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Team Write Stuff Final Report
Project Report

Team Write Stuff: Katie Rollins, Leslie Bussey, Kayla Smith, and Erin Schneider
Executive Summary
       This report contains information regarding the Bookbuilder project created by the
Team Write Stuff. In this report, the team uses the ADDIE process to analyze, design,
develop, implement, and evaluate instruction of the 6+1 Writing Traits. The project that we
developed to use for instruction and implement with elementary level students is an online
book created within Bookbuilder. The goals for the book are for students to be able to
explain, determine and apply the traits within their writing. The team determined there was a
need for this instructional aid based on state-testing research and classroom observations.
The content was created to engage students in the writing process, encourage positive
attitudes towards writing, and to teach the important steps of the 6+1 traits. In designing and
developing the book, the team determined how teachers should implement the book in the
classroom, what instructional activities should be available, and how to assess the students
based on the 6+1 Writing Traits. The team conducted a survey and gathered information on
the effectiveness of the book. As a result of the feedback from peers and mentors, the team
modified the book to create a more successful classroom resource.

       As students begin elementary school, they most often lack the knowledge and skills
necessary to write with content/development, organization, voice, word choice and
conventions, all of which create interest and fluency in their writings. The problem we
focused on is the fore mentioned base components of writing in an elementary setting. If a
student fails to gain the appropriate knowledge and skills in an elementary setting, the skills
tend to remain lacking as they progress through middle and high school. Some students find
writing to be “a chore.” Teaching students the 6+1 traits is a way of offering support and
encouragement to young writers which will hopefully help to create positive attitudes about
writing. The book discusses and illustrates each of the 6+1 traits of writing, which are Ideas,
Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice and Conventions. The 6+1 traits teaches
educators, as well as students, a common language to communicate about the characteristics
of writing. The traits give a clear vision of how students can achieve “effective” writing.

The goals of our book are:
               For students to explain each of the 6+1 Writing Traits
               For students to determine effective writing by analyzing writing samples
               For students to apply the 6+1 traits in their own writings
Process Used For This Analysis

       The cycle graph above illustrates the steps that the team followed in the creation of the
6+1 Writing Traits book. At each step of the ADDIE process, there were specific goals that
needed to be accomplished in order to reach the desired outcome. This graphic organizer
shows exactly what steps the team followed in each phase and what tasks will be repeated
when the book is used as an instructional resource. The graphic organizer is depicted as a
cycle because of the continuous nature of the ADDIE process. Teachers are continuously
analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the ways in which they teach.
For this project, the team completed the analysis phase of the process using South Carolina
State Standards as well as South Carolina State writing test scores. Both the standards and
the test scores reflected a need for writing improvement. As a result, learning objectives were
created in order to address this need. During the production of this book, the team designed,
developed, implemented, and evaluated the product. Formative assessments occurred
throughout the process. Once we reached the evaluation phase, the team collected data and
made necessary revisions. The team will continue to analyze the data and make necessary
changes while working through the cycle of the ADDIE process.

Needs Analysis
        According to the South Carolina State Standards, second grade students should be able
to “create writing that includes a clear focus, coherent organization, sufficient elaboration,
effective voice, and appropriate use of conventions.” Standard 2-4 (Writing: Developing
Written Communication). With this knowledge, our team determined there was a need to
teach the 6+1 Writing Traits using many different methods. We conducted research on the
writing scores of elementary students in South Carolina. The team researched PASS writing
scores and decided to focus on second and third grade students. The writing scores
confirmed that there was a deficit in student writing scores and that deficit continues to grow
as students move through elementary and middle school. This verified that there was a need
to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits to students at a young age. As a result of the survey data
(noted below) and with suggestions from mentors and peers, our team determined that we
should expand the book to students in upper elementary grades (4th and 5th). The book was
intended to be used as a whole group teaching tool with students in second grade. The survey
results concluded that the language used in our book combined with the amount of text and
content that we should switch our focus and include the upper elementary grades since they
could read it independently as well.
       Each team member is a teacher in an elementary school setting. Among the team, we
discussed the problems we see with students’ writings in the classroom. Each member
collected student writing samples. The team then analyzed the writing samples and
compared them to the 6+1 traits and also to the state writing scores. Using the state
standards, state test scores, writing samples and our personal knowledge of the writing
struggles of elementary students, the team decided there was a clear and urgent need for a
classroom resource to support student learning and application of the 6+1 Writing Traits.

Content Analysis
       To ensure that the content was complete and accurate, the team constructed a chart
based upon research and readings from professional literature. This chart lists each of the
components for the 6+1 Writing Traits. In the chart, the team analyzed the content that
needed to be included in the book. The content is divided into categories according to the 6+1
Writing Traits. When designing the book, the team used this chart to ensure that all content
was addressed. We decided to separate each writing trait into three pages. The first page for
each trait in the book included the definition of the trait. The second page for each trait
showed an example of the trait being used by the main character in our book. The third page
encouraged students to create their own writings, using that specific trait, and also included a
checklist with questions to make sure that they addressed the trait properly. After our survey
was conducted, we received feedback from peers that suggested the content of our book was
lengthy and extensive for a second grader to read independently so we adjusted to include
students through the upper elementary level.
Learner Analysis

       To begin the analysis of our learners, the team researched the Palmetto Assessment of
State Standards (PASS) scores. The PASS scores showed that there was a need for teaching
the 6+1 Writing Traits. State testing results prove that writing suffers as students’ progress
throughout their educational career. The state test is given beginning in third grade and
according to the scores, 25% of the students in South Carolina did not meet the state
standards in writing when given a prompt and evaluated on the 6+1 traits. By the time they
take the test in eighth grade, the number of students not meeting the standard rises to 30%.
After determining there was a need, we chose second grade because students exhibit more
writing independence during this developmental year. If students begin learning how to write
using the 6+1 traits and continue using the traits through elementary school, they will be
more successful throughout the rest of their educational career.
       Upon completing the book and gathering results from the survey, the group
determined that the book would not only be beneficial to second grade but also to all students
in elementary school from grades second through fifth. The book can help students’ at all
elementary grade levels to be able to remember, understand, and apply the 6+1 Writing

Context Analysis
       Our book is intended to be used in an elementary classroom during a writing lesson.
Teachers are given a certain amount of time in their day for a writing block, and this book can
be divided into multiple days or even weeks to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits. In second and
third grade classrooms, teachers can utilize this book to introduce and explain the 6+1
Writing Traits to their class during whole group instruction. Teachers may also separate
students into small groups based on their needs and use the book for small group instruction.
Students can be provided with a copy of the book so that they can follow along and have the
guidelines to look at during independent writing. While in upper elementary grades, students
who are struggling in a certain area can be given a section of the book, and they can use it to
focus their writing on a particular trait. Although the original intent was to focus simply on
the teacher using this book with whole group instruction, it was determined after the
evaluation of the book that it could be divided into several parts and given to upper
elementary students in a more independent way.

Design and Development
Description Of The Instruction

Setting, Activities, and Sequence
        The setting of the instruction for our book on the 6+1 Writing Traits is in an
elementary self-contained classroom. The book was intended to teach second grade students
the 6+1 traits; however, it can also be used to teach third through fifth grade students about
the traits. This book is not intended to be used for only one day of instruction, but should be
divided and taught over a period of time. This will allow the students to learn each trait
thoroughly and display the traits in a writing of their own by focusing on one trait at a time.
By the end of instruction on the 6+1 Writing Traits, students will be able to create a cohesive
piece of writing using all six traits.
        (1) Before the teacher begins instruction on the 6+1 Writing Traits, the teacher will
collect writing samples and determine areas of student weakness.
        (2) The initial introduction of the book and the 6+1 Writing Traits will include reading
about and discussing the traits with the whole class. The teacher will use the Bookbuilder
writing samples to exemplify how the character’s writing changed throughout the book. The
teacher will also allow students to determine which writing they feel best represents a cohesive
piece of writing using the 6+1 Writing Traits.
        (3) The teacher will divide students into small groups based upon areas of weakness
reflected in the pre-assessment. Some students may show more than one weak area and may,
therefore, be assigned to more than one group.
        (4) The teacher will then work in a small group setting with different students to focus
on the area(s) of writing causing them the most difficulty. The teacher will use the
Bookbuilder book as an instructional model to teach the students about the 6+1 Writing
        (5) Once the teacher has worked with students in small groups and each trait has been
reviewed, the teacher will again use the book to teach and review the 6+1 Writing Traits with
the whole class. The teacher will use the book to teach the students that each writing sample
needs to contain each of the 6+1 Writing Traits.
        (6) The teacher will give the students writing samples to analyze. Students will identify
any information that may be missing in regards to the traits, as well as provide examples of
the traits that are executed well within the writing samples. The teacher will also ask the
students to explain the information that needs revising within the writing samples to make it
more effective, following the 6+1 Writing Trait expectations.
        (7) The teacher will then model a writing sample with the students using the 6+1
Writing Traits. The teacher will use the SMARTboard to write about a familiar topic. For
example, the writing topic modeled by the teacher might be about the different seasons.
Students will use a graphic organizer (such as a web that was modeled in the book) to
brainstorm their ideas about the topic.
        (8) The teacher will then allow the students to work in groups to create a writing
sample of their own that reflects the 6+1 Writing Traits. The groups will work best if the
teacher assigns students to each group with varying abilities and strengths in the 6+1 traits.
In other words, do not put all students who struggle with voice in one group.
        (9) The teacher will use the writing samples from each group to assess and determine
how well the students understand the 6+1 traits. The teacher will use this information to
identify the students that require more small group instruction.
       (10) The teacher will assign the students a writing assignment that they will complete
independently. The teacher will remind the students of the 6+1 Writing Traits and stress the
importance of including each trait within their writings. The teacher will use the writings to
revise the instruction, help the students better understand the traits and determine which
students need further small group assistance with the 6+1 Writing Traits.
        While differentiating within each group, the teacher will use the coaches as well as
auditory information from the book to meet varying learning needs. These tools will offer
support, which a regular book cannot. This is especially helpful for the students that require
different ways of learning and processing information. The coaches included in the book,
Tina Trait and Reminder Rob, are used as audio and visual reminders on each page. This
way, if a student does not understand the information that is taking place on a certain page,
then they can rely on the coaches for extra help or a hint while they are writing. A student in
an upper elementary grade can use these coaches for quick reminders while they read the
book independently.

Development Process Supporting The Instructional Approach
        During the development stage of our project, we decided to design the book using a
story line that focuses on the main character, Ivana, as she learns the traits and displays each
of them in a writing of her own. The graphics were created to assist the students using the
book and involve them in their learning about the 6+1 Writing Traits. The book serves as a
model for young students as the main character engages in the writing process and attempts
to demonstrate each trait in her writing as she develops a story about going to the fair.
Ultimately, the team decided that developing a story with a meaningful message would be
more beneficial and educational for the students rather than a book with solely informational
Major Components
Testing and Evaluation Plans

        The teacher will collect writing samples from the students and grade them based upon
the 6+1 Writing Trait rubric. Writing samples will be used to gather pre-assessment data.
This data will be used to divide the students into small groups for instruction on the 6+1
traits. Within the small groups, students will focus on a specific trait and create additional
writings using that particular trait. For example, if the student does not stay on topic within
his/her writing, the teacher will work with the student about eliminating ideas that are not on
the topic. This will allow the students to gain experience with the 6+1 Writing Traits, with
guidance and support from the teacher. The teacher will give the students a final writing
assignment, in which they will be evaluated using the 6+1 Writing Traits. The teacher will use
this assignment to determine if any further steps need to be taken in regards to instruction
and/or remediation.

Grading Rubric
                                           6+1 Writing Traits Rubric
                 Does Not Meet            Needs Improvement                    Acceptable              Meets Standards

                       4 points                    8 points                    12 points                    16 points
Name, Date,    None:                     1 out of 3:                  2 out of 3:                  3 out of 3:
 and Title         •      Name                •      Name                  •      Name                  •      Name
                   •      Date                •      Date                  •      Date                  •      Date
                   •      Title               •      Title                 •      Title                 •      Intriguing Title
                          0 points                   1 point                      2 points                     4 points

   Ideas           •      No clear            •    Central idea is         •     Presents a             •     Presents a clear
                          central idea             unclear                       central idea                 central idea
                   •      Sentences           •    Focus shifts            •     Details are                  about the topic
                          do not tell              from one idea to              general and not        •     Uses specific,
                          about the                another                       specific to the              relevant details
                          idea                •    Details need                  central idea           •     Focus is on
                   •      No details               more                    •     Focus is                     central idea
                          about the                elaboration                   generally                    throughout the
                          idea                                                   sustained, but               writing
                                                                                 may shift
Organization       •      Information         •    Provides simple,        •     Writing has a          •     Information is
                          is random                repetitive, or                logical                      in a well
                          and in no                random                        progression of               organized
                          logical                  progression of                ideas                        pattern with
                          order                    ideas                   •     Provides a                   sequence and
                   •      Attempts a               throughout the                strong                       flow throughout
                          beginning,               writing                       beginning,                   the writing
                          middle and          •    Attempts a                    middle and end.        •     Writing has a
                          end, but                 beginning,                                                 bold beginning,
                          components               middle and end,                                            a mighty middle,
                          are missing              but components                                             and an excellent
                          or                       are weak or                                                ending
                          confusing                ineffective
   Voice           •      Reading is          •    Shows little            •     Show some              •     Personal style of
                          monotone                 personal style                personal style               writing is clear
                   •      Little to no        •    Shows some              •     Awareness of                 throughout the
                          awareness                awareness of                  audience                     writing
                          of audience              audience                •     Tone is                •     Uses clear voice
                   •      Tone is                                                consistent                   to show feeling
                          inappropria                                            throughout most              and emotions in
                          te                                                     of the writing               writing
                                                                                                        •     Tone is
                                                                                                              consistent and
Word Choice        •      Has simple          •    Has mostly              •     Vocabulary is          •     Uses precise and
                          vocabulary               general and                   precise and                  vivid vocabulary
•   Word                     some vocabulary              consistent              •    Vocabulary is
                       choice is                on students level            throughout most              appropriate for
                       not on                                                of the writing               topic
                       students                                         •    Writing contains        •    Writing is full of
                       level                                                 descriptive                  descriptive
                                                                             words                        words
 Sentence          •    Phrases are        •    Phrases are not         •    Sentence                •    Varies sentence
 Fluency                repetitive              effective                    structure seems              structure to
                   •    Shows little       •    Phrases may be               to have variety              promote
                        or no                   predictable             •    Majority of                  rhythmic
                        sentence           •    Sentences seem               sentences begin              reading
                        variety                 to all begin the             in a variety of         •    Sentences begin
                                                same way.                    different ways               in a variety of
                                                                                                          different ways
Conventions   Little or no evidence    Limited evidence of          Adequate use of grade-      Consistent and strong
              of grade- level          grade- level conventions     level conventions           grade- level conventions
              conventions              (Grammar, Capitalization,    (Grammar, Capitalization,   (Grammar, Capitalization,
              (Grammar,                Punctuation, Spelling)       Punctuation, Spelling)      Punctuation, Spelling)
              Punctuation, Spelling)

Practice Activities

        The students will practice using the 6+1 Writing Traits in small groups with guided
instruction from the teacher. During the small groups, the students will practice applying the
traits in which they are having difficulty. The students will also analyze writing samples to
determine the traits that are sufficient and the traits that require more attention. Finally, the
students will work in groups to create writing samples that meet all of the 6+1 Writing Trait

Feedback Mechanisms

       The teacher will provide feedback to the students as they learn about the 6+1 traits.
The teacher will use the data from the pre-assessment to divide the students into small
groups. In these groups, the teacher will be able to provide immediate feedback to the
students. While working within a group to create a writing piece, the students will be able to
help each other and offer advice and feedback when appropriate. Since the students will be
working in groups, the teacher will be able to monitor and provide each group with guidance.
The teacher will also use the rubric to provide feedback to the students when grading their
writing samples.

Motivational Strategies

       The teacher will have to keep the students motivated and interested in learning about
the 6+1 Writing Traits. The book was written as a story line to help accomplish this. The
teacher will also need to keep in mind that students are more willing to write about topics that
interest them. The teacher will prepare several group related activities to keep the students
interacting with one another and engaged in the writing assignment. The teacher will also set
up a reward system in which the students can display some of their best writing on the 6+1
Writing Wall.
Key Development Decisions And Justification
       During the development of the project, the team made many decisions in hopes of
allowing the book to be used as an effective resource for teaching the 6+1 Writing Traits.

        (1) Storyline - The team decided to create a story line to teach the 6+1 traits to
elementary students. We decided to make the book a fictional tale instead of a non-fiction
resource to appeal to elementary students. The story follows a student who is struggling to
understand writing as a fairy guides her through the 6+1 traits. Many students also struggle
with writing and can relate to the story line of the book.
        (2) Book Layout - In the book, each trait follows the same format. The first page for
each trait explains what the trait is and how it improves writing. The second page of each
trait provides an example of how to use the trait in writing, and the third page gives the
students an opportunity to use the trait in their own writing and self-assess.
        (3) Coaches - There are two coaches that are used in the book. These coaches,
Reminder Rob and Tina Trait are there to provide instructional information and helpful hints
to the students as they are engaged in the book.
        (4) Audio - The auditory information in the book is provided as additional support to
meet the varying ages and learning needs of the users. While we chose not to read the book
word for word, the audio provided helps move the storybook along and give the characters a
        (5) Graphics - The graphics in the book are kid friendly and help the book have a
storybook feel. Students love reading “stories” with fictional characters. By giving a non-
fiction subject the storybook twist, students will relate and remember the information
presented. Graphics were also used to explain the various writing traits. For example, a
microphone graphic was chosen to describe the trait, Voice, since it is how the students sound
when writing a story of their own. This can help the students relate to the pictures instead of
the words.

       In the development stage of the project, the team made several key decisions to ensure
ease of use by students and teachers, allowing the book to be used as an effective source for
teaching the 6+1 Writing Traits.

        (1) Dividing the Content into Sections - The content for each of the 6+1 Writing Traits
is divided into three sections. The first section contains a description of the specific trait. The
second section gives an example of the trait to help the students see the trait being used
properly. The third section allows the students to use a checklist as they develop their own
writing samples.
        (2) Simple Wording - While some of the wording may look overwhelming, we used
lower level sight words while creating this book. This allows for the lower elementary
students to be able to read it independently, if given that particular task by the teacher.
        (3) Providing Guidelines - The last page of each trait provides guidelines for not only
the teachers, but also the students to follow. These few simple questions show exactly what
the rubric is looking for and therefore what the students should be looking for as they include
each trait in their writing. Teachers can use this as a quick assessment tool when reviewing
the students’ writings. This will keep the teacher on track while they are teaching the lessons
as well.
       During the evaluation phase, our team decided to develop a survey, using Survey
Monkey, in order to collect data on the effectiveness of the components in our book. The goal
was to receive feedback from our peers and mentors and to revise aspects of the book based
on those suggestions. Most of the feedback was positive; however, we received a few
responses regarding elements we could change in our book. One aspect that we revised was
the grade level. Originally, our team decided to focus on second grade students; however, we
expanded through fifth grade based upon survey feedback. The suggestions that we received
relating to the grade level stated that the language may be rather difficult for a second grader
and the content may be too much for young students to understand. Another aspect that we
changed was the height and width of our pages, including the graphics and text. This is to
ensure that the viewer can see all of the information as well as the coaches on one screen
without scrolling down the page. The formative evaluation affected our overall project by
providing constructive suggestions that improved the appearance and user age range of our
product in Bookbuilder.

Survey Results

1. How would you rate our book in terms of effectiveness and educational value?
           1 – Unsatisfactory – 0%
           2 – Needs Improvement – 0%
           3 – Neutral – 0%
           4 – Satisfactory – 11.1% (1)
           5 – Excellent – 89.5% (8)
2. Do you think that the graphics in our book work well with the text?
           Yes – 100% (9)
           No – 0%
           Some of the graphics work well with the text and others don’t. – 0%
3. Would the graphics in our book help a student to better understand the
           Yes – 100% (9)
           No – 0%
           Some of the graphics would help a student better understand the content. – 0%
4. Do you think the graphics in our book are helpful or distracting? Would a
child be distracted while reading the book?
           The graphics are helpful. – 88.9% (8)
           The graphics are distracting. – 0%
           Some of the graphics are helpful while others are distracting. – 11.1% (1)
5. Do you think that the content in our book is explained in a clear and thorough
           Yes – 100% (9)
           No – 0%
           Some of the content is explained in a clear and thorough manner. – 0%
6. Would the content in our book help a student to apply the 6+1 Writing Traits
to his/her writings?
           Yes – 88.9% (8)
           No – 0%
Some of the content would help a student to apply the 6+1 Writing Traits to
           his/her writings. – 11.1% (1)
7. By viewing our book, do you think a student could effectively explain the 6+1
Writing Traits to someone else?
           Yes – 77.8% (7)
           No – 0%
           A student would be able to explain some of the traits to someone else, but not all
           of them. – 22.2% (2)
8. By viewing our book, do you think a student would be able to determine if a
piece of writing displays the 6+1 Writing Traits?
           Yes – 66.7% (6)
           No – 0%
           A student would be able to determine if a piece of writing displays some aspects of
           the 6+1 Writing Traits. – 33.3% (3)
9. Do you think that the content in our book is appropriate for second grade
           Yes – 66.7% (6)
           No – 0%
           Some parts are appropriate for second grade students. – 22.2% (2)
           The content in the book should be used with older elementary students (grades 3-
           5). – 33.3% (3)
10. In your opinion, what needs to be improved or changed in our book? What
aspects (if any) need to be revised? Do you think anything should be added or
removed from our book? If you’re an educator, would you use this book in your
classroom to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits?
           I would definitely use this book! I really like it. The only thing you may want to
           add is an introduction to the coaches, letting readers know to look for them at the
           bottom of each page AND show them down there on or after the introduction
           page instead of the very first page.
           I would suggest using both auditory and visual material.
           I really like the graphics in this book. They are simple but cute. One thing I would
           say is too much wording. If this book is for a second grader, you will probably
           need to think about the language. Are they able to read so much and understand
           all of these?
           I think the book is great in terms of content and images.
           CAW: The book is great and just make sure that each page seems to be about the
           same width/height for the screen. I think the way you worded the questions limits
           the information you can get from the survey with yes/no answers. Overall, I think
           you can make sure that the book would stand by itself for 2nd through 5th graders
           and given the range of students some might need more assistance in writing. I
           would like to use this book to introduce the special education majors to the 6+1
           Writing Traits.
           I had never heard of the 6+1 Writing Traits and this book was very informative!
           Great Job! Want to make sure the coaches are visible without scrolling on each
           page. This book would be useful in the classroom.
           Great book with a wealth of information. It explains in depth the way to write a
           paper. Although I am thinking it is a bit advanced for a second grader. I am not an
educator though so it may be on target. As I stated, I am not an educator but if I
            were, I would certainly use this book.

        The team created a rubric for teachers to use in the classroom as a form of summative
evaluation for the 6+1 Writing Traits. The rubric displays the information that the students
are expected to include within their writings. This tool is based upon a point system scoring
rubric that describes the varying degrees of mastery for the expected skill. Students who
score a “Does Not Meet” on the rubric did not follow the guidelines that were addressed in the
book. The rubric contains six criteria included in the 6+1 Writing Traits with scoring options
of four, eight, twelve, and sixteen points for each trait. A student that exhibits mastery with
all of the 6+1 Writing Traits would receive a score of a sixteen, or “Meets Standards”.

Expected Maintenance And Distribution Requirements
        In order to maintain and distribute our instruction in the future, we anticipate the
following. In times of budget decrease, we did not anticipate printing the book to be the
primary means of use. We anticipated that most users would display the book for the whole
class to view, using a product like a SMARTboard. With this in mind, we tried to make the
visuals exciting and stimulating to the viewer and the text easy to read. We may not, however,
have given much consideration to the users without expansive classroom technology
resources, such as classroom computers or a SMARTboard... or to those with limited printing
budgets. The large graphics will require a lot of expensive ink to print. However, one book
could be printed to use as a whole group and/or small group resource if needed. This would
not be ideal; nevertheless, we expect that well funded districts will be able to best use our
resource for whole group and small group instructional purposes. We believe that most
educators have access to SMARTboards and/or computers; therefore, we constructed our
product with the majority in mind. We feel our product is complete and maintains a
predictable pattern that proves to be effective for writing instruction. For a more permanent
display of our product, we recommend displaying the Bookbuilder on a class website, blog or
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Brown, A. & Green, T. (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting
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Culham, Ruth. (2008). 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for the Primary Grades.

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ISD Team Write Stuff Final Report

  • 1. Team Write Stuff Final Report Project Report Team Write Stuff: Katie Rollins, Leslie Bussey, Kayla Smith, and Erin Schneider Executive Summary This report contains information regarding the Bookbuilder project created by the Team Write Stuff. In this report, the team uses the ADDIE process to analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate instruction of the 6+1 Writing Traits. The project that we developed to use for instruction and implement with elementary level students is an online book created within Bookbuilder. The goals for the book are for students to be able to explain, determine and apply the traits within their writing. The team determined there was a need for this instructional aid based on state-testing research and classroom observations. The content was created to engage students in the writing process, encourage positive attitudes towards writing, and to teach the important steps of the 6+1 traits. In designing and developing the book, the team determined how teachers should implement the book in the classroom, what instructional activities should be available, and how to assess the students based on the 6+1 Writing Traits. The team conducted a survey and gathered information on the effectiveness of the book. As a result of the feedback from peers and mentors, the team modified the book to create a more successful classroom resource. Analysis Objectives As students begin elementary school, they most often lack the knowledge and skills necessary to write with content/development, organization, voice, word choice and conventions, all of which create interest and fluency in their writings. The problem we focused on is the fore mentioned base components of writing in an elementary setting. If a student fails to gain the appropriate knowledge and skills in an elementary setting, the skills tend to remain lacking as they progress through middle and high school. Some students find writing to be “a chore.” Teaching students the 6+1 traits is a way of offering support and encouragement to young writers which will hopefully help to create positive attitudes about writing. The book discusses and illustrates each of the 6+1 traits of writing, which are Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice and Conventions. The 6+1 traits teaches educators, as well as students, a common language to communicate about the characteristics of writing. The traits give a clear vision of how students can achieve “effective” writing. The goals of our book are: For students to explain each of the 6+1 Writing Traits For students to determine effective writing by analyzing writing samples For students to apply the 6+1 traits in their own writings
  • 2. Process Used For This Analysis The cycle graph above illustrates the steps that the team followed in the creation of the 6+1 Writing Traits book. At each step of the ADDIE process, there were specific goals that needed to be accomplished in order to reach the desired outcome. This graphic organizer shows exactly what steps the team followed in each phase and what tasks will be repeated when the book is used as an instructional resource. The graphic organizer is depicted as a cycle because of the continuous nature of the ADDIE process. Teachers are continuously analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the ways in which they teach. For this project, the team completed the analysis phase of the process using South Carolina State Standards as well as South Carolina State writing test scores. Both the standards and the test scores reflected a need for writing improvement. As a result, learning objectives were created in order to address this need. During the production of this book, the team designed, developed, implemented, and evaluated the product. Formative assessments occurred throughout the process. Once we reached the evaluation phase, the team collected data and made necessary revisions. The team will continue to analyze the data and make necessary changes while working through the cycle of the ADDIE process. Needs Analysis According to the South Carolina State Standards, second grade students should be able to “create writing that includes a clear focus, coherent organization, sufficient elaboration, effective voice, and appropriate use of conventions.” Standard 2-4 (Writing: Developing
  • 3. Written Communication). With this knowledge, our team determined there was a need to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits using many different methods. We conducted research on the writing scores of elementary students in South Carolina. The team researched PASS writing scores and decided to focus on second and third grade students. The writing scores confirmed that there was a deficit in student writing scores and that deficit continues to grow as students move through elementary and middle school. This verified that there was a need to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits to students at a young age. As a result of the survey data (noted below) and with suggestions from mentors and peers, our team determined that we should expand the book to students in upper elementary grades (4th and 5th). The book was intended to be used as a whole group teaching tool with students in second grade. The survey results concluded that the language used in our book combined with the amount of text and content that we should switch our focus and include the upper elementary grades since they could read it independently as well. Each team member is a teacher in an elementary school setting. Among the team, we discussed the problems we see with students’ writings in the classroom. Each member collected student writing samples. The team then analyzed the writing samples and compared them to the 6+1 traits and also to the state writing scores. Using the state standards, state test scores, writing samples and our personal knowledge of the writing struggles of elementary students, the team decided there was a clear and urgent need for a classroom resource to support student learning and application of the 6+1 Writing Traits. Content Analysis To ensure that the content was complete and accurate, the team constructed a chart based upon research and readings from professional literature. This chart lists each of the components for the 6+1 Writing Traits. In the chart, the team analyzed the content that needed to be included in the book. The content is divided into categories according to the 6+1 Writing Traits. When designing the book, the team used this chart to ensure that all content was addressed. We decided to separate each writing trait into three pages. The first page for each trait in the book included the definition of the trait. The second page for each trait showed an example of the trait being used by the main character in our book. The third page encouraged students to create their own writings, using that specific trait, and also included a checklist with questions to make sure that they addressed the trait properly. After our survey was conducted, we received feedback from peers that suggested the content of our book was lengthy and extensive for a second grader to read independently so we adjusted to include students through the upper elementary level.
  • 4. Learner Analysis To begin the analysis of our learners, the team researched the Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) scores. The PASS scores showed that there was a need for teaching the 6+1 Writing Traits. State testing results prove that writing suffers as students’ progress throughout their educational career. The state test is given beginning in third grade and according to the scores, 25% of the students in South Carolina did not meet the state standards in writing when given a prompt and evaluated on the 6+1 traits. By the time they take the test in eighth grade, the number of students not meeting the standard rises to 30%. After determining there was a need, we chose second grade because students exhibit more writing independence during this developmental year. If students begin learning how to write using the 6+1 traits and continue using the traits through elementary school, they will be more successful throughout the rest of their educational career. Upon completing the book and gathering results from the survey, the group determined that the book would not only be beneficial to second grade but also to all students in elementary school from grades second through fifth. The book can help students’ at all
  • 5. elementary grade levels to be able to remember, understand, and apply the 6+1 Writing Traits. Context Analysis Our book is intended to be used in an elementary classroom during a writing lesson. Teachers are given a certain amount of time in their day for a writing block, and this book can be divided into multiple days or even weeks to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits. In second and third grade classrooms, teachers can utilize this book to introduce and explain the 6+1 Writing Traits to their class during whole group instruction. Teachers may also separate students into small groups based on their needs and use the book for small group instruction. Students can be provided with a copy of the book so that they can follow along and have the guidelines to look at during independent writing. While in upper elementary grades, students who are struggling in a certain area can be given a section of the book, and they can use it to
  • 6. focus their writing on a particular trait. Although the original intent was to focus simply on the teacher using this book with whole group instruction, it was determined after the evaluation of the book that it could be divided into several parts and given to upper elementary students in a more independent way. Design and Development Description Of The Instruction Setting, Activities, and Sequence The setting of the instruction for our book on the 6+1 Writing Traits is in an elementary self-contained classroom. The book was intended to teach second grade students the 6+1 traits; however, it can also be used to teach third through fifth grade students about the traits. This book is not intended to be used for only one day of instruction, but should be divided and taught over a period of time. This will allow the students to learn each trait thoroughly and display the traits in a writing of their own by focusing on one trait at a time. By the end of instruction on the 6+1 Writing Traits, students will be able to create a cohesive piece of writing using all six traits. (1) Before the teacher begins instruction on the 6+1 Writing Traits, the teacher will collect writing samples and determine areas of student weakness. (2) The initial introduction of the book and the 6+1 Writing Traits will include reading about and discussing the traits with the whole class. The teacher will use the Bookbuilder writing samples to exemplify how the character’s writing changed throughout the book. The teacher will also allow students to determine which writing they feel best represents a cohesive piece of writing using the 6+1 Writing Traits. (3) The teacher will divide students into small groups based upon areas of weakness reflected in the pre-assessment. Some students may show more than one weak area and may, therefore, be assigned to more than one group. (4) The teacher will then work in a small group setting with different students to focus on the area(s) of writing causing them the most difficulty. The teacher will use the Bookbuilder book as an instructional model to teach the students about the 6+1 Writing Traits. (5) Once the teacher has worked with students in small groups and each trait has been reviewed, the teacher will again use the book to teach and review the 6+1 Writing Traits with the whole class. The teacher will use the book to teach the students that each writing sample needs to contain each of the 6+1 Writing Traits. (6) The teacher will give the students writing samples to analyze. Students will identify any information that may be missing in regards to the traits, as well as provide examples of the traits that are executed well within the writing samples. The teacher will also ask the students to explain the information that needs revising within the writing samples to make it more effective, following the 6+1 Writing Trait expectations. (7) The teacher will then model a writing sample with the students using the 6+1 Writing Traits. The teacher will use the SMARTboard to write about a familiar topic. For example, the writing topic modeled by the teacher might be about the different seasons. Students will use a graphic organizer (such as a web that was modeled in the book) to brainstorm their ideas about the topic. (8) The teacher will then allow the students to work in groups to create a writing sample of their own that reflects the 6+1 Writing Traits. The groups will work best if the
  • 7. teacher assigns students to each group with varying abilities and strengths in the 6+1 traits. In other words, do not put all students who struggle with voice in one group. (9) The teacher will use the writing samples from each group to assess and determine how well the students understand the 6+1 traits. The teacher will use this information to identify the students that require more small group instruction. (10) The teacher will assign the students a writing assignment that they will complete independently. The teacher will remind the students of the 6+1 Writing Traits and stress the importance of including each trait within their writings. The teacher will use the writings to revise the instruction, help the students better understand the traits and determine which students need further small group assistance with the 6+1 Writing Traits. While differentiating within each group, the teacher will use the coaches as well as auditory information from the book to meet varying learning needs. These tools will offer support, which a regular book cannot. This is especially helpful for the students that require different ways of learning and processing information. The coaches included in the book, Tina Trait and Reminder Rob, are used as audio and visual reminders on each page. This way, if a student does not understand the information that is taking place on a certain page, then they can rely on the coaches for extra help or a hint while they are writing. A student in an upper elementary grade can use these coaches for quick reminders while they read the book independently. Development Process Supporting The Instructional Approach During the development stage of our project, we decided to design the book using a story line that focuses on the main character, Ivana, as she learns the traits and displays each of them in a writing of her own. The graphics were created to assist the students using the book and involve them in their learning about the 6+1 Writing Traits. The book serves as a model for young students as the main character engages in the writing process and attempts to demonstrate each trait in her writing as she develops a story about going to the fair. Ultimately, the team decided that developing a story with a meaningful message would be more beneficial and educational for the students rather than a book with solely informational text.
  • 8. Major Components Testing and Evaluation Plans The teacher will collect writing samples from the students and grade them based upon the 6+1 Writing Trait rubric. Writing samples will be used to gather pre-assessment data. This data will be used to divide the students into small groups for instruction on the 6+1 traits. Within the small groups, students will focus on a specific trait and create additional writings using that particular trait. For example, if the student does not stay on topic within his/her writing, the teacher will work with the student about eliminating ideas that are not on the topic. This will allow the students to gain experience with the 6+1 Writing Traits, with guidance and support from the teacher. The teacher will give the students a final writing assignment, in which they will be evaluated using the 6+1 Writing Traits. The teacher will use this assignment to determine if any further steps need to be taken in regards to instruction and/or remediation. Grading Rubric 6+1 Writing Traits Rubric Does Not Meet Needs Improvement Acceptable Meets Standards 4 points 8 points 12 points 16 points Name, Date, None: 1 out of 3: 2 out of 3: 3 out of 3: and Title • Name • Name • Name • Name • Date • Date • Date • Date • Title • Title • Title • Intriguing Title 0 points 1 point 2 points 4 points Ideas • No clear • Central idea is • Presents a • Presents a clear central idea unclear central idea central idea • Sentences • Focus shifts • Details are about the topic do not tell from one idea to general and not • Uses specific, about the another specific to the relevant details idea • Details need central idea • Focus is on • No details more • Focus is central idea about the elaboration generally throughout the idea sustained, but writing may shift slightly Organization • Information • Provides simple, • Writing has a • Information is is random repetitive, or logical in a well and in no random progression of organized logical progression of ideas pattern with order ideas • Provides a sequence and • Attempts a throughout the strong flow throughout beginning, writing beginning, the writing middle and • Attempts a middle and end. • Writing has a end, but beginning, bold beginning, components middle and end, a mighty middle, are missing but components and an excellent or are weak or ending confusing ineffective Voice • Reading is • Shows little • Show some • Personal style of monotone personal style personal style writing is clear • Little to no • Shows some • Awareness of throughout the awareness awareness of audience writing of audience audience • Tone is • Uses clear voice • Tone is consistent to show feeling inappropria throughout most and emotions in te of the writing writing • Tone is consistent and appropriate Word Choice • Has simple • Has mostly • Vocabulary is • Uses precise and vocabulary general and precise and vivid vocabulary
  • 9. Word some vocabulary consistent • Vocabulary is choice is on students level throughout most appropriate for not on of the writing topic students • Writing contains • Writing is full of level descriptive descriptive words words Sentence • Phrases are • Phrases are not • Sentence • Varies sentence Fluency repetitive effective structure seems structure to • Shows little • Phrases may be to have variety promote or no predictable • Majority of rhythmic sentence • Sentences seem sentences begin reading variety to all begin the in a variety of • Sentences begin same way. different ways in a variety of different ways Conventions Little or no evidence Limited evidence of Adequate use of grade- Consistent and strong of grade- level grade- level conventions level conventions grade- level conventions conventions (Grammar, Capitalization, (Grammar, Capitalization, (Grammar, Capitalization, (Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling) Punctuation, Spelling) Punctuation, Spelling) Capitalization, Punctuation, Spelling) Comments: Practice Activities The students will practice using the 6+1 Writing Traits in small groups with guided instruction from the teacher. During the small groups, the students will practice applying the traits in which they are having difficulty. The students will also analyze writing samples to determine the traits that are sufficient and the traits that require more attention. Finally, the students will work in groups to create writing samples that meet all of the 6+1 Writing Trait expectations. Feedback Mechanisms The teacher will provide feedback to the students as they learn about the 6+1 traits. The teacher will use the data from the pre-assessment to divide the students into small groups. In these groups, the teacher will be able to provide immediate feedback to the students. While working within a group to create a writing piece, the students will be able to help each other and offer advice and feedback when appropriate. Since the students will be working in groups, the teacher will be able to monitor and provide each group with guidance. The teacher will also use the rubric to provide feedback to the students when grading their writing samples. Motivational Strategies The teacher will have to keep the students motivated and interested in learning about the 6+1 Writing Traits. The book was written as a story line to help accomplish this. The teacher will also need to keep in mind that students are more willing to write about topics that interest them. The teacher will prepare several group related activities to keep the students interacting with one another and engaged in the writing assignment. The teacher will also set up a reward system in which the students can display some of their best writing on the 6+1 Writing Wall.
  • 10. Evaluation Key Development Decisions And Justification During the development of the project, the team made many decisions in hopes of allowing the book to be used as an effective resource for teaching the 6+1 Writing Traits. (1) Storyline - The team decided to create a story line to teach the 6+1 traits to elementary students. We decided to make the book a fictional tale instead of a non-fiction resource to appeal to elementary students. The story follows a student who is struggling to understand writing as a fairy guides her through the 6+1 traits. Many students also struggle with writing and can relate to the story line of the book. (2) Book Layout - In the book, each trait follows the same format. The first page for each trait explains what the trait is and how it improves writing. The second page of each trait provides an example of how to use the trait in writing, and the third page gives the students an opportunity to use the trait in their own writing and self-assess. (3) Coaches - There are two coaches that are used in the book. These coaches, Reminder Rob and Tina Trait are there to provide instructional information and helpful hints to the students as they are engaged in the book. (4) Audio - The auditory information in the book is provided as additional support to meet the varying ages and learning needs of the users. While we chose not to read the book word for word, the audio provided helps move the storybook along and give the characters a voice. (5) Graphics - The graphics in the book are kid friendly and help the book have a storybook feel. Students love reading “stories” with fictional characters. By giving a non- fiction subject the storybook twist, students will relate and remember the information presented. Graphics were also used to explain the various writing traits. For example, a microphone graphic was chosen to describe the trait, Voice, since it is how the students sound when writing a story of their own. This can help the students relate to the pictures instead of the words. In the development stage of the project, the team made several key decisions to ensure ease of use by students and teachers, allowing the book to be used as an effective source for teaching the 6+1 Writing Traits. (1) Dividing the Content into Sections - The content for each of the 6+1 Writing Traits is divided into three sections. The first section contains a description of the specific trait. The second section gives an example of the trait to help the students see the trait being used properly. The third section allows the students to use a checklist as they develop their own writing samples. (2) Simple Wording - While some of the wording may look overwhelming, we used lower level sight words while creating this book. This allows for the lower elementary students to be able to read it independently, if given that particular task by the teacher. (3) Providing Guidelines - The last page of each trait provides guidelines for not only the teachers, but also the students to follow. These few simple questions show exactly what the rubric is looking for and therefore what the students should be looking for as they include each trait in their writing. Teachers can use this as a quick assessment tool when reviewing the students’ writings. This will keep the teacher on track while they are teaching the lessons as well.
  • 11. Evaluation During the evaluation phase, our team decided to develop a survey, using Survey Monkey, in order to collect data on the effectiveness of the components in our book. The goal was to receive feedback from our peers and mentors and to revise aspects of the book based on those suggestions. Most of the feedback was positive; however, we received a few responses regarding elements we could change in our book. One aspect that we revised was the grade level. Originally, our team decided to focus on second grade students; however, we expanded through fifth grade based upon survey feedback. The suggestions that we received relating to the grade level stated that the language may be rather difficult for a second grader and the content may be too much for young students to understand. Another aspect that we changed was the height and width of our pages, including the graphics and text. This is to ensure that the viewer can see all of the information as well as the coaches on one screen without scrolling down the page. The formative evaluation affected our overall project by providing constructive suggestions that improved the appearance and user age range of our product in Bookbuilder. Survey Results 1. How would you rate our book in terms of effectiveness and educational value? 1 – Unsatisfactory – 0% 2 – Needs Improvement – 0% 3 – Neutral – 0% 4 – Satisfactory – 11.1% (1) 5 – Excellent – 89.5% (8) 2. Do you think that the graphics in our book work well with the text? Yes – 100% (9) No – 0% Some of the graphics work well with the text and others don’t. – 0% 3. Would the graphics in our book help a student to better understand the content? Yes – 100% (9) No – 0% Some of the graphics would help a student better understand the content. – 0% 4. Do you think the graphics in our book are helpful or distracting? Would a child be distracted while reading the book? The graphics are helpful. – 88.9% (8) The graphics are distracting. – 0% Some of the graphics are helpful while others are distracting. – 11.1% (1) 5. Do you think that the content in our book is explained in a clear and thorough manner? Yes – 100% (9) No – 0% Some of the content is explained in a clear and thorough manner. – 0% 6. Would the content in our book help a student to apply the 6+1 Writing Traits to his/her writings? Yes – 88.9% (8) No – 0%
  • 12. Some of the content would help a student to apply the 6+1 Writing Traits to his/her writings. – 11.1% (1) 7. By viewing our book, do you think a student could effectively explain the 6+1 Writing Traits to someone else? Yes – 77.8% (7) No – 0% A student would be able to explain some of the traits to someone else, but not all of them. – 22.2% (2) 8. By viewing our book, do you think a student would be able to determine if a piece of writing displays the 6+1 Writing Traits? Yes – 66.7% (6) No – 0% A student would be able to determine if a piece of writing displays some aspects of the 6+1 Writing Traits. – 33.3% (3) 9. Do you think that the content in our book is appropriate for second grade students? Yes – 66.7% (6) No – 0% Some parts are appropriate for second grade students. – 22.2% (2) The content in the book should be used with older elementary students (grades 3- 5). – 33.3% (3) 10. In your opinion, what needs to be improved or changed in our book? What aspects (if any) need to be revised? Do you think anything should be added or removed from our book? If you’re an educator, would you use this book in your classroom to teach the 6+1 Writing Traits? Responses: None I would definitely use this book! I really like it. The only thing you may want to add is an introduction to the coaches, letting readers know to look for them at the bottom of each page AND show them down there on or after the introduction page instead of the very first page. I would suggest using both auditory and visual material. I really like the graphics in this book. They are simple but cute. One thing I would say is too much wording. If this book is for a second grader, you will probably need to think about the language. Are they able to read so much and understand all of these? I think the book is great in terms of content and images. CAW: The book is great and just make sure that each page seems to be about the same width/height for the screen. I think the way you worded the questions limits the information you can get from the survey with yes/no answers. Overall, I think you can make sure that the book would stand by itself for 2nd through 5th graders and given the range of students some might need more assistance in writing. I would like to use this book to introduce the special education majors to the 6+1 Writing Traits. I had never heard of the 6+1 Writing Traits and this book was very informative! Great Job! Want to make sure the coaches are visible without scrolling on each page. This book would be useful in the classroom. Great book with a wealth of information. It explains in depth the way to write a paper. Although I am thinking it is a bit advanced for a second grader. I am not an
  • 13. educator though so it may be on target. As I stated, I am not an educator but if I were, I would certainly use this book. The team created a rubric for teachers to use in the classroom as a form of summative evaluation for the 6+1 Writing Traits. The rubric displays the information that the students are expected to include within their writings. This tool is based upon a point system scoring rubric that describes the varying degrees of mastery for the expected skill. Students who score a “Does Not Meet” on the rubric did not follow the guidelines that were addressed in the book. The rubric contains six criteria included in the 6+1 Writing Traits with scoring options of four, eight, twelve, and sixteen points for each trait. A student that exhibits mastery with all of the 6+1 Writing Traits would receive a score of a sixteen, or “Meets Standards”. Expected Maintenance And Distribution Requirements In order to maintain and distribute our instruction in the future, we anticipate the following. In times of budget decrease, we did not anticipate printing the book to be the primary means of use. We anticipated that most users would display the book for the whole class to view, using a product like a SMARTboard. With this in mind, we tried to make the visuals exciting and stimulating to the viewer and the text easy to read. We may not, however, have given much consideration to the users without expansive classroom technology resources, such as classroom computers or a SMARTboard... or to those with limited printing budgets. The large graphics will require a lot of expensive ink to print. However, one book could be printed to use as a whole group and/or small group resource if needed. This would not be ideal; nevertheless, we expect that well funded districts will be able to best use our resource for whole group and small group instructional purposes. We believe that most educators have access to SMARTboards and/or computers; therefore, we constructed our product with the majority in mind. We feel our product is complete and maintains a predictable pattern that proves to be effective for writing instruction. For a more permanent display of our product, we recommend displaying the Bookbuilder on a class website, blog or wiki.
  • 14. References (2011, November). [Graphic]. Retrieved from Allied Distributing, Inc. (2011, November). Wurlitzer Jukebox Game Page. [Graphic]. Retrieved from Brown, A. & Green, T. (2011). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principals with Process and Practice. (2nd ed.). New Jersey; Pearson Education, Inc. CAST UDL Book Builder. (2011, December 1). Retrieved from Clipart of LLC. (2011, November). [Graphic]. Retrieved from Culham, Ruth. (2008). 6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for the Primary Grades. McCulloch, Ashley. (2011, November). Thistle Girl Designs. Retrieved from McGrath, Christopher. (2011, November). The Virtual Red Pen. [Graphic]. Retrieved from Microsoft Corporation, (2011, November). Microsoft Office Clip Art Gallery. [Graphic]. Retrieved from Mobley, Daniel. (2011, November). The Mysteries of Laminate/Hardwood Flooring. [Graphic]. Retrieved from South Carolina English Language Arts Academic Standards. (2011 November). [PDF File]. (page 55-02-29)Retrieved from 4081-B73A-01693F3F61FD/0/ELAStandards.pdf Store 51. (2011, November). [Graphic]. Retrieved from &c=676893&i=155907146