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Integrated parasite management (IPM)

           Integrated Parasite Management
              (IPM) in Small Ruminants
                                                                                                 Haemonchus contortus
                                                                                                                                    The Barber Pole Worm
                                                                                                                                       A blood-sucking parasite
                                                                                                                                       (roundworm) that pierces the
                                                                                                                                       mucosa of the abomasum
                                                                                                                                       (ruminant “stomach”) and
                                                                                                                                       causes blood plasma and
                                                                                                                                       protein loss to the sheep,
                                                                                                                                       goat, or camelid.

                                                                                                     I want your
                                                      SUSAN SCHOENIAN                                   blood!
                                                     Sheep & Goat Specialist
                                                                                                                                                             Female worm
                                                 University of Maryland Extension
                                                                                                     0.05 ml blood per day

                                                                                                                                                               Rough hair coat

  - - -                           Barber Pole Worm
                                                                                                 Symptoms                                               Weight loss, unthrifty
                                                                                                    Pale mucous membranes
                                              •Veterinarians                                        Edema (bottle jaw)
                                              •Parasitologists                                      NOT diarrhea (scours)
                                              •Animal scientists                                    Ill thrift
                                                                                                    Sudden DEATH
                                              •Extension specialists

                                                                                                 Difficult to control
                                                                                                   Short, direct life cycle

            SOUTHERN CONSORTIUM                                                                    Prolific egg producer
                                                                                                   Can go into “hypobiotic”
                                                                                                   (arrested) state during
            FOR SMALL RUMINANT                                                                     winter to survive.
                                                                                                   Can survive on pasture for              Bottle jaw

            PARASITE CONTROL (SCSRPC)                                                              a long time.
                                                                                                 → Adaptable
                                                                                                                                                               Pale membranes

           Internal Parasites                                                                    Other gastro-intestinal (round)
           #1 health problem in sheep and goats in warm, moist climates                          worms (strongyle family)
                                                 Sheep and goats are the most                                                     Direct life cycles
                                                 susceptible livestock to internal                                                Burrow into the wall of the
                                                 parasites.                                                                       abomasum or intestines.
                                                     Close grazing                                                              → Usually secondary in importance.
                                                     Graze near fecal pellets
                                                     Slow-to-develop immunity                                                   → Usually have an additive effect in
                                                                                                                                  mixed parasitic infections
                                                 We can no longer rely on
                                                 anthelmintic treatments alone to                                                 Symptoms: scouring, weight loss,
                                                 control parasites; a much more                                                   rough hair coat, ill thrift, poor
                                                 integrated approach is necessary.
                                                     Few anthelmintics are FDA-approved for
                                                     sheep, even fewer for goats.

                                                     Anthelmintic resistance is real and
                                                     New drugs take a lot of time and money to
                                                     develop and reach the market place (if
                                                                                                 Ostertagia (Teladorsagia)
                 anthelmintic = dewormer = anti-parasitic drug

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                     1
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

           Fecal egg counts - Larvae ID                                                     Liver flukes
           2009 Western Maryland Pasture-Based Meat Goat Performance Test                   Fasciola hepatica

                                                                                                                                Generally not considered to be a
                                                                                                                                problem in Mid-Atlantic area.
                                                                                                                                    Gulf states and Pacific Northwest.

                                                                                                                                Requires open water and aquatic
                                                                                                                                snails (wet conditions) to complete
                                                                                                                                life cycle.

                                                                                                                                Can kill adult liver flukes with
                                                                                                                                Albendazole (Valbazen®) or
                                                                                                                                Ivomec® Plus).

          Pasture mite
                                           Tapeworms                                          Coccidia
                                           Moniezia spp.                                      Eimeria sp. (species-specific)
                                                Life Cycle
                                                    Worms live in the small intestines.
                                                    Eggs pass out through feces.
                                                                                                                                   Normal inhabitant of
                                                                                                                                   ruminant’s GI system.
                                                    The egg is eaten by a pasture mite.
                                                    The egg hatches.
                                                    The mite is eaten by the sheep or                                              Single-cell protozoa that
                                                    goat.                                                                          damage the lining of the small
                                                                                                                                         g          g
                                                    Is the only parasite we can see in
                                                    the feces.                                                                          Causes diarrhea that may be
                                                                                                                                        smeared with blood and/or
                                                    Light loads of tapeworms tend not to                                                mucous.
                                                    be a problem, but severe infestations                                               Signs of disease occur ~17
                                                    could cause GI problems.                                                            days after infection (ingestion
                                                                                                                                        of oocytes).
                                                →   Tapeworms are generally considered                                                  Damage can be permanent!
                                                    to be non-pathogenic.
                                                                                                                                   Prevent with good sanitation
                                                →   Deworming for tapeworms has not
                                                    been shown to increase performance       Fecal samples may or may not be
                                                                                                                                   and proper stocking.
                                                    in lambs.                                  helpful in diagnosing disease.

               Lungworms                                                                      Eimeria sp. (species-specific)

               Indirect or direct life cycle.                                                                                       Can use additives in feed,
                                                                                                                                    mineral, or water to prevent
               Transmitted in feces.                                                                                                clinical disease in groups of
               Difficult to see in fecal                                                                                                 Lasalocid (Bovatec®)13
               sample                                                                                                                    Monensin (R
                                                                                                                                         M      i (Rumensin®)23
                                                                                                                                                           i ®)
                                                                                                                                         Decoquinate (Deccox®)12
               Severe infestations can                                                                                                   Amprolium (Corid®) in
               result in coughing, fluid on                                                                                              water
               lungs, pneumonia.
                                                                                                                                    Treat (individual animals)
               Diagnosis is usually via                                                                                             with Amprolium or sulfa
               necropsy.                                                                                                            drugs.
                                                                                                                                          1FDA-approved    for sheep
               Most drugs which kill                                                                                                      2FDA-approved
               stomach worms kill lung                                                                                                                     for goats
                                                                                                                                          3TOXIC     to EQUINES!!!!!!

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                              2
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               Meningeal worm                    (deer, brain worm)
               Parelaphostrongylus tenuis                                                        Parasite identification
                                                Parasite of White Tail Deer                     1) Fecal flotation or egg count
                                                Small ruminants are abnormal
                                                    sheep, goats, llama, alpaca, horse                Can differentiate between strongyle
                                                                                                      (stomach), tapeworm, and coccidia
                                                Parasite has indirect life cycle
                                                    Snails and slugs needed for infection.            eggs.
                                                                                                      Can’t differentiate between most
                                                Once ingested, larva travel from                      strongyle (stomach) worm eggs.
                                                intestinal tract to spinal cord to                    eggs (except Nematodirus)
                                                brain, causing progressively worse
                                                symptoms . . .                                        Meningeal worm does not pass eggs
                                                    Lameness                                                Do-it-yourself
                                                    Gait abnormality
                                                                                                        •   Public lab
                                                    Hind quarter weakness
                                                    Paralysis                                           •   Diagnostic lab
                                                    DEATH                                               •   Private lab
                     Cannot diagnose in a
                       living sheep/goat                                                                •   Veterinarian                                           Eimeria spp.
                   (necropsy or spinal fluid)       Animals maintain appetite
                                                                                                                                             Moniezia spp.

               Meningeal worm                                                                    Stomach worm identification
                                                   Treatment                                    2) Fecal coproculture / larvae ID
                                                       High doses of anthelmintics
                                                                                                       Differentiate between strongyle
                                                             Fenbendazole                              (stomach) worms (H. contortus,
                                                       Anti-inflammatory drugs                         Teladorsagia, and trichostrongyles)
                                                                                                         • University of Georgia
                                                       Some recover on their own.                           (Dr. Ray Kaplan’s lab)
                                                                                                                      Kaplan s
                                                       Cannot repair damaged tissue.
                                                                                                       Can take test one step further to determine
                                                   Prevention                                          anthelmintic resistance -- larval development
                                                       Restrict access to certain areas                assay (LDA) or DrenchRite® test.
                                                       of pasture.
                                                         • Fence off wet areas
                                                         • Areas with lots of debris            3) Lectin-staining test (new)
                                                       Control deer population
                                                                                                       Determine percent of Haemonchus
                                                       Control snail/slug population
                                                                                                       contortus eggs in sample.
                                                       Monthly deworming
                                                             Only if problem is severe!                  • Oregon State University
                   Fencing to exclude deer                                                               • University of Georgia
                   is not usually practical.

                                                                                             sheep/goats + grazing (pasture) = worm infection
                                                                                               L3’s infective larvae ingested                  L4’s and adults suck blood

           How do you know what kind of
                                                                                               How do sheep and goats
          worms your sheep or goats have?                                                     get infected with parasites?

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                      3
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

                                                                                       Population Demographics of
             Life Cycle of Stomach Worms                                               Gastrointestinal Nematodes

                                                    Worm problems vary by                     Haemonchus
                                                                                                                                   May-June                     July-September
                                                location, farm, year, and season.             How long before
                                                                                               high pasture                        3   weeks1                         2 weeks1
                                                                                            When are the
                                                                                          highest levels of                       5-9 weeks                         3-9 weeks
                                                                                         pasture infectivity?
                                                                                             How long until low
                                                                                              levels of pasture                    3 months                          3 months
                                                                                         1 Earlier if high temperatures coincided with rain.
                                                                                         Patterns of Ostertagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus spp. and Cooperia curticei were basically
                                                                                         similar to H. contortis. Strongyloides papillosus larvae emerge within 2 weeks on pasture and
                                                                                         survival is short. Nematodirus larvae took a lot longer to emerge on pasture than the other

                                                                                                               Utrecht University (Netherlands) 1999-2003

                                                                                        Research conclusion: Only a small number of farms can use evasive grazing
                                                                                          as the only method of parasite control. For most farms, evasive grazing
             Eggs require warmth (60°F) and humidity to hatch to first stage larvae.            needs to be combined with other pasture control strategies.

             When Are Larva On Pasture A Problem?
             Why & How Do Seasonal Increases Occur?                                                 Integrated Parasite
                                    ( If No Treatment)                                              Management (IPM)

        How did these larva
        get here
        From here?                                                        Nov 1st
                         Lambing Rise
                         Spring Rise

                                                                                                 Goal is not to create parasite-free animals. It is
                                                                                              normal for sheep and goats to have parasites. Goal
         J     F      M     A    M      J   J      A     S    O     N     D     J             is to prevent clinical disease and production losses.

                           Fecal Egg Counts
                    (What happens in ewes and lambs)
        Ewes                                                                           Consider host resistance
        Lambs                                                                          Most susceptible                                             Less susceptible
                                                                                         Weaned lambs and kids                                            Mature animals
                                                                                         Orphan lambs and kids                                            Males
                                                                                         Yearlings                                                        Dry ewes
                                                                                         High producing females                                           Pets
                     Lambing                                                             Late b
                                                                                         L t -born l lambs and kids
                                                                                                        b    d kid                                        Mature wethers
                                                                                                                                                          M t       th
                                                                                         Geriatric animals                                                Sheep
                                            Weaning                                      Goats
                                                                                         Unadapted breeds

         F    M      A      M   J       J   A     S      O    N     D      J     F

                   Spring           Summer             Fall             Winter

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                               4
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

           Parasite control begins with good
           management and common sense                                          Use of “clean or safe” pastures
                                                                                                                         New pasture
                 Good sanitation.
                                                                                                                         A pasture that has been renovated
                                                                                                                         with tillage.
                 Use of feeders which prevent
                 wastage and contamination.                                                                              A pasture that has not been grazed
                                                                                                                         by sheep or goats for the past 6 to 12
                 Clean water, free from fecal
                 matter and other debris.                                                                                A pasture that has been grazed by
                                                                                                                         horses and/or cattle for the past 6 to
                                                                                                                         12 months.
                 Avoid overstocking pens and
                                                                                                                         A pasture in which a hay or silage
                 pastures.                                                                                               crop has been removed.

                 Isolate and deworm new                                                                                  A pasture that has been rotated with
                                                                                                                         row crops.
                 additions to the farm.
                                                                                                                         Pasture that has been burned

               The primary cause of internal                                                                             Severely overgrazed pasture????
                parasitism is overstocking.
                                                                                Cleaner, safer pastures are a more realistic goal for most producers.

          Winter lambing/kidding                                                Graze multiple species
                                                                                                                      Sheep and goats share the same
                                                                                                                      internal parasites, but they are
                                    Market by July 1                                                                  different from the parasites that
                                                                                                                      affect cattle and horses.
                                                                                                                          Except barber pole worm in young calves.
                                                                                                                      Producers who graze multiple
           Kidding         Weaning                                                                                    species of livestock report fewer
                                                                                                                      parasite problems.

                                                                                                                      Cattle and horses “vacuum”
                                                                                                                      sheep/goat pastures of infective
                                                                                                                      worm larvae.

                                                                                                                      There are other benefits to mixed
           J      F     M      A      M     J     J    A   S    O     N    D                                          species grazing, such as
                                                                                                                      complimentary grazing habits.
          Winter            Spring              Summer         Fall

          Fall lambing and kidding
                                                                                Pasture Rest and Rotation
                                                                                Pasture rotation is a recommended
                                                                                strategy for controlling internal
                                                                                parasites because it allows the use
                                                                                of safe or safer pastures.

                                                                                BUT, intensive rotational grazing
                                                                      Lambing   generally may not help to reduce
            Weaning                 Early marketing                             parasitism unless rest periods are
                                                                      Kidding   long enough.

                                                                                Due to increased stocking rates,
                                                                                management intensive grazing may
                                                                                increase internal parasite problems
                                                                                in sheep and goats.

                                                                                In a rotational grazing system,
           J      F     M      A      M     J     J    A   S    O     N    D    ideally, sheep/goats should not be
                                                                                returned to the same pasture for 2
                                                                                to 3 months.
          Winter            Spring              Summer         Fall

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                         5
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

           Alternative forages                                                            Nutritional Management
                 Livestock that browse have                                                Animals on a high plane of
                 fewer parasite problems.                           No worm larvae         nutrition and in better body
                                                                       up here             condition are better able to
                                                                                           withstand worm burdens.
                 Livestock grazing tall-
                 growing forages will have                                                 Nutrition in early pregnancy (fat
                 less parasite problems
                               problems.                                                    t     )      ff t th i
                                                                                           stores) can affect the immune
                                                                                           response to internal parasites.
                     80% of parasites live in the
                     first 2 inches of the                                                 Sheep receiving higher levels of
                     vegetation.                                                           protein prior to lambing have
                                                                                           lower fecal egg counts.
                 Grazing tanniferous may
                 reduce the effects of                                                     Supplementing grazing lambs with
                 parasitism.                                                               protein has been shown to reduce
                                                                                           fecal egg counts.

                                                                                      Nutritional supplementation is most likely to be beneficial when pregnant females and young animals
                                                                                           are below optimal body condition at a time when pasture quality and/or quantity is limited.

                     Forage                              Sericea Lespedeza

                                                                                          “Zero” grazing

                                                                                          bedded pens, dry lot with no green vegetation, slatted floors

                                                                                                Sheep/goats raised in
                                                                                                confinement or dry lot
                                                                                                (zero grazing) tend to
                                                                                                have fewer worm

                   Birdsfoot Trefoil                                                            Sheep/goats put in
                                                                                                confinement or dry lot do
                                                    Chicory, birdsfoot trefoil, and             not usually get re-infected
                                                                                                with worms.
                                                     Sericea Lespedeza have all
                                                     been shown to reduce fecal                 Coccidiosis could still be a
                                                      egg counts and/or inhibit                 problem, if preventative
                                                        larval development.                     measues are not taken.
                                                                                                     Good sanitation
                                                                                                     Proper feeders

               Sericea lespedeza                                                          Genetics and worms
               Lespedeza cuneata (high tannin variety)                                    Two important traits: resistance and resilience

                                                     Warm season legume                                                              Ability of host to limit infection
                                                     that grows in acidic soils
                                                     with low fertility and                                                          Assessed by fecal egg counts (FEC)
                                                     tolerates drought well.
                                                     Fed as . . .                                                                    Ability of host to withstand
                                                         Fresh forage                                                                challenge and/or infection, and
                                                         Loose or ground hay                                                         thus maintain health and
                                                         Pelleted supplement                                                         productivity.
                                                                                                                                     Assessed by blood hematocrit or
                                                     Goats readily eat.                                                              packed cell volume (PCV) and
                                                     Sheep will eat.                                                                 estimated by FAMACHA© eye
                                                                                                                                     anemia score.
                                                     For control of barber pole
                                                     worm only
                                                                                        Parasite traits are moderately heritable – 20-40 percent
                  Images from

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                                6
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               “Resistant” Breeds
               Some sheep and goat breeds are more resistant to worms.                      Heritability of FEC and PCV
                                                                                                                              FEC                 PCV
               Sheep                                          Goats                                                       (resistance)        (resilience)
                   Gulf Coast Native                              Spanish/Brush
                   Hair sheep                                     Myotonic/                           Ewes                     0.31                0.15
                         St. Croix                                Tennessee Fainting goat
                         Barbados Blackbelly                      Kiko
                         K t hdi
                                                                                                      Lambs                    0.10                0.39

               NOT                                            NOT                                              2004, Vanimisetti, Andrew, Zazac, Notter
                   Traditional wooled                             Boer goats
                                                                  Dairy goats
                                                                  Angora goats                        Selection for
               Maybe                                                                              parasite resistance
                   Dorper                                     ?                                   is possible and will
                   Royal white
                   Other breeds?                                  Savannah                       not adversely affect
                                                                                                 growth of lambs and
                                                                                                    fertility of ewes.

                                                                                            Comparison of Genetic and
           “Resistant” animals                                                              Non-genetic Control Strategies
           There is as much difference within breeds as between breeds.

                                                        The 80-20 rule                                 Strategy                       Reduction in FEC’s
                                                           Approximately 20 percent of
                                                           the flock sheds most (~80         Genetic Selection                                 69%
                                                           percent) of the parasite eggs.
                                                                                             Protein supplementation                           35%
                                                        Focusing deworming on
                                                        susceptible animals will
                                                                                             Strategic deworming                               28%
                                                        significantly reduce pasture         Experimental vaccine                               0%
                                                                                             Australia, 2002

                                                        Culling worm-susceptible
                                                        animals will increase flock          •Monitor sheep, run in the plots after the end of the experiment had
                                                        resistance and reduce                lower FEC’s when run in the plots previously grazed by
                                                                                             supplemented sheep (35%) or selected sheep (46%).
                                                        pasture contamination.
                                                                                             •The largest and most persistent effect on FEC’s and worm
                                                                                             contamination of pasture was achieved by genetic selection.

            Distribution of FECs in a herd

                                          Epg, August 29, 2009

                12 000

                                                                                                       A valuable, limited resource that

                                                                                                         must be managed properly.




S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                        7
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               Three drug families                                                                Fenbendazole
               Drugs kill parasites by starving them or paralyzing them.                          SafeGuard®, Panacur® drench

                                                                                                  FDA-approved for goats (6 day
                                                                                                  slaughter withdrawal).
          1) Benzimidazoles
                 Chemical name ends in                                                            Labeled dosage should be doubled
                   '..dazole                                                                      (per Intervet).

                 Fenbendazole, Albendazole,
                    Oxybendazole                                                                  For control of adult GI worms and
                                                                                                   o o o o adu G           o    a d
                                                                                                  L4 larvae.
          2) Nicotinics
                 Levamisole, Morantel,                                                            Widespread resistance across
          3) Macrolytic lactones                                                                  Fast animals to improve efficacy.
             a) Avermectins
                                                                                                  Double dosage will kill heads and
                    Ivermectin, Doramectin                                                        segments of tapeworms.
                 b) Milbemycins
                    Moxidecin                                                                     One of the preferred drugs for
                                                                                                  treating meningeal worm.

           The “white drenches”                                                                   Nicotinics
               1. Fenbendazole                                         First class of modern        Levamisole             (clear drench)
                  SafeGuard®,                                          anthelmintics.               Tramisol ®, Levasole®, Prohibit®
                  Panacur®                                                                          Morantel
                                                                       Most broad spectrum:
               2. Albendazole                                                                       Rumatel®, Positive Pellet, Goat Care-2X
                                                                          adult and L4 larvae
                  V lb     ®                                                                        Pyrantel
                                                                          hypobiotic larvae
               3. Oxyfendazole                                                                      Strongid®
                  Synantic ®                                              liver flukes

                                                                       Wide margin of safety

                                                                     → High level of resistance
                                                                       across industry.

               Albendazole                                                                        Levamisole
               Valbazen® drench                                                                   Prohibit®, Levasole®, Tramisol® drench or oblets

                 FDA-approved for sheep
                 (7 day slaughter withdrawal).                                                                                              FDA-approved for sheep
                                                                                                                                            (3 days slaughter withdrawal)
                 Labeled for control of liver flukes in non-
                 lactating goats (7 day slaughter withdrawal)
                                                                                                                                            For control of
                                                                                                                                                Adult and L4 larvae stages of GI
                 For control of …                                                                                                               worms
                  1. Adult and  4th stage larvae of GI worms                                                                                    Hypobiotic larvae (?)
                  2. Varying levels of activity against hypobiotic                                                                              Adult and larvae forms of lungworm
                  3. Adult and larval forms of lungworms
                  4. Heads and segments of tapeworms
                                                                                                                                        → Probably the most effective
                  5. Adult liver flukes                                                                                                   anthelmintic.

                 Safe, but use restricted during pregnancy                                                                                  Lowest margin of safety
                 (1st 30 days).                                                                                                                 Treat based on accurate weights
                                                                                                                                                Administer orally.
                 Widespread resistance across industry.                                                                                         Goats – 1.5x sheep dose

                 Fast animals to improve efficacy.                                                            Back on the market, but
                                                                                                                 in limited supply.

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                         8
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               Rumatel                                                                 Moxidectin
               Morantel tartrate                                                       Cydectin® drench
                                                                                                                          Newest drug (1997).
                 Medicated feed.
                                                                                                                          For control of mature and L4
                                                                                                                          larval stages of GI worms.
                 Best to feed goats individually.
                                                                                                                          7-day slaughter withdrawal
                 FDA-approved for all classes of
                 goats .
                                                                                                                          Similar to ivermectin, but
                                                                                                                          disrupts different chemical
                 For control of mature worms                                                                              neurotransmitter.
                                                                                                                          May kill ivermectin-resistant
                 30-day slaughter withdrawal.                                                                             worms.

                 Not much is known about its                                                                              Due to similarity to Ivermectin,
                 efficacy or resistance.                                                                                  resistance will develop rapidly if
                                                                                                                          it is overused.

           Macrolides                                                                  Extra-label Drug Use
           (Macrolytic lactones, ML’s)

               1) Avermectins                       Newest                              Only Fenbendazole
                   Ivermectin                       Broad spectrum                      (SafeGuard®) and Morantel
                   Ivomec®, Zimecterin®,               Adult and L4 larvae GI worms
                                                                                        (Rumatel®) are FDA-approved
                   Eprinex®, Promectin®                Hypobiotic larvae
                                                                                        for goats.
                                                       Adults and larvae stages of
                  Doramectin                           lungworm                         Albendazole (Valbazen®),
                  Dectomax®                            External parasites (biting)      I
                                                                                        Ivomec® d     h C d ti
                                                                                                 drench, Cydectin
                                                                                        drench, and Levamisole
                                                                                        (drench and bolus) are FDA-
               2) Milbemycins                       Wide margin of safety               approved for sheep.
                   Moxidectin                                                           Use of a product that is
                   Cydectin®, Quest®                Persistent activity
                                                                                        different from its label
                                                                                        constitutes extra-label drug
                                                                                        use and requires a veterinary
                                                                                        prescription and valid

               Avermectins: Ivermectin
               Ivomec® drench                                                         Withdrawal for extra-label drugs
                 Introduced in the 1980’s.                                               Use longer withdrawals
                                                                                         for extra-label drugs.
                 Drug of choice for meningeal
                                                                                            Meat withdrawal for
                 worm.                                                                      Cydectin® drench is 23
                                                                                            days when administered to
                 F control of . . .
                      t l f                                                                 goats at double the dosage
                                                                                            as compared to 7 days for
                     Adult and L4 larvae GI worms
                                                                                            sheep. (source:
                     Hypobiotic larvae
                     Adult and larvae lungworms
                                                                                            Meat withdrawal is 120-130
                     Larval stages of nosebot                                               days for Cydectin® 1%
                                                                                            injectable when
                                                                                            administered to goats as
                 11-day slaughter withdrawal                                                compared to 21 days for
                                                                                            cattle. (source:
                 High levels of resistance in
                 industry.                                                               Keep records of
                                                                                         anthelmintic use.
                 Fast animals to improve efficacy

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                   9
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               The future of parasite control                                                  Copper oxide wire particles (COWP)
            1) New anthelmintics                                                                  Made from Copasure®, a
                                                                                                  copper bolus marketed for
                     Zolvix®                                                                      copper deficiency in cattle.

                                                                                                  Repackage into doses
            2) Natural “dewormers”                                                                suitable for sheep and goats.
                 •   COWP                                                                         In research trials, the
                 •   Others                                                                       minimum dose that has
                                                                                                  demonstrated control is 0.5
                                                                                                  g, but as much as 2-4 g may
                                                                                                  be necessary.
            3) Vaccination
                                                                                                  Use FAMACHA© system to
                 •   “Paravac” consortium                                                         determine who gets a
                                                                                                  copper COWP bolus.

            4) Gene-marker assisted                                                               For barber pole worm only.

               Zolvix®                (monepantel)                                              Anthelmintic resistance
                                                                                                                                   How to measure
                New drug class
                                                                                                                                      Fecal Egg Count Reduction
                Amino-acetonitrile derivative (ADD)                                                                                   Test (FECRT)
                Unique mode of action                                                                                                    Conduct fecal egg count before
                First new anthelmintic class in 25 years                                                                                 Fecal egg count 7-10 days after
                Kills worms that are resistant to other                                                                                  deworming
                   th l i ti                                                                                                             Control group to confirm
                                                                                                                                      DrenchRite® (Univ. of GA)
                                                                                                                                         Larval development assay

                                                                                                                                   Drug resistance
                                           Currently only registered for use in New Zealand,
                                           Great Britain, and Uruguay.
                                                                                                                                      < 95 % egg reduction
                                           When/will will it be available in the U.S.?                                             Severe Resistance
                                           Will it be approved for sheep and goats?                                                   < 60 % egg reduction
                                           Overuse will cause worms to develop resistance
                                           to it just like the other drugs.
                                                                                                  ** Caused by overuse and misuse of drugs. **

               Non-chemical “anthelmintics”                                                     Anthelmintic resistance
                Diatomaceous earth                                                                                                SafeGuard® & Valbazen®
                                                                                                                                  Widespread resistance
                Pumpkin seed
                Garlic                                                                                                            Levamisole
                Papaya                                                                                                            Still Effective in many places
                                                                                                                                    ( newly back on market)
                Wormwood                                                                                                          Ivermectin
                                                                                                                                  Widespread resistance
                 So far, efficacy of natural                                                                                      Moxidectin
               “anthelmintics” has not been                                                                                       Mostly effective
                 proven under controlled,
                scientific experimentation.
               Experiments are continuing.                                                        ** Caused by overuse and misuse of drugs. **

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                               10
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

                                                                                        Maximize the effect of a
                 Slowing Down Drug Resistance                                           single treatment
                                          DO NOT overuse drugs, especially                 Give proper dose; do not
                                          Levamisole and Moxidectin.                       underdose.

                                          DO NOT introduce resistant-worms to              Dose orally.
                                          your farm
                                              Isolate new animals and deworm               Deposit anthelmintic in esophagus
                                              them with anthelmintics from two             (not mouth) to prevent drug from
                                              different chemical classes
                                                                 classes.                  by-passing rumen
                                          DO NOT underdose                                 Fast animals to increase efficacy of
                                             Weigh animals or dose for heaviest            some drugs.
                                             animals in group.
                                                                                           Use higher dose for goats than
                                          DO NOT rotate dewormers after each               listed on label. Goats usually
                                          treatment                                        require 1.5-2X the sheep/cattle
                                               Rotate dewormers annually                   dose.
                                               Rotate among drug families                       Consult with veterinarian for proper dose
                                                                                                for goats.
                                               Use specific dewormers for specific
                                               situations.                                 Use drugs from two different
                                                                                           chemical classes.
                                          DO NOT treat everybody
                                             Leave some animals untreated

                     In refuge from the drug                                            Routes of administration
                                           What is refugia?                              Oral                      Medicated
                                                                                                                                                Injectable                 Pour-On
                                                   Worms not exposed to
                                                                                     Drench/oblets                   Pellet
                                                   drug;therefore still               FDA-approved               FDA-approved                Not FDA-approved           Not FDA-approved
                                                                                      Most effective ?           Easy to administer          Stays in system longer,    Not formulated for
                                                   susceptible to treatment.                                                                accelerating drug          sheep and goats
                                                                                      Shorter withdrawal         Sick animal won’t eat
                                           The goal
                                               g                                      Easier to administer       Accurate dosage???         resistance                  Accelerates drug
                                                                                      Safer                                                  Longer withdrawal
                                                                                                                                             L         ithd    l       resistance.
                                                                                                                                                                          i t
                                                   Increase the population of                                                                Potential for abscesses
                                                   susceptible worms.                                                                        Less expensive
                                                   Selective treatment –
                                                   leave some animals
                                                   After deworming, do not           Oral Paste/Gel

                                                   move animals to a clean            Not FDA-approved                                                Choose . . .
                                                                                      Hard to calibrate                                               1- Sheep Products
                                                                                      Hard to administer over tongue
                                                                                      Most expensive
                                                                                                                                                      2- Cattle Products
                                                                                                                                                      3- Horse Products
                        You do not have to deworm every animal.                       Don’t have to buy as much

                      Parents    How We Select for
                                  Drug resistance                                       Periparturient egg rise

                                  Drug Treatment Next Generation                                                                              Temporary loss of immunity to
                                                                                                                                              parasites at the time of
                                                                                                                                              parturition. Egg counts ↑
                                                                                                                                              Often coincides with hypobiotic
                                                                                                                                              larvae resuming their life cycles
                                                                                                                                                              g             y
                                                                                                                                              in the spring.
                                                                                                                                              Dams are the primary source of

                                                                                                                                              infection to their offspring.

                                                                                                                                              Consider deworming with an
                                                                                                                                              anthelmintic that is effective
                                                                                                                                              against hypobiotic larvae.

                                                                                                                                              Increase protein in late gestation
                                                                                                                                              ration to counter egg rise.

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                                                 11
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

               When should you deworm
               sheep and goats?                              Fecal Egg Counting
                                                                                                 What you need
                                 When they                                                              Microscope (min. 100x)
                                                                                                        Flotation solution
                                 need it                                                                Mixing vial
                                                                                                          • Mixing vial and strainer for
                                                                                                            qualitative analysis
                                                                                                          • Calibrated mixing vial and
                                                                                                            syringe for quantitative
                                    Use fecal egg                                                           analysis
                                    counts and                                                          Slides
                                                                                                          • Regular slides and cover
                                    FAMACHA© to                                                             slips for qualitative
                                    help determine                                                        • McMaster egg counting
                                                                                                            slide for quantitative
                                    the need for                                                            analysis

                                                            What do fecal egg counts tell you?
                                                              Potential pasture
                                                              Fecal egg counts are not
                                                              mathematically correlated

                 Fecal Egg Analysis
                        gg     y                              to worm numbers or the
                                                              severity of parasitic disease.
                                                              Monitor and maintain low
                                                              egg counts; deworm when
                                                              appropriate to keep
                Qualitative vs. Quantitative                  contamination of pasture
                                                              Determine the efficacy of
                                                              anthelmintic treatment
                                                              by comparing paired
                                                              samples from the same
                                                              animals (treatment and
                                                              control group).

               Fecal Egg Counting                           When to deworm based on FEC’s
                               Qualitative Analysis         Example recommendations
                                   Shows presence or
                                                            >1,000 epg in spring, summer
                                   absence of eggs
                                                            >2,000 epg in fall, winter (TN)
                                   Identify egg types
                                   Shows general trends
                                   in egg numbers.          >500 epg or when there is dramatic
                                                                             h   th   i d    ti
                                                               increase (Microbus, HI)
                               Quantitative Analysis
                                                            >1,000 epg for goats (OK)
                                   Shows specific
                                   number of eggs per         (>500 for susceptible animals)
                                   gram of feces (epg)          -------------------
                                   Uses known quantity      > 500 epg for goats (Australia)
                                   of feces and flotation
                                                                Depends on worm species, time of year, susceptibility of animals,
                                                                            as well as method of fecal analysis.

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                               12
Integrated parasite management (IPM)

           Paracount-EPG™ Fecal Analysis Kit                                       FAMACHA©
                                                                                                                                 Treatment Recommendations
                                                                                                                                 Deworm adults at scores 4 and 5*
                                                  Chalex Corporation                                                                 Treat lambs and kids at
                                                                                                                                      categories 3, 4, and 5
                                                  (Advanced Equine Products)                                                      *South Africa recommends goats
                                                                                                                                 be treated at categories 3, 4, and 5
                                                  5004 – 228th Ave. SE
                                                  Issaquah, WA 98029
                                                  I       h
                                                  (425) 391-1169                                                        Packed
                                                            Clinical       Eye Lid
                                                                                                                         Cell               Deworm?
                                                                                       Category         Color
                                                                                          1               Red             > 28                    No
                                                  $50-60 for kit                          2           Red-Pink           23-27                    No
                                                                                          3              Pink            18-22                     ?
                                                  $15 each for two slides
                                                                                          4          Pink-White          13-17                   Yes
                                                  $20 for green grid
                                                                                          5             White             < 12                   Yes

                                                                               •   Reduces the number of treatments
                                                                                   by determining which animals to
                                                                                   treat vs. treating the whole flock.

                      FAMACHA©                                                 •   Reduces rate at which worms
                                                                                   become resistant to drugs by
                                                                                   increasing “refugia” – worms that
               and Selective Deworming                                             are still susceptible to drug
                                                                               •   Identifies animals that need
                                                                                   treatment most often and vice
                                                                                   versa; thus offering the
                                                                                   opportunity for genetic selection
                                                                                   for parasite resistance.
                                                                                          Resistance is 20-40 percent
                                                                                          20-30 percent of flock harbor most
                                                                                          of worms and are responsible for
                                                                                          most of the egg output.

               FAMACHA©                                                            Precautions
                                                                                   •     Only useful where Haemonchus
                                                                                         contortis is the primary parasite
           • System developed in South                                             •     Cannot be used in a vacuum; other
             Africa in response to the                                                   factors need to be considered when
             emergence of severe                                                         making treatment decisions. Ex:
                                                                                              Bottle jaw
             anthelmintic resistance.                                                         Body condition
                                                                                              Fecal consistency
           • A system to assess
                                                                                              Evidence of scouring
             Haemonchus contortis                                                             Age and susceptibility of animal
             (barber pole worm)                                                    •     There are other causes of pale or
             infection in sheep and goats                                                red eye lids.
             and the need for deworming
             individual animals.                                                   •     Should be incorporated into an
                                                                                         integrated parasite management
           • Named for its originator:                                                   (IPM) program that includes proper
                                                                                         anthelmintic use, pasture rest and
                                                                                         rotation, fecal egg counting, mixed
               Dr. Francois “Faffa” MAlan CHArt                                          species grazing, etc.)

S. Schoenian                                                                                                                                                            13
IPM 2010
IPM 2010

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IPM 2010

  • 1. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Integrated Parasite Management (IPM) in Small Ruminants Haemonchus contortus The Barber Pole Worm A blood-sucking parasite (roundworm) that pierces the mucosa of the abomasum (ruminant “stomach”) and causes blood plasma and protein loss to the sheep, goat, or camelid. I want your SUSAN SCHOENIAN blood! Sheep & Goat Specialist Female worm University of Maryland Extension 0.05 ml blood per day Rough hair coat - - - Barber Pole Worm Symptoms Weight loss, unthrifty Pale mucous membranes •Veterinarians Edema (bottle jaw) •Parasitologists NOT diarrhea (scours) •Animal scientists Ill thrift Sudden DEATH •Extension specialists Difficult to control Short, direct life cycle SOUTHERN CONSORTIUM Prolific egg producer Can go into “hypobiotic” (arrested) state during FOR SMALL RUMINANT winter to survive. Can survive on pasture for Bottle jaw PARASITE CONTROL (SCSRPC) a long time. → Adaptable Pale membranes Internal Parasites Other gastro-intestinal (round) #1 health problem in sheep and goats in warm, moist climates worms (strongyle family) Sheep and goats are the most Direct life cycles susceptible livestock to internal Burrow into the wall of the parasites. abomasum or intestines. Close grazing → Usually secondary in importance. Graze near fecal pellets Slow-to-develop immunity → Usually have an additive effect in mixed parasitic infections infections. We can no longer rely on anthelmintic treatments alone to Symptoms: scouring, weight loss, control parasites; a much more rough hair coat, ill thrift, poor integrated approach is necessary. appetite. Few anthelmintics are FDA-approved for sheep, even fewer for goats. Anthelmintic resistance is real and increasing. *Trichostrongylus New drugs take a lot of time and money to develop and reach the market place (if ever). Ostertagia (Teladorsagia) Oesophagostomum Nematodirus anthelmintic = dewormer = anti-parasitic drug S. Schoenian 1
  • 2. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Fecal egg counts - Larvae ID Liver flukes 2009 Western Maryland Pasture-Based Meat Goat Performance Test Fasciola hepatica Generally not considered to be a problem in Mid-Atlantic area. Gulf states and Pacific Northwest. Requires open water and aquatic snails (wet conditions) to complete life cycle. y Can kill adult liver flukes with Albendazole (Valbazen®) or Ivomec® Plus). Pasture mite Tapeworms Coccidia Moniezia spp. Eimeria sp. (species-specific) Life Cycle Worms live in the small intestines. Eggs pass out through feces. Normal inhabitant of ruminant’s GI system. The egg is eaten by a pasture mite. The egg hatches. The mite is eaten by the sheep or Single-cell protozoa that g goat. damage the lining of the small g g intestines. Is the only parasite we can see in the feces. Causes diarrhea that may be smeared with blood and/or Light loads of tapeworms tend not to mucous. be a problem, but severe infestations Signs of disease occur ~17 could cause GI problems. days after infection (ingestion of oocytes). → Tapeworms are generally considered Damage can be permanent! to be non-pathogenic. Prevent with good sanitation → Deworming for tapeworms has not been shown to increase performance Fecal samples may or may not be and proper stocking. in lambs. helpful in diagnosing disease. Coccidia Lungworms Eimeria sp. (species-specific) Indirect or direct life cycle. Can use additives in feed, mineral, or water to prevent Transmitted in feces. clinical disease in groups of animals: Difficult to see in fecal Lasalocid (Bovatec®)13 sample. sample Monensin (R M i (Rumensin®)23 i ®) Decoquinate (Deccox®)12 Severe infestations can Amprolium (Corid®) in result in coughing, fluid on water lungs, pneumonia. Treat (individual animals) Diagnosis is usually via with Amprolium or sulfa necropsy. drugs. 1FDA-approved for sheep Most drugs which kill 2FDA-approved stomach worms kill lung for goats 3TOXIC to EQUINES!!!!!! worms. S. Schoenian 2
  • 3. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Meningeal worm (deer, brain worm) Parelaphostrongylus tenuis Parasite identification Parasite of White Tail Deer 1) Fecal flotation or egg count Small ruminants are abnormal hosts. sheep, goats, llama, alpaca, horse Can differentiate between strongyle (stomach), tapeworm, and coccidia Parasite has indirect life cycle Snails and slugs needed for infection. eggs. Can’t differentiate between most Once ingested, larva travel from strongyle (stomach) worm eggs. intestinal tract to spinal cord to eggs (except Nematodirus) brain, causing progressively worse symptoms . . . Meningeal worm does not pass eggs Lameness Do-it-yourself Gait abnormality • Public lab Hind quarter weakness Paralysis • Diagnostic lab DEATH • Private lab Cannot diagnose in a living sheep/goat • Veterinarian Eimeria spp. (necropsy or spinal fluid) Animals maintain appetite Moniezia spp. Meningeal worm Stomach worm identification Treatment 2) Fecal coproculture / larvae ID High doses of anthelmintics Ivermectin Differentiate between strongyle Fenbendazole (stomach) worms (H. contortus, Anti-inflammatory drugs Teladorsagia, and trichostrongyles) • University of Georgia Some recover on their own. (Dr. Ray Kaplan’s lab) Kaplan s Cannot repair damaged tissue. Can take test one step further to determine Prevention anthelmintic resistance -- larval development Restrict access to certain areas assay (LDA) or DrenchRite® test. of pasture. • Fence off wet areas • Areas with lots of debris 3) Lectin-staining test (new) Control deer population Determine percent of Haemonchus Control snail/slug population contortus eggs in sample. Monthly deworming Only if problem is severe! • Oregon State University Fencing to exclude deer • University of Georgia is not usually practical. sheep/goats + grazing (pasture) = worm infection L3’s infective larvae ingested L4’s and adults suck blood How do you know what kind of How do sheep and goats worms your sheep or goats have? get infected with parasites? S. Schoenian 3
  • 4. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Population Demographics of Life Cycle of Stomach Worms Gastrointestinal Nematodes Worm problems vary by Haemonchus contortis May-June July-September location, farm, year, and season. How long before high pasture 3 weeks1 2 weeks1 infectivity? When are the highest levels of 5-9 weeks 3-9 weeks pasture infectivity? How long until low levels of pasture 3 months 3 months infectivity? 1 Earlier if high temperatures coincided with rain. Patterns of Ostertagia circumcincta, Trichostrongylus spp. and Cooperia curticei were basically similar to H. contortis. Strongyloides papillosus larvae emerge within 2 weeks on pasture and survival is short. Nematodirus larvae took a lot longer to emerge on pasture than the other trichostrongylids. Utrecht University (Netherlands) 1999-2003 Research conclusion: Only a small number of farms can use evasive grazing as the only method of parasite control. For most farms, evasive grazing Eggs require warmth (60°F) and humidity to hatch to first stage larvae. needs to be combined with other pasture control strategies. When Are Larva On Pasture A Problem? Why & How Do Seasonal Increases Occur? Integrated Parasite ( If No Treatment) Management (IPM) How did these larva get here FEC From here? Nov 1st Lambing Rise Spring Rise Goal is not to create parasite-free animals. It is normal for sheep and goats to have parasites. Goal J F M A M J J A S O N D J is to prevent clinical disease and production losses. Fecal Egg Counts (What happens in ewes and lambs) Ewes Consider host resistance Lambs Most susceptible Less susceptible Weaned lambs and kids Mature animals Orphan lambs and kids Males Yearlings Dry ewes High producing females Pets Lambing Late b L t -born l lambs and kids b d kid Mature wethers M t th Geriatric animals Sheep Weaning Goats Unadapted breeds F M A M J J A S O N D J F Spring Summer Fall Winter S. Schoenian 4
  • 5. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Parasite control begins with good management and common sense Use of “clean or safe” pastures New pasture Good sanitation. A pasture that has been renovated with tillage. Use of feeders which prevent wastage and contamination. A pasture that has not been grazed by sheep or goats for the past 6 to 12 months. Clean water, free from fecal water matter and other debris. A pasture that has been grazed by horses and/or cattle for the past 6 to 12 months. Avoid overstocking pens and A pasture in which a hay or silage pastures. crop has been removed. Isolate and deworm new A pasture that has been rotated with row crops. additions to the farm. Pasture that has been burned The primary cause of internal Severely overgrazed pasture???? parasitism is overstocking. Cleaner, safer pastures are a more realistic goal for most producers. Winter lambing/kidding Graze multiple species Sheep and goats share the same internal parasites, but they are Market by July 1 different from the parasites that affect cattle and horses. Except barber pole worm in young calves. Lambing Producers who graze multiple Kidding Weaning species of livestock report fewer parasite problems. Cattle and horses “vacuum” sheep/goat pastures of infective worm larvae. There are other benefits to mixed J F M A M J J A S O N D species grazing, such as complimentary grazing habits. Winter Spring Summer Fall Fall lambing and kidding Pasture Rest and Rotation Pasture rotation is a recommended strategy for controlling internal parasites because it allows the use of safe or safer pastures. BUT, intensive rotational grazing Lambing generally may not help to reduce Weaning Early marketing parasitism unless rest periods are Kidding long enough. Due to increased stocking rates, management intensive grazing may increase internal parasite problems in sheep and goats. In a rotational grazing system, J F M A M J J A S O N D ideally, sheep/goats should not be returned to the same pasture for 2 to 3 months. Winter Spring Summer Fall S. Schoenian 5
  • 6. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Alternative forages Nutritional Management Livestock that browse have Animals on a high plane of fewer parasite problems. No worm larvae nutrition and in better body up here condition are better able to withstand worm burdens. Livestock grazing tall- growing forages will have Nutrition in early pregnancy (fat less parasite problems problems. t ) ff t th i stores) can affect the immune response to internal parasites. 80% of parasites live in the first 2 inches of the Sheep receiving higher levels of vegetation. protein prior to lambing have lower fecal egg counts. Grazing tanniferous may reduce the effects of Supplementing grazing lambs with parasitism. protein has been shown to reduce fecal egg counts. Nutritional supplementation is most likely to be beneficial when pregnant females and young animals are below optimal body condition at a time when pasture quality and/or quantity is limited. Forage Sericea Lespedeza “Zero” grazing Chicory bedded pens, dry lot with no green vegetation, slatted floors Sheep/goats raised in confinement or dry lot (zero grazing) tend to have fewer worm problems. Birdsfoot Trefoil Sheep/goats put in confinement or dry lot do Chicory, birdsfoot trefoil, and not usually get re-infected with worms. Sericea Lespedeza have all been shown to reduce fecal Coccidiosis could still be a egg counts and/or inhibit problem, if preventative larval development. measues are not taken. Good sanitation Proper feeders Coccidiostats Sericea lespedeza Genetics and worms Lespedeza cuneata (high tannin variety) Two important traits: resistance and resilience Resistance Warm season legume Ability of host to limit infection that grows in acidic soils with low fertility and Assessed by fecal egg counts (FEC) tolerates drought well. Resilience Fed as . . . Ability of host to withstand Fresh forage challenge and/or infection, and Loose or ground hay thus maintain health and Pelleted supplement productivity. Assessed by blood hematocrit or Goats readily eat. packed cell volume (PCV) and Sheep will eat. estimated by FAMACHA© eye anemia score. For control of barber pole worm only Parasite traits are moderately heritable – 20-40 percent Images from S. Schoenian 6
  • 7. Integrated parasite management (IPM) “Resistant” Breeds Some sheep and goat breeds are more resistant to worms. Heritability of FEC and PCV FEC PCV Sheep Goats (resistance) (resilience) Gulf Coast Native Spanish/Brush Hair sheep Myotonic/ Ewes 0.31 0.15 St. Croix Tennessee Fainting goat Barbados Blackbelly Kiko Katahdin K t hdi Lambs 0.10 0.39 NOT NOT 2004, Vanimisetti, Andrew, Zazac, Notter Traditional wooled Boer goats breeds Dairy goats Angora goats Selection for Maybe parasite resistance Dorper ? is possible and will Royal white Pygmy Other breeds? Savannah not adversely affect growth of lambs and fertility of ewes. Comparison of Genetic and “Resistant” animals Non-genetic Control Strategies There is as much difference within breeds as between breeds. The 80-20 rule Strategy Reduction in FEC’s Approximately 20 percent of the flock sheds most (~80 Genetic Selection 69% percent) of the parasite eggs. Protein supplementation 35% Focusing deworming on susceptible animals will Strategic deworming 28% significantly reduce pasture Experimental vaccine 0% contamination. Australia, 2002 Culling worm-susceptible animals will increase flock •Monitor sheep, run in the plots after the end of the experiment had resistance and reduce lower FEC’s when run in the plots previously grazed by supplemented sheep (35%) or selected sheep (46%). pasture contamination. •The largest and most persistent effect on FEC’s and worm contamination of pasture was achieved by genetic selection. Distribution of FECs in a herd Drugs Epg, August 29, 2009 16,000 14,000 (anthelmintics) 12,000 12 000 A valuable, limited resource that 10,000 8,000 must be managed properly. 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 S. Schoenian 7
  • 8. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Three drug families Fenbendazole Drugs kill parasites by starving them or paralyzing them. SafeGuard®, Panacur® drench FDA-approved for goats (6 day slaughter withdrawal). 1) Benzimidazoles Chemical name ends in Labeled dosage should be doubled '..dazole (per Intervet). Fenbendazole, Albendazole, Oxybendazole For control of adult GI worms and o o o o adu G o a d L4 larvae. 2) Nicotinics Levamisole, Morantel, Widespread resistance across industry. Pyrantel 3) Macrolytic lactones Fast animals to improve efficacy. a) Avermectins Double dosage will kill heads and Ivermectin, Doramectin segments of tapeworms. b) Milbemycins Moxidecin One of the preferred drugs for treating meningeal worm. Benzimidazoles The “white drenches” Nicotinics 1. Fenbendazole First class of modern Levamisole (clear drench) SafeGuard®, anthelmintics. Tramisol ®, Levasole®, Prohibit® Panacur® Morantel Most broad spectrum: 2. Albendazole Rumatel®, Positive Pellet, Goat Care-2X adult and L4 larvae Valbazen® V lb ® Pyrantel hypobiotic larvae 3. Oxyfendazole Strongid® Tapeworms Synantic ® liver flukes Wide margin of safety → High level of resistance across industry. Albendazole Levamisole Valbazen® drench Prohibit®, Levasole®, Tramisol® drench or oblets FDA-approved for sheep (7 day slaughter withdrawal). FDA-approved for sheep (3 days slaughter withdrawal) Labeled for control of liver flukes in non- lactating goats (7 day slaughter withdrawal) For control of Adult and L4 larvae stages of GI For control of … worms 1. Adult and 4th stage larvae of GI worms Hypobiotic larvae (?) 2. Varying levels of activity against hypobiotic Adult and larvae forms of lungworm larvae. 3. Adult and larval forms of lungworms 4. Heads and segments of tapeworms → Probably the most effective 5. Adult liver flukes anthelmintic. Safe, but use restricted during pregnancy Lowest margin of safety (1st 30 days). Treat based on accurate weights Administer orally. Widespread resistance across industry. Goats – 1.5x sheep dose Fast animals to improve efficacy. Back on the market, but in limited supply. S. Schoenian 8
  • 9. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Rumatel Moxidectin Morantel tartrate Cydectin® drench Newest drug (1997). Medicated feed. For control of mature and L4 larval stages of GI worms. Best to feed goats individually. 7-day slaughter withdrawal FDA-approved for all classes of goats . Similar to ivermectin, but disrupts different chemical For control of mature worms neurotransmitter. only. May kill ivermectin-resistant 30-day slaughter withdrawal. worms. Not much is known about its Due to similarity to Ivermectin, efficacy or resistance. resistance will develop rapidly if it is overused. Macrolides Extra-label Drug Use (Macrolytic lactones, ML’s) 1) Avermectins Newest Only Fenbendazole Ivermectin Broad spectrum (SafeGuard®) and Morantel Ivomec®, Zimecterin®, Adult and L4 larvae GI worms (Rumatel®) are FDA-approved Eprinex®, Promectin® Hypobiotic larvae for goats. Adults and larvae stages of Doramectin lungworm Albendazole (Valbazen®), Dectomax® External parasites (biting) I Ivomec® d h C d ti drench, Cydectin drench, and Levamisole (drench and bolus) are FDA- 2) Milbemycins Wide margin of safety approved for sheep. Moxidectin Use of a product that is Cydectin®, Quest® Persistent activity different from its label constitutes extra-label drug use and requires a veterinary prescription and valid veterinarian-patient-client relationship. Avermectins: Ivermectin Ivomec® drench Withdrawal for extra-label drugs Introduced in the 1980’s. Use longer withdrawals for extra-label drugs. Drug of choice for meningeal Meat withdrawal for worm. Cydectin® drench is 23 days when administered to For F control of . . . t l f goats at double the dosage as compared to 7 days for Adult and L4 larvae GI worms sheep. (source: Hypobiotic larvae Adult and larvae lungworms Meat withdrawal is 120-130 Larval stages of nosebot days for Cydectin® 1% injectable when administered to goats as 11-day slaughter withdrawal compared to 21 days for cattle. (source: High levels of resistance in industry. Keep records of anthelmintic use. Fast animals to improve efficacy S. Schoenian 9
  • 10. Integrated parasite management (IPM) The future of parasite control Copper oxide wire particles (COWP) 1) New anthelmintics Made from Copasure®, a copper bolus marketed for Zolvix® copper deficiency in cattle. Repackage into doses 2) Natural “dewormers” suitable for sheep and goats. • COWP In research trials, the • Others minimum dose that has demonstrated control is 0.5 g, but as much as 2-4 g may be necessary. 3) Vaccination Use FAMACHA© system to • “Paravac” consortium determine who gets a copper COWP bolus. 4) Gene-marker assisted For barber pole worm only. selection Zolvix® (monepantel) Anthelmintic resistance How to measure New drug class Fecal Egg Count Reduction Amino-acetonitrile derivative (ADD) Test (FECRT) Unique mode of action Conduct fecal egg count before deworming First new anthelmintic class in 25 years Fecal egg count 7-10 days after Kills worms that are resistant to other deworming anthelmintics th l i ti Control group to confirm resistance/efficacy. DrenchRite® (Univ. of GA) Larval development assay (LDA) Drug resistance Currently only registered for use in New Zealand, Great Britain, and Uruguay. < 95 % egg reduction When/will will it be available in the U.S.? Severe Resistance Will it be approved for sheep and goats? < 60 % egg reduction Overuse will cause worms to develop resistance to it just like the other drugs. ** Caused by overuse and misuse of drugs. ** Non-chemical “anthelmintics” Anthelmintic resistance Diatomaceous earth SafeGuard® & Valbazen® Widespread resistance Pumpkin seed Garlic Levamisole Papaya Still Effective in many places ( newly back on market) Tobacco Wormwood Ivermectin Widespread resistance Others So far, efficacy of natural Moxidectin “anthelmintics” has not been Mostly effective proven under controlled, scientific experimentation. Experiments are continuing. ** Caused by overuse and misuse of drugs. ** S. Schoenian 10
  • 11. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Maximize the effect of a Slowing Down Drug Resistance single treatment DO NOT overuse drugs, especially Give proper dose; do not Levamisole and Moxidectin. underdose. DO NOT introduce resistant-worms to Dose orally. your farm Isolate new animals and deworm Deposit anthelmintic in esophagus them with anthelmintics from two (not mouth) to prevent drug from different chemical classes classes. by-passing rumen rumen. DO NOT underdose Fast animals to increase efficacy of Weigh animals or dose for heaviest some drugs. animals in group. Use higher dose for goats than DO NOT rotate dewormers after each listed on label. Goats usually treatment require 1.5-2X the sheep/cattle Rotate dewormers annually dose. Rotate among drug families Consult with veterinarian for proper dose for goats. Use specific dewormers for specific situations. Use drugs from two different chemical classes. DO NOT treat everybody Leave some animals untreated “Refugia” In refuge from the drug Routes of administration What is refugia? Oral Medicated Injectable Pour-On Worms not exposed to Drench/oblets Pellet drug;therefore still FDA-approved FDA-approved Not FDA-approved Not FDA-approved Most effective ? Easy to administer Stays in system longer, Not formulated for susceptible to treatment. accelerating drug sheep and goats Shorter withdrawal Sick animal won’t eat The goal g Easier to administer Accurate dosage??? resistance Accelerates drug Safer Longer withdrawal L ithd l resistance. i t Increase the population of Potential for abscesses susceptible worms. Less expensive How? Selective treatment – leave some animals untreated. After deworming, do not Oral Paste/Gel move animals to a clean Not FDA-approved Choose . . . pasture. Hard to calibrate 1- Sheep Products Hard to administer over tongue Most expensive 2- Cattle Products 3- Horse Products You do not have to deworm every animal. Don’t have to buy as much Parents How We Select for Drug resistance Periparturient egg rise Drug Treatment Next Generation Temporary loss of immunity to parasites at the time of parturition. Egg counts ↑ Often coincides with hypobiotic larvae resuming their life cycles g y in the spring. Dams are the primary source of Resistant infection to their offspring. Consider deworming with an anthelmintic that is effective against hypobiotic larvae. Resistant Increase protein in late gestation ration to counter egg rise. S. Schoenian 11
  • 12. Integrated parasite management (IPM) When should you deworm sheep and goats? Fecal Egg Counting What you need When they Microscope (min. 100x) Flotation solution need it Mixing vial • Mixing vial and strainer for q qualitative analysis y • Calibrated mixing vial and syringe for quantitative Use fecal egg analysis counts and Slides • Regular slides and cover FAMACHA© to slips for qualitative analysis. help determine • McMaster egg counting slide for quantitative the need for analysis deworming. What do fecal egg counts tell you? Potential pasture contamination. Fecal egg counts are not mathematically correlated Fecal Egg Analysis gg y to worm numbers or the severity of parasitic disease. Monitor and maintain low egg counts; deworm when appropriate to keep Qualitative vs. Quantitative contamination of pasture low. Determine the efficacy of anthelmintic treatment by comparing paired samples from the same animals (treatment and control group). Fecal Egg Counting When to deworm based on FEC’s Qualitative Analysis Example recommendations Shows presence or >1,000 epg in spring, summer absence of eggs >2,000 epg in fall, winter (TN) Identify egg types ------------------- Shows general trends in egg numbers. >500 epg or when there is dramatic h th i d ti increase (Microbus, HI) ------------------- Quantitative Analysis >1,000 epg for goats (OK) Shows specific number of eggs per (>500 for susceptible animals) gram of feces (epg) ------------------- Uses known quantity > 500 epg for goats (Australia) of feces and flotation solution. Depends on worm species, time of year, susceptibility of animals, as well as method of fecal analysis. S. Schoenian 12
  • 13. Integrated parasite management (IPM) Paracount-EPG™ Fecal Analysis Kit FAMACHA© Treatment Recommendations Deworm adults at scores 4 and 5* Chalex Corporation Treat lambs and kids at categories 3, 4, and 5 (Advanced Equine Products) *South Africa recommends goats be treated at categories 3, 4, and 5 5004 – 228th Ave. SE Issaquah, WA 98029 I h (425) 391-1169 Packed Clinical Eye Lid Cell Deworm? Category Color Volume 1 Red > 28 No $50-60 for kit 2 Red-Pink 23-27 No 3 Pink 18-22 ? $15 each for two slides 4 Pink-White 13-17 Yes $20 for green grid 5 White < 12 Yes FAMACHA© • Reduces the number of treatments by determining which animals to treat vs. treating the whole flock. FAMACHA© • Reduces rate at which worms become resistant to drugs by increasing “refugia” – worms that and Selective Deworming are still susceptible to drug treatment. • Identifies animals that need treatment most often and vice versa; thus offering the opportunity for genetic selection for parasite resistance. Resistance is 20-40 percent heritable. 20-30 percent of flock harbor most of worms and are responsible for most of the egg output. FAMACHA© Precautions • Only useful where Haemonchus contortis is the primary parasite species. • System developed in South • Cannot be used in a vacuum; other Africa in response to the factors need to be considered when emergence of severe making treatment decisions. Ex: Bottle jaw anthelmintic resistance. Body condition Fecal consistency • A system to assess Evidence of scouring Haemonchus contortis Age and susceptibility of animal (barber pole worm) • There are other causes of pale or infection in sheep and goats red eye lids. and the need for deworming individual animals. • Should be incorporated into an integrated parasite management • Named for its originator: (IPM) program that includes proper anthelmintic use, pasture rest and rotation, fecal egg counting, mixed Dr. Francois “Faffa” MAlan CHArt species grazing, etc.) S. Schoenian 13