprisoned in the four wall of their houses;
(3) Richer nations provide aid with strings attached
and yet the flow of wealth continues to be in the
direction of the rich while the poorer sink deeper
in the red; (4) Religion does not need to be the
predominant legislative authority in the political
affairs of the state; (5) Irrespective of the thawing
of the cold war, the issue of war and peace does not
only hang by the thread of superpower relationship.
(6) Without God there can be no peace.
It also contains comprehensive discussion
on interest; financial aid; international
relations; and the role of Israel, America and
the United Kingdom in a new world order.
The message of this book is timeless and chalks
a blue print for the future prospects for peace.
Read online:
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The Review of Religions
serialised the famous treatise
The Philosophy of the Teachings
of Islam, by the founder of
the Ahmadiyya Muslim
Community. Initially written
for the Conference of Great
Religions on December 26-
29,1896, each speaker at the
conference was asked to present
to the audience the beauties
of their own religion based
upon its scripture, proving that
it was the true religion, based
on the following topics:
• The Physical, Moral,
and Spiritual States of Man;
• What is the State of
Man after Death?
• The Object of Man’s Life and
the Means of its Attainment;
• The Operation of the Practical
Ordinances of the Law in
This Life and the Next;
• Sources of Divine Knowledge
The Review of Religions
Read online:
Or purchase here:
Promised Messiahas
& imam mahdi
( g u i d e d o n e )
founder of
the review of religions
Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
What is the
Conclusive Proof of
The Unity of God?
rguments are of two types,inductive and deductive.An
inductive argument enables us to recognise that which
is indicated. For instance when we observe smoke we
conclude that there is a fire. In the case of deduction, one
moves from the conclusion to the cause. For instance, we find
a person suffering from high fever and we believe that there
is a cause for it.
We proceed to set forth first the inductive reason for the need
of revelation. There is no doubt that the physical and spir-
itual systems of man are governed by the same law of nature.
We observe in the physical system that whatever needs the
Gracious God has planted in the human body, He has also
provided the means of their satisfaction. A human body feels
hunger and needs food, so God has provided various types of
food for the human body. In the same way, man needed water
to slake his thirst and God Almighty has provided wells and
There is no doubt that the physical
and spiritual systems of man are
governed by the same law of nature.
springs and streams for that purpose.Man needed the light of
the sun or light from some other source to be able to see with
his eyes and God Almighty has provided light from heaven in
the shape of the sun and has provided light from other sources
on earth.Man needed air for breathing and hearing the voices
of others, and God provided air. In the same way, man needed
a consort for the propagation of the species; so God created
woman as man’s consort and man as woman’s consort.In short,
whatever desires God has planted in the human body, He has
also provided means for their satisfaction.
Now it is worth considering that when provision has been made
for the fulfilment of the physical needs of the mortal body,how
much more must have been provided for the fulfilment of the
pure desires of the soul which has been created for the eternal
love and recognition and worship of God. That provision is
Divine revelation and Divine signs, which carry a person of
defective knowledge to complete certainty. As God bestowed
upon the body provision for the satisfaction of its needs, in
the same way, He bestowed upon the soul provision for the
Stop and reflect. You cannot deny that the
provision for your physical needs is available
to you all the time, but you have nothing
with you in the way of provision for your
spiritual needs except stories of the past.
satisfaction of its needs so that the physical and the spiritual
systems should be in accord…This inductive reasoning can be
completed only through deductive reasoning, that is to say, by
a sample of revelation itself.To feel the need for something is
one matter and to find its fulfilment is quite another…You can
see that both food and water are available for your body, not
that they were present in some earlier age but not any more.
But when mention is made of revelation you refer to a past age
upon which centuries upon centuries have lapsed and you are
not able to refer to anything in the present.Then how is there
an accord between the physical and spiritual laws of nature?
Stop and reflect. You cannot deny that the provision for your
physical needs is available to you all the time, but you have
nothing with you in the way of provision for your spiritual
needs except stories of the past. You know that the physical
springs from which you take the water to slake your thirst are
still running; nor have your fields become barren and unpro-
ductive,the produce of which satisfies your hunger twice a day.
But where are the spiritual springs, which used to slake your
spiritual thirst by giving you the fresh water of Divine revela-
tion? Nor have you available the spiritual food by eating which
you could keep your soul alive.Thus you are in a desert where
there is neither food nor water.1
1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
, The Essence of Islam, vol. 2 (Tilford,
Surrey: Islam International Publications, 1993), 43-45.
The official website of the Ahmadiyya
Muslim Community worldwide.
You can find a huge collection of free online
material, including translation and commentary
of the Holy Qur’an and you can access literature
of the Community including the books written
by its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
12 Issues for only £15
For more information Visit:
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Suffer Pain to Bring
Comfort to Humanity
The Significance
of Ramadan
Religious Trends
in Germany
Khalifah of the Promised
Messiah in Germany
Khalifah of Promised
Messiah Sends Letter to
Russian President
Syria - A Religious
Medical Consequences
of Nuclear War
The World in Need of
a Reformer
Chimes of Messiah
The Beginning of
Creation in Scriptures of
Different Religions
Khalifah of the Promised
at the Houses
of Parliament
Guests Reflect on the
Houses of Parliament
The magazine devoted to promoting intellectual and
lively debate that is based on respect for all religions.
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Of Mice and Men
The Keys to Peace in a
Time of Global Disorder
Opening of the Baitul
Ahad Mosque in Japan
The Economic System
of Islam
Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder
in the World Today? Spreading Peace &
World in Crisis -
How do we Cope?
True Mosques Transmit
Only Love and Peace
Qur’anic History and
the Role of Islamic
The Philosophy of
Eid ul Fitr
Are Religious Parents
Brainwashing Their
Pray for Children
Instead of
Punishing Them
Apartheid of Ahmadis
in Pakistan
The Economic System
of Islam
Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder
in the World Today? Spreading Peace &
Ask The Review
of Religions
Wonders of
the Universe
Five Reasons Why
Some Christians Are
Shroud Sceptics
The Economic System
of Islam
End Times, Armageddon
& the Return
of the Messiah
What are the Signs of the
Second Coming
of the Messiah?
Real Peace
on Earth
Recognising the
Celestial Signs of
Almighty God
Hajj—Pilgrimage to the
House of God
The Review of Religions’
Exhibition: An Interfaith
My First Visit to Jalsa
The Economic System
of Islam
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Good Mosques,
Good Neighbours
and the
Big Fish?
Why Alcohol is
Prohibited in Islam
The Economic System
of Islam
Building Bridges
of Peace
Glimpse into the Life of
Prophet Muhammadsa
A Short Sketch of
Muslim History
The Economic System
of Islam?
Terrorism Was Never
Justified by the Prophet
Peace Requires
Gene Editing:
Harnessing the Power
of Nature
The Economic System
of Islam
Islam: Restoring
Women’s Rights
Deliverance of
Justice in an
Unjust World
The Qur’an on War
and Peace
Restoring Women’s Rights
Should Islam Really
be Feared...?
Qur’anic History &
the Role of Islamic
On Fasting
The Economic System
of Islam
Human Values – The
Foundation for a
Peaceful World
A Glimpse into the Life
of The Holy Prophet
Justice –The Prerequisite
to a Peaceful World
Mary: A Personal
A historic address at Canada’s
National Parliament
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The English Rendering of the
5 Volume Commentary of the
Holy Qur’an
One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the
Holy Qur’an ever written.
Commentary by
Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra)
Read it online at:
Or Purchase the print version at:
Deep in the heart of the Arab
Peninsula, amidst the desert
and the valleys of Pharan,
stands a modest bricked
structure. This monument is
undisputedly the single most
sacred, revered and Holy
Shrine of Islam; the compass
point for which the Muslim
world aligns itself on a daily
basis in prostration to God.
Its name is the Ka’bah, literally
translating from Arabic as ‘the cube’,
but is synonymously referred to as
Baytul Haram or ‘the Sacred House’. It
was established for the benefit of the
whole of mankind, to act as a centre
for the unification of humanity.
Does its inception lie with the
earliest human populations – viz-a-
viz Adamas
and his Community – or
were Abrahamas
and his son Ishmaelas
the individuals responsible for its
initial erection? And what purpose
does the Ka’bah actually serve?
Purchase print copy:
Monday 14th August or
Tuesday 15th August 2017
Faith: Hinduism
Event: Krishna Janmashtami
The Krishna Janmashtami
is the celebration of the
birth of Krishna, one of
the incarnations of Lord
Vishnu. Festivities begin at
midnight, as that is believed
to be the time of the birth of
Krishna. Most Hindus visit
the temple and sing bhajans
[traditional Hindu songs]
to commemorate the day.
Since Krishna enjoyed milk
and curds, Hindus prepare
meals from these ingredients.
Another tradition is to form
a human pyramid in order to
reach a pot hung high above
containing buttermilk.
Tuesday 15th August 2017
Faith: Christianity
Event: Feast of Assumption
According to the Catholic
doctrine the feast of
Assumption marks the death
and bodily ascension of
Mary, mother of Jesusas
. In
November 1950, Pope Pius
XII declared this event to be
‘infallible’stating that when
Mary lived her earthly life,
her soul ascended to heaven.
Each country celebrates this
festival in a particular way,
with some lighting candles or
fireworks to others throwing
coins out of their windows
as a sign of prosperity.
Friday 18th – Friday 25th
August 2017
Faith: Jainism
Event: Paryushan
Celebrated in the Hindu
month of Bhadra, Paryushan
is one of the most important
festivals for the Jain faith.
Literally meaning ‘coming
together’, Paryushan is said
to have been commemorated
by Lord Mahavira, founder
of Jainism. One key aspect
of this festival is seeking
forgiveness as well pardoning
others. During this day some
Jains fast as well as offer
prayers and meditation.
Verse references to the Holy Qur’an
count ‘Bismillah…’ (In the Name
of Allah…) as the first verse of each
Chapter. In some non-standard texts,
this is not counted. Should the reader
refer to such texts, the verse quoted in
The Review of Religions will be found a
verse earlier, i.e. at one verse less than
the number quoted in this journal.
For the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘sa
or ‘(saw)
’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’,
or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used
normally in small letters. They stand
for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning
‘peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him’. Likewise, the letters ‘as
’ or ‘(as)
after the name of all other prophets
is an abbreviation meaning ‘peace
be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis
salatu wassalam’ which are words
that a Muslim utters out of respect
whenever he or she comes across
that name. The abbreviation ‘ra
’ or ‘(ra)
stands for ‘Raziallahu Ta’ala anhu and
is used for Companions of a Prophet,
meaning Allah be pleased with him
or her (when followed by the relevant
Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘rh
’ or ‘(rh)
’ for
Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy
of Allah the Exalted be upon him.
In keeping with current universal
practice, local transliterations
of names of places are preferred
to their anglicised versions, e.g.
Makkah instead of Mecca, etc.
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For all other subscription issues or for
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Tahir House
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ISSN NO. 0034-6721
The Review of Religions, in print since
1902, is one of the longest-running
comparative religious magazines.
The objective of the magazine is to present
the teachings of Islam, reflecting its rational,
harmonious and inspiring nature. It also brings
together articles and viewpoints on different
religions and seeks to make discussions on
religion and religious philosophy accessible to a
wider readership.
The magazine is devoted to promoting intellectual
and lively debate that is based on respect for all
prophets and religions. Islam repeatedly stresses
the need to seek knowledge and The Review of
Religions provides a unique platform for people
to acquire, and share knowledge.
Yearly subscription is only £15 sterling or $30 for
overseas customers.
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The Review of Religions August 2017

  • 1. Man’s Ability to Receive Revelation 8 Gravitational Waves 14 The Pillars of Islam 30 Jalsa Salana: What True Islam is Really All About 40 VOL. 112 - ISSUE EIGHTAUGUST 2017 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG GRAVITATIONALWAVES Aneweraofastronomybegins
  • 2. The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa prophesied that the Promised Messiahas would be raised near a white minaret, east of Damascus. This prophecy was fulfilled with the advent of the Promised Messiahas from Qadian, India, a city directly east of Damascus. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ©makhzan-e-tasaweer founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , the Promised Messiah and Mahdi was born to a noble family in Qadian, India. From an early age he had a keen interest in religion and developed a love for the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa . He was also known for his honesty, friendliness and resolve. Over time his knowledge and understanding of religion and its application to society deepened. Being a Muslim it was his firm belief that all religions were true at their source but with the passage of time had drifted away from their original teachings; he upheld the dignity of religion and demonstrated its relevance to everyone. His earnest defence of religion was ultimately blessed when he started to receive direct revelation from Allah – a blessing that he continued for the rest of his life. His mission was to revitalise the truth that all religions held within them and to revive the teachings of Islam. It was through this that he would bring mankind together and establish everlasting peace. In 1889, under Divine Guidance, Hazrat Ahmadas founded the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – a community that has since grown in its stature and strength and has remained active in conveying the message of Islam to the ends of the earth. Hazrat Ahmadas had established himself as a respected writer and had written over 80 books. His writings have been translated into more than 60 languages and continue to inspire readers to this day. One of his greatest scholarly works was The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, prepared as a paper and read out at the Conference of Great Religions in 1896. He also wrote a fascinating treatise in 1899 entitled Jesus in India, a book that uncovered remarkable evidence of Jesus’sas journey to India. In 1902, the Promised Messiahas initiated The Review of Religions which has covered a vast array of topics on religion, philosophy and contemporary issues of the day. It is the longest running English magazine in defence of Islam and the values it teaches. From 1889 until the time of his demise in 1908 tens of thousands of people accepted him. This blessing has continued and will continue through his Khulafa (successors). Currently under the fifth successor, we are seeing that the tide of acceptance is worldwide and that the message of Prophet Ahmadas has really reached the ends of the earth.
  • 3. And turn not thy cheek away from men in pride nor walk in the earth haughtily; Surely, Allah loves not any arrogant boaster.’ ISLAM, THE HOLY QUR’AN, 31:19 The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‘None shall enter the Fire (of Hell) who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of Iman and none shall enter Paradise who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride’. ISLAM, SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 1, HADITH 172. Arrogance is an affliction that constantly affects man. Keep in mind that arrogance comes from Satan and converts an arrogant one into Satan. Until a person turns wholly away from the path of arrogance he is not enabled to accept the truth and does not become worthy of receiving Divine grace, inasmuch as arrogance bars his way. So shun every type of arrogance, whether generated by learning, wealth, status, caste, family or noble descent.These are the factors that give birth to arrogance. Until a person purifies himself of all such pride he cannot win Divine approval and become a chosen one of God. ISLAM, HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMADAS , THE ESSENCE OF ISLAM, VOL. 2, 365 Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. JUDAISM PROVERBS 16.18 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up. CHRISTIANITY, JAMES, 4:10 Shun all pride and jealousy, Give up all idea of ‘me’ and ‘mine’. HINDUISM, SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM, 11.4 The mightly proud ultimately rot in their own arrogance. SIKHISM, ADI GRANTH, GAURI SUKHMANI 12, M.5, P. 278 The fool who thinks he is wise is called a fool indeed. BUDDHISM, DHAMMAPADA 63 If you desire to obtain help, put away pride. Even a hair of pride shuts you off, as if by a great cloud. SHINTO, ORACLE OF KASUGA Pride and Egotism WORLD FAITHS
  • 4. 8 Man’s Ability to Receive Revelation HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMADAS , THE PROMISED MESSIAH & IMAM MAHDI 14 Gravitational Waves: A New Window Opens Since time immemorial we have been fascinated by the heavens. With the recent detection of gravitational waves, we can listen to these waves and gain further insights into the workings of the universe. SHAHAB KHOKHAR, CANADA 26 A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa HAZRAT MIRZA BASHIR-UD-DIN MAHMUD AHMADRA , SECOND KHALIFAH AND WORLDWIDE HEAD OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY 30 The Pillars of Islam A special feature in which we highlight the writings of the Promised Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , on various topics.This month, the Promised Messiahas explains the five fundamental pillars of Islam in depth. HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMADAS , THE PROMISED MESSIAH & IMAM MAHDI 40 Jalsa Salana: What True Islam is Really All About Freelance journalist Sarah Linneyhad the opportunity to visit the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Annual Convention in Alton, Hampshire. After spending a whole day with over 30,000 Muslims, she reflects on her experiences and what the true teachings of Islam are really about. SARAH LINNEY, UK 62 Calendar of Religious Events Front cover picture: Vladimir Arndt | shutterstock CONTENTS AUGUST 2017 VOL.112 - ISSUE EIGHT
  • 6. WORLD CRISIS M I R Z A M A S R O O R A H M A D PEACE andthePathwaytoThe world is passing through very turbulent times.The global economic crisis continues to manifest newer and graver dangers almost every week. The similarities to the period just before the Second World War continue to be cited and it seems clear that events are moving the world at an unprecedented pace towards a horrific Third World War. In this book, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community warns the world of the fast approaching dangers and how it can avert disaster and chart a course to peace. WORLD CRISIS PEACE andthePathwayto 9 781848 808584 ISBN 184880858-5 9 781848 808577 ISBN 184880857-7 WORLDCRISISandthePathwaytoPEACEMIRZAMASROORAHMAD Please Note. Background colour: C=10 M=10 Y=0 K=100 From His Holiness – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba – comes a groundbreaking vision for how to estab- lish long-lasting peace in a world fraught with rapidly increasing disorder and unrest. His Holiness reminds world leaders that the flames of war are already burn- ing through local and regional conflicts and we stand at the precipice of another world war. If these sparks were to truly ignite we could witness the horrific reality of a nuclear war, whose consequences are unimaginable. His Holiness is the Worldwide Head and Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – which has tens of millions of followers in over 200 countries. World Crisis and the Pathway to Peace is a collection of the historic addresses and letters by His Holiness to world leaders and influential figures. In this book, His Holiness offers consummate analysis on all aspects of the global crisis; political, economic, social and spiritual and provides the golden keys to resolving the critical problems the world faces. In a world where existing strategies for peace have failed and peo- ple are desperately looking for a new direction, His Holiness presents fresh and practical solutions, giving hope that we can still prevent a global catastrophe. (continued on back flap) s, d y, n e - t e r c - e m f - f n s s o ., e s d a f e y d r- ll s d r- The world is passing through turbulent times.The global economic crisis continues to manifest new and grave dangers at every juncture.The similarities of the current circumstances to the build-up of the Second WorldWar are stark. Events appear to be moving us rapidly towards a ThirdWorldWar.The consequences of a nuclear war are beyond our imagination. In this book, the historic addresses of Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , Fifth Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, to prominent dignitaries at Capitol Hill, the House of Commons, the European Parliament and other notable locations around the world have been collated.The book also includes the momentous letters sent by His Holiness to the numerous world leaders. Over and over again, His Holiness has reminded all that the only means of averting a global catastrophe is for nations to establish justice as an absolute requirement of their dealings with others. Even if mutual enmity exists, impartiality must be observed at all times, because history has taught us that this alone is the way to eliminate all traces of hatred and to build everlasting peace. Read online at: Purchase the book here:
  • 7. CHIEF EDITOR & MANAGER Syed Amer Safir ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nakasha Ahmad,Tariq H. Malik RELIGION & SCIENCE Editor: Dr. Syed Muhammad Tahir Nasser Deputy: Dr.Tauseef Khan ISLAM & CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Editor: Shahzad Ahmad Deputy: Zafir Malik LAW & HUMAN RIGHTS Editor: Qudsi Rasheed Deputy: Ayesha Mahmood Malik ANCIENT RELIGIONS & ARCHAEOLOGY Editor: Fazal Ahmad Deputy: Rizwan Safir CHRISTIANITY Editor: Navida Sayed Deputy: Arif Khan WOMEN’S SECTION Editor: Aliya Latif Deputy: Meliha Hayat BOOK REVIEWS Editor: Sarah Waseem WEB TEAM Mubashra Ahmad, Hibba Turrauf SPECIAL COLLECTIONS Head: Razwan Baig EDITORIAL BOARD Mansoor Saqi, Bockarie Tommy Kallon, Professor Amtul Razzaq Carmichael, Murtaza Ahmad, Fiona O’Keefe, Hassan Wahab, Jonathan Butterworth, Munazza Khan, Waqar Ahmedi, Mahida Javed SUB-EDITORS Munawara Ghauri (Head), Maryam Malik, Nusrat Haq, Mariam Rahman PROOFREADERS Farhana Dar (Head), Hina Rehman, Amina Abbasi, Aisha Patel HOUSE STYLE GUIDE Maleeha Ahmad (Head), Sadia Shah SOCIAL MEDIA Tazeen Ahmad (Head), Mala Khan (Deputy), Nudrat Ahmad, Hajra Ahmad, Mishall Rahman, Shumaila Ahmad PRINT DESIGN AND LAYOUT Ahsan Khan INTERNATIONAL SUBSCRIPTION & DISTRIBUTION Muhammad Hanif ACCOUNTS & MARKETING Musa Sattar ART & CREATIVITY Zubair Hayat, Musawer Din INDEXING,TAGGING & ARCHIVING Mirza Krishan Ahmad (Head). Amtus Shakoor Tayyaba Ahmed (Deputy). Humaira Omer, Humda Sohail, Shahid Malik, Ruhana Hamood, Mubahil Shakir, Adila Bari, Hassan Raza Ahmad MANAGEMENT BOARD Munir-Ud-Din Shams (Chairman), Syed Amer Safir (Secretary), Mubarak Ahmad Zaffar, Abdul Baqi Arshad, Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, Naseer Qamar, Abid Waheed Ahmad Khan, Aziz Ahmad Bilal
  • 8. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ( g u i d e d o n e ) founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
  • 9. Man’s Ability To Receive Revelation A s God has invested man with the faculty of reason for the understanding, to some degree, of elementary mat- ters, in the same way God has vested in him a hidden faculty of receiving revelation. When human reason arrives at the limit of its reach, then at that stage God Almighty, for the purpose of leading His true and faithful servants to the per- fection of understanding and certainty, guides them through revelation and visions.Thus the stages which reason could not reach are traversed by means of revelation and visions,and seek- ers after truth thereby arrive at full certainty.This is the way of Allah, to guide to which Prophets have appeared in the world. Without treading this path,no one has ever arrived at true and perfect understanding. But a poor dry philosopher is in such a hurry that he desires everything to be disclosed at the stage of reason. He does not know that reason cannot carry a burden beyond its strength,nor can it step further than its capacity.He does not reflect that,to carry a person to his desired excellence, God Almighty has bestowed upon him not only the faculty God Almighty has bestowed upon him not only the faculty of reason but also the faculty of experiencing visions and revelations.
  • 10. of reason but also the faculty of experiencing visions and revelations. It is the height of misfortune to make use of only the elementary means out of those that God has, out of His Perfect Wisdom, bestowed upon man for the purpose of recognizing God, and to remain ignorant of the rest. It is extremely unwise to let those faculties atrophy through lack of use and to derive no benefit from them.A person who does not use the faculty of receiving revelation and denies its existence cannot be a true philosopher,whereas the existence of this faculty has been established by the testimony of thousands of the righteous and all men of true understanding have arrived at perfect understanding through this means.1 endnotes 1.Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas ,The Essence of Islam,vol.2 (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications, 1993), 37-38. A person who does not use the faculty of receiving revelation and denies its existence cannot be a true philosopher...
  • 11. The official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide. You can find a huge collection of free online material, including translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an and you can access literature of the Community including the books written by its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas .
  • 12. TheHONOURofPROPHETS another. The s of religion. hless, yet the alvation. So e Promised ure is weak, o, owing to or humanity, ra, God has ts, but none of Islam in present age, ercessor that ree mankind hilosophy of ilty and his HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD The Promised Messiah and Mahdi Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community HAZRATMIRZAGHULAMAHMAD The HONOUR of PROPHETS
  • 13. E very human being seeks salvation in some form or another. The concept of salvation holds pivotal importance in matters of religion. A faith unable to deliver its followers from sin is worthless, yet the progress and benefit of society depends on this very salvation. So where should one turn to attain it? In this work, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, explains that since human nature is weak, salvation can only be attained through a mediator who, owing to their perfect relationship with God and deep sympathy for humanity, can serve as a link between God and man. In every era, God has conferred salvation upon humanity through His prophets, but none can match the unparalleled status held by the Prophet of Islam in this respect, who was the paragon of perfection. In the present age, it is this pure and blessed prophet who is the only intercessor that can grant humanity a living relationship with God and free mankind from the shackles of sin. The author presents an exquisite exposition on the philosophy of divine intercession, sinlessness, forgiveness, human frailty and his advent as the Promised Messiah. NEW BOOK The HONOUR of PROPHETS
  • 15. Exploring gravitational waves, the universe and its impact on us…
  • 16. S ince time immemorial, we have been fascinated by the heavens. The sight of the heavenly bodies – the sun, moon and stars – sparked the human imagination. At first, we tried to understand the skies through myths, imagined and developed from generation to generation.In the heavenly constella- tions we saw chariots, animals, pottery, gods and heroes.Yet alongside our fables and tales,the more scientifically-minded amongst us started to notice how the heavenly bodies moved, and started to use their positions to calculate the days, the months and the seasons. From this, we developed the most basic science of all: mathematics, as the Qur’an testifies to:     The Holy Qur’an, 10:6.  The Holy Qur’an, 81:12. He it is Who made the sun radiate a bril- liant light and the moon reflect a lustre, and ordained for it stages,that you might know the number of years and the system of calculation.Allah has not created this but in truth. He details the Signs for a people who have knowledge.1 Alongside the myths, scientists and philosophers continuously sought to rationally understand the vault of the heavens above us.Greek philosophers like Gravitational Waves: A New Window Opens SHAHAB KHOKHAR, CANADA 16 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 17. Pythagoras and Ptolemy were followed by the giants of the Islamic sciences, such as Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Battani and Al-Khwarizmi, who critiqued and further developed the field with observa- tion and careful measurement. The next window into the heavens opened up rela- tively recently with the development of radio astronomy.We began to look at the sky using radio waves and microwaves. We discovered what the stars were com- posed of, through our knowledge of the electromagnetic spectrum, which varied from visible light to beyond the infra- red and ultraviolet spectrum.It is during this time that our understanding of the celestial bodies advanced,just as the Holy Qur’an prophesied would happen in the age of the Messiah:     The Holy Qur’an, 10:6.  The Holy Qur’an, 81:12. And when the heaven is laid bare.2 We are lucky enough to witness an exam- ple of this in our lifetimes with the recent detection of gravitational waves. We are lucky enough to witness an example of this in our lifetimes with the recent detection of gravitational waves. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 17
  • 18. What are Gravitational Waves? Gravitational waves are not electromag- netic radiation. It was Einstein who first predicted gravitational waves with his theory of general relativity in 1915. While Isaac Newton explained gravity in the 17th century as a force that acts between any two objects possessing mass, Einstein believed that gravity is the result of the distortion of the space-time fabric by such objects. While the Newtonian theory of gravity holds good for most common observations with remark- able accuracy, it fails to explain several phenomena associated with very heavy objects like neutron stars and black holes. The distortions in space-time due to such heavy bodies as described by Einstein are much like how a trampoline or a stretched sheet of fabric deforms when a heavy object is placed upon it.It is inter- esting to note that though Einstein was the first scientist to theorise the existence of the space-time “fabric,”reference to it can be found in the Holy Qur’an: 1.    Qur’an 21:105 2.     Qur’an 39:68 3. Remember the day when We shall roll up the heavens like the rolling up of writ- ten scrolls by a scribe. As We began the first creation, so shall We repeat it — a promise binding upon Us; We shall cer- tainly perform it.3 1.    Qur’an 21:105 2.     Qur’an 39:68 And they do not esteem Allah, with the esteem that is due to Him. And the whole earth will be but His handful on Pythagoras, depicted on a 3rd century coin. Pythagoras was a famous Ionian philosopher and mathematician, most well known for formulating the Pythagorean theorem, which elucidates a fundamental relationship in Euclidean geometry between the three sides of a right angle triangle. gravitational waves: a new window opens 18 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 19. the Day of Resurrection, and the heav- ens will be rolled up in His right hand. Glory to Him and exalted is He above that which they associate with Him.4 The verses above refer to the universe as a deformable fabric or parchment that can be rolled up,similar to how Einstein conceived of space-time. A major prediction of Einstein’s general theory was the existence of gravitational waves. While he described the force of gravity as the distortion in the fabric of space-time, gravitational waves were described as the ‘ripples’ in the fabric of space-time caused by massive accel- erating objects. These ripples are much like what we see when we throw a stone in water or if a heavy ball were to be bounced on a trampoline. Gravitational waves have an effect simi- lar to electromagnetic waves. Just as electromagnetic waves carry the electro- magnetic force,gravitational waves ‘carry’ energy known as ‘gravitational radiation’. When electromagnetic radiation strikes an object it induces electricity or mag- netism (see page 21), and in a similar fashion, when gravitational waves strike an object, they distort the space around the object, thus changing the actual size Ibn Al Haytham, the father of modern optics, pioneered and first elucidated the scientific method. His contribution to astronomy was in his critique of Ptolemy’s work and his demonstration of its inherent flaws. The verses above refer to the universe as a deformable fabric or parchment that can be rolled up, similar to how Einstein conceived of space-time. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 19
  • 20. of the object.While some of us may wish to blame our ever-increasing weight on passing gravitational waves, unfortu- nately (or fortunately) the effects of gravitational waves are very small. Detecting Gravitational Waves Since the prediction of gravitational waves by Einstein, the scientific com- munity has been working on detecting them. Unlike electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves cannot be ‘seen’with the naked eye, telescopes or antennas. We can only ‘observe’ them indirectly through their effects. Interestingly, we can find reference to such invisible forces holding the heavens together,in the Holy Qur’an:    Qur’an 21:105 2.     Qur’an 39:68 3.     Qur’an 31:11 4.      Qur’an 67:4-5 5.    Qur’an 55:34 He  has  created  the  heavens  with- out any pillars that you can see, and He has placed in the earth firm moun- tains that it may not quake with you,and He has scattered therein all kinds of crea- tures; and We have sent down water from the clouds, and caused to grow therein every noble species.5 The verse above is sometimes understood to mean that Allah has created the uni- verse without any pillars. However, a more accurate translation is that Allah has created the universe without any vis- ible pillars.This may be pointing towards gravity in general and gravitational waves in particular. The first observation of gravitational waves came in 1974 when a binary pul- sar system,the Hulse-Taylor binary – two extremely dense and heavy stars orbit- ing around each other – was discovered. It was discovered by Russell Alan Hulse and Joseph Hooton Taylor, Jr., of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Their discovery of the system and anal- ysis of it earned them the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics.The system was observed for eight years and it was determined that the stars were getting closer to each other at precisely the rate predicted by general relativity if gravitational wave emissions were occurring. The second major observation came in September 2015, despite the immense hurdle posed by the detection of gravita- tional waves,that is,their extremely weak gravitational waves: a new window opens 20 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 21. effect. Passing gravitational waves can easily pass unnoticed because of the very minimal effect they have on objects.The task of detecting the direct effect of grav- itational waves on an object was deemed impossible until LIGO was finally built. LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Observatory) – another imaginative use of acronyms by physi- cists – is a pair of observatories in the United States built to detect gravitational waves.Unlike conventional observatories, LIGO does not consist of a telescope or similar devices.The observatory has two large arms, each measuring four kilo- metres in length, perpendicular to each other. Laser Interferometers consist of a laser beam that is split into two with a ‘beam splitter’. The two laser beams also run perpendicular to one another, in each of the arms. Any change in the distance travelled by the laser beams results in the two beams no longer being ‘in-step’with each other, thus creating an interference pattern (hence the term interferometers’). The whole idea is that if a gravitational wave passes through the observatory, the observatory arms will expand and The electromagnetic spectrum is comprised of a continuous range of wavelengths, of which visible light only forms a small part. Philip Ronan | Released under Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0 AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 21
  • 22. contract, resulting in a difference in the distance travelled by the two laser beams.6 The differences measured are incredibly small.Gravitational waves will cause the observatory arms to change in length by only about a fraction of the size of a pro- ton (0.0000000000000000001 metres). Another way to look at this minute observation and the remarkable accu- racy of the LIGO is that it can measure the distance between the sun and the nearest star Proxima Centauri, which is about 4.25 light years away, to a level of about the width of a human hair.7 LIGO is undoubtedly the most precise measur- ing device ever built by humans. On September 14, 2015 at 5:51 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (09:51 UTC), Laser Interferometer Gravitational- wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors picked up evidence of gravitational waves.8 Physicists have concluded that the detected gravitational waves were produced during the final fraction of a second, during the merger of two black holes to produce a single, much bigger, rotary black hole. This collision of two black holes had been predicted but never detected. Based on the observed signals, LIGO scientists estimate that the black holes for this event were about 29 and 36 times the mass of the sun, and the event took place 1.3 billion years ago. Why Are Gravitational Waves Important? The discovery of gravitational waves is a very important step in our understanding of the universe. It has opened up a new window which was closed until recently. We can now listen to these waves and gravitational waves: a new window opens The idea of space-time as a fabric was the result of Einstein’s new paradigm for understanding the nature of the universe. It asserts that any object possessing mass deforms the space-time fabric around it. This deformation of space-time is what creates gravity. This description of space as a fabric is confirmed by the Qur’an, which also describes space as a deformable fabric. User koya979 | Shutterstock 22 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 23. thereby expand our understanding of the universe, obtaining insights into the behaviour of massive objects such as black holes and neutron stars. It is interesting that this discovery comes at a time when the scientific community is realising how little they know about the universe. Over the last 100 years, we have taken giant leaps in our understand- ing of the universe, how it works, what is it made up of and how it came into being. But it seems that with every new discovery, instead of gaining complete understanding, we simply realise how little we know.4.      Qur’an 67:4-5 5.  Who has created seven heavens in har- mony. No incongruity canst thou see in the creation of the Gracious God. Then look again: Seest thou any flaw? Aye, look again, and yet again, thy sight will only return unto thee confused and fatigued.9 After thousands of years of wondering about the sky, trillions of dollars spent in research and missions to outer space, we still only have a minimal under- standing of the universe; since all of the observable objects such as stars, plan- ets, galaxies, etc., account for only 4% of the universe.10 The rest, in an ingenious naming scheme, is referred to as ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’! We know lit- tle to nothing about this ‘dark universe’, which makes up the majority of what we call space.The new window opened up by the detection of gravitational waves may LIGO in action: a laser beam is split into two arms through a ‘beam splitter’. These arms run perpendicular to one another. Thus, any change in the space-time fabric that the LIGO occupies, results in a delay in the laser beams reception at the photo-detector, creating an interference pattern. This is the technique used to measure the effect of gravitational waves. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 23
  • 24. provide us further insights into how the universe works and what it is made up of. Or perhaps with this new looking glass, we may simply realise that we know and understand even less. In our pursuit of complete understand- ing, we are constantly reminded of our limitations.Thus,the search for a decisive discovery that can finally liberate us from our earthly confines goes on. The quest continues. Little do we realise that the final authority to go beyond rests with the Creator of the Universe: 4.      Qur’an 67:4-5 5.    Qur’an 55:34 O company of Jinn and men! If you have power to go beyond the confines of the heavens and the earth, then do go. But you cannot go save with authority.11 About the Author: Shahab Khokhar has a master’s degree in physics with a specialization in theoretical physics, focussing on gravitation and cosmology. Currently, he works in product and business development with SolarGrid Energy, Inc. endnotes 1. The Holy Qur’an, 10:6. 2. The Holy Qur’an, 81:12. 3. The Holy Qur’an, 21:105. 4. The Holy Qur’an, 39:68. 5. The Holy Qur’an, 31:11. 6. Barish, Barry C. and Rainer Weiss,“LIGO and the Detection of Gravitational Waves,” Physics Today 52 (10), 1999. 7. 8. ligo20160211. 9. The Holy Qur’an, 67:4-5. 10. “Dark Energy, Dark Matter”. NASA Science: Astrophysics. 5 June 2015. 11. The Holy Qur’an, 55:34. gravitational waves: a new window opens 24 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 25. SUBSCRIBE NOW! 12 Issues for only £15 For more information Visit: Call (UK Head office) : +44 (020) 8544 7614 Email: @ReviewReligions @ReviewReligions Suffer Pain to Bring Comfort to Humanity 10 The Significance of Ramadan 14 Religious Trends in Germany 24 Khalifah of the Promised Messiah in Germany 40 VOL. 109 - ISSUE SEVENJULY 2014 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ISLAM A THREAT OR A SOURCE OF PEACE? CASE STUDY: GERMANY Khalifah of Promised Messiah Sends Letter to Russian President 30 Syria - A Religious Heritage 34 Medical Consequences of Nuclear War 46 The World in Need of a Reformer 74 VOL. 108 - ISSUE ELEVENNOVEMBER 2013 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG SYRIA IN CRISIS Chimes of Messiah 8 The Beginning of Creation in Scriptures of Different Religions 34 Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas at the Houses of Parliament 46 Guests Reflect on the Houses of Parliament Event 62 VOL. 108 - ISSUE NINESEPTEMBER 2013 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ISLAM-ARELIGIONof PEACE&COMPASSION The magazine devoted to promoting intellectual and lively debate that is based on respect for all religions. or $30 USD or $36 CAD STUDENTS! 12 EDITIONS for just £5GBP or $10 USD or $12 CAD
  • 26. A Glimpse into the Life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa Patience in Adversity The Holy Prophetsa used to say: ‘For a Muslim, life is all full of good and nobody but a true believer finds himself in that position; for, if he meets with success he is grateful to God and becomes the recipient of greater favours from Him. On the other hand, if he suffers pain or tribulation he endures it with patience and thus again makes himself deserving of God’s favours.’When his end drew near and he gave vent to a groan in the extremity of his condition, his daughter Fatimara exclaimed that she could not bear to see him in that state.Thereupon he said:‘Have patience! Your father will suffer no pain after this day,’meaning that all his troubles were confined to this world and from the moment that he was released from this life and entered the presence of his Maker he would be subject to no further pain. During the prevalence of an epidemic he would not approve of people moving out of an afflicted town into another, for this serves to enlarge the area of the pestilence. He used to say that in times of epidemic if a person stayed on in his own town and refrained from carrying infection into unaffected areas and died of the epidemic, he would be regarded as a martyr (Bukhari, Kitabut Tibb).1 endnotes 1. Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmadra , Life of Muhammad (Tilford, Sur- rey, U.K.: Islam International Publications Limited, 2013), 240-241.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. Read online: Purchase print copy: F rom 1896 to 1914 the plague ravaged British India, and more particularly, the province of Punjab. During these perilous times, as towns and cities were devoured, the British government undertook efforts to save the people from this pandemic through inoculation. It was in this backdrop that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian penned Noah’s Ark in 1902. In it the author elaborates the essence of his teachings and states that those who sincerely follow its tenets would be saved miraculously from the onslaughts of this epidemic, even without inoculation. This was a prophecy vouchsafed to him by God. History testifies to the magnificent fulfilment of this prophecy. The book Noah’s Ark shines as a beacon of hope not only for the people of the past, but also now and shall continue to grant salvation to the world in all ages. It is a book that stands as one of the most influential works of the Promised Messiah and Mahdi,and continues to transform lives even today. NEW BOOK NOAH’S ARK AN INVITATION TO FAITH
  • 30. The Pillars of Islam
  • 31. User Samiph222 | Shutterstock EXTRACTS FROM THE ESSENCE OF ISLAMVOLUME II
  • 32. Supplication during Salat Salat is the effective criterion of the piety of a worshipper. He who weeps throughout his Salat is bestowed security. As a child weeps loudly in its mother’s lap and is comforted by the love and compassion of its mother, in the same way he who supplicates God with humil- ity and a melting heart in his Salat places himself in the lap of the compassion of Gracious Lord.He who finds no delight in the Salat has not yet truly tasted the pleasure of believing. Salat does not merely mean physical postures and movements.Some people get through the Salat quickly like the nibbling of a hen and then start long supplications, that is to say perform the Salat quickly as if it were a formal ceremony, whereas that is the time for supplicating God Almighty. Having emerged from it without any gain The Pillars of Islam The Promised Messiahas wrote over 80 books in Arabic, Urdu, and Persian. Excerpts of his collected works have been translated into English and organised by topic. The Review of Religions is pleased to present these excerpts as part of a monthly feature. Here we continue the second part of the three-part series on the pillars of Islam. Extracts from The Essence of Islam, Vol.II (pp.293-318) HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMADAS , THE PROMISED MESSIAH & IMAM MAHDI PART 2 32 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 33. they start their supplications.Make your supplications during the Salat; make the Salat a means of supplication and prayer. [Malfuzat, vol. II, p. 145] Recitation of Al-Fatihah in Salat Prayer is the purpose and spirit of the Salat. How can that purpose be really achieved except by praying during Salat. Such a worshipper is like one who is granted an opportunity of presenting himself before the Sovereign and sub- mitting his petition, but he says nothing at the time and after he leaves the pres- ence he presents his petition.That would not avail him anything.That is the case of the people who do not pray humbly and earnestly during the Salat.Make all your supplication during the Salat and observe it with all its due requirements. God Almighty has taught us a prayer at the very beginning of the Holy Qur’an and Salat does not merely mean physical postures and movements. Some people get through the Salat quickly like the nibbling of a hen and then start long supplications, that is to say perform the Salat quickly as if it were a formal ceremony, whereas that is the time for supplicating God Almighty. Having emerged from it without any gain they start their supplications. Make your supplications during the Salat; make the Salat a means of supplication and prayer. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 33
  • 34. has also instructed us in all the require- ments of prayer. The recitation of Surah Fatihah is obligatory in the Salat, which indicates that true prayer is offered only in the course of the Salat. [Malfuzat, vol. III, p. 258] Salat to be Offered in Arabic The Salat may not be observed in any language except the language of the Holy Qur’an. But after the prescribed prayers and supplications you may supplicate God Almighty in your own vernacular also.You must not neglect the prescribed prayers.The Christians having departed What are the five daily prayer services? They are pictures of your different conditions during the course of the day. You pass through five conditions at a time of trial and your nature demands that you must pass through them. Salat is one of the pillars of Islam that has such a deep significance to all Muslims because it opens the doors to a strong relationship with God. From supplication to prayers it is filled with meaning, passion and sincerity for a believer to excel. Sony Herdiana | Shutterstock 34 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 35. from this principle have lost everything. [Malfuzat, vol. III, p. 288] What is the Salat? It is the supplication made humbly in the form of glorification and praise of God,proclaiming His holi- ness,seeking His forgiveness and calling down His blessings on the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). When you are occupied with the Salat do not confine yourselves only to the prescribed prayers like heedless peo- ple whose Salat is all formality and has no reality behind it. When you observe the Salat, then besides the prescribed prayers taught by the Holy Qur’an and by the Holy Prophet (peace and bless- ings of Allah be on him), you should set forth your supplications in your respec- tive vernaculars so that your hearts may be moved by your humility and your earnestness. [Kashti Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 68-69] Supplications may be Offered in One’s Own Vernacular Make your supplications during your five daily prayer services.You are not forbid- den to supplicate in your own vernaculars. The Salat is not properly observed except with concentration, and concentration cannot be achieved without humility, and humility is generated by a compre- hension of that which is said.Therefore, eagerness and travail of the soul are generated more easily by supplication in one’s vernacular. But this does not mean that you should dispense with the pre- scribed prayers and offer the Salat in your own language. That is not what I mean. What I have in mind is that after the pre- scribed prayers you should also supplicate in your own language. There is a special blessing in the prescribed prayers. Salat means prayer.Therefore during the Salat pray for deliverance from the calamities of the here and the hereafter, and that your end may be good.Pray also for your wives and children. Be good and shun all evil. [Malfuzat, vol. VI, p. 146] The Philosophy of the Five Daily Prayers What are the five daily prayer services? They are pictures of your different con- ditions during the course of the day.You pass through five conditions at a time of trial and your nature demands that you must pass through them. The first of these is when you are warned that you are about to be afflicted with a calamity. For instance,imagine that a warrant has been issued for your presence in court.This is the first condition which disturbs your AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 35
  • 36. serenity and contentment.This condition resembles the time when the sun begins to decline, as on the receipt of the court warrant. Corresponding to this condi- tion, the noon prayer (Zuhr) has been prescribed,the time of which begins with the decline of the sun. You experience the second condition when you are drawn close to the place of the calamity. For instance, when hav- ing been taken into custody under the warrant you are produced before the magistrate. At that time you are in ter- ror and the light of security seems as if it were about to depart from you. This condition resembles the time when the light of the sun diminishes and the human eye can fix itself upon the sun and it becomes obvious that the time of its setting is near. Corresponding to this spiritual condition the afternoon prayer (‘Asr) has been prescribed. The third condition sets in when you lose all hope of deliverance from the calamity. For instance, when after the recording of the prosecution evidence, which is designed to bring about your ruin, you are charged with an offence and a charge sheet is prepared.At this time you almost lose your senses and you begin to think of yourself as a prisoner. That condition resembles the time when the sun sets and hope of daylight comes to an end. The sunset prayer (Maghrib) is prescribed corresponding to this spiritual condition. The fourth condition is when you are afflicted by the calamity and its deep darkness envelops you completely. For instance,when after the close of the evi- dence you are convicted and sentenced and are committed to the custody of the police.This condition resembles the time of nightfall, when everything falls into deep darkness.The evening prayer (‘Isha) is prescribed corresponding to this spir- itual condition. When praying it is essential that a person speaks to God in his or her own language, since this produces concentration and attention in prayers. Aisylu Ahmadieva | Shutterstock the pillars of islam 36 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 37. When you have spent a certain time in the darkness of the affliction, Divine mercy surges up and delivers you from the darkness, as the dawn succeeds the darkness of the night and daylight begins to appear.The dawn prayer (Fajr) is pre- scribed corresponding to this spiritual condition.God Almighty in view of your five changing conditions has prescribed five prayer services for you.You can thus understand that these services have been prescribed for the benefit of your soul.If you desire security against these calami- ties you should not neglect the five daily services, as they are a reflection of your inner and spiritual conditions.The Salat is a remedy for the calamities that may threaten.You know not what type of cir- cumstances the new day might confront you with. So before the beginning of the day supplicate your Divine Master earnestly that the day may prove to be a source of benefit and blessing for you. [Kashti Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 69-70] Salat Protects from Sin Salat is an instrument for delivery from sin. It is a quality of the Salat that it makes a person secure against sin and vice. So seek a Salat of that type and try to make your Salat such.Salat is the soul of bounties.The grace of God Almighty is received through the Salat. Then observe it duly so that you might become heirs to the bounties of God Almighty. [Malfuzat, vol. V, p. 126] Significance of Postures in Salat What is the Salat? It is the submission of one’s humility and one’s weakness to God and to seek the fulfilment of one’s needs from Him. In the course of the Salat the worshipper sometimes stands before God with folded arms signify- ing his consciousness of the glory of Salat is an instrument for delivery from sin. It is a quality of the Salat that it makes a person secure against sin and vice. So seek a Salat of that type and try to make your Salat such. Salat is the soul of bounties.The grace of God Almighty is received through the Salat.Then observe it duly so that you might become heirs to the bounties of God Almighty. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 37
  • 38. God and his eagerness to carry out His Commandments; at other times he falls into prostration in complete humility and devotion and seeks the fulfilment of his needs. Sometimes like a beggar he praises Him from Whom he begs and proclaiming His greatness and His glory seeks to move His mercy and supplicates Him. A faith that has nothing compa- rable to the Salat is altogether empty… Salat means the love and fear of God and the preoccupation of the heart with His remembrance.That is faith.He who seeks escape from Prayer is no better than an animal. To eat and drink and sleep away the hours like an animal is not faith. This is the practice of the disbelievers… for him who desires to meet God and is anxious to reach Him the Salat is a conveyance by climbing into which he can arrive at his goal speedily. He who gives up the Salat, how shall he arrive? Since the Muslims have abandoned the Salat or have given up observing it with the serenity and comfort and love of the heart, being neglectful of its true real- ity, Islam has begun to decline.The time when the Salat was observed properly was a great time for Islam, when it had become dominant in the whole world. Since the Muslims have given up the proper performance of the Salat they themselves have been abandoned. It is the Salat performed with heartfelt ear- nestness that delivers a person from all difficulties. It is my repeated experience that I pray for the resolving of some dif- ficulty and while I am still occupied with the Salat God resolves the difficulty. What happens in the Salat? One raises one’s hands in supplication and the Other listens to him well. Then a time comes when He Who listens speaks and responds to the supplicator.This is the sit- uation in the Salat.The worshipper falls into prostration before God Almighty and submits his difficulties and his needs to Him.The result of true and real Salat is that soon the time comes when God Almighty responds to the supplicant and comforts him with His words.Can such Do not perform the Salat as a mere ceremony, but observe it with the burning and the melting of the heart and supplicate continuously in the Salat. It is the key to the resolving of all difficulties. the pillars of islam 38 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 39. an experience be possible without the true observance of Salat? [Malfuzat, vol. V, pp. 253-255] The Real Salat Salat is truly so called when a sincere and holy relationship is established with God and the worshipper becomes so devoted to the pleasure of God Almighty and His obedience and so upholds his faith above all worldly values that he is ever ready to lay down his life in the cause of God. It is only then that it can be said that his Salat is worthy to be called by that name. So long as this condition is not established and the worshipper does not become a model of sincerity and faith- fulness his prayers and other actions are without effect. [Malfuzat, vol. VI, p. 240] Salat, Supplication, and Certainty of Faith Do not perform the Salat as a mere cer- emony, but observe it with the burning and the melting of the heart and suppli- cate continuously in the Salat. It is the key to the resolving of all difficulties. In addition to the prescribed prayers and glorification supplicate much in your ver- nacular so that your heart should melt, and continue this effort till you arrive at that condition for that is the means of the achieving of all true objectives. All physical postures during the Salat should represent the condition of the heart also. When the worshipper stands in the Salat his heart should also be standing erect for God’s obedience; when he bows down the heart should also bow down; and when he goes into prostration the heart should also prostrate itself,which means that the heart should not let go of God at any time. When he reaches that condi- tion he will begin to get rid of sins. [Malfuzat, vol. VI, pp. 367-368] The timings of the prayers hold a deep significance and symbolise the different states of man throughout the day. KHRAMOV | Shutterstock AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 39
  • 40. Jalsa Salana: What True Islam is Really All About SARAH LINNEY, UK The Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK is a unique event that brings more than 35,000 participants from more than 110 countries to increase religious knowledge and promote a sense of peace and brotherhood. While speakers discuss a range of religious topics and their relevance to contemporary society, the most distinguishing feature of this convention is that it is blessed by the presence of His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , the Head of the world- wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, delivering four faith-inspiring addresses over three days. Journalist Sarah Linney attended Jalsa Salana for the first time and reflects on her impressions of this unique event. Kaleem had warned me about the traf- fic. He had warned me about the mud. But he hadn’t warned me about the friendliness. The car crawled into the field at an impossibly slow pace, not because we were stuck in traffic, or mud, or even the interminable security queues (you think Muslims don’t fear terror attacks too?), but because about every 20 seconds the driver, Subby, would run into someone he just had to say hello to. ‘Assalaam alaikum! How are you?’ he would exclaim joyously, shaking hands and grinning, Arabic and English min- gling as an almost continuous parade of friends knocked on the window excitedly. 40 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 41. Welcome to Jalsa Salana. The Jalsa – its name means ‘peace gath- ering’ – is the UK’s biggest Muslim convention, attended by almost 38,000 people from 114 countries and watched by tens of millions more on TV and online. It is run entirely by volunteers, who transform a farm in Hampshire into a 200-acre festival site, with kitchens, food tents, exhibitions, accommodation, a bazaar,an international bookshop,radio and TV broadcasts and much more. So what am I, an infrequent church attendee, doing at a Muslim event? I’ve been invited by my friends Faiza and Kaleem, who told me it was ‘their So what am I, an infrequent church attendee, doing at a Muslim event? I’ve been invited by my friends Faiza and Kaleem, who told me it was ‘their version of Glastonbury’ – and so, hoping I wouldn’t have to sit through a set by Ed Sheeran, I accepted.This is the first thing you need to know about Ahmadi Muslims – they are super-welcoming and super-friendly... AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 41
  • 42. version of Glastonbury’– and so,hoping I wouldn’t have to sit through a set by Ed Sheeran, I accepted. This is the first thing you need to know about Ahmadi Muslims – they are super- welcoming and super-friendly. And, far from the stereotypical image of chauvin- istic Muslim men who, we’re often told, view women as ‘second-class citizens’, I was treated like royalty. There are shuttle buses between the site and Alton station,but Subby and a friend were sent to pick me up instead, which neatly got me out of possibly struggling to convince the bus driver that yes, this white-faced, blue-eyed blonde really was going to Jalsa. They brought me an umbrella, which I promptly managed to break, and opened the car door for me, perhaps afraid that I would break that too. On the back seat was a welcome sight after a long train journey – cans of diet Pepsi and mango juice. On our way in, Subby talked to me about the charity work that the Ahmadi Muslims do, and how an important part of the festival is pledging their allegiance to the UK as well as to their religion. Later that afternoon the community’s spiritual leader, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, led a ceremony in which the UK flag and the Ahmadi flag are raised together. ‘Real Islam is helping the poor and serv- ing the community we live in,’Subby tells me. Eventually we make it through the entrance,I go through security and Subby leaves me in the care of my guides for the day,Zain and Furqan.The site is divided into men’s and women’s sections,so they will show me round the men’s half. I am surprised to discover that these two mature and intelligent young men are just 24 and 16 respectively, as they seem older and wiser. Zain also has a brilliant sense of humour and it isn’t long before jalsa salana: what true islam is really all about There are 5,000 volunteers helping out at the festival in total – many of them high-flying professionals like doctors, nurses and even pilots (the man who drives me back to the station at the end of the day is an A&E doctor at a hospital in Kent, where I live). 42 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 43. he is mischievously mocking my terrible photography skills. Our first trip is to the huge kitchens, where dozens of volunteers are hard at work mixing vast tubs of curry and dough. Even children, it seems, want to do their bit – a beautiful little boy called Hashim is helping with the procession of chapatis on the conveyor belt in front of me, made at the rate of 10,000 an hour. Over the three days of the festival, the volunteers will make 300,000 slices of bread and 270,000 meals. There are 5,000 volunteers helping out at the festival in total – many of them high- flying professionals like doctors, nurses and even pilots (the man who drives me back to the station at the end of the day is an A&E doctor at a hospital in Kent, where I live).‘There is a huge volunteer- ing spirit – everyone wants to take part,’ Zain explains. ‘If all Muslims followed the teachings of their religion, no Muslim would ever be radicalised.’ Our next stop is a tent where I can learn more about the Ahmadi Muslim faith. His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, inaugurates the three day event by raising the flag of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The UK flag is also raised alongside it, demonstrating loyalty and harmony. AMA Gallery AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 43
  • 44. Unlike other Muslims, Ahmadis believe Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a 19th-century religious leader, was the Messiah whose advent was foretold by the Prophet Muhammad.Other Muslims believe the Messiah is yet to come. Because of this, Ahmadis have often been persecuted in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where it is all but illegal to be an Ahmadi. Prohibitions on practising their religion, arrests,attacks and killings are common- place. Some 2,387 Ahmadis have been arrested for religious practice in Pakistan since 1982, 256 have been killed, and 48 mosques have been destroyed. Several of the people I meet over the course of the day will tell me, quite calmly, how their parents had to flee to the UK for their own safety. When I tell one woman how matter-of-fact she seems about it, she replies: ‘It’s every- body’s story.’ The Ahmadis’ motto is Love For All, Hatred For None,and the community has repeatedly spoken out against extremism and terrorism – Mirza Masroor Ahmad did so again at this year’s Jalsa. In the tent is a game of giant Jenga symbolis- ing the concept of world peace.On each brick is inscribed an important tenet like tolerance and women’s rights; the idea is to show that if you remove just one of the bricks, one of the tenets, global peace collapses. I also get to play a game where I work out which statements about Islam are true and which are misconceptions: It’s then time for the flag-raising cere- mony – or,rather,for standing in the cold for half an hour waiting for a flag-raising ceremony which Zain thinks is happen- ing at 4pm, but which is actually taking place at 4.30pm. On our way round the site he,like Subby, bumps constantly into people he knows. Though there are 30,000 people here, it feels like everyone knows everyone else. There is an enormous community spirit jalsa salana: what true islam is really all about One tweet sent across the Atlantic Ocean, and suddenly here we all are together, celebrating peace and friendship on a farm in Hampshire. 44 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 45. and camaraderie, and I don’t feel like an outsider at all; I feel part of it. And, quite by chance, the high point of my day comes when we walk right past one of my Twitter heroes,Qasim Rashid. A lawyer and Muslim scholar who has come all the way over from America for the conference, he is ultimately the per- son who brought my attendance about,as it was a Twitter conversation between us about Ramadan that led to me meeting Faiza and becoming friends. To my astonishment, he remembers me and we take a picture together with our mutual friend Kaleem (also known as Chris – he is a Brit who converted to Islam). One tweet sent across the Atlantic Ocean, and suddenly here we all are together, celebrating peace and friendship on a farm in Hampshire. Also among the guests are a number of prominent politicians – I spot Education Secretary Justine Greening and meet Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon without even realising. I think he talked to me about the weather. Richmond Park MP and former London mayoral candidate Zac Goldsmith is also there. His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba , the Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, delivers his address presenting the true pristine teachings of Islam which is relayed to millions around the world. AMA Gallery AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 45
  • 46. In search of a warming cup of tea after our wait for the flag-raising,Zain,Furqan and I head into the Humanity First tent where I can learn about the Ahmadis’ charity work. Humanity First’s 30,000 volunteers work across the globe in areas includ- ing disaster relief, education, providing clean water, caring for orphans, health- care and restoring sight. The charity provided relief in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower fire, a number of recent earthquakes, including Nepal and Haiti, and the Bosnian conflict, which is when the charity was set up. ‘The tenets of Islam are for everyone.The only criterion is need,’explains the char- ity’s implementation analyst Quddous Ahmed, one of only five paid staff at the charity’s UK headquarters in London. ‘We are on the front line right there with the Red Cross when there is a disaster. 97p in every pound raised goes to our projects. ‘People spend their holidays going to do this work.It’s about serving mankind and the love we have for mankind. ‘Painting a classroom, for example, has Sarah Linney with Kaleem Edwards and Qasim Rashid at the Jalsa Salana UK. Courtesy Sarah Linney jalsa salana: what true islam is really all about It reminded me what a force for good religion can be. It’s certainly true that religion can be misused as an excuse for persecution and hatred – but it’s an overwhelmingly positive influence in the lives of these people, inspiring them to give huge amounts of their time and money to help others, and giving them faith, hope, gratitude and a love for humanity. 46 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 47. such a massive effect. At one school where we helped out, some of the kids who had left came back to study again just because the learning environment was so nice again. It was lovely to see their faces. And it cost just £100 as the only thing we used the money for were the supplies.’ Most of the funds come from the Ahmadis themselves,including the pro- ceeds from selling merchandise at Jalsa and a telethon earlier this year which raised £2 million. ‘Our income is increasing every year,and so is our impact,’Mr Ahmed added. He quotes anthropologist and author Margaret Mead: ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’ So what did I learn from my experiences at the Jalsa Salana? It reminded me what a force for good religion can be. It’s certainly true that religion can be misused as an excuse for persecution and hatred – but it’s an over- whelmingly positive influence in the lives of these people, inspiring them to give huge amounts of their time and money to help others,and giving them faith,hope, gratitude and a love for humanity. It reminded me how wonderful difference is – because there’s always something to learn from people who are a little dif- ferent from you. Everyone I met exuded such positivity and cheerfulness that I resolved to be a little less negative and down on myself. It reminded me that underneath our dif- ferences,we’re all the same as long as we know how to laugh and be kind. These people,almost all of whom I’d never met before,accepted me and laughed with me as if they’d always known me. Zac Goldsmith among the many prominent guests attending the Jalsa Salana and appreciating the efforts of the Ahmadiyya Community for world peace and its humanitarian works. AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 47
  • 48. It reminded me of the power of the ran- dom encounter, something I’ve always strongly believed in. You never know where the most casual conversations and questions will lead. And, most importantly, it reminded me of the importance of keeping an open mind. If I’d been scared of things that were different,I’d have missed out on an amazingly fun experience, a great many opportunities to learn, and new friend- ships with people who have helped me to be a better, happier person. One of many delegations visiting the Jalsa and partaking in the atmosphere of love, brotherhood and tolerance. It reminded me that underneath our differences, we’re all the same as long as we know how to laugh and be kind.These people, almost all of whom I’d never met before, accepted me and laughed with me as if they’d always known me. 48 THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS | AUGUST 2017
  • 49. About the Author: Sarah Linney is a freelance journalist and the editor of news, features and opinion website The Loop (theloopjournalism.wordpress. com). She has previously worked for the Kent Messenger Group and Kent on Sunday, and as a freelance copywriter. The Ahmadiyya Community’s motto is Love For All, Hatred For None, and the community has repeatedly spoken out against all forms of extremism and terrorism. YOUR FEEDBACK IS IMPORTANT TO US Write to us with comments, feedback and suggestions at info@Reviewof AUGUST 2017 | THE REVIEW OF RELIGIONS 49
  • 50. In recent times vested interests have launched a ‘crusade’ against Islam. Islam is labelled as a religion of terror, backwardness and suppression. Based on Quranic teachings, the author of this book goes about disproving these notions and professes that Islam provides practical solutions to current issues; and argues that: (1) Swords can win territories but not hearts, forces can bend heads but not minds; (2) The role of women is not of concubines in harems nor a society imprisoned in the four wall of their houses; (3) Richer nations provide aid with strings attached and yet the flow of wealth continues to be in the direction of the rich while the poorer sink deeper in the red; (4) Religion does not need to be the predominant legislative authority in the political affairs of the state; (5) Irrespective of the thawing of the cold war, the issue of war and peace does not only hang by the thread of superpower relationship. (6) Without God there can be no peace. It also contains comprehensive discussion on interest; financial aid; international relations; and the role of Israel, America and the United Kingdom in a new world order. The message of this book is timeless and chalks a blue print for the future prospects for peace. Read online: Purchase print copy:
  • 51. THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD THE PROMISED MESSIAH & MAHDIAS The Review of Religions serialised the famous treatise The Philosophy of the Teachings of Islam, by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Initially written for the Conference of Great Religions on December 26- 29,1896, each speaker at the conference was asked to present to the audience the beauties of their own religion based upon its scripture, proving that it was the true religion, based on the following topics: • The Physical, Moral, and Spiritual States of Man; • What is the State of Man after Death? • The Object of Man’s Life and the Means of its Attainment; • The Operation of the Practical Ordinances of the Law in This Life and the Next; • Sources of Divine Knowledge SERIALISED IN The Review of Religions Read online: Or purchase here:
  • 52. The Promised Messiahas & imam mahdi ( g u i d e d o n e ) founder of the review of religions Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas
  • 53. What is the Conclusive Proof of The Unity of God? A rguments are of two types,inductive and deductive.An inductive argument enables us to recognise that which is indicated. For instance when we observe smoke we conclude that there is a fire. In the case of deduction, one moves from the conclusion to the cause. For instance, we find a person suffering from high fever and we believe that there is a cause for it. We proceed to set forth first the inductive reason for the need of revelation. There is no doubt that the physical and spir- itual systems of man are governed by the same law of nature. We observe in the physical system that whatever needs the Gracious God has planted in the human body, He has also provided the means of their satisfaction. A human body feels hunger and needs food, so God has provided various types of food for the human body. In the same way, man needed water to slake his thirst and God Almighty has provided wells and There is no doubt that the physical and spiritual systems of man are governed by the same law of nature.
  • 54. springs and streams for that purpose.Man needed the light of the sun or light from some other source to be able to see with his eyes and God Almighty has provided light from heaven in the shape of the sun and has provided light from other sources on earth.Man needed air for breathing and hearing the voices of others, and God provided air. In the same way, man needed a consort for the propagation of the species; so God created woman as man’s consort and man as woman’s consort.In short, whatever desires God has planted in the human body, He has also provided means for their satisfaction. Now it is worth considering that when provision has been made for the fulfilment of the physical needs of the mortal body,how much more must have been provided for the fulfilment of the pure desires of the soul which has been created for the eternal love and recognition and worship of God. That provision is Divine revelation and Divine signs, which carry a person of defective knowledge to complete certainty. As God bestowed upon the body provision for the satisfaction of its needs, in the same way, He bestowed upon the soul provision for the Stop and reflect. You cannot deny that the provision for your physical needs is available to you all the time, but you have nothing with you in the way of provision for your spiritual needs except stories of the past.
  • 55. satisfaction of its needs so that the physical and the spiritual systems should be in accord…This inductive reasoning can be completed only through deductive reasoning, that is to say, by a sample of revelation itself.To feel the need for something is one matter and to find its fulfilment is quite another…You can see that both food and water are available for your body, not that they were present in some earlier age but not any more. But when mention is made of revelation you refer to a past age upon which centuries upon centuries have lapsed and you are not able to refer to anything in the present.Then how is there an accord between the physical and spiritual laws of nature? Stop and reflect. You cannot deny that the provision for your physical needs is available to you all the time, but you have nothing with you in the way of provision for your spiritual needs except stories of the past. You know that the physical springs from which you take the water to slake your thirst are still running; nor have your fields become barren and unpro- ductive,the produce of which satisfies your hunger twice a day. But where are the spiritual springs, which used to slake your spiritual thirst by giving you the fresh water of Divine revela- tion? Nor have you available the spiritual food by eating which you could keep your soul alive.Thus you are in a desert where there is neither food nor water.1 endnotes 1. Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas , The Essence of Islam, vol. 2 (Tilford, Surrey: Islam International Publications, 1993), 43-45.
  • 56. The official website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community worldwide. You can find a huge collection of free online material, including translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an and you can access literature of the Community including the books written by its founder, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas .
  • 57. SUBSCRIBE NOW! 12 Issues for only £15 For more information Visit: Call (UK Head office) : +44 (020) 8544 7614 Email: @ReviewReligions @ReviewReligions Suffer Pain to Bring Comfort to Humanity 10 The Significance of Ramadan 14 Religious Trends in Germany 24 Khalifah of the Promised Messiah in Germany 40 VOL. 109 - ISSUE SEVENJULY 2014 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ISLAM A THREAT OR A SOURCE OF PEACE? CASE STUDY: GERMANY Khalifah of Promised Messiah Sends Letter to Russian President 30 Syria - A Religious Heritage 34 Medical Consequences of Nuclear War 46 The World in Need of a Reformer 74 VOL. 108 - ISSUE ELEVENNOVEMBER 2013 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG SYRIA IN CRISIS Chimes of Messiah 8 The Beginning of Creation in Scriptures of Different Religions 34 Khalifah of the Promised Messiahas at the Houses of Parliament 46 Guests Reflect on the Houses of Parliament Event 62 VOL. 108 - ISSUE NINESEPTEMBER 2013 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ISLAM-ARELIGIONof PEACE&COMPASSION The magazine devoted to promoting intellectual and lively debate that is based on respect for all religions. or $30 USD or $36 CAD STUDENTS! 12 EDITIONS for just £5GBP or $10 USD or $12 CAD
  • 58. Of Mice and Men 10 The Keys to Peace in a Time of Global Disorder 20 Opening of the Baitul Ahad Mosque in Japan 40 The Economic System of Islam 52 VOL. 111 - ISSUE ONEJANUARY 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder in the World Today? Spreading Peace & Security RETURN OF THEABSOLUTE EVIL…? World in Crisis - How do we Cope? 10 True Mosques Transmit Only Love and Peace 28 Qur’anic History and the Role of Islamic Calligraphy 46 The Philosophy of Eid ul Fitr 58 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG WORLD IN CRISIS HOW DO WE COPE? VOL. 111 - ISSUE SEVENJULY 2016 Are Religious Parents Brainwashing Their Children? 14 Pray for Children Instead of Punishing Them 24 Apartheid of Ahmadis in Pakistan 32 The Economic System of Islam 50 VOL. 111 - ISSUE TWOFEBRUARY 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG Is Religion Truly the Cause of Disorder in the World Today? Spreading Peace & Security Are RELIGIOUS PARENTS BRAINWASHING Their CHILDREN? Ask The Review of Religions 10 Wonders of the Universe 16 Five Reasons Why Some Christians Are Shroud Sceptics 32 The Economic System of Islam 52 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG WONDERSof the UNIVERSE VOL. 111 - ISSUE EIGHTAUGUST 2016 End Times, Armageddon & the Return of the Messiah 10 What are the Signs of the Second Coming of the Messiah? 28 Real Peace on Earth 40 Recognising the Celestial Signs of Almighty God 48 VOL. 111 - ISSUE THREEMARCH 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG NO MORE WAITING? NO MORE WAITING? Hajj—Pilgrimage to the House of God 10 The Review of Religions’ Exhibition: An Interfaith Event 32 My First Visit to Jalsa Salana 36 The Economic System of Islam 76 VOL. 111 - ISSUE NINESEPTEMBER 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG CELEBRATING SACRIFICE: EID-UL-ADHA To order back issues email THE FRONT COVERS OF OUR 12 EDITIONS IN 2016
  • 59. Good Mosques, Good Neighbours 14 Jonahas and the Big Fish? 28 Why Alcohol is Prohibited in Islam 42 The Economic System of Islam 62 VOL. 111 - ISSUE FOURAPRIL 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY, LEARNING FROM LEICESTER Building Bridges of Peace 10 Glimpse into the Life of Prophet Muhammadsa 26 A Short Sketch of Muslim History 28 The Economic System of Islam? 52 VOL. 110 - ISSUE TENOCTOBER 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG BUILDING BRIDGES of PEACE Terrorism Was Never Justified by the Prophet Mohammadsa 10 Peace Requires Compassion 32 Gene Editing: Harnessing the Power of Nature 36 The Economic System of Islam 62 VOL. 111 - ISSUE FIVEMAY 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG TERRORISM WAS NEVER JUSTIFIED bythe PROPHET MOHAMMAD Islam: Restoring Women’s Rights 8 Deliverance of Afflictions 28 Justice in an Unjust World 32 The Qur’an on War and Peace 50 VOL. 110 - ISSUE ELEVENNOVEMBER 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG ISLAM: Restoring Women’s Rights Should Islam Really be Feared...? 10 Qur’anic History & the Role of Islamic Calligraphy 26 On Fasting 46 The Economic System of Islam 50 VOL. 111 - ISSUE SIXJUNE 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG SHOULD ISLAM REALLY BE FEARED...? Human Values – The Foundation for a Peaceful World 12 A Glimpse into the Life of The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa 32 Justice –The Prerequisite to a Peaceful World 34 Mary: A Personal Reflection 52 VOL. 110 - ISSUE TWELVEDECEMBER 2016 WWW.REVIEWOFRELIGIONS.ORG A historic address at Canada’s National Parliament WHAT ARE THE FOUNDATIONS for a PEACEFUL WORLD? SUBSCRIBE 12 EDITIONS for just £15GBP or $30 USD or $36 CAD STUDENTS! 12 EDITIONS for just £5GBP or $10 USD or $12 CAD
  • 60. The English Rendering of the 5 Volume Commentary of the Holy Qur’an One of the most comprehensive commentaries of the Holy Qur’an ever written. Commentary by Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-Ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra) Read it online at: Or Purchase the print version at: ©AMAGALLERYUK
  • 61. Deep in the heart of the Arab Peninsula, amidst the desert and the valleys of Pharan, stands a modest bricked structure. This monument is undisputedly the single most sacred, revered and Holy Shrine of Islam; the compass point for which the Muslim world aligns itself on a daily basis in prostration to God. Its name is the Ka’bah, literally translating from Arabic as ‘the cube’, but is synonymously referred to as Baytul Haram or ‘the Sacred House’. It was established for the benefit of the whole of mankind, to act as a centre for the unification of humanity. Does its inception lie with the earliest human populations – viz-a- viz Adamas and his Community – or were Abrahamas and his son Ishmaelas the individuals responsible for its initial erection? And what purpose does the Ka’bah actually serve? Purchase print copy:
  • 62. CALENDAR of RELIGIOUS EVENTS & FESTIVALS AUGUST 2017 Monday 14th August or Tuesday 15th August 2017 Faith: Hinduism Event: Krishna Janmashtami The Krishna Janmashtami is the celebration of the birth of Krishna, one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Festivities begin at midnight, as that is believed to be the time of the birth of Krishna. Most Hindus visit the temple and sing bhajans [traditional Hindu songs] to commemorate the day. Since Krishna enjoyed milk and curds, Hindus prepare meals from these ingredients. Another tradition is to form a human pyramid in order to reach a pot hung high above containing buttermilk. Tuesday 15th August 2017 Faith: Christianity Event: Feast of Assumption According to the Catholic doctrine the feast of Assumption marks the death and bodily ascension of Mary, mother of Jesusas . In November 1950, Pope Pius XII declared this event to be ‘infallible’stating that when Mary lived her earthly life, her soul ascended to heaven. Each country celebrates this festival in a particular way, with some lighting candles or fireworks to others throwing coins out of their windows as a sign of prosperity. Friday 18th – Friday 25th August 2017 Faith: Jainism Event: Paryushan Celebrated in the Hindu month of Bhadra, Paryushan is one of the most important festivals for the Jain faith. Literally meaning ‘coming together’, Paryushan is said to have been commemorated by Lord Mahavira, founder of Jainism. One key aspect of this festival is seeking forgiveness as well pardoning others. During this day some Jains fast as well as offer prayers and meditation.
  • 63. NOTE ABOUT REFERENCES Verse references to the Holy Qur’an count ‘Bismillah…’ (In the Name of Allah…) as the first verse of each Chapter. In some non-standard texts, this is not counted. Should the reader refer to such texts, the verse quoted in The Review of Religions will be found a verse earlier, i.e. at one verse less than the number quoted in this journal. For the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘sa ’ or ‘(saw) ’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used normally in small letters. They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘peace and blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters ‘as ’ or ‘(as) ’ after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation meaning ‘peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu wassalam’ which are words that a Muslim utters out of respect whenever he or she comes across that name. The abbreviation ‘ra ’ or ‘(ra) ’ stands for ‘Raziallahu Ta’ala anhu and is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with him or her (when followed by the relevant Arabic pronoun). Finally, ‘rh ’ or ‘(rh) ’ for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon him. In keeping with current universal practice, local transliterations of names of places are preferred to their anglicised versions, e.g. Makkah instead of Mecca, etc. SUBSCRIPTION Subscription Contacts: India - Khursheed Ahmad Email: Tel: +91 1872 500970 Tel: +91 981 544 6792 Fax: +91 1872 500971 USA - Adnan Ahmed Bhalli Email: Tel: +1 412 639 9108 Canada - Muhammad Dawood Khalid Email: Tel: +1 647-779-1810 Nigeria - Qasim Oyekola Email: Tel: + 23 481 2221 1949 Ghana - Naeem A. Cheema Email: Tel: +23 320 0517 181 +23 324 2105 652 UK - Athar Ahmad Bajwa Email: Tel: +44 745 339 1205 For all other subscription issues or for general enquiries email or contact Head Office: Tahir House 22 Deer Park Road, London SW19 3TL
  • 64. © ISLAMIC PUBLICATIONS, 2017 ISSN NO. 0034-6721 The Review of Religions, in print since 1902, is one of the longest-running comparative religious magazines. The objective of the magazine is to present the teachings of Islam, reflecting its rational, harmonious and inspiring nature. It also brings together articles and viewpoints on different religions and seeks to make discussions on religion and religious philosophy accessible to a wider readership. The magazine is devoted to promoting intellectual and lively debate that is based on respect for all prophets and religions. Islam repeatedly stresses the need to seek knowledge and The Review of Religions provides a unique platform for people to acquire, and share knowledge. Yearly subscription is only £15 sterling or $30 for overseas customers. To subscribe, or for more info, visit Follow us on Twitter @ReviewReligions