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magazine of the college of arts and sciences
spring 2011
| letter from the dean |                                                                             intellect                                                                                       | contents |
                                                                                                     editors :
                                                                                                         Kelly Welsh ’05 (M.A.)
                                                                                                         Patricia Allen

            E     ducation is enhanced when concepts are felt and principles are experienced.
                  Simply learning that certain fish will group together to protect themselves from
                                                                                                         Maria Taffera Lewis                                        Gambling on the Big Game:
            prey is not the same as watching it occur. Understanding the differences between
            Baroque and Romantic music is not nearly the same as hearing, or even playing,
            Bach and Chopin back-to-back.
                                                                                                     image editor:
                                                                                                         James Brack

                                                                                                                                                    2                  The Risk of Concussions

                                                                                                                                                                        From Kitchen to Classroom,

            Students at Saint Joseph’s University’s College of Arts and Sciences truly experience                                                                          New Classes Nourish
                                                                                                         Melissa Kelly
            their education. They are given many opportunities to investigate, explore, experiment
            with, and put into practice the foundational ideas and core principles of their areas    contributors:
            of study. They benefit from an engaged faculty whose enthusiasm for knowledge and            Patricia Allen                                           Water, Water Everywhere —                  | departments |
            learning makes them important contributors to their academic fields through research         Thomas Clark ’10                                            But Not a Drop to Drink

                                                                                                         Colleen DeFruscio ’11 (M.A.)
            and creative explorations.                                                                                                                                                                              News
                                                                                                         Nicole Katze ’11 (M.A.)
                                                                                                         Bill Wells ’12                                                Closing the Gap:
            I am proud of the spirit of partnership between students and faculty in the classroom,
                                                                                                         Kelly Welsh ’05 (M.A.)                                            Understanding Variables
            the lab, and the studio. I am proud, too, of Saint Joseph’s new general education                                                                                                                       Faculty Books
            program, instituted this fall. It is designed to challenge all of our undergraduate                                                                         in Mathematics Achievement
            students to be inquisitive, reflective, imaginative and engaged.

                                                                                                                                                                    Switchgrass and Green Roofs:                    Newsmakers
                                                                                                     Intellect is a publication of
            It is my hope that the pages of this premier issue of Intellect will provide readers a
                                                                                                     Saint Joseph’s University’s                                       Researching Sustainable Options
            taste of the experiences that are the foundation of the many courses of study within
                                                                                                     College of Arts and Sciences,
            the College of Arts and Sciences. This issue invites you to consider the possibility                                                                                                                    Journal
                                                                                                     showcasing the latest research
            of reversing the aging process, explore the hidden trauma of concussions, imagine        and news.                                                           Sleepless Across the Globe:
            how switchgrass could power cars, and think about the place that food has not only                                                                              A Cultural Look
            in our kitchens, but in pop culture and ethics.                                          For more information,
                                                                                                     please visit our website at
                                                                                                                                                                      Tying Up the Ends: Investigating the

                                                                                                                                                                         Genetics of Cancer and Aging
               William Madges, Ph.D.

                                                                                                     On the cover: Barbelin Hall, alight with the
                                                                                                     excitement of new programs, research
                                                                                                                                                                            Calm and Composed:
                                                                                                     and opportunities for students and faculty.                               The Art of Susan Fenton

                              Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1851, Saint Joseph’s University
                                                                                                                                                                                                              spring 2011 | intellect 1
                              advances the professional and personal ambitions of men and women
                              by providing a demanding yet supportive educational experience.
| psychology |

 Gambling                                                       on                         especially those that were cognitive, physical and
                                                                                           sleep-related, than athletes with a history of zero or
                                                                                                                                                    According to the
                                                                                                                                                    Centers for Disease Control,
                                                                                                                                                    approximately 1.6 to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Loss of conscious-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ness is not required
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            for diagnosis of a

the Big Game:
                                                                                           one previous concussion,” says Schatz.                   3 million concussions occur                                                                             concussion, and
                                                                                              The study, which evaluated over 2,500 high            every year in the                                                                                       the majority of
                                                                                           school athletes in three different states, assessed      United States,                                                                                          concussions do not
                                                                                           concussion symptom questionnaires that were              making it an epidemic.                                                                                  involve a loss
                                                                                           administered during preseason testing. Results                                                                                                                   of consciousness.
                                                                                           indicate that high school athletes with two or more

  The Risk of
                                                                                           concussions had higher ratings on symptoms such as
                                                                                           headaches, difficulty remembering things, dizziness,
                                                                                           and an increase or decrease in sleep, as compared to
                                                                                           athletes with one or no previous concussion.

   Concussions                                                                                Although the study was based on self-report
                                                                                           of concussion history and symptoms during the
                                                                                           preseason screening of healthy teenage athletes,
                                                                                           he does say that the results are congruent with the
                                                                                                                                                    An athlete who sustains
                                                                                                                                                    a concussion is
                                                                                                                                                    4-6 times more likely
                                                                                                                                                    to sustain a second
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            History of multiple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            concussions has been

                                P          revious research on ex-NFL players showed
                                           that repeated concussions resulted in greater
                                           incidence of cognitive impairment and
                                depression. More recent research has revealed that
                                ex-athletes with a history of multiple concussions
                                                                                           recent studies on long-term concussion-related
                                                                                           symptoms in professional athletes.
                                                                                              “The results suggest that there may be early
                                                                                           indicators of post-concussion syndrome seen in
                                                                                           professional athletes with multiple previous
                                                                                                                                                    concussion, and up to
                                                                                                                                                    9 times more likely
                                                                                                                                                    to experience more
                                                                                                                                                    severe symptoms
                                                                                                                                                    following subsequent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            linked to decreased
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            scholastic performance,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            decreased attention
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and concentration,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            increased incidence
                                had neurological brain changes commonly associated         concussions,” Schatz says. “These findings do not        concussions.                                                                                            of depression
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and permanent
                                with advanced dementia. These findings have resulted       reflect any direct causal relationship. For example,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            neurological changes.
                                in increased concern over post-concussion-related          it may be that athletes with multiple concussions are
                                injuries and trauma of athletes.                           simply more familiar with concussion symptoms and
                                   P HILIP S CHATZ P H .D., professor of psychology,       terminology, or more sensitive to physical,
                                and his associates published a study in Neurosurgery       cognitive, and emotional fluctuations.”
                                that identifies potentially enduring effects of multiple      With the popularity of organized sports ever on
                                previous concussions on high school students. More         the rise, Schatz wants people to remember that           Concussions and the Brain
                                specifically, Schatz and his colleagues propose through    concussions are a serious hazard. “Concussions are
                                                                                                                                                         A concussion is           Following concussion,          This typically results
                                their research that teens who have sustained multiple      a real risk, and there is no way to prevent them from                                                                                             During this time
                                                                                                                                                         considered a              there is a decrease in         in rapid onset of
                                concussions may already be demonstrating early signs       occurring,” warns Schatz. “But if somebody                                                                                                        period, a second
                                                                                                                                                         metabolic injury          regional cerebral blood flow   temporary impairment
                                of post-concussion syndrome.                               sustains a concussion, the best practice is to make                                                                                               concussion or impact
                                                                                                                                                         and cannot                and an increase in need for    of neurological function
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             can have severe or
                                   “Our results show that high school athletes with a      sure that they are symptom free, and that they don’t          be detected on a          glucose demand, creating a     that resolves within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             catastrophic effects.
                                history of two or more concussions had significantly       return to play or practice until they have been seen          CT scan or MRI.           metabolic mismatch.            7-10 days.
                                higher ratings of concussion-related symptoms,             by a qualified medical professional for clearance.”

  2   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  spring 2011 | intellect 3
| english & philosophy |

     [   Food Writing            ]                   “    The class exercises require
                                                          thinking beyond the obvious—                                                                                                                      [   Literature of Food              ]
“W genrethe last decade, the food writing
          has become an American
     obsession — from best-selling memoirs based
     on food to food blogs and food journalism
                                                          they can’t just say something
                                                          is delicious. You have to think
                                                               through flavor and texture
                                                               and consider writing for
                                                                                                  From                                                                                                      W        hen asked about the course she would most like to develop, M ELISSA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     G OLDTHWAITE , P H .D., professor of English, described the class she
                                                                                                                                                                                                            now teaches, Literary Forms and Styles: Books that Cook. Blending the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            reading, analysis and enjoyment of literature that focuses on or features food,
                                                               an audience.
                                                                                                  Kitchen to
     books,” says T ENAYA DARLINGTON , M.F.A.,                                                                                                                                                              the course is also a study of the history and
     associate professor of English. A food writer herself, Darlington’s most recent foray
     into the field is her blog, “Madame Fromage: The Pillow Book of a Cheese Lover.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sociology of food and foodways in America.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Students are encouraged to consider their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “      By the end of the class,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                they are not only aware of
     Things came together for Darlington when she started teaching a popular course                                                                                                                         own relationship to food, and the literatures       how much literature deals
     in food writing.                                                                                                                                                                                       of food, through writing,” says Goldthwaite.        with food, but they also go
         “The class is an opportunity to examine our food culture through different                                                                                                                         “Class members read a variety of forms and          through a transformation
     lenses, from political to personal, and to study trends in various food movements,”
     says Darlington. “As well, students put their writing chops to the test by developing
     their own food blogs, some of which have really taken off.”
         To hone their writing and epicurean skills, Darlington devised several ingenious
     activities to stimulate palates and imaginations. “The exercises require thinking
                                                                                                  Classroom,     [   Food Ethics       ]
                                                                                                                  ypically, food isn’t a topic that
                                                                                                               “ Tphilosophers consider,” says J    ULIE
                                                                                                                                                                  During the semester, McDonald
                                                                                                                                                              divides the moral issues students grapple
                                                                                                                                                              with into three broad categories: questions
                                                                                                                                                              concerning one’s relationship to oneself —
                                                                                                                                                                                                            genres, even analyzing the roles recipes play
                                                                                                                                                                                                            both in literature and as literature.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The co-author of the forthcoming Words
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of ‘tastes’ — both literary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and sensory.
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Rising: AnAnthologyofAmericanFoodWriting (University of Nebraska Press),
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Goldthwaite says that course work is not confined to rhetorical analysis.
     beyond the obvious — they can't just say that something is ‘delicious,’ ” says Darlington.
     “They have to think through flavor and texture, and consider writing for an audience.
     Being a food writer requires understanding the plate on many levels, not just as
     cuisine, but also as a series of interconnected stories between food producers,
     politicians, flavorists, chefs, writers, diners, pilots and truckers. ”
                                                                                                  New            M C D ONALD , P H .D., assistant professor
                                                                                                                 and chair of philosophy. But McDonald’s
                                                                                                                 course, Food and Justice, exposes
                                                                                                                 students to the 21st century’s complex
                                                                                                                 moral issues related to food.
                                                                                                                                                              healthy eating and gluttony — questions
                                                                                                                                                              concerning one’s relationship to other
                                                                                                                                                              people — food security, food rights,
                                                                                                                                                              marketing and labeling, the safety of food
                                                                                                                                                              workers — and questions concerning one’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “Though I don’t require it, I invite students to make something for their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   classmates to eat,” she says. “They might use a recipe from one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the books we are reading – like Nora Ephron’s Heartburn or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Laura Esquivel’s LikeWaterforChocolate. Or they can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bring in foods that are important to them. One
                                                                                                                     McDonald believes the course’s focus     relationship to animals and the environ-                             student talked about her family’s blueberry farm, and

                                                                                                  Courses        is unique for a philosophy curriculum.
                                                                                                                 Among other issues, students wrestle
                                                                                                                 with the ethics associated with global
                                                                                                                 hunger, malnourishment, starvation,
                                                                                                                 biotechnology and food production,
                                                                                                                                                              ment — ethics, genetically modified foods,
                                                                                                                                                              vegetarianism, veganism, animal rights.
                                                                                                                                                                  McDonald says one of her goals for
                                                                                                                                                              her students, who are often senior food
                                                                                                                                                              marketing majors or minors in faith-justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    discussed how it defined her, how her family in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    abundant summer months created recipes. She
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    brought in blueberry pizza, following a dessert recipe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     created by her aunt.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Throughout the semester, students confront our

                                                                                                                 and the effects our current agricultural     studies, is for them to learn to question                               culture’s complicated relationships to food, notes
                                                                                                                 practices will have on future generations.   prevailing systems of thought that                                       Goldthwaite. “At the same time, they are consuming
                                                                                                                     “I’m aware of philosophy courses         contribute to our culture’s failure to                                    the literature,” she says. “By the end of the class,
                                                                                                                 that look at food through the prism of       pay attention to these issues. “We are                                       they are not only aware of how much literature
                                                                                                                 aesthetics,” she notes, “but this course     educating the leaders of the future who                                                        deals with food, but they also
                                                                                                                 is quite different. It was developed         will be challenged by the problems —                                                              go through a transformation
                                                                                                                 through the University’s Faith-Justice       such as hunger and food insecurity —                                                                  of ‘tastes’ — both literary
                                                                                                                 Institute, and it makes students aware       that they have encountered in class.                                                                        and sensory.”
                                                                                                                 of the people who face hunger and            It’s crucial they recognize them and learn
                                                                                                                 starvation globally, and in our own          to think effectively about how to solve
                                                                                                                 backyard.”                                   them,” she says.

 4    intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   spring 2011 | intellect 5
| institute of catholic bioethics |

Water, Water,                                                                                                                                                                         Water that is fit to drink without risk of immediate
                                                                                                                                                                                      or long-term harm is fundamental to human well-being.

     Everywhere –                                                                                                                                                                     Without food we can survive weeks. But without water,
                                                                                                                                                                                      we can die of dehydration in as little as two days.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              —UN-Water, United Nations

 But Not a Drop to Drink
 Over 1.1 billion people, mostly in low- and middle-income countries, lack access to safe water sources
     within a reasonable distance (1 kilometer) and reasonable quantities (20 L/day) from their homes.
                                                                                                          Even after the United Nations voted to recognize water as a
                                                                                                          human right, the World Health Organization reports that 1.1 billion
                                                                                                          people lack access to a safe and adequate water supply. To address
                                                                                                          this public health crisis, a team of 10 graduate and undergraduate
                                                                                                          students — led by medical bioethicist P ETER C LARK , S.J. ’75,
                                                                                                          professor of theology and director of the Institute of Catholic
                                                                                                          Bioethics, and four Institute Fellows — are developing an
                                                                                                                                                                                   parishes, clinics or schools in Guatemala, Tanzania and the
                                                                                                                                                                                   Dominican Republic.
                                                                                                                                                                                       With the help of microbiologists J OHN T UDOR P H .D., professor
                                                                                                                                                                                   of biology, and C ATALINA A RANGO, P H .D., assistant professor of
                                                                                                                                                                                   biology, the team is testing the filter with E-coli — a bacterium
                                                                                                                                                                                   similar in size and shape to Salmonellatyphi, which causes typhoid —
                                                                                                                                                                                   using a water supply from Guatemala.
                                                                                                          inexpensive and sustainable slow-sand water filter for use by Third          “There are many elements that go into the testing process, and
                                                                                                          World nations.                                                           we must continuously repeat the procedure,” says senior Institute
                                                                                                              “We witnessed the need for clean water while working in              Fellow Danielle Lucchesi. “Taking any setbacks into consideration,
                                                                                                          medical clinics in the Third World, where children are dying need-       as well as the duration of the testing, I hope the filter will be ready
                                                                                                          lessly from water-borne illnesses like typhoid, malaria and bacterial    for use in the next year.”
                                                                                                          diarrhea,” says Fr. Clark. “A low-cost, effective water filter could         When testing is completed, the group plans to set up filters in
                                                                                                          help lessen mortality from these diseases.”                              35 homes in one of the targeted countries and teach residents
                                                                                                              In 2008, Fr. Clark and his students began developing the filter,     how to maintain them. They will also determine the filter’s
                                                                                                          aided by faculty members in several disciplines. Through trial and       effectiveness in decreasing the number of typhoid cases and other
                                                                                                          error, the group has designed a model filter that is now being tested.   related water-borne diseases.
                                                                                                              Costing only $20, each slow-sand filtration system is                    According to junior Institute Fellow Matthew Fadus, the main goal
                                                                                                          constructed from easily accessible materials: two six-gallon plastic     is to develop a filter that is sustainable and easily maintained. “There
                                                                                                          buckets, 50 pounds of sand and gravel, cheesecloth and plastic           are many Tanzanian, Dominican and Guatemalan people who spend
                                                                                                          spigots. Research has shown that similar filters can remove up to        hours a day procuring water,” says Fadus. “Education and employ-
                                                                                                          99 percent of bacterial pathogens and produce between 20 and             ment lag behind in terms of priorities, hindering economic growth
                                                                                                          30 liters of clean water daily. The group hopes that the filter will     and development. If families don’t have to worry about foraging for
                                                                                                          someday be used in communities that are connected with Jesuit            clean water, they will be able to focus on other priorities.”

                                                                                                            Costing only $20, the filter may remove up to 99 percent of bacterial pathogens and produce
                                                                                                            between 20 and 30 liters of clean water daily.

  6   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         spring 2011 | intellect 7
| education |

                                                                                                                                   If progress in improving the mathematics
                                                                                                                                   proficiency of Americans is to continue,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Math Lessons
Closing the                                                                                                                        much greater attention must be given
                                                                                                                                   to early mathematics experiences.
                                                                                                                                                    – The National Association for Education of Young Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1  Although 70% of U.S.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           children attend preschool                      2    The number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of low-income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or daycare at 4 years of age,                      children in the

                                                                                                                                                            and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        very little is known about                         United States
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the nature and relationship                        continues to rise.
                                                                                                                                   the type of instruction may not have      learn research skills and understand       between the frequency                              This group
                                                                                                                                   been the most effective. Wang discov-     how educational research can translate     of mathematics learning                            is particularly
                                                                                                                                   ered that teachers of African-American    into classroom success, that’s where       opportunities and later                            at risk of failing
                                                                                                                                   kindergartners used math manipula-        the difference will come,” she says.       mathematics achievement.                           in school.
                                                                                                                                   tives, math worksheets and real-life          Wang has presented her initial
                                                                                                                                   math more often than teachers of          findings on how the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                   low-income Caucasian children, who
                                                                                                                                   taught higher-order math. Ultimately,
                                                                                                                                   Wang found that, despite more
                                                                                                                                                                             learn mathematics intersects with
                                                                                                                                                                             student diversity at the Fifth Annual
                                                                                                                                                                             IES Research Conference in Maryland,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3    Low-income
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Caucasian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4    A greater exposure to higher-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                level mathematics such as:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           counting by 2s, 5s and 10s,
                                                                                                                                   instruction time, African-American        at the 2011 biennial meeting of the        children started
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           knowing the value of coins and
                                                                                                                                   kindergartners did not score as high as   Society for Research in Child              pre-kindergarten with
Understanding Variables in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cash, adding and subtracting

Mathematics Achievement         A           s a child and a first-generation
                                            Chinese American, A U B R E Y
                                            WANG , P H .D., assistant professor
                                of education, knew she was different from
                                others in the classroom. As an adult, her work
                                                                                  special limited license from the federal
                                                                                  government. With this license, Wang has
                                                                                  access to two data sets that comprise the
                                                                                  Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Currently,
                                                                                  there are approximately only 350 individuals
                                                                                                                                   their Caucasian peers.
                                                                                                                                       “The findings suggest that kinder-
                                                                                                                                   garten teachers need to balance their
                                                                                                                                   math curriculum with more emphasis
                                                                                                                                   on higher-order mathematics content
                                                                                                                                                                             Development in Montreal, Canada,
                                                                                                                                                                             and at a meeting of the Chinese
                                                                                                                                                                             American Educational Research and
                                                                                                                                                                             Development Association.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Wang is also researching the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the same level of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        mathematics achieve-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ment that developed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        into a gap favoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           single-digits, and recognizing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           fractions, predicted higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           mathematics achievement in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           kindergarten for both African-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Caucasian children
                                in education brought to her attention the         with access to the data.                         and less on manipulatives and math        influence of student background on         by the end                         American and Caucasian children
                                achievement gap in the United States related          Wang’s research has shown that               games,” she says.                         motivation to learn and acquire a          of kindergarten.                   from low-income families.
                                to students’ backgrounds. As a researcher, she    opportunity to learn is influenced by four           Wang plans to continue this line of   language, specifically Chinese. She
                                wants to do something about it.                   major factors: the time spent learning the       research to build upon the evidence       won a secondary data analysis grant
                                    A specialist in educational leadership,       curriculum, the content of the curriculum,       that early mathematics exposure           totaling $34,076 from the American         Source: 1. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics,
                                Wang is researching students’ opportunity to      how the curriculum is delivered and students’    contributes to later academic success,    Educational Research Association           2000. 2. U. S. Census Bureau, Poverty: 2007 and 2008 American Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Surveys (ACSRB/08-11), 2009. 3.  4. Wang, A. H.  Offenberg, R. Pre-
                                learn mathematics in preschool, kindergarten      individual and diverse learning needs.           and to help close the achievement gap     Grants Program for a two-year              kindergarten math content exposure: Does it predict higher level math content
                                and early grades and how student background           In one study, published in the Early         related to student background.            project titled “Factors Predicting Early   exposure and mathematics achievement in kindergarten? Presentation at the
                                (gender, age, ethnicity and socioeconomic         Childhood Education Journal, Wang found that         “My experience was that practi-       Mathematics Skills for Low-Income          biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal,
                                status) intersects with that opportunity.         low-income African-American kindergartners       tioners do not always know how to         African-American, Hispanic-American,       Canada, 2011.

                                The project involves performing analyses of       had greater opportunities to learn mathemat-     apply the research provided for them,     and Caucasian-American Preschool
                                National Center for Education Statistics          ics than their low-income Caucasian peers.       and often research-based strategies       and Kindergarten Children.” The
                                (NCES) data, and required Wang to obtain a        But while their instruction time was greater,    were not implemented. If educators        award spans 2011 to 2013.

  8   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          spring 2011 | intellect 9
| biology |

                     O             n the face of it, switchgrass
                                   (Panicum virgatum), one of the
                                   native grasses of the tallgrass
                     prairie identified as a potential biofuel
                     source, and green roofs, tight eco-systems
                     of succulent plants engineered to thrive on
                     the tops of buildings, have little in common.
                                                                           dioxide on the potential yield of varieties of
                                                                           switchgrass,” says MICHAEL MCCANN,
                                                                           PH.D. ’89, associate dean, College of Arts
                                                                           and Sciences and professor of biology.
                                                                           The study will also examine the physiological
                                                                           and structural mechanisms that lead to
                                                                           changes in yield.
                                                                                                                                 of the plant and the attributes that allow it
                                                                                                                                 to be used as a biofuel.”

                                                                                                                                              reen roof systems provide a
                                                                                                                                              wide range of benefits including
                                                                                                                                              reduced energy use and
                                                                                                                                 increased energy efficiency. Basic green
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Green Roofs:
                         But at Saint Joseph’s, a $1 million grant              “Understanding the effects of global             roofs usually involve a structure built on an
                     from the Department of Energy’s (DOE)                 change on switchgrass is critical because we          existing roof that includes a waterproofing
                     Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy                don’t want to be caught off guard if we are           membrane and additional layers of root
                     Program is funding key research and public            relying on this crop for fuel,” says C LINT           barrier and drainage systems. Growing
                     education projects focused on these two               S PRINGER , P H .D., assistant professor of           medium and specialized plant vegetation is
                     different entities that will impact the               biology and principal investigator of the             then added to that structure.
                     sustainability movement. Both initiatives             study. “Future changes in climate could have             “There is a variety of commercial green
                     are being conducted on Saint Joseph’s cam-            negative consequences on both the yield               roof systems available, precipitating a need
                     pus, but field studies of switchgrass
                     are being carried out at the Konza
                                                                                                                                          for research focused on direct com-
                                                                                                                                          parisons of different systems and
                                                                                                                                                                                   Researching Sustainable Options
                     Prairie, near Manhattan, Kan., a                       Why Switchgrass?                                              plant communities,” says McCann.
                     National Science Foundation Long                                                                                     “Our system, which is installed on
                     Term Ecological Research site.                    Perennial,                                 Sequesters              the Science Center roof deck, per-
                                                                       producing                                  carbon, helps
                         While switchgrass is a potential             high yields                                 to offset CO2,          mits the direct, side-by-side compari-
                     alternative energy source for biofuel          for a decade                                  emissions to            son of four green roofs.This novel,
                                                                         or more                                  atmosphere.
                     production, very little research has                    once                                                         ‘many roofs on one building’ ap-
                     focused on how its yields, and the              established.
                                                                                                                  Native to               proach will provide valuable data on
                     characteristics that make it a biofuel                                                       United States,          the various systems in use in South-
                                                                      Low water                                   grows well
                     candidate, will be altered by the              and nutrient                                  across wide
                                                                                                                                          eastern Pennsylvania,” says McCann.
                     predicted changes in climate specific         requirements.                                  geographical               “Moreover both of these studies
                     to the Great Plains, where much of                                                           areas of the            are meaningful to the sustainability
                     its cultivation is slated to occur.              Grows well                                                          movement and to students who are
                                                                      in soils not
                         “We will initiate a multi-year,             suitable for                                 Provides                interested in environmental science
                     basic research project examining the             other crop                                  habitat for             careers.”
                                                                     production.                                  animals and
                     effects of changes in precipitation,                                                         birds.                  Right: Plants growing through              Sedum rupestre   Phlox subulata    Nepeta x faassenii    Achillea x
                     temperature, nitrogen deposition                   Increases                                                         coconut fiber wind blankets on
                     and elevated atmospheric carbon                 soil organic                                 Large root                                                           “Angelina”     “Candy Stripes”     “Walker’s Low”     “Terra Cotta”
                                                                                                                                          SJU’s green roofs.
                                                                         matter                                  system that
                                                                        through                                  reduces
                                                                           root-                                 nutrient losses
                                                                       turnover.                                 from fields.

  10   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                         spring 2011 | intellect 11
| psychology |

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of Sleep

                                                                                                Total Sleep by Country                                                                                                                                                          13.5

                                                                                                for Infants and Toddlers
                             O ne of the toughest adjustments for parents is                                                                                                                                                                                                    13.0

Sleepless Across The Globe   matching the erratic sleep patterns of their infants and
                             toddlers. Some newborns sleep so little their parents feel
                             almost nocturnal, while others will snooze for up to six hours
                             at a time just days after birth. J ODI A. M INDELL P H .D.,
                             professor of psychology and director of graduate psychology,

                             found dramatic discrepancies in nighttime sleep of children
                             in a published global study in Sleep Medicine.                                                                                                                                                                                                     12.0
                                 This first-of-its-kind study collected data on day and
                             nighttime sleep patterns, and sleep-related behaviors,
                             in almost 30,000 infants and toddlers from 17 different
                             countries and regions.The study focused on two distinctly                                                                                                                                                                                          11.5
                             different regions of the world: countries and regions that
                             are predominantly Caucasian and countries and regions
                             that are predominantly Asian.
                                 “We found differences in bedtimes of almost three hours,




                                                                                                                                  Hong Kong









                             with children from New Zealand and Australia going to bed
                             at approximately 7:30 p.m. compared with children in Korea,

A Cultural Look
                             who were going to bed almost three hours later,” says
                             Mindell. “Interestingly, we found that the time children
                             wake up in the morning is just about the same and that
                             naps are almost identical around the globe. You end up
                             with a difference of two to three hours in total sleep           children had sleep problems. The factors that predicted
                             times, with children in Australia and New Zealand getting        sleep problems in all the countries included going to bed
                             dramatically more sleep than children in places such as          after 9 p.m., falling asleep with a parent present and
                             Japan and Korea.”                                                watching television at bedtime.
                                 It is not clear whether these vast differences in sleep          One thing is certain:This study will be the baseline for
                             times are biologically or culturally driven, although            future studies.
                             according to Mindell, they appear to be culturally based.            “We need to take the next step and look at the
                                 Other interesting differences were also found. For           consequences of these differences in sleep,” says Mindell.
                             example, parents of children living in predominantly Asian       “We also need to learn more about why there are such
                             countries were much more likely to report that their             differences.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          spring 2011 | intellect 13
| biology |

                                                           hen Harvard released a study in the fall of 2010 revealing that                Researchers believe that
                                                          researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute had successfully

Tying Up the Ends:                                       reversed many effects of aging degeneration in mice, the news garnered
                                                         significant media attention. For most readers, the idea of slowing the
                                                 aging process was revolutionary, if not surreal. But for JULIA LEE-SOETY, PH.D.,
                                                                                                                                          extending a cell’s telomeres
                                                                                                                                          helps extend the life
                                                                                                                                          of the cell and, therefore,

                                                 assistant professor of biology, it harkens back to her research. Awarded a grant
                                                                                                                                          the organism to which
                                                 by the National Institutes of Health to investigate the science of cancer and
                                                 aging, Lee-Soety has long been interested in the maintenance of chromosome               it belongs.
                                                 ends — called telomeres — and their function in the aging process.
                                                                                     Telomeres serve as protective caps for chromosomal ends, allowing cells to retain their

              the                   Telomeres serve as protective                 biological information — much like the plastic aglet at the end of a shoelace that protects the

                                     caps for chromosomal ends,                   end from fraying. As a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, limiting the cell’s life span. When the
                                                                                  telomere can no longer protect the end of the chromosome, the cell ages and dies.
                                          allowing cells to retain
                                                                                  Researchers believe that extending a cell’s telomeres helps extend the life of the cell and there-
                                    their biological information —
                                                                                  fore, the organism to which it belongs. But when it comes to cancer, maintaining telomeres
                                        much like the plastic aglet               could allow cancer cells to live indefinitely. “It’s a Catch-22,” says Lee-Soety. “How do you
                                           at the end of a shoelace               shorten the telomeres of bad cells while prolonging them in good cells?” The Harvard study

                               of    protects the end from fraying.               produced results that suggest mice with elongated telomeres experienced a reversal of the aging
                                                                                  process when telomerase, the enzyme that maintains telomeres, was reintroduced to their cells.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Artist’s representation

                                                                                  In humans, this could lead to treatments for medical conditions that cause premature aging.           of chromosomes.

                                                                Lee-Soety’s research focuses on the maintenance of telomeres by telomerase and other
                                                             proteins. By using baker’s yeast as a comparative model system and manipulating it to resemble
                                                             aging mammalian cells, Lee-Soety and graduate student Erin Remaly have isolated an important

                                                             protein and shown that it aids in telomere maintenance. They have further observed that one

                                                             critical component of the protein was necessary for the maintenance.
                                                                “It’s like having a machine with several major parts and testing to see which part is the most
                                                             important,” says Lee. “By removing one part at a time and seeing the effects, we are able to
                                                             understand how the protein works to maintain telomeres.”
                                                                The protein of interest in Lee-Soety’s study, called Npl3, has a mammalian homologue despite
                                                             being found in single-celled yeast. According to Lee-Soety, this means that the mechanisms for
                                                             maintaining telomeres in both yeast and in mammals are similar enough that the results of her
                                                             study can, eventually, translate to understanding mammalian telomere maintenance.

14   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                              spring 2011 | intellect 15
| fine and performing arts |

Calm and Composed

                                                                                                                                                     White Sleeve
                                                                                                                                                      and Snake                                         Gypsy Mask

                                                                                                                  In her third-floor office in Boland Hall,         hand-painted with photographic oil pigments.

The                              White Dress Red Headband
                                                                                                                  S U S A N F E N TO N , M . F. A . , associate
                                                                                                                  professor of fine and performing arts, has
                                                                                                                  few moments to herself. Whenever she’s in
                                                                                                                  the building, the constant flow of photogra-
                                                                                                                  phy students working just outside her door
                                                                                                                                                                    She begins by planning tight, formal compo-
                                                                                                                                                                    sitions, even when the subject of the photo
                                                                                                                                                                    is a model. Called directorial photography,
                                                                                                                                                                    this technique requires the image to be
                                                                                                                                                                    built by the photographer, not simply found.

                                                                                                                  find her to ask questions about composition,         “I work exclusively in the studio, which
                                                                                                                  lighting, development … anything.                 means I construct the image I want, while
                                                                                                                      “When I’m here,” she says, “you can bet       many other photographers will explore until
                                                                                                 Red Top Tattoo   I’m working with students.”                       they find a subject for their photographs,”
                                                                                                                      It’s no surprise that her students seek       Fenton says. “You might say that I treat
                                                                                                                  her expertise. Fenton’s own photography has       figurative models like objects, and objects
                                                                                                                  been shown in nearly 30 solo exhibitions          like figures. There’s not much distinction for
                                                                                                                  domestically and internationally, and is          me — everything is carefully controlled and
                                                                                                                  featured in 19 permanent collections, includ-     composed.”

                                                                                                                  ing both the Philadelphia Museum of Art and           Fenton’s most well-known works feature
                                                                                                                  the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.         models dressed in reconstructed clothing
                                                                                                                  She has been the recipient of 12 grants and       or found objects, allowing her to visually
                                                                                                                  fellowships, some of which have taken her as      explore ethnicity, gender and body image —
                                                                                                                  far as Ireland and France. Most recently, she     themes influenced by her extensive time
                                                                                                                  earned a spot in a group exhibition in            spent abroad. Recently, she has turned to
                                                                                                                  Guatemala.                                        more traditional still-life images, prompting
                                                                                                                      Her work, which at first glance resembles     The Artblog ( to review
                                                                                                                  color photographs of single figures, is in        her new work as having an “aesthetic … of
                                                                                                                  reality black-and-white silver photographs        aching beauty and calm.”

  16   intellect | spring 2011                                                                                                                                                     spring 2011 | intellect 17
                                                                     Black Gloves and Headband    Red Hat Back
Intellect Spring2011
Intellect Spring2011
Intellect Spring2011
Intellect Spring2011
Intellect Spring2011

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Intellect Spring2011

  • 1. intellect magazine of the college of arts and sciences spring 2011
  • 2. | letter from the dean | intellect | contents | editors : Kelly Welsh ’05 (M.A.) Patricia Allen E ducation is enhanced when concepts are felt and principles are experienced. Simply learning that certain fish will group together to protect themselves from design: Maria Taffera Lewis Gambling on the Big Game: prey is not the same as watching it occur. Understanding the differences between Baroque and Romantic music is not nearly the same as hearing, or even playing, Bach and Chopin back-to-back. image editor: James Brack photography: 2 The Risk of Concussions From Kitchen to Classroom, 6 Students at Saint Joseph’s University’s College of Arts and Sciences truly experience New Classes Nourish Melissa Kelly their education. They are given many opportunities to investigate, explore, experiment with, and put into practice the foundational ideas and core principles of their areas contributors: of study. They benefit from an engaged faculty whose enthusiasm for knowledge and Patricia Allen Water, Water Everywhere — | departments | learning makes them important contributors to their academic fields through research Thomas Clark ’10 But Not a Drop to Drink 4 Colleen DeFruscio ’11 (M.A.) and creative explorations. News Nicole Katze ’11 (M.A.) Bill Wells ’12 Closing the Gap: I am proud of the spirit of partnership between students and faculty in the classroom, Kelly Welsh ’05 (M.A.) Understanding Variables the lab, and the studio. I am proud, too, of Saint Joseph’s new general education Faculty Books program, instituted this fall. It is designed to challenge all of our undergraduate in Mathematics Achievement students to be inquisitive, reflective, imaginative and engaged. 10 Switchgrass and Green Roofs: Newsmakers Intellect is a publication of It is my hope that the pages of this premier issue of Intellect will provide readers a Saint Joseph’s University’s Researching Sustainable Options taste of the experiences that are the foundation of the many courses of study within College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences. This issue invites you to consider the possibility Journal showcasing the latest research Highlights of reversing the aging process, explore the hidden trauma of concussions, imagine and news. Sleepless Across the Globe: how switchgrass could power cars, and think about the place that food has not only A Cultural Look in our kitchens, but in pop culture and ethics. For more information, please visit our website at Tying Up the Ends: Investigating the 12 Genetics of Cancer and Aging William Madges, Ph.D. Dean 16 On the cover: Barbelin Hall, alight with the excitement of new programs, research Calm and Composed: and opportunities for students and faculty. The Art of Susan Fenton Founded by the Society of Jesus in 1851, Saint Joseph’s University spring 2011 | intellect 1 advances the professional and personal ambitions of men and women by providing a demanding yet supportive educational experience.
  • 3. | psychology | Gambling on especially those that were cognitive, physical and sleep-related, than athletes with a history of zero or According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 1.6 to Loss of conscious- ness is not required for diagnosis of a the Big Game: one previous concussion,” says Schatz. 3 million concussions occur concussion, and The study, which evaluated over 2,500 high every year in the the majority of school athletes in three different states, assessed United States, concussions do not concussion symptom questionnaires that were making it an epidemic. involve a loss administered during preseason testing. Results of consciousness. indicate that high school athletes with two or more The Risk of concussions had higher ratings on symptoms such as headaches, difficulty remembering things, dizziness, and an increase or decrease in sleep, as compared to athletes with one or no previous concussion. Concussions Although the study was based on self-report of concussion history and symptoms during the preseason screening of healthy teenage athletes, he does say that the results are congruent with the An athlete who sustains a concussion is 4-6 times more likely to sustain a second History of multiple concussions has been P revious research on ex-NFL players showed that repeated concussions resulted in greater incidence of cognitive impairment and depression. More recent research has revealed that ex-athletes with a history of multiple concussions recent studies on long-term concussion-related symptoms in professional athletes. “The results suggest that there may be early indicators of post-concussion syndrome seen in professional athletes with multiple previous concussion, and up to 9 times more likely to experience more severe symptoms following subsequent linked to decreased scholastic performance, decreased attention and concentration, increased incidence had neurological brain changes commonly associated concussions,” Schatz says. “These findings do not concussions. of depression and permanent with advanced dementia. These findings have resulted reflect any direct causal relationship. For example, neurological changes. in increased concern over post-concussion-related it may be that athletes with multiple concussions are injuries and trauma of athletes. simply more familiar with concussion symptoms and P HILIP S CHATZ P H .D., professor of psychology, terminology, or more sensitive to physical, and his associates published a study in Neurosurgery cognitive, and emotional fluctuations.” that identifies potentially enduring effects of multiple With the popularity of organized sports ever on previous concussions on high school students. More the rise, Schatz wants people to remember that Concussions and the Brain specifically, Schatz and his colleagues propose through concussions are a serious hazard. “Concussions are A concussion is Following concussion, This typically results their research that teens who have sustained multiple a real risk, and there is no way to prevent them from During this time considered a there is a decrease in in rapid onset of concussions may already be demonstrating early signs occurring,” warns Schatz. “But if somebody period, a second metabolic injury regional cerebral blood flow temporary impairment of post-concussion syndrome. sustains a concussion, the best practice is to make concussion or impact and cannot and an increase in need for of neurological function can have severe or “Our results show that high school athletes with a sure that they are symptom free, and that they don’t be detected on a glucose demand, creating a that resolves within catastrophic effects. history of two or more concussions had significantly return to play or practice until they have been seen CT scan or MRI. metabolic mismatch. 7-10 days. higher ratings of concussion-related symptoms, by a qualified medical professional for clearance.” 2 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 3
  • 4. | english & philosophy | [ Food Writing ] “ The class exercises require thinking beyond the obvious— [ Literature of Food ] “W genrethe last decade, the food writing ithin has become an American obsession — from best-selling memoirs based on food to food blogs and food journalism they can’t just say something is delicious. You have to think through flavor and texture and consider writing for From W hen asked about the course she would most like to develop, M ELISSA G OLDTHWAITE , P H .D., professor of English, described the class she now teaches, Literary Forms and Styles: Books that Cook. Blending the reading, analysis and enjoyment of literature that focuses on or features food, an audience. ” Kitchen to books,” says T ENAYA DARLINGTON , M.F.A., the course is also a study of the history and associate professor of English. A food writer herself, Darlington’s most recent foray into the field is her blog, “Madame Fromage: The Pillow Book of a Cheese Lover.” sociology of food and foodways in America. “Students are encouraged to consider their “ By the end of the class, they are not only aware of Things came together for Darlington when she started teaching a popular course own relationship to food, and the literatures how much literature deals in food writing. of food, through writing,” says Goldthwaite. with food, but they also go “The class is an opportunity to examine our food culture through different “Class members read a variety of forms and through a transformation lenses, from political to personal, and to study trends in various food movements,” says Darlington. “As well, students put their writing chops to the test by developing their own food blogs, some of which have really taken off.” To hone their writing and epicurean skills, Darlington devised several ingenious activities to stimulate palates and imaginations. “The exercises require thinking Classroom, [ Food Ethics ] ypically, food isn’t a topic that “ Tphilosophers consider,” says J ULIE During the semester, McDonald divides the moral issues students grapple with into three broad categories: questions concerning one’s relationship to oneself — genres, even analyzing the roles recipes play both in literature and as literature.” The co-author of the forthcoming Words of ‘tastes’ — both literary and sensory. ” Rising: AnAnthologyofAmericanFoodWriting (University of Nebraska Press), Goldthwaite says that course work is not confined to rhetorical analysis. beyond the obvious — they can't just say that something is ‘delicious,’ ” says Darlington. “They have to think through flavor and texture, and consider writing for an audience. Being a food writer requires understanding the plate on many levels, not just as cuisine, but also as a series of interconnected stories between food producers, politicians, flavorists, chefs, writers, diners, pilots and truckers. ” New M C D ONALD , P H .D., assistant professor and chair of philosophy. But McDonald’s course, Food and Justice, exposes students to the 21st century’s complex moral issues related to food. healthy eating and gluttony — questions concerning one’s relationship to other people — food security, food rights, marketing and labeling, the safety of food workers — and questions concerning one’s “Though I don’t require it, I invite students to make something for their classmates to eat,” she says. “They might use a recipe from one of the books we are reading – like Nora Ephron’s Heartburn or Laura Esquivel’s LikeWaterforChocolate. Or they can bring in foods that are important to them. One McDonald believes the course’s focus relationship to animals and the environ- student talked about her family’s blueberry farm, and Courses is unique for a philosophy curriculum. Among other issues, students wrestle with the ethics associated with global hunger, malnourishment, starvation, biotechnology and food production, ment — ethics, genetically modified foods, vegetarianism, veganism, animal rights. McDonald says one of her goals for her students, who are often senior food marketing majors or minors in faith-justice discussed how it defined her, how her family in the abundant summer months created recipes. She brought in blueberry pizza, following a dessert recipe created by her aunt.” Throughout the semester, students confront our Nourish and the effects our current agricultural studies, is for them to learn to question culture’s complicated relationships to food, notes practices will have on future generations. prevailing systems of thought that Goldthwaite. “At the same time, they are consuming “I’m aware of philosophy courses contribute to our culture’s failure to the literature,” she says. “By the end of the class, that look at food through the prism of pay attention to these issues. “We are they are not only aware of how much literature aesthetics,” she notes, “but this course educating the leaders of the future who deals with food, but they also is quite different. It was developed will be challenged by the problems — go through a transformation through the University’s Faith-Justice such as hunger and food insecurity — of ‘tastes’ — both literary Institute, and it makes students aware that they have encountered in class. and sensory.” of the people who face hunger and It’s crucial they recognize them and learn starvation globally, and in our own to think effectively about how to solve backyard.” them,” she says. 4 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 5
  • 5. | institute of catholic bioethics | Water, Water, Water that is fit to drink without risk of immediate or long-term harm is fundamental to human well-being. Everywhere – Without food we can survive weeks. But without water, we can die of dehydration in as little as two days. —UN-Water, United Nations But Not a Drop to Drink Over 1.1 billion people, mostly in low- and middle-income countries, lack access to safe water sources within a reasonable distance (1 kilometer) and reasonable quantities (20 L/day) from their homes. E Even after the United Nations voted to recognize water as a human right, the World Health Organization reports that 1.1 billion people lack access to a safe and adequate water supply. To address this public health crisis, a team of 10 graduate and undergraduate students — led by medical bioethicist P ETER C LARK , S.J. ’75, professor of theology and director of the Institute of Catholic Bioethics, and four Institute Fellows — are developing an parishes, clinics or schools in Guatemala, Tanzania and the Dominican Republic. With the help of microbiologists J OHN T UDOR P H .D., professor of biology, and C ATALINA A RANGO, P H .D., assistant professor of biology, the team is testing the filter with E-coli — a bacterium similar in size and shape to Salmonellatyphi, which causes typhoid — using a water supply from Guatemala. inexpensive and sustainable slow-sand water filter for use by Third “There are many elements that go into the testing process, and World nations. we must continuously repeat the procedure,” says senior Institute “We witnessed the need for clean water while working in Fellow Danielle Lucchesi. “Taking any setbacks into consideration, medical clinics in the Third World, where children are dying need- as well as the duration of the testing, I hope the filter will be ready lessly from water-borne illnesses like typhoid, malaria and bacterial for use in the next year.” diarrhea,” says Fr. Clark. “A low-cost, effective water filter could When testing is completed, the group plans to set up filters in help lessen mortality from these diseases.” 35 homes in one of the targeted countries and teach residents In 2008, Fr. Clark and his students began developing the filter, how to maintain them. They will also determine the filter’s aided by faculty members in several disciplines. Through trial and effectiveness in decreasing the number of typhoid cases and other error, the group has designed a model filter that is now being tested. related water-borne diseases. Costing only $20, each slow-sand filtration system is According to junior Institute Fellow Matthew Fadus, the main goal constructed from easily accessible materials: two six-gallon plastic is to develop a filter that is sustainable and easily maintained. “There buckets, 50 pounds of sand and gravel, cheesecloth and plastic are many Tanzanian, Dominican and Guatemalan people who spend spigots. Research has shown that similar filters can remove up to hours a day procuring water,” says Fadus. “Education and employ- 99 percent of bacterial pathogens and produce between 20 and ment lag behind in terms of priorities, hindering economic growth 30 liters of clean water daily. The group hopes that the filter will and development. If families don’t have to worry about foraging for someday be used in communities that are connected with Jesuit clean water, they will be able to focus on other priorities.” Costing only $20, the filter may remove up to 99 percent of bacterial pathogens and produce between 20 and 30 liters of clean water daily. 6 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 7
  • 6. | education | If progress in improving the mathematics proficiency of Americans is to continue, Math Lessons Closing the much greater attention must be given to early mathematics experiences. – The National Association for Education of Young Children 1 Although 70% of U.S. children attend preschool 2 The number of low-income or daycare at 4 years of age, children in the Gap: and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics very little is known about United States the nature and relationship continues to rise. the type of instruction may not have learn research skills and understand between the frequency This group been the most effective. Wang discov- how educational research can translate of mathematics learning is particularly ered that teachers of African-American into classroom success, that’s where opportunities and later at risk of failing kindergartners used math manipula- the difference will come,” she says. mathematics achievement. in school. tives, math worksheets and real-life Wang has presented her initial math more often than teachers of findings on how the opportunity to low-income Caucasian children, who taught higher-order math. Ultimately, Wang found that, despite more learn mathematics intersects with student diversity at the Fifth Annual IES Research Conference in Maryland, 3 Low-income African-American and Caucasian 4 A greater exposure to higher- level mathematics such as: counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, instruction time, African-American at the 2011 biennial meeting of the children started knowing the value of coins and kindergartners did not score as high as Society for Research in Child pre-kindergarten with Understanding Variables in cash, adding and subtracting Mathematics Achievement A s a child and a first-generation Chinese American, A U B R E Y WANG , P H .D., assistant professor of education, knew she was different from others in the classroom. As an adult, her work special limited license from the federal government. With this license, Wang has access to two data sets that comprise the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Currently, there are approximately only 350 individuals their Caucasian peers. “The findings suggest that kinder- garten teachers need to balance their math curriculum with more emphasis on higher-order mathematics content Development in Montreal, Canada, and at a meeting of the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association. Wang is also researching the the same level of mathematics achieve- ment that developed into a gap favoring single-digits, and recognizing fractions, predicted higher mathematics achievement in kindergarten for both African- Caucasian children in education brought to her attention the with access to the data. and less on manipulatives and math influence of student background on by the end American and Caucasian children achievement gap in the United States related Wang’s research has shown that games,” she says. motivation to learn and acquire a of kindergarten. from low-income families. to students’ backgrounds. As a researcher, she opportunity to learn is influenced by four Wang plans to continue this line of language, specifically Chinese. She wants to do something about it. major factors: the time spent learning the research to build upon the evidence won a secondary data analysis grant A specialist in educational leadership, curriculum, the content of the curriculum, that early mathematics exposure totaling $34,076 from the American Source: 1. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Wang is researching students’ opportunity to how the curriculum is delivered and students’ contributes to later academic success, Educational Research Association 2000. 2. U. S. Census Bureau, Poverty: 2007 and 2008 American Community Surveys (ACSRB/08-11), 2009. 3. 4. Wang, A. H. Offenberg, R. Pre- learn mathematics in preschool, kindergarten individual and diverse learning needs. and to help close the achievement gap Grants Program for a two-year kindergarten math content exposure: Does it predict higher level math content and early grades and how student background In one study, published in the Early related to student background. project titled “Factors Predicting Early exposure and mathematics achievement in kindergarten? Presentation at the (gender, age, ethnicity and socioeconomic Childhood Education Journal, Wang found that “My experience was that practi- Mathematics Skills for Low-Income biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, status) intersects with that opportunity. low-income African-American kindergartners tioners do not always know how to African-American, Hispanic-American, Canada, 2011. The project involves performing analyses of had greater opportunities to learn mathemat- apply the research provided for them, and Caucasian-American Preschool National Center for Education Statistics ics than their low-income Caucasian peers. and often research-based strategies and Kindergarten Children.” The (NCES) data, and required Wang to obtain a But while their instruction time was greater, were not implemented. If educators award spans 2011 to 2013. 8 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 9
  • 7. | biology | O n the face of it, switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), one of the native grasses of the tallgrass prairie identified as a potential biofuel source, and green roofs, tight eco-systems of succulent plants engineered to thrive on the tops of buildings, have little in common. dioxide on the potential yield of varieties of switchgrass,” says MICHAEL MCCANN, PH.D. ’89, associate dean, College of Arts and Sciences and professor of biology. The study will also examine the physiological and structural mechanisms that lead to changes in yield. G of the plant and the attributes that allow it to be used as a biofuel.” reen roof systems provide a wide range of benefits including reduced energy use and increased energy efficiency. Basic green Switchgrass and Green Roofs: But at Saint Joseph’s, a $1 million grant “Understanding the effects of global roofs usually involve a structure built on an from the Department of Energy’s (DOE) change on switchgrass is critical because we existing roof that includes a waterproofing Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy don’t want to be caught off guard if we are membrane and additional layers of root Program is funding key research and public relying on this crop for fuel,” says C LINT barrier and drainage systems. Growing education projects focused on these two S PRINGER , P H .D., assistant professor of medium and specialized plant vegetation is different entities that will impact the biology and principal investigator of the then added to that structure. sustainability movement. Both initiatives study. “Future changes in climate could have “There is a variety of commercial green are being conducted on Saint Joseph’s cam- negative consequences on both the yield roof systems available, precipitating a need pus, but field studies of switchgrass are being carried out at the Konza for research focused on direct com- parisons of different systems and Researching Sustainable Options Prairie, near Manhattan, Kan., a Why Switchgrass? plant communities,” says McCann. National Science Foundation Long “Our system, which is installed on Term Ecological Research site. Perennial, Sequesters the Science Center roof deck, per- producing carbon, helps While switchgrass is a potential high yields to offset CO2, mits the direct, side-by-side compari- alternative energy source for biofuel for a decade emissions to son of four green roofs.This novel, or more atmosphere. production, very little research has once ‘many roofs on one building’ ap- focused on how its yields, and the established. Native to proach will provide valuable data on characteristics that make it a biofuel United States, the various systems in use in South- Low water grows well candidate, will be altered by the and nutrient across wide eastern Pennsylvania,” says McCann. predicted changes in climate specific requirements. geographical “Moreover both of these studies to the Great Plains, where much of areas of the are meaningful to the sustainability country. its cultivation is slated to occur. Grows well movement and to students who are in soils not “We will initiate a multi-year, suitable for Provides interested in environmental science basic research project examining the other crop habitat for careers.” production. animals and effects of changes in precipitation, birds. Right: Plants growing through Sedum rupestre Phlox subulata Nepeta x faassenii Achillea x temperature, nitrogen deposition Increases coconut fiber wind blankets on and elevated atmospheric carbon soil organic Large root “Angelina” “Candy Stripes” “Walker’s Low” “Terra Cotta” SJU’s green roofs. matter system that through reduces root- nutrient losses turnover. from fields. 10 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 11
  • 8. | psychology | Hours of Sleep Total Sleep by Country 13.5 for Infants and Toddlers O ne of the toughest adjustments for parents is 13.0 Sleepless Across The Globe matching the erratic sleep patterns of their infants and toddlers. Some newborns sleep so little their parents feel almost nocturnal, while others will snooze for up to six hours at a time just days after birth. J ODI A. M INDELL P H .D., professor of psychology and director of graduate psychology, 12.5 found dramatic discrepancies in nighttime sleep of children in a published global study in Sleep Medicine. 12.0 This first-of-its-kind study collected data on day and nighttime sleep patterns, and sleep-related behaviors, in almost 30,000 infants and toddlers from 17 different countries and regions.The study focused on two distinctly 11.5 different regions of the world: countries and regions that are predominantly Caucasian and countries and regions that are predominantly Asian. 11.0 “We found differences in bedtimes of almost three hours, Japan Korea Taiwan Hong Kong Singapore Malaysia China Indonesia Philippines Thailand Canada United States Vietnam United Kingdom Australia New Zealand India with children from New Zealand and Australia going to bed at approximately 7:30 p.m. compared with children in Korea, A Cultural Look who were going to bed almost three hours later,” says Mindell. “Interestingly, we found that the time children wake up in the morning is just about the same and that naps are almost identical around the globe. You end up with a difference of two to three hours in total sleep children had sleep problems. The factors that predicted times, with children in Australia and New Zealand getting sleep problems in all the countries included going to bed dramatically more sleep than children in places such as after 9 p.m., falling asleep with a parent present and Japan and Korea.” watching television at bedtime. It is not clear whether these vast differences in sleep One thing is certain:This study will be the baseline for times are biologically or culturally driven, although future studies. according to Mindell, they appear to be culturally based. “We need to take the next step and look at the Other interesting differences were also found. For consequences of these differences in sleep,” says Mindell. example, parents of children living in predominantly Asian “We also need to learn more about why there are such countries were much more likely to report that their differences.” spring 2011 | intellect 13
  • 9. | biology | W hen Harvard released a study in the fall of 2010 revealing that Researchers believe that researchers at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute had successfully Tying Up the Ends: reversed many effects of aging degeneration in mice, the news garnered significant media attention. For most readers, the idea of slowing the aging process was revolutionary, if not surreal. But for JULIA LEE-SOETY, PH.D., extending a cell’s telomeres helps extend the life of the cell and, therefore, Investigating assistant professor of biology, it harkens back to her research. Awarded a grant the organism to which by the National Institutes of Health to investigate the science of cancer and aging, Lee-Soety has long been interested in the maintenance of chromosome it belongs. ends — called telomeres — and their function in the aging process. Telomeres serve as protective caps for chromosomal ends, allowing cells to retain their the Telomeres serve as protective biological information — much like the plastic aglet at the end of a shoelace that protects the Genetics caps for chromosomal ends, end from fraying. As a cell divides, the telomeres shorten, limiting the cell’s life span. When the telomere can no longer protect the end of the chromosome, the cell ages and dies. allowing cells to retain Researchers believe that extending a cell’s telomeres helps extend the life of the cell and there- their biological information — fore, the organism to which it belongs. But when it comes to cancer, maintaining telomeres much like the plastic aglet could allow cancer cells to live indefinitely. “It’s a Catch-22,” says Lee-Soety. “How do you at the end of a shoelace shorten the telomeres of bad cells while prolonging them in good cells?” The Harvard study of protects the end from fraying. produced results that suggest mice with elongated telomeres experienced a reversal of the aging process when telomerase, the enzyme that maintains telomeres, was reintroduced to their cells. Artist’s representation Cancer In humans, this could lead to treatments for medical conditions that cause premature aging. of chromosomes. Lee-Soety’s research focuses on the maintenance of telomeres by telomerase and other proteins. By using baker’s yeast as a comparative model system and manipulating it to resemble aging mammalian cells, Lee-Soety and graduate student Erin Remaly have isolated an important protein and shown that it aids in telomere maintenance. They have further observed that one Aging critical component of the protein was necessary for the maintenance. “It’s like having a machine with several major parts and testing to see which part is the most important,” says Lee. “By removing one part at a time and seeing the effects, we are able to understand how the protein works to maintain telomeres.” The protein of interest in Lee-Soety’s study, called Npl3, has a mammalian homologue despite being found in single-celled yeast. According to Lee-Soety, this means that the mechanisms for maintaining telomeres in both yeast and in mammals are similar enough that the results of her study can, eventually, translate to understanding mammalian telomere maintenance. 14 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 15
  • 10. ART | fine and performing arts | Calm and Composed White Sleeve and Snake Gypsy Mask In her third-floor office in Boland Hall, hand-painted with photographic oil pigments. The White Dress Red Headband of S U S A N F E N TO N , M . F. A . , associate professor of fine and performing arts, has few moments to herself. Whenever she’s in the building, the constant flow of photogra- phy students working just outside her door She begins by planning tight, formal compo- sitions, even when the subject of the photo is a model. Called directorial photography, this technique requires the image to be built by the photographer, not simply found. Susan find her to ask questions about composition, “I work exclusively in the studio, which lighting, development … anything. means I construct the image I want, while “When I’m here,” she says, “you can bet many other photographers will explore until Red Top Tattoo I’m working with students.” they find a subject for their photographs,” It’s no surprise that her students seek Fenton says. “You might say that I treat her expertise. Fenton’s own photography has figurative models like objects, and objects been shown in nearly 30 solo exhibitions like figures. There’s not much distinction for domestically and internationally, and is me — everything is carefully controlled and featured in 19 permanent collections, includ- composed.” Fenton ing both the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Fenton’s most well-known works feature the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. models dressed in reconstructed clothing She has been the recipient of 12 grants and or found objects, allowing her to visually fellowships, some of which have taken her as explore ethnicity, gender and body image — far as Ireland and France. Most recently, she themes influenced by her extensive time earned a spot in a group exhibition in spent abroad. Recently, she has turned to Guatemala. more traditional still-life images, prompting Her work, which at first glance resembles The Artblog ( to review color photographs of single figures, is in her new work as having an “aesthetic … of reality black-and-white silver photographs aching beauty and calm.” 16 intellect | spring 2011 spring 2011 | intellect 17 Black Gloves and Headband Red Hat Back