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Humanities in Ancient Rome
Humanities in Ancient Rome
T–TR 12:30–1:45
Ancient Rome was a turning point in history. It is considered by many to be one of the most important and influential societies to ever dominate Earth.
At Rome's peak in the history of civilization, one could not go anywhere from Spain to Saudi Arabia without being influenced in some way or another
by the empire. Over the twelve centuries of Rome's existence, it produced hundreds upon thousands of architects, musicians, playwrights, actors,
sculptures and many other artists of all kinds. Arguably though, Rome is most known for its stunning architecture, classic sculptures and beautiful
paintings. The architecture of ancient Rome was born out of necessity rather than more content...
Over the years however, it was used for an even larger variety of purposes such as a fortress, quarry, workshops, housing and even a Christian shrine. It
stood as the shining point of the Roman Empire. Any visitors from foreign lands would come into the city and see the massive structure and be
awed. It was four stories high, had access to running water, was surrounded by artificial lakes, gardens and pavilions and could seat comfortably a
large portion of Rome's ever growing population. The building still stands today even after the devastating natural disasters, such as earthquakes
and the Great Fire of Rome, and stone robbers. Roman architecture is something to be awed by. It combined ingenuity with a great usage of tools
and materials. This begs the question of how in the world did the Romans build such large and incredible structures so long ago? The answer is they
discovered a building material so impressive it is still used today, and every day, in construction sites all over the world; concrete. It is hard to find a
historically accurate date in which concrete was discovered, but scholars believe it was put into use around the middle of the first century. It was used
throughout the entire Roman Empire for all of their building and construction needs and concrete was the answer. It was "hydraulic–setting cement"
and shared many of the same qualities as the modern Portland cement. The cement consisted of volcanic dusts,
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The Social Sciences And Humanities
In the article, Collegians need humanities, social science too the authors discuss the importance of having education and skill in all the STEM,
humanities, and social sciences! They discuss more thoroughly how and why these are so vital to reaching economic success for this country with its
competitiveness in mind. Social sciences and STEM courses are vital to the global economy, the overall growth of our society, and personal success.
To reach personal success I need both social science and STEM skills and knowledge. The social sciences and humanities are a necessity to
reaching success because they focus on teaching us what is relevant to us such as; creating a life with meaning and purpose, appreciating diversity
and complexity, communicating effectively and how to overcome adversity as John and Mary said. Without the knowledge and skills of those, we
cannot develop and innovate things in the STEM courses without the knowledge and skills of the others. One of the large impacts that taking social
sciences has on people is that they really create a life with meaning and purpose. One of the many ways that social sciences help contribute to
making people's lives more meaningful and with purpose is because, it helps people to think on a very different level compared to the level they were
used to thinking on. I think that social sciences help people create more meaning and purpose to their lives because of the deeper level of thinking
required in these classes. These
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Humanities Today Essay
Humanities Today Essay
The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, as
distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences (Humanities Definition, para 1). The humanities include ancient and
modern languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts likemusic and theatre. The humanities that are called social
sciences include technology, history, anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural studies, law and linguistics.
Everywhere we go today we are bombarded with the fact that technology is advancing in making our lives easier by the second. We can pay bills, order more content...
Another way to think of humanity might also be "our place." When we think of our connection to humanity we think about our place in the world and
what that means. Our Place is the relationship we share with the earth, the animals, the planets, the air and the water we rely upon for life (Humanity
and Modern Technology, para. 3).
Aside from the obvious and technology that exists in our lives today, performing arts play a huge part in the world today. It is a way for some to
express themselves in different aspects. Performing arts include acrobatics, comedy, dance, magic, music, opera, film, juggling, marching arts, such
as brass bands, and theatre. Artists who participate in these arts in front of an audience are performers, including actors, comedians, dancers,
musicians, and singers. Performing arts are also supported by workers in related fields, such as songwriting and stagecraft. Performers often adapt
their appearance, such as with costumes and stage makeup, etc. There is also a specialized form of fine art in which the artists perform their work
live to an audience. This is called Performance art. Most performance art also involves some form of plastic art, perhaps in the creation of props
(Humanities Definition, para. 4).
Like Performing arts, Music plays a huge part in Humanity. It is something that we all can relate to and enjoy. We might not all like the same types of
music but most of us listen to it every day, whether we are out and about in
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Humanities vs. Sciences Essay
"SCIENCE HAS BOMBS, and humanities have Britney Spears" (Kershner as cited in Purvis, 2004). This amusing comment, made during a
professorial debate concerning which discipline was superior, epitomises the divide that exists between the humanities and sciences. Although the
debate has its roots in the Industrial Revolution, in more recent times it was signalled by Snow's (1959; 1964) discussion outlining the dysfunctional
gulf that exists between the cultures. Essentially Snow was critical of the breakdown of communication and understanding between the worlds of the
humanities and sciences and blamed this for many of society's unresolved problems. He was particularly critical of the literary intellectuals: "This loss
is leading us more content...
In a very practical manner, the Third Culture Movement (e.g., Brockman, 1995) has endeavoured to reconcile differences by providing an opportunity
for scientists and the literati to integrate ideas from both paradigms in their writings and thinking. Some intellectuals (e.g., Lee & Wallerstein, 2004), in
recognising the need for both cultures, have attempted to reconcile the differences in a theoretical sense.
Unification through Division
In university education, the divide remains alive with the autonomous science and humanities departments producing specialist graduates and the
academics of each guarding the boundaries of their domains, strengthened by the distinction between the constructivist and scientific paradigms.
However, this demarcation masks the real purpose of what a university education is all about today. University education is more than discipline–based,
compartmentalised knowledge, attitudes and outcomes – it should reflect the needs of stakeholders (students, business, etc) in terms of citizenship and
community well–being (Arthur & Bohlin, 2005). Such goals have the potential to provide a unifying context for the two cultures and thereby minimise
the alleged contradictions. Discipline knowledge is important in itself, but it can also be valued as a conduit for achieving these elevated meta–goals.
More consideration needs
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Humanities Reflection
Nice discussion post this week! We both agree with the articles by Kristof and Kaleem and I enjoyed as well. The quote you have mentioned also
makes a lot of sense to me too and got me thinking. I struggled with the big questions of life and still am, but I have been able to have a much better
appreciation for life and have had a better time at finding that true purpose. Having a lot of information thrown at us constantly though can be
challenging, I do not blame you! I agree with too that the humanities can help people to stay grounded in an ever–changing informational world; I
know it has for me. This is why I agree with the articles because the humanities should be taught and explored in the academic setting. Living in a
digital world definitely has pros (communication, medical advances, etc.) and cons, such as social media at times like you have mentioned. It has
done and will do so much for us, but it also can be too much at times. Luckily my parents raised me to appreciate life and what I have and I never
was fixated on my phone or 'electronics'. I think that is why I became an artist myself. I needed a way to express my self and spend my time. Art
was the answer for me. It allowed me to find myself and express myself in a way an electronic could not for me. After reading the article
"Extraordinary Outsiders: The Makers Who Don't Know They're Artists this week I could really relate because art is one of my passions and when I
was in high school I volunteered with the
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What Humanities Taught Me
What Humanities Has Taught Me
When someone talked about a humanities class, my thoughts automatically drifted to the arts. I am not someone who is fond of art; it's nice to
look at, but I never cared about why it was made. This class was so much more than just art; it was a history lesson. The most important thing I learned
this semester was about myself. I have learned to never judge a book by its cover as I could miss out on something great, and I will take this lesson
with me in life. I will never judge a book (or class) by its cover. I dreaded taking this class, because of a preconceived idea of what this class would
entail. I thought it would be a lot of information on the reason an artist chose to make a particular piece, why they
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Why Study Humanities?
I want to take this occasion to address one of the most prominent criticisms of the humanities today. I am not referring to criticism of more recent
vintage, which takes to task the humanities for a supposed excess of political correctness; this complaint we can set aside as the ideologically
motivated lament that it surely is. Rather, I'm speaking of the more long–standing critique that takes the humanities to task for its inconsequence, its
uselessness. The presumption that underwrites this critique is simple: its claim is that we do not learn anything by attending to the objects of
humanities research. These objects – a poem, a film or play, a piece of music, or what have you – do not furnish our minds with information we can use. more content...
Even if we are not prepared to go quite so far as Plato did, and denounce the poet for actively obstructing the search for truth, we may still need to
answer to the charge that the objects of humanities research – I'll follow Plato in taking poetry as the paradigmatic example – teach us nothing. We need
to ask then: what does the poet, or what does the humanist, know? I now want to turn to two poems of the British Romantic period that offer
perspectives on this very question. We will recognize that in neither case is an unequivocally affirmative answer provided to the question of what
the poet knows. Indeed, both poems would seem to confirm the premises of Plato's criticism, inasmuch as they give expression to a type of
knowledge that can barely be called knowledge as such, since it remains necessarily speculative, provisional, and incomplete. As I've suggested, this
has been the ground on which the humanities has long seemed weakest in the eyes of its critics. Whereas Plato regards this kind of poetic thinking as
useless and worse, however, we find in these poems a qualified defense of not–knowing, and a concomitant claim on behalf of what the poet John Keats
called "half–knowledge." Both poems make a brief for the importance of attending to thoughts principally characterized by their incompletion and
open–endedness; they embrace a kind of thinking that pointedly does not resolve into determinate knowledge. And both
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Why Is Humanities Important?
There are many reasons that humanities is taught. Humanities play its largest role in culture, and our understanding of it. There are certain things
that it 's believed people will be better off for knowing. A lot of great works of literature fall into that category. The biggest ones are especially
important because they haven 't stopped coming up. These works are continuously referenced. Another reason that humanities is taught is because it
helps people express themselves better, and have a broader base from which to do so. If most of us have read and memorized the punishments in
the Inferno than most people would understand. But the basic idea is that by studying humanities we 'll communicate and understand each other
better. And while memorizing these infernal punishments may seem tedious, if looked at pragmatically it 's really not that difficult. The
punishments are poetic, and usually make some degree of sense for the crime.. I have a similar issue with Math and Life Science courses. It's
complicated when the cell structures won 't affect my daily life at all. It has to do with the way we process the world. What 's useless to you is very
important to me, and maybe the opposite is true as well. And that 's reason enough for both of us to at least try to suffer through our tortures with a
smile and positive outlook for a better outcome in the day. Because just a little understanding of what 's important to each other will make life better
for both of us, and will help
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Humanities Essay
The Renaissance and Baroque periods in European history played an important role in the development of humanities in their respectable age. During
these periods it established a time of rebirth in humanisms and improvement of cultural accomplishments. The Renaissance period provided artistic
freedom and individualism. It began around the 14th century in Italy and spread throughout Europe until the 16th century. Renaissance means "rebirth"
and humanism of the renaissance artist was to express themselves after the medieval traditions in the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages art was arranged
in periods and distinguish by style. The Middle Ages included Gothic, Romanesque, Early Christian and Byzantine art periods. Art during the more content...
The Renaissance period also gave birth to the natural sciences that included astronomy, geology and evolution. The 16th and 18th century Baroque
period was known throughout Europe, North and South America but originated in Rome, Italy. The Baroque period gave way to a time of emotionally
expression through paintings, art, music, literature and politics as its platform. The Roman Catholic churches became influential during the Baroque
period because of religious transformation as a reaction to the Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholic Church decided to use Baroque art to
communicate religious and biblical themes to their advantage by requesting painters to paint religious pictures. Catholic painter Peter Paul Rubens
drew inspiration from his religious background and painted the Marie de' Medici to show his respect to the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman
Catholic churches' purpose for using religious paintings was to reach the less fortunate of their society. Those who were uneducated and in the minority
sector; by this they would connect and reach others so that they would return to their belief in the catholic faith. During the Baroque period the Catholic
faith praised the church for their power and influence. The Baroque art movement focused on unity and harmony and incorporated a style that consists
of drama. This type of art was forceful, sensual, extravagant and bursting with energy and gave
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Humanities: Arts
General Overview of the Humanities
Meaning, Importance, And Scope Methods of Presenting the Art Subjects
With the advent of the computer age, advanced science and technology have overwhelmed many aspects of our lives, and even our possibilities of
survival are affected. The humanities can provide enjoyment and stimulation, especially when we try to understand what it covers.
The Meaning, Importance, and Scope of humanities
The word humanities come from the Latin humanus, which means human, cultured, and refined. To be human is to have or show qualities like
rationality, kindness, and tenderness. Humanities refers to the arts – the visual arts such as architecture; painting and sculpture; music; dance; the theater
or drama; more content...
Likewise, the Bagobos dance to show gratitude to the spirits "for success in war or domestic affair." The Indians dance to give thanks for a harvest;
the Mexicans dance to celebrate a religious festival; teenagers dance at parties; both young and old go to disco bars and children everywhere dance
because it is pleasure to express happiness to bodily movements. In its expressive aspects, dance is uniquely able to intensify moods and emotions and
to deepen and dignify the feelings of us all (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1974).
The area of the theater of drama is another important art. Dramatic activities are usually part of every school and community program. Classes
dramatize the events they are studying; clubs or organizations and institutions stage plays. The play may be a comedy, tragedy, mystery, musical or
Essentially, the stage is a place for re–enacting the joys and problems of life, a place where the playwright strips life of nonessentials and deals with
basic and important issues. The spectators get involved in these situations and thus gain greater insight into human motives and passions.
The motion picture is a popular addition to the various forms of the theater. Through it, a great number of people are able to see dramatic
performances every day. The radio makes available drama for the auditory sense of imagination. The television, too, brings the art of drama to many
people. Theatrical productions, including motion
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MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION This module provides an overview on the subject of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a
complex topic to deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic in such a brief essay. The student is advised to
consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is it? The term Humanities comes
from the Latin word, "humanitas" It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre–in which human subjectivity is
emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS HUMANITIES The fields of knowledge and study falling under more content...
Many people think art is subjective. The answer is: yes, it is. At the same time, however, there are still yardsticks we can use to measure the
quality of the art, especially among works that belong to the same genre. To understand how this works, let us use a simple analogy. If you come
from a foreign land and have never eaten char kway teow (fried flat rice noodles), the first time you try the dish, you may not be able to tell whether it
is good or bad. But after you've tried the dish from ten different stalls, you will probably be able to tell which is better, and you probably would be able
to define what qualities make for a good plate of char kway teow. Therefore, in order to know good art when you see it, you need to have seen a lot of
art – both good and bad – in order to make the comparison. The fact is that mankind has been producing art for so long that the overall body of
knowledge on art has become so complex that ordinary people cannot comprehend the scope of the subject without some form of structured education.
Most people, however, continue to attempt to appraise art without investing the time and energy needed to understand the subject first. The way to
learn how to art appreciation is to look at more good art. In
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Defining the Humanities Essay
Defining the Humanities
Defining the Humanities The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression. I will define
the humanities of a cultural event of music and how music was an expression of what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture from
the 60s. I will also discuss how the music of the 60s compares with other forms I know about from the same period. One of the definitions of
humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is "Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are
concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts." Culture is a big part of humanities. Culture, as defined more content...
The Baby Boomer generation lived during a time when war had a powerful impact on everyone's life. Drugs became, perhaps, one of the most
influential variables apparent in the music of the 60s. In the early 1960s a band named the Byrd's and guys like Dylan changed the way many people
looked at music. These bands started an underground wave that flowed throughout the 60s, this became known as the "Psychedelic Era." This era
introduced drugs to be an important aspect involved in the creation of the music, and was used by the listeners to enhance their experience. Bands
such as the Byrd's and Grateful Dead started experimenting with such drugs as LSD, marijuana, and acid. They believed that drugs could help them
create music that would blow the music of the fifties away, and it did ("The music of the sixties––the psychedelic era", 1998). The music of the 60s
came in many styles. Some of the genres of the era are: Soft rock, (also referred to as mellow rock, light rock, or easy rock) is a style of music that
uses the techniques of rock and roll (often combined with elements from folk rock and singer–songwriter pop) to compose a softer, more toned–down
sound for listening. Soft rock songs generally tend to focus on themes like love, everyday life, and relationships ("Soft rock", 2010). Hard rock –
modify rock and roll (blues, country, and gospel), adding to the
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Humanities
In the short essay, "Course Corrections" briefly explains that humanities should be pushed to college students and may dismay some people. He uses
the tools of rhetoric to provide a strong valid argument to prove his point. The means of persuasion is used to state why some colleges fail at teaching
their students the fundamentals about Humanities. Rhetorical strategies give the general idea that students will be more knowledgeable if they know
the background within Humanities. Along with the other two tools rhetorical situations is greatly presented by showing how important it is to be
knowledgeable within Humanities because it will help you when choosing a career. With the tools ofrhetoric being used, I found there to be some
disadvantages and advantages towards taking Humanities. Frank, ultimately uses the means of persuasion to state why some colleges often fail at
getting these students prepared for their future and how they're going to be successful. Many students may not like the fact of taking Humanities due to
it boring, but they should understand what the class is about. As quoted "Only this time the high–handed endeavor is being presented as a favor to
students, who must be rescued from a lifetime of philology–induce uselessness" (Frank 5). To add on to this it can go as a disadvantage or advantage
when discussed among students. A disadvantage would be stopping students from pursuing their main goal which may be part of the STEM field.
Many students aspire to become engineers, doctors, scientists, etc and may choose that for themselves without being told what to do with their career.
An advantage is letting someone choose something outside of the STEM field and become equipped with essential knowledge in a different career.
With choosing a major outside of the STEM environment it lets the student explore many other things and may not be that competitive when finding a
job. Although some colleges do consider in helping the students, many professors or counselors tell the student that it may not be the best major/career
for that certain individual. To this extent it shows that these mentors are failing to show students in what they want to do. In contrast the rhetorical
strategies shows how
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Humanities: Course Analysis
Throughout this course, we have been asked "What is humanities"? Humanities is the study of human beings by culture, the arts including theater,
dance, and music. Within the humanities there are different eras that are represented such as the information age. The Information Age is a time period
in our history where the traditional industry shifted to the Industrial Revolution. The Information Age is a great example of how progressively
advanced a country can be in with–in a time period. This advancement in the Information Age has a discrepancy; such as the commencement of
technology and the definition of digital, new methods of interaction between different people and devices. The physical component of the Information
Age is a very more content...
I believe humanities is more than just "the study of human beings by culture and the arts". I believe humanities is the process of how human beings
have advanced rapidly in the sense of how information is gained and delivered to the mind culturally. Humanities shows that time is of the essence and
that with time things are evolving to keep up with modernization and to always have something "original" available, to seem different or culturally of
the world. I believe that humanities have most defiantly made me aware that I am capable of thinking deeper into the meaning of certain information I
have received in my lifetime or even asking questions that I thought could not have an answer. Humanities has made me see life in a different way
and has made me take action in changing some of the habits I have been accustomed throughout my lifetime to such as my diet, habits, and believing
information that has been a lie all along. I am so grateful that I took this course this year because it has made me eager to become a more
open–minded, healthier, woke, individual and I hope to share information that I have researched myself to make a difference in my
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Reflective Essay On Humanities
Humanities as a whole teach us a lot about people and their lives. For me humanities had been just another subject that I had to take as a prerequisite
but now I find it very interesting to know about education, art, history and culture. People lives are revolving around humanities.
The humanities are the source how people are getting along. Humanities connects people and place. The humanities make us to think creatively and also
teach us to question about ourselves and our world. World without humanities will not have art , music, philosphy and literature. Humanities in this
modern world of efficiency and technology help us to understand the world we live in and what kind of life we want. In this world of modernisation more content...
Another short video the narrator talks about humanities and how it is related to how we do things, perceive life in this modern world. Humanities
helps us to survive and thrive in this modern world to achieve our goals which is full of competition and obstacles .Exploring different aspects of life
this video explains when human has started using languge, literature, art , music and dance to understand people and the world. By observing different
sculptures and buildings we can better understand history. By exploring humanities we will be able to think critically and reasonably. Now lets look
at the drama Oedipus it teaches us that whatever is fated to happen will happen and you cannot do anything to stop it. I believe this is true for us
too, whatever is in our fate will happen sooner or later. Here they pray to god Apollo, he represents the sun god which gives light to all. We also
pray sun god and other gods everyday. Humanities is all about finding ones own culture and religion. Ways of seeing by John Berger are based on
the way we see things is affected by our knowledge and beliefs. He believes that camera/photographic techniques for reproducing pictures have
altered the way in which the art of the past is seen. Paintings have there for decades and has been linked to ownership and be bought easily by money,
which shows that how powerful is money and how rich people are if
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Humanities Subject
1. Why are you taking this course? I am taking this course as a prerequisite for my AA degree, I am still an undecided major, but I think I will major
in business because there are many career opportunities in that area. I also think that taking a humanities class is an important prerequisite for
students to view how certain developments of different cultures came into play and how some literary works of culture may still be used to this day.
2. Tell me what you like best AND least about this course. So far, I likedlearning about the five gifts of humanities, how people can view themselves as
an Apollonian or Dionysian, understanding Olympian gods and goddesses, and different myths. What I like least about the course is trying to understand more content...
On the other hand, a guy work I work with is really into seeing movies in the theater he said he saw the movie "Jason Bourne" he said "I really loved
this movie because I saw all of the other ones, and so I knew I would really like the new one, one of my favorite parts of the movie I saw was when
there was the action packed scene." I knew he was talking like an Apollonian. 5. Tell me which personality you are– Apollonian or Dionysian – and
why. I am Apollonian, because when it comes to working or getting a task done I like to make sure I get it done the right way the first time, I am a
very organized person knowing when specific things are due on dates and keeping my office space neat where files are labeled. I am efficient with
my time and I try not to be late to class, work, or any events. 6. Ask me any questions or discuss anything else you want to tell me. – Will we be tested
on the myths stories from start to end of the story or only specific parts of the myth story? I also looked ahead and saw we would cover Ancient
Greek Tragedies would we have to memorize the whole story or only important major events that happened throughout the stories? If you were to give
a simple life tip to a young student like myself, what would you recommend?
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Reflection of Humanities
Reflection Paper 1 By: Tenesha Blackmon Western history and civilization is of vast importance to understanding the great story of humanity. The
study of the ancient civilizations has shown itself to me to be a new found interest as the journey of the course had lead me to see the magnificent
accomplishments of mankind, and the possibilities of our potential; both in glory and darkness. In this reflection paper, I will look back upon the
beginnings of our studies of the development of the early civilizations from the Sumerians to the Roman Empire. The definition and development of
civilization is characterized by 5 major important factors. The 5 characteristics are the existence of cities that inhabits many citizens, more
Greco–Romanism is felt even to this day in our modern world especially in our government, constitution and our way of thinking. I have seen in
the studies from early civilization to the Roman Empire the capabilities, the intelligence, and the greatness of mankind. It comes to reveal the
fearful and wonder aspect of our creation being created in His image and likeness. I have also seen the result of pride, greed, lust, and sin and of
why humanity was in desperate need of a savior. Humanities search to understand ourselves lies within history. History is the instructor, and it is up
to us as its' pupils to adhered as to what he has to say. Reflection Paper 1 Rubric Student Name: Tenesha Blackmon Criterion| Points Possible| Points
Given| Instructor Comments| You provide a meaningful introduction and conclusion to the paper.| 10| | | You provide a summary of the flow of
history from early Mesopotamia through ancient Rome.| 20| | | You effectively analyze and evaluate these five civilizations.| 50| | | You are careful to
write in your own words. You remember to proofread your work in order to prevent spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. You also make sure
paragraphs are properly constructed and well–written. The word count should be between 750 and 1000 words.| 20| | | Total| 100| |
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Humanities 101 Reflective Essay
Eh, there ain't much to say when it comes to the likes of me. Name's Todd Rexroth II, 19, and I'm the eldest of 9. I graduated from SciTech High and
soon after came to HACC. I'm here at HACC to find out what I want to do with my life. So with that out of the way, let's begin.
To begin, I'll talk about a bit of my experience at HACC. The only writing class I've had prior to this is English 051, in which I earned a C. Not
necessarily for my skill of writing, but for not following all the steps of the writing process. Fortunately, this is only my second semester so I can
mask that grade by getting better ones. Along the way I hope to finally find a major I want to pursue and stop doing general studies. Which is part of
the reason I decided to take Humanities 101 to more content...
I don't really have a specific genre of music I listen to and instead just listen to whatever sounds good hittin' my ears. My music recommendation gotta
be an artist that went by Nujabes. He specializes in making beats, but sometimes teams up with other artists making some absolutely mint tunes. I, of
course, do have pictures of myself at home. Though, they're not the most recent. As for hobbies I'm into gaming, PC building, and, when I have the
time, reading. When I can afford the money and time I plan on expanding this list.
Finally, I want to end with what my ultimate goal is when I find a career. Well, first I want to find a career I'm content with doing. I don't need to
love it, but something I won't blow my brains out for down the line. After I choose the career and find a job, I'll make sure I budget my money
wisely as to better my chances of living relatively comfortable. Then, finally, do what I love as a hobby. At least, that's the initial plan so far.
In the end, I'm a simple guy just trying to find a career I can stomach for 40+ years. I do hope this introduction was as riveting to read as it was to
write. Thanks for
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The Humanities And Its Impact On Education Essay
Martha Nussbaum argues that primary, secondary, and especially, higher education institutions are cutting the humanities from curricula. According to
Nussbaum, our nation and those like it are economically hungry and are pushing technical careers instead. She disputes that a decrease in the
humanities will cause a loss in free thinking, and therefore a loss of democracy. Her argument is based off of her theory that without thehumanities,
citizens become soulless, mechanical, and profit–making machines. This theory is based off the notion that the humanities are continuing to be cut
from curricula at an extensive rate. But are the humanities truly decreasing? Nussbaum is accurate in saying that fewer people are majoring in the
humanities; however, she drastically exaggerates the rate in which they are decreasing. In fact, the rate in which the humanities have been declining has
levelled out over the past few decades. So, it would seem that democracy is safe, for the most part. What are the humanities? The EncyclopУ•dia
Britannica says: "Those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of
inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself" (EncylopУ•dia Britannica). The
humanities look at the humankind as a whole to understand various cultures, ideals, and values. This concept can be looked at throughout history,
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Humanities In Ancient Rome

  • 1. Humanities in Ancient Rome Humanities in Ancient Rome 2–14–2013 T–TR 12:30–1:45 Mathis Ancient Rome was a turning point in history. It is considered by many to be one of the most important and influential societies to ever dominate Earth. At Rome's peak in the history of civilization, one could not go anywhere from Spain to Saudi Arabia without being influenced in some way or another by the empire. Over the twelve centuries of Rome's existence, it produced hundreds upon thousands of architects, musicians, playwrights, actors, sculptures and many other artists of all kinds. Arguably though, Rome is most known for its stunning architecture, classic sculptures and beautiful paintings. The architecture of ancient Rome was born out of necessity rather than more content... Over the years however, it was used for an even larger variety of purposes such as a fortress, quarry, workshops, housing and even a Christian shrine. It stood as the shining point of the Roman Empire. Any visitors from foreign lands would come into the city and see the massive structure and be awed. It was four stories high, had access to running water, was surrounded by artificial lakes, gardens and pavilions and could seat comfortably a large portion of Rome's ever growing population. The building still stands today even after the devastating natural disasters, such as earthquakes and the Great Fire of Rome, and stone robbers. Roman architecture is something to be awed by. It combined ingenuity with a great usage of tools and materials. This begs the question of how in the world did the Romans build such large and incredible structures so long ago? The answer is they discovered a building material so impressive it is still used today, and every day, in construction sites all over the world; concrete. It is hard to find a historically accurate date in which concrete was discovered, but scholars believe it was put into use around the middle of the first century. It was used throughout the entire Roman Empire for all of their building and construction needs and concrete was the answer. It was "hydraulic–setting cement" and shared many of the same qualities as the modern Portland cement. The cement consisted of volcanic dusts, Get more content on
  • 2. The Social Sciences And Humanities In the article, Collegians need humanities, social science too the authors discuss the importance of having education and skill in all the STEM, humanities, and social sciences! They discuss more thoroughly how and why these are so vital to reaching economic success for this country with its competitiveness in mind. Social sciences and STEM courses are vital to the global economy, the overall growth of our society, and personal success. To reach personal success I need both social science and STEM skills and knowledge. The social sciences and humanities are a necessity to reaching success because they focus on teaching us what is relevant to us such as; creating a life with meaning and purpose, appreciating diversity and complexity, communicating effectively and how to overcome adversity as John and Mary said. Without the knowledge and skills of those, we cannot develop and innovate things in the STEM courses without the knowledge and skills of the others. One of the large impacts that taking social sciences has on people is that they really create a life with meaning and purpose. One of the many ways that social sciences help contribute to making people's lives more meaningful and with purpose is because, it helps people to think on a very different level compared to the level they were used to thinking on. I think that social sciences help people create more meaning and purpose to their lives because of the deeper level of thinking required in these classes. These Get more content on
  • 3. Humanities Today Essay Humanities Today Essay The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytical, critical, or speculative, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural sciences (Humanities Definition, para 1). The humanities include ancient and modern languages, literature, history, philosophy, religion, and visual and performing arts likemusic and theatre. The humanities that are called social sciences include technology, history, anthropology, area studies, communication studies, cultural studies, law and linguistics. Everywhere we go today we are bombarded with the fact that technology is advancing in making our lives easier by the second. We can pay bills, order more content... Another way to think of humanity might also be "our place." When we think of our connection to humanity we think about our place in the world and what that means. Our Place is the relationship we share with the earth, the animals, the planets, the air and the water we rely upon for life (Humanity and Modern Technology, para. 3). Aside from the obvious and technology that exists in our lives today, performing arts play a huge part in the world today. It is a way for some to express themselves in different aspects. Performing arts include acrobatics, comedy, dance, magic, music, opera, film, juggling, marching arts, such as brass bands, and theatre. Artists who participate in these arts in front of an audience are performers, including actors, comedians, dancers, musicians, and singers. Performing arts are also supported by workers in related fields, such as songwriting and stagecraft. Performers often adapt their appearance, such as with costumes and stage makeup, etc. There is also a specialized form of fine art in which the artists perform their work live to an audience. This is called Performance art. Most performance art also involves some form of plastic art, perhaps in the creation of props (Humanities Definition, para. 4). Like Performing arts, Music plays a huge part in Humanity. It is something that we all can relate to and enjoy. We might not all like the same types of music but most of us listen to it every day, whether we are out and about in Get more content on
  • 4. Humanities vs. Sciences Essay "SCIENCE HAS BOMBS, and humanities have Britney Spears" (Kershner as cited in Purvis, 2004). This amusing comment, made during a professorial debate concerning which discipline was superior, epitomises the divide that exists between the humanities and sciences. Although the debate has its roots in the Industrial Revolution, in more recent times it was signalled by Snow's (1959; 1964) discussion outlining the dysfunctional gulf that exists between the cultures. Essentially Snow was critical of the breakdown of communication and understanding between the worlds of the humanities and sciences and blamed this for many of society's unresolved problems. He was particularly critical of the literary intellectuals: "This loss is leading us more content... In a very practical manner, the Third Culture Movement (e.g., Brockman, 1995) has endeavoured to reconcile differences by providing an opportunity for scientists and the literati to integrate ideas from both paradigms in their writings and thinking. Some intellectuals (e.g., Lee & Wallerstein, 2004), in recognising the need for both cultures, have attempted to reconcile the differences in a theoretical sense. Unification through Division In university education, the divide remains alive with the autonomous science and humanities departments producing specialist graduates and the academics of each guarding the boundaries of their domains, strengthened by the distinction between the constructivist and scientific paradigms. However, this demarcation masks the real purpose of what a university education is all about today. University education is more than discipline–based, compartmentalised knowledge, attitudes and outcomes – it should reflect the needs of stakeholders (students, business, etc) in terms of citizenship and community well–being (Arthur & Bohlin, 2005). Such goals have the potential to provide a unifying context for the two cultures and thereby minimise the alleged contradictions. Discipline knowledge is important in itself, but it can also be valued as a conduit for achieving these elevated meta–goals. More consideration needs Get more content on
  • 5. Humanities Reflection Nice discussion post this week! We both agree with the articles by Kristof and Kaleem and I enjoyed as well. The quote you have mentioned also makes a lot of sense to me too and got me thinking. I struggled with the big questions of life and still am, but I have been able to have a much better appreciation for life and have had a better time at finding that true purpose. Having a lot of information thrown at us constantly though can be challenging, I do not blame you! I agree with too that the humanities can help people to stay grounded in an ever–changing informational world; I know it has for me. This is why I agree with the articles because the humanities should be taught and explored in the academic setting. Living in a digital world definitely has pros (communication, medical advances, etc.) and cons, such as social media at times like you have mentioned. It has done and will do so much for us, but it also can be too much at times. Luckily my parents raised me to appreciate life and what I have and I never was fixated on my phone or 'electronics'. I think that is why I became an artist myself. I needed a way to express my self and spend my time. Art was the answer for me. It allowed me to find myself and express myself in a way an electronic could not for me. After reading the article "Extraordinary Outsiders: The Makers Who Don't Know They're Artists this week I could really relate because art is one of my passions and when I was in high school I volunteered with the Get more content on
  • 6. What Humanities Taught Me What Humanities Has Taught Me When someone talked about a humanities class, my thoughts automatically drifted to the arts. I am not someone who is fond of art; it's nice to look at, but I never cared about why it was made. This class was so much more than just art; it was a history lesson. The most important thing I learned this semester was about myself. I have learned to never judge a book by its cover as I could miss out on something great, and I will take this lesson with me in life. I will never judge a book (or class) by its cover. I dreaded taking this class, because of a preconceived idea of what this class would entail. I thought it would be a lot of information on the reason an artist chose to make a particular piece, why they Get more content on
  • 7. Why Study Humanities? I want to take this occasion to address one of the most prominent criticisms of the humanities today. I am not referring to criticism of more recent vintage, which takes to task the humanities for a supposed excess of political correctness; this complaint we can set aside as the ideologically motivated lament that it surely is. Rather, I'm speaking of the more long–standing critique that takes the humanities to task for its inconsequence, its uselessness. The presumption that underwrites this critique is simple: its claim is that we do not learn anything by attending to the objects of humanities research. These objects – a poem, a film or play, a piece of music, or what have you – do not furnish our minds with information we can use. more content... Even if we are not prepared to go quite so far as Plato did, and denounce the poet for actively obstructing the search for truth, we may still need to answer to the charge that the objects of humanities research – I'll follow Plato in taking poetry as the paradigmatic example – teach us nothing. We need to ask then: what does the poet, or what does the humanist, know? I now want to turn to two poems of the British Romantic period that offer perspectives on this very question. We will recognize that in neither case is an unequivocally affirmative answer provided to the question of what the poet knows. Indeed, both poems would seem to confirm the premises of Plato's criticism, inasmuch as they give expression to a type of knowledge that can barely be called knowledge as such, since it remains necessarily speculative, provisional, and incomplete. As I've suggested, this has been the ground on which the humanities has long seemed weakest in the eyes of its critics. Whereas Plato regards this kind of poetic thinking as useless and worse, however, we find in these poems a qualified defense of not–knowing, and a concomitant claim on behalf of what the poet John Keats called "half–knowledge." Both poems make a brief for the importance of attending to thoughts principally characterized by their incompletion and open–endedness; they embrace a kind of thinking that pointedly does not resolve into determinate knowledge. And both Get more content on
  • 8. Why Is Humanities Important? There are many reasons that humanities is taught. Humanities play its largest role in culture, and our understanding of it. There are certain things that it 's believed people will be better off for knowing. A lot of great works of literature fall into that category. The biggest ones are especially important because they haven 't stopped coming up. These works are continuously referenced. Another reason that humanities is taught is because it helps people express themselves better, and have a broader base from which to do so. If most of us have read and memorized the punishments in the Inferno than most people would understand. But the basic idea is that by studying humanities we 'll communicate and understand each other better. And while memorizing these infernal punishments may seem tedious, if looked at pragmatically it 's really not that difficult. The punishments are poetic, and usually make some degree of sense for the crime.. I have a similar issue with Math and Life Science courses. It's complicated when the cell structures won 't affect my daily life at all. It has to do with the way we process the world. What 's useless to you is very important to me, and maybe the opposite is true as well. And that 's reason enough for both of us to at least try to suffer through our tortures with a smile and positive outlook for a better outcome in the day. Because just a little understanding of what 's important to each other will make life better for both of us, and will help Get more content on
  • 9. Humanities Essay The Renaissance and Baroque periods in European history played an important role in the development of humanities in their respectable age. During these periods it established a time of rebirth in humanisms and improvement of cultural accomplishments. The Renaissance period provided artistic freedom and individualism. It began around the 14th century in Italy and spread throughout Europe until the 16th century. Renaissance means "rebirth" and humanism of the renaissance artist was to express themselves after the medieval traditions in the Middle Ages. The Middle Ages art was arranged in periods and distinguish by style. The Middle Ages included Gothic, Romanesque, Early Christian and Byzantine art periods. Art during the more content... The Renaissance period also gave birth to the natural sciences that included astronomy, geology and evolution. The 16th and 18th century Baroque period was known throughout Europe, North and South America but originated in Rome, Italy. The Baroque period gave way to a time of emotionally expression through paintings, art, music, literature and politics as its platform. The Roman Catholic churches became influential during the Baroque period because of religious transformation as a reaction to the Protestant Reformation. The Roman Catholic Church decided to use Baroque art to communicate religious and biblical themes to their advantage by requesting painters to paint religious pictures. Catholic painter Peter Paul Rubens drew inspiration from his religious background and painted the Marie de' Medici to show his respect to the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic churches' purpose for using religious paintings was to reach the less fortunate of their society. Those who were uneducated and in the minority sector; by this they would connect and reach others so that they would return to their belief in the catholic faith. During the Baroque period the Catholic faith praised the church for their power and influence. The Baroque art movement focused on unity and harmony and incorporated a style that consists of drama. This type of art was forceful, sensual, extravagant and bursting with energy and gave Get more content on
  • 10. Humanities: Arts General Overview of the Humanities Meaning, Importance, And Scope Methods of Presenting the Art Subjects With the advent of the computer age, advanced science and technology have overwhelmed many aspects of our lives, and even our possibilities of survival are affected. The humanities can provide enjoyment and stimulation, especially when we try to understand what it covers. The Meaning, Importance, and Scope of humanities The word humanities come from the Latin humanus, which means human, cultured, and refined. To be human is to have or show qualities like rationality, kindness, and tenderness. Humanities refers to the arts – the visual arts such as architecture; painting and sculpture; music; dance; the theater or drama; more content... Likewise, the Bagobos dance to show gratitude to the spirits "for success in war or domestic affair." The Indians dance to give thanks for a harvest; the Mexicans dance to celebrate a religious festival; teenagers dance at parties; both young and old go to disco bars and children everywhere dance because it is pleasure to express happiness to bodily movements. In its expressive aspects, dance is uniquely able to intensify moods and emotions and to deepen and dignify the feelings of us all (Compton's Encyclopedia, 1974). The area of the theater of drama is another important art. Dramatic activities are usually part of every school and community program. Classes dramatize the events they are studying; clubs or organizations and institutions stage plays. The play may be a comedy, tragedy, mystery, musical or melodrama. Essentially, the stage is a place for re–enacting the joys and problems of life, a place where the playwright strips life of nonessentials and deals with basic and important issues. The spectators get involved in these situations and thus gain greater insight into human motives and passions. The motion picture is a popular addition to the various forms of the theater. Through it, a great number of people are able to see dramatic performances every day. The radio makes available drama for the auditory sense of imagination. The television, too, brings the art of drama to many
  • 11. people. Theatrical productions, including motion Get more content on
  • 12. Humanities MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION This module provides an overview on the subject of art appreciation for those entirely new to the subject. This is a complex topic to deal with and it is impossible to have a truly comprehensive discussion on the topic in such a brief essay. The student is advised to consult more advanced texts to gain further understanding of how to appreciate art more fully. HUMANITIES: What is it? The term Humanities comes from the Latin word, "humanitas" It generally refers to art, literature, music, architecture, dance and the theatre–in which human subjectivity is emphasized and individual expressiveness is dramatized. HOW IMPORTANT IS HUMANITIES The fields of knowledge and study falling under more content... Many people think art is subjective. The answer is: yes, it is. At the same time, however, there are still yardsticks we can use to measure the quality of the art, especially among works that belong to the same genre. To understand how this works, let us use a simple analogy. If you come from a foreign land and have never eaten char kway teow (fried flat rice noodles), the first time you try the dish, you may not be able to tell whether it is good or bad. But after you've tried the dish from ten different stalls, you will probably be able to tell which is better, and you probably would be able to define what qualities make for a good plate of char kway teow. Therefore, in order to know good art when you see it, you need to have seen a lot of art – both good and bad – in order to make the comparison. The fact is that mankind has been producing art for so long that the overall body of knowledge on art has become so complex that ordinary people cannot comprehend the scope of the subject without some form of structured education. Most people, however, continue to attempt to appraise art without investing the time and energy needed to understand the subject first. The way to learn how to art appreciation is to look at more good art. In Get more content on
  • 13. Defining the Humanities Essay Defining the Humanities Defining the Humanities The purpose of this paper is to differentiate the humanities from other modes of human inquiry and expression. I will define the humanities of a cultural event of music and how music was an expression of what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture from the 60s. I will also discuss how the music of the 60s compares with other forms I know about from the same period. One of the definitions of humanities, according to the American Heritage Dictionary, is "Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts." Culture is a big part of humanities. Culture, as defined more content... The Baby Boomer generation lived during a time when war had a powerful impact on everyone's life. Drugs became, perhaps, one of the most influential variables apparent in the music of the 60s. In the early 1960s a band named the Byrd's and guys like Dylan changed the way many people looked at music. These bands started an underground wave that flowed throughout the 60s, this became known as the "Psychedelic Era." This era introduced drugs to be an important aspect involved in the creation of the music, and was used by the listeners to enhance their experience. Bands such as the Byrd's and Grateful Dead started experimenting with such drugs as LSD, marijuana, and acid. They believed that drugs could help them create music that would blow the music of the fifties away, and it did ("The music of the sixties––the psychedelic era", 1998). The music of the 60s came in many styles. Some of the genres of the era are: Soft rock, (also referred to as mellow rock, light rock, or easy rock) is a style of music that uses the techniques of rock and roll (often combined with elements from folk rock and singer–songwriter pop) to compose a softer, more toned–down sound for listening. Soft rock songs generally tend to focus on themes like love, everyday life, and relationships ("Soft rock", 2010). Hard rock – modify rock and roll (blues, country, and gospel), adding to the Get more content on
  • 14. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Humanities In the short essay, "Course Corrections" briefly explains that humanities should be pushed to college students and may dismay some people. He uses the tools of rhetoric to provide a strong valid argument to prove his point. The means of persuasion is used to state why some colleges fail at teaching their students the fundamentals about Humanities. Rhetorical strategies give the general idea that students will be more knowledgeable if they know the background within Humanities. Along with the other two tools rhetorical situations is greatly presented by showing how important it is to be knowledgeable within Humanities because it will help you when choosing a career. With the tools ofrhetoric being used, I found there to be some disadvantages and advantages towards taking Humanities. Frank, ultimately uses the means of persuasion to state why some colleges often fail at getting these students prepared for their future and how they're going to be successful. Many students may not like the fact of taking Humanities due to it boring, but they should understand what the class is about. As quoted "Only this time the high–handed endeavor is being presented as a favor to students, who must be rescued from a lifetime of philology–induce uselessness" (Frank 5). To add on to this it can go as a disadvantage or advantage when discussed among students. A disadvantage would be stopping students from pursuing their main goal which may be part of the STEM field. Many students aspire to become engineers, doctors, scientists, etc and may choose that for themselves without being told what to do with their career. An advantage is letting someone choose something outside of the STEM field and become equipped with essential knowledge in a different career. With choosing a major outside of the STEM environment it lets the student explore many other things and may not be that competitive when finding a job. Although some colleges do consider in helping the students, many professors or counselors tell the student that it may not be the best major/career for that certain individual. To this extent it shows that these mentors are failing to show students in what they want to do. In contrast the rhetorical strategies shows how Get more content on
  • 15. Humanities: Course Analysis Throughout this course, we have been asked "What is humanities"? Humanities is the study of human beings by culture, the arts including theater, dance, and music. Within the humanities there are different eras that are represented such as the information age. The Information Age is a time period in our history where the traditional industry shifted to the Industrial Revolution. The Information Age is a great example of how progressively advanced a country can be in with–in a time period. This advancement in the Information Age has a discrepancy; such as the commencement of technology and the definition of digital, new methods of interaction between different people and devices. The physical component of the Information Age is a very more content... I believe humanities is more than just "the study of human beings by culture and the arts". I believe humanities is the process of how human beings have advanced rapidly in the sense of how information is gained and delivered to the mind culturally. Humanities shows that time is of the essence and that with time things are evolving to keep up with modernization and to always have something "original" available, to seem different or culturally of the world. I believe that humanities have most defiantly made me aware that I am capable of thinking deeper into the meaning of certain information I have received in my lifetime or even asking questions that I thought could not have an answer. Humanities has made me see life in a different way and has made me take action in changing some of the habits I have been accustomed throughout my lifetime to such as my diet, habits, and believing information that has been a lie all along. I am so grateful that I took this course this year because it has made me eager to become a more open–minded, healthier, woke, individual and I hope to share information that I have researched myself to make a difference in my Get more content on
  • 16. Reflective Essay On Humanities Humanities as a whole teach us a lot about people and their lives. For me humanities had been just another subject that I had to take as a prerequisite but now I find it very interesting to know about education, art, history and culture. People lives are revolving around humanities. The humanities are the source how people are getting along. Humanities connects people and place. The humanities make us to think creatively and also teach us to question about ourselves and our world. World without humanities will not have art , music, philosphy and literature. Humanities in this modern world of efficiency and technology help us to understand the world we live in and what kind of life we want. In this world of modernisation more content... Another short video the narrator talks about humanities and how it is related to how we do things, perceive life in this modern world. Humanities helps us to survive and thrive in this modern world to achieve our goals which is full of competition and obstacles .Exploring different aspects of life this video explains when human has started using languge, literature, art , music and dance to understand people and the world. By observing different sculptures and buildings we can better understand history. By exploring humanities we will be able to think critically and reasonably. Now lets look at the drama Oedipus it teaches us that whatever is fated to happen will happen and you cannot do anything to stop it. I believe this is true for us too, whatever is in our fate will happen sooner or later. Here they pray to god Apollo, he represents the sun god which gives light to all. We also pray sun god and other gods everyday. Humanities is all about finding ones own culture and religion. Ways of seeing by John Berger are based on the way we see things is affected by our knowledge and beliefs. He believes that camera/photographic techniques for reproducing pictures have altered the way in which the art of the past is seen. Paintings have there for decades and has been linked to ownership and be bought easily by money, which shows that how powerful is money and how rich people are if Get more content on
  • 17. Humanities Subject 1. Why are you taking this course? I am taking this course as a prerequisite for my AA degree, I am still an undecided major, but I think I will major in business because there are many career opportunities in that area. I also think that taking a humanities class is an important prerequisite for students to view how certain developments of different cultures came into play and how some literary works of culture may still be used to this day. 2. Tell me what you like best AND least about this course. So far, I likedlearning about the five gifts of humanities, how people can view themselves as an Apollonian or Dionysian, understanding Olympian gods and goddesses, and different myths. What I like least about the course is trying to understand more content... On the other hand, a guy work I work with is really into seeing movies in the theater he said he saw the movie "Jason Bourne" he said "I really loved this movie because I saw all of the other ones, and so I knew I would really like the new one, one of my favorite parts of the movie I saw was when there was the action packed scene." I knew he was talking like an Apollonian. 5. Tell me which personality you are– Apollonian or Dionysian – and why. I am Apollonian, because when it comes to working or getting a task done I like to make sure I get it done the right way the first time, I am a very organized person knowing when specific things are due on dates and keeping my office space neat where files are labeled. I am efficient with my time and I try not to be late to class, work, or any events. 6. Ask me any questions or discuss anything else you want to tell me. – Will we be tested on the myths stories from start to end of the story or only specific parts of the myth story? I also looked ahead and saw we would cover Ancient Greek Tragedies would we have to memorize the whole story or only important major events that happened throughout the stories? If you were to give a simple life tip to a young student like myself, what would you recommend? Get more content on
  • 18. Reflection of Humanities Reflection Paper 1 By: Tenesha Blackmon Western history and civilization is of vast importance to understanding the great story of humanity. The study of the ancient civilizations has shown itself to me to be a new found interest as the journey of the course had lead me to see the magnificent accomplishments of mankind, and the possibilities of our potential; both in glory and darkness. In this reflection paper, I will look back upon the beginnings of our studies of the development of the early civilizations from the Sumerians to the Roman Empire. The definition and development of civilization is characterized by 5 major important factors. The 5 characteristics are the existence of cities that inhabits many citizens, more content... Greco–Romanism is felt even to this day in our modern world especially in our government, constitution and our way of thinking. I have seen in the studies from early civilization to the Roman Empire the capabilities, the intelligence, and the greatness of mankind. It comes to reveal the fearful and wonder aspect of our creation being created in His image and likeness. I have also seen the result of pride, greed, lust, and sin and of why humanity was in desperate need of a savior. Humanities search to understand ourselves lies within history. History is the instructor, and it is up to us as its' pupils to adhered as to what he has to say. Reflection Paper 1 Rubric Student Name: Tenesha Blackmon Criterion| Points Possible| Points Given| Instructor Comments| You provide a meaningful introduction and conclusion to the paper.| 10| | | You provide a summary of the flow of history from early Mesopotamia through ancient Rome.| 20| | | You effectively analyze and evaluate these five civilizations.| 50| | | You are careful to write in your own words. You remember to proofread your work in order to prevent spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. You also make sure paragraphs are properly constructed and well–written. The word count should be between 750 and 1000 words.| 20| | | Total| 100| | Get more content on
  • 19. Humanities 101 Reflective Essay Eh, there ain't much to say when it comes to the likes of me. Name's Todd Rexroth II, 19, and I'm the eldest of 9. I graduated from SciTech High and soon after came to HACC. I'm here at HACC to find out what I want to do with my life. So with that out of the way, let's begin. To begin, I'll talk about a bit of my experience at HACC. The only writing class I've had prior to this is English 051, in which I earned a C. Not necessarily for my skill of writing, but for not following all the steps of the writing process. Fortunately, this is only my second semester so I can mask that grade by getting better ones. Along the way I hope to finally find a major I want to pursue and stop doing general studies. Which is part of the reason I decided to take Humanities 101 to more content... I don't really have a specific genre of music I listen to and instead just listen to whatever sounds good hittin' my ears. My music recommendation gotta be an artist that went by Nujabes. He specializes in making beats, but sometimes teams up with other artists making some absolutely mint tunes. I, of course, do have pictures of myself at home. Though, they're not the most recent. As for hobbies I'm into gaming, PC building, and, when I have the time, reading. When I can afford the money and time I plan on expanding this list. Finally, I want to end with what my ultimate goal is when I find a career. Well, first I want to find a career I'm content with doing. I don't need to love it, but something I won't blow my brains out for down the line. After I choose the career and find a job, I'll make sure I budget my money wisely as to better my chances of living relatively comfortable. Then, finally, do what I love as a hobby. At least, that's the initial plan so far. In the end, I'm a simple guy just trying to find a career I can stomach for 40+ years. I do hope this introduction was as riveting to read as it was to write. Thanks for Get more content on
  • 20. The Humanities And Its Impact On Education Essay Martha Nussbaum argues that primary, secondary, and especially, higher education institutions are cutting the humanities from curricula. According to Nussbaum, our nation and those like it are economically hungry and are pushing technical careers instead. She disputes that a decrease in the humanities will cause a loss in free thinking, and therefore a loss of democracy. Her argument is based off of her theory that without thehumanities, citizens become soulless, mechanical, and profit–making machines. This theory is based off the notion that the humanities are continuing to be cut from curricula at an extensive rate. But are the humanities truly decreasing? Nussbaum is accurate in saying that fewer people are majoring in the humanities; however, she drastically exaggerates the rate in which they are decreasing. In fact, the rate in which the humanities have been declining has levelled out over the past few decades. So, it would seem that democracy is safe, for the most part. What are the humanities? The EncyclopУ•dia Britannica says: "Those branches of knowledge that concern themselves with human beings and their culture or with analytic and critical methods of inquiry derived from an appreciation of human values and of the unique ability of the human spirit to express itself" (EncylopУ•dia Britannica). The humanities look at the humankind as a whole to understand various cultures, ideals, and values. This concept can be looked at throughout history, presently, Get more content on