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How to get your ex back
Even after the breakup, I still have feelings for my ex and sometimes I
want to be with him again. Asking your ex-boyfriend to get back
together can be intimidating, but if you take the time to learn from your
past, chances are he'll say yes.
understand parting. What did each of you do to contribute to the
breakup? Many relationship troubles don't happen suddenly, but they
build up over time. This was not a one-sided issue, and it is likely that
there were signs of trouble. Before you try to get your ex back, take
some time to do some soul searching. I don't want to waste time and
energy on useless things.
Studies show that lack of communication is the number one cause of
relationship breakdowns. If your relationship has been happy, this
issue can often be resolved by setting clear expectations and openly
discussing your grievances before it explodes into a big fight. There
are also other issues that are difficult to overcome, such as infidelity
and jealousy. But with work and counseling, these problems can be
2 Remember who started the
was that you? If so, did you do it after careful consideration or
after a fit of anger that you regret now? Was it your ex and did he
or she have a specific reason? ?Was it a mutual decision?
It's important to understand who controlled the breakup and why
it happened in the first place. If it's you and your ex was against
the breakup, getting back together may be easier than if he
started from scratch.
3 Interpret your emotions.
In the pain and confusion of a breakup , it's easy to confuse your
emotions. I regret In general, the more serious the relationship,
the more acute these feelings tend to be. Couples who are
married or cohabiting tend to have the worst breakups, while
couples who were casually dating tend to have an easy time after
a breakup. However, the seriousness of your feelings doesn't
automatically mean you want to get back with your ex.
Try answering the following questions: Do you miss your
ex-boyfriend or do you miss your boyfriend or girlfriend ? Did it
make you happier? Even when the excitement of falling in love
wears off and you're stuck in your daily routine, do you imagine
yourself being with this person for the long term ? If you're just
missing out on the excitement of a dramatic relationship, you can
have a healthier, more stable relationship with someone else.
Before you try to win your ex back after a breakup, it's important
to take the time to examine your feelings and decide if you really
want to be with him or her. Rekindled relationships often suffer
from a lack of trust, making them more likely to break up and
repeat over and over again. If she's not 100% sure that she wants
to be with this person for the long term, do her best to get over
her ex-boyfriend or girlfriend instead of going after him or her
again and do it. Avoid more pain.
4 Avoid contact for the first month
after the breakup.
They will call you when they want to talk. Otherwise, it doesn't
matter what you say or what you wear. Sometimes ignoring your
ex makes it feel like you're totally fine without her and moving on
to her. This is the exact opposite of what they want.
Avoiding contact isn't just a passive-aggressive way to make
your ex miss you. It gives you time to do what you need to do to
prepare for a new relationship (whether it's with your ex or
someone new!). Take some time out this month to get to know
yourself as an individual and work on areas where you may have
failed in your relationship with your ex.If you contributed to the
breakup, now is the time to identify your relationship
weaknesses and work hard to improve as a person.
This vacation will also help you separate the normal sadness
after a breakup from the real desire to be with your ex again.
Most people feel sad after a breakup, even if their ex-lover is a
weirdo and really incompatible. Alone time can help you process
these feelings.
5 Focus on yourself.
Come hang out with your friends. Immerse yourself in work and
other extracurricular activities. You don't want to look poor or
look like you're waiting for your ex to contact you again.
Researchers have found that people who regain a healthy sense
of self after a breakup recover faster from relationship-related
6 Do not pursue your ex-boyfriend
during this time.
That means you don't have to call, text, or ask how he or she is
doing. Most importantly, don't ask your ex-boyfriend why you
broke up or if he or she is dating anyone. This looks hopeless. [5]
It's important not to pursue your ex for a month or so, but if he or
she is following you, it's okay to take immediate action. In other
words, don't hang up or refuse to talk to your ex when he calls
you. No need to play mind games or play hard-to-find games.
Doing so may push your opponent further away. This is the
opposite of your goal at this point.
If you happen to hear that your ex is seeing someone new, don't
rush to conclusions or fuel jealousy. Nothing should be done to
sabotage a new relationship. Give your ex-boyfriend time to find
out if you really are that person. You don't want to force someone
who really wants to be with you to be with you.
7 See if they're still interested.
Before you try to win your ex-boyfriend's heart back , you need to
know if he or she still cares. Knowing if your ex still cares about
you is the first and most important clue and tip that can help you
solve the problem.
No need to look it up right away. Also, you shouldn't ask your
friends to do the research for you. Don't track down your ex for at
least a month after the breakup. Instead, look for subtle hints
when you run into him or her at school or work, social posts on
her media, or unsolicited comments made by mutual friends.
Remember that one-third of couples currently living together and
one-fourth of married couples went through a breakup at one
time. So, if her ex-boyfriend is still interested, there's a good
chance you'll be able to win him or her back.
8 Work your self-esteem.
. If you're in need, you're probably lacking a little bit of
self-esteem . You are the only one. Don't depend on someone
else for your happiness. It makes them feel guilty and obligated
and eventually resents you.
Self-esteem is believing that you are a worthy person and that
you are good enough as you are. When it comes to relationships,
it's important to feel complete and complete as an individual
rather than looking for someone to complete you or make your
life worthwhile. To boost your self-esteem, focus on your
strengths in emotional, social, talents and skills, physical
appearance, and all other areas that are important to you. For
example, you may have natural empathy, the ability to make
people feel understood, a knack for baking bread, or gorgeous
hair. Focusing on the positive and ignoring the negative can help
you feel full and worthy as an individual, especially if you
connect the best parts of yourself to helping others. If you feel
useless, make yourself useful! Use your natural empathy and
baking talents to bake fresh cookies for the elderly in your
9 Be the person your ex fell in love
Think back to when you two first met. What about you who liked
him or her? Is it your quirky jokes or your amazing sense of
style? Whatever it is, try reigniting the fire the same way you did
it before.
.Your ex-boyfriend was attracted to you. How have you changed
(if any)? Correct any bad habits or mistakes. Be positive around
them. Laugh and laugh Stay positive, feel good about yourself,
and make yourself attractive to others.
10 Improve your appearance.
Get some new clothes, change your hair, hit the gym, get your
nails done. Make yourself stand out and look fresh from what
your ex-boyfriend remembers about you.
While you don't want to change yourself to get your ex back
(because eventually he will leave again and the real you will need
to come back someday), doing your best always helps. increase.
Your ex-lover is attracted to you and you can regain that
11 spend time with others.
You don't have to sleep with them, but spending time with other
men or women can let your ex-boyfriend know that you want to
see him again. If they're still interested, they may decide it's time
to stop you looking elsewhere.
If you're not interested in dating other people or leading them,
have a group movie night or spend time with a friend of the
opposite sex. Your ex might be a little jealous just by being
around single people.
12 Feel free to come hang out with your
Do something uncommitted, like going out for drinks with
friends, playing mini golf, or hanging out with friends. Do the
same with friends and first dates. And whatever it is, enjoy it and
skip the serious talk for now.
All relationships should be built on a solid foundation of
friendship, so it's important to make sure the friendship is intact
before attempting to move into the realm of romance.
If your ex-lover has entered the friend zone (for example, if he or
she says, "I'm not in love with you anymore"), you may be able to
recreate the experience of falling in love by becoming intimate
with your ex-lover. not. In one study, researchers had two
strangers of hers look into each other's eyes and answer
personal questions ("What is your greatest fear?" and "Best
childhood memory?"). memories?” etc.). They created intimate
bonds between strangers, creating feelings of attraction and
even love. Take the time to look your ex in the eye and ask deep
questions to see if this helps move your relationship back into
the intimate realm.
13 Ask your ex to talk to you.
After spending time together as friends, it's time to be honest
about your history and whether you have a romantic future.
While texting and computer conversations are common methods
of communication in established relationships, such intimate
discussions need to take place in person. Invite your ex to dinner
or go out to her favorite coffee shop.
14 Make good use of your past.
If your ex liked a particular outfit of yours, put it on again. Share
the bright memories of your time together. Meet at a nostalgic
place where we played together.
If he or she has bought special jewelry for you , consider wearing
it when you meet to talk. It sends a fairly clear message that
15 Have your words ready.
The first thing to say to your ex-boyfriend is very important. If
you make a mistake in the words, it will be irreversible. You need
to understand that it's quite possible that they have strong
feelings for you even if you're not together.
There are many ways to approach this conversation, but one safe
way is to say something like, "I'd love to talk to you about our
relationship and see how you're doing." Tell them you regret
what didn't work out, and ask if you can talk about it once you
have some perspective.
Let the conversation flow naturally. If your ex-boyfriend is fine
and reports you are seeing other people, you may decide not to
waste her time trying to persuade him or her to get back together.
But if your ex seems to like you, you can try different things little
by little.
16 Apologies .
Think deeply about what you did or didn't do that led to the
breakdown of the relationship in some way, and give your ex a
proper apology to clear the situation. Take full responsibility for
your crimes without blaming your ex-boyfriend, making excuses,
or expecting an apology (or even forgiveness) in return. It's
entirely possible that your ex played a part in the situation, but
you can't apologize to anyone else. You can only apologize to
yourself. An apology is likely to pay off if he or she is left out of
Avoid using the word "but". "I'm sorry..." means "I'm sorry." Also,
don't say "I'm sorry if you feel that way" or "I'm sorry if I offended
you." This looks like you are blaming the other person and is not
a true apology.
A true apology should be structured like this: Regret,
Responsibility, and Redemption. The first step shows that you
regret what you have done. The second step is to hold yourself
accountable without making excuses or blaming anyone. The
final step suggests correcting it or changing your behavior in the
future. For example: "I just wanted to apologize for letting you
down all the time you wanted to spend with me. You must have
felt really neglected. I will try my best.I will tell you to do more
with you so that you don't feel the same way again.I am glad that
you gave me your perspective to make it happen .
17 Talk.
Communication problems are the number one cause of
breakups, so as a couple you should make an extra effort to
make sure you always keep lines of communication open. ] Once
you're back together, you should take the time to establish
expectations, especially in areas that were previously
Create a game plan for how you will deal with unmet
expectations. For example, if you broke up with your ex because
you were spending too much time with your friends, be candid
about how much time is reasonable and how you would
negotiate with each other if you needed more time with your
18 Remember why you broke up.
Relationships that are on and off again tend to be unstable and
emotionally unstable. By remembering what caused the original
breakup and addressing those issues, you can prevent the same
issues from happening again.
Tread lightly on areas where you previously disagreed. Whatever
the issue that led to the breakup, it's likely a friendly area for both
of you. If you struggle with jealousy, family issues, control
issues, or other specific areas, realize that those issues are still
present when the newness is gone from your restored romance.
19 Treat your relationship as new.
Note that the first relationship did not work out. I ended up with
a broken heart. Treat it like a new relationship the second time
and build a new engagement rule.
Take it slow. For example, don't assume you need to sleep
together and say "I love you" to pick up where you left off in your
previous relationship. This is irrelevant until trust is rebuilt. [16]
Let's get to know each other. Especially if you've been together
for a while, you and your ex-boyfriend have gone through
personal changes in the meantime. Don't assume you know
everything about him or her. Take time to get to know each other
20 Please consider counseling.
Especially if you are married or in a very serious relationship
and want to stay in a serious relationship, you may need couples
therapy to discover the root of your problems and make sure you
overcome them.
Remember that cycling relationships (relationships that go
through a breakup and then reunite) tend to have a higher rate of
dissatisfaction, lack of trust, and ultimately failure. So be
prepared to put extra effort into your new relationship.
21 Watch out for the signs that relationships
are failing.
You may have strong feelings for that person, but sometimes
they are incompatible. If your relationship is toxic, you need to
move on instead of trying to get your ex back. Signs that your
relationship is irreparably troubled include:
Abuse of any kind. If your ex reached out to you and hurt you,
forced you to have sex, or forced you to do something you didn't
want to do, then he or she is abusive and you should try to get
that person back. you shouldn't.[18]
Lack of respect on either side. If you or your ex call each other
names, disrespect each other's achievements, or say demeaning
things to family and friends, the relationship is not respected.
These are all hallmarks of emotionally abusive relationships. [19]
Find someone who will give you the respect you deserve and try
to treat them with respect as well.
history of infidelity. In some relationships, past infidelities can be
undone, but broken trust is very difficult to repair and even when
it can be repaired, it is easily broken again. Relationships that
have experienced infidelity may need additional support in the
form of ongoing counseling to repair broken trust.
22 Listen to your friends and family.
You may feel vulnerable, but people who are close to you and
know you well often have great insight into your relationships. If
someone you know and trust has a bad impression of your
relationship, consider it an indication that there may be trouble.
If you know that a particular friend or family member hates your
ex-boyfriend, ask them to sit down and discuss why. Whether it's
based on how your ex treats you or others, knowledge your
friend has that you don't, or other meaningful evidence. Please
take a research on it.
23 Accept goodbye and move on .
If none of the above steps worked, and/or you assessed the
situation and decided that trying to get your ex back wasn't
healthy or wise, take some time to yourself emotionally. to
recover. Broken heart.
Research shows that it's important to focus on the best parts of
breakups and relationships, especially how they helped you grow
as a person, and let go of the negative experiences. One strategy
he has for doing this is to spend 15 to 30 minutes each day on
her three days in a row, writing about the positive aspects of the
After 3 days, try to let go of the relationship. Make time for
yourself, spend time with family and friends, and do what you
love. Once you are in a healthy place, you can start looking for
love again.

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  • 1. How to get your ex back Even after the breakup, I still have feelings for my ex and sometimes I want to be with him again. Asking your ex-boyfriend to get back together can be intimidating, but if you take the time to learn from your past, chances are he'll say yes. 1 understand parting. What did each of you do to contribute to the breakup? Many relationship troubles don't happen suddenly, but they build up over time. This was not a one-sided issue, and it is likely that there were signs of trouble. Before you try to get your ex back, take some time to do some soul searching. I don't want to waste time and energy on useless things. Studies show that lack of communication is the number one cause of relationship breakdowns. If your relationship has been happy, this issue can often be resolved by setting clear expectations and openly discussing your grievances before it explodes into a big fight. There are also other issues that are difficult to overcome, such as infidelity
  • 2. and jealousy. But with work and counseling, these problems can be resolved. 2 Remember who started the split. was that you? If so, did you do it after careful consideration or after a fit of anger that you regret now? Was it your ex and did he or she have a specific reason? ?Was it a mutual decision?
  • 3. It's important to understand who controlled the breakup and why it happened in the first place. If it's you and your ex was against the breakup, getting back together may be easier than if he started from scratch. 3 Interpret your emotions. In the pain and confusion of a breakup , it's easy to confuse your emotions. I regret In general, the more serious the relationship, the more acute these feelings tend to be. Couples who are married or cohabiting tend to have the worst breakups, while
  • 4. couples who were casually dating tend to have an easy time after a breakup. However, the seriousness of your feelings doesn't automatically mean you want to get back with your ex. Try answering the following questions: Do you miss your ex-boyfriend or do you miss your boyfriend or girlfriend ? Did it make you happier? Even when the excitement of falling in love wears off and you're stuck in your daily routine, do you imagine yourself being with this person for the long term ? If you're just missing out on the excitement of a dramatic relationship, you can have a healthier, more stable relationship with someone else. Before you try to win your ex back after a breakup, it's important to take the time to examine your feelings and decide if you really want to be with him or her. Rekindled relationships often suffer from a lack of trust, making them more likely to break up and repeat over and over again. If she's not 100% sure that she wants to be with this person for the long term, do her best to get over her ex-boyfriend or girlfriend instead of going after him or her again and do it. Avoid more pain.
  • 5. 4 Avoid contact for the first month after the breakup. They will call you when they want to talk. Otherwise, it doesn't matter what you say or what you wear. Sometimes ignoring your ex makes it feel like you're totally fine without her and moving on to her. This is the exact opposite of what they want. Avoiding contact isn't just a passive-aggressive way to make your ex miss you. It gives you time to do what you need to do to
  • 6. prepare for a new relationship (whether it's with your ex or someone new!). Take some time out this month to get to know yourself as an individual and work on areas where you may have failed in your relationship with your ex.If you contributed to the breakup, now is the time to identify your relationship weaknesses and work hard to improve as a person. This vacation will also help you separate the normal sadness after a breakup from the real desire to be with your ex again. Most people feel sad after a breakup, even if their ex-lover is a weirdo and really incompatible. Alone time can help you process these feelings.
  • 7. 5 Focus on yourself. Come hang out with your friends. Immerse yourself in work and other extracurricular activities. You don't want to look poor or look like you're waiting for your ex to contact you again. Researchers have found that people who regain a healthy sense of self after a breakup recover faster from relationship-related grief.
  • 8. 6 Do not pursue your ex-boyfriend during this time. That means you don't have to call, text, or ask how he or she is doing. Most importantly, don't ask your ex-boyfriend why you broke up or if he or she is dating anyone. This looks hopeless. [5] .
  • 9. It's important not to pursue your ex for a month or so, but if he or she is following you, it's okay to take immediate action. In other words, don't hang up or refuse to talk to your ex when he calls you. No need to play mind games or play hard-to-find games. Doing so may push your opponent further away. This is the opposite of your goal at this point. If you happen to hear that your ex is seeing someone new, don't rush to conclusions or fuel jealousy. Nothing should be done to sabotage a new relationship. Give your ex-boyfriend time to find out if you really are that person. You don't want to force someone who really wants to be with you to be with you.
  • 10. 7 See if they're still interested. Before you try to win your ex-boyfriend's heart back , you need to know if he or she still cares. Knowing if your ex still cares about you is the first and most important clue and tip that can help you solve the problem. No need to look it up right away. Also, you shouldn't ask your friends to do the research for you. Don't track down your ex for at least a month after the breakup. Instead, look for subtle hints when you run into him or her at school or work, social posts on her media, or unsolicited comments made by mutual friends. Remember that one-third of couples currently living together and one-fourth of married couples went through a breakup at one time. So, if her ex-boyfriend is still interested, there's a good chance you'll be able to win him or her back.
  • 11. 8 Work your self-esteem. . If you're in need, you're probably lacking a little bit of self-esteem . You are the only one. Don't depend on someone else for your happiness. It makes them feel guilty and obligated and eventually resents you. Self-esteem is believing that you are a worthy person and that you are good enough as you are. When it comes to relationships, it's important to feel complete and complete as an individual rather than looking for someone to complete you or make your life worthwhile. To boost your self-esteem, focus on your
  • 12. strengths in emotional, social, talents and skills, physical appearance, and all other areas that are important to you. For example, you may have natural empathy, the ability to make people feel understood, a knack for baking bread, or gorgeous hair. Focusing on the positive and ignoring the negative can help you feel full and worthy as an individual, especially if you connect the best parts of yourself to helping others. If you feel useless, make yourself useful! Use your natural empathy and baking talents to bake fresh cookies for the elderly in your neighborhood.
  • 13. 9 Be the person your ex fell in love with. Think back to when you two first met. What about you who liked him or her? Is it your quirky jokes or your amazing sense of style? Whatever it is, try reigniting the fire the same way you did it before. .Your ex-boyfriend was attracted to you. How have you changed (if any)? Correct any bad habits or mistakes. Be positive around them. Laugh and laugh Stay positive, feel good about yourself, and make yourself attractive to others.
  • 14. 10 Improve your appearance. Get some new clothes, change your hair, hit the gym, get your nails done. Make yourself stand out and look fresh from what your ex-boyfriend remembers about you. While you don't want to change yourself to get your ex back (because eventually he will leave again and the real you will need to come back someday), doing your best always helps. increase. Your ex-lover is attracted to you and you can regain that attraction.
  • 15. 11 spend time with others. You don't have to sleep with them, but spending time with other men or women can let your ex-boyfriend know that you want to see him again. If they're still interested, they may decide it's time to stop you looking elsewhere. If you're not interested in dating other people or leading them, have a group movie night or spend time with a friend of the opposite sex. Your ex might be a little jealous just by being around single people.
  • 17. 12 Feel free to come hang out with your ex-boyfriend. Do something uncommitted, like going out for drinks with friends, playing mini golf, or hanging out with friends. Do the same with friends and first dates. And whatever it is, enjoy it and skip the serious talk for now. All relationships should be built on a solid foundation of friendship, so it's important to make sure the friendship is intact before attempting to move into the realm of romance. If your ex-lover has entered the friend zone (for example, if he or she says, "I'm not in love with you anymore"), you may be able to recreate the experience of falling in love by becoming intimate with your ex-lover. not. In one study, researchers had two strangers of hers look into each other's eyes and answer personal questions ("What is your greatest fear?" and "Best childhood memory?"). memories?” etc.). They created intimate bonds between strangers, creating feelings of attraction and even love. Take the time to look your ex in the eye and ask deep questions to see if this helps move your relationship back into the intimate realm.
  • 18. 13 Ask your ex to talk to you. After spending time together as friends, it's time to be honest about your history and whether you have a romantic future. While texting and computer conversations are common methods of communication in established relationships, such intimate discussions need to take place in person. Invite your ex to dinner or go out to her favorite coffee shop.
  • 19. 14 Make good use of your past. If your ex liked a particular outfit of yours, put it on again. Share the bright memories of your time together. Meet at a nostalgic place where we played together. If he or she has bought special jewelry for you , consider wearing it when you meet to talk. It sends a fairly clear message that
  • 20. 15 Have your words ready. The first thing to say to your ex-boyfriend is very important. If you make a mistake in the words, it will be irreversible. You need to understand that it's quite possible that they have strong feelings for you even if you're not together. There are many ways to approach this conversation, but one safe way is to say something like, "I'd love to talk to you about our relationship and see how you're doing." Tell them you regret what didn't work out, and ask if you can talk about it once you have some perspective. Let the conversation flow naturally. If your ex-boyfriend is fine and reports you are seeing other people, you may decide not to waste her time trying to persuade him or her to get back together. But if your ex seems to like you, you can try different things little by little. 16 Apologies . Think deeply about what you did or didn't do that led to the breakdown of the relationship in some way, and give your ex a proper apology to clear the situation. Take full responsibility for your crimes without blaming your ex-boyfriend, making excuses, or expecting an apology (or even forgiveness) in return. It's entirely possible that your ex played a part in the situation, but you can't apologize to anyone else. You can only apologize to
  • 21. yourself. An apology is likely to pay off if he or she is left out of it. Avoid using the word "but". "I'm sorry..." means "I'm sorry." Also, don't say "I'm sorry if you feel that way" or "I'm sorry if I offended you." This looks like you are blaming the other person and is not a true apology. A true apology should be structured like this: Regret, Responsibility, and Redemption. The first step shows that you regret what you have done. The second step is to hold yourself accountable without making excuses or blaming anyone. The final step suggests correcting it or changing your behavior in the future. For example: "I just wanted to apologize for letting you down all the time you wanted to spend with me. You must have felt really neglected. I will try my best.I will tell you to do more with you so that you don't feel the same way again.I am glad that you gave me your perspective to make it happen . 17 Talk. Communication problems are the number one cause of breakups, so as a couple you should make an extra effort to make sure you always keep lines of communication open. ] Once you're back together, you should take the time to establish expectations, especially in areas that were previously problematic.
  • 22. Create a game plan for how you will deal with unmet expectations. For example, if you broke up with your ex because you were spending too much time with your friends, be candid about how much time is reasonable and how you would negotiate with each other if you needed more time with your friends. 18 Remember why you broke up. Relationships that are on and off again tend to be unstable and emotionally unstable. By remembering what caused the original breakup and addressing those issues, you can prevent the same issues from happening again. Tread lightly on areas where you previously disagreed. Whatever the issue that led to the breakup, it's likely a friendly area for both of you. If you struggle with jealousy, family issues, control issues, or other specific areas, realize that those issues are still present when the newness is gone from your restored romance.
  • 23. 19 Treat your relationship as new. Note that the first relationship did not work out. I ended up with a broken heart. Treat it like a new relationship the second time and build a new engagement rule. Take it slow. For example, don't assume you need to sleep together and say "I love you" to pick up where you left off in your previous relationship. This is irrelevant until trust is rebuilt. [16] Let's get to know each other. Especially if you've been together for a while, you and your ex-boyfriend have gone through personal changes in the meantime. Don't assume you know everything about him or her. Take time to get to know each other again.
  • 24. 20 Please consider counseling. Especially if you are married or in a very serious relationship and want to stay in a serious relationship, you may need couples therapy to discover the root of your problems and make sure you overcome them. Remember that cycling relationships (relationships that go through a breakup and then reunite) tend to have a higher rate of dissatisfaction, lack of trust, and ultimately failure. So be prepared to put extra effort into your new relationship.
  • 25. 21 Watch out for the signs that relationships are failing. You may have strong feelings for that person, but sometimes they are incompatible. If your relationship is toxic, you need to move on instead of trying to get your ex back. Signs that your relationship is irreparably troubled include: Abuse of any kind. If your ex reached out to you and hurt you, forced you to have sex, or forced you to do something you didn't want to do, then he or she is abusive and you should try to get that person back. you shouldn't.[18] Lack of respect on either side. If you or your ex call each other names, disrespect each other's achievements, or say demeaning things to family and friends, the relationship is not respected. These are all hallmarks of emotionally abusive relationships. [19] Find someone who will give you the respect you deserve and try to treat them with respect as well. history of infidelity. In some relationships, past infidelities can be undone, but broken trust is very difficult to repair and even when it can be repaired, it is easily broken again. Relationships that have experienced infidelity may need additional support in the form of ongoing counseling to repair broken trust.
  • 26. 22 Listen to your friends and family. You may feel vulnerable, but people who are close to you and know you well often have great insight into your relationships. If someone you know and trust has a bad impression of your relationship, consider it an indication that there may be trouble. If you know that a particular friend or family member hates your ex-boyfriend, ask them to sit down and discuss why. Whether it's based on how your ex treats you or others, knowledge your friend has that you don't, or other meaningful evidence. Please take a research on it.
  • 27. 23 Accept goodbye and move on . If none of the above steps worked, and/or you assessed the situation and decided that trying to get your ex back wasn't healthy or wise, take some time to yourself emotionally. to recover. Broken heart. Research shows that it's important to focus on the best parts of breakups and relationships, especially how they helped you grow as a person, and let go of the negative experiences. One strategy he has for doing this is to spend 15 to 30 minutes each day on her three days in a row, writing about the positive aspects of the breakup. After 3 days, try to let go of the relationship. Make time for yourself, spend time with family and friends, and do what you love. Once you are in a healthy place, you can start looking for love again.