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How Does Martin Luther King Have Disinterested Love
According to Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, the novel was a "love story, plain and simple." Throughout the novel, Ms. Lee
displayed "love" through the actions of the main characters. However, the definition of love may not be the common, affectionate feelings between
two people. Based on the article, "An Experiment in Love," by Martin Luther King, he explained how love, or "agape," could have several different
connotations. Harper Lee was able to demonstrate Matin Luther King's concept of love through several different character interactions. First, Martin
Luther King described his concepts of love as the Greek word, agape which could be related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the black
community donates ... Show more content on ...
The basic point King brought up claims that agape "springs from the need of the other person– his need for belonging to the best in the human family"
(King 19). Here the audience can see that the origin of love (agape) came from the need of another person's will to belong to the best. King is
trying to get the audience to make the connection that individuals who practice agape are the best in the human family, and this is proven as he
later on says, "The Samaritan who helped the Jew on the Jericho Road was "good" because he responded to the human need that he was presented
with" (King 19). This statement by Dr. King was closely related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird in which Boo Radley had secretly put a
blanket around Scout when she was "busy looking at the fire" (Lee 96). As Harper Lee describes, Scout was busy staring at the fire and not even
paying attention to Boo Radley. Even then, Boo showed signs of agape as he decided to cover up Scout in case she was cold in the night without
expecting anything in return such as a "thank you." Boo Radley did not need to nurture Scout that night, but because he did, Harper Lee showed
another one of King's concepts because of Boo's desire to help others in need and to be a better person overall. Towards the final chapters of the novel,
Boo demonstrated agape again as he
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Colossians 3
Colossians 3 is saying that we have to become someone new in Christ. In Colossians verse 1, it said that we should seek heavenly things not the things
that are on the Earth. Colossians, 3:1 said ВЁIf then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right
hand of God. Another thing that I observed was in verse 10, we have to put on a new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of
the creator. In Colossians 3:10, it said ВЁand have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. The third
thing that I observed was we have to let God's word dwell in us teaching and guiding us. In verse 16 of Colossians 3, it said ВЁ Let the word of Christ
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In Colossians 3:22, it said" Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye–services, as people–pleasers, but
with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord." In Matthew 19:19, it said that we should love our neighbor as ourself. I think this relates to one another
because in both of the passages, it said that we should love one another. In Colossians 3:22, it said "Bondservants, obey in everything those who are
you earthly master, not by way of eye–services, as people–pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.". The word Bondservant is another
word for slaves. In the Greek, the word bondservant in not used but the word slave is. In Ephesians 6:5, it talks about how bondservant to obey
your master. Ephesians 6:5 said "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey
Christ." It relates because they both talk about how slaves should obey their masters and it also talks about the heart. The last word is heart. The
definition for heart is inner life. In Matthew 13:19, it said that the evil one snatches the heart. They relate because they both talk about the heart and
how we have to be sincere to God and fear him. If we don't, the "evil one" will snatch our hearts away and we will fall astray from
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Philos, Eros, & Agape Love in Religion Essay
Philia, eros, and agape are three different Greek terms for the word. These three terms explain the different types of love a human being can acquire.
Philia is a love of friendship, which is grounded in commonality. However, eros is a kind of love that seeks something from the other person or thing.
Lastly, agape is the love that wills the good of the other and is completely self–giving. The meanings of these Greek terminologies, philia, eros, and
agape, allow us to better understand and discuss our relationship with God and human fulfillment. In order to find human fulfillment, one must find
God of Jesus Christ as well. Erotic loving is our desire for this fulfillment, which can be seen through eros. Human nature can be simply defined ...
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Sartre attested that the human being is a useless passion due to our insatiable desires. Markedly, human beings desire to retain the infinite and that
need is simply impossible. For the search for the unlimited is tiresome and unappeasable. Conversely, there is an alternate way of looking at eros.
In order to have hope, God has to appear to human life as not a receding horizon but an absolute savior. Human beings long for the truth and due to
the constraints of science and history, Jesus is seen in an alternate way because he is no longer limited by space or time. In this case, Karl Rahner and
Saint Augustine both agree that God always initiates the relationship with human life. Namely, they asserted that we are constantly drawn to God and
God is not drawn to us. Because of this, we have the option of forming a better relationship with God. Rahner said that God dispenses his grace to all
human beings of every religion in and God is continually accepting. Chiefly, it is not God's choice to accept or deny us, for that is not his matter
Anthony De Mello describes another explanation of human fulfillment to us. He explains to us that in order to have human fulfillment, we must detach
ourselves from our worldly attachments. As human beings, we allow ourselves to believe that we cannot be happy without a certain thing or person in
our life. Thus, that is not
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What Does Redemptor Hominis Mean
In John Paul II's encyclical letter, Redemptor Hominis, the pope states in his first few words that Christ is the redeemer of man, "THE REDEEMER
OF MAN, Jesus Christ, is the centre of the universe and of history." (Redemptor Hominis, 1). But what could John Paul II mean by this? We know
from the Bible that God sent Jesus Christ to earth to save man from sin. In order to be saved from sin, one must understand the 'truth'. The truth is the
way of God. The truth sets mankind free from sin and allows them to live an eternal life through God. "We see Christ as the one who brings man
freedom based on truth, frees man from what curtails, diminishes and as it were breaks off this freedom at its root, in man's soul, his heart and his
conscience." (Redemptor ... Show more content on ...
Once man is freed from his sins and ignorance, man can learn the truth about the nature of God, "The Declaration on Religious Freedom shows us
convincingly that, when Christ and, after him, his Apostles proclaimed the truth that comes not from men but from God 'my teaching is not mine,
but his who sent me',... they preserved, while acting with their full force of spirit, a deep esteem for man, for his intellect, his will, his conscience
and his freedom" (Redemptor Hominis, 12). It has been referenced that the truth has the ability to set one free, "Jesus Christ meets the man of every
age, including our own, with the same words: "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"" (Redemptor Hominis, 12). True freedom is
the ability to be authentically free. Authentic freedom entails a relationship with God, "Jesus sought to free people from false, material beliefs by
imparting to them a truer idea of God and our relationship to Him, offering everyone refuge in Christ." (Bulloch, 1). However, there is also a negative
aspect involved with being truly free. One must refrain from superficial freedom. Superficial freedom cannot set one free because freedom can only be
achieved through truth, and the truth is something only God can offer. Therefore, freedom is only available through redemption and
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Classification Essay: What Are The Different Types Of Love?
Love comes in various types and forms. The same love someone might feel for a friend isn't the same as the love a person might feel for a partner or a
tv show or a family member. There are various terms for different types of love, Agape, Eros, Storge, Mania, Pragma, Ludus and Philia are the six
main types of love that people experience. Agape is allegedly the highest form of love, it's unconditional love that people will love the other person
no matter what, it surpasses physical love and enters into spiritual love. Love for God or for one another. Eros is love that is of love and erotic or
intimate love, in which it focuses primarily on beauty or physical attraction sexually. Storge, is a slow growing love for family, friends and
commitment and similar interests rather than passion. Mania is the love of wanting to be loved and being extremely possessive and obsessively
jealous, seeing themselves as special. Pragma relies on logic and background, the love type wants everything in their relationship to work out and
everything desired to be filled. Ludus love is love that requires an aspect of entertainment from each other, and as long as the partners are interesting
they will stay with them. Finally, Philia, is the love for 'brothers' or being in a team or group, working together and loving who they work with. The
question is: What type of Love had the most impact for Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston? Tea Cake 's love had
the most influence
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Agape By Greek Summary
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In English, there is only one word for "love." In Greek, there are three. "Eros" is the physical love, "Philia" is brotherly love, or sisterly love shared
amongst siblings and close friends. "Agape" is a love that gives and asks nothing in return.
All three can be experienced in different varieties, but each carries great burdens. Eros must remember that the other is a living, breathing being, not
just an object. Philia must not take unjust, selfish advantage of the other. Agape does all those things above and much more, with no expectation of
return. Agape is a love that does not require that the other should meet high standards of beauty, nor of brains, nor of brawn. Agape gives without
question, or reason, a God love, you might say, something that Hephaestus wasn't seen as worthy of.
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Hephaestus: a ... Show more content on ...
Spending twenty–four hours falling down to Earth, he landed on the island of Lemnos. Intrigued by the strange immortal, the inhabitants sought him
out, and took care of him in his crippled state. Indebted to their care, he taught the Lemnians his gift of metal work and the arts. The island was
hereafter his home, Hephaestus worked with the mortals, something practically novel among other gods, something unheard of, outlandish, something
a leader would do.
Some legends say, Hephaestus built a palace among the Lemnains, cocooned under a volcano, some say he lived among the villagers as nothing but
their equal.
He grew up with them, acting as a blacksmith, given his powers were of that regard, until he found out what had caused him to be thrown from
Mount Olympus, where the others of his kind reside. He had been rejected; thrown from his home because of something as trivial as beauty. He had
been ridiculed for his disability. He was not cared for by the
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Servant Leadership Theory
John Barbuto and Daniel Wheeler (2006, 300)–authors of "Scale Development and Construct Clarification of Servant Leadership"–state that Greenleaf
(1977) developed 11 dimensions of servant leadership that include: "calling, listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization,
foresight, stewardship, growth, and community building." Again, it should be noted that although Greenleaf (1977) uses the term "calling," he does
not use it in a spiritual sense, but more on a secular level (Barbuto and Wheeler 2006, 300). The results from Barbuto and Wheeler's (2006)
investigation found only five dimensions that relate to servant leadership and not all of them the same as those put forth by Greenleaf (1977). These
five dimensions include... Show more content on ...
Lee (1973, 1–294) lists these other forms of love in three groups that include: 1) The primary forms of love (i.e., Eros–Erotic love, Ludus–Playful love,
and Storge–Familial love), 2) the secondary forms of love (i.e., Mania–Obsessive love, Agape–Pure love, and Pragma–Practical convenient love), and
3) the tertiary forms of love–a combination of primary and secondary forms of love–(i.e., Maniac Eros, Maniac Ludus, Maniac Storge, Agapic Eros,
Agapic Ludus, Agapic Storge, Pragmatic Eros, Pragmatic Ludus, and Pragmatic Storge). Even though Lee (1973) delved into the different types of
love that exist, there are some critical factors that he forgot to take into
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Agape Love: A Reoccurring Theme with Elizabeth Barrett...
Within Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poems, "How Do I Love Thee (Let Me Count the Ways)", "Love", and "A Man's Requirements", a reoccurring
theme of agape, unconditional, love appears. In these three poems, her expression of love is very evident and clear. However, the way she expresses
love is quite different than many poets have and continue to do. Instead of showing love by saying she feels it or explaining her passion, she says she is
committed and will love the reader through every emotion, experience, and circumstance.
"How do I love thee (Let me count the ways)" has line after line of evidence to justify the theme of agape love, but whom the audience is supposed
to be is left for each individual reader to decide, because the way she wrote is makes is available to all age groups. The very first line, "How do I
love thee, Let me count the ways" draws the reader in and tells exactly what the poem is about. From there on out, the speaker describes how free
and true her love is. By giving her love and commitment limits that cannot be reached, the speaker gives a more in depth idea of her feelings to the
reader .Every line allows the reader to examine how true the speakers proclaimed love is, however, three parts particularly stand out. The first is, "I
love thee to the depth and breadth and height/ My soul can reach" (2–3). This line tells the reader that the speaker's love is everlasting and will never
reach an end. "I love thee purely, as they turn from praise" (8)
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Martin Luther King's Speech On Agape Love
Martin Luther King tells us in his work, Agape Love, that"...when you come to love on this level you begin to love men not because they are likable,
not because they do things that attract us, but because God loves them and here we love the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that
the person does" (32). Martin Luther King lived during a time of great turmoil in the United States. He lived during a time where a very large group of
segregationists main goal was to keep their synthetic sense of superiority over the African Americanrace. Of course, Martin Luther King did not stand
for this contorted representation of his people and he decided to do something about it. Martin Luther King grew up in a family of pastors and he
too became a pastor. I mention this to give background to King's use of christianity's teachings throughout his various speeches. Being a religious
man, King abstained from violence wherever possible, which was one of his main strategies against violent segregationists because he believed that
no one, no matter how violent they are, can keep attacking a group of people who refuse to fight back and at some point have to realize that African
Americans aren't a threat to them. King's goal in his speeches is to gain equality for every man, woman, and child no matter the color of their skin.
He knew that he had to bring every race together in order to achieve true equality, and he could not do so by using violence as a means to an end.
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Agape Love Analysis
Paul states at the end of chapter 13, "the greatest of these is love". Love is a common word used in modern day society through many types of
expressions. It may describe the emotion towards an object of affection, or it may be used as an over dramatization of a liking one takes to a certain
type of food per–say. Its used to describe feelings toward a sexual relationship, or feelings towards family member, or friends. In the English language,
there is an almost limitless amount of uses for that one little word. Yet, in the time of this letterlove as agape love was not a common terminology for
what Paul was expressing. Therefore this paper plans to touch on what exactly it means when a Roman Jewish man, growing up and proclaiming the
Gospel to a Hellenistic society in 57 AD claims that "the greatest of these(faith, hope, love) love".
Background of the Passage Paul sent the letter to the Roman city of Corinth, a city known for its immorality. Though they had many gods and
goddesses, one of the main temples was dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite, which in her temple had hundreds of temple prostitutes (pg. 5,
Kistemaker). Along with this temple, there were many other temples and religious centers, even Jewish synagogues, which were dispersed throughout
Corinth (pg. 3, Fee). It was a very diverse city filled with Jews, Greeks, slaves, free, prostitutes, ex–soldiers, etc. The church in Corinth was started by
Paul on his second missionary trip around 51–52 AD,
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Le Quai Des Brumes Sequence Analysis
Le Quai Des Brumes Sequence Analysis– The Power of Love People say that love is something extremely powerful and miraculous; it is a language
that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Director Marcel CarnГ© attempted to show that love has the ability to change a person in many different
ways in his movie Le quai des brumes (Marcel CarnГ© , 1938). This attempt is most evidently presented in the sequence of Jean meets the ship
doctor, who invites him to sail to Venezuela with him on the port; and the sequence following, in which Jean goes to the carnival with his lover, Nelly.
There is an apparent attitude change of Jean when the scene shifts from the one in which He is talking to the ship doctor he meets on the port to the
scene of... Show more content on ...
"Wait in line? Who do you think I am?" replied Lucian. By cutting the line rudely and pay for the tickets for his friend and their girlfriends with a
handful of money, Lucian obviously wants to impress his girlfriend by showing how manly and respectful he is. Furthermore, when they get on the
bumper–cars, Lucian pushes away others to get on the car, runs his car wildly, and deliberately knocks off stranger's hat from behind. Unfortunately,
Lucian's attempt of using a rude attitude to exhibit his masculinity turns out to be a complete failure as he knocks off Jean's hat and gets slapped by
him. At that moment, Lucian is slammed back to whom he really is, the coward that wouldn't even fight back when he is being slapped. In the same
carnival scene, Jean demonstrates how the male character in the movie can be affected by love in a completely different way. With Nelly, Jean is no
longer the melancholy guy that will describe life as "a rotten business." He is caring, gentle and energized. Unlike what Lucian did to show his
masculinity, Jean shows his masculinity by being a protective gentleman. As they walking in the carnival, Jean walks at the same pace as Nelly,
holding her arm or shoulder. Also, he talks in a slower speed and in a more gentle tone, comparing to the way he talks at the port. At the carnival
scene, Jean also says sweet things that seem impossible to come out from the "normal," cynical Jean; for
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Agape Community Church Research Paper
On March 20, Albuquerque Agape Community Church (P) held Sunday Service, where 6 people attended and Pastor Haiyan preached the word on
John 20. The church rejoiced as one new person became a registered member.
It was the first day of new week, women found out the tomb was empty, but they didn't expect to find resurrection. All they wanted was to findJesus'
dead body. However, he was raised, and he is the Lord of life, he cannot be caught in death. Mary was full of sadness. She still couldn't recognize the
angel and the risen Lord. Her eye were full of tears, but she recognized the voice of the Lord, the shepherd. She saw him when he called her name.
Thomas was still in doubt, but blessed are the one who believe without seeing.
During fellowship
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Agape 1 Ministry
After receiving the blessing from their Pastor, Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks, the first official gathering of Agape 1 Ministries took place in April 1998
at the home of Minister Howwin and Missionary Yvonne Carter. The gathering which was in the form of bible study consisted of a few individuals in
search of biblical truth and spiritual growth. Over the next few months, the bible study gatherings grew tremendously along with Pastor and Missionary
Carter's heart toward expanding the ministry. God led Minister and Missionary Carter to pastor and holistically address the needs of the people.
In August 1999, a place of study and worship was secured to ensure consistent preaching, teaching, and understanding of God's word. The
manifestation of Agape 1 Church of Christ, Incorporated was the answer to a call by God on the life of Elder Howwin Carter, Jr. and... Show more
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God led Pastor Carter to the historical Anacostia area of Southeast, Washington, D.C. There he met the Reverend Willie F. Wilson who graciously
leased the building located at located at 2002 Fourteenth Street which was the former home to Union Temple Baptist Church. Bishop Brooks installed
Elder Carter as Pastor in Agape's new home. Agape remained at this location for 6 years before purchasing the building as its permanent home. The
mission of Agape 1 ministries is to address biblical truths, meet the needs of the people, and provide outreach to surrounding communities in hope of
bringing restoration to lost souls.
After 15 years as an independent ministry, along with prayer and consideration, God placed it upon the heart of the Carter's to return to their roots. On
August 7, 2015, after the installation of Bishop A.D. Brooks as Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int'l., the Agape 1 Church
of Christ was formally introduced as being the first church inducted into the ministry under Bishop Brooks' administration and
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Definition Of Love
What is love? Depending on who is asked, the definition of love will seldom have the same meaning. When researching for the true definition, one will
come upon countless interpretations, all of which make sense. The English word "love" originates from the German word "lubh," which means great
desire (Moseley). There are many different types of love and feelings associated with them which come together to create confusion when attempting to
discover the true definition of love.
Most definitions of love have to do with affection and romance. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, love is most commonly defined as a
feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, romantic or sexual. For some, however, love is purely unconditional ... Show more content on ...
Storge love is the love felt between family and friends. An example of storge love is fraternal love, or the love parents feel for their children. Storge
love is very important because it teaches children from a young age what love feels like. Storge love is unconditional. When people experience this
type of love, they accept the person which they love despite any flaws or faults they endure. They are willing to forgive under any circumstance. Storge
love between friends may turn into a romantic relationship in which the significant others are each other's best
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Steve Ross: Agape Family Counseling Assessment
PRESENTING PROBLEM: Steve Ross, a 16 year old African American male, completed an Agape Family Counseling assessment to monitor his
progression. Steve's teacher reported concerns about Steve's relationship with his peers to Mrs. Ross. In the past, Steve stated that his classmates
would exclude him from their activities. Steve stated that, he would explain things in a literal manner which would could his peers to "make fun"
of him. Mrs. Ross also reported that Steve would only talk in detail about the subjects that he was interested in. Mrs. Ross also expressed concern
about his social skills among his peers. RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Steve Ross resides in Coral Springs with his biological father,
Nelson Ross and his biological Mother,... Show more content on ...
Ross reported that, Steve had a surgery to correct a hernia. He made a full recovery. Then, at age 3, Steve had another successful surgery on his
abdominal area. Years later, at age 15, Steve had another successful surgery on his back. Neither, Steve nor his mother reported any other
hospitalization or medical issues. However, he does keep an Epipen on him at all times because, of his food and medicine allergies. Which include:
peanuts, eggs, shellfish, Penicillin and Amoxicillin. Steve informed that, he had never has to administer the drugs himself. Although, at the age of 5
he was rushed to the hospital where doctors used the Epipen for an allergy reaction to peanuts. Steve's has worn glasses seen elementary school.
However, he has had regular vision and hearing checkups and the results were deemed normal by a medical professional. Steve did not report any
substance abuse or use. He only admitted to drinking soda a "few times a day" but, he states that he is "working on cutting back". Steve denies being
sexually active. He also denies any physical or sexual abuse, assault or
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Comparison Of Eros, Philia, And Agape
Eros, Philia, and Agape all have very rich backgrounds in our history. Eros being the Greek God of love, focused on pleasure and desire. Gives us a
basis to examine how indulging in pleasure is a form of self–gratification, allowing the lover to experience love in its most shallow form. Eros lacks
morality because its selfish, exclusive, and requires little to no self love. Eros is particular on which person receives this love, it denies the beloved any
true form of compassion, and there is little to no self–love involved because it is the beloved that is giving to the lover, there is no need for deep
thought about what they could give back to the beloved. Philia is the deeper form of love that requires both parties to be self–aware of their
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Greek Words For Love
Today, we use a powerful word "love" to invoke some of the most passionate and emotional feelings to some of the simplest pleasures. But has the
word love always been so broadly used? Today, love according to Merriam Webster Dictionary is "a feeling of strong or consent of affection", but far
back in time, there were many word used for love like, agape, phileo, and eros. To understand the full picture of the word love one needs to fathom
dissect its past. One of the Greek words for love is agape; this meaning according to is "unselfish love of one person for another without
sexual implications; brotherly love or the love of God." In many religious texts people refer to their God in the word agape; spiritual love. Agape also
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Camp Agape Research Paper
My fifth grade field trip was very exciting. We went to Camp Agape in Fuquay Varina. Camp Agape is an environmental education site. Upon
going on my trip I woke up very early to get ready for school. My mom dropped me off and I had a lot of things to carry on the trip. When the bell rang
I went straight to my class. Upon arriving in class my teacher directed me to take my bags to the front of the building. On my way to drop my bags
off I ran into my friend DГ©jГ . She began to walk with me to carry our bags. After dropping off our bags we ran into some more of our friends. We
all headed back to class and my teacher started to call the roll. After then we all lined up to get on the bus. On the bus I sat in the front with one of
my friends, we wanted sit in the front so we could get off the bus first. The drive was very long because the bus driver went the wrong way. When
we finally arrived to our destination the rooms where very nice they were connected to each other. We unpacked our clothes and put on rain boots
because we were getting ready to go in the woods. Our teachers split us... Show more content on ...
We all headed down to the other building to eat dinner. The food was delicious. When dinner was over we went outside to play basketball, chased
our classmates and some of us just talked to our friends. We played so hard that we could barely make it to our room. We all then took a shower and
watched the Sponge Bob movie. The movie was very boring. I sat there on my phone and ate candy. They were over so then the boys went up stairs
and girl was down stairs. It was not fair because the boys was up stairs playing hide and seek they were so loud so I couldn't sleep. My friends began to
scream "there's a bug under the bed". I got up to see what it was. It was a little spider not bigger than a penny. My teacher picked it up with a tissue
and put it in the trash. I went back to bed and fell
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Agape Community Church: Sermon Analysis
On May 11th, Albuquerque Agape Community Church (P) held Wednesday Service. Pastor Haiyan delivered the message on Luke 14:15
–24. The title
of Sermon is " Compel them to come in, so that my house will be full ".
The message is a parable that Jesus taught about the banquet of Heaven. Many people were invited, but they rejected with excuses, they all focused on
what have and do not know the blessing of this banquet. Jesus is teaching about salvation with this parable. The people seem they are rich, work
diligently and happy with their marriage, however they lose the chance of being saved by being ignoring the invitation of salvation.
Robin shared that the people who reject are not honest, they ignore the blessing and find excuses. Etta said
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Erotic Love: Adam And God And Agape Love
Chapter 1
Adam shares in Eve's sin
Mephistopheles' code will not survive. Adam was human; he came from God's creation. From dirt, God formed Adam and breathed into his nostrils,
making Adam a living soul. Adam tended to the animals, the Garden of Eden, and whatever the Lord God envisioned for the human.God knew that
Adam was lonely at times and needed a companion. While Adam slept, God took one of his ribs and put some flesh around it. From the rib that the
Lord God took from Adam, He made him woman and brought her unto the man. Adam was so overwhelmed with Eve's beauty that he experienced a
strange love that was different from what he was accustomed to when he communicated with God. Agape love between Adam and God had altered a
bit, and Adam began feeling other emotions.
Erotic love has a different composition than agape love. Adam was confused with the change ... Show more content on ...
The mind keeps on imagining the want to make it a reality by dreaming that it will turn from imagination to real adventure.
The simplicity of imaginary love is the master key that always opens the door of happiness. Nevertheless, when the love is so stupendous he sensed
that she developed a weakness in her personification, which turned her posture to jealousy. Jealousy in an imaginary love ensemble in a friendship set
on fire, the fire is pure it burns to melt gold which is soft and shows a true color of its molecular constrain. Pure gold with other metals produce
hardness in shaping rings and women jewelry for their adornment.
Even if complications sprang up love has its own way to caress the course of being into an event of glory because forgiveness and the making the mind
at ease which brings satisfaction showing kindness.
The fastidious world we live in
Angels are assisting all around us,
Because we have a need for
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Joseph Fletcher Situation Ethics
Situation Ethics is a relative theory; this means that it is situation specific. It treats each situation on its own merits. It is also consequential; this means
that it is concerned solely with the consequences of an action, not the action itself. Joseph Fletcher was the scholar who created the concept of
Situation Ethics. Situation Ethics arose at a time when Society was becoming far more liberal and the emancipation of sexuality and women and the
civil rights movement all led to a far freer society with regards to morality and following absolute rules.
Joseph Fletcher came up with the mantra for Situation Ethics, 'what is the most loving thing I can do in this situation'. He encouraged the use of
Agape– unconditional love and the ability to act altruistically. This was written in his book 'Situation Ethics' in 1966. The Bible was a great influence on
Fletcher and his use of Agape. For example, in Deuteronomy 6:4–6 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your
strength'. This link to Agape as they are saying the love to use is agapeic love. Another example is Romans 13:8–10, 'the only obligation you have is to
love one another; whoever does this has obeyed the law'. In addition, ... Show more content on ...
However, with the creation of Situation Ethics, their legalistic approach came under threat. Bernard Hoose created Proportionalism, this was a mix of
natural law and situation ethics, this is saying that you should aim to follow divine law when possible, but if this will not work, then follow situation
ethics and love to create the best action. For example, in the Catholic Church divorce is always seen as wrong; however, it may be the case that
actually the most loving thing to do is get a divorce, especially when in an abusive relationships or for the betterment of the children's
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Theme Of Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream
An Analysis of Love in A Midsummer Night's Dream
Love within the modern society has taken on a flippant meaning, depending on the phraseology used around the context of the word. Love is used
interchangeably with the idea that "I love apple pie" to "I love this new car" to the point in which the term love is devalued within our society. How can
one say they love their spouse or children and not devalue the true meaning of this intent, when they claim to love apple pie as well? Within the play
A Midsummer Night's Dream, a careful evaluation of the various love within the play will reveal the difference in the types of love one might feel to
describe various situations and relationships. In Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, love... Show more content on ...
Titania wakes from a sleep to fall in love with Bottom, who has the head of an ass, while Lysander awakes to find himself in love with Helena, who
he has shown no interest prior to the application of the love juice (Bevington, 2014, p. 55). This love juice application is the ultimate form of
forced love, in which there is manipulation of the mind to induce the love, rather than a change in the heart to create a true love. A true love
creates a romantic love in which two people feel the love between them, and this leads into the second form of love depicted by Shakespeare, the
love described as Eros love, is the love between Lysander and Hermia. Eros love is a love that cannot be obtained between siblings or friends, but
only attainable within a form of erotic and sexual love, as found between two lovers, such as husband and wife (Moseley, n.d.). The love between
the two of these characters is a real love that does not require a "love potion" to create the love. Hermia displays this love well with her statement "I
would rather my father looked but with my eyes", where she indicates the love she has for Lysander, can only be seen through the lens of her eyes
(Bevington, 2014, p. 47). This love comes from the truest sense of the word where they each have a desire for the other, from a love that requires no
outside influence or assistance, but is created in the heart of each of the lovers. Parental
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Phantom of the Opera
Obsession; the Mask of Love
In examining the libretto The Phantom of the Opera, the interactions and attitudes of the characters, and the language used, I will show how the
Phantom's obsession over Christine, although at times destructive, leads to his change from an evil and selfish villain, to a remorseful and
compassionate hero. To understand the psyche of the Phantom, one must first have a brief overview of the play.
In 1984 Andrew Lloyd Webber, transformed the original The Phantom of the Opera novel (written in 1911 by Gaston Leroux) into a dialogic,
emotional masterpiece. The prologue starts at the end of the story, in an auction in the Paris Opera House, in 1905. Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny is
buying a papier–mГўchГ© music box, ... Show more content on ...
I hear you! Speak – I listen... stay by my side, guide me! Angel, my soul was weak – forgive me... enter at last, Master!" (1.3). Her words do not have
any underlying fear or distress. She's asking for his forgiveness, and looking to please her mentor. The Phantom loves her and she sees him as a caring,
fatherly figure.
After Raoul wins over Christine's heart, the Phantom becomes jealous. He mimics Christine and Raoul's love song to each other:
I gave you my music, made your song take wing...
And now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me...
He was bound to love you when he heard you sing...
You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you...
Becoming more threatening to Christine, the Phantom makes her fearful of him. After he lashes out at her for removing his mask, saying "You little
demon, is this what you wanted to see? [...] now you cannot ever be free" (1.6), Christine runs to Raoul and tells him that they will be "safe on the
roof" and that "his eyes will find [her] there" (1.10). The use of the words safe and find, indicate that she no longer wants to be near the Phantom.
Christine begs Raoul to help her get away from him;
Raoul, it scares me – don't put me through this ordeal by fire... he'll take me, I know... we'll be parted forever, he won't let me go... what I once
dreamed I now dread, if he finds me, it won't ever end... and he'll always be there, singing songs in my head...
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The Is The Grace Of Life
Your wife as Peter says is the grace of life. She is your true companion. You get to share an intimate fellowship and companionship with your wife and
she is one of the greatest and most blessed gifts that God has given to you.
Husbands, die to self and show honor to your wife because she deserves it. Put aside your desires, your preferences, what you want, and get to know
what your wife needs, and then do everything you can to meet those needs. That is sacrificial love.
For the husband who is loving and caring, God promises that your prayers won't be hindered. If you, as a husband, do not take care of your wife, you
are not sacrificial, loving, caring, then God says your prayers will be hindered.
Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13? Verse 5, "Love does not seek its own." Husbands, make sacrifices for your wife, put her interests
before your own, and demonstrate the kind of sacrificial love that Christ gives to us.
I understand this type of love is a great challenge for you husbands. We can't love perfectly as Christ loves us. But our love for our wives can and
should demonstrate the same type of love He has for us. Christ died on the cross for us, demonstrating a sacrificial love, with Him expecting nothing
in return, and His love for us cost Him His life. That is the same kind of love you are to have for your wives.
Second, Christ's love for the church is sanctifying love.
II. Love is Sanctifying
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and
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Agape Hospice Case Study
The service learning project I choose to volunteer for is Agape Hospice. Agape Hospice is a special kind of care designed to provide comfort and
support to people with a wide range of life–limiting illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease , and stroke. One of the issue Agape Hospice faces would
be, when someone comes in to receive help for a loved one, sometimes they can not receive it due to not meeting the criteria or pay for it since most
cases are out–of–pocket expenses, as the care can become very costly. I choose this issue because, a lot families faces this issue when trying to have
someone to provide direct care for their love ones needed. These issue is relevance to my life because I wanted to be a nurse and this what one the issue
I am going to face. I want to be able to support all families with this issue and find resolution to it. This is where volunteering comes in tries to support
and provide care for patients and relives the families. Stakeholders for Agape Hospice would be volunteers, families, nurses, and community. 1.What are
current strategies for solving the problems faced by the service learning partner?2.What is the level of community engagement in support of this
agency?3.What challenges and obstacles must the agency ... Show more content on ...
7. Does the family have a better relationship with their love ones is while in facility? 8. Does the family support the agency ? 9. Does this agency
faces short staffing ? 10.Is their a lack of volunteers? One of my resources states delirium is extremely common in dying patients and appears to be a
major threat to the family's moral experience of a good death in end–of–life care. Aim: To illustrate one of the ways in which hospice caregivers
conceptualize end–of–life delirium and the significance of this conceptualization for the relationships that they form with patients' families in the
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Groundhog Day
The movie Groundhog Day, is labeled as a comedy, but in fact it is a story about love, a story about Phil's transformation based on love. Phil his
character is forced to repeat the same day over and over again. He goes through many phases in this movie and in the end changing his persona. When
analyzing love, it becomes apparent that much has been written about it. In fact, love has been broken down into different phases such as Eros, Philia
and Agape. Being trapped in Groundhog Day has significant effects on Phil's practices of these three kinds of love Eros, Philia and Agape.
One significant effect on Phil being trapped in Groundhog Day is his practice of Eros. According to the article, "Conceptions of Love", Eros love can
be divided ... Show more content on ...
One of the most remarkable scenes in the movie, is when he realizes that despite the entrapment of himself, he couldn't control what happened in life
at the end of the day. The same homeless man he ignored the whole time is dying right in front of him and when he realizes that the man will
eventually die. He uses his entrapment to make the man feel special, even though the homeless man has no idea he is dying, Phil takes him to the
restaurant to eat all he wants. He also takes him to the doctor and keeps him warm through the cold nights, but no matter what Phil does, he can't
control death. That's when it finally hits him. No matter how powerful he felt because of the entrapment, he wasn't able to keep the old man from
dying. Phil showed his emotions by caring for others.
The most important effect on Phil being trapped in Groundhog Day is his practice of Agape. According to the article, "Right From the Heart,
What is Love Anyways", agape love is unconditional love. It is a choice made to love another person whether they love us back or not. Although
it is easy to recognize Phil's practice of Eros and Philia, Phil's practice of Agape is developed until the end of the movie. Phil had no regard towards
agape love in the beginning of the movie. He never really cared for no one in any way, he didn't even love himself enough to know when he was
damaging his own self. As an example,
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In the Redeemer's Hands
Summary of Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands
Paul D. Tripp authored a work that promotes the world of biblical counseling that is not bound to a professional clinical model but incorporates the
daily ministry lifestyle founded on the Scriptures. Tripp emphasizes the gospel of Jesus Christ as the hope for those who have lost hope. The moment
when sin entered the world through Adam's fall brought forth guilt, fear, and shame became the standard. In a few pages, Tripp wrote the story of the
Fall and the implications of sin towards the human race. The disconnect between God and mankind became prevalent; He sent His only son to save the
world and provide a gift that would keep those faithful to Him: hope. Jesus Christ, the Son of God has set the paradigm of which His followers must
imitate because He has masterfully counseled those who were suffering and sick. As Christ reflected this model in several ways, Tripp also
elaborates on the importance of actively empathizing while being involved in the midst of the person's suffering. Personal ministry is a challenging
field of work that will require sacrifice and delving into people's mess just as Jesus loved his church, Paul's ministry and discipleship to the churches
of his time, and more that can be found in the Bible. There is also an emphasis on the integrity of the spiritual life of the counselor being kept
accountable at all times; the heart issue of man has to be cautioned against and examined deeply because from it all
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Forms Of Love : The Influence Of Divine Love
The Influence of Divine Love Throughout most world religions, the topic of love and its various forms have been analyzed in hopes of developing a
true appreciation for the sacred. Some writers, specifically C.S. Lewis, devoted much of their work to studying love in a religious sense and how it
relates the spiritual and non–spiritual world. Lewis was able to deduct that love was represented in two major forms, earthly and divine. Divine love
nurtures all earthly loves and is the means of forming a spiritual relationship with God. Lewis argues that humans dedicate too much love to
irrelevant, earthly comforts and yet fail to love what truly matters. C.S. Lewis devoted much of his life's work to exploring the different forms of
love that are represented in Christianity. He claimed that there are two major categories of love: earthly and divine. The two can act as separate
entities, but divine love often develops most earthly loves. Another term that is synonymous with divine love is agape. Lewis claims that agape love
is the sacred gift of pure love that is responsible for developing a deeper connection between us and God while also fostering human love for earthly
things. On the other hand, earthly loves consists of eros, storge, and philia. All of these natural loves stand for relationships between people and
material things or familial and romantic relationships. Because natural loves focus on forming relationships with non–spiritual things, they fall
subservient to
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Love Definition Essay
There is three different types of love, your love for your family, which is never ending. However you may experience so rather harsh brawl with one
another but you can't seem to hate them. Thats actually the most important type of love, the one you have.
The next type of love is the one you see on television and in every single music video or book ever. The love between two people thats unbreakable,
the one that is consuming, the love that is breathtaking. The love that is threatened by the presence of another, but still is strong as ever. The love you
The last type of love is the one you see all around, the love you dream of. The kind of love that is forever bonded between two people. The love that is
not only sexual and physical ... Show more content on ...
"I see, I'm sorry you didn;t share the same views as me," I apologize and Matthew holds my hand harder.
"But Regan, I'm giving you one more chance to redeem yourself, I've set up this interview with a business mogul and I want you to interview him
and give me a full detailed report," She says and I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders and I smile.
"Great I'm in, who is he?" I ask
"Harry Styles of Styles Enterprises, you will interview him tomorrow morning and for heavens sake please do not wear a plaid skirt," Joanna says
hanging up the phone after. I look at Matthew who's waiting for me to tell him what just happened and I explain to him everything.
"So who are you going to be interviewing?" He asks me
"Uhm some guy named Harry Styles,"
"Of Styles Enterprises?" He asks and I nod wondering how he knows of him.
"How do you know him?" I ask and he shrugs digging into his
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Agape Worship Center Mission Statement
The purpose of the Agape Worship Center International is to present the gospel to the world through Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. At Agape
Worship Center there are five distinctive core values that are established throughout Church of God congregation: Engaging God through worship,
equipping Leaders for ministry, evangelizing our city community and the world,
Empowering people for service unto God, embracing one another in love through fellowship and Life Groups. Agape Worship Center has a
multi–ethnic, multi–racial background. Our church mission statement is mirror image of our church core values; "AWCI is spirit filled ministry, a
place where the people are living with overflowing anointing, are divinely enabled to operate beyond their capacity, beyond their strength, and
beyond their vision of the future. AWCI is strategically breaking into the marketplace, the place where we live and work, and around the world in an
effort to expand the kingdom of God for His glory." The distinct core values were created by a group of about 8 individuals, who were the original
founders of Agape Worship Center International, established in 2006. The members consisted of persons ranging from 30–60 years of age. In 2002,
Bishop Collins held church services from his home. In 2005 membership rocketed to 12 members, the growth encouraged the building process for what
is now known as the church sitting on the hill, AWCI. The church's history and present ministry were taken into consideration regarding the move to
create a more effective ministry.
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How Cattle Are Being Humanely Slaughtered?
Of all the things that this week's lesson could have begun with the strange description of how cattle are being humanely slaughtered in large
commercial slaughterhouses was a huge surprise. The author of our lesson begins by describing how cattle that have been transported to a
slaughterhouse are unloaded from their transport trailers. The unloading is handled completely different than what I would have envisioned. I would
have thought that the cattle would have been driven out of the trailers with cattle prods and a lot of pushing and yelling. Instead the cattle are unloaded
without any yelling or prodding. The pathway and ramps that the animals are led down from the trailers are constructed with gently descending grades
and all the pathways have smooth surfaces while the curves along the pathway contains no blind spots or turns that the cattle can't see around. The
unloading of the trailers is done in a manner that the cattle encounter nothing while being unloaded that would induce fear, excitement or confusion in
them. The unloading process is done as quietly as possible with the cattle's first encounter after leave the trailers being a squeeze chute that simulates
the feeling for the cattle of a gentle motherly caress; the squeeze chute induces an even greater calming effect upon the animal. The effects produced by
the silence and the serene surroundings lull the cattle into such a calm state that they are completely unaware of the moment when they are lifted off
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God 's Love For Mankind
A wise man once said, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud" (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is one of the many
attributes of God and His creation. Through all of the various types of love in this world, God's love is the most abundant. His love is cast over every
being on earth. This specific love, Divine Love, can be coupled with charity.. These two attributes contribute to God's love for mankind, mankind 's
love for God, and mankind's love for one another. God's love for mankind is portrayed by the sacrifice of his son on the cross for our sins. Through
the suffering and death of his son, we have the hope of eternal life. Those who believe in him will be granted this eternal life. The gift ... Show more
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For example, believing in Him as the Triune God, praying, and essentially love fellow humans. The Divine Servant is a key symbol when talking
about loving others. To follow in jesus' footsteps and to help the homeless, blind, weak, lame, and crippled is truly love. In my personal opinion I
believe many Christians flaunt this statue and talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. Although some may walk the walk, they do it with bad
intentions in their heart. They may be servicing a human who is less fortunate just for publicity or praise. In today's society people are indulged in
social media and cell phones which makes it extremely easy for one to boast about the service he/she did. So, many may fall short in loving
humans, therefore fall short in loving God. In this situation, a saying near and dear to my heart "The unseen is eternal" (I'm sorry for taking a
biblical sentence out of context) comes to mind. I believe this saying is relevant because acts of kindness and love that are unseen by others are
longer lasting than acts performed in front of others with faulty motives. Others on this earth may not be able to tell between good and bad intentions,
but God can. Ultimately, that is who we will all answer to one day. For God knows us better than we know ourselves. This lack of love for fellow
humans makes it easier for one to love him/her self or materialistic things, which relates back to the demons. Unfortunately, this may be the deciding
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Agape Leadership Summary
In Robert L. Peterson and Alexander Strauch's biography "Agape Leadership", we learn about the life of Robert C. Chapman, a well–respected man
who held a reputation for actively displaying Christlike love and deep–rooted faith. To describe Chapman's lifestyle, we must look no further than the
title of this book: "agape". Christians use the word 'agape' to describe the type of love that Christ showed to the church: an incomprehensible and
completely sacrificial love. Chapman consistently sacrificed himself for the benefit of the gospel, thus, influencing hundreds of people for Christ and
earning the respect and admiration of thousands. Although Jesus Christ is the ultimate picture of agape love, Robert C. Chapman is an incredible
example for us. Chapman steered people to the Lord by living out the true Christian life and displaying Christ's agape–love. This, I believe, was an
excellent, visible enactment of Jeff Riley's definition for Christian education: "Christian Education is the process of guiding those in the Church
(through his Holy Spirit) to know and to live out a worldview that follows that of God the Father by demonstrating the work and the character of the
Lord Jesus Christ, resulting in transformed hearts and minds that are wholly devoted to loving God and loving those he has sovereignly created,
making much of his name." Chapman held the philosophy that solely speaking of Christ wasn't nearly enough. Rather, "[his] great aim [was] to live
Christ". Instead of
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Philia as described above is the love of friendship. This initially is seen as a selfless act, because being a friend and a good friend requires a lot of hard
work and involves the lover to get to know the beloved. Following the Philia framework the lover chooses who they become friends with. Choosing
one person over others to treat well, is self–centered. This is because the lover is choosing who the deem worthy of their friendship (Cowley 20).
They are picking which person they want to get to know. The simple act of rejecting another human because one does not think they will get along, is
selective and selfish. Kierkegaard also explains that Philia, requires mutual interest or desire in one another (Cowley 27). Mutual interest indicated...
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There are critics that have opposition to my findings. Two main objections from Ayn Rand the first being a selfless love isn't a meaningful love. The
second being morality and happiness, I've explored Rand's objections and although they are good points, the love she alludes too isn't the most morally
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Mlk Agape Analysis
The animating force behind MLK's thought and social activity is the idea of Christian Love which is also referred to as agape. Agape is based on
human need and the love of someone else, wanting good for others even if there is no return. MLK explains that the universe is naturally inclined
towards community, when people hate they defy creation. MLK's movement focused on non–violence which often was seen as passiveness and
cowardice. Yet, it instead was intended as an active non–violence which had a goal not of defeat and humiliation, but of creating a friendship and
understanding; for it is not the people with whom there is tension, but instead between justice and injustice, good and evil. Agape, therefore, is not "a
weak, passive love. It
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The Importance Of Agape Outreach
We are a group of concerned citizens who have joined together to reclaim our communities. Agape Outreach started as a vision but we have faith we
will rise to victory. We all come from different walks of life and have many contributions to make. We pride ourselves on being a community outreach,
non–profit organization. Our main goals are to meet the varied needs of the youth, the elderly, and those incarcerated. Our young people deserve a
chance to become leaders. Our Elderly have paved the way for us all of these years and it is our belief that we can and should give back. Sometimes
another chance at life and a friend who understands is all a person needs to get their life back on track. Welove the young and the young at heart.
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Agape Counseling Report
In locating a social service agency, a collaborative focus on counseling directed our attention to the Agape Counseling and Training Service. This
agency related to the interest of the group, and can be located at 500 Thurmond Mall, Suite 211, Columbia, SC. Agape is also reachable on their
website at, The agency is directed by Sheryl Mims Williams, LPC. Agape focuses on the ora of the client(s) with the desire to
help individuals gain an understanding of all aspects of their lives. In relation to our beliefs as upcoming social workers, Agape believes that,
"Problems can and do affect physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (AGAPE Counseling and Training Services, Inc. (n.d.)." Agape
services are designed
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Agape Community Environmental Analysis
"Humans, as individual and in our community, must respect the created world and be conscious of our duties toward future generations" (Turkson 4).
Catholicism teaches us humans that we have a moral responsibility to uphold God's creation through sustainability and social responsibility. For the
purpose of this essay, I will be drawing connections of how Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI view ecology within the inseparable human and
natural environment. I will also discuss how the Agape Community embodies both pope's ecological views. John Paul II was the first pope to raise the
topic about environment in his first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis in 1979. He further capitalized on this theme with his encyclical Centesimus annus
introducing the concept of preserving the human and natural environment. Cardinal Turkson writes, "damage to the natural environment is serious, but
destruction of the human environment is more serious" (Turkson 4). This statement implies that the human environment is worth more than the natural
environment because God has given the earth to humanity. In other words, John Paul II encourages human need to be met with the minimum possible
damage to the natural environment. Although one is placed on a higher pedestal, John Paul II ... Show more content on ...
In his social encyclical, Caritas in veritate, Benedict XVI draws the conclusion that, "the way humanity treats the environment influences the way it
treats itself, and vice versa" (Turkson 6). This comment alludes to the common biblical teaching that "do unto others as you would have them do unto
you". To further drive his point about interconnectedness, Benedict XVI uses an example about rising energy needs that leads to rising energy price.
This problem not only effects poverty stricken people but also effects the natural environment by stripping it of its resources at alarming
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Relationship Between Tom And Summer
The film (500) Days of Summer is a story about the relationship between Tom Hansen and Summer Finn. Tom and Summer met each other when they
were both working at a greeting card company and their relationship began and ended within two years. Tom is best considered to be a hopeless
romantic, whereas Summer does not believe in the fantasy of love. Summer's aversion to love stems from her parent's divorce, but it is the opposite
for Tom even though his parents were divorced also. With Tom and Summer being two polar opposites from each other, it is easy to see how their
relationship will already have conflict embedded within it. Although their story is not a conventional love story, Tom and Summer's relationship
that they never put a label on can be applied to various concepts of male/female communication. Tom and Summer's relationship can be best
analyzed by using John Lee's types of love, with a focus on eros, ludus, and mania; and their relationship can also be analyzed by using dependence
power theory. Tom's primary love type is best described as eros. Eros love, according to John Lee, is the type of love that correlates with the notion
"love at first sight". Eros love is intense with a strong attraction from the very start. When Tom first sees Summer when she begins working as the new
assistant, he immediately stops to stare at her and in his mind he thinks that from the moment he saw Summer, he knew she was the girl for him. As a
hopeless romantic and eros
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How Does Martin Luther King Have Disinterested Love

  • 1. How Does Martin Luther King Have Disinterested Love According to Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird, the novel was a "love story, plain and simple." Throughout the novel, Ms. Lee displayed "love" through the actions of the main characters. However, the definition of love may not be the common, affectionate feelings between two people. Based on the article, "An Experiment in Love," by Martin Luther King, he explained how love, or "agape," could have several different connotations. Harper Lee was able to demonstrate Matin Luther King's concept of love through several different character interactions. First, Martin Luther King described his concepts of love as the Greek word, agape which could be related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird, in which the black community donates ... Show more content on ... The basic point King brought up claims that agape "springs from the need of the other person– his need for belonging to the best in the human family" (King 19). Here the audience can see that the origin of love (agape) came from the need of another person's will to belong to the best. King is trying to get the audience to make the connection that individuals who practice agape are the best in the human family, and this is proven as he later on says, "The Samaritan who helped the Jew on the Jericho Road was "good" because he responded to the human need that he was presented with" (King 19). This statement by Dr. King was closely related to the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird in which Boo Radley had secretly put a blanket around Scout when she was "busy looking at the fire" (Lee 96). As Harper Lee describes, Scout was busy staring at the fire and not even paying attention to Boo Radley. Even then, Boo showed signs of agape as he decided to cover up Scout in case she was cold in the night without expecting anything in return such as a "thank you." Boo Radley did not need to nurture Scout that night, but because he did, Harper Lee showed another one of King's concepts because of Boo's desire to help others in need and to be a better person overall. Towards the final chapters of the novel, Boo demonstrated agape again as he ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Colossians 3 Colossians 3 is saying that we have to become someone new in Christ. In Colossians verse 1, it said that we should seek heavenly things not the things that are on the Earth. Colossians, 3:1 said ВЁIf then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Another thing that I observed was in verse 10, we have to put on a new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of the creator. In Colossians 3:10, it said ВЁand have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. The third thing that I observed was we have to let God's word dwell in us teaching and guiding us. In verse 16 of Colossians 3, it said ВЁ Let the word of Christ ... Show more content on ... In Colossians 3:22, it said" Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye–services, as people–pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord." In Matthew 19:19, it said that we should love our neighbor as ourself. I think this relates to one another because in both of the passages, it said that we should love one another. In Colossians 3:22, it said "Bondservants, obey in everything those who are you earthly master, not by way of eye–services, as people–pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord.". The word Bondservant is another word for slaves. In the Greek, the word bondservant in not used but the word slave is. In Ephesians 6:5, it talks about how bondservant to obey your master. Ephesians 6:5 said "Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ." It relates because they both talk about how slaves should obey their masters and it also talks about the heart. The last word is heart. The definition for heart is inner life. In Matthew 13:19, it said that the evil one snatches the heart. They relate because they both talk about the heart and how we have to be sincere to God and fear him. If we don't, the "evil one" will snatch our hearts away and we will fall astray from ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Philos, Eros, & Agape Love in Religion Essay Philia, eros, and agape are three different Greek terms for the word. These three terms explain the different types of love a human being can acquire. Philia is a love of friendship, which is grounded in commonality. However, eros is a kind of love that seeks something from the other person or thing. Lastly, agape is the love that wills the good of the other and is completely self–giving. The meanings of these Greek terminologies, philia, eros, and agape, allow us to better understand and discuss our relationship with God and human fulfillment. In order to find human fulfillment, one must find God of Jesus Christ as well. Erotic loving is our desire for this fulfillment, which can be seen through eros. Human nature can be simply defined ... Show more content on ... Sartre attested that the human being is a useless passion due to our insatiable desires. Markedly, human beings desire to retain the infinite and that need is simply impossible. For the search for the unlimited is tiresome and unappeasable. Conversely, there is an alternate way of looking at eros. In order to have hope, God has to appear to human life as not a receding horizon but an absolute savior. Human beings long for the truth and due to the constraints of science and history, Jesus is seen in an alternate way because he is no longer limited by space or time. In this case, Karl Rahner and Saint Augustine both agree that God always initiates the relationship with human life. Namely, they asserted that we are constantly drawn to God and God is not drawn to us. Because of this, we have the option of forming a better relationship with God. Rahner said that God dispenses his grace to all human beings of every religion in and God is continually accepting. Chiefly, it is not God's choice to accept or deny us, for that is not his matter
. Anthony De Mello describes another explanation of human fulfillment to us. He explains to us that in order to have human fulfillment, we must detach ourselves from our worldly attachments. As human beings, we allow ourselves to believe that we cannot be happy without a certain thing or person in our life. Thus, that is not ... Get more on ...
  • 4. What Does Redemptor Hominis Mean In John Paul II's encyclical letter, Redemptor Hominis, the pope states in his first few words that Christ is the redeemer of man, "THE REDEEMER OF MAN, Jesus Christ, is the centre of the universe and of history." (Redemptor Hominis, 1). But what could John Paul II mean by this? We know from the Bible that God sent Jesus Christ to earth to save man from sin. In order to be saved from sin, one must understand the 'truth'. The truth is the way of God. The truth sets mankind free from sin and allows them to live an eternal life through God. "We see Christ as the one who brings man freedom based on truth, frees man from what curtails, diminishes and as it were breaks off this freedom at its root, in man's soul, his heart and his conscience." (Redemptor ... Show more content on ... Once man is freed from his sins and ignorance, man can learn the truth about the nature of God, "The Declaration on Religious Freedom shows us convincingly that, when Christ and, after him, his Apostles proclaimed the truth that comes not from men but from God 'my teaching is not mine, but his who sent me',... they preserved, while acting with their full force of spirit, a deep esteem for man, for his intellect, his will, his conscience and his freedom" (Redemptor Hominis, 12). It has been referenced that the truth has the ability to set one free, "Jesus Christ meets the man of every age, including our own, with the same words: "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"" (Redemptor Hominis, 12). True freedom is the ability to be authentically free. Authentic freedom entails a relationship with God, "Jesus sought to free people from false, material beliefs by imparting to them a truer idea of God and our relationship to Him, offering everyone refuge in Christ." (Bulloch, 1). However, there is also a negative aspect involved with being truly free. One must refrain from superficial freedom. Superficial freedom cannot set one free because freedom can only be achieved through truth, and the truth is something only God can offer. Therefore, freedom is only available through redemption and ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Classification Essay: What Are The Different Types Of Love? Love comes in various types and forms. The same love someone might feel for a friend isn't the same as the love a person might feel for a partner or a tv show or a family member. There are various terms for different types of love, Agape, Eros, Storge, Mania, Pragma, Ludus and Philia are the six main types of love that people experience. Agape is allegedly the highest form of love, it's unconditional love that people will love the other person no matter what, it surpasses physical love and enters into spiritual love. Love for God or for one another. Eros is love that is of love and erotic or intimate love, in which it focuses primarily on beauty or physical attraction sexually. Storge, is a slow growing love for family, friends and commitment and similar interests rather than passion. Mania is the love of wanting to be loved and being extremely possessive and obsessively jealous, seeing themselves as special. Pragma relies on logic and background, the love type wants everything in their relationship to work out and everything desired to be filled. Ludus love is love that requires an aspect of entertainment from each other, and as long as the partners are interesting they will stay with them. Finally, Philia, is the love for 'brothers' or being in a team or group, working together and loving who they work with. The question is: What type of Love had the most impact for Janie in Their Eyes Were Watching God written by Zora Neale Hurston? Tea Cake 's love had the most influence ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Agape By Greek Summary Slide 1: Nisan In English, there is only one word for "love." In Greek, there are three. "Eros" is the physical love, "Philia" is brotherly love, or sisterly love shared amongst siblings and close friends. "Agape" is a love that gives and asks nothing in return. All three can be experienced in different varieties, but each carries great burdens. Eros must remember that the other is a living, breathing being, not just an object. Philia must not take unjust, selfish advantage of the other. Agape does all those things above and much more, with no expectation of return. Agape is a love that does not require that the other should meet high standards of beauty, nor of brains, nor of brawn. Agape gives without question, or reason, a God love, you might say, something that Hephaestus wasn't seen as worthy of. Slide 2: Hephaestus: a ... Show more content on ... Spending twenty–four hours falling down to Earth, he landed on the island of Lemnos. Intrigued by the strange immortal, the inhabitants sought him out, and took care of him in his crippled state. Indebted to their care, he taught the Lemnians his gift of metal work and the arts. The island was hereafter his home, Hephaestus worked with the mortals, something practically novel among other gods, something unheard of, outlandish, something a leader would do. Some legends say, Hephaestus built a palace among the Lemnains, cocooned under a volcano, some say he lived among the villagers as nothing but their equal. He grew up with them, acting as a blacksmith, given his powers were of that regard, until he found out what had caused him to be thrown from Mount Olympus, where the others of his kind reside. He had been rejected; thrown from his home because of something as trivial as beauty. He had been ridiculed for his disability. He was not cared for by the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Servant Leadership Theory John Barbuto and Daniel Wheeler (2006, 300)–authors of "Scale Development and Construct Clarification of Servant Leadership"–state that Greenleaf (1977) developed 11 dimensions of servant leadership that include: "calling, listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, growth, and community building." Again, it should be noted that although Greenleaf (1977) uses the term "calling," he does not use it in a spiritual sense, but more on a secular level (Barbuto and Wheeler 2006, 300). The results from Barbuto and Wheeler's (2006) investigation found only five dimensions that relate to servant leadership and not all of them the same as those put forth by Greenleaf (1977). These five dimensions include... Show more content on ... Lee (1973, 1–294) lists these other forms of love in three groups that include: 1) The primary forms of love (i.e., Eros–Erotic love, Ludus–Playful love, and Storge–Familial love), 2) the secondary forms of love (i.e., Mania–Obsessive love, Agape–Pure love, and Pragma–Practical convenient love), and 3) the tertiary forms of love–a combination of primary and secondary forms of love–(i.e., Maniac Eros, Maniac Ludus, Maniac Storge, Agapic Eros, Agapic Ludus, Agapic Storge, Pragmatic Eros, Pragmatic Ludus, and Pragmatic Storge). Even though Lee (1973) delved into the different types of love that exist, there are some critical factors that he forgot to take into ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Agape Love: A Reoccurring Theme with Elizabeth Barrett... Within Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poems, "How Do I Love Thee (Let Me Count the Ways)", "Love", and "A Man's Requirements", a reoccurring theme of agape, unconditional, love appears. In these three poems, her expression of love is very evident and clear. However, the way she expresses love is quite different than many poets have and continue to do. Instead of showing love by saying she feels it or explaining her passion, she says she is committed and will love the reader through every emotion, experience, and circumstance. "How do I love thee (Let me count the ways)" has line after line of evidence to justify the theme of agape love, but whom the audience is supposed to be is left for each individual reader to decide, because the way she wrote is makes is available to all age groups. The very first line, "How do I love thee, Let me count the ways" draws the reader in and tells exactly what the poem is about. From there on out, the speaker describes how free and true her love is. By giving her love and commitment limits that cannot be reached, the speaker gives a more in depth idea of her feelings to the reader .Every line allows the reader to examine how true the speakers proclaimed love is, however, three parts particularly stand out. The first is, "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height/ My soul can reach" (2–3). This line tells the reader that the speaker's love is everlasting and will never reach an end. "I love thee purely, as they turn from praise" (8) ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Martin Luther King's Speech On Agape Love Martin Luther King tells us in his work, Agape Love, that"...when you come to love on this level you begin to love men not because they are likable, not because they do things that attract us, but because God loves them and here we love the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that the person does" (32). Martin Luther King lived during a time of great turmoil in the United States. He lived during a time where a very large group of segregationists main goal was to keep their synthetic sense of superiority over the African Americanrace. Of course, Martin Luther King did not stand for this contorted representation of his people and he decided to do something about it. Martin Luther King grew up in a family of pastors and he too became a pastor. I mention this to give background to King's use of christianity's teachings throughout his various speeches. Being a religious man, King abstained from violence wherever possible, which was one of his main strategies against violent segregationists because he believed that no one, no matter how violent they are, can keep attacking a group of people who refuse to fight back and at some point have to realize that African Americans aren't a threat to them. King's goal in his speeches is to gain equality for every man, woman, and child no matter the color of their skin. He knew that he had to bring every race together in order to achieve true equality, and he could not do so by using violence as a means to an end. Otherwise, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Agape Love Analysis Paul states at the end of chapter 13, "the greatest of these is love". Love is a common word used in modern day society through many types of expressions. It may describe the emotion towards an object of affection, or it may be used as an over dramatization of a liking one takes to a certain type of food per–say. Its used to describe feelings toward a sexual relationship, or feelings towards family member, or friends. In the English language, there is an almost limitless amount of uses for that one little word. Yet, in the time of this letterlove as agape love was not a common terminology for what Paul was expressing. Therefore this paper plans to touch on what exactly it means when a Roman Jewish man, growing up and proclaiming the Gospel to a Hellenistic society in 57 AD claims that "the greatest of these(faith, hope, love) love". Background of the Passage Paul sent the letter to the Roman city of Corinth, a city known for its immorality. Though they had many gods and goddesses, one of the main temples was dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite, which in her temple had hundreds of temple prostitutes (pg. 5, Kistemaker). Along with this temple, there were many other temples and religious centers, even Jewish synagogues, which were dispersed throughout Corinth (pg. 3, Fee). It was a very diverse city filled with Jews, Greeks, slaves, free, prostitutes, ex–soldiers, etc. The church in Corinth was started by Paul on his second missionary trip around 51–52 AD, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Le Quai Des Brumes Sequence Analysis Le Quai Des Brumes Sequence Analysis– The Power of Love People say that love is something extremely powerful and miraculous; it is a language that the blind can see and the deaf can hear. Director Marcel CarnГ© attempted to show that love has the ability to change a person in many different ways in his movie Le quai des brumes (Marcel CarnГ© , 1938). This attempt is most evidently presented in the sequence of Jean meets the ship doctor, who invites him to sail to Venezuela with him on the port; and the sequence following, in which Jean goes to the carnival with his lover, Nelly. There is an apparent attitude change of Jean when the scene shifts from the one in which He is talking to the ship doctor he meets on the port to the scene of... Show more content on ... "Wait in line? Who do you think I am?" replied Lucian. By cutting the line rudely and pay for the tickets for his friend and their girlfriends with a handful of money, Lucian obviously wants to impress his girlfriend by showing how manly and respectful he is. Furthermore, when they get on the bumper–cars, Lucian pushes away others to get on the car, runs his car wildly, and deliberately knocks off stranger's hat from behind. Unfortunately, Lucian's attempt of using a rude attitude to exhibit his masculinity turns out to be a complete failure as he knocks off Jean's hat and gets slapped by him. At that moment, Lucian is slammed back to whom he really is, the coward that wouldn't even fight back when he is being slapped. In the same carnival scene, Jean demonstrates how the male character in the movie can be affected by love in a completely different way. With Nelly, Jean is no longer the melancholy guy that will describe life as "a rotten business." He is caring, gentle and energized. Unlike what Lucian did to show his masculinity, Jean shows his masculinity by being a protective gentleman. As they walking in the carnival, Jean walks at the same pace as Nelly, holding her arm or shoulder. Also, he talks in a slower speed and in a more gentle tone, comparing to the way he talks at the port. At the carnival scene, Jean also says sweet things that seem impossible to come out from the "normal," cynical Jean; for ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Agape Community Church Research Paper On March 20, Albuquerque Agape Community Church (P) held Sunday Service, where 6 people attended and Pastor Haiyan preached the word on John 20. The church rejoiced as one new person became a registered member. It was the first day of new week, women found out the tomb was empty, but they didn't expect to find resurrection. All they wanted was to findJesus' dead body. However, he was raised, and he is the Lord of life, he cannot be caught in death. Mary was full of sadness. She still couldn't recognize the angel and the risen Lord. Her eye were full of tears, but she recognized the voice of the Lord, the shepherd. She saw him when he called her name. Thomas was still in doubt, but blessed are the one who believe without seeing. During fellowship ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Agape 1 Ministry After receiving the blessing from their Pastor, Bishop Alphonzo D. Brooks, the first official gathering of Agape 1 Ministries took place in April 1998 at the home of Minister Howwin and Missionary Yvonne Carter. The gathering which was in the form of bible study consisted of a few individuals in search of biblical truth and spiritual growth. Over the next few months, the bible study gatherings grew tremendously along with Pastor and Missionary Carter's heart toward expanding the ministry. God led Minister and Missionary Carter to pastor and holistically address the needs of the people. In August 1999, a place of study and worship was secured to ensure consistent preaching, teaching, and understanding of God's word. The manifestation of Agape 1 Church of Christ, Incorporated was the answer to a call by God on the life of Elder Howwin Carter, Jr. and... Show more content on ... God led Pastor Carter to the historical Anacostia area of Southeast, Washington, D.C. There he met the Reverend Willie F. Wilson who graciously leased the building located at located at 2002 Fourteenth Street which was the former home to Union Temple Baptist Church. Bishop Brooks installed Elder Carter as Pastor in Agape's new home. Agape remained at this location for 6 years before purchasing the building as its permanent home. The mission of Agape 1 ministries is to address biblical truths, meet the needs of the people, and provide outreach to surrounding communities in hope of bringing restoration to lost souls. After 15 years as an independent ministry, along with prayer and consideration, God placed it upon the heart of the Carter's to return to their roots. On August 7, 2015, after the installation of Bishop A.D. Brooks as Presiding Bishop of The Way of the Cross Church of Christ, Int'l., the Agape 1 Church of Christ was formally introduced as being the first church inducted into the ministry under Bishop Brooks' administration and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Definition Of Love What is love? Depending on who is asked, the definition of love will seldom have the same meaning. When researching for the true definition, one will come upon countless interpretations, all of which make sense. The English word "love" originates from the German word "lubh," which means great desire (Moseley). There are many different types of love and feelings associated with them which come together to create confusion when attempting to discover the true definition of love. Most definitions of love have to do with affection and romance. According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, love is most commonly defined as a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, romantic or sexual. For some, however, love is purely unconditional ... Show more content on ... Storge love is the love felt between family and friends. An example of storge love is fraternal love, or the love parents feel for their children. Storge love is very important because it teaches children from a young age what love feels like. Storge love is unconditional. When people experience this type of love, they accept the person which they love despite any flaws or faults they endure. They are willing to forgive under any circumstance. Storge love between friends may turn into a romantic relationship in which the significant others are each other's best ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Steve Ross: Agape Family Counseling Assessment PRESENTING PROBLEM: Steve Ross, a 16 year old African American male, completed an Agape Family Counseling assessment to monitor his progression. Steve's teacher reported concerns about Steve's relationship with his peers to Mrs. Ross. In the past, Steve stated that his classmates would exclude him from their activities. Steve stated that, he would explain things in a literal manner which would could his peers to "make fun" of him. Mrs. Ross also reported that Steve would only talk in detail about the subjects that he was interested in. Mrs. Ross also expressed concern about his social skills among his peers. RELEVANT BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Steve Ross resides in Coral Springs with his biological father, Nelson Ross and his biological Mother,... Show more content on ... Ross reported that, Steve had a surgery to correct a hernia. He made a full recovery. Then, at age 3, Steve had another successful surgery on his abdominal area. Years later, at age 15, Steve had another successful surgery on his back. Neither, Steve nor his mother reported any other hospitalization or medical issues. However, he does keep an Epipen on him at all times because, of his food and medicine allergies. Which include: peanuts, eggs, shellfish, Penicillin and Amoxicillin. Steve informed that, he had never has to administer the drugs himself. Although, at the age of 5 he was rushed to the hospital where doctors used the Epipen for an allergy reaction to peanuts. Steve's has worn glasses seen elementary school. However, he has had regular vision and hearing checkups and the results were deemed normal by a medical professional. Steve did not report any substance abuse or use. He only admitted to drinking soda a "few times a day" but, he states that he is "working on cutting back". Steve denies being sexually active. He also denies any physical or sexual abuse, assault or ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Comparison Of Eros, Philia, And Agape Eros, Philia, and Agape all have very rich backgrounds in our history. Eros being the Greek God of love, focused on pleasure and desire. Gives us a basis to examine how indulging in pleasure is a form of self–gratification, allowing the lover to experience love in its most shallow form. Eros lacks morality because its selfish, exclusive, and requires little to no self love. Eros is particular on which person receives this love, it denies the beloved any true form of compassion, and there is little to no self–love involved because it is the beloved that is giving to the lover, there is no need for deep thought about what they could give back to the beloved. Philia is the deeper form of love that requires both parties to be self–aware of their ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Greek Words For Love Today, we use a powerful word "love" to invoke some of the most passionate and emotional feelings to some of the simplest pleasures. But has the word love always been so broadly used? Today, love according to Merriam Webster Dictionary is "a feeling of strong or consent of affection", but far back in time, there were many word used for love like, agape, phileo, and eros. To understand the full picture of the word love one needs to fathom dissect its past. One of the Greek words for love is agape; this meaning according to is "unselfish love of one person for another without sexual implications; brotherly love or the love of God." In many religious texts people refer to their God in the word agape; spiritual love. Agape also ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Camp Agape Research Paper My fifth grade field trip was very exciting. We went to Camp Agape in Fuquay Varina. Camp Agape is an environmental education site. Upon going on my trip I woke up very early to get ready for school. My mom dropped me off and I had a lot of things to carry on the trip. When the bell rang I went straight to my class. Upon arriving in class my teacher directed me to take my bags to the front of the building. On my way to drop my bags off I ran into my friend DГ©jГ . She began to walk with me to carry our bags. After dropping off our bags we ran into some more of our friends. We all headed back to class and my teacher started to call the roll. After then we all lined up to get on the bus. On the bus I sat in the front with one of my friends, we wanted sit in the front so we could get off the bus first. The drive was very long because the bus driver went the wrong way. When we finally arrived to our destination the rooms where very nice they were connected to each other. We unpacked our clothes and put on rain boots because we were getting ready to go in the woods. Our teachers split us... Show more content on ... We all headed down to the other building to eat dinner. The food was delicious. When dinner was over we went outside to play basketball, chased our classmates and some of us just talked to our friends. We played so hard that we could barely make it to our room. We all then took a shower and watched the Sponge Bob movie. The movie was very boring. I sat there on my phone and ate candy. They were over so then the boys went up stairs and girl was down stairs. It was not fair because the boys was up stairs playing hide and seek they were so loud so I couldn't sleep. My friends began to scream "there's a bug under the bed". I got up to see what it was. It was a little spider not bigger than a penny. My teacher picked it up with a tissue and put it in the trash. I went back to bed and fell ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Agape Community Church: Sermon Analysis On May 11th, Albuquerque Agape Community Church (P) held Wednesday Service. Pastor Haiyan delivered the message on Luke 14:15 –24. The title of Sermon is " Compel them to come in, so that my house will be full ". The message is a parable that Jesus taught about the banquet of Heaven. Many people were invited, but they rejected with excuses, they all focused on what have and do not know the blessing of this banquet. Jesus is teaching about salvation with this parable. The people seem they are rich, work diligently and happy with their marriage, however they lose the chance of being saved by being ignoring the invitation of salvation. Robin shared that the people who reject are not honest, they ignore the blessing and find excuses. Etta said ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Erotic Love: Adam And God And Agape Love Chapter 1 Adam shares in Eve's sin Mephistopheles' code will not survive. Adam was human; he came from God's creation. From dirt, God formed Adam and breathed into his nostrils, making Adam a living soul. Adam tended to the animals, the Garden of Eden, and whatever the Lord God envisioned for the human.God knew that Adam was lonely at times and needed a companion. While Adam slept, God took one of his ribs and put some flesh around it. From the rib that the Lord God took from Adam, He made him woman and brought her unto the man. Adam was so overwhelmed with Eve's beauty that he experienced a strange love that was different from what he was accustomed to when he communicated with God. Agape love between Adam and God had altered a bit, and Adam began feeling other emotions. Erotic love has a different composition than agape love. Adam was confused with the change ... Show more content on ... The mind keeps on imagining the want to make it a reality by dreaming that it will turn from imagination to real adventure. The simplicity of imaginary love is the master key that always opens the door of happiness. Nevertheless, when the love is so stupendous he sensed that she developed a weakness in her personification, which turned her posture to jealousy. Jealousy in an imaginary love ensemble in a friendship set on fire, the fire is pure it burns to melt gold which is soft and shows a true color of its molecular constrain. Pure gold with other metals produce hardness in shaping rings and women jewelry for their adornment. Even if complications sprang up love has its own way to caress the course of being into an event of glory because forgiveness and the making the mind at ease which brings satisfaction showing kindness. The fastidious world we live in Angels are assisting all around us, Because we have a need for ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Joseph Fletcher Situation Ethics Situation Ethics is a relative theory; this means that it is situation specific. It treats each situation on its own merits. It is also consequential; this means that it is concerned solely with the consequences of an action, not the action itself. Joseph Fletcher was the scholar who created the concept of Situation Ethics. Situation Ethics arose at a time when Society was becoming far more liberal and the emancipation of sexuality and women and the civil rights movement all led to a far freer society with regards to morality and following absolute rules. Joseph Fletcher came up with the mantra for Situation Ethics, 'what is the most loving thing I can do in this situation'. He encouraged the use of Agape– unconditional love and the ability to act altruistically. This was written in his book 'Situation Ethics' in 1966. The Bible was a great influence on Fletcher and his use of Agape. For example, in Deuteronomy 6:4–6 'love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength'. This link to Agape as they are saying the love to use is agapeic love. Another example is Romans 13:8–10, 'the only obligation you have is to love one another; whoever does this has obeyed the law'. In addition, ... Show more content on ... However, with the creation of Situation Ethics, their legalistic approach came under threat. Bernard Hoose created Proportionalism, this was a mix of natural law and situation ethics, this is saying that you should aim to follow divine law when possible, but if this will not work, then follow situation ethics and love to create the best action. For example, in the Catholic Church divorce is always seen as wrong; however, it may be the case that actually the most loving thing to do is get a divorce, especially when in an abusive relationships or for the betterment of the children's ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Theme Of Love In A Midsummer Night's Dream An Analysis of Love in A Midsummer Night's Dream Love within the modern society has taken on a flippant meaning, depending on the phraseology used around the context of the word. Love is used interchangeably with the idea that "I love apple pie" to "I love this new car" to the point in which the term love is devalued within our society. How can one say they love their spouse or children and not devalue the true meaning of this intent, when they claim to love apple pie as well? Within the play A Midsummer Night's Dream, a careful evaluation of the various love within the play will reveal the difference in the types of love one might feel to describe various situations and relationships. In Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, love... Show more content on ... Titania wakes from a sleep to fall in love with Bottom, who has the head of an ass, while Lysander awakes to find himself in love with Helena, who he has shown no interest prior to the application of the love juice (Bevington, 2014, p. 55). This love juice application is the ultimate form of forced love, in which there is manipulation of the mind to induce the love, rather than a change in the heart to create a true love. A true love creates a romantic love in which two people feel the love between them, and this leads into the second form of love depicted by Shakespeare, the love described as Eros love, is the love between Lysander and Hermia. Eros love is a love that cannot be obtained between siblings or friends, but only attainable within a form of erotic and sexual love, as found between two lovers, such as husband and wife (Moseley, n.d.). The love between the two of these characters is a real love that does not require a "love potion" to create the love. Hermia displays this love well with her statement "I would rather my father looked but with my eyes", where she indicates the love she has for Lysander, can only be seen through the lens of her eyes (Bevington, 2014, p. 47). This love comes from the truest sense of the word where they each have a desire for the other, from a love that requires no outside influence or assistance, but is created in the heart of each of the lovers. Parental ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Phantom of the Opera Obsession; the Mask of Love In examining the libretto The Phantom of the Opera, the interactions and attitudes of the characters, and the language used, I will show how the Phantom's obsession over Christine, although at times destructive, leads to his change from an evil and selfish villain, to a remorseful and compassionate hero. To understand the psyche of the Phantom, one must first have a brief overview of the play. In 1984 Andrew Lloyd Webber, transformed the original The Phantom of the Opera novel (written in 1911 by Gaston Leroux) into a dialogic, emotional masterpiece. The prologue starts at the end of the story, in an auction in the Paris Opera House, in 1905. Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny is buying a papier–mГўchГ© music box, ... Show more content on ... I hear you! Speak – I listen... stay by my side, guide me! Angel, my soul was weak – forgive me... enter at last, Master!" (1.3). Her words do not have any underlying fear or distress. She's asking for his forgiveness, and looking to please her mentor. The Phantom loves her and she sees him as a caring, fatherly figure. After Raoul wins over Christine's heart, the Phantom becomes jealous. He mimics Christine and Raoul's love song to each other: I gave you my music, made your song take wing... And now, how you've repaid me: denied me and betrayed me... He was bound to love you when he heard you sing... You will curse the day you did not do all that the Phantom asked of you... (1.10) Becoming more threatening to Christine, the Phantom makes her fearful of him. After he lashes out at her for removing his mask, saying "You little demon, is this what you wanted to see? [...] now you cannot ever be free" (1.6), Christine runs to Raoul and tells him that they will be "safe on the roof" and that "his eyes will find [her] there" (1.10). The use of the words safe and find, indicate that she no longer wants to be near the Phantom. Christine begs Raoul to help her get away from him; Raoul, it scares me – don't put me through this ordeal by fire... he'll take me, I know... we'll be parted forever, he won't let me go... what I once dreamed I now dread, if he finds me, it won't ever end... and he'll always be there, singing songs in my head...
  • 24. ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Is The Grace Of Life Your wife as Peter says is the grace of life. She is your true companion. You get to share an intimate fellowship and companionship with your wife and she is one of the greatest and most blessed gifts that God has given to you. Husbands, die to self and show honor to your wife because she deserves it. Put aside your desires, your preferences, what you want, and get to know what your wife needs, and then do everything you can to meet those needs. That is sacrificial love. For the husband who is loving and caring, God promises that your prayers won't be hindered. If you, as a husband, do not take care of your wife, you are not sacrificial, loving, caring, then God says your prayers will be hindered. Remember what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 13? Verse 5, "Love does not seek its own." Husbands, make sacrifices for your wife, put her interests before your own, and demonstrate the kind of sacrificial love that Christ gives to us. I understand this type of love is a great challenge for you husbands. We can't love perfectly as Christ loves us. But our love for our wives can and should demonstrate the same type of love He has for us. Christ died on the cross for us, demonstrating a sacrificial love, with Him expecting nothing in return, and His love for us cost Him His life. That is the same kind of love you are to have for your wives. Second, Christ's love for the church is sanctifying love. II. Love is Sanctifying Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Agape Hospice Case Study The service learning project I choose to volunteer for is Agape Hospice. Agape Hospice is a special kind of care designed to provide comfort and support to people with a wide range of life–limiting illnesses, such as cancer, heart disease , and stroke. One of the issue Agape Hospice faces would be, when someone comes in to receive help for a loved one, sometimes they can not receive it due to not meeting the criteria or pay for it since most cases are out–of–pocket expenses, as the care can become very costly. I choose this issue because, a lot families faces this issue when trying to have someone to provide direct care for their love ones needed. These issue is relevance to my life because I wanted to be a nurse and this what one the issue I am going to face. I want to be able to support all families with this issue and find resolution to it. This is where volunteering comes in tries to support and provide care for patients and relives the families. Stakeholders for Agape Hospice would be volunteers, families, nurses, and community. 1.What are current strategies for solving the problems faced by the service learning partner?2.What is the level of community engagement in support of this agency?3.What challenges and obstacles must the agency ... Show more content on ... 7. Does the family have a better relationship with their love ones is while in facility? 8. Does the family support the agency ? 9. Does this agency faces short staffing ? 10.Is their a lack of volunteers? One of my resources states delirium is extremely common in dying patients and appears to be a major threat to the family's moral experience of a good death in end–of–life care. Aim: To illustrate one of the ways in which hospice caregivers conceptualize end–of–life delirium and the significance of this conceptualization for the relationships that they form with patients' families in the hospice ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Groundhog Day The movie Groundhog Day, is labeled as a comedy, but in fact it is a story about love, a story about Phil's transformation based on love. Phil his character is forced to repeat the same day over and over again. He goes through many phases in this movie and in the end changing his persona. When analyzing love, it becomes apparent that much has been written about it. In fact, love has been broken down into different phases such as Eros, Philia and Agape. Being trapped in Groundhog Day has significant effects on Phil's practices of these three kinds of love Eros, Philia and Agape. One significant effect on Phil being trapped in Groundhog Day is his practice of Eros. According to the article, "Conceptions of Love", Eros love can be divided ... Show more content on ... One of the most remarkable scenes in the movie, is when he realizes that despite the entrapment of himself, he couldn't control what happened in life at the end of the day. The same homeless man he ignored the whole time is dying right in front of him and when he realizes that the man will eventually die. He uses his entrapment to make the man feel special, even though the homeless man has no idea he is dying, Phil takes him to the restaurant to eat all he wants. He also takes him to the doctor and keeps him warm through the cold nights, but no matter what Phil does, he can't control death. That's when it finally hits him. No matter how powerful he felt because of the entrapment, he wasn't able to keep the old man from dying. Phil showed his emotions by caring for others. The most important effect on Phil being trapped in Groundhog Day is his practice of Agape. According to the article, "Right From the Heart, What is Love Anyways", agape love is unconditional love. It is a choice made to love another person whether they love us back or not. Although it is easy to recognize Phil's practice of Eros and Philia, Phil's practice of Agape is developed until the end of the movie. Phil had no regard towards agape love in the beginning of the movie. He never really cared for no one in any way, he didn't even love himself enough to know when he was damaging his own self. As an example, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. In the Redeemer's Hands Summary of Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands Paul D. Tripp authored a work that promotes the world of biblical counseling that is not bound to a professional clinical model but incorporates the daily ministry lifestyle founded on the Scriptures. Tripp emphasizes the gospel of Jesus Christ as the hope for those who have lost hope. The moment when sin entered the world through Adam's fall brought forth guilt, fear, and shame became the standard. In a few pages, Tripp wrote the story of the Fall and the implications of sin towards the human race. The disconnect between God and mankind became prevalent; He sent His only son to save the world and provide a gift that would keep those faithful to Him: hope. Jesus Christ, the Son of God has set the paradigm of which His followers must imitate because He has masterfully counseled those who were suffering and sick. As Christ reflected this model in several ways, Tripp also elaborates on the importance of actively empathizing while being involved in the midst of the person's suffering. Personal ministry is a challenging field of work that will require sacrifice and delving into people's mess just as Jesus loved his church, Paul's ministry and discipleship to the churches of his time, and more that can be found in the Bible. There is also an emphasis on the integrity of the spiritual life of the counselor being kept accountable at all times; the heart issue of man has to be cautioned against and examined deeply because from it all ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Forms Of Love : The Influence Of Divine Love The Influence of Divine Love Throughout most world religions, the topic of love and its various forms have been analyzed in hopes of developing a true appreciation for the sacred. Some writers, specifically C.S. Lewis, devoted much of their work to studying love in a religious sense and how it relates the spiritual and non–spiritual world. Lewis was able to deduct that love was represented in two major forms, earthly and divine. Divine love nurtures all earthly loves and is the means of forming a spiritual relationship with God. Lewis argues that humans dedicate too much love to irrelevant, earthly comforts and yet fail to love what truly matters. C.S. Lewis devoted much of his life's work to exploring the different forms of love that are represented in Christianity. He claimed that there are two major categories of love: earthly and divine. The two can act as separate entities, but divine love often develops most earthly loves. Another term that is synonymous with divine love is agape. Lewis claims that agape love is the sacred gift of pure love that is responsible for developing a deeper connection between us and God while also fostering human love for earthly things. On the other hand, earthly loves consists of eros, storge, and philia. All of these natural loves stand for relationships between people and material things or familial and romantic relationships. Because natural loves focus on forming relationships with non–spiritual things, they fall subservient to ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Love Definition Essay Love. There is three different types of love, your love for your family, which is never ending. However you may experience so rather harsh brawl with one another but you can't seem to hate them. Thats actually the most important type of love, the one you have. The next type of love is the one you see on television and in every single music video or book ever. The love between two people thats unbreakable, the one that is consuming, the love that is breathtaking. The love that is threatened by the presence of another, but still is strong as ever. The love you want. The last type of love is the one you see all around, the love you dream of. The kind of love that is forever bonded between two people. The love that is not only sexual and physical ... Show more content on ... "I see, I'm sorry you didn;t share the same views as me," I apologize and Matthew holds my hand harder. "But Regan, I'm giving you one more chance to redeem yourself, I've set up this interview with a business mogul and I want you to interview him and give me a full detailed report," She says and I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders and I smile. "Great I'm in, who is he?" I ask "Harry Styles of Styles Enterprises, you will interview him tomorrow morning and for heavens sake please do not wear a plaid skirt," Joanna says hanging up the phone after. I look at Matthew who's waiting for me to tell him what just happened and I explain to him everything. "So who are you going to be interviewing?" He asks me "Uhm some guy named Harry Styles," "Of Styles Enterprises?" He asks and I nod wondering how he knows of him.
  • 31. "How do you know him?" I ask and he shrugs digging into his ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Agape Worship Center Mission Statement The purpose of the Agape Worship Center International is to present the gospel to the world through Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. At Agape Worship Center there are five distinctive core values that are established throughout Church of God congregation: Engaging God through worship, equipping Leaders for ministry, evangelizing our city community and the world, Empowering people for service unto God, embracing one another in love through fellowship and Life Groups. Agape Worship Center has a multi–ethnic, multi–racial background. Our church mission statement is mirror image of our church core values; "AWCI is spirit filled ministry, a place where the people are living with overflowing anointing, are divinely enabled to operate beyond their capacity, beyond their strength, and beyond their vision of the future. AWCI is strategically breaking into the marketplace, the place where we live and work, and around the world in an effort to expand the kingdom of God for His glory." The distinct core values were created by a group of about 8 individuals, who were the original founders of Agape Worship Center International, established in 2006. The members consisted of persons ranging from 30–60 years of age. In 2002, Bishop Collins held church services from his home. In 2005 membership rocketed to 12 members, the growth encouraged the building process for what is now known as the church sitting on the hill, AWCI. The church's history and present ministry were taken into consideration regarding the move to create a more effective ministry. ... Get more on ...
  • 33. How Cattle Are Being Humanely Slaughtered? Of all the things that this week's lesson could have begun with the strange description of how cattle are being humanely slaughtered in large commercial slaughterhouses was a huge surprise. The author of our lesson begins by describing how cattle that have been transported to a slaughterhouse are unloaded from their transport trailers. The unloading is handled completely different than what I would have envisioned. I would have thought that the cattle would have been driven out of the trailers with cattle prods and a lot of pushing and yelling. Instead the cattle are unloaded without any yelling or prodding. The pathway and ramps that the animals are led down from the trailers are constructed with gently descending grades and all the pathways have smooth surfaces while the curves along the pathway contains no blind spots or turns that the cattle can't see around. The unloading of the trailers is done in a manner that the cattle encounter nothing while being unloaded that would induce fear, excitement or confusion in them. The unloading process is done as quietly as possible with the cattle's first encounter after leave the trailers being a squeeze chute that simulates the feeling for the cattle of a gentle motherly caress; the squeeze chute induces an even greater calming effect upon the animal. The effects produced by the silence and the serene surroundings lull the cattle into such a calm state that they are completely unaware of the moment when they are lifted off their ... Get more on ...
  • 34. God 's Love For Mankind A wise man once said, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud" (1 Corinthians 13:4). Love is one of the many attributes of God and His creation. Through all of the various types of love in this world, God's love is the most abundant. His love is cast over every being on earth. This specific love, Divine Love, can be coupled with charity.. These two attributes contribute to God's love for mankind, mankind 's love for God, and mankind's love for one another. God's love for mankind is portrayed by the sacrifice of his son on the cross for our sins. Through the suffering and death of his son, we have the hope of eternal life. Those who believe in him will be granted this eternal life. The gift ... Show more content on ... For example, believing in Him as the Triune God, praying, and essentially love fellow humans. The Divine Servant is a key symbol when talking about loving others. To follow in jesus' footsteps and to help the homeless, blind, weak, lame, and crippled is truly love. In my personal opinion I believe many Christians flaunt this statue and talk the talk, but do not walk the walk. Although some may walk the walk, they do it with bad intentions in their heart. They may be servicing a human who is less fortunate just for publicity or praise. In today's society people are indulged in social media and cell phones which makes it extremely easy for one to boast about the service he/she did. So, many may fall short in loving humans, therefore fall short in loving God. In this situation, a saying near and dear to my heart "The unseen is eternal" (I'm sorry for taking a biblical sentence out of context) comes to mind. I believe this saying is relevant because acts of kindness and love that are unseen by others are longer lasting than acts performed in front of others with faulty motives. Others on this earth may not be able to tell between good and bad intentions, but God can. Ultimately, that is who we will all answer to one day. For God knows us better than we know ourselves. This lack of love for fellow humans makes it easier for one to love him/her self or materialistic things, which relates back to the demons. Unfortunately, this may be the deciding factor ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Agape Leadership Summary In Robert L. Peterson and Alexander Strauch's biography "Agape Leadership", we learn about the life of Robert C. Chapman, a well–respected man who held a reputation for actively displaying Christlike love and deep–rooted faith. To describe Chapman's lifestyle, we must look no further than the title of this book: "agape". Christians use the word 'agape' to describe the type of love that Christ showed to the church: an incomprehensible and completely sacrificial love. Chapman consistently sacrificed himself for the benefit of the gospel, thus, influencing hundreds of people for Christ and earning the respect and admiration of thousands. Although Jesus Christ is the ultimate picture of agape love, Robert C. Chapman is an incredible example for us. Chapman steered people to the Lord by living out the true Christian life and displaying Christ's agape–love. This, I believe, was an excellent, visible enactment of Jeff Riley's definition for Christian education: "Christian Education is the process of guiding those in the Church (through his Holy Spirit) to know and to live out a worldview that follows that of God the Father by demonstrating the work and the character of the Lord Jesus Christ, resulting in transformed hearts and minds that are wholly devoted to loving God and loving those he has sovereignly created, making much of his name." Chapman held the philosophy that solely speaking of Christ wasn't nearly enough. Rather, "[his] great aim [was] to live Christ". Instead of ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Philia Philia as described above is the love of friendship. This initially is seen as a selfless act, because being a friend and a good friend requires a lot of hard work and involves the lover to get to know the beloved. Following the Philia framework the lover chooses who they become friends with. Choosing one person over others to treat well, is self–centered. This is because the lover is choosing who the deem worthy of their friendship (Cowley 20). They are picking which person they want to get to know. The simple act of rejecting another human because one does not think they will get along, is selective and selfish. Kierkegaard also explains that Philia, requires mutual interest or desire in one another (Cowley 27). Mutual interest indicated... Show more content on ... There are critics that have opposition to my findings. Two main objections from Ayn Rand the first being a selfless love isn't a meaningful love. The second being morality and happiness, I've explored Rand's objections and although they are good points, the love she alludes too isn't the most morally ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Mlk Agape Analysis The animating force behind MLK's thought and social activity is the idea of Christian Love which is also referred to as agape. Agape is based on human need and the love of someone else, wanting good for others even if there is no return. MLK explains that the universe is naturally inclined towards community, when people hate they defy creation. MLK's movement focused on non–violence which often was seen as passiveness and cowardice. Yet, it instead was intended as an active non–violence which had a goal not of defeat and humiliation, but of creating a friendship and understanding; for it is not the people with whom there is tension, but instead between justice and injustice, good and evil. Agape, therefore, is not "a weak, passive love. It ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Importance Of Agape Outreach We are a group of concerned citizens who have joined together to reclaim our communities. Agape Outreach started as a vision but we have faith we will rise to victory. We all come from different walks of life and have many contributions to make. We pride ourselves on being a community outreach, non–profit organization. Our main goals are to meet the varied needs of the youth, the elderly, and those incarcerated. Our young people deserve a chance to become leaders. Our Elderly have paved the way for us all of these years and it is our belief that we can and should give back. Sometimes another chance at life and a friend who understands is all a person needs to get their life back on track. Welove the young and the young at heart. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Agape Counseling Report In locating a social service agency, a collaborative focus on counseling directed our attention to the Agape Counseling and Training Service. This agency related to the interest of the group, and can be located at 500 Thurmond Mall, Suite 211, Columbia, SC. Agape is also reachable on their website at, The agency is directed by Sheryl Mims Williams, LPC. Agape focuses on the ora of the client(s) with the desire to help individuals gain an understanding of all aspects of their lives. In relation to our beliefs as upcoming social workers, Agape believes that, "Problems can and do affect physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (AGAPE Counseling and Training Services, Inc. (n.d.)." Agape services are designed ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Agape Community Environmental Analysis "Humans, as individual and in our community, must respect the created world and be conscious of our duties toward future generations" (Turkson 4). Catholicism teaches us humans that we have a moral responsibility to uphold God's creation through sustainability and social responsibility. For the purpose of this essay, I will be drawing connections of how Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI view ecology within the inseparable human and natural environment. I will also discuss how the Agape Community embodies both pope's ecological views. John Paul II was the first pope to raise the topic about environment in his first encyclical, Redemptor Hominis in 1979. He further capitalized on this theme with his encyclical Centesimus annus introducing the concept of preserving the human and natural environment. Cardinal Turkson writes, "damage to the natural environment is serious, but destruction of the human environment is more serious" (Turkson 4). This statement implies that the human environment is worth more than the natural environment because God has given the earth to humanity. In other words, John Paul II encourages human need to be met with the minimum possible damage to the natural environment. Although one is placed on a higher pedestal, John Paul II ... Show more content on ... In his social encyclical, Caritas in veritate, Benedict XVI draws the conclusion that, "the way humanity treats the environment influences the way it treats itself, and vice versa" (Turkson 6). This comment alludes to the common biblical teaching that "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". To further drive his point about interconnectedness, Benedict XVI uses an example about rising energy needs that leads to rising energy price. This problem not only effects poverty stricken people but also effects the natural environment by stripping it of its resources at alarming ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Relationship Between Tom And Summer The film (500) Days of Summer is a story about the relationship between Tom Hansen and Summer Finn. Tom and Summer met each other when they were both working at a greeting card company and their relationship began and ended within two years. Tom is best considered to be a hopeless romantic, whereas Summer does not believe in the fantasy of love. Summer's aversion to love stems from her parent's divorce, but it is the opposite for Tom even though his parents were divorced also. With Tom and Summer being two polar opposites from each other, it is easy to see how their relationship will already have conflict embedded within it. Although their story is not a conventional love story, Tom and Summer's relationship that they never put a label on can be applied to various concepts of male/female communication. Tom and Summer's relationship can be best analyzed by using John Lee's types of love, with a focus on eros, ludus, and mania; and their relationship can also be analyzed by using dependence power theory. Tom's primary love type is best described as eros. Eros love, according to John Lee, is the type of love that correlates with the notion "love at first sight". Eros love is intense with a strong attraction from the very start. When Tom first sees Summer when she begins working as the new assistant, he immediately stops to stare at her and in his mind he thinks that from the moment he saw Summer, he knew she was the girl for him. As a hopeless romantic and eros ... Get more on ...