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International Business Economics
Lecture Notes
Christos Pitelis
January 2004
1. Introduction: Globalisation (Nature, Evolution,
2. Why Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?
3. Strategy and Strategic Options of MNCs
4. MNCs, Government Policy and (Inter)national
Competitiveness - Overall Conclusion and the
Future of MNCs
International Business Economics
Session 1
Introduction: ‘Globalisation’
(Nature, Evolution, Perspectives)
Exhibit 1.1: A Framework
The Nature and Scope of
International Business
• International Business (IB) deals with the
nature, strategy and management of international
business enterprises and their effects on
business and national performance (e.g.,
efficiency, growth, profitability, employment).
• IB is interdisciplinary. It draws, among others, on
economics, politics, sociology, marketing,
management (human resources, strategic).
Some definitions (i)
• FDI is the control of production which takes
place in one country (‘host country’) by a firm
based in another country (‘home country’). FDI is
the defining feature of the multinational
corporation (MNC).
• Globalisation refers to the increasing
integration of markets (exchange) and
production, to include the mobility of resources
(capital, labour, ‘organization and knowledge’).
Some definitions (ii)
• A firm is an organisation which produces
commodities for sale in the market for a profit,
and allocates resources (such as capital and
labour) without direct reliance on the price
mechanism (the market) on the basis of internal
entrepreneurial decisions (hierarchy).
• An MNC is a firm which controls production in
countries other than (and including) its home
Some definitions (iii)
• The market (price mechanism) is an institution
of resource allocation, based on voluntary
exchanges (transactions) by individuals,
motivated by preferences and market prices.
• The state is an institution which allocates
resources and influences the organization of
economic activity through a legal monopoly on
Origins of IB (i)
• IB is the result of the internationalisation of
production and the emergence of the
multinational corporations (MNCs), the
subject matter of IB.
• Internationalisation of production (‘globalisation’)
involves international capital flows, international
trade of commodities (exports-imports) and
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by MNCs.
Origins of IB (ii)
• Until the 1980s, there has been a tendency towards concentration of
industry, and oligopolistic market structures. Firms have observed a
‘law of increasing size’ consisting of four stages:
– First, the owner managed and controlled small firm (nineteenth
– Second, the public limited ‘national’ company (limited liability,
separation of ownership from management).
– Third, the multidivisional (M-form) organisation (division- based),
separation of strategic (long term) and operational (day-to-day)
– Fourth, multinational corporations (MNCs) with production
activities outside (and including) their home-base.
Exhibit 1.2: The unitary (U-form)
Chief Executive
Financial and
Sales and
Exhibit 1.3: A multidivisional (M-
form) structure
Head Office
Division A
Division C
Division E
Division B
Division D
Central Services (e.g., Finance)
Exhibit 1.4: A holding company
Parent Company
Head Office
Company A
(wholly owned)
Company C
(90% owned)
Company E
(25% owned)
Company B
(wholly owned)
Company D
(75% owned)
Some facts and trends in IB (i)
• International trade inside the world’s largest 350 MNCs
accounts for almost 40 per cent of world merchandise
• The world’s largest MNCs (e.g., General Motors, Exxon,
Microsoft etc) have annual sales higher than the annual
gross national product (GNP) of all but around 15 nation
• In the early 2000s in the USA, nearly half of
manufacturing exports and around two thirds of imports
were flowing within MNCs (intra-firm trade).
Some facts and trends of IB (ii)
• FDI increased by over 20 per cent between 1985 and
2000, twice the growth rate of exports or output.
• In the period 1991-2000, 63 per cent of global FDI flows
was received by the developed countries (DCs) (down
from almost 80% in 1989), around 33 per cent by
developing countries and just over 3 per cent by Eastern
European countries.
• Among the developing countries, China receives the lion’s
share of FDI.
Some facts and trends of IB (iii)
• Within the DCs, the US, the UK, Canada, France and
Germany are leading players.
• Since 1960 the relative importance of the US and the UK
as sources of outward FDI has been declining.
• In the ‘Triad’ (Europe, USA, Japan), total FDI between US
and the EU was almost one third of global FDI in 2000.
• European FDI is largely due to M&As.
• FDI declined sharply in 2001 (over 50%, the largest drop
in 30 years), 2002 and 2003.
Some issues in IB (i)
• The main issues which arise from the facts and
trends of FDI concern the following:
– Why international production, FDI and MNCs?
– How do (should) MNCs conduct their business
strategies? (competitive and corporate strategies)
Some issues in IB (ii)
• What is the relationship between MNCs, nation
states (in developed and developing countries)
and international organisations and what is the
impact of MNCs on growth and development?
• What is the link between MNCs and international
Background 1 (pp 20-28, starts
Firms & Industries
(U-form) Firm, Competitive Industry
Organic (Internal)-Vertical integration, External-Mergers and Acquisitions
‘National’ (Public Limited) Company, Industry Concentration, Oligopoly
(M-form) Firm, Diversification (Related, Unrelated-Conglomerate)
Foreign Direct Investment, Transnational Corporations (TNCs), Global Firms
Firm integration “Strategies”
• Vertical Integration (VI): Backward (raw materials) and
forward (distribution).
• Mergers and acquisitions (M&A): coming together of two
or more firms.
• Conglomerate diversification: operations-expansion of
firms in ‘unrelated’ products-markets.
• Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and MNCs.
• ‘Hybrid’ (networks, clusters, joint ventures, strategic
alliances …)
Main perspectives
• (Market) Power: Firms pursue profit
and/through (market) power.
• Efficiency: Firms pursue profit through reduction
of production and transaction costs.
• Hybrid: Firms pursue profits through efficiency
and (market) power.
Theories (i)
• Neoclassical: Firm is ‘a production function’, a ‘black box’; it is
concerned with the industry price-output ‘equilibrium’, which
maximizes profits. Price-output equilibria depend on market structure,
e.g., perfect competition, monopoly.
– Managerial: Firms maximize utility of managers, e.g., sales
revenue, growth. Based on alleged ‘separation of ownership from
– Transaction Costs: Firms are multi-person hierarchies which
result from, and give rise to reduced market transaction costs,
resulting in efficient industry structures.
Theories (ii)
• Resource-Based: Firms are bundles of human
and non-human resources under administrative
co-ordination. There are internal and external
stimuli to growth which lead to industry
• Behavioural: Given ‘bounded rationality’ and
different objectives of groups within them, firms
do not maximize, they ‘satisfice’.
Theories (iii)
• ‘Austrian’ - Chicago School - Schumpeterian: Alert,
profit seeking entrepreneurs, enhance market co-
ordination and give rise to ephemeral monopoly profits,
eroded through competitive process of ‘creative
destruction’ (innovations).
• ‘Marxist’: Firms produce commodities for sale in the
market for a profit, under hierarchical control of capital
over labour. Dialectic link between competition and
monopoly, for maintenance of monopoly (power).
Some critical elements for
economic analysis (DISCO) (i)
• Demand (D): The demand conditions firms face,
in the form of a Demand Curve, derived from
‘Theory of Demand’.
• Industry Structure (IS): The extent of industry
concentration, barriers to entry, etc, leading to
competitive, imperfectly competitive, oligopolistic,
or monopolistic industry structures.
Some critical elements for
economic analysis (DISCO) (ii)
• Costs (C): The cost conditions faced by the firm, in the
shape of a Cost Curve, derived from ‘Theory of
Production and Costs’.
• Objectives (O): The firms’ aim. It allows the derivation of
price-output ‘equilibria’. Usual assumption is profit
maximization (Marginal Cost equals Marginal Revenue).
Others are maximization of sales revenue or growth.
Alternatives are ‘satisficing’, ‘entrepreneuring’…
Exhibit 1.5: Monopoly versus
, minimum
efficient scale
PM monopoly
PC perfect
[End of Background 1]
‘Globalization’: causes
• Firm growth because of
– Use of excess internal resources at near zero
marginal cost
– Sale of products to new markets at high profit
rates (due to high fixed costs).
‘Globalization’: facilitators
• Reductions in transportation costs.
• Improvements in information and communication
International Business Economics
Session 2
Why MNCs and FDI?
The Multinational Corporation
• Definition
– MNC = firm which controls production
across national boundaries through intra-firm
(non-market) operations.
• Question
– Why MNCs as opposed to exports,
franchising, licensing, etc. ?
Background 2 (pp 32-65, starts
here): Perspectives on the theory of
The Neoclassical analysis (i)
Simple Market Structure Analysis (Perfect
Competition vs Monopoly)
• Perfect Competition defined: Market
structure characterised by a large number of
profit maximising buyers and sellers selling
homogeneous products, and no entry barriers.
• Result: Price taking behaviour, price at
minimum long run average cost (LAC) curve ⇒
‘normal’ profits.
The Neoclassical analysis (ii)
• Monopoly defined: market structure
characterised by a single profit maximising
producer and very high entry barriers (no entry).
• Result: monopoly prices exceeding minimum
LAC ⇒ ‘Excess’ (monopoly) profits.
• Conclusion: departures from perfect competition
result in increases in prices and reductions in
output. Also to ‘welfare losses’ due to ‘monopoly
The Neoclassical analysis (iii) -
• Defined: market structure characterised by
interdependence of (usually a small number of)
producers-firms. Duopoly is the case of two
37Exhibit 5: Industrial Organisation (IO) and
S(tructure) - C(onduct) - P(erformance) model
• IO Defined: Branch of economic theory
analysing structure-conduct and
performance (SCP) of oligopolistic
industries (set of firms producing similar
• SCP Model: Suggests there exists a
(initially unidirectional) link between
structure (S), conduct (C) and performance
(P) of industries. Feedback relationships
from conduct and/or performance to
structure later allowed for.
• Main Focus: The concentration (S) -
Profitability (P) relationship assuming
profit maximisation (C).
• ‘New IO’ analyses impact of conduct on
structure and performance in oligopolistic
Theoretical specification of
industry structures
1. Limit pricing
2. Unconstrained profit maximizing oligopoly
3. Contestable markets
1. Limit Pricing
• Assumes constrained profit maximisation
(maximum profits subject to no entry), barriers to
entry (minimum efficiency scale) and that
incumbents leave post-entry output at pre-entry
levels and entrants know this.
• Result: Limit price derives from limit output found
by subtracting the minimum efficient scale level of
output from the perfect competition level.
Exhibit 2.1: Derivation of the limit
• PL is determined by QL, i.e. the level to which, if the MES
was added, the competitive output would result, thus PC,
thus no ENTRY.
Q Q QL C= −
2. Unconstrained profit
maximising oligopoly
• Assumes blockaded entry and joint profit
maximising price-output levels (Monopoly). Entry
is blockaded through strategic entry barriers, e.g.,
investment in excess capacity.
3. Contestable markets
• Assume free entry and costless exit. This
ensures perfectly competitive price-output levels,
even in the presence of economies of scale and
oligopolistic market structures, as any departures
from perfectly competitive prices lead to hit-and-
run entry and exit.
IO models compared
• Main issue is the nature and importance of entry barriers,
both ‘innocent’/structural (scale economies) and
strategic (conscious actions by incumbents designed to
deter entry), e.g., excess capacity, product proliferation.
• Well analysed strategic entry deterrence strategy, the
investment in ‘excess capacity’. In the limit even
monopoly pricing is sustainable if incumbents have
excess capacity sufficient to produce full perfect
competition output. To be credible, excess capacity
investment should be optimal post-entry.
44Exhibit 2.2: An expository
diagrammatic framework to Industrial
, minimum
efficient scale
QS, strategic
capacity output
PM monopoly price
PL limit price
PC perfect
Firm-industry structures and
business strategy
• Oligopoly, crucial for (competitive) strategy, which is
absent in cases of both perfect competition and
monopoly. Emergence and effects of oligopoly analysed
by theory of Industrial Organization (IO), which is based
on and extends the Cournot/Bertrand models of oligopoly.
• M-Form organisation is important condition for
development of corporate strategy (existence of
multitude of business units).
Theory of Firms & Industries:
Alternative Perspectives
• Transaction Costs, Markets and Hierarchies
• Resource-Based and related perspectives
Transaction Costs, Markets &
Hierarchies (i)
• Origin: Coase (1937)
• Assumptions
i) Market is ‘original’ means of resource
allocation =>
ii) Existence of hierarchies (e.g., firms) due to
market failure
• Nature of market failure
– Cognitive (natural) not structural; i.e., due
to transaction costs and not monopoly power.
Transaction Costs, Markets &
Hierarchies (ii)
• (Market) Transaction Costs are costs of information,
bargaining, contracting, policing and enforcing
• Main Proposition (Coase, Williamson, etc.):
internalization of markets by hierarchies, i.e.,
replacement of voluntary exchanges with hierarchy =>
savings in transaction costs => hierarchy (firm) more
efficient way to allocate resources.
• Horizontal and vertical integration, the M-form, and
conglomeration result from pursuit of transaction cost
Transaction Costs, Markets &
Hierarchies (iii)
• Policy Implications
– In neoclassical approach departures from perfect
competition => market failure (structural) =>
=> need for government intervention.
– In transaction costs approach hierarchies (including
M-form conglomerates and MNCs) =
efficiency improving solutions to (natural)
market failure =>
=> less need to interfere with the markets.
Resource-based & related
perspectives (i)
• Early work by Penrose (1959)
– Firm = “a collection of resources bound together in an
administrative framework, the boundaries of which are
determined by the ‘area of administrative co-ordination
and authorative communication’” (Penrose, 1995, p xi).
– Focus on ‘the internal resources of the firm’, then the
external environment. Latter is different for each firm
depending ‘on its specific collection of human and
other resources’. Environment can be manipulated by
firms to serve their objectives.
Resource-based & related
perspectives (ii)
• Dynamic interaction between internal and perceived
external environment (‘image’, and ‘productive
• Endogenous Growth, results from
i) resource indivisibility,
ii) knowledge creation within firms, which releases
• A firm’s prospects are in terms of existing and new
products; diversification as new markets become
relatively more attractive than existing ones.
Resource-based & related
perspectives (iii)
• Knowledge is tacit.
• ‘History matters’, growth is an evolutionary process,
based on cumulative growth of collective knowledge in the
context of a purposeful firm.
• Rate of firm’s growth limited by growth of knowledge
within it, and a firm’s size by the extend to which
administrative effectiveness continues to reach expanding
Resource-based & related
perspectives (iv)
• Firm strategies result of differential capability, e.g.,
– Vertical Integration, due to ability of firms to serve their
own needs better.
– Diversification, due to growth and multiple applicability
of resources.
– Mergers and Acquisitions; to acquire managerial
resources for expansion.
– MNCs, due to differential ability e.g., in transferring
tacit knowledge (Kogut-Zander).
Resource-based & related
perspectives (v)
(Nelson & Winter, 1982)
• In Nelson and Winter’s evolutionary theory of the
firm, routines, search (changes in routines) and
competition are economic analogues to genes,
heredity and struggle for existence in biology.
Resource-based & related
perspectives (vi)
• Use and develop hard to imitate and costly to
apply internal capabilities.
• Rents in equilibrium.
Resource-based & related
perspectives (viii) (knowledge-based
theories, Penrose, etc.)
• Firms better than markets in using, preserving,
transferring and developing knowledge.
• Value creation – growth through knowledge and
value appropriation.
57Resource-based & related
perspectives (ix) (Richardson and
• “Dense network of co-operation and affiliation by which
firms are inter-related.”
• Markets, hierarchy and networks are a function of degree
of complementarity and similarity of activities
– weakly complementary activities => MARKET
– complementary and similar activities => HIERARCHY
– complementary and dissimilar activities => CO-
[End of Background 2}
Theories of the MNC
• Two main types:
- Supply-side
- Demand-side
- Other factors – “theories”
• Supply-side theories. Mainly
- Monopolistic – ‘ownership’ advantage
- Transaction costs and internalisation
- Eclectic theory (or Ownership, Location, Internalisation - OLI
- Divide and rule
- Resource-based
Supply-side theories:
Monopolistic ‘ownership’ advantage
• Origin: Hymer’s 1960 PhD thesis
• Assume: ‘Law of increasing firm size’: Firms
growth leads to concentration and acquisition of
monopolistic advantages (MAs).
– Firms’ pursuit of (monopoly) profit => seeking
overseas markets.
– MAs allow firms to outcompete foreign rivals.
– MNCs aim at reducing conflict.
Supply-side theories:
Monopolistic ‘ownership’ advantage
• Choice of FDI over market-based alternatives
due to control potential and oligopolistic
• Collusion allows reduction of conflict and
maintenance of monopoly profits.
• Conclude: Structural market failure => MNCs =>
(international) structural market failure
61Supply-side theories:
Transaction costs - internalization
• Existence of firms =>
Economising in transaction costs => Firms
more efficient than markets
• In case of MNCs, choice is between market
transactions, e.g., exporting, licensing and non-
market transactions, i.e. Foreign Direct
Investment (FDI).
62Supply-side theories:
Transaction costs - internalization
• Reasons for FDI
– Williamson: asset specificity => hold-up problems =>
need for fully owned subsidiaries (FDI).
– Buckley & Casson: intangible assets exhibit ‘public
goods’ attributes, thus result in appropriability
problems => market failure.
– Hennart: internalization of markets due to differential
ability to control (overseas) labour.
63Supply-side theories:
Transaction costs - internalization
• Conclusion
Internalization of markets through MNCs are
efficient solution to intrinsic (transaction costs-
related) market failure.
Supply-side theories:
Eclectic theory (or ‘OLI paradigm’)
• Dunning, combined a and b as well as location
advantages to provide ‘eclectic theory’ or
O(ownership), L(ocation), I(nternalization)
• OLI explains internationalization of production,
not the MNC.
– O explains why firms are able to become MNCs.
– I explains why they benefit from internalizing markets
or advantages.
– L explains the choice of location.
Supply-side theories:
Divide and Rule (Sugden)
• Builds on Marglin-Hymer
• Focuses on labour markets. He suggests that a
reason for MNCs is their ability to divide labour
(unions) in country specific groups => Reduce
their bargaining power => increase their profits.
Supply-side theories:
(Penrose, Teece, Kogut-Zander)
• MNCs are due to endogenous growth and
differential capabilities vis-à-vis market and other
• Growth can be national (diversification) or
geographical (MNC).
• MNCs are better in transferring internationally
tacit knowledge than markets.
Demand-side theory (i)
• Cowling & Sugden, Pitelis: increased
concentration => increased profits => reduced
consumers expenditure (because a lower
proportion of profit is consumed than of wage
• As consumption decreases so does effective
demand => going overseas for demand outlets.
Demand-side theory (ii)
• The MNC as an All Weather Company
– Diversified national firms can ride the industry
life cycle (Hymer).
– MNCs can ride the national business cycle,
becoming All Weather Companies.
Other factors – ‘theories’
• Oligopolistic rivalry
– Present in most theories (except transaction costs).
– Can motivate - shape firms’ payoff matrix => crucial context within
which decisions are taken.
– Specifically oligopolistic interaction theories (e.g., Graham), build
on Hymer and emphasize role of threats and counter-threats.
• Competition between states
– Nation states may promote their own MNCs to affect their
international competitiveness – could explain some LDC MNCs.
Synthesis (i)
• Context: Oligopolistic interaction
– Endogenous growth (Penrose) => monopolistic
advantages (Hymer).
– MAs are an inducement to innovation and further
growth (Penrose); they can help firms outcompete
foreign rivals (Hymer).
– Domestic diversification due to pull factors, e.g.,
multiple use of resources (Penrose), or push factors,
e.g., the product life cycle (Hymer).
Synthesis (ii)
• Geographical diversification also due to national-regional
business cycles (all weather company).
• Mode of expansion due to differential firm capabilities
(Penrose, Teece, Kogut & Zander), (dynamic) transaction
costs (Teece, Buckley & Casson) and overall control
advantages (Hymer).
• Locational factors explain the choice of location.
• No general theory possible, but a general framework
within which each case can be examined.
MNCs impact on welfare
• Monopolistic advantage theory => possibility of reduced
competition due to MNCs => (Pareto) inefficiency 
• Internalization hypothesis => transaction reductions => efficiency.
• Eclectic view => advantages and disadvantages => ‘trade-off’.
• Divide and rule hypothesis => reduced workers welfare =>
(Pareto) inefficiency.
• Resource-based => efficiency and inefficiency may co-exist
• Synthesis => coexistence of efficiency and power => ‘trade-off’.
and ‘Uneven Development’(Hymer)
• For Hymer (1972), the operations of MNCs tend
to globalize the tendency towards concentration;
generate an uneven development between the
centre (developed countries) and the periphery
(less developed countries); erode the power of
labour unions and the nation state, and tend to
shape the world to their image by creating
‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ countries. They are
responsible for the dependent industrialization of
the Newly Industrialized Countries.
International Business Economics
Session 3
Strategy and Strategic Options of MNCs
Background 3 (pp 83-99, starts
Business Strategy
Business Strategy (i)
• Firms’ evolution – strategies
– Horizontal integration (mergers and acquisitions)
– Vertical integration (backward and forward)
– Multidivisional (M-) form (business units under central control)
– Conglomeration (unrelated business activities)
– Foreign Direct Investment - multinational corporations (foreign
direct investment)
– Networks, alliances clusters, joint ventures, etc.
All such strategies involve future cash flows, thus require
‘capital budgeting’.
Business Strategy (ii)
• Types of strategy
– Competitive: Strategy of Business Units
– Corporate: Strategy of firm as a whole
Competitive Strategy
Porter: based on IO
• ‘Five forces’ model (rivalry of existing
competitors, potential entrants, power of
suppliers-buyers, substitute products).
Rule: select and/or create ‘attractive industries’
(with weak forces of competition)
• Three generic competitive strategies (cost
leadership, differentiation, focus).
Rule: do not get stuck in the middle.
Exhibit 3.1: M. Porter’s five forces
Rivalry among existing
Threat of entry
Threat of substitutes
Power of
Power of
Exhibit 3.2: M. Porter’s three
generic strategies
Competitive advantage
Lower cost Differentiation
Broad Cost leadership Differentiation
Narrow Cost focus Differentiation
Competitive Strategy
Porter (cont’d)
• Value chains: firm’s primary and support activities
that generate value (margin)
– primary: firm infrastructure, human resource
management, technology development,
– support: inbound logistics, operations,
outbound logistics, marketing and sales,
Rule: align value chain to generic strategy
Exhibit 3.3: M. Porter’s value
Operations Outbound
& Sales
Human resource management
Technology development
Firm infra-structure
Corporate Strategy
• Portfolio models - Boston Consulting Group, etc.
• Porter
• Resources-capabilities
84Corporate Strategy: Portfolio
- The Boston Consulting Group (i)
• Learning and experience gives rise to reduced unit costs
as volume increases
• Market share increases profitability
• Portfolio matrix: to classify business units as stars, cash
cows, question marks and dogs on the basis of industry
growth rates and business units’ relative market share
Rule: cash-in cash cows, to invest in stars and selected
question marks, stars-to-be. Liquidate dogs.
85Corporate Strategy: Portfolio
The Boston Consulting Group (ii)
• BCG matrix related to the industry product life
cycle (introduction-question marks, growth-stars,
maturity/saturation-cash cows, decline-dogs).
• Portfolio Models: Shell, General Electric
– same principle as BCG, different criteria and
Exhibit 3.4: The experience curve
Cumulative volume of output0
87Exhibit 3.5: The BCG
growth/share business portfolio
Question marks
(or problem children)
Relative market share position
Low (below 1.0)High (above 1.0)
Cash cows Dogs
than the
as a whole)
than the
as a whole)
Exhibit 3.6: The life cycle model
sales GrowthIntroduction DeclineMaturity
Exhibit 3.7: The product life cycle
and the Boston matrix
Product life-cycle Boston Matrix
Introduction Question marks
Growth Stars
M aturity / Saturation Cash cows
Decline Dogs
Corporate strategy:
The approach of M. Porter
• Four types of corporate strategy
– portfolio management (as in BCG matrix)
– restructuring (restructure and sell-off)
– transfer of skills
– sharing activities
Rule: select sharing activities or, if not possible,
transfer of skills. Other two hard to implement
with success.
Corporate Strategy:
The resources – capabilities
perspective (Penrose, Teece, etc.)
• Diversification strategies are the result of
availability of resources with potential for
common use by apparently unrelated activities.
• Conglomerate diversification results from problem
of appropriating rents from intangible assets
and/or differential capabilities in transferring
• [End of Background 3]
Strategy of MNCs (i)
• For Michael Porter industries are
– multidomestic (nationally responsive),
requiring locally focused strategy
– global (linked, integrated), requiring integrated
Strategy of MNCs (ii)
• For Bartlett and Ghoshal: four basic strategies
emerge on the basis of cost pressures – local
responsiveness matrix:
– international (low, low)
– multidomestic (low, high)
– global (high, low)
– transnational (high, high)
Exhibit 3.2: Bartlett and Ghoshal’s Options for
High Global Transnational
Low International Multidomestic
Low High
95Exhibit 3.9: A summary of theory
and strategy
IO-Porter Transaction costs
reduce rivalry reduce TC acquire (managerial)
barrier to entry reduce TC differential ability for in-
house production
M-form facilitate unrelated
internalize external
capital market
facilitate unrelated
diversification (Chandler)
reduce dependence
on product life cycle
high TC due to asset
exploit common resource
base, solve intangible
assets appropriability
Foreign Direct
exploit ownership
advantages (Hymer)
high TC due to asset
solve intangible assets
appropriability problems,
differential capabilities
Networks facilitate market
optimal use of
market and
Derive knowledge-related
benefits of co-opetition
96Application: A simple decision
frameworkLowTransport costs and tariffs
Suitability of know-how for
Foreign operation requires
tight control
Know-how can be protected by
licensing contract
Horizontal FDI
Horizontal FDI
Horizontal FDI
Licence Based on C. Hill (2003)
International Business Economics
Session 4
MNCs, Government Policy and
(Inter)national Competitiveness
Competitiveness: definition
• Differential productivity, value-added – wealth
creation, relative to other economic units (firms,
regions, nations…)
• Can be achieved through
– Business policies
– Government (competition, industrial and
competitiveness) policies
Competition and Industrial Policy
• Early competition-industrial policies in West
derive from IO theory, in particular the issue of
the welfare effects of monopoly (power). This
includes analysis of
i) Static effects (monopoly and reduced consumer
welfare, due to high prices);
ii) Dynamic effects (e.g., monopoly and innovation).
Monopoly & international
competitiveness (i)
• Main claim that large firms can exploit economies of scale and scope,
therefore can compete with large firms from other countries.
• Idea particularly prevalent is 1960s and 1970s in Europe, in part as
response to the ‘American Challenge’, e.g., Servan-Schreiber’s
claim that US multinational corporations dominate technologically
European markets.
• If large size increases competitiveness (thus export surpluses) these
could offset any static losses.
• The international competitiveness idea is in part responsible for the
permissive (and even encouraging) attitude of European countries to
mergers and large size.
Monopoly & international
competitiveness (ii)
• Counter arguments are:
– i) higher X-inefficiency
– ii) may suppress major inventions if they result in
major re-equipment
– iii) inflexibility
• Schumpeter’s ‘Differential Innovations
Hypothesis’, that large firms are large because
they have been more successful innovators to
start with.
Monopoly and Welfare
• An open question whether the dynamic gains
offset the static losses. Evidence inconclusive.
• Focus on efficient resource allocation limited.
Concentrate on resource creation?
– The Western approach
Theoretical Basis
i) ‘Competition policy’ to correct market failure due
to monopoly (power) and its abuse: e.g., Treaty
of Rome, US Anti-Trust policies
ii) Trade through (static) comparative advantage,
lenient or encouraging attitude to multinational
corporations (MNCs)
– The Western approach (EU) (i)
But in 1960s
• ‘Recognition’ in Europe of the ‘international
competitiveness’ advantages of ‘large size’
(American challenge thesis)
• Relatedly,
– ‘National Champions Policy’ (e.g., UK, France, Italy)
– Nationalizations of ‘strategic’ sectors
• ‘Lame Ducks’ policies
– The Western approach (EU) (ii)
• Return to the market (privatisations etc) and
focus on ‘Government Failure’.
• Entrepreneurship and small firms
• Horizontal measures, technology and education,
tangible and intangible infrastructure, efficiency of
public sector.
– The Western approach (USA)
• Hidden industrial policy in the form of defence
• revival of 1990s; clusters?
• ‘Grant Theory’ but no industrial strategy
including adhocity, discontinuity, undue focus on
(dis)advantages of size and static comparative
advantage-based (free) trade.
– The Far Eastern approach
Basis: Industrial Strategy by Ministry of Trade & Industry
(MITI) involving:
i) Dynamic comparative advantage (created comparative
ii) Managed trade, with initial focus on internal competition.
iii) Management of competition (the ‘Golden Mean’) and co-
iv) Dynamic competition through innovativeness, as in
Schumpeter - Hayek.
Practice – The Four Tigers
(Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong
Kong) (i)
Basis: Similar to Japan, adaptive industrial
strategy involving
i) Import substitution.
ii) Export promotion based on labour intensive
iii) Promotion of high technology/high value added
iv) Attraction of FDI (Singapore, Taiwan),
technology transfer.
Practice – The Four Tigers
(Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong
Kong) (ii)
• Relative success of ‘Far East’
– Result of multitude of complex factors which include
culture, high saving, effective public administration,
close relation between industry and finance,
consensus, new (strategic) management techniques,
• Question: Can we exclude role of industrial
strategy? Is it unrelated to the other factors?
New theories
1. ‘New Trade Theory’
2. ‘New Competition’
3. New location economics
4. New (‘Endogenous’) Growth Theory
5. MNCs, deindustrialisdation and ‘Competitive
1. New trade theory (i)
• Traditional focus of Western industrial policy, the welfare
effects of monopoly and the theory of (static)
comparative advantage. According to this countries
should specialize and trade in products in which they
enjoy a comparative advantage. Benefits from trade arise
when each country pursues such a strategy.
• Presence of monopolistic competition, economies of
scale, positive externalities and first mover advantages
led to conclusion that focus on high return industries
can affect the distribution of benefits (and even lead to
losses, Krugman) – Strategic Trade.
1. New trade theory (ii)
• This led to concept of dynamic comparative
advantage; i.e., attempts by countries to create
(not accept the existing) comparative
• Best known case of dynamic comparative
advantage policy is Japan.
2. The New Competition (i)
• Based on observation of successful industrial districts, in North Italy,
Germany, USA, Cambridge UK, etc.
• Such districts consist of small and medium sized, highly innovative,
customer oriented firms, with a hands-on approach to management,
which cooperate on issues of infrastructure, technology etc and
compete in the market for customers. Often rely on support by
state/local authorities, are based more on trust than hierarchical
relations, try to ‘exploit’ the dispersed knowledge of their labour,
suppliers etc and use new production methods such as Just-in-Time,
2. The New Competition (ii)
• Success of industrial districts questions benefits
of large size and provides a different (“Post-
Fordist”) model of industrial development.
However, such methods are also adopted by
major, particularly Japanese, MNCs, through e.g.,
3. New Location Economics
(Krugman, Porter)
• Importance of location in generating external
economies, reducing transaction costs through
trust, and further innovation.
1164. New Endogenous Growth
(Lucas, Romer)
• Importance of human resources and
technological change in effecting (‘endogenous’)
macroeconomic growth.
5. MNCs, Deindustrialization and
Competitive Bidding
• Link between multinational corporations and
deindustrialization questions link between large size and
international competitiveness
• Main idea is that countries like the UK which suffer from
deindustrialization tendencies are home bases of privately
successful MNCs. This questions the benefits of large
size for the case of MNCs home base.
• In era of multinational corporations ‘name of the game’
that of ‘competitive bidding’, i.e., attempt by governments
to attract investments by home and foreign firms (MNCs).
Theory and Practice
• Question: New approaches support/explain ‘Far
Eastern’ miracle?
• ‘New Industrial Strategy for Democracy’ (Cowling
& Sugden)
– MNCs give rise to multinationalism, centipetalism and
short termism. Needed is a shift of power to
communities and regions, e.g., through appropriate
‘flexible specialization’ policies.
Preliminary Conclusion
• Possibility for Machiavellian scenario i.e.,
adaptive industrial strategy (in partnership with
corporate sector) including
i) dynamic comparative advantage
ii) managed competition and co-operation
iii) managed trade
iv) playing the ‘competitive bidding game’ and/or
v) tackling the challenge of MNCs
vi) considering alternative forms of competitiveness, like
‘flexible specialization’
Developing countries
• Some common features: small internal size of
market, lack of large ‘national’ MNC’s (over-)
reliance on small family run businesses, and
foreign MNCs, relatively underdeveloped
• Possible Strategy:
i) follow the ‘four tigers’ and
ii) consider ‘appropriate’ focus on small and medium
sized enterprise, flexible specialization, clustering.
• Main issue: selection, suitability, transferability
and feasibility of policies.
The Importance of Institutions (i)
• Main problem of implementation, ‘government failure’.
Although a general problem, often more acute in
developing countries. Indeed underdevelopment may be
the effect of inefficient property rights, and incentive
mechanisms? (North)
• Culture, consensus, other institutional constraints.
• Need for promoting an institutional framework conducive
to development. This includes addressing the problem of
‘capture’ of the state by MNCs.
The Importance of Institutions (ii)
• Government can be enabling (reduce private sector
transaction and production costs) to increase output. It
can also be developmental, i.e., try to improve the
revenue side.
• Analysis of the state suggests that problem of ‘capture’
reduced through pluralism of institutional forms
(large and small firms) and competition in the
political market.
• ‘Capture’ effects support a competitiveness strategy
favouring smaller firms (potential competition to
established giants).
Conclusions (i)
• Possible and necessary to devise a
competitiveness strategy which learns from
economic theory and international practice and
addresses the issue of implementation (e.g.,
institutions and ‘capture’ of the ‘state’) and for the
EU its declared needs to promote Competition
and Convergence
Conclusions (ii)
• Developing countries should consider their
policies in the above framework, striving for an
emphasis on dynamic competition, value
creation and supply-side convergence.
Internally they should address the issue of the
institutional constraints.
• Identification and development of distinct
capabilities and competencies of a nation and
governments important condition for effective,
implementable strategy.
‘Anti-trust’ today: some problems
• Potential problems with current policies
i) Downplay lessons from the ‘Far East’ and the ‘new approaches’.
ii) Do not address the problem of MNCs (as a potential threat to
iii) Ignore distribution issues, intra-EU and between EU and ‘The
South’, which undermines sustainability.
iv) Fail to provide supply-side incentives for convergence.
v) Fail to distinguish between policies that re-distribute resources
and policies that generate resources.
• Need to move from competition to competitiveness policies
From competition to
competitiveness policies: models of
• Neoclassical model
– Competitive markets
– Free trade
• ‘Japanese’
• Porter’s ‘Diamond’
• Productivity-Competitiveness Wheel
127Exhibit 4.1: Competitiveness – the
neoclassical model
, minimum efficient scale; QS, strategic capacity output, π,
monopolist’s disincentive to invent; E, efficiency gains;
Pm monopoly price; PL limit price; PC perfect competition
Qm Q
A common
framework for neo-
Austrian and
Marxist approaches
to industrial
Competitiveness (i)
• The ‘Japanese’ approach ?
– High knowledge intensive sectors
Exhibit 4.2:
ss – the
Source: Best (1990)
Knowledge-intensive industries
(computers, instruments, heavy machinery)
Medium capital-and labour-
intensive industries (light
machinery, motor cars)
Medium capital- and raw-
material-intensive industries
(Steel, plastics, fibers)
Unskilled-labour-intensive industries
100% 100%
West Germany (1974)
Japan (1985)
Japan (1974)
Japan (1959)
Competitiveness (ii)
• Porter’s ‘diamond’
– Factor and demand conditions, clusters
131Exhibit 4.3: The determinants of
national competitive advantage
(Porter’s ‘Diamond’)
Problems with existing models
• Absence of commonly agreed upon conceptual
• Absence of links between competitiveness at the
firm-regional and national levels.
• Insufficient analysis of determinants of
productivity and competitiveness.
• Insufficient treatment of the issue of
133Sustainable Competitiveness and
Development: a conceptual
• The Productivity-Competitiveness Model
– Competitiveness <=> Productivity - Value Creation
• Determinants of Productivity - Value
– Firm level
• infrastructure
• human resources
• technology and innovation
• unit costs economies
– Regional and National levels: As above plus
• Industry structure - conduct and regional - locational milieu
• macroeconomic environment - policy mix
• institutional environment - governance mix
“The Productivity -
Competitiveness -
Wheel” for Firms, Regions and
Institutional context -
Governance mix
Macroeconomic environment -
Policy mix - Effective demand
Unit Cost
Technology &
Industry conduct - structure and
regional-locational milieu
Main routes to competitiveness
• Firm size & FDI by MNCs
• Clusters of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
What are Clusters?
• (Geographical) agglomerations of firms (and
other organizations-institutions) linked
horizontally (and/or vertically) intra- (and/or inter-)
sectorally, in a facilitatory socio-institutional and
cultural milieu, which compete & co-operate (co-
opete) in (inter)national markets.
Clusters and the Wheel
• Clusters =>
– innovation
– reduced unit cost economies (economies of
scale, scope, transaction costs, learning,
external, diversity, etc.)
– better human resources
– strong regional infrastructure
– more facilitatory institutional context (through
co-opetition, etc.)
Despite problems,
clusters are important
• Clusters improve innovation, productivity &
competitiveness at the regional & national levels,
they create employment and can lead to
• Clusters are more bottom-up, thus help deepen
• Problems include identifying nature, boundaries,
strategies for sustained successful performance.
Foreign Direct Investment
and Clusters
• Large firms and (through) foreign direct investment
(FDI) can improve determinants of productivity,
– Hard for developing countries to attract FDI
– Risk of FDI flight, given options, and flexibility of
• Clusters have advantage over large firms and FDI
because of local base and co-opetitive nature.
• Clusters attract FDI and embed it in localities.
Three agents of productivity, value
and wealth creation
Institutional context -
Governance mix
Macroeconomic environment -
Policy mix - Effective demand
Unit Cost
Technology &
& Strategy
Industry conduct – structure and
regional-locational milieu
Cluster Creation
versus Cluster Development
• Clusters are mainly the result of history, and
(thus) are hard to create ‘top-down’.
• However, theory and international experience
suggest that cluster development can be
– Clusters can be upgraded at the individual, regional or
national levels.
– This presupposes cluster identification, (diagnosis),
audit, upgrading, control-evaluation, re-diagnosis…
Strategy for Sustainable
• According to the Productivity-Competitiveness model all
the following measures can improve productivity and
– horizontal measures (soft and hard infrastructure)
– inter- and intra-firm sectoral restructuring for innovative ‘value
for money’ products and services
– clusters of SMEs
• ‘Regions of Excellence’ (‘mega-clusters’) can encapsulate
all three aspects, thus serve as Strategy for Productivity
and Competitiveness.
Prerequisites and Mechanisms
• Sustainability requires
– macro-policy - supply-side compatible
– institutional framework – remove
– competition policy co-opetition for
– environment
– distribution of income
• Possible and desirable to identify and develop
(mega) clusters, for productivity,
competitiveness, regional development,
convergence and deepening of democracy.
• The state can be a catalyst and facilitator.
• Method and tools developed can help in this
International Business
Overall Conclusion and the
Future of MNCs
• Value creation, through
– firm productivity and competitiveness
– government enabling policies, national productivity and
• Under conditions, MNCs and FDI, SME clusters
and government policy can help achieve this
The Future
• The MNC, like ‘competition’ and co-operation
itself, is both ‘god and devil’.
• MNCs will be a great force of economic growth,
yet a threat to diversity, equity and democracy.
• Policy and polity should aim at identifying routes
that deliver the goods at least cost – this can
include painful ‘trade-offs’.

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  • 1. International Business Economics Lecture Notes Christos Pitelis January 2004
  • 2. 2 Contents 1. Introduction: Globalisation (Nature, Evolution, Perspectives) 2. Why Multinational Corporations (MNCs) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? 3. Strategy and Strategic Options of MNCs 4. MNCs, Government Policy and (Inter)national Competitiveness - Overall Conclusion and the Future of MNCs
  • 3. International Business Economics Session 1 Introduction: ‘Globalisation’ (Nature, Evolution, Perspectives)
  • 4. 4 Exhibit 1.1: A Framework POLICY- STRATEGY (INTERNATIONAL) COMPETITIVENESS FIRMS (Business, Competitive) GOVERNMENTS (Competition, Industrial) THEORY
  • 5. 5 The Nature and Scope of International Business • International Business (IB) deals with the nature, strategy and management of international business enterprises and their effects on business and national performance (e.g., efficiency, growth, profitability, employment). • IB is interdisciplinary. It draws, among others, on economics, politics, sociology, marketing, management (human resources, strategic).
  • 6. 6 Some definitions (i) • FDI is the control of production which takes place in one country (‘host country’) by a firm based in another country (‘home country’). FDI is the defining feature of the multinational corporation (MNC). • Globalisation refers to the increasing integration of markets (exchange) and production, to include the mobility of resources (capital, labour, ‘organization and knowledge’).
  • 7. 7 Some definitions (ii) • A firm is an organisation which produces commodities for sale in the market for a profit, and allocates resources (such as capital and labour) without direct reliance on the price mechanism (the market) on the basis of internal entrepreneurial decisions (hierarchy). • An MNC is a firm which controls production in countries other than (and including) its home base.
  • 8. 8 Some definitions (iii) • The market (price mechanism) is an institution of resource allocation, based on voluntary exchanges (transactions) by individuals, motivated by preferences and market prices. • The state is an institution which allocates resources and influences the organization of economic activity through a legal monopoly on force.
  • 9. 9 Origins of IB (i) • IB is the result of the internationalisation of production and the emergence of the multinational corporations (MNCs), the subject matter of IB. • Internationalisation of production (‘globalisation’) involves international capital flows, international trade of commodities (exports-imports) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by MNCs.
  • 10. 10 Origins of IB (ii) • Until the 1980s, there has been a tendency towards concentration of industry, and oligopolistic market structures. Firms have observed a ‘law of increasing size’ consisting of four stages: – First, the owner managed and controlled small firm (nineteenth century). – Second, the public limited ‘national’ company (limited liability, separation of ownership from management). – Third, the multidivisional (M-form) organisation (division- based), separation of strategic (long term) and operational (day-to-day) decisions. – Fourth, multinational corporations (MNCs) with production activities outside (and including) their home-base.
  • 11. 11 Exhibit 1.2: The unitary (U-form) firm Chief Executive Financial and Accounting Department Personnel Department Sales and Marketing Department Production Development
  • 12. 12 Exhibit 1.3: A multidivisional (M- form) structure Head Office Division A Functions Division C Functions Division E Functions Division B Functions Division D Functions Central Services (e.g., Finance)
  • 13. 13 Exhibit 1.4: A holding company structure Parent Company Head Office Company A (wholly owned) Company C (90% owned) Company E (25% owned) Company B (wholly owned) Company D (75% owned)
  • 14. 14 Some facts and trends in IB (i) • International trade inside the world’s largest 350 MNCs accounts for almost 40 per cent of world merchandise trade. • The world’s largest MNCs (e.g., General Motors, Exxon, Microsoft etc) have annual sales higher than the annual gross national product (GNP) of all but around 15 nation states. • In the early 2000s in the USA, nearly half of manufacturing exports and around two thirds of imports were flowing within MNCs (intra-firm trade).
  • 15. 15 Some facts and trends of IB (ii) • FDI increased by over 20 per cent between 1985 and 2000, twice the growth rate of exports or output. • In the period 1991-2000, 63 per cent of global FDI flows was received by the developed countries (DCs) (down from almost 80% in 1989), around 33 per cent by developing countries and just over 3 per cent by Eastern European countries. • Among the developing countries, China receives the lion’s share of FDI.
  • 16. 16 Some facts and trends of IB (iii) • Within the DCs, the US, the UK, Canada, France and Germany are leading players. • Since 1960 the relative importance of the US and the UK as sources of outward FDI has been declining. • In the ‘Triad’ (Europe, USA, Japan), total FDI between US and the EU was almost one third of global FDI in 2000. • European FDI is largely due to M&As. • FDI declined sharply in 2001 (over 50%, the largest drop in 30 years), 2002 and 2003.
  • 17. 17 Some issues in IB (i) • The main issues which arise from the facts and trends of FDI concern the following: – Why international production, FDI and MNCs? – How do (should) MNCs conduct their business strategies? (competitive and corporate strategies)
  • 18. 18 Some issues in IB (ii) • What is the relationship between MNCs, nation states (in developed and developing countries) and international organisations and what is the impact of MNCs on growth and development? • What is the link between MNCs and international competitiveness?
  • 19. Background 1 (pp 20-28, starts here): Firms & Industries
  • 20. 20 History Growth (U-form) Firm, Competitive Industry Organic (Internal)-Vertical integration, External-Mergers and Acquisitions ‘National’ (Public Limited) Company, Industry Concentration, Oligopoly (M-form) Firm, Diversification (Related, Unrelated-Conglomerate) Foreign Direct Investment, Transnational Corporations (TNCs), Global Firms
  • 21. 21 Firm integration “Strategies” • Vertical Integration (VI): Backward (raw materials) and forward (distribution). • Mergers and acquisitions (M&A): coming together of two or more firms. • Conglomerate diversification: operations-expansion of firms in ‘unrelated’ products-markets. • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and MNCs. • ‘Hybrid’ (networks, clusters, joint ventures, strategic alliances …)
  • 22. 22 Main perspectives • (Market) Power: Firms pursue profit and/through (market) power. • Efficiency: Firms pursue profit through reduction of production and transaction costs. • Hybrid: Firms pursue profits through efficiency and (market) power.
  • 23. 23 Theories (i) • Neoclassical: Firm is ‘a production function’, a ‘black box’; it is concerned with the industry price-output ‘equilibrium’, which maximizes profits. Price-output equilibria depend on market structure, e.g., perfect competition, monopoly. – Managerial: Firms maximize utility of managers, e.g., sales revenue, growth. Based on alleged ‘separation of ownership from control’. – Transaction Costs: Firms are multi-person hierarchies which result from, and give rise to reduced market transaction costs, resulting in efficient industry structures.
  • 24. 24 Theories (ii) • Resource-Based: Firms are bundles of human and non-human resources under administrative co-ordination. There are internal and external stimuli to growth which lead to industry concentration. • Behavioural: Given ‘bounded rationality’ and different objectives of groups within them, firms do not maximize, they ‘satisfice’.
  • 25. 25 Theories (iii) • ‘Austrian’ - Chicago School - Schumpeterian: Alert, profit seeking entrepreneurs, enhance market co- ordination and give rise to ephemeral monopoly profits, eroded through competitive process of ‘creative destruction’ (innovations). • ‘Marxist’: Firms produce commodities for sale in the market for a profit, under hierarchical control of capital over labour. Dialectic link between competition and monopoly, for maintenance of monopoly (power).
  • 26. 26 Some critical elements for economic analysis (DISCO) (i) • Demand (D): The demand conditions firms face, in the form of a Demand Curve, derived from ‘Theory of Demand’. • Industry Structure (IS): The extent of industry concentration, barriers to entry, etc, leading to competitive, imperfectly competitive, oligopolistic, or monopolistic industry structures.
  • 27. 27 Some critical elements for economic analysis (DISCO) (ii) • Costs (C): The cost conditions faced by the firm, in the shape of a Cost Curve, derived from ‘Theory of Production and Costs’. • Objectives (O): The firms’ aim. It allows the derivation of price-output ‘equilibria’. Usual assumption is profit maximization (Marginal Cost equals Marginal Revenue). Others are maximization of sales revenue or growth. Alternatives are ‘satisficing’, ‘entrepreneuring’…
  • 28. 28 Exhibit 1.5: Monopoly versus Competition , minimum efficient scale PM monopoly price PC perfect competition price Q P PM PC LAC = LMC QM MR D QCQ 0 Q [End of Background 1]
  • 29. 29 ‘Globalization’: causes • Firm growth because of – Use of excess internal resources at near zero marginal cost – Sale of products to new markets at high profit rates (due to high fixed costs).
  • 30. 30 ‘Globalization’: facilitators • Reductions in transportation costs. • Improvements in information and communication technologies.
  • 32. 32 The Multinational Corporation (MNC) • Definition – MNC = firm which controls production across national boundaries through intra-firm (non-market) operations. • Question – Why MNCs as opposed to exports, franchising, licensing, etc. ?
  • 33. Background 2 (pp 32-65, starts here): Perspectives on the theory of firm
  • 34. 34 The Neoclassical analysis (i) Simple Market Structure Analysis (Perfect Competition vs Monopoly) • Perfect Competition defined: Market structure characterised by a large number of profit maximising buyers and sellers selling homogeneous products, and no entry barriers. • Result: Price taking behaviour, price at minimum long run average cost (LAC) curve ⇒ ‘normal’ profits.
  • 35. 35 The Neoclassical analysis (ii) • Monopoly defined: market structure characterised by a single profit maximising producer and very high entry barriers (no entry). • Result: monopoly prices exceeding minimum LAC ⇒ ‘Excess’ (monopoly) profits. • Conclusion: departures from perfect competition result in increases in prices and reductions in output. Also to ‘welfare losses’ due to ‘monopoly power’.
  • 36. 36 The Neoclassical analysis (iii) - Oligopoly • Defined: market structure characterised by interdependence of (usually a small number of) producers-firms. Duopoly is the case of two firms.
  • 37. 37Exhibit 5: Industrial Organisation (IO) and the S(tructure) - C(onduct) - P(erformance) model • IO Defined: Branch of economic theory analysing structure-conduct and performance (SCP) of oligopolistic industries (set of firms producing similar products). • SCP Model: Suggests there exists a (initially unidirectional) link between structure (S), conduct (C) and performance (P) of industries. Feedback relationships from conduct and/or performance to structure later allowed for. • Main Focus: The concentration (S) - Profitability (P) relationship assuming profit maximisation (C). • ‘New IO’ analyses impact of conduct on structure and performance in oligopolistic games.
  • 38. 38 Theoretical specification of industry structures 1. Limit pricing 2. Unconstrained profit maximizing oligopoly 3. Contestable markets
  • 39. 39 1. Limit Pricing • Assumes constrained profit maximisation (maximum profits subject to no entry), barriers to entry (minimum efficiency scale) and that incumbents leave post-entry output at pre-entry levels and entrants know this. • Result: Limit price derives from limit output found by subtracting the minimum efficient scale level of output from the perfect competition level.
  • 40. 40 Exhibit 2.1: Derivation of the limit price • PL is determined by QL, i.e. the level to which, if the MES was added, the competitive output would result, thus PC, thus no ENTRY. RULE: Q Q P PL PC QL QQC D Q LAC 0 Q Q QL C= −
  • 41. 41 2. Unconstrained profit maximising oligopoly • Assumes blockaded entry and joint profit maximising price-output levels (Monopoly). Entry is blockaded through strategic entry barriers, e.g., investment in excess capacity.
  • 42. 42 3. Contestable markets • Assume free entry and costless exit. This ensures perfectly competitive price-output levels, even in the presence of economies of scale and oligopolistic market structures, as any departures from perfectly competitive prices lead to hit-and- run entry and exit.
  • 43. 43 IO models compared • Main issue is the nature and importance of entry barriers, both ‘innocent’/structural (scale economies) and strategic (conscious actions by incumbents designed to deter entry), e.g., excess capacity, product proliferation. • Well analysed strategic entry deterrence strategy, the investment in ‘excess capacity’. In the limit even monopoly pricing is sustainable if incumbents have excess capacity sufficient to produce full perfect competition output. To be credible, excess capacity investment should be optimal post-entry.
  • 44. 44Exhibit 2.2: An expository diagrammatic framework to Industrial Organisation , minimum efficient scale QS, strategic capacity output PM monopoly price PL limit price PC perfect competition price Q P PM PL PC LAC = LMC QM MR QS D QL QCQ Q 0 Q
  • 45. 45 Firm-industry structures and business strategy • Oligopoly, crucial for (competitive) strategy, which is absent in cases of both perfect competition and monopoly. Emergence and effects of oligopoly analysed by theory of Industrial Organization (IO), which is based on and extends the Cournot/Bertrand models of oligopoly. • M-Form organisation is important condition for development of corporate strategy (existence of multitude of business units).
  • 46. 46 Theory of Firms & Industries: Alternative Perspectives • Transaction Costs, Markets and Hierarchies • Resource-Based and related perspectives
  • 47. 47 Transaction Costs, Markets & Hierarchies (i) • Origin: Coase (1937) • Assumptions i) Market is ‘original’ means of resource allocation => ii) Existence of hierarchies (e.g., firms) due to market failure • Nature of market failure – Cognitive (natural) not structural; i.e., due to transaction costs and not monopoly power.
  • 48. 48 Transaction Costs, Markets & Hierarchies (ii) • (Market) Transaction Costs are costs of information, bargaining, contracting, policing and enforcing agreements. • Main Proposition (Coase, Williamson, etc.): internalization of markets by hierarchies, i.e., replacement of voluntary exchanges with hierarchy => savings in transaction costs => hierarchy (firm) more efficient way to allocate resources. • Horizontal and vertical integration, the M-form, and conglomeration result from pursuit of transaction cost reductions.
  • 49. 49 Transaction Costs, Markets & Hierarchies (iii) • Policy Implications – In neoclassical approach departures from perfect competition => market failure (structural) => => need for government intervention. – In transaction costs approach hierarchies (including M-form conglomerates and MNCs) = efficiency improving solutions to (natural) market failure => => less need to interfere with the markets.
  • 50. 50 Resource-based & related perspectives (i) • Early work by Penrose (1959) – Firm = “a collection of resources bound together in an administrative framework, the boundaries of which are determined by the ‘area of administrative co-ordination and authorative communication’” (Penrose, 1995, p xi). – Focus on ‘the internal resources of the firm’, then the external environment. Latter is different for each firm depending ‘on its specific collection of human and other resources’. Environment can be manipulated by firms to serve their objectives.
  • 51. 51 Resource-based & related perspectives (ii) • Dynamic interaction between internal and perceived external environment (‘image’, and ‘productive opportunity’). • Endogenous Growth, results from i) resource indivisibility, ii) knowledge creation within firms, which releases resources. • A firm’s prospects are in terms of existing and new products; diversification as new markets become relatively more attractive than existing ones.
  • 52. 52 Resource-based & related perspectives (iii) • Knowledge is tacit. • ‘History matters’, growth is an evolutionary process, based on cumulative growth of collective knowledge in the context of a purposeful firm. • Rate of firm’s growth limited by growth of knowledge within it, and a firm’s size by the extend to which administrative effectiveness continues to reach expanding boundaries.
  • 53. 53 Resource-based & related perspectives (iv) • Firm strategies result of differential capability, e.g., – Vertical Integration, due to ability of firms to serve their own needs better. – Diversification, due to growth and multiple applicability of resources. – Mergers and Acquisitions; to acquire managerial resources for expansion. – MNCs, due to differential ability e.g., in transferring tacit knowledge (Kogut-Zander).
  • 54. 54 Resource-based & related perspectives (v) (Nelson & Winter, 1982) • In Nelson and Winter’s evolutionary theory of the firm, routines, search (changes in routines) and competition are economic analogues to genes, heredity and struggle for existence in biology.
  • 55. 55 Resource-based & related perspectives (vi) (Capabilities-based) • Use and develop hard to imitate and costly to apply internal capabilities. • Rents in equilibrium.
  • 56. 56 Resource-based & related perspectives (viii) (knowledge-based theories, Penrose, etc.) • Firms better than markets in using, preserving, transferring and developing knowledge. • Value creation – growth through knowledge and value appropriation.
  • 57. 57Resource-based & related perspectives (ix) (Richardson and co-operation) • “Dense network of co-operation and affiliation by which firms are inter-related.” • Markets, hierarchy and networks are a function of degree of complementarity and similarity of activities – weakly complementary activities => MARKET – complementary and similar activities => HIERARCHY – complementary and dissimilar activities => CO- OPERATION [End of Background 2}
  • 58. 58 Theories of the MNC • Two main types: - Supply-side - Demand-side - Other factors – “theories” • Supply-side theories. Mainly - Monopolistic – ‘ownership’ advantage - Transaction costs and internalisation - Eclectic theory (or Ownership, Location, Internalisation - OLI paradigm) - Divide and rule - Resource-based
  • 59. 59 Supply-side theories: Monopolistic ‘ownership’ advantage (i) • Origin: Hymer’s 1960 PhD thesis • Assume: ‘Law of increasing firm size’: Firms growth leads to concentration and acquisition of monopolistic advantages (MAs). – Firms’ pursuit of (monopoly) profit => seeking overseas markets. – MAs allow firms to outcompete foreign rivals. – MNCs aim at reducing conflict.
  • 60. 60 Supply-side theories: Monopolistic ‘ownership’ advantage (ii) • Choice of FDI over market-based alternatives due to control potential and oligopolistic interaction. • Collusion allows reduction of conflict and maintenance of monopoly profits. • Conclude: Structural market failure => MNCs => (international) structural market failure
  • 61. 61Supply-side theories: Transaction costs - internalization (i) • Existence of firms => Economising in transaction costs => Firms more efficient than markets • In case of MNCs, choice is between market transactions, e.g., exporting, licensing and non- market transactions, i.e. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
  • 62. 62Supply-side theories: Transaction costs - internalization (ii) • Reasons for FDI – Williamson: asset specificity => hold-up problems => need for fully owned subsidiaries (FDI). – Buckley & Casson: intangible assets exhibit ‘public goods’ attributes, thus result in appropriability problems => market failure. – Hennart: internalization of markets due to differential ability to control (overseas) labour.
  • 63. 63Supply-side theories: Transaction costs - internalization (iii) • Conclusion Internalization of markets through MNCs are efficient solution to intrinsic (transaction costs- related) market failure.
  • 64. 64 Supply-side theories: Eclectic theory (or ‘OLI paradigm’) • Dunning, combined a and b as well as location advantages to provide ‘eclectic theory’ or O(ownership), L(ocation), I(nternalization) paradigm. • OLI explains internationalization of production, not the MNC. – O explains why firms are able to become MNCs. – I explains why they benefit from internalizing markets or advantages. – L explains the choice of location.
  • 65. 65 Supply-side theories: Divide and Rule (Sugden) • Builds on Marglin-Hymer • Focuses on labour markets. He suggests that a reason for MNCs is their ability to divide labour (unions) in country specific groups => Reduce their bargaining power => increase their profits.
  • 66. 66 Supply-side theories: Resource-based (Penrose, Teece, Kogut-Zander) • MNCs are due to endogenous growth and differential capabilities vis-à-vis market and other firms. • Growth can be national (diversification) or geographical (MNC). • MNCs are better in transferring internationally tacit knowledge than markets.
  • 67. 67 Demand-side theory (i) • Cowling & Sugden, Pitelis: increased concentration => increased profits => reduced consumers expenditure (because a lower proportion of profit is consumed than of wage income). • As consumption decreases so does effective demand => going overseas for demand outlets.
  • 68. 68 Demand-side theory (ii) • The MNC as an All Weather Company – Diversified national firms can ride the industry life cycle (Hymer). – MNCs can ride the national business cycle, becoming All Weather Companies.
  • 69. 69 Other factors – ‘theories’ • Oligopolistic rivalry – Present in most theories (except transaction costs). – Can motivate - shape firms’ payoff matrix => crucial context within which decisions are taken. – Specifically oligopolistic interaction theories (e.g., Graham), build on Hymer and emphasize role of threats and counter-threats. • Competition between states – Nation states may promote their own MNCs to affect their international competitiveness – could explain some LDC MNCs.
  • 70. 70 Synthesis (i) • Context: Oligopolistic interaction – Endogenous growth (Penrose) => monopolistic advantages (Hymer). – MAs are an inducement to innovation and further growth (Penrose); they can help firms outcompete foreign rivals (Hymer). – Domestic diversification due to pull factors, e.g., multiple use of resources (Penrose), or push factors, e.g., the product life cycle (Hymer).
  • 71. 71 Synthesis (ii) • Geographical diversification also due to national-regional business cycles (all weather company). • Mode of expansion due to differential firm capabilities (Penrose, Teece, Kogut & Zander), (dynamic) transaction costs (Teece, Buckley & Casson) and overall control advantages (Hymer). • Locational factors explain the choice of location. • No general theory possible, but a general framework within which each case can be examined.
  • 72. 72 MNCs impact on welfare • Monopolistic advantage theory => possibility of reduced competition due to MNCs => (Pareto) inefficiency  • Internalization hypothesis => transaction reductions => efficiency. • Eclectic view => advantages and disadvantages => ‘trade-off’. • Divide and rule hypothesis => reduced workers welfare => (Pareto) inefficiency. • Resource-based => efficiency and inefficiency may co-exist • Synthesis => coexistence of efficiency and power => ‘trade-off’.
  • 73. 73 The MNC and ‘Uneven Development’(Hymer) • For Hymer (1972), the operations of MNCs tend to globalize the tendency towards concentration; generate an uneven development between the centre (developed countries) and the periphery (less developed countries); erode the power of labour unions and the nation state, and tend to shape the world to their image by creating ‘superior’ and ‘inferior’ countries. They are responsible for the dependent industrialization of the Newly Industrialized Countries.
  • 74. International Business Economics Session 3 Strategy and Strategic Options of MNCs
  • 75. Background 3 (pp 83-99, starts here) Business Strategy
  • 76. 76 Business Strategy (i) • Firms’ evolution – strategies – Horizontal integration (mergers and acquisitions) – Vertical integration (backward and forward) – Multidivisional (M-) form (business units under central control) – Conglomeration (unrelated business activities) – Foreign Direct Investment - multinational corporations (foreign direct investment) – Networks, alliances clusters, joint ventures, etc. All such strategies involve future cash flows, thus require ‘capital budgeting’.
  • 77. 77 Business Strategy (ii) • Types of strategy – Competitive: Strategy of Business Units – Corporate: Strategy of firm as a whole
  • 78. 78 Competitive Strategy Porter: based on IO • ‘Five forces’ model (rivalry of existing competitors, potential entrants, power of suppliers-buyers, substitute products). Rule: select and/or create ‘attractive industries’ (with weak forces of competition) • Three generic competitive strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, focus). Rule: do not get stuck in the middle.
  • 79. 79 Exhibit 3.1: M. Porter’s five forces model INDUSTRY COMPETITORS Rivalry among existing firms SUBSTITUTES Threat of entry POTENTIAL ENTRANTS Threat of substitutes Power of suppliers SUPPLIERS Power of buyers BUYERS
  • 80. 80 Exhibit 3.2: M. Porter’s three generic strategies Competitive advantage Lower cost Differentiation Competitive Broad Cost leadership Differentiation scope Narrow Cost focus Differentiation focus
  • 81. 81 Competitive Strategy Porter (cont’d) • Value chains: firm’s primary and support activities that generate value (margin) – primary: firm infrastructure, human resource management, technology development, procurement – support: inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, service Rule: align value chain to generic strategy
  • 82. 82 Exhibit 3.3: M. Porter’s value chain Inbound logistics Operations Outbound logistics Marketing & Sales Margin Margin Service Procurement Human resource management Technology development Firm infra-structure
  • 83. 83 Corporate Strategy • Portfolio models - Boston Consulting Group, etc. • Porter • Resources-capabilities
  • 84. 84Corporate Strategy: Portfolio models - The Boston Consulting Group (i) • Learning and experience gives rise to reduced unit costs as volume increases • Market share increases profitability • Portfolio matrix: to classify business units as stars, cash cows, question marks and dogs on the basis of industry growth rates and business units’ relative market share Rule: cash-in cash cows, to invest in stars and selected question marks, stars-to-be. Liquidate dogs.
  • 85. 85Corporate Strategy: Portfolio models- The Boston Consulting Group (ii) • BCG matrix related to the industry product life cycle (introduction-question marks, growth-stars, maturity/saturation-cash cows, decline-dogs). • Portfolio Models: Shell, General Electric – same principle as BCG, different criteria and classifications
  • 86. 86 Exhibit 3.4: The experience curve Unit cost Cumulative volume of output0
  • 87. 87Exhibit 3.5: The BCG growth/share business portfolio matrix Question marks (or problem children) Relative market share position Low (below 1.0)High (above 1.0) Cash cows Dogs Stars Low (slower than the economy as a whole) Industry growth rate High (faster than the economy as a whole)
  • 88. 88 Exhibit 3.6: The life cycle model Industry sales GrowthIntroduction DeclineMaturity Time0
  • 89. 89 Exhibit 3.7: The product life cycle and the Boston matrix Product life-cycle Boston Matrix Introduction Question marks Growth Stars M aturity / Saturation Cash cows Decline Dogs
  • 90. 90 Corporate strategy: The approach of M. Porter • Four types of corporate strategy – portfolio management (as in BCG matrix) – restructuring (restructure and sell-off) – transfer of skills – sharing activities Rule: select sharing activities or, if not possible, transfer of skills. Other two hard to implement with success.
  • 91. 91 Corporate Strategy: The resources – capabilities perspective (Penrose, Teece, etc.) • Diversification strategies are the result of availability of resources with potential for common use by apparently unrelated activities. • Conglomerate diversification results from problem of appropriating rents from intangible assets and/or differential capabilities in transferring knowledge. • [End of Background 3]
  • 92. 92 Strategy of MNCs (i) • For Michael Porter industries are – multidomestic (nationally responsive), requiring locally focused strategy – global (linked, integrated), requiring integrated strategy
  • 93. 93 Strategy of MNCs (ii) • For Bartlett and Ghoshal: four basic strategies emerge on the basis of cost pressures – local responsiveness matrix: – international (low, low) – multidomestic (low, high) – global (high, low) – transnational (high, high)
  • 94. 94 Exhibit 3.2: Bartlett and Ghoshal’s Options for MNCs High Global Transnational Cost Pressures Low International Multidomestic Low High Local Responsiveness
  • 95. 95Exhibit 3.9: A summary of theory and strategy IO-Porter Transaction costs (TC) Resource-based Horizontal integration reduce rivalry reduce TC acquire (managerial) resources Vertical integration barrier to entry reduce TC differential ability for in- house production M-form facilitate unrelated diversification (Chandler) internalize external capital market failures facilitate unrelated diversification (Chandler) Conglomerate diversification reduce dependence on product life cycle (Hymer) high TC due to asset specificity- opportunism exploit common resource base, solve intangible assets appropriability problems Foreign Direct Investment exploit ownership advantages (Hymer) high TC due to asset specificity- opportunism solve intangible assets appropriability problems, differential capabilities Networks facilitate market power optimal use of market and hierarchy Derive knowledge-related benefits of co-opetition
  • 96. 96Application: A simple decision frameworkLowTransport costs and tariffs Suitability of know-how for licensing Foreign operation requires tight control Know-how can be protected by licensing contract High Yes No No Yes No Export Horizontal FDI Horizontal FDI Horizontal FDI Yes Licence Based on C. Hill (2003)
  • 97. International Business Economics Session 4 MNCs, Government Policy and (Inter)national Competitiveness
  • 98. 98 Competitiveness: definition • Differential productivity, value-added – wealth creation, relative to other economic units (firms, regions, nations…) • Can be achieved through – Business policies – Government (competition, industrial and competitiveness) policies
  • 99. 99 Competition and Industrial Policy • Early competition-industrial policies in West derive from IO theory, in particular the issue of the welfare effects of monopoly (power). This includes analysis of i) Static effects (monopoly and reduced consumer welfare, due to high prices); ii) Dynamic effects (e.g., monopoly and innovation).
  • 100. 100 Monopoly & international competitiveness (i) • Main claim that large firms can exploit economies of scale and scope, therefore can compete with large firms from other countries. • Idea particularly prevalent is 1960s and 1970s in Europe, in part as response to the ‘American Challenge’, e.g., Servan-Schreiber’s claim that US multinational corporations dominate technologically European markets. • If large size increases competitiveness (thus export surpluses) these could offset any static losses. • The international competitiveness idea is in part responsible for the permissive (and even encouraging) attitude of European countries to mergers and large size.
  • 101. 101 Monopoly & international competitiveness (ii) • Counter arguments are: – i) higher X-inefficiency – ii) may suppress major inventions if they result in major re-equipment – iii) inflexibility • Schumpeter’s ‘Differential Innovations Hypothesis’, that large firms are large because they have been more successful innovators to start with.
  • 102. 102 Monopoly and Welfare Conclude • An open question whether the dynamic gains offset the static losses. Evidence inconclusive. • Focus on efficient resource allocation limited. Concentrate on resource creation?
  • 103. 103 Practice – The Western approach Theoretical Basis i) ‘Competition policy’ to correct market failure due to monopoly (power) and its abuse: e.g., Treaty of Rome, US Anti-Trust policies ii) Trade through (static) comparative advantage, lenient or encouraging attitude to multinational corporations (MNCs)
  • 104. 104 Practice – The Western approach (EU) (i) But in 1960s • ‘Recognition’ in Europe of the ‘international competitiveness’ advantages of ‘large size’ (American challenge thesis) • Relatedly, – ‘National Champions Policy’ (e.g., UK, France, Italy) – Nationalizations of ‘strategic’ sectors 1970s • ‘Lame Ducks’ policies
  • 105. 105 Practice – The Western approach (EU) (ii) 1980s • Return to the market (privatisations etc) and focus on ‘Government Failure’. 1990s • Entrepreneurship and small firms • Horizontal measures, technology and education, tangible and intangible infrastructure, efficiency of public sector.
  • 106. 106 Practice – The Western approach (USA) • Hidden industrial policy in the form of defence policy? • revival of 1990s; clusters? Conclude • ‘Grant Theory’ but no industrial strategy including adhocity, discontinuity, undue focus on (dis)advantages of size and static comparative advantage-based (free) trade.
  • 107. 107Practice – The Far Eastern approach (Japan) Basis: Industrial Strategy by Ministry of Trade & Industry (MITI) involving: i) Dynamic comparative advantage (created comparative advantage). ii) Managed trade, with initial focus on internal competition. iii) Management of competition (the ‘Golden Mean’) and co- operation. iv) Dynamic competition through innovativeness, as in Schumpeter - Hayek.
  • 108. 108 Practice – The Four Tigers (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong) (i) Basis: Similar to Japan, adaptive industrial strategy involving i) Import substitution. ii) Export promotion based on labour intensive manufacturing. iii) Promotion of high technology/high value added sectors. iv) Attraction of FDI (Singapore, Taiwan), technology transfer.
  • 109. 109 Practice – The Four Tigers (Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong) (ii) • Relative success of ‘Far East’ – Result of multitude of complex factors which include culture, high saving, effective public administration, close relation between industry and finance, consensus, new (strategic) management techniques, etc. • Question: Can we exclude role of industrial strategy? Is it unrelated to the other factors?
  • 110. 110 New theories 1. ‘New Trade Theory’ 2. ‘New Competition’ 3. New location economics 4. New (‘Endogenous’) Growth Theory 5. MNCs, deindustrialisdation and ‘Competitive Bidding’
  • 111. 111 1. New trade theory (i) • Traditional focus of Western industrial policy, the welfare effects of monopoly and the theory of (static) comparative advantage. According to this countries should specialize and trade in products in which they enjoy a comparative advantage. Benefits from trade arise when each country pursues such a strategy. • Presence of monopolistic competition, economies of scale, positive externalities and first mover advantages led to conclusion that focus on high return industries can affect the distribution of benefits (and even lead to losses, Krugman) – Strategic Trade.
  • 112. 112 1. New trade theory (ii) • This led to concept of dynamic comparative advantage; i.e., attempts by countries to create (not accept the existing) comparative advantages. • Best known case of dynamic comparative advantage policy is Japan.
  • 113. 113 2. The New Competition (i) • Based on observation of successful industrial districts, in North Italy, Germany, USA, Cambridge UK, etc. • Such districts consist of small and medium sized, highly innovative, customer oriented firms, with a hands-on approach to management, which cooperate on issues of infrastructure, technology etc and compete in the market for customers. Often rely on support by state/local authorities, are based more on trust than hierarchical relations, try to ‘exploit’ the dispersed knowledge of their labour, suppliers etc and use new production methods such as Just-in-Time, etc.
  • 114. 114 2. The New Competition (ii) • Success of industrial districts questions benefits of large size and provides a different (“Post- Fordist”) model of industrial development. However, such methods are also adopted by major, particularly Japanese, MNCs, through e.g., subcontracting.
  • 115. 115 3. New Location Economics (Krugman, Porter) • Importance of location in generating external economies, reducing transaction costs through trust, and further innovation.
  • 116. 1164. New Endogenous Growth Theory (Lucas, Romer) • Importance of human resources and technological change in effecting (‘endogenous’) macroeconomic growth.
  • 117. 117 5. MNCs, Deindustrialization and Competitive Bidding • Link between multinational corporations and deindustrialization questions link between large size and international competitiveness • Main idea is that countries like the UK which suffer from deindustrialization tendencies are home bases of privately successful MNCs. This questions the benefits of large size for the case of MNCs home base. • In era of multinational corporations ‘name of the game’ that of ‘competitive bidding’, i.e., attempt by governments to attract investments by home and foreign firms (MNCs).
  • 118. 118 Theory and Practice • Question: New approaches support/explain ‘Far Eastern’ miracle? • ‘New Industrial Strategy for Democracy’ (Cowling & Sugden) – MNCs give rise to multinationalism, centipetalism and short termism. Needed is a shift of power to communities and regions, e.g., through appropriate ‘flexible specialization’ policies.
  • 119. 119 Preliminary Conclusion • Possibility for Machiavellian scenario i.e., adaptive industrial strategy (in partnership with corporate sector) including i) dynamic comparative advantage ii) managed competition and co-operation iii) managed trade iv) playing the ‘competitive bidding game’ and/or v) tackling the challenge of MNCs vi) considering alternative forms of competitiveness, like ‘flexible specialization’
  • 120. 120 Developing countries • Some common features: small internal size of market, lack of large ‘national’ MNC’s (over-) reliance on small family run businesses, and foreign MNCs, relatively underdeveloped industry. • Possible Strategy: i) follow the ‘four tigers’ and ii) consider ‘appropriate’ focus on small and medium sized enterprise, flexible specialization, clustering. • Main issue: selection, suitability, transferability and feasibility of policies.
  • 121. 121 The Importance of Institutions (i) • Main problem of implementation, ‘government failure’. Although a general problem, often more acute in developing countries. Indeed underdevelopment may be the effect of inefficient property rights, and incentive mechanisms? (North) • Culture, consensus, other institutional constraints. • Need for promoting an institutional framework conducive to development. This includes addressing the problem of ‘capture’ of the state by MNCs.
  • 122. 122 The Importance of Institutions (ii) • Government can be enabling (reduce private sector transaction and production costs) to increase output. It can also be developmental, i.e., try to improve the revenue side. • Analysis of the state suggests that problem of ‘capture’ reduced through pluralism of institutional forms (large and small firms) and competition in the political market. • ‘Capture’ effects support a competitiveness strategy favouring smaller firms (potential competition to established giants).
  • 123. 123 Conclusions (i) • Possible and necessary to devise a competitiveness strategy which learns from economic theory and international practice and addresses the issue of implementation (e.g., institutions and ‘capture’ of the ‘state’) and for the EU its declared needs to promote Competition and Convergence
  • 124. 124 Conclusions (ii) • Developing countries should consider their policies in the above framework, striving for an emphasis on dynamic competition, value creation and supply-side convergence. Internally they should address the issue of the institutional constraints. • Identification and development of distinct capabilities and competencies of a nation and governments important condition for effective, implementable strategy.
  • 125. 125 ‘Anti-trust’ today: some problems • Potential problems with current policies i) Downplay lessons from the ‘Far East’ and the ‘new approaches’. ii) Do not address the problem of MNCs (as a potential threat to competition). iii) Ignore distribution issues, intra-EU and between EU and ‘The South’, which undermines sustainability. iv) Fail to provide supply-side incentives for convergence. v) Fail to distinguish between policies that re-distribute resources and policies that generate resources. • Need to move from competition to competitiveness policies
  • 126. 126 From competition to competitiveness policies: models of competitiveness • Neoclassical model – Competitive markets – Free trade • ‘Japanese’ • Porter’s ‘Diamond’ • Productivity-Competitiveness Wheel
  • 127. 127Exhibit 4.1: Competitiveness – the neoclassical model , minimum efficient scale; QS, strategic capacity output, π, monopolist’s disincentive to invent; E, efficiency gains; Pm monopoly price; PL limit price; PC perfect competition price Q P E Pm PL PC LAC1 = LMC1 LAC2 = LMC2 Qm Q MR QS D QL QCQ Q 0 A common expository diagrammatic framework for neo- classical Austrian and Marxist approaches to industrial organization.
  • 128. 128 Competitiveness (i) • The ‘Japanese’ approach ? – High knowledge intensive sectors
  • 129. 129 Exhibit 4.2: Competitivene ss – the Japanese approach? Source: Best (1990) Knowledge-intensive industries (computers, instruments, heavy machinery) Medium capital-and labour- intensive industries (light machinery, motor cars) Medium capital- and raw- material-intensive industries (Steel, plastics, fibers) Unskilled-labour-intensive industries 100% 100% 100% 100% West Germany (1974) Japan (1985) Japan (1974) Japan (1959)
  • 130. 130 Competitiveness (ii) • Porter’s ‘diamond’ – Factor and demand conditions, clusters
  • 131. 131Exhibit 4.3: The determinants of national competitive advantage (Porter’s ‘Diamond’) STRATEGY STRUCTURE AND RIVALRY FACTOR CONDITIONS DEMAND CONDITIONS RELATED AND SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES
  • 132. 132 Problems with existing models • Absence of commonly agreed upon conceptual framework. • Absence of links between competitiveness at the firm-regional and national levels. • Insufficient analysis of determinants of productivity and competitiveness. • Insufficient treatment of the issue of sustainability.
  • 133. 133Sustainable Competitiveness and Development: a conceptual framework • The Productivity-Competitiveness Model – Competitiveness <=> Productivity - Value Creation • Determinants of Productivity - Value – Firm level • infrastructure • human resources • technology and innovation • unit costs economies – Regional and National levels: As above plus • Industry structure - conduct and regional - locational milieu • macroeconomic environment - policy mix • institutional environment - governance mix
  • 134. 134 “The Productivity - Competitiveness - Wheel” for Firms, Regions and Nations Institutional context - Governance mix Macroeconomic environment - Policy mix - Effective demand Productivity-Value- Wealth Unit Cost Economies Technology & Innovativeness Human Resources Infrastructure Industry conduct - structure and regional-locational milieu
  • 135. 135 Main routes to competitiveness • Firm size & FDI by MNCs • Clusters of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
  • 136. 136 What are Clusters? • (Geographical) agglomerations of firms (and other organizations-institutions) linked horizontally (and/or vertically) intra- (and/or inter-) sectorally, in a facilitatory socio-institutional and cultural milieu, which compete & co-operate (co- opete) in (inter)national markets.
  • 137. 137 Clusters and the Wheel • Clusters => – innovation – reduced unit cost economies (economies of scale, scope, transaction costs, learning, external, diversity, etc.) – better human resources – strong regional infrastructure – more facilitatory institutional context (through co-opetition, etc.)
  • 138. 138 Despite problems, clusters are important • Clusters improve innovation, productivity & competitiveness at the regional & national levels, they create employment and can lead to convergence. • Clusters are more bottom-up, thus help deepen democracy. • Problems include identifying nature, boundaries, strategies for sustained successful performance.
  • 139. 139 Foreign Direct Investment and Clusters • Large firms and (through) foreign direct investment (FDI) can improve determinants of productivity, yet: – Hard for developing countries to attract FDI – Risk of FDI flight, given options, and flexibility of operations • Clusters have advantage over large firms and FDI because of local base and co-opetitive nature. • Clusters attract FDI and embed it in localities.
  • 140. 140 Three agents of productivity, value and wealth creation Large firms, FDI SMEs, Clusters Government Institutional context - Governance mix Macroeconomic environment - Policy mix - Effective demand Productivity-Value- Wealth Unit Cost Economies Technology & Innovativeness Human Resources (Infra)structure & Strategy Industry conduct – structure and regional-locational milieu
  • 141. 141 Cluster Creation versus Cluster Development • Clusters are mainly the result of history, and (thus) are hard to create ‘top-down’. • However, theory and international experience suggest that cluster development can be facilitated – Clusters can be upgraded at the individual, regional or national levels. – This presupposes cluster identification, (diagnosis), audit, upgrading, control-evaluation, re-diagnosis…
  • 142. 142 Strategy for Sustainable Competitiveness • According to the Productivity-Competitiveness model all the following measures can improve productivity and competitiveness – horizontal measures (soft and hard infrastructure) – inter- and intra-firm sectoral restructuring for innovative ‘value for money’ products and services – clusters of SMEs • ‘Regions of Excellence’ (‘mega-clusters’) can encapsulate all three aspects, thus serve as Strategy for Productivity and Competitiveness.
  • 143. 143 Prerequisites and Mechanisms • Sustainability requires – macro-policy - supply-side compatible – institutional framework – remove (anti)incentives – competition policy co-opetition for innovativeness – environment – distribution of income
  • 144. 144 Conclusions • Possible and desirable to identify and develop (mega) clusters, for productivity, competitiveness, regional development, convergence and deepening of democracy. • The state can be a catalyst and facilitator. • Method and tools developed can help in this direction.
  • 146. 146 Conclusions • Value creation, through – firm productivity and competitiveness – government enabling policies, national productivity and competitiveness • Under conditions, MNCs and FDI, SME clusters and government policy can help achieve this objective
  • 147. 147 The Future • The MNC, like ‘competition’ and co-operation itself, is both ‘god and devil’. • MNCs will be a great force of economic growth, yet a threat to diversity, equity and democracy. • Policy and polity should aim at identifying routes that deliver the goods at least cost – this can include painful ‘trade-offs’.