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Financial Services and Post Offices 
Inter American Development Bank, 
Washington D.C., 
Brown Bag Lunch, 
11 September 2003 
Hans Boon
Origin and History 
International Overview 
“Best Practice” profile 
Development Scenarios 
Partnership Models 
Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
Origin and History 
1800 1860 1880 1980 2002 
Giro & 
Reform and 
Government motives to establish postal savings 
and giro institutions: 
 to provide secure and solid deposit and money 
transfer instruments widely and easily accessible to 
the public, government agencies and companies 
 to mobilize and pool national financial resources 
and utilize the resources for economic development
Typical product features 
 State Guarantee on Deposits 
 Tax exempt 
 Low minimum deposit 
 Available at all post offices 
 Limited fragmented product 
Typical operational 
 Owned by Ministry of Finance 
or specific fund 
 Operated and managed by 
 Not supervised by Central 
 Resources invested in State 
Treasury / Gilt-edged titles 
 Bypassing Capital and Money 
Europe in evolution 
Partnership Post- Bank 
PFS Division of Posts 
PFS Subsidiary Company with >50% ownership by Posts 
As a phase in the transformation, 
Swiss and Italian Posts have 
established alliances for specific 
product lines (mutual funds, 
Transformation of 
Financial Services into a 
bank or an alliance with a 
bank is being considered 
Creation of alliance 
with banks in 
consideration or 
preparatory stage 
Postbank is a 
subsidiary of the 
Post Offices are 50% 
owned by Postbank (ING) 
Originally organized within 
the Post 
 Trend towards ‘partnership’ 
between Post and (Post) 
–Alliance/ Contract/JV 
 Significant market share in 
payments and savings
Europe in evolution 
P o s t a l F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s i n t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n / W e s t e r n E u r o p e 
C o u n t r i e s P F S 
D i v i s i o n 
P F S 
S u b s i d i a r y 
P F S 
P a r t n e r 
P a y m e n t s 
A c c c o u n t s /C a 
r d s 
S a v i n g s C o n s u m e r 
C r e d i t 
M u t u a l 
F u n d s I n s u r a n c e I n t e r n e t 
A u s t r i a        
B e l g i u m        
D e n m a r k        
F i n l a n d    
F r a n c e        
G e r m a n y        
G r e e c e     
Ic e l a n d   
Ir e l a n d       
It a l y        
L u x e m b u r g    
N e t h e r l a n d s        
N o r w a y        
P o r t u g a l       
S p a i n      
S w e d e n    
S w i t z e r l a n d       
U n i t e d K i n g d o m    
Central and Eastern Europe 
the leap forward 
Postal Financial Services Overview in The Central and Eastern Europe 
Bosnia & 
Postbank in Restructuring; Raiffeisen Zentralbank 
acquired Hrvatska poštanska banka- Mostar 
Bulgarian Postbank (Alico+ EFG-Eurobank) has 
been privatised 
Hrvatska Poštanska Banka (in rehabiltation 
Czech Republic 
Poštovni Sporitelna (a division owned by CSOB-KBC) 
Postipank operated as brand allliance between 
Eesti Post and Eesti Uhis Pank (Sampo-Finland) 
Postabank in privatisation process; bids have been submitted 
Postal Giro Accounting Centre (PNC) as a part of 
Latvia Posts and partnership with Hansabank 
Contracts with various banks for a limited scope of 
Poštenska Stedelnica (limited banking license, 
majority privately owned ) 
Poland Bank Pocztowy (66% owned by the Post) 
Romania Banc Post (70% private, EFG-Eurobank) 
Slovak Republic 
Poštova Banka (11% owned by the Post, share of 
State Consolidation Fund for sale) 
Poštna Banka (45% owned by the Post and 55% 
by a State Fund, earmraked for sale to NKBM 
Poštenska Stedionica- recently licensed as a full-fledged 
Central and Eastern Europe 
the leap forward (Continued) 
Countires PostBank Cash Payments 
Savings Consumer 
Funds Insurance Pension 
Plans Internet 
Albania no postbank 
Bosnia & 
Croatia HPB 
Czech Republic 
Latvia no postbank 
Lithuania no postbank 
Slovak Republic 
Bank Branches in CEECs provide 30% of the 
level of access compared to EU 
Points of Access for Financial Services 
Bank Branches- Post offices 
Avg. N of People 1309 
per Point 
CEE Countries EU Countries 
% Points of Access - Post Offices 
% Points of Access - Bank Branches 
Source: Statistical data from: ECB years: 2000 for EU countries and 2001 for CEE countries, UPU year 2000, BIS year 2000; 
and ING own research year 2000 
In Central and Eastern Europe Bank Branches provide an infrastructure for access to 
the financial system that compares with 30% of the physical points of access into the 
financial system in EU countries. IN EU Countries 30% of the infrastructure is provided 
by post offices.
Access to Financial Services through Post 
Offices would bridge the gap in the financial 
infrastructure in CEECs considerably 
Points of Access 
Bank Branches- Post Offices 
Avg. N of People 
Served by 1 
Point of Service 
CEE Countries EU Countries 
% Points of Access - Post Offices 
% Points of Access - Bank Branches 
Source: Statistical data from: ECB years: 2000 for EU countries and 2001 for CEE countries, UPU year 2000, BIS year 2000; 
and ING own research year 2000 
IInn tthhee ccaasshh eeccoonnoommiieess ooff CCeennttrraall aanndd EEaasstteerrnn EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouunnttrriieess tthhee PPoosstt 
OOffffiicceess ccoouulldd ccoonnssttiittuuttee mmoorree tthhaann 5500%% ooff tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ffoorr 
aacccceessss ttoo tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall sseeccttoorr
CIS; reform issues ahead 
Posts: revenues strongly dependent on cash 
payments services 
 State Savings Bank still dominant position and 
pursuing network reduction 
 Large amount of cash under the mattress 
 “Postbank” concept would trigger reform for the 
Post and Communication and the Financial Sector. 
Lead products: 
–international remittances 
–savings mobilization 
–mail order credit
Africa; reform initiated 
 For many Africans, Post 
Office only accessible point 
of entry into communications 
and financial services 
 Postal savings and 
remittance service have 
strong social role 
Modernization of postal 
financial services and reform 
efforts need to be continued 
Cross-border cooperation ? 
PFS in partnership with Postal (Savings) Bank or 
National Savings Bank 
3 Post(Savings) banks 
have established an 
alliance for further 
PFS or POSB structured and (de facto) managed within the 
Africa: postal savings 
 Postal savings 
banks tend to 
develop ‘dual’ 
channel policy; 
branches and post 
 Synergy 
opportunities may 
be missed 
 Postal ICT 
Telecenters and 
privatization of 
Posts and Postal 
Banks underway
Asia, different models 
Model/Typology Countries 
Bureau of the Ministry of Posts and 
State Postal Bureau 
Japan (Privatisation in 2007 ?) 
China (IPO under preparation ?) 
Post Office Savings Bank (as agency of the 
Ministry of Finance), operated by the Posts 
India, Pakistan 
Jordan (Post incorporated in 2003) 
Taiwan (Post incorporated in 2003, 
privatisation under preparation) 
Agent of the National Savings Bank and other Sri Lanka; Malaysia (Privatised postal 
Postbank, as a licensed bank and 
subsidiary/partner of the Post 
Philippines, Iran, New Zealand, Mongolia 
Postal Giro and Money order service (as part of 
the Post) 
Turkey (Per 1 Sept 2003 Postbank JV with 
Postal Money Orders and other cash based 
Thailand (Partnership with a bank under 
Lao PDR, 
Bangla Desh 
Sales of (account-based) financial products and 
transaction (processing/routing) agent for many 
or all banks 
Overview of Latin American Postal Operators 
Although postal markets feature strong private players, 
private sector participation in public postal operators is very limited. 
• Administration Postal National (National 
Postal Administration) (ADPOSTAL) 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Reform options being considered 
• Empresa Nacional de Correos 
• 100% Govt. owned - Domestic Monopoly 
• Privatisation plans stalled 
• Instituto Postal Telegrafico (IPOSTEL) 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Domestic Monopoly 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Empresa Brasileira de Correios e 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• public enterprise connected to the 
Ministry of Communications; 
incorporation proposed 
• Administración Nacional de Correos 
• a decentralized commercial service 
• 100% Govt. owned; reform underway 
• Correo Argentino S.A. is a fully 
privatized company 
• concession holder Grupo Itrón S.A (GI) 
• Ownership: – GI 86%; employees 14%. 
• Domestic Monopoly 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Privatisation plans stalled 
• Domestic Monopoly 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• No privatisation plans 
• Empresa de Correos de Chile (Postal 
Corporation of Chile) 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Incorporated, privatisation under 
• Domestic Monopoly 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• Commercialisation underway 
• Domestic Monopoly 
• 100% Govt. owned 
• No privatisation plans 
A s p a r t o f t h e 'B a n c o P o s t a l' 
p r o g r a m m e , a p a r t n e r s h ip w it h a lo c a l 
b a n k h a s b e e n c o n c lu d e d f o r p a y m e n t s 
a n d s a v in g s 
P F S p a r t n e r s h ip w it h a lo c a l B a n k 
L im it e d P a y m e n t S e r v ic e s s t r u c t u r e d w it h in t h e P o s t 
P a y m e n t s s e r v ic e s a r e o p e r a t e d b y t h e C o r r e o 
A r g e n t in o w h ile a d d it io n a l f in a n c ia l s e r v ic e s a r e 
s e p a r a t e ly s o ld b y B a n c o d e G a lic ia 
( c o - s h a r e h o ld e r in t h e A r g e n tin e P o s t C o m p a n y )
Latam Posts: heavily dependent on revenues from 
Administration % of revenues 
from letter mail 
traditional mail 
% of revenues from 
parcels and 
% of revenues from 
financial services 
% of income from 
other services 
Brazil 44.0 23.0 5.0 28.0 
Mexico 95.9 1.1 2.8 0.2 
Colombia 64.8 24.2 7.8 3.1 
Argentina 89.0 7.0 1.0 3.0 
Venezuela 75.1 0.0 0.0 24.9 
Chile 90.6 3.8 0.0 5.6 
Ecuador 95.1 0.1 0.0 4.7 
Dom. Rep, 42.0 5.0 3.0 50.0 
Bolivia 21.4 2.9 4.9 70.8 
El Salvador 70.0 10.0 0.0 20.0 
Paraguay 61.0 11.0 0.0 28.0 
Uruguay 96.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 
Costa Rica 78.0 2.0 0.0 20.0 
Trinidad & Tobago 73.0 4.0 2.0 21.0 
71.1 6.8 2.0 20.1 
Source: UPU Statistics 2001 
Traditional letter mail presents the main revenue source, exposed to the risk of 
decline. Diversification into financial and retail service is a major challenge 
Revenues from financial services represent only 2% from total postal operator 
revenues in Latin America.Practice in Europe, Asia and Africa shows that financial 
services through the post offices provide a revenues stream between 30% and 50% of 
total revenues, and up to 80% of revenues generated through the retail counters
Post Offices: nationwide 
Administration Population 
Nr of 
per Post 
Brazil 172.4 12520 13,769 
Mexico 101.8 9882 10,296 
Colombia 42.8 1332 32,132 
Argentina 36.2 5363 6,754 
Venezuela 24.6 424 58,090 
Chile 15.4 574 26,829 
Ecuador 12.9 125 103,040 
Cuba 11.2 1044 10,757 
Dom. Rep, 8.5 209 40,813 
Bolivia 8.3 142 58,239 
El Salvador 6.4 239 26,778 
Paraguay 5.6 281 20,071 
Uruguay 3.4 1134 2,963 
Costa Rica 3.9 126 30,714 
Trinidad & Tobago 1.3 197 6,599 
454.7 33592 13,535 
Source: UPU Statistics 2001 36835 
Post Offices provide nationwide coverage also in rural areas and poor 
communities and offer low-threshold access.
Latin America: limited to postal money 
Postal Financial Services in the Latin American and Caribbean Region 
Countries PFS 
Money Orders Savings Consumer 
Funds Insurance Internet 
     
     
   
  
Costa Rica 
El Salvador 
Netherlands Antilles 
  
  
  
Obstacles in development of financial 
services through post offices in Latin 
 Consumer 
–Most Latin American countries lack a tradition 
in Postal (Savings) Banks; in many cases Postal 
savings banks have failed at an early stage in the last 
–The (interpretation of the) legal framework 
prohibits the post offices to provide financial 
services, or to act on behalf of banks; 
–Successive economic crises and hyperinflation 
have undermined the incentive for the middle and 
lower income groups to save; Latin American 
consumers, also those with limited financial means 
require up-to-date financial products supported by 
modern technology; 
–Although postal markets in Latin America have 
been de facto liberalized, few countries have 
determined the course of postal reform, 
 Finance 
–Postal operators face declining revenues streams, 
high fixed costs, and difficulties to access finance; 
high initial investments seem necessary to implement 
financial services
Drivers for Postal Banking Reform 
• Increasing sophistication (cards, travel) 
• International remittances 
• Older, wealthier (wealth accumulation) 
• Reliability, Solidity 
• Convenience and One-Stop Service 
• Microfinance 
Need for a cost-efficient, 
transparent financial 
services concept for the 
mass consumer, 
supported with a dense 
physical infrastructure 
• Transparency: margins down 
• Automated channels: lower costs 
• E-Commerce/Internet; cross selling 
with logistics, transport and 
communications viable 
Financial Sector: 
•Focus on wealthy 
consumers through 
urban branches 
•On-line banking too 
e •Cheque and credit 
card based payment 
systems too costly 
•Need for alternative 
channels to reach out 
to rural areas 
Macro economic environment 
• Different growth and maturity rates 
• Stability 
• Open economy 
Postal Sector 
•E-Commerce concepts 
•Need to optimize RoA 
on Post Office Network 
•Diversification into 
Financial Services
Banco Postal, Brazil 
 Policy ideas 1996-1997 
 Feasibility Study 1998-1999 including nationwide market 
and opinion research) 
 Pilot with 36 Post offices (April 2000-April 2001) 
 Change of regulatory framework allowing post offices to 
become “correspondent”of a bank (March 2001) 
 Public auction “Banco Postal” (July 2001 
 Bradesco won all 15 licenses (Sept 2001) 
 Contract negotiations and preparations for implementation 
 Launch of services in 1,000 Post Offices in March 2002; 
Product offer includes VISA electron card, and current 
account and deposit account 
 Subsequently expansion to currently 5,000 post offices 
 >600,000 accountholders, previously unbanked;average 
deposit > US$ 600; 
 Micro finance offered since August 2003; within 2 weeks 
more than 6,000 contracts 
 Expansion to pensions, life insurance as “Seguros Postal” 
expected to be launched in next 6 months. 
 Further product diversification...
Other initiatives underway 
 Uruguay 
 Costa Rica 
 Nicaragua 
 Cuba 
–CorreoBanc; objective to expand from 
bill collection into offering account based 
services (payments, savings, ..); 88% of the 
population does not have a savings account 
or payments card; 
–Costa Rica and Nicaragua have 
implemented web-based electronic 
remittance services on-line through post 
offices; expansion meets legal/institutional 
–Correos de Cuba have introduced 
chipcard payment solution and web-based 
on-line remittances; expansion into 
deposit-taking and credit prohibited by 
Central Bank.
Exciting opportunities for Post offices in the 
LAC region 
On the basis of remittances flows and account-based 
relations, Postal banking would have the opportunity to 
offer efficient micro finance solutions providing (micro) 
finance to foster economic development trough small 
enterprise development 
An estimated 60% of the Latin American do not have access to bank 
accounts, cards. Through their nationwide networks, post offices can 
complement the existing financial infrastructure and provide access to 
the unbanked, including rural areas and poor communities. 
More than US$ 30,000 million international remittances flow into the Latin American and Caribbean region. The 37,000 post offices across 
the region currently process less than 0.8% of this flow. With cost-efficient solutions and advanced technology, this clearly presents an 
opportunity for most of the postal operators through cost-efficient solutions such as Eurogiro and UPU-IFS. 
PFS Reform Dynamics 
Full range of consumer banking 
at post offices 
B D , N 
Cash transactions at counters Account based services 
Giro or Savings 
State Intervention/ 
Social Obligations 
Origin and History 
International Overview 
“Best Practice” profile 
Development Scenario 
Partnership Models 
Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
Profile of the Financial Services 
offered through the Post 
Focus on local consumer market and large 
corporates (employers, utilities, retail chains) 
Full range of standard financial products and 
Direct marketing approach via multichannel 
Various options/model, trends towards 
partnership with fully licensed financial 
Consumer: Post (bank) is 
Different! Traditional bank 
High entry 
Personal selling 
Broad range of 
specialist products 
Own branches 
Short opening hours/ 5 
Mass scale 
Low entry 
Broad range of 
standard products 
Post Office with 
Long opening hours/ 6 
Direct Bank 
High entry 
Broad range of 
standard products 
24 hours/ 7days 
a viable solution for mass financial services
Postal cards/accounts: the gateway 
Growth in 
Investment funds 
and discount broking 
Consumer credit 
Payment products 
Retail Concept 
... The account is our ‘shop’ without thresholds, accessible for everybody 
• Easy access and 
low threshold 
• Standardized products 
Competitive price 
• Free (basic) payment 
• Value for money 
• Good, efficient service 
• Decent (no fine print) 
• Reliable (mail and IT) 
Crystal clear products 
• Full basic range 
• Transparent product range 
continuous communication pressure 
excellent service quality 
integrated customer approach 
++ +
Multichannel Distribution 
Internet PC Based Banking 
Mass media 
Post offices 
Post Offices 
Multi-purpose service and information shopping 
High technology 
Universal counters 
Omnipresent, long opening hours
Origin and History 
International Overview 
“Best Practice” profile 
Development Scenario 
Partnership Models 
Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
Rationale for PFS Reform 
In spite of significant obstacles and barriers, there appears to be a 
strong rationale for developing and introducing the financial 
service through the postal networks in the Latin American and 
Caribbean region. 
Why ? 
Postal Financial Services: 
a “hybrid” issue impacting: 
• Financial Sector Development 
• ICT Infrastructure Development 
• Postal Sector Development
Financial Sector Development 
Stabilization and Cohesion 
 PFS Reform can help to strengthen and deepen the financial 
sector; the use of the wide post office network can help to support 
financial sector stability; 
 Channelling the international remittances in a cost-efficient way 
 Pooling small savings into funds that can be used for national 
 ‘Banking the unbanked’- Providing access to the financial sector 
in rural areas, poor communities and senior citizens 
 Promoting efficient resource mobilisation and resource allocation 
 Efficiently supporting international payments and trade flows 
 Promoting efficiency in the payment system, especially for small-value 
payments and bulk payments
Information Infrastructure 
Development; Social Cohesion 
 By building a modern financial service technology infrastructure 
through post offices, the infrastructure stands a better chance to 
become economically viable way. 
 PFS can help and facilitate the e-program undertaken by the 
 Linking the population(including the poor, the rural communities, 
senior citizens) into the global economy and international 
(financial) systems; 
 “Closing the digital divide”; 
 Promoting e-readiness ; 
 providing public access to Internet and the communications 
–e-mail, e-commerce, e-government, e-learning; 
–other e-services ;
Postal Sector Development 
 Most public postal operators strongly feel the impact of global 
integrators in the express, logistics and mail market. To ‘survive’ 
postal operators need to improve quality of services, and diversify 
and broaden the range of services to be able to offer One-Stop- 
Shopping and to generate alternative sources of revenues 
 PFS Reform contributes to: 
 Commercially viable and economically sustainable post office 
network - providing open and affordable access to basic financial 
services, information, communication and other consumer 
 Enhanced competitively of the post office network in retail 
(financial) services delivery 
 Improved turnover at post offices, optimised utilisation of the 
fixed assets and staff, and thus improving the RoA ration 
 Enriching and sustaining the employment at post offices 
 Creation of cross-selling opportunities between postal, retail and 
financial services 
 Attracting investments into the development of the post office 
Origin and History 
International Overview 
“Best Practice” profile 
Development Scenarios 
Partnership Models 
Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
Existing situation – High-end focus 
High-end market 
Profile: payment account with savings account 
credit card and investment account 
B&C market 
Profile: some have savings account, 
no payment account 
D market 
Profile: no savings account, 
no payment account 
Poverty line
Competition increases 
Low High 
Bank A 
Bank B 
Bank D 
Bank C 
Bank E
Challenge – Post Office entering 
competition from a different segment 
Low High 
Bank A 
Bank B 
Bank D 
Bank C 
Bank E
Low High 
Bank A 
Bank B 
Bank D 
Bank C 
Bank E 
Challenge = Capturing the 
High-end market 
Profile: payment account with savings account 
credit card and investment account 
B&C market 
Profile: majority has savings account, 
no payment account 
D market 
Profile: no savings account, 
no payment account 
Poverty line
Opportunity - “Overlay network” 
Services Financial services 
Electronic network 
Physical network

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Postal Banking - Financial Services and Post Offices

  • 1. PPoossttaall BBaannkkiinngg Financial Services and Post Offices Inter American Development Bank, Washington D.C., Brown Bag Lunch, 11 September 2003 Hans Boon
  • 2. Agenda Origin and History International Overview “Best Practice” profile Rationale Development Scenarios Partnership Models Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
  • 3. Origin and History 1800 1860 1880 1980 2002 Postal Money Order s Postal Saving s Postal Giro & Cheques Postal banking Reform and Revival
  • 4. Origin Government motives to establish postal savings and giro institutions:  to provide secure and solid deposit and money transfer instruments widely and easily accessible to the public, government agencies and companies  to mobilize and pool national financial resources and utilize the resources for economic development
  • 5. Origin Typical product features  State Guarantee on Deposits  Tax exempt  Low minimum deposit requirement  Available at all post offices  Limited fragmented product approach Typical operational features  Owned by Ministry of Finance or specific fund  Operated and managed by Posts  Not supervised by Central Bank  Resources invested in State Treasury / Gilt-edged titles  Bypassing Capital and Money markets
  • 6. Europe in evolution Partnership Post- Bank PFS Division of Posts PFS Subsidiary Company with >50% ownership by Posts As a phase in the transformation, Swiss and Italian Posts have established alliances for specific product lines (mutual funds, insurance) Transformation of Financial Services into a bank or an alliance with a bank is being considered Creation of alliance with banks in consideration or preparatory stage Postbank is a subsidiary of the Posts Post Offices are 50% owned by Postbank (ING) Originally organized within the Post  Trend towards ‘partnership’ between Post and (Post) bank –Alliance/ Contract/JV –Subsidiary  Significant market share in payments and savings
  • 7. Europe in evolution P o s t a l F i n a n c i a l S e r v i c e s i n t h e E u r o p e a n U n i o n / W e s t e r n E u r o p e C o u n t r i e s P F S D i v i s i o n P F S S u b s i d i a r y P F S P a r t n e r P a y m e n t s A c c c o u n t s /C a r d s S a v i n g s C o n s u m e r C r e d i t M u t u a l F u n d s I n s u r a n c e I n t e r n e t A u s t r i a        B e l g i u m        D e n m a r k        F i n l a n d    F r a n c e        G e r m a n y        G r e e c e     Ic e l a n d   Ir e l a n d       It a l y        L u x e m b u r g    N e t h e r l a n d s        N o r w a y        P o r t u g a l       S p a i n      S w e d e n    S w i t z e r l a n d       U n i t e d K i n g d o m    
  • 8. Central and Eastern Europe the leap forward Postal Financial Services Overview in The Central and Eastern Europe Bosnia & Hercegovina Postbank in Restructuring; Raiffeisen Zentralbank acquired Hrvatska poštanska banka- Mostar Bulgaria Bulgarian Postbank (Alico+ EFG-Eurobank) has been privatised Croatia Hrvatska Poštanska Banka (in rehabiltation process) Czech Republic Poštovni Sporitelna (a division owned by CSOB-KBC) Estonia Postipank operated as brand allliance between Eesti Post and Eesti Uhis Pank (Sampo-Finland) Hungary Postabank in privatisation process; bids have been submitted Latvia Postal Giro Accounting Centre (PNC) as a part of Latvia Posts and partnership with Hansabank Lithuania Contracts with various banks for a limited scope of services Macedonia Poštenska Stedelnica (limited banking license, majority privately owned ) Poland Bank Pocztowy (66% owned by the Post) Romania Banc Post (70% private, EFG-Eurobank) Slovak Republic Poštova Banka (11% owned by the Post, share of State Consolidation Fund for sale) Slovenia Poštna Banka (45% owned by the Post and 55% by a State Fund, earmraked for sale to NKBM Yugoslavia Poštenska Stedionica- recently licensed as a full-fledged bank
  • 9. Central and Eastern Europe the leap forward (Continued) Countires PostBank Cash Payments Payments Accounts/ Cards Savings Consumer Credit Mutual Funds Insurance Pension Plans Internet Albania no postbank Bosnia & Hercegovina Bulgaria Croatia HPB Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia no postbank Lithuania no postbank Macedonia Postenska Stedelnica Poland Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia Yugoslavia
  • 10. Bank Branches in CEECs provide 30% of the level of access compared to EU Points of Access for Financial Services Bank Branches- Post offices Avg. N of People 1309 per Point 29% 71% 4298 CEE Countries EU Countries Region % Points of Access - Post Offices % Points of Access - Bank Branches Source: Statistical data from: ECB years: 2000 for EU countries and 2001 for CEE countries, UPU year 2000, BIS year 2000; and ING own research year 2000 In Central and Eastern Europe Bank Branches provide an infrastructure for access to the financial system that compares with 30% of the physical points of access into the financial system in EU countries. IN EU Countries 30% of the infrastructure is provided by post offices.
  • 11. Access to Financial Services through Post Offices would bridge the gap in the financial infrastructure in CEECs considerably Points of Access Bank Branches- Post Offices Avg. N of People Served by 1 Point of Service 1922 55% 45% 1309 29% 71% CEE Countries EU Countries Region % Points of Access - Post Offices % Points of Access - Bank Branches Source: Statistical data from: ECB years: 2000 for EU countries and 2001 for CEE countries, UPU year 2000, BIS year 2000; and ING own research year 2000 IInn tthhee ccaasshh eeccoonnoommiieess ooff CCeennttrraall aanndd EEaasstteerrnn EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouunnttrriieess tthhee PPoosstt OOffffiicceess ccoouulldd ccoonnssttiittuuttee mmoorree tthhaann 5500%% ooff tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall iinnffrraassttrruuccttuurree ffoorr aacccceessss ttoo tthhee ffiinnaanncciiaall sseeccttoorr
  • 12. CIS; reform issues ahead Posts: revenues strongly dependent on cash payments services  State Savings Bank still dominant position and pursuing network reduction  Large amount of cash under the mattress  “Postbank” concept would trigger reform for the Post and Communication and the Financial Sector. Lead products: –international remittances –savings mobilization –mail order credit
  • 13. Africa; reform initiated  For many Africans, Post Office only accessible point of entry into communications and financial services  Postal savings and remittance service have strong social role Modernization of postal financial services and reform efforts need to be continued Cross-border cooperation ? PFS in partnership with Postal (Savings) Bank or National Savings Bank 3 Post(Savings) banks have established an alliance for further development PFS or POSB structured and (de facto) managed within the Post
  • 14. Africa: postal savings  Postal savings banks tend to develop ‘dual’ channel policy; branches and post offices  Synergy opportunities may be missed  Postal ICT programs, Telecenters and reform, privatization of Posts and Postal Banks underway
  • 15. Asia, different models Model/Typology Countries Bureau of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications State Postal Bureau Japan (Privatisation in 2007 ?) Korea China (IPO under preparation ?) Post Office Savings Bank (as agency of the Ministry of Finance), operated by the Posts India, Pakistan Jordan (Post incorporated in 2003) Taiwan (Post incorporated in 2003, privatisation under preparation) Agent of the National Savings Bank and other Sri Lanka; Malaysia (Privatised postal operator) Postbank, as a licensed bank and subsidiary/partner of the Post Philippines, Iran, New Zealand, Mongolia Postal Giro and Money order service (as part of the Post) Turkey (Per 1 Sept 2003 Postbank JV with Citibank) Postal Money Orders and other cash based services Thailand (Partnership with a bank under preparation) Lao PDR, Bangla Desh Sales of (account-based) financial products and transaction (processing/routing) agent for many or all banks Australia
  • 16. Overview of Latin American Postal Operators Although postal markets feature strong private players, private sector participation in public postal operators is very limited. Colombia • Administration Postal National (National Postal Administration) (ADPOSTAL) • 100% Govt. owned • Reform options being considered Ecuador • Empresa Nacional de Correos • 100% Govt. owned - Domestic Monopoly • Privatisation plans stalled Venezuela • Instituto Postal Telegrafico (IPOSTEL) • 100% Govt. owned Guyana • Domestic Monopoly • 100% Govt. owned Brasil • Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos • 100% Govt. owned • public enterprise connected to the Ministry of Communications; incorporation proposed Uruguay • Administración Nacional de Correos • a decentralized commercial service • 100% Govt. owned; reform underway Argentina • Correo Argentino S.A. is a fully privatized company • concession holder Grupo Itrón S.A (GI) • Ownership: – GI 86%; employees 14%. Bolivia • Domestic Monopoly • 100% Govt. owned • Privatisation plans stalled Paraguay • Domestic Monopoly • 100% Govt. owned • No privatisation plans Chile • Empresa de Correos de Chile (Postal Corporation of Chile) • 100% Govt. owned • Incorporated, privatisation under consideration Surinam • Domestic Monopoly • 100% Govt. owned • Commercialisation underway Peru • Domestic Monopoly • 100% Govt. owned • No privatisation plans A s p a r t o f t h e 'B a n c o P o s t a l' p r o g r a m m e , a p a r t n e r s h ip w it h a lo c a l b a n k h a s b e e n c o n c lu d e d f o r p a y m e n t s a n d s a v in g s P F S p a r t n e r s h ip w it h a lo c a l B a n k L im it e d P a y m e n t S e r v ic e s s t r u c t u r e d w it h in t h e P o s t P a y m e n t s s e r v ic e s a r e o p e r a t e d b y t h e C o r r e o A r g e n t in o w h ile a d d it io n a l f in a n c ia l s e r v ic e s a r e s e p a r a t e ly s o ld b y B a n c o d e G a lic ia ( c o - s h a r e h o ld e r in t h e A r g e n tin e P o s t C o m p a n y )
  • 17. Latam Posts: heavily dependent on revenues from Administration % of revenues from letter mail traditional mail % of revenues from parcels and logistics % of revenues from financial services % of income from other services Brazil 44.0 23.0 5.0 28.0 Mexico 95.9 1.1 2.8 0.2 Colombia 64.8 24.2 7.8 3.1 Argentina 89.0 7.0 1.0 3.0 Venezuela 75.1 0.0 0.0 24.9 Chile 90.6 3.8 0.0 5.6 Ecuador 95.1 0.1 0.0 4.7 Dom. Rep, 42.0 5.0 3.0 50.0 Bolivia 21.4 2.9 4.9 70.8 El Salvador 70.0 10.0 0.0 20.0 Paraguay 61.0 11.0 0.0 28.0 Uruguay 96.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 Costa Rica 78.0 2.0 0.0 20.0 Trinidad & Tobago 73.0 4.0 2.0 21.0 71.1 6.8 2.0 20.1 Source: UPU Statistics 2001 Traditional letter mail presents the main revenue source, exposed to the risk of decline. Diversification into financial and retail service is a major challenge Revenues from financial services represent only 2% from total postal operator revenues in Latin America.Practice in Europe, Asia and Africa shows that financial services through the post offices provide a revenues stream between 30% and 50% of total revenues, and up to 80% of revenues generated through the retail counters
  • 18. Post Offices: nationwide networks Administration Population (mil.) Post Offices Nr of inhabitants per Post office Brazil 172.4 12520 13,769 Mexico 101.8 9882 10,296 Colombia 42.8 1332 32,132 Argentina 36.2 5363 6,754 Venezuela 24.6 424 58,090 Chile 15.4 574 26,829 Ecuador 12.9 125 103,040 Cuba 11.2 1044 10,757 Dom. Rep, 8.5 209 40,813 Bolivia 8.3 142 58,239 El Salvador 6.4 239 26,778 Paraguay 5.6 281 20,071 Uruguay 3.4 1134 2,963 Costa Rica 3.9 126 30,714 Trinidad & Tobago 1.3 197 6,599 454.7 33592 13,535 Source: UPU Statistics 2001 36835 Post Offices provide nationwide coverage also in rural areas and poor communities and offer low-threshold access.
  • 19. Latin America: limited to postal money orders? Postal Financial Services in the Latin American and Caribbean Region Countries PFS Division PFS Subsidiary PFS Partner Payments Money Orders Savings Consumer Credit Mutual Funds Insurance Internet                     Arub a Argentina Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba El Salvador Mexico Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua Peru Uruguay US   Venezuela                        
  • 20. Obstacles in development of financial services through post offices in Latin America on: History Regulatory framework  Consumer behavior Postal Reform –Most Latin American countries lack a tradition in Postal (Savings) Banks; in many cases Postal savings banks have failed at an early stage in the last century; –The (interpretation of the) legal framework prohibits the post offices to provide financial services, or to act on behalf of banks; –Successive economic crises and hyperinflation have undermined the incentive for the middle and lower income groups to save; Latin American consumers, also those with limited financial means require up-to-date financial products supported by modern technology; –Although postal markets in Latin America have been de facto liberalized, few countries have determined the course of postal reform, liberalization/privatization  Finance –Postal operators face declining revenues streams, high fixed costs, and difficulties to access finance; high initial investments seem necessary to implement financial services
  • 21. Drivers for Postal Banking Reform Customers • Increasing sophistication (cards, travel) • International remittances • Older, wealthier (wealth accumulation) • Reliability, Solidity • Convenience and One-Stop Service • Microfinance Impact: Need for a cost-efficient, transparent financial services concept for the mass consumer, supported with a dense physical infrastructure POSTAL BANKING Technology • Transparency: margins down • Automated channels: lower costs possible • E-Commerce/Internet; cross selling with logistics, transport and communications viable Financial Sector: •Focus on wealthy consumers through urban branches •On-line banking too sophisticated/expensiv e •Cheque and credit card based payment systems too costly •Need for alternative channels to reach out to rural areas Macro economic environment • Different growth and maturity rates • Stability • Open economy Postal Sector •Commercialization •Privatization •Globalization •E-Commerce concepts •Need to optimize RoA on Post Office Network •Diversification into Financial Services
  • 22. Banco Postal, Brazil  Policy ideas 1996-1997  Feasibility Study 1998-1999 including nationwide market and opinion research)  Pilot with 36 Post offices (April 2000-April 2001)  Change of regulatory framework allowing post offices to become “correspondent”of a bank (March 2001)  Public auction “Banco Postal” (July 2001  Bradesco won all 15 licenses (Sept 2001)  Contract negotiations and preparations for implementation  Launch of services in 1,000 Post Offices in March 2002; Product offer includes VISA electron card, and current account and deposit account  Subsequently expansion to currently 5,000 post offices  >600,000 accountholders, previously unbanked;average deposit > US$ 600;  Micro finance offered since August 2003; within 2 weeks more than 6,000 contracts  Expansion to pensions, life insurance as “Seguros Postal” expected to be launched in next 6 months.  Further product diversification...
  • 23. Other initiatives underway :  Uruguay  Costa Rica  Nicaragua  Cuba –CorreoBanc; objective to expand from bill collection into offering account based services (payments, savings, ..); 88% of the population does not have a savings account or payments card; –Costa Rica and Nicaragua have implemented web-based electronic remittance services on-line through post offices; expansion meets legal/institutional obstacles; –Correos de Cuba have introduced chipcard payment solution and web-based on-line remittances; expansion into deposit-taking and credit prohibited by Central Bank.
  • 24. Exciting opportunities for Post offices in the LAC region On the basis of remittances flows and account-based relations, Postal banking would have the opportunity to offer efficient micro finance solutions providing (micro) finance to foster economic development trough small enterprise development An estimated 60% of the Latin American do not have access to bank accounts, cards. Through their nationwide networks, post offices can complement the existing financial infrastructure and provide access to the unbanked, including rural areas and poor communities. More than US$ 30,000 million international remittances flow into the Latin American and Caribbean region. The 37,000 post offices across the region currently process less than 0.8% of this flow. With cost-efficient solutions and advanced technology, this clearly presents an opportunity for most of the postal operators through cost-efficient solutions such as Eurogiro and UPU-IFS. Bron:
  • 25. PFS Reform Dynamics AUS NZ IRL Full range of consumer banking at post offices NL, B D , N DK D I Cash transactions at counters Account based services Giro or Savings Yes Credits no State Intervention/ Social Obligations yes no RUS P CH J CEE PL, CZ, SK ROM, BUL YU A US Brazil SA EGY F GR
  • 26. Agenda Origin and History International Overview “Best Practice” profile Rationale Development Scenario Partnership Models Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
  • 27. Profile of the Financial Services offered through the Post Customers: Focus on local consumer market and large corporates (employers, utilities, retail chains) Products: Full range of standard financial products and services Distribution: Direct marketing approach via multichannel distribution Institutional: Various options/model, trends towards partnership with fully licensed financial institutions
  • 28. Consumer: Post (bank) is Different! Traditional bank Segmented High entry Personal selling Broad range of specialist products Intransparent Own branches Short opening hours/ 5 days Post(bank) Mass scale Low entry “Anonymous” Broad range of standard products Transparent Post Office with multichannel Long opening hours/ 6 days Direct Bank Segmented High entry “Anonymous” Broad range of standard products Transparent Internet/Phone 24 hours/ 7days Post(banking): a viable solution for mass financial services
  • 29. Postal cards/accounts: the gateway Growth in accounts account holders Mortgages Investment funds and discount broking Consumer credit Savings Payment products Insurance
  • 30. Retail Concept ... The account is our ‘shop’ without thresholds, accessible for everybody Convenience • Easy access and low threshold • Standardized products Competitive price • Free (basic) payment package • Value for money Credibility • Good, efficient service • Decent (no fine print) • Reliable (mail and IT) Crystal clear products • Full basic range • Transparent product range continuous communication pressure excellent service quality integrated customer approach ++ +
  • 31. Multichannel Distribution Internet PC Based Banking Mass media Mail ATMs Post offices Telephone
  • 32. Post Offices Multi-purpose service and information shopping “centres” High technology Universal counters Omnipresent, long opening hours
  • 33. Agenda Origin and History International Overview “Best Practice” profile Rationale Development Scenario Partnership Models Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
  • 34. Rationale for PFS Reform In spite of significant obstacles and barriers, there appears to be a strong rationale for developing and introducing the financial service through the postal networks in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Why ? Postal Financial Services: a “hybrid” issue impacting: • Financial Sector Development • ICT Infrastructure Development • Postal Sector Development
  • 35. Financial Sector Development Stabilization and Cohesion  PFS Reform can help to strengthen and deepen the financial sector; the use of the wide post office network can help to support financial sector stability;  Channelling the international remittances in a cost-efficient way  Pooling small savings into funds that can be used for national development  ‘Banking the unbanked’- Providing access to the financial sector in rural areas, poor communities and senior citizens  Promoting efficient resource mobilisation and resource allocation  Efficiently supporting international payments and trade flows  Promoting efficiency in the payment system, especially for small-value payments and bulk payments
  • 36. Information Infrastructure Development; Social Cohesion  By building a modern financial service technology infrastructure through post offices, the infrastructure stands a better chance to become economically viable way.  PFS can help and facilitate the e-program undertaken by the government  Linking the population(including the poor, the rural communities, senior citizens) into the global economy and international (financial) systems;  “Closing the digital divide”;  Promoting e-readiness ;  providing public access to Internet and the communications infrastructure; –e-mail, e-commerce, e-government, e-learning; –other e-services ;
  • 37. Postal Sector Development  Most public postal operators strongly feel the impact of global integrators in the express, logistics and mail market. To ‘survive’ postal operators need to improve quality of services, and diversify and broaden the range of services to be able to offer One-Stop- Shopping and to generate alternative sources of revenues  PFS Reform contributes to:  Commercially viable and economically sustainable post office network - providing open and affordable access to basic financial services, information, communication and other consumer services;  Enhanced competitively of the post office network in retail (financial) services delivery  Improved turnover at post offices, optimised utilisation of the fixed assets and staff, and thus improving the RoA ration  Enriching and sustaining the employment at post offices  Creation of cross-selling opportunities between postal, retail and financial services  Attracting investments into the development of the post office network
  • 38. Agenda Origin and History International Overview “Best Practice” profile Rationale Development Scenarios Partnership Models Stakeholders’ Approach and Financing issues
  • 39. Existing situation – High-end focus High-end market Profile: payment account with savings account credit card and investment account B&C market Profile: some have savings account, no payment account D market Profile: no savings account, no payment account Poverty line
  • 40. Competition increases Volume Value Low High Low High Bank A Bank B Bank D Bank C Bank E
  • 41. Challenge – Post Office entering competition from a different segment Volume Value Low High Low High Bank A Bank B Bank D Bank C Bank E
  • 42. Opportunity Volume Value Low High Low High Bank A Bank B Bank D Bank C Bank E Post Office
  • 43. Challenge = Capturing the unbanked High-end market Profile: payment account with savings account credit card and investment account B&C market Profile: majority has savings account, no payment account D market Profile: no savings account, no payment account Poverty line
  • 44. Opportunity - “Overlay network” Services Financial services Electronic network Physical network

Editor's Notes

  1. Please change in legend Services in Access by post offices..
  2. Please change text data in chart similar as to first slide
  3. A modern payment infrastructure enables consumers, businesses and organizations to exchange services and products in an efficient way. Unfortunately, in most countries the majority of the population is excluded from using the existing payment infrastructure. Commercial banks tend to offer payment services in exchange for relatively high fees (high value services, low volume). As a result, payment services are only accessible and affordable for a very selective group.
  4. The challenge is to develop a business concept for the low value, but high volume market. A concept that is affordable for people and - at the same time - profitable for a payment service provider.
  5. Post Offices are ideally positioned to target the market segment.