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Television advertising is a very effective tools of communicating message to its target audience
as it has the ability to combine visual & audio communication and thus this makes
advertisements is an important medium to make people aware of any products. This paper
presents the results of a study designed to test the Impact of television advertising and on
consumers’ buying behavior. The Primary data has been collected from 100 respondents from
HYDERABAD. Structured questionnaires has been framed contained 20 questions which has
been asked through online. The secondary data has been collected from books, websites,
articles etc. Finally some Finding , limitations , conclusions & suggestion has been written in this
paper. Though the different media spread awareness but television advertising plays a vital role
in buying behavior of consumers
Advertising is the non-personal communication of the information usually paid for and
persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various
media. The advertiser intends to spread his ideas about the products and offerings among the
prospects. Popularization of the products is thus, the basic aimof advertising. The majority of the
marketers use mass media for their marketing communications. The choice of media is
dependent upon the nature of the message and the intended target audience. Television
advertising is the bestselling and economical media ever invented. It has a potential advertising
impact unmatched by any other media. The advantage of television over the other mediums is
that it is perceived as acombination of audio and video features; it provides products with instant
validity and prominence and offers the greatest possibility for creative advertising.
Over a longer period of time, the TV set has become a permanent fixture in all upper and middle
class households, and it is not uncommon even in the poorer society of urban areas and rural
households. Reactions to TV advertisements seem to be stronger than the reaction to print
advertisements (Corlis, 1999). The advertisers find it more effective to use television rather than
print media to reach consumers, partly due to low literacy rate (Ciochetto, 2004). TV advertising
not only change emotions but give substantial message exerting a far reaching influence on the
daily lives of people (Kotwal et al, 2008).
Television is considered as a popular and powerful medium of information and entertainment to
reach the audiences. Televisionadvertising has been a popular medium for advertisers ever since
the first began to appear in living rooms with the arrival of cable television, production costs and
the opportunity to reach smaller and more targeted markets, making it a medium for small to
medium - size business programmes like songs, news, interviews, comedy and information
attracts the largest audience than any other medium. Due to the technical development,
opportunities to advertise on TV have increased over the past years. Audiences are exposed to
hundreds and thousands of commercial messages a day. The willingness to watch commercials
in TV is decreasing because of various reasons. All the ads are not noticed by the audiences as
well as not all the ads are skipped by them, ads which have some entertainment value are liked,
watched and remembered by audience which is awelcome response for the ad makers. The basic
idea of advertising is to inform, educate and motivate potential buyers. In this era, the media of
advertisement matters a lot. In the present era, TV seems to be the most popular and potent
media as people are greatly influenced by what they see and see repeatedly. In urban areas
especially the TV is the most effective medium of advertisement in persuading the viewer that it
has become the most reliable channel of promoting products, both existing and newly launched
 To identify the effect on Tv advertisement on the buying behaviour of consumers.
 To identify the factors effecting the buying behaviour of consumer through TV
 This scope is related to FMCG goods only.
 The scope is to know the impact of TV advertisement on consumers buying behaviours
with reference to FMCG goods.
 This particular research focuses on the impact of TV advertisement on the user’s
behaviour. It explores the factors which are affected by the advertisement and ultimately
influence the buying behaviour of the consumers. The study will help the readers to
understand the consumer behaviour while purchasing the FMCG goods.
 The present study was confined only to study Impact of TV Advertisement on Consumer
Buying Behavior.
 There is specific geographical area i.e. , Hyderabad city only .
 They focused on FMCG goods only.
 Primary date collected from the feedback of the customers with the help of
 Secondary data collected from the Internet, journals,newspapersetc.
1. Name :
2. Age:
(a). Below19 (b) 19-22 (c) 22-25 (d) above 25
3. Gender
(a)male (b)female
3. Annual Income
(a) Up to 2lac (b) 2-5 lac (c) 5-8lac (d) 8- above
4. According to you which is most effective means of advertisement?
(a) TV Ad (b) radio Ad (c) print Ad (d) Internet Ad (e) Direct mail
5. How much time do you spend on watching TV (daily)?
(a) 1hour or less (b) 1 to 2 hour (c) 2 to 3 hour (d) 3 or more hour
6.Does the TV commercials convince you tobuy certain products
(a) yes (b)no
7. Did a Product with good TV Commercial, but poor quality of the product/service ever
disappoint you?
(a) Sometimes (b) never (c) always
8. What is your reaction when you see or hear ad on TV?
(a) Swapthe Channel (b) Move to dohouseholdwork (c) enjoythe adif the content& deliveryis
9. Which kind of the programs do you usually watch?
(a) Comedy (b) news(c) programs (d) sports(e) romance (f) drama
10 Which Kind of TV commercials usually attracts you?
(a) With jingle/tagline (b) with celebrity endorsement (c) Animated (d) Humour
11 Which of the following components influence you most in the commercial ad?
(a) Models (b) content (c) theme (d) punch line (e) background
12. TV Commercial viewing: I watch TV Commercial
(a) To findouthowgood productis (b) To enjoyAdcoveringthese days
(c) To helpme decide whatthingstobuy (d) To findout where Ican buy some product/service
13. Are you satisfied with the Television advertising of FMCG Products?
(a) Sometimes (b) always (c) never
14 .Which factor influences on buying behaviour of FMCG products?
(a) social (b) Psychological (c) cultural (d) personal
a) Sometimes (b) always (c) never
16. How long do you think an average TV Commercial shouldbe in order to give
the best impact on audience?
(a) Less than20 sec (b) 21-40 sec (c) 41-60 sec (d) 1-2 min
Consumer buying behaviouris the sum total of a consumer's attitudes,
preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumer's behaviour in the
marketplace when purchasing a product or service. The study of consumer behaviour
draws upon social science disciplines of anthropology, psychology, sociology, and
Kotler (2004, p.601) defined Consumer-buying behaviour as "The buying behaviour
consumers - individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal
consumption." In his definition word "consumer" referred to that person who search
goods and services and then purchase it for self-satisfaction. Consumer term also refers
to two main consuming entities: firstly personal consumers and secondly consumers
who belong to any organization. An individual or personal consumer only purchase
goods and services their own consumption. So here final consumer is any individual
person, while those consumers who belong to any organization purchases any product
or service for their organizational use. These consumers consist of profit and non-profit
business, government agencies, institutions; all these organizations must purchase
products, equipment and services in order to operate their firm (Kotler, 2004).
The Buyer Decision Process
Before purchasing a product the consumer go through this process:
Five stages in the buyer decision process
 Need recognition
 Information search
 Evaluation of alternatives
 Purchase decision
 Post-purchase evaluation
1. need recognition The first step is need recognition. During this step, the consumer realizes
that she has an unfulfilled need or want. Let's use the example of a consumer who has just
been informed by her mechanic that fixing her car will cost more than it's worth. Our
consumer realizes that she now has a transportation problem and wants to fulfill that need
with the purchase of a car
2. Information search - The next step is to gather information relevant to what you need to
solve the problem. In our example, our consumer may engage in research on the Internet to
determine the types of vehicles available and their respective features.
3. Evaluation - After information is gathered, it is evaluated against a consumer's needs,
wants, preferences, and financial resources available for purchase. In our example, our
consumer has decided to narrow her choices down to three cars based upon price, comfort,
and fuel efficiency.
4. Purchase - At this stage, the consumer will make a purchasing decision. The ultimate
decision may be based on factsuch as price or availability. For example, our consumer has
decided to purchase a particular model of car because its price was the best she could
negotiate and the car was available immediately.
5. Post purchase evaluation: At this stage , consumer will decides whether the purchase
actually satisfies her needs and wants. Is our car purchaser happy with her purchase? If not
y isn’t she?
The world has become a global market. Modern market is more dynamic,
competitive, and consumer-oriented. Entire marketing process is aimed at
satisfying consumers more effectively than competitors. Consumer satisfaction
can be achieved by receiving information from market and sending information
to the market.
In order to inform, attract, and convince the valued customers, a marketer
undertakes a number of promotional means. Advertising is one of the powerful
means to inform about company’s total offers. Advertising is a dominant
element of market promotion. Many times, the entire promotional efforts are
replaced by advertising alone.
Major portion of promotion budget is consumed by advertising alone.
Advertising is so powerful and popular that it is taken as equal to marketing!!
Mass media are used intensively to advertise various products. Marketing
without advertising seems to be impossible. Advertising works like a magic stick
to actualize marketing goals!
Philip Kotler:
“Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of
goods, services, or ideas by an identified sponsor.”
Key Decisions in Advertising:
Advertising is one of – but popular and powerful – tools of market promotion. It
involves a several decisions.
Some experts explain advertising decisions and activities in form of six
‘M’s as under:
1. The first ‘M’ stands for Mission – Advertising Objectives.
2. The second ‘M stands for Money – Advertising Budget.
3. The third ‘M’ stands for Message – Creating Advertising Message and
4. The forth ‘M’ stand for Monitoring – Managing (organising) of Advertising
5. The fifth ‘M’ stands for Media – Advertising Media Selection and Media
6. The sixth ‘M’ stands for Measurement – Measuring and Evaluating
Advertising Effectiveness (MEAE).
Children make a substantial market segment for consumption of products for their
personal needs and wants like chocolates, ice-creams, biscuits, and they also
influence the purchase of their parents. The average child watches television for 3.
6 hours a day, or about of 25 hours a week, of which just over 3 hours,
conservatively, are devoted to commercials ( Adler, 1977; Leonhard & Kerwin,
1970; Rossiter, 1979; Massey, 2006). These young consumers spend billions of
dollars on their own (Geary, 1999). They also exert a substantial influence on their
parents’ decision making and spending (Hawkins, 2001). Advertisers target
children because of their high disposable income, their influence on parental
purchases, their early establishments of loyalty to certain brands, and a conventional
wisdom that they buy products on impulse (Chan & Mc Neal, 2004). John (1999)
viewed socialization of children through three stages, namely perception stage (3- 7
years), analytical stage (7-11 years) and the reflective stage (11-16 years). Kotwal et
al. (2008) studied the impact of media on lifestyle of adolescents in the age groups
12-18 years ofages and found that television and satellite channels certainly affected
the lifestyle of individuals
Influence of TV Advertisements on Teenagers
TV advertising is a fleeting medium; messages flash and vanish so it requires more
exposures. Moreover, in TV there is fragmentation of viewership becauseof variety
of channels/ programme options (Ramaswami & Namakumari, 2004). Adolescent
learn consumer skills primarily from parents and secondarily from media contacts
(Brand & Greenberg, 1994). By watching television, teens may gain information
about products, brands, stores and shopping as well as information about as to how
products are used and fit with certain lifestyle (Moschis, 1978). As regards liking
products such as cold drinks, cigarettes, movies, sports shoes, pens, garments,
shaving creams, soaps, shampoos, is very much direct influence of TV commercials.
The female counterparts show interest in products such as cosmetics, soap,
shampoos, sanitary napkins, chocolates, food products, It is found that girls viewed
TV advertisements with interest and found them entertaining and informative
(Kotwal et. el., 2008). Moreover, in double – income families, where both husband
and wife are earning, some purchase chores and decisions are handed over to
youngsters in the family (Dubey & Patel, 2004).
Influence of TV Advertisements on Adults
Television is viewed on for an average of more than 8 hours per day, and public
policy officials have viewed concern about the impact of such heavy viewing
(Morgan, 1984). Indian adults, spare most of their free time in watching TV. They
switch on TV and decide programme of their interest. During this span TV
advertisements are passively accepted by them. They watch TV to relax. Women in
India view television for longer hours. They make up over two-third of the adult
viewing audience on weekday afternoons, the programme that traditionally include
soap operas. Prime time evening audiences are more evenly divided, but women
viewers still out numbered men. As a result, mostadvertisements carefully purchase
time for their commercials during programmes watched by the particular ‘target’
audience they considermostlikely to buy (Kavitha, 2006). Advertisers often believe
that the most desirable market for their products are young married professionals
and managers who live in urban or sub-urban areas (Patti & Frazer)
Katke (2007) conducteda case studyto findthe impacton televisionadvertisingonchildhealthand
familyspending.Resultsshowsthatadvertisementchange the directhabitandleadtoviolentbehavior
of children.Itcreatesastresson the parentsand hitsthe familybudget.The studyhasrevealedthe
positive corelationshipbetweentimespentwithtelevisionbutthe adverse effectonchildrenand
Yousafand Shehzad(2013) studiedthe effectandinfluence of TV commercialsoverilliterate and
literate people of Pakistan.Findingsshowsthatilliteratespendmore than2hrsperday of TV
commercialsandliterate watchlessthan2hrsper day.With regardto contentwatching70% of literates
prefercontentinTV commercialsand68% of illiterateslikescontent.Itisfoundthatilliteratesare
behaviourallyinfluencedwhereasliteratesare psychologicallyinfluenced.Notall the literatesbelieve in
the message conveyedinthe advertisementsare true sotheydon’ttry all productslistedinTV.But
illiteratesbelieveinthe contentandtry to buythose products.
Rai (2013) inhisconceptual studyfocusedonexaminingthe influence of advertisingonconsumer
buyingbehaviours andtodeterminethe influence of advertisingonattitude formationof consumers.It
was foundthatadvertisementhasainfluence onthe behaviourandattitude formationof consumers
not onlyinIndiabutworldwide.The consumersof durablesproductshave theirmotivational sourcesas
purchase.The consumersare inducedsignificantlybyadvertisementswhenthe targetisonqualityand
price.Purchase attitude and behaviourisinfluencedbyvarietyof advertisementswhichcover product
(Gupta,2013)In the presentera,marketersare focusingcustomerrule thatiscustomeristheirfirst
preference.Tokeepdeepeye oncustomersthe primaryresponsibilitytothe organizationistogainthe
knowledge aboutthe customers.Inthiswaymarketerswill be successful infulfillingthe needsand
wantsof the customersandseekthe betteropportunitiesinthe market.Researchersfindoutthat
marketersneedtounderstandthese fourthingsinordertoserve theircustomersbetter.Firstly
marketersmustknowthatcustomersmake rational decisionssotheycangetthe bestproduct available
inthe market.Secondlycustomersalsomake irrational decisionsandtheyare veryimpulsive andcanbe
attractedtowards the promotional activities.Inthe same wayemotional associationalsoputan
influenceonthe mindof customers.Inthe lastcustomersalsobuyas a problemsolver,theyseeksthe
productswhichcan solve theirproblem
(Arens& Bovée,1994:133-137)Advertising agenciesoperate withthese modelsandideaswhenever
theycreate a concept.The firsttaskin promotinganynew productisto create awarenessthatthe
productexists.The secondistoprovide enoughinformationtoenable learningaboutthe productfor
the prospective customertomake aninformeddecision.Finally,the marketerwantstobe persuasive
enoughtostimulate the customer'sdesire andmotivationtosatisfyhisorherneedsorwantsby
purchasingandrepurchasingthe product.These three personal processesof consumerbehaviour;
perception,learning,andmotivationare extremelyimportanttoadvertisers
(Vinod Kumar Bishnoi, 2009)In India advertising is a billionaire industry. It is considered one of
the fastest growing industries as well. Bishnoi and Ruchi (2009) noted the influence of male and
female teenagers of Haryana (District in India) to know the impact of television advertisement
on them. For this purpose they used multistage sampling method; they took four districts of
Haryana including some urban areas near to them. They distributed ‘1000’ questionnaires
among the respondents. Where ‘866’ questionnaires were best suited for the analysis. They
found that there is no major difference in liking the television advertisement between male and
female youngsters. They concluded that rural people get influenced by TV advertisement more
than urban people and also the involvement of selecting the product is higher in them.
Whereas urban don’t want to purchase the advertised product if they do not actually need it.
But they like the advertisement of the particular product or service which they are already

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impact of tv advertisment on consumer buying behaviour

  • 1. IMPACT OF TV ADVERTISMENT ON CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR ABSTRACT: Television advertising is a very effective tools of communicating message to its target audience as it has the ability to combine visual & audio communication and thus this makes advertisements is an important medium to make people aware of any products. This paper presents the results of a study designed to test the Impact of television advertising and on consumers’ buying behavior. The Primary data has been collected from 100 respondents from HYDERABAD. Structured questionnaires has been framed contained 20 questions which has been asked through online. The secondary data has been collected from books, websites, articles etc. Finally some Finding , limitations , conclusions & suggestion has been written in this paper. Though the different media spread awareness but television advertising plays a vital role in buying behavior of consumers INTRODUCTION: Advertising is the non-personal communication of the information usually paid for and persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. The advertiser intends to spread his ideas about the products and offerings among the prospects. Popularization of the products is thus, the basic aimof advertising. The majority of the marketers use mass media for their marketing communications. The choice of media is dependent upon the nature of the message and the intended target audience. Television advertising is the bestselling and economical media ever invented. It has a potential advertising impact unmatched by any other media. The advantage of television over the other mediums is that it is perceived as acombination of audio and video features; it provides products with instant validity and prominence and offers the greatest possibility for creative advertising. Over a longer period of time, the TV set has become a permanent fixture in all upper and middle class households, and it is not uncommon even in the poorer society of urban areas and rural households. Reactions to TV advertisements seem to be stronger than the reaction to print advertisements (Corlis, 1999). The advertisers find it more effective to use television rather than
  • 2. print media to reach consumers, partly due to low literacy rate (Ciochetto, 2004). TV advertising not only change emotions but give substantial message exerting a far reaching influence on the daily lives of people (Kotwal et al, 2008). Television is considered as a popular and powerful medium of information and entertainment to reach the audiences. Televisionadvertising has been a popular medium for advertisers ever since the first began to appear in living rooms with the arrival of cable television, production costs and the opportunity to reach smaller and more targeted markets, making it a medium for small to medium - size business programmes like songs, news, interviews, comedy and information attracts the largest audience than any other medium. Due to the technical development, opportunities to advertise on TV have increased over the past years. Audiences are exposed to hundreds and thousands of commercial messages a day. The willingness to watch commercials in TV is decreasing because of various reasons. All the ads are not noticed by the audiences as well as not all the ads are skipped by them, ads which have some entertainment value are liked, watched and remembered by audience which is awelcome response for the ad makers. The basic idea of advertising is to inform, educate and motivate potential buyers. In this era, the media of advertisement matters a lot. In the present era, TV seems to be the most popular and potent media as people are greatly influenced by what they see and see repeatedly. In urban areas especially the TV is the most effective medium of advertisement in persuading the viewer that it has become the most reliable channel of promoting products, both existing and newly launched ones. OBJECTIVES:  To identify the effect on Tv advertisement on the buying behaviour of consumers.  To identify the factors effecting the buying behaviour of consumer through TV advertisement. SCOPE:  This scope is related to FMCG goods only.
  • 3.  The scope is to know the impact of TV advertisement on consumers buying behaviours with reference to FMCG goods. SIGNIFICANCE:  This particular research focuses on the impact of TV advertisement on the user’s behaviour. It explores the factors which are affected by the advertisement and ultimately influence the buying behaviour of the consumers. The study will help the readers to understand the consumer behaviour while purchasing the FMCG goods. LIMITATIONS:  The present study was confined only to study Impact of TV Advertisement on Consumer Buying Behavior.  There is specific geographical area i.e. , Hyderabad city only .  They focused on FMCG goods only.  RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  PRIMARY DATA:  Primary date collected from the feedback of the customers with the help of questionnaire.  SECONDARYDATA:  Secondary data collected from the Internet, journals,newspapersetc. QUESTIONAIRE 1. Name : 2. Age: (a). Below19 (b) 19-22 (c) 22-25 (d) above 25 3. Gender (a)male (b)female 3. Annual Income (a) Up to 2lac (b) 2-5 lac (c) 5-8lac (d) 8- above
  • 4. 4. According to you which is most effective means of advertisement? (a) TV Ad (b) radio Ad (c) print Ad (d) Internet Ad (e) Direct mail 5. How much time do you spend on watching TV (daily)? (a) 1hour or less (b) 1 to 2 hour (c) 2 to 3 hour (d) 3 or more hour 6.Does the TV commercials convince you tobuy certain products (a) yes (b)no 7. Did a Product with good TV Commercial, but poor quality of the product/service ever disappoint you? (a) Sometimes (b) never (c) always 8. What is your reaction when you see or hear ad on TV? (a) Swapthe Channel (b) Move to dohouseholdwork (c) enjoythe adif the content& deliveryis good 9. Which kind of the programs do you usually watch? (a) Comedy (b) news(c) programs (d) sports(e) romance (f) drama 10 Which Kind of TV commercials usually attracts you? (a) With jingle/tagline (b) with celebrity endorsement (c) Animated (d) Humour 11 Which of the following components influence you most in the commercial ad? (a) Models (b) content (c) theme (d) punch line (e) background 12. TV Commercial viewing: I watch TV Commercial (a) To findouthowgood productis (b) To enjoyAdcoveringthese days (c) To helpme decide whatthingstobuy (d) To findout where Ican buy some product/service 13. Are you satisfied with the Television advertising of FMCG Products? (a) Sometimes (b) always (c) never
  • 5. 14 .Which factor influences on buying behaviour of FMCG products? (a) social (b) Psychological (c) cultural (d) personal 15. .DO YOU GET INFLUENCED THROUGH WORD OF MOUTH? a) Sometimes (b) always (c) never 16. How long do you think an average TV Commercial shouldbe in order to give the best impact on audience? (a) Less than20 sec (b) 21-40 sec (c) 41-60 sec (d) 1-2 min CHAPTER -2 Consumer buying behaviouris the sum total of a consumer's attitudes, preferences, intentions, and decisions regarding the consumer's behaviour in the marketplace when purchasing a product or service. The study of consumer behaviour draws upon social science disciplines of anthropology, psychology, sociology, and economics. Kotler (2004, p.601) defined Consumer-buying behaviour as "The buying behaviour consumers - individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption." In his definition word "consumer" referred to that person who search goods and services and then purchase it for self-satisfaction. Consumer term also refers to two main consuming entities: firstly personal consumers and secondly consumers who belong to any organization. An individual or personal consumer only purchase goods and services their own consumption. So here final consumer is any individual person, while those consumers who belong to any organization purchases any product or service for their organizational use. These consumers consist of profit and non-profit business, government agencies, institutions; all these organizations must purchase products, equipment and services in order to operate their firm (Kotler, 2004). The Buyer Decision Process Before purchasing a product the consumer go through this process: Five stages in the buyer decision process  Need recognition
  • 6.  Information search  Evaluation of alternatives  Purchase decision  Post-purchase evaluation 1. need recognition The first step is need recognition. During this step, the consumer realizes that she has an unfulfilled need or want. Let's use the example of a consumer who has just been informed by her mechanic that fixing her car will cost more than it's worth. Our consumer realizes that she now has a transportation problem and wants to fulfill that need with the purchase of a car 2. Information search - The next step is to gather information relevant to what you need to solve the problem. In our example, our consumer may engage in research on the Internet to determine the types of vehicles available and their respective features. 3. Evaluation - After information is gathered, it is evaluated against a consumer's needs, wants, preferences, and financial resources available for purchase. In our example, our consumer has decided to narrow her choices down to three cars based upon price, comfort, and fuel efficiency. 4. Purchase - At this stage, the consumer will make a purchasing decision. The ultimate decision may be based on factsuch as price or availability. For example, our consumer has decided to purchase a particular model of car because its price was the best she could negotiate and the car was available immediately. 5. Post purchase evaluation: At this stage , consumer will decides whether the purchase actually satisfies her needs and wants. Is our car purchaser happy with her purchase? If not y isn’t she? FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR: ADVERTISEMENT: The world has become a global market. Modern market is more dynamic, competitive, and consumer-oriented. Entire marketing process is aimed at satisfying consumers more effectively than competitors. Consumer satisfaction can be achieved by receiving information from market and sending information to the market. In order to inform, attract, and convince the valued customers, a marketer undertakes a number of promotional means. Advertising is one of the powerful
  • 7. means to inform about company’s total offers. Advertising is a dominant element of market promotion. Many times, the entire promotional efforts are replaced by advertising alone. Major portion of promotion budget is consumed by advertising alone. Advertising is so powerful and popular that it is taken as equal to marketing!! Mass media are used intensively to advertise various products. Marketing without advertising seems to be impossible. Advertising works like a magic stick to actualize marketing goals! Philip Kotler: “Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of goods, services, or ideas by an identified sponsor.” Key Decisions in Advertising: Advertising is one of – but popular and powerful – tools of market promotion. It involves a several decisions. Some experts explain advertising decisions and activities in form of six ‘M’s as under: 1. The first ‘M’ stands for Mission – Advertising Objectives. 2. The second ‘M stands for Money – Advertising Budget. 3. The third ‘M’ stands for Message – Creating Advertising Message and Copy. 4. The forth ‘M’ stand for Monitoring – Managing (organising) of Advertising Efforts.
  • 8. 5. The fifth ‘M’ stands for Media – Advertising Media Selection and Media Scheduling. 6. The sixth ‘M’ stands for Measurement – Measuring and Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness (MEAE). IMPACT OF TV ADVERSTISEMENT ON CHILDREN: Children make a substantial market segment for consumption of products for their personal needs and wants like chocolates, ice-creams, biscuits, and they also influence the purchase of their parents. The average child watches television for 3. 6 hours a day, or about of 25 hours a week, of which just over 3 hours, conservatively, are devoted to commercials ( Adler, 1977; Leonhard & Kerwin, 1970; Rossiter, 1979; Massey, 2006). These young consumers spend billions of dollars on their own (Geary, 1999). They also exert a substantial influence on their parents’ decision making and spending (Hawkins, 2001). Advertisers target children because of their high disposable income, their influence on parental purchases, their early establishments of loyalty to certain brands, and a conventional wisdom that they buy products on impulse (Chan & Mc Neal, 2004). John (1999) viewed socialization of children through three stages, namely perception stage (3- 7 years), analytical stage (7-11 years) and the reflective stage (11-16 years). Kotwal et al. (2008) studied the impact of media on lifestyle of adolescents in the age groups 12-18 years ofages and found that television and satellite channels certainly affected the lifestyle of individuals Influence of TV Advertisements on Teenagers TV advertising is a fleeting medium; messages flash and vanish so it requires more exposures. Moreover, in TV there is fragmentation of viewership becauseof variety
  • 9. of channels/ programme options (Ramaswami & Namakumari, 2004). Adolescent learn consumer skills primarily from parents and secondarily from media contacts (Brand & Greenberg, 1994). By watching television, teens may gain information about products, brands, stores and shopping as well as information about as to how products are used and fit with certain lifestyle (Moschis, 1978). As regards liking products such as cold drinks, cigarettes, movies, sports shoes, pens, garments, shaving creams, soaps, shampoos, is very much direct influence of TV commercials. The female counterparts show interest in products such as cosmetics, soap, shampoos, sanitary napkins, chocolates, food products, It is found that girls viewed TV advertisements with interest and found them entertaining and informative (Kotwal et. el., 2008). Moreover, in double – income families, where both husband and wife are earning, some purchase chores and decisions are handed over to youngsters in the family (Dubey & Patel, 2004). Influence of TV Advertisements on Adults Television is viewed on for an average of more than 8 hours per day, and public policy officials have viewed concern about the impact of such heavy viewing (Morgan, 1984). Indian adults, spare most of their free time in watching TV. They switch on TV and decide programme of their interest. During this span TV advertisements are passively accepted by them. They watch TV to relax. Women in India view television for longer hours. They make up over two-third of the adult viewing audience on weekday afternoons, the programme that traditionally include soap operas. Prime time evening audiences are more evenly divided, but women viewers still out numbered men. As a result, mostadvertisements carefully purchase time for their commercials during programmes watched by the particular ‘target’ audience they considermostlikely to buy (Kavitha, 2006). Advertisers often believe
  • 10. that the most desirable market for their products are young married professionals and managers who live in urban or sub-urban areas (Patti & Frazer) REVIEW OF LITERATURE: Katke (2007) conducteda case studyto findthe impacton televisionadvertisingonchildhealthand familyspending.Resultsshowsthatadvertisementchange the directhabitandleadtoviolentbehavior of children.Itcreatesastresson the parentsand hitsthe familybudget.The studyhasrevealedthe positive corelationshipbetweentimespentwithtelevisionbutthe adverse effectonchildrenand family. Yousafand Shehzad(2013) studiedthe effectandinfluence of TV commercialsoverilliterate and literate people of Pakistan.Findingsshowsthatilliteratespendmore than2hrsperday of TV commercialsandliterate watchlessthan2hrsper day.With regardto contentwatching70% of literates prefercontentinTV commercialsand68% of illiterateslikescontent.Itisfoundthatilliteratesare behaviourallyinfluencedwhereasliteratesare psychologicallyinfluenced.Notall the literatesbelieve in the message conveyedinthe advertisementsare true sotheydon’ttry all productslistedinTV.But illiteratesbelieveinthe contentandtry to buythose products. Rai (2013) inhisconceptual studyfocusedonexaminingthe influence of advertisingonconsumer buyingbehaviours andtodeterminethe influence of advertisingonattitude formationof consumers.It was foundthatadvertisementhasainfluence onthe behaviourandattitude formationof consumers not onlyinIndiabutworldwide.The consumersof durablesproductshave theirmotivational sourcesas advertisementsandstudyrevealedthatadvertisementmotivatesconsumerstomaterializethe purchase.The consumersare inducedsignificantlybyadvertisementswhenthe targetisonqualityand price.Purchase attitude and behaviourisinfluencedbyvarietyof advertisementswhichcover product evaluationandbrandrecognition. (Gupta,2013)In the presentera,marketersare focusingcustomerrule thatiscustomeristheirfirst preference.Tokeepdeepeye oncustomersthe primaryresponsibilitytothe organizationistogainthe knowledge aboutthe customers.Inthiswaymarketerswill be successful infulfillingthe needsand wantsof the customersandseekthe betteropportunitiesinthe market.Researchersfindoutthat marketersneedtounderstandthese fourthingsinordertoserve theircustomersbetter.Firstly marketersmustknowthatcustomersmake rational decisionssotheycangetthe bestproduct available inthe market.Secondlycustomersalsomake irrational decisionsandtheyare veryimpulsive andcanbe attractedtowards the promotional activities.Inthe same wayemotional associationalsoputan influenceonthe mindof customers.Inthe lastcustomersalsobuyas a problemsolver,theyseeksthe productswhichcan solve theirproblem (Arens& Bovée,1994:133-137)Advertising agenciesoperate withthese modelsandideaswhenever theycreate a concept.The firsttaskin promotinganynew productisto create awarenessthatthe productexists.The secondistoprovide enoughinformationtoenable learningaboutthe productfor
  • 11. the prospective customertomake aninformeddecision.Finally,the marketerwantstobe persuasive enoughtostimulate the customer'sdesire andmotivationtosatisfyhisorherneedsorwantsby purchasingandrepurchasingthe product.These three personal processesof consumerbehaviour; perception,learning,andmotivationare extremelyimportanttoadvertisers (Vinod Kumar Bishnoi, 2009)In India advertising is a billionaire industry. It is considered one of the fastest growing industries as well. Bishnoi and Ruchi (2009) noted the influence of male and female teenagers of Haryana (District in India) to know the impact of television advertisement on them. For this purpose they used multistage sampling method; they took four districts of Haryana including some urban areas near to them. They distributed ‘1000’ questionnaires among the respondents. Where ‘866’ questionnaires were best suited for the analysis. They found that there is no major difference in liking the television advertisement between male and female youngsters. They concluded that rural people get influenced by TV advertisement more than urban people and also the involvement of selecting the product is higher in them. Whereas urban don’t want to purchase the advertised product if they do not actually need it. But they like the advertisement of the particular product or service which they are already using.