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Intellectual Disability Depicted In The Film The Other Sister
The movie, The Other Sister tells a story about a young woman in her early–twenties named Carla Tate, who struggles with adjusting to normative
societal constructs after being institutionalized for over ten years. Once Carla graduates from the institution she is quickly reintegrated into her family's
first–class environment with the help from her overly protective mother, her passive father, and her uninvolved sisters. Carla is determined to work for
her independence by going to school, obtaining a degree, living on her own, and seeking out love (Hoberman, 1999).
There were six main characters featured in the film The Other Sister: Carla Tate and her two sisters, her mother and father, and her love interest Daniel.
On Carla's first day she ... Show more content on ...
For example, it was earlier stated that parents of children that have a disability tend to be overprotective. This is an example of a negative, yet
accurate depiction. It is negative because of the obvious negative outcomes that overprotectiveness can have, just as the film showed for Carla;
Carla often felt smothered by her mother and lead her to run a way. Another negative aspect was the flashbacks of Carla's childhood where she
would be teased and bullied because she was "different". While this description is negative, as discussed earlier, it is also sadly accurate. A positive
yet accurate depiction would be the ability for Carla to fall in love. To have the ability to feel emotions and express them can be a beautiful thing, and
at times be one of the most self–fulfilling thing that a person can do in their life. Carla and Danny both fell in love and felt an array of emotions that
where normal and nothing but common in those that have a mild disability. One of the biggest positive messages that this film pushed was the ability
for an adult with a mild disability to be able to have independence and to live on their own. This was something that Carla wanted desperately for
herself, just like any other person would want for themselves as an adult (Abery, Disabilty and the Family, 2017;
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The Other Sister Analysis
The film The Other Sister was produced by Garry Marshall in the year 1999. The film follows Carla Tate, a twenty–two year old woman with an
intellectual disability, as she comes home to her wealthy family in northern California after graduating from a training school for the "mentally
challenged". Carla desires more independence from her family through earning a diploma from a technical school. On her first day of classes, Carla
meets Danny, a boy with a similar disability, who lives on his own and works at a bakery. Carla becomes envious of Danny's freedom and eventually
convinces her overprotective mother that she is able to move out into her own apartment and live independently. Soon her and Danny fall in love and
the rest of the film follows their relationship as they explore their sexuality and their continued fight for independence from Carla's overbearing mother.
Carla is the main character of the film and throughout the film Carla fights the traditional roles that people with disabilities hold in society. Carla
desires to go back to school and become a Veterinarian's assistant and eventually enrolls at a nearby technical school. Carla has high hopes and
aspirations for life, but no matter how independent she tries to be, she is repeatedly the victim of her mother's overprotective nature. In another scene,
Elizabeth again attempts to control Carla by redecorating her room. Carla becomes upset by her changing the room without her permission and closes
her eyes in
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Summary Of Meteorite Mountain By Bii Big Sister
In the story, "Meteorite Mountain" by Can Xue we get an insight look at Little sister's and Big sister's relationship. We see that both characters are
opposites and they do not see eye to eye on everything, but they accept the fact that they are not the same and that neither one or the other is going
to change. Their relationship helps us see the struggle within ourselves of whether we should follow our heart or listen to what our mind is telling
us like in the excerpt above Little sister followed her heart and found what she was looking for while Big sister finally understands the way Little
sister thinks and, " there was nothing she could not do" (37). This conflict of views is essential to the story because we see that Big sister tends to
use her mind to make decisions and she's more serious and not as opened minded as Little sister, but Little sister on the other hand is more open
minded and decides follows her heart.... Show more content on ...
I think in the end Big sister understands why Little sister left her and it was because she, "found what she had been looking for all her life" (37).
She found love not only for Huimin, but also for the mountain itself. Deep down I think Big sister is jealous of Little sister. In the passage Big
sister says, "I even think it's fortunate little sister is married off to that place" (36). Big sister is jealous that Little sister just goes for it and follows
her heart while she cannot because she must think everything out so for her to just take a leap of faith and follow her heart is not something she would
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The Other Sister Character Analysis
Other Sister was released in 1999, by Touchstone Pictures. It was directed by Garry Marshall, and featured Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi. The
Other Sister is a heart–warming and humorous movie about two young adult's journey to find their independence. It also happens to feature two main
characters that have intellectual disabilities.
The Other Sister is a movie about a young woman, Carla Tate, who has an intellectualdisability. The movie begins with Carla's father, Radley, picking
her up from a boarding school for children with special needs. Although Radley is excited to see Carla, she seems indifferent towards him. Before
leaving she gives her doctor a long hug, showing that Carla forms strong emotional bonds. Radley takes Carla home ... Show more content on ...
One thing that I may have added was some information about Daniel's past. His parents don't seem supportive or understanding of him. His father gets
upset with him, and cuts off his funding when he doesn't do well in classes. He then tells Daniel that it's his mother's turn to take care of him. To me, it
seems like neither of his parents really want anything to do with him. I would think that this would cause Daniel more distress than he shows.
I think that if someone with a disability watched The Other Sister they would think that it sends a good message. Carla and Daniel aren't "perfect" or
"angels" like some people think that people with disabilities are. They are just like neurotypical people in that they have unique strengths and
weaknesses. They really are just their own individual people.
The Other Sister serves as a good reminder that people with disabilities aren't really all that much different from neurotypical people. I sometimes
find myself falling into the trap of thinking that people with disabilities are innocent or are always in need of help. Just because some people have
disabilities doesn't mean that it's fair of me to hold them all to the same standards. Next time I find myself generalizing people with disabilities, I will
try to step back and see them how they see
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Sibling Relationships In Pride And Prejudice
Jane Austen puts an emphasis on both loyal and rival sibling relationships in all of her works, and these relationships prove to be as important, if not
more important, than those relationships of marriage. Pride and Prejudice offers insight on many sets of siblings. Sibling pairs each present different
ways in which they interact with each other, and the dynamic of their relationship. The way in which Austen portrays certain sets of siblings may be a
mirror of the way she was with her sister Cassandra, whom she was very close. Inspiration for these relationships may have come from ones she
experienced first hand, or witnessed throughout her years. Pride and Prejudice expertly highlights the significance of sibling bonds, and how important
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The older Bennett sisters have a loyalty for each other that is apparent when Charlotte is engaged to Mr. Collins. Elizabeth is mortified and has no
problem expressing that to her sister. "of whose rectitude and delicacy she was sure her opinion could never be shaken." They are loyal to one
another when it truly matters most. They value the others point of view and opinion, and were able to teach each other a few things along the way.
The scene where their bond is most present is when Elizabeth runs to Netherfield when she hears Jane is ill. Elizabeth insists on seeing her sister and
walks through wet fields only to show up disheveled and muddy. Jane's other sisters did not insist on seeing her, only Elizabeth did which shows how
important their relationship is to each other.
Jane and Elizabeth are both caretaker and teacher to the other. Normally the older sibling gives advice and educated the younger. In Pride and
Prejudice, the roles are reversed in a way with the younger sister educating the older sister. They teaching does go both ways with Elizabeth
instructing Jane in reason and sense, and Jane teaching Elizabeth the virtue of modesty and tolerance. Elizabeth states that Jane is "too good. Your
sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic;" Elizabeth helps Jane better observe others and in a way acts as a parent to her.
Throughout Pride and Prejudice it is difficult to miss the
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Eulogy For Grandmother
When one becomes a sister, a seed is planted in the depths of both of their hearts. In order to grow, the seed requires the warmth of the other's love, a
dousing of compliments, and a breath of encouragement. After some time, the seed blooms into a beautiful flower and gains the gazes of many. It is
the job of the other sister to protect her flower, so that it never gets picked. I am a sister.
The day I became one, was the first day I left the house without a doll in tow.
"I'm gonna have a new doll now, right Gramma?"
Grandma smiled as she buckled me in.
"Right, but this one you'll have to take extra good care of," she responded with a wink.
When Grandma and I arrived at the hospital, a kind nurse led us down a hall to a window enclosed room. I immediately pressed my little nose and
palms against the glass and peered in with a bit of confusion. Three years and a couple feet tall, I did not understand why I couldn't hold her yet. I
also expected her to resemble one of my dolls, but that wasn't the case. None of my dolls ever turned blue or had cords all over their body and face.
Mommy and daddy gently rested their hands on my shoulders. They appeared tired, a way I had never seen them before.
"Meagan is not doing well," they explained.
"Meagan.." I tried the word on my tongue.
The doctors entered behind the glass, and I watched as they began pressing buttons on the machines.
"Well I'm her sister. I can help her. Let me in there," I responded knowingly.
"Not right now
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Finding The Underlying Conflict Sam
The director may have used this portion of the movie to establish the underlying conflict Sam is being questioned about. The court system
consistently states that Lucy will surpass his IQ by her next birthday. The judge claims that due to his "low intelligence," Sam will not be able to take
care of Lucy as well as someone with a higher mental age. Although this is the court's assumption, does this make Sam any less capable of raising Lucy?
Mindsets such as Henry Goddard, author of the Kallikak Family Study and translator of Binet's original IQ test, mimic the thought process similar to
the court system in the film. Goddard states that the, "fixed character of mental levels" was the reason why some people were poor and unemployed.
The fault ... Show more content on ...
This response is the exact situation society should be avoiding. In this sense, the characters have realistic attributes, but caricatured portrayals to hook
the viewer and keep continuous interest. However, I deeply question if this method is how cinema should educate society. Are these filmmakers setting
a stage for stereotypes and jokes that should not be laugh matters?
In I Am Sam, Samuel Dawson is fun–loving, extroverted, and detail–minded. He favors routine and shows consistency in his love for others. When he's
not dressed in his Starbucks uniform, he is generally found wearing a neutral– colored polo and jacket. Sam is presented as a persistent and determined
father who cares for anyone present in his life. His actions of love are displayed in big events such as his fight for custody for his daughter as well as
smaller scaled tasks like his delicacy in organizing the sugar packets at his workplace.
Throughout the duration of the film, Sam encounters individuals who positively grow due to their interactions with him. Characters such as Rita, enter
his life with harsh attitudes and hostile commentary. In Michelle Pfeiffer's opening scene, she's found cutting off her son and therapist in a fury full of
tears. She appears to be cold– hearted and a hard professional shell to crack. Remarkably, her time spent with Sam begins to mold her personality.
While learning
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Sisters Of St Joseph Impact On Society
The Sisters of Saint Joseph have had a huge impact in our community. They are a group started by Mary Mackillop an Australian Woman and
Father Julian Tension Woods an English priest, on March 19th 1866. The sisters of Saint Joseph are a group of women who respond to the needs
of others. From the beginning Mary and Julian encouraged The Sisters of Saint Joseph to share the lives and concerns of people to others who were
Ministers. The Sisters of Saint Joseph aimed to provide education for the children of Penola. In 1900, they had made foundations in all 7 states of
Australia and New Zealand and all 600 Sister mourned the passing of Mary Mackillop in 1909. The Sisters of Saint Joseph are involved with many
things including the work which is involved
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Tate Family Assessment from the Other Sister
Concepts of Family Nursing Theory
Nursing 464
Karen Mittura RN. MSN, CCRN
Aug 06, 2006
Family Assessment Tate Family This is an assessment of the Tate Family, from the movie The Other Sister. It is the story of Carla Tate, a young
woman who has 'graduated' out of the training school where she has resided for many years because she is mentally challenged. Her hope is that she
will be accepted for all that she can now do for herself. But Carla's family is wealthy, which permits her mother, already blinded to her daughter's rather
high–functioning abilities, to try and provide for Carla beyond her needs or desires, bringing forth the inevitable confrontations. What Carla may lack
in mental ability she certainly makes up for in ... Show more content on ...
Water: Because Carla reports not enjoying the taste of water and due to her developmental delays she will maintain hydration by drinkingsugar free
decaffeinated beverages and juice.
Air: Carla will also remain indoors during weather alerts and will contain her exercise to indoor activities.
Food: The father has a reported condition of high blood pressure and when taken at the assessment it was 190/102. He is on medications but will
receive education regarding nutritional importance. He will consume fresh foods and remove as many pre–packaged foods as possible from his daily
Water: he will remain hydrated by drinking four to six glasses of water a day. The slightly reduced amount of water as compared to his wife and
daughters is to reduce the possibility that the high blood pressure will become aggravated by high water intake while still allowing him an amount of
water that will keep him hydrated.
Air: The father has asthma therefore he will be educated about how to protect himself during high pollution alerts. He will complete most of his
exercise in an indoor setting each session. He will exercise three times a week with indoor activities including treadmill, racquetball and swimming.
The mother who is 56 years old will schedule a mammogram and complete it along with her Gynecologist appointment this year. She is consistent about
visiting her dentist twice a
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Review Of ' The Other Sisters '
The Other Sister is a story about child who is mentally challenged, born in a family with two sisters, a father who is unable to admit she has a
disability, and a mother dealing with the guilt of sending her daughter to a facility to help learn how to cope on a day–to–day basis. Upon completion
of school, Carla's father brings her home to live and begin her life again in her family home. She wants to gain her independence, which is very
difficult for her mother to understand; she still see's her Carla as someone who is unable to conform to the standard, the usual or typical life of young
women. On the other hand, Carla's father and sister's see that Carla is excited to live a life full of love, adventure and independence.
The innocence and honesty the movie captures is fantastic! It showed the emotional, enjoyment, and acceptance of the daily lives of those who live
with a mentally challenged disability; not only what they go through on a daily basis, but what the family members feel and experience. Carla is
determined to live a normal life, go to a "regular" school, live in her own apartment and find love. Carla's mother has a difficult time accepting that
she is a strong independent, young woman who can be successful in life. However, with her determination, willingness to be totally honest with her
family, she is able to express what she wants and succeed in doing those things whether her family agrees or disagrees. Carla takes the big step of
going to college and
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How Does Julia Alvarez Show Courage In The Time Of The...
The novel In the time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvares is an incredible story about four sisters , known as the Mirabel sisters from the dominican
republic. They want to over throw the Evil dictator rafael Trujillo. As a result of the deaths of the three sisters Dede is left to tell the story of her
sisters and continues to keep the story alive. The author tells the story in a way where you can see how each sister shows courage and purpose.
One of the purposes used in this novel was to show how important it is to help and care for others just like the Marible sisters cared for each other.
The Author also used courage to show us that you shouldn't let anyone get in the way of your life or stop you from living your dreams, just how the
Mirables sisters didn't let trujillo get in the way.
Throughout the novel Julia Alvares includes many symbols and characterization to teach us how courage and purpose is represented by each of the
sisters. Whenever you t ... Show more content on ...
The Mirabel sisters cared for everyone , even when they joined the movement against the dictator. They did not go against trujillo because of
themselves but for everyone. This took the mirabal sisters physical courage because they had to physically participate in going against trujillo and his
regime. A way the author symbolized this was by using the mosquito nets, "our side–to–side beds were already set up for the night with mosquito
nets"pg14 . The mosquito nets represent being trapped but eventually The mosquitos could escape by the help of other mosquitos , like when one
person stads up for someting is not right , someone else will have the courage to do the same . thats what the mirable sisters
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Non-Profit Organization: The Little Sisters Of The Poor
This report is on the non–profit organization, the Little Sisters of the Poor. It explains where and when and how the organization was started. It shows
the purpose of the organization and what the Little Sister do. It also goes into detail on how this non–profit organization is funded and how successful
it manages its funds from donations. The report will analyze how successfully this organization fulfills its purpose. Lastly, there is a recommendation
from the author on what the organization could do to better fulfill its mission. The History of the Little Sister of the Poor The Little Sister of the Poor
have done much good work in helping the poor and elderly. They look at the poor and elderly of the world and reach out to them to aid them... Show
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The biggest and issue that the Little Sisters of the Poor face today is one of religious freedom. This issue is not particular to certain home, this issue
involves every home in the United States. The issue being that the Little Sisters are forced to provide Obamacare for its employs, the Obamacare
requires the coverage of contraceptive and this goes against the morale beliefs of the Sisters. The reason that this goes against the Little Sister's belief
of protecting life until natural death, and contraceptive is a direct opposite to life. The other option, instead of providing contraceptive, would be to fill
out a form that tells the HHS that this issue goes against the religious beliefs of the organization. "Filling out the form does not insulate them from
complicity in the facilitation of potentially life–ending drugs and devices, and that substantially burdens their free exercise of religion" ("Slatterly,"
2015). This is not the first time this issue has been raised and this is just the continuation of the original issue of Zubik v. Burwell ("Kurt," 2015). The
Little Sisters have become a face to the public of fighting for religious rights. The Denver–based Little Sisters order, which operates nursing homes for
the elderly poor, has been the symbol of the case since Dec. 31, 2013 ("Kurt," 2015). Since then there has been a stay in the debate and the case
will be discussed before the High Court on March 23, 2016 ("Kurt," 2015). The outcome of the vocal debate ended in dead lock and no choice being
decide, which mean that this issue would be raised again the following year, in order to come to a
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Interstellar By Rebecca Mcclanahan
Rebecca McClanahan's essay, "Interstellar," is a memoir explaining what it is like, "To be the sister of a sad and beautiful woman," (354). This line is
one of the many uses of repetition the narrator utilizes to speak on the relationships her sister and her endure, while also explaining their relationship
with each other. These relationships are magnified by the narrator's use of literary elements such as metaphors, allusion, repetition, second person voice
and her diction. These elements help develop characters, as well as give us a deeper sense of the relationships between the characters themselves. In
McClanahan's, "Interstellar," she builds her relationship with her sister and her sister's character through the use of metaphors. In... Show more content
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This metaphor of the stars goes from showing us the envy the narrator had to possibly just being her feeling left out, not necessarily a bitter
feeling towards her sister. The metaphor continues by explaining that stars are corruptible, "Stars are not made of heavenly ether, but of the same
corruptible elements that comprise earth" (357). This piece of the metaphor is in reference to the sister and how her beauty is waning and she
isn't treated as beautifully as she "should be" as we see the abuse she endured when she was raped, and from there she seems to cycle in and out of
harmful relationships. In addition, the stars being corruptible show us the transformation of how the narrator from being childishly jealous of her
sister to now her view of her sister is corrupted, she now feels bad and pities her sister. To conclude the essay the metaphor finalizes by stating, "You
want to spin back light years from today, hold your sister on your lap, rock her luminous beauty in your arms until it stops hurting" (359). This
metaphor brings the essay to a close and helps the reader realize that the author just cares for her sister, no longer envying her or wanting to be the
star– but only wishing that all the wrongdoing she endured for being such a "luminous beauty" would dissipate. The family constellation was the sister
as the star, always chased by men and other observers making them the tail. However, this transforms into the narrator being the tail, not
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The Other Sister Analysis
The Other Sister was release February 26 1999. After watching the movie I best believe it best relates to Chapter 5 learners with intellectual disability.
In the movie, the main character Carla has an intellectual disability. Her parents at a young age send her away to a school that can cope with her
needs. After leaving the school 10 years later, Carla moves back in with her parents. She finds the urge to want to be independent so she makes the
step by going to school. her parents were very skeptical at first because they didn't know her abilities. Her parents were having trouble letting Carla be
an adult because of her disability. When she went to school she made a friend that also has an intellectual disability (Danny). Befriending Danny she
sees that he lives an independent life; riding bus, having an apartment, and going to school. She then seeks more independence by wanting her own
apartment. Her parents have their apprehensions about letting Carla move by herself but eventually warm up to the ideal. Shortly after she starts to fall
in love with Danny. The young in love couple finds it a great ideal to get married. Her parents didn't support the marriage because Danny was poor and
they didn't know his true intentions with their daughter. After the couple went against their parents and got married the family accepted her decision
because she did it all by herself. Carla faced the problem that her family might not understand her completely since she was sent away for
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The Other Sister Analysis
The film The other sister follows a mildly mentally disabled girl in her life after getting out of a special school. The film takes you through her
issues between her mom, going out and living on her own and even getting a boyfriend. Through the character Carla many different aspects of
psychology are displayed. Upon Carla getting out of her special school and coming home she must overcome the difficulties of having an
overbearing authoritarian mother. She thinks she is wrong when her mother is trying to make decisions for her own good. An example of this is
seen when Carla's mother changes her room while she is away. Despite becoming a woman, she still wants her stuff from her younger days, but her
mother tries to tell her that it is better for her now. Carla is very hesitant and constantly tries to voice her personal opinion on certain matters. Her
mother has a very authoritarian parenting style. Carla wants to go to a new school to pursue her career goals, however her... Show more content on ...
She falls into the trap of identity vs role confusion. When she first goes to school she witnesses a girl flirting with the teacher and lifting her shirt.
She goes home and attempts to copy it thinking that is how older independent females act. She does not truly know who she is and allows what she
sees in others have a large impact on her. As she quests on for independence she feels unhappy with her current situation and wants to get an
apartment. In langin and Rodin's study they found that in nursing homes the people felt happier when they still had independence in taking care of a
plant. Carla strives to have independence in her life and take care of herself. Once she moves out and is on her own she becomes happier with her
life. Her having control over more things in her life was allowing her to gain the independence she wanted and the independence was what made her
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A Definition Of A Parable
A definition of a Parable is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. In this essay, I am
going to explore what I think the author in this four character play meant by the title "Doubt" The play takes place in a Catholic school in the
Bronx. The performers are, the school principal Sister Aloysius Beauvier; she is of the order of the Sisters of Charity age about 55, she is
watchful, reserved, and unsentimental. Father Brendan Flynn; a working class priest age late thirties, Sister James a nun also of the Sisters of
Charity in her twenties and Mrs. Muller age 38 a black women, the mother of the only black student at the school. Some examples of Doubts are,
Sister Aloysius puts doubts in Sister James mind on her teaching ability. She criticizes her enthusiasm for teaching history. Clams her love for history
risks swaying the children to value it over other subjects. Sister James main goal is to be a good teacher and have the students like her. According to,
Sister Aloysius having the students like you is a weakness, they must fear you and if something occurs in the classroom that you don't understand, you
must come to me. Next Sister Aloysius puts Doubts in Sister James mind about Father Flynn. Sister James opinion of him is that he is a brilliant man
and a great speaker. Sister Aloysius wants Sister James to be alert for any unusual actions of Father Flynn and is concerned about matters in St Nicholas
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The Western Place By Maxine Hong Kingston
When Two Different Worlds Collide
Throughout the book, "The Western Place" , by Maxine Hong Kingston, there is a differential gap between the two sisters who come from two
different sides of the world. A lot of differences between the two sisters and their personal lifestyles comes from one sister living in America as a
Chinese–American and the other sister living in China. In the story Brave Orchid who is the sister that is brave, outspoken, and sometimes cruel sees
life as a bundle of opportunities to take with no regret. However, it is different when her sister Moon Orchid comes into town from China because
she is the complete opposite. Moon Orchid is rather humble, timid, and quiet while she observes the lifestyle of her sister and nieces and nephews.
In the chapter , at "The Western Place" , Brave Orchid sends for her sister Moon Orchid to come to America and to confront her husband who is
living another life and is remarried. However, conflict arises as the two sisters have complete opposite thoughts and personalities. Brave Orchids whose
name completely describes her – urges her sister to visit her husband. However, while Moon Orchid is completely fine without her husband, she feels
pressured by her sister to do what was asked of her. While Brave Orchid is the complete package of what a chinese woman and her traditions would
represent while living the American lifestyle– Moon Orchid is rather surprised by the actions of her sister and nieces and nephews. For
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Definition Essay: Bonding Through Sisterhood
Bonding Through Sisterhood Have you ever known someone so well they will forever be your best friend? That is the experience of having a sister.
The interpretation of the word sister can be taken in numerous ways. The dictionary definition of a sister is "a woman or girl in relation to other
daughters and sons of her parents." Even though this definition is accurate, it does not go into further detail on what an actual sister is. Sisters create
another form of love that is deeper than any connection imaginable. The relationship between sisters is complicated and effortless at the same time.
Some people may believe that sisters can be aggravating, although, overall this is not true, instead they usually show their love through a special bond
and competitive instincts. Although some people claim siblings are annoying and difficult to get along with, that is not the case. The typical job of the
sister is to irritate, which in some cases is obvious. A sister is not someone who is untrustworthy, harmful, or full of jealousy. A sister is not a mistake
or just another member of the family, they play a larger role in life. There may be fights between sisters, except this is not uncommon or a negative part
of the sister experience, it is the perfect ... Show more content on ...
A sister is an eternal best friend that you can do anything with. She is someone to share deepest and darkest secrets to. A sister will comfort you
when you are sick, or make you laugh when you are having a bad day. She will always be truthful and loyal. The job of a sister is to lift the other
sister up when she is down, but teasing is also included in the role. A common saying that describes the relationship of sisterhood is that they will be
for each other "through thick and thin". This is true too, sisters have a tendency to always be there for each other. No matter how frustrating a fight can
become, the bond of sisterhood will forever keep them
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Mirabel Research Paper
Mirabel has four sisters and they are Patria, Maria Teresa, Minerva, and Dede The Mirabal sisters are Dominican. Patria got married young.
According to Julia Alvarez (2010), she describe Minerva as the intelligent sister and Patria as the religious sister. Dede seems to be the sister that has
things at home in control. She was the one who received the lady for the interview and was able to tell her a lot about the family. In fact, the father
states that Dede is the one in the family to most likely become millionaire. Maria Teresa was the sister that always wanted to be acknowledge in the
family because she was eight–year old child. The sister are similar in the aspect that they care about one another and defend each other. For instance,
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The Narrative Of Anne Frank's Life
Anne Frank has a book that is second non–fiction read book behind the bible. Anne
Frank took care of her sister while her sister was sick and while she was sick. SHe would also do anything to get food for her family and mostly her
sister because she was the only person she had. I think Anne Frank should get the medal of honor for all the things she did for her family and how she
helped out everybody else.
When Anne Sister was sick she would take care of her even tho she was struggling also.
If she would of lost her sister she wouldn't have anybody else because everybody else had died or got taken to a different camp so she tried to do the
best she could. SHe would do anything for her sister no matter what the consequences were. She told her sister stories about what they ... Show more
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I think Anne would of done anything she possibly could to get food for her and her sister.
Other people think she shouldn't get the prize and other people who survived should get it or someone who helped free all of them. They think that
she didn't help her family but everybody knows that she tried her hardest to help her family out no matter what it took. Other people thought that she
didn't share her food or anything but actually that's not true because she shared her food with her sister and gave some of her cloths to other people
that really needed it. Anne frank did everything thing she could to help out people so don't listen to everybody else because what i'm yelling you right
now is the truth.
I think Anne Frank should get the medal of honor for many different reasons and actions that she did. She helped her sister while she was sick and
while her sister was sick. She tried her hardest to get food for her and her sister so they wouldn't starve to death. In conclusion I think Anne Frank
should get the medal of honor because of all the stuff she did for her family and how she helped out other people when she also needed the blanket and
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Essay about Why the Mirabel Sisters are Butterflies
Dictator, a word that has haunted people throughout history, it means a leader who rules a country with absolute power, usually by force. Trujillo
was a dictator of that kind, he was a role model in front of his people, but a murderer in the shadows. There were those who went against him in order
to gain their freedom, among those brave souls were the Mirabel sister who fought for their freedom. These radicalists were known as The Butterflies,
which consisted of the Mirabel sisters. The Butterflies went through a metamorphosis just like butterflies; they transformed themselves into symbols of
peace through stages in their life.
Although the Mirabel sisters were four ordinary children growing. As young girls the sisters had learned of the ... Show more content on
In addition, Trujillo was friends with the head of the armed forces, and friends with his wife's lover. One day Trujillo told the general about his wife
having an affair with another man, and Trujillo became the head of the armed forces soon after the general shot his wife and her lover. (17). Even
though the sisters didn't want to believe it the accusations against their president, but began to realize how true they were. Over time the sisters met
others that didn't agree with their president's ways, and that is how the Mirabel sisters came to join the Virgilio Morales.
Although the sisters joined the revolt to stop Trujillo, they also joined to make the Dominican Republic a better place. During their involvement with
the rebels, the sisters became known as The Butterflies, because they were a sign of hope and change. The sisters had a unique characteristic that
they sparked a change in people. Rufino, their driver, said, "A Dio' Dona DedГ©, you think I'll let anything happen to the butterflies? They'll have
to kill me first" (269). Rufino said he would give his life so save the sisters during their prison break of the men captured by Trujillo. Rufino was
willing to put his life on the line for the Butterflies, because he knew they were a symbol for their movement due to their dedication towards a better
The Mirabel sisters truly are butterflies in every way, because they go through
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Why I Live In The Po Analysis
Alaysia Mitchell
Professor Cohen
English 102
Essay 1
Character Analysis In the story, "Why I Live in the P.O.", is based on two sisters that have unresolved issues between each other that become so
heated it pushes one sister to her breaking point of moving out and into a post office. The two sisters, Sister and Stella–Rondo, are having issues
between each other based on issues they have experienced growing up. The issues have stemmed from Mama's, their mother. relationship problems she
has had in the past. Rather than communicate with her children, she sides with Stella and attacks Sister. Sister is more of the laid back sister that just
minds her own business meanwhile Stella–Rondo is the complete opposite. Stella–Rondo is the sister that wants everything to be about her and always
wants to be the center of attention. Based on Stella's attitude towards Sister, she has become more rebellious towards Stella. The family treats Stella
like a princess and sides with her on everything she says and does. The issues that ... Show more content on ...
Sister and Mr. Whitaker have dated the past, but Stella had an affair with him during her sister's active relationship. Suddenly, Stella decided to
leave and move to Illinois without a reason or explanation. Sister begins to put the pieces together and believes that Stella is nothing but a liar.
Sister is very determined that she will prove to her family what is truly going on with Stella's life, especially her adopted daughter, Shirley T. Stella
already knows Sister is telling the truth about her, but she is afraid to admit it and the attention will no longer be on her. Based on what Sister has
told the family, Stella begins to tell the family Sister is lying and Shirley T is truly her daughter, and she did not interfere with Stella and Mr.
Whitaker's relationship. The family always automatically believes Stella and this is when Sister has reached her breaking
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The Other Bronte Sister: Charlotte Essay
Would you expect a person who has endured countless tragedies to still achieve a life of success? Charlotte Bronte is an inspirational woman of the
1800s. She had always found a way to have success even when the odds were stacked against her. Charlotte Bronte has written many poems and
books beginning at a young age with the help of her siblings. Charlotte is an empowering force to women explaining that if you want something back
enough you can always achieve it. Charlotte has had quite the journey filled with inspiration throughout her early life, later days, and even in the
writings her poetry. Charlotte "Jane Eyre" Bronte was born April 21, 1816. She was born the third daughter out of six children. In 1824, Charlotte and
her older... Show more content on ...
At first their proposal to publish the book was turned down due to the Bronte's publisher telling them it was improper to produce books by a
woman, so they each created a pseudonym making them Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. In 1846, Charlotte Bronte and her sisters published their
book of poems, however sales were low. (Bronte, 167) Charlotte soon became more consumed in her own writings and began to work on her book
Jane Eyre. ( In May of 1846, Anne Bronte died of consumption. This had affected the writing of
Jane Eyre for Charlotte. Jane Eyre was conceived as a fused experience of Charlotte's childhood at Cowan Bridge, the death of her sisters, ordeals
as a governess, testing experience of love, and her place in it. In 1847, Jane Eyre was published. Jane Eyre was said to be a vey powerful piece
written by Charlotte and could possibly be one of best books she has ever written. However, despite the success Charlotte obtained with Jane Eyre, her
luck seemed to alter. In the September of 1848, Charlotte's brother, Branwell, died due to heavy drinking. If this was not bad enough, Charlotte's sister
Emily died that following December due to consumption just like their sisters before her. This grief caused Charlotte and her father to become closer
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Children With Special Needs A Wonderful Part Of Our World...
Children with special needs are a wonderful part of our world today. A child with special needs bring a whole new life to those who they are around.
They light up our world when we are around them and do not see when there is trouble with different issues. After watching the two movies, Lorenzo's
Oil and The Other Sister, my eyes were opened even more about living with children who have special needs. Lorenzo's Oil is based on a true story
of Michalla and Augosto Odone and their son Lorenzo. When Lorenzo is just five years old he is diagnosed with a disease called
Adrenoleukodystrophy also called ALD. Once he is diagnosed the Odone's do everything they can to find a cure for this terminal disease. After talking
with doctors they find out that Lorenzo only had about two years to love. With that being said both Michalla and Augosto do everything in their power
to lengthen his prognosis. ALD is a genetic disorder that is X linked. This disease causes the body to not be able to break down the long chain of fatty
acids, because of this then the myelin sheath that is around the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord begins to deteriorate. There are many different
symptoms that one produces such as: hyperactivity, decreased school performance, difficulty understanding verbal communication, hard time
swallowing, muscle spasms and change in muscle tone, loss of hearing, visual impairment or blindness, and seizures. These are just some of the
symptoms that ALD patients have. Despite
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The For A Good Reputation
1.Tenacious; adjective; tending to keep a firm hold of something; cling on to something; The couple was tenacious in the sense that they kept holding
on to their marriage. Although they were had problems they would cling on to the thought that it was all going to get better. They were so tenacious
because they had kids and did not want anything to change. They later realized it was not worth it and nothing was going to change. They decide to
stop being so tenacious and got a divorce.
2.Tenure; noun; the act or length of time that something is held; term of office; As a president, one would not like to have an unsuccessful tenure. A
president would try to act wisely throughout his term in order to keep a good reputation. Presidents only have a four–year tenure, and if re–elected,
they will have another four years. Since their tenure is so short, they need to make the best of it. They will try and make a difference within the time
they have.
3.Thwart; verb; prevent (someone) from accomplishing something; to get in the way of or stop someone from doing something; There are many things
that may have thwarted me from from going to college. For example, none of my parents went to college, and they are both immigrants. Another thing
that me have hindered me might have been the fact that I came from a low–income family. However, my financial aid has helped me pay for my
education. My motivation for a higher education overcame everything that may have thwarted me from going to
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Analysis Of ' Beauty And The Beast ' And Apuleius 's Cupid...
Jeanne–Marie LePrince de Beaumont's "Beauty and the Beast" and Apuleius's "Cupid and Psyche" both use a pair of sisters as a shadow figure to the
beauty in the story. A shadow figure is a term used from Carl Jung's "Process of Individuation", that describes the character who impedes on beauty's
growth is a shadow character. The sisters in both stories hold features that beauty should gain in the end, such as marriage, being confident, and
wanting more for herself. The sisters also hold features that are the opposite of beauty such as selfishness, envy, and being materialistic. These are ways
that we can define the sisters as being the shadow. Although at first it seems the shadow figures of the sisters inBeauty and the Beast and Cupid and
Psyche both are trying to ruin beauty's development, nevertheless, both sets of sisters have different methods of ruining her individuation such as the
sister's different relationships with beauty before she goes to the beast, different ways of stunting her growth, and different results after they attempt to
ruin her individuation.
At first, the sisters in the two stories seem to have similar ways in ruining beauty's development. Both the pairs of sisters are envious of their younger
sister. You would almost think that the two older ones were twins from how alike they are. In Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast, "the virtues of their
younger sister had filled them with a good deal of envy" (Beaumont, 138). This is about the older sisters. The
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Margaret Nusrat Character Analysis
(MIP–2)The character Nusrat also had developed PTSD, Nusrat had developed PTSD from losing the closest person in the whole world from her, her
sister Margaret, she examples signs of PTSD that people go through.(SIP–A) Nusrat was dealing with avoiding situations and flashback PTSD
symptoms. The way Nusrat coped with the death of her sister she had came to develop a symptom of PTSD which she would avoid people. Nusrat
would not talk to anybody, she would play with Margaret even when she wasn't there, she wouldn't play with the other kids, even when her mom
begged her.(STEWE–1) Elaine was angry with her mother for trying to force friendships on her. All Elaine wanted was for Margaret to get better, and
when that didn't happen she decided she'd... Show more content on ...
Nusrat shows PTSD here because she can not connect with anyone else but Margaret. Nusrat had only connected with Margaret and when she died she
spent her years alone. To connect with her sister she uses one of their favorite memories together, watching the stars through their grandfathers
telescope. Nusrat not connecting with anyone is a sign of PTSD because she is still grieving over her sister's death even though she had been gone for
some time.(STEWE–2)Nusrat longs for her sister for years even when she is older and moves to Afghanistan, "but a little tug in the vicinity of her
heart reminds her of her real sister Margaret, who died when Nusrat was ten"(Staples,22). Nusrat often thinks about her sister, she longs for her sister
and even just another sister figure in her life hugging her thinks of her real sister Margaret. (SIP–B)With Nusrat's sister dying it took a toll on her life,
Nusrat's symptoms of PTSD are very common and often affect those who lose loved ones.(STEWE–1)One of Nusrat's symptoms was her avoiding
people also known as "avoiding situations" this symptom is common "You may not have positive or loving feelings toward other people and may stay
away from relationships"(NFN).
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The Other Sister Essays
The Other Sister is about a family with a sibling that has a developmental disability also known as mildly mentally retardation (MMR), mild
developmental disability, or mild intellectual disorder (MID). Carla Tate is our main character that has MMR as a disability. She is a young women,
twenty–four years old, with a slender but beautiful appearance. Carla has just graduated from a special education boarding school and is returning
home to her family. Carla's mother (Elizabeth Tate) is overbearingly protective, does not appreciate all of the abilities that Carla has acquired. Her
father (Bradley Tate) is a recovering alcoholic who is sympathetic and supportive of Carla, who at the same time has to deal with his domineering wife.
Carla has... Show more content on ...
Elizabeth makes it very difficult for Carla by not supporting her relationship with Daniel. Carla experiences her first kiss with Daniel. Their
relationship is sweet and very innocent in its development. Carla has many questions about sex. She refers to The New Joy of Sex book for some
answers. Carla loses her virginity with Daniel. Daniel has to leave the area and go to live with his Mother in Florida. He decides on his journey
that he ca not live without Carla. Daniel hitchhikes back to Carla and finds her at her sister's wedding. Daniel proposes to Carla in front of the
wedding party. Everyone is supportive of Carla and Daniel except for her mother. Carla gets upset with her mother and expresses her frustration
with her by saying, "I am sick of you telling me what to do!" Carla plans her wedding with the support of her sisters and father. During Carla's
wedding, the couple recites their own vows to each other. They also try to kiss after every word the preacher says. It is very humorous in and
innocence type of way. Carla's mother comes to the wedding at the end. Elizabeth now shows support for her and Daniel. Daniel has a gift to give
Carla at the end. The complete marching band including color guard and majorettes from Daniel's School plays and marches in a parade down the
street in front of the car the couple is sitting in. The movie concludes with a happy ending. The type of disability shown in the movie involves mild
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Analysis Of Sisters By Raina Telgemeier
Aaaaaaaaaahhhh Why do sisters have to be so annoying? The book Sisters by Raina Telgemeier is like any other sister relationship. When Ranina
wanted to be a big sister she could not wait. But when her little sister Amara came she she kind of wished it had never happened. Amara is a very
funny ,but she is annoying as ever ,and kind of a big baby. She likes to play a lot ,but she is mostly alone. I can't say that Raina and her sister have a
perfect relationship like sisters should. Later on that year both Raina and Amara get to be big sisters because her brother come along.The hardest thing
that happens to any family is the parents having a conflict. Raina's parents disagree mostly everything ,and they put their fights aside and help
make their family better. The significant passage is when Raina ,and her family arrive to her aunt's house.Raina was really hopes to see her cousin
Lindsey,and it didn't go too well.Raina really tried to change herself to look cool ,but she only made it worse.The pictures in the book show Raina
putting on makeup to fit in with the big kids. Also, she by her sleeping with a bear it made her look like a baby even though she threw it across the
room.In addition to that she pushed her sister away to top it all of. She like 100 people around her ,but she felt alone. The theme of the novel is
determination. This was demonstrated when the character experienced being an outsider form all the other kids. Rania was determined to fit in
with the older kids. She put on makeup to make it look like she older."Ew, What did you do to your face (Telgemeier 131). That same day she
threw her bear away and blamed it on her sister."I don't care about this stupid bear my sister just packed him !!!!' (Telgemeier 130). Raina is so trying
so hard to be cool and fit in that she forgot how to be herself for a minute.
The author uses the narrative voice of Rania and her sister. This impacted the book by showing how messed up Raina's relationship is with her sister.
When Amara was packing she asked Raina for he colored pencils and she said, "Nope, no colored pencils here" (Telgemeier 14). The pictures, though,
show that Rania lied right Amara's her face. Every sister has a little conflict ,but never
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How Religion Has Influenced The Life Of A Nun
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another?" (Jn 13:35)What is a committed religious life for being a
Catholic sister or nun. Catholic sister and nuns have a different variation of lifestyle, ministries and callings. All community has its own peculiar
identity and flavor, this is because there are no two association, as there is no two nuns that are the same. As we watch movies about nuns we
sometimes predict sisters and nuns to be living a highly ordered life which is unchanging in structure which is repetitive in context. But the truth is that
there may be some regular customs and practices, a day in Catholic sister and nun life as it is diverse, especially as the Holy Spirit is in charge.
As a day in a life of nuns are constructed around service within the chapel because by joining a convent or nunnery, nuns have to make a choice to
devote their life to God. Religion has influenced the life of a nun. A lot of convents do have its own particular daily timetable for a nun as many do the
following similarly:
the first day of services 02.00: Matins Laud
After Matins Laud, nuns would go back to bed and would get up again at first light. She then would go and wash and have a breakfast which consist
of bread and beer. This is because of the boiling process involved in the making of beer.( it was a lot less dangerous to drink beer than water.)
the second service of the day 07.00: Prime.
After Prime, nuns would meet in the chapter
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Sibling Relationships And Family Relationships
Over time the relationships you have with your siblings change, you can start out not liking each other and then in later life being to love or tolerate
each other ("Brothers, Sisters and Aging Parents", 2014). Late adulthood is defined as being over the age of sixty–five (Later Adulthood, n.d.). The
sibling relationships is forced relationships that are maintained by the siblings to foster a lifelong relationship (Martin, Anderson, & Rocca, 2005).
Siblings play very different roles for each other, friend, competitor, manager, and teacher (as cited in Martin et al., 2005). Sibling relationships can be
of three different types: Brother and brother, sister and sister, and brother and sister, all three will be discussed. Brother and Brother relationships out
of the three types seem to have the least amount of telephone contact of all the types (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Tend to help each other more with giving
help to each other than receiving help from each other, brothers tend to help with giving advice over helping each other with transportation (Spitze &
Trent, 2006). Brothers would rather receive help with child care then be the brother providing the child care (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Brother
relationships tend to be completive with each other trying to outdo each other. Brothers tend to visit each other about three times a month (Spitze &
Trent, 2006). Brothers tend to help each other with repairs more than any other sibling type (Spitze &Trent, 2006). Sister and
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The Forest By The Sisters Von Morgen
Over the years that the issue of the forest stretched on from 1994– 2010 the sisters von Morgen would continually meet up with their lawyers to try and
resolve the issue of what to do with the forest. My godmother as the youngest sister was assigned to be the manager of the forest that would support
the one remaining ancestral home for the four sisters. The sisters however did not agree to this even though it was written in the will. The sisters
believed my godmother had only gotten that position because she was living with their mother when she passed away. The situation of the forest was
the catalyst that opened the fight between the sisters that had started many years earlier.
As young girls the sisters had been very unhappy when their younger sister, Felicitas my godmother, was born. Seven years younger than the
youngest sister they were not happy with the attention the new baby was getting and even at that young age decided to retaliate. Baby Felicitas was
lying in a pram when the sisters pushed it into flock of geese that were noted for being dangerous. As luck would have it her mother would rescue her
before anything could happen. The sisters, however, would see the rescue act as once more privilege being bestowed on the baby of the family. As the
sisters grew older they would remain always distance, only including Felicitas when it suited their need. Felicitas adored her sisters despite the many
pranks they pulled on her. She liked them even when they look down upon
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Symptoms And Symptoms Of Pregnancy
You got off the bed and walk towards the restroom to see your mother and sister having nausea, their eyes show sign of a strange–distinct feeling of
awkwardness. This would lead to some difficulties explaining, so you decide to use your gifts.
*I wish my mother and sister would not find anything unusual about them being in the restroom together, with morning sickness.*
Your mother and sister face relax and starts to shows no sign of concern for one another, as to why they are in the restroom. Seeing them having intense
symptoms of pregnancy, a clear proof and indication of your own evil breeding. Made your cock even more stiff and energetic. It 's about time you
push things up a notch.
*I wish my mother and sister will continue to ... Show more content on ...
*I wish my mother and sister will find each other extremely attracted to one another. Nothing would be more arousing than having an orgy with family
Your mother and sister head twitch slightly for a few moments. Your wish have overwritten their moral judgment, and replaced with a deep desire for
incest and bisexuality.
You smile when you saw your mother and sister in a passionate 'lock ' kissing each other. Their tongues are exploring each other 's mouth, their saliva
are dripping down from each other 's chin. Their sexual behaviors are like mare in heat. They are aggressively fondling each other 's breasts and their
nipples hardened by their sexual contact. They lost all shame and replaced by pure, uncontrollable, lust.
You got inside the restroom and they crawled hungrily towards your hard stiff pole. Your mother engulf your entire cock down her throat, while your
little sister busy licking, sucking your lower testicles. They rotate sucking on your manhood, and the sensation was overwhelming you.
You grunt loudly to yourself, as your orgasm buildup, you shot loads after loads of your cum on your sister 's and mother 's face, and you even shot a
few jetstream on their hair. Your mother and sister smiled happily, when they started sucking on your manhood. It was like a tasty lollipop for them,
and they accomplish getting the juice out of your cock. They use their fingers to scoop the remaining cum off their face and lick it clean.
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Stereotypes In The Other Sister And I Am Sam
Do films accurately portray oppressions faced by those with disabilities? Or do they merely fluff the content to make the audience feel less guilty for
society's behavior? The American Minority Group Model of Disability, a social model, claims that people with disabilities are a minority group, are
accorded less status than non–disabled citizens, are subjected to widespread discrimination, and are relentlessly misrepresented and actively
stereotyped in the media (Shapiro, 1993; Zola, 1982). This is a statement that is imperative to keep at the forefront when viewing films incorporating
characters with disabilities. The films, The Other Sister and I Am Sam are two examples that help unpack these discrepancies.
Both the films leave the impression ... Show more content on ...
The wealthy family consists of three daughters. Two of which are highly praised by their parents for their success and efforts. Carla is the third
daughter who is often viewed as an embarrassment at public events and the troublemaker. Although all the daughters are deeply loved, Carla is the
clear outcast who is treated differently. This concept was discussed heavily in class. The course explored the meaning imposed on "freaks" in freak
shows. Dr. Gallagher explained that performances were intended to put the "freak on display to reassure the "rest of us" of our normality and
acceptability – our safe status" (Gallagher, Lecture 2/2/17). In other words, people who have a disability are separated from the majority non–disabled
group to ensure "us" that we are in fact normal and acceptable. This notion makes "us" feel secure in who we are as
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The Other Sister Analysis
Carla Tate, is a young woman who is sent to a special boarding school for people with an intellectual disability at a very young age. After years of
being away from her family, she graduates from her program and is sent back home to deal with her neurotic and overbearing mother, Elizabeth, who
wishes her daughter was "normal," and her father and sisters who have come to accept Carla, just as she is. As Elizabeth plans for her daughters return,
Carla plans go against everything her mother says, does, and wishes. Within the first week of being home, Carla runs away and back to the institution
she called home for so long due to her mother's over protective ways. After an argument between the Carla's former Doctor, and Carla's mother,
Elizabeth, ... Show more content on ...
With everything that I have been taught, these thirteen words define how we must work. So, what is the first step when working with those with
a disability? The movie the Other Sister not only screams this answer, but it is one we commonly dismiss as we work alongside those who we
support. The answer is in relationship we must build in trust to be of any help to those we work with. As future Human Service Workers and
leaders, and Disability Support Workers, to make our actions count or to be of any kind of positive change, we must establish a trusted
relationship that values the quality of life we wish to provide for another being. It is within that relationship that real change can occur, and the
persons we interact with flourishes beyond expectations. John O'Brien Five Valued Experiences (pg5 Getting to Community), as well as
Wolfensberger's adopted terms of Social Role Valorization (pg22,23 Getting to Community), are great places to start when setting up a
relationship with those we service, for they are guidelines of how we can see past a disability and the potential in those we work with. However, it
is Perske (pg. 69 Getting Back to Community) words of our, Disability Support Workers are paid for relationships with those we provide services to,
could not be more true. The Other Sister identifies this need of change, and to change societies way of thinking as the persons we are working with
are not just a job, but we are and extension of their family. Kendrick said, "There is a profound difference between having a life in the community and
flouring as a human being "(pg42 Getting to Community) and I could not agree more, and it all starts with a relationship. As the Other Sister is a
direct reflection of all the things we can do wrong for persons with a disability, the effects we can have on our relationships with them, and with
ourselves and how to make them right. It all starts with a
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A Definition Of A Parable
A definition of a Parable is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. In this essay, I am
going to explore what I think the author in this four character play meant by the title "Doubt" The play takes place in a Catholic school in the
Bronx. The performers are, the school principal Sister Aloysius Beauvier; she is of the order of the Sisters of Charity age about 55, she is
watchful, reserved, and unsentimental. Father Brendan Flynn; a working class priest age late thirties, Sister James a nun also of the Sisters of
Charity in her twenties and Mrs. Muller age 38 a black women, the mother of the only black student at the school. Some examples of Doubts are,
Sister Aloysius puts doubts in Sister James mind on her teaching ability. She criticizes her enthusiasm for teaching history. Clams her love for history
risks swaying the children to value it over other subjects. Sister James main goal is to be a good teacher and have the students like her. According to,
Sister Aloysius having the students like you is a weakness, they must fear you and if something occurs in the classroom that you don't understand, you
must come to me. Next Sister Aloysius puts Doubts in Sister James mind about Father Flynn. Sister James opinion of him is that he is a brilliant man
and a great speaker. Sister Aloysius wants Sister James to be alert for any unusual actions of Father Flynn and is concerned about matters in St Nicholas
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My Observation Of Outback Steak House
On Saturday, April 23, 2016, my entire family went out to Outback Steakhouse to celebrate my younger brother's nineteenth birthday. We were out at
Outback Steakhouse for two hours, and I decided to observe my twin sisters for this observation paper during that time. Physically, all seven
members of my family were seated in an open table setting, there were three seats each located on both sides of the table and an extra chair located
at the head of the table. The way we sat were similar to the stereotypical image of a "family dinner night." I was situated across from my two sisters.
We ended up sitting at our table inside the restaurant from 7pm to 9pm at night, since the restaurant was really busy with the weekend dinner rush. The
dinner... Show more content on ...
To play their game, both of my sisters had to take turns with each other. They could play this particular game by themselves, but it probably would
not be as fun. In order for them to play together, they had to keep in mind this idea of ideal reciprocity. Ideal reciprocity is often expressed in the
Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Berk 497). To play together, both of my sisters have to allow the other one to
take their turn. After a round is over, they acknowledged the winner of the round without being a sore winner or loser. By refusing to be sore winners
and sore losers regardless of the game's outcome, my sisters created an atmosphere that welcomed friendly competition among
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Rose Dancing at Lughnasa
'Re–read Act 2 from page 56 (CHRIS: There she is!) to page 59 (KATE: what has happened to this house? Mother of God, will we ever be able to lift
our heads ever again...? (Pause)). Discuss the presentation and role of Rose in this extract and elsewhere in the play.
Although mentally handicapped, Rose Mundy is perhaps the most fearless of all her sisters. Her role in 'Dancing at Lughnasa' is key in highlighting
the morally and religiously restricting traits in her sister Kate as well as outlining the confining constraints of living in very rural Ireland. As the plot
unravels, the audience become increasingly aware of Rose's dispersing innocence when symbolic events such as the dead 'stained' rooster occur.
As a result of her disability, ... Show more content on ...
Small details that appear romantic to Rose such as him calling her "his Rosebud" seem sleazy and worrying to everyone else as they know what
Danny Bradley is really like, but unfortunately poor Rose is too simple to realise. It is also very disheartening to watch Rose have to return to her
banal, grubby household duties after just seeing her in such a natural, relaxed state. Maggie tells Rose that she needs to go and get some turf and
Rose replies "I'll change first, Maggie." It is sad that Rose's happiness cannot last any longer; moreover it is interesting that she changes her clothes
because Rose's outfits are very representative of her routines. She changes from her good skirt and her good shoes to her overalls and her wellingtons
which show the drastic return from freedom and femininity to these monotonous dirty tasks which she is summoned to.
There is a significant loss of innocence seen in Rose by her sisters and the audience after she has returned from her date with Danny Bradley. Firstly,
after thrusting some berries into her mouth she is left with "stained fingers." This has sexual overtones as a staining of red suggests a loss of
innocence that can never be washed out. Similarly, when Agnes rushes to meet Rose 'Instead of hugging her, as she wants to, she catches her arm."
Thus emphasising that Agnes realises Rose is no longer a child, she is a woman now and she should not hug her as if she is a little girl. 'Catches'
suggests that Agnes has to restrain
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Melania Research Paper
Once upon a time, in a little house down on Lawford Street in house number 138, there were two sisters, a mother and a father who all lived under
the same roof and loved each other very much. They all used to get along without a single problem. The sisters used to have sleepovers in each other's
bedrooms, sharing beds, braiding hair, attempting to stay up all night only to fall asleep at nine, all the typical little girl things. The parents used to stay
up after their daughters fell asleep, talking about simple things while enjoying the quiet.
They were a very normal, happy family.
The eldest in the family was their mother, her name was Melania. She is a tall, slender woman with thinning brown hair, green hair and a somewhat
thin, dieted ... Show more content on ...
People actually started getting scared of the younger one. Teachers avoided the younger sister whenever possible and so did other students. The
only one who went near her was her sister. Most lunchtimes, the two would stay inside and listen to the older sister's CD's using the classrooms
CD player. The older sister's music consisted of classic rock bands like Greenday, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Queen, Nirvana, Panic At The Disco,
The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Kiss, ACDC, Meatloaf, My Chemical Romance, Guns N Roses and Fallout Boy. While every other girl was going
through their pink and barbie phase, she was starting a love for rock bands that was sparked by their parents. The younger one enjoyed the music too
but her sister found deeper meaning in the lyrics. While Wake Me Up When September Ends played through the muffled speakers, the older sister
talked deep feelings that the younger sister didn't understand. She said things about feeling sad, hopeless and never wanting to do anything sometimes
not even be alive but the younger sister didn't entirely focus on her sister, she was busy dancing around to the music. The older sister realised that her
sister didn't care and never spoke about her sad feelings
... Get more on ...

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Intellectual Disability Depicted In The Film The Other Sister

  • 1. Intellectual Disability Depicted In The Film The Other Sister The movie, The Other Sister tells a story about a young woman in her early–twenties named Carla Tate, who struggles with adjusting to normative societal constructs after being institutionalized for over ten years. Once Carla graduates from the institution she is quickly reintegrated into her family's first–class environment with the help from her overly protective mother, her passive father, and her uninvolved sisters. Carla is determined to work for her independence by going to school, obtaining a degree, living on her own, and seeking out love (Hoberman, 1999). There were six main characters featured in the film The Other Sister: Carla Tate and her two sisters, her mother and father, and her love interest Daniel. On Carla's first day she ... Show more content on ... For example, it was earlier stated that parents of children that have a disability tend to be overprotective. This is an example of a negative, yet accurate depiction. It is negative because of the obvious negative outcomes that overprotectiveness can have, just as the film showed for Carla; Carla often felt smothered by her mother and lead her to run a way. Another negative aspect was the flashbacks of Carla's childhood where she would be teased and bullied because she was "different". While this description is negative, as discussed earlier, it is also sadly accurate. A positive yet accurate depiction would be the ability for Carla to fall in love. To have the ability to feel emotions and express them can be a beautiful thing, and at times be one of the most self–fulfilling thing that a person can do in their life. Carla and Danny both fell in love and felt an array of emotions that where normal and nothing but common in those that have a mild disability. One of the biggest positive messages that this film pushed was the ability for an adult with a mild disability to be able to have independence and to live on their own. This was something that Carla wanted desperately for herself, just like any other person would want for themselves as an adult (Abery, Disabilty and the Family, 2017; ... Get more on ...
  • 2. The Other Sister Analysis The film The Other Sister was produced by Garry Marshall in the year 1999. The film follows Carla Tate, a twenty–two year old woman with an intellectual disability, as she comes home to her wealthy family in northern California after graduating from a training school for the "mentally challenged". Carla desires more independence from her family through earning a diploma from a technical school. On her first day of classes, Carla meets Danny, a boy with a similar disability, who lives on his own and works at a bakery. Carla becomes envious of Danny's freedom and eventually convinces her overprotective mother that she is able to move out into her own apartment and live independently. Soon her and Danny fall in love and the rest of the film follows their relationship as they explore their sexuality and their continued fight for independence from Carla's overbearing mother. Carla is the main character of the film and throughout the film Carla fights the traditional roles that people with disabilities hold in society. Carla desires to go back to school and become a Veterinarian's assistant and eventually enrolls at a nearby technical school. Carla has high hopes and aspirations for life, but no matter how independent she tries to be, she is repeatedly the victim of her mother's overprotective nature. In another scene, Elizabeth again attempts to control Carla by redecorating her room. Carla becomes upset by her changing the room without her permission and closes her eyes in ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Summary Of Meteorite Mountain By Bii Big Sister In the story, "Meteorite Mountain" by Can Xue we get an insight look at Little sister's and Big sister's relationship. We see that both characters are opposites and they do not see eye to eye on everything, but they accept the fact that they are not the same and that neither one or the other is going to change. Their relationship helps us see the struggle within ourselves of whether we should follow our heart or listen to what our mind is telling us like in the excerpt above Little sister followed her heart and found what she was looking for while Big sister finally understands the way Little sister thinks and, " there was nothing she could not do" (37). This conflict of views is essential to the story because we see that Big sister tends to use her mind to make decisions and she's more serious and not as opened minded as Little sister, but Little sister on the other hand is more open minded and decides follows her heart.... Show more content on ... I think in the end Big sister understands why Little sister left her and it was because she, "found what she had been looking for all her life" (37). She found love not only for Huimin, but also for the mountain itself. Deep down I think Big sister is jealous of Little sister. In the passage Big sister says, "I even think it's fortunate little sister is married off to that place" (36). Big sister is jealous that Little sister just goes for it and follows her heart while she cannot because she must think everything out so for her to just take a leap of faith and follow her heart is not something she would ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Other Sister Character Analysis Other Sister was released in 1999, by Touchstone Pictures. It was directed by Garry Marshall, and featured Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi. The Other Sister is a heart–warming and humorous movie about two young adult's journey to find their independence. It also happens to feature two main characters that have intellectual disabilities. The Other Sister is a movie about a young woman, Carla Tate, who has an intellectualdisability. The movie begins with Carla's father, Radley, picking her up from a boarding school for children with special needs. Although Radley is excited to see Carla, she seems indifferent towards him. Before leaving she gives her doctor a long hug, showing that Carla forms strong emotional bonds. Radley takes Carla home ... Show more content on ... One thing that I may have added was some information about Daniel's past. His parents don't seem supportive or understanding of him. His father gets upset with him, and cuts off his funding when he doesn't do well in classes. He then tells Daniel that it's his mother's turn to take care of him. To me, it seems like neither of his parents really want anything to do with him. I would think that this would cause Daniel more distress than he shows. I think that if someone with a disability watched The Other Sister they would think that it sends a good message. Carla and Daniel aren't "perfect" or "angels" like some people think that people with disabilities are. They are just like neurotypical people in that they have unique strengths and weaknesses. They really are just their own individual people. The Other Sister serves as a good reminder that people with disabilities aren't really all that much different from neurotypical people. I sometimes find myself falling into the trap of thinking that people with disabilities are innocent or are always in need of help. Just because some people have disabilities doesn't mean that it's fair of me to hold them all to the same standards. Next time I find myself generalizing people with disabilities, I will try to step back and see them how they see ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Sibling Relationships In Pride And Prejudice Jane Austen puts an emphasis on both loyal and rival sibling relationships in all of her works, and these relationships prove to be as important, if not more important, than those relationships of marriage. Pride and Prejudice offers insight on many sets of siblings. Sibling pairs each present different ways in which they interact with each other, and the dynamic of their relationship. The way in which Austen portrays certain sets of siblings may be a mirror of the way she was with her sister Cassandra, whom she was very close. Inspiration for these relationships may have come from ones she experienced first hand, or witnessed throughout her years. Pride and Prejudice expertly highlights the significance of sibling bonds, and how important ... Show more content on ... The older Bennett sisters have a loyalty for each other that is apparent when Charlotte is engaged to Mr. Collins. Elizabeth is mortified and has no problem expressing that to her sister. "of whose rectitude and delicacy she was sure her opinion could never be shaken." They are loyal to one another when it truly matters most. They value the others point of view and opinion, and were able to teach each other a few things along the way. The scene where their bond is most present is when Elizabeth runs to Netherfield when she hears Jane is ill. Elizabeth insists on seeing her sister and walks through wet fields only to show up disheveled and muddy. Jane's other sisters did not insist on seeing her, only Elizabeth did which shows how important their relationship is to each other. Jane and Elizabeth are both caretaker and teacher to the other. Normally the older sibling gives advice and educated the younger. In Pride and Prejudice, the roles are reversed in a way with the younger sister educating the older sister. They teaching does go both ways with Elizabeth instructing Jane in reason and sense, and Jane teaching Elizabeth the virtue of modesty and tolerance. Elizabeth states that Jane is "too good. Your sweetness and disinterestedness are really angelic;" Elizabeth helps Jane better observe others and in a way acts as a parent to her. Throughout Pride and Prejudice it is difficult to miss the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Eulogy For Grandmother When one becomes a sister, a seed is planted in the depths of both of their hearts. In order to grow, the seed requires the warmth of the other's love, a dousing of compliments, and a breath of encouragement. After some time, the seed blooms into a beautiful flower and gains the gazes of many. It is the job of the other sister to protect her flower, so that it never gets picked. I am a sister. The day I became one, was the first day I left the house without a doll in tow. "I'm gonna have a new doll now, right Gramma?" Grandma smiled as she buckled me in. "Right, but this one you'll have to take extra good care of," she responded with a wink. When Grandma and I arrived at the hospital, a kind nurse led us down a hall to a window enclosed room. I immediately pressed my little nose and palms against the glass and peered in with a bit of confusion. Three years and a couple feet tall, I did not understand why I couldn't hold her yet. I also expected her to resemble one of my dolls, but that wasn't the case. None of my dolls ever turned blue or had cords all over their body and face. Mommy and daddy gently rested their hands on my shoulders. They appeared tired, a way I had never seen them before. "Meagan is not doing well," they explained. "Meagan.." I tried the word on my tongue. The doctors entered behind the glass, and I watched as they began pressing buttons on the machines. "Well I'm her sister. I can help her. Let me in there," I responded knowingly. "Not right now ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Finding The Underlying Conflict Sam The director may have used this portion of the movie to establish the underlying conflict Sam is being questioned about. The court system consistently states that Lucy will surpass his IQ by her next birthday. The judge claims that due to his "low intelligence," Sam will not be able to take care of Lucy as well as someone with a higher mental age. Although this is the court's assumption, does this make Sam any less capable of raising Lucy? Mindsets such as Henry Goddard, author of the Kallikak Family Study and translator of Binet's original IQ test, mimic the thought process similar to the court system in the film. Goddard states that the, "fixed character of mental levels" was the reason why some people were poor and unemployed. The fault ... Show more content on ... This response is the exact situation society should be avoiding. In this sense, the characters have realistic attributes, but caricatured portrayals to hook the viewer and keep continuous interest. However, I deeply question if this method is how cinema should educate society. Are these filmmakers setting a stage for stereotypes and jokes that should not be laugh matters? In I Am Sam, Samuel Dawson is fun–loving, extroverted, and detail–minded. He favors routine and shows consistency in his love for others. When he's not dressed in his Starbucks uniform, he is generally found wearing a neutral– colored polo and jacket. Sam is presented as a persistent and determined father who cares for anyone present in his life. His actions of love are displayed in big events such as his fight for custody for his daughter as well as smaller scaled tasks like his delicacy in organizing the sugar packets at his workplace. Throughout the duration of the film, Sam encounters individuals who positively grow due to their interactions with him. Characters such as Rita, enter his life with harsh attitudes and hostile commentary. In Michelle Pfeiffer's opening scene, she's found cutting off her son and therapist in a fury full of tears. She appears to be cold– hearted and a hard professional shell to crack. Remarkably, her time spent with Sam begins to mold her personality. While learning ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Sisters Of St Joseph Impact On Society The Sisters of Saint Joseph have had a huge impact in our community. They are a group started by Mary Mackillop an Australian Woman and Father Julian Tension Woods an English priest, on March 19th 1866. The sisters of Saint Joseph are a group of women who respond to the needs of others. From the beginning Mary and Julian encouraged The Sisters of Saint Joseph to share the lives and concerns of people to others who were Ministers. The Sisters of Saint Joseph aimed to provide education for the children of Penola. In 1900, they had made foundations in all 7 states of Australia and New Zealand and all 600 Sister mourned the passing of Mary Mackillop in 1909. The Sisters of Saint Joseph are involved with many things including the work which is involved ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Tate Family Assessment from the Other Sister Concepts of Family Nursing Theory Nursing 464 Karen Mittura RN. MSN, CCRN Aug 06, 2006 Family Assessment Tate Family This is an assessment of the Tate Family, from the movie The Other Sister. It is the story of Carla Tate, a young woman who has 'graduated' out of the training school where she has resided for many years because she is mentally challenged. Her hope is that she will be accepted for all that she can now do for herself. But Carla's family is wealthy, which permits her mother, already blinded to her daughter's rather high–functioning abilities, to try and provide for Carla beyond her needs or desires, bringing forth the inevitable confrontations. What Carla may lack in mental ability she certainly makes up for in ... Show more content on ... Water: Because Carla reports not enjoying the taste of water and due to her developmental delays she will maintain hydration by drinkingsugar free decaffeinated beverages and juice. Air: Carla will also remain indoors during weather alerts and will contain her exercise to indoor activities. Father Food: The father has a reported condition of high blood pressure and when taken at the assessment it was 190/102. He is on medications but will receive education regarding nutritional importance. He will consume fresh foods and remove as many pre–packaged foods as possible from his daily regime. Water: he will remain hydrated by drinking four to six glasses of water a day. The slightly reduced amount of water as compared to his wife and daughters is to reduce the possibility that the high blood pressure will become aggravated by high water intake while still allowing him an amount of water that will keep him hydrated. Air: The father has asthma therefore he will be educated about how to protect himself during high pollution alerts. He will complete most of his exercise in an indoor setting each session. He will exercise three times a week with indoor activities including treadmill, racquetball and swimming. DEVELOPMENTAL SELF–CARE REQUISITES Mother The mother who is 56 years old will schedule a mammogram and complete it along with her Gynecologist appointment this year. She is consistent about visiting her dentist twice a
  • 10. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Review Of ' The Other Sisters ' The Other Sister is a story about child who is mentally challenged, born in a family with two sisters, a father who is unable to admit she has a disability, and a mother dealing with the guilt of sending her daughter to a facility to help learn how to cope on a day–to–day basis. Upon completion of school, Carla's father brings her home to live and begin her life again in her family home. She wants to gain her independence, which is very difficult for her mother to understand; she still see's her Carla as someone who is unable to conform to the standard, the usual or typical life of young women. On the other hand, Carla's father and sister's see that Carla is excited to live a life full of love, adventure and independence. The innocence and honesty the movie captures is fantastic! It showed the emotional, enjoyment, and acceptance of the daily lives of those who live with a mentally challenged disability; not only what they go through on a daily basis, but what the family members feel and experience. Carla is determined to live a normal life, go to a "regular" school, live in her own apartment and find love. Carla's mother has a difficult time accepting that she is a strong independent, young woman who can be successful in life. However, with her determination, willingness to be totally honest with her family, she is able to express what she wants and succeed in doing those things whether her family agrees or disagrees. Carla takes the big step of going to college and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. How Does Julia Alvarez Show Courage In The Time Of The... The novel In the time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvares is an incredible story about four sisters , known as the Mirabel sisters from the dominican republic. They want to over throw the Evil dictator rafael Trujillo. As a result of the deaths of the three sisters Dede is left to tell the story of her sisters and continues to keep the story alive. The author tells the story in a way where you can see how each sister shows courage and purpose. One of the purposes used in this novel was to show how important it is to help and care for others just like the Marible sisters cared for each other. The Author also used courage to show us that you shouldn't let anyone get in the way of your life or stop you from living your dreams, just how the Mirables sisters didn't let trujillo get in the way. Throughout the novel Julia Alvares includes many symbols and characterization to teach us how courage and purpose is represented by each of the sisters. Whenever you t ... Show more content on ... The Mirabel sisters cared for everyone , even when they joined the movement against the dictator. They did not go against trujillo because of themselves but for everyone. This took the mirabal sisters physical courage because they had to physically participate in going against trujillo and his regime. A way the author symbolized this was by using the mosquito nets, "our side–to–side beds were already set up for the night with mosquito nets"pg14 . The mosquito nets represent being trapped but eventually The mosquitos could escape by the help of other mosquitos , like when one person stads up for someting is not right , someone else will have the courage to do the same . thats what the mirable sisters ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Non-Profit Organization: The Little Sisters Of The Poor This report is on the non–profit organization, the Little Sisters of the Poor. It explains where and when and how the organization was started. It shows the purpose of the organization and what the Little Sister do. It also goes into detail on how this non–profit organization is funded and how successful it manages its funds from donations. The report will analyze how successfully this organization fulfills its purpose. Lastly, there is a recommendation from the author on what the organization could do to better fulfill its mission. The History of the Little Sister of the Poor The Little Sister of the Poor have done much good work in helping the poor and elderly. They look at the poor and elderly of the world and reach out to them to aid them... Show more content on ... The biggest and issue that the Little Sisters of the Poor face today is one of religious freedom. This issue is not particular to certain home, this issue involves every home in the United States. The issue being that the Little Sisters are forced to provide Obamacare for its employs, the Obamacare requires the coverage of contraceptive and this goes against the morale beliefs of the Sisters. The reason that this goes against the Little Sister's belief of protecting life until natural death, and contraceptive is a direct opposite to life. The other option, instead of providing contraceptive, would be to fill out a form that tells the HHS that this issue goes against the religious beliefs of the organization. "Filling out the form does not insulate them from complicity in the facilitation of potentially life–ending drugs and devices, and that substantially burdens their free exercise of religion" ("Slatterly," 2015). This is not the first time this issue has been raised and this is just the continuation of the original issue of Zubik v. Burwell ("Kurt," 2015). The Little Sisters have become a face to the public of fighting for religious rights. The Denver–based Little Sisters order, which operates nursing homes for the elderly poor, has been the symbol of the case since Dec. 31, 2013 ("Kurt," 2015). Since then there has been a stay in the debate and the case will be discussed before the High Court on March 23, 2016 ("Kurt," 2015). The outcome of the vocal debate ended in dead lock and no choice being decide, which mean that this issue would be raised again the following year, in order to come to a ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Interstellar By Rebecca Mcclanahan Rebecca McClanahan's essay, "Interstellar," is a memoir explaining what it is like, "To be the sister of a sad and beautiful woman," (354). This line is one of the many uses of repetition the narrator utilizes to speak on the relationships her sister and her endure, while also explaining their relationship with each other. These relationships are magnified by the narrator's use of literary elements such as metaphors, allusion, repetition, second person voice and her diction. These elements help develop characters, as well as give us a deeper sense of the relationships between the characters themselves. In McClanahan's, "Interstellar," she builds her relationship with her sister and her sister's character through the use of metaphors. In... Show more content on ... This metaphor of the stars goes from showing us the envy the narrator had to possibly just being her feeling left out, not necessarily a bitter feeling towards her sister. The metaphor continues by explaining that stars are corruptible, "Stars are not made of heavenly ether, but of the same corruptible elements that comprise earth" (357). This piece of the metaphor is in reference to the sister and how her beauty is waning and she isn't treated as beautifully as she "should be" as we see the abuse she endured when she was raped, and from there she seems to cycle in and out of harmful relationships. In addition, the stars being corruptible show us the transformation of how the narrator from being childishly jealous of her sister to now her view of her sister is corrupted, she now feels bad and pities her sister. To conclude the essay the metaphor finalizes by stating, "You want to spin back light years from today, hold your sister on your lap, rock her luminous beauty in your arms until it stops hurting" (359). This metaphor brings the essay to a close and helps the reader realize that the author just cares for her sister, no longer envying her or wanting to be the star– but only wishing that all the wrongdoing she endured for being such a "luminous beauty" would dissipate. The family constellation was the sister as the star, always chased by men and other observers making them the tail. However, this transforms into the narrator being the tail, not ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Other Sister Analysis The Other Sister was release February 26 1999. After watching the movie I best believe it best relates to Chapter 5 learners with intellectual disability. In the movie, the main character Carla has an intellectual disability. Her parents at a young age send her away to a school that can cope with her needs. After leaving the school 10 years later, Carla moves back in with her parents. She finds the urge to want to be independent so she makes the step by going to school. her parents were very skeptical at first because they didn't know her abilities. Her parents were having trouble letting Carla be an adult because of her disability. When she went to school she made a friend that also has an intellectual disability (Danny). Befriending Danny she sees that he lives an independent life; riding bus, having an apartment, and going to school. She then seeks more independence by wanting her own apartment. Her parents have their apprehensions about letting Carla move by herself but eventually warm up to the ideal. Shortly after she starts to fall in love with Danny. The young in love couple finds it a great ideal to get married. Her parents didn't support the marriage because Danny was poor and they didn't know his true intentions with their daughter. After the couple went against their parents and got married the family accepted her decision because she did it all by herself. Carla faced the problem that her family might not understand her completely since she was sent away for ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Other Sister Analysis The film The other sister follows a mildly mentally disabled girl in her life after getting out of a special school. The film takes you through her issues between her mom, going out and living on her own and even getting a boyfriend. Through the character Carla many different aspects of psychology are displayed. Upon Carla getting out of her special school and coming home she must overcome the difficulties of having an overbearing authoritarian mother. She thinks she is wrong when her mother is trying to make decisions for her own good. An example of this is seen when Carla's mother changes her room while she is away. Despite becoming a woman, she still wants her stuff from her younger days, but her mother tries to tell her that it is better for her now. Carla is very hesitant and constantly tries to voice her personal opinion on certain matters. Her mother has a very authoritarian parenting style. Carla wants to go to a new school to pursue her career goals, however her... Show more content on ... She falls into the trap of identity vs role confusion. When she first goes to school she witnesses a girl flirting with the teacher and lifting her shirt. She goes home and attempts to copy it thinking that is how older independent females act. She does not truly know who she is and allows what she sees in others have a large impact on her. As she quests on for independence she feels unhappy with her current situation and wants to get an apartment. In langin and Rodin's study they found that in nursing homes the people felt happier when they still had independence in taking care of a plant. Carla strives to have independence in her life and take care of herself. Once she moves out and is on her own she becomes happier with her life. Her having control over more things in her life was allowing her to gain the independence she wanted and the independence was what made her ... Get more on ...
  • 17. A Definition Of A Parable A definition of a Parable is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. In this essay, I am going to explore what I think the author in this four character play meant by the title "Doubt" The play takes place in a Catholic school in the Bronx. The performers are, the school principal Sister Aloysius Beauvier; she is of the order of the Sisters of Charity age about 55, she is watchful, reserved, and unsentimental. Father Brendan Flynn; a working class priest age late thirties, Sister James a nun also of the Sisters of Charity in her twenties and Mrs. Muller age 38 a black women, the mother of the only black student at the school. Some examples of Doubts are, Sister Aloysius puts doubts in Sister James mind on her teaching ability. She criticizes her enthusiasm for teaching history. Clams her love for history risks swaying the children to value it over other subjects. Sister James main goal is to be a good teacher and have the students like her. According to, Sister Aloysius having the students like you is a weakness, they must fear you and if something occurs in the classroom that you don't understand, you must come to me. Next Sister Aloysius puts Doubts in Sister James mind about Father Flynn. Sister James opinion of him is that he is a brilliant man and a great speaker. Sister Aloysius wants Sister James to be alert for any unusual actions of Father Flynn and is concerned about matters in St Nicholas ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Western Place By Maxine Hong Kingston When Two Different Worlds Collide Throughout the book, "The Western Place" , by Maxine Hong Kingston, there is a differential gap between the two sisters who come from two different sides of the world. A lot of differences between the two sisters and their personal lifestyles comes from one sister living in America as a Chinese–American and the other sister living in China. In the story Brave Orchid who is the sister that is brave, outspoken, and sometimes cruel sees life as a bundle of opportunities to take with no regret. However, it is different when her sister Moon Orchid comes into town from China because she is the complete opposite. Moon Orchid is rather humble, timid, and quiet while she observes the lifestyle of her sister and nieces and nephews. In the chapter , at "The Western Place" , Brave Orchid sends for her sister Moon Orchid to come to America and to confront her husband who is living another life and is remarried. However, conflict arises as the two sisters have complete opposite thoughts and personalities. Brave Orchids whose name completely describes her – urges her sister to visit her husband. However, while Moon Orchid is completely fine without her husband, she feels pressured by her sister to do what was asked of her. While Brave Orchid is the complete package of what a chinese woman and her traditions would represent while living the American lifestyle– Moon Orchid is rather surprised by the actions of her sister and nieces and nephews. For ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Definition Essay: Bonding Through Sisterhood Bonding Through Sisterhood Have you ever known someone so well they will forever be your best friend? That is the experience of having a sister. The interpretation of the word sister can be taken in numerous ways. The dictionary definition of a sister is "a woman or girl in relation to other daughters and sons of her parents." Even though this definition is accurate, it does not go into further detail on what an actual sister is. Sisters create another form of love that is deeper than any connection imaginable. The relationship between sisters is complicated and effortless at the same time. Some people may believe that sisters can be aggravating, although, overall this is not true, instead they usually show their love through a special bond and competitive instincts. Although some people claim siblings are annoying and difficult to get along with, that is not the case. The typical job of the sister is to irritate, which in some cases is obvious. A sister is not someone who is untrustworthy, harmful, or full of jealousy. A sister is not a mistake or just another member of the family, they play a larger role in life. There may be fights between sisters, except this is not uncommon or a negative part of the sister experience, it is the perfect ... Show more content on ... A sister is an eternal best friend that you can do anything with. She is someone to share deepest and darkest secrets to. A sister will comfort you when you are sick, or make you laugh when you are having a bad day. She will always be truthful and loyal. The job of a sister is to lift the other sister up when she is down, but teasing is also included in the role. A common saying that describes the relationship of sisterhood is that they will be for each other "through thick and thin". This is true too, sisters have a tendency to always be there for each other. No matter how frustrating a fight can become, the bond of sisterhood will forever keep them ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Mirabel Research Paper Mirabel has four sisters and they are Patria, Maria Teresa, Minerva, and Dede The Mirabal sisters are Dominican. Patria got married young. According to Julia Alvarez (2010), she describe Minerva as the intelligent sister and Patria as the religious sister. Dede seems to be the sister that has things at home in control. She was the one who received the lady for the interview and was able to tell her a lot about the family. In fact, the father states that Dede is the one in the family to most likely become millionaire. Maria Teresa was the sister that always wanted to be acknowledge in the family because she was eight–year old child. The sister are similar in the aspect that they care about one another and defend each other. For instance, ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Narrative Of Anne Frank's Life Anne Frank has a book that is second non–fiction read book behind the bible. Anne Frank took care of her sister while her sister was sick and while she was sick. SHe would also do anything to get food for her family and mostly her sister because she was the only person she had. I think Anne Frank should get the medal of honor for all the things she did for her family and how she helped out everybody else. When Anne Sister was sick she would take care of her even tho she was struggling also. If she would of lost her sister she wouldn't have anybody else because everybody else had died or got taken to a different camp so she tried to do the best she could. SHe would do anything for her sister no matter what the consequences were. She told her sister stories about what they ... Show more content on ... I think Anne would of done anything she possibly could to get food for her and her sister. Other people think she shouldn't get the prize and other people who survived should get it or someone who helped free all of them. They think that she didn't help her family but everybody knows that she tried her hardest to help her family out no matter what it took. Other people thought that she didn't share her food or anything but actually that's not true because she shared her food with her sister and gave some of her cloths to other people that really needed it. Anne frank did everything thing she could to help out people so don't listen to everybody else because what i'm yelling you right now is the truth. I think Anne Frank should get the medal of honor for many different reasons and actions that she did. She helped her sister while she was sick and while her sister was sick. She tried her hardest to get food for her and her sister so they wouldn't starve to death. In conclusion I think Anne Frank should get the medal of honor because of all the stuff she did for her family and how she helped out other people when she also needed the blanket and ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Essay about Why the Mirabel Sisters are Butterflies Dictator, a word that has haunted people throughout history, it means a leader who rules a country with absolute power, usually by force. Trujillo was a dictator of that kind, he was a role model in front of his people, but a murderer in the shadows. There were those who went against him in order to gain their freedom, among those brave souls were the Mirabel sister who fought for their freedom. These radicalists were known as The Butterflies, which consisted of the Mirabel sisters. The Butterflies went through a metamorphosis just like butterflies; they transformed themselves into symbols of peace through stages in their life. Although the Mirabel sisters were four ordinary children growing. As young girls the sisters had learned of the ... Show more content on ... In addition, Trujillo was friends with the head of the armed forces, and friends with his wife's lover. One day Trujillo told the general about his wife having an affair with another man, and Trujillo became the head of the armed forces soon after the general shot his wife and her lover. (17). Even though the sisters didn't want to believe it the accusations against their president, but began to realize how true they were. Over time the sisters met others that didn't agree with their president's ways, and that is how the Mirabel sisters came to join the Virgilio Morales. Although the sisters joined the revolt to stop Trujillo, they also joined to make the Dominican Republic a better place. During their involvement with the rebels, the sisters became known as The Butterflies, because they were a sign of hope and change. The sisters had a unique characteristic that they sparked a change in people. Rufino, their driver, said, "A Dio' Dona DedГ©, you think I'll let anything happen to the butterflies? They'll have to kill me first" (269). Rufino said he would give his life so save the sisters during their prison break of the men captured by Trujillo. Rufino was willing to put his life on the line for the Butterflies, because he knew they were a symbol for their movement due to their dedication towards a better future. The Mirabel sisters truly are butterflies in every way, because they go through ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Why I Live In The Po Analysis Alaysia Mitchell Professor Cohen English 102 Essay 1 Character Analysis In the story, "Why I Live in the P.O.", is based on two sisters that have unresolved issues between each other that become so heated it pushes one sister to her breaking point of moving out and into a post office. The two sisters, Sister and Stella–Rondo, are having issues between each other based on issues they have experienced growing up. The issues have stemmed from Mama's, their mother. relationship problems she has had in the past. Rather than communicate with her children, she sides with Stella and attacks Sister. Sister is more of the laid back sister that just minds her own business meanwhile Stella–Rondo is the complete opposite. Stella–Rondo is the sister that wants everything to be about her and always wants to be the center of attention. Based on Stella's attitude towards Sister, she has become more rebellious towards Stella. The family treats Stella like a princess and sides with her on everything she says and does. The issues that ... Show more content on ... Sister and Mr. Whitaker have dated the past, but Stella had an affair with him during her sister's active relationship. Suddenly, Stella decided to leave and move to Illinois without a reason or explanation. Sister begins to put the pieces together and believes that Stella is nothing but a liar. Sister is very determined that she will prove to her family what is truly going on with Stella's life, especially her adopted daughter, Shirley T. Stella already knows Sister is telling the truth about her, but she is afraid to admit it and the attention will no longer be on her. Based on what Sister has told the family, Stella begins to tell the family Sister is lying and Shirley T is truly her daughter, and she did not interfere with Stella and Mr. Whitaker's relationship. The family always automatically believes Stella and this is when Sister has reached her breaking ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Other Bronte Sister: Charlotte Essay Would you expect a person who has endured countless tragedies to still achieve a life of success? Charlotte Bronte is an inspirational woman of the 1800s. She had always found a way to have success even when the odds were stacked against her. Charlotte Bronte has written many poems and books beginning at a young age with the help of her siblings. Charlotte is an empowering force to women explaining that if you want something back enough you can always achieve it. Charlotte has had quite the journey filled with inspiration throughout her early life, later days, and even in the writings her poetry. Charlotte "Jane Eyre" Bronte was born April 21, 1816. She was born the third daughter out of six children. In 1824, Charlotte and her older... Show more content on ... At first their proposal to publish the book was turned down due to the Bronte's publisher telling them it was improper to produce books by a woman, so they each created a pseudonym making them Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. In 1846, Charlotte Bronte and her sisters published their book of poems, however sales were low. (Bronte, 167) Charlotte soon became more consumed in her own writings and began to work on her book Jane Eyre. ( In May of 1846, Anne Bronte died of consumption. This had affected the writing of Jane Eyre for Charlotte. Jane Eyre was conceived as a fused experience of Charlotte's childhood at Cowan Bridge, the death of her sisters, ordeals as a governess, testing experience of love, and her place in it. In 1847, Jane Eyre was published. Jane Eyre was said to be a vey powerful piece written by Charlotte and could possibly be one of best books she has ever written. However, despite the success Charlotte obtained with Jane Eyre, her luck seemed to alter. In the September of 1848, Charlotte's brother, Branwell, died due to heavy drinking. If this was not bad enough, Charlotte's sister Emily died that following December due to consumption just like their sisters before her. This grief caused Charlotte and her father to become closer than ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Children With Special Needs A Wonderful Part Of Our World... Children with special needs are a wonderful part of our world today. A child with special needs bring a whole new life to those who they are around. They light up our world when we are around them and do not see when there is trouble with different issues. After watching the two movies, Lorenzo's Oil and The Other Sister, my eyes were opened even more about living with children who have special needs. Lorenzo's Oil is based on a true story of Michalla and Augosto Odone and their son Lorenzo. When Lorenzo is just five years old he is diagnosed with a disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy also called ALD. Once he is diagnosed the Odone's do everything they can to find a cure for this terminal disease. After talking with doctors they find out that Lorenzo only had about two years to love. With that being said both Michalla and Augosto do everything in their power to lengthen his prognosis. ALD is a genetic disorder that is X linked. This disease causes the body to not be able to break down the long chain of fatty acids, because of this then the myelin sheath that is around the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord begins to deteriorate. There are many different symptoms that one produces such as: hyperactivity, decreased school performance, difficulty understanding verbal communication, hard time swallowing, muscle spasms and change in muscle tone, loss of hearing, visual impairment or blindness, and seizures. These are just some of the symptoms that ALD patients have. Despite ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The For A Good Reputation 1.Tenacious; adjective; tending to keep a firm hold of something; cling on to something; The couple was tenacious in the sense that they kept holding on to their marriage. Although they were had problems they would cling on to the thought that it was all going to get better. They were so tenacious because they had kids and did not want anything to change. They later realized it was not worth it and nothing was going to change. They decide to stop being so tenacious and got a divorce. 2.Tenure; noun; the act or length of time that something is held; term of office; As a president, one would not like to have an unsuccessful tenure. A president would try to act wisely throughout his term in order to keep a good reputation. Presidents only have a four–year tenure, and if re–elected, they will have another four years. Since their tenure is so short, they need to make the best of it. They will try and make a difference within the time they have. 3.Thwart; verb; prevent (someone) from accomplishing something; to get in the way of or stop someone from doing something; There are many things that may have thwarted me from from going to college. For example, none of my parents went to college, and they are both immigrants. Another thing that me have hindered me might have been the fact that I came from a low–income family. However, my financial aid has helped me pay for my education. My motivation for a higher education overcame everything that may have thwarted me from going to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Analysis Of ' Beauty And The Beast ' And Apuleius 's Cupid... Jeanne–Marie LePrince de Beaumont's "Beauty and the Beast" and Apuleius's "Cupid and Psyche" both use a pair of sisters as a shadow figure to the beauty in the story. A shadow figure is a term used from Carl Jung's "Process of Individuation", that describes the character who impedes on beauty's growth is a shadow character. The sisters in both stories hold features that beauty should gain in the end, such as marriage, being confident, and wanting more for herself. The sisters also hold features that are the opposite of beauty such as selfishness, envy, and being materialistic. These are ways that we can define the sisters as being the shadow. Although at first it seems the shadow figures of the sisters inBeauty and the Beast and Cupid and Psyche both are trying to ruin beauty's development, nevertheless, both sets of sisters have different methods of ruining her individuation such as the sister's different relationships with beauty before she goes to the beast, different ways of stunting her growth, and different results after they attempt to ruin her individuation. At first, the sisters in the two stories seem to have similar ways in ruining beauty's development. Both the pairs of sisters are envious of their younger sister. You would almost think that the two older ones were twins from how alike they are. In Beaumont's Beauty and the Beast, "the virtues of their younger sister had filled them with a good deal of envy" (Beaumont, 138). This is about the older sisters. The ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Margaret Nusrat Character Analysis (MIP–2)The character Nusrat also had developed PTSD, Nusrat had developed PTSD from losing the closest person in the whole world from her, her sister Margaret, she examples signs of PTSD that people go through.(SIP–A) Nusrat was dealing with avoiding situations and flashback PTSD symptoms. The way Nusrat coped with the death of her sister she had came to develop a symptom of PTSD which she would avoid people. Nusrat would not talk to anybody, she would play with Margaret even when she wasn't there, she wouldn't play with the other kids, even when her mom begged her.(STEWE–1) Elaine was angry with her mother for trying to force friendships on her. All Elaine wanted was for Margaret to get better, and when that didn't happen she decided she'd... Show more content on ... Nusrat shows PTSD here because she can not connect with anyone else but Margaret. Nusrat had only connected with Margaret and when she died she spent her years alone. To connect with her sister she uses one of their favorite memories together, watching the stars through their grandfathers telescope. Nusrat not connecting with anyone is a sign of PTSD because she is still grieving over her sister's death even though she had been gone for some time.(STEWE–2)Nusrat longs for her sister for years even when she is older and moves to Afghanistan, "but a little tug in the vicinity of her heart reminds her of her real sister Margaret, who died when Nusrat was ten"(Staples,22). Nusrat often thinks about her sister, she longs for her sister and even just another sister figure in her life hugging her thinks of her real sister Margaret. (SIP–B)With Nusrat's sister dying it took a toll on her life, Nusrat's symptoms of PTSD are very common and often affect those who lose loved ones.(STEWE–1)One of Nusrat's symptoms was her avoiding people also known as "avoiding situations" this symptom is common "You may not have positive or loving feelings toward other people and may stay away from relationships"(NFN). ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Other Sister Essays The Other Sister is about a family with a sibling that has a developmental disability also known as mildly mentally retardation (MMR), mild developmental disability, or mild intellectual disorder (MID). Carla Tate is our main character that has MMR as a disability. She is a young women, twenty–four years old, with a slender but beautiful appearance. Carla has just graduated from a special education boarding school and is returning home to her family. Carla's mother (Elizabeth Tate) is overbearingly protective, does not appreciate all of the abilities that Carla has acquired. Her father (Bradley Tate) is a recovering alcoholic who is sympathetic and supportive of Carla, who at the same time has to deal with his domineering wife. Carla has... Show more content on ... Elizabeth makes it very difficult for Carla by not supporting her relationship with Daniel. Carla experiences her first kiss with Daniel. Their relationship is sweet and very innocent in its development. Carla has many questions about sex. She refers to The New Joy of Sex book for some answers. Carla loses her virginity with Daniel. Daniel has to leave the area and go to live with his Mother in Florida. He decides on his journey that he ca not live without Carla. Daniel hitchhikes back to Carla and finds her at her sister's wedding. Daniel proposes to Carla in front of the wedding party. Everyone is supportive of Carla and Daniel except for her mother. Carla gets upset with her mother and expresses her frustration with her by saying, "I am sick of you telling me what to do!" Carla plans her wedding with the support of her sisters and father. During Carla's wedding, the couple recites their own vows to each other. They also try to kiss after every word the preacher says. It is very humorous in and innocence type of way. Carla's mother comes to the wedding at the end. Elizabeth now shows support for her and Daniel. Daniel has a gift to give Carla at the end. The complete marching band including color guard and majorettes from Daniel's School plays and marches in a parade down the street in front of the car the couple is sitting in. The movie concludes with a happy ending. The type of disability shown in the movie involves mild ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Analysis Of Sisters By Raina Telgemeier Aaaaaaaaaahhhh Why do sisters have to be so annoying? The book Sisters by Raina Telgemeier is like any other sister relationship. When Ranina wanted to be a big sister she could not wait. But when her little sister Amara came she she kind of wished it had never happened. Amara is a very funny ,but she is annoying as ever ,and kind of a big baby. She likes to play a lot ,but she is mostly alone. I can't say that Raina and her sister have a perfect relationship like sisters should. Later on that year both Raina and Amara get to be big sisters because her brother come along.The hardest thing that happens to any family is the parents having a conflict. Raina's parents disagree mostly everything ,and they put their fights aside and help make their family better. The significant passage is when Raina ,and her family arrive to her aunt's house.Raina was really hopes to see her cousin Lindsey,and it didn't go too well.Raina really tried to change herself to look cool ,but she only made it worse.The pictures in the book show Raina putting on makeup to fit in with the big kids. Also, she by her sleeping with a bear it made her look like a baby even though she threw it across the room.In addition to that she pushed her sister away to top it all of. She like 100 people around her ,but she felt alone. The theme of the novel is determination. This was demonstrated when the character experienced being an outsider form all the other kids. Rania was determined to fit in with the older kids. She put on makeup to make it look like she older."Ew, What did you do to your face (Telgemeier 131). That same day she threw her bear away and blamed it on her sister."I don't care about this stupid bear my sister just packed him !!!!' (Telgemeier 130). Raina is so trying so hard to be cool and fit in that she forgot how to be herself for a minute. The author uses the narrative voice of Rania and her sister. This impacted the book by showing how messed up Raina's relationship is with her sister. When Amara was packing she asked Raina for he colored pencils and she said, "Nope, no colored pencils here" (Telgemeier 14). The pictures, though, show that Rania lied right Amara's her face. Every sister has a little conflict ,but never ... Get more on ...
  • 31. How Religion Has Influenced The Life Of A Nun "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another?" (Jn 13:35)What is a committed religious life for being a Catholic sister or nun. Catholic sister and nuns have a different variation of lifestyle, ministries and callings. All community has its own peculiar identity and flavor, this is because there are no two association, as there is no two nuns that are the same. As we watch movies about nuns we sometimes predict sisters and nuns to be living a highly ordered life which is unchanging in structure which is repetitive in context. But the truth is that there may be some regular customs and practices, a day in Catholic sister and nun life as it is diverse, especially as the Holy Spirit is in charge. As a day in a life of nuns are constructed around service within the chapel because by joining a convent or nunnery, nuns have to make a choice to devote their life to God. Religion has influenced the life of a nun. A lot of convents do have its own particular daily timetable for a nun as many do the following similarly: the first day of services 02.00: Matins Laud After Matins Laud, nuns would go back to bed and would get up again at first light. She then would go and wash and have a breakfast which consist of bread and beer. This is because of the boiling process involved in the making of beer.( it was a lot less dangerous to drink beer than water.) the second service of the day 07.00: Prime. After Prime, nuns would meet in the chapter ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Sibling Relationships And Family Relationships Over time the relationships you have with your siblings change, you can start out not liking each other and then in later life being to love or tolerate each other ("Brothers, Sisters and Aging Parents", 2014). Late adulthood is defined as being over the age of sixty–five (Later Adulthood, n.d.). The sibling relationships is forced relationships that are maintained by the siblings to foster a lifelong relationship (Martin, Anderson, & Rocca, 2005). Siblings play very different roles for each other, friend, competitor, manager, and teacher (as cited in Martin et al., 2005). Sibling relationships can be of three different types: Brother and brother, sister and sister, and brother and sister, all three will be discussed. Brother and Brother relationships out of the three types seem to have the least amount of telephone contact of all the types (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Tend to help each other more with giving help to each other than receiving help from each other, brothers tend to help with giving advice over helping each other with transportation (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Brothers would rather receive help with child care then be the brother providing the child care (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Brother relationships tend to be completive with each other trying to outdo each other. Brothers tend to visit each other about three times a month (Spitze & Trent, 2006). Brothers tend to help each other with repairs more than any other sibling type (Spitze &Trent, 2006). Sister and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Forest By The Sisters Von Morgen Over the years that the issue of the forest stretched on from 1994– 2010 the sisters von Morgen would continually meet up with their lawyers to try and resolve the issue of what to do with the forest. My godmother as the youngest sister was assigned to be the manager of the forest that would support the one remaining ancestral home for the four sisters. The sisters however did not agree to this even though it was written in the will. The sisters believed my godmother had only gotten that position because she was living with their mother when she passed away. The situation of the forest was the catalyst that opened the fight between the sisters that had started many years earlier. As young girls the sisters had been very unhappy when their younger sister, Felicitas my godmother, was born. Seven years younger than the youngest sister they were not happy with the attention the new baby was getting and even at that young age decided to retaliate. Baby Felicitas was lying in a pram when the sisters pushed it into flock of geese that were noted for being dangerous. As luck would have it her mother would rescue her before anything could happen. The sisters, however, would see the rescue act as once more privilege being bestowed on the baby of the family. As the sisters grew older they would remain always distance, only including Felicitas when it suited their need. Felicitas adored her sisters despite the many pranks they pulled on her. She liked them even when they look down upon ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Pregnancy You got off the bed and walk towards the restroom to see your mother and sister having nausea, their eyes show sign of a strange–distinct feeling of awkwardness. This would lead to some difficulties explaining, so you decide to use your gifts. *I wish my mother and sister would not find anything unusual about them being in the restroom together, with morning sickness.* Your mother and sister face relax and starts to shows no sign of concern for one another, as to why they are in the restroom. Seeing them having intense symptoms of pregnancy, a clear proof and indication of your own evil breeding. Made your cock even more stiff and energetic. It 's about time you push things up a notch. *I wish my mother and sister will continue to ... Show more content on ... *I wish my mother and sister will find each other extremely attracted to one another. Nothing would be more arousing than having an orgy with family members.* Your mother and sister head twitch slightly for a few moments. Your wish have overwritten their moral judgment, and replaced with a deep desire for incest and bisexuality. You smile when you saw your mother and sister in a passionate 'lock ' kissing each other. Their tongues are exploring each other 's mouth, their saliva are dripping down from each other 's chin. Their sexual behaviors are like mare in heat. They are aggressively fondling each other 's breasts and their nipples hardened by their sexual contact. They lost all shame and replaced by pure, uncontrollable, lust. You got inside the restroom and they crawled hungrily towards your hard stiff pole. Your mother engulf your entire cock down her throat, while your little sister busy licking, sucking your lower testicles. They rotate sucking on your manhood, and the sensation was overwhelming you. You grunt loudly to yourself, as your orgasm buildup, you shot loads after loads of your cum on your sister 's and mother 's face, and you even shot a few jetstream on their hair. Your mother and sister smiled happily, when they started sucking on your manhood. It was like a tasty lollipop for them, and they accomplish getting the juice out of your cock. They use their fingers to scoop the remaining cum off their face and lick it clean.
  • 35. ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Stereotypes In The Other Sister And I Am Sam Do films accurately portray oppressions faced by those with disabilities? Or do they merely fluff the content to make the audience feel less guilty for society's behavior? The American Minority Group Model of Disability, a social model, claims that people with disabilities are a minority group, are accorded less status than non–disabled citizens, are subjected to widespread discrimination, and are relentlessly misrepresented and actively stereotyped in the media (Shapiro, 1993; Zola, 1982). This is a statement that is imperative to keep at the forefront when viewing films incorporating characters with disabilities. The films, The Other Sister and I Am Sam are two examples that help unpack these discrepancies. Both the films leave the impression ... Show more content on ... The wealthy family consists of three daughters. Two of which are highly praised by their parents for their success and efforts. Carla is the third daughter who is often viewed as an embarrassment at public events and the troublemaker. Although all the daughters are deeply loved, Carla is the clear outcast who is treated differently. This concept was discussed heavily in class. The course explored the meaning imposed on "freaks" in freak shows. Dr. Gallagher explained that performances were intended to put the "freak on display to reassure the "rest of us" of our normality and acceptability – our safe status" (Gallagher, Lecture 2/2/17). In other words, people who have a disability are separated from the majority non–disabled group to ensure "us" that we are in fact normal and acceptable. This notion makes "us" feel secure in who we are as ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Other Sister Analysis Carla Tate, is a young woman who is sent to a special boarding school for people with an intellectual disability at a very young age. After years of being away from her family, she graduates from her program and is sent back home to deal with her neurotic and overbearing mother, Elizabeth, who wishes her daughter was "normal," and her father and sisters who have come to accept Carla, just as she is. As Elizabeth plans for her daughters return, Carla plans go against everything her mother says, does, and wishes. Within the first week of being home, Carla runs away and back to the institution she called home for so long due to her mother's over protective ways. After an argument between the Carla's former Doctor, and Carla's mother, Elizabeth, ... Show more content on ... With everything that I have been taught, these thirteen words define how we must work. So, what is the first step when working with those with a disability? The movie the Other Sister not only screams this answer, but it is one we commonly dismiss as we work alongside those who we support. The answer is in relationship we must build in trust to be of any help to those we work with. As future Human Service Workers and leaders, and Disability Support Workers, to make our actions count or to be of any kind of positive change, we must establish a trusted relationship that values the quality of life we wish to provide for another being. It is within that relationship that real change can occur, and the persons we interact with flourishes beyond expectations. John O'Brien Five Valued Experiences (pg5 Getting to Community), as well as Wolfensberger's adopted terms of Social Role Valorization (pg22,23 Getting to Community), are great places to start when setting up a relationship with those we service, for they are guidelines of how we can see past a disability and the potential in those we work with. However, it is Perske (pg. 69 Getting Back to Community) words of our, Disability Support Workers are paid for relationships with those we provide services to, could not be more true. The Other Sister identifies this need of change, and to change societies way of thinking as the persons we are working with are not just a job, but we are and extension of their family. Kendrick said, "There is a profound difference between having a life in the community and flouring as a human being "(pg42 Getting to Community) and I could not agree more, and it all starts with a relationship. As the Other Sister is a direct reflection of all the things we can do wrong for persons with a disability, the effects we can have on our relationships with them, and with ourselves and how to make them right. It all starts with a ... Get more on ...
  • 38. A Definition Of A Parable A definition of a Parable is a short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson. In this essay, I am going to explore what I think the author in this four character play meant by the title "Doubt" The play takes place in a Catholic school in the Bronx. The performers are, the school principal Sister Aloysius Beauvier; she is of the order of the Sisters of Charity age about 55, she is watchful, reserved, and unsentimental. Father Brendan Flynn; a working class priest age late thirties, Sister James a nun also of the Sisters of Charity in her twenties and Mrs. Muller age 38 a black women, the mother of the only black student at the school. Some examples of Doubts are, Sister Aloysius puts doubts in Sister James mind on her teaching ability. She criticizes her enthusiasm for teaching history. Clams her love for history risks swaying the children to value it over other subjects. Sister James main goal is to be a good teacher and have the students like her. According to, Sister Aloysius having the students like you is a weakness, they must fear you and if something occurs in the classroom that you don't understand, you must come to me. Next Sister Aloysius puts Doubts in Sister James mind about Father Flynn. Sister James opinion of him is that he is a brilliant man and a great speaker. Sister Aloysius wants Sister James to be alert for any unusual actions of Father Flynn and is concerned about matters in St Nicholas ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My Observation Of Outback Steak House On Saturday, April 23, 2016, my entire family went out to Outback Steakhouse to celebrate my younger brother's nineteenth birthday. We were out at Outback Steakhouse for two hours, and I decided to observe my twin sisters for this observation paper during that time. Physically, all seven members of my family were seated in an open table setting, there were three seats each located on both sides of the table and an extra chair located at the head of the table. The way we sat were similar to the stereotypical image of a "family dinner night." I was situated across from my two sisters. We ended up sitting at our table inside the restaurant from 7pm to 9pm at night, since the restaurant was really busy with the weekend dinner rush. The dinner... Show more content on ... To play their game, both of my sisters had to take turns with each other. They could play this particular game by themselves, but it probably would not be as fun. In order for them to play together, they had to keep in mind this idea of ideal reciprocity. Ideal reciprocity is often expressed in the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (Berk 497). To play together, both of my sisters have to allow the other one to take their turn. After a round is over, they acknowledged the winner of the round without being a sore winner or loser. By refusing to be sore winners and sore losers regardless of the game's outcome, my sisters created an atmosphere that welcomed friendly competition among ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Rose Dancing at Lughnasa 'Re–read Act 2 from page 56 (CHRIS: There she is!) to page 59 (KATE: what has happened to this house? Mother of God, will we ever be able to lift our heads ever again...? (Pause)). Discuss the presentation and role of Rose in this extract and elsewhere in the play. Although mentally handicapped, Rose Mundy is perhaps the most fearless of all her sisters. Her role in 'Dancing at Lughnasa' is key in highlighting the morally and religiously restricting traits in her sister Kate as well as outlining the confining constraints of living in very rural Ireland. As the plot unravels, the audience become increasingly aware of Rose's dispersing innocence when symbolic events such as the dead 'stained' rooster occur. As a result of her disability, ... Show more content on ... Small details that appear romantic to Rose such as him calling her "his Rosebud" seem sleazy and worrying to everyone else as they know what Danny Bradley is really like, but unfortunately poor Rose is too simple to realise. It is also very disheartening to watch Rose have to return to her banal, grubby household duties after just seeing her in such a natural, relaxed state. Maggie tells Rose that she needs to go and get some turf and Rose replies "I'll change first, Maggie." It is sad that Rose's happiness cannot last any longer; moreover it is interesting that she changes her clothes because Rose's outfits are very representative of her routines. She changes from her good skirt and her good shoes to her overalls and her wellingtons which show the drastic return from freedom and femininity to these monotonous dirty tasks which she is summoned to. There is a significant loss of innocence seen in Rose by her sisters and the audience after she has returned from her date with Danny Bradley. Firstly, after thrusting some berries into her mouth she is left with "stained fingers." This has sexual overtones as a staining of red suggests a loss of innocence that can never be washed out. Similarly, when Agnes rushes to meet Rose 'Instead of hugging her, as she wants to, she catches her arm." Thus emphasising that Agnes realises Rose is no longer a child, she is a woman now and she should not hug her as if she is a little girl. 'Catches' suggests that Agnes has to restrain ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Melania Research Paper Once upon a time, in a little house down on Lawford Street in house number 138, there were two sisters, a mother and a father who all lived under the same roof and loved each other very much. They all used to get along without a single problem. The sisters used to have sleepovers in each other's bedrooms, sharing beds, braiding hair, attempting to stay up all night only to fall asleep at nine, all the typical little girl things. The parents used to stay up after their daughters fell asleep, talking about simple things while enjoying the quiet. They were a very normal, happy family. The eldest in the family was their mother, her name was Melania. She is a tall, slender woman with thinning brown hair, green hair and a somewhat thin, dieted ... Show more content on ... People actually started getting scared of the younger one. Teachers avoided the younger sister whenever possible and so did other students. The only one who went near her was her sister. Most lunchtimes, the two would stay inside and listen to the older sister's CD's using the classrooms CD player. The older sister's music consisted of classic rock bands like Greenday, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Queen, Nirvana, Panic At The Disco, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Kiss, ACDC, Meatloaf, My Chemical Romance, Guns N Roses and Fallout Boy. While every other girl was going through their pink and barbie phase, she was starting a love for rock bands that was sparked by their parents. The younger one enjoyed the music too but her sister found deeper meaning in the lyrics. While Wake Me Up When September Ends played through the muffled speakers, the older sister talked deep feelings that the younger sister didn't understand. She said things about feeling sad, hopeless and never wanting to do anything sometimes not even be alive but the younger sister didn't entirely focus on her sister, she was busy dancing around to the music. The older sister realised that her sister didn't care and never spoke about her sad feelings ... Get more on ...