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Contemporary Contexts: Communication
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B.S.M.R.Bank, Saad, Mike, Ryan
By: Michal Cuninka
Contemporary Contexts: Communication
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Contemporary Contexts: Communication
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At the start of this project we have been
informed about our upcoming brief;
which was to create a publication; could
have been any sort of publication with
any sort of media as long as it showed
a publication, another thing we have
been told we are in charge of what our
publication is going to be about therefore
we could have create any sort of article
which we thought would be interesting.
Once the briefing was done, we got told
to form a group no bigger than 4. I chose
to work with Bank, Ryan and Saad as we all
are good friends but also we have similar
interest which I thought would come in
Once we sorted our groups we have been
told to research into design practice which
interests us and we would like to work in.
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Design Practice Research
When it came to researching to our design
practice which interests us and we would
like to work in, I have chosen to research
into UI design as it is something that
interests me since one of the last years brief
was to do with designing an App which
was based on augmented reality.
For this research I have looked at various
UI designs but also I have got in touch
with couple of designers/companies which
gave me more insight of how the industry
For example, a UI designer creating an analytics dashboard might front load the
most important content at the top, or decide whether a slider or a control knob
makes the most intuitive sense to adjust a graph. UI designers are also typically
responsible for creating a cohesive style guide and ensuring that a consistent
design language is applied across the product. Maintaining consistency in visual
elements and defining behavior such as how to display error or warning states fall
under the purview of a UI designer.
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Design Practice Research
Here I have done research into UI designs
and I have looked at various artists and
companies I managed to find on the
Internet. To be more specific I have looked
at Behance which a website which show
case graphic designers work which is
really good, after looking at these artists,
I thought I should get in touch with them
and ask them few question about what
inspires them to create the apps and their
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Design Practice Research
I have contacted all of the designers I
have researched but only two have gotten
back in touch with me.
I have asked each designer with the same
set of questions which were:
- Is UI design really time consuming?
- Before designing an app, do you play
around with apps based on similar idea of
yours to see what could be improved and
made better?
- What is the hardest part of designing an
- How do you get your inspiration on what
the design of your app should look like?
This is a Slovakian UI designer who works
in California. He goes by his user name
As you can see he has replied to all of
the questions but in Slokian which I thought
was a bit funny since I have mentioned I
was Slovakian too. His answers were pretty
simple yet effective:
-No it is not as long as you learn all the
keyboard shortcuts and have your idea
sketched out.
- Sometimes, depending on how much time
you have and how much you communicate
with your client. If I am designing it for my self,
I look at rival apps.
-Mainly the idea which makes you different.
- Mainly from geometry and how it all works
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Design Practice Research
I have contacted another UI designer
(which I thought it was) but as it turns out
she was a UX designer (some who does
the coding and makes sure buttons and
other stuff works with the app) therefore
she couldn’t really help me out, but then I
tried to find out a little bit about UX design
which I thought she would get back to me
but unfortunately she has not.
Either I appreciate her getting back to
me as I have emailed all of the designers I
have included but only this one and musHo
got back to me and made the effort.
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Design Practice Research
Apart from designers I have tried to get in
touch with few other UI design companies
which only one got back to me and it was
this the “BiznessApps”. I was lucky I had a
very willing employee who tired to help
me out as much as he could but it turned
out that their company only creates apps
based on their own pre-made designs
so unfortunately he couldn’t help me out
with the design part much but what he did
was look at my app as I have asked him
whether his company would be able to
create it but that is when he told me they
do not do custom app designs.
Although he wasnt much helpful by design
based side, he did try and help by giving
me contact for another company which
creates custom app designs, unfortunately
they didnt get back in touch with me.
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Design Practice Research
This is my app design which I have
designed last year, I have decided to
upload my own work on the website and
ask for a feedback from the Slovakian
designer, as he asked to see it so he could
give me some feedback on it.
Here is the feedback I have got from him:
+ Nice custom branding
+ Great idea with AR, show it off more in the
case study
- Some of the screens have not very
fortunate mix of custom UI + system UI look
- Readability of light green text on red
Try or give the prototype to
a random person and observe how they’ll
move around and use the app.
Keep it up! “
His feedback have given more confidence
but also tells me what I could do better
next time I will be designing another app.
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Publication Method Ideas
Once we all had done our design practice
sector research, next stage had started
which was to think of all sorts of publication
methods which exist or we could at least
think of plus also try to invent some new
sorts of publication.
From this list we would have to either take
some of the ideas and develop them
further which would create our project.
Over all I found this exercise pretty useful as
it gave me insight of how me and my team
were thinking what ideas we could come
up with.
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Publication Method Ideas
After our brainstorm was done, next step
was to take the most simplest ways of
publication method and then write them
down, we thought of:
- Magazine
- Newspaper
- Website
- Apps
- Book
- TV/ Video
- Billboard
- Buildings
- Public Transport
Now the next process was to take these
ideas and exaggerate them into something
more interesting and create a way of
publishing content to general public.
We have came up with bunch of weird/
interesting ideas but then we have settled
down on 5 ideas which we wanted to
sketch out and show how they would work.
Chosen ideas were:
- News Cube
- Smart Pill
- Smart Water
- USB socket inside your head
- Smart Tree
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Publication Method Ideas
This right here is our ‘USB socket inside your
head’ idea.
This method of publication would work by
plugging a USB which contains news or any
sort of other content right into your head
(little USB socket right behind your ear)
which then would automatically update
your memory with news flash or content
of your choice and if you would want to
share it with someone you could project it
through your eye which would be turned
into a hybrid between your eye and
project which would enable you to project
content thats in your head.
We thought this idea was pretty interesting
bu unfortunately a bit too futuristic for us to
create physically so we have just left this
idea alone.
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Publication Method Ideas
This is another one of our ‘crazy’ ideas of
how would could publish content. This right
here is Smart Water and Smart Pill.
Both objects work on the same principle
where you would either take the pill or
drink water which would contain news or
any other sort of content you are looking
for. It would be developed by scientists
to manage and extract all the information
into the pill which then would transfer into
the human body and would automatically
make the person feel like they have read or
seen the content they just took or drank.
These would be sold in any sort of
supermarket such as Boots, Tesco, Asda,
But after thinking of this idea, we could not
think of a way how would could visually
show the content you would be getting
from either the water or the pill, therefore we
have chosen to scrap the idea and move
onto the next one.
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Publication Method Ideas
This right here is another idea we came up
with. It is called Smart Tree.
Smart tree would work based on having
some sort of eco-friendly screen built into
the tree which would be powered by solar
panels build on it. The smart tree would
be able to show news or any sort of other
content which would make the environment
cleaner and neater looking as there
wouldn’t be any ripped up posters around
but also no need to waste paper and ink
as much, also some of the smart trees which
are in the park could have missing animals
posters displayed so that people would
look around if they see the animals at
different locations of the city or town.
This idea could grow into bigger picture
and be built into lamp posts around
the city, but, we didn’t feel like it is strong
enough idea to take on therefore we have
scrapped it and left it alone just like the
previous 3.
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Publication Method Ideas
This is our final idea which we thought we
are going to take forward and develop.
This is our News Cube idea. News cube
would be a rubiks cube sized projector
which would be placed in middle of a
room which would be able to project
news right on the left, front and right wall
simultaneously from different parts of the
world. Another feature this little cube would
have would be use hand gestures instead
of remote control, this cube also project
any other type of content. Over all the
idea behind this cube is to give the viewers
bigger immersion into the image or content
by making it bigger on all three sides
therefore the viewers would feel much more
immersed as it would be all around them
and would give them the feeling of actually
being inside the image or news as in like a
3D space (inside a cube).
We thought it would be a pretty neat idea
which would be interesting to get deeper
into and actually designing something that
could be physical.
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News Cube Concept Design
After we have decided to stick to the
news cube idea, I thought we should have
something physical to show for our concept
of what the news cube could look like.
I have thought since the idea is pretty
futuristic I thought I’d use a futuristic looking
pattern, once I found the futuristic pattern
I wanted I have tweaked it up and made
some adjustments to it such as creating
some orange bits to it (since we drew the
concept in orange felt) and then I thought
the projects could be placed on top
therefore I have added three projects right
on top of the cube.
It is only concept but I still thought it
needs its name somewhere on it therefore
I decided to place its name right on the
front and chose to use the military looking
font as it did suit the pattern.
Over all I didn’t try to go for the finished
look but something which was quick to
create which I think I have accomplished.
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iQb Content Research
Once we have showed our news cube
ideas to our tutors, we have decided to
change the name from news cube to ‘iQb’
as it sounds more futuristic and sounds
much more interesting. Next thing we looked
was at creating a concept video for the
iqb therefore we all set ourself a task to
look at concept product ideas and see
how the video looks.
In my opinion, the videos I have looked
were really professional and fully
developed which is something I and the
rest of the team weren’t looking for at
this stage since we were very early in the
development stage and we didn’t even
know what the final product was going
to look like, so we have not created any
concept videos at this stage.
Although we have not created any
concept videos, I still want to show of how
the iqb would be working whether it is
digitally or by pictures.
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iQb Content Research
It came to the stage where we had to
think of what would be the cube’s content
about and what would it project. Once
we had a group chat, we decided to
create pages (walls) based on what tools
graphics designers use.
The concept is that the cube would be
like 3D Internet browser, so on the left wall
there would be picture of the item, on the
wall in front of you would be picture and
description of the product you’re looking
at and then on the right wall there would
be price comparison and where you could
buy it cheapest online.
We had graphic designers in mind when
thinking about the content of the iqb
therefore we thought it would come in
hand having content about the tools that
graphic designers use on day to day basis.
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iQb Content Research
Once we all agreed on what content we
are going to include and what the iqb
would project, we all set ourself a task of
researching 4 different tools which graphic
designers use daily or the stuff that could
make their work easier.
I have look at then upcoming Apple Pencil,
Wacom tablet, Canon DSLR and Microsoft
Surface Pro3.
I have looked at these specific items
because I wanted a new camera which
could take better quality pictures than my
old camera (bridge camera) but also I
have thought about tools that I thought
could improve my work and tools I was
looking for myself. Therefore this is how I
have created the list of tech which graphic
designers use or would like to use.
For the research, I have research pictures,
short information about the product, its
specs and also best prices you could find
it for online.
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iQb New Skin
Since we have changed our name from
News Cube to iQb, I thought I should re-
design its look and make a new ‘skin’ with its
updated name.
I have take old News Cube design and
then I have inverted colours, once the
colours were inverted it gave it that white
look, then I have use hue tool to change
the orange patterns into blue colour as
white and dark blue flow together pretty
nicely. Lastly I have changed the old News
Cube name to IQB. Since we were still at
very early stage of the design process, I
have not tried to jump right into designing
the final cube or even what it could look
I have does this just to give us all a simple
idea of what it could look like or at least to
get us all to start thinking about the design
of the iQb.
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Back to drawing Board
Once we all go our product research
together and pitched the idea to one
of our tutors, it didn’t go as we wanted
and wasn’t as successful, they thought
since we have such a unusual idea and
way of publication, we should create
some interesting content that would be
projected out of the iqb.
We all went back to drawing board and
try to come up with interesting content that
interests us and which could be interesting
to look at.
After a while of thinking, we came up
with the ideas which we thought would
be pretty interesting to read about;
technology timeline and once popular
bands or songs that no one knows about
Since we were 4 man team, we split into
team of two: me and Bank have taken on
the musical content pages where as Saad
and Ryan took on the timeline content. We
gave ourself a week to create 3 content
pages each. Once we all meet up we
would decided what we should take on
further whether it will be the technology or
music content.
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iQb Content Idea Planning
I have chosen to look at two different
songs ‘ Butterfly’ by Crazy Town and ‘Smells
like Teen Spirit’ by Nirvana.
To start off with I have sketched out what
the Nirvana Layout would look like and
what I could do to it to make it visually
interesting yet not filled with loads of
As you can see on the image I have
sketched out what I would like to include
on each page (Left, Front, Right).
Once I done my sketch, I thought it was
pretty good but something was missing
which I couldn’t figure out, therefore I
thought I’d try to sketch out the other song
which was ‘Butterfly’ as I kind of had ideas
in mind of what the background could look
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iQb Content Idea Planning
Here I have sketched out the Butterfly song
concept, although I did not have as many
ideas for this song’s layout as I did for
Smells like Teen spirit, I felt more ‘connected’
to this song and I had many more ideas of
what the background could look like but
also I felt more interested in this song too.
What did interest me was the fact I did not
know what I could add onto the second
wall which I thought was more challenging
and therefore I tough it was more of
a challenge to do which would more
rewarding once created good.
Another thing which made me choose to
design pages for this song over Nirvana’s
song was the fact I really wanted to create
a jungle like background just like the song
shows which I thought could look pretty
interesting if designed right.
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iQb Content Gathering
Before designing the pages I thought
about the images I would need which
were all of their album covers, picture of
the band and mainly some pictures of the
jungle/forest as it was the main thing I was
concentrating on since it will be a big part
of the design.
The most difficult image to find was a
picture of forest/jungle which resembles their
video as I want to create something that
seems like part of the video clip and which
will get viewers interested to look at the
pages but also immersed yet make them
feel like they are in the jungle/forest.
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iQb Content Development
My fist idea was to get a panoramic
picture of jungle scene and then cut it into
three equal bits which then would make the
content look like it is flowing in middle of
jungle but also thanks to the design of iQb
it would make the walls look like a fluent
picture of jungle which would get the viewer
more immersed into the content.
I have cut up the image in Photoshop and
then I have tried to do the layout of the
page and its content in Illustrator but as
you can see the first design looks really
poor and really boring which made me
think I need a new idea for background
so I looked at my other jungle pictures and
thought of other way I could make the
content and background more fluent but
for now I have been trying to experiment
with composition to see whether the
content would look informative and flow
with the background.
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iQb Content Development
This is the stage where I got the pages and
background to work together and finally
make sense.
The top two pages show early stage of my
development where I managed to involve
the background with content yet also link it
with the songs video clip.
The two pictures bellow show late stage
of the development where I have been
tweaking smalls bits around until I got the
layout I wanted which I thought was much
more immersive as the green colour had
a better interaction with the jungle like
background but also the font seems more
suitable than the previous one.
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iQb Content - Final
This is my final design for the three content
pages, at first I thought it will be a difficult
task but after playing around with different
ideas and tweaking small things around,
I have finally arrived at the end of the
design for the three content pages.
I still have made some slight little change
from the previous design by simplifying it
even more but also adding a filter over the
piece which makes it look ‘dirty’ and links
more with the jungle theme rather than the
clean green background.
Over all I am really pleased with the work I
have achieved as it looks much better than
the initial idea I have started with.
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iQb - Feedback
Once we have presented our work to the
other students with our idea, they have
agreed that the musical content seems
much more interesting, therefore we have
stuck to that as our final content for the
Another feedback was where people got
a bit confused with the idea of iQb as it
was much more different from just designing
a magazine, we will try to make the idea
much more clearer before finishing the
product, over all I was pretty impressed with
the feedback we have got as it will make
us improve on certain bits.
Our next stage will be to design a logo for
the iQb.
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iQb Logo Research
We all have agreed that we will design a
logo before our next lesson therefore we all
had a week to design a logo and then we
will decide which logo we will make our final
My starting stage was to look at pintrest
to see already existing cube based logos
which could inspire me when creating my
Many of the logos I have seen looked
really impressive since I had no idea could
be turned into such an interesting looking
My next stage will be trying to sketch out
my logo ideas.
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iQb Logo Ideas
After looking at many different logos on
pinterest, I thought I should sketch few of
the ideas I had on my mind.
Whilst it was not an easy task to think of a
logo which would look good yet link with
the name, I have sketched one logo which
did like and thought it links with the iqb as it
was made out of i, q, b, to create a cube
like shape.
I will take the iqb logo design and try to
digitize it and see how it looks once done.
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iQb Logo Development
Once I have done the bottom left design
which was the logo I have sketched out, it
did not look as impressive as it did on the
paper so I thought I need to try and get
different logos created therefore I started
creating different logos such as the upper
left two logos which I didn’t like as they look
really poor, where as I think the top middle
right logos look strongest with the idea of
being made on rubiks cube with highlighted
letters or the one bellow it which would
have to be animated but then that would
not work as a logo.
Unfortunately I did not really like any of my
logo and at this stage I wanted to see
what my team mates have created.
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iQb Logo - Final
This is our final logo which will represent iQb.
This logo was made by bank, we all had a
good look at all our logos but we thought
this was the strongest logo as it looks like a
cube made out of the name of our cube.
Once we decided on a logo, we have all
had a discussion of what the logo should
look like whether it should be black and
white or should it have colours, we decided
on having a colourful logo and decided
to use red, yellow and green as our colours
since we thought they look pretty vibrant
with positive look to it therefore we stuck
to the colour scheme which we will be
using our cube design but also on our
packaging design for the iQb too.
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iQb Re-Design Idea
Since we all have settled down on a logo,
our next goal was to design the actual
iQb and also the packaging for it. This
time we have split into two teams again to
get more work done; me and Saad have
took on the role of designing the iQb,
whereas Bank and Ryan are designing the
I have chosen to create a design which
would resemble a rubiks cube as that was
my first idea of when I thought of News
Cube as the beginning stage.
I have done two different design of the
cube but I have decided I will stick to the
top left design as I thought the layout was
more interesting but I will keep the lens idea
where there would be like inverted look
and lenses would be hidden out of sight to
get protected.
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iQb Re-Design Development
Here is the finished product I have
designed from the drawings which I
previously sketched.
I have stuck to the rubiks idea look but also
to the colour scheme of our logo, over all I
think it looks pretty funky and if it was made
with plastic and other sort of materials into
a real thing it would be pretty impressive/
interesting to look.
I have placed the cameras on each side
in the same size but since I will try to print
this out and make it into 3D version, I will
also try to create the inward ‘shelter’ for the
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iQb Re-Design Saad’s Cube
Here is Saad’s design of the cube, I like it
as it looks like a little puzzle, another thing
which I like about it was the colour layout
ass it was all around the cube instead
of done by side but it was missing the
buttons and lenses therefore as a team we
decided to stick with my iQb design.
Next step will be for me to figure out how
the print out the iQb together with inward
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iQb Re-Design Printing
This is the stage where I was creating a
blueprint of a cube which then I could use
a template for my iQb printout, I have used
my old iQb cube layout and then I have
labeled it so I knew which side goes where
so that the cubes looks organized when
printed out but also that each of the sides
are in their correct places.
This step was pretty fun as it didn’t take
too long but also figuring out which side is
where was pretty fun.
Next step before printing it out, I will try
to figure out how to create the little lens
cubes so that when I will try to put this
design together it works out at it should.
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iQb Re-Design Printing
This stage was more interesting as I was
playing with the cubes layout so that I
could create little cubes (lenses) which
would fit inside the iQb without a problem
but also give me that 3D look I am trying to
At first it was pretty easy, just minimize the
big cubes layout and replace it with lens
and colours but then I thought I will not
need the extra side as well I would need
to make the sides shorter so that I could all
three of them inside the ‘big’ cube.
I have enjoyed this stage as it was a little
bit like a puzzle so I had to use my brain
and think about the physical design flaws.
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iQb Making - Cutting
Once I was sure on the layouts I have
created, I was ready to print, I have printed
all four cubes out and then I have used
surgical scissors and craft knife to cut the
out accurately.
Once I had them all cut out, I have used
ruler to bend the sides as they needed to
be but also the glue sides which I will need
to glue them all together.
This stage was more time consuming as it
took a while to cut them out accurately but
made me happy as I was one stop closer
to creating something that was just an idea.
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iQb Making
This was the last stage of making the iQb,
also it was the best stage of all as all of the
planning I have done before printing have
worked out and as you can see everything
worked out as it should have had.
I think the design has worked as it looks
miles better than the first News Cube
design, the only thing that could improve
this design would be if it was actually made
out of plastic or other materials which
would make it more realistic but the 3D
looks of the lens window make it look better
than just a usual print out.
Over all I am please with the outcome I
have achieved.
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iQb Making - Final
Here are some pictures of the finished
product but also pictures of what it would
look like placed on table and its size
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iQb Visual Mock Up
This is a visual mock up of what the cube
would look like in action if it was actually
Top Image shows how it would manage
to project onto the whole wall and
the bottom picture shows it in full scale
together with my content page design.
I can gladly say I am happy with the
outcome I have achieved as it looks like
something I imaged it to look like once the
whole would be finished.
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iQb Packaging -Bank’s Design
This is the packaging designed by Bank
which would be used to pack our iQb in.
I like the design of how the layout works
but also I like how he has stuck to using the
colour scheme from the logo.
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Over all after the journey me and my team
went through, I think we all have learn quiet
a lot, whether it was to do with our design
practice research or to do with iQb.
I have gained quiet a lot of knowledge
in designing new products, content, idea
generation, PDF making, printing out mock
ups which actually work and most of all the
team work which we all managed to get
on smoothly and make it into hard working
team with a successful idea.
Over all I think our iQb would be a pretty
interesting and niche product which could
become successful in the future but for now
it needs a little bit more development on
the technical side of how the projectors
would actually work.
THE END! - Conclusion

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IQb project (Rubiks cube size projector)

  • 1. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 1 B.S.M.R.Bank, Saad, Mike, Ryan By: Michal Cuninka
  • 3. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 3 Introduction At the start of this project we have been informed about our upcoming brief; which was to create a publication; could have been any sort of publication with any sort of media as long as it showed a publication, another thing we have been told we are in charge of what our publication is going to be about therefore we could have create any sort of article which we thought would be interesting. Once the briefing was done, we got told to form a group no bigger than 4. I chose to work with Bank, Ryan and Saad as we all are good friends but also we have similar interest which I thought would come in handy. Once we sorted our groups we have been told to research into design practice which interests us and we would like to work in.
  • 4. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 4 Design Practice Research When it came to researching to our design practice which interests us and we would like to work in, I have chosen to research into UI design as it is something that interests me since one of the last years brief was to do with designing an App which was based on augmented reality. For this research I have looked at various UI designs but also I have got in touch with couple of designers/companies which gave me more insight of how the industry works. For example, a UI designer creating an analytics dashboard might front load the most important content at the top, or decide whether a slider or a control knob makes the most intuitive sense to adjust a graph. UI designers are also typically responsible for creating a cohesive style guide and ensuring that a consistent design language is applied across the product. Maintaining consistency in visual elements and defining behavior such as how to display error or warning states fall under the purview of a UI designer. “ “
  • 5. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 5 Design Practice Research Here I have done research into UI designs and I have looked at various artists and companies I managed to find on the Internet. To be more specific I have looked at Behance which a website which show case graphic designers work which is really good, after looking at these artists, I thought I should get in touch with them and ask them few question about what inspires them to create the apps and their design.
  • 6. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 6 Design Practice Research I have contacted all of the designers I have researched but only two have gotten back in touch with me. I have asked each designer with the same set of questions which were: - Is UI design really time consuming? - Before designing an app, do you play around with apps based on similar idea of yours to see what could be improved and made better? - What is the hardest part of designing an app? - How do you get your inspiration on what the design of your app should look like? This is a Slovakian UI designer who works in California. He goes by his user name ‘musHo’ As you can see he has replied to all of the questions but in Slokian which I thought was a bit funny since I have mentioned I was Slovakian too. His answers were pretty simple yet effective: -No it is not as long as you learn all the keyboard shortcuts and have your idea sketched out. - Sometimes, depending on how much time you have and how much you communicate with your client. If I am designing it for my self, I look at rival apps. -Mainly the idea which makes you different. - Mainly from geometry and how it all works together.
  • 7. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 7 Design Practice Research I have contacted another UI designer (which I thought it was) but as it turns out she was a UX designer (some who does the coding and makes sure buttons and other stuff works with the app) therefore she couldn’t really help me out, but then I tried to find out a little bit about UX design which I thought she would get back to me but unfortunately she has not. Either I appreciate her getting back to me as I have emailed all of the designers I have included but only this one and musHo got back to me and made the effort.
  • 8. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 8 Design Practice Research Apart from designers I have tried to get in touch with few other UI design companies which only one got back to me and it was this the “BiznessApps”. I was lucky I had a very willing employee who tired to help me out as much as he could but it turned out that their company only creates apps based on their own pre-made designs so unfortunately he couldn’t help me out with the design part much but what he did was look at my app as I have asked him whether his company would be able to create it but that is when he told me they do not do custom app designs. Although he wasnt much helpful by design based side, he did try and help by giving me contact for another company which creates custom app designs, unfortunately they didnt get back in touch with me.
  • 9. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 9 Design Practice Research This is my app design which I have designed last year, I have decided to upload my own work on the website and ask for a feedback from the Slovakian designer, as he asked to see it so he could give me some feedback on it. Here is the feedback I have got from him: “ + Nice custom branding + Great idea with AR, show it off more in the case study - Some of the screens have not very fortunate mix of custom UI + system UI look - Readability of light green text on red background Try or give the prototype to a random person and observe how they’ll move around and use the app. Keep it up! “ His feedback have given more confidence but also tells me what I could do better next time I will be designing another app.
  • 10. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 10 Publication Method Ideas Once we all had done our design practice sector research, next stage had started which was to think of all sorts of publication methods which exist or we could at least think of plus also try to invent some new sorts of publication. From this list we would have to either take some of the ideas and develop them further which would create our project. Over all I found this exercise pretty useful as it gave me insight of how me and my team were thinking what ideas we could come up with.
  • 11. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 11 Publication Method Ideas After our brainstorm was done, next step was to take the most simplest ways of publication method and then write them down, we thought of: - Magazine - Newspaper - Website - Apps - Book - PDF - TV/ Video - Billboard - Buildings - Public Transport Now the next process was to take these ideas and exaggerate them into something more interesting and create a way of publishing content to general public. We have came up with bunch of weird/ interesting ideas but then we have settled down on 5 ideas which we wanted to sketch out and show how they would work. Chosen ideas were: - News Cube - Smart Pill - Smart Water - USB socket inside your head - Smart Tree
  • 12. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 12 Publication Method Ideas This right here is our ‘USB socket inside your head’ idea. This method of publication would work by plugging a USB which contains news or any sort of other content right into your head (little USB socket right behind your ear) which then would automatically update your memory with news flash or content of your choice and if you would want to share it with someone you could project it through your eye which would be turned into a hybrid between your eye and project which would enable you to project content thats in your head. We thought this idea was pretty interesting bu unfortunately a bit too futuristic for us to create physically so we have just left this idea alone.
  • 13. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 13 Publication Method Ideas This is another one of our ‘crazy’ ideas of how would could publish content. This right here is Smart Water and Smart Pill. Both objects work on the same principle where you would either take the pill or drink water which would contain news or any other sort of content you are looking for. It would be developed by scientists to manage and extract all the information into the pill which then would transfer into the human body and would automatically make the person feel like they have read or seen the content they just took or drank. These would be sold in any sort of supermarket such as Boots, Tesco, Asda, etc. But after thinking of this idea, we could not think of a way how would could visually show the content you would be getting from either the water or the pill, therefore we have chosen to scrap the idea and move onto the next one.
  • 14. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 14 Publication Method Ideas This right here is another idea we came up with. It is called Smart Tree. Smart tree would work based on having some sort of eco-friendly screen built into the tree which would be powered by solar panels build on it. The smart tree would be able to show news or any sort of other content which would make the environment cleaner and neater looking as there wouldn’t be any ripped up posters around but also no need to waste paper and ink as much, also some of the smart trees which are in the park could have missing animals posters displayed so that people would look around if they see the animals at different locations of the city or town. This idea could grow into bigger picture and be built into lamp posts around the city, but, we didn’t feel like it is strong enough idea to take on therefore we have scrapped it and left it alone just like the previous 3.
  • 15. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 15 Publication Method Ideas This is our final idea which we thought we are going to take forward and develop. This is our News Cube idea. News cube would be a rubiks cube sized projector which would be placed in middle of a room which would be able to project news right on the left, front and right wall simultaneously from different parts of the world. Another feature this little cube would have would be use hand gestures instead of remote control, this cube also project any other type of content. Over all the idea behind this cube is to give the viewers bigger immersion into the image or content by making it bigger on all three sides therefore the viewers would feel much more immersed as it would be all around them and would give them the feeling of actually being inside the image or news as in like a 3D space (inside a cube). We thought it would be a pretty neat idea which would be interesting to get deeper into and actually designing something that could be physical.
  • 16. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 16 News Cube Concept Design After we have decided to stick to the news cube idea, I thought we should have something physical to show for our concept of what the news cube could look like. I have thought since the idea is pretty futuristic I thought I’d use a futuristic looking pattern, once I found the futuristic pattern I wanted I have tweaked it up and made some adjustments to it such as creating some orange bits to it (since we drew the concept in orange felt) and then I thought the projects could be placed on top therefore I have added three projects right on top of the cube. It is only concept but I still thought it needs its name somewhere on it therefore I decided to place its name right on the front and chose to use the military looking font as it did suit the pattern. Over all I didn’t try to go for the finished look but something which was quick to create which I think I have accomplished.
  • 17. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 17 iQb Content Research Once we have showed our news cube ideas to our tutors, we have decided to change the name from news cube to ‘iQb’ as it sounds more futuristic and sounds much more interesting. Next thing we looked was at creating a concept video for the iqb therefore we all set ourself a task to look at concept product ideas and see how the video looks. In my opinion, the videos I have looked were really professional and fully developed which is something I and the rest of the team weren’t looking for at this stage since we were very early in the development stage and we didn’t even know what the final product was going to look like, so we have not created any concept videos at this stage. Although we have not created any concept videos, I still want to show of how the iqb would be working whether it is digitally or by pictures.
  • 18. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 18 iQb Content Research It came to the stage where we had to think of what would be the cube’s content about and what would it project. Once we had a group chat, we decided to create pages (walls) based on what tools graphics designers use. The concept is that the cube would be like 3D Internet browser, so on the left wall there would be picture of the item, on the wall in front of you would be picture and description of the product you’re looking at and then on the right wall there would be price comparison and where you could buy it cheapest online. We had graphic designers in mind when thinking about the content of the iqb therefore we thought it would come in hand having content about the tools that graphic designers use on day to day basis.
  • 19. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 19 iQb Content Research Once we all agreed on what content we are going to include and what the iqb would project, we all set ourself a task of researching 4 different tools which graphic designers use daily or the stuff that could make their work easier. I have look at then upcoming Apple Pencil, Wacom tablet, Canon DSLR and Microsoft Surface Pro3. I have looked at these specific items because I wanted a new camera which could take better quality pictures than my old camera (bridge camera) but also I have thought about tools that I thought could improve my work and tools I was looking for myself. Therefore this is how I have created the list of tech which graphic designers use or would like to use. For the research, I have research pictures, short information about the product, its specs and also best prices you could find it for online.
  • 20. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 20 iQb New Skin Since we have changed our name from News Cube to iQb, I thought I should re- design its look and make a new ‘skin’ with its updated name. I have take old News Cube design and then I have inverted colours, once the colours were inverted it gave it that white look, then I have use hue tool to change the orange patterns into blue colour as white and dark blue flow together pretty nicely. Lastly I have changed the old News Cube name to IQB. Since we were still at very early stage of the design process, I have not tried to jump right into designing the final cube or even what it could look like. I have does this just to give us all a simple idea of what it could look like or at least to get us all to start thinking about the design of the iQb.
  • 21. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 21 Back to drawing Board Once we all go our product research together and pitched the idea to one of our tutors, it didn’t go as we wanted and wasn’t as successful, they thought since we have such a unusual idea and way of publication, we should create some interesting content that would be projected out of the iqb. We all went back to drawing board and try to come up with interesting content that interests us and which could be interesting to look at. After a while of thinking, we came up with the ideas which we thought would be pretty interesting to read about; technology timeline and once popular bands or songs that no one knows about now. Since we were 4 man team, we split into team of two: me and Bank have taken on the musical content pages where as Saad and Ryan took on the timeline content. We gave ourself a week to create 3 content pages each. Once we all meet up we would decided what we should take on further whether it will be the technology or music content.
  • 22. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 22 iQb Content Idea Planning I have chosen to look at two different songs ‘ Butterfly’ by Crazy Town and ‘Smells like Teen Spirit’ by Nirvana. To start off with I have sketched out what the Nirvana Layout would look like and what I could do to it to make it visually interesting yet not filled with loads of information. As you can see on the image I have sketched out what I would like to include on each page (Left, Front, Right). Once I done my sketch, I thought it was pretty good but something was missing which I couldn’t figure out, therefore I thought I’d try to sketch out the other song which was ‘Butterfly’ as I kind of had ideas in mind of what the background could look like.
  • 23. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 23 iQb Content Idea Planning Here I have sketched out the Butterfly song concept, although I did not have as many ideas for this song’s layout as I did for Smells like Teen spirit, I felt more ‘connected’ to this song and I had many more ideas of what the background could look like but also I felt more interested in this song too. What did interest me was the fact I did not know what I could add onto the second wall which I thought was more challenging and therefore I tough it was more of a challenge to do which would more rewarding once created good. Another thing which made me choose to design pages for this song over Nirvana’s song was the fact I really wanted to create a jungle like background just like the song shows which I thought could look pretty interesting if designed right.
  • 24. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 24 iQb Content Gathering Before designing the pages I thought about the images I would need which were all of their album covers, picture of the band and mainly some pictures of the jungle/forest as it was the main thing I was concentrating on since it will be a big part of the design. The most difficult image to find was a picture of forest/jungle which resembles their video as I want to create something that seems like part of the video clip and which will get viewers interested to look at the pages but also immersed yet make them feel like they are in the jungle/forest.
  • 25. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 25 iQb Content Development My fist idea was to get a panoramic picture of jungle scene and then cut it into three equal bits which then would make the content look like it is flowing in middle of jungle but also thanks to the design of iQb it would make the walls look like a fluent picture of jungle which would get the viewer more immersed into the content. I have cut up the image in Photoshop and then I have tried to do the layout of the page and its content in Illustrator but as you can see the first design looks really poor and really boring which made me think I need a new idea for background so I looked at my other jungle pictures and thought of other way I could make the content and background more fluent but for now I have been trying to experiment with composition to see whether the content would look informative and flow with the background.
  • 26. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 26 iQb Content Development This is the stage where I got the pages and background to work together and finally make sense. The top two pages show early stage of my development where I managed to involve the background with content yet also link it with the songs video clip. The two pictures bellow show late stage of the development where I have been tweaking smalls bits around until I got the layout I wanted which I thought was much more immersive as the green colour had a better interaction with the jungle like background but also the font seems more suitable than the previous one.
  • 27. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 27 iQb Content - Final This is my final design for the three content pages, at first I thought it will be a difficult task but after playing around with different ideas and tweaking small things around, I have finally arrived at the end of the design for the three content pages. I still have made some slight little change from the previous design by simplifying it even more but also adding a filter over the piece which makes it look ‘dirty’ and links more with the jungle theme rather than the clean green background. Over all I am really pleased with the work I have achieved as it looks much better than the initial idea I have started with.
  • 28. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 28 iQb - Feedback Once we have presented our work to the other students with our idea, they have agreed that the musical content seems much more interesting, therefore we have stuck to that as our final content for the iQb. Another feedback was where people got a bit confused with the idea of iQb as it was much more different from just designing a magazine, we will try to make the idea much more clearer before finishing the product, over all I was pretty impressed with the feedback we have got as it will make us improve on certain bits. Our next stage will be to design a logo for the iQb.
  • 29. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 29 iQb Logo Research We all have agreed that we will design a logo before our next lesson therefore we all had a week to design a logo and then we will decide which logo we will make our final one. My starting stage was to look at pintrest to see already existing cube based logos which could inspire me when creating my own. Many of the logos I have seen looked really impressive since I had no idea could be turned into such an interesting looking logo. My next stage will be trying to sketch out my logo ideas.
  • 30. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 30 iQb Logo Ideas After looking at many different logos on pinterest, I thought I should sketch few of the ideas I had on my mind. Whilst it was not an easy task to think of a logo which would look good yet link with the name, I have sketched one logo which did like and thought it links with the iqb as it was made out of i, q, b, to create a cube like shape. I will take the iqb logo design and try to digitize it and see how it looks once done.
  • 31. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 31 iQb Logo Development Once I have done the bottom left design which was the logo I have sketched out, it did not look as impressive as it did on the paper so I thought I need to try and get different logos created therefore I started creating different logos such as the upper left two logos which I didn’t like as they look really poor, where as I think the top middle right logos look strongest with the idea of being made on rubiks cube with highlighted letters or the one bellow it which would have to be animated but then that would not work as a logo. Unfortunately I did not really like any of my logo and at this stage I wanted to see what my team mates have created.
  • 32. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 32 iQb Logo - Final This is our final logo which will represent iQb. This logo was made by bank, we all had a good look at all our logos but we thought this was the strongest logo as it looks like a cube made out of the name of our cube. Once we decided on a logo, we have all had a discussion of what the logo should look like whether it should be black and white or should it have colours, we decided on having a colourful logo and decided to use red, yellow and green as our colours since we thought they look pretty vibrant with positive look to it therefore we stuck to the colour scheme which we will be using our cube design but also on our packaging design for the iQb too.
  • 33. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 33 iQb Re-Design Idea Since we all have settled down on a logo, our next goal was to design the actual iQb and also the packaging for it. This time we have split into two teams again to get more work done; me and Saad have took on the role of designing the iQb, whereas Bank and Ryan are designing the packaging. I have chosen to create a design which would resemble a rubiks cube as that was my first idea of when I thought of News Cube as the beginning stage. I have done two different design of the cube but I have decided I will stick to the top left design as I thought the layout was more interesting but I will keep the lens idea where there would be like inverted look and lenses would be hidden out of sight to get protected.
  • 34. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 34 iQb Re-Design Development Here is the finished product I have designed from the drawings which I previously sketched. I have stuck to the rubiks idea look but also to the colour scheme of our logo, over all I think it looks pretty funky and if it was made with plastic and other sort of materials into a real thing it would be pretty impressive/ interesting to look. I have placed the cameras on each side in the same size but since I will try to print this out and make it into 3D version, I will also try to create the inward ‘shelter’ for the lenses.
  • 35. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 35 iQb Re-Design Saad’s Cube Here is Saad’s design of the cube, I like it as it looks like a little puzzle, another thing which I like about it was the colour layout ass it was all around the cube instead of done by side but it was missing the buttons and lenses therefore as a team we decided to stick with my iQb design. Next step will be for me to figure out how the print out the iQb together with inward lenses.
  • 36. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 36 iQb Re-Design Printing This is the stage where I was creating a blueprint of a cube which then I could use a template for my iQb printout, I have used my old iQb cube layout and then I have labeled it so I knew which side goes where so that the cubes looks organized when printed out but also that each of the sides are in their correct places. This step was pretty fun as it didn’t take too long but also figuring out which side is where was pretty fun. Next step before printing it out, I will try to figure out how to create the little lens cubes so that when I will try to put this design together it works out at it should.
  • 37. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 37 iQb Re-Design Printing This stage was more interesting as I was playing with the cubes layout so that I could create little cubes (lenses) which would fit inside the iQb without a problem but also give me that 3D look I am trying to achieve. At first it was pretty easy, just minimize the big cubes layout and replace it with lens and colours but then I thought I will not need the extra side as well I would need to make the sides shorter so that I could all three of them inside the ‘big’ cube. I have enjoyed this stage as it was a little bit like a puzzle so I had to use my brain and think about the physical design flaws.
  • 38. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 38 iQb Making - Cutting Once I was sure on the layouts I have created, I was ready to print, I have printed all four cubes out and then I have used surgical scissors and craft knife to cut the out accurately. Once I had them all cut out, I have used ruler to bend the sides as they needed to be but also the glue sides which I will need to glue them all together. This stage was more time consuming as it took a while to cut them out accurately but made me happy as I was one stop closer to creating something that was just an idea.
  • 39. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 39 iQb Making This was the last stage of making the iQb, also it was the best stage of all as all of the planning I have done before printing have worked out and as you can see everything worked out as it should have had. I think the design has worked as it looks miles better than the first News Cube design, the only thing that could improve this design would be if it was actually made out of plastic or other materials which would make it more realistic but the 3D looks of the lens window make it look better than just a usual print out. Over all I am please with the outcome I have achieved.
  • 40. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 40 iQb Making - Final Here are some pictures of the finished product but also pictures of what it would look like placed on table and its size comparison.
  • 41. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 41 iQb Visual Mock Up This is a visual mock up of what the cube would look like in action if it was actually functional. Top Image shows how it would manage to project onto the whole wall and the bottom picture shows it in full scale together with my content page design. I can gladly say I am happy with the outcome I have achieved as it looks like something I imaged it to look like once the whole would be finished.
  • 42. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 42 iQb Packaging -Bank’s Design This is the packaging designed by Bank which would be used to pack our iQb in. I like the design of how the layout works but also I like how he has stuck to using the colour scheme from the logo.
  • 43. Contemporary Contexts: Communication Page 43 Over all after the journey me and my team went through, I think we all have learn quiet a lot, whether it was to do with our design practice research or to do with iQb. I have gained quiet a lot of knowledge in designing new products, content, idea generation, PDF making, printing out mock ups which actually work and most of all the team work which we all managed to get on smoothly and make it into hard working team with a successful idea. Over all I think our iQb would be a pretty interesting and niche product which could become successful in the future but for now it needs a little bit more development on the technical side of how the projectors would actually work. THE END! - Conclusion