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- Non-Uniformed Personnel presently assigned at RLDDD as Training
- Married with 4 children
Bachelor of Arts (AB) major in Development Communication (DevCom)
at Ateneo de Cagayan (Xavier University).
Xavier University and Capitol University
Liceo de Cagayan University- Higher English, Philosophy, others (BSN)
Capitol University - English, Psychology, others (BSN,
Marine, Nautical, Eng’g.)
RTC 10 - Police Media Relations, Correspondence (PSBRC)
- Human Relations, Police Correspondence (PSJLC)
- Human Resource Management, Research and
Managing Problem Emphasis (PSSLC)
RHQ - Police Correspondence, Records Management
- Managing Media Relations, Building
Communications Proficiency (IOBC)
- Instructors Development Course - ICITAP
- Supervisory Development Course (Tracks 1, 2 & 3) – DHRDD
- Training of Trainers – Davao City
- Ethics and Human Dignity Course – ICITAP
- Police Media Relations – RPCRD
- Rescue Training Program – Rotary Club of Metro Cagayan
- Others
This lesson is intended for the participants to
have better understanding on the overview of
the course/mandate of Human Relations.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able
Discuss human relations as a tool in getting
along with people intelligently;
Develop a professional image and a positive
attitude for the workplace;
Demonstrate an understanding of how
interpersonal skills affect personal and
professional development;
Point out the importance of human relations
with objectivity;
Identify and practice team-building skills;
Participate as a productive member of a group
or team; and
Apply the principles of human relations in their
workplace without reservations as a change
Test on Human Relations
Getting along with people is an important
skill, and one that some people have
difficulty with.
It is an area of management
practiced that is concerned with
the interaction of two or more
people into a work situation.
It includes a verbal and
nonverbal exchange of ideas,
beliefs, views, feelings, attitudes
and opinions.
It is concerned with motivating
personnel to work together
cooperatively and productively.
It is a study of how people
interact; how people relate to
each other in group situation
especially work and how
communication skills and
sensitivity to other people’s
feelings can be improved.
- Human Relations concentrates
on personal and professional
development skills needed by
workers in today’s workplace.
1. Physiological Needs
(or Primary)
- are those that issue from
the necessity to sustain life –
food, water, air, rest, sex,
2. Social Needs
(secondary needs) –
physical association and
contact, love and
affection and
3. Egoistic Needs
- derived from the necessity
of viewing one’s self or ego in
a certain manner.
EGO – self of any person; a
thinking, feeling and conscious
being able to distinguish itself
from other selves.
1. Recognition 2. Dominance
3. Independence 4. Achievement
(or Self-actualization)
ADJUSTED BEHAVIOR - if the person is able to
satisfy needs in a manner that is acceptable to both the
self and society.
MALADJUSTED BEHAVIOR - results when human
needs are not attained, are attained with great difficulty
or are attained in a manner, not approved by society.
examples: changes in jobs, daydreaming, jealousy,
desire for excessive attention, excessive complaining,
bragging and lying.
1. Learn to be polite and considerate.
- This may seem obvious, but some people never
learned simple consideration and politeness from
parents or elsewhere.
- You would be surprised how far simple consideration
will go, at times.
- Learn to say Please, Thank you, May I help?, and so
Suggestions to assist those who
need to get along better:
Can I do anything for you?
Common Courtesy and Good Manners
are the first Casualties
when dealing with near and dear ones.
But should it be so ?
Closer a person is to us, we are more careless and
less courteous,
we become in our behavior
Boss :
Employee :
2. Always try to put yourself in the other
person‘s shoes.
- Practice the Golden Rule – do unto others as you
would have others do unto you.
- This is a key to consideration and politeness in most
- Realize that other people often have more problems
than you do, even if they never mention them.
- This is often the case, and it explains why some people
are angry a lot, or sad a lot, or just have trouble
connecting with you.
- A lot of people of all ages just don‘t feel well.
"You have control over your actions but you have no
control over the results of your actions."
- A person is a fool if he cannot get
angry but he is a wise man if he will
- Uncontrolled words of anger not
only hurt a person but can even ruin
-Controlling your anger is one of the
biggest virtues.
Exercises on Management of Emotions.pptx
This art of Human Relations when fully understood,
internalized and applied intelligently can help you:
 Make and retain friends;
 Increase your influence and prestige;
 Make others like and respect you;
“Sometimes being understanding is more important
than being right…Sometimes we need not a brilliant
mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens; not
keen eyes that always see faults, but open arms that
accept; not a finger that points out mistakes, but
gentle hands that lead…”
Become an effective leader -
popular at home, office and in
social circles;
Develop expertise to tackle
difficult and complex situations;
Be a better person - employer,
employee, husband, wife, father,
mother, son or daughter;
Make others around you cheerful;
Become enthusiastic and young
at heart.
3. Do not raise your voice when speaking
with others.
- Raising your voice is extremely threatening and
- Some people do not realize this.
- If you believe you are not being heard, or not listened
to, or not appreciated, there are other ways to make
this known to another person.
- Raising your voice is one of the fastest ways to stop
communication and even to end a relationship.
“How you say it, is as important as what you say”
- We never raise our voice with our
bosses, clients, or VIPs in any
- We don't do it even with our peon
or servant, if they are indispensable
in a given situation for fear of losing
- Then why do it to those who love
us and who are indispensable in our
total life spectrum?
- Spoken words are like
arrows, they don't return
once they are shot.
- It is impossible to arrest the
progress of words which are
uttered carelessly.
- You can't erase spoken
4. Apologize quickly if you make a mistake
or error.
- This is important to prevent others from holding on to
- Another way to say this is do not be defensive if you are
wrong or make a mistake.
- Admit it quickly and say you‘re sorry, and mean it when
you say it.
- Many insignificant situations assume
gigantic proportions because none of the
concerned persons admits his fault and
even the guilty try to defend themselves
and their actions.
- No one likes to be ordered around; Orders
and threats make communication difficult.
- Instead, asking intelligent questions
makes it easier for a person to correct his
- It makes people want to cooperate instead
of rebelling.
“Mistakes are the stepping stones to learning”
5. Be punctual, meaning arrive when you say
you will arrive, and do what you say you will do.
6. Smile and be cheerful most of the time.
- People don‘t like others who are too serious, sad or too
intense all the time.
- You can still be honest, direct and committed without
being overly heavy or serious.
A positive attitude, a glowing
face and a captivating Smile
are the most important facets
of an impressive and
agreeable personality. These
will create for you an
atmosphere for meaningful
and effective Human
“A smile is a curved line that can straighten many
A smile is the friendliest way of saying
'Hello' in any language and the easiest
way to begin a communication.
A smile increases the face value of a
Medically and biologically, a smile is
It only requires 12 muscles to smile while
frowning uses 113 facial muscles. Smiling
can make the face fuller and brighter.
It can make a person beautiful and
7. Relax around other people whenever
- This helps put others at ease and helps them relax
around you, which they will like.
- A positive mental attitude is not
something that can be developed
- Persistent and conscious
practice over long periods is
necessary to generate results.
“Look for something positive in each day, even if
some days you have to look a little harder, let the
challenges make you strong”
8. Whenever possible, do not take other
people‘s stray comments personally.
- Instead, be patient with everyone and do your best to
overlook the faults of others, without arguing.
- No one is perfect. If you wish to get along, learn to
overlook other people‘s small imperfections.
- Arguments usually end up with each
person more firmly convinced than
ever that he is absolutely right.
- Arguments cannot change a person, if
he does not want to change.
- To make a person listen to you, you
have to win his heart as well as his
- Respect the other person's opinion.
Accept that he can be right too.
- You will become happier and more
successful in life.
“The aim of an argument or discussion should not
victory, but progress”
- You can seek the opinion of
important, busy persons and they will
stop and share their opinions with
- Ask a business leader, a professional
or a minister and they will feel
enthused to talk to you.
- Seeking someone's opinion often
creates a feeling of elation and
importance in the person.
“If you want a person to buy a photograph, make
sure he is in the picture”
9. As a general rule, listen carefully and
deeply, and do less speaking.
- Most people want to be listened to, especially children.
- Learning to listen attentively, also sometimes called
active listening, is a wonderful skill.
- It simply means to be quiet, yet you are taking in what
another is saying along with his or her body language,
intonation and other information so that you are really
paying attention and hearing what the other is saying at
a deep level and can respond accordingly.
- The secret of good listening is giving
pleasure to others in a conversation.
- To be a good listener, you do not need
to entertain or impress others with your
abilities and achievements or remain
totally silent.
- A good listener is one who listens with
a lot of concentration, attention, interest
and encourages the other person to
talk and feel important.
- People enjoy the company of those
who are good listeners.
“Good listening demands active participation and
mental involvement”
10. Real humility is wonderful.
- Fake humility is not.
- Real humility is mainly to be authentic and real with
- Fake humility is to put yourself down when you don‘t
really mean it, and other affected behaviors.
Objectively observe the situation.
Identify a feeling in yourself.
Identify what your need or desire is in the situation.
Formulate a request for the other person.
Give the other person lots of feedback on what you
believe they are saying.
11. Nonviolent Communication, a term coined by
Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, is an interesting approach that
contains a lot of wisdom.
- It consists of a process that can often help with many
communication difficulties.
12. Love and respect are the answer.
- A very difficult lesson for some people is to realize that
everyone wants to be loved, respected, admired,
appreciated, and recognized.
- This is what most people crave and desire.
“Love is not about how much you say, I love you,
but how much you can prove that it’s true”
- It is a pure love, there is ecstasy,
deep involvement and a genuine
concern for the other person.
- Do you love someone this way?
- If you do, then, you genuinely
deserve such a love.
Employees report that they are
more productive and more
engaged in their work when they
are able to balance the demands
of work with other aspects of their
Improvements in physical and
mental health are also associated
with workplace flexibility.
Research shows that flexible work arrangements may
reduce stress because employees working flexibly are
more satisfied with their jobs, more satisfied with their
lives, and experience better work-family balance.
 Overall, employees who have a high work-life fit fare
much better than employees who have moderate or
low levels of work-life fit.
They are more highly engaged and less likely to look
for a new job in the next year, and they enjoy better
overall health, better mental health, and lower levels of
Here are some evidence linking flexible work
options to employee and family well-being:
Participation in formal arrangements that involve
flexitime promotes a sense among workers that they
have the discretion to fit job-related responsibilities into
their broader lives, and this discretion contributes to
less stress and burnout.
A study of more than 19,000 employees at nine distinct
companies (in the pharmaceutical, technical,
manufacturing, financial, and professional services
sectors and in a university) showed that stress and
burnout was lower among workers engaged in all types
of workplace flexibility arrangements.
According to studies:
Spillover is a process by which attitudes and
behavior carry over from one role to another.
 Spillover between work and family life can be
regarded as negative (i.e., work-family conflict) or
positive (work-family enhancement).
"These two dimensions of spillover might co-exist
to some degree. For example, a job that provides
a high degree of negative spillover in the form of
long hours and psychological stress carryover
into home life, at the same time, could provide a
high degree of positive spillover in the form of
family financial security and opportunities for
personal growth that make for a better family
The National Study of the Changing Workforce
(NSCW) conducted by the Families and Work
Institute found that employees in more flexible
workplaces exhibited less negative spillover
between work and family life.
This was found to have benefits for both employers
and employees.
According to studies:
For employers: less negative spillover from life off the
job to work that impairs productivity;
For employees: less negative spillover from work to
life off the job that reduces the quality of personal and
family life.
Work-family balance has two dimensions: work
interference with family and family interference with
Characteristics of the job and the workplace can have
a positive or negative effect on family life, while
aspects of an employee's family situation can affect
the employee's performance and attitudes toward
work. (Byron, 2005)
The availability of a variety of flexible work
arrangements can help employees maximize work-
family balance, which benefits both the employee and
the employer.
A recent study of the effects of the availability of
schedule flexibility at work on the work-to-family
interface found that flexible schedules reduced work-
family conflict for women, but not for men.
Schedule flexibility provided employees with the
opportunity to minimize work-family conflict, as well
as to promote work-family enrichment and improve
functioning and performance at work and home.
According to studies:
Work-life balance refers to the ability of an individual
to balance work and non-work responsibilities that
may not necessarily include family life.
Work-life balance provides an individual with
sufficient time, energy, and well-being to engage in
activities that promote personal growth and
Work-life balance has three dimensions: work
interference with personal life, personal life
interference with work, and work/personal life
In a study investigating the relationship between the
availability of flexible work schedules and work-life
balance, employees operating under flexible work
schedules displayed significantly higher levels of work-
life balance than their counterparts utilizing traditional
fixed-hour schedules.
The perceived usability and availability of these work
schedules appears to be a key element in achieving
work/life balance for many office-based employees.
According to studies:
The findings of many studies suggest that flexibility in
working patterns that gives the worker more choice or
control is likely to have positive effects on health and
For example, a recent study of workers in extended-
care facilities found that "Employees who worked for
managers with low work-family openness and
creativity were more likely to have elevated CVD
[cardiovascular disease] risks based on both
biomarker assessments and reports of doctor
They also sleep almost half an hour less per night
than employees with managers with high levels of
openness and creativity in relation to work-family
Work-life balance is a concept that supports the
efforts of employees to split their time and energy
between work and the other important aspects of
their lives. Work-life balance is a daily effort to make
time for family, friends, community participation,
spirituality, personal growth, self-care, and other
personal activities, in addition to the demands of the
Employers Assist Employee Work-Life Balance
with Flexible Policies
Work-life balance is assisted by employers who institute
policies, procedures, actions, and expectations that
enable employees to easily pursue more balanced
The pursuit of work-life balance reduces the stress
employees experience. When they spend the majority
of their days on work-related activities and feel as if
they are neglecting the other important components of
their lives, stress and unhappiness result.
Work-life balance enables employees to feel as if they
are paying attention to all the important aspects of their
Because many employees experience a personal,
professional, and monetary need to achieve, work-life
balance is challenging. Employers can assist employees
to experience work-life balance by offering such
opportunities as flexible work schedules, paid time off
(PTO) policies, responsible time and communication
expectations, and company-sponsored family events
and activities.
Managers are important to employees seeking work-life
balance. Managers who pursue work-life balance in their
own lives model appropriate behavior and support
employees in their pursuit of work-life balance.
They create a work environment in which work-life
balance is expected, enabled, and supported. They
retain outstanding employees to whom work-life balance
is important - like parents.
Bring your children to the office
if and when you can, and let
them see their photos or their
creative work on your desk.
 This lets them know that they
are in your mind and heart.
It helps them understand that
you think of them often - and
they will also feel a part of what
you do.
Make their special day an
Work-life balance for anyone means having great
time management skills.
If you allow your workday to drag on, you‘re stealing
precious leisure and family time. Here are some
additional tips:
- Know the boss‘ schedule. Maximize meeting time
with your boss; be strategic and work closely with his
administrative staff to achieve this.
- Know when to make calls and when to do
administrative work to optimize your time at work.
- Schedule family vacations when people aren‘t
going to be around. Offer a countdown to vacation time
so there are no surprises for your boss or team.
 If you telecommute, ensure that your tech tools are
state-of-the-art. If your cell phone usage limits you to
certain times or areas, then you might rethink your
plan. Make sure you can video conference with ease.
Draw a clear line between your personal and work
time. Set clear expectations with your boss.
If you‘re an overachiever, consider cutting back to
realistic goals so you feel you‘ve succeeded.
14 Principles
of Human
H Have self-confidence
U Understand the viewpoint of others
M Make yourself the friend of all
A Admit it when you are wrong
N Never make promises you cannot
R Respect and courtesy are important
E Explain thoroughly
L Look, listen and learn
A Avoid arguments
T Try to be approachable and sociable
I Insist on selfless service to the
O Others first, self last
N Never criticize in public
S Stress-free environment and be
positive always
1. SPEAK TO PEOPLE. There’s nothing as nice
as a cheerful greeting.
2. SMILE AT PEOPLE. It takes 112 muscles to
frown and only 13 to smile.
sweetest music to the ears is one’s own name.
friendship and it will be returned tenfold.
5. BE CORDIAL. Speak and act as if everything
you did was a pleasure.
There are 3 sides to every controversy – yours,
the others – and the right one.
great deal in life is what we do for others.
In dealing with the citizenry, some of our policemen
are perceived to be tamad, abusado, bastos and ayaw
padisiplina. Oftentimes, these policemen’s appearance,
body language and even manner of speaking project an
overbearing, aloof and apathetic character. These traits
are looked at being “brusko.” There is an urgent need to
inculcate in our policemen that they should change their
manner they deal with and “handle” the citizenry. We
should exert more efforts to be more citizen-friendly,
courteous, provide prompt action that is responsive to the
request, deliver results expected and set the example of
what a true protector and servant of the community is for
all to emulate.
“I admit, I made a mistake”
“You did a good job”
“What is your opinion?”
“If you please”
“Thank You”
Only Basic Goodness Gives Life to Techniques.
Without Fundamental Character,
all HR will appear
Manipulative & marked with
& does not generate
A lesson to Remember “Rumors”
(test on human relations)

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  • 1.
  • 2. - Non-Uniformed Personnel presently assigned at RLDDD as Training Specialist. - Married with 4 children COURSE: Bachelor of Arts (AB) major in Development Communication (DevCom) at Ateneo de Cagayan (Xavier University). MASTERAL: Xavier University and Capitol University TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Liceo de Cagayan University- Higher English, Philosophy, others (BSN) Capitol University - English, Psychology, others (BSN, Marine, Nautical, Eng’g.)
  • 3. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: RTC 10 - Police Media Relations, Correspondence (PSBRC) - Human Relations, Police Correspondence (PSJLC) - Human Resource Management, Research and Managing Problem Emphasis (PSSLC) RHQ - Police Correspondence, Records Management (CIC) - Managing Media Relations, Building Communications Proficiency (IOBC) SEMINARS/SCHOOLINGS: - Instructors Development Course - ICITAP - Supervisory Development Course (Tracks 1, 2 & 3) – DHRDD - Training of Trainers – Davao City - Ethics and Human Dignity Course – ICITAP - Police Media Relations – RPCRD - Rescue Training Program – Rotary Club of Metro Cagayan - Others -
  • 4. This lesson is intended for the participants to have better understanding on the overview of the course/mandate of Human Relations.
  • 5. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: Discuss human relations as a tool in getting along with people intelligently; Develop a professional image and a positive attitude for the workplace; Demonstrate an understanding of how interpersonal skills affect personal and professional development;
  • 6. Point out the importance of human relations with objectivity; Identify and practice team-building skills; Participate as a productive member of a group or team; and Apply the principles of human relations in their workplace without reservations as a change process.
  • 7. Test on Human Relations
  • 8. Getting along with people is an important skill, and one that some people have difficulty with.
  • 9. It is an area of management practiced that is concerned with the interaction of two or more people into a work situation. It includes a verbal and nonverbal exchange of ideas, beliefs, views, feelings, attitudes and opinions. It is concerned with motivating personnel to work together cooperatively and productively.
  • 10. It is a study of how people interact; how people relate to each other in group situation especially work and how communication skills and sensitivity to other people’s feelings can be improved. - Human Relations concentrates on personal and professional development skills needed by workers in today’s workplace.
  • 11. 1. Physiological Needs (or Primary) - are those that issue from the necessity to sustain life – food, water, air, rest, sex, shelter. 2. Social Needs (secondary needs) – physical association and contact, love and affection and acceptance
  • 12. 3. Egoistic Needs - derived from the necessity of viewing one’s self or ego in a certain manner. EGO – self of any person; a thinking, feeling and conscious being able to distinguish itself from other selves.
  • 13. 1. Recognition 2. Dominance
  • 14. 3. Independence 4. Achievement (or Self-actualization) Identifiable EGOISTIC NEEDS
  • 15. ADJUSTED BEHAVIOR - if the person is able to satisfy needs in a manner that is acceptable to both the self and society. MALADJUSTED BEHAVIOR - results when human needs are not attained, are attained with great difficulty or are attained in a manner, not approved by society. examples: changes in jobs, daydreaming, jealousy, desire for excessive attention, excessive complaining, bragging and lying.
  • 16. 1. Learn to be polite and considerate. - This may seem obvious, but some people never learned simple consideration and politeness from parents or elsewhere. - You would be surprised how far simple consideration will go, at times. - Learn to say Please, Thank you, May I help?, and so forth. Suggestions to assist those who need to get along better:
  • 17. Can I do anything for you?
  • 18. Common Courtesy and Good Manners are the first Casualties when dealing with near and dear ones. But should it be so ? Closer a person is to us, we are more careless and less courteous, we become in our behavior
  • 20.
  • 21. 2. Always try to put yourself in the other person‘s shoes. - Practice the Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have others do unto you. - This is a key to consideration and politeness in most cases. - Realize that other people often have more problems than you do, even if they never mention them. - This is often the case, and it explains why some people are angry a lot, or sad a lot, or just have trouble connecting with you. - A lot of people of all ages just don‘t feel well.
  • 22. "You have control over your actions but you have no control over the results of your actions." - A person is a fool if he cannot get angry but he is a wise man if he will not. - Uncontrolled words of anger not only hurt a person but can even ruin him. -Controlling your anger is one of the biggest virtues. Exercises on Management of Emotions.pptx
  • 23.
  • 24. This art of Human Relations when fully understood, internalized and applied intelligently can help you:  Make and retain friends;  Increase your influence and prestige;  Make others like and respect you; “Sometimes being understanding is more important than being right…Sometimes we need not a brilliant mind that speaks but a patient heart that listens; not keen eyes that always see faults, but open arms that accept; not a finger that points out mistakes, but gentle hands that lead…”
  • 25. Become an effective leader - popular at home, office and in social circles; Develop expertise to tackle difficult and complex situations; Be a better person - employer, employee, husband, wife, father, mother, son or daughter; Make others around you cheerful; Become enthusiastic and young at heart.
  • 26. 3. Do not raise your voice when speaking with others. - Raising your voice is extremely threatening and intimidating. - Some people do not realize this. - If you believe you are not being heard, or not listened to, or not appreciated, there are other ways to make this known to another person. - Raising your voice is one of the fastest ways to stop communication and even to end a relationship.
  • 27. “How you say it, is as important as what you say” - We never raise our voice with our bosses, clients, or VIPs in any situation. - We don't do it even with our peon or servant, if they are indispensable in a given situation for fear of losing them. - Then why do it to those who love us and who are indispensable in our total life spectrum?
  • 28. - Spoken words are like arrows, they don't return once they are shot. - It is impossible to arrest the progress of words which are uttered carelessly. - You can't erase spoken words.
  • 29.
  • 30. 4. Apologize quickly if you make a mistake or error. - This is important to prevent others from holding on to anger. - Another way to say this is do not be defensive if you are wrong or make a mistake. - Admit it quickly and say you‘re sorry, and mean it when you say it.
  • 31. - Many insignificant situations assume gigantic proportions because none of the concerned persons admits his fault and even the guilty try to defend themselves and their actions. - No one likes to be ordered around; Orders and threats make communication difficult. - Instead, asking intelligent questions makes it easier for a person to correct his errors. - It makes people want to cooperate instead of rebelling. “Mistakes are the stepping stones to learning”
  • 32.
  • 33. 5. Be punctual, meaning arrive when you say you will arrive, and do what you say you will do. 6. Smile and be cheerful most of the time. - People don‘t like others who are too serious, sad or too intense all the time. - You can still be honest, direct and committed without being overly heavy or serious.
  • 34. A positive attitude, a glowing face and a captivating Smile are the most important facets of an impressive and agreeable personality. These will create for you an atmosphere for meaningful and effective Human Relations. “A smile is a curved line that can straighten many problems”
  • 35. A smile is the friendliest way of saying 'Hello' in any language and the easiest way to begin a communication. A smile increases the face value of a person. Medically and biologically, a smile is healthy. It only requires 12 muscles to smile while frowning uses 113 facial muscles. Smiling can make the face fuller and brighter. It can make a person beautiful and handsome.
  • 36.
  • 37. 7. Relax around other people whenever possible. - This helps put others at ease and helps them relax around you, which they will like.
  • 38. - A positive mental attitude is not something that can be developed overnight. - Persistent and conscious practice over long periods is necessary to generate results. “Look for something positive in each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder, let the challenges make you strong”
  • 39.
  • 40. 8. Whenever possible, do not take other people‘s stray comments personally. - Instead, be patient with everyone and do your best to overlook the faults of others, without arguing. - No one is perfect. If you wish to get along, learn to overlook other people‘s small imperfections.
  • 41. - Arguments usually end up with each person more firmly convinced than ever that he is absolutely right. - Arguments cannot change a person, if he does not want to change. - To make a person listen to you, you have to win his heart as well as his mind. - Respect the other person's opinion. Accept that he can be right too. - You will become happier and more successful in life. “The aim of an argument or discussion should not victory, but progress”
  • 42.
  • 43. - You can seek the opinion of important, busy persons and they will stop and share their opinions with you. - Ask a business leader, a professional or a minister and they will feel enthused to talk to you. - Seeking someone's opinion often creates a feeling of elation and importance in the person. “If you want a person to buy a photograph, make sure he is in the picture” Rumors
  • 44.
  • 45. 9. As a general rule, listen carefully and deeply, and do less speaking. - Most people want to be listened to, especially children. - Learning to listen attentively, also sometimes called active listening, is a wonderful skill. - It simply means to be quiet, yet you are taking in what another is saying along with his or her body language, intonation and other information so that you are really paying attention and hearing what the other is saying at a deep level and can respond accordingly.
  • 46. - The secret of good listening is giving pleasure to others in a conversation. - To be a good listener, you do not need to entertain or impress others with your abilities and achievements or remain totally silent. - A good listener is one who listens with a lot of concentration, attention, interest and encourages the other person to talk and feel important. - People enjoy the company of those who are good listeners. “Good listening demands active participation and mental involvement”
  • 47. 10. Real humility is wonderful. - Fake humility is not. - Real humility is mainly to be authentic and real with others. - Fake humility is to put yourself down when you don‘t really mean it, and other affected behaviors.
  • 48. Objectively observe the situation. Identify a feeling in yourself. Identify what your need or desire is in the situation. Formulate a request for the other person. Give the other person lots of feedback on what you believe they are saying. 11. Nonviolent Communication, a term coined by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, is an interesting approach that contains a lot of wisdom. - It consists of a process that can often help with many communication difficulties.
  • 49. 12. Love and respect are the answer. - A very difficult lesson for some people is to realize that everyone wants to be loved, respected, admired, appreciated, and recognized. - This is what most people crave and desire.
  • 50. “Love is not about how much you say, I love you, but how much you can prove that it’s true” - It is a pure love, there is ecstasy, deep involvement and a genuine concern for the other person. - Do you love someone this way? - If you do, then, you genuinely deserve such a love.
  • 51.
  • 52. Employees report that they are more productive and more engaged in their work when they are able to balance the demands of work with other aspects of their lives. Improvements in physical and mental health are also associated with workplace flexibility.
  • 53. Research shows that flexible work arrangements may reduce stress because employees working flexibly are more satisfied with their jobs, more satisfied with their lives, and experience better work-family balance.  Overall, employees who have a high work-life fit fare much better than employees who have moderate or low levels of work-life fit. They are more highly engaged and less likely to look for a new job in the next year, and they enjoy better overall health, better mental health, and lower levels of stress. Here are some evidence linking flexible work options to employee and family well-being:
  • 54. Participation in formal arrangements that involve flexitime promotes a sense among workers that they have the discretion to fit job-related responsibilities into their broader lives, and this discretion contributes to less stress and burnout. A study of more than 19,000 employees at nine distinct companies (in the pharmaceutical, technical, manufacturing, financial, and professional services sectors and in a university) showed that stress and burnout was lower among workers engaged in all types of workplace flexibility arrangements. According to studies:
  • 55. Spillover is a process by which attitudes and behavior carry over from one role to another.  Spillover between work and family life can be regarded as negative (i.e., work-family conflict) or positive (work-family enhancement). "These two dimensions of spillover might co-exist to some degree. For example, a job that provides a high degree of negative spillover in the form of long hours and psychological stress carryover into home life, at the same time, could provide a high degree of positive spillover in the form of family financial security and opportunities for personal growth that make for a better family member."
  • 56. The National Study of the Changing Workforce (NSCW) conducted by the Families and Work Institute found that employees in more flexible workplaces exhibited less negative spillover between work and family life. This was found to have benefits for both employers and employees. According to studies:
  • 57. For employers: less negative spillover from life off the job to work that impairs productivity; For employees: less negative spillover from work to life off the job that reduces the quality of personal and family life.
  • 58. WORK-FAMILY Work-family balance has two dimensions: work interference with family and family interference with work. Characteristics of the job and the workplace can have a positive or negative effect on family life, while aspects of an employee's family situation can affect the employee's performance and attitudes toward work. (Byron, 2005) The availability of a variety of flexible work arrangements can help employees maximize work- family balance, which benefits both the employee and the employer.
  • 59. A recent study of the effects of the availability of schedule flexibility at work on the work-to-family interface found that flexible schedules reduced work- family conflict for women, but not for men. Schedule flexibility provided employees with the opportunity to minimize work-family conflict, as well as to promote work-family enrichment and improve functioning and performance at work and home. According to studies:
  • 60. WORK-LIFE Work-life balance refers to the ability of an individual to balance work and non-work responsibilities that may not necessarily include family life. Work-life balance provides an individual with sufficient time, energy, and well-being to engage in activities that promote personal growth and enrichment. Work-life balance has three dimensions: work interference with personal life, personal life interference with work, and work/personal life enhancement.
  • 61. In a study investigating the relationship between the availability of flexible work schedules and work-life balance, employees operating under flexible work schedules displayed significantly higher levels of work- life balance than their counterparts utilizing traditional fixed-hour schedules. The perceived usability and availability of these work schedules appears to be a key element in achieving work/life balance for many office-based employees. According to studies:
  • 62. The findings of many studies suggest that flexibility in working patterns that gives the worker more choice or control is likely to have positive effects on health and well-being. For example, a recent study of workers in extended- care facilities found that "Employees who worked for managers with low work-family openness and creativity were more likely to have elevated CVD [cardiovascular disease] risks based on both biomarker assessments and reports of doctor diagnoses. They also sleep almost half an hour less per night than employees with managers with high levels of openness and creativity in relation to work-family issues."
  • 63. Work-life balance is a concept that supports the efforts of employees to split their time and energy between work and the other important aspects of their lives. Work-life balance is a daily effort to make time for family, friends, community participation, spirituality, personal growth, self-care, and other personal activities, in addition to the demands of the workplace. Employers Assist Employee Work-Life Balance with Flexible Policies
  • 64. Work-life balance is assisted by employers who institute policies, procedures, actions, and expectations that enable employees to easily pursue more balanced lives. The pursuit of work-life balance reduces the stress employees experience. When they spend the majority of their days on work-related activities and feel as if they are neglecting the other important components of their lives, stress and unhappiness result. Work-life balance enables employees to feel as if they are paying attention to all the important aspects of their lives.
  • 65. Because many employees experience a personal, professional, and monetary need to achieve, work-life balance is challenging. Employers can assist employees to experience work-life balance by offering such opportunities as flexible work schedules, paid time off (PTO) policies, responsible time and communication expectations, and company-sponsored family events and activities.
  • 66. Managers are important to employees seeking work-life balance. Managers who pursue work-life balance in their own lives model appropriate behavior and support employees in their pursuit of work-life balance. They create a work environment in which work-life balance is expected, enabled, and supported. They retain outstanding employees to whom work-life balance is important - like parents.
  • 67. Bring your children to the office if and when you can, and let them see their photos or their creative work on your desk.  This lets them know that they are in your mind and heart. It helps them understand that you think of them often - and they will also feel a part of what you do. Make their special day an adventure.
  • 68. Work-life balance for anyone means having great time management skills. If you allow your workday to drag on, you‘re stealing precious leisure and family time. Here are some additional tips: - Know the boss‘ schedule. Maximize meeting time with your boss; be strategic and work closely with his administrative staff to achieve this.
  • 69. - Know when to make calls and when to do administrative work to optimize your time at work. - Schedule family vacations when people aren‘t going to be around. Offer a countdown to vacation time so there are no surprises for your boss or team.
  • 70.  If you telecommute, ensure that your tech tools are state-of-the-art. If your cell phone usage limits you to certain times or areas, then you might rethink your plan. Make sure you can video conference with ease. Draw a clear line between your personal and work time. Set clear expectations with your boss. If you‘re an overachiever, consider cutting back to realistic goals so you feel you‘ve succeeded.
  • 71. 14 Principles of Human Relations H Have self-confidence U Understand the viewpoint of others M Make yourself the friend of all A Admit it when you are wrong N Never make promises you cannot keep R Respect and courtesy are important E Explain thoroughly L Look, listen and learn A Avoid arguments T Try to be approachable and sociable I Insist on selfless service to the community O Others first, self last N Never criticize in public S Stress-free environment and be positive always
  • 72. 1. SPEAK TO PEOPLE. There’s nothing as nice as a cheerful greeting. 2. SMILE AT PEOPLE. It takes 112 muscles to frown and only 13 to smile. 3. CALL PEOPLE BY THEIR NAME. The sweetest music to the ears is one’s own name. 4. BE FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL. Radiate friendship and it will be returned tenfold. 5. BE CORDIAL. Speak and act as if everything you did was a pleasure. 6. BE GENUINELY INTERESTED IN PEOPLE.
  • 73. 7. BE GENEROUS WITH PRAISE. CAUTIOUS WITH CRITICISM. 8. BE CONSIDERATE WITH THE FEELINGS OF OTHERS; IT WILL BE APPRECIATED. 9. BE THOUGHTFUL OF OTHERS’ OPINIONS. There are 3 sides to every controversy – yours, the others – and the right one. 10.BE ALERT TO GIVE SERVICE. What counts a great deal in life is what we do for others.
  • 74. In dealing with the citizenry, some of our policemen are perceived to be tamad, abusado, bastos and ayaw padisiplina. Oftentimes, these policemen’s appearance, body language and even manner of speaking project an overbearing, aloof and apathetic character. These traits are looked at being “brusko.” There is an urgent need to inculcate in our policemen that they should change their manner they deal with and “handle” the citizenry. We should exert more efforts to be more citizen-friendly, courteous, provide prompt action that is responsive to the request, deliver results expected and set the example of what a true protector and servant of the community is for all to emulate.
  • 76. “I admit, I made a mistake”
  • 78. “You did a good job”
  • 80. “What is your opinion?”
  • 89. REMEMBER: Only Basic Goodness Gives Life to Techniques. Without Fundamental Character, all HR will appear Manipulative & marked with INSINCERITY & DUPLICITY & does not generate TRUST & CONFIDENCE.
  • 90. A lesson to Remember “Rumors”
  • 91. (test on human relations)