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Influencer Outreach Plan
IMK522: New Media Marketing
Full Sail University, IMMS
Ryan Mickley
March 21, 2018
Section I
Section II
Section III
Section IV
Section V
Section VI
Section VII
Section VIII
Campaign Goals
Target Audience
Timeframe for Campaign
Internal Team Buy-In
KPI Schedule
Brand Storytelling
Pitch & Outreach Channels
Team Roles & Responsibilities
The case study company I chose to explore throughout my Internet Marketing
Master of Science program at Full Sail University is Praxis. Praxis is a “better,
faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university
system” (Morehouse, 2018) that combines professional development projects with
paid apprenticeship experience. Graduates of the program are “debt free and are
amongst the top 1% of young professionals making an average salary of $50,000
per year” (, 2018). 
Founded by Isaac Morehouse, Praxis provides young, driven, independent-thinkers
an opportunity to forego the traditional college experience in favor of a
personalized, real-world education that helps them start their career immediately.
• Build Trust and Rapport with Target Audience
- Reach 100 pieces of influencer-generated content (IGC) by end of 2018 and an
additional 150 pieces by end of 2019.
- Since Influencers have already built trust and rapport with Praxis’ target
audience, having these Influencers validate the Praxis programs would increase
trust and rapport through the principles of authority and social proof.
- IGC would ideally be published across Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and
Instagram (the most used social media sites for 18 to 24-year-olds according to
Pew Research Center) and would consist of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and
articles (Smith & Anderson, 2018).
• Attract New Prospects to Marketing System
- Increase Office Hours podcast listeners by 25% by end of 2018 and an
additional 35% by end of 2019.
- Interview podcasts are typically a value exchange between two or more
people seeking crossover appeal of audience members. Seeking micro-
influencers as occasional guests on the Office Hours show, and seeking
opportunities with primary Influencers to have Praxis' Leaders on their
shows, will increase exposure to the intended target audience. The Office
Hours podcast promotes content (i.e. newsletter, program guide, and
ebooks) that generates leads.
• Illustrate Benefits
- Increase email list by 100% by end of 2018 and an additional 75% by end of
- The bi-monthly Praxis newsletter highlights Praxis alumni and the amazing
work they are doing after completing the program. Having Influencers
promote the benefits of the “Praxis Way” and sending their followers (their
communities) to predetermined landing pages designed to capture email
addresses, would help Praxis paint the picture of a better, faster, cheaper,
more individualized alternative to the university system. The ideal partnership
would be having an Influencer actually hire a Praxis participant and speak
authentically about the overall experience.
• New Praxis Participants
- 10% increase in participants from 2017 to 2018 and
another 10% increase from 2018 to 2019.
• New Praxis Business Partners
- Establish 10 new business partners in 2018 and an
additional 10 new business partners in 2019.
The following company goals will be met by achieving the aforementioned Influencer Marketing Campaign
goals. Since joining Praxis requires a life-altering decision and substantial financial investment, there is a
long sales cycle at play. The revolutionary nature of Praxis’ services require an increase in educational
marketing materials to help move customers through the buying journey.
• Gender: Predominantly Male
- 70% Male, 30% Female
• Age: Millennials
- 80% between the ages of 16-23
- 10% between the ages of 24-27
- 10% between the ages of 28-33
• Race: Predominantly White
- 60% White; 15% Hispanic; 10% Black;
10% Asian; 5% Other
• Location: Suburban and Rural
- 50% Suburban; 40% Rural; 10% Urban
• Family: Single
- 90% Single
• Income: Socioeconomic
Middle-class Family
- Average Family Household Income -
• Interests: Freedom &
- Netflix Original Series
- Drones and GoPro cameras
- Healthy eating and staying active
- Developing business
- Sports entertainment
• Activities: Adventure
- Community involvement
- Outdoor activities (hiking, biking,
camping, kayaking, fishing)
- Reading and Podcasts
- Watching movies on Netflix
- Flag football (and other recreational
• Opinions: Libertarian with
Conservative Leanings
- Education must be personalized
- Debt sucks!
- Free market principles will solve many
of our nation’s problems
- Refuse to choose between political
parties and would rather start their
- Give a man a fish and feed him for a
day. Teach a man to fish and feed him
for a lifetime.
2 YEARS: 2018-19
• Quarter 1: Planning & Outreach
• Quarter 2: Outreach & Engagement
• Quarter 3: Engagement & Assessments
• Quarter 4: Assessments, Adjustments, & Repeat
Praxis should engage in this Influencer Marketing Campaign for a total of two years to
determine its true validity. The primary objective is to increase brand awareness and begin
converting leads into prospects. Since Praxis offers an alternative to a traditional
postsecondary education experience, and choosing Praxis would require a substantial
financial investment, relocation, and full-time commitment, the sales cycle is rather long.
Thus, ROI pinned directly to an increase in program participants brought in through an
Influencer, would need time to come to fruition.
To gain internal team buy-in for the Influencer Marketing Campaign, I recommend pitching
the campaign as a means to act in accordance with the prevailing ideas of the company and
those they espouse in their professional development programs.
Praxis is founded on the idea that young professionals need to transition from a permission
mindset to a value creation mindset. Essentially, “Don’t just tell me what you can do, show
me” (Morehouse, 2015). Founder, Isaac Morehouse, is known for professing the need to
“take ownership of the company vision, whether you created it or not…Do one thing to add
value to yourself and your company every single day” (Morehouse, 2015).
Therefore, to gain buy-in from the entire team, I recommend we “eat our own dog food”
and live out our company values and principles. By focusing on the value the Influencer
Marketing Campaign would bring to the company, and by presenting solutions to the brand
awareness problem the company is currently experiencing, I would be adding something of
value to the company while providing ways for the entire team to get involved.
By end of Quarter 1, 5% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Since this time
period consists primarily of planning and outreach, much of the results from Influencer
engagement would not yet be seen.Q1
By end of Quarter 2, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on
an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 100 pieces of IGC = 25 IGC pieces in Q2. 25
pieces / 3 mon. = ~8.3 IGC pieces per month. 8.3 pieces / 4 wks = ~2.08 pieces per week.
By end of Quarter 3, 40% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on
an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 40% of 100 pieces of IGC = 40 IGC pieces in Q3. 40
pieces / 3 mon. = ~13.3 IGC pieces per month. 13.3 pieces / 4 wks = ~3.33 pieces per week.
By end of Quarter 4, 30% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on
an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 30% of 100 pieces of IGC = 30 IGC pieces in Q4. 30
pieces / 3 mon. = 10 IGC pieces per month. 10 pieces / 4 wks = 2.5 pieces per week.
By end of Quarter 1, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an
even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q1. 37.5
pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.Q1
By end of Quarter 2, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an
even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q2. 37.5
pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.
By end of Quarter 3, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an
even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q3. 37.5
pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.
By end of Quarter 4, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and
monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an
even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q4. 37.5
pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.
The university system is broken.
The traditional pathway for career advancement through earning a degree no longer works for the
new world of work. Skyrocketing tuition costs, easy access to free, self-guided education online, and a
rapidly changing marketplace due to exponential growth in technology, have contributed to the
ineffectiveness of many college degree programs.
The degree is simply a credential, a signal to the world that you are capable of learning new concepts
and perhaps able to implement them if asked to do so. Create your own credential through a value
creation mindset and learn by doing.
Praxis is a better, faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university system that helps
you start your desired career immediately and, best of all, debt-free!
The Only Two Things That Matter in the Market
• The ability to create value for others.
• The ability to persuade others of your value creation potential.
Praxis helps participants do exactly that. (, 2018)
Having Influencers share the “Value Creation Mindset” brand story would help
Praxis achieve Goal #3 - Illustrate Benefits (Increase email list by 100% by end of
2018 and an additional 75% by end of 2019). Praxis has helped launch hundreds of
careers using the value creation mindset. Influencers could share these success
stories with their audience members and even include their own experience
implementing the value creation mindset. Hearing and seeing the benefits of the
mindset, and thus the linchpin of the Praxis programs, potential participants will be
moved to pursue career advancement through Praxis.
• Motivations, Creative Revenue Generation Opportunities
- Develop a creative revenue stream for, Jason’s online course development platform. Have Praxis participants
showcase talents by teaching techniques they learned throughout the program and during their professional
development projects. Jason could simultaneously promote and the benefits of Praxis’ programs.
- WHY? Jason is known for his innovative marketing and sales techniques. He made over a million dollars wearing t-shirts
for companies, earned sponsors for every page of his book before a word was ever written, and sold his last name
(twice) to the highest bidder.
• Channels, Email and Slack
- Traditionally, the best channels to reach Jason were through social media platforms like Twitter. However, after closing, Jason has develop his “Action Army” that consists primarily of freelancers and entrepreneurs that
he communicates with regularly through email and private Slack groups.
• Compensation, Creative Revenue & Sample Product
- Financial compensation package to be modeled after, peer-to-peer payments through cryptocurrency micro-
payments based on quality content worth viewing and sharing.
- Jason essentially gets to “sample product” by witnessing first hand the talented Praxis participants and the value they
can provide to startup companies.
• Motivations, “2nd Pillar of Market Acceptance”
- Praxis need only to emphasize the company’s mission and purpose, “a better, faster, cheaper, more individualized
alternative to the university system,” and showcase the results their programs have had on young professionals thus far.
- WHY? Gary is well-known for his epic social media rants against earning a college degree. In a recent “surprise and
delight” phone call with a Twitter follower seeking advice on how to start her own marriage counseling practice, Gary
explains what he calls the “3 Pillars of Market Acceptance” (Vaynerchuk, 2018). The second “pillar” is precisely the
“Praxis Way.”
• Channels, Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram
- Gary and his team are active across all major social media networks nearly every hour of the day. Praxis should reach out
to Gary on a daily basis via Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram by implementing concepts found in his
bestselling books (The Thank You Economy, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, #AskGaryVee, Crushing It!).
- WHY? Gary built multimillion dollar businesses on personalized, transparent, and authentic social media engagement
with his followers.
• Compensation, Altruism & Product Sample
- Gary genuinely loves helping up-and-coming entrepreneurs and is constantly producing motivational videos filled with
hard-hitting, no-nonsense advice for young adults. He wrote a book regarding altruism (The Thank You Economy). Giving
value to others is what he lives for. However, Praxis should also offer Gary an apprentice, which is paid for by Praxis
rather than VaynerMedia. In this way, he would be able to speak authentically about the value a Praxis participant brings
to a company.
• Motivations, “Conservatarian” (Conservative/Libertarian)
- Having been in the political fight for years, which ultimately led to the creation of the company, Praxis should leverage Isaac
Morehouse’s political experience to partner with Charlie Kirk and gain access to his Turning Point USA audience of high
school and college students. This would be a “chest move” of sorts that eventually leads to promoting the same
fundamental idea in both politics and business - liberty (Morehouse, 2018).
- WHY? Charlie is an activist that seems to enjoy going on offense, he brings the ideological fight to the college campus. The
purpose of Praxis, however, is to show the world the life altering power of the manifestation of liberty. There are many
creative-minded young people yearning to breath free from the university system of credentialing that Turning Point USA
could send to Praxis, all while implementing the same ideals. Different means, but the same ends (Turning Point USA, 2018).
• Channels, Phone Calls, Emails, Light Social Media
- As a sought after subject matter expert, Charlie has several gatekeepers between him and those seeking partnership with
him. He is active on social media but mostly through one-way communication. To communicate directly with Charlie, Praxis
would first need to build a relationship with the gatekeepers at Turning Point USA. This would primarily be done through
phone calls and emails.
• Compensation, Access Exchange
- Isaac Morehouse, T.K. Coleman, and many other team members at Praxis have a deep and rich relationship with the
Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Leveraging their FEE relationships could connect Charlie and Turning Point USA
with an audience of like minded people. This could lead to cross-promotional event sponsorship and speaking engagement
opportunities for both Charlie and Praxis Team Members.
• Motivations, Promoting Financially Conservative Companies
- Praxis should advertise with the Dave Ramsey Show. This would be the company’s largest financial commitment for the
Influencer Marketing Campaign, however, the potential ROI is substantial. The Dave Ramsey Show reaches a nationwide
audience of over 13 million listeners per week. Advertising with Dave Ramsey would give him yet another company that
supports his values and principles. He has been known to criticize those piling on student loan debt while earning a
worthless degree. Praxis can solve many problems his listeners face by giving young people an alternative to college.
- WHY? The Praxis programs, ideals, and business model are all compatible with what Dave promotes on his show, in his
books, and through his companies.
• Channels, Phone Calls and Emails
- As a sought after subject matter expert, Dave has several gatekeepers between him and those seeking partnership with
him. He is active on social media but mostly through one-way communication. To communicate directly with Dave,
Praxis would first need to build a relationship with the gatekeepers at Ramsey Solutions. This would primarily be done
through phone calls and emails.
• Compensation, Advertising Dollars & Product Sample
- As mentioned, the initial investment in this Influencer outreach would be advertising dollars. However, as part of this
deal, Praxis should also offer Dave an apprentice, which is paid for by Praxis rather than Ramsey Solutions. In this way,
he would be able to speak authentically about the value a Praxis participant brings to a company.
Brian Nuckols, Marketing Associate
This will be Brian’s leadership project for Praxis. The company is made up of only 10 team members
at this time. Each team member will play a role in implementing the Influencer Marketing Campaign,
however, Brian will take the lead as a means to add value to the company and gain leadership
experience. This, again, speaks to the values and guiding principles of Praxis. Having a junior team
member take the lead over a “C-Suite” team member is exactly what Praxis would advocate for its
program participants to do. Brian will act as the point person for the campaign, with direct
interactions with all Influencers and team members. He will facilitate a 45 minute quarterly meeting
to update the entire Praxis team on the progress the campaign is making.
(, 2018)
• Plan - develop a comprehensive Influencer Marketing Campaign that supports company goals
• Organize - structure the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks and allocate responsibilities to other
team members where necessary
• Outreach - communicate directly with the Influencers and actively build relationships with gatekeepers
• Monitor, Analyze, & Optimize - observe progress made online through a variety of social channels;
determine success or failure based on established KPIs; implement adjustments to increase effectiveness
T.K. Coleman, Education Director
Has been a part of the team at Praxis since its foundation and knows the brand very well. Will be asked to host
Influencers on the Office Hours podcast (as well as his independent podcast), contribute to Influencer outreach
efforts through leveraging existing contacts and speaking engagement contacts.
(, 2018)
Chuck Grimmett, CTO
Will work directly with Brian to produce a VIP portal for Influencers to access media files that will help
them speak authentically about the benefits of the Praxis programs while highlighting case studies.
Cameron Sorsby, COO
Will be overseeing the business partner outreach initiatives associated with the overall Influencer
Marketing Campaign. Should the Influencers agree to hire an apprentice from Praxis, Cameron
would need to facilitate the process.
Ryan Ferguson, Placement Advisor
Will work as liaison between Cameron, the Praxis participants, and the Influencer if selected as the
apprentice of choice for the Influencer.
Isaac Morehouse, Founder & CEO
Knows the Praxis brand better than anyone else and is essential to helping deliver a clear and consistent message. Will
be asked to host Influencers on the Office Hours podcast (as well as his independent podcast), contribute to Influencer
outreach efforts through leveraging FEE contacts and speaking engagement contacts.
Derek Magill, Director of Marketing
Should be available for additional guidance and/or outreach efforts. Could use his status as a means to
leverage relationships with influencers.
Sara Morrison, Director of Operations
Should be available to coordinate compensation exchanges with influencers.
Laurie Barber, Customer Service & Operations Associate
Responsible for identifying micro-influencers.
Hannah Frankman, Education Associate
Responsible for identifying micro-influencers.
(, 2018)
Dave Ramsey. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from
Dear Book Publisher. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018,
Gary Vaynerchuk. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from
Jason Does Stuff. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from
Lehr, A. (2016, November 14). 3 Steps to Identify Influencers in
Your Industry. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from http://
Morehouse, I. (2018, March). Retrieved March 21, 2018 from
Morehouse, I. (2015, November 19). Experience Beats Bullet-Points
(and Three Opportunities to Gain It). Retrieved March 21, 2018,
Morehouse, I. (2015, September 13). Five College and Career
Fallacies Young People Should Avoid. Retrieved March 21, 2018,
Morehouse, I. (2018, March). The Value Creation Mindset. Retrieved
March 21, 2018, from
Turning Point USA. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from
Turning Point USA (2018, January 3). What Is A
“Conservatarian?" [Video File]. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from
Smith, A., & Anderson, M. (2018, March 01). Social Media Use in
2018. Retrieved March 15, 2018, from http://
Vaynerchuk, G. (2018, March). Why Working for Free Gives You
Authority | Surprising a Fan From Twitter [Video File]. Retrieved
March 21, 2018, from

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IMK522: New Media Marketing - Influencer Outreach Plan

  • 1. Influencer Outreach Plan IMK522: New Media Marketing Full Sail University, IMMS Ryan Mickley March 21, 2018
  • 2. CONTENTS Section I Section II Section III Section IV Section V Section VI Section VII Section VIII References Campaign Goals Target Audience Timeframe for Campaign Internal Team Buy-In KPI Schedule Brand Storytelling Pitch & Outreach Channels Team Roles & Responsibilities
  • 3. ABOUT PRAXIS The case study company I chose to explore throughout my Internet Marketing Master of Science program at Full Sail University is Praxis. Praxis is a “better, faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university system” (Morehouse, 2018) that combines professional development projects with paid apprenticeship experience. Graduates of the program are “debt free and are amongst the top 1% of young professionals making an average salary of $50,000 per year” (, 2018).  Founded by Isaac Morehouse, Praxis provides young, driven, independent-thinkers an opportunity to forego the traditional college experience in favor of a personalized, real-world education that helps them start their career immediately.
  • 5. CAMPAIGN GOAL 1 • Build Trust and Rapport with Target Audience - Reach 100 pieces of influencer-generated content (IGC) by end of 2018 and an additional 150 pieces by end of 2019. - Since Influencers have already built trust and rapport with Praxis’ target audience, having these Influencers validate the Praxis programs would increase trust and rapport through the principles of authority and social proof. - IGC would ideally be published across Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and Instagram (the most used social media sites for 18 to 24-year-olds according to Pew Research Center) and would consist of blog posts, videos, podcasts, and articles (Smith & Anderson, 2018).
  • 6. CAMPAIGN GOAL 2 • Attract New Prospects to Marketing System - Increase Office Hours podcast listeners by 25% by end of 2018 and an additional 35% by end of 2019. - Interview podcasts are typically a value exchange between two or more people seeking crossover appeal of audience members. Seeking micro- influencers as occasional guests on the Office Hours show, and seeking opportunities with primary Influencers to have Praxis' Leaders on their shows, will increase exposure to the intended target audience. The Office Hours podcast promotes content (i.e. newsletter, program guide, and ebooks) that generates leads.
  • 7. CAMPAIGN GOAL 3 • Illustrate Benefits - Increase email list by 100% by end of 2018 and an additional 75% by end of 2019. - The bi-monthly Praxis newsletter highlights Praxis alumni and the amazing work they are doing after completing the program. Having Influencers promote the benefits of the “Praxis Way” and sending their followers (their communities) to predetermined landing pages designed to capture email addresses, would help Praxis paint the picture of a better, faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university system. The ideal partnership would be having an Influencer actually hire a Praxis participant and speak authentically about the overall experience.
  • 8. COMPANY GOALS • New Praxis Participants - 10% increase in participants from 2017 to 2018 and another 10% increase from 2018 to 2019. • New Praxis Business Partners - Establish 10 new business partners in 2018 and an additional 10 new business partners in 2019. The following company goals will be met by achieving the aforementioned Influencer Marketing Campaign goals. Since joining Praxis requires a life-altering decision and substantial financial investment, there is a long sales cycle at play. The revolutionary nature of Praxis’ services require an increase in educational marketing materials to help move customers through the buying journey.
  • 10. DEMOGRAPHICS • Gender: Predominantly Male - 70% Male, 30% Female • Age: Millennials - 80% between the ages of 16-23 - 10% between the ages of 24-27 - 10% between the ages of 28-33 • Race: Predominantly White Americans - 60% White; 15% Hispanic; 10% Black; 10% Asian; 5% Other • Location: Suburban and Rural America - 50% Suburban; 40% Rural; 10% Urban • Family: Single - 90% Single • Income: Socioeconomic Middle-class Family - Average Family Household Income - $100K
  • 11. PSYCHOGRAPHICS • Interests: Freedom & Independence - Netflix Original Series - Drones and GoPro cameras - Healthy eating and staying active - Developing business - Sports entertainment • Activities: Adventure - Community involvement - Outdoor activities (hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, fishing) - Reading and Podcasts - Watching movies on Netflix - Flag football (and other recreational sports) • Opinions: Libertarian with Conservative Leanings - Education must be personalized - Debt sucks! - Free market principles will solve many of our nation’s problems - Refuse to choose between political parties and would rather start their own - Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime.
  • 13. 2 YEARS: 2018-19 • Quarter 1: Planning & Outreach • Quarter 2: Outreach & Engagement • Quarter 3: Engagement & Assessments • Quarter 4: Assessments, Adjustments, & Repeat Praxis should engage in this Influencer Marketing Campaign for a total of two years to determine its true validity. The primary objective is to increase brand awareness and begin converting leads into prospects. Since Praxis offers an alternative to a traditional postsecondary education experience, and choosing Praxis would require a substantial financial investment, relocation, and full-time commitment, the sales cycle is rather long. Thus, ROI pinned directly to an increase in program participants brought in through an Influencer, would need time to come to fruition.
  • 15. SHOW DON’T TELL To gain internal team buy-in for the Influencer Marketing Campaign, I recommend pitching the campaign as a means to act in accordance with the prevailing ideas of the company and those they espouse in their professional development programs. Praxis is founded on the idea that young professionals need to transition from a permission mindset to a value creation mindset. Essentially, “Don’t just tell me what you can do, show me” (Morehouse, 2015). Founder, Isaac Morehouse, is known for professing the need to “take ownership of the company vision, whether you created it or not…Do one thing to add value to yourself and your company every single day” (Morehouse, 2015). Therefore, to gain buy-in from the entire team, I recommend we “eat our own dog food” and live out our company values and principles. By focusing on the value the Influencer Marketing Campaign would bring to the company, and by presenting solutions to the brand awareness problem the company is currently experiencing, I would be adding something of value to the company while providing ways for the entire team to get involved.
  • 17. 2018 By end of Quarter 1, 5% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Since this time period consists primarily of planning and outreach, much of the results from Influencer engagement would not yet be seen.Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 By end of Quarter 2, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 100 pieces of IGC = 25 IGC pieces in Q2. 25 pieces / 3 mon. = ~8.3 IGC pieces per month. 8.3 pieces / 4 wks = ~2.08 pieces per week. By end of Quarter 3, 40% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 40% of 100 pieces of IGC = 40 IGC pieces in Q3. 40 pieces / 3 mon. = ~13.3 IGC pieces per month. 13.3 pieces / 4 wks = ~3.33 pieces per week. By end of Quarter 4, 30% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 30% of 100 pieces of IGC = 30 IGC pieces in Q4. 30 pieces / 3 mon. = 10 IGC pieces per month. 10 pieces / 4 wks = 2.5 pieces per week.
  • 18. 2019 By end of Quarter 1, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q1. 37.5 pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 By end of Quarter 2, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q2. 37.5 pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week. By end of Quarter 3, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q3. 37.5 pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week. By end of Quarter 4, 25% of each of the three stated goals should be achieved. Weekly and monthly checks on KPIs should be conducted. Successful progress to be determined based on an even divide of the quarterly KPI. i.e. 25% of 150 pieces of IGC = 37.5 IGC pieces in Q4. 37.5 pieces / 3 mon. = 12.5 IGC pieces per month. 12.5 pieces / 4 wks = 3.125 pieces per week.
  • 20. VALUE CREATION MINDSET The university system is broken. The traditional pathway for career advancement through earning a degree no longer works for the new world of work. Skyrocketing tuition costs, easy access to free, self-guided education online, and a rapidly changing marketplace due to exponential growth in technology, have contributed to the ineffectiveness of many college degree programs. The degree is simply a credential, a signal to the world that you are capable of learning new concepts and perhaps able to implement them if asked to do so. Create your own credential through a value creation mindset and learn by doing. Praxis is a better, faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university system that helps you start your desired career immediately and, best of all, debt-free! The Only Two Things That Matter in the Market • The ability to create value for others. • The ability to persuade others of your value creation potential. Praxis helps participants do exactly that. (, 2018)
  • 21. ILLUSTRATE BENEFITS Having Influencers share the “Value Creation Mindset” brand story would help Praxis achieve Goal #3 - Illustrate Benefits (Increase email list by 100% by end of 2018 and an additional 75% by end of 2019). Praxis has helped launch hundreds of careers using the value creation mindset. Influencers could share these success stories with their audience members and even include their own experience implementing the value creation mindset. Hearing and seeing the benefits of the mindset, and thus the linchpin of the Praxis programs, potential participants will be moved to pursue career advancement through Praxis.
  • 23. JASON ZOOK • Motivations, Creative Revenue Generation Opportunities - Develop a creative revenue stream for, Jason’s online course development platform. Have Praxis participants showcase talents by teaching techniques they learned throughout the program and during their professional development projects. Jason could simultaneously promote and the benefits of Praxis’ programs. - WHY? Jason is known for his innovative marketing and sales techniques. He made over a million dollars wearing t-shirts for companies, earned sponsors for every page of his book before a word was ever written, and sold his last name (twice) to the highest bidder. • Channels, Email and Slack - Traditionally, the best channels to reach Jason were through social media platforms like Twitter. However, after closing, Jason has develop his “Action Army” that consists primarily of freelancers and entrepreneurs that he communicates with regularly through email and private Slack groups. • Compensation, Creative Revenue & Sample Product - Financial compensation package to be modeled after, peer-to-peer payments through cryptocurrency micro- payments based on quality content worth viewing and sharing. - Jason essentially gets to “sample product” by witnessing first hand the talented Praxis participants and the value they can provide to startup companies.
  • 24. GARY VAYNERCHUK • Motivations, “2nd Pillar of Market Acceptance” - Praxis need only to emphasize the company’s mission and purpose, “a better, faster, cheaper, more individualized alternative to the university system,” and showcase the results their programs have had on young professionals thus far. - WHY? Gary is well-known for his epic social media rants against earning a college degree. In a recent “surprise and delight” phone call with a Twitter follower seeking advice on how to start her own marriage counseling practice, Gary explains what he calls the “3 Pillars of Market Acceptance” (Vaynerchuk, 2018). The second “pillar” is precisely the “Praxis Way.” • Channels, Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram - Gary and his team are active across all major social media networks nearly every hour of the day. Praxis should reach out to Gary on a daily basis via Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram by implementing concepts found in his bestselling books (The Thank You Economy, Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, #AskGaryVee, Crushing It!). - WHY? Gary built multimillion dollar businesses on personalized, transparent, and authentic social media engagement with his followers. • Compensation, Altruism & Product Sample - Gary genuinely loves helping up-and-coming entrepreneurs and is constantly producing motivational videos filled with hard-hitting, no-nonsense advice for young adults. He wrote a book regarding altruism (The Thank You Economy). Giving value to others is what he lives for. However, Praxis should also offer Gary an apprentice, which is paid for by Praxis rather than VaynerMedia. In this way, he would be able to speak authentically about the value a Praxis participant brings to a company.
  • 25. CHARLIE KIRK • Motivations, “Conservatarian” (Conservative/Libertarian) - Having been in the political fight for years, which ultimately led to the creation of the company, Praxis should leverage Isaac Morehouse’s political experience to partner with Charlie Kirk and gain access to his Turning Point USA audience of high school and college students. This would be a “chest move” of sorts that eventually leads to promoting the same fundamental idea in both politics and business - liberty (Morehouse, 2018). - WHY? Charlie is an activist that seems to enjoy going on offense, he brings the ideological fight to the college campus. The purpose of Praxis, however, is to show the world the life altering power of the manifestation of liberty. There are many creative-minded young people yearning to breath free from the university system of credentialing that Turning Point USA could send to Praxis, all while implementing the same ideals. Different means, but the same ends (Turning Point USA, 2018). • Channels, Phone Calls, Emails, Light Social Media - As a sought after subject matter expert, Charlie has several gatekeepers between him and those seeking partnership with him. He is active on social media but mostly through one-way communication. To communicate directly with Charlie, Praxis would first need to build a relationship with the gatekeepers at Turning Point USA. This would primarily be done through phone calls and emails. • Compensation, Access Exchange - Isaac Morehouse, T.K. Coleman, and many other team members at Praxis have a deep and rich relationship with the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). Leveraging their FEE relationships could connect Charlie and Turning Point USA with an audience of like minded people. This could lead to cross-promotional event sponsorship and speaking engagement opportunities for both Charlie and Praxis Team Members.
  • 26. DAVE RAMSEY • Motivations, Promoting Financially Conservative Companies - Praxis should advertise with the Dave Ramsey Show. This would be the company’s largest financial commitment for the Influencer Marketing Campaign, however, the potential ROI is substantial. The Dave Ramsey Show reaches a nationwide audience of over 13 million listeners per week. Advertising with Dave Ramsey would give him yet another company that supports his values and principles. He has been known to criticize those piling on student loan debt while earning a worthless degree. Praxis can solve many problems his listeners face by giving young people an alternative to college. - WHY? The Praxis programs, ideals, and business model are all compatible with what Dave promotes on his show, in his books, and through his companies. • Channels, Phone Calls and Emails - As a sought after subject matter expert, Dave has several gatekeepers between him and those seeking partnership with him. He is active on social media but mostly through one-way communication. To communicate directly with Dave, Praxis would first need to build a relationship with the gatekeepers at Ramsey Solutions. This would primarily be done through phone calls and emails. • Compensation, Advertising Dollars & Product Sample - As mentioned, the initial investment in this Influencer outreach would be advertising dollars. However, as part of this deal, Praxis should also offer Dave an apprentice, which is paid for by Praxis rather than Ramsey Solutions. In this way, he would be able to speak authentically about the value a Praxis participant brings to a company.
  • 28. LEADERSHIP Brian Nuckols, Marketing Associate This will be Brian’s leadership project for Praxis. The company is made up of only 10 team members at this time. Each team member will play a role in implementing the Influencer Marketing Campaign, however, Brian will take the lead as a means to add value to the company and gain leadership experience. This, again, speaks to the values and guiding principles of Praxis. Having a junior team member take the lead over a “C-Suite” team member is exactly what Praxis would advocate for its program participants to do. Brian will act as the point person for the campaign, with direct interactions with all Influencers and team members. He will facilitate a 45 minute quarterly meeting to update the entire Praxis team on the progress the campaign is making. (, 2018) Responsibilities • Plan - develop a comprehensive Influencer Marketing Campaign that supports company goals • Organize - structure the weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly tasks and allocate responsibilities to other team members where necessary • Outreach - communicate directly with the Influencers and actively build relationships with gatekeepers • Monitor, Analyze, & Optimize - observe progress made online through a variety of social channels; determine success or failure based on established KPIs; implement adjustments to increase effectiveness
  • 29. CAMPAIGN TEAM T.K. Coleman, Education Director Has been a part of the team at Praxis since its foundation and knows the brand very well. Will be asked to host Influencers on the Office Hours podcast (as well as his independent podcast), contribute to Influencer outreach efforts through leveraging existing contacts and speaking engagement contacts. (, 2018) Chuck Grimmett, CTO Will work directly with Brian to produce a VIP portal for Influencers to access media files that will help them speak authentically about the benefits of the Praxis programs while highlighting case studies. Cameron Sorsby, COO Will be overseeing the business partner outreach initiatives associated with the overall Influencer Marketing Campaign. Should the Influencers agree to hire an apprentice from Praxis, Cameron would need to facilitate the process. Ryan Ferguson, Placement Advisor Will work as liaison between Cameron, the Praxis participants, and the Influencer if selected as the apprentice of choice for the Influencer. Isaac Morehouse, Founder & CEO Knows the Praxis brand better than anyone else and is essential to helping deliver a clear and consistent message. Will be asked to host Influencers on the Office Hours podcast (as well as his independent podcast), contribute to Influencer outreach efforts through leveraging FEE contacts and speaking engagement contacts.
  • 30. ANCILLARY Derek Magill, Director of Marketing Should be available for additional guidance and/or outreach efforts. Could use his status as a means to leverage relationships with influencers. Sara Morrison, Director of Operations Should be available to coordinate compensation exchanges with influencers. Laurie Barber, Customer Service & Operations Associate Responsible for identifying micro-influencers. Hannah Frankman, Education Associate Responsible for identifying micro-influencers. (, 2018)
  • 31. REFERENCES Dave Ramsey. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Dear Book Publisher. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Gary Vaynerchuk. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Jason Does Stuff. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Lehr, A. (2016, November 14). 3 Steps to Identify Influencers in Your Industry. Retrieved March 12, 2018, from http:// industry/ Morehouse, I. (2018, March). Retrieved March 21, 2018 from Morehouse, I. (2015, November 19). Experience Beats Bullet-Points (and Three Opportunities to Gain It). Retrieved March 21, 2018, from bullet-points-and-three-opportunities-to-gain-it/ Morehouse, I. (2015, September 13). Five College and Career Fallacies Young People Should Avoid. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from career-fallacies-young-people-should-avoid/ Morehouse, I. (2018, March). The Value Creation Mindset. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from mindset/ Turning Point USA. (2018, March). Retrieved March 12, 2018, from Turning Point USA (2018, January 3). What Is A “Conservatarian?" [Video File]. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from Smith, A., & Anderson, M. (2018, March 01). Social Media Use in 2018. Retrieved March 15, 2018, from http:// Vaynerchuk, G. (2018, March). Why Working for Free Gives You Authority | Surprising a Fan From Twitter [Video File]. Retrieved March 21, 2018, from 10156145571368350/