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Leadership powered by belief
A walk towards the waking dream
G1 @
“I always entertain great hopes”
-Robert Frost 04
To someone whose dream is to one day be an author, editing a newsletter seems to
be a step in the right direction. It was a pleasant, no, an incredible delight when I was
approached to be the Chief Editor of the first ever newsletter from Area G1.
Toastmasters is a forum for us to express our brilliance and speak our mind. It's a
trove of opportunities that only becomes richer as one explores further. And I thank
the Area Director TM Animesh and the Contest Chair TM Pallavi for giving TM Lalitha
and myself this opportunity.
It's a momentous occasion, a milestone in the history of Area G1 , and to be a part of
it feels amazing. Such an important task required us to make some decisions that
would have far reaching consequences, such as choosing the newsletter’s name, the
theme and so on. It is necessary that the theme should reflect the aspirations of the
clubs that are the pillars of the Area, and inspire us to keep fighting the adverse
circumstances we face today.
Hope is energy. Hope is power. Hope is the matchstick that IGNITEs the fire of
strength and courage. Hope is the difference between giving up and hitting the home
run. Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, daring us to brave the dark tunnel for a
better life. Hope inspires us, allows us to believe all our dreams are within our reach,
have faith in our ability to reach them. Hope is the staircase connecting us to the
moon, the bridge to the sun, the road to reaching our fullest potential.
TM Lalitha Krithika K & TM Sathya Priya K
Chief Editors of Ignite 2019-20
“I always entertain great hopes”
-Robert Frost 05
We have created this newsletter for our readers, to instill hope, to encourage the
feeling of togetherness. Nothing could be a success without the eager participation
of our clubs and members, and their contributions, their ideas and their creativity is
what makes this newsletter what it is.
The amazing team behind the newsletter and the contest, were the ones who made
it possible with their resilient efforts despite the hindering circumstances of the
lockdown. Here's a shout out to them!
Let hope be your guide in achieving your dreams. Happy Toastmastering !
And Happy Reading!!
From Chief Editors
“Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles” 06
Dear Club Presidents and the members,
I wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous year
ahead. Stay home stay safe.
"At the end of life what matters is not what we bought
but what we built, not what we got but what we shared,
not our competence but our character, and not our
success but our significance. Live a life that matters, a
life of love, care and share"- Anonymous.
You only live once but if you work it right, once is
enough. I am mesmerized by the teamwork and the
practice of loving, caring and sharing portrayed by our
team in the past 10 months. I am sure you too would be.
Dear members, I take Immense pleasure in writing about
our club and area progress in the past 10 months.
I would like to thank our area Trio TM Satyam
(Assistance AD) , Pallavi (PQM) and Harini (PRM) all the
club presidents , ExCom's and the members for their
wonderful support throughout the year.
We started the term in July 2019, with a new team but
with time everything became very smooth. The team's
enthusiasm, dedication and passion towards serving the
club and members helped to take the club and area to
the new heights. We feel proud to be part of one of the
biggest areas in our district 82 (Tamilnadu and Srilanka).
Which is spread over two diff states, From OMR
stretched Navallur to Vandalur Road and Pondicherry.
which all types of TMI clubs Corporate, community and
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” 07
I still remember the DEC meeting on 27th May 2019.
When the club realignment happed people told how you
will manage the Area G1 with 5 clubs which is scattered
over OMR to Pondicherry. It’s very tough for you to
begin as an IT professional. But I will tell you one thing
when you want something; the entire universe conspires
in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho. I was not
doing it for some personal purpose /gain. I just wanted
to give back to our members /Toastmasters fraternity
which I had learned in the past 2 years and was aware of
what I had done and what I have to do in the future.
COVID 19 has proven to be a blessing in disguise. But
believe me toastmasters, every challenge brings new
opportunities. Hopefully we are utilizing this opportunity
to work on our hobbies , enhance professionally ,
connect better with the family members and most
importantly with toastmasters world wide .
I am overwhelmed looking at the online meetings, which
has proven every toastmaster's calibre. But friends don’t
forget to keep the spirit, connect with other clubs and
work on your pathways.
Let’s rise bright as a sunshine post the chaos
TM Animesh Yadav
Area Director G1
“Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.”
― Margaret Mitchell 08
During the lock down, it is encouraging to note that Area
G1 wishes to publish a Newsletter to keep their
members active and informed. We are passing through a
dark Cloud and with our act of Toastmastering, soon will
see the silver lining, personally and Professionally.
Division G Area 01 is with a collection of corporate clubs.
Recently CES Toastmasters Club was chartered and
added to the area. I had the privilege to attend the
charter Installation and experienced the importance of
Communication and Leadership in a Corporate club.
Senior managers appreciated and reiterated the
importance of having a Toastmasters Club in their
organization. Thanks to Area Director TM Animesh and
his Team.
The team is doing well with six clubs, which includes a
community and a college club. Let me wish all the clubs
for their progress to spread the Toastmasters
International Message.
Social distancing gives us many lessons and
opportunities. Today online meetings are Regular
feature within our fraternity. As Toastmasters, we always
find a quick solution to Connect with each other. I
believe as a voluntary organization, we may be the top
most Toastmasters of online platform to connect with
each other.
“But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see
the stars.”
― Martin Luther King, Jr.
As members of corporate clubs, it’s our time to give
back our Toastmaster learning to Our organizations and
to support during these turbulence times. We as
Toastmasters Practice soft skills such as accountability,
critical thinking, and interpersonal Communication just
to name a few. It is our duty to use these skills to help
our Organization.
At present we have an opportunity to interconnect
through online and explore the ideas
And strategies among fellow Toastmasters to support
our working place.
Let me wish every Club and the Area to achieve the
President Distinguished Status!
Best Regards,
TM Sarmaa Mahalingam
District 82
Toastmasters International.
“It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of
― John Guare,
“There is nothing permanent except change .”
Nothing more proves the above saying right than in
the events which have changed our lives over the past
one month. All of us have found ourselves trying to stay
safe, healthy and protected and build new ways and
means of going about our professional and personal
lives . All of a sudden we have had to re-write our daily
life scripts and recalibrate a lot of plans which we had
worked out for the future. We still have to weather
some difficult times but I am sure that all of us will
weather this storm and come out stronger.
Innovation has been one of the hallmarks of the human
race and it is best displayed in times of adversity. We are
seeing it now in various forms with people working from
home, school and college classes / exams happening
online, new indoor fitness regimes coming up, people
exploring newer food dishes with limited ingredients,
learning new skills and polishing the old ones, going
back to the old habit of reading, connecting more with
family and friends and learning to value the importance
of small things in life . This period has also taught us to
really evaluate our lives and understand the importance
of things which matter and things which don’t.
“Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a
sign of a pure heart.”
Toastmasters also has not been any different. We have
been quick to adapt to the concept of online meetings
and it has opened up a whole new world of connecting
to people across countries and continents. Toastmasters
now have found a medium to attend multiple meetings
in a day, some of them across countries and all of this
from the comfort of their house. It used to be a
challenge in the normal course to get external evaluators
to a club especially corporate clubs or for Toastmasters
to go and deliver speeches at other clubs. In the last
one month, we have seen opportunities open up for
members to give their speeches at multiple clubs on the
same day and also get multiple evaluations.
Toastmasters have found a new and fast way to
complete their speeches and educational levels through
online meetings .Connecting across Toastmaster clubs &
districts has helped forge new friendships, learn new
ideas and thoughts and also deeper insights on what we
need to do better. It has also helped us challenge old
thoughts and embrace new ideas. In all of this we have
found that change is something which is not difficult and
in most cases, the inertia and the resistance to change is
often in our own minds.
Life will surely be different when this is all over but I am
positive that each one of us will emerge stronger, more
confident and adaptable to change and with a deeper
understanding of what we value for us and our family.
Stay safe, stay strong and always have a positive
outlook to life .
TM Satish Menon
CGD – District 82
“Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.”
― Alexander Pope
In these tough times of lock down, we have a great
amount of time which we can put to a some noble and
productive effort. Each of us is unique in our own way,
the key is knowing what motivates us and then planning
to achieve some finite goals, including goals for
As a Division Director, it is definitely in my plan to inspire
and motivate as many members as possible to achieve
their educational and leadership goals. It's also my duty
to oversee the plan of action by Club ExCom and if there
are challenges in execution.
In this article I wish to highlight some Toastmasters
goals which you all should definitely try to achieve
utilizing the lock down period.
Educational Goals:
Assess how the progress in your Pathways journey is. Is
it on track or you still are dependent on some external
factors? How much will you take to finish one level and
simultaneously a full path?
In addition to it, assess how many best prepared
speaker, best Evaluator awards you have got so far.
Buckle up and talk to your mentors if you haven't
achieved any. Join online meetings not just in your club
but also other clubs in your Division to accomplish the
educational goals.
Let’s Develop A Plan
“Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will
be happier'...”
― Alfred Lord Tennyson
Leadership Goals:
Have you served as a club officer or serving now as a
club officer? What are the key learnings as a leader? Do
you aspire to become the next Club President or Area
Director? Are you showing the competency to achieve
the same? There are huge potentials to become club
mentors and sponsors as well for new clubs. Try to chalk
out action plans talking to your leaders in your Area,
Division or District and ensure you pave a path for your
next leadership role.
Contest Goals:
If you have already won best prepared speaker at your
club level meetings, have you been able to continue the
feat in club contests or Area Contests. Make a wish and
start planning on achieving awards in contests. Start
putting efforts diligently by joining online sessions and
observing the vocabulary, delivery style, punch lines,
twist and suspense in a speech or an emotional connect
that you may adapt in your next contest to be the
champion of that day.
Remember, the ROI by renewing memberships in a
Toastmasters forum can definitely be substantiated by
making a plan of action and executing them to achieve
the above goals.
Wishing you all a great journey in Toastmasters.
TM Pintu Champ Mahato,
Division Director
“When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.”
― Theodore Roosevelt 14
Area Trio
Area G1, Division G, D - 82
TM Satyam
Assistant Area Director
TM Harini
Area Public Relation
TM Pallavi
Area Program
Quality Manager
TM Animesh
Area Director
Powered By Belief !
“It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of
― John Guare,
My Toastmasters journey began with the day when I came to Chennai and the reason
was only to improvise my communication skills. One day few Toastmasters came for
a demo meeting in my ODC and out of 300 associates in my account I was the only
one to join the club TCS MAITREE CHENNAI TOASTMASTERS CLUB . Even after
attending club meetings for 3 months I was still not able to make myself on stage
due to the stage fear which I had. After 3 months we had an election in our club. I
asked a member sitting beside me I also want to contest for one of the positions
which role would be good for me I am consistence to the club but have never been
on the stage. She suggested to contest for SAA. I contested for the same but
lost it. Then I was assigned a mentor TM Shivani one of the best mentor one can ever
get. Her dedication, commitment, and perfection to serve the mentees are
unparalleled. Her mentorship added a lot of value to my personal life. The post-one-
month secretary role was vacated in our club and took over the secretary role. Actual
learning started from here I learned how to organize the thoughts and put in simple
words. Then I took the VPE role where I learned interpersonal skills and how to
handle stressful situations. Followed by President Role which taught me the art of
During this period I met with a lot of wonderful people Like, TM Giriprashantha
Satya, Brinda, Shyam, Naveen, our Immediate Past area Director Viswa, Division
Director Balachandra Nathella, District Director DTM Suganthi Perisamy love and
affection influenced me a lot and I felt Chennai as my another hometown.
I also contested in ISC and Humorous speech contest and was the 2nd runner up at
area level. Thanks to TM Brinda for her tremendous support during the contest. At
one time I started receiving a lot of feedback about MTI so I decided to attend the
personal training to neutralized the accent I paid 15K for 15 hours. It was good
training but in the end, I realize that it’s good to be yourself.
I also got a lot of leadership opportunities like Division G, OTP PR Chair, Program
Manager, Co-chair of Division Conference. Which gave me a lot of knowledge about
people and leadership. I would like to thank TM Bala for all these wonderful
opportunities and DTM Suganthi for always standing behind me for all kinds of
A glimpse of Toastmasters journey
TM Animesh
Area Director,G1
From the Area G1 Trio
“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 16
When I step in as Club President. I was assigned DTM Saro Velrajan as my mentor.
Which was the turning point in my leadership journey. It helped me a lot in being an
extrovert person and takes independent decisions. One day I wished to be the Area
Director and called to my mentor DTM Saro Velrajan. He gave heads up and
suggested to help my area director it will lead to my dream. There I supported two
clubs SMVEC Pondy and South Chennai Toastmasters Club. SCTC my Karam bhumi
gave me confidence that anything is possible in life if you wish to have it. I really
wanna thank TM Satyam for his unparalleled support towards this club. And of
course DTM Suganthi, TM Ramanujam, DTM Saro, Shashank and all other club
members from the sister clubs.
When I took over the Area Director role. Over some time I faced few challenges I
overcame all those with time and had great learning. Few examples:-
At the beginning of my term, I was asked to choose either President role of SCTC
/Area Director of G1. Since the club was new I choose to remain as a president and
leave the area director Position But after some days team agreed for both the roles
assuming will serve better. Yes, it's a bit tough to manage but when you love
something it becomes easy. Then we added a new club to our G1 family CES
Toastmasters club. Thanks to TM Viswa and Bala for the help and support and TM
Balaji and Satyam for accepting my request as a club mentor and extending the
The second challenge was the SMVEC Toastmasters club. Which hit at a low level
with zero membership in September 2019. Almost all the people suggested to go
ahead and close the club Since it’s very tough to serve it due to the demography and
all. But somewhere deep inside my heart I always thought why not give a last try we
can make it and finally we made it with 16 active members. I would like to thanks
DTM Suganthi and Abiya (Club Mentor) for their continuous support. DTM Rajeev
and TM Raghava for the educational sessions.
At the end Thanks to our Division G Director TM Pintu and District trio for all the help
and continuous support towards the area G1.
For some of you Toastmasters is a platform to improve your communication and
leadership skills but for me it’s way of life.
Wishing you all the best for the remaining term. Happy Toastmastering.
From the Area G1 Trio
“The first duty of a man is to think for himself”
― Jose Marti 17
Do you believe in dreams and feel that someday it will be a reality?
Or you already got a dream and now it's a reality today?
I can't believe that !!
Every child has one when they become sensible or even they are not sensible.
Dreams like touching the sky, wishing by seeing a star. So did I had not only one but
many dreams.
"Everyday morning you have two choices: Continue to sleep with your dreams or
wake up to chase them." - The saying quotes
I was always a hard working child and I'm still but never an early bird. I would prefer
to sleep piece fully with my dreams. I used to spend hours under the sky staring at
the stars but was never able to get to know what I really want to wish.
Toastmasters is a place where you can not only learn, grow, improve but it can help
you find the better version of yourself. While writing a toastmasters script you dig
into your life stories which normally you would have never given importance but
when you now remember about those memories you get to know the interesting
stories within your life.
Chase your Dreams
From the Area G1 Trio
TM Pallavi
VPPR - TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmaster Club
“One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.”
― Antonio Porchia 18
Being an average student who never gets selected for any leadership roles I never
thought that I will ever get a platform where I can manage a team. Toastmasters
gave me that chance for which I always used to struggle.
After facing so many rejections in school and college now it's a dream which became
true after joining TMI. It's a dream which I never saw that I'm leading a club being a
part of ex-comm committee for past 1.3 years of Toastmasters journey.
This was a wonderful journey where I got to meet so many people made many new
friends. And of course an amazing mentor TM Anuradha Prakash who not only guides
and motivates me for my speech but a wonderful friend from whom I have learnt a
Thanks to many Toastmasters (TM Vishwa, TM Britto, TM Saira and one of the most
important TM Animesh) who helped me in taking up multiple roles somewhere as a
support and somewhere as a motivation pillars.
I'm still not perfect but with time will definitely try to get near to perfect.
There is always a possibility that life happens the way you dream. If not then you
might not be chasing for it. Or you really don't know what you are searching for.
No one knows what destiny has planned for you but it depends on you how you want
your life to be. So am I determinant to establish myself better than what I am today
no matter whatever happens I will never stop chasing my dreams.
From the Area G1 Trio
“One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.”
― Antonio Porchia 19
It was around June 2019 and I was newly elected VPE of TCS Maitree Chennai
Toastmasters club. I was still new in toastmasters as spent only 6 months till then.
One fine day newly elected area director of Area G1 TM Animesh asked me if I am
willing to take up role of assistant area director and work with him for the growth of
area G1. I was dumbstruck not because I thought it will be too much as doing VPE
role itself is a overwhelming task. But, because of the trust that TM Animesh had in
me. Only because of that trust I felt so good and I said yes.
Then the journey began. While doing this role I got to visit many corporate clubs,
college clubs etc. and my knowledge about toastmasters as a whole grew manifolds.
I cannot thank leaders like TM Animesh, DTM Suganthi, TM Naveen, TM Viswa, TM
Bala for giving me so many opportunities at such an early stage in toastmasters and
that has given me confidence to stand and deliver wherever I go. Now although I am
in a new city away from area G1 and my home club, the learnings will always be there
with me and Area G1 and TCS Maitree Club will always be an integral part of my life.
From the Area G1 Trio
TM Satyam
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmaster Club
My Journey
“We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 20
From the Chairs
Stay extra focused and stay extra sparkly.
By Saira Bano
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
Sail as much far as you can the boat of
life will never stop.
By Pallavi
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters
Dream Catcher
Let your dream catches the dream you
By Pallavi
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God,
which is why we call it the present.”
― Bill Keane
It’s been a while!
TM Manjusha
President, TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters club
It's been a while now...
Watching clear blue skies
Breathing fresh air from my balcony
Listening to birds chirping
It's been a while now...
Away from the competitive world
Away from the hustle bustle of the city
Away from the mundane race starting from 7AM to 8 PM
It's been a while now...
Learning a new skill be it cooking or writing
Learning creative stuff like painting or poetry
Learning to look at myself and admire from where I started to where I reached.
It's been a while now...
To halt for a second and start to introspect.
To unlearn what we think we are doing the right way to live and to relearn the
right way to live
To stop being greedy and start giving nature the space what it deserves.
“The miserable have no other medicine ,but only hope”
-William Shakespeare 22
Right from the Larynx - our hopes for 2020
TM Vignesh
President, Larynx - the Toastmasters club of Zoho Corp
2020 might have thrown a lot of things off track but not our club's vision. Stepping
into the new year after having completed our milestone 25th meeting, we Laryngians
- members of Larynx, the official toastmasters club of Zoho Corp had only 3 things in
our mind - to learn, unlearn and relearn
Learn - Not only through active participation in the form of role playing, speaking etc,
but also from the participation and performance of others.
Unlearn - As a part of growing up, we all developed certain habits within us, which,
instead of fueling our journey of self growth, have ended up obstructing it. We
Larynginas, took a resolve that in 2020, we will identify and unlearn such habits that
prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves.
Relearn - Hidden deep within all of us are some habits, which once contributed
immensely, but with the passage of time, have been forgotten. The final resolve we
took was to identify and relearn those habits.
The last few months have made a lot of us adopt and adapt to crucial changes in our
lives. For our club, adapting to the virtual format of toastmasters has only helped us
adopt our vision much more objectively. As we wait with hopes in our heart for the
lessons and memories yet to come, here's to the toastmasters family - stay home,
stay safe and stay awesome !
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
― Stephenie Meyer 23
TM Anuradha Prakash
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters club
July 2012, a budding Toastmasters club was chartered by some of the eminent
toastmasters of Division G, District 82. No one at that point knew that the club would
reach such heights of success. TCS MAITREE ALPHA TOASTMASTERS CLUB is now
a 7 yrs. old child of Area G1, Division G, and District 82. And we Alphaites take a lot of
pride in its triumph.
Alpha played its prelude 7 years back in its melodious possible. Then came the
interlude, classically western, but was never feeble. And the opera is still on, and we
promise, we will never go speechless.
Everyone goes through ups and downs, and so did we. Yet, so many achievements to
talk about, all would agree. Rich milestone meetings, creative weekly meetings,
guests galore, and a poised member's family tree.
Alpha has produced many DTMs; DTM Omen John, DTM Ranga, DTM Rahul, to name
a few. Alpha has inspired and guided eminent division and district winners; TM Preeti,
TM Viswa, TM Ilu and many more. Alpha has played vital role to chair some of the
division and district conferences; Reverberations, Sangamam, Opulence, and wow,
what a ride we have had!
Alpha is now on the high peak enjoying the view, after an arduous climb. Alpha looks
forward with the hope of igniting the fire in many more budding toastmasters, and
climbing taller peaks with them. Alpha is transforming along with Toastmasters
International to the brand new online meeting platform, coping up with the corona
tide. In the difficult time, we have not been lost our integrity, confidence and
motivation. That's Alpha for you, never letting troubles bring us down.
We are delighted to be coming up on a momentous milestone, our 400th meeting.
We have weathered a lot of storms with the help of all our leaders and members to
reach this happy occasion. We thank you all. We hope to go a long way still,
travelling together, for our personal journeys and our club's success.
“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”
― Stephenie Meyer 24
TM Priyadarshini
President SMVEC Toastmasters Club
I am proud to be part of my Toastmasters club. Personally, I gained a lot of
experience in managing and organizing the meetings. Working with my SMVEC
Toastmasters family is an unforgettable lifetime experience. We as a family learned
how to communicate effectively how to behave professionally and much more.
Journey of Toastmasters is really good and in every meeting there are a lot of take
away. Area contest was my first contest with unknown audience and the way the
contest went was so good. We from SMVEC Toastmasters club felt comfortable with
all other Toastmasters even though they are all new faces for us and we learnt how
to present ourselves in front of unknown audience. Now coming to my EXCOM family
,as the President of my club handling the people was very challenging in the
beginning, as days passed I learned how to deal with people and even with staffs.
Since we are all from different departments it was a challenge for me to select a
particular time for meeting because every department follows different schedules
and with all these barriers we learned to overcome the hindrances and together we
built a successful Toastmasters club.
“Look forward with hope. Not backwards with regret” 25
You, Me and The Moon
TM Sai Krishna P
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters club
The moon's gleaming... half of her showering the light upon this world and the other
half left unsparingly dark. We look at her and fall in love reverentially all the time. We
write songs on her, we sing them for her, we let ourselves burst out in elation at her
sight. We conveniently forget the other half which is hidden from us and hopelessly
dark, even when we're aware of it being there. Why do we? Are we so self-centered
that when we find what we want, we stop thinking about what she wants?! Isn't it in
our nature?
The Moon, on the other hand, is just so good that she never complains that we don't
care for her. Every passing day, she accords us with more of her bright side and
hides all of her darkness and showers us with complete love. But, is it her mistake
that she can't hold that strength for long and starts withering back again into the
darkness which consumes her inside out. Each passing day, a perceptible hell for her
as she slowly loses her glow, being devoured by darkness inch by inch. And when
she can hold on no more, she gives up and goes dark with all of her existence....
But boy .... she couldn't just give up, just yet, can she? Why so? Is it because she
wants to live again? Is it for her Selfishness? Nah, I believe not. She remembers us,
People. She sees our saddened faces, waiting with all our selfish hearts, in bad need
of her radiant glow...! That gives her the strength, that there's a world out here just
waiting for her arrival. She picks herself up, slowly and steadily coming out of the
gloom every passing day, pouring the immeasurable happiness again into our lives
and filling it with love...
“Hope is not a wish it’s a belief” 26
Can she do that forever? Will she stay blazing brighter than any shining star forever?
We never know and she doesn't either. But for now, she's sure of one thing that
come whatever may, she's never gonna give up on the world which needs her for its
existence. Knowing she can never stop loving us irrespective of how many million
times she goes down by her own weight, she'll chin up, rise up and smile bright for
us. For us, who will stay the same and will never care for her...!
Who am I all along in this story? Just another representative of the world, writing
this looking at the Moon? Just a poet filling his own desire for poetry and taking
Moon as an essence? Or just some random Love-Struck Romeo trying to see the
smile of his lady love in her? Or the only replica of the Moon in this petty world, doing
everything he can to shine bright, for the people who need him and promised to
never give up? Let the world decide, maybe
“Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.” 27
Sapiens - A book review
TM Sudeer Ranjan
TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club
"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.“
- Rudyard Kipling
The author has hit the bull's eye here, for he knows and tells throughout
the book that our belief in stories, be it for money, morals or anything, enables us to
cooperate with others. Applying the same principle here made this more than just a
book on the history of a species. And it is not an easy feat to make non-fiction as
gripping as this. Apart from the jaw-dropping revelations, his take on things like
money, religion, gender, capitalism, race, invasion, and happiness from different
perspectives, of course taking the middle ground, only gave credibility to his
statements. As I read, this book made me go back to the ways I was brought up, to
infer more clearly the virtual yet strong threads that this society has been weaving
around us.
In a nutshell, the first half of the book makes you feel optimistic, drawing
comparisons with the problems our ancestors had faced and how we, Sapiens, have
been overhauling both the ecosystem and the situations with the advent of
technology. However, the later part hints that our curiosity to explore more might
make us pay a hefty price, just like how the other species have given way for us to
top the food chain.
I would recommend this book to everyone, especially to anyone who is closely
attached to any creed, religion or group. For this book didn't hesitate to decipher
the possible reasons for segregating people on various lines ultimately to cooperate.
And I feel this book would stay relevant for years as long as Sapiens exist.
“Once you choose hope, anything is possible”
TM Revanth Kumar
MTCS Titans Toastmasters Club
We all strive to make a difference in the world. Right from the day we are born, we
try to be the best in everything that we do. Some give up soon, accept their fate and
lead their lives peacefully. Some go ahead and continue to excel in whatever they set
their mind to, owing to their talent. But there is a group in majority, which constantly
try to achieve something but do not taste the victory they desire.
“Hope is a dangerous thing, it can drive a man insane”
– Red, Shawshank Redemption.
This group, which keeps trying, hope that they will achieve the much-desired
success. In that pursuit, they lose hope, give up, turn bitter and start developing a
negative outlook towards life.
“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good things ever die”
– Andy, Shawshank Redemption.
Few among the group relentlessly pursue their goals and achieve them. And what do
they have? Hope, hope that they would achieve their dreams. They sacrifice all their
joys, wishes, but in the end, the success they achieved, it becomes worth their
Ultimately, for a person to be happy , they can either give up and be happy and
contended with what they have or go ahead and chase their dreams with the hope
that they would be successful someday. But it must be noted that the world is a
better place because of the people who chase their dreams. If it were not for their
hope, they would have given up, leaving mankind bereft of their discoveries. Hope is
a good thing. We must try to achieve our goals, because we owe it to the world. To
those who turn bitter, try to rekindle the hope that you had and chase something
else, for we must not die while we live
“The best view comes after the hardest climb”
Conquer Your Phobo-Phobia
TM Anuradha Prakash
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
There lies deep down me, still a level of optimism
That I will come out of my obscurity of thoughts!
I witness fingers pointed at me with ugly sarcasm
Still I have belief, coz' the braves always fought...
I didn't wanna fly, I didn't wanna dive,
Fear of facing my fears, if it can be coined the phobophobia?
Was eating me, not letting me survive...
Was intoxicating me, an over dosage of anesthesia.
My mind’s prophecy demanded me to face it,
And I jumped, closing my eyes and my mind,
Now, all fear to me was not any enigmatic,
The true joy, the true accomplishment, was right there, everything else left
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is
always to try just one more time”
-Thomas Edison
The Color of Hope
TM Britto Pradeep
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
Technology is growing at a rapid pace. Many inventions which creative artists were
imagining about are now in our hands. I was also imagining a few things of the future.
Flying cars that drive themselves. Intelligent homes with intelligent appliances. And
with walls that are coated with Nano pixels instead of paint, so they can be used as a
display. We can watch television and movies on the wall directly, adjust the size of
view as required. We can add digital wallpapers, murals and design elements directly
on the wall. All of these controlled by voice and our electronic devices. We can
download digital wallpapers in our mobile device and apply it to any wall at home.
And, houses would have humanoid robots assisting people, instead of the desktop
assistants like Amazon Echo or Google Home. Robots that could take care of
household chores, cleaning and cooking. Robots that could interact with us, know us,
see us, and feel us and our emotions. They could feel our emotions and set the
ambient color accordingly and also change the color of the walls. When we are sad,
the walls could be bright colored, when we want to sleep, the walls could be dull
colored, and so on.
Well, at this point, I was wondering what if we could see the color of emotions? Like
the people with a medical condition called synesthesia, where they could see the
colors of letters or musical notes. There were many famous poets, physicists, artists,
musicians with this condition. They could see their theories, see the music they
played, and smell the canvas they painted. I wish I had one of that, at least to see the
color of music. But more better if I could see the color of emotions. I looked around
in the internet for different colors of different emotions and won't the world be so
much colorful that way. Then, it struck me that at this point of time majority of the
world is going through sadness and despair, because of a dreadful pandemic that
kills people in masses. How many lives have been lost, of dear ones, with whom we
cannot even be there at their last moments. Would I see all blue (sadness) and yellow
(despair) around the world? Would I be able to comfort the world, by giving it hope
that this too shall pass, that the pain will soon end? And if I could paint the world
with hope, what color should I pick? What is the color of hope?
“In a time of destruction, create something.”
― Maxine Hong Kingston 31
It must be something in the tropical Hometown air that makes me want to write.
The image that pops up in my head for the word convalescence, I think is influenced
by the scenes set by O.Henry’s “Last Leaf”.
I always imagined a bed by a large window - the season doesn't matter much - it
could be a rainy day or it could be cold and dreary but there is definitely a window
with a vast expanse of sky visible. On the bed is the invalid with a ubiquitous blanket.
And the most important part is this other person sitting by the bed reading aloud a
When I was about twelve, I was hospitalized for a few days, thanks to a bout of
Typhoid. Oddly, I still have very clear memories of those days - the mornings when I
invariably ran a high fever, and the evenings saturated by immense tiredness. I
remember the morning nurse, a beautiful young woman who dressed in white saris,
with a single red or yellow rose pinned to her hair and she had the saddest eyes I
have ever seen. Every time she checked my temperature, it would be high. Every
time the evening nurse, a gregarious young woman with very commonplace looks
checked, it would be normal. At some point, I remember wanting to get better as
much for myself as for the morning nurse. Followed by the hospital stay, I spent a
few weeks at home recovering. I remember eating 'rasam saadham' and the soothing
'paruppu thogaiyal' for days on end. And most of all I remember reading a lot of
TM Shyam Siddharth
“In a time of destruction, create something.”
― Maxine Hong Kingston 32
So when in lockdown, where I had to stay only at home, the first thought that
occurred to me was the books that I could finish reading. I know, I know! In a haze of
romance, I discounted the mundanity and the extreme blandness of the lock-down,
and all the inconveniences and frustrations of being at home for weeks together. And
I certainly discounted the compulsion of getting back to wander outside as soon as
the situation got a little better.
Still, I managed to finish a few books and rediscovered the sounds of a deserted
weekday afternoon sitting laid back and comfortably cross-legged on a deck chair.
The scent of the night jasmine and the sound of the breeze from the lemon and
coconut trees, the distant cawing of a crow and the occasional motorbike feels
Ah, the romanticism of joblessness.
“My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here” 33
I think this lockdown has come as a blessing in disguise. I don't know how you
are looking at this lockdown but I consider myself lucky to have this lockdown
because it has unlocked many mysteries to me.
It's because of the great amount of time that I had which I consider is precious
commodity nowadays.
It has unlocked the fact that nature is so beautiful and we have taken
advantage of it.
It has unlocked the reality that good and good people still exist and we have
not taken time to appreciate it.
It has unlocked the truth that god is there in everyone only we have failed to
notice it.
It has unlocked the fact that all are equal and it is us who couldn't digest it.
Finally it has unlocked the secret and given us the HOPE that "United we
stand, we win".
What are unlocked during this lockdown
TM Srinivasa Rao Vanamali
South Chennai Toastmasters Club
“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.”
― Pablo Neruda 34
I had fared a fair number of treks, but this was my
first major high difficulty trek! Velliangiri Mountains!
7 hills to trek and I was very excited. Initially the
weather was astonishing. We were in the heart of
nature and able to hear the crystal clear sounds of
hustling wind and running water. It is truly a magical
experience. As we kept on moving up, the weather
condition worsened. The dark was getting darker,
the temperature was getting colder, rain becoming
heavier and on top of all that, the never-ending
squally winds. Neither the rains nor the wind seemed
to give up on each other. Our visibility was too bad
due to the weather. We barely were able to see the
person who was just 5 meters ahead of us. Weather
was so worse that, I was not able to stop by, open
my backpack and grab a bite of an apple. I had to
stop the person in front and take his supplies. It was
only 4 degree Celsius and we were shivering as if we
were just taken out of a freezer box. We were not
sure if we would be alive to see the sunrise next
morning. It was the moment where I truly realized
that nature is ultimate and that humankind is
completely powerless against it.
An Arduous Trek
TM Nataraj Palaniappan
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
“I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.”
― Anne Frank 35
Somewhere in between
Being glued to your gadgets, not bothering nature’s beauty and
Desperately looking out of window for that one drop of downpour
There came this earth’s time
Somewhere in between
Not giving a damn to nurture your soul and
Hopelessly looking for online yoga, meditation classes
There came this earth’s time
Somewhere in between
Endlessly binging on junk food and
Enthusiastically trying new recipes
There came this earth’s time
Somewhere in between
Living an ‘Insta Story’ life and
Fighting for mere existence
There came this earth’s time
Somewhere in between
The mundane run along the ‘rat race’ and
Discovering the ‘you’ in you
There came this earth time
Somewhere in between
I and WE
There came this earth time
And yeah , Earth’s given us time to heal and let heal.
Its Earth’s Time
TM Lalitha Krithika K – Chief Editor
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
“I always entertain great hopes”
-Robert Frost 36
Just as the moon, it lights up the darkest nights
As the sun, it empowers countless lives
As wind it carries to limitless heights
As water moulds to the container's guise
Yet, moons wane, suns set, winds change and water slips
Holding on to it is a herculean stint
It can be a spark igniting the blazing fire within
Or a 'someday' box of dreams we can't live without
It can be the subtle smile encouraging matters of the heart
Or a cacophony of noises as colonizers depart
Whether that of which you are dreaming is love, money, peace or success
'Having Hope' is another way of saying you believe in yourself
Having Hope
TM Sathya Priya K – Chief Editor
Secretary, TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters club
“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not
judge the universe” 37
My journey with Toastmasters started in February 2019, with the goal to improve
my communication skills and conquer my fear of public speaking .
Now I realize it is more than just a platform to improve communication skills. I am
getting a chance to introspect in the process know what my strengths and
weaknesses are. Toastmasters helped me realise how unorganised I am, taught me to
prioritize things and become organised. I haven’t excelled at these things yet, and I
know it’s a long journey ahead. After conquering the public speaking fear, it gave me
courage to face other fears like fear of heights by bungee jumping, fear of rejection
by proposing a girl. The whole journey has been so memorable and adventurous so
far. Looking forward for more good things to come my way.
I thank my friend TM Vasudeep, for introducing to me to this world of positivity,
TM Shiva Anudeep my previous mentor, who taught me nuances of script writing and
my current mentor TM Anuradha Prakash for being so supportive, pushing me to
take up roles, participate in contests, and deliver next speech by asking “where is the
script ?”. Last, but not least, TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club and it’s members
for giving me all the opportunities.
My Spiritual(inner) Journey
TM Raviteja Singam – Co-Editor
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
“With hope, the odds don’t matter” 38
Let’s Go For A Ride
TM Aswathy Mohan - Designer
Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club
Let’s go for a ride
into the wild
pack the pains
and take the tears
don’t miss out anything
that made you cry
put it all in
don’t unpack it until
you see the ray of hope
let’s open our minds and fly high
let’s see the world and tighten your hold
let’s feel the love and share the laughter
let’s see the ups and forget the downs
let’s cry out loud when no one is around
let’s laugh out loud when someone surrounds
let’s do the don’ts and don’t the do
let’s forget
the baggage, the troubles , the pains
and come back home
empty handed
but a heart filled with love and hope
“God's mercy and grace give me hope - for myself, and for our world.” 39
An Epiphany Of Hope
TM Deepak MVL – Co-Editor
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
All 6 of us are Kanni Swamis (first timers). After an arduous descent from Azhutha
hill many pilgrims decided to call it a night. It was around 10PM and the task ahead is
the Karimala hill which is the abode of elephants. Rumors mongered that an elephant
trampled a pilgrim to death the previous night. But our intention was to Make Hay
Before The Sun Shines. So we tied our Irumudi which is a bag that contains 2 or 3
coconuts and other puja materials to our head and resumed our journey.
Almost all hikers are torch bearers during night trek. The strict instruction was not to
illuminate the sides or the trees. We walked in almost total silence like a troop of
soldiers. Suddenly few pilgrims walked swiftly past us with with reverberant chants
Swamiye Ayyappo!! Ayyappo Swamiye!! For me it sounded like a war cry.
Immediately we shouted the words of Hope, the chants that kept the team's esprit
de corps intact.
The gruelling journey of roughly 61kms comes to an end at the Pathinettam Padi(18th
step). The Golden steps is such a splendid sight. Pilgrims chanted the saranams
loudly. After breaking the coconuts we climbed the 18 steps to have the darshan of
Lord Ayyappa.
Words are not sufficient to explain the experience. The place, the chants, the
atmosphere, the divinity, the journey, everything will make one realize that there is
someone who will not allow one to lose Hope. I believe that someone is me, in my
life. What about you?
“There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 40
Follow your dreams
The biggest adventure you can take is
to live the life of your dreams…….
TM Syed Mohammed Layeeqh
CES Toastmasters Club
Doodle Love
If you don’t end up being anything, you
can be a doodler.
TM Aswathy Mohan
Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club
“There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 41
How to become the Division Conference Chair
DTM Thomas T Abraham
Toastmasters come in different styles and personalities. One type that the mentors
dread is the Just-In-Time Toastmaster. He gets a speech slot. OK, what's the hurry?
Then with one day to go for the meeting, the VPE asks for the speech title, for the
agenda. “Keep it as TBD”, responds the J-I-T TM. Then he gets into action. That night,
during prime time his mentor gets a message: “Sorry for the rush. A speaker dropped
out and VPE requested me. Said I will try. If you can find the time and give your
suggestions, we will have two speeches tomorrow”. (That is persuasively speaking,
by generating sympathy.)
Now, why delay the pleasure of planning and preparing a speech till the day before
the speech delivery? Probably because the J-I-T TM has not reached that pleasurable
stage. A beginner with the guitar cuts his fingers on the string and regrets spending
good money on the monster. Then, through practice, a stage comes, he falls in love
with the strings and the magic of sounds he can create. Same thing with the dancer,
the athlete.
Same thing with a speaker. The faster he reaches that stage of deriving joy from the
pursuit, the faster he will convert into a pleasure, what used to be the pain of hunting
and finding a topic, thinking up and drafting the speech. That is when any
opportunity to pound the stage becomes irresistible and the microphone becomes
an object of desire. That is sure sign that a wannabe has become a passionate
speaker. Frankly, what is the idea of paying in dollars and not deriving that pleasure
from speeches ASAP?
Then it becomes easier to delink the two acts: preparing the speech and delivering it.
Like The Chef making dosas at the buffet counter, keep more than one speech idea
going. Keep them in different stages of development. It could be just arriving at a
topic. Meanwhile, think up the main points for another speech. Be like the Chef who
gets active when a diner approaches him. He finds out the customer’s taste and
finishes the dosa in a jiffy and delivers. The same way, when a slot comes your way,
you will grab it. And you will be able to fine tune and deliver your speech even at
short notice. You will be hugely popular with the VPE. You will be the Contest Chair
at the next Club contest. From Club contest Chair to Area and Division Conference
Chair can be much shorter than you think!.
From DTM Thomas T Abraham
“There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 42
From DTM Thomas T Abraham
What can help us find apt topics for speeches is the habit of pigeonholing.
Remember the little episode with the Boss you had last week. That was a classic case
study of a supportive leader. Now, just because it is fresh in your mind, don’t use up
that in your next speech, which can be on any topic. Hold that Boss episode back, as
it will be a good support story for the Leadership styles project. Especially during the
COVID Lockout days, you won’t give away all the change at the next immediate
transaction. You will hold it in reserve so that you can give the exact change and not
collect COVID - covered coins! Same goes for your precious life stories, the unique
experiences that have shaped you. Hold them for projects that need inspirational
Scan all the projects in your chosen Path. Pigeonhole contents based on project
requirements. Then you will not be starved for speech topics. Nor would you wait too
long for the Division Director’s call asking you if you could please take on the Division
Conference Chair. Congratulations!
DTM Thomas T Abraham
Former Special Director,
Corporate Communications at Ashok Leyland
and Sr Vice President at Hinduja Group.
Now Communications creator and consultant.
“God's mercy and grace give me hope - for myself, and for our world.” 43
Swashbucklers of TMI
TM Shashank
Area G2 Director
Toastmasters took its first breath in 1924; started toddling in US and now it has
become a Humungous Hulk across 142 countries. Do you think, it would have been
possible without us Swashbucklers i.e. ever enthusiastic members. We are the well-
suited monks who take nothing as a monetary benefit but still help peers to reach the
I have seen people growing in stature from quants to Everest. Every individual, when
they get their name prefixed with “TM” feels they are the CEO of their own
organization, in the course of that journey they ensure that not only their club, area,
division, district and nation should stand first but also all members including
themselves reach the pinnacle. They are evangelists for the whole society when it
comes to public speaking, communication or leadership. We learnt the art of
camaraderie while earning the DCP points; it is like a sweet and salty lime soda,
which will not give you, pleasant feeling while you are drinking it but the result will be
most satisfying.
One of the biggest secrets, which I am going to reveal about TMI sessions, will be
mind-boggling, they are complete package of stress buster sessions. You have to be
creative at the same time you have to adhere to the TMI guidelines; this act of
equilibrium will make you forget your stress and tensions of life. Our swashbucklers
during the rollercoaster ride of toastmasters learn the art of networking, marketing,
negotiating and what not. My goodness! My NERVES and neurons are in accord to
extract all the juices from toastmasters. It is like a nectar, which you take once in a
lifetime and become immortal. I should not be in doubt that in future, if some
psychological or neurological research to be conducted on toastmaster’s members,
then new species with increased frontal lobe or new Set of genetic coding will be
discovered which has more capability of balancing life than common individuals of
our society.
So next time when you meet a Toastmaster bow down and greet with great warmth
in your heart as they lived a life what most people see only in fairy tales.
FROM G2 Area Director
“Hope is a waking dream.”
― Aristotle 44
Club Name Office First Name
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp President Rajendran
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Vice President Education Ramprakash
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Vice President Membership Vijaya Ruby
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Vice President Public
Relations Vanathy
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Secretary Akshaya
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Treasurer Rajalakshmi
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Sergeant At Arms Adithya
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Harine
SMVEC Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Ajith Kumar
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Secretary Kalaivani
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswin Kumar
SMVEC Toastmasters Club President Priyadarshini
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Subashri
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Subicshas
EXCOM July to Dec 2019
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the
darkness.” 45
Club Name Office First Name
South Chennai Toastmasters Club President ANIMESH
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Milan
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Mohan
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Waquar
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Prabhat
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Abhineet
South Chennai Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Narpal
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club President Britto
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Pallavi
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Raviteja
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Saai Rahavendar
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Secretary Deepika
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Treasurer Anuradha
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Lakshminarayanan
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Nagella Naveen
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Hariprasath
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Manjusha
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Harsh
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club President Benazir
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Satyam
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Jeyashree
“A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope” 46
Club Name Office First Name
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp President Vignesh
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Vice President Education Selva Sundaram
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Vice President Membership Prabhakaran
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Vice President Public
Relations Prathik S
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Secretary Balasubramaniam
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Treasurer Meera
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho
Corp Sergeant At Arms
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Harine
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Secretary Aswin Kumar
SMVEC Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswin Kumar
SMVEC Toastmasters Club President Priyadarshini
South Chennai Toastmasters Club President Milan
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Prabhat
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Abhineet
South Chennai Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Deivamoorthy
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Narpal
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Naveen
South Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Waquar
EXCOM Jan to July 2020
“ Expecting something for nothing is the most popular form of hope.” 47
Club Name Office First Name
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club President Ilu
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Deepika
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
Vice President
Membership Chandrashekhar
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Pallavi
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Secretary Sathya Priya
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Treasurer Britto
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club President Manjusha
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Harsh
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
Vice President
Membership Benazir
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Venkata
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Khushboo
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Sai Kiran
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms AISH
CES Toastmasters Club President Vijayasekar
CES Toastmasters Club Vice President Education
CES Toastmasters Club
Vice President
Membership Subbarao
CES Toastmasters Club
Vice President Public
Relations Mounika
CES Toastmasters Club Secretary Kirubakaran
CES Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswathy
CES Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Kandavel
“Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic” 48
I would like to extend my thanks to the DTM Sampath and Thomas for their
unparalleled support as a club mentor Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp.
here I learned the art of selfless service.
During these 10 Months our club President’s worked very hard and made sure to have
the smooth operations:-
Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp club’s President, TM Rajendran and
Vignesh made sure that they give the best mentorship and education to their club
members always maintain the meeting quality and company’s core value
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club’s President TM Britto and Ilu one of the best
warriors who put all their efforts to serve the club members. Who will make sure to
have the quality meeting irrespective of the member's strength?
TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club’s President TM Benazir and Manjusha
always made sure that all the members are assigned proper mentors and they give
the mocks before the meeting.
South Chennai Toastmasters Club’s President and VPE TM Milan and Prabhat a very
dynamic leader who always put the club members first. An amazing passion towards
the Toastmaster who has never missed a single meeting. I was surprised to see when
president TM Milan attended the meeting despite she met with an accident.
CES Toastmasters Club’s President TM Vijay, Another great personality and
leadership who always keep his team fixed for any acknowledgment. And make sure
his team gets whatever is needed for the betterment of the club.
SMVEC Toastmasters Club President, TM Priya, A very young and dynamic leader
who has a never giving up attitude. That’s the reason we could revive the club.
Pls, help me to recognize the efforts put by our ExCom to make this term successful.
Recognition from AD
Area G1, Division G, D - 82
TM Animesh Yadav
Area Director G1
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
― Martin Luther King Jr. 49
Contest Role Players
TM Anuradha
Contest Master
TM Mounika
TM Gandhi
Tally Counter
TM Ravi
TM RaviTeja
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
“Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of
bed.” 50
Contest Role Players
TM Vidya
Chief Judge
TM Pallavi
Contest Chair
TM Saira
Co - Chair
TM Haneef
Recognition Chair
TM Aish
Hosting Chair
TM Gurucharan
PR - Chair
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no
good thing ever dies.”
― Stephen King
TM Harine
TM Ruby
Larynx - the
Club at Zoho
TM Prabhat
TM Saikiran
TCS Maitree
TM Pallavi
TCS Maitree
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
Area G1 Congratulates!!
Leaders for their contribution towards the
growth of area G1 clubs during 2019-20
TM Waquar
South Chennai
TM Shoban
TM Manikanda
Larynx - the
Club at Zoho
TM Sundar
TCS Maitree
TCS Maitree
“Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you'll land among the stars” 52
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
Area G1 Congratulates!!
Members excelled in their communication
skills during 2019-20
TM Abiya
DTM Sampath
Zoho club
TM Balaji
CES Club
TM Shashank
DTM Thomas
Zoho club
TM Satyam
CES Club
TM Animesh
“It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.”
― Richard Evans” 53
Area G1 Congratulates!!
Club Mentors for their contribution towards
the growth of area G1 clubs during 2019-20
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
“Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.”
― Francis Bacon 54
TM Balaji
TM Britto
TM Harsh
TM Ilu
TM Jerline
TM Sobhan
TM Venkata
TM Selva
Larynx - Zoho Corp
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
“Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.”
― Francis Bacon 55
Winners of Area G1
International Speech contest
Recognition from Area G1,
Division G, D - 82
“We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 56
Just few cups of clay can become
beautiful vessels in the right hands of
a skilful potter. If you are just clay,
make sure you are in right hands…….
The High Dome
Its beauty cannot be captured in
one photo. Hence a multi-
exposure shot of the famous
Man and Majesty
He sits tall in the richness of love he has
for his best friend.
Captured by,
TM Britto Pradeep - Treasurer,
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
“We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 57
By Jerline
South Chennai Toastmasters Club
Some miracles might come in pairs
like these flies.
Captured By Pallavi
Vice President Public Relations
TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters
“Walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone”
― Shah Rukh Khan 58
TCS Maitree Alpha
Club contest 2020
Officers Training Program
2020 attended by the TCS
Maitree Alpha Toastmasters
Club Executive committee
“Hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment..” 59
Oath taking
ceremony @
SCTC Toastmasters
“This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.” 60
SMVEC Toastmasters
SSN College
Toastmasters Demo
“This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.” 61
TMCTC Toastmasters
TM Sathya Priya
Chief Editor
(Secretary,TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club)
TM Lalitha Krithika K
Chief Editor
(TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club)
TM Raviteja SIngam
(TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club)
TM Deepak MVL
(TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club)
TM Aswathy Mohan
(Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club)
An excerpt from Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
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Ignite 2k19 - 20 Area G1 Newsletter

  • 1. Leadership powered by belief AREA-G1 NEWSLETTER 2020 HOPE IGNITE A walk towards the waking dream
  • 2.
  • 4. “I always entertain great hopes” -Robert Frost 04 To someone whose dream is to one day be an author, editing a newsletter seems to be a step in the right direction. It was a pleasant, no, an incredible delight when I was approached to be the Chief Editor of the first ever newsletter from Area G1. Toastmasters is a forum for us to express our brilliance and speak our mind. It's a trove of opportunities that only becomes richer as one explores further. And I thank the Area Director TM Animesh and the Contest Chair TM Pallavi for giving TM Lalitha and myself this opportunity. It's a momentous occasion, a milestone in the history of Area G1 , and to be a part of it feels amazing. Such an important task required us to make some decisions that would have far reaching consequences, such as choosing the newsletter’s name, the theme and so on. It is necessary that the theme should reflect the aspirations of the clubs that are the pillars of the Area, and inspire us to keep fighting the adverse circumstances we face today. Hope is energy. Hope is power. Hope is the matchstick that IGNITEs the fire of strength and courage. Hope is the difference between giving up and hitting the home run. Hope is the light at the end of the tunnel, daring us to brave the dark tunnel for a better life. Hope inspires us, allows us to believe all our dreams are within our reach, have faith in our ability to reach them. Hope is the staircase connecting us to the moon, the bridge to the sun, the road to reaching our fullest potential. TM Lalitha Krithika K & TM Sathya Priya K Chief Editors of Ignite 2019-20 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
  • 5. “I always entertain great hopes” -Robert Frost 05 We have created this newsletter for our readers, to instill hope, to encourage the feeling of togetherness. Nothing could be a success without the eager participation of our clubs and members, and their contributions, their ideas and their creativity is what makes this newsletter what it is. The amazing team behind the newsletter and the contest, were the ones who made it possible with their resilient efforts despite the hindering circumstances of the lockdown. Here's a shout out to them! Let hope be your guide in achieving your dreams. Happy Toastmastering ! And Happy Reading!! From Chief Editors FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
  • 6. “Cupcakes are muffins that believed in miracles” 06 FROM THE DESK OF AREA G1 Dear Club Presidents and the members, I wish you all a very happy, healthy and prosperous year ahead. Stay home stay safe. "At the end of life what matters is not what we bought but what we built, not what we got but what we shared, not our competence but our character, and not our success but our significance. Live a life that matters, a life of love, care and share"- Anonymous. You only live once but if you work it right, once is enough. I am mesmerized by the teamwork and the practice of loving, caring and sharing portrayed by our team in the past 10 months. I am sure you too would be. Dear members, I take Immense pleasure in writing about our club and area progress in the past 10 months. I would like to thank our area Trio TM Satyam (Assistance AD) , Pallavi (PQM) and Harini (PRM) all the club presidents , ExCom's and the members for their wonderful support throughout the year. We started the term in July 2019, with a new team but with time everything became very smooth. The team's enthusiasm, dedication and passion towards serving the club and members helped to take the club and area to the new heights. We feel proud to be part of one of the biggest areas in our district 82 (Tamilnadu and Srilanka). Which is spread over two diff states, From OMR stretched Navallur to Vandalur Road and Pondicherry. which all types of TMI clubs Corporate, community and college.
  • 7. “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness” 07 I still remember the DEC meeting on 27th May 2019. When the club realignment happed people told how you will manage the Area G1 with 5 clubs which is scattered over OMR to Pondicherry. It’s very tough for you to begin as an IT professional. But I will tell you one thing when you want something; the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paulo Coelho. I was not doing it for some personal purpose /gain. I just wanted to give back to our members /Toastmasters fraternity which I had learned in the past 2 years and was aware of what I had done and what I have to do in the future. COVID 19 has proven to be a blessing in disguise. But believe me toastmasters, every challenge brings new opportunities. Hopefully we are utilizing this opportunity to work on our hobbies , enhance professionally , connect better with the family members and most importantly with toastmasters world wide . I am overwhelmed looking at the online meetings, which has proven every toastmaster's calibre. But friends don’t forget to keep the spirit, connect with other clubs and work on your pathways. Let’s rise bright as a sunshine post the chaos TM Animesh Yadav Area Director G1 FROM THE DESK OF AREA G1
  • 8. “Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect.” ― Margaret Mitchell 08 During the lock down, it is encouraging to note that Area G1 wishes to publish a Newsletter to keep their members active and informed. We are passing through a dark Cloud and with our act of Toastmastering, soon will see the silver lining, personally and Professionally. Division G Area 01 is with a collection of corporate clubs. Recently CES Toastmasters Club was chartered and added to the area. I had the privilege to attend the charter Installation and experienced the importance of Communication and Leadership in a Corporate club. Senior managers appreciated and reiterated the importance of having a Toastmasters Club in their organization. Thanks to Area Director TM Animesh and his Team. The team is doing well with six clubs, which includes a community and a college club. Let me wish all the clubs for their progress to spread the Toastmasters International Message. Social distancing gives us many lessons and opportunities. Today online meetings are Regular feature within our fraternity. As Toastmasters, we always find a quick solution to Connect with each other. I believe as a voluntary organization, we may be the top most Toastmasters of online platform to connect with each other. KEYNOTE BY DISTRICT DIRECTOR “WE PROVIDE QUALITY MEMBER EXPERIENCE”
  • 9. “But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr. 09 As members of corporate clubs, it’s our time to give back our Toastmaster learning to Our organizations and to support during these turbulence times. We as Toastmasters Practice soft skills such as accountability, critical thinking, and interpersonal Communication just to name a few. It is our duty to use these skills to help our Organization. At present we have an opportunity to interconnect through online and explore the ideas And strategies among fellow Toastmasters to support our working place. Let me wish every Club and the Area to achieve the President Distinguished Status! Best Regards, TM Sarmaa Mahalingam District 82 Toastmasters International. KEYNOTE BY DISTRICT DIRECTOR
  • 10. “It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.” ― John Guare, 10 CHEERS FROM CLUB GROWTH DIRECTOR “There is nothing permanent except change .” Heraclitus Nothing more proves the above saying right than in the events which have changed our lives over the past one month. All of us have found ourselves trying to stay safe, healthy and protected and build new ways and means of going about our professional and personal lives . All of a sudden we have had to re-write our daily life scripts and recalibrate a lot of plans which we had worked out for the future. We still have to weather some difficult times but I am sure that all of us will weather this storm and come out stronger. Innovation has been one of the hallmarks of the human race and it is best displayed in times of adversity. We are seeing it now in various forms with people working from home, school and college classes / exams happening online, new indoor fitness regimes coming up, people exploring newer food dishes with limited ingredients, learning new skills and polishing the old ones, going back to the old habit of reading, connecting more with family and friends and learning to value the importance of small things in life . This period has also taught us to really evaluate our lives and understand the importance of things which matter and things which don’t.
  • 11. “Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart.” 11 CHEERS FROM CLUB GROWTH DIRECTOR Toastmasters also has not been any different. We have been quick to adapt to the concept of online meetings and it has opened up a whole new world of connecting to people across countries and continents. Toastmasters now have found a medium to attend multiple meetings in a day, some of them across countries and all of this from the comfort of their house. It used to be a challenge in the normal course to get external evaluators to a club especially corporate clubs or for Toastmasters to go and deliver speeches at other clubs. In the last one month, we have seen opportunities open up for members to give their speeches at multiple clubs on the same day and also get multiple evaluations. Toastmasters have found a new and fast way to complete their speeches and educational levels through online meetings .Connecting across Toastmaster clubs & districts has helped forge new friendships, learn new ideas and thoughts and also deeper insights on what we need to do better. It has also helped us challenge old thoughts and embrace new ideas. In all of this we have found that change is something which is not difficult and in most cases, the inertia and the resistance to change is often in our own minds. Life will surely be different when this is all over but I am positive that each one of us will emerge stronger, more confident and adaptable to change and with a deeper understanding of what we value for us and our family. Stay safe, stay strong and always have a positive outlook to life . Cheers, TM Satish Menon CGD – District 82 .
  • 12. “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” ― Alexander Pope 12 MESSAGE FROM DIVISION DIRECTOR In these tough times of lock down, we have a great amount of time which we can put to a some noble and productive effort. Each of us is unique in our own way, the key is knowing what motivates us and then planning to achieve some finite goals, including goals for Toastmasters. As a Division Director, it is definitely in my plan to inspire and motivate as many members as possible to achieve their educational and leadership goals. It's also my duty to oversee the plan of action by Club ExCom and if there are challenges in execution. In this article I wish to highlight some Toastmasters goals which you all should definitely try to achieve utilizing the lock down period. Educational Goals: Assess how the progress in your Pathways journey is. Is it on track or you still are dependent on some external factors? How much will you take to finish one level and simultaneously a full path? In addition to it, assess how many best prepared speaker, best Evaluator awards you have got so far. Buckle up and talk to your mentors if you haven't achieved any. Join online meetings not just in your club but also other clubs in your Division to accomplish the educational goals. Let’s Develop A Plan
  • 13. “Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering 'it will be happier'...” ― Alfred Lord Tennyson 13 Leadership Goals: Have you served as a club officer or serving now as a club officer? What are the key learnings as a leader? Do you aspire to become the next Club President or Area Director? Are you showing the competency to achieve the same? There are huge potentials to become club mentors and sponsors as well for new clubs. Try to chalk out action plans talking to your leaders in your Area, Division or District and ensure you pave a path for your next leadership role. Contest Goals: If you have already won best prepared speaker at your club level meetings, have you been able to continue the feat in club contests or Area Contests. Make a wish and start planning on achieving awards in contests. Start putting efforts diligently by joining online sessions and observing the vocabulary, delivery style, punch lines, twist and suspense in a speech or an emotional connect that you may adapt in your next contest to be the champion of that day. Remember, the ROI by renewing memberships in a Toastmasters forum can definitely be substantiated by making a plan of action and executing them to achieve the above goals. Wishing you all a great journey in Toastmasters. Regards, TM Pintu Champ Mahato, Division Director MESSAGE FROM DIVISION DIRECTOR
  • 14. “When you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” ― Theodore Roosevelt 14 Area Trio Area G1, Division G, D - 82 TM Satyam Assistant Area Director TM Harini Area Public Relation Manager TM Pallavi Area Program Quality Manager TM Animesh Area Director Powered By Belief !
  • 15. “It's amazing how a little tomorrow can make up for a whole lot of yesterday.” ― John Guare, 15 My Toastmasters journey began with the day when I came to Chennai and the reason was only to improvise my communication skills. One day few Toastmasters came for a demo meeting in my ODC and out of 300 associates in my account I was the only one to join the club TCS MAITREE CHENNAI TOASTMASTERS CLUB . Even after attending club meetings for 3 months I was still not able to make myself on stage due to the stage fear which I had. After 3 months we had an election in our club. I asked a member sitting beside me I also want to contest for one of the positions which role would be good for me I am consistence to the club but have never been on the stage. She suggested to contest for SAA. I contested for the same but lost it. Then I was assigned a mentor TM Shivani one of the best mentor one can ever get. Her dedication, commitment, and perfection to serve the mentees are unparalleled. Her mentorship added a lot of value to my personal life. The post-one- month secretary role was vacated in our club and took over the secretary role. Actual learning started from here I learned how to organize the thoughts and put in simple words. Then I took the VPE role where I learned interpersonal skills and how to handle stressful situations. Followed by President Role which taught me the art of delegations. During this period I met with a lot of wonderful people Like, TM Giriprashantha Satya, Brinda, Shyam, Naveen, our Immediate Past area Director Viswa, Division Director Balachandra Nathella, District Director DTM Suganthi Perisamy love and affection influenced me a lot and I felt Chennai as my another hometown. I also contested in ISC and Humorous speech contest and was the 2nd runner up at area level. Thanks to TM Brinda for her tremendous support during the contest. At one time I started receiving a lot of feedback about MTI so I decided to attend the personal training to neutralized the accent I paid 15K for 15 hours. It was good training but in the end, I realize that it’s good to be yourself. I also got a lot of leadership opportunities like Division G, OTP PR Chair, Program Manager, Co-chair of Division Conference. Which gave me a lot of knowledge about people and leadership. I would like to thank TM Bala for all these wonderful opportunities and DTM Suganthi for always standing behind me for all kinds of support. A glimpse of Toastmasters journey TM Animesh Area Director,G1 From the Area G1 Trio
  • 16. “Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.” 16 When I step in as Club President. I was assigned DTM Saro Velrajan as my mentor. Which was the turning point in my leadership journey. It helped me a lot in being an extrovert person and takes independent decisions. One day I wished to be the Area Director and called to my mentor DTM Saro Velrajan. He gave heads up and suggested to help my area director it will lead to my dream. There I supported two clubs SMVEC Pondy and South Chennai Toastmasters Club. SCTC my Karam bhumi gave me confidence that anything is possible in life if you wish to have it. I really wanna thank TM Satyam for his unparalleled support towards this club. And of course DTM Suganthi, TM Ramanujam, DTM Saro, Shashank and all other club members from the sister clubs. When I took over the Area Director role. Over some time I faced few challenges I overcame all those with time and had great learning. Few examples:- At the beginning of my term, I was asked to choose either President role of SCTC /Area Director of G1. Since the club was new I choose to remain as a president and leave the area director Position But after some days team agreed for both the roles assuming will serve better. Yes, it's a bit tough to manage but when you love something it becomes easy. Then we added a new club to our G1 family CES Toastmasters club. Thanks to TM Viswa and Bala for the help and support and TM Balaji and Satyam for accepting my request as a club mentor and extending the support. The second challenge was the SMVEC Toastmasters club. Which hit at a low level with zero membership in September 2019. Almost all the people suggested to go ahead and close the club Since it’s very tough to serve it due to the demography and all. But somewhere deep inside my heart I always thought why not give a last try we can make it and finally we made it with 16 active members. I would like to thanks DTM Suganthi and Abiya (Club Mentor) for their continuous support. DTM Rajeev and TM Raghava for the educational sessions. At the end Thanks to our Division G Director TM Pintu and District trio for all the help and continuous support towards the area G1. For some of you Toastmasters is a platform to improve your communication and leadership skills but for me it’s way of life. Wishing you all the best for the remaining term. Happy Toastmastering. From the Area G1 Trio
  • 17. “The first duty of a man is to think for himself” ― Jose Marti 17 Do you believe in dreams and feel that someday it will be a reality? Or you already got a dream and now it's a reality today? No? I can't believe that !! Every child has one when they become sensible or even they are not sensible. Dreams like touching the sky, wishing by seeing a star. So did I had not only one but many dreams. "Everyday morning you have two choices: Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up to chase them." - The saying quotes I was always a hard working child and I'm still but never an early bird. I would prefer to sleep piece fully with my dreams. I used to spend hours under the sky staring at the stars but was never able to get to know what I really want to wish. Toastmasters is a place where you can not only learn, grow, improve but it can help you find the better version of yourself. While writing a toastmasters script you dig into your life stories which normally you would have never given importance but when you now remember about those memories you get to know the interesting stories within your life. Chase your Dreams From the Area G1 Trio TM Pallavi VPPR - TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmaster Club
  • 18. “One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.” ― Antonio Porchia 18 Being an average student who never gets selected for any leadership roles I never thought that I will ever get a platform where I can manage a team. Toastmasters gave me that chance for which I always used to struggle. After facing so many rejections in school and college now it's a dream which became true after joining TMI. It's a dream which I never saw that I'm leading a club being a part of ex-comm committee for past 1.3 years of Toastmasters journey. This was a wonderful journey where I got to meet so many people made many new friends. And of course an amazing mentor TM Anuradha Prakash who not only guides and motivates me for my speech but a wonderful friend from whom I have learnt a lot. Thanks to many Toastmasters (TM Vishwa, TM Britto, TM Saira and one of the most important TM Animesh) who helped me in taking up multiple roles somewhere as a support and somewhere as a motivation pillars. I'm still not perfect but with time will definitely try to get near to perfect. There is always a possibility that life happens the way you dream. If not then you might not be chasing for it. Or you really don't know what you are searching for. No one knows what destiny has planned for you but it depends on you how you want your life to be. So am I determinant to establish myself better than what I am today no matter whatever happens I will never stop chasing my dreams. From the Area G1 Trio
  • 19. “One lives in the hope of becoming a memory.” ― Antonio Porchia 19 It was around June 2019 and I was newly elected VPE of TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters club. I was still new in toastmasters as spent only 6 months till then. One fine day newly elected area director of Area G1 TM Animesh asked me if I am willing to take up role of assistant area director and work with him for the growth of area G1. I was dumbstruck not because I thought it will be too much as doing VPE role itself is a overwhelming task. But, because of the trust that TM Animesh had in me. Only because of that trust I felt so good and I said yes. Then the journey began. While doing this role I got to visit many corporate clubs, college clubs etc. and my knowledge about toastmasters as a whole grew manifolds. I cannot thank leaders like TM Animesh, DTM Suganthi, TM Naveen, TM Viswa, TM Bala for giving me so many opportunities at such an early stage in toastmasters and that has given me confidence to stand and deliver wherever I go. Now although I am in a new city away from area G1 and my home club, the learnings will always be there with me and Area G1 and TCS Maitree Club will always be an integral part of my life. From the Area G1 Trio TM Satyam TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmaster Club My Journey
  • 20. “We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 20 From the Chairs Stay extra focused and stay extra sparkly. By Saira Bano TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Life Sail as much far as you can the boat of life will never stop. By Pallavi TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Dream Catcher Let your dream catches the dream you deserve. By Pallavi VPPR TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
  • 21. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” ― Bill Keane 21 It’s been a while! TM Manjusha President, TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters club It's been a while now... Watching clear blue skies Breathing fresh air from my balcony Listening to birds chirping It's been a while now... Away from the competitive world Away from the hustle bustle of the city Away from the mundane race starting from 7AM to 8 PM It's been a while now... Learning a new skill be it cooking or writing Learning creative stuff like painting or poetry Learning to look at myself and admire from where I started to where I reached. It's been a while now... To halt for a second and start to introspect. To unlearn what we think we are doing the right way to live and to relearn the right way to live To stop being greedy and start giving nature the space what it deserves. VOICE OF PRESIDENTS
  • 22. “The miserable have no other medicine ,but only hope” -William Shakespeare 22 Right from the Larynx - our hopes for 2020 TM Vignesh President, Larynx - the Toastmasters club of Zoho Corp 2020 might have thrown a lot of things off track but not our club's vision. Stepping into the new year after having completed our milestone 25th meeting, we Laryngians - members of Larynx, the official toastmasters club of Zoho Corp had only 3 things in our mind - to learn, unlearn and relearn Learn - Not only through active participation in the form of role playing, speaking etc, but also from the participation and performance of others. Unlearn - As a part of growing up, we all developed certain habits within us, which, instead of fueling our journey of self growth, have ended up obstructing it. We Larynginas, took a resolve that in 2020, we will identify and unlearn such habits that prevent us from being the best versions of ourselves. Relearn - Hidden deep within all of us are some habits, which once contributed immensely, but with the passage of time, have been forgotten. The final resolve we took was to identify and relearn those habits. The last few months have made a lot of us adopt and adapt to crucial changes in our lives. For our club, adapting to the virtual format of toastmasters has only helped us adopt our vision much more objectively. As we wait with hopes in our heart for the lessons and memories yet to come, here's to the toastmasters family - stay home, stay safe and stay awesome ! VOICE OF PRESIDENTS
  • 23. “I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer 23 OUR JOURNEY IN A GIST TM Anuradha Prakash TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters club July 2012, a budding Toastmasters club was chartered by some of the eminent toastmasters of Division G, District 82. No one at that point knew that the club would reach such heights of success. TCS MAITREE ALPHA TOASTMASTERS CLUB is now a 7 yrs. old child of Area G1, Division G, and District 82. And we Alphaites take a lot of pride in its triumph. Alpha played its prelude 7 years back in its melodious possible. Then came the interlude, classically western, but was never feeble. And the opera is still on, and we promise, we will never go speechless. Everyone goes through ups and downs, and so did we. Yet, so many achievements to talk about, all would agree. Rich milestone meetings, creative weekly meetings, guests galore, and a poised member's family tree. Alpha has produced many DTMs; DTM Omen John, DTM Ranga, DTM Rahul, to name a few. Alpha has inspired and guided eminent division and district winners; TM Preeti, TM Viswa, TM Ilu and many more. Alpha has played vital role to chair some of the division and district conferences; Reverberations, Sangamam, Opulence, and wow, what a ride we have had! Alpha is now on the high peak enjoying the view, after an arduous climb. Alpha looks forward with the hope of igniting the fire in many more budding toastmasters, and climbing taller peaks with them. Alpha is transforming along with Toastmasters International to the brand new online meeting platform, coping up with the corona tide. In the difficult time, we have not been lost our integrity, confidence and motivation. That's Alpha for you, never letting troubles bring us down. We are delighted to be coming up on a momentous milestone, our 400th meeting. We have weathered a lot of storms with the help of all our leaders and members to reach this happy occasion. We thank you all. We hope to go a long way still, travelling together, for our personal journeys and our club's success. VOICE OF PRESIDENTS
  • 24. “I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.” ― Stephenie Meyer 24 TM Priyadarshini President SMVEC Toastmasters Club I am proud to be part of my Toastmasters club. Personally, I gained a lot of experience in managing and organizing the meetings. Working with my SMVEC Toastmasters family is an unforgettable lifetime experience. We as a family learned how to communicate effectively how to behave professionally and much more. Journey of Toastmasters is really good and in every meeting there are a lot of take away. Area contest was my first contest with unknown audience and the way the contest went was so good. We from SMVEC Toastmasters club felt comfortable with all other Toastmasters even though they are all new faces for us and we learnt how to present ourselves in front of unknown audience. Now coming to my EXCOM family ,as the President of my club handling the people was very challenging in the beginning, as days passed I learned how to deal with people and even with staffs. Since we are all from different departments it was a challenge for me to select a particular time for meeting because every department follows different schedules and with all these barriers we learned to overcome the hindrances and together we built a successful Toastmasters club. VOICE OF PRESIDENTS
  • 25. “Look forward with hope. Not backwards with regret” 25 You, Me and The Moon TM Sai Krishna P TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters club The moon's gleaming... half of her showering the light upon this world and the other half left unsparingly dark. We look at her and fall in love reverentially all the time. We write songs on her, we sing them for her, we let ourselves burst out in elation at her sight. We conveniently forget the other half which is hidden from us and hopelessly dark, even when we're aware of it being there. Why do we? Are we so self-centered that when we find what we want, we stop thinking about what she wants?! Isn't it in our nature? The Moon, on the other hand, is just so good that she never complains that we don't care for her. Every passing day, she accords us with more of her bright side and hides all of her darkness and showers us with complete love. But, is it her mistake that she can't hold that strength for long and starts withering back again into the darkness which consumes her inside out. Each passing day, a perceptible hell for her as she slowly loses her glow, being devoured by darkness inch by inch. And when she can hold on no more, she gives up and goes dark with all of her existence.... But boy .... she couldn't just give up, just yet, can she? Why so? Is it because she wants to live again? Is it for her Selfishness? Nah, I believe not. She remembers us, People. She sees our saddened faces, waiting with all our selfish hearts, in bad need of her radiant glow...! That gives her the strength, that there's a world out here just waiting for her arrival. She picks herself up, slowly and steadily coming out of the gloom every passing day, pouring the immeasurable happiness again into our lives and filling it with love... G1 SPEAKS
  • 26. “Hope is not a wish it’s a belief” 26 Can she do that forever? Will she stay blazing brighter than any shining star forever? We never know and she doesn't either. But for now, she's sure of one thing that come whatever may, she's never gonna give up on the world which needs her for its existence. Knowing she can never stop loving us irrespective of how many million times she goes down by her own weight, she'll chin up, rise up and smile bright for us. For us, who will stay the same and will never care for her...! Who am I all along in this story? Just another representative of the world, writing this looking at the Moon? Just a poet filling his own desire for poetry and taking Moon as an essence? Or just some random Love-Struck Romeo trying to see the smile of his lady love in her? Or the only replica of the Moon in this petty world, doing everything he can to shine bright, for the people who need him and promised to never give up? Let the world decide, maybe G1 SPEAKS
  • 27. “Youth is easily deceived because it is quick to hope.” 27 Sapiens - A book review TM Sudeer Ranjan TCS Insurance Toastmasters Club "If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.“ - Rudyard Kipling The author has hit the bull's eye here, for he knows and tells throughout the book that our belief in stories, be it for money, morals or anything, enables us to cooperate with others. Applying the same principle here made this more than just a book on the history of a species. And it is not an easy feat to make non-fiction as gripping as this. Apart from the jaw-dropping revelations, his take on things like money, religion, gender, capitalism, race, invasion, and happiness from different perspectives, of course taking the middle ground, only gave credibility to his statements. As I read, this book made me go back to the ways I was brought up, to infer more clearly the virtual yet strong threads that this society has been weaving around us. In a nutshell, the first half of the book makes you feel optimistic, drawing comparisons with the problems our ancestors had faced and how we, Sapiens, have been overhauling both the ecosystem and the situations with the advent of technology. However, the later part hints that our curiosity to explore more might make us pay a hefty price, just like how the other species have given way for us to top the food chain. I would recommend this book to everyone, especially to anyone who is closely attached to any creed, religion or group. For this book didn't hesitate to decipher the possible reasons for segregating people on various lines ultimately to cooperate. And I feel this book would stay relevant for years as long as Sapiens exist. G1 SPEAKS
  • 28. “Once you choose hope, anything is possible” HOPE TM Revanth Kumar MTCS Titans Toastmasters Club We all strive to make a difference in the world. Right from the day we are born, we try to be the best in everything that we do. Some give up soon, accept their fate and lead their lives peacefully. Some go ahead and continue to excel in whatever they set their mind to, owing to their talent. But there is a group in majority, which constantly try to achieve something but do not taste the victory they desire. “Hope is a dangerous thing, it can drive a man insane” – Red, Shawshank Redemption. This group, which keeps trying, hope that they will achieve the much-desired success. In that pursuit, they lose hope, give up, turn bitter and start developing a negative outlook towards life. “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good things ever die” – Andy, Shawshank Redemption. Few among the group relentlessly pursue their goals and achieve them. And what do they have? Hope, hope that they would achieve their dreams. They sacrifice all their joys, wishes, but in the end, the success they achieved, it becomes worth their sacrifices. Ultimately, for a person to be happy , they can either give up and be happy and contended with what they have or go ahead and chase their dreams with the hope that they would be successful someday. But it must be noted that the world is a better place because of the people who chase their dreams. If it were not for their hope, they would have given up, leaving mankind bereft of their discoveries. Hope is a good thing. We must try to achieve our goals, because we owe it to the world. To those who turn bitter, try to rekindle the hope that you had and chase something else, for we must not die while we live 28 G1 SPEAKS
  • 29. “The best view comes after the hardest climb” Conquer Your Phobo-Phobia TM Anuradha Prakash TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club There lies deep down me, still a level of optimism That I will come out of my obscurity of thoughts! I witness fingers pointed at me with ugly sarcasm Still I have belief, coz' the braves always fought... I didn't wanna fly, I didn't wanna dive, Fear of facing my fears, if it can be coined the phobophobia? Was eating me, not letting me survive... Was intoxicating me, an over dosage of anesthesia. My mind’s prophecy demanded me to face it, And I jumped, closing my eyes and my mind, Now, all fear to me was not any enigmatic, The true joy, the true accomplishment, was right there, everything else left behind... 29 G1 SPEAKS
  • 30. “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time” -Thomas Edison The Color of Hope TM Britto Pradeep TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Technology is growing at a rapid pace. Many inventions which creative artists were imagining about are now in our hands. I was also imagining a few things of the future. Flying cars that drive themselves. Intelligent homes with intelligent appliances. And with walls that are coated with Nano pixels instead of paint, so they can be used as a display. We can watch television and movies on the wall directly, adjust the size of view as required. We can add digital wallpapers, murals and design elements directly on the wall. All of these controlled by voice and our electronic devices. We can download digital wallpapers in our mobile device and apply it to any wall at home. And, houses would have humanoid robots assisting people, instead of the desktop assistants like Amazon Echo or Google Home. Robots that could take care of household chores, cleaning and cooking. Robots that could interact with us, know us, see us, and feel us and our emotions. They could feel our emotions and set the ambient color accordingly and also change the color of the walls. When we are sad, the walls could be bright colored, when we want to sleep, the walls could be dull colored, and so on. Well, at this point, I was wondering what if we could see the color of emotions? Like the people with a medical condition called synesthesia, where they could see the colors of letters or musical notes. There were many famous poets, physicists, artists, musicians with this condition. They could see their theories, see the music they played, and smell the canvas they painted. I wish I had one of that, at least to see the color of music. But more better if I could see the color of emotions. I looked around in the internet for different colors of different emotions and won't the world be so much colorful that way. Then, it struck me that at this point of time majority of the world is going through sadness and despair, because of a dreadful pandemic that kills people in masses. How many lives have been lost, of dear ones, with whom we cannot even be there at their last moments. Would I see all blue (sadness) and yellow (despair) around the world? Would I be able to comfort the world, by giving it hope that this too shall pass, that the pain will soon end? And if I could paint the world with hope, what color should I pick? What is the color of hope? 30 G1 SPEAKS
  • 31. “In a time of destruction, create something.” ― Maxine Hong Kingston 31 It must be something in the tropical Hometown air that makes me want to write. The image that pops up in my head for the word convalescence, I think is influenced by the scenes set by O.Henry’s “Last Leaf”. I always imagined a bed by a large window - the season doesn't matter much - it could be a rainy day or it could be cold and dreary but there is definitely a window with a vast expanse of sky visible. On the bed is the invalid with a ubiquitous blanket. And the most important part is this other person sitting by the bed reading aloud a book. When I was about twelve, I was hospitalized for a few days, thanks to a bout of Typhoid. Oddly, I still have very clear memories of those days - the mornings when I invariably ran a high fever, and the evenings saturated by immense tiredness. I remember the morning nurse, a beautiful young woman who dressed in white saris, with a single red or yellow rose pinned to her hair and she had the saddest eyes I have ever seen. Every time she checked my temperature, it would be high. Every time the evening nurse, a gregarious young woman with very commonplace looks checked, it would be normal. At some point, I remember wanting to get better as much for myself as for the morning nurse. Followed by the hospital stay, I spent a few weeks at home recovering. I remember eating 'rasam saadham' and the soothing 'paruppu thogaiyal' for days on end. And most of all I remember reading a lot of books. LOCK-DOWN CONVALESCENCE TM Shyam Siddharth G1 SPEAKS
  • 32. “In a time of destruction, create something.” ― Maxine Hong Kingston 32 So when in lockdown, where I had to stay only at home, the first thought that occurred to me was the books that I could finish reading. I know, I know! In a haze of romance, I discounted the mundanity and the extreme blandness of the lock-down, and all the inconveniences and frustrations of being at home for weeks together. And I certainly discounted the compulsion of getting back to wander outside as soon as the situation got a little better. Still, I managed to finish a few books and rediscovered the sounds of a deserted weekday afternoon sitting laid back and comfortably cross-legged on a deck chair. The scent of the night jasmine and the sound of the breeze from the lemon and coconut trees, the distant cawing of a crow and the occasional motorbike feels rejuvenating. Ah, the romanticism of joblessness. G1 SPEAKS
  • 33. “My hope still is to leave the world a bit better than when I got here” 33 I think this lockdown has come as a blessing in disguise. I don't know how you are looking at this lockdown but I consider myself lucky to have this lockdown because it has unlocked many mysteries to me. It's because of the great amount of time that I had which I consider is precious commodity nowadays. It has unlocked the fact that nature is so beautiful and we have taken advantage of it. It has unlocked the reality that good and good people still exist and we have not taken time to appreciate it. It has unlocked the truth that god is there in everyone only we have failed to notice it. It has unlocked the fact that all are equal and it is us who couldn't digest it. Finally it has unlocked the secret and given us the HOPE that "United we stand, we win". What are unlocked during this lockdown TM Srinivasa Rao Vanamali South Chennai Toastmasters Club G1 SPEAKS
  • 34. “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming.” ― Pablo Neruda 34 I had fared a fair number of treks, but this was my first major high difficulty trek! Velliangiri Mountains! 7 hills to trek and I was very excited. Initially the weather was astonishing. We were in the heart of nature and able to hear the crystal clear sounds of hustling wind and running water. It is truly a magical experience. As we kept on moving up, the weather condition worsened. The dark was getting darker, the temperature was getting colder, rain becoming heavier and on top of all that, the never-ending squally winds. Neither the rains nor the wind seemed to give up on each other. Our visibility was too bad due to the weather. We barely were able to see the person who was just 5 meters ahead of us. Weather was so worse that, I was not able to stop by, open my backpack and grab a bite of an apple. I had to stop the person in front and take his supplies. It was only 4 degree Celsius and we were shivering as if we were just taken out of a freezer box. We were not sure if we would be alive to see the sunrise next morning. It was the moment where I truly realized that nature is ultimate and that humankind is completely powerless against it. An Arduous Trek TM Nataraj Palaniappan TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club G1 SPEAKS
  • 35. “I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.” ― Anne Frank 35 Somewhere in between Being glued to your gadgets, not bothering nature’s beauty and Desperately looking out of window for that one drop of downpour There came this earth’s time Somewhere in between Not giving a damn to nurture your soul and Hopelessly looking for online yoga, meditation classes There came this earth’s time Somewhere in between Endlessly binging on junk food and Enthusiastically trying new recipes There came this earth’s time Somewhere in between Living an ‘Insta Story’ life and Fighting for mere existence There came this earth’s time Somewhere in between The mundane run along the ‘rat race’ and Discovering the ‘you’ in you There came this earth time Somewhere in between I and WE There came this earth time And yeah , Earth’s given us time to heal and let heal. Its Earth’s Time TM Lalitha Krithika K – Chief Editor TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club G1 SPEAKS
  • 36. “I always entertain great hopes” -Robert Frost 36 Just as the moon, it lights up the darkest nights As the sun, it empowers countless lives As wind it carries to limitless heights As water moulds to the container's guise Yet, moons wane, suns set, winds change and water slips Holding on to it is a herculean stint It can be a spark igniting the blazing fire within Or a 'someday' box of dreams we can't live without It can be the subtle smile encouraging matters of the heart Or a cacophony of noises as colonizers depart Whether that of which you are dreaming is love, money, peace or success 'Having Hope' is another way of saying you believe in yourself Having Hope TM Sathya Priya K – Chief Editor Secretary, TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters club FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
  • 37. “I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe” 37 My journey with Toastmasters started in February 2019, with the goal to improve my communication skills and conquer my fear of public speaking . Now I realize it is more than just a platform to improve communication skills. I am getting a chance to introspect in the process know what my strengths and weaknesses are. Toastmasters helped me realise how unorganised I am, taught me to prioritize things and become organised. I haven’t excelled at these things yet, and I know it’s a long journey ahead. After conquering the public speaking fear, it gave me courage to face other fears like fear of heights by bungee jumping, fear of rejection by proposing a girl. The whole journey has been so memorable and adventurous so far. Looking forward for more good things to come my way. I thank my friend TM Vasudeep, for introducing to me to this world of positivity, TM Shiva Anudeep my previous mentor, who taught me nuances of script writing and my current mentor TM Anuradha Prakash for being so supportive, pushing me to take up roles, participate in contests, and deliver next speech by asking “where is the script ?”. Last, but not least, TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club and it’s members for giving me all the opportunities. My Spiritual(inner) Journey TM Raviteja Singam – Co-Editor TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club G1 SPEAKS
  • 38. “With hope, the odds don’t matter” 38 Let’s Go For A Ride TM Aswathy Mohan - Designer Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club Let’s go for a ride into the wild pack the pains and take the tears don’t miss out anything that made you cry put it all in don’t unpack it until you see the ray of hope let’s open our minds and fly high let’s see the world and tighten your hold let’s feel the love and share the laughter let’s see the ups and forget the downs let’s cry out loud when no one is around let’s laugh out loud when someone surrounds let’s do the don’ts and don’t the do and let’s forget the baggage, the troubles , the pains and come back home empty handed but a heart filled with love and hope G1 SPEAKS
  • 39. “God's mercy and grace give me hope - for myself, and for our world.” 39 An Epiphany Of Hope TM Deepak MVL – Co-Editor TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club All 6 of us are Kanni Swamis (first timers). After an arduous descent from Azhutha hill many pilgrims decided to call it a night. It was around 10PM and the task ahead is the Karimala hill which is the abode of elephants. Rumors mongered that an elephant trampled a pilgrim to death the previous night. But our intention was to Make Hay Before The Sun Shines. So we tied our Irumudi which is a bag that contains 2 or 3 coconuts and other puja materials to our head and resumed our journey. Almost all hikers are torch bearers during night trek. The strict instruction was not to illuminate the sides or the trees. We walked in almost total silence like a troop of soldiers. Suddenly few pilgrims walked swiftly past us with with reverberant chants Swamiye Ayyappo!! Ayyappo Swamiye!! For me it sounded like a war cry. Immediately we shouted the words of Hope, the chants that kept the team's esprit de corps intact. The gruelling journey of roughly 61kms comes to an end at the Pathinettam Padi(18th step). The Golden steps is such a splendid sight. Pilgrims chanted the saranams loudly. After breaking the coconuts we climbed the 18 steps to have the darshan of Lord Ayyappa. Words are not sufficient to explain the experience. The place, the chants, the atmosphere, the divinity, the journey, everything will make one realize that there is someone who will not allow one to lose Hope. I believe that someone is me, in my life. What about you? G1 SPEAKS
  • 40. “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 40 Follow your dreams The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams……. By, TM Syed Mohammed Layeeqh CES Toastmasters Club Doodle Love If you don’t end up being anything, you can be a doodler. By, TM Aswathy Mohan Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club G1 SPEAKS
  • 41. “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 41 How to become the Division Conference Chair DTM Thomas T Abraham Toastmasters come in different styles and personalities. One type that the mentors dread is the Just-In-Time Toastmaster. He gets a speech slot. OK, what's the hurry? Then with one day to go for the meeting, the VPE asks for the speech title, for the agenda. “Keep it as TBD”, responds the J-I-T TM. Then he gets into action. That night, during prime time his mentor gets a message: “Sorry for the rush. A speaker dropped out and VPE requested me. Said I will try. If you can find the time and give your suggestions, we will have two speeches tomorrow”. (That is persuasively speaking, by generating sympathy.) Now, why delay the pleasure of planning and preparing a speech till the day before the speech delivery? Probably because the J-I-T TM has not reached that pleasurable stage. A beginner with the guitar cuts his fingers on the string and regrets spending good money on the monster. Then, through practice, a stage comes, he falls in love with the strings and the magic of sounds he can create. Same thing with the dancer, the athlete. Same thing with a speaker. The faster he reaches that stage of deriving joy from the pursuit, the faster he will convert into a pleasure, what used to be the pain of hunting and finding a topic, thinking up and drafting the speech. That is when any opportunity to pound the stage becomes irresistible and the microphone becomes an object of desire. That is sure sign that a wannabe has become a passionate speaker. Frankly, what is the idea of paying in dollars and not deriving that pleasure from speeches ASAP? Then it becomes easier to delink the two acts: preparing the speech and delivering it. Like The Chef making dosas at the buffet counter, keep more than one speech idea going. Keep them in different stages of development. It could be just arriving at a topic. Meanwhile, think up the main points for another speech. Be like the Chef who gets active when a diner approaches him. He finds out the customer’s taste and finishes the dosa in a jiffy and delivers. The same way, when a slot comes your way, you will grab it. And you will be able to fine tune and deliver your speech even at short notice. You will be hugely popular with the VPE. You will be the Contest Chair at the next Club contest. From Club contest Chair to Area and Division Conference Chair can be much shorter than you think!. From DTM Thomas T Abraham
  • 42. “There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.” 42 From DTM Thomas T Abraham What can help us find apt topics for speeches is the habit of pigeonholing. Remember the little episode with the Boss you had last week. That was a classic case study of a supportive leader. Now, just because it is fresh in your mind, don’t use up that in your next speech, which can be on any topic. Hold that Boss episode back, as it will be a good support story for the Leadership styles project. Especially during the COVID Lockout days, you won’t give away all the change at the next immediate transaction. You will hold it in reserve so that you can give the exact change and not collect COVID - covered coins! Same goes for your precious life stories, the unique experiences that have shaped you. Hold them for projects that need inspirational content. Scan all the projects in your chosen Path. Pigeonhole contents based on project requirements. Then you will not be starved for speech topics. Nor would you wait too long for the Division Director’s call asking you if you could please take on the Division Conference Chair. Congratulations! DTM Thomas T Abraham Former Special Director, Corporate Communications at Ashok Leyland and Sr Vice President at Hinduja Group. Now Communications creator and consultant.
  • 43. “God's mercy and grace give me hope - for myself, and for our world.” 43 Swashbucklers of TMI TM Shashank Area G2 Director Toastmasters took its first breath in 1924; started toddling in US and now it has become a Humungous Hulk across 142 countries. Do you think, it would have been possible without us Swashbucklers i.e. ever enthusiastic members. We are the well- suited monks who take nothing as a monetary benefit but still help peers to reach the peak. I have seen people growing in stature from quants to Everest. Every individual, when they get their name prefixed with “TM” feels they are the CEO of their own organization, in the course of that journey they ensure that not only their club, area, division, district and nation should stand first but also all members including themselves reach the pinnacle. They are evangelists for the whole society when it comes to public speaking, communication or leadership. We learnt the art of camaraderie while earning the DCP points; it is like a sweet and salty lime soda, which will not give you, pleasant feeling while you are drinking it but the result will be most satisfying. One of the biggest secrets, which I am going to reveal about TMI sessions, will be mind-boggling, they are complete package of stress buster sessions. You have to be creative at the same time you have to adhere to the TMI guidelines; this act of equilibrium will make you forget your stress and tensions of life. Our swashbucklers during the rollercoaster ride of toastmasters learn the art of networking, marketing, negotiating and what not. My goodness! My NERVES and neurons are in accord to extract all the juices from toastmasters. It is like a nectar, which you take once in a lifetime and become immortal. I should not be in doubt that in future, if some psychological or neurological research to be conducted on toastmaster’s members, then new species with increased frontal lobe or new Set of genetic coding will be discovered which has more capability of balancing life than common individuals of our society. So next time when you meet a Toastmaster bow down and greet with great warmth in your heart as they lived a life what most people see only in fairy tales. FROM G2 Area Director
  • 44. “Hope is a waking dream.” ― Aristotle 44 Club Name Office First Name Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp President Rajendran Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Education Ramprakash Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Membership Vijaya Ruby Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Public Relations Vanathy Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Secretary Akshaya Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Treasurer Rajalakshmi Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Sergeant At Arms Adithya SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Harine SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Ajith Kumar SMVEC Toastmasters Club Secretary Kalaivani SMVEC Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswin Kumar SMVEC Toastmasters Club President Priyadarshini SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Subashri SMVEC Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Subicshas G1 @ GLIMPSE EXCOM July to Dec 2019
  • 45. “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” 45 Club Name Office First Name South Chennai Toastmasters Club President ANIMESH South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Milan South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Mohan South Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Waquar South Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Prabhat South Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Abhineet South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Narpal TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club President Britto TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Pallavi TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Raviteja TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Saai Rahavendar TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Secretary Deepika TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Treasurer Anuradha TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Lakshminarayanan TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Nagella Naveen TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Hariprasath TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Manjusha TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Harsh TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club President Benazir TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Satyam TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Jeyashree G1 @ GLIMPSE
  • 46. “A whole stack of memories never equal one little hope” 46 Club Name Office First Name Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp President Vignesh Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Education Selva Sundaram Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Membership Prabhakaran Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Vice President Public Relations Prathik S Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Secretary Balasubramaniam Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Treasurer Meera Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp Sergeant At Arms Manikanda Vignesh SMVEC Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Harine SMVEC Toastmasters Club Secretary Aswin Kumar SMVEC Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswin Kumar SMVEC Toastmasters Club President Priyadarshini South Chennai Toastmasters Club President Milan South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Prabhat South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Abhineet South Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Deivamoorthy South Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Narpal South Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Naveen South Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Waquar EXCOM Jan to July 2020 G1 @ GLIMPSE
  • 47. “ Expecting something for nothing is the most popular form of hope.” 47 Club Name Office First Name TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club President Ilu TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Deepika TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Chandrashekhar TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Pallavi TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Secretary Sathya Priya TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Treasurer Britto TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Lakshminarayana n TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club President Manjusha TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Harsh TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Benazir TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Venkata TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Secretary Khushboo TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Treasurer Sai Kiran TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms AISH CES Toastmasters Club President Vijayasekar CES Toastmasters Club Vice President Education Tirumalanagavija y CES Toastmasters Club Vice President Membership Subbarao CES Toastmasters Club Vice President Public Relations Mounika CES Toastmasters Club Secretary Kirubakaran CES Toastmasters Club Treasurer Aswathy CES Toastmasters Club Sergeant At Arms Kandavel G1 @ GLIMPSE
  • 48. “Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic” 48 I would like to extend my thanks to the DTM Sampath and Thomas for their unparalleled support as a club mentor Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp. here I learned the art of selfless service. During these 10 Months our club President’s worked very hard and made sure to have the smooth operations:- Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp club’s President, TM Rajendran and Vignesh made sure that they give the best mentorship and education to their club members always maintain the meeting quality and company’s core value TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club’s President TM Britto and Ilu one of the best warriors who put all their efforts to serve the club members. Who will make sure to have the quality meeting irrespective of the member's strength? TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club’s President TM Benazir and Manjusha always made sure that all the members are assigned proper mentors and they give the mocks before the meeting. South Chennai Toastmasters Club’s President and VPE TM Milan and Prabhat a very dynamic leader who always put the club members first. An amazing passion towards the Toastmaster who has never missed a single meeting. I was surprised to see when president TM Milan attended the meeting despite she met with an accident. CES Toastmasters Club’s President TM Vijay, Another great personality and leadership who always keep his team fixed for any acknowledgment. And make sure his team gets whatever is needed for the betterment of the club. SMVEC Toastmasters Club President, TM Priya, A very young and dynamic leader who has a never giving up attitude. That’s the reason we could revive the club. Pls, help me to recognize the efforts put by our ExCom to make this term successful. Recognition from AD Area G1, Division G, D - 82 TM Animesh Yadav Area Director G1
  • 49. “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. 49 Contest Role Players TM Anuradha Contest Master TM Mounika Timer TM Gandhi Tally Counter TM Ravi SAA TM RaviTeja Timer Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82
  • 50. “Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed.” 50 Contest Role Players TM Vidya Chief Judge TM Pallavi Contest Chair TM Saira Co - Chair TM Haneef Recognition Chair TM Aish Hosting Chair TM Gurucharan PR - Chair Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82
  • 51. “Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” ― Stephen King 51 TM Harine SMVEC Toastmasters Club TM Ruby Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp TM Prabhat South Chennai Toastmasters Club TM Saikiran TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club TM Pallavi TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82 Area G1 Congratulates!! Leaders for their contribution towards the growth of area G1 clubs during 2019-20
  • 52. TM Waquar South Chennai Toastmasters Club TM Shoban SMVEC Toastmasters Club TM Manikanda Vignesh Larynx - the Toastmasters Club at Zoho Corp TM Sundar TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club TM Chandrashekar TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club “Shoot for the moon, even if you fail, you'll land among the stars” 52 Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82 Area G1 Congratulates!! Members excelled in their communication skills during 2019-20
  • 53. TM Abiya SMVEC DTM Sampath Zoho club TM Balaji CES Club TM Shashank SCTC DTM Thomas Zoho club TM Satyam CES Club TM Animesh SCTC “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” ― Richard Evans” 53 Area G1 Congratulates!! Club Mentors for their contribution towards the growth of area G1 clubs during 2019-20 Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82
  • 54. “Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.” ― Francis Bacon 54 TM Balaji SCTC TM Britto TMATC TM Harsh TMCTC TM Ilu TMATC TM Jerline SCTC TM Sobhan SMVEC TM Venkata TMCTC TM Selva Larynx - Zoho Corp ISC CONTESTANTS 2019-20 Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82
  • 55. “Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.” ― Francis Bacon 55 Winners of Area G1 International Speech contest 2019-20 Recognition from Area G1, Division G, D - 82
  • 56. “We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 56 MAGICAL FRAMES HANDY POTTER Just few cups of clay can become beautiful vessels in the right hands of a skilful potter. If you are just clay, make sure you are in right hands……. The High Dome Its beauty cannot be captured in one photo. Hence a multi- exposure shot of the famous temple Man and Majesty He sits tall in the richness of love he has for his best friend. Captured by, TM Britto Pradeep - Treasurer, TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
  • 57. “We need hope, or else we cannot endure.” 57 MAGICAL FRAMES HOPE By Jerline South Chennai Toastmasters Club Dragonfly Some miracles might come in pairs like these flies. Captured By Pallavi Vice President Public Relations TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club
  • 58. “Walk on with hope in your heart, and you'll never walk alone” ― Shah Rukh Khan 58 SAY CHEESE…… TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club contest 2020 Officers Training Program 2020 attended by the TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club Executive committee
  • 59. “Hope is tomorrow's veneer over today's disappointment..” 59 Oath taking ceremony @ CES Toastmasters Club SCTC Toastmasters Club SAY CHEESE……
  • 60. “This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.” 60 SMVEC Toastmasters Club SSN College Toastmasters Demo Meeting SAY CHEESE……
  • 61. “This is where it all begins. Everything starts here, today.” 61 TMCTC Toastmasters Club SAY CHEESE……
  • 62. TM Sathya Priya Chief Editor (Secretary,TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club) TM Lalitha Krithika K Chief Editor (TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club) TM Raviteja SIngam Co-Editor (TCS Maitree Alpha Toastmasters Club) TM Deepak MVL Co-Editor (TCS Maitree Chennai Toastmasters Club) TM Aswathy Mohan Designer (Treasurer, CES Toastmasters Club) HANDS BEHIND
  • 63. An excerpt from Maya Angelou’s Still I Rise THANK YOU Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise. Follow Us Toastmasters-382198829039621/