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What are the objectives of job evaluation?


Job Evaluation
Learning Objectives:

1. To know basic approach to Job Evaluation.

2. to importance of Job Evaluation and its effectiveness.

3. To know the important methods of Job Evaluation.

    Now friends CIQ will discuss about how jobs used to be evaluated in an organization;
      if somebody having any idea about it pleases start explaining it; this can be explained
     in the following way.
    Job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs
     systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization. Job is evaluated on
     the basis of their content and is placed in the order of their importance. It should be
     noted that in a job evaluation programme, the jobs are ranked and not the jobholders.
     Jobholders are rated through performance appraisal. “Job evaluation is a process of
     finding out the relative worth of a job as compared to other jobs” Now, who is going to
     explain the objectives of job evaluation?

The following objectives are derived from the analysis of the above-mentioned definitions: -

1) To gather data and information relating to job description, job specification and employee
specifications for various jobs in an organization.

2) To compare the duties, responsibilities and demands of a job with that of other jobs.

3) To determine the hierarchy and place of various jobs in an organization.

4) To determine the ranks or grades of various jobs.

5) To ensure fair and equitable wages on the basis of relative worth or value of jobs. In other
words equal wages are fixed to the jobs of equal worth or value.

6) To minimize wage discrimination based on sex, age, caste, region, religion etc. How
many of you        know the principles of job evaluation programme? Job      evaluation
programme should be implemented carefully.

The following principles help in successful implementation of the programme:

1. Rate the job but not the employee. Rate the elements on the basis of the job demands.

2. The elements selected for rating should be easily understood.

3. The elements should be defined clearly and properly selected.

4. Employees concerned and the supervisors should be educated and convinced about the

5. Supervisors should be encouraged to participate in rating the jobs.
6. Secure employee cooperation by encouraging them to participate in the rating programme.

7. Discuss with the supervisors and employees about rating but not about assigning money
values to the points.

8. Do not establish too many occupational wages. For, better understanding let us look at the
flowchart given below:
EvaluationProcess Employee Classification Wage Survey Job Evaluation ProgrammeJobSpecific
ation Job Description Job Analysis Objectives of Job Evaluation

Job Evaluation Process:
    The job-evaluation process starts defining objectives of evaluation and ends with
      establishing wage and salary differentials. The main objective of job evaluation, as
      was stated earlier, is to establish satisfactory wage and salary differentials. Jobanalysis
      should precede the actual program of evaluation.

Job analysis
Job analysis, as was discussed earlier, provides job-related data, which would be useful in
drafting job description and job specification. A job-evaluation program involves answering
several questions:
The major ones are:

• Which jobs are to be evaluated?

• Who should evaluate the jobs?

• What training do the evaluation need?

•How much time is involved?

• What should be the criteria for evaluation?

• What methods of evaluation are to be employed? Which jobs are to be evaluated in any
exercise?, where there are more than 30 or 40 jobs to be evaluated?,

It is necessary to identify and select a sample of benchmark jobs, which can be used for
comparisons inside and outside the organs. The benchmark jobs should be so selected to
achieve representative sample of each of the main levels of jobs in each of the principal

      The size of the sample depends on the number of different jobs to be covered. It is
       likely to be less than about five percent of the total number of employees in the
       organization and it would be difficult to produce a balanced sample unless at least 25
       percent of the distinct jobs at each level of the organization were included.

Staffing the Evaluation exercise:

      A committee, which consists of Head of several of department’s, as was pointed out
       earlier, does representatives of employee unions and specialist drawn from the
       National Productivity council Job evaluation.
      HRspecialists
       will be normally the chairmen of the committee. Responsibility for the overall
       coordination of the job-evaluation programme should be in the hands of a
       senior executive who can then report its progress to the board, and advise it on
       ensuring wage and salary development.
Training for the Committee:

      Members of the job-evaluation committee should be trained in its procedure so as to
       make the program successful.

Time Factor:

    Job evaluation should not be conducted in haste. Any rushing through will lead to
     appeals against the grading of jobs. Eight jobs in a day can be the ideal pace. After
     this, the quality of evaluation tends to drop, and more time has to spend later in
     checking and assessing the validity of the grading.
    The final review of all the time should be allowed for re-evaluation, if necessary.

Job-evaluation criteria:

    The heart of job evaluation is the determination of the criteria for evaluation. Most job
   evaluations use responsibility, skill, effort and working conditions as major criteria. Other
   criteria used are difficulty, time-span of discretion, size of subordinate staff, and degree of
   creativity needed. It needs no emphasis that job evaluation criteria vary across jobs. So
   friends you must have got a fair idea what is job evaluation.

What are the major problems faced in benefits management?


                       Major problems faced in benefits management

One of the main problems faced by management in organizations is the need to maintain a
competitive advantage.
      With the global economic climate it has been difficult for companies and organizations
       to keep up with their rivals, let alone better them. Corporate culture is one
       responsibility that management need to adhere to because it is vital when you want to
       succeed in business.
      It creates a sense of innovation and productivity as opposed to a more negative
       culture which may stifle employees and detrimentally affect job gratification.
      In addition, managers have a huge responsibility for guiding the organization in the
       right direction as they are the prime decision makers. Managers have to make the
       plans and organize their employees and resources in order to put the organization in a
       direction that will grant them success.
      Most modern management take on a strategic management style which initially states
       the main aim of the particular mission which follows by the processes that will be
       carried out on a day-to-day basis.
      Moreover, one of the most important aspects that a good manager requires is solid
       communication skills. It is very likely in business that you are going to come into
       contact with conflicting styles of communication, however it is the manager's job to be
       aware of this as well as their own style. They need to be able to enforce their own
       style of communication while being able to adapt to others, especially if they are
       consulting with other organisations and companies.
Some of the basic problems faced by management are

1: How to produce a qualitative product:

This is the first problem faced by management that what is to produce, how much to produce
and where to be produce. And the organization has to decide either they have to produce
different products or to emphasis on one product.

2: How to deal the labour union:

The labour is the group of people working for the betterment of the employees working in the
organization. The management has to decide that how to full fill the demands of the labour
union in respect of salaries, bonuses, insurance, medical allowances, fringe benefits etc.

3:How to compete in the market:

Various decisions for example how to charge the price, how to place the product, how to
promote the product has to be taken by the management and they try to solve these
problems in a best manner.
4: How to utilize the organization resources:

The management made various decisions about the organization resources that is man,
money, material, machinery, market and methodology.

5: To avoid stick out situation:

Stock out situation is that situation when the customer demands for the product and the
company has no product at that time. The management has to decide how to tackle this

State the major career development activities found in organizations.


Career Development:

Although scholars have defined career development (CD) in a variety of ways, Simonsen’s
(1997) definition will be used as the foundation for the proposed framework:

      Career development is an ongoing process of planning and directed action toward
       personal work and life goals. Development means growth, continuous acquisition and
       application of one’s skills. Career development is the outcome of the individual’s career
       planning and the organization’s provision of support and opportunities, ideally a
       collaborative process. . . (Simonsen as cited in Simonsen, 1997, pp. 6-7)

      This definition recognizes that career development is ongoing, that it involves
       reciprocal interaction between employee and employer, and that attainment and/ or
       enhancement of individual capabilities are not restricted to a particular job, career
       path, or organization.

      This definition and the framework that follows are predicated on a few essential

• HRD remains integral to the career-development process. The HRD function is uniquely
positioned to integrate the interests of employees with the needs of the system, staying
attuned to the strategic plans of the organization while remaining cognizant of the free agent
nature of the employer employee relationship (Boudreaux, 2001; Swanson & Holton, 2001;
van Dijk, 2004).

• The return on investment of career development must be considered to gain organizational
interest in expanding CD efforts. However, the potential value of career development to
organizational success depends on how well the system supports the career development
process in terms of resources allotted and priority assigned to career development endeavors.

For example, when small systems find their minimal resources stretched, career development
may languish so that seemingly more urgent needs, like mandatory training, can be
addressed (Kuchinke, 2003).

Larger systems simply may choose to focus on more high profile initiatives, like organization
development, rather than invest resources in career development in this era of uncertain
loyalties. Yet, one of the advantages of less structured learning activities is that they often are
embedded within daily work. As a result, they can be implemented with little financial
investment while contributing to the success of other endeavors, like organization

• Career development should not be restricted to a select few or to those at particular levels
within the system. Conlon (2004) addresses this by noting both the practical as well as the
ethical aspect of this premise. As organizations become flatter, a broad-based, well-developed
workforce will be essential to meet their current and future needs. Ironically, although the
HRD literature has routinely discussed “management development” as separate from “career
development,” much of what traditionally has been described as “career development” has
targeted managerial-level employees and excluded those in non management tracks
(McDonald, Hite, & Gilbreath, 2002).
• Career development can be both formal and informal and may take place within and outside
of the organization. For example, Gilley et al. (2002) describe an “effective career
development program” (p. 63) as one that includes a variety of experiences in addition to
classroom training, citing for example, “self-directed learning projects and involvement in
professional organizations and associations” (p. 63).
• Individual life and work priorities influence choices about careers and development
opportunities. In some instances, the choice is one of focusing on intrinsic rather than
extrinsic rewards to define career success and satisfaction (Forret & Sullivan, 2002). In
others, the decision may be based less on a quest for a balanced life and/or work experience
and more on necessity.

      Hite and McDonald (2003) found that women often make career choices based on their
       family responsibilities, sometimes choosing to curtail their career progress to
       accommodate family roles and expectations.

A Strategic HRD Framework for Career Development:

      Most HRD practitioners and scholars would argue that HRD needs to be represented in
       determining the strategic direction of organizations. Fewer would agree that HRD
       typically is present at the strategic planning table.

      However HRD’s presence is critical in determining a company’s role and responsibility
       regarding employees’ careers. It also is important so career development is not
       considered a stand-alone program, but rather as a process that is integrated into the
       system such that it influences the strategic direction of the organization (Gilley et al.,
       2002). Gutteridge, Leibowitz, and Shore (1993) advocate for companies to incorporate
       career development into their strategic plans by recommending a systems approach.
       Specifically, they suggest that career development be viewed as a way of achieving
       important business objectives and that employee and organizational needs be aligned
       when planning career-development processes.

      Hall (2002) reinforces the need for career development endeavors to be “managed and
       integrated” to yield maximum benefits to individuals and the system (p. 284).
       Simonsen (1997) echoes the recommendation that career development be “driven by
       business needs” and proposes that organizations need to develop both a vision and a
       philosophy of career development (p. 181).

The overarching question at the strategic planning table is as follows:

      What should the organization’s philosophy be regarding career development and how,
       given today’s environment, should this be enacted? Doyle (2000) suggests that a
       strategy “based on formalized career structures and systems is unlikely to cope with
       the diversity and ‘messiness’ that is likely to characterize career management in the

      Rather, a strategy is needed that is sensitive to the contextual elements that influence
       CD and recognizes the need for innovative ways to learn and develop given the current
       nature of work and organizations.

      HRD practitioners are well positioned to shape a system that is less paternalistic and
       controlling and that focuses more on the partnership approach that fosters employee
       self-development while still meeting organizational needs.

      As the planning evolves from developing a philosophy and determining goals, a
       framework may help guide professionals as they work to implement and integrate
       career development into the organization
We suggest three critical elements to consider in this process:
1.organizational support mechanisms,
2.learning activities,
3.evaluation processes.

      It indicates that each component of the framework will influence and be influenced by
       the other. For example, the organizational support mechanisms will influence what
       learning activities are developed and nurtured in the organization.

      In turn, the learning activities will affect organizational support mechanisms (e.g.,
       networks and community-based learning may assist employees in dealing with work-
       family conflicts). Organizational support mechanisms will influence what is evaluated
       regarding CD and how it is evaluated. The evaluation process also should determine if
       organizational support mechanisms assist employees and the organization in achieving
       career-development objectives.

Explain the need for human resource planning.


Need for human resource planning

 Human resource planning system is a mandatory part of every organization’s annual planning
process. Every organization that plans for its business goals for the year also plan how it will
go about achieving them, and therein the planning for the human resources:

      To carry on its work, each organization needs competent staff with the necessary
       qualification, skills, knowledge, work experience and aptitude of work.

      Since employees exit and organization both naturally
       (As a result of superannuation) and unnaturally (as a result of resignation), there is an
       on-going need for hiring replacement staff to augment employee exit. Otherwise work
       would be impacted.

      In order to meet for the more employees due to organizational growth and expansion,
       this is turn call for large quantities of the same goods and services as well as new
       goods. This growth could be rapid or gradual depending on the nature of the business,
       its competitors, its position in the market and the general economy.

      Often organization might need to replace the nature of the present workforce as a
       result of its changing needs, therefore the need to hire new set of employees. To meet
       the challenges of the changed needs of technology/product/service innovation the
       existing employees need to be trained or new skills sets induced into the organization.

      Manpower planning is also needed in order to identify an organizations need to reduce
       its workforce. In situation where the organization is faced with severe revenue and
       growth limitation it might need to plan well to manage how it will workforce. Options
       such as redeployment and outplacement can be planned for and executed properly.

What are the factors that impact recruitment in organizations?


       The sources of employee‘s recruitment can be classified into two types:

                                    Internal and external

Filing a job opening from within the firm has advantages of stimulating preparation for
possible transfer of promotion, increasing the general level of morale, and providing more
information about job candidates through analysis of work histories within the organization.

      A job posting has number of advantages. From the view point of employee, it provides
       flexibility and greater control over career progress. The jobs posted on notice boards,
       group emails and publishing in internal news papers.

      Internal applications often restricted to certain employees, the guidelines
       for companies include:
-Good or better in most recent performance review
-Dependable attendance record
-Not under probationary sanction
-Having been in present position for at least one year.

      The personnel department acts as a clearing house in screening applications that are
       unrealistic, preventing an excess number of bids by a single employee and counseling
       unsuccessful employees in their constant attempt to change their jobs.

      Similarly the firm may go to external sources for recruitment of lower entry jobs, for
       expansion, and positions whose specifications cannot be met by the present personnel.

The following external resources are available for firms:

   a) Advertising:

      There is a trend toward more selective recruitment in advertising. This can be affected
       in at least two ways. First advertisements can be placed in media read only by
       particular groups. Secondly, more information about the company, the job, and the job
       specification can be included in the ad to permit some self-screening.

   b) Employment Agencies:

      Additional screening can be affected through the utilization of employment agencies,
       both public and private. Today, in contrast to their former unsavory reputation, the
       public employment agencies in several states are well-regarded, particularly in the
       fields of unskilled semi-skilled and skilled operative jobs. In the technical and
       professional areas, however, the private agencies tend to specialize in a particular
c) Employee Referrals:

   Friends and relatives of present employees are also a good source from which
    employees may be drawn. When the labour market is very tight, large employers
    frequently offer their employees bonus or prizes for any referrals that are hired and
    stay with the company for a specific length of time. Some companies maintain a
    register of former employees whose record was good to contact them when there
    are new job openings for which they are qualified. This method of recruitment,
    however, suffers from a serious defect that it encourages nepotism, i.e. Persons of
    one‘s community or caste are employed, who may or may Not be fit for the job.

d) Schools, colleges and professional institutions:

   These offer opportunities for recruiting their students. They will also have separate
    placement cell where the bio data and other particulars of the students are available.
    The prospective employers can review credentials and interview candidates for
    management trainees or probationers. This is an excellent source of potential
    employees for entry-level positions in the organizations.

e) Labour Unions:

   Firms which closed or union shops must look to the union in their recruitment efforts.
    This has disadvantage of monopolistic workforce.

f) Casual applicants:

   Unsolicited applications, both at the gate and through the mail, constitute a much-
    used source of personnel. These can be developed through attractive employment
    office facilities, prompt and courteous reply to unsolicited letters.

g) Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters:

 Maintain complete records about employed executives. These firms are looked upon as
    headhunters, raiders and pirates by organizations may employ―executive search
    firms‖ to help them find talent. These consulting firms recommend persons of
    high caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineers‘ posts.

h) Indoctrination seminars for colleges

 Are arranged to discuss the problem of companies and employees. Professors are
    invited to take part of these seminars. Visits to plants are arranged so that professors
    may be favorably impressed. They may speak well of a company and help it in
    getting the required personnel.

i) Unconsolidated applications:

 For positions in which large numbers of candidates are not available from other
    sources, the companies may gain keeping files of applications received from candidates
    who make direct enquiries about the possible vacancies on their own, or may send
    unsolicited applications. This would be helpful to firms for future vacancies.
j) Nepotism:

 The hiring of relatives will be an inevitable component of recruitment programmed in
   family-owned firms, such a policy does not necessarily coincide with hiring on the basis
   of merit, but interest and loyalty to the enterprise are offsetting advantages.

k) Leasing:
 To adjust to short term fluctuations in personnel needs, the possibility of leasing
   personnel by the hour or day should be considered. This principle has been particularly
   well developed in the office administration field because they can avoid any obligation
   in pensions, insurance and any other fringe benefits.

l) Voluntary Organizations:

 Such as private clubs, social organizations might also provide employees – handicaps,
   widowed or married women, old persons, retired hands etc. In response
   to advertisements.

m) Computer Data Banks:
 When a company desires a particular type of employees, job specifications and
   requirements are fed to computers, where they are matched against data stored in.
   This method is very useful in identifying candidates for hard-t-fit positions which calls
   for unusual combinations of skills.

Assume yourself as an HR Manager. You have been given the responsibility of
promoting the rightful employees. For this, performance appraisal of the employees
must be carried out. What appraisal method would you choose? Justify.


A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development
discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally
in    terms      of quality, quantity,    cost,    and    time)    typically    by    the
corresponding manager or supervisor.

      A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. It is
       the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information about the relative worth
       of an employee to the organization.

      Performance appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent successes and failures,
       personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It
       is also the judgment of an employee's performance in a job based on considerations
       other than productivity alone.


Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:
    Give employees feedback on performance
    Identify employee training needs
    Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards
    Form a basis for personnel decisions:salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions,
   bonuses, etc.
    Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development
    Facilitate communication between employee and employer
    Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal
   Employment Opportunity requirements.
    To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development.


A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system
whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes.
In some companies, employees receive assessments from their manager, peers,
subordinates, and customers, while also performing a self assessment. This is known as
a 360-degree appraisal and forms good communication patterns.
The most popular methods used in the performance appraisal process include the following:
      Management by objectives
      360-degree appraisal
      Behavioral observation scale
      Behaviorally anchored rating scales

Trait-based systems, which rely on factors such as integrity and conscientiousness, are also
used by businesses but have been replaced primarily by more objective and results-oriented

The scientific literature on the subject provides evidence that assessing employees on factors
such as these should be avoided. The reasons for this are twofold:

   1) Trait-based systems are by definition based on personality traits and as such may not
      be related directly to successful job performance.

       In addition, personality dimensions tend to be static, and while an employee can
       change a behavior they cannot change their personality.

       For example, a person who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager because they
       have been caught, but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again when the
       threat of being caught is gone.

   2) Trait-based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by office
      politics, causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an employee's
      true performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows managers to assess the
      employee based upon subjective feelings instead of objective observations about how
      the employee has performed his or her specific duties. These systems are also more
      likely to leave a company open to discrimination claims because a manager can make
      biased decisions without having to back them up with specific behavioral information.
Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1

    MB0038 –Human Resources Managemenrt–
                  4 Credits

             (Book ID:B1127)

     Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

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Human Resources Management

  • 1. Que:1 What are the objectives of job evaluation? Answer: Job Evaluation Learning Objectives: 1. To know basic approach to Job Evaluation. 2. to importance of Job Evaluation and its effectiveness. 3. To know the important methods of Job Evaluation.  Now friends CIQ will discuss about how jobs used to be evaluated in an organization; if somebody having any idea about it pleases start explaining it; this can be explained in the following way.  Job evaluation is the process of analyzing and assessing the various jobs systematically to ascertain their relative worth in an organization. Job is evaluated on the basis of their content and is placed in the order of their importance. It should be noted that in a job evaluation programme, the jobs are ranked and not the jobholders. Jobholders are rated through performance appraisal. “Job evaluation is a process of finding out the relative worth of a job as compared to other jobs” Now, who is going to explain the objectives of job evaluation? The following objectives are derived from the analysis of the above-mentioned definitions: - 1) To gather data and information relating to job description, job specification and employee specifications for various jobs in an organization. 2) To compare the duties, responsibilities and demands of a job with that of other jobs. 3) To determine the hierarchy and place of various jobs in an organization. 4) To determine the ranks or grades of various jobs. 5) To ensure fair and equitable wages on the basis of relative worth or value of jobs. In other words equal wages are fixed to the jobs of equal worth or value. 6) To minimize wage discrimination based on sex, age, caste, region, religion etc. How many of you know the principles of job evaluation programme? Job evaluation programme should be implemented carefully. The following principles help in successful implementation of the programme: 1. Rate the job but not the employee. Rate the elements on the basis of the job demands. 2. The elements selected for rating should be easily understood. 3. The elements should be defined clearly and properly selected. 4. Employees concerned and the supervisors should be educated and convinced about the programme. 5. Supervisors should be encouraged to participate in rating the jobs.
  • 2. 6. Secure employee cooperation by encouraging them to participate in the rating programme. 7. Discuss with the supervisors and employees about rating but not about assigning money values to the points. 8. Do not establish too many occupational wages. For, better understanding let us look at the flowchart given below: Job EvaluationProcess Employee Classification Wage Survey Job Evaluation ProgrammeJobSpecific ation Job Description Job Analysis Objectives of Job Evaluation Job Evaluation Process:  The job-evaluation process starts defining objectives of evaluation and ends with establishing wage and salary differentials. The main objective of job evaluation, as was stated earlier, is to establish satisfactory wage and salary differentials. Jobanalysis should precede the actual program of evaluation. Job analysis Job analysis, as was discussed earlier, provides job-related data, which would be useful in drafting job description and job specification. A job-evaluation program involves answering several questions: The major ones are: • Which jobs are to be evaluated? • Who should evaluate the jobs? • What training do the evaluation need? •How much time is involved? • What should be the criteria for evaluation? • What methods of evaluation are to be employed? Which jobs are to be evaluated in any exercise?, where there are more than 30 or 40 jobs to be evaluated?, It is necessary to identify and select a sample of benchmark jobs, which can be used for comparisons inside and outside the organs. The benchmark jobs should be so selected to achieve representative sample of each of the main levels of jobs in each of the principal occupations.  The size of the sample depends on the number of different jobs to be covered. It is likely to be less than about five percent of the total number of employees in the organization and it would be difficult to produce a balanced sample unless at least 25 percent of the distinct jobs at each level of the organization were included. Staffing the Evaluation exercise:  A committee, which consists of Head of several of department’s, as was pointed out earlier, does representatives of employee unions and specialist drawn from the National Productivity council Job evaluation.  HRspecialists will be normally the chairmen of the committee. Responsibility for the overall coordination of the job-evaluation programme should be in the hands of a senior executive who can then report its progress to the board, and advise it on ensuring wage and salary development.
  • 3. Training for the Committee:  Members of the job-evaluation committee should be trained in its procedure so as to make the program successful. Time Factor:  Job evaluation should not be conducted in haste. Any rushing through will lead to appeals against the grading of jobs. Eight jobs in a day can be the ideal pace. After this, the quality of evaluation tends to drop, and more time has to spend later in checking and assessing the validity of the grading.  The final review of all the time should be allowed for re-evaluation, if necessary. Isolating Job-evaluation criteria:  The heart of job evaluation is the determination of the criteria for evaluation. Most job evaluations use responsibility, skill, effort and working conditions as major criteria. Other criteria used are difficulty, time-span of discretion, size of subordinate staff, and degree of creativity needed. It needs no emphasis that job evaluation criteria vary across jobs. So friends you must have got a fair idea what is job evaluation.
  • 4. Que:2 What are the major problems faced in benefits management? Answer: Major problems faced in benefits management One of the main problems faced by management in organizations is the need to maintain a competitive advantage.  With the global economic climate it has been difficult for companies and organizations to keep up with their rivals, let alone better them. Corporate culture is one responsibility that management need to adhere to because it is vital when you want to succeed in business.  It creates a sense of innovation and productivity as opposed to a more negative culture which may stifle employees and detrimentally affect job gratification.  In addition, managers have a huge responsibility for guiding the organization in the right direction as they are the prime decision makers. Managers have to make the plans and organize their employees and resources in order to put the organization in a direction that will grant them success.  Most modern management take on a strategic management style which initially states the main aim of the particular mission which follows by the processes that will be carried out on a day-to-day basis.  Moreover, one of the most important aspects that a good manager requires is solid communication skills. It is very likely in business that you are going to come into contact with conflicting styles of communication, however it is the manager's job to be aware of this as well as their own style. They need to be able to enforce their own style of communication while being able to adapt to others, especially if they are consulting with other organisations and companies. Some of the basic problems faced by management are 1: How to produce a qualitative product: This is the first problem faced by management that what is to produce, how much to produce and where to be produce. And the organization has to decide either they have to produce different products or to emphasis on one product. 2: How to deal the labour union: The labour is the group of people working for the betterment of the employees working in the organization. The management has to decide that how to full fill the demands of the labour union in respect of salaries, bonuses, insurance, medical allowances, fringe benefits etc. 3:How to compete in the market: Various decisions for example how to charge the price, how to place the product, how to promote the product has to be taken by the management and they try to solve these problems in a best manner.
  • 5. 4: How to utilize the organization resources: The management made various decisions about the organization resources that is man, money, material, machinery, market and methodology. 5: To avoid stick out situation: Stock out situation is that situation when the customer demands for the product and the company has no product at that time. The management has to decide how to tackle this problem.
  • 6. Que:3 State the major career development activities found in organizations. Answer: Career Development: Although scholars have defined career development (CD) in a variety of ways, Simonsen’s (1997) definition will be used as the foundation for the proposed framework:  Career development is an ongoing process of planning and directed action toward personal work and life goals. Development means growth, continuous acquisition and application of one’s skills. Career development is the outcome of the individual’s career planning and the organization’s provision of support and opportunities, ideally a collaborative process. . . (Simonsen as cited in Simonsen, 1997, pp. 6-7)  This definition recognizes that career development is ongoing, that it involves reciprocal interaction between employee and employer, and that attainment and/ or enhancement of individual capabilities are not restricted to a particular job, career path, or organization.  This definition and the framework that follows are predicated on a few essential assumptions. • HRD remains integral to the career-development process. The HRD function is uniquely positioned to integrate the interests of employees with the needs of the system, staying attuned to the strategic plans of the organization while remaining cognizant of the free agent nature of the employer employee relationship (Boudreaux, 2001; Swanson & Holton, 2001; van Dijk, 2004). • The return on investment of career development must be considered to gain organizational interest in expanding CD efforts. However, the potential value of career development to organizational success depends on how well the system supports the career development process in terms of resources allotted and priority assigned to career development endeavors. For example, when small systems find their minimal resources stretched, career development may languish so that seemingly more urgent needs, like mandatory training, can be addressed (Kuchinke, 2003). Larger systems simply may choose to focus on more high profile initiatives, like organization development, rather than invest resources in career development in this era of uncertain loyalties. Yet, one of the advantages of less structured learning activities is that they often are embedded within daily work. As a result, they can be implemented with little financial investment while contributing to the success of other endeavors, like organization development. • Career development should not be restricted to a select few or to those at particular levels within the system. Conlon (2004) addresses this by noting both the practical as well as the ethical aspect of this premise. As organizations become flatter, a broad-based, well-developed workforce will be essential to meet their current and future needs. Ironically, although the HRD literature has routinely discussed “management development” as separate from “career development,” much of what traditionally has been described as “career development” has targeted managerial-level employees and excluded those in non management tracks (McDonald, Hite, & Gilbreath, 2002).
  • 7. • Career development can be both formal and informal and may take place within and outside of the organization. For example, Gilley et al. (2002) describe an “effective career development program” (p. 63) as one that includes a variety of experiences in addition to classroom training, citing for example, “self-directed learning projects and involvement in professional organizations and associations” (p. 63). • Individual life and work priorities influence choices about careers and development opportunities. In some instances, the choice is one of focusing on intrinsic rather than extrinsic rewards to define career success and satisfaction (Forret & Sullivan, 2002). In others, the decision may be based less on a quest for a balanced life and/or work experience and more on necessity.  Hite and McDonald (2003) found that women often make career choices based on their family responsibilities, sometimes choosing to curtail their career progress to accommodate family roles and expectations. A Strategic HRD Framework for Career Development:  Most HRD practitioners and scholars would argue that HRD needs to be represented in determining the strategic direction of organizations. Fewer would agree that HRD typically is present at the strategic planning table.  However HRD’s presence is critical in determining a company’s role and responsibility regarding employees’ careers. It also is important so career development is not considered a stand-alone program, but rather as a process that is integrated into the system such that it influences the strategic direction of the organization (Gilley et al., 2002). Gutteridge, Leibowitz, and Shore (1993) advocate for companies to incorporate career development into their strategic plans by recommending a systems approach. Specifically, they suggest that career development be viewed as a way of achieving important business objectives and that employee and organizational needs be aligned when planning career-development processes.  Hall (2002) reinforces the need for career development endeavors to be “managed and integrated” to yield maximum benefits to individuals and the system (p. 284). Simonsen (1997) echoes the recommendation that career development be “driven by business needs” and proposes that organizations need to develop both a vision and a philosophy of career development (p. 181). The overarching question at the strategic planning table is as follows:  What should the organization’s philosophy be regarding career development and how, given today’s environment, should this be enacted? Doyle (2000) suggests that a strategy “based on formalized career structures and systems is unlikely to cope with the diversity and ‘messiness’ that is likely to characterize career management in the future”  Rather, a strategy is needed that is sensitive to the contextual elements that influence CD and recognizes the need for innovative ways to learn and develop given the current nature of work and organizations.  HRD practitioners are well positioned to shape a system that is less paternalistic and controlling and that focuses more on the partnership approach that fosters employee self-development while still meeting organizational needs.  As the planning evolves from developing a philosophy and determining goals, a framework may help guide professionals as they work to implement and integrate career development into the organization
  • 8. We suggest three critical elements to consider in this process: 1.organizational support mechanisms, 2.learning activities, 3.evaluation processes.  It indicates that each component of the framework will influence and be influenced by the other. For example, the organizational support mechanisms will influence what learning activities are developed and nurtured in the organization.  In turn, the learning activities will affect organizational support mechanisms (e.g., networks and community-based learning may assist employees in dealing with work- family conflicts). Organizational support mechanisms will influence what is evaluated regarding CD and how it is evaluated. The evaluation process also should determine if organizational support mechanisms assist employees and the organization in achieving career-development objectives.
  • 9. Que:4 Explain the need for human resource planning. Answer: Need for human resource planning Human resource planning system is a mandatory part of every organization’s annual planning process. Every organization that plans for its business goals for the year also plan how it will go about achieving them, and therein the planning for the human resources:  To carry on its work, each organization needs competent staff with the necessary qualification, skills, knowledge, work experience and aptitude of work.  Since employees exit and organization both naturally (As a result of superannuation) and unnaturally (as a result of resignation), there is an on-going need for hiring replacement staff to augment employee exit. Otherwise work would be impacted.  In order to meet for the more employees due to organizational growth and expansion, this is turn call for large quantities of the same goods and services as well as new goods. This growth could be rapid or gradual depending on the nature of the business, its competitors, its position in the market and the general economy.  Often organization might need to replace the nature of the present workforce as a result of its changing needs, therefore the need to hire new set of employees. To meet the challenges of the changed needs of technology/product/service innovation the existing employees need to be trained or new skills sets induced into the organization.  Manpower planning is also needed in order to identify an organizations need to reduce its workforce. In situation where the organization is faced with severe revenue and growth limitation it might need to plan well to manage how it will workforce. Options such as redeployment and outplacement can be planned for and executed properly.
  • 10. Que:5 What are the factors that impact recruitment in organizations? Answer: The sources of employee‘s recruitment can be classified into two types: Internal and external Filing a job opening from within the firm has advantages of stimulating preparation for possible transfer of promotion, increasing the general level of morale, and providing more information about job candidates through analysis of work histories within the organization.  A job posting has number of advantages. From the view point of employee, it provides flexibility and greater control over career progress. The jobs posted on notice boards, group emails and publishing in internal news papers.  Internal applications often restricted to certain employees, the guidelines for companies include: -Good or better in most recent performance review -Dependable attendance record -Not under probationary sanction -Having been in present position for at least one year.  The personnel department acts as a clearing house in screening applications that are unrealistic, preventing an excess number of bids by a single employee and counseling unsuccessful employees in their constant attempt to change their jobs.  Similarly the firm may go to external sources for recruitment of lower entry jobs, for expansion, and positions whose specifications cannot be met by the present personnel. The following external resources are available for firms: a) Advertising:  There is a trend toward more selective recruitment in advertising. This can be affected in at least two ways. First advertisements can be placed in media read only by particular groups. Secondly, more information about the company, the job, and the job specification can be included in the ad to permit some self-screening. b) Employment Agencies:  Additional screening can be affected through the utilization of employment agencies, both public and private. Today, in contrast to their former unsavory reputation, the public employment agencies in several states are well-regarded, particularly in the fields of unskilled semi-skilled and skilled operative jobs. In the technical and professional areas, however, the private agencies tend to specialize in a particular engineer.
  • 11. c) Employee Referrals:  Friends and relatives of present employees are also a good source from which employees may be drawn. When the labour market is very tight, large employers frequently offer their employees bonus or prizes for any referrals that are hired and stay with the company for a specific length of time. Some companies maintain a register of former employees whose record was good to contact them when there are new job openings for which they are qualified. This method of recruitment, however, suffers from a serious defect that it encourages nepotism, i.e. Persons of one‘s community or caste are employed, who may or may Not be fit for the job. d) Schools, colleges and professional institutions:  These offer opportunities for recruiting their students. They will also have separate placement cell where the bio data and other particulars of the students are available. The prospective employers can review credentials and interview candidates for management trainees or probationers. This is an excellent source of potential employees for entry-level positions in the organizations. e) Labour Unions:  Firms which closed or union shops must look to the union in their recruitment efforts. This has disadvantage of monopolistic workforce. f) Casual applicants:  Unsolicited applications, both at the gate and through the mail, constitute a much- used source of personnel. These can be developed through attractive employment office facilities, prompt and courteous reply to unsolicited letters. g) Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters:  Maintain complete records about employed executives. These firms are looked upon as headhunters, raiders and pirates by organizations may employ―executive search firms‖ to help them find talent. These consulting firms recommend persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineers‘ posts. h) Indoctrination seminars for colleges  Are arranged to discuss the problem of companies and employees. Professors are invited to take part of these seminars. Visits to plants are arranged so that professors may be favorably impressed. They may speak well of a company and help it in getting the required personnel. i) Unconsolidated applications:  For positions in which large numbers of candidates are not available from other sources, the companies may gain keeping files of applications received from candidates who make direct enquiries about the possible vacancies on their own, or may send unsolicited applications. This would be helpful to firms for future vacancies.
  • 12. j) Nepotism:  The hiring of relatives will be an inevitable component of recruitment programmed in family-owned firms, such a policy does not necessarily coincide with hiring on the basis of merit, but interest and loyalty to the enterprise are offsetting advantages. k) Leasing:  To adjust to short term fluctuations in personnel needs, the possibility of leasing personnel by the hour or day should be considered. This principle has been particularly well developed in the office administration field because they can avoid any obligation in pensions, insurance and any other fringe benefits. l) Voluntary Organizations:  Such as private clubs, social organizations might also provide employees – handicaps, widowed or married women, old persons, retired hands etc. In response to advertisements. m) Computer Data Banks:  When a company desires a particular type of employees, job specifications and requirements are fed to computers, where they are matched against data stored in. This method is very useful in identifying candidates for hard-t-fit positions which calls for unusual combinations of skills.
  • 13. Que:6 Assume yourself as an HR Manager. You have been given the responsibility of promoting the rightful employees. For this, performance appraisal of the employees must be carried out. What appraisal method would you choose? Justify. Answer: A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor.  A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. It is the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information about the relative worth of an employee to the organization.  Performance appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent successes and failures, personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It is also the judgment of an employee's performance in a job based on considerations other than productivity alone. Aims Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:  Give employees feedback on performance  Identify employee training needs  Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards  Form a basis for personnel decisions:salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, bonuses, etc.  Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development  Facilitate communication between employee and employer  Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements.  To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development. Methods A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes. In some companies, employees receive assessments from their manager, peers, subordinates, and customers, while also performing a self assessment. This is known as a 360-degree appraisal and forms good communication patterns.
  • 14. The most popular methods used in the performance appraisal process include the following:  Management by objectives  360-degree appraisal  Behavioral observation scale  Behaviorally anchored rating scales Trait-based systems, which rely on factors such as integrity and conscientiousness, are also used by businesses but have been replaced primarily by more objective and results-oriented methods. The scientific literature on the subject provides evidence that assessing employees on factors such as these should be avoided. The reasons for this are twofold: 1) Trait-based systems are by definition based on personality traits and as such may not be related directly to successful job performance. In addition, personality dimensions tend to be static, and while an employee can change a behavior they cannot change their personality. For example, a person who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager because they have been caught, but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again when the threat of being caught is gone. 2) Trait-based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by office politics, causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an employee's true performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows managers to assess the employee based upon subjective feelings instead of objective observations about how the employee has performed his or her specific duties. These systems are also more likely to leave a company open to discrimination claims because a manager can make biased decisions without having to back them up with specific behavioral information.
  • 15. Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 1 MB0038 –Human Resources Managemenrt– 4 Credits (Book ID:B1127) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)