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But how?
Four Challenges
   1. Historical
    2. Doctrinal
   3. Liturgical
Four Challenges
   1. Historical
    2. Doctrinal
   3. Liturgical
    4. Missional
Must mission mean competition?
Competing nations ...
    Competing gods
Competing nations ...
    Competing gods
Gods of domination,
    conquest, and empire ....


          Gods of resistance,
          differentiation, and
                  freedom ....
Gods of the oppressors


    Gods of the oppressed


words from vincent
“‘…do not try to call them back to where
they were, and do not try to call them to
where you are, as beautiful as that place
might seem to you. You must have the
courage to go with them to a place that
neither you nor they have ever been
before.’ Good missionary advice, and a
beautiful description of the unpredictable
process of evangelization, a process
leading to that new place where none of us
has ever been before.” - Vincent Donovan
The option of Traditional Conversion
The option of C-5 Identity
The option of Multi-Religious Identity
The option of hospitable neighbor
The option of persecution
Embodiment of Christ
the mission of vocation:

sending people out to do their
    daily work with uncommon
            love ...
the mission of example ...
modeling another economy,
   another way of life
Witness ...
    Withness -
Mission of Presence

The mission of
After Indira Gandhi was shot [by a Sikh extremist], two or three
thousand people were killed in twenty-four hours in the riots that
followed. Mobs rampaged through streets looking for Sikhs to murder.
Dave convinced Tony, a friend , that it was their job to go out and save
these Sikhs. Finding a besieged house, they put themselves between
an armed mob and a Sikh family and saved them from certain death.
He is ordinary, yet believes ordinary people should take extraordinary
risks to confront the cruelty in our world."

 Drug addicts in India
 Mentally handicapped in Brisbane
 Solar energy cooperative
 Interfaith networks
the mission of the new

Proclaiming Jesus’ good news
    of the kingdom, reign,
  commonwealth, or dream of
 Calling people to rethink
 everything and learn/follow
          a new path
Ivan Illich (Austrian
        former priest,
  philosopher, social
   critic, 1926-2002)
Neither revolution nor reformation
can ultimately change a society,
rather you must tell a new powerful
tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps
away the old myths and becomes the
preferred story …
… one so inclusive that it gathers all the
bits of our past and our present into a
coherent whole, one that even shines
some light into the future so that we can
take the next step…. If you want to
change a society, then you have to tell an
alternative story.
   - attributed to Ivan Illich (Austrian former priest,
               philosopher, social critic, 1926-2002)
Runs on
Some have

            Equity   Security
            Societal System

Think of our Societal
It runs on a story … a framing story.


                       Equity      Security

                       Societal Machine

In Jesus’ day, six stories were at work.

1. Domination story = Caesar, Pilate
  (with Sadducees and Herodians)
2. Revolution story = Zealots
3. Purification story = Scribes and
4. Victimization story = Galilean
  farmers, Samaritans, “sinners”
5. Isolation story = Essenes
6. Consumption story = rich
  landowners, stewards, “Gentiles”
             Are they at work today?
Domination: Us over them
Revolution: Us versus them
Purification: Us versus some of us
Victimization: Us in spite of them
Isolation: Us away from them
Accumulation: Us competing with




Jesus came with a very different
  story: the good news of the
  kingdom of God. (“News” is a true
  story … and good news is a story
  of peace and joy.)
   It invited people to join anew the
   story of creation … or to join the
              story of New Creation.
The good news/story of creation
 called people to see God as the
 Protagonist or Hero of the
         It called them to become
      productive characters - not
  villains, and not victims either.
good news
 regenerative community of creation
reconcile with God, neighbor, and
      repent    defect    join
Domination: Us over them
Revolution: Us versus them
Purification: Us versus some of us
Victimization: Us in spite of them
Isolation: Us away from them
Accumulation: Us competing with them.

               Creation/New Creation/
   Reconciliation: Some of us for all of





After John was put in
 prison, Jesus went into
 Galilee, proclaiming the
       good news of God.

   The time has come, he
said. The kingdom of God
   has come near. Repent
     and believe the good
                  Mark 1:15
Violent gods of domination,
                conquest, and empire ....

stories of

                      gods of resistance,
                      differentiation, and
                              freedom ....
violent gods of the oppressors
               violent gods of the oppressed


a nonviolent God of reconciliation
a framing story of peace
3rd      The uniqueness of Christ:
                        He reveals
option         a nonviolent God of
                   new creation ...

                Not a new religion:
         a new possibility for a new
           future for every religion.
           A call to rethink
                (repent) ...
         for every religion,
            beginning with
luke 10:29-37
everyone is crossing roads
it all begins with crossing the
  road to get to the other ...
Four Challenges
   1. Historical
    2. Doctrinal
   3. Liturgical
    4. Missional
Four Challenges
       1. Historical

       2. Doctrinal

       3. Liturgical

       4. Missional

        5. Spiritual
Four Stages
  of Faith
William Blake - innocence, experience, higher experience

                 Soren Kierkegaard - aesthetic, ethical, religious

 William Perry - dualism (a,b), multiplicity (a,b), relativism (a,b),
                                               commitment (a,b,c)

James Fowler - primal, mythical-literal, synthetic-conventional,
               individual-reflective, conjunctive, universalizing

  Ken Blanchard - enthusiastic beginner, disillusioned learner,
          capable but cautious performer, self-reliant achiever

      Paul Ricouer - precritical/first naivete, critical, postcritical/
                                                      second naivete

    Graves/Beck/Wilber - archaic-instinctive, animist/tribal, ego-
centric-exploitive, absolutist -obedience authoritarian, scientific
 strategic, relativistic-personalistic - communitarian; systemic-
                                                integral, holistic,
Stage 1

Stage 1


You’re either for us or against us.
It’s all or nothing.
Stage 1

Focus: Right or wrong? Good or
Motive: Pleasing authority
figures, being an insider “us”
Perception: Dualistic
Stage 1
-everything is known or knowable;
there are easy answers to every
-good authorities/us are the ones
who know the right answers
-the bad guys/them are wrong
Stage 1

Godlike, God’s representatives,
they know and give answers
Stage 1

Life is a war.
Stage 1

Identity: In my leader or group.
Relationships: Dependent or co-
Stage 1

          God is …
The Ultimate Authority Figure
     or Ultimate Friend
Stage 1

STRENGTHS: highly committed,
willing to sacrifice and suffer.
WEAKNESSES: Also willing to
kill or inflict suffering. Arrogant,
simplistic, combative,
judgmental, intolerant
Stage 1
Connection through
Stage 2

Stage 2

There’s more than one way to do
Stage 2
Focus: Effective or ineffective?
Technique, winning, success
Motive: Reach goals, being
Perception: Pragmatic
Stage 2
      -anything is doable
-there are many ways to reach
           the goal
-authorities/us are the ones who
       know how to do it
-the bad guys don’t do the right
Stage 2

Coaches. They help you grow
and succeed with know-how.
Stage 2


Life is a game.
Learn the rules.
  Play to win.
Stage 2


Identity: My cause or
Relationships: Increasingly
Stage 2

         God is …
The Ultimate Guide or Coach
Stage 2

STRENGTHS: Enthusiasm,
idealism, action
WEAKNESSES: Superficial,
naïve, overly pragmatic
Stage 2
Connection through need
Stage 3

Stage 3

Everyone has an opinion. Who
knows who is right?
Stage 3

Focus: Honest or dishonest?
Authentic or inauthentic?
Motive: Being honest or
Perception: Relativistic, critical
Stage 3

  -little/nothing is known or
 knowable; everybody has an
-good people are honest about
       their questions
Stage 3

      Authorities are ...
         The Enemy
Trying to impose easy answers
          on the naïve
   Trying to use the naive
Stage 3

Life is …
                a joke
             or search
Stage 3

Identity: In solitude, or among a
small band of similarly alienated

         Relationships: Counter-
Stage 3

God is …
  mythic authority I’ve outgrown
   mysterious reality I’m seeking
or opiate of the pathetic masses
Stage 3

STRENGTHS: depth, honesty,
sensitivity to suffering, perhaps
ironic humor
WEAKNESSES: cynical,
uncommitted, withdrawn,
critical, depressed, elitist
Stage 3
Connection through
Stage 4
Stage 4

Seek first God’s kingdom … love
God, love neighbors … in
essentials unity … focus on a
few grand essentials
Stage 4

Focus: Wise or unwise? Fulfilling
Motive: Serve, contribute, make
a difference
Perception: Integrated,
synthesizing, sympathetic
Stage 4

-some things are known, many
 are mysteries; life is a quest
     -there is no “them”
Stage 4

               people like me
   sometimes doing their best,
        sometimes dishonest,
sometimes sincerely misguided
Stage 4

         Life is ...
What you make it (with God’s
Stage 4

Identity: In mutual relationships

Relationships: Interdependent
Stage 4

             God is ...
Knowable in part, yet mysterious,
present yet transcendent, just
yet merciful
(able to hold truths in tension --
Stage 4

STRENGTHS: May exhibit
strengths of previous stages,
plus stability, endurance, wisdom
WEAKNESSES: May display
weaknesses of earlier stages
Stage 4
connection through
William Blake - innocence, experience, higher experience

                 Soren Kierkegaard - aesthetic, ethical, religious

 William Perry - dualism (a,b), multiplicity (a,b), relativism (a,b),
                                               commitment (a,b,c)

James Fowler - primal, mythical-literal, synthetic-conventional,
               individual-reflective, conjunctive, universalizing

  Ken Blanchard - enthusiastic beginner, disillusioned learner,
          capable but cautious performer, self-reliant achiever

      Paul Ricouer - precritical/first naivete, critical, postcritical/
                                                      second naivete

    Graves/Beck/Wilber - archaic-instinctive, animist/tribal, ego-
centric-exploitive, absolutist -obedience authoritarian, scientific
 strategic, relativistic-personalistic - communitarian; systemic-
                                                integral, holistic,
What happens after Stage 4?

 Harmony becomes the new
       simplicity ...
What happens after Stage 4?
Harmony becomes the new
simplicity ...

which encounters new
complexity ...

which enters new perplexity ...

which discovers new harmony ...
What happens after Stage 4?
  Eventually ... one becomes less
aware of stages and struggle and
  more away of learning and life.

Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith
     World looks different at

             Stage 1

             Stage 2

             Stage 3

             Stage 4
An observation:

Whole denominations or parachurch
organizations seem to specialize in
 certain stages, and fail people in
           other stages.
An observation:

   Leaders seldom (never?) lead
people in a stage beyond their own.

                        1’s lead 1’s.

                2’s lead 2’s and 1’s.

                3’s lead 3’s and 2’s.

         4’s lead 4’s and 3’s (plus?)
A question:

How do we minister to people with
such contrary expectations, needs,
       issues, and desires?

            A direction:

Explore Jesus as teacher … not just
in content, but also in method.
An observation:

Jesus models working with people
 in each stage, and always brings
    them farther on the journey.
An important reminder

The goal isn’t to rush through the
  stages to get to 4 as soon as

Each stage has lessons to teach,
   and prepares for the next.

  You don’t move on until you’re
 ready ... in the fullness of time.
We need churches and ministries
that help people at all levels ...
disciple Dis*ci"ple, n. [OE. disciple, deciple,
OF. disciple, fr. L. discipulus, fr. discere to
learn (akin to docere to teach; see Docile) +
prob. a root meaning to turn or drive, as in L.
pellere to drive (see Pulse).] One who
receives instruction from another; a scholar;
a learner; especially, a follower who has
learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine
of his teacher; an adherent in doctrine; as,
the disciples of Plato; the disciples of our
Why is so much
religion focused on
Stage 0


It’s all about me.
Stage 0

Focus: Like or dislike? Fun or not?
Motive: Pleasing & comforting
Perception: Narcissistic
Stage 0
-I would be constantly happy if
everyone would cooperate
-authorities exist to make me feel
-bad people make me feel bad
Stage 0

Exist for my benefit, serve my
entitlement, are genii-like.
Stage 0

Life is play or party.
Stage 0

Identity: In my likes and dislikes.
  Relationships: Presumptive
Stage 0

         God is …
The Candyman, the Genii, the
       Magic Lamp
Stage 0

STRENGTHS: emotionally
expressive, transparent, aware of
own needs and desires.
WEAKNESSES: Largely oblivious
to the needs and desires of others
Stage 0
Connection through need.
From selfish to true self

0. Egocentricity - One (me!)
1. Simplicity - Two (us/them)
2. Complexity - Three or more
3. Perplexity - Fractions
4. Harmony - One (all)
Stage 1

Stage 2

Space 3

Space 4
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I'm afraid I don't have enough context to determine which of the four stages of faith development this document is discussing. Could you provide some additional details about the content
I'm afraid I don't have enough context to determine which of the four stages of faith development this document is discussing. Could you provide some additional details about the content
I'm afraid I don't have enough context to determine which of the four stages of faith development this document is discussing. Could you provide some additional details about the content

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I'm afraid I don't have enough context to determine which of the four stages of faith development this document is discussing. Could you provide some additional details about the content

  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 4. Four Challenges 1. Historical 2. Doctrinal 3. Liturgical
  • 5. Four Challenges 1. Historical 2. Doctrinal 3. Liturgical 4. Missional
  • 6. Must mission mean competition?
  • 7.
  • 8. Competing nations ... Competing gods
  • 9. Competing nations ... Competing gods
  • 10. Gods of domination, conquest, and empire .... 2 Gods of resistance, differentiation, and freedom ....
  • 11. Gods of the oppressors 2 Gods of the oppressed
  • 14. “‘…do not try to call them back to where they were, and do not try to call them to where you are, as beautiful as that place might seem to you. You must have the courage to go with them to a place that neither you nor they have ever been before.’ Good missionary advice, and a beautiful description of the unpredictable process of evangelization, a process leading to that new place where none of us has ever been before.” - Vincent Donovan
  • 15. The option of Traditional Conversion The option of C-5 Identity The option of Multi-Religious Identity The option of hospitable neighbor The option of persecution
  • 17. the mission of vocation: sending people out to do their daily work with uncommon love ...
  • 18. the mission of example ... modeling another economy, another way of life
  • 19. Witness ... Withness - Mission of Presence “Transgressive” friendship
  • 20. The mission of presence
  • 21. After Indira Gandhi was shot [by a Sikh extremist], two or three thousand people were killed in twenty-four hours in the riots that followed. Mobs rampaged through streets looking for Sikhs to murder. Dave convinced Tony, a friend , that it was their job to go out and save these Sikhs. Finding a besieged house, they put themselves between an armed mob and a Sikh family and saved them from certain death. He is ordinary, yet believes ordinary people should take extraordinary risks to confront the cruelty in our world." Drug addicts in India Mentally handicapped in Brisbane Solar energy cooperative Interfaith networks
  • 22. the mission of the new evangelism: Proclaiming Jesus’ good news of the kingdom, reign, commonwealth, or dream of God Calling people to rethink everything and learn/follow a new path
  • 23. Ivan Illich (Austrian former priest, philosopher, social critic, 1926-2002)
  • 24. Neither revolution nor reformation can ultimately change a society, rather you must tell a new powerful tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story …
  • 25. … one so inclusive that it gathers all the bits of our past and our present into a coherent whole, one that even shines some light into the future so that we can take the next step…. If you want to change a society, then you have to tell an alternative story. - attributed to Ivan Illich (Austrian former priest, philosopher, social critic, 1926-2002)
  • 29. Prosperity Equity Security Societal System Think of our Societal System.
  • 30. It runs on a story … a framing story. Prosperity Equity Security Societal Machine FRAMING STORY
  • 31. In Jesus’ day, six stories were at work. 1. Domination story = Caesar, Pilate (with Sadducees and Herodians) 2. Revolution story = Zealots 3. Purification story = Scribes and Pharisees
  • 32. 4. Victimization story = Galilean farmers, Samaritans, “sinners” 5. Isolation story = Essenes 6. Consumption story = rich landowners, stewards, “Gentiles” Are they at work today?
  • 33. Domination: Us over them Revolution: Us versus them Purification: Us versus some of us Victimization: Us in spite of them Isolation: Us away from them Accumulation: Us competing with them.
  • 36. Jesus came with a very different story: the good news of the kingdom of God. (“News” is a true story … and good news is a story of peace and joy.) It invited people to join anew the story of creation … or to join the story of New Creation.
  • 37. The good news/story of creation called people to see God as the Protagonist or Hero of the story. It called them to become productive characters - not villains, and not victims either.
  • 38. good news regenerative community of creation reconcile with God, neighbor, and enemy. repent defect join peacemakers
  • 39. Domination: Us over them Revolution: Us versus them Purification: Us versus some of us Victimization: Us in spite of them Isolation: Us away from them Accumulation: Us competing with them. Creation/New Creation/ Reconciliation: Some of us for all of us.
  • 42. After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. The time has come, he said. The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news! Mark 1:15
  • 43. Violent gods of domination, conquest, and empire .... framing stories of hostility Violent gods of resistance, differentiation, and freedom ....
  • 44. violent gods of the oppressors violent gods of the oppressed 3rd option a nonviolent God of reconciliation a framing story of peace
  • 45. 3rd The uniqueness of Christ: He reveals option a nonviolent God of reconciliation, liberation, transformation, new creation ... Not a new religion: a new possibility for a new future for every religion.
  • 46. 3rd option A call to rethink everything (repent) ... for every religion, beginning with Christianity.
  • 47. luke 10:29-37 everyone is crossing roads
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50. it all begins with crossing the road to get to the other ...
  • 51. Four Challenges 1. Historical 2. Doctrinal 3. Liturgical 4. Missional
  • 52. Four Challenges 1. Historical 2. Doctrinal 3. Liturgical 4. Missional 5. Spiritual
  • 53.
  • 54. Four Stages of Faith Development
  • 55. William Blake - innocence, experience, higher experience Soren Kierkegaard - aesthetic, ethical, religious William Perry - dualism (a,b), multiplicity (a,b), relativism (a,b), commitment (a,b,c) James Fowler - primal, mythical-literal, synthetic-conventional, individual-reflective, conjunctive, universalizing Ken Blanchard - enthusiastic beginner, disillusioned learner, capable but cautious performer, self-reliant achiever Paul Ricouer - precritical/first naivete, critical, postcritical/ second naivete Graves/Beck/Wilber - archaic-instinctive, animist/tribal, ego- centric-exploitive, absolutist -obedience authoritarian, scientific strategic, relativistic-personalistic - communitarian; systemic- integral, holistic,
  • 57. Stage 1 Simplicity You’re either for us or against us. It’s all or nothing.
  • 58. Stage 1 Simplicity Focus: Right or wrong? Good or bad? Motive: Pleasing authority figures, being an insider “us” Perception: Dualistic
  • 59. Stage 1 Beliefs -everything is known or knowable; there are easy answers to every question -good authorities/us are the ones who know the right answers -the bad guys/them are wrong
  • 60. Stage 1 Authorities Godlike, God’s representatives, they know and give answers
  • 62. Stage 1 Identity: In my leader or group. Relationships: Dependent or co- dependent
  • 63. Stage 1 Simplicity God is … The Ultimate Authority Figure or Ultimate Friend
  • 64. Stage 1 Simplicity STRENGTHS: highly committed, willing to sacrifice and suffer. WEAKNESSES: Also willing to kill or inflict suffering. Arrogant, simplistic, combative, judgmental, intolerant
  • 65. Stage 1 Simplicity Connection through awakening
  • 67. Stage 2 Complexity There’s more than one way to do things.
  • 68. Stage 2 Complexity Focus: Effective or ineffective? Technique, winning, success Motive: Reach goals, being effective Perception: Pragmatic
  • 69. Stage 2 Beliefs: -anything is doable -there are many ways to reach the goal -authorities/us are the ones who know how to do it -the bad guys don’t do the right stuff
  • 70. Stage 2 Authorities Coaches. They help you grow and succeed with know-how.
  • 71. Stage 2 Complexity Life is a game. Learn the rules. Play to win.
  • 72. Stage 2 Complexity Identity: My cause or achievement. Relationships: Increasingly independent.
  • 73. Stage 2 Complexity God is … The Ultimate Guide or Coach
  • 74. Stage 2 Complexity STRENGTHS: Enthusiasm, idealism, action WEAKNESSES: Superficial, naïve, overly pragmatic
  • 75. Stage 2 Complexity Connection through need
  • 77. Stage 3 Perplexity Everyone has an opinion. Who knows who is right?
  • 78. Stage 3 Perplexity Focus: Honest or dishonest? Authentic or inauthentic? Motive: Being honest or authentic Perception: Relativistic, critical
  • 79. Stage 3 Beliefs -little/nothing is known or knowable; everybody has an opinion -good people are honest about their questions
  • 80. Stage 3 Authorities are ... Controllers The Enemy Trying to impose easy answers on the naïve Trying to use the naive
  • 81. Stage 3 Perplexity Life is … a joke mystery or search
  • 82. Stage 3 Identity: In solitude, or among a small band of similarly alienated friends Relationships: Counter- dependent
  • 83. Stage 3 Perplexity God is … mythic authority I’ve outgrown mysterious reality I’m seeking or opiate of the pathetic masses
  • 84. Stage 3 Perplexity STRENGTHS: depth, honesty, sensitivity to suffering, perhaps ironic humor WEAKNESSES: cynical, uncommitted, withdrawn, critical, depressed, elitist
  • 85. Stage 3 Perplexity Connection through unknowing
  • 87. Stage 4 Humility/Harmony Seek first God’s kingdom … love God, love neighbors … in essentials unity … focus on a few grand essentials
  • 88. Stage 4 Humility/Harmony Focus: Wise or unwise? Fulfilling potential Motive: Serve, contribute, make a difference Perception: Integrated, synthesizing, sympathetic
  • 89. Stage 4 Beliefs -some things are known, many are mysteries; life is a quest -there is no “them”
  • 90. Stage 4 Authorities people like me imperfect sometimes doing their best, sometimes dishonest, sometimes sincerely misguided
  • 91. Stage 4 Life is ... What you make it (with God’s help)
  • 92. Stage 4 Identity: In mutual relationships Relationships: Interdependent
  • 93. Stage 4 God is ... Knowable in part, yet mysterious, present yet transcendent, just yet merciful (able to hold truths in tension -- “paradoxy”)
  • 94. Stage 4 Humility/Harmony STRENGTHS: May exhibit strengths of previous stages, plus stability, endurance, wisdom WEAKNESSES: May display weaknesses of earlier stages
  • 96. William Blake - innocence, experience, higher experience Soren Kierkegaard - aesthetic, ethical, religious William Perry - dualism (a,b), multiplicity (a,b), relativism (a,b), commitment (a,b,c) James Fowler - primal, mythical-literal, synthetic-conventional, individual-reflective, conjunctive, universalizing Ken Blanchard - enthusiastic beginner, disillusioned learner, capable but cautious performer, self-reliant achiever Paul Ricouer - precritical/first naivete, critical, postcritical/ second naivete Graves/Beck/Wilber - archaic-instinctive, animist/tribal, ego- centric-exploitive, absolutist -obedience authoritarian, scientific strategic, relativistic-personalistic - communitarian; systemic- integral, holistic,
  • 97. What happens after Stage 4? Harmony becomes the new simplicity ...
  • 98. What happens after Stage 4? Harmony becomes the new simplicity ... which encounters new complexity ... which enters new perplexity ... which discovers new harmony ...
  • 99. What happens after Stage 4? Eventually ... one becomes less aware of stages and struggle and more away of learning and life.
  • 100. Observations: Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World looks different at Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
  • 101. An observation: Whole denominations or parachurch organizations seem to specialize in certain stages, and fail people in other stages.
  • 102. An observation: Leaders seldom (never?) lead people in a stage beyond their own. 1’s lead 1’s. 2’s lead 2’s and 1’s. 3’s lead 3’s and 2’s. 4’s lead 4’s and 3’s (plus?)
  • 103. A question: How do we minister to people with such contrary expectations, needs, issues, and desires? A direction: Explore Jesus as teacher … not just in content, but also in method.
  • 104. An observation: Jesus models working with people in each stage, and always brings them farther on the journey.
  • 105. An important reminder The goal isn’t to rush through the stages to get to 4 as soon as possible. Each stage has lessons to teach, and prepares for the next. You don’t move on until you’re ready ... in the fullness of time.
  • 106. We need churches and ministries that help people at all levels ...
  • 107. disciple Dis*ci"ple, n. [OE. disciple, deciple, OF. disciple, fr. L. discipulus, fr. discere to learn (akin to docere to teach; see Docile) + prob. a root meaning to turn or drive, as in L. pellere to drive (see Pulse).] One who receives instruction from another; a scholar; a learner; especially, a follower who has learned to believe in the truth of the doctrine of his teacher; an adherent in doctrine; as, the disciples of Plato; the disciples of our Savior
  • 108. Why is so much religion focused on Simplicity/Dualism?
  • 109.
  • 110. Stage 0 Egocentricity It’s all about me.
  • 111. Stage 0 Egocentricity Focus: Like or dislike? Fun or not? Motive: Pleasing & comforting myself Perception: Narcissistic
  • 112. Stage 0 Beliefs -I would be constantly happy if everyone would cooperate -authorities exist to make me feel good -bad people make me feel bad
  • 113. Stage 0 Authorities Exist for my benefit, serve my entitlement, are genii-like.
  • 114. Stage 0 Egocentricity Life is play or party.
  • 115. Stage 0 Identity: In my likes and dislikes. Relationships: Presumptive
  • 116. Stage 0 Egocentricity God is … The Candyman, the Genii, the Magic Lamp
  • 117. Stage 0 Egocentricity STRENGTHS: emotionally expressive, transparent, aware of own needs and desires. WEAKNESSES: Largely oblivious to the needs and desires of others
  • 118. Stage 0 Egocentricity Connection through need.
  • 119. From selfish to true self 0. Egocentricity - One (me!) 1. Simplicity - Two (us/them) 2. Complexity - Three or more 3. Perplexity - Fractions 4. Harmony - One (all)
  • 120.