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An introduction to
 Nothing else in the world is so
powerful as an idea whose time has
            come (Victor hugo)
W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ?

 Weconomics is a new organization
model for the community economy.
Its goal is to increase productivity of
        information workers
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
Developments: & problems
- Globalization, economic
- Demographic / HRM
- Technologic
- Organizational
- Ecological

   -> C h a n g e y o u r w a y o f t h in k in g -> W e c o n o m ic s
In 2 0 3 0
8-9 billion people on earth:

 they all connect via LinkedIn, Facebook

 they all want a house, 2 cars, 3 TV‟s

 they all want to take a shower and eat meat

World problems: shortage on food, energy,

clean water
E c o l o g ic a l d e v e l o p m e n t s

 Shortage on energy, food en water

 To much CO2

 If we all live like Americans:
 we need 6 planets !!
T e c h n ic a l d e v e l o p m e n t s

- Community software

- Wiki‟s, social media, blogs, feeds

- Web services

- Semantic web

- Google Doc‟s, Maps, Wave, social search
From 20 t o 4 years sam e em p loyer






          19 6 0   19 7 0   19 8 0        19 9 0      2000        2 0 10

 6 on 7 people don‟t have meaningful job

 12 (NKL), 780 (VS) billion on mental absence

 more contractors

 common employment contract disappear

 100 billion recruitment costs (USA)
Organizational shift

                                       Traditionalist                            Boomer                                   Gen X                                   Gen Y

Training                                     The hard way
                                                                             Too much and I’ll                       Required to keep                       Continuous &
                                                                                  leave                                    me                                 expected

Learning style                                 Classroom                          Facilitated                           Independent
                                                                                                                                                          Collaborative &

Communication                                                                    Horizontal                            Independent                           Collaborative
                                               Top down

Making                                    Seeks approval                      Team informed                          Team included                           Collaborative

Leadership                                   Command &
style                                          control
                                                                            Get out of the way                             Coach                                  Partner

Feedback                                 No news is good
                                                                                Once per year                          Weekly/daily                        On demand, 360

Job changing                                      Unwise                       Sets me back                             Necessary                       Keep options open

 Source: Lancaster, L.C. and Stillman, D. When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work. Wheaton, IL. Harper Business, 2003.
The world changes

Do instruments change??
If the world is your company

   What would you do ??
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ?

 Weconomics is a new organization
model for the community economy.
Its goal is to increase productivity of
        information workers
C o m p a n ie s ………??


- Do we work in companies ?

- Are we trapped in tra ffic ja m a t 8. 30 in the m orning?

- Do we identify ours elves with the com pany we work for?

Why do companies exist?

Who made them and why?
People are accepting the ground rules
  of our society and institutions as
companies, banks and government as
         given circumstances

These rules Were written and these
        institution started
    at a very specific moment
     ant with a very specific
         agenda in mind
W h y c o m p a n ie s e x is t ? H o w d id t h e y s t a r t ?

 1. To overlive corpses ( ca tholic church)

 2. To make expeditions (Dutch VO C)

 3. To build railways, bridges (USA)

 4. To lower transaction costs ( Industrial era)

 5. To protect reliability

 6. To make a money ea rning m a chine for s hareholders
C o m p a n ie s ?

Why is the goal of a company


while the world Changes so quickly?
P r o b l e m s c o m p a n ie s

 1. Innovation?

 2. Limited resources??

 3. Financial shareholder value

 4. Complexity

 5. Accountability

 6. Job security ??

 Do we really need them?

What good does it brings?

What good does it brings??
We all inhabit this small planet.
    We all breath the same air.
We all cherish our children's future.
     And we are all mortal (JFK)

Why and with whom do we compete ?
Two questions
  Do we really need :
     1. companies
     2. to compete

What is the alternative?
Companies change

   Smaller
   Smarter
   Employees work 3-4 years
   Company employee -> individual (freelancer)

Buildings brake down to building stones

Company -> networks -> communities
Home communities
Professional in communities
Examples of Weconomics partners
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ?

 Weconomics is a new organization
model for the community economy.
Its goal is to increase productivity of
        information workers
W h y in c r e a s e p r o d u c t iv it y

   In 2040: 15% less workforce in NL

  No BBP growth thanx to credit crises

  More competition from BRIC countries

  Limited resources planet earth

  Our evolution : we don‟t make things worse
Existing institutions
    like corporation's,
        banks and
    are biggest treat to
productivity improvement
They don‟t cooperate
they invent the wheel
  again and again
If the world is your company

   What would you do ??
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ?

 Weconomics is a new organization
model for the community economy.
Its goal is to increase productivity of
        information workers
Our working evolution
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
A new innovation doesn‟t over win
  by convincing opponents, and
 show them the light, but because
the old generation eventually dies
and a new generation will grow up
       with that innovation.
              (Max Planck)
"The world we have created is a product
 of our thinking; it cannot be changed
    without changing our thinking."
            (Albert Einstein)
C h a n g e = d if f ic u l t

 My Comfort zone
 It is always been this way
 This is not how it works here
 We love rules
C h a n g e = N ic e
Never stop asking why

Never, never, never…..
stop asking why not 
More and more we work in communities
need will extinct

Communities replaces companies

Cooperation replaces competition

The information worker will extinct

                How will the future look like ??
Communities replace Companies?

Utopia??.......think ahead!!!

What if the customers of Henry Ford asked
him: `Can you build us a a car…..?‟

And he had said:
`No, Can‟t do that…….. but I can build you a
 quicker horse „
N o u t o p ia : IB L C c o m m u n it y

Since 1994

> 1.000 organizations

> 250 partners

> 30.000 products

> 50.000 bookings
V is io n
Companies, banks and governments as
we know them now will no longer be the
center of commerce. We will work more
via communities which are more
organic and run for an by the people

             From company based to
                   community based
A m b it io n

Improve productivity of
information workers 50
times before 2040.
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
W e c o n o m ic s
m odel 3 lev els:

1. Way of Thinking

2. Infrastructure

3. Domain
"The significant problems we face
cannot be solved at the same level of
thinking we were at when we created
W e c o n o m ic s d o m a in s
   Assessments
   Courses, Training & Development, Coaching
   Recruitment
   Accommodations
   Advise hours, consultants
   Knowledge management
   Innovation

Domains in market, instrument, region
W e c o n o m ic s R o l e s

   Finance: Crowd funding
   Marketing: Pull marketing
   R&D via open innovation
   Logistics of information
   Production by computers (lopende band)
   Legal: equal conditions, mediation, SOTIC
10 c o r e p r in c ip l e s
  o f W e c o n o m ic s
1. Profile --> connect --> collaborate

      network (see LinkedIn)

       Collaboration = king
2. “What binds us” in stead of “what

             differs us”

     compose instead of oppose
3. Holistic & Wikinomics principles

(see Wikipedia), mass collaboration,

  peering, sharing, crowd sourcing
4. User first then other stakeholders

change value chain: user is the boss
5. Trusted, semantic & secured

 information to/from primary

     processes (no Google)
6. Individual & community driven,

      organization supported

         (no LinkedIn)
7. Connected to best practice

independent core infrastructure, with

          flexible channels
8. Disconnect logistics and commerce,

       content and publication
9. Transparency and easy to get

  more user pull, less sales push

reverse marketing, pull marketing
10. A balanced network of partners

network suppliers and a supervisor
W h e n d o e s W e c o n o m ic s w o r k :

you want change

you stay with the 10 principles

authentic, flexible, honest and clear leadership

defined target and target group

real trade , enough volume

Use an index

you have enough time !!
W h e n d o e s it n o t w o r k ?

      If you still believe
     the earth is flat and
   Santa Claus is still alive
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
   with working
in communities??
Tragedy of commons
Weconomics Index
Weconomics Index
      how do you cooperate ?
       how reliable are you ?
provide meaningful information ?
          is it secured ?

           Don‟t lie !!
Crowd funding

Direct relation between money giver and taker

Direct influence on project progress

Direct control by SOTIC, reliable

No provision, system cost or whatever

Separate cash flow via Weconomics Foundation

Project leading via independent Prodis Labs.
Crowdfunding project
Financiering boek `De geschiedenis van Weconomics deel I’

1.   Nodig: € 25.000 voor redactie, eerste druk en promotie
2.   Start: 10-11-2009, einde: 1-2-2010
3.   Minimale inleg = 100 euro
4.   Rendement: verdubbeling binnen 1 jaar
5.   Toezicht: SOTIC
6.   Geldstroom: Weconomics foundation
7.   Project eigenaar: Paul Bessems
8.   Uitkering: 40% royalty's (prijs boek € 19,95)
9.   Status project: 331 pagina’s, doel 400

Naast dit experiment mag je ook direct meedoen met project!!
Crowdfunding experiment

A. Neem deze 50 euro mee naar huis
   (unanieme beslissing)

B. Investeer deze 50 euro! Voeg er zelf 50 euro bij en doe
   mee met crowdfunding project
   (individuele beslissing)

                       Vergeet niet !!!
                    Tragedy of Commons
Crowdfunding experiment
1. Iemand die niet wil bijleggen kan 50 euro aanbieden aan
   iemand anders die er 50 bijlegt.
2. Je mag 50 euro ook teruggeven
3. Je krijgt het dubbele uitbetaald binnen 1 jaar.
4. Je hoeft nu geen 50 euro bij je te hebben, betaling later
5. Maximaal 10 minuten, ik ga de zaal uit
6. Frank observeert procesgang (en bewaakt het geld  )

50 (foundation) + 50 (Jij) = 100 -> 200
Je: Inleg = 50 | Uitkering = 150 | Winst = 100

100 (foundation, 2*) + 100 (Jij) = 200 -> 400
Je: Inleg = 100 | Uitkering = 300 | Winst = 200
Crowdfunding project
Waarom zou je meedoen en voor B kiezen ?

1.   Bewijzen dat het werkt
2.   We hebben banken niet nodig
3.   Geld verdienen (mooi rendement)
4.   Ervaring opdoen met crowdfunding
5.   Weconomics steunen
6.   Naamsvermelding in boek (met dank aan…..)
7.   Verhoging Weconomics index

Je bent niet raar je bent anders !!
1.   Developments & problems
2.   Companies, competition & Communities
3.   Productivity
4.   Information worker
5.   Change: yes we can
6.   Weconomics model
7.   Crowd funding experiment
8.   Example community: IBLC
                IBLC community
Domain = Dutch Training & Development market



                     Network supplier
Weconomics model: market

  Partner A                                        Demand
                                                   Partner X

 Supply        Intermediary         Intermediary
Partner B        Partner D    ?       Partner W
                                                     Partner Y

    Supply                                         Demand
   Partner C                                       Partner Z
Weconomics community organization model

                                Domain Leader

  Partner A                                                    Demand
                                                               Partner X

 Supply          Intermediary    Community      Intermediary     Demand
Partner B          Partner D                      Partner W      Partner Y

     Supply                                                    Demand
    Partner C                                                  Partner Z
Not technical connection
Human connection
Authentic Leadership
Weconomics model: network supplier

  Partner A                                                       Demand
                                                                  Partner X

 Supply         Intermediary      Community        Intermediary     Demand
Partner B         Partner D                          Partner W      Partner Y

     Supply                                                       Demand
    Partner C                                                     Partner Z
                               Network Suppliers
Network supplier: Infrastructure
Transport, warehouse, repack
Shared service center
Innovation Labs
Weconomics community organization model

                    SOTIC foundation: commission of supervision

  Partner A                                                        Demand
                                                                   Partner X

 Supply          Intermediary       Community       Intermediary     Demand
Partner B          Partner D                          Partner W      Partner Y

     Supply                                                        Demand
    Partner C                                                      Partner Z
Weconomics community organization model

                   Network Suppliers

Employees             foundation              Organizations

  Domain leaders      Funding          Individuals
Weconomics community organization model

                        SOTIC foundation: commission of supervision

                                      Domain Leader

  Partner A                                                                 Demand
                                                                            Partner X

 Supply            Intermediary         Community       Intermediary          Demand
Partner B            Partner D                            Partner W           Partner Y

     Supply                                                                 Demand
    Partner C                                                               Partner Z
                                    Network Suppliers

            Employees                   foundation                Organizations

                Domain leaders          Funding            Individuals
Voorbeeld portal
Door-to-door model: not efficient: n*(n-1) = 30 relations

   Supplier A                                                 Buyer K
   System X                                                  System 1

Supplier B                                                           Buyer L
System Y                                                            System 2

                                                              Buyer Z
    Supplier C
                                                             System 3
    System Z
Hub & spoke model: efficiënt: n*2 = 12 relations

    partner A
                               Information                            partner K

       interface                                        interface

 supply             Internet                 Internet                    demand
partner B           Internet                                             partner L


                               Bookings                              demand
     supply                                                         partner M
    partner C
Ambition: all roles work together

Producer material



Supplier A

Supplier B

Knowledge center

                                              Exam institute

Shared Service Center                          Accommodation
Examples of Weconomics partners
The world is your company
  What would you do ??

 Interested or questions? call / mail me!

          +31 (0)6 20 30 13 11

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Introduction To Weconomics

  • 1. An introduction to Weconomics Nothing else in the world is so powerful as an idea whose time has come (Victor hugo)
  • 2. W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ? Weconomics is a new organization model for the community economy. Its goal is to increase productivity of information workers
  • 3. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 4.
  • 5. Developments: & problems - Globalization, economic - Demographic / HRM - Technologic - Organizational - Ecological -> C h a n g e y o u r w a y o f t h in k in g -> W e c o n o m ic s
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. In 2 0 3 0 8-9 billion people on earth:  they all connect via LinkedIn, Facebook  they all want a house, 2 cars, 3 TV‟s  they all want to take a shower and eat meat World problems: shortage on food, energy, clean water
  • 9. E c o l o g ic a l d e v e l o p m e n t s  Shortage on energy, food en water  To much CO2 If we all live like Americans: we need 6 planets !!
  • 10. T e c h n ic a l d e v e l o p m e n t s - Community software - Wiki‟s, social media, blogs, feeds - Web services - Semantic web - Google Doc‟s, Maps, Wave, social search
  • 11. From 20 t o 4 years sam e em p loyer 25 20 15 10 5 0 19 6 0 19 7 0 19 8 0 19 9 0 2000 2 0 10 Bron:
  • 12.  6 on 7 people don‟t have meaningful job  12 (NKL), 780 (VS) billion on mental absence  more contractors  common employment contract disappear  100 billion recruitment costs (USA)
  • 13. Organizational shift Traditionalist Boomer Gen X Gen Y Training The hard way Too much and I’ll Required to keep Continuous & leave me expected Learning style Classroom Facilitated Independent Collaborative & networked Communication Horizontal Independent Collaborative Top down Decision Making Seeks approval Team informed Team included Collaborative Leadership Command & style control Get out of the way Coach Partner Feedback No news is good Once per year Weekly/daily On demand, 360 news Job changing Unwise Sets me back Necessary Keep options open Source: Lancaster, L.C. and Stillman, D. When Generations Collide: Who They Are. Why They Clash. How to Solve the Generational Puzzle at Work. Wheaton, IL. Harper Business, 2003.
  • 14. The world changes Do instruments change??
  • 15. If the world is your company What would you do ??
  • 16. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 17. W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ? Weconomics is a new organization model for the community economy. Its goal is to increase productivity of information workers
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  • 21. C o m p a n ie s ………?? Why - Do we work in companies ? - Are we trapped in tra ffic ja m a t 8. 30 in the m orning? - Do we identify ours elves with the com pany we work for? Why do companies exist? Who made them and why?
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  • 29. People are accepting the ground rules of our society and institutions as companies, banks and government as given circumstances But:
  • 30. These rules Were written and these institution started at a very specific moment ant with a very specific agenda in mind
  • 31. W h y c o m p a n ie s e x is t ? H o w d id t h e y s t a r t ? 1. To overlive corpses ( ca tholic church) 2. To make expeditions (Dutch VO C) 3. To build railways, bridges (USA) 4. To lower transaction costs ( Industrial era) 5. To protect reliability 6. To make a money ea rning m a chine for s hareholders
  • 32. C o m p a n ie s ? Why is the goal of a company continuity...... while the world Changes so quickly?
  • 33. P r o b l e m s c o m p a n ie s 1. Innovation? 2. Limited resources?? 3. Financial shareholder value 4. Complexity 5. Accountability 6. Job security ??
  • 34. Companies Do we really need them? What good does it brings?
  • 35.
  • 37.
  • 38. We all inhabit this small planet. We all breath the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal (JFK) Why and with whom do we compete ?
  • 39. Two questions Do we really need : 1. companies 2. to compete What is the alternative?
  • 40. Companies change  Smaller  Smarter  Employees work 3-4 years  Company employee -> individual (freelancer) Buildings brake down to building stones Company -> networks -> communities
  • 42.
  • 45. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 46. W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ? Weconomics is a new organization model for the community economy. Its goal is to increase productivity of information workers
  • 47.
  • 48. W h y in c r e a s e p r o d u c t iv it y In 2040: 15% less workforce in NL No BBP growth thanx to credit crises More competition from BRIC countries Limited resources planet earth Our evolution : we don‟t make things worse
  • 49. Existing institutions like corporation's, banks and government are biggest treat to productivity improvement
  • 50. They don‟t cooperate they invent the wheel again and again
  • 51. If the world is your company What would you do ??
  • 52. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 53. W h a t is W e c o n o m ic s ? Weconomics is a new organization model for the community economy. Its goal is to increase productivity of information workers
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  • 65. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 66.
  • 67. A new innovation doesn‟t over win by convincing opponents, and show them the light, but because the old generation eventually dies and a new generation will grow up with that innovation. (Max Planck)
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  • 72. "The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking." (Albert Einstein)
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  • 77.
  • 78. C h a n g e = d if f ic u l t  My Comfort zone  It is always been this way  This is not how it works here  We love rules
  • 79.
  • 80. C h a n g e = N ic e Never stop asking why Never, never, never….. stop asking why not 
  • 81.
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  • 87.
  • 88. More and more we work in communities
  • 89. need will extinct Communities replaces companies Cooperation replaces competition The information worker will extinct How will the future look like ??
  • 90. Communities replace Companies? Utopia??.......think ahead!!! What if the customers of Henry Ford asked him: `Can you build us a a car…..?‟ And he had said: `No, Can‟t do that…….. but I can build you a quicker horse „
  • 91.
  • 92. N o u t o p ia : IB L C c o m m u n it y Since 1994 > 1.000 organizations > 250 partners > 30.000 products > 50.000 bookings
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  • 97. V is io n Companies, banks and governments as we know them now will no longer be the center of commerce. We will work more via communities which are more organic and run for an by the people From company based to community based
  • 98. A m b it io n Improve productivity of information workers 50 times before 2040.
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 102. W e c o n o m ic s m odel 3 lev els: 1. Way of Thinking 2. Infrastructure 3. Domain
  • 103. "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
  • 104.
  • 105. W e c o n o m ic s d o m a in s  Assessments  Courses, Training & Development, Coaching  Recruitment  Accommodations  Advise hours, consultants  Knowledge management  Innovation Domains in market, instrument, region
  • 106. W e c o n o m ic s R o l e s  Finance: Crowd funding  Marketing: Pull marketing  R&D via open innovation  Logistics of information  Production by computers (lopende band)  Legal: equal conditions, mediation, SOTIC
  • 107. 10 c o r e p r in c ip l e s o f W e c o n o m ic s
  • 108. 1. Profile --> connect --> collaborate network (see LinkedIn) Collaboration = king
  • 109. 2. “What binds us” in stead of “what differs us” compose instead of oppose
  • 110. 3. Holistic & Wikinomics principles (see Wikipedia), mass collaboration, peering, sharing, crowd sourcing
  • 111. 4. User first then other stakeholders change value chain: user is the boss
  • 112. 5. Trusted, semantic & secured information to/from primary processes (no Google)
  • 113. 6. Individual & community driven, organization supported (no LinkedIn)
  • 114. 7. Connected to best practice independent core infrastructure, with flexible channels
  • 115. 8. Disconnect logistics and commerce, content and publication
  • 116. 9. Transparency and easy to get more user pull, less sales push reverse marketing, pull marketing
  • 117. 10. A balanced network of partners network suppliers and a supervisor
  • 118. W h e n d o e s W e c o n o m ic s w o r k : you want change you stay with the 10 principles authentic, flexible, honest and clear leadership defined target and target group real trade , enough volume Use an index you have enough time !!
  • 119. W h e n d o e s it n o t w o r k ? If you still believe the earth is flat and Santa Claus is still alive
  • 120.
  • 121. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 122. Problem with working in communities??
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  • 128.
  • 129. Weconomics Index how do you cooperate ? how reliable are you ? provide meaningful information ? is it secured ? Don‟t lie !!
  • 130. Crowd funding Direct relation between money giver and taker Direct influence on project progress Direct control by SOTIC, reliable No provision, system cost or whatever Separate cash flow via Weconomics Foundation Project leading via independent Prodis Labs.
  • 131. Crowdfunding project Financiering boek `De geschiedenis van Weconomics deel I’ 1. Nodig: € 25.000 voor redactie, eerste druk en promotie 2. Start: 10-11-2009, einde: 1-2-2010 3. Minimale inleg = 100 euro 4. Rendement: verdubbeling binnen 1 jaar 5. Toezicht: SOTIC 6. Geldstroom: Weconomics foundation 7. Project eigenaar: Paul Bessems 8. Uitkering: 40% royalty's (prijs boek € 19,95) 9. Status project: 331 pagina’s, doel 400 Naast dit experiment mag je ook direct meedoen met project!!
  • 132. Crowdfunding experiment Opties: A. Neem deze 50 euro mee naar huis (unanieme beslissing) B. Investeer deze 50 euro! Voeg er zelf 50 euro bij en doe mee met crowdfunding project (individuele beslissing) Vergeet niet !!! Tragedy of Commons Weconomics_Index
  • 133. Crowdfunding experiment Spelregels: 1. Iemand die niet wil bijleggen kan 50 euro aanbieden aan iemand anders die er 50 bijlegt. 2. Je mag 50 euro ook teruggeven 3. Je krijgt het dubbele uitbetaald binnen 1 jaar. 4. Je hoeft nu geen 50 euro bij je te hebben, betaling later 5. Maximaal 10 minuten, ik ga de zaal uit 6. Frank observeert procesgang (en bewaakt het geld  ) Rekenvoorbeelden 50 (foundation) + 50 (Jij) = 100 -> 200 Je: Inleg = 50 | Uitkering = 150 | Winst = 100 100 (foundation, 2*) + 100 (Jij) = 200 -> 400 Je: Inleg = 100 | Uitkering = 300 | Winst = 200
  • 134. Crowdfunding project Waarom zou je meedoen en voor B kiezen ? 1. Bewijzen dat het werkt 2. We hebben banken niet nodig 3. Geld verdienen (mooi rendement) 4. Ervaring opdoen met crowdfunding 5. Weconomics steunen 6. Naamsvermelding in boek (met dank aan…..) 7. Verhoging Weconomics index Je bent niet raar je bent anders !!
  • 135. Program 1. Developments & problems 2. Companies, competition & Communities 3. Productivity 4. Information worker 5. Change: yes we can 6. Weconomics model 7. Crowd funding experiment 8. Example community: IBLC
  • 136. Example IBLC community Domain = Dutch Training & Development market Advisor/Intermediary User/Buyer Supplier Network supplier
  • 137. Weconomics model: market Supply Partner A Demand Partner X Supply Intermediary Intermediary Partner B Partner D ? Partner W Demand Partner Y Supply Demand Partner C Partner Z
  • 138. Weconomics community organization model Domain Leader Supply Partner A Demand Partner X Supply Intermediary Community Intermediary Demand Partner B Partner D Partner W Partner Y Supply Demand Partner C Partner Z
  • 142. Weconomics model: network supplier Supply Partner A Demand Partner X Supply Intermediary Community Intermediary Demand Partner B Partner D Partner W Partner Y Supply Demand Partner C Partner Z PRODIS Network Suppliers IT/COM/R&D/SSC
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  • 151. Weconomics community organization model SOTIC foundation: commission of supervision Supply Partner A Demand Partner X Supply Intermediary Community Intermediary Demand Partner B Partner D Partner W Partner Y Supply Demand Partner C Partner Z
  • 152. Rules
  • 155. Weconomics community organization model PRODIS Network Suppliers IT/COM/R&D/SSC Weconomics Employees foundation Organizations Domain leaders Funding Individuals
  • 156. Weconomics community organization model SOTIC foundation: commission of supervision Domain Leader Supply Partner A Demand Partner X Supply Intermediary Community Intermediary Demand Partner B Partner D Partner W Partner Y Supply Demand Partner C Partner Z PRODIS Network Suppliers IT/COM/R&D/SSC Weconomics Employees foundation Organizations Domain leaders Funding Individuals
  • 158. Door-to-door model: not efficient: n*(n-1) = 30 relations Supplier A Buyer K System X System 1 Supplier B Buyer L System Y System 2 Buyer Z Supplier C System 3 System Z
  • 159. Hub & spoke model: efficiënt: n*2 = 12 relations supply demand partner A Information partner K interface interface Community supply Internet Internet demand partner B Internet partner L interface interface Bookings demand supply partner M partner C
  • 160. Ambition: all roles work together Producer material Executer Customer Payments Supplier A Applicant Supplier B Intermediary Knowledge center Exam institute Authorizer Shared Service Center Accommodation
  • 162. Weconomics The world is your company What would you do ?? Interested or questions? call / mail me! +31 (0)6 20 30 13 11