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Innovation Organization Support
An innovative organization engages everyone throughout the organization in the task of developing
and implementing new ways to reach the organization's goals. (Behn, 1995) For organizations to
build leadership strength, they first need to know what elements of leadership are needed and valued
in the organization and for what roles. (Leslie, J. 2009) The two skills I feel are necessary for the
success of innovation and the formation of a successful innovative organization is Strategic
Planning and Leading People. Within the initial creation of an innovation and innovator must have a
strategic plan set to meet small goals in order to obtain or create that unique innovation. A strategic
plan is a document used to communicate with the ... Show more content on ...
Rather than simply doing social networking or networking for resources, they actively search for
new ideas by building bridges with different social networks to generate new ideas.(Dyer, J.,
Gregersen, H., Christensen, C., 2011)
Innovative organizations network to learn new surprising things, gain new perspectives and test
ideas "in process" for people that are not like them or experts and nonexperts with different
backgrounds and perspective. (Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., Christensen, C., 2011)
Finally, innovators are constantly trying out new ideas by creating prototypes and launching pilot
test to experiment with current constructed innovations. Experimenters construct interactive
experiences and try to provoke unorthodox responses to see what insights emerge. "Experiments are
key to innovation because they rarely turn out as you expect, and you learn so much." Innovators
understand that diversity of experience allows an innovative organization to engage in divergent
thinking and increase their capacity to innovate.
Collectively, these discovery skills–the cognitive skill of associating and the behavioral skills of
questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting–constitute what we call the innovator's
DNA, or the code for generating innovative business ideas for a successful
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Disruptive Innovation
Disruptive innovation
Explanation of the term
A disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and
eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing
an earlier technology. The term is used in business and technology literature to describe innovations
that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, typically first by
designing for a different set of consumers in a new market and later by lowering prices in the
existing market.
Opposite type of innovation
In contrast to disruptive innovation, a sustaining innovation does not create new markets or value
networks but rather only evolves existing ones with better value, ... Show more content on ...
He describes the term further in his book The Innovator's Dilemma. In his sequel with Michael E
Raynor, The Innovator's Solution, Christensen replaced the term disruptive technology with
disruptive innovation because he recognized that few technologies are intrinsically disruptive or
sustaining in character; rather, it is the business model that the technology enables that creates the
disruptive impact. The concept of disruptive technology continues a long tradition of the
identification of radical technical change in the study of innovation by economists, and the
development of tools for its management at a firm or policy level.
More about the term
Christensen defines a disruptive innovation as a product or service designed for a new set of
Christensen argues that disruptive innovations can hurt successful, well managed companies that are
responsive to their customers and have excellent research and development. These companies tend
to ignore the markets most susceptible to disruptive innovations, because the markets have very
tight profit margins and are too small to provide a good growth rate to an established (sizable) firm
While Christensen argued that disruptive innovations can hurt successful, well managed companies,
O'Ryan countered that "constructive" integration of existing, new, and forward thinking innovation
could improve the economic benefits of these same well managed companies, once decision making
management understood
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Disruptive Innovation
In this essay I will describe and explain the causes and consequences of disruptive innovation.
Firstly I will write about what dualism is, why it is important and how to achieve it. I will continue
with describing difficulties, which may occur on a company's path towards it, namely overshooting
and inability to recognize the start of a new industry cycle. Further on, I will go deeper in the
reasons, why incumbents fail to recognize the new entrants on the market, specifically "attack from
below" and other discontinuous patterns of change. In the end I will describe some of the responses
taken by established companies to disruptive technologies.
In today's world when competition is such a big factor, ... Show more content on ...
This phenomenon was first identified by Gilfillan in 1935, and he named it "sailing ship effect". It
describes the way, how even though existing players on the market are often aware of approaching
discontinuities, they still pursue with their current trajectories with success in the short term.
Furthermore, the true significance of disruptive technology even in Christensen's conception of it is
not its displacing of established products. Rather, it is a great means for enlarging and broadening
markets and providing new functionality. And according to Utterbacks' explanation: "The degree to
which the market was expanded by the innovation seemed to be the strongest factor favouring new
entrants", a possible conclusion might be that this leads to a never–ending circle.
Nonetheless, some companies have developed different strategies to keep themselves on top.
Firstly, there are companies, which pursue the strategy of entering the market created by outsiders,
in a role of a follower. They allow small pioneers to lead the way into new market territory. For
example: IBM let Apple, Commodore and Tandy define a personal computer (Christensen, Bower,
The second possible response taken by the incumbents is creating a new market by corporate
venturing. It means using a start–up to create their own disruptive technology from a separate
organization. The start–up would obtain a lower profit margin than the
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Innovation Of An Entrepreneur Creates Innovation
As entrepreneurs, we are expected to transform, motivate, and thrive. We are seen as the movers and
shakers of multibillion pound industries. However, one question always remains, how? The answer
is innovation. According Joseph Schumpeter, an entrepreneur creates innovation; not only through
invention but by competition to improve technology, finance and organization. Innovation in its
simplest form is the generation of a new idea and this idea's implementation into a concrete form.
Innovation can appear in the form of an idea, practice, service, or product. In order to characterize
anything as innovative, it must be perceived as adoptively original or new within a market. As a
principle, innovation is change or the creation of market ... Show more content on ...
The first factor, technology, relates to the enterprise involved in a new product and how it differs
from prior knowledge that exist or is being used. The second factor, markets, relates to the scope in
which a product effectively fulfills consumer needs better than an existing product. Both these
factors places a key role in how radical and incremental innovation operate. A general example of
this concept would be the cumulative effects of incremental innovation on technology in television.
The technological advances in changing televisions that show pictures in black and white to color
accumulated and created not only an economic impact but also a change in the market of
communications. This example demonstrates how innovation can utilize technology and create
changes to products in order to improve a market.
Furthermore, the difference between radical and incremental innovation are the high and low
incentives given to consumers and their economic impact. An example of this would be Apple's
iPhone and the updates and various version of this product. The various software updates such as
Siri, IOS9, as well as, design changes such as microchip, touch screens, to the iPhone, itself, can be
considered incremental innovation. This is because it deals with the creation of changes to an
existing product over a continual period of time. According the Rajesh Chandy and Gerald Tellis, it
also can be considered incremental innovation
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Disruptive Innovation
Theme: Means to tackle disruptive innovation
Name: Prasun Kumar Das
PGPM Participant, Batch 1114
Information Management
S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research
Mobile – +91 7506793925
DISRUPTION – The New Age Competitive Strategy
Everything is fair in love and war; and competition in a business environment is like a cold war.
Innovation has always been the major strategy used by businesses around the world to stay
competitive. The traditional paradigm of innovation was to improve the performance of the existing
technology, thereby steeping up the performance trajectory. However, value creation for customers
may be much simpler than high performing technology. There is ... Show more content on ...
They have an open mindset; instead of reacting to changes around they become the change, and
have successfully able to uplift the customer's expectations and level of acceptance. They never fall
prey of self–complacency and bring up their own brand of disruptive innovations in the market.
For any form of innovation there are two perspectives. The product perspective gives the
performance standard of the innovated technology. The customer perspective gives an idea on how
the innovation is being perceived by the customers.
| Sustaining Innovation | Disruptive Innovation | Product Perspective | Scales up the performance of
the existing products | Radical product value proposition; underperforms current market standards |
Customer Perspective | Improvisation that mainstream customers appreciate – Competence
enhancing | Few niche customers appreciates it in the beginning |
An innovation that disrupts the market today gets into the sustaining innovation mode until they
reach up to the customer's threshold expectation. When that level is reached, any further sustaining
innovation makes it vulnerable to disruption. So, a disruptor today becomes vulnerable to disruption
in future.
Fig. 1: The graph showing shelf life of a technology in a disruption model
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurs innovate. Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that
endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. © Peter Drucker.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. © Steve Jobs, Apple.
As time goes on, nothing remains the same in our world. Seasons, weather, relationships, human
emotions, everything is affected by time– everything keeps changing. The same thing is in market
industry. The progress is unstoppable and if one product is a hit today, it could most likely be
replaced by another one hit tomorrow. When setting up a business, entrepreneur needs to learn how
to deal with these constant changes of our life in order for the business to survive. In such ... Show
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In other words, just like cassette walkmans were replaced by CD–players in past and CD–players
were replaced by mp3–players after that. Someday the new kind of music players will be invented
and they will substitute the now popular mp3–players as well. New inventions will continuously
create the new markets that will have benefits over the others but in time they will also be pushed
back by the new improved ones. But what exactly does it all mean for entrepreneurship? It means
that in order for the company to stay profitable, it has to keep in mind that if they go on producing
their good unchanged, the same as it was first presented, it will certainly become less consumed by
customers, as the better–developed substitutes will occur that will be more attractive for
consumption. Just like the founder of Microsoft company Bill Gates (2005) has stated in one of his
interviews "...we are always saying to ourselves: We have to innovate. We 've got to come up with
that breakthrough." This quote confirms that for Microsoft innovation is part of their work,
otherwise they would not be doing as well as they doing now.
Speaking of Bill Gates, he actually makes a very good example of entrepreneur who gained a huge
success by using the innovation. In terms with Schumpeter's model, this is the case of new quality
good creation and opening a new market afterwards. Everybody knows the story of Bill Gates and
the Microsoft corporation foundation.
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Innovation Pipeline
Some companies are able to sustain innovation over the long run, and their competitors find it
difficult to replicate this success. For the innovative company, that innovation pipeline becomes a
key source of sustainable competitive advantage. There is no one magic formula for innovation, but
for the most successful firms it stems from a combination of leadership, culture and processes. This
paper will take a look at some companies with strong track records for innovation, and analyze why
those companies have been able to succeed where their competitors have failed.
Leadership comes in many forms, and the best leaders can drive a company's innovation pipeline.
From a transactional perspective, leaders organize the company and motivation systems to influence
innovation, but such organization can be replicated. What cannot be as easily replicated is a leader
that actually drives the innovation at a company personally. Apple under Steve Jobs is a good
example of a company that used leadership to drive innovation. Jobs was a combination of
transactional leader and inspirational, and was personally responsible for guiding the development
of the company's biggest projects. Leadership can inspire workers to innovate, but can also help to
guide that innovation process in ways that enhance the end results. Innovation at Apple has always
been linked to Jobs, and the company failed to innovate without him, and it remains to be seen if it
can maintain its innovation pipeline under
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Personal Innovation
Introduction This paper will examine the personal growth I have achieved during this class. It will
examine the strength and weakness and how they related to innovation and leadership. Risk taking
as well as creativity and flexibility will be examined. Defining a problem and or process in my
personal life will be looked at as well. Assess risk and creativity could be considered parts of being
an innovator. We all take risk each day but to do it in a way that helps create new ideas is what set
the innovators apart from the rest of the field. The other part of this paper will examine the
innovation plan and how it can be implemented. The innovation plan will include a problem or
process that I have in my personal or ... Show more content on ...
Integrity is a very strong area for me, because without it is impossible to get things done. People will
always look at you different if they know that your integrity level can be compromised it is the
foundation for each of us and without it you are fighting an up hill battle. Inspiration is a strong
point as well, when people find out that I am trying to get my degree they tell me how much of an
inspiration I am to them. I use innovation and my leadership skills to help with this area. I know that
I might be an inspiration to them, but it takes a lot of hard work to get it done. Inspiration comes in
different forms and I know there are people who are inspirations to me as well. Learning about
inspiration has affected me more than any other concepts. Part of inspiration is smiling, kind words,
listening, compliments, and small acts of kindness towards others. A person's attitude means
everything in the business world, and I am learning more and more how to be an inspiration to my
coworkers as well as those whom I supervise. Improvement is a strong area for me as well, I feel
that by going back to school and getting my degree is a great improvement for me. I always try to
make others see that I am trying to improve who I am in hope's that they will join me and make
lasting improvement about themselves.
Innovation Plan A problem I have in my personal life is my financial status. It
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Innovation and Technology
Involution and change
The business world today is overstretched on what it is supposed to offer to the market. Today, an
organization that does not embrace involution and technological changes in its operations is as well
doomed to fail. There is no choice left other than that of deeply venturing in innovation and
technological changes. Clients, in this century, are on the lookout for that organization, which is
offering more than just a product to satisfy their needs. The client needs have evolved and other
preferences, which include elements of modernism, are redefining what customers are looking for
once the go out for shopping. Therefore, if an organization wants to survive the hostile business
environment, it cannot underscore the importance of change. With this understanding, business
organizations have ensued on measures that position them on the right track to achieve innovation
and embrace changes on the products they offer to the market. Today, these organizations are setting
aside large amounts of cash to fund research and development activities that will ensure they are up–
to–date technologically. However, the chief goal of this paper is to explore and critically analyze the
correlation between expenditure on R & D and the state of innovation level. The main question is to
whether investing heavily on R & D activities really makes a company to be very innovative or
whether it is worth it. Alongside this, the paper also examines other elements
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Managing Innovation
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
The president of Mountain Home University has been asked by her board of trustees to set up a
mechanism for the commercialization of technology developed at the university. Such a mechanism
is typically called a
Select one:
A. business department.
B. royalty department.
C. commercialization office.
D. technology transfer office.[pic]correct
Difficulty: Moderate
Schilling – Chapter 02 #36
Page: 25
The correct answer is: technology transfer office.
Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps for the ... Show more content on ...
Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Sources for successful innovations include(s)
Select one:
A. customers.
B. external networks of firms.
C. in–house research and development.
D. all of the above[pic]correct
Difficulty: Easy
Schilling – Chapter 02 #32
Page: 16
The correct answer is: all of the above
Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
The Solow Residual refers to
Select one:
A. the extra leisure time consumers now enjoy as a result of technological innovation.
B. the reduction in the amount of inventory needed by manufacturing firms due to technological
improvements in inventory management.
C. the increased amount of output achievable from a given quantity of labor and capital due to
technological innovation.[pic]correct
Difficulty: Moderate
Schilling – Chapter 01 #24
Page: 3
D. obsolete products left on the market due to the accelerated product life cycle.
E. the less developed nations of the world being left behind due to their slower development of
The correct answer is: the increased amount of output achievable from a given quantity of labor and
capital due to technological innovation.
Question 9
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
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Question text
Which of the following will probably have the LEAST influence on organizational
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Innovation in Product
Group 16
Innovation in Product
Submission #2
Anant Jain B15131
Ankit Goel B15132
Anshul Jain B15134
Innovation is refinement in a product, process, method, or a part thereof. Innovation has become a
buzz–word in recent years, with increasing relevance of 'innovation–centred business models', and
'innovation–led–entrepreneurism'. In fact, the success stories of
Industrial America, technological Silicon Valley, American financial market, etc., are tales of
constant innovations.
'Digitization' has shifted access to knowledge and information from a privilege to convenience:
anyone who is willing and able to pay, has an access. Also, sharing of information and flow of
payments and tenders ... Show more content on ...
Apart from developing a new product, innovation can also be in developing a new market for sales,
and equivalently developing a new market for supply.
Marketing innovation has two basic goals: satisfying customer needs, and building sustained
competitive advantage. The tool through which it is achieved is differentiation, and marketing
strategy of the company for the product.
Literature Review
2.1 Available research/insights on product innovation
A brief review of the literature studied in depth concerning product innovation in given below.
Cherron Reguia, in 'Product innovation and the competitive advantage' [1], establishes how product
innovation can be leveraged to establish and sustain competitive advantage.
Innovation can be of various types, like:
Developing new product
Improving over previous products (incremental)
Developing new Market/sales
Developing new Supply market
Innovating in Channel structure
Marketing innovation has two basic goals: satisfying customer needs, and building sustained
competitive advantage. The tool through which it is achieved is differentiation, and marketing
strategy of the company for the product.
Innovation differs from
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Advantages Of User Innovation
The Advantages of User Innovation supporting document
As the term suggests, User Innovation describes innovation created by any form of user, in contrast
to the "traditional" innovation approach which focuses on the producer only. It forms a major part of
the current trend of Open Innovation, which is expected to become an essential part and standard in
most companies' innovation management within the next 10 years. Open Innovation in this context
means "the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation,
and to expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively" (Chesbrough, 2006). In
general, Open Innovation is a comparably new field of study defined in the late 1980`s, and research
focuses still mostly on case studies ... Show more content on ...
The market share in year 5 of the Lead User's products reached 68%, compared to 33%. Finally, the
estimated sales are more than 8 times higher compared to traditional product development.
One of the reasons for its success is the following: Lead Users, who are invited to Lead User
Workshops, have needs that are ahead of the rest of the market. Rather than market research, which
focuses on the average users, Lead Users reveal what the majority of the market will demand in the
future – even before Early Adopters do. Then, they help during the workshop to readily develop
products that are perfectly suited to this future demand. When doing this, they are not biased by
functional fixedness, which leads to the strong tendancy to create new product lines instead of
incremental innovations.
All in all, the Lead User method represents the perfect recipe to create an incredibly profitable
monopoly situation when launching the new product.
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Disruptive Innovation
By Mashell Chapeyama
Disruptive innovation
There are six key attributes of disruptive innovation which managers must strive to follow. These
are as follows:
1. Disruptive innovation spur growth
2. Disruptive business either creates new markets or takes the low end of an established market
3. Disruptive opportunities require a separate business planning process
4. Do not try to change your customers, help them
5. Integrate across whatever is not good enough
6. Be patient for growth but impatient for profitability
This essay will briefly look at these and identify one firm to concentrate on.
One of keys to building a new market is through disruptive innovation. There are two ways in which
disruptive innovation can be ... Show more content on ...
Disruptive innovation is when there is now a way to serve the people or market that has not been
previously served.
A firm that has been a disruptive innovator
When I heard of a disruptive innovator my mind did not take long to identify such an organization.
One disruptive innovation has been the coming onboard of online learning. This has meant that
people can access cheaper education. With most online universities students has self–paced learning.
Most people can learn while they are working, leading to many people attaining higher education,
unlike before. Although I feel that The University of the People is a big example of a disruptive
innovator, this time I want to look at another example. One University I have researched on is
Atlantic International University that is based in America. This has a very flexible learning program.
One of its unique features is that the student identifies the material which he/she wants to learn. The
tutor is there to guide the students to learn. It is more of a research based learning, which has
assisted students who aspire to be writers. One thing which is
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The Diffusion Of Innovation And Innovation
Considerable research has established the importance of spreading innovative ideas to bring about
change. While Damanpour, Walker, and Avellaneda (2009) write that "the study of innovation hardly
needs justification as scholars, policy makers, business executives, and public administrators
maintain that innovation is a primary source of economic growth, industrial change, competitive
advantage, and public service" (p. 650), it is misleading to suggest that there is a consensus in
scholarly research on the use of the diffusion of innovations framework. In essence, diffusion is the
process where adopters (individuals or organizations) make choices on whether to embrace an
innovation by examining the uncertain benefits and risks of this new ... Show more content on ...
The final section discusses general uses, ideas, and concerns with using diffusion of innovations in
the adoption of health prevention policies in schools.
History of Diffusion of Innovation Framework in Public Administration New policy ideas can
spread from city to city, from state to state, or from country to country. In his seminal study, Walker
(1969) documented tendencies for particular American states to be innovation leaders, that is, early
movers in the adoption of new policies. Walker focused on studying the relative speed and the
spatial patterns of adoption of new programs, not the invention or creation itself. Thus, the object of
the analysis is the process of diffusion of ideas for new services or programs. Walker argued that
states with higher per capita income, higher levels of education, and greater degrees of urbanization
were the most frequent innovation leaders. Furthermore, he found that the likelihood of a state
adopting a new program is higher if other states have already adopted the idea, and even higher if
the other state is viewed by key decision makers as a point of "legitimate comparison" (p. 897).
While Walker demonstrated the role of decision makers are important in the adoption of policy
innovations, Gray (1973) challenged Walker 's contention that general statements can be made about
states and the speed of innovation adoption.
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The Innovation Value Chain of Outbound Open Innovation
The Innovation Value Chain of Outbound Open Innovation
Yan Ailing1, Jiang Hong2 School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University,
Hangzhou, China. E–mail: 2 Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese
Academy of Science, Beijing, China.
Abstract Open innovation is the focus of academic attention. As one type of open innovation,
outbound open innovation is central to the survival and growth of firms, and ultimately to the health
of the economies of which they are part especially in the era of knowledge economy. This paper
demonstrates the use of a conceptual framework and modeling tool, the innovation value chain
(IVC), through the construction of an innovation value chain of outbound open innovation ... Show
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From the above analysis we can conclude that the outbound open innovation can really improve
enterprise performance. Then, we would like to know how is it to create value for those companies?
It is a very sophisticated problem, previous researchers have not make an in–depth analysis for a
long time. In order to unravel this ' mystery ', we have to introduce the innovation value chain to
help us unlock the 'secrets'. Van de ven et al.(1999) pointed out that innovation is a variety of roles
intertwined, and a complex process of intervention. The innovation process is poorly understood,
and at the same time innovation is being enveloped in an unobservable 'black box'. Subsequently,
Hansen&Brkinshaw(2007), Roper, et al.(2008) and other scholars drew on porter 's value chain
theory, and introduced the idea of the 'chain', the knowledge commercialization of the innovation
process is seen as a flow value chain, the three main components including knowledge production,
knowledge transfer and knowledge diffusion. Until now, the understanding of the essence of the
innovation process has been greatly enriched, and the 'black box' of the innovation process seems to
have been gradually open. It is the time to
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Creative Innovation : Creativity And Innovation
Creative report
In face of fierce competition and increasing survival pressure, it has been realized that the striking
role of creativity and its application in the operation and management of modern organization
should be attached with more attention (Tierney and Farmer, 2002). The inspiration and cultivation
of creativity has been considered to be one of the most important features of not only individuals but
also enterprises for that creativity may bring in with new changes and different possibilities in a
variety of ways. In this essay, it will firstly present the differentiating between the concept of
creativity and innovation. Following this, it will make use of a practical example to illustrate the
application of creative solutions in face of problems and the potential opportunities that might be
brought by these creative solutions. In the next part, it will provide suggestions on how to create
creative culture within the organization and some potential barriers in the process.
Differentiating between creativity and innovation
In more and more occasions such as the regular meeting of teams and annual report statements, the
concept of creativity and innovation has been frequently mentioned and discussed for that
entrepreneurs and managers have been fully aware of the importance and significance of creativity
and innovation (Vehar, 2013). It goes without doubt that their meaning and value have been attached
with enough attention, however, the
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Roxanne Dingle
ENT 435
June 7, 2015
Steve Wynne
The Importance of Innovation Architecture
Innovation Architecture is the systematic discipline that integrates, configures, transforms, and
aligns diverse elements resulting in the creation, design, or building of new sources of
organizational growth or wealth. An effective innovation architecture process is the foundation
needed to build innovation–led growth. This type of leadership establishes the framework for
delivering effective innovation management by product planning, innovation portfolio management,
new product development and the lifecycle of ideas to market closure. Savvy leaders shape the
culture of their company to drive innovation. No one ever feels like they have time ... Show more
content on ...
I believe Walmart has been able to capitalize on innovation while others have not due to their big
focus on the digital world. Walmart hired Venky Harinarayan and Anand Rajaraman (founders of
Kosmix) in 2011 and they turned their online system from a mess to the highly profitable tool it is
today. After eight months of turning their company around the duo resigned and the now Walmart
Labs was taken over by Jeremy King who took the big screen (computer site) and designed it to fit
the small screen (cell phone app). With this app you can make voice lists and you will know if your
local store has each item in stock and where to find it in the store. They are now beginning to test
out mobile check out which will keep a running tally of your in store shopping experience.
The same online world that is helping Walmart's success boom can be what stifles the organization.
If in store employees cannot keep up with the online speed then it will fail. I myself have used the
site to store feature on the website. While ordering online is a simple process and the item arrives
rather quickly, I found myself waiting for up to an hour for an associate to assist me with retrieving
this item in store. They may need more workers to assist with the sales online or people will be
turned off from
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Is Innovation A Innovation Master Class?
So how do we define innovation and more importantly, how can we describe it in terms of policing?
I'm hoping to dispel some fears along the way here and also very happy to answer any questions I
can on Twitter or in the comments section below. I think this is a very opportune moment to also
deal with the subject of 'innovation experts'. As I discuss my own learned interpretation of
innovation, it will become quite clear that I didn't go to university and study the subject, nor did I
undertake an 'innovation master class' at someone else's expense and return a self–proclaimed
principle of everything innovation!
Innovation is not exclusive to one individual – in fact, it is quite the opposite. In order for innovative
change to take place in even the smallest environment, it requires people. Not just one person, but a
mix of people who can offer a variety of skills and broad range of knowledge. That's the exact
reason why policing could never have just one person creating and implementing all the innovation
across a force – it just wouldn't work. More importantly, it also requires a particular type of person –
Those who are willing to think differently, willing to take punt on an idea and those who can be
supported enough to be given time to see if a new product, method or approach could work. Then
there is this one role that ties all of these people together within their respective departments. That's
where I, and others like me come in.
My view – If someone tries to own
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Open Innovation
Connect and Develop
P&G's big stake in open innovation
Limali Panduwawala Suvidha Venkatesh Pedro Parraguez Xiajing Zhang
Abstract: This report explores P&G's "Connect and Develop" open innovation initiative. Its focus is
to analyse this innovation strategy in the context of the formal academic theory, other P&G's
programmes and the company situation. Its objective is to understand the impacts, challenges and
problems of implementing a large open innovation initiative inside a corporate giant such as P&G.
Keywords: Procter & Gamble, P&G, Open Innovation, Connect and Develop, Innovation Networks
Connect and Develop, P&G's big stake in open innovation ... Show more content on ...
These R&D labs usually concentrated on bringing out new technologies for self–commercialisation.
This process can be viewed in the form of a funnel, where a large number of varied ideas and
concepts can be trimmed down to few of those concepts and ideas that best meet the requirements of
the company. (OECD, 2008) In recent times, companies have become more open with their
innovation process, leading to revolution described as "Open Innovation" by Chesbrough (2003).
This 'open innovation' model is a more dynamic model when compared the traditional model as
there is much more interaction between knowledge assets outside the company as well as inside.
Henry Chesbrough (2003) in his book "Open Innovation: New Imperative for creating and profiting
from technology" defines open innovation as a concept in which companies must use ideas from
inside as well as outside sources and find internal and external ways to reach the market in order to
advance their technological capabilities. Open innovation combines these 3
Connect and Develop, P&G's big stake in open innovation
concepts of inside and outside ideas into systems and structures so that there is some order in the
chaos. In another book "Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovative Landscape"
he defines open innovation as the flow of knowledge internally and externally such that it moves the
process of innovation at a much faster pace and so that new markets can be found for the use of this
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Innovation And The Growth Of International Competition...
Innovation has been in existence since the beginning of time. Like anything else, innovation started
growing at a slow pace. The penetration and acceptance of various innovations began to accelerate
with the gradual collaboration of science and industry, especially in the 19th century. The
partnership between science and industry allowed scientists to produce practical, reproducible
technologies, which businesses could reasonably afford. Because of this cooperation, innovation
grew very quickly. One thing that is relevant to all sects of business is innovation. Without
innovation or innovators within a company nothing new would ever be produced. Innovation can be
broadly defined as new products, new processes, new organizations, new management processes,
and new strategies. Innovation is typically a result of trial–and–error experimentation. Innovations
are being made in production and business processes which are leading to an increase in the
productivity of labor and capital, which are boosting economic growth rates. With the growth of
international competition innovation is becoming more and more vital to the life of companies.
Innovators are those who "think outside of the box" when it comes to their business, and they are
willing to "experiment" with the market. They are what keeps a company or organization alive.
Innovators come up with ideas by paying attention to the world around them. They are always
observing, networking, and asking questions. An
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Innovation at proctor and gamble
Pritesh Tarte– 11906296
Innovation at proctor and gamble
Pritesh Tarte– 11906296
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
1.Introduction to Proctor & Gamble ....................................................3
2. Innovation at Proctor & Gamble......................................................4
3. Connect & Develop Program & Open Innovation.................................5
4. Voice of Customer.....................................................................6
5. Conclusion..............................................................................7
6. References..............................................................................8
1. Introduction to Proctor & Gamble ( P&G)
William proctor and James Gamble established Proctor and Gamble in 1837 as a soap and ... Show
more content on ...
For instance the company introduced its brand name Tide detergent in the market , at that time
Swash was its only competitor but the market of tide grew as it provided better advantages such as
better cleaning power, good smell, soft on skin and at a lower prices than it competitor. P& G
realized that in order to increase the innovation output they needed collaboration with the experts
from the world. They created a program called Connect and Develop which helped them to deliver
innovation faster and cheaper to all areas of business.
Word Count: 311 3. Connect & Develop Programme and open Innovation
Open innovation is the exchange of ideas and knowledge outside the company for mutual benefit of
both the parties. It requires companies to develop an adaptive capability of using external
knowledge (Stage–Gate process). The open innovation is now being adapted in the public as well as
private sector.. There are three types of open innovation * Outside– In process
It focuses on expanding firm's knowledge base through integration of external resources. * Inside–
Out Process
It places firm's assets outside its own walls, transferring its idea to outside organization. * Coupled
It focuses on combining outside in an inside out.
P&G was aware of the fact that most of the ideas were generated from collaboration among
their internal business units. In the era of 2000 P&G
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1712 Innovation
Research is done when a certain subject is being studied, while innovation is the result of research.
Innovation helps to keep businesses operating by allowing researchers, and engineers to be able to
create new products that will help benefit the consumers, allowing the company to grow and
substantially increase the development of the country.
One significant innovation was the engine that was created in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. It was,
first created to be used in navigation and succeeding to power machinery which revolutionized the
world and started the industrial era. The engine acts as a powerhouse making machines move, but
needs fuel to keep it running. Mechanical Engineers are assigned to learn the functions of the engine
itself and understand how to further improve it by making it reduce the consumption of fuel or to
increase the power output. Unlike automobiles, ships and airplanes with their size, still need lots of
fuel due to tremendous power needed to be able to move. Cars that run using electricity do not
handle gas for fuel, making it eco–friendly, however they do not provide as much power as the cars
that run with gas.
Another innovation that ... Show more content on ...
This invention has given a chance for survivors to feel whole again giving them enough confidence
to go back to their normal lives. Although the main purpose of this is for the disabled, it still has a
significant contribution to the technology used in robotics, mainly because it allows engineers to
understand how our body moves. An application of this technology can be seen with planetary
rovers or deep sea submarines, where the purpose of it is to gather data from extreme environments.
This science can also be further developed to create humanoid robots that can be used to push the
boundaries of science and imagination revolutionizing how people
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Innovation in business
I. Introduction:
According to Baregheh et al, innovation is a multi–layered tool where ideas are converted into
improved processes, or commodities, or results or services (2009). In a hyper– competitive
environment, organisations rely on innovation as a vehicle to further advance, thrive, challenge, and
maintain a comparative advantage over other organisations in the same field.
II. Discussion:
According to Humanitarian Innovation Fund, the Bessant and Tidd model of innovation are four
intertwined complementary components, where positive change is necessary to secure a conducive
environment for sustainable innovation in an organisation as follows (2014):
Position innovation where changes in the context of how clients ... Show more content on ...
During the beginning of the current conflict, children were not able to attend school. Based on the
needs of the children, and the external pressures, UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of
Education used a multifaceted approach to innovation. Six 'remedial education' worksheets covering
four subject areas, math, science, Arabic and English Languages for students in grades 1–6 were
The position of UNICEF was clear, to safeguard the reputation of UNICEF by ensuring the highest
level of efficiency, ensuring fast completion, and quality of content that is apolitical and serves the
education needs of children. While the Ministry wanted to include some political issues in the
books. The latter created some challenges between both teams, which was handled strategically, by
placing the best interest of children as a common priority between both organisations.
For the process, UNICEF provided autonomy to its cross functional team, which consisted of
research, education, communication, supply and finance officers. UNICEF management was
committed, focused, flexible and secured the necessary resources (human and financial), while the
ministry secured an integrated autonomous team. An integrated team between both organisations,
known as 'innovation team' was also created and responsible for the oversight and guidance. The
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The Challenge of Breakthrough Innovations
The Challenge of Breakthrough Innovations
Table of Contents
"The Breakthrough".............................................................................................2
Dilemma/ Struggle of Established Firms.....................................................................3
Rules for Innovation..............................................................................................4
Building An Ambidextrous Organization....................................................................6
Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................................8
"The Breakthrough"
One dictionary definition of breakthrough is: "a significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived
obstacle, allowing the completion of a process." But what really makes an innovation a
breakthrough (radical, disruptive) one, rather than incremental, from ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, the rules and requirements that support the breakthrough–generating environment will
be addressed. Subsequently this paper will try to answer the question how an ambidextrous
organization can be built. The final part of the paper is dedicated to recommendations and
Dilemma/ Struggle of Established Firms
The idea of implementing radical/ disruptive innovation in mature firms is discussed in the article of
Richard Leifer; Gina Colarelli O'Connor and Mark Rice, "Implementing radical innovation in
mature firms" revealing the fact that there is increasing evidence of breakthrough innovation in the
competitive marketplace today, but there is uncertainty on whether it is worth risk taking today?!
And especially large established firms face this dilemma; they have grown excellent at managing
operational efficiencies and building customer loyalty. But will they be able to take wise decision
when it comes to radical innovations and face the chaos associated with commercialization of
breakthroughs. Subsequently, some companies actually made it possible, for example IBM, with a
new generation of communication chips, describing an innovation aimed to increase switching
speeds and reduce
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Strategic Innovation
A Framework for Strategic Innovation
A Framework for
Strategic Innovation
Blending strategy and creative exploration to discover future business opportunities
______________________________ by Derrick Palmer & Soren Kaplan
Managing Principals, InnovationPoint LLC
© 2007 InnovationPoint
Page 1
A Framework for Strategic Innovation
Table of Contents
1.1. 1.2.
Traditional strategy versus Strategic Innovation ................................................................. 4
Serendipitous versus Strategic Innovation............................................................................ 4
THE SEVEN ... Show more content on ...
The framework consists of a cohesive set of practices that inspire imaginative teams to look beyond
the obvious, explore a broad range of possibilities, identify significant opportunities, make informed
decisions about the most promising paths to pursue, create a shared vision for growth, define
pragmatic action plans that "bridge from the future back to the present" and align the organization
around the requirements for success.
Strategic Innovation takes the road less traveled – it challenges an organization to look beyond its
established business boundaries and mental models and to participate in an open–minded, creative
exploration of the realm of possibilities. "All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what
none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." – Sun Tzu Some organizations may
feel that seeking breakthroughs is too grandiose a goal, and that they would be content with "simply
growing the business". Experience shows, however, that focusing on the short–term typically yields
only short–term results – while teams aspiring to seek significant breakthroughs will both identify
"big ideas" and also generate closer–in, incremental ideas.
Strategic Innovation is not characterized by mundane, incremental product extensions, the "me–too"
business models of close followers, or band–aids for inefficient processes. It does not consist of
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Orthodontic Innovation
The most innovative thing I have ever led was the launch of a brand that allowed my business to
take significant share in the mature orthodontic market, a market that in 2013 had not seen a
meaningful share shift for over a decade. Uniquely, the innovation was not a product innovation or a
business model disruptor alone, but something less tangible and difficult to achieve, a message
innovation that led to a fundamental evolution in customer perception of our company.
Early in 2013, I was leading marketing and product development for the market–leading provider of
braces to orthodontists. The product was seemingly unsexy to me, but my customers were
passionate about the product category and the associated technique required for using a ... Show
more content on ...
We needed to help our non–customers believe and feel that they were not giving up their personal
artistry by switching braces and switching technique. I led the team through a deep dive to dissect
the problem down each component in order to understand how we could advance. A key conclusion
from the deep dive was that changing technique had an incredibly high switching cost. Not just a
financial cost to the orthodontist but also a social and emotional cost that was extraordinary in its
impact. In many cases switching technique meant being ostracized by your circle of friends and
colleagues associated with your original technique, a devastating consequence to the highly social
orthodontist. As we continued our dissection of the problem further we asked the fundamental
question, what is technique? We concluded that at its essence, technique was just a series of physical
steps that were applied according to a set of principles. We discovered that in actuality the physical
steps were applied inconsistently by orthodontists and this resulted in highly variable results for
patients. I soon concluded that not only was "technique" a barrier to our business growth, but it was
a barrier to patients getting excellent results from their orthodontist! I now understood our path
forward. We would eliminate technique from orthodontics completely and thus remove the financial,
educational and emotional barriers to switching
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Leading Innovation & Change
Leading Innovation and Change
Final–term essay
March 15th, 2012
Effective words – 5262
Table of Contents Introduction 3 1. Critical literature review of theories of innovation and change 4
1.1. Why innovation is critical for an organization? 4 1.1.1. Creativity 4 1.1.2. Definition of
invention 5 1.1.3. Definition of innovation 5 1.1.4. Why innovation matters 7 1.1.5. The driver of
innovation 7 1.2. How to innovate 8 1.3. Moving from innovation to change 8 1.3.1. What change is
about 9 1.3.2. Type of change 9 1.3.3. Change management 9 1.3.4. Resistance to change 12 1.3.5.
Change – People impact 12 1.4. Leadership skills for innovation and change 13 2. Critical analysis
of practical examples of changes 15 ... Show more content on ...
Goggin and Mitchell (2010) states that "Comparing the various definitions of innovation, it can be
seen that there are several common elements what is changed (such as product or process changes);
how much is changed (whether it is completely new or only perceived as such); the source of the
change (sometimes technology); the influence of the change (for example, its social or commercial
Elster (1983) defines innovation as "the production of new technical knowledge"
Innovation is normally used to denote the process that takes place when a product or a process is
developed, from idea to market; the concept of invention only denotes the process that takes place
when new ideas or solutions are generated. Baumol (2002) argues "is it possible to have lots of
inventions and still lack innovations. Nevertheless, inventions are a necessary precondition for
2.2.4. Why innovation matters
As Albert Einstein said, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you
always got." This quote is applicable for organisation and fully underpins the value of having a
culture of innovation in order to meet short, medium and long term objectives.
Tidd and Bessant (2009) argued that "Unless an organization is able to move into further innovation,
it risks being left behind as others take the lead in changing their offerings, their operational
processes or the underlying models that drive their business".
The aim for an organisation to innovate
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Innovation and Changes
Now a day, innovation and change is very important for organizations. Innovation and change are
applied in many companies in the world. Innovation is a successful implementation of creative ideas
in organization to improve products and services. Change is a difference in the form, quality or
condition of an organization over time (Williams & McWilliams 2010). The purpose of this
essay is to explain us the compare (differences) and contrast (similarities) between innovation and
change. This is also including to identify something has changed in our campus or university in this
semester and example of innovation and change.
The differences are between innovation and change. There is a growing understanding that
innovation is a ... Show more content on ...
The example of innovation and change in our university is when they had change in the system of
study. They must think about how to become better than any other university. Our University's
computer lab and some of the class room had installed new 'Smart Board'. This is one the example
of innovation can be found in the college. During the old days, the lecturers normally used OHP
projector to teach. Compare to LCD projector, OHP was without computer and it can be used itself
with the transparency slides. Due to the computer price getting cheaper and people starting to had
their personal laptop, the used of power point presentation become more and more popular. Over the
time, LCD projector had took over the OHP projector, the lecturers have to transfer the teaching
material from the transparency into power point presentation and start using computer to present
their teaching material. Then, the universities had installed the smart board in the computer lab and
most of the classroom. Smart Board are the more advanced version of LCD projector, with the new
function of touch input from a finger, pen or other solid object. Each contact of the Smart board
interactive whiteboard is interpreted as a left–click from the mouse. This is certainly a technology
innovation, when the LCD projector reaches the top of the S shape curve, technology discontinuity
happens and new technology the Smart Board was introduced. All this will
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Innovation No More
It seems we have lost the ability to innovate. We do not think the way we used to; we do not invent
new concepts or ideas, rather we just adapt ideas of the past. Our thinking now a day is very limited
to what we have already created.
Google's definition of innovating, "make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new
methods, ideas, or products," suggests that innovation is now just development of an old idea. In this
definition there seems to be no mention of inventing but rather only the alteration of a product in a
way never done before. It's not that the alteration of a product is bad thing but it does create a very
limited thinking world; a world that relies on the blueprints of the past to create a future.
So have we really lost our ability to innovate? Not really, it's just that innovation has become merely
focused on technology. It seems like technology will be the future. That future will involve people
innovation of past ideas and not trying anything new due to the fear of failing. That innovation will
mostly focus on technology which can help to make money.
The novel "Oryx and Crake" which is based on the future shows somewhat of the real future and
what it will be like. In this science fiction novel, we are treated to a very limited thinking world in
which the main concern is technology and money. There are some technological advances evident in
this novel but not ones which are comprehensive or mind boggling. For example, there is a lot of
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The following pages focus on analyzing the blood donation helpline developed in India through
some of the theories learning in this course. The most important theories that can be applied in this
case are represented by the opportunity recognition theory, the social and frugal entrepreneurship
theory, and the technological change and entrepreneurial opportunities theory. The Introduction
presents the points of view addressed in this paper. The Situation Presentation section provides
important information on the innovation project discussed in this paper. The Innovation Analysis
section discusses the theories that apply to this situation. The Conclusions section presents some of
the most important issues addressed by the paper.
The characteristics of the business environment determine companies to develop strategies that are
based on innovation. In other words, the entrepreneurship skills of managers must be combined with
innovation activities. This is because specialists in the field recommend that companies focus on
developing innovative products in order to create competitive advantage. The high quality of
products is not sufficient in improving their position on the market. It is also necessary to get ahead
by investing in innovation.
The investments made by companies in innovation processes have numerous benefits. These
processes are intended to help companies reduce their production costs. This leads to
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Honda was founded in Japan in 1946 as a development in institute for motorized bicycles. Three
years later the company produced its first motorcycle, and ten years onwards they had also entered
the US automobile market. They are one of the biggest brands in the market today, having used a
strategy of building local factories in over 30 countries, in order to adapt to local customer needs.
The field of energy–efficient cars has been around for a couple of decades now. Honda has always
promptly stood up for the challenge emphasizing commitment for developing environmental
friendly cars such as the hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), solar, or fuel call cars.
Honda ... Show more content on ...
On the contrary, fuel cell vehicles are more radical innovation since it requires significant changes in
the body of the vehicle, building an entirely new fuel infrastructure and changes in consumer
behavior. Moreover, it will radically affect petroleum companies and change the industry standards,
at the same time providing new opportunities for battery makers.
Factors influencing consumer adoption rate of HEVs and proposed solutions
One of the variables influencing the adoption of HEV's by customers is their uncertainty about the
future engine design and future technologies. Customers in USA as well as in Europe have a basic
assumption that HEV's are simply a temporary step between the traditional technology based on
gasoline and diesel engines and the forthcoming full electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells.
Moreover, the fact that Toyota and Honda use different engine standards might cause confusion in
customers mind, hesitation on which technology to choose, and which has the future. Furthermore,
the perception of HEV technology among consumers in still very limited. Customers lack the basic
awareness of the HEV technology and positive environmental outcomes. The solution for this would
be to invest in marketing campaigns which will increase the awareness, acceptance and diffusion of
the HEV technology throughout the society. Public awareness campaigns are of great importance
and consumers should be educated about the positives of HEV's as well as
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The Game Design Innovation : Game Innovation
2.3 Game Design Innovation
Game innovation can be split into the following 4 categories: 1) Technological, 2) gameplay, 3)
presentation and 4) narrative innovations (Alha, 2011). At times, it is not even necessary to make
something distinctly new, as long as there is an effort to reinterpret or subvert existing notions of
what video games should be.
On the other hand, Peltoniemi (2009) uses two main categories to classify gaming innovation:
Technological and stylistic. Technological innovation can be further divided into three categories: 1)
graphics, which improve the game's appearance, making it much more photorealistic; 2) simulation,
which improves the physical realism of the game such as creating; and 3) gameplay, which allows
for ... Show more content on ...
It does not define how the end aesthetics of the game will end up. But, these technological
capabilities have resulted in "many poorly developed games" (Alexander, 2010). The restrictions
older–style games impose upon image and sound quality force developers to ensure that the final
product is of a high quality while being selective. It is an ode to minimalism and focuses solely on
the fundamentals the game, ultimately making it much more immersive.
Game design is seen as a key to designing innovative, emotionally engaging game experiences and
is always designed with the player in mind (Fullerton, 2014). Game design innovation in particular
includes unique play mechanics or thinking beyond existing genres of play, appealing to casual
gamers, strong integration of story and gameplay, as well as generating new thoughts and
discussions on how games actually impact us socially and culturally (Fullerton, 2014). As the
game's core mechanic is a big part of the experiential building blocks of player activity, it is vital for
designers to integrate patterns of behavior within the game that will manifest itself as a player
experience (Zimmerman, 2004).
Cook (2005) uses the "Onion Metaphor" to further divide game design layers into six categories: 1)
Core mechanics, 2) Metagame, 3) Base Setting, 4) Contextualised Tokens, 5) Contextualised Levels,
6) Story.
Game Design Layers Definition
Core mechanics – Basic Risk and reward schedules
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Innovation Process
Innovation Process
In order for organizations to become successful or maintain an ongoing success, they need to
accommodate any necessary changes needed while remaining on a competitive edge. With this
known, companies such as Coca–Cola have easily shown their success by becoming the largest
manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverages by which the company has
products sold in 200 counties world wide. In this paper Team B will identify and explain the four
phases of the innovative process. Using Coca–Cola as the subject company, there will also be
discussions on the applications of the innovative process and identifying the tools and techniques
that can be found useful in the process. Finally, there will be ... Show more content on ...
Communication is the key to successful creative innovation, and affords everyone the opportunity to
become active.
Using team collaborative methods is another technique found useful as this promotes speed and
efficiency. Collaborative teams can make collective decisions relative to the innovation process,
without the approval of a linear layered chain of command. This is a result of upper management
communicating the strategic plan early, which affords the team autonomy to carry the strategic plan
out. Incentives represent appropriate tools found valuable in the innovative process. Incentives
constitute inspirational aspects of promoting innovation in an organization. Incentives boost creative
thinking, increase the amount of ideas people come up with, boost morale and focus, and ensure star
contributor retention. Coca Cola rewards its employees on taking risk and finding new ways to solve
problems in the company. This is an "Act Like Owner" approach for the company. Evidence of
incentives by way of positive payoff and reinforcement is one way to identify incentive based
Measuring Results and Ensuring Continual Improvement "As more and more companies see
innovation at the heart of their growth strategy, it is not surprising that more and more companies
also seek to identify ways to measure the impact of their innovation activity. The critical questions
are, what to measure and how?" (Stamm, 2003,
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Innovation And Its Impact On Innovation
Innovation brings changes, and for bringing desirable and appropriate changes, a clear
understanding of innovation is vital. A plethora of discourses indicates what innovation is, but it
remains fuzzy because of contextual biases and disparity (Crossan, M. M., and Apaydin, M., 2010).
The literature of innovation, on the other hand, refers to innovation as a category covering a wide
spectrum of issues that include a source of change (cause), a changing process, and a changed state
(effect), which appears ambiguous because the cause, effect and the process in–between cannot be
the same. Ambiguity in understanding innovation as a phenomenon makes the process of innovation
arduous and uncertain. As a result, innovation occurrences in business and social contexts as and
when required appear uncertain especially when the exigence for innovation at all levels of social
life has been heightened by many folds, especially to face the challenges of the 21st century.
This study, thus, intends to investigate innovation determining (a) the meaning of innovation
representing people's present beliefs and ideas, and (b) an easily adaptable and acceptable process of
innovation that can help people in general to be innovative. In this process, this study accentuates
human factors representing different personal constructs associated with the innovation process. The
literature on innovation also confirms the significance of human factors in innovation occurrences
(GII 2014 report, p. xvii)
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Entrepreneurship and Innovation
At least 80% of all new businesses fail within their first year of operation (Wagner, 2013). Hunter
(2012, p. 60) proposes that the apparent reason for this predicament can be possibly attributed to the
lack of a proper external environmental scan. Conventional wisdom would classify the majority of
start–ups as entrepreneurial activity. According to Hunter (2012, p. 56), this is a misguided view, as
it is not based on any empirical study and cannot be validated by research evidence. The
misconceptions about entrepreneurship has been promulgated and perpetuated by media (Hunter,
2012, p. 90). The thought of innovation conjures up images of something breath–taking, novelty par
excellence, invention of the century and solutions to mysteries. Therefore, innovative events are
isolated events.
Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Dyer, Gregersen & Christensen (2009, p. 66) found that nurture rather than nature was the key to
developing innovative skills. An alpha entrepreneur is a business person who has been able to hone
five essential "discovery skills" (Dyer, Gregersen, & Christensen, 2009, p. 62). An employee is not
an entrepreneur, though they can exhibit entrepreneurial behaviors. An entrepreneur is self–
employed. The reward of entrepreneurship is profit, not wages or salaries. The business does not
owe the entrepreneur anything for all their hard labor, and there is a downside that you can lose all
of your investment and make losses. An innovator
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Innovations In The Bible
The Bible does warn about technology and religion but people must remember that technology is
neutral and it is how an individual uses the innovation that determines if the innovation is good or
bad. According to Berkun (2010), "All innovations have good and bad effects regardless of the
intention of the innovator" (p. 143). From this statement, it should be obvious that innovations are
neutral and that it is sin that causes innovations to be misused and causes others harm. Sin causes
humans to use ordinary innovations to their own devices instead of practicing being good stewards
which they are designed to do in the first place. Genesis 1:28 makes it very clear that humans are
meant to be stewards of not just the earth but other humans. If
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Betamax Innovation
With the standard innovation spillovers that innovation policy scholars are used to considering,
innovators benefit one another because each individual innovator is unable to reap the full rewards
from her innovations. This feature captures an important part of the innovation process, but not the
whole story. Another feature is path dependence in innovation, in which the innovation choices of
past innovators influence the types of innovation pursued by future innovators. Path dependence
spillovers do not necessarily directly benefit innovators. Rather, they redirect innovators toward the
types of technologies with the larger stock of knowledge by changing the relative profitability of
different types of technologies. Redirecting technological ... Show more content on
Under these circumstances, there are four dirtytech blocks and only one cleantech block, reflecting
the reality that dirtytech has a century head start on cleantech. As a result of this mismatch in
knowledge stocks, dirtytech produces electricity at a much lower cost than cleantech, even in the
presence of a carbon tax. Consider the incentives facing the profit–maximizing innovator. She
knows that she can immediately commercialize an innovation in dirtytech because it would reduce
the cost of the already–cheapest form of electricity–producing technology. Thus, she can profit in
the near term. In contrast, if she innovates in cleantech, there is no guarantee of profits, at least in
the near–term. A single innovation–i.e., a single innovation block–will not be enough for cleantech
to overtake dirtytech as the cheapest form of energy production in the short run. Instead, energy
producers will continue to rely on dirtytech–and the cleantech innovator will receive little for her
efforts. Faced with such incentives, then, the profit–maximizing innovator will likely invest in
dirtytech, thereby further increasing its profitability and entrenching its dominance. Of course, in a
more complex model, some innovators will have such brilliant cleantech innovations that they will
invest in cleantech even if the product would be far from commercialization, but the overall
tendency will
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Innovation and Change Management
| Companies that successfully innovate also successfully manage change | INNOVATION &
Malgorzata Glowacka S0915718
International Tourism & Hospitality Enterprise |
Innovation and change management have been and continues to be an important study on a number
of levels. It plays significant part in economic growth as well as it is vital for firms' survival and
development. New ideas, new approaches and new products become critical guidelines in
organisational strategy, especially for managers and business leaders. According to The Boston
Consulting Group (2010) employers' ranked innovation as a strategic priority with 26% citing it as a
top priority and a ... Show more content on ...
Organizational change, like innovation, is hard to specify. It can be described as any alternation or
modification, which occurs in the overall work environment of an organization. Moran and
Brightman (2000) defined it as the process of continually renewing an organization's direction,
structure, and capabilities to serve the ever–changing needs of external and internal customers. It
tend to focus on the management of formally planned changes and it is indicating a macro– level
approach, which is concerned with organisation as a whole (King and Anderson, 2002). Due its
complexity, many researchers categorised organizational change in different ways, for e.g. Pettigrew
(1987) separated it into strategic and non–strategic change while Goodstein and Warner (1995)
divided it into incremental and radical change. However the starting point for discussing variations
of change is Grundy's (1993) three variations of change. The first, smooth incremental change
changes slowly in a systematic and predicable way. The second variety of change Grundy terms
'bumpy incremental change'. This is characterized by periods of relative calmness disrupted by
rushing in the pace of change. Grundy's third variety of change is 'discontinuous change', which he
defines as 'change which is marked by rapid shifts in strategy, structure or culture, or in all
... Get more on ...
Innovation at 3m
Q1. How has 3M's innovation process evolved since the company was founded? Why, if at all, does
3M, known as the "hothouse" of innovation, need to regain historic closeness to the customer?
3M Corporation has small laboratory or research and development section with some technicians
and doing experiments on sandpaper and developed some core technology at that time for 3M like
masking tapes. After such core technologies development 3M achieved global reputation and
become "hothouse" of innovation. However the process grows slowly and allows 3M to recognize
user needs because 3M researchers contact different employees in factories.
In 1990's 3M have 30 key technologies and get much market growth and for more development and
... Show more content on ...
That is why stage three took longer time as compare to stage I and stage II that is why now it
becomes difficult task.
Q4. What should the Medical–Surgical Lead User team recommend to Dunlop: the three new
product concepts or a new business strategy? What are the risks to the new Lead User Process at
3M? What are the risks to the Medical–Surgical business unit?
I think Medical–Surgical User team need to recommend to Dunlop the three product
recommendation and in these three recommendations the first two recommendations are simple to
extend the 3M product lines. But in the fourth recommendation as product development team stuck
on upstream containment of infection and suppose to include upstream containment in business
strategy and even if 3M Medical division enter in this infection field and applied successfully then it
has become a major achievement. On the other hand if the business strategies not succeed then it
shows the process of planning is unfortunate and risky for financial prospective and spend lot of
time on research and
... Get more on ...

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Innovation Organization Support

  • 1. Innovation Organization Support An innovative organization engages everyone throughout the organization in the task of developing and implementing new ways to reach the organization's goals. (Behn, 1995) For organizations to build leadership strength, they first need to know what elements of leadership are needed and valued in the organization and for what roles. (Leslie, J. 2009) The two skills I feel are necessary for the success of innovation and the formation of a successful innovative organization is Strategic Planning and Leading People. Within the initial creation of an innovation and innovator must have a strategic plan set to meet small goals in order to obtain or create that unique innovation. A strategic plan is a document used to communicate with the ... Show more content on ... Rather than simply doing social networking or networking for resources, they actively search for new ideas by building bridges with different social networks to generate new ideas.(Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., Christensen, C., 2011) Innovative organizations network to learn new surprising things, gain new perspectives and test ideas "in process" for people that are not like them or experts and nonexperts with different backgrounds and perspective. (Dyer, J., Gregersen, H., Christensen, C., 2011) Experimenting Finally, innovators are constantly trying out new ideas by creating prototypes and launching pilot test to experiment with current constructed innovations. Experimenters construct interactive experiences and try to provoke unorthodox responses to see what insights emerge. "Experiments are key to innovation because they rarely turn out as you expect, and you learn so much." Innovators understand that diversity of experience allows an innovative organization to engage in divergent thinking and increase their capacity to innovate. Collectively, these discovery skills–the cognitive skill of associating and the behavioral skills of questioning, observing, networking, and experimenting–constitute what we call the innovator's DNA, or the code for generating innovative business ideas for a successful ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Disruptive Innovation Disruptive innovation Explanation of the term A disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network (over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology. The term is used in business and technology literature to describe innovations that improve a product or service in ways that the market does not expect, typically first by designing for a different set of consumers in a new market and later by lowering prices in the existing market. Opposite type of innovation In contrast to disruptive innovation, a sustaining innovation does not create new markets or value networks but rather only evolves existing ones with better value, ... Show more content on ... He describes the term further in his book The Innovator's Dilemma. In his sequel with Michael E Raynor, The Innovator's Solution, Christensen replaced the term disruptive technology with disruptive innovation because he recognized that few technologies are intrinsically disruptive or sustaining in character; rather, it is the business model that the technology enables that creates the disruptive impact. The concept of disruptive technology continues a long tradition of the identification of radical technical change in the study of innovation by economists, and the development of tools for its management at a firm or policy level. More about the term Christensen defines a disruptive innovation as a product or service designed for a new set of customers. Christensen argues that disruptive innovations can hurt successful, well managed companies that are responsive to their customers and have excellent research and development. These companies tend to ignore the markets most susceptible to disruptive innovations, because the markets have very tight profit margins and are too small to provide a good growth rate to an established (sizable) firm While Christensen argued that disruptive innovations can hurt successful, well managed companies, O'Ryan countered that "constructive" integration of existing, new, and forward thinking innovation could improve the economic benefits of these same well managed companies, once decision making management understood ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Disruptive Innovation ENTRY 2, DISRUPTIVE INNOVATIONS In this essay I will describe and explain the causes and consequences of disruptive innovation. Firstly I will write about what dualism is, why it is important and how to achieve it. I will continue with describing difficulties, which may occur on a company's path towards it, namely overshooting and inability to recognize the start of a new industry cycle. Further on, I will go deeper in the reasons, why incumbents fail to recognize the new entrants on the market, specifically "attack from below" and other discontinuous patterns of change. In the end I will describe some of the responses taken by established companies to disruptive technologies. In today's world when competition is such a big factor, ... Show more content on ... This phenomenon was first identified by Gilfillan in 1935, and he named it "sailing ship effect". It describes the way, how even though existing players on the market are often aware of approaching discontinuities, they still pursue with their current trajectories with success in the short term. Furthermore, the true significance of disruptive technology even in Christensen's conception of it is not its displacing of established products. Rather, it is a great means for enlarging and broadening markets and providing new functionality. And according to Utterbacks' explanation: "The degree to which the market was expanded by the innovation seemed to be the strongest factor favouring new entrants", a possible conclusion might be that this leads to a never–ending circle. Nonetheless, some companies have developed different strategies to keep themselves on top. Firstly, there are companies, which pursue the strategy of entering the market created by outsiders, in a role of a follower. They allow small pioneers to lead the way into new market territory. For example: IBM let Apple, Commodore and Tandy define a personal computer (Christensen, Bower, 1995). The second possible response taken by the incumbents is creating a new market by corporate venturing. It means using a start–up to create their own disruptive technology from a separate organization. The start–up would obtain a lower profit margin than the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Innovation Of An Entrepreneur Creates Innovation As entrepreneurs, we are expected to transform, motivate, and thrive. We are seen as the movers and shakers of multibillion pound industries. However, one question always remains, how? The answer is innovation. According Joseph Schumpeter, an entrepreneur creates innovation; not only through invention but by competition to improve technology, finance and organization. Innovation in its simplest form is the generation of a new idea and this idea's implementation into a concrete form. Innovation can appear in the form of an idea, practice, service, or product. In order to characterize anything as innovative, it must be perceived as adoptively original or new within a market. As a principle, innovation is change or the creation of market ... Show more content on ... The first factor, technology, relates to the enterprise involved in a new product and how it differs from prior knowledge that exist or is being used. The second factor, markets, relates to the scope in which a product effectively fulfills consumer needs better than an existing product. Both these factors places a key role in how radical and incremental innovation operate. A general example of this concept would be the cumulative effects of incremental innovation on technology in television. The technological advances in changing televisions that show pictures in black and white to color accumulated and created not only an economic impact but also a change in the market of communications. This example demonstrates how innovation can utilize technology and create changes to products in order to improve a market. Furthermore, the difference between radical and incremental innovation are the high and low incentives given to consumers and their economic impact. An example of this would be Apple's iPhone and the updates and various version of this product. The various software updates such as Siri, IOS9, as well as, design changes such as microchip, touch screens, to the iPhone, itself, can be considered incremental innovation. This is because it deals with the creation of changes to an existing product over a continual period of time. According the Rajesh Chandy and Gerald Tellis, it also can be considered incremental innovation ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Disruptive Innovation DARE TO DISRUPT!! DARE TO DISRUPT!! Theme: Means to tackle disruptive innovation Name: Prasun Kumar Das PGPM Participant, Batch 1114 Information Management S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research Mobile – +91 7506793925 DISRUPTION – The New Age Competitive Strategy Everything is fair in love and war; and competition in a business environment is like a cold war. Innovation has always been the major strategy used by businesses around the world to stay competitive. The traditional paradigm of innovation was to improve the performance of the existing technology, thereby steeping up the performance trajectory. However, value creation for customers may be much simpler than high performing technology. There is ... Show more content on ... They have an open mindset; instead of reacting to changes around they become the change, and have successfully able to uplift the customer's expectations and level of acceptance. They never fall prey of self–complacency and bring up their own brand of disruptive innovations in the market. Innovation – SUSTAINING vs. DISRUPTIVE For any form of innovation there are two perspectives. The product perspective gives the performance standard of the innovated technology. The customer perspective gives an idea on how the innovation is being perceived by the customers. | Sustaining Innovation | Disruptive Innovation | Product Perspective | Scales up the performance of
  • 10. the existing products | Radical product value proposition; underperforms current market standards | Customer Perspective | Improvisation that mainstream customers appreciate – Competence enhancing | Few niche customers appreciates it in the beginning | An innovation that disrupts the market today gets into the sustaining innovation mode until they reach up to the customer's threshold expectation. When that level is reached, any further sustaining innovation makes it vulnerable to disruption. So, a disruptor today becomes vulnerable to disruption in future. Fig. 1: The graph showing shelf life of a technology in a disruption model SUSTAINING (S) SUSTAINING (S) DISRUPTIVE (D) DISRUPTIVE (D) CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE LEVEL CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE LEVEL Performance ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Entrepreneurs innovate. Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth. © Peter Drucker. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. © Steve Jobs, Apple. As time goes on, nothing remains the same in our world. Seasons, weather, relationships, human emotions, everything is affected by time– everything keeps changing. The same thing is in market industry. The progress is unstoppable and if one product is a hit today, it could most likely be replaced by another one hit tomorrow. When setting up a business, entrepreneur needs to learn how to deal with these constant changes of our life in order for the business to survive. In such ... Show more content on ... In other words, just like cassette walkmans were replaced by CD–players in past and CD–players were replaced by mp3–players after that. Someday the new kind of music players will be invented and they will substitute the now popular mp3–players as well. New inventions will continuously create the new markets that will have benefits over the others but in time they will also be pushed back by the new improved ones. But what exactly does it all mean for entrepreneurship? It means that in order for the company to stay profitable, it has to keep in mind that if they go on producing their good unchanged, the same as it was first presented, it will certainly become less consumed by customers, as the better–developed substitutes will occur that will be more attractive for consumption. Just like the founder of Microsoft company Bill Gates (2005) has stated in one of his interviews "...we are always saying to ourselves: We have to innovate. We 've got to come up with that breakthrough." This quote confirms that for Microsoft innovation is part of their work, otherwise they would not be doing as well as they doing now. Speaking of Bill Gates, he actually makes a very good example of entrepreneur who gained a huge success by using the innovation. In terms with Schumpeter's model, this is the case of new quality good creation and opening a new market afterwards. Everybody knows the story of Bill Gates and the Microsoft corporation foundation. ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. Innovation Pipeline Some companies are able to sustain innovation over the long run, and their competitors find it difficult to replicate this success. For the innovative company, that innovation pipeline becomes a key source of sustainable competitive advantage. There is no one magic formula for innovation, but for the most successful firms it stems from a combination of leadership, culture and processes. This paper will take a look at some companies with strong track records for innovation, and analyze why those companies have been able to succeed where their competitors have failed. Leadership comes in many forms, and the best leaders can drive a company's innovation pipeline. From a transactional perspective, leaders organize the company and motivation systems to influence innovation, but such organization can be replicated. What cannot be as easily replicated is a leader that actually drives the innovation at a company personally. Apple under Steve Jobs is a good example of a company that used leadership to drive innovation. Jobs was a combination of transactional leader and inspirational, and was personally responsible for guiding the development of the company's biggest projects. Leadership can inspire workers to innovate, but can also help to guide that innovation process in ways that enhance the end results. Innovation at Apple has always been linked to Jobs, and the company failed to innovate without him, and it remains to be seen if it can maintain its innovation pipeline under ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Personal Innovation Introduction This paper will examine the personal growth I have achieved during this class. It will examine the strength and weakness and how they related to innovation and leadership. Risk taking as well as creativity and flexibility will be examined. Defining a problem and or process in my personal life will be looked at as well. Assess risk and creativity could be considered parts of being an innovator. We all take risk each day but to do it in a way that helps create new ideas is what set the innovators apart from the rest of the field. The other part of this paper will examine the innovation plan and how it can be implemented. The innovation plan will include a problem or process that I have in my personal or ... Show more content on ... Integrity is a very strong area for me, because without it is impossible to get things done. People will always look at you different if they know that your integrity level can be compromised it is the foundation for each of us and without it you are fighting an up hill battle. Inspiration is a strong point as well, when people find out that I am trying to get my degree they tell me how much of an inspiration I am to them. I use innovation and my leadership skills to help with this area. I know that I might be an inspiration to them, but it takes a lot of hard work to get it done. Inspiration comes in different forms and I know there are people who are inspirations to me as well. Learning about inspiration has affected me more than any other concepts. Part of inspiration is smiling, kind words, listening, compliments, and small acts of kindness towards others. A person's attitude means everything in the business world, and I am learning more and more how to be an inspiration to my coworkers as well as those whom I supervise. Improvement is a strong area for me as well, I feel that by going back to school and getting my degree is a great improvement for me. I always try to make others see that I am trying to improve who I am in hope's that they will join me and make lasting improvement about themselves. Innovation Plan A problem I have in my personal life is my financial status. It ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Innovation and Technology Involution and change Introduction The business world today is overstretched on what it is supposed to offer to the market. Today, an organization that does not embrace involution and technological changes in its operations is as well doomed to fail. There is no choice left other than that of deeply venturing in innovation and technological changes. Clients, in this century, are on the lookout for that organization, which is offering more than just a product to satisfy their needs. The client needs have evolved and other preferences, which include elements of modernism, are redefining what customers are looking for once the go out for shopping. Therefore, if an organization wants to survive the hostile business environment, it cannot underscore the importance of change. With this understanding, business organizations have ensued on measures that position them on the right track to achieve innovation and embrace changes on the products they offer to the market. Today, these organizations are setting aside large amounts of cash to fund research and development activities that will ensure they are up– to–date technologically. However, the chief goal of this paper is to explore and critically analyze the correlation between expenditure on R & D and the state of innovation level. The main question is to whether investing heavily on R & D activities really makes a company to be very innovative or whether it is worth it. Alongside this, the paper also examines other elements ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. Managing Innovation as ZHONGHUA ZHU (Logout 窗体顶端 Question 1 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text The president of Mountain Home University has been asked by her board of trustees to set up a mechanism for the commercialization of technology developed at the university. Such a mechanism is typically called a Select one: A. business department. B. royalty department. C. commercialization office. D. technology transfer office.[pic]correct Difficulty: Moderate Schilling – Chapter 02 #36 Page: 25 Feedback The correct answer is: technology transfer office. Question 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text
  • 21. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps for the ... Show more content on ... Question 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Sources for successful innovations include(s) Select one: A. customers. B. external networks of firms. C. in–house research and development. D. all of the above[pic]correct Difficulty: Easy Schilling – Chapter 02 #32 Page: 16 Feedback The correct answer is: all of the above Question 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text The Solow Residual refers to Select one: A. the extra leisure time consumers now enjoy as a result of technological innovation. B. the reduction in the amount of inventory needed by manufacturing firms due to technological improvements in inventory management. C. the increased amount of output achievable from a given quantity of labor and capital due to technological innovation.[pic]correct Difficulty: Moderate Schilling – Chapter 01 #24 Page: 3 D. obsolete products left on the market due to the accelerated product life cycle.
  • 22. E. the less developed nations of the world being left behind due to their slower development of technology. Feedback The correct answer is: the increased amount of output achievable from a given quantity of labor and capital due to technological innovation. Question 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Flag question Question text Which of the following will probably have the LEAST influence on organizational ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Innovation in Product Group 16 Innovation in Product Submission #2 Anant Jain B15131 Ankit Goel B15132 Anshul Jain B15134 2015 1. Introduction Innovation is refinement in a product, process, method, or a part thereof. Innovation has become a buzz–word in recent years, with increasing relevance of 'innovation–centred business models', and 'innovation–led–entrepreneurism'. In fact, the success stories of Industrial America, technological Silicon Valley, American financial market, etc., are tales of constant innovations. 'Digitization' has shifted access to knowledge and information from a privilege to convenience: anyone who is willing and able to pay, has an access. Also, sharing of information and flow of payments and tenders ... Show more content on ... Apart from developing a new product, innovation can also be in developing a new market for sales, and equivalently developing a new market for supply. Marketing innovation has two basic goals: satisfying customer needs, and building sustained competitive advantage. The tool through which it is achieved is differentiation, and marketing strategy of the company for the product. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Available research/insights on product innovation A brief review of the literature studied in depth concerning product innovation in given below.
  • 25. Cherron Reguia, in 'Product innovation and the competitive advantage' [1], establishes how product innovation can be leveraged to establish and sustain competitive advantage. Innovation can be of various types, like: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Developing new product Improving over previous products (incremental) Developing new Market/sales Developing new Supply market Innovating in Channel structure Marketing innovation has two basic goals: satisfying customer needs, and building sustained competitive advantage. The tool through which it is achieved is differentiation, and marketing strategy of the company for the product. Innovation differs from ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Advantages Of User Innovation The Advantages of User Innovation supporting document Introduction As the term suggests, User Innovation describes innovation created by any form of user, in contrast to the "traditional" innovation approach which focuses on the producer only. It forms a major part of the current trend of Open Innovation, which is expected to become an essential part and standard in most companies' innovation management within the next 10 years. Open Innovation in this context means "the use of purposive inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate internal innovation, and to expand the markets for external use of innovation, respectively" (Chesbrough, 2006). In general, Open Innovation is a comparably new field of study defined in the late 1980`s, and research focuses still mostly on case studies ... Show more content on ... The market share in year 5 of the Lead User's products reached 68%, compared to 33%. Finally, the estimated sales are more than 8 times higher compared to traditional product development. Reasons One of the reasons for its success is the following: Lead Users, who are invited to Lead User Workshops, have needs that are ahead of the rest of the market. Rather than market research, which focuses on the average users, Lead Users reveal what the majority of the market will demand in the future – even before Early Adopters do. Then, they help during the workshop to readily develop products that are perfectly suited to this future demand. When doing this, they are not biased by functional fixedness, which leads to the strong tendancy to create new product lines instead of incremental innovations. All in all, the Lead User method represents the perfect recipe to create an incredibly profitable monopoly situation when launching the new product. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Disruptive Innovation By Mashell Chapeyama Disruptive innovation There are six key attributes of disruptive innovation which managers must strive to follow. These are as follows: 1. Disruptive innovation spur growth 2. Disruptive business either creates new markets or takes the low end of an established market 3. Disruptive opportunities require a separate business planning process 4. Do not try to change your customers, help them 5. Integrate across whatever is not good enough 6. Be patient for growth but impatient for profitability This essay will briefly look at these and identify one firm to concentrate on. One of keys to building a new market is through disruptive innovation. There are two ways in which disruptive innovation can be ... Show more content on ... Disruptive innovation is when there is now a way to serve the people or market that has not been previously served. A firm that has been a disruptive innovator When I heard of a disruptive innovator my mind did not take long to identify such an organization. One disruptive innovation has been the coming onboard of online learning. This has meant that people can access cheaper education. With most online universities students has self–paced learning. Most people can learn while they are working, leading to many people attaining higher education, unlike before. Although I feel that The University of the People is a big example of a disruptive innovator, this time I want to look at another example. One University I have researched on is Atlantic International University that is based in America. This has a very flexible learning program. One of its unique features is that the student identifies the material which he/she wants to learn. The tutor is there to guide the students to learn. It is more of a research based learning, which has assisted students who aspire to be writers. One thing which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Diffusion Of Innovation And Innovation Considerable research has established the importance of spreading innovative ideas to bring about change. While Damanpour, Walker, and Avellaneda (2009) write that "the study of innovation hardly needs justification as scholars, policy makers, business executives, and public administrators maintain that innovation is a primary source of economic growth, industrial change, competitive advantage, and public service" (p. 650), it is misleading to suggest that there is a consensus in scholarly research on the use of the diffusion of innovations framework. In essence, diffusion is the process where adopters (individuals or organizations) make choices on whether to embrace an innovation by examining the uncertain benefits and risks of this new ... Show more content on ... The final section discusses general uses, ideas, and concerns with using diffusion of innovations in the adoption of health prevention policies in schools. History of Diffusion of Innovation Framework in Public Administration New policy ideas can spread from city to city, from state to state, or from country to country. In his seminal study, Walker (1969) documented tendencies for particular American states to be innovation leaders, that is, early movers in the adoption of new policies. Walker focused on studying the relative speed and the spatial patterns of adoption of new programs, not the invention or creation itself. Thus, the object of the analysis is the process of diffusion of ideas for new services or programs. Walker argued that states with higher per capita income, higher levels of education, and greater degrees of urbanization were the most frequent innovation leaders. Furthermore, he found that the likelihood of a state adopting a new program is higher if other states have already adopted the idea, and even higher if the other state is viewed by key decision makers as a point of "legitimate comparison" (p. 897). While Walker demonstrated the role of decision makers are important in the adoption of policy innovations, Gray (1973) challenged Walker 's contention that general statements can be made about states and the speed of innovation adoption. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Innovation Value Chain of Outbound Open Innovation The Innovation Value Chain of Outbound Open Innovation Yan Ailing1, Jiang Hong2 School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University, Hangzhou, China. E–mail: 2 Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China. 1 Abstract Open innovation is the focus of academic attention. As one type of open innovation, outbound open innovation is central to the survival and growth of firms, and ultimately to the health of the economies of which they are part especially in the era of knowledge economy. This paper demonstrates the use of a conceptual framework and modeling tool, the innovation value chain (IVC), through the construction of an innovation value chain of outbound open innovation ... Show more content on ... From the above analysis we can conclude that the outbound open innovation can really improve enterprise performance. Then, we would like to know how is it to create value for those companies? It is a very sophisticated problem, previous researchers have not make an in–depth analysis for a long time. In order to unravel this ' mystery ', we have to introduce the innovation value chain to help us unlock the 'secrets'. Van de ven et al.(1999) pointed out that innovation is a variety of roles intertwined, and a complex process of intervention. The innovation process is poorly understood, and at the same time innovation is being enveloped in an unobservable 'black box'. Subsequently, Hansen&Brkinshaw(2007), Roper, et al.(2008) and other scholars drew on porter 's value chain theory, and introduced the idea of the 'chain', the knowledge commercialization of the innovation process is seen as a flow value chain, the three main components including knowledge production, knowledge transfer and knowledge diffusion. Until now, the understanding of the essence of the innovation process has been greatly enriched, and the 'black box' of the innovation process seems to have been gradually open. It is the time to ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Creative Innovation : Creativity And Innovation Creative report Introduction In face of fierce competition and increasing survival pressure, it has been realized that the striking role of creativity and its application in the operation and management of modern organization should be attached with more attention (Tierney and Farmer, 2002). The inspiration and cultivation of creativity has been considered to be one of the most important features of not only individuals but also enterprises for that creativity may bring in with new changes and different possibilities in a variety of ways. In this essay, it will firstly present the differentiating between the concept of creativity and innovation. Following this, it will make use of a practical example to illustrate the application of creative solutions in face of problems and the potential opportunities that might be brought by these creative solutions. In the next part, it will provide suggestions on how to create creative culture within the organization and some potential barriers in the process. Differentiating between creativity and innovation In more and more occasions such as the regular meeting of teams and annual report statements, the concept of creativity and innovation has been frequently mentioned and discussed for that entrepreneurs and managers have been fully aware of the importance and significance of creativity and innovation (Vehar, 2013). It goes without doubt that their meaning and value have been attached with enough attention, however, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Innovation Roxanne Dingle ENT 435 June 7, 2015 Steve Wynne The Importance of Innovation Architecture Innovation Architecture is the systematic discipline that integrates, configures, transforms, and aligns diverse elements resulting in the creation, design, or building of new sources of organizational growth or wealth. An effective innovation architecture process is the foundation needed to build innovation–led growth. This type of leadership establishes the framework for delivering effective innovation management by product planning, innovation portfolio management, new product development and the lifecycle of ideas to market closure. Savvy leaders shape the culture of their company to drive innovation. No one ever feels like they have time ... Show more content on ... I believe Walmart has been able to capitalize on innovation while others have not due to their big focus on the digital world. Walmart hired Venky Harinarayan and Anand Rajaraman (founders of Kosmix) in 2011 and they turned their online system from a mess to the highly profitable tool it is today. After eight months of turning their company around the duo resigned and the now Walmart Labs was taken over by Jeremy King who took the big screen (computer site) and designed it to fit the small screen (cell phone app). With this app you can make voice lists and you will know if your local store has each item in stock and where to find it in the store. They are now beginning to test out mobile check out which will keep a running tally of your in store shopping experience. The same online world that is helping Walmart's success boom can be what stifles the organization. If in store employees cannot keep up with the online speed then it will fail. I myself have used the site to store feature on the website. While ordering online is a simple process and the item arrives rather quickly, I found myself waiting for up to an hour for an associate to assist me with retrieving this item in store. They may need more workers to assist with the sales online or people will be turned off from ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Is Innovation A Innovation Master Class? So how do we define innovation and more importantly, how can we describe it in terms of policing? I'm hoping to dispel some fears along the way here and also very happy to answer any questions I can on Twitter or in the comments section below. I think this is a very opportune moment to also deal with the subject of 'innovation experts'. As I discuss my own learned interpretation of innovation, it will become quite clear that I didn't go to university and study the subject, nor did I undertake an 'innovation master class' at someone else's expense and return a self–proclaimed principle of everything innovation! Innovation is not exclusive to one individual – in fact, it is quite the opposite. In order for innovative change to take place in even the smallest environment, it requires people. Not just one person, but a mix of people who can offer a variety of skills and broad range of knowledge. That's the exact reason why policing could never have just one person creating and implementing all the innovation across a force – it just wouldn't work. More importantly, it also requires a particular type of person – Those who are willing to think differently, willing to take punt on an idea and those who can be supported enough to be given time to see if a new product, method or approach could work. Then there is this one role that ties all of these people together within their respective departments. That's where I, and others like me come in. My view – If someone tries to own ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Open Innovation UNIVERSITY OF BATH, MSC IN INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Connect and Develop P&G's big stake in open innovation Limali Panduwawala Suvidha Venkatesh Pedro Parraguez Xiajing Zhang 27/11/2009 Abstract: This report explores P&G's "Connect and Develop" open innovation initiative. Its focus is to analyse this innovation strategy in the context of the formal academic theory, other P&G's programmes and the company situation. Its objective is to understand the impacts, challenges and problems of implementing a large open innovation initiative inside a corporate giant such as P&G. Keywords: Procter & Gamble, P&G, Open Innovation, Connect and Develop, Innovation Networks Connect and Develop, P&G's big stake in open innovation ... Show more content on ... These R&D labs usually concentrated on bringing out new technologies for self–commercialisation. This process can be viewed in the form of a funnel, where a large number of varied ideas and concepts can be trimmed down to few of those concepts and ideas that best meet the requirements of the company. (OECD, 2008) In recent times, companies have become more open with their innovation process, leading to revolution described as "Open Innovation" by Chesbrough (2003). This 'open innovation' model is a more dynamic model when compared the traditional model as there is much more interaction between knowledge assets outside the company as well as inside. Henry Chesbrough (2003) in his book "Open Innovation: New Imperative for creating and profiting from technology" defines open innovation as a concept in which companies must use ideas from inside as well as outside sources and find internal and external ways to reach the market in order to advance their technological capabilities. Open innovation combines these 3 Connect and Develop, P&G's big stake in open innovation concepts of inside and outside ideas into systems and structures so that there is some order in the chaos. In another book "Open Business Models: How to Thrive in the New Innovative Landscape" he defines open innovation as the flow of knowledge internally and externally such that it moves the process of innovation at a much faster pace and so that new markets can be found for the use of this
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  • 44. Innovation And The Growth Of International Competition... Introduction Innovation has been in existence since the beginning of time. Like anything else, innovation started growing at a slow pace. The penetration and acceptance of various innovations began to accelerate with the gradual collaboration of science and industry, especially in the 19th century. The partnership between science and industry allowed scientists to produce practical, reproducible technologies, which businesses could reasonably afford. Because of this cooperation, innovation grew very quickly. One thing that is relevant to all sects of business is innovation. Without innovation or innovators within a company nothing new would ever be produced. Innovation can be broadly defined as new products, new processes, new organizations, new management processes, and new strategies. Innovation is typically a result of trial–and–error experimentation. Innovations are being made in production and business processes which are leading to an increase in the productivity of labor and capital, which are boosting economic growth rates. With the growth of international competition innovation is becoming more and more vital to the life of companies. Innovators are those who "think outside of the box" when it comes to their business, and they are willing to "experiment" with the market. They are what keeps a company or organization alive. Innovators come up with ideas by paying attention to the world around them. They are always observing, networking, and asking questions. An ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Innovation ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Innovation at proctor and gamble Pritesh Tarte– 11906296 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Innovation at proctor and gamble Pritesh Tarte– 11906296 Assignment 1 Assignment 1 I INDEX 1.Introduction to Proctor & Gamble ....................................................3 2. Innovation at Proctor & Gamble......................................................4 3. Connect & Develop Program & Open Innovation.................................5 4. Voice of Customer.....................................................................6 5. Conclusion..............................................................................7 6. References..............................................................................8 1. Introduction to Proctor & Gamble ( P&G) William proctor and James Gamble established Proctor and Gamble in 1837 as a soap and ... Show more content on ... For instance the company introduced its brand name Tide detergent in the market , at that time Swash was its only competitor but the market of tide grew as it provided better advantages such as better cleaning power, good smell, soft on skin and at a lower prices than it competitor. P& G realized that in order to increase the innovation output they needed collaboration with the experts from the world. They created a program called Connect and Develop which helped them to deliver innovation faster and cheaper to all areas of business.
  • 47. Word Count: 311 3. Connect & Develop Programme and open Innovation Open innovation is the exchange of ideas and knowledge outside the company for mutual benefit of both the parties. It requires companies to develop an adaptive capability of using external knowledge (Stage–Gate process). The open innovation is now being adapted in the public as well as private sector.. There are three types of open innovation * Outside– In process It focuses on expanding firm's knowledge base through integration of external resources. * Inside– Out Process It places firm's assets outside its own walls, transferring its idea to outside organization. * Coupled Process It focuses on combining outside in an inside out. P&G was aware of the fact that most of the ideas were generated from collaboration among their internal business units. In the era of 2000 P&G ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. 1712 Innovation Research is done when a certain subject is being studied, while innovation is the result of research. Innovation helps to keep businesses operating by allowing researchers, and engineers to be able to create new products that will help benefit the consumers, allowing the company to grow and substantially increase the development of the country. One significant innovation was the engine that was created in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. It was, first created to be used in navigation and succeeding to power machinery which revolutionized the world and started the industrial era. The engine acts as a powerhouse making machines move, but needs fuel to keep it running. Mechanical Engineers are assigned to learn the functions of the engine itself and understand how to further improve it by making it reduce the consumption of fuel or to increase the power output. Unlike automobiles, ships and airplanes with their size, still need lots of fuel due to tremendous power needed to be able to move. Cars that run using electricity do not handle gas for fuel, making it eco–friendly, however they do not provide as much power as the cars that run with gas. Another innovation that ... Show more content on ... This invention has given a chance for survivors to feel whole again giving them enough confidence to go back to their normal lives. Although the main purpose of this is for the disabled, it still has a significant contribution to the technology used in robotics, mainly because it allows engineers to understand how our body moves. An application of this technology can be seen with planetary rovers or deep sea submarines, where the purpose of it is to gather data from extreme environments. This science can also be further developed to create humanoid robots that can be used to push the boundaries of science and imagination revolutionizing how people ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Innovation in business I. Introduction: According to Baregheh et al, innovation is a multi–layered tool where ideas are converted into improved processes, or commodities, or results or services (2009). In a hyper– competitive environment, organisations rely on innovation as a vehicle to further advance, thrive, challenge, and maintain a comparative advantage over other organisations in the same field. II. Discussion: According to Humanitarian Innovation Fund, the Bessant and Tidd model of innovation are four intertwined complementary components, where positive change is necessary to secure a conducive environment for sustainable innovation in an organisation as follows (2014): Position innovation where changes in the context of how clients ... Show more content on ... During the beginning of the current conflict, children were not able to attend school. Based on the needs of the children, and the external pressures, UNICEF in partnership with the Ministry of Education used a multifaceted approach to innovation. Six 'remedial education' worksheets covering four subject areas, math, science, Arabic and English Languages for students in grades 1–6 were developed. The position of UNICEF was clear, to safeguard the reputation of UNICEF by ensuring the highest level of efficiency, ensuring fast completion, and quality of content that is apolitical and serves the education needs of children. While the Ministry wanted to include some political issues in the books. The latter created some challenges between both teams, which was handled strategically, by placing the best interest of children as a common priority between both organisations. For the process, UNICEF provided autonomy to its cross functional team, which consisted of research, education, communication, supply and finance officers. UNICEF management was committed, focused, flexible and secured the necessary resources (human and financial), while the ministry secured an integrated autonomous team. An integrated team between both organisations, known as 'innovation team' was also created and responsible for the oversight and guidance. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Challenge of Breakthrough Innovations The Challenge of Breakthrough Innovations Table of Contents "The Breakthrough".............................................................................................2 Dilemma/ Struggle of Established Firms.....................................................................3 Rules for Innovation..............................................................................................4 Building An Ambidextrous Organization....................................................................6 Conclusion and Recommendations............................................................................8 Reference............................................................................................................9 Appendix...........................................................................................................12 "The Breakthrough" One dictionary definition of breakthrough is: "a significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived obstacle, allowing the completion of a process." But what really makes an innovation a breakthrough (radical, disruptive) one, rather than incremental, from ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, the rules and requirements that support the breakthrough–generating environment will be addressed. Subsequently this paper will try to answer the question how an ambidextrous organization can be built. The final part of the paper is dedicated to recommendations and conclusion. Dilemma/ Struggle of Established Firms The idea of implementing radical/ disruptive innovation in mature firms is discussed in the article of Richard Leifer; Gina Colarelli O'Connor and Mark Rice, "Implementing radical innovation in mature firms" revealing the fact that there is increasing evidence of breakthrough innovation in the competitive marketplace today, but there is uncertainty on whether it is worth risk taking today?! And especially large established firms face this dilemma; they have grown excellent at managing operational efficiencies and building customer loyalty. But will they be able to take wise decision when it comes to radical innovations and face the chaos associated with commercialization of breakthroughs. Subsequently, some companies actually made it possible, for example IBM, with a
  • 54. new generation of communication chips, describing an innovation aimed to increase switching speeds and reduce ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Strategic Innovation A Framework for Strategic Innovation A Framework for Strategic Innovation Blending strategy and creative exploration to discover future business opportunities ______________________________ by Derrick Palmer & Soren Kaplan Managing Principals, InnovationPoint LLC © 2007 InnovationPoint www.innovation– Page 1 A Framework for Strategic Innovation Table of Contents 1. 1.1. 1.2. THE ART AND DISCIPLINE OF STRATEGIC INNOVATION ............. 3 Traditional strategy versus Strategic Innovation ................................................................. 4 Serendipitous versus Strategic Innovation............................................................................ 4 2. 2.1. THE SEVEN ... Show more content on ... The framework consists of a cohesive set of practices that inspire imaginative teams to look beyond the obvious, explore a broad range of possibilities, identify significant opportunities, make informed decisions about the most promising paths to pursue, create a shared vision for growth, define pragmatic action plans that "bridge from the future back to the present" and align the organization around the requirements for success.
  • 57. Strategic Innovation takes the road less traveled – it challenges an organization to look beyond its established business boundaries and mental models and to participate in an open–minded, creative exploration of the realm of possibilities. "All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved." – Sun Tzu Some organizations may feel that seeking breakthroughs is too grandiose a goal, and that they would be content with "simply growing the business". Experience shows, however, that focusing on the short–term typically yields only short–term results – while teams aspiring to seek significant breakthroughs will both identify "big ideas" and also generate closer–in, incremental ideas. Strategic Innovation is not characterized by mundane, incremental product extensions, the "me–too" business models of close followers, or band–aids for inefficient processes. It does not consist of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Orthodontic Innovation The most innovative thing I have ever led was the launch of a brand that allowed my business to take significant share in the mature orthodontic market, a market that in 2013 had not seen a meaningful share shift for over a decade. Uniquely, the innovation was not a product innovation or a business model disruptor alone, but something less tangible and difficult to achieve, a message innovation that led to a fundamental evolution in customer perception of our company. Early in 2013, I was leading marketing and product development for the market–leading provider of braces to orthodontists. The product was seemingly unsexy to me, but my customers were passionate about the product category and the associated technique required for using a ... Show more content on ... We needed to help our non–customers believe and feel that they were not giving up their personal artistry by switching braces and switching technique. I led the team through a deep dive to dissect the problem down each component in order to understand how we could advance. A key conclusion from the deep dive was that changing technique had an incredibly high switching cost. Not just a financial cost to the orthodontist but also a social and emotional cost that was extraordinary in its impact. In many cases switching technique meant being ostracized by your circle of friends and colleagues associated with your original technique, a devastating consequence to the highly social orthodontist. As we continued our dissection of the problem further we asked the fundamental question, what is technique? We concluded that at its essence, technique was just a series of physical steps that were applied according to a set of principles. We discovered that in actuality the physical steps were applied inconsistently by orthodontists and this resulted in highly variable results for patients. I soon concluded that not only was "technique" a barrier to our business growth, but it was a barrier to patients getting excellent results from their orthodontist! I now understood our path forward. We would eliminate technique from orthodontics completely and thus remove the financial, educational and emotional barriers to switching ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Leading Innovation & Change Leading Innovation and Change Final–term essay March 15th, 2012 Effective words – 5262 Table of Contents Introduction 3 1. Critical literature review of theories of innovation and change 4 1.1. Why innovation is critical for an organization? 4 1.1.1. Creativity 4 1.1.2. Definition of invention 5 1.1.3. Definition of innovation 5 1.1.4. Why innovation matters 7 1.1.5. The driver of innovation 7 1.2. How to innovate 8 1.3. Moving from innovation to change 8 1.3.1. What change is about 9 1.3.2. Type of change 9 1.3.3. Change management 9 1.3.4. Resistance to change 12 1.3.5. Change – People impact 12 1.4. Leadership skills for innovation and change 13 2. Critical analysis of practical examples of changes 15 ... Show more content on ... Goggin and Mitchell (2010) states that "Comparing the various definitions of innovation, it can be seen that there are several common elements what is changed (such as product or process changes); how much is changed (whether it is completely new or only perceived as such); the source of the change (sometimes technology); the influence of the change (for example, its social or commercial value)" Elster (1983) defines innovation as "the production of new technical knowledge" Innovation is normally used to denote the process that takes place when a product or a process is developed, from idea to market; the concept of invention only denotes the process that takes place when new ideas or solutions are generated. Baumol (2002) argues "is it possible to have lots of inventions and still lack innovations. Nevertheless, inventions are a necessary precondition for innovation". 2.2.4. Why innovation matters As Albert Einstein said, "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got." This quote is applicable for organisation and fully underpins the value of having a culture of innovation in order to meet short, medium and long term objectives. Tidd and Bessant (2009) argued that "Unless an organization is able to move into further innovation, it risks being left behind as others take the lead in changing their offerings, their operational processes or the underlying models that drive their business". The aim for an organisation to innovate
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  • 64. Innovation and Changes Now a day, innovation and change is very important for organizations. Innovation and change are applied in many companies in the world. Innovation is a successful implementation of creative ideas in organization to improve products and services. Change is a difference in the form, quality or condition of an organization over time (Williams & McWilliams 2010). The purpose of this essay is to explain us the compare (differences) and contrast (similarities) between innovation and change. This is also including to identify something has changed in our campus or university in this semester and example of innovation and change. The differences are between innovation and change. There is a growing understanding that innovation is a ... Show more content on ... The example of innovation and change in our university is when they had change in the system of study. They must think about how to become better than any other university. Our University's computer lab and some of the class room had installed new 'Smart Board'. This is one the example of innovation can be found in the college. During the old days, the lecturers normally used OHP projector to teach. Compare to LCD projector, OHP was without computer and it can be used itself with the transparency slides. Due to the computer price getting cheaper and people starting to had their personal laptop, the used of power point presentation become more and more popular. Over the time, LCD projector had took over the OHP projector, the lecturers have to transfer the teaching material from the transparency into power point presentation and start using computer to present their teaching material. Then, the universities had installed the smart board in the computer lab and most of the classroom. Smart Board are the more advanced version of LCD projector, with the new function of touch input from a finger, pen or other solid object. Each contact of the Smart board interactive whiteboard is interpreted as a left–click from the mouse. This is certainly a technology innovation, when the LCD projector reaches the top of the S shape curve, technology discontinuity happens and new technology the Smart Board was introduced. All this will ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Innovation No More It seems we have lost the ability to innovate. We do not think the way we used to; we do not invent new concepts or ideas, rather we just adapt ideas of the past. Our thinking now a day is very limited to what we have already created. Google's definition of innovating, "make changes in something established, esp. by introducing new methods, ideas, or products," suggests that innovation is now just development of an old idea. In this definition there seems to be no mention of inventing but rather only the alteration of a product in a way never done before. It's not that the alteration of a product is bad thing but it does create a very limited thinking world; a world that relies on the blueprints of the past to create a future. So have we really lost our ability to innovate? Not really, it's just that innovation has become merely focused on technology. It seems like technology will be the future. That future will involve people innovation of past ideas and not trying anything new due to the fear of failing. That innovation will mostly focus on technology which can help to make money. The novel "Oryx and Crake" which is based on the future shows somewhat of the real future and what it will be like. In this science fiction novel, we are treated to a very limited thinking world in which the main concern is technology and money. There are some technological advances evident in this novel but not ones which are comprehensive or mind boggling. For example, there is a lot of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Abstract The following pages focus on analyzing the blood donation helpline developed in India through some of the theories learning in this course. The most important theories that can be applied in this case are represented by the opportunity recognition theory, the social and frugal entrepreneurship theory, and the technological change and entrepreneurial opportunities theory. The Introduction presents the points of view addressed in this paper. The Situation Presentation section provides important information on the innovation project discussed in this paper. The Innovation Analysis section discusses the theories that apply to this situation. The Conclusions section presents some of the most important issues addressed by the paper. Introduction The characteristics of the business environment determine companies to develop strategies that are based on innovation. In other words, the entrepreneurship skills of managers must be combined with innovation activities. This is because specialists in the field recommend that companies focus on developing innovative products in order to create competitive advantage. The high quality of products is not sufficient in improving their position on the market. It is also necessary to get ahead by investing in innovation. The investments made by companies in innovation processes have numerous benefits. These processes are intended to help companies reduce their production costs. This leads to ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Honda Innovation Types CASE: HONDAAND HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES Introduction Honda was founded in Japan in 1946 as a development in institute for motorized bicycles. Three years later the company produced its first motorcycle, and ten years onwards they had also entered the US automobile market. They are one of the biggest brands in the market today, having used a strategy of building local factories in over 30 countries, in order to adapt to local customer needs. The field of energy–efficient cars has been around for a couple of decades now. Honda has always promptly stood up for the challenge emphasizing commitment for developing environmental friendly cars such as the hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), solar, or fuel call cars. Honda ... Show more content on ... On the contrary, fuel cell vehicles are more radical innovation since it requires significant changes in the body of the vehicle, building an entirely new fuel infrastructure and changes in consumer behavior. Moreover, it will radically affect petroleum companies and change the industry standards, at the same time providing new opportunities for battery makers. 2 Factors influencing consumer adoption rate of HEVs and proposed solutions One of the variables influencing the adoption of HEV's by customers is their uncertainty about the future engine design and future technologies. Customers in USA as well as in Europe have a basic assumption that HEV's are simply a temporary step between the traditional technology based on gasoline and diesel engines and the forthcoming full electric vehicles with hydrogen fuel cells. Moreover, the fact that Toyota and Honda use different engine standards might cause confusion in customers mind, hesitation on which technology to choose, and which has the future. Furthermore, the perception of HEV technology among consumers in still very limited. Customers lack the basic awareness of the HEV technology and positive environmental outcomes. The solution for this would be to invest in marketing campaigns which will increase the awareness, acceptance and diffusion of the HEV technology throughout the society. Public awareness campaigns are of great importance and consumers should be educated about the positives of HEV's as well as ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Game Design Innovation : Game Innovation 2.3 Game Design Innovation Game innovation can be split into the following 4 categories: 1) Technological, 2) gameplay, 3) presentation and 4) narrative innovations (Alha, 2011). At times, it is not even necessary to make something distinctly new, as long as there is an effort to reinterpret or subvert existing notions of what video games should be. On the other hand, Peltoniemi (2009) uses two main categories to classify gaming innovation: Technological and stylistic. Technological innovation can be further divided into three categories: 1) graphics, which improve the game's appearance, making it much more photorealistic; 2) simulation, which improves the physical realism of the game such as creating; and 3) gameplay, which allows for ... Show more content on ... It does not define how the end aesthetics of the game will end up. But, these technological capabilities have resulted in "many poorly developed games" (Alexander, 2010). The restrictions older–style games impose upon image and sound quality force developers to ensure that the final product is of a high quality while being selective. It is an ode to minimalism and focuses solely on the fundamentals the game, ultimately making it much more immersive. Game design is seen as a key to designing innovative, emotionally engaging game experiences and is always designed with the player in mind (Fullerton, 2014). Game design innovation in particular includes unique play mechanics or thinking beyond existing genres of play, appealing to casual gamers, strong integration of story and gameplay, as well as generating new thoughts and discussions on how games actually impact us socially and culturally (Fullerton, 2014). As the game's core mechanic is a big part of the experiential building blocks of player activity, it is vital for designers to integrate patterns of behavior within the game that will manifest itself as a player experience (Zimmerman, 2004). Cook (2005) uses the "Onion Metaphor" to further divide game design layers into six categories: 1) Core mechanics, 2) Metagame, 3) Base Setting, 4) Contextualised Tokens, 5) Contextualised Levels, 6) Story. Game Design Layers Definition Core mechanics – Basic Risk and reward schedules ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Innovation Process Innovation Process In order for organizations to become successful or maintain an ongoing success, they need to accommodate any necessary changes needed while remaining on a competitive edge. With this known, companies such as Coca–Cola have easily shown their success by becoming the largest manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverages by which the company has products sold in 200 counties world wide. In this paper Team B will identify and explain the four phases of the innovative process. Using Coca–Cola as the subject company, there will also be discussions on the applications of the innovative process and identifying the tools and techniques that can be found useful in the process. Finally, there will be ... Show more content on ... Communication is the key to successful creative innovation, and affords everyone the opportunity to become active. Using team collaborative methods is another technique found useful as this promotes speed and efficiency. Collaborative teams can make collective decisions relative to the innovation process, without the approval of a linear layered chain of command. This is a result of upper management communicating the strategic plan early, which affords the team autonomy to carry the strategic plan out. Incentives represent appropriate tools found valuable in the innovative process. Incentives constitute inspirational aspects of promoting innovation in an organization. Incentives boost creative thinking, increase the amount of ideas people come up with, boost morale and focus, and ensure star contributor retention. Coca Cola rewards its employees on taking risk and finding new ways to solve problems in the company. This is an "Act Like Owner" approach for the company. Evidence of incentives by way of positive payoff and reinforcement is one way to identify incentive based inspiration. Measuring Results and Ensuring Continual Improvement "As more and more companies see innovation at the heart of their growth strategy, it is not surprising that more and more companies also seek to identify ways to measure the impact of their innovation activity. The critical questions are, what to measure and how?" (Stamm, 2003, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Innovation And Its Impact On Innovation Innovation brings changes, and for bringing desirable and appropriate changes, a clear understanding of innovation is vital. A plethora of discourses indicates what innovation is, but it remains fuzzy because of contextual biases and disparity (Crossan, M. M., and Apaydin, M., 2010). The literature of innovation, on the other hand, refers to innovation as a category covering a wide spectrum of issues that include a source of change (cause), a changing process, and a changed state (effect), which appears ambiguous because the cause, effect and the process in–between cannot be the same. Ambiguity in understanding innovation as a phenomenon makes the process of innovation arduous and uncertain. As a result, innovation occurrences in business and social contexts as and when required appear uncertain especially when the exigence for innovation at all levels of social life has been heightened by many folds, especially to face the challenges of the 21st century. This study, thus, intends to investigate innovation determining (a) the meaning of innovation representing people's present beliefs and ideas, and (b) an easily adaptable and acceptable process of innovation that can help people in general to be innovative. In this process, this study accentuates human factors representing different personal constructs associated with the innovation process. The literature on innovation also confirms the significance of human factors in innovation occurrences (GII 2014 report, p. xvii) ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Entrepreneurship and Innovation At least 80% of all new businesses fail within their first year of operation (Wagner, 2013). Hunter (2012, p. 60) proposes that the apparent reason for this predicament can be possibly attributed to the lack of a proper external environmental scan. Conventional wisdom would classify the majority of start–ups as entrepreneurial activity. According to Hunter (2012, p. 56), this is a misguided view, as it is not based on any empirical study and cannot be validated by research evidence. The misconceptions about entrepreneurship has been promulgated and perpetuated by media (Hunter, 2012, p. 90). The thought of innovation conjures up images of something breath–taking, novelty par excellence, invention of the century and solutions to mysteries. Therefore, innovative events are isolated events. Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Innovation Dyer, Gregersen & Christensen (2009, p. 66) found that nurture rather than nature was the key to developing innovative skills. An alpha entrepreneur is a business person who has been able to hone five essential "discovery skills" (Dyer, Gregersen, & Christensen, 2009, p. 62). An employee is not an entrepreneur, though they can exhibit entrepreneurial behaviors. An entrepreneur is self– employed. The reward of entrepreneurship is profit, not wages or salaries. The business does not owe the entrepreneur anything for all their hard labor, and there is a downside that you can lose all of your investment and make losses. An innovator ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Innovations In The Bible The Bible does warn about technology and religion but people must remember that technology is neutral and it is how an individual uses the innovation that determines if the innovation is good or bad. According to Berkun (2010), "All innovations have good and bad effects regardless of the intention of the innovator" (p. 143). From this statement, it should be obvious that innovations are neutral and that it is sin that causes innovations to be misused and causes others harm. Sin causes humans to use ordinary innovations to their own devices instead of practicing being good stewards which they are designed to do in the first place. Genesis 1:28 makes it very clear that humans are meant to be stewards of not just the earth but other humans. If ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Betamax Innovation With the standard innovation spillovers that innovation policy scholars are used to considering, innovators benefit one another because each individual innovator is unable to reap the full rewards from her innovations. This feature captures an important part of the innovation process, but not the whole story. Another feature is path dependence in innovation, in which the innovation choices of past innovators influence the types of innovation pursued by future innovators. Path dependence spillovers do not necessarily directly benefit innovators. Rather, they redirect innovators toward the types of technologies with the larger stock of knowledge by changing the relative profitability of different types of technologies. Redirecting technological ... Show more content on ... Under these circumstances, there are four dirtytech blocks and only one cleantech block, reflecting the reality that dirtytech has a century head start on cleantech. As a result of this mismatch in knowledge stocks, dirtytech produces electricity at a much lower cost than cleantech, even in the presence of a carbon tax. Consider the incentives facing the profit–maximizing innovator. She knows that she can immediately commercialize an innovation in dirtytech because it would reduce the cost of the already–cheapest form of electricity–producing technology. Thus, she can profit in the near term. In contrast, if she innovates in cleantech, there is no guarantee of profits, at least in the near–term. A single innovation–i.e., a single innovation block–will not be enough for cleantech to overtake dirtytech as the cheapest form of energy production in the short run. Instead, energy producers will continue to rely on dirtytech–and the cleantech innovator will receive little for her efforts. Faced with such incentives, then, the profit–maximizing innovator will likely invest in dirtytech, thereby further increasing its profitability and entrenching its dominance. Of course, in a more complex model, some innovators will have such brilliant cleantech innovations that they will invest in cleantech even if the product would be far from commercialization, but the overall tendency will ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Innovation and Change Management | Companies that successfully innovate also successfully manage change | INNOVATION & CHANGE MANAGEMENT MHN221935–12–A | Malgorzata Glowacka S0915718 International Tourism & Hospitality Enterprise | Innovation and change management have been and continues to be an important study on a number of levels. It plays significant part in economic growth as well as it is vital for firms' survival and development. New ideas, new approaches and new products become critical guidelines in organisational strategy, especially for managers and business leaders. According to The Boston Consulting Group (2010) employers' ranked innovation as a strategic priority with 26% citing it as a top priority and a ... Show more content on ... Organizational change, like innovation, is hard to specify. It can be described as any alternation or modification, which occurs in the overall work environment of an organization. Moran and Brightman (2000) defined it as the process of continually renewing an organization's direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever–changing needs of external and internal customers. It tend to focus on the management of formally planned changes and it is indicating a macro– level approach, which is concerned with organisation as a whole (King and Anderson, 2002). Due its complexity, many researchers categorised organizational change in different ways, for e.g. Pettigrew (1987) separated it into strategic and non–strategic change while Goodstein and Warner (1995) divided it into incremental and radical change. However the starting point for discussing variations of change is Grundy's (1993) three variations of change. The first, smooth incremental change changes slowly in a systematic and predicable way. The second variety of change Grundy terms 'bumpy incremental change'. This is characterized by periods of relative calmness disrupted by rushing in the pace of change. Grundy's third variety of change is 'discontinuous change', which he defines as 'change which is marked by rapid shifts in strategy, structure or culture, or in all ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Innovation at 3m Q1. How has 3M's innovation process evolved since the company was founded? Why, if at all, does 3M, known as the "hothouse" of innovation, need to regain historic closeness to the customer? Ans1. 3M Corporation has small laboratory or research and development section with some technicians and doing experiments on sandpaper and developed some core technology at that time for 3M like masking tapes. After such core technologies development 3M achieved global reputation and become "hothouse" of innovation. However the process grows slowly and allows 3M to recognize user needs because 3M researchers contact different employees in factories. In 1990's 3M have 30 key technologies and get much market growth and for more development and ... Show more content on ... That is why stage three took longer time as compare to stage I and stage II that is why now it becomes difficult task. Q4. What should the Medical–Surgical Lead User team recommend to Dunlop: the three new product concepts or a new business strategy? What are the risks to the new Lead User Process at 3M? What are the risks to the Medical–Surgical business unit? Ans4. I think Medical–Surgical User team need to recommend to Dunlop the three product recommendation and in these three recommendations the first two recommendations are simple to extend the 3M product lines. But in the fourth recommendation as product development team stuck on upstream containment of infection and suppose to include upstream containment in business strategy and even if 3M Medical division enter in this infection field and applied successfully then it has become a major achievement. On the other hand if the business strategies not succeed then it shows the process of planning is unfortunate and risky for financial prospective and spend lot of time on research and ... Get more on ...