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Weeks of June 30-July 14, 2010

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   Celebrate 25 Anniversary of
   MTA Arts for Transit
   Click here to listen to audio
   tours about commissioned
   public art in MTA's subway
   and rail system. Above photo
   @ Columbus Circle by Rob

                                      New York In Transit (2001) by African-American artist Jacob
                                      Lawrence, a subway art piece in Times Square station, is among art
                                      work to be featured in the MTA Arts for Transit’s 25th anniversary
                                      celebration. Photo: Rob Wilson.
   TVA Memorial Day
   Ceremony                        Inspiring Spaces
   Highlights Pgs 3-5
                                   Celebrating 25 Years of MTA Arts for Transit
   Blood Drives Pg 6
                                   By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications

   Retirement Pg 7                 To mark MTA Arts for Transit’s (AFT) 25th anniversary, a two-location
                                   exhibition is being planned to highlight art, artists, and art’s impact at NY
   Destinations Pg 8               Transit Museum’s two galleries in Brooklyn Heights and Grand Central
                                   Terminal. As one of the oldest public transit systems in the world, NYC
   Training Pg 9                   Transit’s subway is surprisingly one of the world’s most inspiring artist spaces.
                                   Considered one of the largest public art museums of its kind, the ‘art space’
                                   spans 660 miles of track, 468 subways stations and 6,380 subway cars whose
   Job Listings Pg 11
                                   walls, floors, ceilings or air space serve as galleries and canvases for artistic
                                   expression. Fortified by historic architecture and land-marked restorations,
   Back Issues: click              many of the commissioned art feature works in mosaic, terra cotta, bronze,
   here for Weekly                 glass, mixed-media and sculpture.
   News back issues.
                                   History: New York City Subway’s founders believed that art inspired and
                                   enhanced public lives and spaces. According to Along the Way: MTA Arts For
                                   Transit by Sandra Bloodworth, William Ayres and Stanley Tucci, the
                                   definitive book on AFT, by the 1980s, the nation’s financial crisis was waning
Weekly News, Weeks of June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 2

and the desire for improved historic preservation and public art was gaining momentum across the
country. New York City Mayor Ed Koch in 1982 passed the Percent for Art legislation requiring all city
building projects to spend one percent of their
construction budget on art. The Percent for Art agency
was established within the City’s Department of
Cultural Affairs. MTA’s Capital Program, founded in
mid 1980 with $8.3 million, funded the acclaimed
“Clean Car Program” which transformed an anti-
graffiti campaign from an ineffective anti-crime
program to a simple maintenance campaign. The
Capital Program provided funds for station
renovations, which had to adhere to the one percent
rule. By 1985, AFT was formally established with the
support of MTA Chairman Robert R. Kiley.

“The inclusion of art in station rehabilitations has had
a profound impact on the New York subway. The
success of the program lies in the efforts of many,
many people. The Arts for Transit staff has been the
                                                             Above: MUNY: Music Under New York, part of Arts
nucleus and while working hand in hand with New York                         th
                                                             for Transit’s 25 anniversary celebration.
City Transit employees we have been able to transform        Below: Flying Home: Harlem Heroes and Heroines
                                                             (1996) by African-American artist Faith Ringgold,
these public spaces. Including art in the station sends      125th Street Station, 2, 3 lines. Photo: Rob Wilson.
the message that the transit environment is an important
place and the
people who use
the system are
 Most often that
attitude     has
translated into
respect for the
station by the
public,”    said
AFT director.

Although AFT
was conceived to oversee the artists selection process and coordinate with permanent art installations, the
program also includes music—Music Under New York (MUNY), photography— Lightbox Project, a
series of photographic displays and the Poster Art project.

Guides & Tours: For a self-directed guide through MTA’s Arts for Transit, check out "Art en Route," a
free guide that will help you locate all of the art in our network; Along the Way, the definitive hard-cover
book; Podcast Tours on TransitTrax offers artist bios and inspiration as well as the process for the artist.
(Click link on cover for podcast AFT tours. Or go to

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 3

TVA Memorial Day Ceremony
Inspires Employee’s Poetry
(Tom McDonald was inspired to write poetry at the
Memorial Day ceremony. Here are two from his

           By Tom Mc Donald, TIS

      The One Who Brought Me There

        How could I not think of him,
        as Veterans gathered, proud?
     His soul was surely wafting through                    Tuskegee Airman, Clayton F. Lawrence, (Lt. Col, ret)
         this solemn, thankful crowd.                       was a featured speaker at TVA’s 3rd Annual MTA
                                                            Memorial Day Ceremony held at Vietnam Veterans
                                                            Memorial Park. Several retired NYCT employees were
      The members, from all branches,                       Tuskegee Airmen.
          who served today or past,
     their visage shines across the land;
             Assured to ever last.                                     A Letter from Tuskegee

       And in the City, humbled cheers                             Got a letter from Tuskegee;
        urged each new speaker on;                                Came in human form, you see;
         This if you were a Veteran,                              More than half a century later,
          or knew one who is gone.                                   with a stirring dignity.

  A scattered band shell couldn’t proclaim                         He spoke of how it had been;
           exactly where to begin;                                    Segregation in the sky;
     Yet, in this sparse, devoted group,                          Till it became so very obvious
            I felt a peace within.                                that these men could really fly.

     And in the end, once more that day                          Misconception is a weakness,
         he left my heart still bare;                             fueled by prejudicial crimes;
       My dad (plus 30) surely was                           Don’t you know we’re all Americans?
      the one who brought me there.                          Red, white, black and blue, sometimes.

                                                                 He related widespread stories;
                                                                    this for all forgotten men;
                                                                And he stood so tall and regal that
                                                                  I could see him young again.

                                                              For all of those, enlightened and free,
                                                                     true equality is the goal;
                                                                   Got a letter from Tuskegee
                                                                   from an incandescent soul.

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 4

                                                         own congratulatory message to TVA. The other
                                                         speakers included Gold Star Mothers,
                                                         Katherine Cross and Emily Toro; Phil
                                                         Carajuana, TWU Local 100; Kenneth
                                                         Johnson, SSSA; Mathieu Eugene, City
                                                         Councilman; and Andrew Roberts, NYS Div.
                                                         of Veterans Affairs. Placing of the wreath was
                                                         done by NYCT personnel and United War Vets
                                                         Council members.

                                                         But the star of the show was the gregarious and
                                                         humorous Tuskegee Airman, Clayton F.
                                                         Lawrence (Lt Col, ret). He ambled his way to
                                                         the podium with escorts and a cane. But once he
                                                         got situated, he was full of joyous energy. He
Highlights from Memorial Day                             lectured the audience on what he and his
                                                         colleagues had been through in the racially
By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications               segregated US military calling it “a terrible time
                                                         but full of promise and opportunities.”
“Speaking as an individual, I can say that this
Memorial Day ceremony was very sobering
especially hearing all the names of employees
who died in defense of our country. I am forever
indebted for the simple freedoms I enjoy because
of their sacrifice. But, speaking as President of
NYC Transit, I pledge my support to TVA and all
our employee soldiers. I will always stand by
you and salute you,” said NYC Transit President
Tom Prendergast.

Transit Veterans Association (TVA) held its 3rd
Annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Vietnam
Veterans Memorial Park in downtown
Manhattan. In the circular garden under a                Location, Location, Location…
beaming sun, TVA co-founder Dwight Webster               Chaplains Preside At Ceremonies for
opened a glorious ceremony featuring a line-up           Workers in the Outer Boroughs
of impressive speakers. But before the program
began, admirers swarmed around the few                   By Jennifer Von Willer, Transit News Intern
Tuskegee Airmen who were able to attend.
Moving slowly, two 85 years old-plus, proud              Remembering those who lost their lives in
and cheerful Black men came to pay tribute to            service with your heart is good enough but for
MTA employees. But, enthusiastic employees               the Transit Veterans Association (TVA), it
and families came to meet them—many wanting              was especially important to be all about location,
to pose for a photo or simply shake the hands of         location, and location.
these legendary American heroes.                         The Third Annual TVA Memorial Day event
Transit Pipes & Drums led the Transit Security           held at Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Park held
Department Honor Guards before the Invocation            in Manhattan was just one location honoring the
was presented by NYCT Chaplain Harry                     lost lives of military men and women. There
Berkowitz. Chris Boylan, MTA Dep. Exec.                  were 15 more ceremonies, albeit smaller,
Director and a Vietnam vet brought greetings             Memorial Day Ceremonies for MTA employees
from MTA Chair Jay Walder and shared his

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 5

all over New York. NYC Transit’s volunteer
chaplains as organized by Chaplain Harry
Berkowitz and TVA co-founder Dwight
Webster coordinated the massive effort.
On May 28, the names of 177 NYCT, LIRR
and Bridges & Tunnels employee war veterans
were read aloud with respect ad reverence by
Chaplain Harry Berkowitz and his team of
amazing volunteer chaplains. Two ceremonies at
the Henry Hudson Bridge and 207th Street
took place on May 27. The three sites that could
not host memorial ceremonies were at Yukon
Depot, Grand Central Terminal and JFK
Depot.                                                      Memorial Day ceremony at LIRR. There were 15
                                                            ceremonies held throughout the MTA system
 “It was very well organized with good speeches             presided by NYCT Chaplains.
that spoke about Memorial Day and how people               wasn’t something just put together," said
gave so much to this country," said Chaplain               Chaplain Timothy Hamm (LaGuardia
Ivan Tyhovych, who presided at the Memorial                Depot). Chaplain Carlos Baez spoke on May
Day ceremony at the Grand Ave Depot.                       27, 2010 at 207th Street Depot and at Jamaica
                                                           Yard on Memorial Day. “It was a beautiful
 “It was a wonderful way to discover who                   event! It was a pleasure and an opportunity
formerly and currently served in the military.             doing the memorial services.” Baez was
There were people there that I had worked with             awarded “Chaplain of the Year” by Chaplain
that I never knew served in the military. We must          Berkowitz at the East New York Depot on
understand that there is a price to pay for                May 28, 2010.
freedom and the very price for it is sacrifice. I          Other services were held at Coney Island Yard,
thought it was more heartfelt this year just               Gun Hill Depot, 100th Street Depot, College
because of Iraq—the length of devastation from             Point Depot, TWU Headquarters, 38th Street
last year to this year and that there is still a ray       Yard, Mitchell Field, and Queens Village.
of hope we carry,” said Chaplain Craig Gaddy               Thank you to all the Memorial Day chaplains:
(East New York Depot)                                      Brenda Robertson, Miguel Pacheco, Anthony
                                                           Gilmore, Francis Ares, Alvin Rippy, Greg
 “It went quite well in the Bronx, really. I didn’t        Gilbert, Victor Hall, Rosario Tirella, James
take count but there were about 30 former and
                                                           Nunes, and Eladio Villaneuva.
current service men from all the different
branches—Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard,
National Guard. Our ceremony was very
moving, very emotional, very touching and the
turnout was great. I was honored to be there,
honored to help with the program—it lasted
about 45 minutes and like I said before, it was
very emotional because of the current soldiers.
Some had just arrived from Afghanistan," said
Chaplain Edward Padilla (Zerega Avenue)

 “This was my first experience, in any capacity
with the program. I thought the Memorial was
quite good. The retired military men doing the
raises of the flag and saying their former titles--I
thought that was nice. It was thoughtful, it

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 6

Cesar’s Alive!                                             Summer Brings Blood Supply Woes
Bus Dispatcher Says ‘Thank You’                            By Jennifer Von Willer, NYCT News Intern

By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications                 What’s Your Type? — With soaring 100
                                                           degree heat waves, hospitals already have
It’s been a while since we                                 enough to worry about when it comes to the
reported on Cesar                                          blood supply. “Every two seconds, someone
Jimenez, the Bus                                           needs blood,” according to New York Blood
Dispatcher who was                                         Center (NYBC).
frantic to find a bone                                     Do you know your type? Giving blood is a sure
marrow match. Well,                                        way to find out. July is National Make a
there’s good news.                                         Difference to Children Month and all blood
“Cesar Jimenez has                                         types (A-, B-, and especially O-negative) are
needed assistance in                                       needed to ensure a safe and happy summer for
obtaining a match for his                                  children. Please participate in a blood drive at
bone marrow transplant                                     your work site and donate blood and bone
for a few years. A bone                                    marrow this summer, when children need us the
marrow donor was never                                     most.
found. However, he did undergo a double                    “We need between 28 and 30 people for a
corded stem cell transplant. I am happy to                 successful drive,” said Wendy Malliet, senior
report that on July 14, 2010, he will have 16              director of Medical Administration/Occupational
months with his new system and is doing                    Health Services (OHS).
remarkably well,” said colleague Albert
Rodriguez, Bus Command Center, East New                    The NYCT Blood Donor Program was created
York.                                                      by OHS in 2000 in partnership with New York
                                                           Blood Center (NYBC) which serves more than
On a phone interview, Cesar said that he wanted            20 million people in New York City, Long
to express his gratitude to everyone for saving            Island, the Hudson Valley, New Jersey and parts
his life.                                                  of Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Eligible blood
‘This is from my heart. I want to thank everyone           donors must be at least 16 years old (with
on behalf of me and my family for saving my life.          parent’s permission), weigh a minimum of 110
I still get choked up when I think about how so            pounds and have not already donated blood
many strangers, who did not know me, stepped               within the last 56 days. Donors that are 75 and
up to be tested to find a bone marrow match for            older can only donate blood if they meet all the
me. I had a very difficult time. It was not a              health criteria and present a physician’s letter. If
dream. It is pure reality. But, I am back to               you cannot donate blood at a Transit drive and
normalcy. I drive, cook, shop and exercise. I              want an off-site donation credited to the MTA
especially want to thank Al Rodriguez and Mike             NYCT, the MTA NYCT Group Number is
Mantel. They visited me in the hospital and kept           1351. For more information about qualifying as
me company during my darkest hours. Their                  a blood donor, contact the NYBC @ 1-800-688-
good cheer and encouragement was like                      0900 or go to
medicine and gave me emotional support.”
“I applied for reinstatement to work
approximately two months ago and am still                  July Blood Drives—Mark your calendar for
waiting to be called. I was cleared to return to           these upcoming NYC Transit Blood Drives:
work by OHS but have not heard anything yet.”              Thursday, July 15th & Friday, July 16th at 2
                                                           Broadway, 20th Floor, Conference Rooms A&B,
Let us all cross our fingers for Cesar again.              11am-5pm and 8:30am-2:30pm. For July 15th,

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 7

contact Dennis Callaghan @ 646-252-3957; for
July 16th, contact Helen Hartmann @ 646-252-
4307. Saturday, July 31st at Jamaica
Maintenance and Overhaul Shops, 11am-3pm.                   Deborah Chisholm, 39 Years
Contact Esmond Turnbull or Annette Allen @                  Dedicated Service in OHS
                                                            By Kim Silverton, Transit News Intern
Be a Captain—If you would like to become a
NYC Transit Blood Donor Drive Captain, learn                Congratulations and best wishes to Deborah
more about dual blood and bone marrow drives                Chisholm on her retirement after a fantastic 39
or would like to start a drive, contact Transit             years at NYC Transit! Chisholm, a P.A.A. III in
Blood Drive Coordinator Debbie Johnson-                     Occupational      Health    Services,   Human
Hines @ 347-643-8170 or Wendy Malliet @                     Resources Division, is best known for her strong
347-643-8160. For more listings, please go to               work             ethic
TENS.                                                       throughout         the
                                                            years. Her current
Philip Still Needs Us                                       director,      Donna
Retired Casey Stengel Bus Operator Philip J.                James said of her,
Felice needs an immediate bone marrow                       “She is an employee
transplant. He is fighting Lymphoma – Large B               driven by a strong
Cell for the second time.                                   work ethic to do her
                                                            work, to do it well
 “On April 9, 2007, retired Casey Stengel bus               and with minimal, if
operator Philip J. Felice was diagnosed with                any,     supervision.
Lymphoma – Large B Cell, the fastest growing                She works well
type of Lymphoma. After successfully                        under       pressure,
undergoing chemotherapy and a stem cell                     never       wavering
transplant, Philip’s Lymphoma returned with a               when asked to go the extra mile to help a co-
vengeance in February 2010. Now his only hope               worker on a special project. This is a dying
of survival is a bone marrow transplant from a              breed of human resource in many organizations
stranger. Philip’s life lies in the hands of a              today and I believe she is worthy of applause
complete stranger. These past few years have                before she leaves.”
been the most difficult we’ve experienced in our
34 years of marriage. We hope and pray for a                Chisholm said her mom helped her develop that
match each day. Someone we haven’t met yet                  work ethic. Her first director, Mr. Shreck, and
could give Philip the greatest gift of all – the gift       Donna James helped it thrive. When she entered
of life,” said his wife Theresa Ann Felice.                 the work world, right out of high school at 18,
His flyer and donation information is at                    her work ethic was not fully developed. She               would “come to work working toward
philip-felice-and-others.                                   retirement.” But her directors guided her. “They
Casey Stengel Depot Drive – Thanks to                       pushed me to learn everything and everyone
everyone who participated in the bone marrow                dealing with different jobs. They knew I could
donation drive for Philip Felice on July 2nd at             do it and never take no for an answer.” She
Casey Stengel Depot. However, donations are                 especially credits James for challenging her and
still needed to help him fight the disease. Mark            motivating her over the past 10 years. “There is
your calendar! The next Casey Stengel Depot                 no one like Donna,” said Chisholm. She believes
donation drive is set for Thursday, August 26, 1-           her biggest triumph during her 39 years at NYC
7pm. Contact Rohan Bascombe @ 718 694-                      Transit was, “Learning each new job, doing it
1412.                                                       very well, and learning the computer and all it

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 8

                                                          history and view the home of a great female
The Harlem native attended Brandeis High                  photographer at the Alice Austen House
School and still lives in Harlem today with her           Museum at 2 Hylan Blvd. Visit the Staten
family. When she retires, she plans to “first and         Island Museum or the Staten Island
foremost relax,” and to do more of what she               Children’s Museum and experience history
loves – reading. She also plans to continue               along the way on the historic ferry and Staten
traveling with her traveling group – her youngest         Island Railway. For information visit
daughter, her closest friend and her daughter, her
son, and recently a new addition to her group,            dex.html
her grandson, Christopher. “We’ve been
traveling for 22 years,” said Chisholm. In the            Ever wonder why Curious George, the popular
next 4 years they plan to visit Hawaii, take a            childhood character, was always on the run?
cruise and see London, Paris, and Greece.                 Well his creators, H.A. and Margret Reys were
                                                          on the run as well. The Jewish illustrator and
Chisholm’s last day of work was July 16th and             author lived in Paris during the Nazi regime and
her party will be on Friday, September 24th at            during this terrifyingly dark moment in history
Morton’s Steakhouse at 339 Adams St.,                     they escaped with the manuscripts and
Brooklyn, NY from 1 – 3 PM. For information               illustrations that George was born out of. Come
contact Deborah Johnson-Hines at 347-643-                 see how the beloved character came to be and
8170 or Marian Sanders at 347-643-7186.                   view original artwork at the exhibition “Curious
                                                          George Saves the Day: The Art of Margret and
Destinations                                              H.A. Rey” until August 1st at the Jewish
                                                          Museum. Museum is located at 1109 5th Ave. @
Historic Things to Do                                     92nd St. Take the 4, 5, 6, subway to 86th St. or
By Kimberly Silverton, Transit News Intern                M1, M2, M3, M4 bus to 91st St. For information
For all you history buffs out there, here are some
historic summer destinations—a sample from                riousgeorge
each borough. Please share these with your
summer guests and remind them about our                   One of the most famous NY establishments is
MetroCard Deals!                                          the Broadway show. Broadway, which came to
                                                          be known as the symbol for live entertainment
MetroCard Deals!                                          has roots dating back to the early 1800s. While
Come to Coney Island and experience a place               the glorious theatre experience usually comes
that has been entertaining New York for over 80           with a hefty price tag, there is a free option this
years. Ride on the historic Brooklyn Cyclone,             summer at Bryant Park. Every Thursday until
one of the first wooden roller coasters, visit the        August 12th, casts from famous Broadway
Coney Island History project located right                shows such as The Lion King, Mamma Mia, and
beneath the coaster or watch the Brooklyn                 Broadway’s longest running show – The
Cyclones at MCU Park. Come see what’s new in              Phantom of the Opera, will be performing live
Coney Island like Luna Park and enjoy deals               from 12:30 – 1:30 PM on the Lawn at Bryant
with your Metrocard all over Coney Island                 Park. Take the B,D,FM to 42nd St/Bryant Park or
boardwalk. Take the D, F, N, Q to Coney                   1,237,N,Q,R to 42nd St/Times Square. For
Island/Stillwell Ave. For information visit               information                                   visit 
dex.html                                                  visit/broadway.html

You can also enjoy Metrocard deals while you              Another historic destination is Hudson River
help celebrate Staten Island Railroad’s 150th             Park which runs along Chelsea Piers on the
Birthday. Celebrate the island’s women’s                  west side of Manhattan. Did you know that the
                                                          legendary R.M.S. Titanic was scheduled to

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 9

arrive at Chelsea Piers in that spring of 1912  
before it tragically sank? Although luxury liners         erver?pagename=New_Visit_Preview
have abandoned Chelsea Piers, the Hudson
River Park has made it a popular tourist                  Brooklyn has no shortage of history as well.
destination. Come visit a site rich in history,           Come to Brooklyn Brewery at #1 Brewer’s
while enjoying an outdoor movie every                     Row, 79 North 11th St. in historic Williamsburg.
Wednesday until August 18th at Riverflicks for            In the 1800s, Brooklyn became one of the first
Grown-ups, on Pier 54. Enjoy your favorites               brewing centers of America. By 1900 Brooklyn
from the previous year such as Julia&Julia and            was home to almost 50 different breweries! But
The Hangover. Movies begin at 8:30PM and                  by the 70s all of them were put out of business
free popcorn is offered! For a family event there         by the big national brands and that is when
is also Riverflicks for Kids every Friday until           Brooklyn Brewery came to be. Born in the 80s,
August 20th on Pier 46 at 8:30PM. Enjoy                   Brooklyn Brewery proved that with such history,
family-friendly classics like The Wizard of Oz or         a local brand deserved to thrive. Come take a
newer features like Cloudy with a Chance of               tour of the brewery every Saturday and Sunday
Meatballs. Take the A, C, E, L, subway to 14th St         at 1, 2, 3 or 4PM. Take the G to Nassau Ave or
or the M14, M11 bus for Pier 54. Take the 1               the L to Bedford Ave. For information visit
subway to Christopher St or the M8 bus for Pier 
46.          For         information         visit                     For those who thought camels were only found
                                                          in the desert, think again. The Bronx Zoo, the
For all you 2 Broadway employees, there is                largest urban zoo in the United States is home to
history right around the corner! The Fraunces             a camel or two and they’re available for rides
Tavern Museum at 54 Pearl Street was built in             daily this summer! Opened in 1899 the zoo is
1719 as a place of residence, over 50 years               home to over 4,000 animals including lions,
before America gained independence. In 1783               tigers, bears and butterflies. Take the 2, 5
after it had been turned into a tavern, George            subways to East Tremont Ave/West Farms
Washington delivered his farewell address to the          Square or the BxM11 express bus right to the
officers of the Continental Army. Visit on your           zoo’s     entrance.    For   information     visit
lunch break and experience a piece of colonial  
America in your backyard. Take the R to
Whitehall St, the 4, 5 to Bowling Green, the 1            For outdoor history visit Queens, the borough
to South Ferry or the J, Z to Broad St. For               with the largest land area. Forest Park, the 3rd
information                                 visit         largest park in Queens, offers hiking, golfing,                      horseback riding and an authentic carousel from
                                                          1903. Or if you prefer the beach, visit
We cannot neglect New York’s recent history,              Rockaway Beach with its 170 acres of sun and
so visit the 9/11 Memorial Preview at Ground              sand which was first sold to the Dutch in the
Zero. See NYC Transit’s story featured there              early 1600s. For information about the park visit
too! This site is set for completion by the 10th
anniversary and is now open for you to be a part          forest_park/vt_forest_park.html;
of it. Share your 9/11 story or tell about a brave
friend or firefighter. Come be a part of history!
Located at 20 Vesey Street. this memorial                 Open Seats for Training Classes
preview is not only free but priceless. Take the
A, C, J 2, 3, 4, 5 subways to Fulton                      By Jennifer Von Willer, Transit News Intern
St/Broadway Nassau, Park Place, and the E to
World Trade Center or the M1, M6 bus. For                 Professional Development
information                                   visit       There        are      several       upcoming
                                                          Administration/Research and Training Courses.

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Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 10

For Managers Only, Fundamentals of                        XP on Wednesday, August 4 and Practical
Management for the New Culture is set for                 Uses for Word 2003 on Wednesday August 5.
Friday, July 23. The two-day Supervisory
Transition Program is set for Monday, July 26             Classes will be held in the 1st floor training
through Thursday, July 29. Another course for             room at 130 Livingston Plaza. To register, call
managers, Managing an Intergenerational                   718-694-4660 at least one day in advance.
Workforce will be held on Tuesday, August 3.              Please specify the time you want to attend
All of the Research and Training courses are              because attendance is on a first come, first
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise              served basis. To register, please contact your
noted. For course descriptions and the complete           department training liaisons and have him/her
schedule, please visit TENS.                              submit course nomination sheets to the
                                                          Registration unit. The nomination sheets can be
Computer Training                                         e-mailed to or faxed to
Computer courses and workshops are being                  718-694-5490. For Special Request classes,
offered from July through September. Classes              please contact Terri Parker at 646-252-2749.
are still being offered for the end of this month.        Students that have already taken a course can e-
The first, Understanding the Access 2003                  mail any questions at
Structure is set for Friday, July 23; Project
2003 is on Tuesday, July 27 and a one-hour
midday workshop, Using the Instr Function in
Access 2003 is also on Tuesday, July 27 at 12
                                                          Q     uote of the Week: “When you have
                                                                eliminated the impossible, whatever
p.m. or 1 p.m. For Interns Only,                                remains, however improbable, must be
Experimenting With Excel 2003 is on                       the truth.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859-
Wednesday, July 28 and Understanding the                  1930 (submitted by Neil Neches, Marketing)
Access 2003 Structure is on Thursday, July 29.
Save the date for these August classes! Learn
about Computer Basics on Tuesday, August 3
at 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon; Exploring Windows

July 9-August 2, 2010
Director, Capital Design &          Subways Division/Unit:              $80,900 -$127,800 (C)
Coordination                        Engineering
Job Vacancy # 005494
July 2-July 26, 2010
Assistant General Superintendent    Regional Bus Company                $75,600 -$119,400 (D)
Transportation                      Division/Unit: Regional Bus
Job Vacancy # 005483
General Superintendent              Regional Bus Company                $87,600 -$138,500 (B)
Maintenance                         Division/Unit: Regional Bus
Job Vacancy # 005495
General Superintendent, Rapid       Subways Division/Unit: Rapid        $94,500 -$149,400 (A)
Transit                             Transit Operations

Job Vacancy # 005496
June 26-July 19, 2010
Senior Director,                    Subways Division/Unit:              $80,900 -$127,800 (C)
Telecommunications Services         Electronics Maintenance
Job Vacancy # 005476
System Safety Specialist I          System Safety Division/Unit:        $51,287 - $60,716
System Safety Specialist II         System Safety                       $59,549 - $66,322

                                          Page 10 of 11
Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 11

System Safety Specialist III                                               $67,314 - $76,740
System Safety Specialist IV                                                $74,988 - $87,159
Job Vacancy # 005479
System Safety Spec. Trainee SS1      System Safety Division/Unit:          $37,497 - $42,588
System Safety Spec. Trainee SS2      System Safety                         $40,493 - $48,215
Job Vacancy # 005480
Assistant Chief                      Subways Division/Unit:                $109,100 -$163,700 (1192 Points)
Telecommunications Officer           Electronics Maintenance
Job Vacancy # 005482
Assistant General Superintendent     Regional Bus Company                  $75,600 -$119,400 (D)
Transportation                       Division/Unit: Regional Bus
Job Vacancy # 005483                 Company
Executive Assistant, Capital         Capital Program Management            $87,600 -$138,500 (B)
Program Management                   Division/Unit: Capital Program
Job Vacancy # 005485                 Management
Manager, New Car Quality             Subways Division/Unit: Car            $71,500 -$113,000 (E)
Control                              Equipment
Job Vacancy # 005488
Director, System Support             Subways Division/Unit:                $75,600 -$119,400 (D)
Contracts                            Engineering
Job Vacancy # 005490
Assistant General Superintendent,    Regional Bus Company                  $80,900 -$127,800 (C)
Facilities                           Division/Unit: Facilities
Job Vacancy # 005491                 Operations (P&E)
General Superintendent, Facilities   Regional Bus Company                  $87,600 -$138,500 (B)
Job Vacancy # 005492                 Division/Unit: Facilities
                                     Operations (P&E)

For more jobs information call Michelle Weakly at 347-643-8450. NYCT & MaBSTOA Examination Hotline: (718)
566-JOBS (5627). Positions Open to Public: MTA NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT IS AN EQUAL

Weekly News, produced by Public Affairs, Corporate Communications Department, is available on TENS under
Transit/MTACC News and from home online on MyAccess and the NYCT retiree network:,
click Retiree Online Home and Newsstand. DO YOU HAVE NEWS TIPS FOR THE WEEKLY NEWS? Call
(646) 252-6886; fax (646) 252-6857 OR send email to

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Inspiring Spaces, Celebrating 25 Years of MTA Arts for Transit

  • 1. Weeks of June 30-July 14, 2010 Please Post Prominently and Distribute Widely INSIDE th Celebrate 25 Anniversary of MTA Arts for Transit Click here to listen to audio tours about commissioned public art in MTA's subway and rail system. Above photo @ Columbus Circle by Rob Wilson. New York In Transit (2001) by African-American artist Jacob Lawrence, a subway art piece in Times Square station, is among art work to be featured in the MTA Arts for Transit’s 25th anniversary celebration. Photo: Rob Wilson. TVA Memorial Day Ceremony Inspiring Spaces Highlights Pgs 3-5 Celebrating 25 Years of MTA Arts for Transit Blood Drives Pg 6 By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications Retirement Pg 7 To mark MTA Arts for Transit’s (AFT) 25th anniversary, a two-location exhibition is being planned to highlight art, artists, and art’s impact at NY Destinations Pg 8 Transit Museum’s two galleries in Brooklyn Heights and Grand Central Terminal. As one of the oldest public transit systems in the world, NYC Training Pg 9 Transit’s subway is surprisingly one of the world’s most inspiring artist spaces. Considered one of the largest public art museums of its kind, the ‘art space’ spans 660 miles of track, 468 subways stations and 6,380 subway cars whose Job Listings Pg 11 walls, floors, ceilings or air space serve as galleries and canvases for artistic expression. Fortified by historic architecture and land-marked restorations, Back Issues: click many of the commissioned art feature works in mosaic, terra cotta, bronze, here for Weekly glass, mixed-media and sculpture. News back issues. History: New York City Subway’s founders believed that art inspired and enhanced public lives and spaces. According to Along the Way: MTA Arts For Transit by Sandra Bloodworth, William Ayres and Stanley Tucci, the definitive book on AFT, by the 1980s, the nation’s financial crisis was waning
  • 2. Weekly News, Weeks of June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 2 and the desire for improved historic preservation and public art was gaining momentum across the country. New York City Mayor Ed Koch in 1982 passed the Percent for Art legislation requiring all city building projects to spend one percent of their construction budget on art. The Percent for Art agency was established within the City’s Department of Cultural Affairs. MTA’s Capital Program, founded in mid 1980 with $8.3 million, funded the acclaimed “Clean Car Program” which transformed an anti- graffiti campaign from an ineffective anti-crime program to a simple maintenance campaign. The Capital Program provided funds for station renovations, which had to adhere to the one percent rule. By 1985, AFT was formally established with the support of MTA Chairman Robert R. Kiley. “The inclusion of art in station rehabilitations has had a profound impact on the New York subway. The success of the program lies in the efforts of many, many people. The Arts for Transit staff has been the Above: MUNY: Music Under New York, part of Arts nucleus and while working hand in hand with New York th for Transit’s 25 anniversary celebration. City Transit employees we have been able to transform Below: Flying Home: Harlem Heroes and Heroines (1996) by African-American artist Faith Ringgold, these public spaces. Including art in the station sends 125th Street Station, 2, 3 lines. Photo: Rob Wilson. the message that the transit environment is an important place and the people who use the system are respected. Most often that attitude has translated into increased respect for the station by the public,” said Sandra Bloodworth, AFT director. Although AFT was conceived to oversee the artists selection process and coordinate with permanent art installations, the program also includes music—Music Under New York (MUNY), photography— Lightbox Project, a series of photographic displays and the Poster Art project. Guides & Tours: For a self-directed guide through MTA’s Arts for Transit, check out "Art en Route," a free guide that will help you locate all of the art in our network; Along the Way, the definitive hard-cover book; Podcast Tours on TransitTrax offers artist bios and inspiration as well as the process for the artist. (Click link on cover for podcast AFT tours. Or go to Page 2 of 11
  • 3. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 3 TVA Memorial Day Ceremony Inspires Employee’s Poetry (Tom McDonald was inspired to write poetry at the Memorial Day ceremony. Here are two from his series.) By Tom Mc Donald, TIS The One Who Brought Me There How could I not think of him, as Veterans gathered, proud? His soul was surely wafting through Tuskegee Airman, Clayton F. Lawrence, (Lt. Col, ret) this solemn, thankful crowd. was a featured speaker at TVA’s 3rd Annual MTA Memorial Day Ceremony held at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park. Several retired NYCT employees were The members, from all branches, Tuskegee Airmen. who served today or past, their visage shines across the land; Assured to ever last. A Letter from Tuskegee And in the City, humbled cheers Got a letter from Tuskegee; urged each new speaker on; Came in human form, you see; This if you were a Veteran, More than half a century later, or knew one who is gone. with a stirring dignity. A scattered band shell couldn’t proclaim He spoke of how it had been; exactly where to begin; Segregation in the sky; Yet, in this sparse, devoted group, Till it became so very obvious I felt a peace within. that these men could really fly. And in the end, once more that day Misconception is a weakness, he left my heart still bare; fueled by prejudicial crimes; My dad (plus 30) surely was Don’t you know we’re all Americans? the one who brought me there. Red, white, black and blue, sometimes. He related widespread stories; this for all forgotten men; And he stood so tall and regal that I could see him young again. For all of those, enlightened and free, true equality is the goal; Got a letter from Tuskegee from an incandescent soul. Page 3 of 11
  • 4. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 4 own congratulatory message to TVA. The other speakers included Gold Star Mothers, Katherine Cross and Emily Toro; Phil Carajuana, TWU Local 100; Kenneth Johnson, SSSA; Mathieu Eugene, City Councilman; and Andrew Roberts, NYS Div. of Veterans Affairs. Placing of the wreath was done by NYCT personnel and United War Vets Council members. But the star of the show was the gregarious and humorous Tuskegee Airman, Clayton F. Lawrence (Lt Col, ret). He ambled his way to the podium with escorts and a cane. But once he got situated, he was full of joyous energy. He Highlights from Memorial Day lectured the audience on what he and his colleagues had been through in the racially By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications segregated US military calling it “a terrible time but full of promise and opportunities.” “Speaking as an individual, I can say that this Memorial Day ceremony was very sobering especially hearing all the names of employees who died in defense of our country. I am forever indebted for the simple freedoms I enjoy because of their sacrifice. But, speaking as President of NYC Transit, I pledge my support to TVA and all our employee soldiers. I will always stand by you and salute you,” said NYC Transit President Tom Prendergast. Transit Veterans Association (TVA) held its 3rd Annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park in downtown Manhattan. In the circular garden under a Location, Location, Location… beaming sun, TVA co-founder Dwight Webster Chaplains Preside At Ceremonies for opened a glorious ceremony featuring a line-up Workers in the Outer Boroughs of impressive speakers. But before the program began, admirers swarmed around the few By Jennifer Von Willer, Transit News Intern Tuskegee Airmen who were able to attend. Moving slowly, two 85 years old-plus, proud Remembering those who lost their lives in and cheerful Black men came to pay tribute to service with your heart is good enough but for MTA employees. But, enthusiastic employees the Transit Veterans Association (TVA), it and families came to meet them—many wanting was especially important to be all about location, to pose for a photo or simply shake the hands of location, and location. these legendary American heroes. The Third Annual TVA Memorial Day event Transit Pipes & Drums led the Transit Security held at Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Park held Department Honor Guards before the Invocation in Manhattan was just one location honoring the was presented by NYCT Chaplain Harry lost lives of military men and women. There Berkowitz. Chris Boylan, MTA Dep. Exec. were 15 more ceremonies, albeit smaller, Director and a Vietnam vet brought greetings Memorial Day Ceremonies for MTA employees from MTA Chair Jay Walder and shared his Page 4 of 11
  • 5. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 5 all over New York. NYC Transit’s volunteer chaplains as organized by Chaplain Harry Berkowitz and TVA co-founder Dwight Webster coordinated the massive effort. On May 28, the names of 177 NYCT, LIRR and Bridges & Tunnels employee war veterans were read aloud with respect ad reverence by Chaplain Harry Berkowitz and his team of amazing volunteer chaplains. Two ceremonies at the Henry Hudson Bridge and 207th Street took place on May 27. The three sites that could not host memorial ceremonies were at Yukon Depot, Grand Central Terminal and JFK Depot. Memorial Day ceremony at LIRR. There were 15 ceremonies held throughout the MTA system “It was very well organized with good speeches presided by NYCT Chaplains. that spoke about Memorial Day and how people wasn’t something just put together," said gave so much to this country," said Chaplain Chaplain Timothy Hamm (LaGuardia Ivan Tyhovych, who presided at the Memorial Depot). Chaplain Carlos Baez spoke on May Day ceremony at the Grand Ave Depot. 27, 2010 at 207th Street Depot and at Jamaica Yard on Memorial Day. “It was a beautiful “It was a wonderful way to discover who event! It was a pleasure and an opportunity formerly and currently served in the military. doing the memorial services.” Baez was There were people there that I had worked with awarded “Chaplain of the Year” by Chaplain that I never knew served in the military. We must Berkowitz at the East New York Depot on understand that there is a price to pay for May 28, 2010. freedom and the very price for it is sacrifice. I Other services were held at Coney Island Yard, thought it was more heartfelt this year just Gun Hill Depot, 100th Street Depot, College because of Iraq—the length of devastation from Point Depot, TWU Headquarters, 38th Street last year to this year and that there is still a ray Yard, Mitchell Field, and Queens Village. of hope we carry,” said Chaplain Craig Gaddy Thank you to all the Memorial Day chaplains: (East New York Depot) Brenda Robertson, Miguel Pacheco, Anthony Gilmore, Francis Ares, Alvin Rippy, Greg “It went quite well in the Bronx, really. I didn’t Gilbert, Victor Hall, Rosario Tirella, James take count but there were about 30 former and Nunes, and Eladio Villaneuva. current service men from all the different branches—Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard. Our ceremony was very moving, very emotional, very touching and the turnout was great. I was honored to be there, honored to help with the program—it lasted about 45 minutes and like I said before, it was very emotional because of the current soldiers. Some had just arrived from Afghanistan," said Chaplain Edward Padilla (Zerega Avenue) “This was my first experience, in any capacity with the program. I thought the Memorial was quite good. The retired military men doing the raises of the flag and saying their former titles--I thought that was nice. It was thoughtful, it Page 5 of 11
  • 6. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 6 NYCT BLOOD DRIVE NEWS Cesar’s Alive! Summer Brings Blood Supply Woes Bus Dispatcher Says ‘Thank You’ By Jennifer Von Willer, NYCT News Intern By Sylvia Isabel, Corporate Communications What’s Your Type? — With soaring 100 degree heat waves, hospitals already have It’s been a while since we enough to worry about when it comes to the reported on Cesar blood supply. “Every two seconds, someone Jimenez, the Bus needs blood,” according to New York Blood Dispatcher who was Center (NYBC). frantic to find a bone Do you know your type? Giving blood is a sure marrow match. Well, way to find out. July is National Make a there’s good news. Difference to Children Month and all blood “Cesar Jimenez has types (A-, B-, and especially O-negative) are needed assistance in needed to ensure a safe and happy summer for obtaining a match for his children. Please participate in a blood drive at bone marrow transplant your work site and donate blood and bone for a few years. A bone marrow this summer, when children need us the marrow donor was never most. found. However, he did undergo a double “We need between 28 and 30 people for a corded stem cell transplant. I am happy to successful drive,” said Wendy Malliet, senior report that on July 14, 2010, he will have 16 director of Medical Administration/Occupational months with his new system and is doing Health Services (OHS). remarkably well,” said colleague Albert Rodriguez, Bus Command Center, East New The NYCT Blood Donor Program was created York. by OHS in 2000 in partnership with New York Blood Center (NYBC) which serves more than On a phone interview, Cesar said that he wanted 20 million people in New York City, Long to express his gratitude to everyone for saving Island, the Hudson Valley, New Jersey and parts his life. of Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Eligible blood ‘This is from my heart. I want to thank everyone donors must be at least 16 years old (with on behalf of me and my family for saving my life. parent’s permission), weigh a minimum of 110 I still get choked up when I think about how so pounds and have not already donated blood many strangers, who did not know me, stepped within the last 56 days. Donors that are 75 and up to be tested to find a bone marrow match for older can only donate blood if they meet all the me. I had a very difficult time. It was not a health criteria and present a physician’s letter. If dream. It is pure reality. But, I am back to you cannot donate blood at a Transit drive and normalcy. I drive, cook, shop and exercise. I want an off-site donation credited to the MTA especially want to thank Al Rodriguez and Mike NYCT, the MTA NYCT Group Number is Mantel. They visited me in the hospital and kept 1351. For more information about qualifying as me company during my darkest hours. Their a blood donor, contact the NYBC @ 1-800-688- good cheer and encouragement was like 0900 or go to medicine and gave me emotional support.” “I applied for reinstatement to work approximately two months ago and am still July Blood Drives—Mark your calendar for waiting to be called. I was cleared to return to these upcoming NYC Transit Blood Drives: work by OHS but have not heard anything yet.” Thursday, July 15th & Friday, July 16th at 2 Broadway, 20th Floor, Conference Rooms A&B, Let us all cross our fingers for Cesar again. 11am-5pm and 8:30am-2:30pm. For July 15th, Page 6 of 11
  • 7. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 7 contact Dennis Callaghan @ 646-252-3957; for July 16th, contact Helen Hartmann @ 646-252- Retirement 4307. Saturday, July 31st at Jamaica Maintenance and Overhaul Shops, 11am-3pm. Deborah Chisholm, 39 Years Contact Esmond Turnbull or Annette Allen @ Dedicated Service in OHS 347-643-7046. By Kim Silverton, Transit News Intern Be a Captain—If you would like to become a NYC Transit Blood Donor Drive Captain, learn Congratulations and best wishes to Deborah more about dual blood and bone marrow drives Chisholm on her retirement after a fantastic 39 or would like to start a drive, contact Transit years at NYC Transit! Chisholm, a P.A.A. III in Blood Drive Coordinator Debbie Johnson- Occupational Health Services, Human Hines @ 347-643-8170 or Wendy Malliet @ Resources Division, is best known for her strong 347-643-8160. For more listings, please go to work ethic TENS. throughout the years. Her current Philip Still Needs Us director, Donna Retired Casey Stengel Bus Operator Philip J. James said of her, Felice needs an immediate bone marrow “She is an employee transplant. He is fighting Lymphoma – Large B driven by a strong Cell for the second time. work ethic to do her work, to do it well “On April 9, 2007, retired Casey Stengel bus and with minimal, if operator Philip J. Felice was diagnosed with any, supervision. Lymphoma – Large B Cell, the fastest growing She works well type of Lymphoma. After successfully under pressure, undergoing chemotherapy and a stem cell never wavering transplant, Philip’s Lymphoma returned with a when asked to go the extra mile to help a co- vengeance in February 2010. Now his only hope worker on a special project. This is a dying of survival is a bone marrow transplant from a breed of human resource in many organizations stranger. Philip’s life lies in the hands of a today and I believe she is worthy of applause complete stranger. These past few years have before she leaves.” been the most difficult we’ve experienced in our 34 years of marriage. We hope and pray for a Chisholm said her mom helped her develop that match each day. Someone we haven’t met yet work ethic. Her first director, Mr. Shreck, and could give Philip the greatest gift of all – the gift Donna James helped it thrive. When she entered of life,” said his wife Theresa Ann Felice. the work world, right out of high school at 18, His flyer and donation information is at her work ethic was not fully developed. She would “come to work working toward philip-felice-and-others. retirement.” But her directors guided her. “They Casey Stengel Depot Drive – Thanks to pushed me to learn everything and everyone everyone who participated in the bone marrow dealing with different jobs. They knew I could donation drive for Philip Felice on July 2nd at do it and never take no for an answer.” She Casey Stengel Depot. However, donations are especially credits James for challenging her and still needed to help him fight the disease. Mark motivating her over the past 10 years. “There is your calendar! The next Casey Stengel Depot no one like Donna,” said Chisholm. She believes donation drive is set for Thursday, August 26, 1- her biggest triumph during her 39 years at NYC 7pm. Contact Rohan Bascombe @ 718 694- Transit was, “Learning each new job, doing it 1412. very well, and learning the computer and all it entails.” Page 7 of 11
  • 8. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 8 history and view the home of a great female The Harlem native attended Brandeis High photographer at the Alice Austen House School and still lives in Harlem today with her Museum at 2 Hylan Blvd. Visit the Staten family. When she retires, she plans to “first and Island Museum or the Staten Island foremost relax,” and to do more of what she Children’s Museum and experience history loves – reading. She also plans to continue along the way on the historic ferry and Staten traveling with her traveling group – her youngest Island Railway. For information visit daughter, her closest friend and her daughter, her son, and recently a new addition to her group, dex.html her grandson, Christopher. “We’ve been traveling for 22 years,” said Chisholm. In the Ever wonder why Curious George, the popular next 4 years they plan to visit Hawaii, take a childhood character, was always on the run? cruise and see London, Paris, and Greece. Well his creators, H.A. and Margret Reys were on the run as well. The Jewish illustrator and Chisholm’s last day of work was July 16th and author lived in Paris during the Nazi regime and her party will be on Friday, September 24th at during this terrifyingly dark moment in history Morton’s Steakhouse at 339 Adams St., they escaped with the manuscripts and Brooklyn, NY from 1 – 3 PM. For information illustrations that George was born out of. Come contact Deborah Johnson-Hines at 347-643- see how the beloved character came to be and 8170 or Marian Sanders at 347-643-7186. view original artwork at the exhibition “Curious George Saves the Day: The Art of Margret and Destinations H.A. Rey” until August 1st at the Jewish Museum. Museum is located at 1109 5th Ave. @ Historic Things to Do 92nd St. Take the 4, 5, 6, subway to 86th St. or By Kimberly Silverton, Transit News Intern M1, M2, M3, M4 bus to 91st St. For information visit For all you history buffs out there, here are some historic summer destinations—a sample from riousgeorge each borough. Please share these with your summer guests and remind them about our One of the most famous NY establishments is MetroCard Deals! the Broadway show. Broadway, which came to be known as the symbol for live entertainment MetroCard Deals! has roots dating back to the early 1800s. While Come to Coney Island and experience a place the glorious theatre experience usually comes that has been entertaining New York for over 80 with a hefty price tag, there is a free option this years. Ride on the historic Brooklyn Cyclone, summer at Bryant Park. Every Thursday until one of the first wooden roller coasters, visit the August 12th, casts from famous Broadway Coney Island History project located right shows such as The Lion King, Mamma Mia, and beneath the coaster or watch the Brooklyn Broadway’s longest running show – The Cyclones at MCU Park. Come see what’s new in Phantom of the Opera, will be performing live Coney Island like Luna Park and enjoy deals from 12:30 – 1:30 PM on the Lawn at Bryant with your Metrocard all over Coney Island Park. Take the B,D,FM to 42nd St/Bryant Park or boardwalk. Take the D, F, N, Q to Coney 1,237,N,Q,R to 42nd St/Times Square. For Island/Stillwell Ave. For information visit information visit dex.html visit/broadway.html You can also enjoy Metrocard deals while you Another historic destination is Hudson River help celebrate Staten Island Railroad’s 150th Park which runs along Chelsea Piers on the Birthday. Celebrate the island’s women’s west side of Manhattan. Did you know that the legendary R.M.S. Titanic was scheduled to Page 8 of 11
  • 9. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 9 arrive at Chelsea Piers in that spring of 1912 before it tragically sank? Although luxury liners erver?pagename=New_Visit_Preview have abandoned Chelsea Piers, the Hudson River Park has made it a popular tourist Brooklyn has no shortage of history as well. destination. Come visit a site rich in history, Come to Brooklyn Brewery at #1 Brewer’s while enjoying an outdoor movie every Row, 79 North 11th St. in historic Williamsburg. Wednesday until August 18th at Riverflicks for In the 1800s, Brooklyn became one of the first Grown-ups, on Pier 54. Enjoy your favorites brewing centers of America. By 1900 Brooklyn from the previous year such as Julia&Julia and was home to almost 50 different breweries! But The Hangover. Movies begin at 8:30PM and by the 70s all of them were put out of business free popcorn is offered! For a family event there by the big national brands and that is when is also Riverflicks for Kids every Friday until Brooklyn Brewery came to be. Born in the 80s, August 20th on Pier 46 at 8:30PM. Enjoy Brooklyn Brewery proved that with such history, family-friendly classics like The Wizard of Oz or a local brand deserved to thrive. Come take a newer features like Cloudy with a Chance of tour of the brewery every Saturday and Sunday Meatballs. Take the A, C, E, L, subway to 14th St at 1, 2, 3 or 4PM. Take the G to Nassau Ave or or the M14, M11 bus for Pier 54. Take the 1 the L to Bedford Ave. For information visit subway to Christopher St or the M8 bus for Pier 46. For information visit For those who thought camels were only found in the desert, think again. The Bronx Zoo, the For all you 2 Broadway employees, there is largest urban zoo in the United States is home to history right around the corner! The Fraunces a camel or two and they’re available for rides Tavern Museum at 54 Pearl Street was built in daily this summer! Opened in 1899 the zoo is 1719 as a place of residence, over 50 years home to over 4,000 animals including lions, before America gained independence. In 1783 tigers, bears and butterflies. Take the 2, 5 after it had been turned into a tavern, George subways to East Tremont Ave/West Farms Washington delivered his farewell address to the Square or the BxM11 express bus right to the officers of the Continental Army. Visit on your zoo’s entrance. For information visit lunch break and experience a piece of colonial America in your backyard. Take the R to Whitehall St, the 4, 5 to Bowling Green, the 1 For outdoor history visit Queens, the borough to South Ferry or the J, Z to Broad St. For with the largest land area. Forest Park, the 3rd information visit largest park in Queens, offers hiking, golfing, horseback riding and an authentic carousel from 1903. Or if you prefer the beach, visit We cannot neglect New York’s recent history, Rockaway Beach with its 170 acres of sun and so visit the 9/11 Memorial Preview at Ground sand which was first sold to the Dutch in the Zero. See NYC Transit’s story featured there early 1600s. For information about the park visit too! This site is set for completion by the 10th anniversary and is now open for you to be a part forest_park/vt_forest_park.html; of it. Share your 9/11 story or tell about a brave friend or firefighter. Come be a part of history! Located at 20 Vesey Street. this memorial Open Seats for Training Classes preview is not only free but priceless. Take the A, C, J 2, 3, 4, 5 subways to Fulton By Jennifer Von Willer, Transit News Intern St/Broadway Nassau, Park Place, and the E to World Trade Center or the M1, M6 bus. For Professional Development information visit There are several upcoming Administration/Research and Training Courses. Page 9 of 11
  • 10. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 10 For Managers Only, Fundamentals of XP on Wednesday, August 4 and Practical Management for the New Culture is set for Uses for Word 2003 on Wednesday August 5. Friday, July 23. The two-day Supervisory Transition Program is set for Monday, July 26 Classes will be held in the 1st floor training through Thursday, July 29. Another course for room at 130 Livingston Plaza. To register, call managers, Managing an Intergenerational 718-694-4660 at least one day in advance. Workforce will be held on Tuesday, August 3. Please specify the time you want to attend All of the Research and Training courses are because attendance is on a first come, first from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. unless otherwise served basis. To register, please contact your noted. For course descriptions and the complete department training liaisons and have him/her schedule, please visit TENS. submit course nomination sheets to the Registration unit. The nomination sheets can be Computer Training e-mailed to or faxed to Computer courses and workshops are being 718-694-5490. For Special Request classes, offered from July through September. Classes please contact Terri Parker at 646-252-2749. are still being offered for the end of this month. Students that have already taken a course can e- The first, Understanding the Access 2003 mail any questions at Structure is set for Friday, July 23; Project 2003 is on Tuesday, July 27 and a one-hour midday workshop, Using the Instr Function in Access 2003 is also on Tuesday, July 27 at 12 Q uote of the Week: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever p.m. or 1 p.m. For Interns Only, remains, however improbable, must be Experimenting With Excel 2003 is on the truth.” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 1859- Wednesday, July 28 and Understanding the 1930 (submitted by Neil Neches, Marketing) Access 2003 Structure is on Thursday, July 29. Save the date for these August classes! Learn about Computer Basics on Tuesday, August 3 at 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon; Exploring Windows July 9-August 2, 2010 Director, Capital Design & Subways Division/Unit: $80,900 -$127,800 (C) Coordination Engineering Job Vacancy # 005494 July 2-July 26, 2010 Assistant General Superintendent Regional Bus Company $75,600 -$119,400 (D) Transportation Division/Unit: Regional Bus Company Job Vacancy # 005483 General Superintendent Regional Bus Company $87,600 -$138,500 (B) Maintenance Division/Unit: Regional Bus Company Job Vacancy # 005495 General Superintendent, Rapid Subways Division/Unit: Rapid $94,500 -$149,400 (A) Transit Transit Operations Job Vacancy # 005496 June 26-July 19, 2010 Senior Director, Subways Division/Unit: $80,900 -$127,800 (C) Telecommunications Services Electronics Maintenance Job Vacancy # 005476 System Safety Specialist I System Safety Division/Unit: $51,287 - $60,716 System Safety Specialist II System Safety $59,549 - $66,322 Page 10 of 11
  • 11. Weekly News, June 30 – July 14, 2010 Page 11 System Safety Specialist III $67,314 - $76,740 System Safety Specialist IV $74,988 - $87,159 Job Vacancy # 005479 System Safety Spec. Trainee SS1 System Safety Division/Unit: $37,497 - $42,588 System Safety Spec. Trainee SS2 System Safety $40,493 - $48,215 Job Vacancy # 005480 Assistant Chief Subways Division/Unit: $109,100 -$163,700 (1192 Points) Telecommunications Officer Electronics Maintenance Job Vacancy # 005482 Assistant General Superintendent Regional Bus Company $75,600 -$119,400 (D) Transportation Division/Unit: Regional Bus Job Vacancy # 005483 Company Executive Assistant, Capital Capital Program Management $87,600 -$138,500 (B) Program Management Division/Unit: Capital Program Job Vacancy # 005485 Management Manager, New Car Quality Subways Division/Unit: Car $71,500 -$113,000 (E) Control Equipment Job Vacancy # 005488 Director, System Support Subways Division/Unit: $75,600 -$119,400 (D) Contracts Engineering Job Vacancy # 005490 Assistant General Superintendent, Regional Bus Company $80,900 -$127,800 (C) Facilities Division/Unit: Facilities Job Vacancy # 005491 Operations (P&E) General Superintendent, Facilities Regional Bus Company $87,600 -$138,500 (B) Job Vacancy # 005492 Division/Unit: Facilities Operations (P&E) For more jobs information call Michelle Weakly at 347-643-8450. NYCT & MaBSTOA Examination Hotline: (718) 566-JOBS (5627). Positions Open to Public: MTA NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. Weekly News, produced by Public Affairs, Corporate Communications Department, is available on TENS under Transit/MTACC News and from home online on MyAccess and the NYCT retiree network:, click Retiree Online Home and Newsstand. DO YOU HAVE NEWS TIPS FOR THE WEEKLY NEWS? Call (646) 252-6886; fax (646) 252-6857 OR send email to Page 11 of 11