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Introducing the type-safe API for ZIO
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- Avinder Bahra
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Talk Outline
quick recap on using the AWS Java SDK
where we got up to in last years presentation - what was missing?
quick tour of the low level API
introduction to the new Type-safe API
show examples using the new API
summary and wrap up
4 / 68
Using AWS Java SDK recap
5 / 68
AWS SDK example
final case class Student(
email: String, // partition key
enrollmentDate: Option[Instant],
payment: Payment
sealed trait Payment
object Payment {
final case object DebitCard extends Payment
final case object CreditCard extends Payment
final case object PayPal extends Payment
creates a Student DynamoDB table
serialises above model to the DynamoDB taking into account
optional fields
sum types
integrates with AWS Java SDK and does Java interop
does batched writes and reads
...what does the code look like?...
6 / 68
Lots of bolierplate code!
page 1 ... ... page 4!!!
240 lines of code!
7 / 68
AWS SDK example
- lots of tedious boilerplate code
- not type safe
- prone to run time errors
8 / 68
ZIO DynamoDB solution
9 / 68
ZIO DynamoDB solution
val liveDynamoDBExecutorLayer = ...
val errorOrListOfStudent = (for {
avi = Student("", "maths", ...)
adam = Student("", "english", ...)
_ <- (put("student", avi) zip put("student", adam)).execute
listOfErrorOrStudent <- forEach(List(avi, adam)) { st =>
PrimaryKey("email" ->, "subject" -> st.subject)
} yield EitherUtil.collectAll(listOfErrorOrStudent))
10 / 68
Tour of Low Level API
11 / 68
An AttributeValue is DynamoDB type and value pair that is stored in the
sealed trait AttributeValue
final case class Binary(value: Iterable[Byte]) extends AttributeValue
final case class BinarySet(value: Iterable[Iterable[Byte]]) extends AttributeValue
final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AttributeValue
// ... etc etc
final case class String(value: ScalaString) extends AttributeValue
final case class Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AttributeValue
12 / 68
Item (AttrMap)
A DynamoDB Item is record - a map of field name to AttributeValue. In the
low level API it is modelled as an AttrMap
final case class AttrMap(map: Map[String, AttributeValue])
type Item = AttrMap
type PrimaryKey = AttrMap
val aviItem1 = AttrMap(Map("email" -> AttributeValue.String("email"),
"age" -> AttributeValue.Number(BigDecimal(21)))
// using an apply method that takes a type class
val aviItem2 = AttrMap("email" -> "", "age" -> 21)
val bool = aviItem1 == aviItem2 // true
13 / 68
DynamoDBQuery trait
sealed trait DynamoDBQuery[+A] {
def execute: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, A] = ???
def zip[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = ???
def forEach[A, B](values: Iterable[A])(body: A => DynamoDBQuery[B])
: DynamoDBQuery[List[B]]
trait DynamoDBExecutor {
def execute[A](query: DynamoDBQuery[A]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A]
final case class GetItem(...) extends DynamoDBQuery[Option[Item]]
// etc etc
14 / 68
In DynamoDB a projection expression is a way of accessing the attribute
In the API it is represented as a sealed trait
sealed trait ProjectionExpression {...}
final case class Root extends ProjectionExpression
final case class MapElement(...) extends ProjectionExpression
final case class ListElement(...) extends ProjectionExpression
15 / 68
$ function (type unsafe)
manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful
ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42
16 / 68
$ function (type unsafe)
manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful
ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42
so we introduced the $ function
$("") === 42 && $("students[0].firstname") === "Avi"
17 / 68
$ function (type unsafe)
manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful
ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42
so we introduced the $ function
$("") === 42 && $("students[0].firstname") === "Avi"
which is really convenient but totally type unsafe
18 / 68
Condition and Filter Expressions
In DynamoDB a condition expression is a way specifying a condition that must
hold for a PutItem, UpdateItem, or DeleteItem
A very similar concept is a filter expression that applies to a DynamoDB Query
In ZIO DynamoDB both Condition and Filter expressions concepts are modelled
sealed trait ConditionExpression{...}
19 / 68
Condition and Filter Expressions Syntax
20 / 68
Update Expressions
update-expression ::=
[ SET action [, action] ... ]
[ REMOVE action [, action] ...]
[ ADD action [, action] ... ]
[ DELETE action [, action] ...]
set-action ::=
path = value
value ::=
| operand '+' operand
| operand '-' operand
operand ::= path | function
list_append (list1, list2)
if_not_exists (path, value)
remove-action ::= path
add-action ::= path value
delete-action ::= path value
21 / 68
Example of Low Level API
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
22 / 68
Example of Low Level API
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
private val program = for {
_ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute
} yield ()
23 / 68
Example of Low Level API
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
private val program = for {
_ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute
item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute
} yield ()
24 / 68
Example of Low Level API
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
private val program = for {
_ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute
item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute
_ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")){
$("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1)
} yield ()
25 / 68
Example of Low Level API
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
private val program = for {
_ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute
item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute
_ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")) {
$("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1)
_ <- deleteItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).where(
$("payment") === "Paypal" && $("age") > 21
} yield ()
26 / 68
Overview of Low Level APIs - Example
val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42)
val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21)
private val program = for {
_ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute
item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute
_ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")){
$("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1)
_ <- deleteItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).where(
$("payment") === "Paypal" && $("age") > 21
student: Student = tediousCustomDeSerialisationCode(item)
} yield student
27 / 68
Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema
ZIO Schema
"Compositional, type-safe schema definitions, which enable auto-
derivation of codecs and migrations."
28 / 68
Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema
final case class Student(email: String, subject: String, age: Int)
object Student {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Student] = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val avi = Student("", "maths", 21)
val adam = Student("", "english", 21)
29 / 68
Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema
object Student {
implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Student] = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val avi = Student("", "maths", 21)
val adam = Student("", "english", 21)
private val program = (for {
_ <- (put("student", avi) zip put("student", adam)).execute
student <- get("student", primaryKey("", "maths"))
} yield student == avi /* true */ )
type classes to derive codecs for serialisation to DynamoDB for put and
note that we are serialising case class directly
this is a huge increase in usability!
30 / 68
Codec customisations using annotations
annotations for cutomising
tagged union vs discrimated union
enum storage
case class
case class fields
discriminator field
enum values
31 / 68
Where we left off in the last talk
val avi: Student = get("student", primaryKey)
put[Student]("student", Student("", ...),...)
.where( $("addr.line1").contains("street") && $("addr.line2").beginsWith("f") )
updateItem("student", primaryKey) {
$("firstname").set("Avinder") +
}.where( $("email") === "" )
deleteItem("student", primaryKey)
.where( $("age") > "18" && $("email") === "") )
querySomeItem("tableName1", limit = 10, $("email"), $("payment"), $("age"))
.sortOrder(ascending = false)
.whereKey(PartitionKey("email") === "")
.filter( $("age") > 21 && $("subject").beginsWith("Math") )
Can you spot the run time error problem in the above code?
32 / 68
33 / 68
Where we left off in the last talk
34 / 68
Introducing the new type safe API
35 / 68
Provide a way of navigating your immutable data structure that reduces
Prism - access product data
Lens - access sum type data
Traversal - access a collection
Drilling down into a field eg is a Scala language feature that is
not a value
Optics libraries take these language features and turn them into values that
can be composed
Typically libraries use use functions in the encoding (executable encoding)
36 / 68
Reified Optics
sealed trait Payment
object Payment {
final case object DebitCard extends Payment
// ...
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Payment]
final case class Student(
email: String, // partition key
enrollDate: Instant,
payment: Payment
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, enrollDate, payment) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
37 / 68
Reified Optics
Reified optics are not enough on their own - we needed extend this type safety
to the rest of the API
so we added phantom type parameters to our lower level representations:
sealed trait ProjectionExpression[-From,
sealed trait ConditionExpression[-From]
38 / 68
New type safe API
the new type safe API uses reified optics to constrain expressions to the
type we are working with
39 / 68
New type safe API - Update Expressions
val student = Student(...)
object Student {
val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
The update expressions here are typesafe.
40 / 68
New type safe API - Condition Expressions
val student = Student(...)
object Student {
val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
41 / 68
New type safe API - delete condition expressions
val student = Student(...)
object Student {
val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
Elephant injection attack will not work!
42 / 68
New Type-Safe API examples
43 / 68
Example 1 - Optimistic locking
44 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
45 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
46 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = ???
47 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) =
for {
before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve
} yield ()
48 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) =
for {
before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve
_ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) { ... }.execute
} yield ()
49 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) =
for {
before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve
_ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) {
f(before) + version.add(1)
} ...
} yield ()
50 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) =
for {
before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve
_ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) {
f(before) + version.add(1)
}.where(Student.version === before.version).execute.retry(policy)
} yield ()
51 / 68
Optimistic locking example
final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int,
version: Long = 0)
object Student {
implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student]
val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student]
def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) =
for {
before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve
_ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) {
f(before) + version.add(1)
}.where(Student.version === before.version).execute.retry(policy)
} yield ()
for {
_ <- optimisticUpdate(primaryKey("", "maths")) { student =>
if (student.age > 42)
} yield ()
52 / 68
Example 2 - Migration Pipeline Example
53 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
final case class Student(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment
final case class StudentCourses(
email: String,
courses: Set[String]
final case class Student2(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment,
courses: Set[String]
54 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
final case class Student(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment
final case class StudentCourses(
email: String,
courses: Set[String]
final case class Student2(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment,
courses: Set[String]
55 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
final case class Student(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment
final case class StudentCourses(
email: String,
courses: Set[String]
final case class Student2(
email: String, // partition key
age: Int,
enrollmentDate: Instant,
payment: Payment,
courses: Set[String]
56 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
private val program = for {
students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s")
.filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate)
studentsAndCourses =
batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" ->
_ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) {
case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2",
Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment,
} yield ()
57 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
private val program = for {
students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s")
.filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate)
studentsAndCourses =
batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" ->
_ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) {
case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2",
Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment,
} yield ()
58 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
private val program = for {
students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s")
.filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate)
studentsAndCourses: ZStream[..., (Student, StudentCourses)] =
batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" ->
_ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) {
case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2",
Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment,
} yield ()
59 / 68
Migration Pipeline Example
private val program = for {
students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s")
.filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate)
studentsAndCourses: ZStream[..., (Student, StudentCourses)] =
batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" ->
_ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) {
case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2",
Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment,
} yield ()
60 / 68
61 / 68
Summary - Condition and Filter Expression
62 / 68
Summary - Type Safety coverage
63 / 68
Summary - Update Expressions
update-expression ::=
[ SET action [, action] ... ]
[ REMOVE action [, action] ...]
[ ADD action [, action] ... ]
[ DELETE action [, action] ...]
set-action ::=
path = value
value ::=
| operand '+' operand
| operand '-' operand
operand ::= path | function
list_append (list1, list2)
if_not_exists (path, value)
remove-action ::= path
add-action ::= path value
delete-action ::= path value
64 / 68
Summary - Type Safety coverage
update-expression ::=
[ SET action [, action] ... ]
[ REMOVE action [, action] ...]
[ ADD action [, action] ... ]
[ DELETE action [, action] ...]
set-action ::=
path = value
value ::=
| operand '+' operand
| operand '-' operand
operand ::= path | function
list_append (list1, list2)
if_not_exists (path, value)
remove-action ::= path
add-action ::= path value
delete-action ::= path value
65 / 68
Summary - New Type Safe API
66 / 68
Learning More
github repo
examples in own sbt module zio-dynamodb/examples
integration tests dynamodb/src/it/scala/zio/dynamodb/
last years talk introducing ZIO DynamoDB at Functional Scala 2021
67 / 68
a big thank you to:
all the sponsors Ziverge, Scalac, UMATR, Coralogix, Conducktor,
Matechs for giving me this opportunity to talk about this library
Sandra and Agata for organising the conference
John for his mentorship during development
68 / 68

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Introducing the ZIO DynamoDB Type Safe API

  • 2. Introducing the type-safe API for ZIO DynamoDB 2 / 68
  • 4. Talk Outline quick recap on using the AWS Java SDK where we got up to in last years presentation - what was missing? quick tour of the low level API introduction to the new Type-safe API show examples using the new API summary and wrap up 4 / 68
  • 5. Using AWS Java SDK recap 5 / 68
  • 6. AWS SDK example final case class Student( email: String, // partition key enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment ) sealed trait Payment object Payment { final case object DebitCard extends Payment final case object CreditCard extends Payment final case object PayPal extends Payment } creates a Student DynamoDB table serialises above model to the DynamoDB taking into account optional fields sum types integrates with AWS Java SDK and does Java interop does batched writes and reads ...what does the code look like?... 6 / 68
  • 7. Lots of bolierplate code! page 1 ... ... page 4!!! 240 lines of code! 7 / 68
  • 8. AWS SDK example Sumary - lots of tedious boilerplate code - not type safe - prone to run time errors 8 / 68
  • 10. ZIO DynamoDB solution val liveDynamoDBExecutorLayer = ... val errorOrListOfStudent = (for { avi = Student("", "maths", ...) adam = Student("", "english", ...) _ <- (put("student", avi) zip put("student", adam)).execute listOfErrorOrStudent <- forEach(List(avi, adam)) { st => get[Student]("student", PrimaryKey("email" ->, "subject" -> st.subject) )}.execute } yield EitherUtil.collectAll(listOfErrorOrStudent)) .provideLayer(liveDynamoDBExecutorLayer) 10 / 68
  • 11. Tour of Low Level API AttributeValue's ProjectionExpressions's ConditionExpressions's UpdateExpressions's 11 / 68
  • 12. AttributeValue An AttributeValue is DynamoDB type and value pair that is stored in the database sealed trait AttributeValue final case class Binary(value: Iterable[Byte]) extends AttributeValue final case class BinarySet(value: Iterable[Iterable[Byte]]) extends AttributeValue final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AttributeValue // ... etc etc final case class String(value: ScalaString) extends AttributeValue final case class Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AttributeValue 12 / 68
  • 13. Item (AttrMap) A DynamoDB Item is record - a map of field name to AttributeValue. In the low level API it is modelled as an AttrMap final case class AttrMap(map: Map[String, AttributeValue]) type Item = AttrMap type PrimaryKey = AttrMap val aviItem1 = AttrMap(Map("email" -> AttributeValue.String("email"), "age" -> AttributeValue.Number(BigDecimal(21))) // using an apply method that takes a type class val aviItem2 = AttrMap("email" -> "", "age" -> 21) val bool = aviItem1 == aviItem2 // true 13 / 68
  • 14. DynamoDBQuery trait sealed trait DynamoDBQuery[+A] { def execute: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, A] = ??? def zip[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = ??? ... def forEach[A, B](values: Iterable[A])(body: A => DynamoDBQuery[B]) : DynamoDBQuery[List[B]] } trait DynamoDBExecutor { def execute[A](query: DynamoDBQuery[A]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, A] } final case class GetItem(...) extends DynamoDBQuery[Option[Item]] // etc etc 14 / 68
  • 15. ProjectionExpression In DynamoDB a projection expression is a way of accessing the attribute email address.line1 tutors[1].surname In the API it is represented as a sealed trait sealed trait ProjectionExpression {...} final case class Root extends ProjectionExpression final case class MapElement(...) extends ProjectionExpression final case class ListElement(...) extends ProjectionExpression 15 / 68
  • 16. $ function (type unsafe) manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42 16 / 68
  • 17. $ function (type unsafe) manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42 so we introduced the $ function $("") === 42 && $("students[0].firstname") === "Avi" 17 / 68
  • 18. $ function (type unsafe) manually creating ProjectionExpression's using the constructors is painful ListElement(MapElement(MapElement(Root("foo"), "bar"), "baz"), 9) === 42 so we introduced the $ function $("") === 42 && $("students[0].firstname") === "Avi" which is really convenient but totally type unsafe 18 / 68
  • 19. Condition and Filter Expressions In DynamoDB a condition expression is a way specifying a condition that must hold for a PutItem, UpdateItem, or DeleteItem A very similar concept is a filter expression that applies to a DynamoDB Query In ZIO DynamoDB both Condition and Filter expressions concepts are modelled by: sealed trait ConditionExpression{...} 19 / 68
  • 20. Condition and Filter Expressions Syntax 20 / 68
  • 21. Update Expressions update-expression ::= [ SET action [, action] ... ] [ REMOVE action [, action] ...] [ ADD action [, action] ... ] [ DELETE action [, action] ...] set-action ::= path = value value ::= operand | operand '+' operand | operand '-' operand operand ::= path | function function list_append (list1, list2) if_not_exists (path, value) remove-action ::= path add-action ::= path value delete-action ::= path value 21 / 68
  • 22. Example of Low Level API val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) 22 / 68
  • 23. Example of Low Level API val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) private val program = for { _ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute } yield () 23 / 68
  • 24. Example of Low Level API val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) private val program = for { _ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute } yield () 24 / 68
  • 25. Example of Low Level API val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) private val program = for { _ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute _ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")){ $("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1) }.execute } yield () 25 / 68
  • 26. Example of Low Level API val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) private val program = for { _ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute _ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")) { $("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1) } _ <- deleteItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).where( $("payment") === "Paypal" && $("age") > 21 ).execute } yield () 26 / 68
  • 27. Overview of Low Level APIs - Example val avi = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 42) val adam = AttrMap("email" -> "", "payment" -> "DebitCard", "age" -> 21) private val program = for { _ <- (putItem("student", avi) zip putItem("student", adam)).execute item <- getItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).execute _ <- updateItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")){ $("payment").set("Paypal") + $("age").add(1) } _ <- deleteItem("student", PrimaryKey("email" -> "")).where( $("payment") === "Paypal" && $("age") > 21 ).execute student: Student = tediousCustomDeSerialisationCode(item) } yield student 27 / 68
  • 28. Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema ZIO Schema "Compositional, type-safe schema definitions, which enable auto- derivation of codecs and migrations." 28 / 68
  • 29. Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema final case class Student(email: String, subject: String, age: Int) object Student { implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Student] = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] } val avi = Student("", "maths", 21) val adam = Student("", "english", 21) 29 / 68
  • 30. Type Safe Serialisation API using ZIO Schema object Student { implicit lazy val schema: Schema[Student] = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] } val avi = Student("", "maths", 21) val adam = Student("", "english", 21) private val program = (for { _ <- (put("student", avi) zip put("student", adam)).execute student <- get("student", primaryKey("", "maths")) .execute.right } yield student == avi /* true */ ) type classes to derive codecs for serialisation to DynamoDB for put and get note that we are serialising case class directly this is a huge increase in usability! 30 / 68
  • 31. Codec customisations using annotations annotations for cutomising tagged union vs discrimated union enum storage names case class case class fields discriminator field enum values 31 / 68
  • 32. Where we left off in the last talk val avi: Student = get("student", primaryKey) put[Student]("student", Student("", ...),...) .where( $("addr.line1").contains("street") && $("addr.line2").beginsWith("f") ) updateItem("student", primaryKey) { $("firstname").set("Avinder") + $("groups").appendList(Chunk("group1")) }.where( $("email") === "" ) deleteItem("student", primaryKey) .where( $("age") > "18" && $("email") === "") ) querySomeItem("tableName1", limit = 10, $("email"), $("payment"), $("age")) .sortOrder(ascending = false) .whereKey(PartitionKey("email") === "") .filter( $("age") > 21 && $("subject").beginsWith("Math") ) Can you spot the run time error problem in the above code? 32 / 68
  • 34. Where we left off in the last talk 34 / 68
  • 35. Introducing the new type safe API 35 / 68
  • 36. Optics Provide a way of navigating your immutable data structure that reduces boilerplate Prism - access product data Lens - access sum type data Traversal - access a collection Drilling down into a field eg is a Scala language feature that is not a value Optics libraries take these language features and turn them into values that can be composed Typically libraries use use functions in the encoding (executable encoding) 36 / 68
  • 37. Reified Optics sealed trait Payment object Payment { final case object DebitCard extends Payment // ... implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Payment] } final case class Student( email: String, // partition key enrollDate: Instant, payment: Payment ) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, enrollDate, payment) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } 37 / 68
  • 38. Reified Optics Reified optics are not enough on their own - we needed extend this type safety to the rest of the API so we added phantom type parameters to our lower level representations: sealed trait ProjectionExpression[-From, +To] sealed trait ConditionExpression[-From] 38 / 68
  • 39. New type safe API the new type safe API uses reified optics to constrain expressions to the type we are working with 39 / 68
  • 40. New type safe API - Update Expressions val student = Student(...) object Student { val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } The update expressions here are typesafe. 40 / 68
  • 41. New type safe API - Condition Expressions val student = Student(...) object Student { val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } 41 / 68
  • 42. New type safe API - delete condition expressions val student = Student(...) object Student { val (email, enrollDate, payment, age) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } Elephant injection attack will not work! 42 / 68
  • 43. New Type-Safe API examples 43 / 68
  • 44. Example 1 - Optimistic locking 44 / 68
  • 45. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) 45 / 68
  • 46. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } 46 / 68
  • 47. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = ??? 47 / 68
  • 48. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = for { before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve } yield () 48 / 68
  • 49. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = for { before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve _ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) { ... }.execute } yield () 49 / 68
  • 50. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = for { before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve _ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) { f(before) + version.add(1) } ... } yield () 50 / 68
  • 51. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = for { before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve _ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) { f(before) + version.add(1) }.where(Student.version === before.version).execute.retry(policy) } yield () 51 / 68
  • 52. Optimistic locking example final case class Student(email: String, payment: Payment, age: Int, version: Long = 0) object Student { implicit val schema = DeriveSchema.gen[Student] val (email, payment, age, version) = ProjectionExpression.accessors[Student] } def optimisticUpdate(primaryKey: PrimaryKey)(f: Student => Action[Student]) = for { before <- get[Student]("student", primaryKey).execute.absolve _ <- update[Student]("student", primaryKey) { f(before) + version.add(1) }.where(Student.version === before.version).execute.retry(policy) } yield () for { _ <- optimisticUpdate(primaryKey("", "maths")) { student => if (student.age > 42) Student.payment.set(Payment.DebitCard) else Student.payment.set(Payment.CreditCard) }.execute } yield () 52 / 68
  • 53. Example 2 - Migration Pipeline Example 53 / 68
  • 54. Migration Pipeline Example final case class Student( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment ) final case class StudentCourses( email: String, courses: Set[String] ) final case class Student2( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment, courses: Set[String] ) 54 / 68
  • 55. Migration Pipeline Example final case class Student( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment ) final case class StudentCourses( email: String, courses: Set[String] ) final case class Student2( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment, courses: Set[String] ) 55 / 68
  • 56. Migration Pipeline Example final case class Student( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment ) final case class StudentCourses( email: String, courses: Set[String] ) final case class Student2( email: String, // partition key age: Int, enrollmentDate: Instant, payment: Payment, courses: Set[String] ) 56 / 68
  • 57. Migration Pipeline Example private val program = for { students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s") .parallel(16) .filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate) .execute studentsAndCourses = batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" -> _ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) { case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2", Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment, ) }.runDrain } yield () 57 / 68
  • 58. Migration Pipeline Example private val program = for { students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s") .parallel(16) .filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate) .execute studentsAndCourses = batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" -> _ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) { case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2", Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment, ) }.runDrain } yield () 58 / 68
  • 59. Migration Pipeline Example private val program = for { students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s") .parallel(16) .filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate) .execute studentsAndCourses: ZStream[..., (Student, StudentCourses)] = batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" -> _ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) { case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2", Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment, ) }.runDrain } yield () 59 / 68
  • 60. Migration Pipeline Example private val program = for { students <- scanAll[Student](tableName = "s") .parallel(16) .filter(Student.age > 21 && Student.enrollmentDate > aDate) .execute studentsAndCourses: ZStream[..., (Student, StudentCourses)] = batchReadFromStream[...]("sc", students)(s => PrimaryKey("email" -> _ <- batchWriteFromStream(studentsAndCourses) { case (s, sc) => put(tableName = "Students2", Student2(, s.age, s.enrollmentDate, s.payment, ) }.runDrain } yield () 60 / 68
  • 62. Summary - Condition and Filter Expression 62 / 68
  • 63. Summary - Type Safety coverage 63 / 68
  • 64. Summary - Update Expressions update-expression ::= [ SET action [, action] ... ] [ REMOVE action [, action] ...] [ ADD action [, action] ... ] [ DELETE action [, action] ...] set-action ::= path = value value ::= operand | operand '+' operand | operand '-' operand operand ::= path | function function list_append (list1, list2) if_not_exists (path, value) remove-action ::= path add-action ::= path value delete-action ::= path value 64 / 68
  • 65. Summary - Type Safety coverage update-expression ::= [ SET action [, action] ... ] [ REMOVE action [, action] ...] [ ADD action [, action] ... ] [ DELETE action [, action] ...] set-action ::= path = value value ::= operand | operand '+' operand | operand '-' operand operand ::= path | function function list_append (list1, list2) if_not_exists (path, value) remove-action ::= path add-action ::= path value delete-action ::= path value 65 / 68
  • 66. Summary - New Type Safe API 66 / 68
  • 67. Learning More github repo microsite examples in own sbt module zio-dynamodb/examples integration tests dynamodb/src/it/scala/zio/dynamodb/ last years talk introducing ZIO DynamoDB at Functional Scala 2021 67 / 68
  • 68. Thanks a big thank you to: all the sponsors Ziverge, Scalac, UMATR, Coralogix, Conducktor, Matechs for giving me this opportunity to talk about this library Sandra and Agata for organising the conference John for his mentorship during development 68 / 68