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KBHN (formerly NeuroDevNet) KT Core
June 22, 2015
Anneliese Poetz, David Phipps, Michael Johnny
Introduction to this Guide Document
The purpose of this document is to help you think through and sketch out both the project management
and knowledge translation planning aspects of your chosen high impact research projects. While it is
critical to have a KT Plan in place it is equally important to have a project management plan with clear
deliverables and timelines. After reviewing several KT Planning guides1,2
, as well as examples of project
charters it became clear that we needed to create a tool that combined both KT planning and project
management components in order to accommodate this need. Since such a document does not currently
exist, this document, a ‘hybrid’ KT/Project Planning tool was created. While it can be applied to any
research project, it was created to serve as a ‘project charter’ for each of the High Impact Projects for
Cycle II. It will serve as a reference document for your KT Plan in much the same way as your research
proposal serves as a reference document when you are carrying out your research; you can see what
out this document it will not only help you plan and track your KT activities for your research project, it
will also help you plan in advance for (collecting data towards) evaluating the intended and unintended
impacts of your work—which will make your progress reporting easier.
We wish to thank Melanie Barwick (Sick Kids) and Purnima Sundar (Ontario Centre of Excellence for
Child and Youth Mental Health) for permission to use content from their KT Planning tools.
1 Melanie Barwick’s KT Planning Template
2 Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
Your Research
Project’s Goals
Your KT Plan’s
Figure 1. ‘Map’ connecting tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 to illustrate how
your KT Plan will be nested within your project, and the Network.
Arrows depict how your evaluation of your KT Plan’s goals by
default contribute to measurement of your project’s goals and
subsequently NeuroDevNet’s goals.
Instructions for HIPs using this Template
Use this template in conjunction with the GUIDE which contains additional explanation for each section
The KT Core
You will be
September 2015 where it will be signed by all project team members including partners/collaborators and
the KT Core. This document, once completed and signed, will serve as both a ‘contract’ among all project
team members, partners/collaborators, and NeuroDevNet’s KT Core as well as a living document which
will be revisited/revised annually.
Colour Key for Sections of the Hybrid Template
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
3	 copy/paste from project info you emailed to KT Core when High Impact Project candidates were solicited in March 2015
Program of research:
Target Project Completion Date: Version No. Version Date:
	 Project Team Members:
	Title*	 Name*
Project Name:
Project background3
PART A: Your Research Project
2.0 WHAT
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1
(Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this
page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names.
Select a Program from the drop-down menu list, or enter your own description
TABLE 2.1 NeuroDevNet’s Network Goals
NeuroDevNet’s specific Network Goals (latest draft as of June 19, 2015)
Use a transdisciplinary approach with multidisciplinary research teams to develop
solutions to critical patient and family-identified problems of prevention, early
diagnosis, evidence-based interventions and improved support for families.
Partnerships are used to help enable results to reach the front-lines.
N.Obj 1: Conduct high quality research in high-impact areas as identified by partners,
patients, and/or families supported by evidence.
N.Obj 2: Maximize the impact potential for programs, projects and cores through KT planning
for valorization / commercialization opportunities.
N.Obj 3: Drive cross-project collaboration and/or sharing where feasible and valuable.
N.Obj 4: Develop and leverage front line partnerships to accelerate the dissemination of NDN
informed research results.
Develop a national training program to provide the next generation of researchers
with training in developmental neurosciences to improve their competiveness in areas
deemed relevant to potential employers.
N.Obj 5: Provide trainees with experiences and tools to enter the workforce.
N.Obj 6: Fill trainee knowledge gaps in academic programs.
N.Obj 7: Expose trainees to different research environments.
TABLE 2.1 represents NeuroDevNet’s re-defined Network goals.
Please reference these goals when filling out table 2.2 as they correspond
to the goals that your research project addresses.
Raise awareness of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in order to
accelerate high impact changes to improve the lives of patients and families and
reduce the disease burden upon society.
N.Obj 8: Work with partners to elaborate a policy position on high impact topic areas
with an associated implementation strategy.
N.Obj 9: Raise the profile and visibility of NDN to advance such objectives as
fundraising and policy impact.
Expand the reach of the network by developing and strengthening key national
and international partnerships to leverage existing resources ($ and in-kind) and
build Canada’s international visibility.
N.Obj 10: Develop a charitable foundation to better be able to raise prospective
partnership funds.
N.Obj 11: Establish at least three major financial partnerships ($1 million +) to provide
additional financial support for research and commercialization, including research
PART A: Your Research Project
2.0 WHAT
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE 2.2 Type (or copy and paste) your project’s goals from your proposal:
Your Research Project’s Goals
Goals of your research:
Select from the list below,
to indicate which NeuroDevNet goal(s)
your research goals will address
PART A: Your Research Project
2.0 WHAT
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
NG1 Impactful discovery
NG2 Training
NG3 Awareness
NG4 Partners
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box.
Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2
Goals of your research:
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.1 Your KT Goals
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals
for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es).
Select corresponding
Research Goals that
relate to your KT Goals
Goal of your KT Plan:
Your KT Plan’s Goals
(this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals,
one per page)
By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested
within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network.
TABLE 2.4 Things that are “in scope” and “out of scope” items for your KT plan
“IN” Scope
Describe specific items that WILL be included as part of the KT work performed
as part of this research project
“OUT” of Scope
Use Table 2.4 to list items that are within and outside of the scope of this project. Things that are in scope are achievable
with the time and resources available for this project. Things that are out of scope are things that might be possible with
unlimited resources but are not realistically achievable within the resource and time limitations of this project.
Describe specific items that WILL NOT be included as part of the KT work
performed as part of this research project
PART B: Your KT Plan
2.2 Project Scope
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Table 3.1 below should be auto-populated from the information you entered into Table 2.0 such as the project
sponsor, project team members including partners/collaborators and other stakeholders. Use Table 3.1 to
indicate each individuals’ roles and responsibilities. Certain columns have a multiple selection list where
you can select (highlight) your chosen answer(s) as well as an area below the list where you can enter your
own description (e.g. in case the answer that is most accurate for your situation is not contained within the
multiple selection list). Note the GUIDE contains hypothetical information as an example to show you how
to fill out the table.
See section 4.3 Reporting for questions that will help you think through responsibilities for reporting and
evaluation, then assign these responsibilities to one or more individuals within this table.
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 1
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
1. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 2
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
3. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 3
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
5. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 4
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
7. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 5
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
9. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
PART B: Your KT Plan
3.0 WHO
TABLE 3.1 All project team members4
, roles and contact information page 6
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
Title* Role(s) /
Degree of Partner
& Location
KT Expertise
on Team
4	 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private
	 sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others.
5	 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts?
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Email Address
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
11. a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
a) from idea formulation straight through
b) after idea formulation & straight through
c) at point of dissemination & project end
d) beyond the project’s completion
other (specify)
i) scientist with KT expertise
ii) consultant with KT expertise
iii) knowledge broker/specialist
iv) KT supports within the organization(s)
v) KT supports within partner organization(s)
vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s)
other (specify)
TABLE 4.1 starts next page
KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s)
Please fill in Table 4.1 with information about how your KT plan will be delivered in the context of your
research project. The column shaded pink is distinguished from all the other columns, because you
won’t actually be able to craft your main messages until the research is completed. However, you need
to think about your target audience(s)/knowledge users now (at the beginning of the project) so you can
inform the rest of your KT Plan with them in mind. In other words, identifying your target audience(s)/
KUs and crafting your intended outcome(s) for each, will help you determine what KT activities you will
plan and budget for.
4.1 How are you going to “Do” your KT?
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 1
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
6	 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
KT Activity KT Process
(choose one
for each KT
Target audience/
Knowledge Users (KUs)
Intended Outcome(s)
for Each Audience
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
End-of-grant KT
End-of-grant KT
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 2
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
6	 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
KT Activity KT Process
(choose one
for each KT
Target audience/
Knowledge Users (KUs)
Intended Outcome(s)
for Each Audience
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
End-of-grant KT
End-of-grant KT
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 3
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
6	 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
KT Activity KT Process
(choose one
for each KT
Target audience/
Knowledge Users (KUs)
Intended Outcome(s)
for Each Audience
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
End-of-grant KT
End-of-grant KT
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 4
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
6	 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
KT Activity KT Process
(choose one
for each KT
Target audience/
Knowledge Users (KUs)
Intended Outcome(s)
for Each Audience
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL
key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
End-of-grant KT
End-of-grant KT
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
Health practitioners or service providers
Private sector/industry
Research funders
Venture capitalists
Volunteer health sector/NGO
other (specify)
Generate awareness
Generate interest
Generate practice change
Generate behaviour change
Generate policy action
Impart knowledge
Impart tools
Inform research
Inform product
Inform patent
other (specify)
Fill in Table 4.2 with information about the budget you have for your KT Activities. How will your KT activities be
funded? (you can lift this information from your previously established budget for KT activities, that was contained
within your research proposal to NeuroDevNet).
Note: the KT Core can provide support and consultation but cannot fund your activities.
Please identify any activities including those of your partners, receptors and other stakeholders that will also
require external funding, and indicate in the corresponding cells in the table how much funding you require and
for which year(s). The KT Core will work with you to identify new sources of funding including cash and in-kind
contributions from partners.
TABLE 4.2 Research project’s budget for KT activities
Budget Category TOTAL $Year 9
(2018 / 2019)
Year 8
(2017 / 2018)
Year 7
(2016 / 2017)
Year 6
(2015 / 2016)
TOTALS - Yearly and Overall KT Budget
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
$ 0
$ 0
$ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
It is a reality that sometimes things happen that prevent us from accomplishing what we set out to do. In the
above sections you have thought through how you are going to “do” your KT activities for your research project.
In order to maximize your chances of being able to accomplish the things you are setting out to do, you need to
think through any risks (things that hopefully won’t happen but have the potential to), constraints (e.g. budget,
human resources, legal, ethical), assumptions and any outstanding issues. Once you list these, you should have
a contingency plan for what you can do in the event one of the things you list as a ‘risk’ happens, so that you can
make sure your KT plan has the greatest potential to be operationalized as you planned. Use Table 4.3 to outline
any risks, constraints, assumptions or outstanding issues pertaining to your project team’s ability to carry out your
KT activities. See the GUIDE for examples.
TABLE 4.3 Risks, constraints, assumptions and issues, with associated mitigation and/or contingency plan
Risk / constraint / assumption / issues Mitigation and / or contingency plan
4.2 Risks, Constraints and Other Issues
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
In order to make sure the project proceeds as planned, it is necessary to figure out how you are going to
communicate within your project team, as well as with NeuroDevNet’s KT Core.
	 •	 How will you report on the progress of your project, and how often?
	 •	 Who will be responsible for communicating your progress?
	 •	 What information do you need to share, and to whom, in order to keep the delivery of the
		 KT activities on-track?
	 •	 As part of your evaluation plan you should decide who will collect and report on indicator data.
		 What is the source of the data, how often do they report and to who?
		 Refer to section 7.0 about evaluation/measurement including indicators.
You should articulate these responsibilities when entering information into Table 3.1.
4.3 Reporting
PART B: Your KT Plan
4.0 HOW
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click
on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out
Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to
complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within
your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions.
TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 1
Why are these messages meaningful?
Why should others see or use this product?
Why are you doing this? What impact10
are you trying to have with your KT efforts?
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click
on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out
Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to
complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within
your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions.
TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 2
Why are these messages meaningful?
Why should others see or use this product?
Why are you doing this? What impact10
are you trying to have with your KT efforts?
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click
on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out
Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to
complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within
your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions.
TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 3
Why are these messages meaningful?
Why should others see or use this product?
Why are you doing this? What impact10
are you trying to have with your KT efforts?
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click
on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s).
When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out
Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to
complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within
your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions.
TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 4
Why are these messages meaningful?
Why should others see or use this product?
Why are you doing this? What impact10
are you trying to have with your KT efforts?
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
What knowledge do you
want to mobilize?
What are the main messages
that you want to share?
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
Change attitudes
Change behaviour or practice
Engage stakeholders
Fulfill funding requirements
Generate interest or awareness
Influence policy action
Share knowledge/experience/tools
Validate/legitimize/defend a position
Increase knowledge of practitioners
Increase knowledge of policymakers
other (specify)
KT Activity
(will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1)
TABLE 5.2 Rationale for your chosen KT strategy page 1
Why are you choosing these strategies? Why are they best for you? Consider what resources
you have available (refer to table 4.2), how complex the information is that you are trying to mobilize
and how connected your target audience is to this information.
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
KT Activity
(will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1)
TABLE 5.2 Rationale for your chosen KT strategy page 2
Why are you choosing these strategies? Why are they best for you? Consider what resources
you have available (refer to table 4.2), how complex the information is that you are trying to mobilize
and how connected your target audience is to this information.
PART B: Your KT Plan
5.0 WHY
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
7	 Mobilizers could be your dedicated KT person on your project team, champions/key individuals in the community who have large networks of
	 stakeholders who they have a trusting relationship with.
8	 Are there other things going on during the project that will have an impact on your ability to carry out your activities at the times you want to do them?
	 Do you have the time and resources you will need to achieve your intended impact?
When do you intend to implement this plan? Ensure that your timelines make sense for both the target audience as
well as your project team, including the mobilizers.7, 8
Keep these things in mind as you fill in the chart below.
The start and end-dates for the entire research project will be found in your original research proposal but you may
not have defined start and end dates for your KT activities. Please use Tables 6.1 and 6.2 to enter these dates.
The KT Core will use this information to enter into MS Project in order to create a detailed timeline for your KT plan.
KT Activity
(will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1)
TABLE 6.2 When will KT occur? Use the following table to detail the project’s KT deliverables and timeline.
Start Date End Date
Timeline for your entire research project:
TABLE 6.1 What is the start and end date for your entire high impact research project?
End DateStart Date
PART B: Your KT Plan
6.0 WHEN
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
7.0 Measure
Refer back to the goals that you outlined in Table 2.3. How will you know if you have achieved them? Your KT
activities, outputs (deliverables) and indicators should all relate to the achievement of your KT goals. You should
strive for a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Usually, indicators for research and dissemination
are more quantitative (e.g. # of research questions informed by stakeholders, # of publications) while indicators for
uptake, implementation and impact are more qualitative in nature. Interviews can inform a narrative ‘success story’
while a quantitative measure of impact can be # of success stories written.
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators
NeuroDevNet has adopted Phipps’ Co-Produced Pathway to Impact (CPPI) evaluation framework. Basically,
the framework shows stakeholder engagement including interaction between researchers, partners and end-users
(which the NCE refers to as ‘receptors’) throughout the research process from the beginning of the research,
through dissemination, uptake, implementation and eventual
impact (improved lives of children with neurodevelopmental
disorders and their families through policy and/or practice
change informed by your research findings). Please consider
developing indicators for your project as it progresses through
each stage of this framework from research to impact.
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Figure 2. Phipps’ Co-Produced Pathway to Impact
evaluation framework for NeuroDevNet NCE
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued7.0 MEASURE
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Use the example indicators in Table 7.1a in the Guide to help you think about which indicators would
make sense for your project, as well as how they would map onto NeuroDevNet’s evaluation framework
(the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact). Please note, these are examples only to stimulate your thinking,
please use as-is and/or modify them to suit your project’s context/situation as appropriate. Several of the
indicators in Table 7.1a (in the Guide) were included in NeuroDevNet’s renewal application so we have an
obligation to collect data on them. To this end, please try to report on as many of these as you are able to.
The different sections of the CPPI are represented in the column headings in Table 7.1b. The goals of
your KT plan will be auto-populated into the table; please place corresponding indicators into the same row
as the goal it is intended to evaluate.
Goals of your
KT Plan
(from Table 2.3)
Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued
TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Goals of your
KT Plan
(from Table 2.3)
Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued
TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Goals of your
KT Plan
(from Table 2.3)
Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued
TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued7.0 MEASURE
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
Remember: you are not alone. The KT Core will work with you to develop your KT plan including indicators.
However, since you are the expert on your project and what you wish to achieve in terms of impact on children
and families with neurodevelopmental disorders, you are the best person to formulate initial ideas about indicators
before meeting with the KT Core.
As mentioned in section 3.0 “Who”, you should be sure to indicate where data will be collected from (partners,
researchers, etc.) and who will be responsible for collecting it. This responsibility should be outlined in the “roles”
column in Table 3.1 when you identify the project team members.
It is recommended that (especially for quantitative data) you develop a system (e.g. a database, excel workbook,
as well as scheduled data entry time(s) and process(es)) for collecting and analyzing the reporting data at the
outset, to make sure the data are collected regularly so that reporting will be easier.
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Expected Outcome(s)
[short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13
This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are
included in this table9
in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do
your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column
headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues.
8.0 PART C
10	Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated
	 using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities.
11	Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals
12	Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity.
13	Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term
	 outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish
14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information
15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health
	 policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over
	 the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes
	 and desired impacts
Helps achieve which goal(s)11
Targeted Audience(s) Rationale
(Is it relevant / useful / accessible?
Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12
(achieved during Year 6 only)
Expected Challenge(s) 14
Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15
9	 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University
Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies
KT Activity10
Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional)9.0 PART D
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
By the time you reach this section, you will have already created a comprehensive KT plan for your research
project. This section is optional because it involves repeating a lot of the information you provided in the
sections above, just in a narrative format. This section provides a template that is intended to help you write
a narrative KT plan that contains the critical components. Since you will be drawing upon the information
you provided in sections A, B and C, this section can only be completed once the above sections have been
completed and reviewed by the KT Core.
You will find this section useful if you need to include a KT section (narrative) in an application for additional
funding or for another purpose such as engaging with a (potential) new partner.
See the GUIDE for more information about creating a narrative version of your KT Plan.
3. Activities What KT activities will you carry out? How will these activities roll out?
2. Objectives & Goals Related to the overall projects’ objectives and goals, what are the goals of your KT strategy? How do they relate to NeuroDevNet’s overall Network goals/objectives?
How do they relate to the goals of the NCE program?
Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional) continued9.0 PART D
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE D.3 Narrative KT Plan for your research project page 1
Critical component for KT Plan What does it mean
1. Engagement Who will be engaged in your research? (e.g. as part of integrated knowledge translation plan, partners/collaborators, other researchers, stakeholders etc.).
How will they be engaged? (e.g. stakeholder consultation event, social media, regular teleconferences, etc.)
5. Accountability Who will do the work? Who will manage and report on the budget and project spending? Who will ensure the project timeline and deliverables remain on track?
Who is responsible for ensuring the quality/accuracy of the research, the messages communicated as part of the KT plan etc.?
Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional) continued9.0 PART D
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE D.3 Narrative KT Plan for your research project page 2
Critical component for KT Plan What does it mean
4. Impact What are the expected impact(s) of your research project and associated KT activities?
Signature Page10.0 PART E
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
This document serves as both a KT plan and a project management tool for you to maximize the potential for
impact of your research project. Provided below, is an opportunity to formalize this document as an agreement
between the project sponsor, partners/funder(s), collaborators and any other members of the project team.
By signing this document, it signifies a commitment to the planning that has been detailed, and should ideally
inform future decision-making with respect to the project. Since KT plans often evolve over time due to their
nature and the nature of discovery and innovation, this document will be revisited and revised annually in
order to allow flexibility, facilitate discussion and consensus on any changes to be made, and document those
changes. Documenting changes to the KT/Project Management plan is important for your project team as well
as the KT Core who will be responsible for tracking progress.
By signing this document, members agree to plan, execute, monitor, control and complete the project in
accordance with the goals, activities, and constraints outlined in this document. By signing, members also agree
that they understand what needs to be done, what resources will be available, and how success of the project
will be measured. Sign-off by project partners/collaborators signifies that they have understood their roles and
responsibilities as outlined in Table 3.1 and there is joint commitment and agreement to proceed.
This document will be signed during the Impact Summit (Fall 2015) in order to publicly signify
the commitment of all members to the projects’ successful delivery during Cycle II, on or before the target
completion date.
Signature Page continued10.0 PART E
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE E.1 Project Team Member Signatures page 1
Signature DateTitle*
& Location
continued on next page
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.
Signature Page continued10.0 PART E
2.0 WHAT
3.0 WHO
4.0 HOW
5.0 WHY
6.0 WHEN
8.0 PART C
9.0 PART D
10.0 PART E
TABLE E.1 Project Team Member Signatures page 2
Signature DateTitle*
& Location
*CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between
Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO)
and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names
in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields.
However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked
to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing
or rearranging Titles or Names.

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"Hybrid" KT & Project Planning Template

  • 2. Introduction to this Guide Document The purpose of this document is to help you think through and sketch out both the project management and knowledge translation planning aspects of your chosen high impact research projects. While it is critical to have a KT Plan in place it is equally important to have a project management plan with clear deliverables and timelines. After reviewing several KT Planning guides1,2 , as well as examples of project charters it became clear that we needed to create a tool that combined both KT planning and project management components in order to accommodate this need. Since such a document does not currently exist, this document, a ‘hybrid’ KT/Project Planning tool was created. While it can be applied to any research project, it was created to serve as a ‘project charter’ for each of the High Impact Projects for Cycle II. It will serve as a reference document for your KT Plan in much the same way as your research proposal serves as a reference document when you are carrying out your research; you can see what out this document it will not only help you plan and track your KT activities for your research project, it will also help you plan in advance for (collecting data towards) evaluating the intended and unintended impacts of your work—which will make your progress reporting easier. We wish to thank Melanie Barwick (Sick Kids) and Purnima Sundar (Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health) for permission to use content from their KT Planning tools. 1 Melanie Barwick’s KT Planning Template 2 Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health NeuroDevNet’s Goals Your Research Project’s Goals Your KT Plan’s Goals Figure 1. ‘Map’ connecting tables 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 to illustrate how your KT Plan will be nested within your project, and the Network. Arrows depict how your evaluation of your KT Plan’s goals by default contribute to measurement of your project’s goals and subsequently NeuroDevNet’s goals. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 1.0 2
  • 3. Instructions for HIPs using this Template Use this template in conjunction with the GUIDE which contains additional explanation for each section The KT Core You will be September 2015 where it will be signed by all project team members including partners/collaborators and the KT Core. This document, once completed and signed, will serve as both a ‘contract’ among all project team members, partners/collaborators, and NeuroDevNet’s KT Core as well as a living document which will be revisited/revised annually. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 1.1 Colour Key for Sections of the Hybrid Template 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 3
  • 4. 2.0 RESEARCH PROJECT DETAILS 3 copy/paste from project info you emailed to KT Core when High Impact Project candidates were solicited in March 2015 Program of research: Target Project Completion Date: Version No. Version Date: Project Team Members: Title* Name* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Project Name: Project background3 : “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART A: Your Research Project 2.0 WHAT 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 4 *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. Select a Program from the drop-down menu list, or enter your own description
  • 5. TABLE 2.1 NeuroDevNet’s Network Goals NeuroDevNet’s specific Network Goals (latest draft as of June 19, 2015) NG1 - IMPACTFUL DISCOVERY Use a transdisciplinary approach with multidisciplinary research teams to develop solutions to critical patient and family-identified problems of prevention, early diagnosis, evidence-based interventions and improved support for families. Partnerships are used to help enable results to reach the front-lines. N.Obj 1: Conduct high quality research in high-impact areas as identified by partners, patients, and/or families supported by evidence. N.Obj 2: Maximize the impact potential for programs, projects and cores through KT planning for valorization / commercialization opportunities. N.Obj 3: Drive cross-project collaboration and/or sharing where feasible and valuable. N.Obj 4: Develop and leverage front line partnerships to accelerate the dissemination of NDN informed research results. NG2 - TRAINING Develop a national training program to provide the next generation of researchers with training in developmental neurosciences to improve their competiveness in areas deemed relevant to potential employers. N.Obj 5: Provide trainees with experiences and tools to enter the workforce. N.Obj 6: Fill trainee knowledge gaps in academic programs. N.Obj 7: Expose trainees to different research environments. TABLE 2.1 represents NeuroDevNet’s re-defined Network goals. Please reference these goals when filling out table 2.2 as they correspond to the goals that your research project addresses. NG3 - AWARENESS Raise awareness of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in order to accelerate high impact changes to improve the lives of patients and families and reduce the disease burden upon society. N.Obj 8: Work with partners to elaborate a policy position on high impact topic areas with an associated implementation strategy. N.Obj 9: Raise the profile and visibility of NDN to advance such objectives as fundraising and policy impact. NG4 - PARTNERS Expand the reach of the network by developing and strengthening key national and international partnerships to leverage existing resources ($ and in-kind) and build Canada’s international visibility. N.Obj 10: Develop a charitable foundation to better be able to raise prospective partnership funds. N.Obj 11: Establish at least three major financial partnerships ($1 million +) to provide additional financial support for research and commercialization, including research valorization. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART A: Your Research Project 2.0 WHAT 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 5
  • 6. TABLE 2.2 Type (or copy and paste) your project’s goals from your proposal: Your Research Project’s Goals Goals of your research: Select from the list below, to indicate which NeuroDevNet goal(s) your research goals will address “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART A: Your Research Project 2.0 WHAT 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 6 NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners NG1 Impactful discovery NG2 Training NG3 Awareness NG4 Partners R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 7. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 7 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) A. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 8. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 8 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) B. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 9. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 9 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) C. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 10. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 10 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) D. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 11. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 11 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) E. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 12. TABLE 2.3 Use this table to outline the goals for your KT plan, relating them to the goals of your research project by check box. Your Research Project’s Goals as entered in Table 2.2 Goals of your research: “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – PART B: Your KT Plan 2.1 Your KT Goals 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 12 2.1 YOUR KT GOALS Use Table 2.3 to outline the goals for your KT plan and relate them to the goals for your research project, by selecting appropriate check box(es). Select corresponding Research Goals that relate to your KT Goals Goal of your KT Plan: Your KT Plan’s Goals (this Table allows entry of up to six KT Plan goals, one per page) F. By filling in Tables 2.2 and 2.3, you now have a KT plan that is nested within the overall goals of your research project, and the Network. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
  • 13. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 2.4 Things that are “in scope” and “out of scope” items for your KT plan “IN” Scope Describe specific items that WILL be included as part of the KT work performed as part of this research project “OUT” of Scope Use Table 2.4 to list items that are within and outside of the scope of this project. Things that are in scope are achievable with the time and resources available for this project. Things that are out of scope are things that might be possible with unlimited resources but are not realistically achievable within the resource and time limitations of this project. Describe specific items that WILL NOT be included as part of the KT work performed as part of this research project PART B: Your KT Plan 2.2 Project Scope 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 13
  • 14. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Table 3.1 below should be auto-populated from the information you entered into Table 2.0 such as the project sponsor, project team members including partners/collaborators and other stakeholders. Use Table 3.1 to indicate each individuals’ roles and responsibilities. Certain columns have a multiple selection list where you can select (highlight) your chosen answer(s) as well as an area below the list where you can enter your own description (e.g. in case the answer that is most accurate for your situation is not contained within the multiple selection list). Note the GUIDE contains hypothetical information as an example to show you how to fill out the table. See section 4.3 Reporting for questions that will help you think through responsibilities for reporting and evaluation, then assign these responsibilities to one or more individuals within this table. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 14
  • 15. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 1 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 15 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 2. 1. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 16. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 2 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 16 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 4. 3. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 17. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 3 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 17 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 6. 5. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 18. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 4 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 18 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 8. 7. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 19. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 5 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 19 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 10. 9. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 20. PART B: Your KT Plan 3.0 WHO “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 3.1 All project team members4 , roles and contact information page 6 When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (as used below), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). Title* Role(s) / Responsibilities5 Degree of Partner Engagement Organization & Location KT Expertise on Team 4 Project team: Include: researchers, caregivers and families, children and youth, general public, decision makers, government partners, private sector/industry, research funding body, volunteers, community partners, practitioner/service providers, others. 5 Partners: What do your partners bring to the table? How will your partner(s) assist with planning, doing and evaluating your KT efforts? 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 20 Name* Email Address *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 12. 11. a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify) a) from idea formulation straight through b) after idea formulation & straight through c) at point of dissemination & project end d) beyond the project’s completion other (specify) i) scientist with KT expertise ii) consultant with KT expertise iii) knowledge broker/specialist iv) KT supports within the organization(s) v) KT supports within partner organization(s) vi) KT supports hired for specific task(s) other (specify)
  • 21. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 4.1 starts next page KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) Please fill in Table 4.1 with information about how your KT plan will be delivered in the context of your research project. The column shaded pink is distinguished from all the other columns, because you won’t actually be able to craft your main messages until the research is completed. However, you need to think about your target audience(s)/knowledge users now (at the beginning of the project) so you can inform the rest of your KT Plan with them in mind. In other words, identifying your target audience(s)/ KUs and crafting your intended outcome(s) for each, will help you determine what KT activities you will plan and budget for. 4.1 How are you going to “Do” your KT? PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 21
  • 22. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 1 PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 6 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 22 KT Activity KT Process (choose one for each KT activity)6 Target audience/ Knowledge Users (KUs) Intended Outcome(s) for Each Audience What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 1. iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 2. Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify) Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify)
  • 23. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 2 PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 6 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 23 KT Activity KT Process (choose one for each KT activity)6 Target audience/ Knowledge Users (KUs) Intended Outcome(s) for Each Audience What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 3. iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 4. Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify) Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify)
  • 24. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 3 PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 6 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 24 KT Activity KT Process (choose one for each KT activity)6 Target audience/ Knowledge Users (KUs) Intended Outcome(s) for Each Audience What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 5. iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 6. Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify) Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify)
  • 25. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – TABLE 4.1 KT activities and target audiences toward expected/intended outcome(s) page 4 PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 6 Guide to Knowledge Translation Planning at CIHR : Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches : WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 25 KT Activity KT Process (choose one for each KT activity)6 Target audience/ Knowledge Users (KUs) Intended Outcome(s) for Each Audience What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu (e.g. KUs column), PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 7. iKT/stakeholder engagement activities End-of-grant KT Both 8. Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify) Health practitioners or service providers Public Media Patients/consumers Decision-makers Policymakers Private sector/industry Research funders Venture capitalists Volunteer health sector/NGO Parents/families other (specify) Generate awareness Generate interest Generate practice change Generate behaviour change Generate policy action Impart knowledge Impart tools Inform research Inform product Inform patent other (specify)
  • 26. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Fill in Table 4.2 with information about the budget you have for your KT Activities. How will your KT activities be funded? (you can lift this information from your previously established budget for KT activities, that was contained within your research proposal to NeuroDevNet). Note: the KT Core can provide support and consultation but cannot fund your activities. Please identify any activities including those of your partners, receptors and other stakeholders that will also require external funding, and indicate in the corresponding cells in the table how much funding you require and for which year(s). The KT Core will work with you to identify new sources of funding including cash and in-kind contributions from partners. TABLE 4.2 Research project’s budget for KT activities Budget Category TOTAL $Year 9 (2018 / 2019) Year 8 (2017 / 2018) Year 7 (2016 / 2017) Year 6 (2015 / 2016) TOTALS - Yearly and Overall KT Budget PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 26 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
  • 27. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – It is a reality that sometimes things happen that prevent us from accomplishing what we set out to do. In the above sections you have thought through how you are going to “do” your KT activities for your research project. In order to maximize your chances of being able to accomplish the things you are setting out to do, you need to think through any risks (things that hopefully won’t happen but have the potential to), constraints (e.g. budget, human resources, legal, ethical), assumptions and any outstanding issues. Once you list these, you should have a contingency plan for what you can do in the event one of the things you list as a ‘risk’ happens, so that you can make sure your KT plan has the greatest potential to be operationalized as you planned. Use Table 4.3 to outline any risks, constraints, assumptions or outstanding issues pertaining to your project team’s ability to carry out your KT activities. See the GUIDE for examples. TABLE 4.3 Risks, constraints, assumptions and issues, with associated mitigation and/or contingency plan Risk / constraint / assumption / issues Mitigation and / or contingency plan 4.2 Risks, Constraints and Other Issues PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 27
  • 28. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – In order to make sure the project proceeds as planned, it is necessary to figure out how you are going to communicate within your project team, as well as with NeuroDevNet’s KT Core. • How will you report on the progress of your project, and how often? • Who will be responsible for communicating your progress? • What information do you need to share, and to whom, in order to keep the delivery of the KT activities on-track? • As part of your evaluation plan you should decide who will collect and report on indicator data. What is the source of the data, how often do they report and to who? Refer to section 7.0 about evaluation/measurement including indicators. You should articulate these responsibilities when entering information into Table 3.1. 4.3 Reporting PART B: Your KT Plan 4.0 HOW 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 28
  • 29. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions. TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 1 Why are these messages meaningful? Why should others see or use this product? Why are you doing this? What impact10 are you trying to have with your KT efforts? PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 29 What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify) Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify)
  • 30. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions. TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 2 Why are these messages meaningful? Why should others see or use this product? Why are you doing this? What impact10 are you trying to have with your KT efforts? PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 30 What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify) Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify)
  • 31. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions. TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 3 Why are these messages meaningful? Why should others see or use this product? Why are you doing this? What impact10 are you trying to have with your KT efforts? PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 31 What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify) Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify)
  • 32. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – When selecting or deselecting within a multiple selection menu, PC users should hold CTRL key and left click on the menu item(s), and Mac users should hold CMND key and left click on the menu item(s). When you think about the rationale for your KT Plan, it can help you refine your ideas further. You will not be able to fill out Table 5.1 until your research is complete and you have messages to share based on your findings. Once you are able to complete Tables 5.1 and 5.2 you should refer back to the goals that you set for your KT plan (Table 2.3) and decide within your project team whether you need to go back and revisit your KT activities (Table 4.1) and make revisions. TABLE 5.1 Rationale for your KT plan, based on expected impact page 4 Why are these messages meaningful? Why should others see or use this product? Why are you doing this? What impact10 are you trying to have with your KT efforts? PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 32 What knowledge do you want to mobilize? What are the main messages that you want to share? Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify) Change attitudes Change behaviour or practice Engage stakeholders Fulfill funding requirements Generate interest or awareness Influence policy action Share knowledge/experience/tools Validate/legitimize/defend a position Increase knowledge of practitioners Increase knowledge of policymakers other (specify)
  • 33. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – KT Activity (will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1) TABLE 5.2 Rationale for your chosen KT strategy page 1 Why are you choosing these strategies? Why are they best for you? Consider what resources you have available (refer to table 4.2), how complex the information is that you are trying to mobilize and how connected your target audience is to this information. PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 33 1. 2. 3. 4.
  • 34. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – KT Activity (will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1) TABLE 5.2 Rationale for your chosen KT strategy page 2 Why are you choosing these strategies? Why are they best for you? Consider what resources you have available (refer to table 4.2), how complex the information is that you are trying to mobilize and how connected your target audience is to this information. PART B: Your KT Plan 5.0 WHY 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 34 5. 6. 7. 8.
  • 35. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7 Mobilizers could be your dedicated KT person on your project team, champions/key individuals in the community who have large networks of stakeholders who they have a trusting relationship with. 8 Are there other things going on during the project that will have an impact on your ability to carry out your activities at the times you want to do them? Do you have the time and resources you will need to achieve your intended impact? When do you intend to implement this plan? Ensure that your timelines make sense for both the target audience as well as your project team, including the mobilizers.7, 8 Keep these things in mind as you fill in the chart below. The start and end-dates for the entire research project will be found in your original research proposal but you may not have defined start and end dates for your KT activities. Please use Tables 6.1 and 6.2 to enter these dates. The KT Core will use this information to enter into MS Project in order to create a detailed timeline for your KT plan. KT Activity (will automatically fill from the same column in Table 4.1) TABLE 6.2 When will KT occur? Use the following table to detail the project’s KT deliverables and timeline. Start Date End Date Timeline for your entire research project: TABLE 6.1 What is the start and end date for your entire high impact research project? End DateStart Date PART B: Your KT Plan 6.0 WHEN 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 35 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
  • 36. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.0 Measure Refer back to the goals that you outlined in Table 2.3. How will you know if you have achieved them? Your KT activities, outputs (deliverables) and indicators should all relate to the achievement of your KT goals. You should strive for a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Usually, indicators for research and dissemination are more quantitative (e.g. # of research questions informed by stakeholders, # of publications) while indicators for uptake, implementation and impact are more qualitative in nature. Interviews can inform a narrative ‘success story’ while a quantitative measure of impact can be # of success stories written. 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators NeuroDevNet has adopted Phipps’ Co-Produced Pathway to Impact (CPPI) evaluation framework. Basically, the framework shows stakeholder engagement including interaction between researchers, partners and end-users (which the NCE refers to as ‘receptors’) throughout the research process from the beginning of the research, through dissemination, uptake, implementation and eventual impact (improved lives of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and their families through policy and/or practice change informed by your research findings). Please consider developing indicators for your project as it progresses through each stage of this framework from research to impact. 7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E ACADEMIC RESEARCHERS PARTNERS AND RECEPTORS IMPACT STAKEHOLDERENGAGEMENT RESEARCH DISSEMINATION UPTAKE IMPLEMENTATION IMPROVED SERVICE DELIVERY, CLINICAL PRACTICES AND POLICY ADOPTION & USE OF EVIDENCE AWARENESS & ACCESS TO EVIDENCE EVIDENCE & INPUTS Figure 2. Phipps’ Co-Produced Pathway to Impact evaluation framework for NeuroDevNet NCE 36
  • 37. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E Use the example indicators in Table 7.1a in the Guide to help you think about which indicators would make sense for your project, as well as how they would map onto NeuroDevNet’s evaluation framework (the Co-Produced Pathway to Impact). Please note, these are examples only to stimulate your thinking, please use as-is and/or modify them to suit your project’s context/situation as appropriate. Several of the indicators in Table 7.1a (in the Guide) were included in NeuroDevNet’s renewal application so we have an obligation to collect data on them. To this end, please try to report on as many of these as you are able to. The different sections of the CPPI are represented in the column headings in Table 7.1b. The goals of your KT plan will be auto-populated into the table; please place corresponding indicators into the same row as the goal it is intended to evaluate. 37
  • 38. Goals of your KT Plan (from Table 2.3) Co-production (stakeholder engagement) Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI 7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 38 A. B.
  • 39. Goals of your KT Plan (from Table 2.3) Co-production (stakeholder engagement) Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI 7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 39 C. D.
  • 40. Goals of your KT Plan (from Table 2.3) Co-production (stakeholder engagement) Research Dissemination Uptake Implementation Impact “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued TABLE 7.1b Indicators for measuring the goals of your KT plan throughout the lifespan of the project, for each section of the CPPI 7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 40 E. F.
  • 41. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – 7.1 Evaluation Framework and Indicators continued7.0 MEASURE 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E Remember: you are not alone. The KT Core will work with you to develop your KT plan including indicators. However, since you are the expert on your project and what you wish to achieve in terms of impact on children and families with neurodevelopmental disorders, you are the best person to formulate initial ideas about indicators before meeting with the KT Core. As mentioned in section 3.0 “Who”, you should be sure to indicate where data will be collected from (partners, researchers, etc.) and who will be responsible for collecting it. This responsibility should be outlined in the “roles” column in Table 3.1 when you identify the project team members. It is recommended that (especially for quantitative data) you develop a system (e.g. a database, excel workbook, as well as scheduled data entry time(s) and process(es)) for collecting and analyzing the reporting data at the outset, to make sure the data are collected regularly so that reporting will be easier. 41
  • 42. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 42 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 1.
  • 43. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 43 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 2.
  • 44. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 44 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 3.
  • 45. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 45 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 4.
  • 46. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 46 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 5.
  • 47. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 47 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 6.
  • 48. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 48 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 7.
  • 49. Expected Outcome(s) [short-term, intermediate term, long-term] 13 “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – This chart is a summary table used for mapping your project’s KT activities, linking with stakeholders/target audiences and the “why” (rationale) for the planned activities. Sample data are included in this table9 in the Guide to give you an idea of the information you could put into the table in relation to your specific project’s KT plan. By filling out this table now, it will help you to do your progress reporting which is an annual requirement of the NCE Secretariat. Note: you can copy/paste the information in the blue sections of this table into the table with the same column headings in your progress report to the NCE Secretariat. Refer to Table 4.3 to fill in the “expected challenges” column using previously identified risks, constraints, assumptions, and/or issues. 8.0 PART C 10 Specific Activities are targeted to specific audiences according to the rationale provided. These activities will result in key outcomes which will be evaluated using outcome indicators. Refer to Table 4.1 for your KT Strategy/Activities. 11 Refer to table 2.3 for your KT planning goals 12 Refer to section 5.0 for your rationale for each KT strategy/activity. 13 Refer to definition of outcomes at beginning of document. Short-term outcomes are those that can be accomplished in under 12 months, intermediate-term outcomes can be accomplished in 12 months – 5 years, long-term outcomes are those that take more than 5 years to accomplish 14 Refer to Table 4.3 for risks, constraints, assumptions and/or issues and place them in this table where they correspond with the rest of the information 15 Refer to definition of impact at beginning of document. The ultimate impact of KT strategies is enhanced use of research to inform decisions about health policy and health practices and thus improved health of Canadians and a strengthened health care system; however, these impacts will be realized over the course of years. Refer to Table 5.1 for the impacts you outlined in relation to your KT strategy 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 49 TABLE C.1 Overview of KT Activities, goals, target audiences and rationale for proposed activities with expected outcomes and desired impacts Helps achieve which goal(s)11 Targeted Audience(s) Rationale (Is it relevant / useful / accessible? Broad-reaching?) How will it be used? 12 Outputs (achieved during Year 6 only) Expected Challenge(s) 14 Performance Indicators Desired Impact(s) 15 9 Original table source: Michael Johnny, KMb Unit, York University Potential Impact of the KT Activities & Strategies KT Activity10 8.
  • 50. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional)9.0 PART D 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 50 By the time you reach this section, you will have already created a comprehensive KT plan for your research project. This section is optional because it involves repeating a lot of the information you provided in the sections above, just in a narrative format. This section provides a template that is intended to help you write a narrative KT plan that contains the critical components. Since you will be drawing upon the information you provided in sections A, B and C, this section can only be completed once the above sections have been completed and reviewed by the KT Core. You will find this section useful if you need to include a KT section (narrative) in an application for additional funding or for another purpose such as engaging with a (potential) new partner. See the GUIDE for more information about creating a narrative version of your KT Plan.
  • 51. 3. Activities What KT activities will you carry out? How will these activities roll out? 2. Objectives & Goals Related to the overall projects’ objectives and goals, what are the goals of your KT strategy? How do they relate to NeuroDevNet’s overall Network goals/objectives? How do they relate to the goals of the NCE program? “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional) continued9.0 PART D 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 51 TABLE D.3 Narrative KT Plan for your research project page 1 Critical component for KT Plan What does it mean 1. Engagement Who will be engaged in your research? (e.g. as part of integrated knowledge translation plan, partners/collaborators, other researchers, stakeholders etc.). How will they be engaged? (e.g. stakeholder consultation event, social media, regular teleconferences, etc.)
  • 52. 5. Accountability Who will do the work? Who will manage and report on the budget and project spending? Who will ensure the project timeline and deliverables remain on track? Who is responsible for ensuring the quality/accuracy of the research, the messages communicated as part of the KT plan etc.? “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Template for KT Plan Narrative (Optional) continued9.0 PART D 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 52 TABLE D.3 Narrative KT Plan for your research project page 2 Critical component for KT Plan What does it mean 4. Impact What are the expected impact(s) of your research project and associated KT activities?
  • 53. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Signature Page10.0 PART E 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 53 This document serves as both a KT plan and a project management tool for you to maximize the potential for impact of your research project. Provided below, is an opportunity to formalize this document as an agreement between the project sponsor, partners/funder(s), collaborators and any other members of the project team. By signing this document, it signifies a commitment to the planning that has been detailed, and should ideally inform future decision-making with respect to the project. Since KT plans often evolve over time due to their nature and the nature of discovery and innovation, this document will be revisited and revised annually in order to allow flexibility, facilitate discussion and consensus on any changes to be made, and document those changes. Documenting changes to the KT/Project Management plan is important for your project team as well as the KT Core who will be responsible for tracking progress. By signing this document, members agree to plan, execute, monitor, control and complete the project in accordance with the goals, activities, and constraints outlined in this document. By signing, members also agree that they understand what needs to be done, what resources will be available, and how success of the project will be measured. Sign-off by project partners/collaborators signifies that they have understood their roles and responsibilities as outlined in Table 3.1 and there is joint commitment and agreement to proceed. This document will be signed during the Impact Summit (Fall 2015) in order to publicly signify the commitment of all members to the projects’ successful delivery during Cycle II, on or before the target completion date.
  • 54. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Signature Page continued10.0 PART E 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 54 TABLE E.1 Project Team Member Signatures page 1 Signature DateTitle* Name* Organization & Location continued on next page *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  • 55. “HYBRID” KT & PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE – FOR CYCLE II HIGH IMPACT PROJECTS – Signature Page continued10.0 PART E 2.0 WHAT 3.0 WHO 4.0 HOW 5.0 WHY 6.0 WHEN 7.0 MEASURE 8.0 PART C 9.0 PART D 10.0 PART E 55 TABLE E.1 Project Team Member Signatures page 2 Signature DateTitle* Name* Organization & Location *CAUTION: Titles and Names are all linked between Section 2.1 (Research Project Details), Table 3.1 (WHO) and Table E.1 (Signatures). Any changes to Titles or Names in ANY of those tables will affect the other linked fields. However, the fields to the right on this page are NOT linked to the Name, so use caution whenever adding, deleting, editing or rearranging Titles or Names. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.