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“Your Search For An Easier Way Is Over”

 How 12 Years Of Sweat, Pain, Tears, and Frustration
In A Basement Gym Produced THE Most Powerful Fat
 Burning And Muscle Building System On This Planet
Hi, I’m Josh…
            Owner of

       I used to be a 215-pound tub of lard... pure lard.
       I was fat at over 30% body fat. Down right obese.
     I was unhealthy with extremely high blood pressure.

I couldn't even walk up a set of stairs without getting out of breath.

        When I looked in the mirror one morning after
        taking a shower, I got so disgusted that right
        then and there I decided to get rid of all that
                nasty and disgusting body fat.

       It made me sick to my stomach to look at myself.
I set out on my journey to lose lots and lots of weight.

        I figured if I could reach a much lower
         body weight that I would look great.

                 So that's what I did...

 I pretty much starved myself and did lots and lots of
cardiovascular exercise. I would say I did about 5 hours
      of cardio each week and no weight training.

  I remember eating a single can of beans each day.
        That was it. I didn't have much money
         so it helped in that department too.
                 It was cheap and easy.
Guess What?

   In what had to be a record amount of time...
          I was down to 155 pounds!!!

Everyday it seemed like I got tons of "compliments"

    "Josh! How much weight have you lost?"
         "Josh, you look so skinny now!"
       "You've lost so much weight, Josh!"

                  I was so happy.

        And then one day... it all changed:
My Mom STOPPED me one day when I was home.

 She grabbed my arm and looked me straight in the eyes...

                          She said:

                   "Honey, you look sick."

              "You need to gain some weight."

                     "You're all bones."

 My Mom was one person who always told me the truth.
     I knew she was speaking the complete truth.

When she speaks, I listen... because she never wants to hurt.
So I took a trip to my trusty mirror and tried
            to see what everyone else was seeing.

                      And there I stood.

All alone in front of that same mirror that started my journey.

     Another feeling of complete disgust came over me.
            I was much leaner than before BUT
              I still had rolls of fat all over me.

              I could tell that most of the muscle
            I had in the past was completely gone.

    And then I realized something else that made me sick...
All those so-called "compliments" were
                 actually NOT compliments at all.

           They were actually trying to tell me the same
               thing my Mom wasn't scared to say.

          MOST people don't want to hurt your feelings
               So they aren't truthful with you

                         So once again...

I set out on a journey from an even worse situation to fix my body.

       I did all the research this time. I found that I needed to
      lift weights to build muscle. I found that I needed to eat
 lots of food to build muscle. I found some "experts" to guide me.
I listened to them...

      I got back up to almost 200 pounds listening to those

                        200 pounds of fat

       This was extremely FRUSTRATING to say the least.

               Once again, I was back in just about
          the same situation I started AND I was ANGRY
             this time around. Sick and tired of lies!!!

                           Once again...

I was fat and unhealthy. You see... those "experts" told me to stop
doing cardio and focus on eating lots of food while lifting weights.

     I had spent a FEW YEARS now trying to get a better body.
    All that time, work, sweat, money, and tears for NOTHING!

I did so much cardio trying to lose weight that I completely wrecked
   my knees. They were killing me. I could barely walk down a set
      of stairs. I had to hold onto the railing to keep from falling.

    I then quit doing cardio so I could focus on building muscle.

     I gained some muscle but gained a lot of fat back too.
    My blood pressure was HIGHER than ever now. SKY HIGH.

So... all that work for nothing but ANGER, PAIN, and FRUSTRATION.
Do you know how frustrated I was?

            Maybe you're in that same situation today.


        Maybe you're lucky and you're just getting started.

                             You see...

    I continued on my journey for several more years. I started
      researching on my own. I stopped trusting the so-called
          experts that I had trusted so many times before.

Those so called "EXPERTS" have their own agenda. I figured that out
   eventually but couldn't understand how those people could put
 themselves ABOVE all others that are trusting them to tell the truth.
I discovered THE TRUTH for myself.

         I'm an Engineer and love to figure things out.

                   I love to solve problems.

                     So that's what I did...

I spent 12 years studying and researching how the body works.

                  How do you build muscle?

                    How do you burn fat?

  Because those are the KEYS to getting the body you want.
You might need to build a small amount of muscle
      and lose a small amount of fat to get the body you want.

         You might need to build a huge amount of muscle
               and lose huge amounts of body fat.

It's all about building the exact amount of muscle you want and need.
         And burning the exact amount of fat you want and need.

                    "It's not about weight loss."

Focus on weight loss and you get exactly what I got when I tried it:

        A skinny bag of bones with lots of fat and no muscle.
   Skinny BUT fat. You don't want that. Trust me. It feels horrible.
Let me explain why muscle is so important and why you can't
         afford to lose muscle in your quest for a new body:

   Muscle is active tissue that makes any physical activity easier.

  Just moving around during the day, walking up stairs, doing laundry,
lifting and carrying kids, playing sports, or anything physical requires...

                    "MUSCLE! MUSCLE! MUSCLE!"

     Muscle burns calories because it requires energy to function.

                      The more muscle you have...

                 The more calories you burn each day.

         When you lose muscle, your metabolism decreases.
Lean muscle looks great (in moderation).

     When you lose muscle, your appearance gets worse.

                        You lose energy.

 You have to eat less just to not put any more fat on your body.

      Who wants to look worse, feel worse, and eat less?

                     I'm here to tell you...

"If you focus on weight loss and don't care about losing muscle,
          YOU WILL look worse, feel worse, and have to
               eat much less just to stay the same.
                    IT'S TRUE. I'VE LIVED IT."
And I would safely bet that you're living it too!

 Why do you think so many people are in the same situation today?

               There are so many LIES out there TODAY.

Those lies have led us all to fat and unhealthy. Or skinny and unhealthy.
                  Just about all of us have been there.

I'm NOT into conspiracy theories but take a second to think about this...

    If everyone were healthy and looked great, would the fitness
            and diet industry be a billion dollar industry?

           Would doctors be writing so many prescriptions?

       Would the prescription drug industry be doing so well?
As you grow older, do you want to have a line of prescription bottles
        you have to take each morning, afternoon, and night?

       Do you really want to depend on medicine your entire life?
            It's sad BUT that's what our world is becoming.

It's bad business for the health, diet, and drug industries BUT let's take a
       stand against filling their pockets with our hard earned money.

            Instead of fixing the root cause of our troubles,
               we simply take medicine as a band aid fix.

                      Let's put a STOP to this today.

                          Let's change YOUR life.

           Let's head in the right direction starting right now!
Instead of focusing on losing weight OR gaining weight...

                    Your focus is going to be:

                     1. Building Muscle
                        2. Burning Fat

Again... the amount needed is going to be different for everyone.

 One person might want to build 50 pounds of muscle and burn
  5 pounds of fat while another might want to build 5 pounds
            of muscle and burn 50 pounds of fat.

 And you are probably somewhere in between those extremes...
It doesn't matter how much you need...

  The solution I have for you here at Weight Lifting Complete will
 help ANY person in ANY situation get the EXACT body they want.

         Take a few seconds or minutes to visualize YOUR
     "picture-perfect" body that only exists within your mind.

                               Got it?

        Do you know exactly what you want to look like?

You'll have time to get that EXACT picture in your mind. I'll give you
  more tips for doing this later on... it's VERY important you have
    that image of your picture-perfect body within your mind.

        Because that's what you're SOON going to look like.

           Let me show you how you're going to transform
               your body into the one you really want.

                      It's a pretty simple formula:

    Intelligently Designed Weight Training Workouts to Build Muscle
A Real Diet and Nutrition Plan Packed Full of Nutrition to Control Results
             The Perfect Type of Fat Burning Cardio Workouts

 That's not all, though... there's more that no one else ever gets right:
We're going to ADD additional components to the amazingly
 successful formula that we've put together here at WLC:

            Prepare Your Mind for Success
             Track Your Results Each Week
         Make Adjustments As Your Body Adapts
               Proper Rest and Recovery

            All of this equals AMAZING results.
  You get FAST and HARD-HITTING results from Day #1.
  The results NEVER stop either. They just keep coming.
When you put the formula together (don't worry... I have simple
      and easy instructions that tell you exactly what to do),

               Here's what you can expect EACH week:

          You can build up to 2 pounds of muscle per week
       You can lose up to 2 pounds of pure body fat each week.

  Never let others tell you there is a LIMIT at what you can achieve!
  Limit yourself and you'll get limited results. Shoot for the STARS!

Using our formula, Your body will transform in what seems like no-time.
           You'll look in the mirror each and every week and
                    notice HUGE changes in your body.

        Once you see and feel the results, you will be hooked.
You'll enjoy the results SO MUCH...

    That you'll look forward to each and every day.

             "You won't QUIT on this one!"

                    And guess what?

            You can get started right now...

                  And in just a few days,
        You'll already see changes in the mirror.

Aren't you sick of what you look and feel like right now?

          I know how you feel. I've been there.
So, let's do this:

                      Start right now.

         I'll guarantee fast and hard-hitting results
                  from the second you start.

            Here's what I have for you today...

I want to introduce you to the system that has transformed
       thousands and thousands of bodies and lives.

                  Are you ready for this?
The WLC System Package
                              6 eBooks as Shown Below

              FOR MEN                                             FOR WOMEN

"THE" World Famous WLC System Manual downloaded by over 30,000 People
- This is your guide book, a step-by-step guide to every secret you need to know

- Weight Lifting, Diet and Nutrition, Cardio, Rest and Recovery, Planning, Goal Setting,
Tracking Results, Making Adjustments, Measuring Progress
- All you have to do is begin implementing the secrets within this step-by-step guide one
at a time or all at once for even faster results
The WLC System Package
                               6 eBooks as Shown Below

              FOR MEN                                            FOR WOMEN

  Muscle Building Program for Men and Curve Building Program for Women
- For people who are already lean and want to add lean muscle to improve the look,
functionality, health, and strength of their body
- Each day is laid out for you with a specific checklist

- Very simple and easy to follow for anyone
- All you have to do is execute each day step-by-step for absolutely amazing results
The WLC System Package
                              6 eBooks as Shown Below

              FOR MEN                                             FOR WOMEN

                  Fat Burning Programs for Both Men and Women
- Most people start with a fat burning program because most people need to lose the
excess body fat for health reasons alone
- If you are just slightly overweight or don't yet have a lean midsection, this is where you
should start
- Very easy and simple to follow for anyone with a daily plan and checklist

- This program torches body fat right off your trouble areas so you get the lean and ripped
look with ease
The WLC System Package
                            6 eBooks as Shown Below
             FOR MEN                                            FOR WOMEN

   "THE" WLC Log Book For Both Muscle Building and Fat Burning Programs
- Guaranteed that you've never seen anything like this before!
- Your own personal food database that allows you to count calories and input meals very
quickly and easily
- Diet calculators that tell you exactly where to start with your food intake
- Meal plan layout sheets so you have the freedom to fill in the foods you like
- Weekly assessment sheet so you can easily measure your results and make adjustments
as needed
- Body measurements log sheet for tracking your progress to ensure you are always
moving towards your goals
- Cardio calculator so you know the exact intensity to burn maximum amounts of body fat
- Cardio log book to record your progress -- very important for your health and well-being
- Unique weight lifting workout log so you can monitor your strength gains with each
The WLC System Package
                               6 eBooks as Shown Below
              FOR MEN                                               FOR WOMEN

                      The WLC Weight Lifting Workouts Manual

- Over 70 different weight lifting programs intelligently designed around WLC System
- 9 different weight training styles that include full body strength specific training, full
body size specific training, max strength split training, low recovery training, high intensity
split training, increased volume training, maximum volume training, pulsating 3 factor
training, advanced beyond failure training
- Workout styles and programs so you are always excited about your workouts
- This will be the only workout manual you will ever need!
- Special bonuses within the manual make this the most sought after workouts manual
The WLC System Package
                               6 eBooks as Shown Below

              FOR MEN                                              FOR WOMEN

          Affiliate Secrets So You End Up Getting This Package For FREE!

- A single share on Facebook to all your friends will not just pay for this package but will
make you hundreds of dollars -- just from a single post!

- You can make a great second income once people see your amazing results

- People will want to know what you've been doing so you give them your link to the
website and you get paid 75% of their purchase!

- We give you 75% because we want to help you not only with your health and your
appearance but your finances as well PLUS it helps us reach so many more people!
Now that you're ready to get started...

You need to know how much the package is going to cost:

                  For a Very Limited Time

          Just   $54.95 for Either Package
                 Men's or Women's Package

    This will be the LAST TIME you will ever need to
   purchase a muscle building or fat burning program!

         You are finished with everything else.
       You will save that money from here on out.
The WLC System Manual alone has sold for $97 in the past

You get over 70 different workout programs in this package...

   Each one could easily be packaged differently and sold
      for $77 each as other in this industry have done

      Nothing like the WLC Log Book exists today and
        easily worth the cost of the entire package

  PLUS we'll show you how to easily make your money back
     with just one post on Facebook to all your friends
             or just a single email to your friends

    And you are now finished searching and looking for
   something that REALLY works -- Your search is OVER!!!
In Other Words...

           Ordering this package RIGHT NOW is a

             Change Your Body Once And For All

                  Take A Stand RIGHT NOW

              Make the Choice to Do This Now

You Could Turn Back Now But You'll Be Back Again In The Future

        Save Yourself From That Pain (I've Been There)
                   And Take A Stand NOW

To Make This Even Easier For You...

We're Going to Give You Access To BOTH The Men's And Women's
        Packages Today for The Low Price of Just $54.95

         The Programs Are Similar And We Want You To
             Share With Your Closest Companion...

 In reality, You're Getting The Package For Just $27 Per Person
         *** If You Share With Your Closest Companion ***

      "Help Them Change Their Body And Their Life Too!"

        Work together and strengthen your relationship
         because it's VERY important to both of you
Click Here To Place Your Order
        And To Finally Take A Stand
       To Change Your Body Starting Now

   FOR MEN                         FOR WOMEN

Would You Like To Learn More About
 The WLC System Before Ordering?

        Click Here

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Weight Lifting Complete Home Page

  • 1. “Your Search For An Easier Way Is Over” How 12 Years Of Sweat, Pain, Tears, and Frustration In A Basement Gym Produced THE Most Powerful Fat Burning And Muscle Building System On This Planet
  • 2. Hi, I’m Josh… Owner of I used to be a 215-pound tub of lard... pure lard. I was fat at over 30% body fat. Down right obese. I was unhealthy with extremely high blood pressure. I couldn't even walk up a set of stairs without getting out of breath. When I looked in the mirror one morning after taking a shower, I got so disgusted that right then and there I decided to get rid of all that nasty and disgusting body fat. It made me sick to my stomach to look at myself.
  • 3. I set out on my journey to lose lots and lots of weight. I figured if I could reach a much lower body weight that I would look great. So that's what I did... I pretty much starved myself and did lots and lots of cardiovascular exercise. I would say I did about 5 hours of cardio each week and no weight training. I remember eating a single can of beans each day. That was it. I didn't have much money so it helped in that department too. It was cheap and easy.
  • 4. Guess What? In what had to be a record amount of time... I was down to 155 pounds!!! Everyday it seemed like I got tons of "compliments" "Josh! How much weight have you lost?" "Josh, you look so skinny now!" "You've lost so much weight, Josh!" I was so happy. And then one day... it all changed:
  • 5. My Mom STOPPED me one day when I was home. She grabbed my arm and looked me straight in the eyes... She said: "Honey, you look sick." "You need to gain some weight." "You're all bones." My Mom was one person who always told me the truth. I knew she was speaking the complete truth. When she speaks, I listen... because she never wants to hurt.
  • 6. So I took a trip to my trusty mirror and tried to see what everyone else was seeing. And there I stood. All alone in front of that same mirror that started my journey. Another feeling of complete disgust came over me. I was much leaner than before BUT I still had rolls of fat all over me. I could tell that most of the muscle I had in the past was completely gone. And then I realized something else that made me sick...
  • 7. All those so-called "compliments" were actually NOT compliments at all. They were actually trying to tell me the same thing my Mom wasn't scared to say. MOST people don't want to hurt your feelings So they aren't truthful with you So once again... I set out on a journey from an even worse situation to fix my body. I did all the research this time. I found that I needed to lift weights to build muscle. I found that I needed to eat lots of food to build muscle. I found some "experts" to guide me.
  • 8. I listened to them... I got back up to almost 200 pounds listening to those "experts" 200 pounds of fat This was extremely FRUSTRATING to say the least. Once again, I was back in just about the same situation I started AND I was ANGRY this time around. Sick and tired of lies!!! Once again... I was fat and unhealthy. You see... those "experts" told me to stop doing cardio and focus on eating lots of food while lifting weights.
  • 9. HELL... I had spent a FEW YEARS now trying to get a better body. All that time, work, sweat, money, and tears for NOTHING! I did so much cardio trying to lose weight that I completely wrecked my knees. They were killing me. I could barely walk down a set of stairs. I had to hold onto the railing to keep from falling. I then quit doing cardio so I could focus on building muscle. I gained some muscle but gained a lot of fat back too. My blood pressure was HIGHER than ever now. SKY HIGH. So... all that work for nothing but ANGER, PAIN, and FRUSTRATION.
  • 10. Do you know how frustrated I was? Maybe you're in that same situation today. Or... Maybe you're lucky and you're just getting started. You see... I continued on my journey for several more years. I started researching on my own. I stopped trusting the so-called experts that I had trusted so many times before. Those so called "EXPERTS" have their own agenda. I figured that out eventually but couldn't understand how those people could put themselves ABOVE all others that are trusting them to tell the truth.
  • 11. I discovered THE TRUTH for myself. I'm an Engineer and love to figure things out. I love to solve problems. So that's what I did... I spent 12 years studying and researching how the body works. How do you build muscle? How do you burn fat? Because those are the KEYS to getting the body you want.
  • 12. You might need to build a small amount of muscle and lose a small amount of fat to get the body you want. You might need to build a huge amount of muscle and lose huge amounts of body fat. It's all about building the exact amount of muscle you want and need. And burning the exact amount of fat you want and need. "It's not about weight loss." Focus on weight loss and you get exactly what I got when I tried it: A skinny bag of bones with lots of fat and no muscle. Skinny BUT fat. You don't want that. Trust me. It feels horrible.
  • 13. Let me explain why muscle is so important and why you can't afford to lose muscle in your quest for a new body: Muscle is active tissue that makes any physical activity easier. Just moving around during the day, walking up stairs, doing laundry, lifting and carrying kids, playing sports, or anything physical requires... "MUSCLE! MUSCLE! MUSCLE!" Muscle burns calories because it requires energy to function. The more muscle you have... The more calories you burn each day. When you lose muscle, your metabolism decreases.
  • 14. Lean muscle looks great (in moderation). When you lose muscle, your appearance gets worse. You lose energy. You have to eat less just to not put any more fat on your body. Who wants to look worse, feel worse, and eat less? I'm here to tell you... "If you focus on weight loss and don't care about losing muscle, YOU WILL look worse, feel worse, and have to eat much less just to stay the same. IT'S TRUE. I'VE LIVED IT."
  • 15. And I would safely bet that you're living it too! Why do you think so many people are in the same situation today? There are so many LIES out there TODAY. Those lies have led us all to fat and unhealthy. Or skinny and unhealthy. Just about all of us have been there. I'm NOT into conspiracy theories but take a second to think about this... If everyone were healthy and looked great, would the fitness and diet industry be a billion dollar industry? Would doctors be writing so many prescriptions? Would the prescription drug industry be doing so well?
  • 16. As you grow older, do you want to have a line of prescription bottles you have to take each morning, afternoon, and night? Do you really want to depend on medicine your entire life? It's sad BUT that's what our world is becoming. It's bad business for the health, diet, and drug industries BUT let's take a stand against filling their pockets with our hard earned money. Instead of fixing the root cause of our troubles, we simply take medicine as a band aid fix. Let's put a STOP to this today. Let's change YOUR life. Let's head in the right direction starting right now!
  • 17. Instead of focusing on losing weight OR gaining weight... Your focus is going to be: 1. Building Muscle AND 2. Burning Fat Again... the amount needed is going to be different for everyone. One person might want to build 50 pounds of muscle and burn 5 pounds of fat while another might want to build 5 pounds of muscle and burn 50 pounds of fat. And you are probably somewhere in between those extremes...
  • 18. It doesn't matter how much you need... The solution I have for you here at Weight Lifting Complete will help ANY person in ANY situation get the EXACT body they want. Take a few seconds or minutes to visualize YOUR "picture-perfect" body that only exists within your mind. Got it? Do you know exactly what you want to look like? You'll have time to get that EXACT picture in your mind. I'll give you more tips for doing this later on... it's VERY important you have that image of your picture-perfect body within your mind. Because that's what you're SOON going to look like.
  • 19. Now... Let me show you how you're going to transform your body into the one you really want. It's a pretty simple formula: Intelligently Designed Weight Training Workouts to Build Muscle + A Real Diet and Nutrition Plan Packed Full of Nutrition to Control Results + The Perfect Type of Fat Burning Cardio Workouts That's not all, though... there's more that no one else ever gets right:
  • 20. We're going to ADD additional components to the amazingly successful formula that we've put together here at WLC: Prepare Your Mind for Success + Track Your Results Each Week + Make Adjustments As Your Body Adapts + Proper Rest and Recovery All of this equals AMAZING results. You get FAST and HARD-HITTING results from Day #1. The results NEVER stop either. They just keep coming.
  • 21. When you put the formula together (don't worry... I have simple and easy instructions that tell you exactly what to do), Here's what you can expect EACH week: You can build up to 2 pounds of muscle per week OR You can lose up to 2 pounds of pure body fat each week. Never let others tell you there is a LIMIT at what you can achieve! Limit yourself and you'll get limited results. Shoot for the STARS! Using our formula, Your body will transform in what seems like no-time. You'll look in the mirror each and every week and notice HUGE changes in your body. Once you see and feel the results, you will be hooked.
  • 22. You'll enjoy the results SO MUCH... That you'll look forward to each and every day. "You won't QUIT on this one!" And guess what? You can get started right now... And in just a few days, You'll already see changes in the mirror. Aren't you sick of what you look and feel like right now? I know how you feel. I've been there.
  • 23. So, let's do this: Start right now. I'll guarantee fast and hard-hitting results from the second you start. Here's what I have for you today... I want to introduce you to the system that has transformed thousands and thousands of bodies and lives. Are you ready for this?
  • 24. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN "THE" World Famous WLC System Manual downloaded by over 30,000 People - This is your guide book, a step-by-step guide to every secret you need to know - Weight Lifting, Diet and Nutrition, Cardio, Rest and Recovery, Planning, Goal Setting, Tracking Results, Making Adjustments, Measuring Progress - All you have to do is begin implementing the secrets within this step-by-step guide one at a time or all at once for even faster results
  • 25. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Muscle Building Program for Men and Curve Building Program for Women - For people who are already lean and want to add lean muscle to improve the look, functionality, health, and strength of their body - Each day is laid out for you with a specific checklist - Very simple and easy to follow for anyone - All you have to do is execute each day step-by-step for absolutely amazing results
  • 26. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Fat Burning Programs for Both Men and Women - Most people start with a fat burning program because most people need to lose the excess body fat for health reasons alone - If you are just slightly overweight or don't yet have a lean midsection, this is where you should start - Very easy and simple to follow for anyone with a daily plan and checklist - This program torches body fat right off your trouble areas so you get the lean and ripped look with ease
  • 27. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN "THE" WLC Log Book For Both Muscle Building and Fat Burning Programs - Guaranteed that you've never seen anything like this before! - Your own personal food database that allows you to count calories and input meals very quickly and easily - Diet calculators that tell you exactly where to start with your food intake - Meal plan layout sheets so you have the freedom to fill in the foods you like - Weekly assessment sheet so you can easily measure your results and make adjustments as needed - Body measurements log sheet for tracking your progress to ensure you are always moving towards your goals - Cardio calculator so you know the exact intensity to burn maximum amounts of body fat - Cardio log book to record your progress -- very important for your health and well-being - Unique weight lifting workout log so you can monitor your strength gains with each workout
  • 28. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN The WLC Weight Lifting Workouts Manual - Over 70 different weight lifting programs intelligently designed around WLC System principles - 9 different weight training styles that include full body strength specific training, full body size specific training, max strength split training, low recovery training, high intensity split training, increased volume training, maximum volume training, pulsating 3 factor training, advanced beyond failure training - Workout styles and programs so you are always excited about your workouts - This will be the only workout manual you will ever need! - Special bonuses within the manual make this the most sought after workouts manual
  • 29. The WLC System Package 6 eBooks as Shown Below FOR MEN FOR WOMEN Affiliate Secrets So You End Up Getting This Package For FREE! - A single share on Facebook to all your friends will not just pay for this package but will make you hundreds of dollars -- just from a single post! - You can make a great second income once people see your amazing results - People will want to know what you've been doing so you give them your link to the website and you get paid 75% of their purchase! - We give you 75% because we want to help you not only with your health and your appearance but your finances as well PLUS it helps us reach so many more people!
  • 30. Now that you're ready to get started... You need to know how much the package is going to cost: For a Very Limited Time Just $54.95 for Either Package Men's or Women's Package This will be the LAST TIME you will ever need to purchase a muscle building or fat burning program! You are finished with everything else. You will save that money from here on out.
  • 31. The WLC System Manual alone has sold for $97 in the past You get over 70 different workout programs in this package... Each one could easily be packaged differently and sold for $77 each as other in this industry have done Nothing like the WLC Log Book exists today and easily worth the cost of the entire package PLUS we'll show you how to easily make your money back with just one post on Facebook to all your friends or just a single email to your friends And you are now finished searching and looking for something that REALLY works -- Your search is OVER!!!
  • 32. In Other Words... Ordering this package RIGHT NOW is a "No-Brainer" Change Your Body Once And For All Take A Stand RIGHT NOW Make the Choice to Do This Now You Could Turn Back Now But You'll Be Back Again In The Future Save Yourself From That Pain (I've Been There) And Take A Stand NOW "NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK"
  • 33. To Make This Even Easier For You... We're Going to Give You Access To BOTH The Men's And Women's Packages Today for The Low Price of Just $54.95 The Programs Are Similar And We Want You To Share With Your Closest Companion... In reality, You're Getting The Package For Just $27 Per Person *** If You Share With Your Closest Companion *** "Help Them Change Their Body And Their Life Too!" Work together and strengthen your relationship because it's VERY important to both of you
  • 34. Click Here To Place Your Order And To Finally Take A Stand To Change Your Body Starting Now FOR MEN FOR WOMEN THE WLC SYSTEM COMPLETE PACKAGE
  • 35. Would You Like To Learn More About The WLC System Before Ordering? Click Here