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Introducing zio-dynamodb
a new Scala library for DynamoDB
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- Avinder Bahra
used Scala in production for last 5 years
used ZIO in production for the last 2 years
been programming professionally for last 30 years
- Adam Johnson
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Some context
Relational Databases
transactional (ACID), rich query language, tooling
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Some context
Relational Databases
transactional (ACID), rich query language, tooling
not scalable
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Some context
"fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to
run high-performance applications at any scale"
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Some context
"fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to
run high-performance applications at any scale"
great for scalability, throughput with features like auto-scaling
and global table replication
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Some context
fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run
high-performance applications at any scale
great for scalability, throughput with features like auto-scaling
and global table replication
downside of NoSQL DBs
they do less work than relational databases for tasks such as
querying and maintaining consistency/integrity and offer less
hence the code burden for the developer is significantly
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
we are going to walk you through the process of creating a production
grade Scala application using the Java JDK.
Lets see how many LOC it takes to perform simple write and read
Here are the steps we are going to follow:
create a typesafe model (case class)
serialialse/deserialse the Scala model to the APIs model
create API requests for wring and reading the model to the database
execute the requests and process the results
improve performance by using batching of requests
as this is production grade we are going to use ZIO to manage effects,
concurrency, Java interop ...
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
final case class Student(email: String, // partition key
subject: String, // sort key
enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment)
sealed trait Payment
object Payment {
final case object DebitCard extends Payment
final case object CreditCard extends Payment
final case object PayPal extends Payment
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
we have to build a PutItemRequest
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
final case class Student(email: String, subject: String,
enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment)
sealed trait Payment
object Payment {
final case object DebitCard extends Payment
final case object CreditCard extends Payment
final case object PayPal extends Payment
def putItemRequest(student: Student): PutItemRequest =
.item(toAttributeValueMap(student).asJava) //Item: Map[String, AttributeValue]
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
we have to serialise the Student case class to AttributeValue's
final case class Student(email: String, subject: String,
enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment)
sealed trait Payment
object Payment {
final case object DebitCard extends Payment
final case object CreditCard extends Payment
final case object PayPal extends Payment
def putItemRequest(student: Student): PutItemRequest =
def toAttributeValueMap(student: Student): Map[String, AttributeValue] = {
"email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(,
"subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build
11 / 42
problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
we have to deal with optional and sum types
def toAttributeValueMap(student: Student): Map[String, AttributeValue] = {
val mandatoryFields = Map(
"email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(,
"subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build,
"payment" -> AttributeValue.builder.s { // serialise sum type
student.payment match {
case DebitCard => "DebitCard"
case CreditCard => "CreditCard"
case PayPal => "PayPal"
val nonEmptyOptionalFields: Map[String, AttributeValue] = Map(
"enrollmentDate" -> =>
mandatoryFields ++ nonEmptyOptionalFields
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
Now that we have saved a Student as an Item in the DynamoDb database we
next need to create a GetItemRequest to retrieve it.
"email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s("").build,
"subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s("maths").build
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
Next have to de-serialise a GetItemResponse - a Map[String, AttributeValue]
and deal with concerns such as:
mandatory fields - if not present we want an error
optional fields
conversion to standard primitive type eg Instant
Helper functions that return an Either[String, _] for managing errors
def getString(map: Map[String, AttributeValue],
name: String): Either[String, String] =
map.get(name).toRight(s"mandatory field $name not found").map(_.s)
def getStringOpt(map: Map[String, AttributeValue],
name: String): Either[Nothing, Option[String]] =
def parseInstant(s: String): Either[String, Instant] =
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
we create a deserialise function that uses the previous helpers
note we have to de-serialise the Payment sum type
def deserialise(item: Map[String, AttributeValue]): Either[String, Student] =
for {
email <- getString(item, "email")
subject <- getString(item, "subject")
maybeEnrollmentDateAV <- getStringOpt(item, "enrollmentDate")
maybeEnrollmentDate <-
maybeEnrollmentDateAV.fold[Either[String, Option[Instant]]](Right(None))(s =>
parseInstant(s).map(i => Some(i))
payment <- getString(item, "payment")
paymentType = payment match {
case "DebitCard" => DebitCard
case "CreditCard" => CreditCard
case "PayPal" => PayPal
} yield Student(email, subject, maybeEnrollmentDate, paymentType)
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
stitching together all the functions using ZIO
val program =
for {
client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient]
student = Student("", "maths",,
putRequest = putItemRequest(expectedStudent)
_ <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.putItem(putRequest))
getItemRequest = getItemRequest(student)
getItemResponse <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.getItem(getItemRequest))
studentItem = getItemResponse.item.asScala.toMap
foundStudent = deserialise(studentItemstudentItem)
} yield foundStudent
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
But that's not fast enough - we want to use DDB batching for our Puts and Gets
So we have to first create BatchWriteItemRequest
def batchWriteItemRequest(students: List[Student]): BatchWriteItemRequest = {
val putRequests = { student =>
val request = PutRequest
.requestItems(Map("student" -> putRequests.asJava).asJava)
input is a List of Student which we map to WriteRequests
for each student se use our toAttributeValueMap function to serilaise
to an Item
finally we create a BatchWriteItemRequest
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
We then have to execute the batch and process the response
def batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed(
batchRequest: BatchWriteItemRequest
): ZIO[Has[DynamoDbAsyncClient], Throwable, BatchWriteItemResponse] = {
val result = for {
client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient]
response <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.batchWriteItem(batchRequest))
} yield response
result.flatMap {
case response if response.unprocessedItems().isEmpty => ZIO.succeed(response)
case response =>
// very simple recursive retry of unprocessed requests
// in Production we would have exponential back offs and a timeout
batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest =
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
We then have to create a BatchGetItemRequest
def batchGetItemReq(studentPks: Seq[(String, String)]): BatchGetItemRequest = {
val keysAndAttributes = KeysAndAttributes.builder
.keys( { // for all students we extract the partition and sort keys
case (email, subject) =>
"email" -> AttributeValue.builder().s(email).build(),
"subject" -> AttributeValue.builder().s(subject).build()
.requestItems(Map("student" -> keysAndAttributes).asJava)
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
We then have to execute the batch and process the response
def batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest: BatchGetItemRequest)
: ZIO[Has[DynamoDbAsyncClient], Throwable, BatchGetItemResponse] = {
val result = for {
client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient]
response <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.batchGetItem(batchRequest))
} yield response
result.flatMap {
case response if response.unprocessedKeys.isEmpty => ZIO.succeed(response)
case response =>
// very simple recursive retry of failed requests
// in Production we would have exponential back offs and a timeout
batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest =
20 / 42
problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
putting it all together - full batching program
val program =
for {
client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient]
avi = Student("", ...)
adam = Student("", ...)
students = List(avi, adam)
batchPutRequest = batchWriteItemRequest(students)
_ <- batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed(batchPutRequest)
batchGetItemResponse <-
batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchGetItemRequest( => (, st.subject))))
responseMap = batchGetItemResponse.responses.asScala
listOfErrorOrStudent =
.fold[List[Either[String, Student]]](List.empty) {
javaList =>
val listOfErrorOrStudent: List[Either[String, Student]] = =>
} // traverse!
errorOrStudents = foreach(listOfErrorOrStudent)(identity)
} yield errorOrStudents
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
That's not all, we want to speed up our updates
however there is no batching support in DDB for updates
So we want to parallelise our updates
def updateItemRequest(student: Student): UpdateItemRequest = {
val values: Map[String, AttributeValue] =
Map(":paymentType" ->
"email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(,
"subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build
.updateExpression("set payment = :paymentType")
// we execute two queries in parallel using a ZIO zipPar
ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.updateItem(updateItemRequest(updatedAvi))) zipPar
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problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful
Thats a lot of boilerplate!
...and this is just the tip of the iceberg - we have not covered
// TODO: should I create more examples for any of these?
// TODO: show how many lines of code
// TODO: move though slides quickly @ explain at a higher level
scanning and queries with key condition and filter expressions
pagination of scan and query results
complex projection expressions
error handling
TODO: solution is
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solution: zio-dynamodb
Simple, type-safe, and efficient access to DynamoDB
We are now going to write the equivelent application using zio-dynamodb and
show you how much less boilerplate code there is.
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solution: zio-dynamodb
val program = (for {
avi = Student("", "maths", ...)
adam = Student("", "english", ...)
_ <- (DynamoDBQuery.put("student", avi) zip
DynamoDBQuery.put("student", adam)).execute
listErrorOrStudent <- DynamoDBQuery
.forEach(List(avi, adam)) { st =>
PrimaryKey("email" ->, "subject" -> st.subject)
} yield EitherUtil.collectAll(listErrorOrStudent))
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solution: zio-dynamodb
offers a type safe API with auto serialisation
auto batching and parallelisation queries
testable using a fake in memory DB
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zio-dynamodb API 101
its type and it's combinators
auto batching and parallelisation
how to create and execute a query
low level API
built in type classes
mutations operations
query operations
high level type safe API
note there is a 1:1 correspondence to the AWS API to aid discoverability
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sealed trait DynamoDBQuery[+A] {
def zip[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = ??
def zipLeft[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[A] = ???
def zipRight[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[B] = ???
def forEach[A, B](values: Iterable[A])(body: A => DynamoDBQuery[B])
: DynamoDBQuery[List[B]]
def execute: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, A] = ???
object DynamoDBQuery {
// whole bunch of query constructors
Next lets create and execute some basic queries
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Simple Put for multiple tables
val program = (for {
_ <- (DynamoDBQuery.put("student", avi) zip
DynamoDBQuery.put("student", adam) zip
DynamoDBQuery.put("course", french) zip
DynamoDBQuery.put("course", art) zip
} yield ())
puts for multiple tables are batch together, grouped by table in the request
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Serialisation - Low level API
sealed trait AttributeValue
final case class Binary(value: Iterable[Byte]) extends AttributeValue
final case class BinarySet(value: Iterable[Iterable[Byte]]) extends AttributeValue
final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AttributeValue
// ... etc etc
final case class String(value: ScalaString) extends AttributeValue
final case class Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AttributeValue
This corresponds 1:1 with the AWS API AttributeValue
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Serialisation - Low level API
Top level container type for an Item with type aliases
final case class AttrMap(map: Map[String, AttributeValue])
type Item = AttrMap
type PrimaryKey = AttrMap
Internal type classes take care of AttributeValue conversions
val aviItem = Item("email" -> "", "age" -> 21)
is equivalent to
val aviPrimaryKey = AttrMap(Map("email" -> AttributeValue.String("email"),
"age" -> AttributeValue.Number(BigDecimal(21)))
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Projection Expression Parser
$("cost") // simple
$("address.line1") // map
$("adresses[1]") // list
$("adresses[work].line1") // list with map
The $ projection expression parser function takes a string field expression and
turns it into the internal representation
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updateItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art"))(
// UpdateExpression
$("cost").set(500.0) + $("code").set("123")
we can specify ProjectionExpression's
$("cost") ... $("code")
a ProjectionExpression has may update actions which can be combined using
$("field1").set($("field2")) // replaces filed1 with field2
$("count").setIfNotExists($("two"), 42)
$("count").add(1) // updating Numbers and Sets
$("count").remove // Removes this field from an item
$("person.address").set(Item("line1" -> "1 high street"))
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deleteItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art"))
Both Update and Delete can have ConditionExpressions that must be met for
the operation to succeed. For this we use the where method.
where $("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5
applied to the queries
deleteItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art")) where
$("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5
updateItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art")) {
// UpdateExpression
$("cost").set(500.0) + $("code").set("123")
} where $("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5
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val zio: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]] =
queryAll("person", $("name"), $("address[1].line1"))
PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10
Note that we use a list of ProjectionExpression's again
$("name"), $("address[1].line1")
The whereKey method specifies a KeyConditionExpression
PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10
... and we get back a ZStream that the library lazily paginates for us
val queryAll: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]]
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val zio =
querySomeItem("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1"))
.whereKey(PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10)
... and we get back a ZIO of (Chunk[Person], LastEvaluatedKey)
type LastEvaluatedKey = Option[PrimaryKey]
val q: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, (Chunk[Item], LastEvaluatedKey)]
and we use the startKey method to feed back the LastEvaluatedKey to get the
next page of data
val zio =
querySomeItem("person", limit = 5, last$("name"), $("address[1].line1"))
.whereKey(PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10)
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scanAll, scanSome
These are similar to the previous queryAll/querySome queries
val zio: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]] =
scanAll("person", $("name"), $("address[1].line1")).execute
val zio =
scanSome("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1")).execute
val zio =
scanSome("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1"))
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Condition Expressions
$("field1").size > 1
condition1 && condition2
condition1 || condition2
$("field1") > 1.0
$("field1") > $("col2")
$("field1") === $("col2")
$("field1") === "2"
$("field1").between("1", "2")
$("field1").in(Set("1", "2"))
$("field1").in("1", "2")
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Condition Expressions cont.
Apply to
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ConditionExpressions for query and scan
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Serialisation - High level API
High level API uses zio-schema to create codecs
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summary (3 slide)
wrap-up (1 slide)
Java SDK is painful
ZIO DynamoDB is a joy
Learning more (1 slide)
Thank you (1 slide)
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Introducing Zio DynamoDB - a new Scala library for Simple, type-safe, and efficient access to DynamoDB

  • 1. Introducing zio-dynamodb a new Scala library for DynamoDB 1 / 42
  • 2. contributors - Avinder Bahra used Scala in production for last 5 years used ZIO in production for the last 2 years been programming professionally for last 30 years - Adam Johnson 2 / 42
  • 3. Some context Relational Databases pros transactional (ACID), rich query language, tooling 3 / 42
  • 4. Some context Relational Databases pros transactional (ACID), rich query language, tooling cons not scalable 4 / 42
  • 5. Some context DynamoDB "fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale" 5 / 42
  • 6. Some context DynamoDB "fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale" great for scalability, throughput with features like auto-scaling and global table replication 6 / 42
  • 7. Some context DynamoDB fully managed, serverless, key-value NoSQL database designed to run high-performance applications at any scale great for scalability, throughput with features like auto-scaling and global table replication downside of NoSQL DBs they do less work than relational databases for tasks such as querying and maintaining consistency/integrity and offer less tooling hence the code burden for the developer is significantly increased 7 / 42
  • 8. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful we are going to walk you through the process of creating a production grade Scala application using the Java JDK. Lets see how many LOC it takes to perform simple write and read operations. Here are the steps we are going to follow: create a typesafe model (case class) serialialse/deserialse the Scala model to the APIs model create API requests for wring and reading the model to the database execute the requests and process the results improve performance by using batching of requests as this is production grade we are going to use ZIO to manage effects, concurrency, Java interop ... 8 / 42
  • 9. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful final case class Student(email: String, // partition key subject: String, // sort key enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment) sealed trait Payment object Payment { final case object DebitCard extends Payment final case object CreditCard extends Payment final case object PayPal extends Payment } 9 / 42
  • 10. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful we have to build a PutItemRequest import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ final case class Student(email: String, subject: String, enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment) sealed trait Payment object Payment { final case object DebitCard extends Payment final case object CreditCard extends Payment final case object PayPal extends Payment } def putItemRequest(student: Student): PutItemRequest = PutItemRequest.builder .tableName("student") .item(toAttributeValueMap(student).asJava) //Item: Map[String, AttributeValue] .build 10 / 42
  • 11. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful we have to serialise the Student case class to AttributeValue's final case class Student(email: String, subject: String, enrollmentDate: Option[Instant], payment: Payment) sealed trait Payment object Payment { final case object DebitCard extends Payment final case object CreditCard extends Payment final case object PayPal extends Payment } def putItemRequest(student: Student): PutItemRequest = PutItemRequest.builder .tableName("student") .item(toAttributeValueMap(student).asJava) .build def toAttributeValueMap(student: Student): Map[String, AttributeValue] = { Map( "email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(, "subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build ) } 11 / 42
  • 12. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful we have to deal with optional and sum types def toAttributeValueMap(student: Student): Map[String, AttributeValue] = { val mandatoryFields = Map( "email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(, "subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build, "payment" -> AttributeValue.builder.s { // serialise sum type student.payment match { case DebitCard => "DebitCard" case CreditCard => "CreditCard" case PayPal => "PayPal" } }.build ) val nonEmptyOptionalFields: Map[String, AttributeValue] = Map( "enrollmentDate" -> => AttributeValue.builder.s(instant.toString).build) ).filter(_._2.nonEmpty).view.mapValues(_.get).toMap mandatoryFields ++ nonEmptyOptionalFields } 12 / 42
  • 13. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful Now that we have saved a Student as an Item in the DynamoDb database we next need to create a GetItemRequest to retrieve it. GetItemRequest.builder .tableName("student") .key( Map( "email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s("").build, "subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s("maths").build ).asJava ) .build() 13 / 42
  • 14. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful Next have to de-serialise a GetItemResponse - a Map[String, AttributeValue] and deal with concerns such as: mandatory fields - if not present we want an error optional fields conversion to standard primitive type eg Instant Helper functions that return an Either[String, _] for managing errors def getString(map: Map[String, AttributeValue], name: String): Either[String, String] = map.get(name).toRight(s"mandatory field $name not found").map(_.s) def getStringOpt(map: Map[String, AttributeValue], name: String): Either[Nothing, Option[String]] = Right(map.get(name).map(_.s)) def parseInstant(s: String): Either[String, Instant] = Try(Instant.parse(s)) 14 / 42
  • 15. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful we create a deserialise function that uses the previous helpers note we have to de-serialise the Payment sum type def deserialise(item: Map[String, AttributeValue]): Either[String, Student] = for { email <- getString(item, "email") subject <- getString(item, "subject") maybeEnrollmentDateAV <- getStringOpt(item, "enrollmentDate") maybeEnrollmentDate <- maybeEnrollmentDateAV.fold[Either[String, Option[Instant]]](Right(None))(s => parseInstant(s).map(i => Some(i)) ) payment <- getString(item, "payment") paymentType = payment match { case "DebitCard" => DebitCard case "CreditCard" => CreditCard case "PayPal" => PayPal } } yield Student(email, subject, maybeEnrollmentDate, paymentType) 15 / 42
  • 16. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful stitching together all the functions using ZIO val program = for { client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient] student = Student("", "maths",, Payment.DebitCard) putRequest = putItemRequest(expectedStudent) _ <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.putItem(putRequest)) getItemRequest = getItemRequest(student) getItemResponse <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.getItem(getItemRequest)) studentItem = getItemResponse.item.asScala.toMap foundStudent = deserialise(studentItemstudentItem) } yield foundStudent 16 / 42
  • 17. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful But that's not fast enough - we want to use DDB batching for our Puts and Gets So we have to first create BatchWriteItemRequest def batchWriteItemRequest(students: List[Student]): BatchWriteItemRequest = { val putRequests = { student => val request = PutRequest .builder() .item(toAttributeValueMap(student).asJava) .build() WriteRequest.builder().putRequest(request).build() } BatchWriteItemRequest .builder() .requestItems(Map("student" -> putRequests.asJava).asJava) .build() } input is a List of Student which we map to WriteRequests for each student se use our toAttributeValueMap function to serilaise to an Item finally we create a BatchWriteItemRequest 17 / 42
  • 18. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful We then have to execute the batch and process the response def batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed( batchRequest: BatchWriteItemRequest ): ZIO[Has[DynamoDbAsyncClient], Throwable, BatchWriteItemResponse] = { val result = for { client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient] response <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.batchWriteItem(batchRequest)) } yield response result.flatMap { case response if response.unprocessedItems().isEmpty => ZIO.succeed(response) case response => // very simple recursive retry of unprocessed requests // in Production we would have exponential back offs and a timeout batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest = BatchWriteItemRequest .builder() .requestItems(response.unprocessedItems()) .build() ) } } 18 / 42
  • 19. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful We then have to create a BatchGetItemRequest def batchGetItemReq(studentPks: Seq[(String, String)]): BatchGetItemRequest = { val keysAndAttributes = KeysAndAttributes.builder .keys( { // for all students we extract the partition and sort keys case (email, subject) => Map( "email" -> AttributeValue.builder().s(email).build(), "subject" -> AttributeValue.builder().s(subject).build() ).asJava }.asJava ) .build() BatchGetItemRequest.builder .requestItems(Map("student" -> keysAndAttributes).asJava) .build() } 19 / 42
  • 20. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful We then have to execute the batch and process the response def batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest: BatchGetItemRequest) : ZIO[Has[DynamoDbAsyncClient], Throwable, BatchGetItemResponse] = { val result = for { client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient] response <- ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.batchGetItem(batchRequest)) } yield response result.flatMap { case response if response.unprocessedKeys.isEmpty => ZIO.succeed(response) case response => // very simple recursive retry of failed requests // in Production we would have exponential back offs and a timeout batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchRequest = BatchGetItemRequest.builder .requestItems(response.unprocessedKeys) .build ) } } 20 / 42
  • 21. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful putting it all together - full batching program val program = for { client <- ZIO.service[DynamoDbAsyncClient] avi = Student("", ...) adam = Student("", ...) students = List(avi, adam) batchPutRequest = batchWriteItemRequest(students) _ <- batchWriteAndRetryUnprocessed(batchPutRequest) batchGetItemResponse <- batchGetItemAndRetryUnprocessed(batchGetItemRequest( => (, st.subject)))) responseMap = batchGetItemResponse.responses.asScala listOfErrorOrStudent = responseMap.get("student") .fold[List[Either[String, Student]]](List.empty) { javaList => val listOfErrorOrStudent: List[Either[String, Student]] = => attributeValueMapToStudent(m.asScala.toMap)).toList listOfErrorOrStudent } // traverse! errorOrStudents = foreach(listOfErrorOrStudent)(identity) } yield errorOrStudents 21 / 42
  • 22. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful That's not all, we want to speed up our updates however there is no batching support in DDB for updates So we want to parallelise our updates def updateItemRequest(student: Student): UpdateItemRequest = { val values: Map[String, AttributeValue] = Map(":paymentType" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.payment.toString).build) UpdateItemRequest.builder .tableName("student") .key( Map( "email" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(, "subject" -> AttributeValue.builder.s(student.subject).build ).asJava ) .updateExpression("set payment = :paymentType") .expressionAttributeValues(values.asJava) .build } ... // we execute two queries in parallel using a ZIO zipPar ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.updateItem(updateItemRequest(updatedAvi))) zipPar ZIO.fromCompletionStage(client.updateItem(updateItemRequest(updatedAdam)) ) 22 / 42
  • 23. problem: using DDB Java SDK is painful Thats a lot of boilerplate! ...and this is just the tip of the iceberg - we have not covered // TODO: should I create more examples for any of these? // TODO: show how many lines of code // TODO: move though slides quickly @ explain at a higher level scanning and queries with key condition and filter expressions pagination of scan and query results complex projection expressions error handling TODO: solution is 23 / 42
  • 24. solution: zio-dynamodb Simple, type-safe, and efficient access to DynamoDB We are now going to write the equivelent application using zio-dynamodb and show you how much less boilerplate code there is. 24 / 42
  • 25. solution: zio-dynamodb val program = (for { avi = Student("", "maths", ...) adam = Student("", "english", ...) _ <- (DynamoDBQuery.put("student", avi) zip DynamoDBQuery.put("student", adam)).execute listErrorOrStudent <- DynamoDBQuery .forEach(List(avi, adam)) { st => DynamoDBQuery.get[Student]( "student", PrimaryKey("email" ->, "subject" -> st.subject) ) } .execute } yield EitherUtil.collectAll(listErrorOrStudent)) .provideCustomLayer( 25 / 42
  • 26. solution: zio-dynamodb offers a type safe API with auto serialisation auto batching and parallelisation queries testable using a fake in memory DB 26 / 42
  • 27. zio-dynamodb API 101 DynamoDBQuery its type and it's combinators auto batching and parallelisation how to create and execute a query Serialisation low level API built in type classes Expressions usages mutations operations query operations Serialisation high level type safe API note there is a 1:1 correspondence to the AWS API to aid discoverability 27 / 42
  • 28. DynamoDBQuery sealed trait DynamoDBQuery[+A] { def zip[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[(A, B)] = ?? def zipLeft[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[A] = ??? def zipRight[B](that: DynamoDBQuery[B]): DynamoDBQuery[B] = ??? def forEach[A, B](values: Iterable[A])(body: A => DynamoDBQuery[B]) : DynamoDBQuery[List[B]] def execute: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, A] = ??? } object DynamoDBQuery { // whole bunch of query constructors } Next lets create and execute some basic queries 28 / 42
  • 29. Simple Put for multiple tables val program = (for { _ <- (DynamoDBQuery.put("student", avi) zip DynamoDBQuery.put("student", adam) zip DynamoDBQuery.put("course", french) zip DynamoDBQuery.put("course", art) zip ).execute } yield ()) .provideCustomLayer( puts for multiple tables are batch together, grouped by table in the request 29 / 42
  • 30. Serialisation - Low level API AttributeValue sealed trait AttributeValue final case class Binary(value: Iterable[Byte]) extends AttributeValue final case class BinarySet(value: Iterable[Iterable[Byte]]) extends AttributeValue final case class Bool(value: Boolean) extends AttributeValue // ... etc etc final case class String(value: ScalaString) extends AttributeValue final case class Number(value: BigDecimal) extends AttributeValue This corresponds 1:1 with the AWS API AttributeValue 30 / 42
  • 31. Serialisation - Low level API AttrMap Top level container type for an Item with type aliases final case class AttrMap(map: Map[String, AttributeValue]) type Item = AttrMap type PrimaryKey = AttrMap Internal type classes take care of AttributeValue conversions val aviItem = Item("email" -> "", "age" -> 21) is equivalent to val aviPrimaryKey = AttrMap(Map("email" -> AttributeValue.String("email"), "age" -> AttributeValue.Number(BigDecimal(21))) 31 / 42
  • 32. Projection Expression Parser $("cost") // simple $("address.line1") // map $("adresses[1]") // list $("adresses[work].line1") // list with map The $ projection expression parser function takes a string field expression and turns it into the internal representation 32 / 42
  • 33. updates updateItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art"))( // UpdateExpression $("cost").set(500.0) + $("code").set("123") ) we can specify ProjectionExpression's $("cost") ... $("code") a ProjectionExpression has may update actions which can be combined using + $("count").set(1) $("field1").set($("field2")) // replaces filed1 with field2 $("count").setIfNotExists($("two"), 42) $("numberList").appendList(List("1")) $("numberList").prependList(List("1")) $("count").add(1) // updating Numbers and Sets $("count").remove // Removes this field from an item $("numberSet").deleteFromSet(1) $("person.address").set(Item("line1" -> "1 high street")) 33 / 42
  • 34. delete deleteItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art")) Both Update and Delete can have ConditionExpressions that must be met for the operation to succeed. For this we use the where method. where $("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5 applied to the queries deleteItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art")) where $("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5 updateItem("course", PrimaryKey("name" -> "art")) { // UpdateExpression $("cost").set(500.0) + $("code").set("123") } where $("code") > 1 && $("code") < 5 34 / 42
  • 35. queryAll val zio: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]] = queryAll("person", $("name"), $("address[1].line1")) .whereKey( PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10 ) .execute Note that we use a list of ProjectionExpression's again $("name"), $("address[1].line1") The whereKey method specifies a KeyConditionExpression .whereKey( PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10 ) ... and we get back a ZStream that the library lazily paginates for us val queryAll: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]] 35 / 42
  • 36. querySome val zio = querySomeItem("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1")) .whereKey(PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10) .execute ... and we get back a ZIO of (Chunk[Person], LastEvaluatedKey) type LastEvaluatedKey = Option[PrimaryKey] val q: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, (Chunk[Item], LastEvaluatedKey)] and we use the startKey method to feed back the LastEvaluatedKey to get the next page of data val zio = querySomeItem("person", limit = 5, last$("name"), $("address[1].line1")) .whereKey(PartitionKey("partitionKey1") === "x" && SortKey("sortKey1") > 10) .startKey(startKey) .execute 36 / 42
  • 37. scanAll, scanSome scanAll These are similar to the previous queryAll/querySome queries val zio: ZIO[Has[DynamoDBExecutor], Exception, Stream[Exception, Person]] = scanAll("person", $("name"), $("address[1].line1")).execute scanSome val zio = scanSome("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1")).execute ... val zio = scanSome("person", limit = 5, $("name"), $("address[1].line1")) .startKey(startKey) .execute 37 / 42
  • 38. Condition Expressions $("field1").exists $("field1").notExists $("field1").beginsWith("1") $("field1").contains("1") $("field1").size > 1 $("field1").isNumber condition1 && condition2 condition1 || condition2 !conition1 $("field1") > 1.0 $("field1") > $("col2") $("field1") === $("col2") $("field1") === "2" $("field1").between("1", "2") $("field1").in(Set("1", "2")) $("field1").in("1", "2") 38 / 42
  • 39. Condition Expressions cont. Apply to updateItem delete queryXXXX/scanXXXX 39 / 42
  • 40. ConditionExpressions for query and scan 40 / 42
  • 41. Serialisation - High level API High level API uses zio-schema to create codecs 41 / 42
  • 42. summary (3 slide) wrap-up (1 slide) Java SDK is painful ZIO DynamoDB is a joy Learning more (1 slide) Thank you (1 slide) 42 / 42