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The Ideal School
  As envisioned by Jean Bowman, Amanda Nutt, and
                   Margaret Pruden
Mission Statement
 • Our mission is to develop positive members
   of society with active and creative minds,
   a sense of understanding and compassion
   for others, and the courage to act on their
   beliefs. We stress the total development of
   each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual,
   social, emotional, and physical.
Goals and Practices
•   Students will graduate from our school system prepared to enter the workforce with
    marketable skills and/or ready for the rigor of higher education.
•   All students will show improvement annually in academic achievement in core subjects as
    evidenced by national, state, and local assessments. Additionally, students will leave our
    schools being able to think critically, solve problems, analyze information, communicate
    effectively with others, and collaborate. They will be adaptable and utilize their curiosity
    and imagination.
•   Our School System will employ highly qualified administrators and teachers. Staff
    development for professional employees will be based on current educational research
    and best practices for the purpose of continually improving curriculum and instruction.
•   All students and employees will be afforded a safe and attractive learning environment
    that promotes healthy behaviors and positive relationships for work and study.
•   A safe and orderly transportation system will be provided for students.
•   A master plan will be established for the maintenance and updating of school facilities,
    including long-range planning for renovation, replacement, and/or building of additional
    facilities. The School Board recognizes that the schools were built by the community and
    encourages individuals and groups to access and use the facilities and grounds.
•   Technology will be integrated into all facets of the school division’s operating system as
    well as the delivery of instruction. All students will exit our schools with appropriate 21st
    century technology skills, which will enable them to compete in a global society.
•   The School Board and all schools will communicate effectively and openly with parents
    and the community about the needs, accomplishments, and challenges facing the school
    division. Every effort will be made to reach out to community members, businesses, and
    industries to involve them in our schools and to develop partnerships to benefit our
Designed to Inspire
•   Campus design will incorporate environmentally friendly materials and energy sources
    as well as providing flexible use of space and natural light. Herget Middle School in
    Aurora, Illinois is an example of a well-crafted design.
•   Retrieved from:
•   The school system will use Common Core State Standard. The
    Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy
    in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the
    standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad based
    effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the
    next generation of K-12 standards in order to help ensure that
    all students are college and career ready in literacy no later
    than the end of high school.
           What makes this curriculum relevant
             • The Standards set requirements not only for English
               language arts (ELA) but also for literacy in history/social
               studies, science, and technical subjects. Just as students
               must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language
               effectively in a variety of content areas, so too must the
               Standards specify the literacy skills and understandings
               required for college and career readiness in multiple
               disciplines. Literacy standards for grade 6 and above are
               predicated on teachers of ELA, history/social studies,
               science, and technical subjects using their content area
               expertise to help students meet the particular challenges
               of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in
               their respective fields.
•   In accordance with
    the Virginia
    Department of
    requirements for
    public schools, the
    Virginia Standards of
    Learning assessments
    will be administered
    annually. In addition
    to the SOLs, each
    student will build
    digital portfolios with
    demonstrating their
    understanding of
    each subject.

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Effective Instructors
      The Hiring Process
  Characteristics                          Interview Questions

Creative approach to   Tell me about an activity or lesson you designed that you felt was
instruction            particularly original and engaging.

Interpersonal &        Without sharing identities, please, can you describe an educator
communication skills   or co-worker with a personality trait you disliked? How did you
                       approach the situation?

Proficiency with       How would you describe your relationship with technology in the
technology or          classroom? Can you give me some examples?
willingness to learn

Professional           Would you care to elaborate on the professional qualifications
qualifications         listed on your resume? Do you have any other life experience that
                       you feel has prepared you for this position?

Classroom              How would you establish order in your classroom on the first day?
Management             How would you deal with a child who failed to turn in
Effective Instructors
Maintaining Quality
       • Mentors for new teachers
          All first-year teachers will be provided with a peer
          mentor to ease their transition into their new career.
       • Peer collaboration
          A district-wide system will be established to support
          peer collaboration. Teachers will be encouraged to
          share classroom management strategies, files, rubrics,
          lesson plans, and presentations in a central database.
       • Classroom Management
          Teachers’ efforts to shape behavior with positive
          reinforcement will be supported through school-wide
          positive behavior incentives.
Social Atmosphere
         Recognizing Risk Factors

•    All teachers will be required to participate in annual training to identify
    students at risk.

•   Guidance counselors will also meet with students throughout the school year
    to identity risk factors.

•   Teachers and counselors will be working together to identify any students who
    have one of the 6 major risk factors:
             The student is not living with two parents
             The head of household did not complete high school
             The family is below the poverty line
             Parents or guardians do not have consistent full-time employment
             The family receives welfare
             The student does not have health insurance
Addressing Issues
New American family patterns
•   before and after school programs will be available to accommodate students whose
    parents need to be at work
•   coordinated school health initiative
•   teachers will use real life examples whenever possible to show students the value of
•    schools will provide free/reduced breakfast and lunch to students in need
Teenage parenting
•   sex ed will include all manners of contraception as well as abstinence
•   sex ed will be included as a non-graded element of curriculum by a trained instructor,
    parents will have the option to opt their child out of program
•   schools will help teenage parents arrange childcare so that the parent can remain in
Abused and neglected children
•   teachers will participate in training in recognizing children at risk
•   teachers will provide a stable and safe school environment that includes praise, concrete
    rewards, and constructive classroom control to help meet the needs of these children
Alcohol and drug abuse
•   schools will hold annual anti-drug/alcohol abuse programs (age-appropriate)
•   conversations in class with students on the subject are encouraged
Adolescent suicide
•   teacher training will help identify at risk students
•   Zero-tolerance policy for bullying
Welcoming Diversity
We promote cultural pluralism, which calls for an understanding and
appreciation of the cultural differences and languages among all
students. The goal is to create a sense of community's wholeness
based on the unique strengths of each of its parts. Cultural pluralism
rejects both assimilation and separatism, a philosophy that suggests
each cultural group should maintain its own identity without trying to
fit into an overall American culture. Instead, it seeks a healthy
interaction among the diverse groups in our school
system/community that is, each subculture maintains its own
individuality while contributing to the community as a whole.

                                    Image retrieved from:
Diversity in Action
    • Programs
    Families for Students, which is a program which promotes family
    involvement and explicitly focuses on engaging families who reflect the
    full diversity of the student population. Families and students can share
    with other members of the group about their culture.
    • Affirmation
    Within the school system, students and faculty will be encouraged to
    share about their own culture and develop an understanding and
    appreciation of other cultures.

                                                                                    • Attracting diversity
                                                                                    Our school system encourages
                                                                                    understanding and appreciation of
                                                                                    cultural difference and languages
                                                                                    among all of the students.

Photo retrieved from:
Integrating Technology
          The use of technology is a key skill in the 21st century. All students need
to become adept at finding and analyzing information in the digital world and
expressing their ideas in a variety of digital formats. Our school will promote that
goal by placing interactive whiteboards and iPads in every classroom and
issuing a mobile device for educational use to every student in grades five
through twelve. Teachers will work with technology staff to develop and
implement lessons that address the Core Content using
technology tools that foster critical thinking skills.
Students will demonstrate their technology fluency
with a digital portfolio, which will also serve as part
of the students’ summative assessment for the
Core Content. Teachers will need to
maintain a high level of digital fluency
through ongoing professional
development to support students’

                                    Image retrieved from:
Managing Technology
         Within the School                                 Across the District
•    One technology resource teacher (TRT)         •   Monthly TRT meetings with notes
     and assistant per building at the                 available to instructional staff
     elementary level                              •   Input from staff to be considered at
•    Two TRT’s for each secondary building             meetings
     with assistant staff based on student         •   Foster a strong partnership between
     population                                        technology and instructional staff
•    Library media specialist to coordinate        •   Reward innovative instruction and
     with TRT’s and function as a technology           collaboration as an incentive
•   Assistive technology support will be provided as needed by specialists assigned to
    geographical clusters of buildings.

                                Further Considerations
•   All students and their guardians will sign a deposit agreement at the beginning of the year to
    defray cost of loss, theft, or damage to mobile technology devices. Deposit fees may be
    adjusted on a sliding scale according to financial need.
•    All students will use school devices while in the building, not personal devices.
•   Texting feature will be turned off on school devices.
•   Apps may only be downloaded with the permission of staff.
•    Internet searching will be strictly limited by filters.
•   Students and staff will sign a binding acceptable use policy.
Historical Issues and Controversies
Local controls vs. National standards
       The State will have legal responsibility for the school system
       • State legislature is elected by residents
       • Local school board shall meet with the State Board of Education to discuss how new
         policies will effect the school system
       School board is responsible for policy and administration decisions
       • School board will be elected to set terms by residents, they must have children in the
         school system and will be from different school zones within the school system
       • School board will be responsible for approving policies, budgets, school administrations
       • A school superintendent will be appointed by the school board, the superintendent will
         keep the school board informed on school issues, hiring school principals, drafting
         school budgets
       School principals are responsible for their schools
       • Principals will be hired by superintendent and approved by school board
       • Principals will hire teachers for their own schools
       • Principals will ensure that all teachers have proper training through out the year in order
         to provide the best education to students
       Teachers are responsible for education of the students
       • Teachers will be hired by the school principal
       • Teachers will be responsible for education students to the standards set by the school
Historical Issues and Controversies
Comprehensive education
•   Students with identified special needs shall have the curriculum adapted to their needs
Secular vs. Religious education
•   Religion will not be a mandatory in the curriculum or at school events
•   Students will be allowed to hold and participate in religious clubs in the schools
•   Religious topic and materials may be used by teachers when used for the purpose of
    understanding different cultures, historical significances, and literary themes
•   Textbooks shall present all religions equally for educational purposes
•   Federal funding- grants
•   State funding- state lotteries and a portion of sales taxes
•   County funding- a portion of personal property taxes
•   School fund raisers- must be approved by school board, will be used for “extras”
What is BASIC?
•   All schools will be equipped with at least one computer lab & laptop carts
•   Classrooms will also have computers for students use, an interactive whiteboard & iPad
•   Science classrooms will have all equipment necessary for the science curriculum
•   Physical education classes will have all equipment necessary for the curriculum
•   Extra equipment desired by individual schools will be paid for out of that schools budget
    or by fund raisers
Laws and Ethics
• Promoting Legal Awareness                       • Adhering to Ethical
The school system will hire teachers                Standards
that are well versed in educational               Teachers and other members of the
law, and strongly encourage all                   school system will be required to sign
teachers to take a course in Special              an "Acceptable Computer Use"
Education law, in order to ensure that            agreement and "Drug-Free Workplace"
all teachers understand the                       agreement. Teachers will be required
importance of following students' IEPs            to complete the online Child-Abuse
and understand student LRE                        and Neglect courses. Teachers'
placement.                                        contracts will outline what are
                                                  considered to be professional
                                                  standards in addition to the rest of their
                                                  annual contract.
  • Church and State
  Since many major holidays are religious holidays, it is unreasonable to say we are
  celebrating these holidays. However, holiday programs can serve an educational purpose,
  recognizing diversity without making students feel excluded or identified with a religion not
  their own. Holiday concerts, for example, may appropriately include religious music related
  to Christmas, Hanukkah or other holidays that fall in December, but sacred music should not
  dominate the program. The school auditorium is not to be used as the local church.
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
•   Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students, without regard to race, national
    origin, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or marital or parental status. Educational programs shall be
    designed to meet the varying needs of all students. No student, on the basis of gender, shall be denied
    equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise right, privilege,
    advantage or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities.
•   Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of prohibited discrimination should report the
    alleged discrimination as soon as possible to one of the compliance officers at the student’s designated
    school. The alleged discrimination should be reported as soon as possible, and the report generally
    should be made within fifteen (15) school days of the occurrence. Further, any student who has
    knowledge of conduct which may constitute prohibited discrimination should report such conduct to
    one of the compliance officers. Any employee who has knowledge of conduct which may constitute
    prohibited discrimination immediately shall report such conduct to one of the compliance officers. Upon
    receipt of a report of alleged prohibited discrimination, the compliance officer shall immediately
    authorize or undertake an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by school personnel or a
    third party designated by the school division. The investigation shall be completed as soon as practical,
    which should generally be no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the report by the compliance
    officer. Within 3 school days of receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall send written
    notice that the complaint has been received to the complainant and the person or persons allegedly
    responsible for the discrimination.
•   Also upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall determine whether interim measures
    should be taken pending the outcome of the investigation. If the Compliance Officer determines that
    more than 15 school days will be required to investigate the complaint, he or she will notify the
    complainant and the persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination of the reasons for the
    extended investigation and of the date by which the investigation is projected to be concluded. The
    investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the persons allegedly responsible
    for the discrimination, and any others who may have knowledge of the alleged discrimination or the
    circumstances giving rise to the complaint. The investigation may also include the inspection of any
    documents or information deemed relevant by the investigator. The School Division shall take necessary
    steps to protect the complainant and others pending the completion of the investigation.
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
 •   The Compliance Officer shall issue a written report to the Superintendent upon completion of
     the investigation. If the complaint involves the Superintendent, then the report shall be sent to
     the School Board. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations are
     substantiated, whether this policy was violated, and recommendations for corrective action, if
     any. The Compliance Officer’s written report, and all written notices sent pursuant to this policy
     shall be maintained and distributed in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and
     Privacy Act.
 •   Within 10 school days of receiving the Compliance Officer’s report, the Superintendent or
     designee shall issue a decision regarding: (1) whether this policy was violated and, if so (2) what
     action, if any, will be taken. This decision must be provided in writing to the complainant. If the
     Superintendent determines that discrimination occurred, the School Division shall take prompt,
     appropriate action to address and remedy the harm and prevent any recurrence. Such action
     may include discipline up to and including recommending that a student be expelled or that an
     employee be discharged.
 •   If the Superintendent or designee determines that no discrimination occurred, the complainant
     may appeal this determination to the School Board within 5 calendar days of receiving the
     decision. Notice of appeal must be filed with the Superintendent, who shall forward the
     Compliance Officer’s report and any documentation or information deemed relevant by the
     Compliance Officer during the course of the investigation to the School Board. The School
     Board shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the record. The School Board
     may require oral or written argument from the complainant, the Superintendent, and any other
     individual it deems appropriate. An extension of the 30 calendar day limit may occur if
     necessary as determined by the School Board Chair. If the Superintendent or designee
     determines that discrimination occurred and discipline is imposed, the disciplined person (i.e.
     student or employee) may appeal the disciplinary sanction in accordance with existing School
     Board policies and regulations.
Student Dress
•   Student Dress - A student’s dress and appearance shall not be such that it causes
    disruption, distracts others from the educational process or creates a health or safety
    problem. All students are expected to dress appropriately. Apparel worn to school should
    be neat and clean. Items of clothing with language that is vulgar, obscene, or
    discriminating, or that promotes or depicts weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drug
    paraphernalia, themes of violence, or gang symbols are prohibited. Examples of
    unacceptable dress include: a. "See through" shirts, spaghetti-strap tank tops, or muscle
    shirts. These may only be worn with an additional shirt of a different type underneath or
•   b. Hats, head covers (except for religious purposes), headbands, and sunglasses are not
    to be worn in a school building.
•   c. Clothing that exposes undergarments, the midriff, chest, back, or buttocks is
    inappropriate for school and is not permitted.
•   d. Pajamas and other sleepwear.
•   e. Absence of shoes or appropriate footwear.
•   f. Clothing with inappropriate slogans, sexual innuendo, themes of violence, or negative
    gestures, especially as they relate to alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or tobacco
    products may not be worn.
•   g. Any student’s dress that is determined by school administration to be disruptive to the
    learning environment is not acceptable.
•   h. Pants worn below the normal waistline and/or at a length that may cause walking on
    the hem of the garment.
Governance and Finance
Direction will be provided by an elected board of supervisors with a
system that incorporates input from parents, staff and community
members in the decision process. A key goal of leadership is to include
interested parties in decisions so that they have the opportunity to act
rather than react.
• Federal funding - grants, e.g.,
Grant Wrangler
• State funding - state lotteries and a portion of sales taxes
• County funding - a portion of personal property taxes
• School fund raisers - must be approved by administration, will be
  used for “extras”
• Anticipated per-pupil spending for the 2012-13 academic year:
Education Reforms
School Board
•   Members of the school board shall be parents of student and/or hold a current teaching license in the
•   Those involved in policy making for schools should have a firm grasp on how the schools will be affected
    by the policy
•   Teachers will be held accountable using a variety of methods; Principal observation, feedback of fellow
    teachers, student/parent feedback, & test results.
•   A variety of methods will be used to determine teachers’ effectiveness to ensure that “good” teachers
    are retained (e.g. A weaker teacher may appear to be more effective due to uneven student
    demographics. Correspondingly an effective teacher in a disadvantaged area may have students who
    make significant gains, yet fail to meet minimum requirements.)
•   Tests and curriculum will be made to work together. A panel of current teachers will meet annually to
    evaluate tests and curriculum.
•   Standardized testing will be used as one measure of student learning and teacher effectiveness.
•   Tests will be given at the end of the school year as a final exam (to avoid cramming all learning into 8
    months of school and not doing any work during the last month)
•   A panel of current teachers will meet each year to ensure tests and curriculum.
Authentic Assessment
•   Student portfolios will also be used to measure student learning and teacher effectiveness.
•   Assessors will be current classroom teachers, paid out of the budget.
•   A standardized rubric will be used to evaluate portfolios.

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Ideal school project Draft 2

  • 1. The Ideal School As envisioned by Jean Bowman, Amanda Nutt, and Margaret Pruden
  • 2. Mission Statement • Our mission is to develop positive members of society with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and compassion for others, and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each child: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical.
  • 3. Goals and Practices • Students will graduate from our school system prepared to enter the workforce with marketable skills and/or ready for the rigor of higher education. • All students will show improvement annually in academic achievement in core subjects as evidenced by national, state, and local assessments. Additionally, students will leave our schools being able to think critically, solve problems, analyze information, communicate effectively with others, and collaborate. They will be adaptable and utilize their curiosity and imagination. • Our School System will employ highly qualified administrators and teachers. Staff development for professional employees will be based on current educational research and best practices for the purpose of continually improving curriculum and instruction. • All students and employees will be afforded a safe and attractive learning environment that promotes healthy behaviors and positive relationships for work and study. • A safe and orderly transportation system will be provided for students. • A master plan will be established for the maintenance and updating of school facilities, including long-range planning for renovation, replacement, and/or building of additional facilities. The School Board recognizes that the schools were built by the community and encourages individuals and groups to access and use the facilities and grounds. • Technology will be integrated into all facets of the school division’s operating system as well as the delivery of instruction. All students will exit our schools with appropriate 21st century technology skills, which will enable them to compete in a global society. • The School Board and all schools will communicate effectively and openly with parents and the community about the needs, accomplishments, and challenges facing the school division. Every effort will be made to reach out to community members, businesses, and industries to involve them in our schools and to develop partnerships to benefit our students.
  • 4. Designed to Inspire • Campus design will incorporate environmentally friendly materials and energy sources as well as providing flexible use of space and natural light. Herget Middle School in Aurora, Illinois is an example of a well-crafted design. • Retrieved from:
  • 5. Curriculum • The school system will use Common Core State Standard. The Common Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of K-12 standards in order to help ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the end of high school. What makes this curriculum relevant • The Standards set requirements not only for English language arts (ELA) but also for literacy in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects. Just as students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively in a variety of content areas, so too must the Standards specify the literacy skills and understandings required for college and career readiness in multiple disciplines. Literacy standards for grade 6 and above are predicated on teachers of ELA, history/social studies, science, and technical subjects using their content area expertise to help students meet the particular challenges of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language in their respective fields.
  • 6. Assessment • In accordance with the Virginia Department of Education’s requirements for public schools, the Virginia Standards of Learning assessments will be administered annually. In addition to the SOLs, each student will build digital portfolios with artifacts demonstrating their understanding of each subject. Image retrieved from: Image retrieved from:
  • 7. Effective Instructors The Hiring Process Characteristics Interview Questions Creative approach to Tell me about an activity or lesson you designed that you felt was instruction particularly original and engaging. Interpersonal & Without sharing identities, please, can you describe an educator communication skills or co-worker with a personality trait you disliked? How did you approach the situation? Proficiency with How would you describe your relationship with technology in the technology or classroom? Can you give me some examples? willingness to learn Professional Would you care to elaborate on the professional qualifications qualifications listed on your resume? Do you have any other life experience that you feel has prepared you for this position? Classroom How would you establish order in your classroom on the first day? Management How would you deal with a child who failed to turn in assignments?
  • 8. Effective Instructors Maintaining Quality • Mentors for new teachers All first-year teachers will be provided with a peer mentor to ease their transition into their new career. • Peer collaboration A district-wide system will be established to support peer collaboration. Teachers will be encouraged to share classroom management strategies, files, rubrics, lesson plans, and presentations in a central database. • Classroom Management Teachers’ efforts to shape behavior with positive reinforcement will be supported through school-wide positive behavior incentives.
  • 9. Social Atmosphere Recognizing Risk Factors • All teachers will be required to participate in annual training to identify students at risk. • Guidance counselors will also meet with students throughout the school year to identity risk factors. • Teachers and counselors will be working together to identify any students who have one of the 6 major risk factors: The student is not living with two parents The head of household did not complete high school The family is below the poverty line Parents or guardians do not have consistent full-time employment The family receives welfare The student does not have health insurance
  • 10. Addressing Issues New American family patterns • before and after school programs will be available to accommodate students whose parents need to be at work • coordinated school health initiative Poverty • teachers will use real life examples whenever possible to show students the value of education • schools will provide free/reduced breakfast and lunch to students in need Teenage parenting • sex ed will include all manners of contraception as well as abstinence • sex ed will be included as a non-graded element of curriculum by a trained instructor, parents will have the option to opt their child out of program • schools will help teenage parents arrange childcare so that the parent can remain in school Abused and neglected children • teachers will participate in training in recognizing children at risk • teachers will provide a stable and safe school environment that includes praise, concrete rewards, and constructive classroom control to help meet the needs of these children Alcohol and drug abuse • schools will hold annual anti-drug/alcohol abuse programs (age-appropriate) • conversations in class with students on the subject are encouraged Adolescent suicide • teacher training will help identify at risk students • Zero-tolerance policy for bullying
  • 11. Welcoming Diversity We promote cultural pluralism, which calls for an understanding and appreciation of the cultural differences and languages among all students. The goal is to create a sense of community's wholeness based on the unique strengths of each of its parts. Cultural pluralism rejects both assimilation and separatism, a philosophy that suggests each cultural group should maintain its own identity without trying to fit into an overall American culture. Instead, it seeks a healthy interaction among the diverse groups in our school system/community that is, each subculture maintains its own individuality while contributing to the community as a whole. Image retrieved from:
  • 12. Diversity in Action • Programs Families for Students, which is a program which promotes family involvement and explicitly focuses on engaging families who reflect the full diversity of the student population. Families and students can share with other members of the group about their culture. • Affirmation Within the school system, students and faculty will be encouraged to share about their own culture and develop an understanding and appreciation of other cultures. • Attracting diversity Our school system encourages understanding and appreciation of cultural difference and languages among all of the students. Photo retrieved from:
  • 13. Integrating Technology The use of technology is a key skill in the 21st century. All students need to become adept at finding and analyzing information in the digital world and expressing their ideas in a variety of digital formats. Our school will promote that goal by placing interactive whiteboards and iPads in every classroom and issuing a mobile device for educational use to every student in grades five through twelve. Teachers will work with technology staff to develop and implement lessons that address the Core Content using technology tools that foster critical thinking skills. Students will demonstrate their technology fluency with a digital portfolio, which will also serve as part of the students’ summative assessment for the Core Content. Teachers will need to maintain a high level of digital fluency through ongoing professional development to support students’ progress. Image retrieved from:
  • 14. Managing Technology Within the School Across the District • One technology resource teacher (TRT) • Monthly TRT meetings with notes and assistant per building at the available to instructional staff elementary level • Input from staff to be considered at • Two TRT’s for each secondary building meetings with assistant staff based on student • Foster a strong partnership between population technology and instructional staff • Library media specialist to coordinate • Reward innovative instruction and with TRT’s and function as a technology collaboration as an incentive team • Assistive technology support will be provided as needed by specialists assigned to geographical clusters of buildings. Further Considerations • All students and their guardians will sign a deposit agreement at the beginning of the year to defray cost of loss, theft, or damage to mobile technology devices. Deposit fees may be adjusted on a sliding scale according to financial need. • All students will use school devices while in the building, not personal devices. • Texting feature will be turned off on school devices. • Apps may only be downloaded with the permission of staff. • Internet searching will be strictly limited by filters. • Students and staff will sign a binding acceptable use policy.
  • 15. Historical Issues and Controversies Local controls vs. National standards The State will have legal responsibility for the school system • State legislature is elected by residents • Local school board shall meet with the State Board of Education to discuss how new policies will effect the school system School board is responsible for policy and administration decisions • School board will be elected to set terms by residents, they must have children in the school system and will be from different school zones within the school system • School board will be responsible for approving policies, budgets, school administrations • A school superintendent will be appointed by the school board, the superintendent will keep the school board informed on school issues, hiring school principals, drafting school budgets School principals are responsible for their schools • Principals will be hired by superintendent and approved by school board • Principals will hire teachers for their own schools • Principals will ensure that all teachers have proper training through out the year in order to provide the best education to students Teachers are responsible for education of the students • Teachers will be hired by the school principal • Teachers will be responsible for education students to the standards set by the school board
  • 16. Historical Issues and Controversies Comprehensive education • Students with identified special needs shall have the curriculum adapted to their needs Secular vs. Religious education • Religion will not be a mandatory in the curriculum or at school events • Students will be allowed to hold and participate in religious clubs in the schools • Religious topic and materials may be used by teachers when used for the purpose of understanding different cultures, historical significances, and literary themes • Textbooks shall present all religions equally for educational purposes Funding • Federal funding- grants • State funding- state lotteries and a portion of sales taxes • County funding- a portion of personal property taxes • School fund raisers- must be approved by school board, will be used for “extras” What is BASIC? • All schools will be equipped with at least one computer lab & laptop carts • Classrooms will also have computers for students use, an interactive whiteboard & iPad • Science classrooms will have all equipment necessary for the science curriculum • Physical education classes will have all equipment necessary for the curriculum • Extra equipment desired by individual schools will be paid for out of that schools budget or by fund raisers
  • 17. Laws and Ethics • Promoting Legal Awareness • Adhering to Ethical The school system will hire teachers Standards that are well versed in educational Teachers and other members of the law, and strongly encourage all school system will be required to sign teachers to take a course in Special an "Acceptable Computer Use" Education law, in order to ensure that agreement and "Drug-Free Workplace" all teachers understand the agreement. Teachers will be required importance of following students' IEPs to complete the online Child-Abuse and understand student LRE and Neglect courses. Teachers' placement. contracts will outline what are considered to be professional standards in addition to the rest of their annual contract. • Church and State Since many major holidays are religious holidays, it is unreasonable to say we are celebrating these holidays. However, holiday programs can serve an educational purpose, recognizing diversity without making students feel excluded or identified with a religion not their own. Holiday concerts, for example, may appropriately include religious music related to Christmas, Hanukkah or other holidays that fall in December, but sacred music should not dominate the program. The school auditorium is not to be used as the local church.
  • 18. Students’ Rights and Responsibilities • Equal educational opportunities shall be available for all students, without regard to race, national origin, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability or marital or parental status. Educational programs shall be designed to meet the varying needs of all students. No student, on the basis of gender, shall be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise right, privilege, advantage or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities. • Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of prohibited discrimination should report the alleged discrimination as soon as possible to one of the compliance officers at the student’s designated school. The alleged discrimination should be reported as soon as possible, and the report generally should be made within fifteen (15) school days of the occurrence. Further, any student who has knowledge of conduct which may constitute prohibited discrimination should report such conduct to one of the compliance officers. Any employee who has knowledge of conduct which may constitute prohibited discrimination immediately shall report such conduct to one of the compliance officers. Upon receipt of a report of alleged prohibited discrimination, the compliance officer shall immediately authorize or undertake an investigation. The investigation may be conducted by school personnel or a third party designated by the school division. The investigation shall be completed as soon as practical, which should generally be no later than 14 calendar days after receipt of the report by the compliance officer. Within 3 school days of receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall send written notice that the complaint has been received to the complainant and the person or persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination. • Also upon receiving the complaint, the Compliance Officer shall determine whether interim measures should be taken pending the outcome of the investigation. If the Compliance Officer determines that more than 15 school days will be required to investigate the complaint, he or she will notify the complainant and the persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination of the reasons for the extended investigation and of the date by which the investigation is projected to be concluded. The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the persons allegedly responsible for the discrimination, and any others who may have knowledge of the alleged discrimination or the circumstances giving rise to the complaint. The investigation may also include the inspection of any documents or information deemed relevant by the investigator. The School Division shall take necessary steps to protect the complainant and others pending the completion of the investigation.
  • 19. Students’ Rights and Responsibilities • The Compliance Officer shall issue a written report to the Superintendent upon completion of the investigation. If the complaint involves the Superintendent, then the report shall be sent to the School Board. The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations are substantiated, whether this policy was violated, and recommendations for corrective action, if any. The Compliance Officer’s written report, and all written notices sent pursuant to this policy shall be maintained and distributed in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. • Within 10 school days of receiving the Compliance Officer’s report, the Superintendent or designee shall issue a decision regarding: (1) whether this policy was violated and, if so (2) what action, if any, will be taken. This decision must be provided in writing to the complainant. If the Superintendent determines that discrimination occurred, the School Division shall take prompt, appropriate action to address and remedy the harm and prevent any recurrence. Such action may include discipline up to and including recommending that a student be expelled or that an employee be discharged. • If the Superintendent or designee determines that no discrimination occurred, the complainant may appeal this determination to the School Board within 5 calendar days of receiving the decision. Notice of appeal must be filed with the Superintendent, who shall forward the Compliance Officer’s report and any documentation or information deemed relevant by the Compliance Officer during the course of the investigation to the School Board. The School Board shall make a decision within 30 calendar days of receiving the record. The School Board may require oral or written argument from the complainant, the Superintendent, and any other individual it deems appropriate. An extension of the 30 calendar day limit may occur if necessary as determined by the School Board Chair. If the Superintendent or designee determines that discrimination occurred and discipline is imposed, the disciplined person (i.e. student or employee) may appeal the disciplinary sanction in accordance with existing School Board policies and regulations.
  • 20. Student Dress • Student Dress - A student’s dress and appearance shall not be such that it causes disruption, distracts others from the educational process or creates a health or safety problem. All students are expected to dress appropriately. Apparel worn to school should be neat and clean. Items of clothing with language that is vulgar, obscene, or discriminating, or that promotes or depicts weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, drug paraphernalia, themes of violence, or gang symbols are prohibited. Examples of unacceptable dress include: a. "See through" shirts, spaghetti-strap tank tops, or muscle shirts. These may only be worn with an additional shirt of a different type underneath or over. • b. Hats, head covers (except for religious purposes), headbands, and sunglasses are not to be worn in a school building. • c. Clothing that exposes undergarments, the midriff, chest, back, or buttocks is inappropriate for school and is not permitted. • d. Pajamas and other sleepwear. • e. Absence of shoes or appropriate footwear. • f. Clothing with inappropriate slogans, sexual innuendo, themes of violence, or negative gestures, especially as they relate to alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or tobacco products may not be worn. • g. Any student’s dress that is determined by school administration to be disruptive to the learning environment is not acceptable. • h. Pants worn below the normal waistline and/or at a length that may cause walking on the hem of the garment.
  • 21. Governance and Finance Leadership Direction will be provided by an elected board of supervisors with a system that incorporates input from parents, staff and community members in the decision process. A key goal of leadership is to include interested parties in decisions so that they have the opportunity to act rather than react. Funding • Federal funding - grants, e.g., Grant Wrangler NEA • State funding - state lotteries and a portion of sales taxes • County funding - a portion of personal property taxes • School fund raisers - must be approved by administration, will be used for “extras” • Anticipated per-pupil spending for the 2012-13 academic year: $12,000.
  • 22. Education Reforms School Board • Members of the school board shall be parents of student and/or hold a current teaching license in the state • Those involved in policy making for schools should have a firm grasp on how the schools will be affected by the policy Accountability • Teachers will be held accountable using a variety of methods; Principal observation, feedback of fellow teachers, student/parent feedback, & test results. • A variety of methods will be used to determine teachers’ effectiveness to ensure that “good” teachers are retained (e.g. A weaker teacher may appear to be more effective due to uneven student demographics. Correspondingly an effective teacher in a disadvantaged area may have students who make significant gains, yet fail to meet minimum requirements.) Testing • Tests and curriculum will be made to work together. A panel of current teachers will meet annually to evaluate tests and curriculum. • Standardized testing will be used as one measure of student learning and teacher effectiveness. • Tests will be given at the end of the school year as a final exam (to avoid cramming all learning into 8 months of school and not doing any work during the last month) • A panel of current teachers will meet each year to ensure tests and curriculum. Authentic Assessment • Student portfolios will also be used to measure student learning and teacher effectiveness. • Assessors will be current classroom teachers, paid out of the budget. • A standardized rubric will be used to evaluate portfolios.