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Before sharing my journey to lose 13kg in 4 months, let me tell you a
little bit about me! Yes, I am the owner
of this blog !
My name is Loan, no nickname, born in 1996, my hometown in the
Central region has constant floods, sudden natural disasters. By the
way, I'm female :)).
This is the image of the "leader" of this Blog
I decided to create this blog first to satisfy my passion for writing. I'm
the girl who likes to stay at home rather than fly :)). Another thing is
that I also want to share what I know and learn to everyone, no matter
what field. Being able to help someone when they need it, I'm very
I am very grateful to those of you who have chosen to follow my Blog
compared to thousands of other Blogs out there! That will be my
motivation to write more, and become everyone's reliable source of
Now on to the main part! Let's get it !
Me of my fat days
My condition
I'm 1m65 tall. When I didn't do the work of losing 13kg in 4 months , I
was 63kg.
Actually, according to the common ground of fat people, I am the type
of "nothing fat" =))
My mother insists that I'm not fat, that's okay, it's fit. They also remind
me not to gain weight anymore :))
In general, each person has a standard, dear! But usually the pain is
only understood by the insider :))
Is this a common pain?
Going to buy things, the beautiful ones don't fit, the right ones don't fit
well. But poor girls who don't wear beautiful clothes are only at home.
At that time, it is true that I just went to work and stayed at home,
everyone. At the girls around, all of them are well dressed, body suits
of all kinds. As for me, I'm loyal to jeans and a full-size t-shirt.
Craving to wear a dress to make it beautiful, but the thing that saves a
bit of face says "I like a simple, dynamic style" :)).
Portrait of a person who "prefers simple style" =))
I'm so sorry to say that, folks!
It's also great to walk, run, and jump, moms. When I was in school,
whether student to student, teenager to teenager, I failed only in
physical education. That's humiliation. I'm so fat, I can't lift myself up!
Tall and still big! Looks like a big baby girl :))
My mentality
My mentality was fine during the growth period. Like a pig that grows
fat, not for cooking, but for meat. I only know how to get fatter, fatter
day by day, everyone.
I was not on the scale at that time. Because I don't care about that. I
still eat a full day, a lot of food. Milk tea is the god that brought me to
the top. It's delicious, can't give it up.
Many times, I have intended to lose weight. The intense intention for
about a week was the longest, then it died down because I couldn't
overcome my bottomless greed for food. Not even overcome the
laziness that is deeply embedded in dignity.
Eating out leads to
weight gain (Source: internet)
Sometimes I have funny fears. I went to gym in the morning, too early
to eat, when I got to the school gate, I had low blood sugar. When my
eyes darkened, I swear I can only think of one despicable thing, "Can
anyone carry me, if I faint, who can carry me??? !!!”. It's also
The time when I was startled awake, waking up after days and nights
in falling, was when I discovered a cruel reality. My weight has far
surpassed my lover's weight. So I'm confused again. It's heavier than
that and then go together, if we fainted, how could he carry
it. Shame… so humiliating.
Then I also discovered, the pile of clothes in the closet had to be taken
out to widen. As for the skirts, they can't be stuffed anymore.
(Source: internet)
Start thinking, can't it just stay like that, and then how big will it get? I
can't let it be, the most important thing is my health. The more fat you
are, the more likely you are to get some intractable diseases.
Willingness surges, determination elevates. I have entered the
glorious weight loss journey of my life.
What did I prepare before I lost
13kg in 4 months?
About the spirit
After the previous unsuccessful weight loss sessions, I only want one
thing is to keep myself thinking that I will lose weight, and will do it.
There is no need to be too excited, just be conscious of losing weight.
I also define a clear goal, how much weight will be lost in how
long. And determining that weight loss from 10kg or more is a long-
term struggle of resistance. Because if you lose weight too quickly,
your health will surely go down.
Determination to lose weight at home boils (Source: internet)
List dozens of weight loss benefits and write them down to see if it's
worth focusing on losing weight. I will be thinner, easier to wear, the
clothes in the closet won't be able to give or throw away, I will put on
the dresses again to see how thin I have become Most importantly,
you will feel more confident. Losing weight and pushing excess fat out
of the body will also be better for health…
I started my journey to lose 13kg in 4 months like that. Why 4
months? Because after 4 months, it's Tet. Why 13 kg? Simply
because I want to return to the number 50 characters for even :)).
Read more: [EXPERIENCE] 30 simple and effective weight loss
tips for lazy people
About knowledge
Up to the present time, I am confident that I have a belly of knowledge
related to weight loss. But this knowledge is nothing too sublime or
difficult to understand, people. As long as everyone understands the
principle, everyone can reduce as much as they want.
I lost weight without taking drugs, or making myself tired. Even after
losing weight, I feel that I am much better, not sluggish or lack of
So my weight loss method will be suitable for all subjects, including
mothers after giving birth.
Principles of effective weight loss at home for all
The immutable principle in weight loss is just that, everyone:
Calorie intake must be less than calories consumed
If you want to lose weight, you should follow the principle of calories consumed less than
calories consumed (Source: internet)
Okay, so what are calories?
People just understand calories simply. It is a unit for measuring
energy. For example, in a cup of rice there are about 200 calories, you
eat that cup of rice, that is, your body has added 200
calories. That's calorie intake .
After you finish eating, you go for a walk. Your body is active and the
calories that are already in your body are consumed, for example 50
calories. That loss is called calorie consumption .
In the above case, the amount of calories consumed is less than the
calories taken in, like if you eat a lot and you do less, then you will
have 150 calories excess. 150 calories is excess energy, which will be
converted into fat, fat and fat. Excess calories are directly proportional
to excess fat.
Therefore, the cause of weight gain is also due to the fact that
the amount of calories taken in is greater than the amount of calories
consumed . What you need to do to lose weight, is to do the opposite.
In case you are satisfied with your current weight, you can keep the
weight by balancing the calories you take in and burn.
Remember: For every 7,000 calories you eat, you'll gain 1kg. You
burn 7000 calories, equivalent to 1kg loss. How long you want to
consume 7000 calories will determine how long it takes you to
lose 1kg.
How to follow the principle of effective weight loss
The 2 things I did during the process of losing 13kg in 4 months
included: eating and exercising.
have to eat to lose weight. But what to eat? (Source: internet)
Of course. If you don't eat, you can't exercise. But how to eat to lose
weight fast, beautiful skin, healthy, but also do not have to exercise
regularly? That's the secret! Don't worry, I'll share them all below.
Eating accounts for 70% of the weight loss effect. So adjusting your
eating is the first thing you need to do to see the effect right away!
Read more: [EXPERIENCE] Eat clean menu to lose weight in 7
days and fly 2 kg
Do exercise
Along with your daily routine, exercise will account for the remaining
30% of your weight loss performance. In fact, you may not exercise
but only adjust your diet to lose weight. However, exercise has three
important benefits:
• Accelerate effective weight loss : Simply because when you
exercise, a certain amount of calories will be burned depending on
the exercise.
• Help you lose the body part you want to lose : You want to lose
weight, but the most fat is the belly. Chest or butt are fine, belly
first. Then do exercises that prioritize the abdominal area. That's for
• Body supple, improve health : You will feel very "buffalo" after a
period of exercise!
Everything is easy when you understand and know the
principles. Rest assured because I will talk in detail about how to eat
and exercise effectively!
It's easy, keep reading!
Read more: 10 exercises to reduce belly fat for lazy people - Easy,
anyone can do it
How do I eat to lose 13kg in 4
Because calories determine everything, I kept learning about this baby
to know how to lose weight at home effectively.
This is how I ate for 4 months and still maintain it until now:
Find out how many calories your body
needs for a day
How many calories the body needs a day (Source: internet)
Learning about this will help you adjust your eating and exercise to
lose weight effectively. Everyone's body is different, so the amount of
calories each person needs in a day will also be different. To know
how to calculate the number of calories your body needs each day,
see here !
Or simply leave a comment about your height, weight, age, and
gender, I will calculate accurately and directly answer you!
Once this indicator has been determined, the thing to do is to eat in
control, do not exceed that level in case you exercise. If you're not
exercising for energy, eat less than that.
Read more: The most detailed 28-day keto menu- easy to prepare-
super economical
Be more careful with what you eat or drink
Research what you're going to eat or how many
calories to drink
You need to check, the calories of each food and drink offline! This is
very necessary for you to measure properly and lose weight at home
For example, a day you need 1200 calories to not gain weight, then
you set a goal of 1000 calories to lose weight. You will divide it into,
for example, 400 calories in the morning, 300 calories in lunch, and
300 calories in dinner. Thus, each meal you need to eat what, what
not to eat, what to eat more, what to eat less... how to achieve enough
or less than the set number of calories.
Should eat fruit or eat cakes to lose weight effectively (Source: internet)
Relax, there's no need to be too precise with eating. Temporarily is
fine. It is important to choose food because for example, a cup of milk
tea has 300-400 calories depending on size S, M, L :)).
Research what kind of food or drink helps you feel
full but has few calories
Filtered water, vegetables, fruits are the things mentioned here. Eat a
lot of these, eat to fullness, so that calorie-rich foods such as starch,
limited fat are loaded into the body! These things, no matter how much
you eat, you won't get fat!
However, durian is not counted here! Many moms are addicted to
durian, but it's too late, moms. Durian but also add ice cream with
milk, it's okay to run a kilometer without running out of calories!
What foods are suitable for weight loss (Source: internet)
Divide meals into reasonable portions of the day
This is nothing new. Eat smaller meals, instead, each meal is
small. Eat like a baby's diet, weaning, snacking like that. This helps
keep your body from getting too hungry, because when you're hungry,
the power to break down food is no joke.
In addition, dividing meals into several meals will make it easier to
consume the amount of food. Because calories are broken down, the
burn will be faster than usual. Combined with eating low-calorie foods,
it's so great!
Split meals to lose weight effectively (Source: internet)
Eat according to the principle of breakfast, eat like
a giant, and eat dinner like a child.
Everyone knows this, but not everyone can do it. Simply because
there are many moms who stay up late and text messages with guys
who don't go to sleep (I'm kidding hehe). But the reality is, staying up
late makes you hungry, if you are hungry, you have to eat, and if you
eat late, you will be fat. Because at that time you did not do anything
to waste energy.
And grandparents have a saying: "Stomach stretch, eye skin
tightening", after eating full and sleeping right away, don't blame me
for being fat!
Should invest in the morning, noon to get energy to work. Less night!
As for mothers, sisters, staying up to look after children or working late
at night, they can't do anything else, eat to have strength. But still
have to follow the criteria, choose the food that you eat to lose weight
at home effectively.
• Eat before 7pm, after 7pm don't eat anything, just drink water
• Limit eating foods that are processed with too many complicated
techniques such as frying, stir-frying, greasy, too much spice. So
frugal processing such as boiled, steamed... Of course, no one can
stand it. I'm just saying limit, if you want fried or fried food, just eat it,
but eat it in moderation!
Do not eat too much greasy food to lose weight effectively
• Limit eating outside. Because we can't control how the outside food
is cooked? With what kind of spice? It is very difficult to calculate
calories or estimate calories to control.
A small tip in drinking water : Instead of drinking a lot of filtered
water, I will replace it with diluted lemon juice . I replace it
completely. Dilute well and do not add sugar. You can put lemon juice
in the refrigerator to drink, so it will be more delicious and
refreshing. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, which also has the effect of
losing weight. My skin is also much whiter and smoother after using
this tip. Let's try it!
Read more: 11 extremely effective and simple lemon weight loss
tips at home!
What is the menu to lose 13kg in 4 months?
There is no fixed menu for mothers. Because my weight loss does not
follow any menu.
I also understand that it is difficult for mothers to eat exactly what they
are told. Because sometimes mothers do not have time, sometimes
have to eat with someone, or the nature of work has to eat out a lot...
I myself too. My industry mostly communicates a lot, so it is not
always controlled. I also can't follow the menu as suggested on the
internet, because I feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable. But such
preparation is also expensive!
I like the simple, quick, so for the menu I'm not rigid. For me, following
the rules will automatically have the best menu!
Effective weight loss menu at home (Source: internet)
For example, the breakfast I most often eat is vermicelli or pho, bread
is still okay. I usually don't count in the morning. Of course, I still need
to know how many calories those foods contain? To spend? To adjust
at lunch and dinner.
See also: The most complete summary of calories in daily food
Lunch is like everyone else, I just eat rice. But the amount of rice is
usually half a cup. Eat less rice because rice contains a lot of
starch. Half a cup is about 100 calories. I will eat more
vegetables. Before eating, I will drink soup, about 30% of my stomach,
then I will eat.
At night, I eat less. Usually, I don't eat rice, but I will roll rice paper with
vegetables, it's great to have fish too. This dish is free to eat, because
it is still mainly vegetables.
Tip : I practice eating light. Because eating too much salt, the body
will retain water, leading to weight gain. In general, prioritize frugal
dishes. But the more complicated dishes, it tastes better. Reality
cannot be denied :).
Well, I don't have a menu. I just strictly follow the rules! So it's
Your eating is good, you don't even need to exercise. Really. Because
it accounts for 70% of the weight loss effect.
How did I exercise to lose 13kg in 4
Effective exercise time to lose weight at
I completely exercise at home, everyone. I practice on my own, I don't
need to go to the gym. There's no need to hire a fitness trainer
either. I like something free, free and free.
Usually, I will spend about 30 minutes a day for exercise. I was too
lazy at first. After practicing for about 5 minutes, I want to rest,
because I am tired. I'm tired of just practicing.
Read more: Summary of calories burned through daily activities
But if I let 30 minutes pass, it's a waste because I will lose weight
faster if I exercise. So I decided to give it a try.
The first few days practice 5 minutes, gradually increase to 10, 15, 20
and then 30 minutes. Wait until it becomes a habit, then automatically
like to practice more. At this point, the determination is already high,
with the weight, I have lost about 1-2 kg, so it is very hard.
The sisters just practice walking, just like me, increasing day by day
like that. ness, But don't practice for a long time, the body will be tired,
and it will be easy to get bored.
As I said, weight loss is a long process. Let's define so! If you take
action, tomorrow will be better than today. Otherwise, tomorrow will be
the same as today.
What exercises have I done to lose weight
at home?
Effective cardio exercises to lose weight
This is mainly panting like a pig, sweating like a stream, but everyone
has finished the exercise. This is a very intense burning of body
fat. Practice hard to become addicted.
Effective home weight loss cardio exercises (Source: internet)
Muscle exercises that work in part to help lose
weight effectively at home
These exercises are mainly for those who like to be thin where they
are thin, and where they want to be terrible. I can adjust it. These
exercises mainly affect inorganic only, the form of turning fat into
muscle, so if you practice for a long time, your body will be firm and
not flabby.
Both of these types of articles I use all the exercises on youtube. I use
both Vietnamese and foreign youtubers. Depending on your condition
or health, you can choose which exercises are effective, how long,
how many calories you burn for each exercise...
Muscle exercises help lose weight the desired parts (Source: internet)
When you feel that your ability is up, then choose heavier
songs. Believe me, after a short period of about 2 weeks, you will find
yourself getting better.
Play badminton
This is organized by my company for employees only. Every night,
divide the team to make it a habit. About 1 hour each time. Playing
badminton also consumes a lot of energy, everyone.
I jumped rope throughout the process of losing 13kg in 4 months (Source: internet)
This is how I use it regularly to lose weight effectively at
home. Because anywhere, anytime, I can jump rope to consume
energy. This is also a form of fat-burning cardio. I set a goal for each
jump and then gradually increase it. For example, today you must
jump 500 times, tomorrow you must jump 700, then increase to 1000,
2000, 3000.
During the journey that I lost weight, I was alone, no one to lose
weight with to support each other. I encouraged myself, and because
of that, I got better and better every day. It's getting easier and easier
for me to lose weight day by day, because it has become a habit.
Read more: Drinking cocoa to lose weight and myths you may not
The result I got was to lose 13kg in
4 months
It sounds like 4 months is a long time, but it really happened very
quickly. Because when you get used to it and make it a part of your
life, losing weight is like eating or working.
I have lost 13kg and received the admiring eyes of everyone.
I have been wearing clothes that fit even very loosely in the form of
“shirts I have never worn”.
I felt stronger, more resilient.
Most importantly, I was really confident and proud of myself for being
able to turn a difficult thing into an easy one.
My current self :))
Currently, my weight is 50kg. In fact, my most weight loss time fell at
48kg. But because I feel a bit thin, I increased my calorie intake a
bit. Right now, I'm keeping everything in balance.
Recently, in addition to the lemonade I still drink, I also drink
celery. This girl also has the effect of helping to beautify the skin. At
first, it was very difficult to drink celery. Then I learned and bought
Celery Powder to drink. The celery powder I drink is Motree Honey
Celery Powder . The taste is cool, easy to drink but also very
convenient, bring each small package to the street to drink.
I have reviewed it very carefully, you can check it out here !
I have shared about the journey as well as how I lost 13kg in 4 months
with you. I am very happy if I can help someone who is really in need
of a scientific, healthy, non-medicated weight loss method , and at the
same time must be simple and easy.
I will have many more articles related to this topic! Please join me with
the next articles!
If you have any questions, leave a comment! I will answer all your
If you find the article useful, please share it with those who really need
Thanks very much ! See you !
Maybe you are interested:
• What vegetables to eat to lose weight fastest? 3 tips to eat
vegetables to lose weight "without braking"
• Lose weight with sweet potatoes in 3 days, quickly fly 2 kg!
• Beat 10kg in 2 weeks with just eggs - very simple, very shocking

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How did I lose 13 kg in 4 months?

  • 1. Before sharing my journey to lose 13kg in 4 months, let me tell you a little bit about me! Yes, I am the owner of this blog ! My name is Loan, no nickname, born in 1996, my hometown in the Central region has constant floods, sudden natural disasters. By the way, I'm female :)). This is the image of the "leader" of this Blog
  • 2. I decided to create this blog first to satisfy my passion for writing. I'm the girl who likes to stay at home rather than fly :)). Another thing is that I also want to share what I know and learn to everyone, no matter what field. Being able to help someone when they need it, I'm very happy. I am very grateful to those of you who have chosen to follow my Blog compared to thousands of other Blogs out there! That will be my motivation to write more, and become everyone's reliable source of information. Now on to the main part! Let's get it ! Me of my fat days My condition I'm 1m65 tall. When I didn't do the work of losing 13kg in 4 months , I was 63kg. Actually, according to the common ground of fat people, I am the type of "nothing fat" =)) My mother insists that I'm not fat, that's okay, it's fit. They also remind me not to gain weight anymore :)) In general, each person has a standard, dear! But usually the pain is only understood by the insider :)) Is this a common pain? Going to buy things, the beautiful ones don't fit, the right ones don't fit well. But poor girls who don't wear beautiful clothes are only at home.
  • 3. At that time, it is true that I just went to work and stayed at home, everyone. At the girls around, all of them are well dressed, body suits of all kinds. As for me, I'm loyal to jeans and a full-size t-shirt. Craving to wear a dress to make it beautiful, but the thing that saves a bit of face says "I like a simple, dynamic style" :)). Portrait of a person who "prefers simple style" =)) I'm so sorry to say that, folks! It's also great to walk, run, and jump, moms. When I was in school, whether student to student, teenager to teenager, I failed only in physical education. That's humiliation. I'm so fat, I can't lift myself up! Tall and still big! Looks like a big baby girl :)) My mentality
  • 4. My mentality was fine during the growth period. Like a pig that grows fat, not for cooking, but for meat. I only know how to get fatter, fatter day by day, everyone. I was not on the scale at that time. Because I don't care about that. I still eat a full day, a lot of food. Milk tea is the god that brought me to the top. It's delicious, can't give it up. Many times, I have intended to lose weight. The intense intention for about a week was the longest, then it died down because I couldn't overcome my bottomless greed for food. Not even overcome the laziness that is deeply embedded in dignity. Eating out leads to weight gain (Source: internet) Sometimes I have funny fears. I went to gym in the morning, too early to eat, when I got to the school gate, I had low blood sugar. When my eyes darkened, I swear I can only think of one despicable thing, "Can
  • 5. anyone carry me, if I faint, who can carry me??? !!!”. It's also humiliating. The time when I was startled awake, waking up after days and nights in falling, was when I discovered a cruel reality. My weight has far surpassed my lover's weight. So I'm confused again. It's heavier than that and then go together, if we fainted, how could he carry it. Shame… so humiliating. Then I also discovered, the pile of clothes in the closet had to be taken out to widen. As for the skirts, they can't be stuffed anymore. (Source: internet) Start thinking, can't it just stay like that, and then how big will it get? I can't let it be, the most important thing is my health. The more fat you are, the more likely you are to get some intractable diseases.
  • 6. Willingness surges, determination elevates. I have entered the glorious weight loss journey of my life. What did I prepare before I lost 13kg in 4 months? About the spirit After the previous unsuccessful weight loss sessions, I only want one thing is to keep myself thinking that I will lose weight, and will do it. There is no need to be too excited, just be conscious of losing weight. I also define a clear goal, how much weight will be lost in how long. And determining that weight loss from 10kg or more is a long- term struggle of resistance. Because if you lose weight too quickly, your health will surely go down.
  • 7. Determination to lose weight at home boils (Source: internet) List dozens of weight loss benefits and write them down to see if it's worth focusing on losing weight. I will be thinner, easier to wear, the clothes in the closet won't be able to give or throw away, I will put on the dresses again to see how thin I have become Most importantly, you will feel more confident. Losing weight and pushing excess fat out of the body will also be better for health… I started my journey to lose 13kg in 4 months like that. Why 4 months? Because after 4 months, it's Tet. Why 13 kg? Simply because I want to return to the number 50 characters for even :)). Read more: [EXPERIENCE] 30 simple and effective weight loss tips for lazy people About knowledge
  • 8. Up to the present time, I am confident that I have a belly of knowledge related to weight loss. But this knowledge is nothing too sublime or difficult to understand, people. As long as everyone understands the principle, everyone can reduce as much as they want. I lost weight without taking drugs, or making myself tired. Even after losing weight, I feel that I am much better, not sluggish or lack of vitality. So my weight loss method will be suitable for all subjects, including mothers after giving birth. Principles of effective weight loss at home for all subjects The immutable principle in weight loss is just that, everyone: Calorie intake must be less than calories consumed
  • 9. If you want to lose weight, you should follow the principle of calories consumed less than calories consumed (Source: internet) Okay, so what are calories? People just understand calories simply. It is a unit for measuring energy. For example, in a cup of rice there are about 200 calories, you eat that cup of rice, that is, your body has added 200 calories. That's calorie intake . After you finish eating, you go for a walk. Your body is active and the calories that are already in your body are consumed, for example 50 calories. That loss is called calorie consumption . In the above case, the amount of calories consumed is less than the calories taken in, like if you eat a lot and you do less, then you will have 150 calories excess. 150 calories is excess energy, which will be converted into fat, fat and fat. Excess calories are directly proportional to excess fat.
  • 10. Therefore, the cause of weight gain is also due to the fact that the amount of calories taken in is greater than the amount of calories consumed . What you need to do to lose weight, is to do the opposite. In case you are satisfied with your current weight, you can keep the weight by balancing the calories you take in and burn. Remember: For every 7,000 calories you eat, you'll gain 1kg. You burn 7000 calories, equivalent to 1kg loss. How long you want to consume 7000 calories will determine how long it takes you to lose 1kg. How to follow the principle of effective weight loss The 2 things I did during the process of losing 13kg in 4 months included: eating and exercising. Eat You have to eat to lose weight. But what to eat? (Source: internet)
  • 11. Of course. If you don't eat, you can't exercise. But how to eat to lose weight fast, beautiful skin, healthy, but also do not have to exercise regularly? That's the secret! Don't worry, I'll share them all below. Eating accounts for 70% of the weight loss effect. So adjusting your eating is the first thing you need to do to see the effect right away! Read more: [EXPERIENCE] Eat clean menu to lose weight in 7 days and fly 2 kg Do exercise Along with your daily routine, exercise will account for the remaining 30% of your weight loss performance. In fact, you may not exercise but only adjust your diet to lose weight. However, exercise has three important benefits: • Accelerate effective weight loss : Simply because when you exercise, a certain amount of calories will be burned depending on the exercise. • Help you lose the body part you want to lose : You want to lose weight, but the most fat is the belly. Chest or butt are fine, belly first. Then do exercises that prioritize the abdominal area. That's for example. • Body supple, improve health : You will feel very "buffalo" after a period of exercise! Everything is easy when you understand and know the principles. Rest assured because I will talk in detail about how to eat and exercise effectively! It's easy, keep reading! Read more: 10 exercises to reduce belly fat for lazy people - Easy, anyone can do it
  • 12. How do I eat to lose 13kg in 4 months? Because calories determine everything, I kept learning about this baby to know how to lose weight at home effectively. This is how I ate for 4 months and still maintain it until now: Find out how many calories your body needs for a day How many calories the body needs a day (Source: internet) Learning about this will help you adjust your eating and exercise to lose weight effectively. Everyone's body is different, so the amount of calories each person needs in a day will also be different. To know how to calculate the number of calories your body needs each day, see here !
  • 13. Or simply leave a comment about your height, weight, age, and gender, I will calculate accurately and directly answer you! Once this indicator has been determined, the thing to do is to eat in control, do not exceed that level in case you exercise. If you're not exercising for energy, eat less than that. Read more: The most detailed 28-day keto menu- easy to prepare- super economical Be more careful with what you eat or drink Research what you're going to eat or how many calories to drink You need to check, the calories of each food and drink offline! This is very necessary for you to measure properly and lose weight at home effectively. For example, a day you need 1200 calories to not gain weight, then you set a goal of 1000 calories to lose weight. You will divide it into, for example, 400 calories in the morning, 300 calories in lunch, and 300 calories in dinner. Thus, each meal you need to eat what, what not to eat, what to eat more, what to eat less... how to achieve enough or less than the set number of calories.
  • 14. Should eat fruit or eat cakes to lose weight effectively (Source: internet) Relax, there's no need to be too precise with eating. Temporarily is fine. It is important to choose food because for example, a cup of milk tea has 300-400 calories depending on size S, M, L :)). Research what kind of food or drink helps you feel full but has few calories Filtered water, vegetables, fruits are the things mentioned here. Eat a lot of these, eat to fullness, so that calorie-rich foods such as starch, limited fat are loaded into the body! These things, no matter how much you eat, you won't get fat! However, durian is not counted here! Many moms are addicted to durian, but it's too late, moms. Durian but also add ice cream with milk, it's okay to run a kilometer without running out of calories!
  • 15. What foods are suitable for weight loss (Source: internet) Divide meals into reasonable portions of the day This is nothing new. Eat smaller meals, instead, each meal is small. Eat like a baby's diet, weaning, snacking like that. This helps keep your body from getting too hungry, because when you're hungry, the power to break down food is no joke. In addition, dividing meals into several meals will make it easier to consume the amount of food. Because calories are broken down, the burn will be faster than usual. Combined with eating low-calorie foods, it's so great!
  • 16. Split meals to lose weight effectively (Source: internet) Eat according to the principle of breakfast, eat like a giant, and eat dinner like a child. Everyone knows this, but not everyone can do it. Simply because there are many moms who stay up late and text messages with guys who don't go to sleep (I'm kidding hehe). But the reality is, staying up late makes you hungry, if you are hungry, you have to eat, and if you eat late, you will be fat. Because at that time you did not do anything to waste energy. And grandparents have a saying: "Stomach stretch, eye skin tightening", after eating full and sleeping right away, don't blame me for being fat! Should invest in the morning, noon to get energy to work. Less night! As for mothers, sisters, staying up to look after children or working late at night, they can't do anything else, eat to have strength. But still
  • 17. have to follow the criteria, choose the food that you eat to lose weight at home effectively. Besides: • Eat before 7pm, after 7pm don't eat anything, just drink water • Limit eating foods that are processed with too many complicated techniques such as frying, stir-frying, greasy, too much spice. So frugal processing such as boiled, steamed... Of course, no one can stand it. I'm just saying limit, if you want fried or fried food, just eat it, but eat it in moderation! Do not eat too much greasy food to lose weight effectively • Limit eating outside. Because we can't control how the outside food is cooked? With what kind of spice? It is very difficult to calculate calories or estimate calories to control. A small tip in drinking water : Instead of drinking a lot of filtered water, I will replace it with diluted lemon juice . I replace it
  • 18. completely. Dilute well and do not add sugar. You can put lemon juice in the refrigerator to drink, so it will be more delicious and refreshing. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, which also has the effect of losing weight. My skin is also much whiter and smoother after using this tip. Let's try it! Read more: 11 extremely effective and simple lemon weight loss tips at home! What is the menu to lose 13kg in 4 months? There is no fixed menu for mothers. Because my weight loss does not follow any menu. I also understand that it is difficult for mothers to eat exactly what they are told. Because sometimes mothers do not have time, sometimes have to eat with someone, or the nature of work has to eat out a lot... I myself too. My industry mostly communicates a lot, so it is not always controlled. I also can't follow the menu as suggested on the internet, because I feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable. But such preparation is also expensive! I like the simple, quick, so for the menu I'm not rigid. For me, following the rules will automatically have the best menu!
  • 19. Effective weight loss menu at home (Source: internet) For example, the breakfast I most often eat is vermicelli or pho, bread is still okay. I usually don't count in the morning. Of course, I still need to know how many calories those foods contain? To spend? To adjust at lunch and dinner. See also: The most complete summary of calories in daily food Lunch is like everyone else, I just eat rice. But the amount of rice is usually half a cup. Eat less rice because rice contains a lot of starch. Half a cup is about 100 calories. I will eat more vegetables. Before eating, I will drink soup, about 30% of my stomach, then I will eat. At night, I eat less. Usually, I don't eat rice, but I will roll rice paper with vegetables, it's great to have fish too. This dish is free to eat, because it is still mainly vegetables.
  • 20. Tip : I practice eating light. Because eating too much salt, the body will retain water, leading to weight gain. In general, prioritize frugal dishes. But the more complicated dishes, it tastes better. Reality cannot be denied :). Well, I don't have a menu. I just strictly follow the rules! So it's successful. Your eating is good, you don't even need to exercise. Really. Because it accounts for 70% of the weight loss effect. How did I exercise to lose 13kg in 4 months? Effective exercise time to lose weight at home I completely exercise at home, everyone. I practice on my own, I don't need to go to the gym. There's no need to hire a fitness trainer either. I like something free, free and free. Usually, I will spend about 30 minutes a day for exercise. I was too lazy at first. After practicing for about 5 minutes, I want to rest, because I am tired. I'm tired of just practicing. Read more: Summary of calories burned through daily activities But if I let 30 minutes pass, it's a waste because I will lose weight faster if I exercise. So I decided to give it a try. The first few days practice 5 minutes, gradually increase to 10, 15, 20 and then 30 minutes. Wait until it becomes a habit, then automatically like to practice more. At this point, the determination is already high, with the weight, I have lost about 1-2 kg, so it is very hard.
  • 21. The sisters just practice walking, just like me, increasing day by day like that. ness, But don't practice for a long time, the body will be tired, and it will be easy to get bored. As I said, weight loss is a long process. Let's define so! If you take action, tomorrow will be better than today. Otherwise, tomorrow will be the same as today. What exercises have I done to lose weight at home? Effective cardio exercises to lose weight This is mainly panting like a pig, sweating like a stream, but everyone has finished the exercise. This is a very intense burning of body fat. Practice hard to become addicted. Effective home weight loss cardio exercises (Source: internet) Muscle exercises that work in part to help lose weight effectively at home
  • 22. These exercises are mainly for those who like to be thin where they are thin, and where they want to be terrible. I can adjust it. These exercises mainly affect inorganic only, the form of turning fat into muscle, so if you practice for a long time, your body will be firm and not flabby. Both of these types of articles I use all the exercises on youtube. I use both Vietnamese and foreign youtubers. Depending on your condition or health, you can choose which exercises are effective, how long, how many calories you burn for each exercise... Muscle exercises help lose weight the desired parts (Source: internet) When you feel that your ability is up, then choose heavier songs. Believe me, after a short period of about 2 weeks, you will find yourself getting better. Play badminton
  • 23. This is organized by my company for employees only. Every night, divide the team to make it a habit. About 1 hour each time. Playing badminton also consumes a lot of energy, everyone. Skipping I jumped rope throughout the process of losing 13kg in 4 months (Source: internet) This is how I use it regularly to lose weight effectively at home. Because anywhere, anytime, I can jump rope to consume energy. This is also a form of fat-burning cardio. I set a goal for each jump and then gradually increase it. For example, today you must jump 500 times, tomorrow you must jump 700, then increase to 1000, 2000, 3000. During the journey that I lost weight, I was alone, no one to lose weight with to support each other. I encouraged myself, and because of that, I got better and better every day. It's getting easier and easier for me to lose weight day by day, because it has become a habit.
  • 24. Read more: Drinking cocoa to lose weight and myths you may not know The result I got was to lose 13kg in 4 months It sounds like 4 months is a long time, but it really happened very quickly. Because when you get used to it and make it a part of your life, losing weight is like eating or working. I have lost 13kg and received the admiring eyes of everyone. I have been wearing clothes that fit even very loosely in the form of “shirts I have never worn”. I felt stronger, more resilient. Most importantly, I was really confident and proud of myself for being able to turn a difficult thing into an easy one.
  • 25. My current self :)) Currently, my weight is 50kg. In fact, my most weight loss time fell at 48kg. But because I feel a bit thin, I increased my calorie intake a bit. Right now, I'm keeping everything in balance. Recently, in addition to the lemonade I still drink, I also drink celery. This girl also has the effect of helping to beautify the skin. At first, it was very difficult to drink celery. Then I learned and bought Celery Powder to drink. The celery powder I drink is Motree Honey Celery Powder . The taste is cool, easy to drink but also very convenient, bring each small package to the street to drink. I have reviewed it very carefully, you can check it out here ! Conclude I have shared about the journey as well as how I lost 13kg in 4 months with you. I am very happy if I can help someone who is really in need
  • 26. of a scientific, healthy, non-medicated weight loss method , and at the same time must be simple and easy. I will have many more articles related to this topic! Please join me with the next articles! If you have any questions, leave a comment! I will answer all your questions! If you find the article useful, please share it with those who really need it! Thanks very much ! See you ! Maybe you are interested: • What vegetables to eat to lose weight fastest? 3 tips to eat vegetables to lose weight "without braking" • Lose weight with sweet potatoes in 3 days, quickly fly 2 kg! • Beat 10kg in 2 weeks with just eggs - very simple, very shocking