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I need a title page and someone to go over the outline and the
rest of this report to make sure everything as it should be and
put it in one report instead of seperate parts. Please follow the
instructions below to make sure that it is as the professor stated.
Project 5 The Analytical Report PART THREE: Assignment
The formal Analytical Report is where all of your research,
analysis and document design skill comes together to create a
document aimed at helping your reader make a decision,
following the outline that you've already developed. Your report
will contain the following:
Title page
Table of contents
Abstract (summary)
Text of the report, including introduction, body (which may be
organized under subheadings), and conclusion. Note: This only
needs to be about 2 single spaced pages. Pretty short!
Visual element (optional)
References page
A Word to the Wise:
Research refers to the material you gather from sources.
Analysis refers to the USE you put to that material. That is to
say, your job is to examine and present one or more ideas from
that material in such a way as to make a particular point. The
particular point will be related to your overall goal for the
Report. It may provide evidence for a claim you are making,
provide background information, address a possible objection
that you think your reader might have or something else.
You are in control of the meaning your reader gets from the
sources you choose.
Your own words that lead into the source (whether your source
is in the form of a direct quote, paraphrase or summary) AND
your own words that follow the source set up a framework that
tells the reader how to understand the source. Those framing
words of yours are just as important as the source you use
(maybe more).
Nothing just speaks for itself.
How you plan to use sources will affect how you evaluate them.
Not every source has to directly support your thesis; sources
can have other functions in a paper. They can:
provide background information or context for your topic
explain terms or concepts that your readers might not
provide evidence for your argument
lend authority to your argument
offer alternative interpretations and counterevidence to your
Lannon, Ch. 22, "Formal Analytical Reports," taking care to
look at the checklist on page 552.
your outline to begin drafting your document. You may find
that aspects have changed; that's okay. Remember that the
outline is merely a working document or tool for your use.
Make sure you are adhering to
APA in-text citation rules
AND include an
APA formatted References page
Format and Length:
Follow the model in Lannon, p. 539-549. Your report will not
be as long as this, but must be about six single spaced pages.
Keep in mind that the Title page, Table of contents, Abstract
and References are all on their own pages, which means the
body of your Report will be only about two single-spaced pages
at a minimum
. More is fine. Don't forget your two sources, one of which must
be scholarly/peer-reviewed.
Outline: Video game addiction
Introduction and Body
Does video game really exist?
Brief history on video game addiction
Is video game an addiction?
Definition of addiction
What is video game addiction
Conflicts associated with video game addiction
Current statistical data on video game addiction
Writers’ research on video game addiction
How many and which category people suffer this addiction
Symptoms of video game addiction
Children and teenagers
How do they behave when they are not gaming?
Personal time control
Academic performances
Social behavior towards people and family
Treatment and withdrawal assistance services
Availability of trained and certified video game addictions
Participation in outdoor activities
Development of children’s schedules by parents
Availability of written information on video game addiction
More written books and articles by scholars and researchers
Video Game Addiction
Whether your best friends live in Atlanta, Cairo, Yerevan or
just a few kilometers away, get ready for a less expensive face-
to-face chat, from the comfort of your living room. With few
clicks, you and tour international friends might choose to
converse, about the English premier league, a blockbuster
movie, or a favorite TV show. Nonetheless, this online chat is
happening in video games right now. Friends not only play
online games, but also share information. Instead of the usual
leisure, gamers and their best friends are busy slaying dragons,
playing FIFA online, and battling aliens. According to Clark
and Scott (2009), hundreds of thousands of people are playing
video game inside the digital living rooms every second. With a
click of a remote, friend or strangers can play and connect with
friends globally, in ways that seem like science fiction to the
general public.
Since 1970s and 1980s, video games have transformed from the
arcades to family living rooms. This has led the video game
industry to stand on its own, just like banking industry.
University of Pittsburg 2002 report concluded that the video
game industry generates over 10.3 million U.S. dollars
annually, surpassing the revenues earned by the film industry.
As a result, both young and adult alike have been caught up in
what appears to be the next certified global catastrophic
diagnosis: Video game addiction. Currently, ongoing
technological advancements have made televisions, desktops,
iPads, iPhones, and mobile phones video-playing centers
whenever one feels like playing. Whereas adults have fallen
into the bottomless pit of video gaming, children and teenagers
are naturally gravitating towards the same endemic. Video
games have developed in an alarming rate over the last decade
whereas video game addiction statistics appear to be gradually
increasing yearly. Video game developers continue to make
games that are complex, less direct, and participative for
everyone. Video games are for everyone; new gadgets
developed are not for people with the unfathomable knowledge
of technological mysticism
(Clark and Scott 7)
Is Video Game an Addiction?
Addiction applies to behaviors beyond drugs and alcohol; for
example, sex, buying, gambling, eating, and the Internet.
Currently, there is no single, universally accepted definition of
addiction, a comprehensive theory of addiction is yet to be
developed. It is inaccurate to define addiction as a habit, since
it limits the scope. However, Colonna (2000) reached an
acceptable conclusion and defined addition as a chronic
disorder, continuous conditions where an individual has no
complete control to obsessive thinking and manifests itself via
compulsive behavior towards any activity and/or mood-
changing substance. This definition encompasses all forms of
addiction, substance and activity related, and presents a clear
indication in the field of addiction process.
Video game overuse commonly referred to as video game
addiction, represents a proposed type of psychological addition
made up of a compulsive overuse of computers and video
games. Mcllwraith (1998) developed four theoretical models to
explain addition to video games: First, video game addiction is
a result of video games’ impacts on imagination and fantasy
life, where individuals participate in playing these games
greatly having poor degree of imagination. Secondly, video
games addiction affects the arousal level, in that people playing
these games tend play in order to arouse or calm themselves.
Thirdly, video game addiction represents a manifestation of
verbal, reliant, or addictive personality of an individual. As a
result, excessive playing is caused by inner personality factors
and not the external stimulation derived from this games.
Lastly, video game addiction is a connection to different pattern
of applying gratifications related to video games, where people
enjoy the physical act of playing to alleviate boredom
(Gunter 54-55)
In his 2008 publication,
Internet and Video-Game Addiction
, Mark Griffiths came up with six criterions, employed to
describe video games as an addiction: salience, mood
modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflicts, and
relapse. Salience occurs when video-game play becomes a
crucial activity in a person’s life, hence dominating his
thinking, feelings, and behavior. Mood modification represents
the subjective experiences that players report because of
engaging in video-game play. Tolerance is the process of
increasing the use of video game play to achieve the previous
mood-modifying effects. This implies that players gradually
develop the amount of the time spent playing video games.
Withdrawal symptoms refer to the unpleasant feeling states or
physical effects that springs when video gaming is disconnected
or reduced. Conflict occurs between players and the outside
community, those around them, when they are disconnected
from playing video games. Conflict takes different forms, it
includes conflicts with other activities-schoolwork and hobbies-
, or from within the players themselves, loss of control, since
they spend too much time video gaming. Lastly, relapse refers
to the tendency for continuous reversions to previous patterns of
video-game play, and sometimes the most severe patterns,
excessive video game play, to be promptly restored after
periods of self-denial or control. Having defined addiction and
trying to linking video game to addiction it is clear that video
game can be addictive and affects a number of users and players
(Griffiths 232-233)
Current Statistical Data: Video Game Addiction
High rates of video game have drastically gone up over a decade
. Recent studies on global video game addition reveal alarming
degrees of addiction. Douglas A. Gentile, a research scientist,
conducted a study, in medical journal Pediatrics, to examine
how and to what extent video game usage rates are affecting the
children and teenagers. Gentile’s study population comprised of
3,034 children and teenagers. From the study, Gentile concluded
that both children and teenagers spend an average time of 20
hours weekly, playing video games. The research also estimated
72% of American house play video games. About 9% of the
3,034-study population displayed signed of video game
addiction while 4% of the study participants were classified as
extreme video game users and players, using 50 hours weekly
on average.
(Gentile 600)
How many people are affected, young and old? No one knows,
however, two statistics stick out: Worldwide, video game
industry is a $66 billion industry. A 2007study suggested that
about 12% of the video game players in a 7,000 study were
diagnosed as extreme addicts. Video game players are generally
in trouble if this trend even, to some extent, reflects numbers in
universal population. Video game addiction exists in the
contemporary world.
A 2009 study conducted by Iowa State University, revealed that
one in every 10 people to be a pathological gamer with respect
to the standards established for pathological gambling. Their
video gaming behaviors has caused family, social, and
psychological damage. This study was based on the nationwide
survey of 1,178 American teenagers and children aged between
8 to 18 years. The study found out that 8.5% of American youth
shows different signs of addictive behavior. Other participants
displayed more than half of 11 symptoms of pathological
gambling as outlined by the American Psychiatric Association
General Symptoms of Video Game Addiction
A classical sign of video game addiction arise where children or
teenagers spend more hours in front of the television,
computers, and mobile phones. When teenagers spend most of
their leisure time indoors, glued to the computer and only taking
short breaks for snacks and bathroom then addiction is
crippling. Such behaviors are referred to as grinding or farming
and generally last for several hours to the whole afternoon.
Extreme cases arise where teenagers spend the entire day
playing video games. This out-of-control 24 hours video gaming
spree cause the players to exhibit an unusual preoccupation
when they are away from the game or computer
Video gamers, who are addicted or at the risk of video game
addiction, lack the ability to control their personal time. They
are unable to control the amount of time spent when they start
playing. When they go online, they extend their scheduled time
and cannot realize that they have spent 4-7 hours instead of the
schedules 10-30 minutes. Addicts completely lose track of time.
This is not usual for people with no video game addiction.
There are instances where video games addicts trans-night, only
to realize that its morning when they see rays of sun striking
their windows
(Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery )
Addicted video gamers post decline grades or fail in classes. In
some circumstances, they pass mathematics and typing classes
while posting poor grades in English, Science, Social Studies,
and Physical education. This is related to preoccupation, loss of
time, and lack of control effects of addiction brought forward
by addiction. As a result, they tend to fall asleep during school
hours due to fatigue. This makes them not to complete their
assignments on time and do not participate or drop out of
several school activities, clubs, or sports.
Addicted video gamers tend to isolate themselves from the rest
of the family. When playing, they lock themselves inside their
rooms, away from friends and family. Just like any other
addiction, video gaming addictions results in financial,
personal, family, and academic problems. Excessive video game
playing impairs real life relationships and disrupts personal
plans. Presently, video gaming has become a costly activity,
since addicts spend a disproportionate amount of their monies
on computer-related equipments, such as software packages,
continuous upgrading of their computer hardware, and other
Several people attempting to quit video game addictions exhibit
different withdrawal techniques including: Anger, depression,
boredom, loneliness, procrastination, mood swings, anxiety, and
sadness. Video game addiction cause physical discomforts or
medical complications such as dry eyes, severe backaches and
headaches, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As a result, it is
advisable to consult a certified addictions Counselor dully
trained in recognition and treatment of video game addiction.
Addiction Counselor does perform effective assessment in
determining what extent of care is more suitable. Over the last
five years, programs such as wilderness therapy and therapeutic
boarding schools have been employed and prove effective in
aiding teenagers with video game addictions.
Governments should establish video game addiction treatment
institutions in an effort to supply help for addicted people. Such
institutions should aim at eliminating compulsive response of
video game addicts; help them develop habit-forming attitudes
as much as those of addicted drug users or gamblers.
Parents are encouraged to have their children take part in
different outdoors activities. They should develop necessary
steps to create activities for their children, for instance schedule
play hours after school, organizing children parties at homes,
and signing up their children for after school sporting activities
Researchers, scholars, and addict professionals should write
books addressing video game addiction and advice to video
game addicts on different steps to circumvent video game
addiction. These books or periodicals should provide vital data
for parents on how to go about children’s addiction to video
Understanding video game addiction is significant for everyone:
as legitimate as it sounds for an individual to restrict video
games for themselves. Video game addiction is real, particularly
when the South Korean man died after spending about 50-hours
in a gaming session. Video game addiction has all the features
one requires to define an addiction. This kind of addiction is
occurring around the world, particularly in United States,
United Kingdom, China, Korea, and Japan. Video gaming
addiction has led players to lose family ties and friends.
Withdrawal symptoms such as cold swear, anger depression,
irritability, developing migraines and back problems, and
occasionally death are among the common traits of video game
addiction. A lot needs to be done as far as video game addiction
is concerned, to help reduce it effects globally.
Works Cited
Alarming Video Game Addiction Statistics.
2013. 16 October 2014
Allen, Patrick.
Overcome Video Gaming Addictions.
New York City: BookPudder Publisher ,
Clark, Neils and Shavaun P. Scott.
Game Addiction: The Experience and the Effects.
Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2009.
Colonna, Bob.
The Addiction Process .
Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2000.
Flanagan, Jack.
The psychology of video game addiction.
06 February 2014. 15 October 2014
Gentile, Douglas A. "Pathological Video Game Use among
Youth 8 to 18: A National Study."
Psychological Science
XX.5 (2008): 594-602.
Griffiths, Mark. "Internet and Video-Game Addiction." Essau,
Cecilia A.
Adolescent Addiction:
Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment.
Waltham, Massachusetts: Academic Press,
2008. 45-67.
Gunter, Barrie.
The Effects of Video Games on Children: The Myth Unmasked.
United Kingdom: A&C Black, 1998.
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery .
What is Video-game addiction?
2014. 16 October
2014 <
McIlwraith, Robert D. "“I'm addicted to television”: The
personality, imagination, and TV
watching patterns of self
identified TV addicts."
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic
XLII.2 (1998): 371-386.
Vivo, Meghan.
New Facts about Video Game Addiction: Problem More
Widespread Than
2013. 17 October 2014 <
Analytical Report on Video Game Addiction
The motive behind this report is to comprehend the real truth
behind video and online gaming addiction; it is a problem that
is growing especially among the teens in the society. The basis
of this study will include research into areas of the psychology
behind gaming addiction, how and why it spirals into a routine
of addiction? The process of how game addiction has become
accepted by the marketing culture of the 21st century. Other
areas of this analysis will investigate internet psychology and
online game addiction.
Purpose of the study is to provide additional information of the
disadvantages if one is addicted to computer games. To be a
reference of one of those future researchers and also can be
used by many of the students.
This research or study regarding to the computer addiction is
made to know what the effects of computer games are for the
youths today. Online games are the favorite past times of the
teens and even to the children. Therefore, this study will give an
advantage on how they will be aware to the consequences.
To the Parents, this study will help them to become conscious
of these computer games. Inform their children about the effect
of the computer addiction to the mental thinking of one
individual. To the Teenagers. This study will help them to
control their addiction on computer games. This study will also
make them aware in what will be the bad effects of it. To the
Future Researchers. This study will help them to have more
information or an additional reference on their research.
There is a lot of controversy over the overlap of devices in
gaming, which has resulted in an ambiguous definition for
computer games and computer game addiction. For instance, a
game that was made for a video game console now has an
internet version, a computer game has moved onto the tablet,
gambling has also moved to the internet, etc. We will extend
their definition to include all computer games playable on a
web-enabled device that is not a video-game console, as
computer games are recreational activities that are meant to be
enjoyed, and outside of educational games have little productive
The research was conducted by gathering the opinions about the
“The effects of Computer Game Addiction” and I made sure that
the readers would easily understand anything that indicated in
this paper. The research information was gathered from
different resources like magazines, internet, and newspaper.
Results of this study contribute to the assumption that also
playing games without monetary reward meets criteria of
addiction. Hence, an addictive potential of gaming should be
taken into consideration regarding prevention and intervention.
The popularity of computer games has attracted the attention of
educationalists who are interested in finding out whether the
features that make them so engaging could be captured and used
to help people learn more effectively. In this paper we examine
the relevance of computer games to Higher Education, reporting
on a survey of University students’ computer game behaviors,
their reasons for playing computer games, and their views of the
features of computer games that might be useful in learning in
Higher Education.
There are several theories of how serious gaming addiction
really is, and how it is rapidly developing in the 21st century, as
online gaming companies such as NC Soft and Blizzard
challenge today’s community, by producing multi-national
online games like Lineage and WOW (World of Warcraft). This
raises question if games like these are specifically designed to
join the course of games for online gaming addicts? The reason
behind video game addiction has many different ways of being
explained; but we often recognize the most common cause of
this addiction is to do with, lack of social interaction. The
online gaming community encourages players of all ages,
although popular games of today focus on players from ages 12-
18. Modern day game culture has a created a niche market for
online gamers, and the younger generation are more likely to
tap into this as the likes and dislikes of the pre-teen and teenage
culture may change more commonly. The main success of online
playability would be the development of social interaction
Technology is one of the major assets in today’s world.
However, there are some disadvantages that lead to Video game
addiction. First, excessive use of computer there are some
instances that they don’t want themselves to be involve in other
social activities. Second is the demand for violence that it may
arise because of an innate boys desire to witness violence,
males are looking for strong role models, whom they find in
these shows and games”. They may isolate themselves in the
way that they don’t want to focus almost entirely in-game
achievements rather than broader life events. The first possible
cause is that in the hypothetical world created by such games,
gamers become confident and gain satisfaction which they
cannot get in the real world. Second, many video games satisfy
the basic psychological needs like rewards, freedom and
connection with other players and lastly, video games are
becoming increasingly complex, detailed and compelling to a
growing international audience of players. There are lots of
effects of video gaming upon children, the physical, emotional
and in behavior. Some gamers don’t care if they don’t eat just to
play, some are being aggressive due to the violent game and
compulsive behaviors are rooted in need to reduce tensions
caused by inner feelings a person wants to avoid or control.
There are some possible causes that are related to this addiction.
The first possible cause is that in the hypothetical world created
by such games, gamers become confident and gain satisfaction
which they cannot get in the real world. Second, many video
games satisfy the basic psychological needs like rewards,
freedom and connection with other players and lastly, video
games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed and
compelling to a growing international audience of players. And
since the problem is a relatively new phenomenon, the exact
cause of game addiction is unknown. However, this addiction
appears to be most common among younger male players. It
may also have a cultural component. “In South Korea, video
games were recently blamed for the deaths of four young men.
One died after playing Star craft for 50 hours with few breaks.
A four-month old baby also died after her parents left her
unattended to play World of War craft”. There are also some
negative effects. First is that it displaces physical activity and
the time spent with friends and family. Psychiatrists are
concerned about the wellbeing of children who spend much of
their time with video games that they may not develop
friendships, get some outdoor exercise or suffer in their
schoolwork. For sure that a child who spends most of his time
playing video games may be prone to violence and may be at
risk for behavioral and other health problems. Second is an
increase in physical, emotional and behavioral disorder. Among
mental health professionals, there are those who maintain that
in playing video games, certain children can develop a sense of
proficiency which they might not otherwise achieve. However,
other authorities speculate that performing violent actions in
video games may be more conducive to children's aggression
than passively watching violent acts on television. Players may
play many hours per day, gain or lose significant weight due to
playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play and suffer sleep
deprivation as an effect, play at work, avoid phone calls from
friends and/or lie about play time. Relationships with family
and friends and performance at work or school may suffer
“(Tanner, 2007). In the world of video game addiction there’s
an increasing evidence that people of all ages, especially teens
and pre-teens, are facing very real, sometimes severe
consequences associated with the excessive use of video games.
Most adolescents like to spend their free time playing video
games. But for some who starts out as innocent recreation can
lead to addiction. Soon, friends, family, schools, and even
personal hygiene are neglected as nearly every spare moment is
spent playing the game.
According to Webster's Dictionary, an addictive behavior
allows a person to become dependent or compulsively obsessed
with anything. Compulsive behaviors are rooted in need to
reduce tensions caused by inner feelings a person wants to
avoid or control.” This fantasy world allows endless
opportunities to the gamer to keep feeding their addiction," said
Schaperow. "It is not the game that is the problem; it is other
problems in their lives that they cannot control. The game
allows the person to escape from reality and take control of the
fantasy world.” Treatment for the disorder varies, however most
therapists and professionals agree that the root of the problem is
to "find the progressive reasoning in the mind and create a
solution.” It involves recognizing unhelpful or destructive
patterns of thinking and reacting," said Schaperow, "then
modifying or replacing these with more realistic or
helpful.”Scahperow said the video game addict should first
recognize their problem, then they can replace the negative
feelings that steer them toward the video games and
progressively escape into a more positive reality. Schaperow
gave the example of a person who has a negative outlook on
their job and feels that they cannot ever perform at a high level.
If that person instead, thinks it is possible, their confidence will
be restored to a higher level, allowing that person to see life
different, and ultimately not need to escape to a reality world.
Rauh Sherry, “Video Game Addiction No Fun,” WebMD.
(2014). Retrieved from
Flanagan Jack, (2014) “The psychology of video game
addiction,” The Week. (2014). Retrieved from

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  • 1. I need a title page and someone to go over the outline and the rest of this report to make sure everything as it should be and put it in one report instead of seperate parts. Please follow the instructions below to make sure that it is as the professor stated. Project 5 The Analytical Report PART THREE: Assignment Details The formal Analytical Report is where all of your research, analysis and document design skill comes together to create a document aimed at helping your reader make a decision, following the outline that you've already developed. Your report will contain the following: Title page Table of contents Abstract (summary) Text of the report, including introduction, body (which may be organized under subheadings), and conclusion. Note: This only needs to be about 2 single spaced pages. Pretty short! Visual element (optional) References page A Word to the Wise: Research refers to the material you gather from sources. Analysis refers to the USE you put to that material. That is to say, your job is to examine and present one or more ideas from that material in such a way as to make a particular point. The particular point will be related to your overall goal for the Report. It may provide evidence for a claim you are making, provide background information, address a possible objection that you think your reader might have or something else. You are in control of the meaning your reader gets from the sources you choose. Your own words that lead into the source (whether your source is in the form of a direct quote, paraphrase or summary) AND your own words that follow the source set up a framework that tells the reader how to understand the source. Those framing
  • 2. words of yours are just as important as the source you use (maybe more). Nothing just speaks for itself. How you plan to use sources will affect how you evaluate them. Not every source has to directly support your thesis; sources can have other functions in a paper. They can: provide background information or context for your topic explain terms or concepts that your readers might not understand provide evidence for your argument lend authority to your argument offer alternative interpretations and counterevidence to your argument Read Lannon, Ch. 22, "Formal Analytical Reports," taking care to look at the checklist on page 552. Use your outline to begin drafting your document. You may find that aspects have changed; that's okay. Remember that the outline is merely a working document or tool for your use. Make sure you are adhering to APA in-text citation rules AND include an APA formatted References page ! Format and Length: Follow the model in Lannon, p. 539-549. Your report will not be as long as this, but must be about six single spaced pages. Keep in mind that the Title page, Table of contents, Abstract and References are all on their own pages, which means the body of your Report will be only about two single-spaced pages at a minimum . More is fine. Don't forget your two sources, one of which must be scholarly/peer-reviewed. Outline: Video game addiction
  • 3. Introduction and Body Does video game really exist? Brief history on video game addiction Is video game an addiction? Definition of addiction What is video game addiction Conflicts associated with video game addiction Current statistical data on video game addiction Writers’ research on video game addiction How many and which category people suffer this addiction Symptoms of video game addiction Children and teenagers How do they behave when they are not gaming? Personal time control Academic performances Social behavior towards people and family Recommendation Treatment and withdrawal assistance services Availability of trained and certified video game addictions counselors
  • 4. Participation in outdoor activities Development of children’s schedules by parents Availability of written information on video game addiction More written books and articles by scholars and researchers Conclusion Video Game Addiction Whether your best friends live in Atlanta, Cairo, Yerevan or just a few kilometers away, get ready for a less expensive face- to-face chat, from the comfort of your living room. With few clicks, you and tour international friends might choose to converse, about the English premier league, a blockbuster movie, or a favorite TV show. Nonetheless, this online chat is happening in video games right now. Friends not only play online games, but also share information. Instead of the usual leisure, gamers and their best friends are busy slaying dragons, playing FIFA online, and battling aliens. According to Clark and Scott (2009), hundreds of thousands of people are playing video game inside the digital living rooms every second. With a click of a remote, friend or strangers can play and connect with friends globally, in ways that seem like science fiction to the general public. Since 1970s and 1980s, video games have transformed from the
  • 5. arcades to family living rooms. This has led the video game industry to stand on its own, just like banking industry. University of Pittsburg 2002 report concluded that the video game industry generates over 10.3 million U.S. dollars annually, surpassing the revenues earned by the film industry. As a result, both young and adult alike have been caught up in what appears to be the next certified global catastrophic diagnosis: Video game addiction. Currently, ongoing technological advancements have made televisions, desktops, iPads, iPhones, and mobile phones video-playing centers whenever one feels like playing. Whereas adults have fallen into the bottomless pit of video gaming, children and teenagers are naturally gravitating towards the same endemic. Video games have developed in an alarming rate over the last decade whereas video game addiction statistics appear to be gradually increasing yearly. Video game developers continue to make games that are complex, less direct, and participative for everyone. Video games are for everyone; new gadgets developed are not for people with the unfathomable knowledge of technological mysticism (Clark and Scott 7) . Is Video Game an Addiction? Addiction applies to behaviors beyond drugs and alcohol; for example, sex, buying, gambling, eating, and the Internet. Currently, there is no single, universally accepted definition of addiction, a comprehensive theory of addiction is yet to be developed. It is inaccurate to define addiction as a habit, since it limits the scope. However, Colonna (2000) reached an acceptable conclusion and defined addition as a chronic disorder, continuous conditions where an individual has no
  • 6. complete control to obsessive thinking and manifests itself via compulsive behavior towards any activity and/or mood- changing substance. This definition encompasses all forms of addiction, substance and activity related, and presents a clear indication in the field of addiction process. Video game overuse commonly referred to as video game addiction, represents a proposed type of psychological addition made up of a compulsive overuse of computers and video games. Mcllwraith (1998) developed four theoretical models to explain addition to video games: First, video game addiction is a result of video games’ impacts on imagination and fantasy life, where individuals participate in playing these games greatly having poor degree of imagination. Secondly, video games addiction affects the arousal level, in that people playing these games tend play in order to arouse or calm themselves. Thirdly, video game addiction represents a manifestation of verbal, reliant, or addictive personality of an individual. As a result, excessive playing is caused by inner personality factors and not the external stimulation derived from this games. Lastly, video game addiction is a connection to different pattern of applying gratifications related to video games, where people enjoy the physical act of playing to alleviate boredom (Gunter 54-55) . In his 2008 publication, Internet and Video-Game Addiction , Mark Griffiths came up with six criterions, employed to describe video games as an addiction: salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflicts, and relapse. Salience occurs when video-game play becomes a crucial activity in a person’s life, hence dominating his
  • 7. thinking, feelings, and behavior. Mood modification represents the subjective experiences that players report because of engaging in video-game play. Tolerance is the process of increasing the use of video game play to achieve the previous mood-modifying effects. This implies that players gradually develop the amount of the time spent playing video games. Withdrawal symptoms refer to the unpleasant feeling states or physical effects that springs when video gaming is disconnected or reduced. Conflict occurs between players and the outside community, those around them, when they are disconnected from playing video games. Conflict takes different forms, it includes conflicts with other activities-schoolwork and hobbies- , or from within the players themselves, loss of control, since they spend too much time video gaming. Lastly, relapse refers to the tendency for continuous reversions to previous patterns of video-game play, and sometimes the most severe patterns, excessive video game play, to be promptly restored after periods of self-denial or control. Having defined addiction and trying to linking video game to addiction it is clear that video game can be addictive and affects a number of users and players (Griffiths 232-233) . Current Statistical Data: Video Game Addiction High rates of video game have drastically gone up over a decade ( . Recent studies on global video game addition reveal alarming degrees of addiction. Douglas A. Gentile, a research scientist, conducted a study, in medical journal Pediatrics, to examine how and to what extent video game usage rates are affecting the children and teenagers. Gentile’s study population comprised of
  • 8. 3,034 children and teenagers. From the study, Gentile concluded that both children and teenagers spend an average time of 20 hours weekly, playing video games. The research also estimated 72% of American house play video games. About 9% of the 3,034-study population displayed signed of video game addiction while 4% of the study participants were classified as extreme video game users and players, using 50 hours weekly on average. (Gentile 600) . How many people are affected, young and old? No one knows, however, two statistics stick out: Worldwide, video game industry is a $66 billion industry. A 2007study suggested that about 12% of the video game players in a 7,000 study were diagnosed as extreme addicts. Video game players are generally in trouble if this trend even, to some extent, reflects numbers in universal population. Video game addiction exists in the contemporary world. A 2009 study conducted by Iowa State University, revealed that one in every 10 people to be a pathological gamer with respect to the standards established for pathological gambling. Their video gaming behaviors has caused family, social, and psychological damage. This study was based on the nationwide survey of 1,178 American teenagers and children aged between 8 to 18 years. The study found out that 8.5% of American youth shows different signs of addictive behavior. Other participants displayed more than half of 11 symptoms of pathological gambling as outlined by the American Psychiatric Association (Vivo) .
  • 9. General Symptoms of Video Game Addiction A classical sign of video game addiction arise where children or teenagers spend more hours in front of the television, computers, and mobile phones. When teenagers spend most of their leisure time indoors, glued to the computer and only taking short breaks for snacks and bathroom then addiction is crippling. Such behaviors are referred to as grinding or farming and generally last for several hours to the whole afternoon. Extreme cases arise where teenagers spend the entire day playing video games. This out-of-control 24 hours video gaming spree cause the players to exhibit an unusual preoccupation when they are away from the game or computer (Vivo) . Video gamers, who are addicted or at the risk of video game addiction, lack the ability to control their personal time. They are unable to control the amount of time spent when they start playing. When they go online, they extend their scheduled time and cannot realize that they have spent 4-7 hours instead of the schedules 10-30 minutes. Addicts completely lose track of time. This is not usual for people with no video game addiction. There are instances where video games addicts trans-night, only to realize that its morning when they see rays of sun striking their windows (Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery ) .
  • 10. Addicted video gamers post decline grades or fail in classes. In some circumstances, they pass mathematics and typing classes while posting poor grades in English, Science, Social Studies, and Physical education. This is related to preoccupation, loss of time, and lack of control effects of addiction brought forward by addiction. As a result, they tend to fall asleep during school hours due to fatigue. This makes them not to complete their assignments on time and do not participate or drop out of several school activities, clubs, or sports. Addicted video gamers tend to isolate themselves from the rest of the family. When playing, they lock themselves inside their rooms, away from friends and family. Just like any other addiction, video gaming addictions results in financial, personal, family, and academic problems. Excessive video game playing impairs real life relationships and disrupts personal plans. Presently, video gaming has become a costly activity, since addicts spend a disproportionate amount of their monies on computer-related equipments, such as software packages, continuous upgrading of their computer hardware, and other accessories. Recommendation Several people attempting to quit video game addictions exhibit different withdrawal techniques including: Anger, depression, boredom, loneliness, procrastination, mood swings, anxiety, and sadness. Video game addiction cause physical discomforts or medical complications such as dry eyes, severe backaches and headaches, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. As a result, it is advisable to consult a certified addictions Counselor dully trained in recognition and treatment of video game addiction.
  • 11. Addiction Counselor does perform effective assessment in determining what extent of care is more suitable. Over the last five years, programs such as wilderness therapy and therapeutic boarding schools have been employed and prove effective in aiding teenagers with video game addictions. Governments should establish video game addiction treatment institutions in an effort to supply help for addicted people. Such institutions should aim at eliminating compulsive response of video game addicts; help them develop habit-forming attitudes as much as those of addicted drug users or gamblers. Parents are encouraged to have their children take part in different outdoors activities. They should develop necessary steps to create activities for their children, for instance schedule play hours after school, organizing children parties at homes, and signing up their children for after school sporting activities (Allen) . Researchers, scholars, and addict professionals should write books addressing video game addiction and advice to video game addicts on different steps to circumvent video game addiction. These books or periodicals should provide vital data for parents on how to go about children’s addiction to video games. Conclusion Understanding video game addiction is significant for everyone: as legitimate as it sounds for an individual to restrict video games for themselves. Video game addiction is real, particularly when the South Korean man died after spending about 50-hours
  • 12. in a gaming session. Video game addiction has all the features one requires to define an addiction. This kind of addiction is occurring around the world, particularly in United States, United Kingdom, China, Korea, and Japan. Video gaming addiction has led players to lose family ties and friends. Withdrawal symptoms such as cold swear, anger depression, irritability, developing migraines and back problems, and occasionally death are among the common traits of video game addiction. A lot needs to be done as far as video game addiction is concerned, to help reduce it effects globally. Works Cited Alarming Video Game Addiction Statistics. 2013. 16 October 2014 < addiction-statistics/ >. Allen, Patrick. Overcome Video Gaming Addictions. New York City: BookPudder Publisher , 2014. Clark, Neils and Shavaun P. Scott. Game Addiction: The Experience and the Effects. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, 2009. Colonna, Bob. The Addiction Process .
  • 13. Bloomington, Indiana: iUniverse, 2000. Flanagan, Jack. The psychology of video game addiction. 06 February 2014. 15 October 2014 < video-game-addiction >. Gentile, Douglas A. "Pathological Video Game Use among Youth 8 to 18: A National Study." Psychological Science XX.5 (2008): 594-602. Griffiths, Mark. "Internet and Video-Game Addiction." Essau, Cecilia A. Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment. Waltham, Massachusetts: Academic Press, 2008. 45-67. Gunter, Barrie. The Effects of Video Games on Children: The Myth Unmasked. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: A&C Black, 1998. Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery . What is Video-game addiction? 2014. 16 October
  • 14. 2014 < >. McIlwraith, Robert D. "“I'm addicted to television”: The personality, imagination, and TV watching patterns of self ‐ identified TV addicts." Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media XLII.2 (1998): 371-386. Vivo, Meghan. New Facts about Video Game Addiction: Problem More Widespread Than Expected. 2013. 17 October 2014 < addiction-articles/new-facts-about-video-game-addiction- problem-more-widespread- than-expected.h Analytical Report on Video Game Addiction ABSTRACT The motive behind this report is to comprehend the real truth behind video and online gaming addiction; it is a problem that is growing especially among the teens in the society. The basis
  • 15. of this study will include research into areas of the psychology behind gaming addiction, how and why it spirals into a routine of addiction? The process of how game addiction has become accepted by the marketing culture of the 21st century. Other areas of this analysis will investigate internet psychology and online game addiction. Purpose of the study is to provide additional information of the disadvantages if one is addicted to computer games. To be a reference of one of those future researchers and also can be used by many of the students. This research or study regarding to the computer addiction is made to know what the effects of computer games are for the youths today. Online games are the favorite past times of the teens and even to the children. Therefore, this study will give an advantage on how they will be aware to the consequences. To the Parents, this study will help them to become conscious of these computer games. Inform their children about the effect of the computer addiction to the mental thinking of one individual. To the Teenagers. This study will help them to control their addiction on computer games. This study will also make them aware in what will be the bad effects of it. To the Future Researchers. This study will help them to have more information or an additional reference on their research. There is a lot of controversy over the overlap of devices in gaming, which has resulted in an ambiguous definition for computer games and computer game addiction. For instance, a game that was made for a video game console now has an internet version, a computer game has moved onto the tablet, gambling has also moved to the internet, etc. We will extend their definition to include all computer games playable on a web-enabled device that is not a video-game console, as computer games are recreational activities that are meant to be
  • 16. enjoyed, and outside of educational games have little productive value. The research was conducted by gathering the opinions about the “The effects of Computer Game Addiction” and I made sure that the readers would easily understand anything that indicated in this paper. The research information was gathered from different resources like magazines, internet, and newspaper. Results of this study contribute to the assumption that also playing games without monetary reward meets criteria of addiction. Hence, an addictive potential of gaming should be taken into consideration regarding prevention and intervention. The popularity of computer games has attracted the attention of educationalists who are interested in finding out whether the features that make them so engaging could be captured and used to help people learn more effectively. In this paper we examine the relevance of computer games to Higher Education, reporting on a survey of University students’ computer game behaviors, their reasons for playing computer games, and their views of the features of computer games that might be useful in learning in Higher Education. Introduction: There are several theories of how serious gaming addiction really is, and how it is rapidly developing in the 21st century, as online gaming companies such as NC Soft and Blizzard challenge today’s community, by producing multi-national online games like Lineage and WOW (World of Warcraft). This raises question if games like these are specifically designed to join the course of games for online gaming addicts? The reason behind video game addiction has many different ways of being explained; but we often recognize the most common cause of this addiction is to do with, lack of social interaction. The
  • 17. online gaming community encourages players of all ages, although popular games of today focus on players from ages 12- 18. Modern day game culture has a created a niche market for online gamers, and the younger generation are more likely to tap into this as the likes and dislikes of the pre-teen and teenage culture may change more commonly. The main success of online playability would be the development of social interaction Context Technology is one of the major assets in today’s world. However, there are some disadvantages that lead to Video game addiction. First, excessive use of computer there are some instances that they don’t want themselves to be involve in other social activities. Second is the demand for violence that it may arise because of an innate boys desire to witness violence, males are looking for strong role models, whom they find in these shows and games”. They may isolate themselves in the way that they don’t want to focus almost entirely in-game achievements rather than broader life events. The first possible cause is that in the hypothetical world created by such games, gamers become confident and gain satisfaction which they cannot get in the real world. Second, many video games satisfy the basic psychological needs like rewards, freedom and connection with other players and lastly, video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed and compelling to a growing international audience of players. There are lots of effects of video gaming upon children, the physical, emotional and in behavior. Some gamers don’t care if they don’t eat just to play, some are being aggressive due to the violent game and compulsive behaviors are rooted in need to reduce tensions caused by inner feelings a person wants to avoid or control. There are some possible causes that are related to this addiction. The first possible cause is that in the hypothetical world created by such games, gamers become confident and gain satisfaction which they cannot get in the real world. Second, many video
  • 18. games satisfy the basic psychological needs like rewards, freedom and connection with other players and lastly, video games are becoming increasingly complex, detailed and compelling to a growing international audience of players. And since the problem is a relatively new phenomenon, the exact cause of game addiction is unknown. However, this addiction appears to be most common among younger male players. It may also have a cultural component. “In South Korea, video games were recently blamed for the deaths of four young men. One died after playing Star craft for 50 hours with few breaks. A four-month old baby also died after her parents left her unattended to play World of War craft”. There are also some negative effects. First is that it displaces physical activity and the time spent with friends and family. Psychiatrists are concerned about the wellbeing of children who spend much of their time with video games that they may not develop friendships, get some outdoor exercise or suffer in their schoolwork. For sure that a child who spends most of his time playing video games may be prone to violence and may be at risk for behavioral and other health problems. Second is an increase in physical, emotional and behavioral disorder. Among mental health professionals, there are those who maintain that in playing video games, certain children can develop a sense of proficiency which they might not otherwise achieve. However, other authorities speculate that performing violent actions in video games may be more conducive to children's aggression than passively watching violent acts on television. Players may play many hours per day, gain or lose significant weight due to playing, disrupt sleep patterns to play and suffer sleep deprivation as an effect, play at work, avoid phone calls from friends and/or lie about play time. Relationships with family and friends and performance at work or school may suffer “(Tanner, 2007). In the world of video game addiction there’s an increasing evidence that people of all ages, especially teens and pre-teens, are facing very real, sometimes severe consequences associated with the excessive use of video games.
  • 19. Most adolescents like to spend their free time playing video games. But for some who starts out as innocent recreation can lead to addiction. Soon, friends, family, schools, and even personal hygiene are neglected as nearly every spare moment is spent playing the game. CONCLUSION According to Webster's Dictionary, an addictive behavior allows a person to become dependent or compulsively obsessed with anything. Compulsive behaviors are rooted in need to reduce tensions caused by inner feelings a person wants to avoid or control.” This fantasy world allows endless opportunities to the gamer to keep feeding their addiction," said Schaperow. "It is not the game that is the problem; it is other problems in their lives that they cannot control. The game allows the person to escape from reality and take control of the fantasy world.” Treatment for the disorder varies, however most therapists and professionals agree that the root of the problem is to "find the progressive reasoning in the mind and create a solution.” It involves recognizing unhelpful or destructive patterns of thinking and reacting," said Schaperow, "then modifying or replacing these with more realistic or helpful.”Scahperow said the video game addict should first recognize their problem, then they can replace the negative feelings that steer them toward the video games and progressively escape into a more positive reality. Schaperow gave the example of a person who has a negative outlook on their job and feels that they cannot ever perform at a high level. If that person instead, thinks it is possible, their confidence will be restored to a higher level, allowing that person to see life different, and ultimately not need to escape to a reality world.
  • 20. REFRENCES Rauh Sherry, “Video Game Addiction No Fun,” WebMD. (2014). Retrieved from game-addiction-no-fun Flanagan Jack, (2014) “The psychology of video game addiction,” The Week. (2014). Retrieved from video-game-addiction