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Dear Colleagues,
It is with mixed emotions that I share this news that some of you may have already figured out …
I said YES when the interest in leaving survey came out a couple of weeks ago! Crazy, I know. As I reflect on an
amazing many year journey through many departments, many mergers, many projects and many roles, the
memories that stand out are consistent, and that is the blessing to work with people like you! At the end of any
journey, all that matters are the relationships we have built and the joys, sorrows, laughter and tears we have
I am very grateful to Pacific Bell, SBC and AT&T for taking care of my family and I through the years, and for the
awesome resume I’ve been able to build, but I will be forever grateful to all of you who:
 have inspired me to stay true to who I am
 coached me to keep my enthusiasm in check 
 reassured me when I doubted myself
 believed in me enough to follow me as your leader
 collaborated with me to do some amazing things for the people who work here
 trusted me as your confidante, coach and partner
The decision to leave was not an easy one. As most of you know my passion is to enable a great place to work for
people, so they can be the best version of themselves every day. With this in mind, I have decided to follow my
heart’s desire while I still have plenty of career runway left. I am looking for a Senior HR/People Strategy role in
the SF Bay Area, ideally for a midsize organization that is growing and doing meaningful work in the world…hey a
girl can dream, right?!
My faith is strong, so I am both excited and hopeful the right opportunity will present itself soon. In the
meantime, I remain an AT&T employee until July 22nd and hope to have the opportunity to share a final hug,
handshake or note of encouragement with all of you who have been a special part of my journey.
Please be in touch and keep in touch as desired, and let me know if you have any great connections in the Bay
Area to help me find work that aligns with my heart .
Best Regards,
Michelle Gomez
AVP People, Passion and Purpose
m: 510-329-0554
I humbly share this beautiful collection of testimonials that were presented to me in a memory book. It started
with a note I sent to the many people I was blessed to know and support over the years as pasted below. Some
were highlighted as great examples of what many people shared. I hope this provides a good sense of who I am
and what I can bring to an organization.
From: STANKEY, JOHN - CEO AT&T Entertainment Group
Congratulations to you. Yet one more data point that the end of an era is
coming. There is life after the phone factory! I think this is a wonderful set of
plays to run given your anchoring on the West Coast. We will most certainly miss
having you around and your significant contributions, but there are so many
alternatives to pursue. Besides, you get to do it with a safety net. That makes it all
the better.
Poke your head in before you run out of here. I would like to say “see you soon
and congratulations” in person.
From: BARTON, JAMIE – Executive Vice President, Sales & Service
Thank you Michelle for your passion for the people and the organization. You fully
invest yourself in the development of others and the team. No detail is too small
or project to big. You bring excitement and hope to the centers and everyone that
you work with. Thank you.
From: FENOGLIO, KEN – Vice President AT&T University
We will miss YOU Michelle! Can't believe you beat me out. Let us know how it is
on the "other side". Enjoyed all our years together. I'll send headhunters your way
for sure. Hope you will come to one final LwD. Would love to give you a shout
From: JONES, VICKI – Senior Vice President, Entertainment Group Support
OH MY! I am so very excited for you and am completely confident you will end up
in a place that makes your heart, mind and soul happy. You have been such a
remarkable partner and friend over the years. I truly love working with you and
will miss you terribly. I adore you and you will forever remain imprinted in my
heart. Please stay in touch and know that I am grateful for all you have done to
make this a better company and to help us have the tools to do so. Hugs and very
best wishes to you.
From: LEE, LORI – Senior Executive Vice President, Global Marketing Officer
So sad to get this message. But happy for you to follow your dreams. You will be
missed and AT&T will not be the same. Here for you, if I can help, let me know.
Appreciate you and thank you for all that you have done for us.
From: KING, KELLY – Senior Vice President, Small Market Solutions
Congrats MICHELLE! Have fun! You deserve it! Stay in touch!
From: MCCRACKEN, AMY T – Vice President, Investor Relations
How do you have that many years?!?! I would love to catch up before you leave - I
have enjoyed working with you very much throughout the years...and appreciated
your support and encouragement more than you know! I'll put my thinking cap on
for SF leads.
From: MUSCAROLAS, MELBA – Vice President, Labor Relations
Great email! Someone, some company will be very lucky to get you! I applaud your
decision and know that it will lead to new and interesting adventures! All the
From: RAFFERTY, NICOLE L – Vice President, Customer Experience
Oh my goodness! What a big decision – CONGRATS! Thanks for passing on and
leaving behind so many of your gifts (passion & knowledge for people, teaching,
learning and doing the right things) to bloom in others and to be passed
along. What a wonderful thing!
I feel blessed to have known you and to have learned from you over the
years. Your passion and enthusiasm will certainly be missed. Good luck in what
lies ahead. I know you will find the right next step and they will be lucky to have
you. How great to do it in the place you love!
From: PALMER, JOHN G – SVP, Chief Learning Officer
Congrats Michelle! Really happy for you!! Thanks for the great partnership!!
From: SIMON, RACHEL – VP, Finance
Oh wow – good for you! One of my favorite quotes says “leap and the net shall
appear.” I am confident that this will be a great next chapter for you. When I
reflect upon my time working in California, you are definitely one of the brightest
spots and someone who helped me to grow – thank you for making a meaningful
contribution to my development! I hope our paths cross again!
From: WALKER, LORETTA – VP, External Affairs
Thank you for sharing your message with us; you will definitely be missed at
AT&T. Please stay in touch.
From: GUNTER, KIMBERLY J – VP, Retention Centers
Congratulations! I know this is a big step—and perhaps even a bit of a scary step,
but I absolutely BELIEVE it is going to be a huge blessing for you. Your faith,
passion and sincerity ensure only “goodness” will come from this decision.
If you’re still in the game, I’d love to have you come and guest speak at a meeting
for my entire team to talk about things we can do to improve morale and then
come and consult with my leadership team to create a new EE initiative based on
our unique issues.
And…if you’re willing to share it, I’d love to have any materials you’ve put together
over the last year or so that I can use as a roadmap in this new gig. (Can you see
how much you will be missed??!!)
From: GARCIA, JODY – VP Call Center Strategy & Planning
I consider you one of my dearest friends and feel deep love and gratitude for all
that we have shared over the years, both personally and professionally. We have
grown up in this business together and crisscrossed our careers, always sharing a
deep passion for our people. We have shared having children together, singing
Christmas carols, playing practical jokes that I still delight in and driving this
business to new heights.
You are bright and talented in so many ways. I love your fearlessness and ability to
take an idea and put it into action. Because you have touched so many lives in
such meaningful ways, your legacy will always live on. And best yet, I know our
friendship will also live on. I am so glad you will have the chance to take this next
step in your career and make it on your own terms. You will be deeply missed but
always remembered.
From: JACKSON, COLLEEN – Area Manager, M&P/Process
Under your leadership we took the meaning of team to a whole new level. Your
leadership allowed for us to not only grow and develop our own talents, but to
actively work with all of our team to make each person better. You had high
expectations for us but were always there for each of us to help us meet and
exceed them. You truly define the phrase “lead by example” with everything you
do. Your caring spirit filled the whole team with that true sense of support for each
other and the business. As you move into this next chapter of your life, know that
what you have taught us will be here long after you are gone. We will continue to
strive to make you proud.
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become
more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
From: TERRY, KERRY – Sr. Project Program Manager, Employee Development
You are an amazing human being. You are brilliant in business, committed to your
family and faith, and dedicated to helping others grow and develop out of their
cocoons into butterflies they never dreamed possible. You are an inspiration to
those who cross your path and truly have a glow about you that draws people in.
You have been a shoulder to lean on, an incredible teacher and a kind heart I have
come to count on over the past few years. I’m so lucky you are just a short drive
away so I know we will continue our friendship and you will continue to help light
my path. Congratulations on starting the next chapter in your incredible journey!
From: BURNETT, YVETTE – Performance Development Manager
You have made such a positive impact in my life. Working for you the last 2 years
has been a growing experience for me. You trusted me to take on projects I did
not feel I had the qualifications for, and you coached me every step of the way. I
love the way you challenged me to accomplish things I never thought I could
do. Thank you for always being an open, transparent, and trusting leader. You are
a role model to me and will miss you tremendously. I wish you the best and hope
we will keep in touch. With lots of love and gratitude.
From: GRIFFIN, PRESTON – Performance Development Manager
You were the most influential leader I have experienced in my career with AT&T,
and it was an absolute honor to work for you. I am so happy for you in this new
stage of life, and I know that the Lord will continue to bless your career. You will
be missed dearly, and I will truly miss your coaching.
From: MORRIS, DEBBIE – Performance Development Manager
Thank you for all your help and support over the past few years. You have always
taken care of all those who crossed your path and ensured you put in the effort to
make a difference for them and their career paths. You have been an amazing
leader and helped our team grow and learn new things. You will succeed at
anything you set your heart and mind to. Take care and keep in touch!
From: OLGETREE, KIM – Director Call Center Operations
I've never met such a caring executive who makes every employee feel like the
only employee. Your passion, dedication, and loving nature is unrivaled. You are a
leader to remember. Thank you for everything. Best wishes my friend.
From: EVANS, TONI – Manager Process/M&P
I wanted you to know what a blessing it's been to work with you over these past
few years. Having someone like you as a boss has been no less than a gift. You are
the kind of person that brings the best out in others! Words cannot express how
much of a motivation you have been in my life. Thank you for everything you did.
Wishing you continued success and happiness!
From: FLORES, RUBEN - Performance Development Manager
Michelle is a leader who sincerely puts people first. Michelle taught me how to
live the vision that taking care of your people helps them to take care of their
customers, and when that happens the business results always follow. Her
modeling and coaching of this approach has helped me evolve as a
leader. Michelle is one of a kind and I will never forget the impact she had on
From: ABBOTT, JEFF M – Director, Reporting & Analytics
I will always remember you as being happy and energetic, with inspirational and
optimistic things to say. I have always admired the organization skills, patience and
super positive attitude you possess. I think it has helped so many to succeed at AT&T
and I am sure it will serve you well wherever you go.
Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and I hope we can stay in touch. I wish
you and your family all the very, very best life has to offer -- Congratulations!
Work: 908-901-2748 / 862-812-0677 Personal Mobile 610-882-0373
Home email :
From: ABEL, TAMI L – Director, Customer Experience
Thank you for your leadership! Best wishes to you in all you do!
From: AMBROZEWICZ, MICHAEL – Director, Communications
Oh no! What a tremendous loss for our company. Thank you for welcoming me to the
AT&T family, and always being so supportive. You will be missed. Wishing you all the
best in this next chapter of your career!
From: BIRD, STEPHANIE R – Executive Director, Chief of Staff
I am so incredibly happy for you. Your courage and faith to step into your unchartered
territories is inspirational. I have no doubt you will find success, joy and fulfillment. You
have been an incredible role model for me as we’ve worked together and I’ve had a
chance to observe you from afar. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that the
right doors will open at the right time.
From: CRABB, DENNISE D – Lead HR Specialist
Wow! I am really excited for you but sad to see you go. I hope you know that I’ve
always appreciated the time that we worked together. In some ways you’ve served as
an informal mentor to me and may not have even known it. So I want to say thank
you! I wish you only the best in this new chapter for you. You will truly be missed.
From: DONOVAN, KIM – Associate Director, Training Delivery
What a sad day for us. You will be truly missed; not only as a great leader but as a great
human being! Best of luck to you!!
From: EVANS, CYRUS S - Center Sales Manager
I have truly learned a lot from you. Thank you for re-grounding US to focus on the
people first, since at one time I felt like that aspect was getting away from us. I wish I
could move to the bay area to help build your dream. Best wishes and blessings to you
and yours!
From: GIBSON, KIMBERLY – Director, Labor Relations
It is messages like this from leaders like you that make this a great place to
work! Congratulations and you can never go wrong following your heart’s desire.
From: GONZALEZ, VENNY – Area Vendor Sales Manager
Awesome Michelle! I wish you much success in all your future endeavors. You are an
inspiration to many. Will keep in touch via FB! God bless you abundantly!
From: GRIFFIN, LIZ – Director, Program Management, Chief of Staff
You are an amazing leader and in general an AMAZING person – who teaches, inspires,
listens while also paving the way to help others reach their full potential. I look forward
to celebrating your past and future successes. Your knowledge and your spirit will be
missed by AT&T.
From: GROGAN, MANDY J – Center Sales Manager
I wanted to reach out and wish you the very best on your new adventure. You are a
strong and inspiring leader that has done amazing things at AT&T. I know whatever you
do in life, you will find great success and happiness. Enjoy this exciting new time in your
life! :)
From: HENTHORN, AMY M – Director, Office of the President
What a beautiful note. Your enthusiasm is contagious and you are always so upbeat and
take on all your projects with a great deal of passion. A great role model indeed.
Good luck on the job search, I'm sure you'll be fielding offers before you know it!
From: INCE, ROBYN L – Director, Vendor Management-Service
Congrats lady & good luck! I know our time together was limited but you did leave a
lasting impression that will remind me to never stand with my “mommy hips” in front of
an audience!  It’s the little things that make such a great impact! Thank you for your
support, you will be greatly missed!
From: KAIP, JASON – Sr. Director, Retention
Congratulations on your decision to follow your passion. I know you will have great
From: KASSON, CYNTHIA G – Assistant Vice President, Project Program Management
Congratulations!! AT&T will miss you, but I think it’s awesome that you’re looking to
share your passion elsewhere. GOOD LUCK to you and much continued success!
From: BRADLEY, DIANE L – AVP Labor Relations
This was a BIG surprise with mixed emotions when I saw it this weekend. I am very
happy for you in making the decision to further pursue your passion. You have been a
GREAT labor partner and will truly be missed. Best wishes for continued success and
From: BERGER, NANCY G – AVP Finance & Billing Operations
Congrats to you!!! Sounds like a tough decision to make but the right one for you and
your goals! We will miss you and your eternal optimism! I wish you nothing but the
very best!
From: DUFFY, KEVIN – Director, Center Support IVR
I have enjoyed working with you over the years. You will do well with whatever you
take on next!
From: COURSEY, MICHAEL S – General Manager, Retention
I wanted to take a second to tell you congratulations on a MORE than impressive career
at AT&T.
I’ve always been blown away at the way you would take on an initiative or project and
truly give it life. I couldn’t even guess how many projects you were consistently
running/juggling at one time!
This is absolutely a loss for AT&T – and just wanted to say that people who worked with
you will definitely recognize that and agree.
Wherever life takes you next, I honestly wish you the best and hope you can find
something that energizes you the way you have energized us and the projects that we
worked alongside you on.
From: REJANOVINSKY, LEV – Senior Director, Sales Operations
Many blessings and success in your new endeavors!
From: KHAN, SHERRI D – Director, Sales Effectiveness
Michelle – I am so surprised! It has been great working with you over the
years. Although we were never on the same team, I always felt supported and
appreciated your guidance, ideas and passion. Wishing you the best of luck in your new
adventure. We will miss you lots!!! Hope to see you in the office before you depart for
your new life!
From: LEE, GEOFFREY C – Director, Vendor Management
Please keep in touch. You are one of my "special people". Will miss u
TREMENDOUSLY!!!! Selfishly wish u would have hung around but will always look up to
you! You are awesome! Please ping me if ever get to NC! Best wishes and God Bless.
From: MCKIM, KATHY – VP, External Affairs
Congratulations! I am very happy for you as you pursue your interests and start another
fabulous journey. I have enjoyed working with you over the years and hope we can stay
in touch. I have always appreciated your positive attitude and willingness to partner to
get things done. We have worked on several teams and we have always had great
success. Good luck to you.
From: MATHEWS, CHRISTINE M – Director, Training
I wish you the best of luck and it was an absolute pleasure to work with you while in
TU! Please stay in touch (connected on LinkedIn) and best of luck on your new career
search…no doubts you’ll be amazing at whatever you do!
From: PEREZ, DONALD – Director, Sales Operations
You are a class act, lady. All the best to you in wherever your passion leads you. Please
holler if I can help you out in any way.
From: PHILLIPS, SHAY – Executive Director, Technology & Service Management
I’m sad to hear that you’re leaving but excited that you will start a new and exciting
chapter of your life. It’s been awesome working with you.
Best of luck!
From: ROESNER, CHRISTOPHER J – Director, Sales Operations
I know you will find great things in your future! You have a positive light and you always
make things fun! I enjoyed meeting you and listening to your presentations on
numerous occasions. Good luck on everything!
From: FUSON, AMY L – Lead Chief of Staff
You are a strong and smart woman who has inspired and lead so many people in success
here at AT&T. I am blessed to have been a part of your journey over the years and
thank you for all you have taught and guided me on. I wish you the most success and
know with your great personality and passion, you will be successful in a new
path. Don’t forget us and know we are always singing your praises and remembering all
you shared with us! Best wishes and please keep in touch!
From: PUTTER, STEFANIE – Manager, Talent Development
Wow, what a loss for AT&T, but big congratulations for embarking on this next life
chapter! I have really enjoyed working with you and getting to know you these last 6
months and wish you nothing but the best on your new career journey. Thanks for all of
your coaching support as well, and best wishes to you! If we aren’t already connected
on LinkedIn, let’s connect – I’d love to stay in touch.
From: VASSILIADES, MARINA – Director, Sales Acquisition
Michelle, your message just pitched at my heart in a huge way. I adore you so much and
this is such a loss for us. You are so talented, and beyond that you are an amazing leader
and a beautiful soul. I will so miss you, but am grateful to call you a friend & know we will
stay connected! Congratulations on following your heart. You will be a huge asset to
anyone, anytime anyplace!!!!! ❤
From: LINARES, MINNIE L – Director, Labor Relations
It was a pleasure working with you. Best of luck in our new endeavors
From: BARKHOFF, BARBARA A – Center Sales Manager, Reno
I can only imagine the mixed emotions about the decision and letting go with something
that you (I) have been a part of for so long. I have to believe that this last assignment
was very fun and special helping others reach their full potential and dreams.
I am thankful for the opportunity to work with you as you inspired, engaged respected
and supported me in every way. I’ll facebook you to keep up on your journey. Look for
Barbie Mack.
From: EDDY, RICK – General Manager, Sales
You are a multi-talented person that includes horseback riding while saving a man with
no arms who was falling in a river to save a dog! I only wish that we had a YouTube
video of this hilarious moment. You have an amazing heart and are so intelligent and
though you will be missing from my professional life, you will always be a part of my
heart and circle of friends for life.
I love you ma’am…You are the best part of AT&T!!!!
From: RODRIGUEZ, GISELA M – General Manager, Sales
Wow Wow Wow! I read your message Friday and I have been in denial since. How
exciting for you that you are going to go out and search for another group of people to
coach, support and make better! Thank you for all that you have done for me and my
team. You are truly an amazing leader and I will miss you and your infectious optimism!!
Take care and may God continue to bless you and your family XOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXO
From: REYNOLDS, JENISE K – Director, Alternate Channels
Wow! Good luck with the new endeavor. I’m so happy you will now get to really pursue
your passion! You’ve been a great friend for so many years. Thank you for that!
From: MLOTT, BRENT A – Director – Channel Marketing
I will miss you. You are such a wonderful person. I wish you all the best!
From: MATOS, MOISES D – Director, Work Force Management
You will truly be missed. What an awesome opportunity and honor it was for me to
have worked with you! You have made a permanent positive impression in all of us!
Wishing you the best on your next adventure.
From: SCHMIDT, MIMI – Area Manager, Quality/M&P/Process
Awwww, you will be a great loss Michelle! I will never forget one of your presentations
to us on creating our own “Personal Brand”. To this day, I pass along what I learned
from you to others I mentor/coach. It has been a pleasure to have known you and I wish
you nothing but great success in all your future endeavor! You will be missed 
From: WEAVER, KAYLA – Manager, Vendor Operations Management
While extremely happy for you to pursue your dreams, I am terribly upset to lose such a
valuable and impactful person in our organization. I want to thank you for being a
person who truly looked to understand DirecTV and look for a way to combine and
merge our cultures, processes, policies, etc. together; you truly made all feel that we are
in this together. I am terribly sad to lose you but at the same time, so happy to see you
pursue your passions; truly inspiring. Good luck on your future endeavors, we wish you
only the best!
From: CORDOVA, SHANE – Director, Labor Relations
Congratulations, Michelle – and best wishes in your next endeavors! It was nice working
with you. FYI, I spoke with CWA District 6 Assistant VP Sylvia Ramos, who had just heard
you were leaving us (she was sad too). If you’d like to reach out to her, her email
address is:
From: ROBERTS, JENNIFER – Director, Talent Management
WOW! Can’t believe it! Well, this is a tremendous loss for AT&’ve made an
amazing impact in your years here, and I have NO DOUBT you will continue to positively
impact lives in your next adventure! Thank you for all you have done to contribute to
our coaching program and our talent development efforts. You will truly be missed.
From: SCHEDER, VALERIE S – AVP, Customer Contact Transformation
Wow, what an exciting time in your career. You have lead so much goodness across
AT&T and I am thrilled I was fortunate to share a small part of your AT&T journey with
you!! You will truly be missed! Best wishes as you continue to coach and lead our next
generation of world leaders ! I know you will bring your expertise, passion and
support to many, many lucky people in the future. Thanks for everything!
From: URENDA, ANITA L – Sr. Manager, Training
I’m so grateful that I had the pleasure of working with you last year. You are a great
leader and you always helped to create a solid partnership with all the projects that we
worked on for our clients. It was you that helped me think broad when our clients
brought a project to us and it allowed me to take a step back to really ask the right
questions and understand how we were trying to impact the field.
You will be greatly missed, and I can’t wait to hear about the next chapter in your life. I
know it will be amazing! Thank you for your partnership, leadership, and direction.
From: BLUTH, DOREEN M - Associate Director, Centers Tools &Technology
What in the world is AT&T going to do without Michelle Gomez! You will definitely
be missed! You are an awesome leader and an even better person. Thank you for
helping my growth as a ‘leader’ as well as adding value to life. Most people do not
have the pleasure of working for someone like you but as for me...I consider myself
very blessed! Best of luck in the next chapter of your life. Keep in touch
Michelle, you are one of those leaders who makes an impact on everyone you
work with and I consider myself lucky to have met you. Your enthusiasm and
passion is contagious, thank you for your mentoring and coaching. This
organization is better because of the great work you did and inspired others to do.
Good Luck!
From: CARRILLO, MILLY – Area Sales Vendor Manager
You have inspired me so much! Thank you for sharing your in depth leadership
knowledge. Your passion, and your smile during all of our sessions have forever
touched me in so many ways. Thank you!
From: CASIMERE, KELLEY L – Area Manager, Regulatory Relations
You will be missed! Thank you for always encouraging me to go beyond myself to
be a better leader. You have been an inspiration and a role model. I made sure we
are connected on LinkedIn so I will keep in touch.
From: COOPER, MICHAEL – Sr. Quality Process Manager
I am so blessed for the opportunity to work for you and learn from you. I know
that your guidance and leadership have shaped me into a much stronger and more
valuable employee. I wish you all the best in the next step on your journey of
inspiring the best in people, the same as you have done for me. Text me next time
you are in Dallas! Coop
From: CASANOVA, MICHAEL – Employee Development Manager
Michelle is such an innovative leader that has directly impacted my life along with
my career. Her heart is not only in the work she does on a daily basis but in her
employees as well. She helped me understand how fulfilling it is to help grow
others in this company. Not only that, but how to think strategically and not to
have such a linear focus. Her wealth of knowledge and her heart is in everything
she does, and I promise I will live my life and career in the same model that she has
taught me. I will miss you Michelle, but know a little piece of you lives on in this
organization in me. Best Wishes.
From: GONZALEZ, RICARDO – Performance Development Coach
It was a true pleasure and inspiration working with you. I wish you the very best of
luck in your new endeavor. I know you will do great!!
From: HAYES, KATHRINE L – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process
Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have truly inspired me from
the day I met you in Bakersfield. You are an extraordinary leader. AT&T will not be
the same without you, I wish you well on your new adventure. THANK YOU
From: PENCE, ERIN K – Sr. Sales Execution Manager
I wish you the very best in your next steps. I am grateful to you for the support,
coaching and feedback that you have provided through the years. You have made
me a better leader and for that I will always be grateful.
From: SMITH-WARD, ALICIA M – Lead Compliance Analyst
While I am shocked I am not surprised. You are a selfless leader that goes beyond
the norm to help your people. I am sure this was not an easy decision but you have
weighed the pros and cons and landed in a good place. I know you are strong
woman of faith and know that God has ordered your steps and will lead you to
where he wants you to go.
I have to tell you how much of an impact you have had on my life during the short
time we worked together. I always felt you had my back and believed in me. You
give sound professional advice, but you never forget to remain human.
You have prompted me to start my own journey with life coaching. I am scared,
unsure and nervous but I am going to push forward. If you have any advice for me I
would appreciate it. You have my commitment to reach out to all my contacts to
see if they have anything in the bay area specific to your focus. You are the best 
I won’t say goodbye just so long for now. Please keep my personal cell 678-231-
8262 and keep in touch.
From: AGUIRRE, FRANCISCO J – Vendor Performance Lead
It is definitely crazy to me that you said yes to the leaving survey! So many years of
service to the company that are full of accomplishments and dedication will not be
easy to forget. I am very thankful of the ways you impacted the company and me. I
wish you the best and look forward to staying in contact with you via LinkedIn or
From: BOTHNER, MARY A – Performance Development Coach
I wish you all the best in your next chapter. I know that you will be amazing at
whatever you put your mind to. Thanks for being such an inspirational leader to
From: SUNZERI, RACHELLE D – Sr. Technology Manager
Congratulations Michelle!! Exciting times ahead for you I am sure. Thanks for all
your support over the years, no matter who I reported to after you! Enjoy some
time off before you start back to work, and I wish the best for you and your family.
From: TENERELLI - SHAW, STEPHANIE J – Center Sales Manager
Wow, I am so excited for you!! You are amazing and will continue to do amazing
things long after you leave here. Thank you for all your support and guidance. I
want to make sure we connect before you leave and stay connected after you go
I will set up time chat!
From: COLLIER, LA VEEDA – Sales Execution Program Manager
Michelle, that just pulled a tug at my heart . I know you prayed and thought long
and hard at this and I know you have an abundance of faith. God will open many
doors for you…you are his child and he takes cares of his! I thank you for all you
have done in my career alone, you have touched so many. I wish you the very, very
best. I’m hoping that you Davie and I can get together for lunch/dinner soon. I
want to keep in touch…not lose contact. God puts people in your life for a reason
and for a season….let our season continue on!
Wishing you the VERY, VERY Best life has for YOU!
From: MAYORAL JR., FELIPE – Center Sales Manager
I was shocked when I heard you were leaving us but happy for you. Wish you the
best of luck in your new endeavors. Appreciate all the support you provided me
and the chats we’ve had in the last several years. Keep in touch!
From: JACOBO, JUDY – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process
I want to wish you the best of luck on the new journey that you will soon be on 
You are an amazing talented woman with a lot to offer and I’m sure that whatever
you decide to do, you will shine brightly! Thank you for being a boss that is caring,
approachable and inspiring!
From: HEIN, JULIA A – Professional Technical Project Manager
I know this must have been a tough decision and a huge step. You are a very
talented woman with a lot to offer and I know you will bring value to whatever
organization you decide to join. I know you have a strong spirit so I have no doubt
you will do well! Just know, you have done some amazing things here and those
successes will last through the years and be the foundation to take the company to
greater heights. You may leave the company but you never leave the AT&T Family.
 Best of luck to you and your family on your new adventures!!
From: MURDOCH, MICHAEL – Team Leader, Customer Care
Awww! I’m sorry to hear! I hope everything works out for you in the bay area. I
really enjoyed the time I got to spend with you and your team in Atlanta. Only
good things are coming in the road ahead, promise. Add me on Facebook, we can
talk about shooting! Lol. If you’re ever out East let me know! Take Care! Thank
you for everything!
From: MAJOR, CRYSTAL NICKSON – Performance Development Coach
You are awesome and amazing. I respected and looked up to you from the first
time I saw you. (A presentation you did for the PDC team that included the .45
caliber test). I remember clearly how awesome I thought you were then, but you
have exceeded all that I imagined you were. Not just because you are smart and
brilliant but your character outshines all of the previously mentioned greatness.
Never change! Thank you for being you, and thank you for making a difference in
my career. Good luck and I wish you blessings on everything you touch!
From: OLIVAS, OMAR O – Manager, Sales Automation
You will most definitely be missed!!... Thank you for all your help, support and
guidance through the years!!
From: SELLS, DAVID K – Manager, Field Sales Automation
Ohhhh this breaks my heart. Although I am sad for myself and many others that
have had the privilege of working with you, I am very excited for you and what the
future holds in store for you. I won’t say goodbye, but wish you much success in
your next chapter.
From: TU, TINA – Lead Consultant, Communications
It has truly been an honor just to have known you much less work with you! You
are a true role model and an inspiration. I love the image you have left for me –
you are the pilot of the plane about to take off on the runway. The destination is
unknown but here’s nothing but blue skies ahead! We will see each other again
before July 22nd
From: STONE-BREEDLOVE, JANICE E – Performance Development Coach
I’m going to truly miss working with you. I have enjoyed your energy, passion and
extensive knowledge. You look through the shell of a person and see them. Thank
you for believing in me! The next corporation will be gaining a great Leader and
From: SELDEN, ANN – Director, Technology Security
Wow Good luck Michelle. I appreciate your coaching and wish you the best in
your next assignment.
From: WHITE, AMY T – Associate Director, Work Force Operations
Michelle - I'm so excited for you and what you'll experience and accomplish in the
next phase of your journey! I thank you for your support, counsel and belief in me
especially when I had doubts. You have a true gift from God and I wish you
happiness and success. Congratulations!
From: WALKER, PATRICIA A – Senior Technology Solutions Manager
This email is a small expression of my thanks to you for your contribution to so
many. You have cast a wide “shadow” in your leadership at AT&T and within
Women of AT&T. Your willingness to walk-the-talk has given me a strong example
to follow.
Personally, I want to thank you for all your support of Adopt-a-Family. Your faith
shines strong in all you do, giving me the courage to bring Adopt-a-Family from my
church family to my WOA family. God bless you as you continue sharing your
compassion, skills and gifts with others in their growth to be all they can be. I am
grateful for you.
From: WIEDOWER, WAYNE A – Performance Development Coach
In my 36 years I’ve worked for some very talented people. Michelle is without a
shadow of a doubt the classiest person I’ve ever worked for/with. Michelle has
taught me to be myself….and to be the best self I can be. She’s taught me to be
smart enough to know my business & humble enough to be able to demonstrate
it. I love that about her. Reinventing one’s self is another key skill I learned from
Michelle more recently as she demonstrated at Agatha’s “A Taste of Mystery” in
Atlanta this year. Who knew Michelle had an accent……! Michelle, thank you for
always looking out for the team.
From: WILLIAMS, EMMA E – Performance Development Coach
I just want to send you a big heartfelt thank you!!!!! During this difficult time for
everyone, I appreciate your leadership, support, guidance, and caring nature of
us. You have shown me what it truly means to put people first as you have gone
above and beyond not only for me but others. I also know you are personally
making decisions for you and your family and still thinking of others. That is truly
amazing! I am still learning from you!! I know your future endeavors will bring
success, because you have been a true blessing to us!!!
From: WINKELMAN, MARTHA L – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process
Congratulations and good luck! You will do well in anything you choose now to do!
It was great working with you and for you over the years and learned a lot from
you! Take care and enjoy whatever you choose to do!
From: MOSELEY, DESIREE – Administrative Manager
I can’t believe you are leaving. The company is losing someone very special and to
let you know you have been a huge inspiration to me personally. You were able to
make me look at the way I managed & led my team just by a few thoughtful words.
I never had the chance to work for you directly but I learned a great deal from your
words and actions especially on how to be a good leader and self-improvement as
well. Thank you for all you do. You will be missed.
From: SCHWARTZ, SHIRLEY – Service Representative, MDP Participant
“The greatest of leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things.
She is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” Ronald Reagan.
Thank you for everything you have done for the Management Development
Program (MDP) participants and every employee. You will be missed.
From: BONAWITZ, ED – Senior Technical Director
WOW! This completely caught me off guard and surprised me! I am really sad to
hear that you are moving on but at the same time really excited about the
opportunities which lie ahead for you. The next company you work for will be
exceptionally fortunate to have someone with your experience and passion at the
helm. Hopefully our paths may cross again in the future! Good Luck!
From: JONES, JACOBIE R – Center Sales Manager, Kirkwood
Say it ain’t so Michelle !!!!!!!!
I am here if you need me, anytime, day or night. Thank you for all you have done
for me and all the center employees.
From: MAY, CARRIE – Senior Sales Ops Manager
Michelle! WOW! Congratulations on making that decision!
Please know that you 100% made an impact on AT&T. THAT is a HUGE
accomplishment. I feel lucky to have gotten to work with you just a little bit! I
have no doubt that you will find the exact job you are looking for and they will be
LUCKY to have you! YOU have coached, reassured, challenged, supported,
collaborated and INSPIRED many! Thank you for that and good luck in the future!
From: SAUER, NICOLE L – Chief of Staff - VP
It has been a pleasure to know you and work with you. I am sorry to see you go,
but confident big things must be on the horizon. If I know you, you will create
something fabulous somewhere, for people who did not even know how badly
they needed your knowledge, passion and energy. May whatever is next be more
than you dared hoped for but everything you thought was possible! 
From: GOODWIN, ANDREA M – Technical PMP
Although I’m sorry to see you move on, your new journey sounds exciting. You are
so gifted and talented, you’ll be able to continue to share your gifts with others.
You were way ahead of the 2020 plan, you were doing career and vision exercises
from our WOA mentoring circle inception years ago! Thanks for being such a light
for those of us who were blessed to cross your path! Prayers are with you.
From: DARK, SYLVIA O – Sr. Labor Specialist
I truly appreciate the opportunity you gave me to be a part of your team and thank
you for your fellowship during our visits in Dallas. You are an amazing person and I
know many more will be fortunate to be touched by your inspiring leadership.
Much more continued success to come for you . Best to you with your family and
what a lucky son to have an awesome MOM! Thank you for your friendship and I
will stay in touch.
From: ROMERO, SHALINA S – Area Vendor Manager
Michelle, I am so saddened by the news! I am really sorry to hear that you are
leaving. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I
honestly would not be where I am if you had not coached and supported for me.
For that, I am truly grateful. You will be greatly missed! Praying for you and your
family. You are a rare find and I’m sure you will continue to do great things in the
Bay Area! I wish I was there to give you hug.
From: AGUILAR, SUSAN – Area Vendor Manager AT&T University
I wish you the very best in your search. You’ve impacted many lives here at AT&T,
including mine, and I pray that you find an opportunity that allows you to continue
to do that.
From: DEWEY, JOHN – Lead Channel Manager, Marketing
You have inspired me personally and professionally. I love you as a person and
want to thank you so much for pouring your spirit in to so many people. You are
amazing and I know God is in control of your life. You are blessed on many, many
fronts. Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do!
From: ZELAYA, GIGI - Performance Development Coach
The times that we were together I always learned something from you. I truly
appreciate your words of wisdom and the inspiration you have given us. I will
certainly miss you and I am happy you will continue to touch other lives like you
did ours. Thank you so much for all that you have done for my peers and for
me. God bless you always mi hermana.
From: PRENTICE-BURWELL, DIONNA L – Performance Development Coach
Well, What can I say? This is a bitter sweet moment but more sweet than bitter. I
think  In my 19 years at AT&T I have yet to serve under a leader with so much to
offer who actually gives it out! In every little bit of information that you give,
smiles that you have, words of encouragement, recognition, frankness and
guidance; is a small but ever so gracious piece of you.
I cannot express my gratitude towards the motivation that you have given me;
allowing me to pursue not only my career goals but my dreams. I am ever so
grateful for the chances and opportunities you have given me, even without you
knowing sometimes! I was stuck in a rut, feeling stifled and unappreciated. Your
business decisions concerning changing and improving the PDC image allowed me
to come out of my cocoon. Your recommendations and your feedback has allowed
other leaders in the business to “take a look” at me, in a very competitive
environment, that means so much. I have pursued and obtained two different VP
positions in the companies ERG both focusing on assisting people in their own
development and goals, this is ALL because of you! You lead by example, you are
the embodiment of “employee engagement” and all I’m doing is following your
footsteps in hopes that I may just become a fraction to someone as you have been
to so many of us.
Although, I must say I am a bit envious of the new batch of folks you will be
leading, I am also amazed by your courage and willingness to yet again prove your
outstanding abilities to lead, make clear decisions, believe in one’s self and act on
your beliefs and goals. May your days be plentiful and your light shine even
brighter for all to see!
From: HEMENWAY, MICHELLE – President, Women of AT&T Bay Area
I am sad to share the news that Michelle Gomez is leaving after a great career with
AT&T. Her spirit, warmth, drive and passion has been an inspiration for me, and I
know for others, and she will be missed in many ways. I wish Michelle all the best
as she embarks on her next career journey.
From: FERNANDEZ, EDWIN – Performance Development Coach
Michelle I want to personally thank you for all you have done for us especially in
this transition, I know it has been hard work. Not only did you keep us employees
but you kept us focused on what really matters.
Your dedication to excellence has made me challenge myself to be better and your
message of doing the job you have now well and getting ready for the future has
pushed me to get a nano degree. I am going to miss you and wish you the best in
the future!!!!!
From: REEVES, NORMA – Customer Service Rep and MDP participant
Our company has been blessed to have such an amazing leader, my life has been
forever blessed and honored to have met you. Thank you for your selflessness and
passion for people. Fly high!! Until we meet again.#MDP2015forlife
From: ARNOLD, SHANNISE – Administrator, Construction & Engineering
Thank you for all of the kind words, awesome insight and advice and abundant
blessings that you have imparted in my life; what an honor. You're an amazing
coach and leader that will be greatly missed. Wishing you peace, prosperity and
many blessings in your new endeavor!
From: SALT, ALONZO – Center Sales Manager, San Diego
Thank You – there are special moments in life where we encounter beautiful
people that help guide you to a place that you desire to be both personally and
professionally, you are one of those individuals. Know that I will be that person
that draws wisdom and direction in tough times and gives gratitude when I get
through those tough moments channeling you!
 I know you will enjoy life as you always do, have fun! From your Performance
Development Coach grown into Center Sales Manager.
From: PRUITT, SHEREEBA – Sr. Consultant
Thank you for being an inspiration to us all! It was awesome to be
able to share ideas with you and gain some from you along the
way. You're the type of leader I aspire to be, one who inspires,
shares, and rejoices in success. I pray you the best on your
journey from here! . #MDP2015
Goodbye note-final

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Goodbye note-final

  • 1. Dear Colleagues, It is with mixed emotions that I share this news that some of you may have already figured out … I said YES when the interest in leaving survey came out a couple of weeks ago! Crazy, I know. As I reflect on an amazing many year journey through many departments, many mergers, many projects and many roles, the memories that stand out are consistent, and that is the blessing to work with people like you! At the end of any journey, all that matters are the relationships we have built and the joys, sorrows, laughter and tears we have shared. I am very grateful to Pacific Bell, SBC and AT&T for taking care of my family and I through the years, and for the awesome resume I’ve been able to build, but I will be forever grateful to all of you who:  have inspired me to stay true to who I am  coached me to keep my enthusiasm in check   reassured me when I doubted myself  believed in me enough to follow me as your leader  collaborated with me to do some amazing things for the people who work here  trusted me as your confidante, coach and partner The decision to leave was not an easy one. As most of you know my passion is to enable a great place to work for people, so they can be the best version of themselves every day. With this in mind, I have decided to follow my heart’s desire while I still have plenty of career runway left. I am looking for a Senior HR/People Strategy role in the SF Bay Area, ideally for a midsize organization that is growing and doing meaningful work in the world…hey a girl can dream, right?! My faith is strong, so I am both excited and hopeful the right opportunity will present itself soon. In the meantime, I remain an AT&T employee until July 22nd and hope to have the opportunity to share a final hug, handshake or note of encouragement with all of you who have been a special part of my journey. Please be in touch and keep in touch as desired, and let me know if you have any great connections in the Bay Area to help me find work that aligns with my heart . Best Regards, Michelle Gomez AVP People, Passion and Purpose m: 510-329-0554 I humbly share this beautiful collection of testimonials that were presented to me in a memory book. It started with a note I sent to the many people I was blessed to know and support over the years as pasted below. Some were highlighted as great examples of what many people shared. I hope this provides a good sense of who I am and what I can bring to an organization.
  • 2. FEEDBACK FROM EXECUTIVE CLIENTS AND PREVIOUS SUPERVISORS From: STANKEY, JOHN - CEO AT&T Entertainment Group Congratulations to you. Yet one more data point that the end of an era is coming. There is life after the phone factory! I think this is a wonderful set of plays to run given your anchoring on the West Coast. We will most certainly miss having you around and your significant contributions, but there are so many alternatives to pursue. Besides, you get to do it with a safety net. That makes it all the better. Poke your head in before you run out of here. I would like to say “see you soon and congratulations” in person. From: BARTON, JAMIE – Executive Vice President, Sales & Service Thank you Michelle for your passion for the people and the organization. You fully invest yourself in the development of others and the team. No detail is too small or project to big. You bring excitement and hope to the centers and everyone that you work with. Thank you. From: FENOGLIO, KEN – Vice President AT&T University We will miss YOU Michelle! Can't believe you beat me out. Let us know how it is on the "other side". Enjoyed all our years together. I'll send headhunters your way for sure. Hope you will come to one final LwD. Would love to give you a shout out! From: JONES, VICKI – Senior Vice President, Entertainment Group Support OH MY! I am so very excited for you and am completely confident you will end up in a place that makes your heart, mind and soul happy. You have been such a remarkable partner and friend over the years. I truly love working with you and will miss you terribly. I adore you and you will forever remain imprinted in my heart. Please stay in touch and know that I am grateful for all you have done to make this a better company and to help us have the tools to do so. Hugs and very best wishes to you. From: LEE, LORI – Senior Executive Vice President, Global Marketing Officer So sad to get this message. But happy for you to follow your dreams. You will be missed and AT&T will not be the same. Here for you, if I can help, let me know. Appreciate you and thank you for all that you have done for us.
  • 3. From: KING, KELLY – Senior Vice President, Small Market Solutions Congrats MICHELLE! Have fun! You deserve it! Stay in touch! From: MCCRACKEN, AMY T – Vice President, Investor Relations How do you have that many years?!?! I would love to catch up before you leave - I have enjoyed working with you very much throughout the years...and appreciated your support and encouragement more than you know! I'll put my thinking cap on for SF leads. From: MUSCAROLAS, MELBA – Vice President, Labor Relations Great email! Someone, some company will be very lucky to get you! I applaud your decision and know that it will lead to new and interesting adventures! All the best! From: RAFFERTY, NICOLE L – Vice President, Customer Experience Oh my goodness! What a big decision – CONGRATS! Thanks for passing on and leaving behind so many of your gifts (passion & knowledge for people, teaching, learning and doing the right things) to bloom in others and to be passed along. What a wonderful thing! I feel blessed to have known you and to have learned from you over the years. Your passion and enthusiasm will certainly be missed. Good luck in what lies ahead. I know you will find the right next step and they will be lucky to have you. How great to do it in the place you love! From: PALMER, JOHN G – SVP, Chief Learning Officer Congrats Michelle! Really happy for you!! Thanks for the great partnership!! From: SIMON, RACHEL – VP, Finance Oh wow – good for you! One of my favorite quotes says “leap and the net shall appear.” I am confident that this will be a great next chapter for you. When I reflect upon my time working in California, you are definitely one of the brightest spots and someone who helped me to grow – thank you for making a meaningful contribution to my development! I hope our paths cross again! From: WALKER, LORETTA – VP, External Affairs Thank you for sharing your message with us; you will definitely be missed at AT&T. Please stay in touch.
  • 4. From: GUNTER, KIMBERLY J – VP, Retention Centers Congratulations! I know this is a big step—and perhaps even a bit of a scary step, but I absolutely BELIEVE it is going to be a huge blessing for you. Your faith, passion and sincerity ensure only “goodness” will come from this decision. If you’re still in the game, I’d love to have you come and guest speak at a meeting for my entire team to talk about things we can do to improve morale and then come and consult with my leadership team to create a new EE initiative based on our unique issues. And…if you’re willing to share it, I’d love to have any materials you’ve put together over the last year or so that I can use as a roadmap in this new gig. (Can you see how much you will be missed??!!) From: GARCIA, JODY – VP Call Center Strategy & Planning I consider you one of my dearest friends and feel deep love and gratitude for all that we have shared over the years, both personally and professionally. We have grown up in this business together and crisscrossed our careers, always sharing a deep passion for our people. We have shared having children together, singing Christmas carols, playing practical jokes that I still delight in and driving this business to new heights. You are bright and talented in so many ways. I love your fearlessness and ability to take an idea and put it into action. Because you have touched so many lives in such meaningful ways, your legacy will always live on. And best yet, I know our friendship will also live on. I am so glad you will have the chance to take this next step in your career and make it on your own terms. You will be deeply missed but always remembered.
  • 5. FEEDBACK FROM CURRENT DIRECT REPORTS From: JACKSON, COLLEEN – Area Manager, M&P/Process Under your leadership we took the meaning of team to a whole new level. Your leadership allowed for us to not only grow and develop our own talents, but to actively work with all of our team to make each person better. You had high expectations for us but were always there for each of us to help us meet and exceed them. You truly define the phrase “lead by example” with everything you do. Your caring spirit filled the whole team with that true sense of support for each other and the business. As you move into this next chapter of your life, know that what you have taught us will be here long after you are gone. We will continue to strive to make you proud. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams From: TERRY, KERRY – Sr. Project Program Manager, Employee Development You are an amazing human being. You are brilliant in business, committed to your family and faith, and dedicated to helping others grow and develop out of their cocoons into butterflies they never dreamed possible. You are an inspiration to those who cross your path and truly have a glow about you that draws people in. You have been a shoulder to lean on, an incredible teacher and a kind heart I have come to count on over the past few years. I’m so lucky you are just a short drive away so I know we will continue our friendship and you will continue to help light my path. Congratulations on starting the next chapter in your incredible journey! From: BURNETT, YVETTE – Performance Development Manager You have made such a positive impact in my life. Working for you the last 2 years has been a growing experience for me. You trusted me to take on projects I did not feel I had the qualifications for, and you coached me every step of the way. I love the way you challenged me to accomplish things I never thought I could do. Thank you for always being an open, transparent, and trusting leader. You are a role model to me and will miss you tremendously. I wish you the best and hope we will keep in touch. With lots of love and gratitude. From: GRIFFIN, PRESTON – Performance Development Manager You were the most influential leader I have experienced in my career with AT&T, and it was an absolute honor to work for you. I am so happy for you in this new stage of life, and I know that the Lord will continue to bless your career. You will be missed dearly, and I will truly miss your coaching.
  • 6. From: MORRIS, DEBBIE – Performance Development Manager Thank you for all your help and support over the past few years. You have always taken care of all those who crossed your path and ensured you put in the effort to make a difference for them and their career paths. You have been an amazing leader and helped our team grow and learn new things. You will succeed at anything you set your heart and mind to. Take care and keep in touch! From: OLGETREE, KIM – Director Call Center Operations I've never met such a caring executive who makes every employee feel like the only employee. Your passion, dedication, and loving nature is unrivaled. You are a leader to remember. Thank you for everything. Best wishes my friend. From: EVANS, TONI – Manager Process/M&P I wanted you to know what a blessing it's been to work with you over these past few years. Having someone like you as a boss has been no less than a gift. You are the kind of person that brings the best out in others! Words cannot express how much of a motivation you have been in my life. Thank you for everything you did. Wishing you continued success and happiness! From: FLORES, RUBEN - Performance Development Manager Michelle is a leader who sincerely puts people first. Michelle taught me how to live the vision that taking care of your people helps them to take care of their customers, and when that happens the business results always follow. Her modeling and coaching of this approach has helped me evolve as a leader. Michelle is one of a kind and I will never forget the impact she had on me.
  • 7. FEEDBACK FROM COLLEAGUES AND CROSS-FUNCTIONAL PARTNERS From: ABBOTT, JEFF M – Director, Reporting & Analytics I will always remember you as being happy and energetic, with inspirational and optimistic things to say. I have always admired the organization skills, patience and super positive attitude you possess. I think it has helped so many to succeed at AT&T and I am sure it will serve you well wherever you go. Thank you for the opportunity to get to know you and I hope we can stay in touch. I wish you and your family all the very, very best life has to offer -- Congratulations! Work: 908-901-2748 / 862-812-0677 Personal Mobile 610-882-0373 Home email : From: ABEL, TAMI L – Director, Customer Experience Thank you for your leadership! Best wishes to you in all you do! From: AMBROZEWICZ, MICHAEL – Director, Communications Oh no! What a tremendous loss for our company. Thank you for welcoming me to the AT&T family, and always being so supportive. You will be missed. Wishing you all the best in this next chapter of your career! From: BIRD, STEPHANIE R – Executive Director, Chief of Staff I am so incredibly happy for you. Your courage and faith to step into your unchartered territories is inspirational. I have no doubt you will find success, joy and fulfillment. You have been an incredible role model for me as we’ve worked together and I’ve had a chance to observe you from afar. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that the right doors will open at the right time. From: CRABB, DENNISE D – Lead HR Specialist Wow! I am really excited for you but sad to see you go. I hope you know that I’ve always appreciated the time that we worked together. In some ways you’ve served as an informal mentor to me and may not have even known it. So I want to say thank you! I wish you only the best in this new chapter for you. You will truly be missed. From: DONOVAN, KIM – Associate Director, Training Delivery What a sad day for us. You will be truly missed; not only as a great leader but as a great human being! Best of luck to you!!
  • 8. From: EVANS, CYRUS S - Center Sales Manager I have truly learned a lot from you. Thank you for re-grounding US to focus on the people first, since at one time I felt like that aspect was getting away from us. I wish I could move to the bay area to help build your dream. Best wishes and blessings to you and yours! From: GIBSON, KIMBERLY – Director, Labor Relations It is messages like this from leaders like you that make this a great place to work! Congratulations and you can never go wrong following your heart’s desire. From: GONZALEZ, VENNY – Area Vendor Sales Manager Awesome Michelle! I wish you much success in all your future endeavors. You are an inspiration to many. Will keep in touch via FB! God bless you abundantly! From: GRIFFIN, LIZ – Director, Program Management, Chief of Staff You are an amazing leader and in general an AMAZING person – who teaches, inspires, listens while also paving the way to help others reach their full potential. I look forward to celebrating your past and future successes. Your knowledge and your spirit will be missed by AT&T. From: GROGAN, MANDY J – Center Sales Manager I wanted to reach out and wish you the very best on your new adventure. You are a strong and inspiring leader that has done amazing things at AT&T. I know whatever you do in life, you will find great success and happiness. Enjoy this exciting new time in your life! :) From: HENTHORN, AMY M – Director, Office of the President What a beautiful note. Your enthusiasm is contagious and you are always so upbeat and take on all your projects with a great deal of passion. A great role model indeed. Good luck on the job search, I'm sure you'll be fielding offers before you know it! From: INCE, ROBYN L – Director, Vendor Management-Service Congrats lady & good luck! I know our time together was limited but you did leave a lasting impression that will remind me to never stand with my “mommy hips” in front of an audience!  It’s the little things that make such a great impact! Thank you for your support, you will be greatly missed!
  • 9. From: KAIP, JASON – Sr. Director, Retention Congratulations on your decision to follow your passion. I know you will have great success. From: KASSON, CYNTHIA G – Assistant Vice President, Project Program Management Congratulations!! AT&T will miss you, but I think it’s awesome that you’re looking to share your passion elsewhere. GOOD LUCK to you and much continued success! From: BRADLEY, DIANE L – AVP Labor Relations This was a BIG surprise with mixed emotions when I saw it this weekend. I am very happy for you in making the decision to further pursue your passion. You have been a GREAT labor partner and will truly be missed. Best wishes for continued success and happiness. From: BERGER, NANCY G – AVP Finance & Billing Operations Congrats to you!!! Sounds like a tough decision to make but the right one for you and your goals! We will miss you and your eternal optimism! I wish you nothing but the very best! From: DUFFY, KEVIN – Director, Center Support IVR I have enjoyed working with you over the years. You will do well with whatever you take on next! From: COURSEY, MICHAEL S – General Manager, Retention I wanted to take a second to tell you congratulations on a MORE than impressive career at AT&T. I’ve always been blown away at the way you would take on an initiative or project and truly give it life. I couldn’t even guess how many projects you were consistently running/juggling at one time! This is absolutely a loss for AT&T – and just wanted to say that people who worked with you will definitely recognize that and agree. Wherever life takes you next, I honestly wish you the best and hope you can find something that energizes you the way you have energized us and the projects that we worked alongside you on.
  • 10. From: REJANOVINSKY, LEV – Senior Director, Sales Operations Many blessings and success in your new endeavors! From: KHAN, SHERRI D – Director, Sales Effectiveness Michelle – I am so surprised! It has been great working with you over the years. Although we were never on the same team, I always felt supported and appreciated your guidance, ideas and passion. Wishing you the best of luck in your new adventure. We will miss you lots!!! Hope to see you in the office before you depart for your new life! From: LEE, GEOFFREY C – Director, Vendor Management Please keep in touch. You are one of my "special people". Will miss u TREMENDOUSLY!!!! Selfishly wish u would have hung around but will always look up to you! You are awesome! Please ping me if ever get to NC! Best wishes and God Bless. From: MCKIM, KATHY – VP, External Affairs Congratulations! I am very happy for you as you pursue your interests and start another fabulous journey. I have enjoyed working with you over the years and hope we can stay in touch. I have always appreciated your positive attitude and willingness to partner to get things done. We have worked on several teams and we have always had great success. Good luck to you. From: MATHEWS, CHRISTINE M – Director, Training I wish you the best of luck and it was an absolute pleasure to work with you while in TU! Please stay in touch (connected on LinkedIn) and best of luck on your new career search…no doubts you’ll be amazing at whatever you do! From: PEREZ, DONALD – Director, Sales Operations You are a class act, lady. All the best to you in wherever your passion leads you. Please holler if I can help you out in any way. From: PHILLIPS, SHAY – Executive Director, Technology & Service Management I’m sad to hear that you’re leaving but excited that you will start a new and exciting chapter of your life. It’s been awesome working with you. Best of luck!
  • 11. From: ROESNER, CHRISTOPHER J – Director, Sales Operations I know you will find great things in your future! You have a positive light and you always make things fun! I enjoyed meeting you and listening to your presentations on numerous occasions. Good luck on everything! From: FUSON, AMY L – Lead Chief of Staff You are a strong and smart woman who has inspired and lead so many people in success here at AT&T. I am blessed to have been a part of your journey over the years and thank you for all you have taught and guided me on. I wish you the most success and know with your great personality and passion, you will be successful in a new path. Don’t forget us and know we are always singing your praises and remembering all you shared with us! Best wishes and please keep in touch! From: PUTTER, STEFANIE – Manager, Talent Development Wow, what a loss for AT&T, but big congratulations for embarking on this next life chapter! I have really enjoyed working with you and getting to know you these last 6 months and wish you nothing but the best on your new career journey. Thanks for all of your coaching support as well, and best wishes to you! If we aren’t already connected on LinkedIn, let’s connect – I’d love to stay in touch. From: VASSILIADES, MARINA – Director, Sales Acquisition Michelle, your message just pitched at my heart in a huge way. I adore you so much and this is such a loss for us. You are so talented, and beyond that you are an amazing leader and a beautiful soul. I will so miss you, but am grateful to call you a friend & know we will stay connected! Congratulations on following your heart. You will be a huge asset to anyone, anytime anyplace!!!!! ❤ From: LINARES, MINNIE L – Director, Labor Relations It was a pleasure working with you. Best of luck in our new endeavors From: BARKHOFF, BARBARA A – Center Sales Manager, Reno I can only imagine the mixed emotions about the decision and letting go with something that you (I) have been a part of for so long. I have to believe that this last assignment was very fun and special helping others reach their full potential and dreams. I am thankful for the opportunity to work with you as you inspired, engaged respected and supported me in every way. I’ll facebook you to keep up on your journey. Look for Barbie Mack.
  • 12. From: EDDY, RICK – General Manager, Sales You are a multi-talented person that includes horseback riding while saving a man with no arms who was falling in a river to save a dog! I only wish that we had a YouTube video of this hilarious moment. You have an amazing heart and are so intelligent and though you will be missing from my professional life, you will always be a part of my heart and circle of friends for life. I love you ma’am…You are the best part of AT&T!!!! From: RODRIGUEZ, GISELA M – General Manager, Sales Wow Wow Wow! I read your message Friday and I have been in denial since. How exciting for you that you are going to go out and search for another group of people to coach, support and make better! Thank you for all that you have done for me and my team. You are truly an amazing leader and I will miss you and your infectious optimism!! Take care and may God continue to bless you and your family XOXOXOXOOXOXOXOXO From: REYNOLDS, JENISE K – Director, Alternate Channels Wow! Good luck with the new endeavor. I’m so happy you will now get to really pursue your passion! You’ve been a great friend for so many years. Thank you for that! From: MLOTT, BRENT A – Director – Channel Marketing I will miss you. You are such a wonderful person. I wish you all the best! From: MATOS, MOISES D – Director, Work Force Management You will truly be missed. What an awesome opportunity and honor it was for me to have worked with you! You have made a permanent positive impression in all of us! Wishing you the best on your next adventure. From: SCHMIDT, MIMI – Area Manager, Quality/M&P/Process Awwww, you will be a great loss Michelle! I will never forget one of your presentations to us on creating our own “Personal Brand”. To this day, I pass along what I learned from you to others I mentor/coach. It has been a pleasure to have known you and I wish you nothing but great success in all your future endeavor! You will be missed  From: WEAVER, KAYLA – Manager, Vendor Operations Management While extremely happy for you to pursue your dreams, I am terribly upset to lose such a valuable and impactful person in our organization. I want to thank you for being a person who truly looked to understand DirecTV and look for a way to combine and merge our cultures, processes, policies, etc. together; you truly made all feel that we are in this together. I am terribly sad to lose you but at the same time, so happy to see you pursue your passions; truly inspiring. Good luck on your future endeavors, we wish you only the best!
  • 13. From: CORDOVA, SHANE – Director, Labor Relations Congratulations, Michelle – and best wishes in your next endeavors! It was nice working with you. FYI, I spoke with CWA District 6 Assistant VP Sylvia Ramos, who had just heard you were leaving us (she was sad too). If you’d like to reach out to her, her email address is: From: ROBERTS, JENNIFER – Director, Talent Management WOW! Can’t believe it! Well, this is a tremendous loss for AT&’ve made an amazing impact in your years here, and I have NO DOUBT you will continue to positively impact lives in your next adventure! Thank you for all you have done to contribute to our coaching program and our talent development efforts. You will truly be missed. From: SCHEDER, VALERIE S – AVP, Customer Contact Transformation Wow, what an exciting time in your career. You have lead so much goodness across AT&T and I am thrilled I was fortunate to share a small part of your AT&T journey with you!! You will truly be missed! Best wishes as you continue to coach and lead our next generation of world leaders ! I know you will bring your expertise, passion and support to many, many lucky people in the future. Thanks for everything! From: URENDA, ANITA L – Sr. Manager, Training I’m so grateful that I had the pleasure of working with you last year. You are a great leader and you always helped to create a solid partnership with all the projects that we worked on for our clients. It was you that helped me think broad when our clients brought a project to us and it allowed me to take a step back to really ask the right questions and understand how we were trying to impact the field. You will be greatly missed, and I can’t wait to hear about the next chapter in your life. I know it will be amazing! Thank you for your partnership, leadership, and direction.
  • 14. FEEDBACK FROM FORMER EMPLOYEES & MENTEES From: BLUTH, DOREEN M - Associate Director, Centers Tools &Technology What in the world is AT&T going to do without Michelle Gomez! You will definitely be missed! You are an awesome leader and an even better person. Thank you for helping my growth as a ‘leader’ as well as adding value to life. Most people do not have the pleasure of working for someone like you but as for me...I consider myself very blessed! Best of luck in the next chapter of your life. Keep in touch From: BOJORQUEZ, ANGELICA M Michelle, you are one of those leaders who makes an impact on everyone you work with and I consider myself lucky to have met you. Your enthusiasm and passion is contagious, thank you for your mentoring and coaching. This organization is better because of the great work you did and inspired others to do. Good Luck! From: CARRILLO, MILLY – Area Sales Vendor Manager You have inspired me so much! Thank you for sharing your in depth leadership knowledge. Your passion, and your smile during all of our sessions have forever touched me in so many ways. Thank you! From: CASIMERE, KELLEY L – Area Manager, Regulatory Relations You will be missed! Thank you for always encouraging me to go beyond myself to be a better leader. You have been an inspiration and a role model. I made sure we are connected on LinkedIn so I will keep in touch. From: COOPER, MICHAEL – Sr. Quality Process Manager I am so blessed for the opportunity to work for you and learn from you. I know that your guidance and leadership have shaped me into a much stronger and more valuable employee. I wish you all the best in the next step on your journey of inspiring the best in people, the same as you have done for me. Text me next time you are in Dallas! Coop From: CASANOVA, MICHAEL – Employee Development Manager Michelle is such an innovative leader that has directly impacted my life along with my career. Her heart is not only in the work she does on a daily basis but in her employees as well. She helped me understand how fulfilling it is to help grow others in this company. Not only that, but how to think strategically and not to have such a linear focus. Her wealth of knowledge and her heart is in everything she does, and I promise I will live my life and career in the same model that she has taught me. I will miss you Michelle, but know a little piece of you lives on in this organization in me. Best Wishes.
  • 15. From: GONZALEZ, RICARDO – Performance Development Coach It was a true pleasure and inspiration working with you. I wish you the very best of luck in your new endeavor. I know you will do great!! From: HAYES, KATHRINE L – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process Thank you for everything you have done for me. You have truly inspired me from the day I met you in Bakersfield. You are an extraordinary leader. AT&T will not be the same without you, I wish you well on your new adventure. THANK YOU MICHELLE!!!!!!!! From: PENCE, ERIN K – Sr. Sales Execution Manager I wish you the very best in your next steps. I am grateful to you for the support, coaching and feedback that you have provided through the years. You have made me a better leader and for that I will always be grateful. From: SMITH-WARD, ALICIA M – Lead Compliance Analyst While I am shocked I am not surprised. You are a selfless leader that goes beyond the norm to help your people. I am sure this was not an easy decision but you have weighed the pros and cons and landed in a good place. I know you are strong woman of faith and know that God has ordered your steps and will lead you to where he wants you to go. I have to tell you how much of an impact you have had on my life during the short time we worked together. I always felt you had my back and believed in me. You give sound professional advice, but you never forget to remain human. You have prompted me to start my own journey with life coaching. I am scared, unsure and nervous but I am going to push forward. If you have any advice for me I would appreciate it. You have my commitment to reach out to all my contacts to see if they have anything in the bay area specific to your focus. You are the best  I won’t say goodbye just so long for now. Please keep my personal cell 678-231- 8262 and keep in touch. From: AGUIRRE, FRANCISCO J – Vendor Performance Lead It is definitely crazy to me that you said yes to the leaving survey! So many years of service to the company that are full of accomplishments and dedication will not be easy to forget. I am very thankful of the ways you impacted the company and me. I wish you the best and look forward to staying in contact with you via LinkedIn or email.
  • 16. From: BOTHNER, MARY A – Performance Development Coach I wish you all the best in your next chapter. I know that you will be amazing at whatever you put your mind to. Thanks for being such an inspirational leader to me. From: SUNZERI, RACHELLE D – Sr. Technology Manager Congratulations Michelle!! Exciting times ahead for you I am sure. Thanks for all your support over the years, no matter who I reported to after you! Enjoy some time off before you start back to work, and I wish the best for you and your family. From: TENERELLI - SHAW, STEPHANIE J – Center Sales Manager Wow, I am so excited for you!! You are amazing and will continue to do amazing things long after you leave here. Thank you for all your support and guidance. I want to make sure we connect before you leave and stay connected after you go I will set up time chat! From: COLLIER, LA VEEDA – Sales Execution Program Manager Michelle, that just pulled a tug at my heart . I know you prayed and thought long and hard at this and I know you have an abundance of faith. God will open many doors for you…you are his child and he takes cares of his! I thank you for all you have done in my career alone, you have touched so many. I wish you the very, very best. I’m hoping that you Davie and I can get together for lunch/dinner soon. I want to keep in touch…not lose contact. God puts people in your life for a reason and for a season….let our season continue on! Wishing you the VERY, VERY Best life has for YOU! From: MAYORAL JR., FELIPE – Center Sales Manager I was shocked when I heard you were leaving us but happy for you. Wish you the best of luck in your new endeavors. Appreciate all the support you provided me and the chats we’ve had in the last several years. Keep in touch! From: JACOBO, JUDY – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process I want to wish you the best of luck on the new journey that you will soon be on  You are an amazing talented woman with a lot to offer and I’m sure that whatever you decide to do, you will shine brightly! Thank you for being a boss that is caring, approachable and inspiring!
  • 17. From: HEIN, JULIA A – Professional Technical Project Manager I know this must have been a tough decision and a huge step. You are a very talented woman with a lot to offer and I know you will bring value to whatever organization you decide to join. I know you have a strong spirit so I have no doubt you will do well! Just know, you have done some amazing things here and those successes will last through the years and be the foundation to take the company to greater heights. You may leave the company but you never leave the AT&T Family.  Best of luck to you and your family on your new adventures!! From: MURDOCH, MICHAEL – Team Leader, Customer Care Awww! I’m sorry to hear! I hope everything works out for you in the bay area. I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with you and your team in Atlanta. Only good things are coming in the road ahead, promise. Add me on Facebook, we can talk about shooting! Lol. If you’re ever out East let me know! Take Care! Thank you for everything! From: MAJOR, CRYSTAL NICKSON – Performance Development Coach You are awesome and amazing. I respected and looked up to you from the first time I saw you. (A presentation you did for the PDC team that included the .45 caliber test). I remember clearly how awesome I thought you were then, but you have exceeded all that I imagined you were. Not just because you are smart and brilliant but your character outshines all of the previously mentioned greatness. Never change! Thank you for being you, and thank you for making a difference in my career. Good luck and I wish you blessings on everything you touch! From: OLIVAS, OMAR O – Manager, Sales Automation You will most definitely be missed!!... Thank you for all your help, support and guidance through the years!! From: SELLS, DAVID K – Manager, Field Sales Automation Ohhhh this breaks my heart. Although I am sad for myself and many others that have had the privilege of working with you, I am very excited for you and what the future holds in store for you. I won’t say goodbye, but wish you much success in your next chapter. From: TU, TINA – Lead Consultant, Communications It has truly been an honor just to have known you much less work with you! You are a true role model and an inspiration. I love the image you have left for me – you are the pilot of the plane about to take off on the runway. The destination is unknown but here’s nothing but blue skies ahead! We will see each other again before July 22nd !
  • 18. From: STONE-BREEDLOVE, JANICE E – Performance Development Coach I’m going to truly miss working with you. I have enjoyed your energy, passion and extensive knowledge. You look through the shell of a person and see them. Thank you for believing in me! The next corporation will be gaining a great Leader and Person. From: SELDEN, ANN – Director, Technology Security Wow Good luck Michelle. I appreciate your coaching and wish you the best in your next assignment. From: WHITE, AMY T – Associate Director, Work Force Operations Michelle - I'm so excited for you and what you'll experience and accomplish in the next phase of your journey! I thank you for your support, counsel and belief in me especially when I had doubts. You have a true gift from God and I wish you happiness and success. Congratulations! From: WALKER, PATRICIA A – Senior Technology Solutions Manager This email is a small expression of my thanks to you for your contribution to so many. You have cast a wide “shadow” in your leadership at AT&T and within Women of AT&T. Your willingness to walk-the-talk has given me a strong example to follow. Personally, I want to thank you for all your support of Adopt-a-Family. Your faith shines strong in all you do, giving me the courage to bring Adopt-a-Family from my church family to my WOA family. God bless you as you continue sharing your compassion, skills and gifts with others in their growth to be all they can be. I am grateful for you. From: WIEDOWER, WAYNE A – Performance Development Coach In my 36 years I’ve worked for some very talented people. Michelle is without a shadow of a doubt the classiest person I’ve ever worked for/with. Michelle has taught me to be myself….and to be the best self I can be. She’s taught me to be smart enough to know my business & humble enough to be able to demonstrate it. I love that about her. Reinventing one’s self is another key skill I learned from Michelle more recently as she demonstrated at Agatha’s “A Taste of Mystery” in Atlanta this year. Who knew Michelle had an accent……! Michelle, thank you for always looking out for the team.
  • 19. From: WILLIAMS, EMMA E – Performance Development Coach I just want to send you a big heartfelt thank you!!!!! During this difficult time for everyone, I appreciate your leadership, support, guidance, and caring nature of us. You have shown me what it truly means to put people first as you have gone above and beyond not only for me but others. I also know you are personally making decisions for you and your family and still thinking of others. That is truly amazing! I am still learning from you!! I know your future endeavors will bring success, because you have been a true blessing to us!!! From: WINKELMAN, MARTHA L – Manager, Quality/M&P/Process Congratulations and good luck! You will do well in anything you choose now to do! It was great working with you and for you over the years and learned a lot from you! Take care and enjoy whatever you choose to do! From: MOSELEY, DESIREE – Administrative Manager I can’t believe you are leaving. The company is losing someone very special and to let you know you have been a huge inspiration to me personally. You were able to make me look at the way I managed & led my team just by a few thoughtful words. I never had the chance to work for you directly but I learned a great deal from your words and actions especially on how to be a good leader and self-improvement as well. Thank you for all you do. You will be missed. From: SCHWARTZ, SHIRLEY – Service Representative, MDP Participant “The greatest of leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. She is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” Ronald Reagan. Thank you for everything you have done for the Management Development Program (MDP) participants and every employee. You will be missed. From: BONAWITZ, ED – Senior Technical Director WOW! This completely caught me off guard and surprised me! I am really sad to hear that you are moving on but at the same time really excited about the opportunities which lie ahead for you. The next company you work for will be exceptionally fortunate to have someone with your experience and passion at the helm. Hopefully our paths may cross again in the future! Good Luck! From: JONES, JACOBIE R – Center Sales Manager, Kirkwood Say it ain’t so Michelle !!!!!!!! I am here if you need me, anytime, day or night. Thank you for all you have done for me and all the center employees.
  • 20. From: MAY, CARRIE – Senior Sales Ops Manager Michelle! WOW! Congratulations on making that decision! Please know that you 100% made an impact on AT&T. THAT is a HUGE accomplishment. I feel lucky to have gotten to work with you just a little bit! I have no doubt that you will find the exact job you are looking for and they will be LUCKY to have you! YOU have coached, reassured, challenged, supported, collaborated and INSPIRED many! Thank you for that and good luck in the future! From: SAUER, NICOLE L – Chief of Staff - VP It has been a pleasure to know you and work with you. I am sorry to see you go, but confident big things must be on the horizon. If I know you, you will create something fabulous somewhere, for people who did not even know how badly they needed your knowledge, passion and energy. May whatever is next be more than you dared hoped for but everything you thought was possible!  From: GOODWIN, ANDREA M – Technical PMP Although I’m sorry to see you move on, your new journey sounds exciting. You are so gifted and talented, you’ll be able to continue to share your gifts with others. You were way ahead of the 2020 plan, you were doing career and vision exercises from our WOA mentoring circle inception years ago! Thanks for being such a light for those of us who were blessed to cross your path! Prayers are with you. From: DARK, SYLVIA O – Sr. Labor Specialist I truly appreciate the opportunity you gave me to be a part of your team and thank you for your fellowship during our visits in Dallas. You are an amazing person and I know many more will be fortunate to be touched by your inspiring leadership. Much more continued success to come for you . Best to you with your family and what a lucky son to have an awesome MOM! Thank you for your friendship and I will stay in touch. From: ROMERO, SHALINA S – Area Vendor Manager Michelle, I am so saddened by the news! I am really sorry to hear that you are leaving. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I honestly would not be where I am if you had not coached and supported for me. For that, I am truly grateful. You will be greatly missed! Praying for you and your family. You are a rare find and I’m sure you will continue to do great things in the Bay Area! I wish I was there to give you hug.
  • 21. From: AGUILAR, SUSAN – Area Vendor Manager AT&T University I wish you the very best in your search. You’ve impacted many lives here at AT&T, including mine, and I pray that you find an opportunity that allows you to continue to do that. From: DEWEY, JOHN – Lead Channel Manager, Marketing You have inspired me personally and professionally. I love you as a person and want to thank you so much for pouring your spirit in to so many people. You are amazing and I know God is in control of your life. You are blessed on many, many fronts. Thanks again for all you have done and continue to do! From: ZELAYA, GIGI - Performance Development Coach The times that we were together I always learned something from you. I truly appreciate your words of wisdom and the inspiration you have given us. I will certainly miss you and I am happy you will continue to touch other lives like you did ours. Thank you so much for all that you have done for my peers and for me. God bless you always mi hermana. From: PRENTICE-BURWELL, DIONNA L – Performance Development Coach Well, What can I say? This is a bitter sweet moment but more sweet than bitter. I think  In my 19 years at AT&T I have yet to serve under a leader with so much to offer who actually gives it out! In every little bit of information that you give, smiles that you have, words of encouragement, recognition, frankness and guidance; is a small but ever so gracious piece of you. I cannot express my gratitude towards the motivation that you have given me; allowing me to pursue not only my career goals but my dreams. I am ever so grateful for the chances and opportunities you have given me, even without you knowing sometimes! I was stuck in a rut, feeling stifled and unappreciated. Your business decisions concerning changing and improving the PDC image allowed me to come out of my cocoon. Your recommendations and your feedback has allowed other leaders in the business to “take a look” at me, in a very competitive environment, that means so much. I have pursued and obtained two different VP positions in the companies ERG both focusing on assisting people in their own development and goals, this is ALL because of you! You lead by example, you are the embodiment of “employee engagement” and all I’m doing is following your footsteps in hopes that I may just become a fraction to someone as you have been to so many of us. Although, I must say I am a bit envious of the new batch of folks you will be leading, I am also amazed by your courage and willingness to yet again prove your outstanding abilities to lead, make clear decisions, believe in one’s self and act on your beliefs and goals. May your days be plentiful and your light shine even brighter for all to see!
  • 22. From: HEMENWAY, MICHELLE – President, Women of AT&T Bay Area I am sad to share the news that Michelle Gomez is leaving after a great career with AT&T. Her spirit, warmth, drive and passion has been an inspiration for me, and I know for others, and she will be missed in many ways. I wish Michelle all the best as she embarks on her next career journey. From: FERNANDEZ, EDWIN – Performance Development Coach Michelle I want to personally thank you for all you have done for us especially in this transition, I know it has been hard work. Not only did you keep us employees but you kept us focused on what really matters. Your dedication to excellence has made me challenge myself to be better and your message of doing the job you have now well and getting ready for the future has pushed me to get a nano degree. I am going to miss you and wish you the best in the future!!!!! From: REEVES, NORMA – Customer Service Rep and MDP participant Our company has been blessed to have such an amazing leader, my life has been forever blessed and honored to have met you. Thank you for your selflessness and passion for people. Fly high!! Until we meet again.#MDP2015forlife From: ARNOLD, SHANNISE – Administrator, Construction & Engineering Thank you for all of the kind words, awesome insight and advice and abundant blessings that you have imparted in my life; what an honor. You're an amazing coach and leader that will be greatly missed. Wishing you peace, prosperity and many blessings in your new endeavor! From: SALT, ALONZO – Center Sales Manager, San Diego Thank You – there are special moments in life where we encounter beautiful people that help guide you to a place that you desire to be both personally and professionally, you are one of those individuals. Know that I will be that person that draws wisdom and direction in tough times and gives gratitude when I get through those tough moments channeling you!  I know you will enjoy life as you always do, have fun! From your Performance Development Coach grown into Center Sales Manager.
  • 23. From: PRUITT, SHEREEBA – Sr. Consultant Thank you for being an inspiration to us all! It was awesome to be able to share ideas with you and gain some from you along the way. You're the type of leader I aspire to be, one who inspires, shares, and rejoices in success. I pray you the best on your journey from here! . #MDP2015