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A Dating Advice Guide for Men
Proven Scientific Methods to Pick up Women
and Get a Girlfriend
Michael Callahan
©2015 Michael Callahan
Table of Contents
Bonus: FREE Attract Women Crash-Course
Chapter 1 : How To Be Self Confident
Chapter 2: The Psychology of Women
Chapter 3 : Body Language and How to Get Closer to Her
Chapter 4: Seduction (Timing Is The Key)
Chapter 5: How To Get A Girl’s Phone Number
Chapter 6: Self Improvement
Book Preview: Is Anxiety Stopping You From Getting Women
I’m Michael Callahan, and I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading my book,
“How to Attract Any Woman You Want ” . I have spent over 10 years researching and gathering
knowledge to create tools which help people to improve their lives. It is my purpose in life to
make a difference to as many people as possible in the best possible way. This book doesn’t
contain any secrets and most of it you could find yourself, if you studied and researched long and
hard enough. This book contains the result of years of research from hundreds of different sources
which have been compacted and translated into a simple, easy to follow guide for men.
It was during my first year at Bath University studying psychology when I started to piece
together these psychological tools. At that time I was a skinny geek, with no money, and I was in
a lousy state. I was useless when it came to women. Then, one day, in a lecture on the psychology
of women a rush of excitement struck me, as I realized I could use this new found knowledge to
attract women like a sort of magic on their mind. In the day I spent a lot of time in the library
gaining as much knowledge as I could and at night I was perfecting my techniques for attracting
women. After hours of research and practice I started to see amazing results. I had a lot of fun at
university attracting the most beautiful, sexiest women at university, and then onto women
outside of university, doctors, lawyers, models, I’ve been with them all. I went through a period
when I was with a different woman every night. Then I met the woman of my dreams who I have
been married to for 20 years and have two children with and I have these psychological tools to
This book contains some of these psychological tools, steps and strategies on how to pick up the
most amazing women and get a girlfriend you can be proud of. This book is not complicated or
boring but rather a book where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is
backed by psychology that you can understand and apply.
In fact, if you follow this book you are guaranteed to attract almost any woman you want. This
book will help you understand how the mind of a woman works, how to read their body language,
what actions to make and what to say. By the end of this book, you will have a very powerful tool
which can be used to pick up girls or get a girlfriend you will be proud of. Read this book and you
will almost certainly get any woman you desire. You don’t need a flash car, don’t need to be rich,
and you don’t even need to be good looking, these methods work for all men, even if you are
usually terrible in social situations. Let’s not waste any more time, here we go.
Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: How To Be Self Confident.
This is the first and most important step. In order to achieve any goal in life you must be
self-confident. This is particularly true in attracting women. If you’re self-confident the opposite
sex will find you more attractive. You may be thinking you’re not self-confident and this is why
you are looking for guidance on how to attract women, but you can change, you can be self
confident. Don’t let this stop you from having the best time of your life. You can change your
state, just by conditioning yourself. I did it and you can do it. Maybe you are already
self-confident but just need some guidance on how to attract women. Either way this book is
going to help you.
You can attract any woman you want but it’s not going to happen in one day. You need to c hange
your state. You need to get yourself some rituals in order to be self confident. Every one of you
reading this is controlled by your rituals. This means not just in this moment but every morning
you get up.
Your life comes from your rituals. If you don’t develop your rituals, you’re only kidding yourself.
There are rituals that put you in state and there rituals that will take you out of state. You have
rituals with your relationship, with your body, around your finances and rituals with every aspect
of your life. You need to learn how to change your state and how to take control your own
conditioning. Now is the time for you to train yourself to do that. This can happen just by
changing your focus. I will show you.
Sit up and try this with energy. Now look around the room and find everything that you can see
that is brown. Come on, do it, as fast as you can, look for brown things, look all around you. Now
close your eyes and shout out loud everything you saw that was RED. You are seeing a lot more
brown that red, right? Now look around the room for red things, anything you can find around you
that is red. This time you found more red things, right? Why did you find more red this time?
Because “seek and you shall find”. Whatever you focus on you are going to find it. In fact you’ll
even find it when it’s not there. Did you see burgundy and called it red just so you could have
more things you counted? Whatever you look for you will find. If you want to change your life
you have to change your focus.
How fast can you do this? In a heartbeat, once you change your conditioning. That’s all you have
to do. You can do it with a question or two. Try this. Ask yourself, honestly, what do you feel
proud about right now? Maybe you don’t want to feel proud, but let’s just say if you wanted to
feel proud, what could you be proud of in your life today? Your children; your health; a problem
you faced; a fear you overcome; what thing could you be proud of if you wanted to be proud? Can
you think of something? When you think about this thing that you are proud of, what is it that
makes you feel proud? What do you focus on that make you feel proud? How do you breathe
when you really start to feel proud? What sort of look on your face starts to happen when you feel
proud? How does that feel? Now think about another area of your life. Think about something
you feel grateful for, or if you don’t want to be grateful, if you wanted to be grateful, what is
something that you could feel grateful for? Can you think of something? What is it about this
thing that you are grateful for? What is it that you focus on that makes you feel grateful? How
does it feel when you are truly grateful? After reading this do you feel different? Why? FOCUS IS
CONTROLLED BY QUESTIONS. If you ask a different question continuously, not once,
continuously you will get a different answer. If you as a lousy question, you will get a lousy
answer and a lousy state. Let’s say you ask “why does this always happen to me?” In fact it
doesn’t always happen to you but the brain is like a computer, if you give it a question and it will
give you an answer. Your brain will come back with “because you deserve it you idiot” Some
people might ask “how come I can never lose weight?” They CAN lose weight but ask this
question and the brain must come up with an answer, so it comes back with “because you’re a
pig” LOUSY QUESTIONS CREATE LOUSY ANSWERS. Ask a better question and get a
better answer.
Here is what you learned: you can change your state in an instant and if you get into the habit of
doing it, it will change your life. The most powerful way to control your focus is through the use
of questions. Ask questions that are going to bring out the positive emotions that you want in
yourself, emotions such as pride, gratitude, hope, empathy and make a habit of it, every day when
you wake up ask the same questions.
The knowledge about how to attract women you will gain from this book will also boost your
confidence because you will know you have the power to attract any woman you want.
Chapter 2: The Psychology of Women
Reading the minds of women may seem like hard work. This book section can help you deal with
this problem by checking out what they really want from you in the first place.
The secret in the psychology of attracting women is the fact that women are drawn to men
who can provide them with their needs at a certain point in their lives.
Therefore, women are attracted to men who are happy, fulfilled, and totally free to provide them
with what they desire at that particular moment. On the other hand, they will most likely stay
away from men who are clingy, needy, and who constantly wait for them to make the move so he
will be happy. The latter is threatening for women because these types of men will mostly likely
be very demanding of their time and energy.
One of the primary psychological signs that attract women to men is the strong sense of
decision making in a man.
Women prefer men who can make decisions for them. This is not really about controlling them
but more about leading them. Therefore, if you want to attract women, suggesting a specific place
where you can have lunch or dinner on your date with someone is more desirable than leaving the
woman clueless about what you are planning to do on your date. Most women normally hate
passive men who cannot make decisions and have no ability to create their own opinions.
Women are more attracted to men who are charismatic, influential, and strong. When women
think logically about attraction, they use a different set of parameters for selecting than the ones
that they utilize when they are unconsciously attracted to a man.
Ambition and high social status can attract most types of women.
Most women will need protection. Therefore, one of the things that can make them feel secured is
if they are with a man who is ambitious. An influential man can eventually have high social status
because he will surely work for it until he reaches that goal one day. To help you put this in
perspective, one study showed that men who drove expensive cars are more likely to be perceived
as attractive as compared to those who drove conventional car models.
As shocking as it may be, “nice guys” will hardly even make it to the list of men whom
women find attractive.
Nice guys are those men who let the women take charge of their lives. A nice guy usually does
anything in his power to make women happy. He can do this even at the expense of his own
happiness. He frequently chases them and calls them most of the time. Women are not really
attracted to this type of man because men with such personalities usually feel the need to be
secure. The opposite takes place in this given situation. As pointed out in the previous points, they
feel the great need to be close to a dominant man who can take the lead. This is in contrast to the
nice man who will give in to their every whim. If you become a crowd pleaser, you will find it
hard to attract women even though you may have the purest of intentions.
Chapter 3: Body Language and How to Get Closer to Her
Being in the business of attracting women may be a seemingly difficult endeavor. Fortunately, you
can always resort to body language to serve as a rough guide for you to determine whether or not
you have a chance in getting that particular girl that you have been eyeing for quite some time.
This book section will give you some pointers on how to flirt with a woman given a series of
situations that both of you are currently in.
First, you have to look for the nearest girl that you want to be attracted to you.
If she approaches you first, you will not have problems in striking up a conversation. If she does
not, it is time that you make the first move. At this point, note if she smiles as you approach her. If
she does, turn your head and chest towards her. However, do not lean in or she might think that
you are a creep. If she does not smile as you approach, you should be a little bit cautious in turning
your head and body towards her. At this point, you may only do so if you intend to talk to her.
Next, take note of her body orientation the moment you approach her.
If her body does not face you, you may turn your head away briefly then turn it back again. You
may then utter some playful banter. You have to deliver these lines naturally or else she will think
that you are merely trying too hard to get her attention. Banter is just conversation without any real
content. It is meant to be light. These are some lines that you may use. You may improvise your
own lines as you deem necessary.
“You’re cute. Maybe you can help me pick up some chicks.”
“I can tell that you’re trouble!”
“You can’t fool me. I see you have devil’s horns under that halo!”
“Did you come over here just to flirt with me?”
After delivering your line, you should observe her reaction. If she has not smiled even once, you
may try at least three more times before you decide to move on. Otherwise, you have to use a “take
away” to start off the “chasing game”. At this point, you still have to work to build your r apport
with her so you can get closer to her.
You have to let her chase you a little after you get her initial attention.
While she is laughing at your banter, you should turn your back to her. Doing this while knowing
that she is already attracted to you will set off her subconscious side that tells her you are already
used to flirting with attractive women like her and you have a lot of women to choose from.
However, you do not want her to think that you are not really interested in her. To help lighten the
mood, smile while looking over your shoulder. Remember, you are still trying to be playful with
her. Do not immediately turn around to face her. You may count up to four in your head then face
her. If she does not want to get your attention, you may try another line of playful banter.
If you are in a stimulating setting like a bar, stick your hand out as if asking her to dance with you.
Twirl her safely around. This acts like a dose of attraction capsule to make her more interested in
you. At this point, she will most likely be flirting with you. If not, you may continue exchanging
flirty banter with her. This helps in solidifying the attraction between the two of you.
Once she has already earned your attraction, you have to observe her next moves.
This is considered as one of the most overlooked phase in interacting with women. If you do this
stage right, you can rest assured that she will really be impressed with you. Thus, this will help
even intensify your bond with each other.
If she is already bragging about something that is completely off topic, you have to let her even if
this does not really please you. She will only do this if she is trying to get your approval. This also
means that she is really attracted to you. When this happens, you simply have to proceed to the
acceptance stage.
If she does not brag about anything, use qualifying statements to make her feel that she has already
earned your attraction. To do this, you may tell her that you see her as a really different woman
than most of the women that you have already met. You may ask her if she is aware of what makes
her stand out from the rest. Furthermore, you may also ask her what she thinks her three dominant
and positive qualities are. Most likely, she will give three different kinds of answers: emotional,
sexual, and logical. If she does, you may proceed forward because this woman is most likely ready
to be in a relationship. After she qualifies herself, you need to provide her with verbal acceptance
even if you are not that impressed.
If her answers are all logical, she is closed off sexually. You should build a lot of attraction with
her and keep everything light before you continue.
If all of her replies are sexual, she is most likely a tease. You have to build rapport so you can
eventually go beyond her barriers.
If her three answers are emotional, this woman has low self-esteem. You need to encourage her
and make her feel that she is sexually desirable.
During the acceptance stage, you have to accept whatever she might say at this point.
The acceptance stage usually marks the end of the attraction stage. At this point, most of the
negative body language, teasing, playfulness, and joking cease. This is also the phase where the
emotional, genuine, and intelligent conversations start.
The stage of rapport is the phase of attraction where you get to have the chance to be closer
to her.
During this part of the attraction, you need to go through four main phases. These are the
following: light hearted rapport, wide rapport with the woman, deep rapport, and release. If you
opt to skip the rapport stage, you will find out that she will not return your messages or your calls,
let alone get sexual with you. Thus, she will not sleep with you. Eventually, you will freak her out
if you skip this phase.
To get you started in building rapport with the woman, you have to look for an intimate setting
where you can talk in private. This need not be another venue. You may simply take her to a more
private spot within the same venue. Ideally, the spot should be where you can freely talk without
being interrupted in the process. You may move to this spot by gently tugging at her hand and
asking her to go over to that place with you. If she does not do so, you may walk without her and
come back so you can build even more attraction after that.
Once she agrees to build rapport with you, you have to use the formula for deep rapport.
For this phase, you have to cycle through the first three stages of rapport. You need to do this three
more times before you move on to the seduction stage. You may cycle once or twice more if you
are in doubt.
During the light rapport stage, you need to ask her some open ended questions. A good question
can be, “What have you been doing before you came over today?” At this point, you simply have
to show her that you are listening.
For the wide rapport phase, you have to affirm whatever she said during the previous stage.
Skipping this will ruin the entire thing.
As for the deep rapport stage, you have to relate what she said to something that happened to you
previously. This may be a childhood memory or simply something similar that you experienced
during the early parts of the day. Doing this will help her stay connected with you. After this, you
need to connect this idea with your current situation.
For the release stage, you have to drop the topic and start all over with a new topic in mind. You
may ask her another open ended question or go back to another topic that you have talked about
while going through the light rapport phase all over again.
After you have gone through the different stages of building rapport for women, you may proceed
to the deeper levels of connecting with her. At this point, you may do away with most of your
flirting techniques and just focus on spending a lot of time with her. This will help bring you to
new heights if you know how to win her over during this phase.
Chapter 4: Seduction (Timing Is The Key)
The first thing you need to know is what seduction truly is and how to use it to your advantage
without creeping women out. If you have even been called creepy before, you know it makes you
feel terrible.
One of the biggest mistakes men make when trying to seduce a woman is their timing is wrong.
They don’t know that seduction comes later on in interaction, after some crucial steps that have to
happen. Men that don’t understand how to attract women and don’t know how women operate will
jump straight to seduction and women will think that they are creepy and they get rejected.
Seduction can be used in a very powerful way. If you have a relationship it is the thing that holds
the relationship together. If you are single then it is the most powerful manly tool you can use at
your disposal to turn women on. Knowing how to seduce a woman you have just met is a very
empowering thing to know.
What is seduction? Contrary to popular belief is not necessarily sexual. Let me explain what I
mean. Seduction is an overload of your emotional brain and a deadening of your logical brain.
Your brain is made up of two major hemispheres, one controls emotion and the other controls
logic. The problem is they share resources. If you are being very logical you are not being very
emotional at all. Like a boss that has to fire someone, if they are thinking logically then it’s an easy
thing to do because their emotions are deadened but if they are using their emotional side of the
brain then it is a very hard thing to do. This is why people buy things they can’t really afford. The
emotions are heightened you feel excited, happy, proud to own the latest product so you buy it, but
really if you were using your logical brain you would decide not to buy it until you have saved up
the money. If you are very emotional then you may make very stupid decisions because you are
not being logical, your logical side of the brain is dead for that moment.
When you go through rapport, which is the second stage of interaction, you are heightening the
emotional brain in a woman. You are exciting her emotional brain so much that the logical brain
starts to become weaker until it gets to a point when they start making emotional decisions. There
is a point to which the logical brain will drop to at which women hit a “red zone response”. This is
where if a woman gets too emotional too early, before they have built up trust, they will
automatically reject an entire situation, you and anything to do with you because they are afraid
they will make a bad decision at that moment. What you must do is keep her emotionally
heightened, which can be done by simply sharing an emotional story; nothing has to be sexual at
this point. Share your emotions and draw out hers.
Once you got through rapport you can build up strong emotional attachment with each other and
then you are assured she has a heightened emotional brain. Now it is time to add in sexuality and
then you have seduction. One way to add sexuality at this point is during normal rapport
conversation think of the things that turn you on and start to get turned on yourself. She will
subconsciously pick up on this and register all the things you do when you are turned on: your
dilating pupils; your lightly clenched jaw; your dropped shoulders, whatever it is you do. The
things she’s seen in men that were turned on before, she sees in you in this moment and because
you are doing this while you are having an emotional connection she’s going to be open to it in that
Now you should start touching her more softly, but firmly, and sexually. For example, when
moving from her should to her hand you should stroke gently. Bring back some more playfulness.
Start to often subtly look at her mouth. She will start to pick up on all these things subconsciously.
When you see her responding to this, by looking at your mouth, then it is time to say these magic
words “it’s OK, you can kiss me, I want to kiss you too” and slowly go in for the kiss, don’t rush it.
After the first kiss things are going to go very quickly. Here are just a few techniques that work. If
you want to find out more go to this website (this is a shortened link)
Chapter 5: How To Get A Girl’s Phone Number
There is a technique for asking for a girl’s phone number without getting rejected, and it has a
strong, complex, psychological backing to support why it works. In this chapter we will take a
look at a couple of those psychological concepts and you will learn this powerful technique, then
you can go try it out for yourself.
The mistake most guys make is to ask for the number, which usually leads to rejection. The reason
for this is we as human beings, generally, will do whatever is easiest and take the path of least
resistance. This also applies to attracting women. Let’s say you are at a bar and you ask a woman
“would you like to go on a date with me?” What is going through her mind when yo u ask this
question? She has two choices, go on the date with you or she can say “no”. There is a risk that the
date will be bad, quite a big risk in fact as she doesn’t know you very well yet. If she goes on the
date she will be stuck with you in that bad situation for several hours. That would be a waste of her
time, it would be uncomfortable, awkward or possible even dangerous, that’s quite a big risk. On
the other hand she may be attracted to you, but at this moment that is the only positive thing. Even
if she is attracted to you she will still probably say “no” anyway because it’s too risky and a lot
easier to say “no” and avoid that bad situation.
Human beings will do whatever is easiest. So you need to make it easier for her to say “yes” than it
is for her to say “no”. Most guys will ask something like “can I have your number?” It is easier for
her to say “no” because there a risk that you are going to call her everyday or text her every 10
minutes, maybe you’re a jealous guy that will stalk her or may be you will never call her at all and
you are just doing it to show off to your mates. Next time you meet a woman that you like and you
want her number, instead of just handing her your phone and saying “can I have your number?”
you should follow these steps:
In the middle of normal conversation, you are flirting and using banter, pull out your phone, Carry
on with your conversation, don’t draw attention to your phone.
As you are talking, glance at your phone every once in a while and prepare your phone to take her
number. Make it as easy as possible for her, unlock it and get it ready to input the number. She
won’t know that you are doing this because you’re in mid conversation.
Hand her the phone. It’s important you hold the phone about 6 inches from her body about the
height at which you would normal hold the phone when using the keypad. Hand it to her slowly
and put it in her “personal space”. Stand up straight and don’t lean in. Carrying on with your
normal conversation and not drawing too much attention to the phone, don’t talk about the phone
or look at the phone.
DON’T say “can I have your number?” or anything similar. Instead, just hand her the phone. This
will trigger her “autopilot response” Autopilot response is like recordings in our brain of actions
that we do whenever we see a certain thing. Humans, as do lots of animals, use autopilot responses
for survival, enabling us to react very quickly, without thinking about it, in dangerous situations.
Just like when someone puts out their hand you will automatically shake their hand. So when you
hand her your phone she will take it.
When she has the phone in her hand say these exact words “why don’t you go ahead and put your
number in my phone?” This line is proven to give the best results out of hundred s of lines tested.
The reason for this is it is easier for her to put her number in your phone than it is to think of a good
reason “why” she shouldn’t. This is the path of least resistance.
To reinforce this give her a reason to give you her number by adding the word “because”.
A psychological study was conducted. A person would run up to the queue at a photocopier
with a pile ofpaperwork and say “can I go in front of you. ” Only about 10% agreed to let
the person jump the queue. The test was then repeated using this line “can I go in front of
you because I’m in a big hurry” and the success rate jumped to over 40%. Then the test got
really interesting. It was repeated again using the words “can I go in front of you because
” no reason was given only these words were used. This resulted in a high success rate
showing that the word “because ” alone forces people to be comfortable enough to agree
to a request.
So, say the words “why don’t you go ahead and put your number in my phone... ” and add a
reason, something like “.because then I can text whenever we get to the next place, to let you know
where we are going.” She will put her number in your phone.
Then call her and let it ring, tell her you are calling her, and she’ll get your number. Now, if you
can, say “I’ll put my name in” take her phone and put your name in it then after your name put
something like “super sexy guy” something silly. Save it in her phone without her seeing it.
Whenever you call or text her later she will see this and it will make her laugh and put her in a state
in which she will be compelled to respond.
After you’ve got her number, it is very important that you make sure that you keep talking to her
for about 5 minutes and try to build up some kind of rapport with her. If you do this she will
definitely respond to your call or text but if you do not then she will have “buyer’s remorse” and
regret giving you her number and she will not respond.
Now you are ready to try this powerful technique out and have some fun.
Chapter 6: Self Improvement
There are two other ways on how you can attract women that you are interested in. You need to
combine these ways to help improve your chances of getting any woman you want. First, you
should make yourself physically attractive to them. You do not have to try too hard. Most of the
time, you can do away with a little bit of effort in this department. Another way to get the affection
of women is to develop your personality so you can be attractive. This is a bit difficult than the
former method but it is well worth all the trouble.
Being physically attractive is important because this can help set off their first impressions
of you.
Giving off a nice first impression should be one of the first few things that you should always keep
in mind. This is important because this can determine if they will still be interested in developing a
close connection with you. Most likely, failing in this aspect will give you a really hard time
redeeming yourself. However, you should always keep in mind that this should not be the only
aspect that you will be working on. If you only focus on this part of yourself and leave the rest up
to chance, there is a high probability that she will see you as a shallow person. Because of this, she
may not take you seriously in the long run.
Most importantly, you have to make sure that you are thoroughly groomed.
You may keep your beard trimmed. Also, get rid of any unsightly nose hair and ear hair. There is
nothing really wrong in wearing a beard. However, you should learn how to set it in order. If you
have oily or extremely dry skin, you may consider consulting your physician about it so you can
do something to address the concern. Coordinating your facial hair with the current haircut that
you have can also be helpful.
You also have to work hard on your body language.
As discussed in the previous chapter, it is important that you pay close attention to your body
language. If you have no idea how you react when in the open, you should try facing a mirror.
While in front of the mirror, you need to observe your nonverbal behavior - your eye contact (or
the lack of it), your constant fidgeting, and your swaying among others. You should stand in front
of the mirror to help you develop your awareness of how you move. In the long run, you will
eventually adjust and do something about some behaviors that do not please you.
Getting a good haircut can help you go a long way.
Look for a proper salon in your vicinity. You may not readily see the difference between haircuts,
but women will most likely do. An expert stylist who can do the job well can easily determine the
haircut that will suit your facial features. For a relatively affordable price, you can have great
Hitting the gym at least once a week can bring you a lot of health and relationship benefits
in the long run.
Even if you are in good shape, you still have to do this. You will look even better than before.
More than that, you will feel a lot better from the inside. If you do not have that physique that you
have been yearning for, this is an even better chance to take on the challenge.
Having a personalized style can effectively reflect who you really are.
Visualizing a type of image that you want others to see when you go out is a good starting point in
determining your style. If you are working on attracting women, you have to think from their point
of view. Asking your female friends about their preferences on men’s styles can also give you a
good idea on how to dress up when you want to go out and meet women.
On the other hand, developing an attractive personality is also vital to win them over
because they can rest assured that you are being yourself around them.
Between the two main things that you have to develop to get their attention and affection, this is
the more important one. Your personality very well transcends your looks and your physical and
superficial aspect. Developing this part of yourself will not only help you be closer to that woman
you want but also to the other people who are around you. Getting their approval can further aid
you in being even closer to this woman than you can ever imagine. Developing your personality
can help you create and sustain meaningful relationships in the long run. However, this takes a
longer time to develop than the physical aspect but it is all worth it.
Practicing lifestyle design will help you win her heart and can help you be more successful
in life.
If you want to improve certain areas in your life, you should do this as early as now. Some
improvements that you may be interested to try out are the following: being more physically fit,
making more money, learning a new language, and meeting new people.
Practicing authentic expression and self-awareness can help empower you as a person.
In this light, you have to visualize the type of person whom you want to be in the long run and
make sure you do something about it. If you want to be a great singer, you have to exert effort to
practice projecting your voice on a daily basis. You should act on your desires and speak your
mind when needed.
Eliminating limiting and negative beliefs can help you go a long way.
You should learn how to affirm yourself and see the good that you have. No one can do this as well
as you can and you definitely have to do this if you want to attract women. No woman wants to
emotionally nurse an insecure man after all.
You should be comfortable in solitude.
Women hate men who are needy. In line with this, having a hobby can help temporarily distract
you from giving them the creeps while focusing on your chosen craft. Before you know it, you
have made yourself more interesting by just doing this.
There are numerous pursuits that you may try. If you love music, you may try composing songs or
learn how to play a new instrument. If you are into a lot of physical activities, engaging in sports
like swimming and basketball may give you that additional boost. The possibilities are endless.
You have to make an effort to define yourself as you go through different stages in life.
For one thing, women are interested in a man who knows what he really wants and does something
to get it. Therefore, you should determine what you want to get out of your life first and why you
want to get it in the first place. Having a direction in your life that matches who you are as a person
is really attractive for women.
These are just some of the methods that you may resort to so you can eventually get the affection
of that woman that you have been eying for a long time already. At first, it will not really come off
as a surprise if she does not reciprocate your actions. Eventually, you are in for a great surprise. As
time wears on, she will gradually get drawn to you because of your perseverance to win her over.
The key is to keep on trying so you can eventually end up in a long term relationship with her. This
may seem like a far-fetched dream, but it is all worth it for the long haul.
Women may be a bit confusing most of the time, but once you get to know them better you will
eventually find out that they are similar with some unique streaks in each of them. Knowing how
they think in general can help you appropriately react to whatever they may say or do. In the long
run, this can help you gain a lot of self-confidence. Interestingly, if you have self-confidence,
women will find you more attractive. Thus, they will be drawn to you without you even trying. Be
certain you will get any woman you desire.
Thank you again for downloading this book!
The next step is to put what you learned into practice, it may not work first time but keep trying
and when it does works it will give you the confidence to get girl after girl if you so desire.
Important Free Video To Watch
Real techniques that make women come on to you:
Why you need to be a bad boy to get women:
Make the best use possible of these free videos, and study them. Your seduction game will go through the

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  • 3. A Dating Advice Guide for Men HOW TO ATTRACT ANY WOMEN YOU WANT Proven Scientific Methods to Pick up Women and Get a Girlfriend
  • 5. Table of Contents Bonus: FREE Attract Women Crash-Course Introduction Chapter 1 : How To Be Self Confident Chapter 2: The Psychology of Women Chapter 3 : Body Language and How to Get Closer to Her Chapter 4: Seduction (Timing Is The Key) Chapter 5: How To Get A Girl’s Phone Number Chapter 6: Self Improvement Conclusion Book Preview: Is Anxiety Stopping You From Getting Women
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  • 7. Introduction I’m Michael Callahan, and I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading my book, “How to Attract Any Woman You Want ” . I have spent over 10 years researching and gathering knowledge to create tools which help people to improve their lives. It is my purpose in life to make a difference to as many people as possible in the best possible way. This book doesn’t contain any secrets and most of it you could find yourself, if you studied and researched long and hard enough. This book contains the result of years of research from hundreds of different sources which have been compacted and translated into a simple, easy to follow guide for men. It was during my first year at Bath University studying psychology when I started to piece together these psychological tools. At that time I was a skinny geek, with no money, and I was in a lousy state. I was useless when it came to women. Then, one day, in a lecture on the psychology of women a rush of excitement struck me, as I realized I could use this new found knowledge to attract women like a sort of magic on their mind. In the day I spent a lot of time in the library gaining as much knowledge as I could and at night I was perfecting my techniques for attracting women. After hours of research and practice I started to see amazing results. I had a lot of fun at university attracting the most beautiful, sexiest women at university, and then onto women outside of university, doctors, lawyers, models, I’ve been with them all. I went through a period when I was with a different woman every night. Then I met the woman of my dreams who I have
  • 8. been married to for 20 years and have two children with and I have these psychological tools to thank. This book contains some of these psychological tools, steps and strategies on how to pick up the most amazing women and get a girlfriend you can be proud of. This book is not complicated or boring but rather a book where you will find simple, to the point and effective information that is backed by psychology that you can understand and apply. In fact, if you follow this book you are guaranteed to attract almost any woman you want. This book will help you understand how the mind of a woman works, how to read their body language, what actions to make and what to say. By the end of this book, you will have a very powerful tool which can be used to pick up girls or get a girlfriend you will be proud of. Read this book and you will almost certainly get any woman you desire. You don’t need a flash car, don’t need to be rich, and you don’t even need to be good looking, these methods work for all men, even if you are usually terrible in social situations. Let’s not waste any more time, here we go. Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it! Chapter 1: How To Be Self Confident. This is the first and most important step. In order to achieve any goal in life you must be
  • 9. self-confident. This is particularly true in attracting women. If you’re self-confident the opposite sex will find you more attractive. You may be thinking you’re not self-confident and this is why you are looking for guidance on how to attract women, but you can change, you can be self confident. Don’t let this stop you from having the best time of your life. You can change your state, just by conditioning yourself. I did it and you can do it. Maybe you are already self-confident but just need some guidance on how to attract women. Either way this book is going to help you. You can attract any woman you want but it’s not going to happen in one day. You need to c hange your state. You need to get yourself some rituals in order to be self confident. Every one of you reading this is controlled by your rituals. This means not just in this moment but every morning you get up. Your life comes from your rituals. If you don’t develop your rituals, you’re only kidding yourself. There are rituals that put you in state and there rituals that will take you out of state. You have rituals with your relationship, with your body, around your finances and rituals with every aspect of your life. You need to learn how to change your state and how to take control your own conditioning. Now is the time for you to train yourself to do that. This can happen just by changing your focus. I will show you. Sit up and try this with energy. Now look around the room and find everything that you can see that is brown. Come on, do it, as fast as you can, look for brown things, look all around you. Now
  • 10. close your eyes and shout out loud everything you saw that was RED. You are seeing a lot more brown that red, right? Now look around the room for red things, anything you can find around you that is red. This time you found more red things, right? Why did you find more red this time? Because “seek and you shall find”. Whatever you focus on you are going to find it. In fact you’ll even find it when it’s not there. Did you see burgundy and called it red just so you could have more things you counted? Whatever you look for you will find. If you want to change your life you have to change your focus. How fast can you do this? In a heartbeat, once you change your conditioning. That’s all you have to do. You can do it with a question or two. Try this. Ask yourself, honestly, what do you feel proud about right now? Maybe you don’t want to feel proud, but let’s just say if you wanted to feel proud, what could you be proud of in your life today? Your children; your health; a problem you faced; a fear you overcome; what thing could you be proud of if you wanted to be proud? Can you think of something? When you think about this thing that you are proud of, what is it that makes you feel proud? What do you focus on that make you feel proud? How do you breathe when you really start to feel proud? What sort of look on your face starts to happen when you feel proud? How does that feel? Now think about another area of your life. Think about something you feel grateful for, or if you don’t want to be grateful, if you wanted to be grateful, what is something that you could feel grateful for? Can you think of something? What is it about this thing that you are grateful for? What is it that you focus on that makes you feel grateful? How does it feel when you are truly grateful? After reading this do you feel different? Why? FOCUS IS
  • 11. CONTROLLED BY QUESTIONS. If you ask a different question continuously, not once, continuously you will get a different answer. If you as a lousy question, you will get a lousy answer and a lousy state. Let’s say you ask “why does this always happen to me?” In fact it doesn’t always happen to you but the brain is like a computer, if you give it a question and it will give you an answer. Your brain will come back with “because you deserve it you idiot” Some people might ask “how come I can never lose weight?” They CAN lose weight but ask this question and the brain must come up with an answer, so it comes back with “because you’re a pig” LOUSY QUESTIONS CREATE LOUSY ANSWERS. Ask a better question and get a better answer. Here is what you learned: you can change your state in an instant and if you get into the habit of doing it, it will change your life. The most powerful way to control your focus is through the use of questions. Ask questions that are going to bring out the positive emotions that you want in yourself, emotions such as pride, gratitude, hope, empathy and make a habit of it, every day when you wake up ask the same questions. The knowledge about how to attract women you will gain from this book will also boost your confidence because you will know you have the power to attract any woman you want. Chapter 2: The Psychology of Women Reading the minds of women may seem like hard work. This book section can help you deal with
  • 12. this problem by checking out what they really want from you in the first place. The secret in the psychology of attracting women is the fact that women are drawn to men who can provide them with their needs at a certain point in their lives. Therefore, women are attracted to men who are happy, fulfilled, and totally free to provide them with what they desire at that particular moment. On the other hand, they will most likely stay away from men who are clingy, needy, and who constantly wait for them to make the move so he will be happy. The latter is threatening for women because these types of men will mostly likely be very demanding of their time and energy. One of the primary psychological signs that attract women to men is the strong sense of decision making in a man. Women prefer men who can make decisions for them. This is not really about controlling them but more about leading them. Therefore, if you want to attract women, suggesting a specific place where you can have lunch or dinner on your date with someone is more desirable than leaving the woman clueless about what you are planning to do on your date. Most women normally hate passive men who cannot make decisions and have no ability to create their own opinions. Women are more attracted to men who are charismatic, influential, and strong. When women think logically about attraction, they use a different set of parameters for selecting than the ones that they utilize when they are unconsciously attracted to a man.
  • 13. Ambition and high social status can attract most types of women. Most women will need protection. Therefore, one of the things that can make them feel secured is if they are with a man who is ambitious. An influential man can eventually have high social status because he will surely work for it until he reaches that goal one day. To help you put this in perspective, one study showed that men who drove expensive cars are more likely to be perceived as attractive as compared to those who drove conventional car models. As shocking as it may be, “nice guys” will hardly even make it to the list of men whom women find attractive. Nice guys are those men who let the women take charge of their lives. A nice guy usually does anything in his power to make women happy. He can do this even at the expense of his own happiness. He frequently chases them and calls them most of the time. Women are not really attracted to this type of man because men with such personalities usually feel the need to be secure. The opposite takes place in this given situation. As pointed out in the previous points, they feel the great need to be close to a dominant man who can take the lead. This is in contrast to the nice man who will give in to their every whim. If you become a crowd pleaser, you will find it hard to attract women even though you may have the purest of intentions.
  • 14. Chapter 3: Body Language and How to Get Closer to Her Being in the business of attracting women may be a seemingly difficult endeavor. Fortunately, you can always resort to body language to serve as a rough guide for you to determine whether or not you have a chance in getting that particular girl that you have been eyeing for quite some time. This book section will give you some pointers on how to flirt with a woman given a series of situations that both of you are currently in. First, you have to look for the nearest girl that you want to be attracted to you. If she approaches you first, you will not have problems in striking up a conversation. If she does not, it is time that you make the first move. At this point, note if she smiles as you approach her. If she does, turn your head and chest towards her. However, do not lean in or she might think that you are a creep. If she does not smile as you approach, you should be a little bit cautious in turning your head and body towards her. At this point, you may only do so if you intend to talk to her. Next, take note of her body orientation the moment you approach her. If her body does not face you, you may turn your head away briefly then turn it back again. You may then utter some playful banter. You have to deliver these lines naturally or else she will think that you are merely trying too hard to get her attention. Banter is just conversation without any real
  • 15. content. It is meant to be light. These are some lines that you may use. You may improvise your own lines as you deem necessary. “You’re cute. Maybe you can help me pick up some chicks.” “I can tell that you’re trouble!” “You can’t fool me. I see you have devil’s horns under that halo!” “Did you come over here just to flirt with me?” After delivering your line, you should observe her reaction. If she has not smiled even once, you may try at least three more times before you decide to move on. Otherwise, you have to use a “take away” to start off the “chasing game”. At this point, you still have to work to build your r apport with her so you can get closer to her. You have to let her chase you a little after you get her initial attention. While she is laughing at your banter, you should turn your back to her. Doing this while knowing that she is already attracted to you will set off her subconscious side that tells her you are already used to flirting with attractive women like her and you have a lot of women to choose from. However, you do not want her to think that you are not really interested in her. To help lighten the mood, smile while looking over your shoulder. Remember, you are still trying to be playful with her. Do not immediately turn around to face her. You may count up to four in your head then face her. If she does not want to get your attention, you may try another line of playful banter.
  • 16. If you are in a stimulating setting like a bar, stick your hand out as if asking her to dance with you. Twirl her safely around. This acts like a dose of attraction capsule to make her more interested in you. At this point, she will most likely be flirting with you. If not, you may continue exchanging flirty banter with her. This helps in solidifying the attraction between the two of you. Once she has already earned your attraction, you have to observe her next moves. This is considered as one of the most overlooked phase in interacting with women. If you do this stage right, you can rest assured that she will really be impressed with you. Thus, this will help even intensify your bond with each other. If she is already bragging about something that is completely off topic, you have to let her even if this does not really please you. She will only do this if she is trying to get your approval. This also means that she is really attracted to you. When this happens, you simply have to proceed to the acceptance stage. If she does not brag about anything, use qualifying statements to make her feel that she has already earned your attraction. To do this, you may tell her that you see her as a really different woman than most of the women that you have already met. You may ask her if she is aware of what makes her stand out from the rest. Furthermore, you may also ask her what she thinks her three dominant and positive qualities are. Most likely, she will give three different kinds of answers: emotional, sexual, and logical. If she does, you may proceed forward because this woman is most likely ready to be in a relationship. After she qualifies herself, you need to provide her with verbal acceptance even if you are not that impressed.
  • 17. If her answers are all logical, she is closed off sexually. You should build a lot of attraction with her and keep everything light before you continue. If all of her replies are sexual, she is most likely a tease. You have to build rapport so you can eventually go beyond her barriers. If her three answers are emotional, this woman has low self-esteem. You need to encourage her and make her feel that she is sexually desirable. During the acceptance stage, you have to accept whatever she might say at this point. The acceptance stage usually marks the end of the attraction stage. At this point, most of the negative body language, teasing, playfulness, and joking cease. This is also the phase where the emotional, genuine, and intelligent conversations start. The stage of rapport is the phase of attraction where you get to have the chance to be closer to her. During this part of the attraction, you need to go through four main phases. These are the following: light hearted rapport, wide rapport with the woman, deep rapport, and release. If you opt to skip the rapport stage, you will find out that she will not return your messages or your calls, let alone get sexual with you. Thus, she will not sleep with you. Eventually, you will freak her out if you skip this phase. To get you started in building rapport with the woman, you have to look for an intimate setting where you can talk in private. This need not be another venue. You may simply take her to a more
  • 18. private spot within the same venue. Ideally, the spot should be where you can freely talk without being interrupted in the process. You may move to this spot by gently tugging at her hand and asking her to go over to that place with you. If she does not do so, you may walk without her and come back so you can build even more attraction after that. Once she agrees to build rapport with you, you have to use the formula for deep rapport. For this phase, you have to cycle through the first three stages of rapport. You need to do this three more times before you move on to the seduction stage. You may cycle once or twice more if you are in doubt. During the light rapport stage, you need to ask her some open ended questions. A good question can be, “What have you been doing before you came over today?” At this point, you simply have to show her that you are listening. For the wide rapport phase, you have to affirm whatever she said during the previous stage. Skipping this will ruin the entire thing. As for the deep rapport stage, you have to relate what she said to something that happened to you previously. This may be a childhood memory or simply something similar that you experienced during the early parts of the day. Doing this will help her stay connected with you. After this, you need to connect this idea with your current situation. For the release stage, you have to drop the topic and start all over with a new topic in mind. You may ask her another open ended question or go back to another topic that you have talked about while going through the light rapport phase all over again.
  • 19. After you have gone through the different stages of building rapport for women, you may proceed to the deeper levels of connecting with her. At this point, you may do away with most of your flirting techniques and just focus on spending a lot of time with her. This will help bring you to new heights if you know how to win her over during this phase. Chapter 4: Seduction (Timing Is The Key) The first thing you need to know is what seduction truly is and how to use it to your advantage without creeping women out. If you have even been called creepy before, you know it makes you feel terrible. One of the biggest mistakes men make when trying to seduce a woman is their timing is wrong. They don’t know that seduction comes later on in interaction, after some crucial steps that have to happen. Men that don’t understand how to attract women and don’t know how women operate will jump straight to seduction and women will think that they are creepy and they get rejected. Seduction can be used in a very powerful way. If you have a relationship it is the thing that holds the relationship together. If you are single then it is the most powerful manly tool you can use at your disposal to turn women on. Knowing how to seduce a woman you have just met is a very empowering thing to know. What is seduction? Contrary to popular belief is not necessarily sexual. Let me explain what I mean. Seduction is an overload of your emotional brain and a deadening of your logical brain.
  • 20. Your brain is made up of two major hemispheres, one controls emotion and the other controls logic. The problem is they share resources. If you are being very logical you are not being very emotional at all. Like a boss that has to fire someone, if they are thinking logically then it’s an easy thing to do because their emotions are deadened but if they are using their emotional side of the brain then it is a very hard thing to do. This is why people buy things they can’t really afford. The emotions are heightened you feel excited, happy, proud to own the latest product so you buy it, but really if you were using your logical brain you would decide not to buy it until you have saved up the money. If you are very emotional then you may make very stupid decisions because you are not being logical, your logical side of the brain is dead for that moment. When you go through rapport, which is the second stage of interaction, you are heightening the emotional brain in a woman. You are exciting her emotional brain so much that the logical brain starts to become weaker until it gets to a point when they start making emotional decisions. There is a point to which the logical brain will drop to at which women hit a “red zone response”. This is where if a woman gets too emotional too early, before they have built up trust, they will automatically reject an entire situation, you and anything to do with you because they are afraid they will make a bad decision at that moment. What you must do is keep her emotionally heightened, which can be done by simply sharing an emotional story; nothing has to be sexual at this point. Share your emotions and draw out hers. Once you got through rapport you can build up strong emotional attachment with each other and then you are assured she has a heightened emotional brain. Now it is time to add in sexuality and
  • 21. then you have seduction. One way to add sexuality at this point is during normal rapport conversation think of the things that turn you on and start to get turned on yourself. She will subconsciously pick up on this and register all the things you do when you are turned on: your dilating pupils; your lightly clenched jaw; your dropped shoulders, whatever it is you do. The things she’s seen in men that were turned on before, she sees in you in this moment and because you are doing this while you are having an emotional connection she’s going to be open to it in that moment. Now you should start touching her more softly, but firmly, and sexually. For example, when moving from her should to her hand you should stroke gently. Bring back some more playfulness. Start to often subtly look at her mouth. She will start to pick up on all these things subconsciously. When you see her responding to this, by looking at your mouth, then it is time to say these magic words “it’s OK, you can kiss me, I want to kiss you too” and slowly go in for the kiss, don’t rush it. After the first kiss things are going to go very quickly. Here are just a few techniques that work. If you want to find out more go to this website (this is a shortened link)
  • 22. Chapter 5: How To Get A Girl’s Phone Number There is a technique for asking for a girl’s phone number without getting rejected, and it has a strong, complex, psychological backing to support why it works. In this chapter we will take a look at a couple of those psychological concepts and you will learn this powerful technique, then you can go try it out for yourself. The mistake most guys make is to ask for the number, which usually leads to rejection. The reason for this is we as human beings, generally, will do whatever is easiest and take the path of least resistance. This also applies to attracting women. Let’s say you are at a bar and you ask a woman “would you like to go on a date with me?” What is going through her mind when yo u ask this question? She has two choices, go on the date with you or she can say “no”. There is a risk that the date will be bad, quite a big risk in fact as she doesn’t know you very well yet. If she goes on the date she will be stuck with you in that bad situation for several hours. That would be a waste of her time, it would be uncomfortable, awkward or possible even dangerous, that’s quite a big risk. On the other hand she may be attracted to you, but at this moment that is the only positive thing. Even if she is attracted to you she will still probably say “no” anyway because it’s too risky and a lot easier to say “no” and avoid that bad situation.
  • 23. Human beings will do whatever is easiest. So you need to make it easier for her to say “yes” than it is for her to say “no”. Most guys will ask something like “can I have your number?” It is easier for her to say “no” because there a risk that you are going to call her everyday or text her every 10 minutes, maybe you’re a jealous guy that will stalk her or may be you will never call her at all and you are just doing it to show off to your mates. Next time you meet a woman that you like and you want her number, instead of just handing her your phone and saying “can I have your number?” you should follow these steps: In the middle of normal conversation, you are flirting and using banter, pull out your phone, Carry on with your conversation, don’t draw attention to your phone. As you are talking, glance at your phone every once in a while and prepare your phone to take her number. Make it as easy as possible for her, unlock it and get it ready to input the number. She won’t know that you are doing this because you’re in mid conversation. Hand her the phone. It’s important you hold the phone about 6 inches from her body about the height at which you would normal hold the phone when using the keypad. Hand it to her slowly and put it in her “personal space”. Stand up straight and don’t lean in. Carrying on with your normal conversation and not drawing too much attention to the phone, don’t talk about the phone or look at the phone. DON’T say “can I have your number?” or anything similar. Instead, just hand her the phone. This will trigger her “autopilot response” Autopilot response is like recordings in our brain of actions
  • 24. that we do whenever we see a certain thing. Humans, as do lots of animals, use autopilot responses for survival, enabling us to react very quickly, without thinking about it, in dangerous situations. Just like when someone puts out their hand you will automatically shake their hand. So when you hand her your phone she will take it. When she has the phone in her hand say these exact words “why don’t you go ahead and put your number in my phone?” This line is proven to give the best results out of hundred s of lines tested. The reason for this is it is easier for her to put her number in your phone than it is to think of a good reason “why” she shouldn’t. This is the path of least resistance. To reinforce this give her a reason to give you her number by adding the word “because”. A psychological study was conducted. A person would run up to the queue at a photocopier with a pile ofpaperwork and say “can I go in front of you. ” Only about 10% agreed to let the person jump the queue. The test was then repeated using this line “can I go in front of you because I’m in a big hurry” and the success rate jumped to over 40%. Then the test got really interesting. It was repeated again using the words “can I go in front of you because ” no reason was given only these words were used. This resulted in a high success rate showing that the word “because ” alone forces people to be comfortable enough to agree to a request. So, say the words “why don’t you go ahead and put your number in my phone... ” and add a reason, something like “.because then I can text whenever we get to the next place, to let you know where we are going.” She will put her number in your phone.
  • 25. Then call her and let it ring, tell her you are calling her, and she’ll get your number. Now, if you can, say “I’ll put my name in” take her phone and put your name in it then after your name put something like “super sexy guy” something silly. Save it in her phone without her seeing it. Whenever you call or text her later she will see this and it will make her laugh and put her in a state in which she will be compelled to respond. After you’ve got her number, it is very important that you make sure that you keep talking to her for about 5 minutes and try to build up some kind of rapport with her. If you do this she will definitely respond to your call or text but if you do not then she will have “buyer’s remorse” and regret giving you her number and she will not respond. Now you are ready to try this powerful technique out and have some fun.
  • 26. Chapter 6: Self Improvement There are two other ways on how you can attract women that you are interested in. You need to combine these ways to help improve your chances of getting any woman you want. First, you should make yourself physically attractive to them. You do not have to try too hard. Most of the time, you can do away with a little bit of effort in this department. Another way to get the affection of women is to develop your personality so you can be attractive. This is a bit difficult than the former method but it is well worth all the trouble. Being physically attractive is important because this can help set off their first impressions of you. Giving off a nice first impression should be one of the first few things that you should always keep in mind. This is important because this can determine if they will still be interested in developing a close connection with you. Most likely, failing in this aspect will give you a really hard time redeeming yourself. However, you should always keep in mind that this should not be the only aspect that you will be working on. If you only focus on this part of yourself and leave the rest up to chance, there is a high probability that she will see you as a shallow person. Because of this, she may not take you seriously in the long run.
  • 27. Most importantly, you have to make sure that you are thoroughly groomed. You may keep your beard trimmed. Also, get rid of any unsightly nose hair and ear hair. There is nothing really wrong in wearing a beard. However, you should learn how to set it in order. If you have oily or extremely dry skin, you may consider consulting your physician about it so you can do something to address the concern. Coordinating your facial hair with the current haircut that you have can also be helpful. You also have to work hard on your body language. As discussed in the previous chapter, it is important that you pay close attention to your body language. If you have no idea how you react when in the open, you should try facing a mirror. While in front of the mirror, you need to observe your nonverbal behavior - your eye contact (or the lack of it), your constant fidgeting, and your swaying among others. You should stand in front of the mirror to help you develop your awareness of how you move. In the long run, you will eventually adjust and do something about some behaviors that do not please you. Getting a good haircut can help you go a long way. Look for a proper salon in your vicinity. You may not readily see the difference between haircuts, but women will most likely do. An expert stylist who can do the job well can easily determine the haircut that will suit your facial features. For a relatively affordable price, you can have great haircuts. Hitting the gym at least once a week can bring you a lot of health and relationship benefits in the long run.
  • 28. Even if you are in good shape, you still have to do this. You will look even better than before. More than that, you will feel a lot better from the inside. If you do not have that physique that you have been yearning for, this is an even better chance to take on the challenge. Having a personalized style can effectively reflect who you really are. Visualizing a type of image that you want others to see when you go out is a good starting point in determining your style. If you are working on attracting women, you have to think from their point of view. Asking your female friends about their preferences on men’s styles can also give you a good idea on how to dress up when you want to go out and meet women. On the other hand, developing an attractive personality is also vital to win them over because they can rest assured that you are being yourself around them. Between the two main things that you have to develop to get their attention and affection, this is the more important one. Your personality very well transcends your looks and your physical and superficial aspect. Developing this part of yourself will not only help you be closer to that woman you want but also to the other people who are around you. Getting their approval can further aid you in being even closer to this woman than you can ever imagine. Developing your personality can help you create and sustain meaningful relationships in the long run. However, this takes a longer time to develop than the physical aspect but it is all worth it. Practicing lifestyle design will help you win her heart and can help you be more successful in life.
  • 29. If you want to improve certain areas in your life, you should do this as early as now. Some improvements that you may be interested to try out are the following: being more physically fit, making more money, learning a new language, and meeting new people. Practicing authentic expression and self-awareness can help empower you as a person. In this light, you have to visualize the type of person whom you want to be in the long run and make sure you do something about it. If you want to be a great singer, you have to exert effort to practice projecting your voice on a daily basis. You should act on your desires and speak your mind when needed. Eliminating limiting and negative beliefs can help you go a long way. You should learn how to affirm yourself and see the good that you have. No one can do this as well as you can and you definitely have to do this if you want to attract women. No woman wants to emotionally nurse an insecure man after all. You should be comfortable in solitude. Women hate men who are needy. In line with this, having a hobby can help temporarily distract you from giving them the creeps while focusing on your chosen craft. Before you know it, you have made yourself more interesting by just doing this. There are numerous pursuits that you may try. If you love music, you may try composing songs or learn how to play a new instrument. If you are into a lot of physical activities, engaging in sports like swimming and basketball may give you that additional boost. The possibilities are endless. You have to make an effort to define yourself as you go through different stages in life.
  • 30. For one thing, women are interested in a man who knows what he really wants and does something to get it. Therefore, you should determine what you want to get out of your life first and why you want to get it in the first place. Having a direction in your life that matches who you are as a person is really attractive for women. These are just some of the methods that you may resort to so you can eventually get the affection of that woman that you have been eying for a long time already. At first, it will not really come off as a surprise if she does not reciprocate your actions. Eventually, you are in for a great surprise. As time wears on, she will gradually get drawn to you because of your perseverance to win her over. The key is to keep on trying so you can eventually end up in a long term relationship with her. This may seem like a far-fetched dream, but it is all worth it for the long haul. Conclusion Women may be a bit confusing most of the time, but once you get to know them better you will eventually find out that they are similar with some unique streaks in each of them. Knowing how they think in general can help you appropriately react to whatever they may say or do. In the long run, this can help you gain a lot of self-confidence. Interestingly, if you have self-confidence, women will find you more attractive. Thus, they will be drawn to you without you even trying. Be
  • 31. certain you will get any woman you desire. Thank you again for downloading this book! The next step is to put what you learned into practice, it may not work first time but keep trying and when it does works it will give you the confidence to get girl after girl if you so desire. Important Free Video To Watch Real techniques that make women come on to you: Why you need to be a bad boy to get women: Make the best use possible of these free videos, and study them. Your seduction game will go through the roof!