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Humans Cause Climate Change Essays
"Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind,
have produced long–since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the
underlying causes of global warming."
–– Al Gore
Many misinformed people believe that extreme climate change is a natural process; something that human activities have nothing to do with. They cite
events such as the Ice Age and believe that these events are part of a natural Earth cycling. Therefore, they happen despite anything that humans do. A
common misunderstanding of the climate system characterizes it like a pendulum. The planet will more content...
Basic scientific concepts show that this view is naive and incorrect. The forces of the Earth do not work so that there are equal balances in the
temperature chances in the world, so that they average out to be a comfortable room temperature. For example, the troposphere (the lowest part of
theatmosphere) is warming, but the levels above, from the stratosphere up, are cooling, as less radiation is escaping out to space. This rules out cycles
related to the Sun, as solar influences would warm the entire atmosphere in a uniform fashion. The only explanation that makes sense is greenhouse
gases (Climatesight 1). Furthermore, it is clear that it is not the whole atmosphere that is heating up, only the troposphere is. The rest of the atmosphere
above that is, in turn, cooling down. Clearly, the climate change is much more complex than this predicted equilibrium.
This perspective accepts that climate change is happening, it agrees with the data explaining that the existing climate patterns are extremely abnormal.
However it denies the fact that humans cause it as seeks other blame for it. This model simply states that climate change is a natural process and
nothing to worry about because of the Ice Age. It rejects any idea that human activities and their carbon footprint could cause these problems. In fact, it
argues that the Earth would be experiencing the same climate changes even if humans did not populate it. However, the scientific data clearly rejects
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Outline Of A Speech On Climate Change Essay
Topic: Climate Change
Specific Purpose: To persuade people to change their views on global warming.
Thesis Statement: Climate change is no joke. If we don 't do something about it now, it will be too late.
I. Introduction
Attention material/Credibility: No we're not hungry, no we're not worried. We're just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for
a second, glimpse into the future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. I don 't want to see my
family starving or without water. If you don 't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that will be
affected by climate change.
Tie to the audience: Your family could be affected by climate change in less then 50 years.
Thesis and Preview: Today I will talk to you about what is causing climate change, the effect it will have on us, and finally, how to prevent it.
[Transition to body]: Let's get straight to it.
II. Body
Why is global warming happening all over the world? 1. We the people are are a problem to global warming. a. We have been influencing climate
change for some time now. Through the industrial revolution, a growth in the size of the population, and our daily activities, are releasing green house
gases. Green house gases affect the earth by, absorbing the reflection of sunlight once it hits the earth. This causes the atmosphere, the oceans, and the
surface of the land to warm up. b. The burning
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The Effects of Global Climate Change Essay
There is damage being done to the environment everywhere right this very moment. What is causing the damage? Global climate change contributes a
great amount of devastation to the world every day. This is important because the change is affecting humans, animals, plants and just about anything
else that is living. As a result of global climate change, regions, ecosystems, and agriculture will be greatly affected. There are many things causing
global climate change such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. One may notice that these are both human–related activities. Humans
contribute to a vast amount of damage through daily activities. Burning fossil fuels means using energy that is made up of decayed animals and plant more content...
Through destroying trees and removing plant life, humans are contributing to global climate change. Primarily, global climate change may flush out
large regions. One thing is that in the future, there may be huge losses of land and food because of the havoc that climate change is causing. "The
potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the
number, duration and intensity of tropical storms" (Earth Science and Communications Lab). There may be massive shifts in life on Earth due to the
change in climate. According to ESCL, changes to North America include decreased snow, increase in yields, and increased heat waves. Yield means
to produce an agricultural product. Without producing yields, humans would have fewer crops. In South America, savannah may replace tropical
forest, species extinction, and extensive changes in water availability (The authorities of Earth Science Communications Lab). It could be dangerous
for many species to go extinct because we could end up with a loss of biodiversity, or range of life in a certain habitat. Earth and Science Lab says
that Africa will experience major water stress, reduction of yields by up to fifty percent, and agricultural production may be compromised. The
compromise of
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Climate Change Impacts and Threats Essay
Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is
simply a rise or fall in Earth's temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans and
how we live day to day. Although many people have heard ofclimate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it. The best
way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our planet. By
researching, one can determine their impact on the climate, as well as how to reduce this effect. To understand how to fix global climate change, we
must more content...
It is also thought to be possible that the movement of continents changed the temperature of the land, the air, and the oceans (encyclopedia of science).
These environmental shifts have definitely played a part in atmospheric changes. More recently, however, humans have had a much greater effect on the
earth. This all began in the late 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in bloom and there was more need for factories and equipment. The
smog and pollution coming from these buildings was visible to all, and the damages were huge. This altered the composition of the earth's atmosphere
by creating much more carbon dioxide, and quickly had an effect on the global climate ( Even though each individual created very little
carbon dioxide, when put together, the United States created a lot. This is put best by Malcolm Gladwell, when he explains "we need to prepare
ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly" (11). To
understand how much of an effect humans have had, one must rely on the numbers and the experts. The industrial activities that our modern
civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The
[Intergovernmental] panel [on Climate Change] also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that
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Global Change Essay
Global Change
Global Change is a new mutli–disciplinary science which seeks to understand the various ways the environment is being altered by man's activities.
The mechanisms of change are referred to as anthropogenic forcings and are usually involved with atmospheric alteration or land–use changes. The
atmosphere is being altered by the addition of many chemicals including carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur compounds, halogen compounds and
various aerosols. Land–use changes include habitat fragmentation, conversion to agricultural uses and biome conversion from introduced exotic
species. As the human population continues to expand it puts increasing pressure on ecosystem services (Cairns, 1996). more
The atmosphere is heated by sunlight. That heat is captured by individual gas molecules. Increasing the number of molecules able to store heat is
believed to increase the total amount of heat stored. Different molecules have different heat storage capacities. Curiously the most important gas for
heat retention in the atmosphere is water vapor. Water vapor is however not a direct concern forglobal warming researchers as man does not directly
influence the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere and water vapor returns to the Earth very quickly after evaporation. The gases of concern
are anthropogenically introduced and remain in the atmosphere for long periods of time allowing their concentrations to build up. The most important
of these are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide which can remain in the atmosphere for 50–200, 10 and 150 years respectively (Berner, 1994).
Current information is maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy at the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, where David Keeling's
original data can be viewed.
Ozone Depletion
In 1986, three british scientists published a landmark article in the journal Nature showing wide yearly fluctuations in stratospheric ozone over the
Antarctic. Statospheric ozone is responsible for most of the atmosphere's absorption of UV–B radiation. UV–B radiation degrades DNA which can
induce many forms of cancer. The ozone hole over the Antarctic is derived from a complex mixture of
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Climate Change : A Global Issue
CBA Climate Change
Cody McLain
While debate rages on regarding responsibility for past greenhouse gas emissions and how to reduce the man–made sources of those gases, the world is
actually already committed to adapting to the climate changes that will continue to develop as a result of past emissions. The need to adapt is urgent.
Although climate change is a global issue, it shows itself differently at the regional and local levels. Climate chage is already having concerning, and
indeed worsening, effects on communities. This developing world will bear the heaviest burden of climate change, despite having contributed least to
the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change, and women are particularly more content...
Heat takes a lot more energy to reduce the temperature while the cold is easier to adjust to. Another collateral affect the climate change would have is
poor air quality. With pollution from power and emissions from cars and power plants causes things like smog and bad air for us to breath in our
atmosphere. Warmer temperatures and higher concentrations ofcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere stimulate some plants
to grow faster, mature earlier, or produce more potent allergens. Allergy–related diseases are among the most common and chronic illnesses that can
lead to lower productivity. Young children, the elderly, and those who are already ill are less able to withstand high temperatures and poor air quality.
Temperature extremes and smog hit people with heart and respiratory diseases, including asthma, particularly hard.
"Climate change has a variety of reasons why the earth is absorbing so much heat one of those reasons are from when sunlight reaches Earth's
surface, it can either be reflected back into space or absorbed by Earth. "Once absorbed, the planet releases some of the energy back into the
atmosphere as heat (also called infrared radiation). Greenhouse gases like water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) absorb
energy, slowing or preventing the loss of heat to space. In this way, GHGs act like a blanket, making
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Climate Change : A Global Phenomenon Essay
A spatial pattern we are able to see is that Climate change maybe a global occurrence but it looks different throughout the world. The increase in
temperature which comes from global warming will cause many things to change and happen. Such as the temperature has been the going the up
globally the mercury is already up more than 0.8 degrees Celsius, and that rise in temperate has gone up even further in the polar regions. From the
rise in temperature it's not only affecting the melting of glaciers and sea ice and the rise in sea level in a result of all that, it is also changing the
precipitation patterns and setting animas on the move to change from their normal habitats to a place where can go and live and not go extinct. From
resources 1 I can see that the increase in temperature is having a big impact on ice melting worldwide especially at eh earth's poles. Which includes all
of the mountain glaciers, ices sheets covering west Antarctica and Greenland and artic sea ice. All of that means that there will be less fresh water
in the world, for example if we see in Peru the Quelccaya ice cap is melting and at its current rate scientists have said it will be gone by 2100. From the
rise in temperature we can see precipitation which is generally rainfall all and snow fall has increased all of the world. In some places we can see
floods and droughts have become more of a common sight to see, e.g. rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10%
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Global Warming and Climate Change Essay
Global warming and climate change threaten the very existence of mankind; understanding the affects of each and implementing measures to save this
planet are of dire urgency. Global warming has become a threat to everything and everyone on Earth. Global warming is caused by many natural and
manmade processes that continue to affect our environment. The release of carbon dioxide and methane gases are the two main contributors to climate
change. With the warming of the environment almost inevitable now, methane gases are sure to become an even bigger contributor as the planet
warms and the ice melts at the poles. It is going to take a global effort, like none ever seen before, to slow down and bring global warming to a much more content...
With global warming and the burning of fossil fuels this is putting more carbon dioxide and methane gases into the atmosphere and is preventing
the normal reflection of the sun's rays from being reflected back into space because these gases trap the suns heat within. This trapping, coupled
with global temperature rise are causing the extreme climate changes that are remapping our planet. Climate change can be defined as significant
change in the global climates over relatively short periods of time. Other than the natural release of carbon dioxide, there is a significant increase
in carbon dioxide and methane being released caused by the actions of man. (EcoBridge, n.d.). There are many causes as to why man has
accelerated the natural carbon dioxide process and one that cannot be easily reversed without extreme measures being implemented with our current
way of life. Carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for electricity. Also, Carbon dioxide emissions produced by the use of
cars and trucks account for about approximately one third of carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. alone. (EcoBridge, n.d.). The burning of fossil
fuels such as coal are the greatest contributors of carbon dioxide emissions among energy producing processes. Coal facilities release tons of carbon
into the atmosphere every day. Cars/trucks vary in the amount of carbon dioxide they release from one car to the next.
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Global Warming, much of what does or does not happen forty years from now rests on our actions or inactions taken between now and then. The
crucial question is whether we should pour all our resources into mitigation – reducing our carbon emissions. According to scientists who study the
climate there are other environmental problems; "we now face a global crises in land use and agriculture that could undermine the health, security, and
sustainability of our civilization".
Rather than worry too much about emissions, we should accept the world is going to get warmer anyway and adapt to global warming by building better
flood defenses and developing drought resistant crops.
We cannot dispute that automobiles, factories, and power plants, displace an unprecedented twenty tons of carbon monoxide– per person – per year.
There needs to be a reduction in emissions, yet we cannot focus on this aspect of global warming alone. There are many indicators that climatic change
is influencing the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes. If scientific global climate models are accurate, the present problems will be
magnified in the near future.
Already scientists have observed that more than 75% of the recent economic losses are caused by natural hazards which can be attributed to wind
storms, floods, droughts and other climate related hazards. In the year 2008, the U.S. state of Iowa was on the front pages of newspapers all around
the world.
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Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in people's life. Climate is defined as the average
weather, which means variety of weather conditions as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any
particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede) Climate change is a variation of average weather. There
are 2 causes of climate change. The first is human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and
infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar outputs. These causes have negative effect on the more content...
By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the Earth's climate. They are: human activity which
includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and
variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006).
Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things. Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases
increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al. 2010, 217).
Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous
oxide concentration. Agriculture, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide. Coal burning,
power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the
industrial revolution which took the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34).
Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny. 2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such
processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil, gas, and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane.
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of
human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and
change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region
because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but
evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.
"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate
change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to
the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this
change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have
confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim
Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by
humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have
reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by
military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice
since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War,
according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S.
2011). Luckily, sea ice has not
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Essay on The Effects of Global Climate Change
Every human activity is having a particular effect on our climate. This was noted by the world in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro when it was open for signature
by the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. In the Climate Change Convention, the international community agreed to prevent and combat
the effects of climate change such as those in agricultural areas, melting icecaps and the increase in sea level. In 1997, governments took the next step
and agreed to the Kyoto Protocol which set as its goal the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted by industrialized countries.
Global Climate Change is a fact, although there are always skeptics, do not represent in any way a majority group. That is why governments around the
world have reacted more content...
The accumulation of these gases in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. "If nothing is done, by 2100 temperatures could rise between 1.3 and
5 degrees, according to new scientific calculations."
Desagraciadamente, conferences of this type, which seeks to achieve a common goal beneficial to humanity as the emission reduction is not completed
successfully. It is known that there are many interests at stake that impede their realization.
The atmosphere and the processes that maintain their characteristics are not very fast reaction time periods compared to humans. Solutions to the
problems of the thinning of the Ozone Layer, Global Warming, a devastating climate changes, it is a matter of years, even decades. It is therefore a
concern that must be immediate, you can not expect that the effects become too clear, as you probably already at that time is too late to act to find
climate change scenarios for Mexico is very serious, due to the very impact of climatic changes but also highly vulnerable to social, economic and
political life. In countries like Mexico, which lack the resources to address and mitigate, where possible, the impacts of climate change, this
phenomenon will have major consequences.
People living in vulnerable areas, in substandard housing, in areas with water shortages, with serious pollution problems, or rain–fed farming, has no
insurance, no food,
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Solutions to the Global Climate Change Essay
Global warming has become a world wide issue and an issue that is causing great controversy. It is an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic
temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Dictionary). Global warming is
a natural process, but because of increase in certain activities this process is taking a faster and more dangerous route creating global problems. Global
warming was first theorized in 1894 by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier a French mathematician, who noticed the earth was gradually increasing in
temperature. He came to the conclusion that the earth's atmosphere was trapping solar radiation caused by the sun and reflecting this radiation back to more content...
The increase in CO2 emission is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon–based fuels from fossil carbon deposits,
including coal, oil, and natural gas. The burning of fossil fuels is a big part of life because it powers automobiles, heats and cools homes, and
generates electricity. This combustion of fossil fuels is about 90% of the total emission in the world (Greenhouse gases, Climate change, and energy).
When this fuel is burned, it pollutes the atmosphere and increases the global warming process. What makes CO2 dangerous is the fact that it is
nonrenewable and it warms the earth faster. CO2 emissions should be lowered because when the earth is warmed up this and other greenhouse gases
increase the rate at which the polar ice caps melt, resulting in increasing sea levels and flooding. To help reduce these CO2 emissions replacing a
regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb can save 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at
home, 1), moving a thermostat down 2В° in winter and up 2В° in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce
your impact at home, 3). Another great way to reduce CO2 emission is by switching to energy efficient appliances which can save 175 million pounds
of carbon dioxide. These are one of many fantastic ways to help save the environment and drastically reduce the amount of CO2 being put into the
atmosphere(Al Gore, reduce your
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The Global Climate Change Debate Essay
The Global Climate Change Debate – How do I know what to believe?
Climate change has been a topic of debate for decades. Scientists support climate change is happening with hard scientific evidence whereas the people
who oppose climate change have evidence which is mainly opinion–based. This report will cover what climate change is, why climate change is
happening, the science that supports climate change, the different views and opinions on climate change, the effects of climate change around the
world and particularly the effects in New Zealand, my opinion on climate change and my conclusion on the issue.
The science of Climate Change:
(1)The process of climate change
The most basic definition for climate change is a change in the average weather conditions and this has always been a part of the Earth's natural
process however recently climate change has been used to refer to the change caused by human activities, this is known as Human–Induced Climate
Change. Human–Induced Climate Change began after the Industrial Revolution but it didn't have a large effect until after the 1950s in which human
activities greatly accelerated. Will Steffen in an interview referred to this as "The Great Acceleration" (2)
(2)The Great Acceleration shows how human activities and environmental trends have increased of the past 60 years.
Will Steffen late said in the interview, in reference to the graph, "This to me is the most convincing evidence that we have
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Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for more economically developed nations to take the lead.
Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a
need for more economically developed nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the more
economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not contribute as much as the More economically developed
nations, they are the ones that are affected the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough
resources more content...
This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and should have more responsibility; it is also about the
future of these developed nations. Even if the more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the effects of
climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from
climate change will have some amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the less economically
developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed nations can economically benefits
Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed
nations contributes more to climate change than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed nations are
facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed nations should take more responsibility so that the less
economically developed nations will not suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in climate
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Climate Change and Its Impacts Essay
Our world is always changing, so is our climate. Some changes are apparent, others not so much. Climate change is an important issue of concern in
the twenty first century. Climate, if it changes at all, evolves so slowly that the difference cannot be seen in a human lifetime (Wearth, 2014). Mostly
all scientists predicted that it would take thousands of years for the planet to warm up due to emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels called
greenhouse gases. But in the past 200 years, things began to change. The rate and the amount of warming that is happening on this planet is
unprecedented. Wearth says, "People did not grasp the prodigious fact that both population and industrialization were exploding in a pattern of more content...
Global warming is a measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperatures." Climate change is caused by natural factors such
as solar variability and human factors such as greenhouse gases and ozone depletion. Evidence of climate change is growing but we are so
dependent on the use of fossil fuels in our everyday life such that it is only making the issue worse. The heavy dependence of fossil fuels will
continue to increase the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in a few decades. As the planet warms, there will be consequences. This research paper
will address the issue that climate change is occurring and its impact on temperature, oceans, ecosystems, fresh water and the human population. As a
human being on this planet the issue of climate change bothers me because the rapid warming in the last few years is mostly due to human–induced
activities and we continue to warm the planet at this instant in time. The planet has warmed in the last hundred years and it is also predicted that it will
warm further in the next hundred years. Although the increase in temperature may be small but they can lead to large and potentially dangerous shifts
in climate. Everyone's life is connected to climate change. If the climate changes, the human society has to adapt to it by changing its designs, rules and
infrastructure. Many places have experienced climate change as the
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Global Warming and Climate Change Essay
Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural process that keeps earths temperature at a livable
rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The
gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses.
Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren't any
greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the earth. Global warming can more content...
Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control.
Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include
wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled
since the Industrial Revolution and has "contributed 20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide".
(Methane) A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the water cycle works. Places on the earth
will receive more rain than others. There will be a great amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the
temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other people who get to much rain. While the temperature
is on the rise there will be greater amount of rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing season
for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could
also hurt the farmers. There are some crops that out there that will die with to much rain. There
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Essay on Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made?
Is Climate Change Natural or Man–made? Introduction
The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes
of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet
is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes
of global climate change. While the supporters of the man–made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global
warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural more content...
In addition, human activities like deforestation may increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is because forests help in carbon
sequestration, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. It follows then that clearing such tress will increase the amount of carbon dioxide
since carbon sequestration will not occur (3). The man–made theory of climate change also explains that when these harmful gasses reach the
atmosphere, they form a blanket, which traps heat in the atmosphere. This trapping of in the atmosphere is the phenomenon that causes the planet to
get warmer, hence the term global warming (Sharma, 4).
Current data reveals that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is approximately 387 parts per million, which is roughly a
31% increase in the period 1750 to 2009. Consequently, it is evident that such increases in temperatures have caused a warmer planet (7). It is also
evident that it is impossible to reverse the developments of industrial revolution. This means that as the advancements of industrial revolution continue
and as energy demands increases, it is possible that this trend of climate change will continue for decades to come (McAloon, 8). The consent of the
climate research community is that it most likely already affects climate noticeably and will compel significant
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Climate Change And Global Warming Essay
Though gasoline cars make lives of humans easier to travel, it threatens the environment. Climate is defined as weather conditions existing in a
particular area over a period of time. When changes in weather patterns start to occur, this is called climate change. Peter Singer describes carbon
emissions would extinguish human life. Climate change is a disastrous event because there is a wide range of environmental impacts affecting life
expectancy. In different geographical areas, climates will change if temperatures influence them to fluctuate. The major cause of climate change is
human expansion of the greenhouse effect. Kolbert presents scientific research about climate change and global warming leading to a global
catastrophe. Any process that causes the Earth's temperature to become imbalanced affects the climate. While climate change is a natural process,
purchasing a SUV and doing human activities of all kinds has impacted on the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels for energy.
Climate change is a global issue that has and will affect the world. Peter Singer believes greenhouse gas emissions ultimately lead to global warming
that will kill a lot of people. The effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increasing each year is devastating news to humans and animals because it
affects future generations. Studies show climate change is already affecting everyone worldwide and continues to do so. According to the World
Meteorological Organization (1950), the "temperatures
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  • 1. Humans Cause Climate Change Essays "Two thousand scientists, in a hundred countries, engaged in the most elaborate, well organized scientific collaboration in the history of humankind, have produced long–since a consensus that we will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming." –– Al Gore Many misinformed people believe that extreme climate change is a natural process; something that human activities have nothing to do with. They cite events such as the Ice Age and believe that these events are part of a natural Earth cycling. Therefore, they happen despite anything that humans do. A common misunderstanding of the climate system characterizes it like a pendulum. The planet will more content... Basic scientific concepts show that this view is naive and incorrect. The forces of the Earth do not work so that there are equal balances in the temperature chances in the world, so that they average out to be a comfortable room temperature. For example, the troposphere (the lowest part of theatmosphere) is warming, but the levels above, from the stratosphere up, are cooling, as less radiation is escaping out to space. This rules out cycles related to the Sun, as solar influences would warm the entire atmosphere in a uniform fashion. The only explanation that makes sense is greenhouse gases (Climatesight 1). Furthermore, it is clear that it is not the whole atmosphere that is heating up, only the troposphere is. The rest of the atmosphere above that is, in turn, cooling down. Clearly, the climate change is much more complex than this predicted equilibrium. This perspective accepts that climate change is happening, it agrees with the data explaining that the existing climate patterns are extremely abnormal. However it denies the fact that humans cause it as seeks other blame for it. This model simply states that climate change is a natural process and nothing to worry about because of the Ice Age. It rejects any idea that human activities and their carbon footprint could cause these problems. In fact, it argues that the Earth would be experiencing the same climate changes even if humans did not populate it. However, the scientific data clearly rejects these Get more content on
  • 2. Outline Of A Speech On Climate Change Essay Topic: Climate Change Specific Purpose: To persuade people to change their views on global warming. Thesis Statement: Climate change is no joke. If we don 't do something about it now, it will be too late. I. Introduction Attention material/Credibility: No we're not hungry, no we're not worried. We're just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for a second, glimpse into the future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. I don 't want to see my family starving or without water. If you don 't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that will be affected by climate change. Tie to the audience: Your family could be affected by climate change in less then 50 years. Thesis and Preview: Today I will talk to you about what is causing climate change, the effect it will have on us, and finally, how to prevent it. [Transition to body]: Let's get straight to it. II. Body Why is global warming happening all over the world? 1. We the people are are a problem to global warming. a. We have been influencing climate change for some time now. Through the industrial revolution, a growth in the size of the population, and our daily activities, are releasing green house gases. Green house gases affect the earth by, absorbing the reflection of sunlight once it hits the earth. This causes the atmosphere, the oceans, and the surface of the land to warm up. b. The burning Get more content on
  • 3. The Effects of Global Climate Change Essay There is damage being done to the environment everywhere right this very moment. What is causing the damage? Global climate change contributes a great amount of devastation to the world every day. This is important because the change is affecting humans, animals, plants and just about anything else that is living. As a result of global climate change, regions, ecosystems, and agriculture will be greatly affected. There are many things causing global climate change such as the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. One may notice that these are both human–related activities. Humans contribute to a vast amount of damage through daily activities. Burning fossil fuels means using energy that is made up of decayed animals and plant more content... Through destroying trees and removing plant life, humans are contributing to global climate change. Primarily, global climate change may flush out large regions. One thing is that in the future, there may be huge losses of land and food because of the havoc that climate change is causing. "The potential future effects of global climate change include more frequent wildfires, longer periods of drought in some regions and an increase in the number, duration and intensity of tropical storms" (Earth Science and Communications Lab). There may be massive shifts in life on Earth due to the change in climate. According to ESCL, changes to North America include decreased snow, increase in yields, and increased heat waves. Yield means to produce an agricultural product. Without producing yields, humans would have fewer crops. In South America, savannah may replace tropical forest, species extinction, and extensive changes in water availability (The authorities of Earth Science Communications Lab). It could be dangerous for many species to go extinct because we could end up with a loss of biodiversity, or range of life in a certain habitat. Earth and Science Lab says that Africa will experience major water stress, reduction of yields by up to fifty percent, and agricultural production may be compromised. The compromise of Get more content on
  • 4. Climate Change Impacts and Threats Essay Global climate change, most commonly referred to as global warming, is a worldwide problem facing our environment. Global climate change is simply a rise or fall in Earth's temperature over a period of time. Although this problem has natural causes, the true detriments come from humans and how we live day to day. Although many people have heard ofclimate change, there is not a big effort to fix this problem or to understand it. The best way to rectify this change to the environment is to help others recognize the causes of this problem and the effects they have on our planet. By researching, one can determine their impact on the climate, as well as how to reduce this effect. To understand how to fix global climate change, we must more content... It is also thought to be possible that the movement of continents changed the temperature of the land, the air, and the oceans (encyclopedia of science). These environmental shifts have definitely played a part in atmospheric changes. More recently, however, humans have had a much greater effect on the earth. This all began in the late 18th century, when the Industrial Revolution was in bloom and there was more need for factories and equipment. The smog and pollution coming from these buildings was visible to all, and the damages were huge. This altered the composition of the earth's atmosphere by creating much more carbon dioxide, and quickly had an effect on the global climate ( Even though each individual created very little carbon dioxide, when put together, the United States created a lot. This is put best by Malcolm Gladwell, when he explains "we need to prepare ourselves for the possibility that sometimes big changes follow from small events and that sometimes these changes can happen very quickly" (11). To understand how much of an effect humans have had, one must rely on the numbers and the experts. The industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years. The [Intergovernmental] panel [on Climate Change] also concluded there's a better than 90 percent probability that Get more content on
  • 5. Global Change Essay Global Change Introduction: Global Change is a new mutli–disciplinary science which seeks to understand the various ways the environment is being altered by man's activities. The mechanisms of change are referred to as anthropogenic forcings and are usually involved with atmospheric alteration or land–use changes. The atmosphere is being altered by the addition of many chemicals including carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, sulfur compounds, halogen compounds and various aerosols. Land–use changes include habitat fragmentation, conversion to agricultural uses and biome conversion from introduced exotic species. As the human population continues to expand it puts increasing pressure on ecosystem services (Cairns, 1996). more content... The atmosphere is heated by sunlight. That heat is captured by individual gas molecules. Increasing the number of molecules able to store heat is believed to increase the total amount of heat stored. Different molecules have different heat storage capacities. Curiously the most important gas for heat retention in the atmosphere is water vapor. Water vapor is however not a direct concern forglobal warming researchers as man does not directly influence the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere and water vapor returns to the Earth very quickly after evaporation. The gases of concern are anthropogenically introduced and remain in the atmosphere for long periods of time allowing their concentrations to build up. The most important of these are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide which can remain in the atmosphere for 50–200, 10 and 150 years respectively (Berner, 1994). Current information is maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy at the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, where David Keeling's original data can be viewed. Ozone Depletion In 1986, three british scientists published a landmark article in the journal Nature showing wide yearly fluctuations in stratospheric ozone over the Antarctic. Statospheric ozone is responsible for most of the atmosphere's absorption of UV–B radiation. UV–B radiation degrades DNA which can induce many forms of cancer. The ozone hole over the Antarctic is derived from a complex mixture of
  • 6. Get more content on
  • 7. Climate Change : A Global Issue CBA Climate Change Cody McLain 1/31/17 While debate rages on regarding responsibility for past greenhouse gas emissions and how to reduce the man–made sources of those gases, the world is actually already committed to adapting to the climate changes that will continue to develop as a result of past emissions. The need to adapt is urgent. Although climate change is a global issue, it shows itself differently at the regional and local levels. Climate chage is already having concerning, and indeed worsening, effects on communities. This developing world will bear the heaviest burden of climate change, despite having contributed least to the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change, and women are particularly more content... Heat takes a lot more energy to reduce the temperature while the cold is easier to adjust to. Another collateral affect the climate change would have is poor air quality. With pollution from power and emissions from cars and power plants causes things like smog and bad air for us to breath in our atmosphere. Warmer temperatures and higher concentrations ofcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere stimulate some plants to grow faster, mature earlier, or produce more potent allergens. Allergy–related diseases are among the most common and chronic illnesses that can lead to lower productivity. Young children, the elderly, and those who are already ill are less able to withstand high temperatures and poor air quality. Temperature extremes and smog hit people with heart and respiratory diseases, including asthma, particularly hard. "Climate change has a variety of reasons why the earth is absorbing so much heat one of those reasons are from when sunlight reaches Earth's surface, it can either be reflected back into space or absorbed by Earth. "Once absorbed, the planet releases some of the energy back into the atmosphere as heat (also called infrared radiation). Greenhouse gases like water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) absorb energy, slowing or preventing the loss of heat to space. In this way, GHGs act like a blanket, making Get more content on
  • 8. Climate Change : A Global Phenomenon Essay A spatial pattern we are able to see is that Climate change maybe a global occurrence but it looks different throughout the world. The increase in temperature which comes from global warming will cause many things to change and happen. Such as the temperature has been the going the up globally the mercury is already up more than 0.8 degrees Celsius, and that rise in temperate has gone up even further in the polar regions. From the rise in temperature it's not only affecting the melting of glaciers and sea ice and the rise in sea level in a result of all that, it is also changing the precipitation patterns and setting animas on the move to change from their normal habitats to a place where can go and live and not go extinct. From resources 1 I can see that the increase in temperature is having a big impact on ice melting worldwide especially at eh earth's poles. Which includes all of the mountain glaciers, ices sheets covering west Antarctica and Greenland and artic sea ice. All of that means that there will be less fresh water in the world, for example if we see in Peru the Quelccaya ice cap is melting and at its current rate scientists have said it will be gone by 2100. From the rise in temperature we can see precipitation which is generally rainfall all and snow fall has increased all of the world. In some places we can see floods and droughts have become more of a common sight to see, e.g. rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10% over Get more content on
  • 9. Global Warming and Climate Change Essay Global warming and climate change threaten the very existence of mankind; understanding the affects of each and implementing measures to save this planet are of dire urgency. Global warming has become a threat to everything and everyone on Earth. Global warming is caused by many natural and manmade processes that continue to affect our environment. The release of carbon dioxide and methane gases are the two main contributors to climate change. With the warming of the environment almost inevitable now, methane gases are sure to become an even bigger contributor as the planet warms and the ice melts at the poles. It is going to take a global effort, like none ever seen before, to slow down and bring global warming to a much more content... With global warming and the burning of fossil fuels this is putting more carbon dioxide and methane gases into the atmosphere and is preventing the normal reflection of the sun's rays from being reflected back into space because these gases trap the suns heat within. This trapping, coupled with global temperature rise are causing the extreme climate changes that are remapping our planet. Climate change can be defined as significant change in the global climates over relatively short periods of time. Other than the natural release of carbon dioxide, there is a significant increase in carbon dioxide and methane being released caused by the actions of man. (EcoBridge, n.d.). There are many causes as to why man has accelerated the natural carbon dioxide process and one that cannot be easily reversed without extreme measures being implemented with our current way of life. Carbon dioxide emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for electricity. Also, Carbon dioxide emissions produced by the use of cars and trucks account for about approximately one third of carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S. alone. (EcoBridge, n.d.). The burning of fossil fuels such as coal are the greatest contributors of carbon dioxide emissions among energy producing processes. Coal facilities release tons of carbon into the atmosphere every day. Cars/trucks vary in the amount of carbon dioxide they release from one car to the next. Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change CLIMATE CHANGE Global Warming, much of what does or does not happen forty years from now rests on our actions or inactions taken between now and then. The crucial question is whether we should pour all our resources into mitigation – reducing our carbon emissions. According to scientists who study the climate there are other environmental problems; "we now face a global crises in land use and agriculture that could undermine the health, security, and sustainability of our civilization". Rather than worry too much about emissions, we should accept the world is going to get warmer anyway and adapt to global warming by building better flood defenses and developing drought resistant crops. We cannot dispute that automobiles, factories, and power plants, displace an unprecedented twenty tons of carbon monoxide– per person – per year. There needs to be a reduction in emissions, yet we cannot focus on this aspect of global warming alone. There are many indicators that climatic change is influencing the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes. If scientific global climate models are accurate, the present problems will be magnified in the near future. Already scientists have observed that more than 75% of the recent economic losses are caused by natural hazards which can be attributed to wind storms, floods, droughts and other climate related hazards. In the year 2008, the U.S. state of Iowa was on the front pages of newspapers all around the world. Get more content on
  • 11. Every place, country, city, region has its own climate. Climate plays one of the important roles in people's life. Climate is defined as the average weather, which means variety of weather conditions as rain, snow, hail, sun, and wind over period of time about 30 years that can be measured in any particular place.( IPCC Third Assessment Report – Climate Change 2001; editor:A.P.Baede) Climate change is a variation of average weather. There are 2 causes of climate change. The first is human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure. The second is natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar outputs. These causes have negative effect on the more content... By climatologists' evidence there are two causes with several factors that have a response for the Earth's climate. They are: human activity which includes deforestation, burning fossil fuels, agriculture, transportation and infrastructure, and natural causes which include volcanic eruptions and variations in solar output. (Pidwirny. 2006). Human activity affects on greenhouse gases, which has negative consequences on many things. Currently the concentration of greenhouse gases increases. Carbon dioxide(CO2 ), nitrous oxide(N2O), sulfur dioxide(SO2) and methane(CH4) are the main greenhouse gases (Berrou et al. 2010, 217). Agriculture and energy activities make the concentration of methane to rise. Land use changes, agriculture and industrial process influence on nitrous oxide concentration. Agriculture, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels for energy affect on the concentration of carbon dioxide. Coal burning, power stations and burning of biomass emit sulfur dioxide (Carter 2000, 34). All of these greenhouse gases have dramatically increased because of the industrial revolution which took the last 200 years (Carter 2000, 34). Comparing with other gases carbon dioxide is more responsible for the greenhouse effect (Pidwirny. 2006). Carbon dioxide is emitted from such processes like deforestation, the burning of coal, oil, gas, and through the carbon cycle. One more important greenhouse gas is methane. Get more content on
  • 12. Argumentative Essay On Climate Change Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions. "...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on The Effects of Global Climate Change Every human activity is having a particular effect on our climate. This was noted by the world in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro when it was open for signature by the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. In the Climate Change Convention, the international community agreed to prevent and combat the effects of climate change such as those in agricultural areas, melting icecaps and the increase in sea level. In 1997, governments took the next step and agreed to the Kyoto Protocol which set as its goal the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted by industrialized countries. Global Climate Change is a fact, although there are always skeptics, do not represent in any way a majority group. That is why governments around the world have reacted more content... The accumulation of these gases in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. "If nothing is done, by 2100 temperatures could rise between 1.3 and 5 degrees, according to new scientific calculations." Desagraciadamente, conferences of this type, which seeks to achieve a common goal beneficial to humanity as the emission reduction is not completed successfully. It is known that there are many interests at stake that impede their realization. The atmosphere and the processes that maintain their characteristics are not very fast reaction time periods compared to humans. Solutions to the problems of the thinning of the Ozone Layer, Global Warming, a devastating climate changes, it is a matter of years, even decades. It is therefore a concern that must be immediate, you can not expect that the effects become too clear, as you probably already at that time is too late to act to find solutions climate change scenarios for Mexico is very serious, due to the very impact of climatic changes but also highly vulnerable to social, economic and political life. In countries like Mexico, which lack the resources to address and mitigate, where possible, the impacts of climate change, this phenomenon will have major consequences. People living in vulnerable areas, in substandard housing, in areas with water shortages, with serious pollution problems, or rain–fed farming, has no insurance, no food,
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  • 15. Solutions to the Global Climate Change Essay Global warming has become a world wide issue and an issue that is causing great controversy. It is an increase in the earth's atmospheric and oceanic temperatures widely predicted to occur due to an increase in the greenhouse effect resulting especially from pollution (Dictionary). Global warming is a natural process, but because of increase in certain activities this process is taking a faster and more dangerous route creating global problems. Global warming was first theorized in 1894 by Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier a French mathematician, who noticed the earth was gradually increasing in temperature. He came to the conclusion that the earth's atmosphere was trapping solar radiation caused by the sun and reflecting this radiation back to more content... The increase in CO2 emission is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon–based fuels from fossil carbon deposits, including coal, oil, and natural gas. The burning of fossil fuels is a big part of life because it powers automobiles, heats and cools homes, and generates electricity. This combustion of fossil fuels is about 90% of the total emission in the world (Greenhouse gases, Climate change, and energy). When this fuel is burned, it pollutes the atmosphere and increases the global warming process. What makes CO2 dangerous is the fact that it is nonrenewable and it warms the earth faster. CO2 emissions should be lowered because when the earth is warmed up this and other greenhouse gases increase the rate at which the polar ice caps melt, resulting in increasing sea levels and flooding. To help reduce these CO2 emissions replacing a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb can save 300 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 1), moving a thermostat down 2В° in winter and up 2В° in summer could save about 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide a year (Al Gore, reduce your impact at home, 3). Another great way to reduce CO2 emission is by switching to energy efficient appliances which can save 175 million pounds of carbon dioxide. These are one of many fantastic ways to help save the environment and drastically reduce the amount of CO2 being put into the atmosphere(Al Gore, reduce your Get more content on
  • 16. The Global Climate Change Debate Essay The Global Climate Change Debate – How do I know what to believe? Introduction: Climate change has been a topic of debate for decades. Scientists support climate change is happening with hard scientific evidence whereas the people who oppose climate change have evidence which is mainly opinion–based. This report will cover what climate change is, why climate change is happening, the science that supports climate change, the different views and opinions on climate change, the effects of climate change around the world and particularly the effects in New Zealand, my opinion on climate change and my conclusion on the issue. The science of Climate Change: (1)The process of climate change The most basic definition for climate change is a change in the average weather conditions and this has always been a part of the Earth's natural process however recently climate change has been used to refer to the change caused by human activities, this is known as Human–Induced Climate Change. Human–Induced Climate Change began after the Industrial Revolution but it didn't have a large effect until after the 1950s in which human activities greatly accelerated. Will Steffen in an interview referred to this as "The Great Acceleration" (2) (2)The Great Acceleration shows how human activities and environmental trends have increased of the past 60 years. Will Steffen late said in the interview, in reference to the graph, "This to me is the most convincing evidence that we have Get more content on
  • 17. Geography Title: Compare and contrast the contributing factors of climate change and argue that there is a need for more economically developed nations to take the lead. Nations around the world have been contributing to climate change by damaging natural environments and releasing greenhouse gases and there is a need for more economically developed nations. There are different contributing factor, but the majority of these contributions are from the more economically developed nations. Although the less economically developed nations do not contribute as much as the More economically developed nations, they are the ones that are affected the most. More economically developed nations are not affected as much because they have enough resources more content... This is not just because more economically developed nations have more carbon emission and should have more responsibility; it is also about the future of these developed nations. Even if the more economically developed nations do not help the less economically developed nations, the effects of climate change will still affect the developed nations. More importantly, the less economically developed nations' economic impact to the world from climate change will have some amount of impacts to the more economically developed nations. So by taking the lead and help the less economically developed nations to survive in climate change, more economically developed nations can economically benefits Overall, all the nations are contributing to climate change and all of them should have a responsibility. In contrast, more economically developed nations contributes more to climate change than less economically developed nations does but unfortunately less economically developed nations are facing more problems from the climate change. Therefore more economically developed nations should take more responsibility so that the less economically developed nations will not suffer as bad and should also take the lead, helping the all other nations in the world to survive in climate Get more content on
  • 18. Climate Change and Its Impacts Essay Our world is always changing, so is our climate. Some changes are apparent, others not so much. Climate change is an important issue of concern in the twenty first century. Climate, if it changes at all, evolves so slowly that the difference cannot be seen in a human lifetime (Wearth, 2014). Mostly all scientists predicted that it would take thousands of years for the planet to warm up due to emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels called greenhouse gases. But in the past 200 years, things began to change. The rate and the amount of warming that is happening on this planet is unprecedented. Wearth says, "People did not grasp the prodigious fact that both population and industrialization were exploding in a pattern of more content... Global warming is a measure of climate change, and is a rise in the average global temperatures." Climate change is caused by natural factors such as solar variability and human factors such as greenhouse gases and ozone depletion. Evidence of climate change is growing but we are so dependent on the use of fossil fuels in our everyday life such that it is only making the issue worse. The heavy dependence of fossil fuels will continue to increase the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere in a few decades. As the planet warms, there will be consequences. This research paper will address the issue that climate change is occurring and its impact on temperature, oceans, ecosystems, fresh water and the human population. As a human being on this planet the issue of climate change bothers me because the rapid warming in the last few years is mostly due to human–induced activities and we continue to warm the planet at this instant in time. The planet has warmed in the last hundred years and it is also predicted that it will warm further in the next hundred years. Although the increase in temperature may be small but they can lead to large and potentially dangerous shifts in climate. Everyone's life is connected to climate change. If the climate changes, the human society has to adapt to it by changing its designs, rules and infrastructure. Many places have experienced climate change as the Get more content on
  • 19. Global Warming and Climate Change Essay Global warming and the greenhouse effect are issues discussed by scientists all the time. A natural process that keeps earths temperature at a livable rate is called the greenhouse effect. The energy from the sun warms up the earth when the rays from the sun are absorbed by greenhouse gasses. The gasses then become trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are the most common greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gases cause the radiant heat of the sun to be trapped in the Earths lower atmosphere which causes global warming. If there weren't any greenhouse gasses, the earth would be really cold due to very little sun rays being absorbed on the earth. Global warming can more content... Every time the temperature keeps rising, the more carbon dioxide will be released. When this process gets going, it is very hard to keep in control. Methane is another greenhouse gas. Methane is a greenhouse gas whose molecules absorb heat trying to escape to space. Natural sources include wetlands, swamps and marshes, termites, and oceans. (Methane) Methane gases are released into the atmosphere. Atmospheric methane has doubled since the Industrial Revolution and has "contributed 20 percent to the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, second only to carbon dioxide". (Methane) A major effect of global warming is there will be higher temperatures and it will affect how the water cycle works. Places on the earth will receive more rain than others. There will be a great amount of evaporation going on from the rivers, lakes and oceans due to a increase in the temperature. This could be a good thing for some people needing rain and a bad thing for other people who get to much rain. While the temperature is on the rise there will be greater amount of rains all over. In return with all of the rains this could help farmers. It would extend the growing season for crops. This would greatly help out the farmers because they would be making more money. While this is the positive side of the rain, this could also hurt the farmers. There are some crops that out there that will die with to much rain. There Get more content on
  • 20. Essay on Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made? Name: Instructor: Curse: Date: Is Climate Change Natural or Man–made? Introduction The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes of global climate change. While the supporters of the man–made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural more content... In addition, human activities like deforestation may increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is because forests help in carbon sequestration, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. It follows then that clearing such tress will increase the amount of carbon dioxide since carbon sequestration will not occur (3). The man–made theory of climate change also explains that when these harmful gasses reach the atmosphere, they form a blanket, which traps heat in the atmosphere. This trapping of in the atmosphere is the phenomenon that causes the planet to get warmer, hence the term global warming (Sharma, 4). Current data reveals that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is approximately 387 parts per million, which is roughly a 31% increase in the period 1750 to 2009. Consequently, it is evident that such increases in temperatures have caused a warmer planet (7). It is also evident that it is impossible to reverse the developments of industrial revolution. This means that as the advancements of industrial revolution continue and as energy demands increases, it is possible that this trend of climate change will continue for decades to come (McAloon, 8). The consent of the climate research community is that it most likely already affects climate noticeably and will compel significant Get more content on
  • 21. Climate Change And Global Warming Essay Though gasoline cars make lives of humans easier to travel, it threatens the environment. Climate is defined as weather conditions existing in a particular area over a period of time. When changes in weather patterns start to occur, this is called climate change. Peter Singer describes carbon emissions would extinguish human life. Climate change is a disastrous event because there is a wide range of environmental impacts affecting life expectancy. In different geographical areas, climates will change if temperatures influence them to fluctuate. The major cause of climate change is human expansion of the greenhouse effect. Kolbert presents scientific research about climate change and global warming leading to a global catastrophe. Any process that causes the Earth's temperature to become imbalanced affects the climate. While climate change is a natural process, purchasing a SUV and doing human activities of all kinds has impacted on the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels for energy. Climate change is a global issue that has and will affect the world. Peter Singer believes greenhouse gas emissions ultimately lead to global warming that will kill a lot of people. The effects of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increasing each year is devastating news to humans and animals because it affects future generations. Studies show climate change is already affecting everyone worldwide and continues to do so. According to the World Meteorological Organization (1950), the "temperatures Get more content on